TABLE OF CONTENTS: CH 1: D erivatives and Risk Management CH 2: Interest Rates CH 3: Stocks CH 4: Forwards and Futures CH 5: Options CH 6: Arbitrage and Trading CH 7: Financial Engineering and Swaps CH 8: Forwards and Futures Markets CH 9: Futures Trading CH 10: Futures Regulations CH 11: The Cost-of-Carry Model CH 12: The Extended Cost-of-Carry Model CH 13: Futures Hedging CH 14: Options Markets and Trading CH 15: Option Trading Strategies CH 16: Option Relations CH 17: Single-Period Binomial Model CH 18: Multiperiod Binomial Model CH 19: The Black-Scholes-Merton Model CH 20: Using the Black-Scholes-Merton Model CH 21: Yields and Forward Rates CH 22: Interest Rate Swaps CH 23: Single-Period Binomial Heath-Jarrow-Morton Model