Parent Guide

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lancaster country day school
parent 2019-20 ACADEMIC YEAR
Find out what’s happening and when:


Lancaster Country Day School is distinctive in the region because of our demanding college preparatory education and the close, mentoring relationships our faculty has with students. Our shared commitment to the education and growth of your children has defined and animated the LCDS community for generations.

This booklet offers a quick summary of important school information, resources, and programs available to you and your child, and it outlines all the ways parents can participate in school life. For a more detailed account of LCDS policies, please read the LCDS Handbook, which can be found on CORE. (See Page 6 for an explanation of CORE.)

We are thrilled you have chosen LCDS and we welcome you. All of you are invited to join us in the dining commons for refreshments at 8:15 a.m. on the first day of school, August 21, and to watch our opening procession at 9:30 a.m.

Best wishes for a successful and enjoyable school year.

Academic Parents’ Nights give parents the opportunity to meet the faculty and hear about the curriculum and plans each teacher has for the school year.

august 29

september 4

september 6

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This chapter outlines all the ways the school will communicate with you during the school year. In general, your everyday resource tool is CORE, a password-protected web portal for parents and students. It’s essential that you sign-up for push notifications from CORE or log in at least once a week.

LCDS Announcements | email

Parents receive the LCDS Announcements email every Friday. It lists information and reminders for upcoming school events, sports news, as well as student extracurricular achievement news.

Athletics | email, website, Twitter @LCDSsports

Look for regular emails from Athletic Director Zac Kraft regarding sports news and season updates, in addition to sports news in the LCDS Announcements email. Once your student joins a team, you’ll be able to access practice and game schedules, directions to away games, team records, rosters and all kinds of important in- and out-of-season information. On the athletics web page (in bold above), you can find the athletics calendar and information about registration, the Cougar Club (the Athletic Department booster club), eligibility, etc.

Calendar | website

The LCDS community calendar contains all major school events except for the athletics schedule. From it, you can sync event details with Apple Calendar or Outlook. On the LCDS home page, click on the “What’s Happening” flag on the right to access it.

College Counseling | email, face-to-face, direct mail, phone

Information concerning college counseling meetings, programs, scholarships, summer programs and more is sent to Upper School and Middle School parents by counselors Linda Campbell, Michelle O’Donnell or Genevieve Munson. Summer program information and scholarship announcements are posted on the school website in the College Counseling section, which also contains other helpful information and links.

We are happy to share news about your child’s extracurricular achievements with the wider LCDS community. We broadcast this information on the TV monitor in the front lobby, in Friday’s Announcements email and on the Cougar News website.

Please email your child’s achievement to Assistant Director of Communications

Michael Schwartz at schwartzm@

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Connections | print magazine

Connections is a print magazine mailed to families that combines stories about alumni with school news.

Connect5 | email, text, voicemail

Connect5 is an automated phone/SMS/email contact system that will notify parents and employees in the event of an out-of-the-ordinary situation that will affect your schedule or your child’s. If you would like to change the way you are notified, please contact SIS Administrator Beth Otto.

CORE | website

The Cougar Online Resources portal, or CORE, is a password-protected and individualized one-stop web portal for parents and students to find all the information that’s important to them. Within CORE, you will find Academic Details, Recent Activity Stream, Resources and My BackPack. For a video tutorial about CORE, visit To log in:

Community Groups

This is a news feed with division updates and announcements. Get to it from the drop-down menu in the upper right called “Groups.”

My BackPack

Here you will find your child’s schedule (for Middle and Upper School), trimester report cards, tuition and lunch account details and the online student directory. All of your contact information can be edited and updated here as well. To get to it, click on “Resources” and then click on the My BackPack icon.


You can choose to be notified of any CORE messages by email or text. This will alert you to any changes to your child’s academics, athletics and any school announcement. To turn on notifications, click on your name in the upper-right corner of CORE and select “Settings.”

Recent Activity Stream

This is the home or default page when you log in to CORE. On it, you will receive information feeds related specifically to your child’s courses, division, sports and teachers. You cannot unsubscribe to any of these, but you can choose how you’re notified. See Notifications, above.


This is the place to find the student handbook, medical forms, course selection guide and My BackPack. Get to it by logging into CORE and then clicking on “Resources” in the upper-left corner.

Student Academic Details

Go to

Find the “LOGIN” button in the upper right-hand corner and click it. Type in your I.D. and password.

To see your child’s academic course information, including assignments, daily grades and curriculum information, click on his or her name under the red navigation bar.

6 | Parent Guide

Cougar News | email, website

Cougar News is a website with news features, slideshows and videos about our school. New content is emailed biweekly. Parents and Upper School students receive the email digest automatically unless they opt out.

Delays and Closures | news media

In addition to sending a Connect5 message (see Page 6) and posting information on the website and social media, we contact the following media outlets for school closings and delays:




WGAL8, ABC27, CBS21, and 69News

FundFest | emails, direct mail and more

Prior to April’s benefit auction, FundFest, we share a number of ways to support the event and get involved.

Lower School News | email, CORE

The Head of Lower School uses emails, trimester news-letters and frequent updates to the LS Parent Group in CORE to communicate important information and community highlights.

Middle School News | email, CORE

The Head of Middle School uses emails and frequent updates to the Middle School pages on CORE to communicate important information and community highlights.

Mobile | website

Our site is optimized for smartphones and tablets, providing quick access to news, calendars, and passwordprotected directories.

Social Media | online


Lancaster Country Day School Fans



Lancaster Country Day School

The Excellence Fund | email, direct mail, phone and more

The school’s annual fund comprises donations from parents, alumni, grandparents, faculty, staff and friends. These gifts support the day-to-day operations of LCDS.

Upper School News | email, CORE

The Head of Upper School uses emails and frequent updates to the Upper School pages on CORE to communicate important information and community highlights.

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Health Forms

Health forms can be found in CORE, on Resources. Click on the icon “Health Forms.” They can be turned in to school nurse Heidi Caputo or to Beth Otto.

• Medical Emergency Form

• ASP Forms

• Request for Administration of Medications

Dress Code

• Preschool Health Packet

• Jr. Kindergarten Health Packet

• Kindergarten Health


• Dental Form

• Physical Examination Form (Grades 6, 11 and all new out-of-state students)

Please see the LCDS Handbook or CORE for more details.

Lower School

Preschool and junior kindergarten: Children should dress neatly and suitably for play. Grades K-5 should wear an LCDS plaid jumper or khaki bottom. The top can be a white or maroon polo shirt or turtleneck, maroon sweater or LCDS sweatshirt; maroon, black or gray LCDS fleece vest, jacket or pullover. For grades K-3, girls may wear maroon socks or tights and boys must wear a belt.

Middle School

All students will wear white collared shirts with sleeves. All students may wear khaki bottoms or kilts worn at the natural waistline. Students may wear LCDS or plain sweatshirts over their collared shirts.

Upper School

Upper School students are expected to dress appropriately and use discretion. On certain celebration days, students dress up in Cougar Classy: an informal dress or skirt that is mid-thigh or longer, or full-length trousers not made of denim, and a top that is a dress shirt. A jacket is acceptable but not required.

Summer Reading

Summer reading assignments for all grades can be found on our website beginning June 1.


The LCDS Cougar Bookstore carries all of your essential uniform needs, from polo shirts and sweatshirts to socks and tights. We’re also a resource for students when they need school supplies. Stop in and see our many lines of LCDS spirit wear and accessories. (See Page 25 for hours and more information.)

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Dining Hall Meal Plans

Though PS, JK and K students must pack their lunches, LCDS offers hot and cold lunch options every day for students in grades 1-12. Students may pay for food with cash or a debit account. Visit the website above for more information about dining services, including pricing and the weekly menu.

Tuition and Cafeteria/Bookstore

Debit Account Payments

Tuition and cafeteria/bookstore debit account payments may be made online by logging into CORE and selecting the My Backpack option. Payment options include e-check and credit cards. Although the online payment option is preferred, checks and cash are also accepted at the business office.


If you make arrangements on any day that differ from the transportation arrangements we have in writing, you must send us written instructions on the day of the change. In addition, please call Lynn Arnold at the Lower School Office to be sure we have received the written note from your child. We will not accept verbal instructions without the written note for confirmation.

On the first day of school, please send a note addressed to your child’s Lower School teacher with the following: the name of the school district from which the bus operates, the bus number, name or letter, the time that the bus will arrive at the school and the time the bus will return for the afternoon pick-up.

Students whose school district boundary falls within a 10-mile radius of LCDS will be furnished the same transportation provided for public school students. Please call your school district for arrangements and questions.

Berks County/Northern Lancaster

Families who live in the Berks County/Northern Lancaster County area and need bus information can contact Andrèa Gerace at 610-223-1603 or

Dauphin and York

Families who live in the Hershey-Hummelstown area and York-Wrightsville area can contact John Ford at 717-397-0685 or

On the first day of school, please send a note addressed to your child’s Lower School teacher with the following: the name(s) of the driver(s), the driving schedules and telephone numbers of all drivers, as well as your work number where we can reach you in an emergency.

At pick-up and drop-off, please be considerate of other drivers and follow the very few requests that we ask of you. It is essential that you inform grandparents and others who are not the daily drivers about these guidelines. Please see the LCDS Handbook for more details on pick-up and drop-off procedure.

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Before School Care

For students in kindergarten through fifth grade, beforeschool care is available at no charge from 7:30-7:55 a.m. Students should not arrive at school prior to 7:30 a.m. unless meeting with a faculty member. There is no before-school care on days with a snow delay.

After School Program

Lower School

For grades preschool-5, LCDS offers the AfterSchool Program (ASP) on any full school day except before a break. The program is staffed by LCDS faculty and is in session from 2:30 (for preschool and JK)/3-5:30 p.m. Call the Lower School office for arrangements.

Middle School

For Middle After School Hours (MASH), students will be supervised in the MS/US library until 5:15 p.m. daily. All other students are not permitted in the building unsupervised after 3:15 and may not leave campus unattended. If Middle School students must wait beyond 3:15 for parent pick-up, they must inform the Middle School office and report to the library for study time.



Continual tardiness will result in a disciplinary response. Upper School students who are repeatedly tardy to classes may expect loss of points, work duty or more serious consequences depending on the circumstances.

Early Departure

If a student needs to be excused early, parents must tell the appropriate division office no later than 8:30 a.m. Students are responsible for all work missed. Doctor and dentist appointments should be scheduled outside of the school day.

School Absences

Parents should report an absence to the appropriate division office no later than 8:30 a.m. An email from a parent explaining the absence or tardiness is required.

Excused Absences

Absences due to illness, family emergencies, medical appointments, religious observances or significant family milestones will be considered excused. Refer to the LCDS Handbook for more specific information. Students are responsible for the material missed and will be permitted to make up work. Seniors and juniors will also be allowed a limited number of approved absences for college visitations.

Unexcused Absences

When students miss school due to reasons that do not fit the above, these absences will be recorded as unexcused. A student in this situation might not be allowed to make up missed work and could receive zeros for skipped work. This will be at the discretion of the individual teachers. Lower and Middle school students who accrue 10 unexcused absences in one trimester will be required to make arrangements for parent-paid tutoring based on the recommendation of the division head.

Unexcused Class Absences

Leaving campus or missing class during school hours without permission is a violation of the standards of student conduct. Upper School students who do not follow this policy should expect to appear before the Honor Committee. Students in the Lower and Middle Schools should expect disciplinary action from their division head.

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Absence Request Forms

Students who will miss school due to a planned absence must submit an Absence Request Form at least two academic days before the absence. These forms are available in the Middle School or Upper School offices.


Any students with a fever, diarrhea, undiagnosed rash or sore, vomiting or discharge from the eyes, ears or nose indicating an infection may not attend school. If a student becomes ill at school, the parent or guardian will be notified and asked to pick up the student. Minor injuries and illnesses are attended to by the school nurse in the school’s infirmary.

Medication Policy

The nurse may administer prescribed medication with the specific written instruction of the prescribing physician or dentist and with the permission of the parent. Students may NOT carry any medication on their person or in their backpacks during school hours without written permission from the prescribing physician provided to the school nurse. A request for a long-term medication must be updated at the beginning of each school year.

Peanut and Tree Nut Policy

The dining hall has a peanut-free table. In addition, please avoid sending in classroom snacks that are made with peanuts, peanut oil or tree nuts. Some children in our Lower School have severe allergic reactions to these foods.


At the beginning of the year, each student is issued an open hall locker, which should be kept neat and clean. Musical instruments should be stored in the music department’s lockers and athletic equipment in athletic lockers. The property of each student should be respected by others, however money and valuables should not be openly displayed in lockers. Valuables can be kept safe in one of the school offices if they must be brought to school.

Lost and Found

Lower and Middle School students have a hamper in front of the Middle/Upper School library, a bin near the Buckwalter Gymnasium, in the dining commons, and a storage bench in the infirmary hallway. Upper School items are in the Dean of Students’ office or in the storage benches around school. All unclaimed lost and found items will be donated to charity on the last day of each trimester.

Service Learning

Lancaster Country Day encourages all students to pursue service opportunities. In Lower and Middle School, service to the community is woven into the curriculum by grade. In Upper School, students can pursue service opportunities at both the local and international levels. Upper School students can work closely with the Community Service Coordinator to develop 50-hour local service projects worthy of the Outstanding Community Service Designation.

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Acceptable Use Policy

In order to use LCDS technology resources, students must agree to the Acceptable Use Policy, which is in the LCDS Handbook. Parents are encouraged to regularly monitor students’ online activity and social media use.

iPad Program

All students in grades 7-12 receive an iPad so they can learn within a one-to-one computing environment. The goal of this program is to enhance the curriculum, as well as to develop each student’s technology and information-literacy skills.

Phone Policy

Lower School

Phones must be turned off and kept in lockers during the day.

Middle School

Phones may be carried with students but must be turned off. Emergency calls should be made in MS office.

Upper School

Phones may be carried by students but not used during classes or student activities. Students can check calls or messages between classes, at break or during lunch.

Should you need to contact your LS/MS child during the day, please contact the administrative assistant for your child’s division.

College Counseling

College advisors work to help students identify colleges and universities that are best suited for their talents, interests, aspirations and needs. The college counseling advisors provide programs and educational materials related to college consideration starting in Middle School. The formal process begins junior year, when each student is assigned a college advisor. The advisors are actively involved in many facets of the application process and provide support for both students and parents. Student surveys and family conferences identify goals, interests and strengths, and the thorough discussions continue as students visit colleges, take SAT and ACT tests and complete applications. For more information, contact Linda Campbell at, Michelle O’Donnell at, or Genevieve Munson at


For more Service Learning information, contact Community Service Coordinator Chelsea Pomponio at pomponioc@

Parent Guide | 13
ACADEMIC Dates in maroon are important events august
New Parent Orientation
US Orientation for All 9th Graders and Students New to LCDS in Grades 10-12
First Day of School september 2 Labor Day 4 LS Parents’ Night 6 All-School Picnic october 9 Yom Kippur 17 Parent Conferences 18 LS Parent Conferences (No LS) MS/US Classes in Session 25 Halloween Festival 28 Professional Day
19 US
26 LS Grandfriends’ Day (1/2 Day
27 Thanksgiving Break (11/27–12/2) december
Martin Luther King Jr. Day S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 august november october september 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 april may 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
3 Classes Resume 18 Winter Break (12/23–1/3) january 6 Classes
Dates in gray represent when school is closed february 17 Presidents’ Day 28 Professional Day march 6 Spring Break (3/6–3/16) 17 Classes Resume 26 LS/MS/US Parent Conferences 27 LS Parent Conferences (No LS) MS/US Classes in Session april 9 MS Grandparents’ Day (1/2 Day MS) 10 Good Friday/Easter Monday (4/10-4/13) 18 FundFest 24 Professional Day may 23 Senior Graduation 25 Memorial Day 28 PS/JK Final Day Fifth Grade Bridging 29 Grades K-5 Final Day june 3 Eighth Grade Signing S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 july june S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
march february january 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31


Lancaster Country Day School’s dedicated parents help the school thrive. We want parents to feel welcome to offer their time and talents. Read about the many opportunities for parents to volunteer and make a difference in the school.



Parent Admission Network (PAN) was established to serve as a simple but strategically crucial means of increasing the school’s admission traffic. PAN members are encouraged to speak knowledgeably with their colleagues, friends and family about LCDS. PAN members will be offered the opportunity to participate in focus groups aimed at improving the admission process.

Parents are encouraged to share what they hear about LCDS while they are out in the community. Please stop in and offer feedback and information.

Contact Ruby Dhillon at to sign up for any of the admission volunteer opportunities.


LCDS is committed to building an athletic department that supports the overarching mission of the school: to promote students’ intellectual, creative, physical and emotional development. A quality experience is most readily achieved through a focus on three core values: sportsmanship, character and striving for excellence.

Booster Clubs

The Cougar Club and Project Arts booster clubs support the school’s athletics and arts programs, respectively.

Field trips play an integral part in the LCDS experience because they supplement and reinforce the curriculum.




Echo Hill




Refreshing Mountain




Outdoor School

Parent Guide | 17


The Excellence Fund, Country Day’s annual fundraising effort, receives overwhelming support from every corner of our community, with close to three-quarters of school families donating to it. Chaired by one or more LCDS parents and driven by parent volunteers from all divisions, The Excellence Fund underwrites those programs that define our school experience.

Benefactors Committee

Volunteers who ask parents to support the school at the leadership level of $1,908 and above.

EITC/OSTC Chair and Ambassadors

Help to inform others about the Pennsylvania tax programs and serve as a resource for interested families.

The Excellence Fund

The Excellence Fund’s strength lies in its squad of volunteers. They can help in the office, as class representatives, by making calls during our parent phone-a-thons or by reaching out to new parents about the need for annual giving.

Senior Parent Gift Chairs

Parents in the senior class help raise money for a farewell gift that is also the opening bid at Children’s Challenge, the auction-style fundraiser held at FundFest in April.

Environmental Education

One of Country Day’s stated goals is to teach our students the many aspects of sustainability. Parents can volunteer throughout the year for student-led green projects and in September for Take a Child Outside Week, a national event typically held the last week in the month. Watch the Friday Announcements email for volunteer opportunities.

International Fair

To volunteer for the International Fair, contact Heather Woodbridge at

Field Trips

Field trips play an integral part in the LCDS experience because they supplement and reinforce the curriculum. In the Lower School, teachers make every effort to accommodate parents who wish to accompany their child on at least one field trip during the school year. In Middle School, students go on overnight field trips. (See Page 17 for dates.) In Upper School, each grade goes on day-long field trips in the fall.

Global Programs LCDS Global Programs include a robust, experientiallearning travel program and a diverse international student community. In all three divisions, global education is woven into the curriculum with Middle School and Upper School students given the opportunity to participate in exchange programs with our Global Partner Schools around the world, and to extend learning on our travel courses and special-interest trips. International students from around the world enhance our school community and our LCDS families have the opportunity to host international students in their homes. For more information on Global Programs, contact Heather Woodbridge at

Grandfriends’ Day

Mark your calendars for Lower School Grandfriends’ Day, Tuesday, Nov. 26, and Middle School Grandfriends’ Day, Thursday, April 9.

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Halloween Festival

To volunteer for the Halloween Festival, contact Betsy Heim at

Parents Association

All parents are considered members of the Parents Association. Throughout the year there are numerous opportunities to get involved in the school. For more information about any item listed below, contact the 2019-2020 president, Vinitha Amanullah, at hamdala@

All-School Picnic

Help with the planning and direction of the September picnic that marks the beginning of the school year.

Barnes & Noble Book Fair

The Barnes & Noble Book Fair is a fall event that provides an opportunity for LCDS friends and families to purchase new books whose sale benefits the LCDS libraries.

Class/Division Support

Class parents are appointed for each LS grade to work with teachers in planning activities related to curriculum studies, field trips and holidays. They also help new parents get acquainted and feel welcome in the school. We invite anyone who wants to serve as a class parent. Let us know if you’re interested and we’ll add you to this year’s list. This committee also works closely with school staff to provide assistance for service learning projects.

Fundraising — Keepsake Greetings,


Paper, Holiday Plant Sale and Gift Card Sale

These four events represent the bulk of our fundraising activity and the proceeds support Parents Association events throughout the year. In August, we kick off with our Wrapping Paper sale. Each November we sell holiday plants and gift cards for local restaurants to help simplify your holiday shopping. Keepsake Greetings are delivered to students in May.

Iron Hill Social

Held in the fall and spring, this is a great place to get together after school sports, theater rehearsals, etc., while also supporting the Parents Association.

Teacher Appreciation Day

This is a day set aside to say thank you to the LCDS faculty and staff. A sit-down lunch is served and volunteers are needed to plan the event, proctor classes, set up, serve and clean up.

Used Book Sale

Plans and coordinates biennial Used Book Fair events.

Summer Programs

Summer Programs comprises nine weeks of full- and half-day camps, classes and for-credit courses that run from June 10-August 9. Individual offerings are open to students of certain ages. For example, Babysitting 101 is open to ages 11-15, while Test Prep Boot Camp is for Upper Schoolers or rising freshmen. The full summer catalog is online at the address above.

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Since its founding in 1908, LCDS has thrived because of the generosity of families, alumni and friends who believe in our mission and who are committed to our future. There are many ways to support our school. Charitable contributions and fundraising events are crucial in providing excellent programs, equipment and facilities for our students and faculty.

Endowment Gifts

Lancaster Country Day School is fortunate to have an endowment of more than $25 million. The principal is protected so that every year a portion of the endowment’s interest revenue may be designated to support scholarships, programs and faculty salaries. LCDS is grateful to members of the community who invest in existing endowed funds, those who create new funds within their lifetimes and others who create funds through estate provisions.

The Excellence Fund

The Excellence Fund is the annual effort that benefits every aspect of the LCDS experience, including arts, athletics, technology, and, of course, academics. The Excellence Fund affects every student and helps ensure the vibrancy and vigor that define LCDS. All parents are asked to support The Excellence Fund every year. For more information, please contact Corinne Topper, director of parent engagement and annual giving, at 717-397-8126 or topperc@






– 19,999

– 9,999

– 4,999

– 2,999


Society $100 – 499 Friends $1 – 99

Parent Guide | 23
Benefactors’ Circle
Society $20,000+
Society $10,000
Society $5,000
Society $3,000
Society $1,908
Giving Levels
1908 Tower Society $1,000-1,907
& Gray Society $500 – 999


Mark your calendars now for this year’s auction and gala, which will be held Saturday, April 18. To support FundFest, the school solicits both auction items as well as personal and corporate sponsorships.

Pennsylvania EITC and OSTC

Pennsylvania recognizes Country Day as an approved scholarship organization within the Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) and Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit (OSTC) programs. These programs allow companies and individuals to make significant contributions to LCDS and to receive up to 90 percent tax credits in return. Both businesses and families with a Pennsylvania tax liability are eligible to participate. Last year, corporate partners gave LCDS more than $750,000. Corporate gifts range from $1,000 to more than $50,000. For more information, visit the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development website, or contact Corinne Topper at 717-397-8126 or

Planned Gifts

Have you included LCDS in your estate plans? There are a variety of giving strategies that help you provide for LCDS while also advancing your own personal objectives. Our Heritage Society recognizes individuals who have made provisions for Lancaster Country Day School.

Capital Gifts

For more information, contact Sherry Vernet at 717-431-1615.

LCDS capital gifts support an ambitious campus master plan that addresses every area of student life. The first phase of this $11 million effort was completed in the fall of 2016 and the proceeds were used to renovate our Lower School, air condition our arts and science spaces, build a new parking lot, and add a new entrance off of President Avenue. Phase II was completed in fall 2017 with our 28,000-square-foot Physical Education & Athletic Center, which freed up existing space for academic, co-curricular and administrative use. Future capital projects will likely support our performing arts program and enhance learning spaces with a particular emphasis on science. To learn more, contact Shelby LaMar at 717-397-7240 or

24 | Parent Guide


Telephone Directory


Mailing Address

Lancaster Country Day School

725 Hamilton Road

Lancaster, PA 17603

Development and Business Office Hours

Academic Year

Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-5 p.m.


Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

During school breaks, office hours might be modified.

School Day


Students may start to arrive at 7:50 a.m.

The school day starts at 8:10 a.m. for all grades.


Morning preschool and JK ends at 11:30 a.m.

Full-day preschool and JK ends at 2:30 p.m.

Kindergarten through Grade 12 ends at 3 p.m.

Dining Commons

The dining commons is open from 10 a.m.-1:30 p.m.

Snack 10-10:30 a.m.

Lower School 11 a.m.

Middle School 11:40 a.m.

Upper School 1:05 p.m.

Cougar Store

Academic Year

Monday-Friday 7:45-8:30 a.m. and 2:40-3:15 p.m.

Call 717-392-2916, ext. 251 for additional available hours during the school day.

Closed during school breaks and summer. The store reopens the week prior to the start of school.


Lower School Library

Hours are 7:45 a.m.-3 p.m.

Middle and Upper School Library

Hours are 7:45 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

Middle After School Hours (MASH) 3:30-5:15 p.m.

The Lab

All students are expected to meet the curricular standards established as the normal course of study. The Lab provides students with additional support beyond the regular assistance given by classroom teachers. Country Day employs three learning specialists, one in each division. For more information, please contact Rachel Schmalhofer at

Music Lessons

Our adjunct music faculty teaches private lessons during the school day for an additional fee. A brochure is sent in the all-school mailing in August. For more information, please contact Linda Krick at


For help logging into CORE, the website portal for parents and students, please contact Beth Otto at 717-392-2916, ext. 271 or

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Office of the Head of School

Steve D. Lisk

Head of School

717-392-2916, ext. 225

Todd K. Trout, Ph.D. Assistant Head of School

717-392-2916, ext. 286

Sasha Shand

Assistant to the Head of School & Assistant Head of School

717-392-2916, ext. 224


June Charles Receptionist 717-392-2916

Lower School

Caroline Badri

Head of Lower School

717-392-2916, ext. 526

Lynn W. Arnold

Lower School Administrative Assistant

717-392-2916, ext. 239

Middle School

Meg Reed

Head of Middle School 717-392-2916, ext. 538

Gail D. Clauss

Middle School Administrative Assistant

717-392-5263, ext. 243

Upper School

Jenny Gabriel

Head of Upper School

717-392-2916, ext. 234

Lindsay Deibler-Wallace

Assistant Head of Upper School

717-392-2916, ext. 299

Rob Umble

Dean of Students/Counselor

717-392-2916, ext. 226

Starleisha Gingrich

Upper School Administrative Assistant/Registrar

717-392-5853, ext. 235

The Lab

Rachel Schmalhofer

Director of Learning Services

717-392-2916, ext. 483

If you have an urgent problem that requires immediate attention on a school day between 3:10-5:30 p.m., call the administrator on duty at 717-419-5492. After School Program Direct Line 717-327-1915

26 | Parent Guide

Health Services

Heidi W. Caputo R.N.

School Nurse


Rita Foster

IU-13 Guidance Counselor

717-392-2916, ext. 260

College Guidance

Linda Campbell

Director of College Guidance

717-392-2916, ext. 236

Michelle O’Donnell

Assistant Director of College Guidance

717-392-2916, ext. 258

Genevieve Munson

College Counselor

717-392-2916, ext. 485

Business Office

John Ford

Business Manager

717-392-2916, ext. 223

Angela Hershey

Staff Accountant

717-392-2916, ext. 222

Martha Venti Accountant

717-392-2916, ext. 267


Zac Kraft

Director of Athletics

717-392-2916, ext. 252

Hilary Waltman

Assistant Athletic Director

717-392-2916, ext. 253


Sandi Abraham

Director of Admission

717-392-2916, ext. 227

Ruby Dhillon

Assistant Director of Admission

717-392-2916, ext. 228

Helen Najarian

Chinese Student Liaison

717-392-2916, ext. 247


Shelby LaMar

Chief Advancement Officer


Corinne Topper

Director of Parent Engagement and Annual Giving


Sherry Vernet

Special Events Coordinator


Parent Guide | 27
The spark that kindles the mind and heart illuminates a lifetime.

Fax mentis et cordis incendium gloriae. ]


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