TEST BANK for Motor Learning and Control for Practitioners, 5th Edition by Cheryl Coker ISBN13 978-0

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Motor Learning and Control forPractitioners, 5e Cheryl Coker TEST BANK Chapter 1 1

When assessing performance and making instructional decisions, which of the following must be considered? (A)

The learner


The task


The environment in which the task is performed

(D) All of the above

Answer: (D) All of the above 2

According to Gentile, the environmental factors that specifies the movement characteristics necessary for successful performance of a skill are known as which of the following? (A)

Action requirements


Object manipulation


Regulatory conditions

(D) Inter-trial response variability

Answer: (C) Regulatory conditions 3

Which of the following skills has low inter-trial variability? (A)

Golf putt


Volleyball spike


Shot put

(D) Bunting

Answer: (C) Shot put 4

According to Gentile's multidimensional classification system, the simplest skill would be one whose (A)

Environmental context is stationary, involves no inter-trial variability or body transport and does not require object manipulation


Environmental context is in motion, involves high inter-trial variability and requires both body transport and object manipulation


Environmental context is in motion, involves high inter-trial variability, requires body transport but does not require object manipulation

(D) Environmental context is stationary, involves high inter-trial variability,

requires body transport but does not require object manipulation Answer: (A) Environmental context is stationary, involves no inter-trial variability or body transport and does not require object manipulation 5

Understanding skill complexity enables the practitioner to do what? (A) Systematically evaluate a learner's movement capabilities and limitations (B)

Design learning experiences that are challenging yet realistic


Create logical skill progressions

(D) All of the above

Answer: (D) All of the above 6

Which of the following is classified as a perceptual motor ability? (A)

Gross body equilibrium


Response orientation


Dynamic strength

(D) Extent flexibility

Answer: (B) Response orientation 7

What is the ability to make continuous speed and direction adjustments with precision when tracking known as? (A)

Speed of limb movement




Rate control

(D) Control precision

Answer: (C) Rate control 8

The ability to make repeated, rapid flexing movements is known as which of the following? (A)

Dynamic flexibility


Multi-limb coordination


Control precision

(D) Extent flexibility

Answer: (A) Dynamic flexibility


Which of the following abilities would NOT be needed to climb Mt. Everest? (A)



Gross body coordination


Wrist finger speed

(D) Dynamic strength

Answer: (C) Wrist finger speed 10 According to Gentile's multidimensional classification system, which of the

following would NOT be categorized as requiring body transport? (A)




Figure skating (D) All of the above would require body transport (C)

Answer: (B) Paddleboarding 11 Which of the following is NOT true of learning?

Answer: 12 What should practice for open skills emphasize? (A)



Context variability



(D) None of the above

Answer: (B) Context variability 13 Mountain biking, which requires the performer to continually adapt his or

her responses to conform to the trail, would be considered what kind of skill? (A)

An open skill


A closed skill


An adaptive skill

(D) A responsive skill

Answer: (A) An open skill 14 Which of the following would be considered a closed skill? (A)

Driving a car




Putting a golf ball

(D) Returning a tennis serve

Answer: (C) Putting a golf ball 15 Which of the following is NOT true of learning? (A)

It results in a relatively permanent change in behavior


It is directly observable


It is the result of practice and or experience

(D) All of the above are true

Answer: (B) It is directly observable 16 Which of the following is true of performance? (A)

It is defined as the act of executing a skill


It is observable


It is used to infer learning

(D) All of the above are true

Answer: (D) All of the above are true 17 Which of the following is NOT true of motor skills? (A)

Body and/or limb movements are required


They must be learned


They are goal oriented

(D) They can be performed involuntarily

Answer: (D) They can be performed involuntarily 18 Which of the following would NOT be considered a motor skill? (A)

Football punt


Knee-jerk reflex


Sewing on a button

(D) Taping someone's ankle

Answer: (B) Knee-jerk reflex 19 Taxonomies are used to (A)

Indicate one's level of proficiency


Determine the amount of time that will be required to learn a motor skill


Classify motor skills in terms of common elements

(D) Determine the level of fatigue associated with a motor skill

Answer: (C) Classify motor skills in terms of common elements 20 Skills can be classified according to which of the following? (A)

The predictability of the environment in which the skill is performed


The nature of their organization


The degree of precision of their movements and corresponding size of the musculature used to perform

(D) All of the above

Answer: (D) All of the above 21 Which of the following is an example of a fine motor skill?


Typing on a laptop keyboard


Swimming the freestyle stroke


Walking with crutches

(D) Cross-country skiing

Answer: (A) Typing on a laptop keyboard 22 A fine motor skill is one that what? (A)

Places less emphasis on precision of movement


Generally involves multi-limb movements


Requires the use of large muscles

(D) Tends to be manipulative in nature

Answer: (D) Tends to be manipulative in nature 23 Which of the following is true of a discrete skill? (A)

It has beginning and ending points that are either arbitrary or determined by some environmental factor rather than by the task itself.


It tends to be repetitive in nature.


It has beginning and end points that are clearly defined.

(D) A and B only

Answer: (C) It has beginning and end points that are clearly defined. 24 Which of the following is an example of a serial skill? (A)



A floor routine in gymnastics


Throwing a frisbee

(D) Serving a volleyball

Answer: (B) A floor routine in gymnastics 25 What is an open skill? Give 2

examples...Answer: 1

Which of the following is the process by which meaning is attached to input? (A)



Information processing



(D) Affordances

Answer: (C) Perception 2

The deliberate presentation of false precues in order to prompt an incorrect response is called (A)






(D) Decompose

Answer: (C) Deception 3

Which of the following would NOT necessarily influence movement time (MT)? (A)

Reduction in the uncertainty of a situation


Increase in the speed at which the movement is executed


Reduction in the length of the movement

(D) Using little or no back swing

Answer: (A) Reduction in the uncertainty of a situation 4

What must happen in order for a fake to be successful? (A)

The faker should move his or her head


The fake must be realistic


One should focus on the center of gravity

(D) The faker should look directly at his or her opponent

Answer: (B) The fake must be realistic 5

The extent to which a stimulus and its required response are naturally related is known as: (A)



Psychological refractory period


Stimulus-response compatibility

(D) Inverted U hypothesis

Answer: (C) Stimulus-response compatibility 6

Which of the following explains faking? (A)

Hick’s Law


Psychological refractory period

Temporal anticipation (D) Affordances (C)

Answer: (B) Psychological refractory period 7

Clues in the environment that if detected can assist a learner in anticipating are known as: (A)

Irrelevant stimuli


Regulatory conditions



(D) Action requirements

Answer: (C) Precues 8

Which of the following is NOT true of response time? (A)

It is determined from the moment that a stimulus is presented to when a response is completed


It is influenced by the number of response choices in a situation


It is the combination of reaction time and movement time

(D) It should not exceed four seconds

Answer: (D) It should not exceed four seconds 9

The prediction of when an event will occur is called which of the following? (A)

Temporal anticipation


Event anticipation


Psychological refractory period

(D) Response orientation

Answer: (A) Temporal anticipation 10 Which of the following is the prediction of what event will happen? (A)



Response orientation


Temporal anticipation

(D) Event anticipation

Answer: (D) Event anticipation 11 According to Hicks Law, a racquetball player has an advantage if he or she

does which of the following? (A)

Has a larger repertoire of serves


Reduces the uncertainty of his or her opponent


Makes his or her serve predictable

(D) Increase the fore period preceding the serve

Answer: (A) Has a larger repertoire of serves 12

states that choice RT is logarithmically related to the number of stimulus choice alternatives. (A) Fitts Law (B)

Hicks Law


Stimulus response compatibility

(D) Psychological refractory period

Answer: (B) Hicks Law 13 The reaction time resulting from a situation involving options as to how to

respond is called . (A)

Hicks Law


Event anticipation


Event reaction time

(D) Choice reaction time

Answer: (D) Choice reaction time 14 Which of the following is true of reaction time? (A)

It is a constant


It is dependent on the processing demands imposed by a given situation


It is determined from the moment that a stimulus is presented to when a response is completed

(D) It is indicative of the time to execute a movement

Answer: (B) It is dependent on the processing demands imposed by a given situation 15 The interval of time between the moment that a stimulus is presented to when a

response is initiated is known as what? (A)

Reaction time


Movement time


Response time

(D) Response orientation

Answer: (A) Reaction time 16 The view that the relationship between perception and action is circular rather

than relying on stored memory representation is known as what? (A)

Direct perception


Indirect perception


Information processing

(D) Affordances

Answer: (A) Direct perception 17 What are the action possibilities of the environment and task in relation to the

perceiver’s own capabilities called? (A)


Information processing (C) Perception (B)

(D) Affordances

Answer: (D) Affordances 18 Reactive agility (A)

is associated with closed skills


is associated with open skills


involves decision making

(D) B and C are true

Answer: (D) B and C are true


The deliberate presentation of false precues in order to prompt an incorrect response is called (A)






(D) Decompose

Answer: (C) Deception 2

Both generalized and sport specific visual training programs are equally effective for developing on-field decision making improvements (A) TRUE (B) FALSE

Answer: (B) FALSE 3

During gait training a therapist tells a patient not to think about falling. This is (A)

A good idea because the learner will avoid the action leading to performance improvement


a bad idea because falling is a natural part of the learning process


A bad idea as this strategy often leads to ironic effects

(D) B and C only

Answer: (C) A bad idea as this strategy often leads to ironic effects 4

The golf putt is an example of a (A)






targeting task.

(D) Erratic

Answer: (B) Abstract 5

Which of the following is true of visual search? (A)

It is the focusing of one’s visual attention on a specific object.


It is the manner by which a performer directs his or her visual attention while trying to locate critical regulatory cues.


It is the change in the environment that evokes a response.

(D) It is the inability to focus one’s visual attention on a specific object.

Answer: (B) It is the manner by which a performer directs his or her visual attention while trying to locate critical regulatory cues. 6

The final fixation located on a specific target or object before the initiation of movement is which of the following? (A)

Time to contact

Absolute gaze (C) Visual finality (B)

(D) The quiet eye

Answer: (D) The quiet eye 7

The rate at which a retinal image enlarges is directly related to the speed of an object’s approach and indicative of: (A)

Time to contact




Eye dominance

(D) Optic imagery

Answer: (A) Time to contact 8

Instructions that induce an internal attentional focus (A)

Direct the learner to focus on the effects of their movements


Direct the learner to focus on their own body movements


Direct the learner to focus on performance outcome

(D) Have been shown to be superior to instructions that induce an external attentional

focus Answer: (B) Direct the learner to focus on their own body movements 9

The narrowing of attentional focus when arousal levels are higher than optimal is known as: (A)

Inverted U principle


Hick’s Law


Perceptual narrowing

(D) Narrow internal focus

Answer: (C) Perceptual narrowing 10 Which of the following influence the optimal level of arousal? (A)

Task characteristics


Learner characteristics


Selective attention

(D) A & B only

Answer: (D) A & B only 11 What captures the relationship between arousal and performance? (A)

The inverted U hypothesis


The cue utilization hypothesis


Hick’s Law

(D) Perceptual narrowing

Answer: (A) The inverted U hypothesis 12 An emotion resulting from an individual’s perception of a situation as

threatening is known as: (A)






(D) Amplitude

Answer: (B) Anxiety 13 Which of the following is the attentional focus used when strategic analysis is

required? (A)






(D) Narrow-internal

Answer: (B) Broad-internal 14 Which of the following is the attentional style used to mentally rehearse

an impedingaction?







(D) Narrow-internal

Answer: (D) Narrow-internal 15 Which of the following is the attentional style used by a bicycle courier

maneuveringthrough New York City traffic? (A)






(D) Narrow-internal

Answer: (A) Broad-external 16 Reactive agility (A)

is associated with closed skills


is associated with open skills


involves decision making

(D) B and C are true

Answer: (D) B and C are true 17 When designing training activities to enhance perceptual-cognitive skills (A)

there should be a high level of similarity between training and real-life performance

learners attention should be directed to information-rich areas where critical cues occur (C) the constraints that are presented for the performer to act upon must replicate those that occur in the performance environment (B)

(D) All of the above

Answer: (D) All of the above


The degrees of freedom problem is based on which of the following? (A)

A limb’s range of motion


The number of elements or components of the system that have to be controlled


The lack of time available to receive feedback

(D) The influence of the external environment on movement

Answer: (B) The number of elements or components of the system that have to be controlled 2

The wind is an example of what type of constraint? (A)

Organismic constraint


Environmental constraint


Task constraint

(D) Internal constraint

Answer: (B) Environmental constraint 3

According to the Dynamic System Theory, compressing available degrees of freedom into a single functional unit that is designed to carry out a specific task is called (A)

An attractor


A phase shift


A rate limiter

(D) Self-organization

Answer: (D) Self-organization 4

What are preferred states of stability known as? (A)



Phase shifts


Perceptual-motor workspace

(D) Attractors

Answer: (D) Attractors 5

According to the Dynamic System Theory, deep attractor basins are characteristic of what type of behavior?


Erratic behavior


Stable behavior


Instable behavior

(D) All behavior

Answer: (B) Stable behavior attractor states are characteristic of instable systems.

6 (A)


Deep (C) Superficial (B)

(D) Consistent

Answer: (A) Shallow 7

A functional movement pattern is one that is (A)

A movement pattern that is unstable




A movement pattern that will accomplish a specific task goal

A movement pattern that must be corrected

(D) A movement pattern that all learners should be able to perform in the exact same

manner Answer: (B) A movement pattern that will accomplish a specific task goal 8

Since being bedridden from pneumonia, Martha has lost some of her flexibility. As a result, she is no longer able to achieve certain yoga poses. The loss of flexibility in this situation is an example of which of the following? (A)

A constraint


A control parameter


A rate limiter

(D) a and c

Answer: (D) a and c 9

Practitioners can create action possibilities that allow for the emergence of desired behaviors by doing which of the following? (A)

Altering playing area dimensions


Moving a learner’s limb into the desired position


Having a patient imitate the practitioner’s actions

(D) All of the above

Answer: (A) Altering playing area dimensions 10 If a pitcher throws a change up and the hitter swings in anticipation of a

fastball, the hitter has made an error in which of the following? (A)

Generalized motor program selection


Parameter selection


Invariant feature selection

(D) Schema selection

Answer: (B) Parameter selection 11 What is the difference between open and closed loop systems? (A)

Open loop has an executive level and closed loop does not


Closed loop has an executive level and open loop does not Open loop runs as planned while closed loop can be modified


Closed loop runs as planned while open loop can be modified Answer: (C) Open loop runs as planned while closed loop can be modified


12 Which of the following is NOT a source of information used to develop one’s

schema? (A)

Response outcome


Individual differences


Response specifications

(D) Sensory consequences

Answer: (B) Individual differences 13 The manipulation of variables within a movement pattern to meet the

demands of a given situation is known as (A)





Dynamic interaction

(D) Specificity

Answer: (B) Control 14 The process of constraining available degrees of freedom to organize a

movement pattern that will effectively achieve the goal of the task is called (A)





Dynamic interaction

(D) Specificity

Answer: (A) Coordination 15 Which of the following is NOT considered an invariant feature? (A)

Sequence of actions or components


Specification of muscles and or limbs


Relative timing

(D) Relative force

Answer: (B) Specification of muscles and or limbs 16 Which of the following is NOT considered a parameter? (A)

Muscle selection


Overall duration


Overall force

(D) Relative timing

Answer: (D) Relative timing 17 What is the name of the features of the generalized motor program that are

flexible and define how to execute the program?


Rate limiters




Invariant features

(D) Parameters

Answer: (D) Parameters 18 The relatively fixed underlying characteristics that define a generalized motor

program are called (A)

Invariant features





(D) Sensory consequences

Answer: (A) Invariant features 19 Which of the following specifies the parameter values assigned to the

generalized motor program? (A)

Invariant features




Control parameters

(D) Stable attractors

Answer: (B) Schema 20 A change in relative timing indicates a change in which of the following? (A)





Generalized motor program

(D) Learner’s ability

Answer: (C) Generalized motor program 21 Constraints can be both limiting and enabling. (A) TRUE (B) FALSE

Answer: (A) TRUE


Which of the following sends a signal to the CNS indicating how much and how fast a muscle’s length is changing? (A)

Golgi tendon organs


Muscle spindles


Joint kinesthetic receptors

(D) The vestibular apparatus

Answer: (B) Muscle spindles 2

Parkinson’s disease is a result of under stimulation of the (A)

Primary motor area


Primary somatosensory area




(D) Basal ganglia

Answer: (D) Basal ganglia 3

Which of the following is the area of the brain that plays a key role in the detection and correction of errors? (A)



General Interpretive area


Basal ganglia

(D) Cerebellum

Answer: (D) Cerebellum 4

Which of the following is NOT true of the storage function of working memory? (A)

Information can only be stored in it for 20-30 seconds unless it is given further attention


Active processing is necessary to transfer information from the short-term memory to the long-term memory


Information is transmitted to the short-term memory after being selectively attended to in the sensory register

(D) It has a limitless capacity

Answer: (D) It has a limitless capacity 5

memory contains information about personal experiences and events associated with a specific time and context.







(D) Declarative (E)

B and C only

Answer: (C) Episodic 6

Factual knowledge, such as your school colors, is retained in your (A) Semantic (B)





(D) Declarative

Answer: (A) Semantic 7

Which of the following enables performers to make, execute, and evaluate strategic and movement decisions? (A)

Short-term memory


Long-term memory


Both A and B

(D) Neither A nor B

Answer: (C) Both A and B 8

Temporary storage and manipulation of spatial and visual information is the responsibility of which of the following? (A)

Phonological loop


Central executive


Visuospatial sketchpad

(D) Sensory memory

Answer: (C) Visuospatial sketchpad 9

Prehension involves (A)

transporting the hand to a target location


grasping an object


manipulating an object

(D) All of the above (E)

B and C only

Answer: (D) All of the above 10 The

plays a key role in regulating the intensity (scaling) of movement parameters. (A)

Primary motor area


Primary somatosensory area



(D) Basal ganglia

Answer: (D) Basal ganglia 11 Which is the area of the brain that organizes learned coordinated movements

that involve complex sequencing of muscles? Secondary somatosensory area (B) Prefrontal cortex. (A)


Premotor cortex

(D) Association area

Answer: (C) Premotor cortex are located in the inner ear and respond to changes in posture and


balance. (A)

Golgi tendon organs


Muscle spindles


Joint kinesthetic receptors

(D) The vestibular apparatus

Answer: (D) The vestibular apparatus 13 Which of the following proprioceptors are found at the junction of the

tendon and the muscle? (A)

Golgi tendon organs


Muscle spindles


Joint kinesthetic receptors

(D) The vestibular apparatus

Answer: (A) Golgi tendon organs 14 Information is taken from the receptors to the CNS by which of the following? (A)

Afferent nerves


Efferent nerves


Descending pathways

(D) The pyramidal pathway

Answer: (A) Afferent nerves 15 Which of the following is NOT true of reflexes? (A)

They are involuntary


The simplest pathway by which they occur is a reflex arc


They must be integrated in the brain

(D) They allow individuals to react to a stimulus very quickly

Answer: (C) They must be integrated in the brain 16 An interneuron is a nerve cell that does which of the following? (A)

Transmits sensory information


Transmits motor information


Transmits visual information

(D) Lies between a sensory and motor neuron in a reflex arc

Answer: (D) Lies between a sensory and motor neuron in a reflex arc 17 Which reflex would occur if an individual were to touch a hot stove? (A)

A monosynaptic reflex


The parachute reflex


The crossed extensor reflex

(D) The withdrawal reflex

Answer: (D) The withdrawal reflex 18 Which area of the brain is responsible for higher brain functions? (A)





Cerebral cortex

(D) Cerebellum

Answer: (C) Cerebral cortex 19 If a stroke patient lost his or her ability to consciously feel and localize touch

and pressure on the skin, which area of the brain is likely affected? (A)

Primary somatosensory area


Primary motor cortex



(D) Basal ganglia

Answer: (A) Primary somatosensory area 20 After the brain develops during a critical period in early childhood, it

remains relatively unchangeable with fixed neuronal circuits in adulthood (A) TRUE (B) FALSE

Answer: (B) FALSE 1

Johnny has been playing soccer for 3 years. This year he is being introduced to a new skill, heading a soccer ball. With respect to heading the soccer ball, Johnny is in what stage of learning? (A)






(D) Johnny is between stages

Answer: (A) Cognitive 2

Which of the following is NOT true of beginners? (A)

They are mechanically inefficient


They are inconsistent


Their movements are performed with little or no conscious control

(D) They expend a large amount of energy

Answer: (C) Their movements are performed with little or no conscious control 3

Although a learner can perform a skill consistently, it does not necessarily

mean that the skill is being performed accurately. True or false? (A) TRUE (B) FALSE (C) Depends on the skill

Answer: (A) TRUE 4

Consciously attending to specific aspects of a well-learned movement can be detrimental to performance. True or false? (A) TRUE (B) FALSE

Answer: (A) TRUE 5

Which of the following is NOT true of performance curves? (A)

The general direction of the curve is indicative of improvement


By examining successive trials, consistency can be inferred


The most common curve is the negatively accelerating curve

(D) They are useful for establishing that a relatively permanent change has taken

place Answer: (D) They are useful for establishing that a relatively permanent change has taken place 6

A period of time during the learning process in which no overt changes in performance occur is called which of the following? (A)

Learning cessation



Performance plateau (D) Freezing the degrees of freedom (C)

Answer: (C) Performance plateau 7

Which of the following is administered directly following the practice period? (A)



Post test


Retention test

(D) Transfer test

Answer: (B) Post test 8

A patient is pre and post tested on his execution of a sit to stand transfer. Following the post-test, the patient is then tested on his ability to perform the sit to stand transfer from a novel chair height. What is this latter test called? (A)



Retention test


Novel test

(D) Transfer test

Answer: (D) Transfer test 9

Which of the following would best measure learning? (A)

A pretest


A post test


A retention test

(D) A plateau

Answer: (C) A retention test List five performance characteristics that can help you infer that learning has occurred. Answer:


Feedback: Increase in coordination and controlMore fluid muscle activityMore efficient energy expenditureIncreased consistencyattentional focus, knowledge and memory, error detection and correction, and self-confidence. 11

In the early stages of skill acquisition, a learner typically does which of the following asregards the degrees of freedom? (A)

Freezes the degrees of freedom


Releases the degree of freedom


Develops the degrees of freedom

(D) Increases the degrees of freedom

Answer: (A) Freezes the degrees of freedom 12

Variations in both regulatory and non-regulatory conditions should be systematically introduced for


Closed skills


Closed skills with inter-trial variability


Open skills

(D) B and C only

Answer: (D) B and C only 13

For closed skill with inter-trial variability, which of the following should be practiced? (A)

Fixed regulatory conditions and varying non-regulatory conditions


Varying regulatory conditions and fixed non-regulatory conditions


Fixed regulatory conditions and fixed non-regulatory conditions

(D) Varying regulatory conditions and varying non-regulatory conditions

Answer: (D) Varying regulatory conditions and varying non-regulatory conditions 14

A learner who is capable of detecting some errors but still struggling to determine how to fix them is in what stage of learning? (A)






(D) Expert

Answer: (B) Associative 15

For a learner in the autonomous stage of learning, what is the role of the practitioner? (A)



Still involves practice design and error detection and correction


Facilitate learner’s understanding of the basic requirements of the skill

(D) Develop the learner’s error detection and correction capabilities

Answer: (B) Still involves practice design and error detection and correction 16

If a learner’s movements lack synchronization and appear choppy and deliberate that learner is most likely in which stage of learning? (A)






(D) Affective

Answer: (A) Cognitive 17

In the autonomous stage, attentional focus is: (A)

Reallocated to strategic decision-making


Solely directed to skill execution

Split between skill execution and strategic decision-making (D) Overtaxed to the point of exceeding the learner’s attentional capacity (C)

Answer: (A) Reallocated to strategic decision-making 18

Which of the following is a role that the practitioner NO LONGER plays when a learner is in the associative stage of learning? (A)

Provide feedback


Provide initial instructions


Develop a learner’s error detection and correction capabilities

(D) Design effective practice experiences

Answer: (B) Provide initial instructions 19

Once a learner reaches the autonomous stage of learning, a key responsibility of the practitioner is to do which of the following? (A)

Develop a learner’s error detection and correction capabilities





(D) The practitioner is no longer needed once a learner reaches this stage.

Answer: (B) Motivate 20

In the fixation/diversification stage of Gentile’s Stages of Learning model, which instructional strategy is recommended for closed skills with inter-trial variability? (A)





Getting the idea of the movement.

(D) Distinctionism.

Answer: (B) Diversification. 21

For a closed skill with no inter-trial variability, which of the following conditions should be practiced? (A)

Fixed regulatory conditions and varying non-regulatory conditions


Varying regulatory conditions and fixed non-regulatory conditions


Fixed regulatory conditions and fixed non-regulatory conditions

(D) Varying regulatory conditions and varying non-regulatory conditions

Answer: (A) Fixed regulatory conditions and varying non-regulatory conditions 22

For an open skill, which of the following conditions should be practiced? (A)

Fixed regulatory conditions and varying non-regulatory conditions


Varying regulatory conditions and fixed non-regulatory conditions


Fixed regulatory conditions and fixed non-regulatory conditions

(D) Varying regulatory conditions and varying non-regulatory conditions

Answer: (D) Varying regulatory conditions and varying non-regulatory conditions 23

How does Gentile’s model of learning differ from that of Fitts and Posner’s?

Answer: Feedback: Fitts and Posner’s 3-stage model suggests that learners pass through three distinct stages defined by the behaviors that they display.In the cognitive stage, the beginner is developing the basic movements of the skill. In the associative stage, the athlete is refining movement patterns, and in the autonomous stage the learner can perform the skill automatically without thinking about it.Gentile’s 2-stage model emphasizes the goals of the learner and the influence of the environment on skill learning and performance. In the getting the idea of the movement stage, the learner develops an understanding of movement requirements, as well as the environment in which the skill is performed.In the second stage, the fixation/diversification stage, the goal is refinement both of the movement pattern and adapting to ever-changing environmental conditions.


Which of the following would be a strategy that could be implemented to accommodate a kinesthetic learner? (A)



Consequent sounds



(D) Questioning strategies regarding cause & effect

Answer: (C) Simulations 2

One would expect transfer between a slap shot in hockey and the butterfly stroke in swimming (A)






(D) Bilateral

Answer: (C) Zero 3

Which of the following are based on the principles of transfer? (A)

Skill progressions


Lead up games



(D) All of the above

Answer: (D) All of the above 4

Which of the following can be examined to determine the degree of similarity between two skills and assess the potential for positive transfer? (A)

The fundamental movement pattern


The strategic and conceptual aspects of the game or task


The perceptual, temporal, and spatial elements

(D) All of the above

Answer: (D) All of the above 5

To what extent would you expect transfer to occur to a game situation from a volleyball drill that requires teammates to form a circle and bump the ball to the next person in a clockwise direction?

(A) High (B) Medium (C) Low

Answer: (C) Low 6

When using transfer, what is important? References used are only motor skills (B) The skills referred to are well learned (A)


Transfer is used in all cases

(D) Learners are in either the intermediate or advanced stages of learning

Answer: (B) The skills referred to are well learned 7

It is just as important to point out the differences between two skills as it is the similarities when attempting to capitalize on transfer; true or false? (A) TRUE (B) FALSE

Answer: (A) TRUE 8

An instructor that tells students to “shake hands with the racket” is using which of the following? (A)

A simulator


The eclectic approach


Resemblance cue

(D) An analogy

Answer: (D) An analogy 9

Efforts to design instructional methodology that capitalizes on positive transfer should be made in all situations; true or false? (A) TRUE (B) FALSE

Answer: (B) FALSE 10 If a learner’s past experience with badminton temporarily interferes with

their learning of tennis

is said to have occurred.


Contractual interference


Variable practice


Negative transfer

(D) Avoidance

Answer: (C) Negative transfer 11 Transfer can be which of the following? (A)






(D) All of the above

Answer: (D) All of the above 12 True or false? No two individuals possess identical learning styles. (A) TRUE (B) FALSE

Answer: (A) TRUE 13 Which of the following is true of global learners? (A)

They learn more easily when they are first presented with the big picture and then asked to concentrate on details


They prefer rules and guidelines


They prefer to have information presented in a step-by-step, sequential manner that builds towards a main concept

(D) Humor, anecdotes and graphics are not helpful

Answer: (A) They learn more easily when they are first presented with the big picture and then asked to concentrate on details 14 Which of the following is one of the easiest learning style variables to

accommodate for motor skill learning? (A)

Emotionality preferences


Environmental preferences


Perceptual mode

(D) Analytical mode

Answer: (C) Perceptual mode 15 Which of the following would be a strategy that could be implemented to

accommodate an analytical learner? (A)



Consequent sounds



(D) Questioning strategies regarding cause & effect

Answer: (D) Questioning strategies regarding cause & effect 16 Which of the following is NOT true of learning styles? (A)

Unless accommodated, learning will not occur.


Accommodating them can result in achievement of greater learning.


Perceptual mode may be one of the easiest to accommodate for motor skill learning.

(D) An eclectic approach should be used in situations involving large groups.

Answer: (A) Unless accommodated, learning will not occur. 17 The preferred mode through which learners take in and process information

is known as which of the following? (A)

Information pathway


Modal inclination

Information zone (D) Modal strength (C)

Answer: (D) Modal strength 18 The cue words “pace” and “tempo” would be associated with which preferred

mode? (A)






(D) Auditory

Answer: (D) Auditory 19 When the learning of a new skill or its performance under novel conditions is

influenced by past experience with another skill or skills, what is it known as? (A)

Selective attention


Perceptual mode



(D) Analogies

Answer: (C) Transfer 20 A cornerstone of the OPTIMAL theory is (A)



Perfect practice



(D) Learning Styles

Answer: (A) Motivation 1

Which of the following is true regarding Initial instructions that are highly detailed? (A)

They capture a learner’s interest


They motivate a learner to try the skill


They challenge the learner’s attentional capacity

(D) They are necessary for the learner to develop an idea of how to perform the skill

Answer: (C) They challenge the learner’s attentional capacity 2

What does an external focus do? (A)

Directs a learner’s attention to the effects of his or her actions on the environment


Directs a learner’s attention to factors beyond the learner’s control


Directs a learner’s attention on his or her own body movements

(D) Directs a learner’s attention to external factors in the environment such as

the position of defenders Answer: (A) Directs a learner’s attention to the effects of his or her actions on the environment 3

Which of the following statements is true? (A)

Conscious awareness is necessary for learning about the environmental regulatory features of a motor skill


Practitioners should instruct learners to focus on specific environmental cues


Providing a variety of performance situations that contain critical environmental regulatory cues is confusing and should be avoided

(D) The learner’s attention should be directed at information rich areas to learn

critical environmental regulatory cues Answer: (D) The learner’s attention should be directed at information rich areas to learn critical environmental regulatory cues 4

Which of the following techniques would be optimal to check for understanding? (A)

Asking learners specific questions regarding the instructions just given


Asking learners if they have any questions regarding the instructions just given


Letting the learners try an activity and then clarifying the instructions if necessary

(D) It is not necessary to check for understanding

Answer: (A) Asking learners specific questions regarding the instructions just given 5

What is the name of the theory that suggests the development of a cognitive representation of a skill from seeing a demonstration or model? (A)

The dynamic interpretation of modeling


The social cognitive theory of observational learning


The representational modeling theory

(D) The blueprint theory

Answer: (B) The social cognitive theory of observational learning 6

What is the key to the use of a learning model? (A) That the individual is able to correctly perform the skill (B)

That the observer views another learner practicing the skill


That the observer views the teacher practicing the skill

(D) The observer views another learner practicing the skill and hears the

corresponding instructor feedback Answer: (D) The observer views another learner practicing the skill and hears the corresponding instructor feedback 7

Which of the following is true with respect to sound?


Consequent sounds can provide learners with a frame of reference for error diagnosis


Sound can be used to emphasize the internal rhythm of a skill


Sound can supplement a demonstration

(D) All of the above are true

Answer: (D) All of the above are true 8

Which of the following should be avoided when giving a demonstration? (A)

Using the phrases “like this” and “like that” in conjunction with the demonstration


Repetition of cues words


Focusing learner on key aspects of the movement

(D) Designing the demonstration so that the outcome is eliminated

Answer: (A) Using the phrases “like this” and “like that” in conjunction with the demonstration emphasizes movement exploration

9 (A)

Hands on approach


Hands off approach


Direct instruction

(D) Prescriptive instruction

Answer: (B) Hands off approach 10 Which of the following is true? (A)

Beginning learners are able to discriminate between relevant and non-relevant stimuli

Trial and error is the best strategy for efficient skill learning (C) Practitioners should focus learner’s attention to the critical elements of the motor skill being learned (B)

(D) When introduced to a new skill, learners can identify relevant stimuli

without the help of the practitioner, but cannot identify irrelevant stimuli without direction Answer: (C) Practitioners should focus learner’s attention to the critical elements of the motor skill being learned

11 When instructions are used to introduce a learner to a new skill, the

practitioner should do which of the following? Explain all of the different criterion conditions in which the skill may be used (B) Supply only the key elements of the skill (A)


Give as much detail regarding the skill as much as possible

(D) Avoid comparing the skill to previously learned skills

Answer: (B) Supply only the key elements of the skill 12 Which of the following is true regarding effective instructions? (A)

They can only be given by an expert


They send clear messages to the learner


They are highly detailed

(D) They always incorporate technical terminology

Answer: (B) They send clear messages to the learner 13 An internal focus of attention directs a learner to do which of the following? (A)

Concentrate on a specific body movement


Focus on the effects of his or her actions on the environment

Change attentional focus according to their level of arousal (D) Selectively attend to specific environmental information or focuses one’s visual attention on a specific object (C)

Answer: (A) Concentrate on a specific body movement 14 Which of the following is NOT true of verbal cues? (A)

They should be concise


They are used prompt a movement or movement sequence


They should be used repeatedly

(D) They are the same thing as key elements

Answer: (D) They are the same thing as key elements 15 How should the initial demonstration be performed? (A)

Performed in real time


Performed at a slower speed


Broken into parts

(D) Broken into parts and performed at a slower speed

Answer: (A) Performed in real time 16 What does a learning model emphasize? (A)

Movement imitation


Movement exploration


Movement replication

(D) Movement time

Answer: (B) Movement exploration 17 When demonstrating the free throw, the learners should be positioned so that

they can view the shot from where? (A)



The shooting hand side


The front

(D) Multiple viewing angles

Answer: (D) Multiple viewing angles 18 Which of the following is the LEAST effective formation? (A)

Full circle




Two lines, one lower than the other

(D) All of the above are equally effective

Answer: (A) Full circle 19 Movement patterns can be shaped by manipulating which of the following? (A)





Playing area dimensions

(D) All of the above

Answer: (D) All of the above 20 Which of the following is important to do before skill instruction begins?


Perform a demonstration


Give the learners feedback


Capture the learner’s undivided attention

(D) Have the learner engage in imagery

Answer: (C) Capture the learner’s undivided attention 21 Which instructional method is characterized by the practitioner using

questions to guide or shape the learnner's skill acquisition? (A)

Direct instruction


Prescriptive instruction


Guided discovery

(D) Instructional inquiry

Answer: (C) Guided discovery 1

Which of the following is not an advantage about breaking a skill down into parts? (A)

It simplifies the skill


It allows a learner to experience early success leading to increased motivation


It permits practice on problematic components without wasting time on those already mastered

(D) It focuses on retaining the underlying dynamics of the skill when

components are highly interdependent Answer: (D) It focuses on retaining the underlying dynamics of the skill when components are highly interdependent 2

Which of the following is governed by the speed-accuracy tradeoff (A)

Temporal accuracy


Spatial accuracy


Cognitive accuracy

(D) Both A and B

Answer: (B) Spatial accuracy 3

Bilateral transfer occurs between which of the following? (A)






(D) Theories

Answer: (A) Limbs 4

True or false? Mistakes are an integral part of the learning process. (A) TRUE (B) FALSE

Answer: (A) TRUE 5

Which of the following are goals that are concerned with the final result of a competition relative to one’s opponent? (A)

Process goals


Performance goals


Long term goals

(D) Outcome goals

Answer: (D) Outcome goals 6

A patient whose goal is to increase the number of steps she can take unassisted has set what kind of goal? (A)

Process goal


Performance goal

Long term goal (D) Outcome goal (C)

Answer: (B) Performance goal 7

Which of the following goals focus on self-improvement? (A)

Process goals


Performance goals


Long term goals

(D) Outcome goals

Answer: (B) Performance goals


Which of the following goals direct a performer’s focus to achieving some technical element during skill execution? (A)

Process goals


Performance goals


Long term goals

(D) Outcome goals

Answer: (A) Process goals 9

The neuromuscular theory of imagery suggests that the act of visualizing oneself executing a movement does which of the following? (A)

Allows a learner to develop an understanding of a movements requirements


Allows activation of the same neural pathways as the movement itself


Allows a learner to test movement problems

(D) Allows a learner to develop performance strategies.

Answer: (B) Allows activation of the same neural pathways as the movement itself 10 Practice makes perfect; true or false? (A) TRUE (B) FALSE

Answer: (B) FALSE 11 Hitting a ball off of a tee is an example of which of the following? (A)



Attention cueing



(D) Fractionization

Answer: (A) Simplification 12 The technique where two parts are practiced separately then combined

once a criterion level has been achieved is which of the following? (A)

Progressive part method


Repetitive part method


Backward chaining

(D) Whole practice

Answer: (A) Progressive part method 13 Part-practice would be recommended when a skill is considered to have

what kinds of complexity and organization? (A)

High task complexity / low task organization


Low task complexity / high task organization


Both A and B are correct

(D) Neither A nor B are correct

Answer: (A) High task complexity / low task organization 14 Task complexity is directly correlated with which of the following? (A)

The degree to which the sub-components of a skill are interdependent


The number of sub-components that make up the skill


The frustration level of the learner

(D) The age of the learner

Answer: (B) The number of sub-components that make up the skill 15 What is the name of the degree to which the sub-components of a skill are

interdependent? (A)

Task complexity


Task structure


Task analysis

(D) Task organization

Answer: (D) Task organization 16 Which of the following skills would be considered high in task complexity? (A)





High Jumping

(D) Picking up a cup

Answer: (C) High Jumping 17 Which of the following is considered low in task organization? (A)

Throwing a discus


Pole vaulting


A jump serve in volleyball

(D) An aerobics sequence

Answer: (D) An aerobics sequence 18 The part-practice technique that separates skills into parts according to spatial

or temporal elements is which of the following? (A)



Attention cueing



(D) Fractionization

Answer: (C) Segmentation 19 The part-practice technique where skill components that are normally

performed simultaneously are partitioned and practiced independently is which of the following? (A)



Attention Cueing



(D) Fractionization

Answer: (D) Fractionization 20 The part-practice technique that reduces the level of difficulty of the task or

some aspect of the task for the learner is which of the following? (A)



Attention cueing



(D) Fractionization

Answer: (A) Simplification 21 The part-practice technique where the learner directs his or her attention

to a specific aspect of a skill during its performance as a whole is which of the following? (A)



Attention cueing



(D) Fractionization

Answer: (B) Attention cueing 22 List and explain three factors that can adversely affect

time on task. Answer: Feedback: • Resting • Waiting in line• Excessive verbal instruction• Poorly designed drill/activity• Incorrect/insufficient equipment 1 Which of the following is an example of a non-regulatory condition that could be incorporated into the variable practice schedule for a quarterback? (A)

Presence of defenders


Distance of throw to receiver


Crowd noise level

(D) The area on the field to which the ball must be thrown

Answer: (C) Crowd noise level 2

If substitute or alternative equipment causes a distinct change in movement pattern, what should you do? (A)

Continue to use it, the learner will figure it out


Stop using it


Use it only sparingly

(D) You should only use the specific equipment designed for that activity

Answer: (B) Stop using it 3

What does a well-designed drill do? (A)

Maximizes time on task


Involves the participation of all learners


Directly targets the learning goal

(D) All of the above

Answer: (D) All of the above 4

Which of the following must be considered when designing practice experiences? (A)

The learner


The task


The environment

(D) All of the above

Answer: (D) All of the above 5

True or false? Contextual interference should be avoided at all costs. (A) TRUE (B) FALSE

Answer: (B) FALSE 6

True or false? Long term retention of a motor skill is best achieved by practicing a skill repeatedly before moving to a different version of the task or a different task altogether. (A) TRUE (B) FALSE

Answer: (B) FALSE 7

True or false? Stations are a teaching method that can easily be designed to incorporate both variable and random practice. (A) TRUE (B) FALSE

Answer: (A) TRUE 8

True or false? Learning is enhanced when longer, less frequent practice sessions are scheduled. (A) TRUE (B) FALSE

Answer: (B) FALSE 9

Giving the learner the opportunity to choose some characteristics of the practice situation is called




Selective practice


Challenge point

(D) Guided practice

Answer: (A) Self-Control 10 A massed practice schedule would be the most effective for which of the

following? (A)

New and complex skills


Tasks that have high-energy requirements


Discrete skills

(D) Tasks that involve some degree of risk

Answer: (C) Discrete skills 11 Which of the following is the term used to describe practice where the rest

component between sessions or practice attempts is equal to or greater than the practice component? (A)

Massed practice


Alternating practice


Distributed practice

(D) Restful practice

Answer: (C) Distributed practice 12 The explanation that suggests that random practice facilitates learning

by causing temporary between trials forgetting of task solutions is called the hypothesis (A)






(D) Action plan reconstruction

Answer: (D) Action plan reconstruction 13 When should variable practice be implemented? (A)

When the skill is first introduced


Once the learner has acquired the basic movement pattern


Only when the learner has reached the autonomous stage

(D) Only when the learner is having difficulty developing an understanding of

the basic movement pattern Answer: (C) Only when the learner has reached the autonomous stage 14 Which of the following is NOT true of variable practice? (A)

It enhances the development of a learner’s schema


It facilitates transfer

It leads to better performance during practice (D) It enhances a learner’s ability to accurately select appropriate parameter values to accomplish a movement goal (C)

Answer: (C) It leads to better performance during practice 15 When implementing variable practice, which of the following should be

manipulated for skills whose objective is the consistent and accurate replication of a movement pattern? (A)

Regulating conditions


Non-regulatory conditions


Both regulatory and non-regulatory conditions

(D) Variable practice should not be used for closed skills with inter-trial variability

Answer: (B) Non-regulatory conditions 16 Which of the following describes blocked practice? (A)

One variation of a skill is practiced repeatedly before practice attempts are given on another skill


Multiple task variations are performed in a random order


Multiple tasks are arranged in blocks according to their similarities

(D) Multiple tasks are arranged in an alternating pattern

Answer: (A) One variation of a skill is practiced repeatedly before practice attempts are given onanother skill 17 Which of following would be an example of implementing random practice to

""practice"" three different skills? (A)

Performing 10 successive trials at each of the three skills


Performing one trial of each of the three skills over 10 rotations


Performing five trials of each skill, repeating the rotation twice

(D) Performing 30 successive trials of one skill

Answer: (B) Performing one trial of each of the three skills over 10 rotations 18 Repeated blocked practice provides (A)






contextual interference.

(D) High

Answer: (C) Moderate 19 If a golfer lines up 30 balls and putts them from the exact same spot on the

green to the exact same hole each time, the golfer is using what type of practice? (A)

Constant practice


Blocked practice


Repeated blocked practice

(D) A and B

Answer: (D) A and B 20 Low contextual interference would occur when practice trials are organized

following a

schedule. (A)





Repeated blocked

(D) Variable

Answer: (A) Blocked

21 When implementing variable practice, which of the following should be

manipulated for closed skills that involve inter-trial variability? (A)

Regulating conditions


Non-regulatory conditions


Both regulatory and non-regulatory conditions

(D) Variable practice should not be used for closed skills with inter-trial variability

Answer: (C) Both regulatory and non-regulatory conditions 1

What is the optimal viewing perspective from which to observe a skill? (A)

Up close


From behind


From the right or left side

(D) Depends on the skill

Answer: (D) Depends on the skill 2

Which of the following would be considered as a sensory error? The learner failed to see important cues because he or she was in mid-blink (B) The learner failed to see important cues because he or she didn’t know where in the environment to look for them (A)

The learner failed to see important cues because he or she didn’t know what to look for (D) The learner failed to see important cues because he or she didn’t know how to read game situations (C)

Answer: (A) The learner failed to see important cues because he or she was in midblink 3

Vertigo can cause a (A)







(D) Vision

Answer: (C) Proprioception 4

You are observing an eighth-grade basketball practice where the team is

practicing free throws. You notice one student is using more of a “shot put” type motion vs. the proper technique. The nets are at regulation height, and this particular player is significantly shorter than the rest of the team. The error you saw (shot putting) is likely which kind of errors? (A)

A recall error


A comprehension error


A decision making error

(D) An error due to constraints

Answer: (D) An error due to constraints 5

The state tournament is only a week away, and you have noticed an error in Sally’s technique that will require a parameter change. What should you do? (A)

Fix the error


Ignore the error


Make a note of the error so you can fix it during the pre-season next year

(D) Tell Sally that there is a flaw in her technique but that you are going to wait

until next year to work on it Answer: (A) Fix the error 6

Which of the following is true regarding corrections involving fundamental changes to the motor program? (A)

They take a long time to fix


They can be fixed almost instantaneously


They will never be completely fixed

(D) They should be ignored

Answer: (A) They take a long time to fix 7

A flaw observed in an individual’s performance is not necessarily indicative of the underlying cause of the error; true or false? (A) TRUE (B) FALSE

Answer: (A) TRUE 8

A factor that should be considered prior to making a correction is the learner’s motivation to do so; true or false?


Answer: (A) TRUE 9

What correction category does changing the underlying rhythm of a skill fall into? (A)






(D) None of the above

Answer: (C) Rebuild 10 Chris has come a long way in practice and has become quite proficient in

shooting. However, every time the ball is passed near the goal, the defender steals it before Chris can get the shot off. The teacher decides that Chris’s shooting technique is okay, but Chris is taking too long to react to the ball. a. List potential reasons for Chris’s inability to respond quickly in this situation. b. Provide suggestions for each reason given to correct the problem. Answer: Feedback: The error is delay in responding multiple reasons could be the cause of this delay. First, the practitioner must establish whether Chris can correctly read game situations. Does Chris know what critical cues to look for? Can Chris detect that information during a game? If not, intervention strategies should focus on teaching Chris what the critical cues are, prompting Chris to prepare a response sooner, directing Chris’s attention to where in the environment the cues occur, and providing extensive practice opportunities in a variety of situations that contain common task relevant cues. Second, Chris’s attentional focus may be either too broad or too narrow, depending on levels of arousal. Third, delay in responding may result from problems with decision making. Reducing the number of response alternatives and increasing Chris’s ability to identify potential predictors, such as opponent or situational tendencies, could resolve the problem. 11 When a learner is trying to replace an established movement pattern with a new one, they will likely display which kinds of errors? (A)

Errors in neuromuscular coordination


Errors due to constraints


Sensory errors

(D) Recall errors

Answer: (A) Errors in neuromuscular coordination 12 Teaching a learner how to systematically look for key performance

characteristics when assessing a situation will resolve which kinds of errors? (A)

Errors due to constraints


Sensory errors


Recall errors

(D) Decision-making errors

Answer: (D) Decision-making errors 13 Which of the following would NOT be considered an underlying cause of

a movement execution error? (A)

Insufficient practice


Performing the movement too quickly


Negative transfer

(D) Failure to identify potential predictors

Answer: (D) Failure to identify potential predictors 14 What are the specific body movements that are observable and affect a skills

performance? (A)



Key elements



(D) Behaviors

Answer: (B) Key elements 15 Which of the following can be a source for errors in performance? (A)





The structure of a drill or task

(D) All of the above

Answer: (D) All of the above 16 When an error occurs because learners do not understand what you want

them to do, the error falls into which of the following categories? Errors due to constraints (B) Comprehension errors (A)


Errors in selection

(D) Execution errors

Answer: (B) Comprehension errors 17 Which of the following would NOT be considered an advantage of using a video

camera? (A)

It permits repetitive viewing


It can be played in slow motion


It can provide the learner with the opportunity to see what he or she is doing incorrectly

(D) It can alter the performance of those not used to being videotaped

Answer: (D) It can alter the performance of those not used to being videotaped 18 Good decision-making begins with good (A)







(D) Execution

Answer: (B) Assessment 19 Which of the following can likely be attributed to a perceptual or decision-

making problem? (A)

A bat that is too heavy


Slow bat speed


Slow swing initiation

(D) All of the above

Answer: (C) Slow swing initiation 20 Perceptual errors occur when the learner does which of the following? (A)

Doesn’t know what cues to look for in the environment


Can’t distinguish between task relevant and irrelevant stimuli


Focuses his or her attention on the wrong cues

(D) All of the above

Answer: (D) All of the above 21 If a racquetball player chooses the appropriate shot for a given situation but

mis-hits the ball, he or she is making an error in which of the following? (A)






(D) Decision-making

Answer: (C) Execution 22 Providing reminders is an appropriate correction for which of the following? (A)

Errors due to constraints


Recall errors


Comprehension errors

(D) Errors in neuromuscular coordination

Answer: (B) Recall errors 23 The tennis coach you are working with has made some observations about

Kelly, the adolescent female athlete you are coaching (S&C). When Kelly runs to the corner on the baseline for a backhand, she is slow to return to the centre or run to the net. A) List potential reasons why Kelly’s movement may be slow in this situation (she has no history of injury) B) What would you do to develop this weakness? Focus on ONE of the areas you identified above. Answer: Feedback: A) technique, speed, power, conditioning/fatigueB) Technique: Break down the skill into smaller parts as Kelly might be over-reaching on the first shotSpeed/power: Short sprint sessions with focus on acceleration/deceleration in all directionsConditioning: Make sure there is an aerobic base essential for recovery and endurance and work on high intensity interval training with work:rest ratios relevant to tennis


What is intrinsic feedback? (A)

Response produced information that is available from one's sensory system


Information received from an external source


Information that is only received following the completion of a response

(D) The same as videorecorded feedback

Answer: (A) Response produced information that is available from one's sensory system 2

If the goal of the feedback is to facilitate skill acquisition, the practitioner should provide based information. (A)






(D) Punishment

Answer: (A) Error 3

If the provision of feedback is based on a predetermined range of “correctness” a practitioner is using what type of feedback? (A)

Faded feedback


Bandwidth feedback


Summary feedback

(D) Average feedback

Answer: (B) Bandwidth feedback 4

Which of the following is true of the development of an overdependence on external feedback? (A)

It occurs when a learner receives augmented feedback at a high frequency


Overdependence is positive as learners become more attentive


It forces learner to focus on his or her own intrinsic feedback

(D) It increases learners’ ability to self diagnose their errors

Answer: (A) It occurs when a learner receives augmented feedback at a high frequency 5

The interval of time from the end of one performance attempt to the beginning of the next is known as which of the following?


The feedback-delay interval


The inter-trial interval


The post-feedback interval

(D) The total response interval

Answer: (B) The inter-trial interval 6

The interval of time from one performance attempt until augmented feedback is provided is called which of the following? (A) The feedback-delay interval (B)

The inter-trial interval


The post-feedback interval

(D) The total response interval

Answer: (A) The feedback-delay interval 7

In order to assist learners in the development of their ability to detect and correct their performance, what should practitioners do? (A)

Should give the learner an opportunity to process intrinsic feedback


Ask learners questions during practice to provoke reflective thinking regarding practice attempts


Provide feedback immediately following the performance attempt

(D) A and B only

Answer: (D) A and B only 8

By asking learners what they are thinking about with respect to the upcoming attempt during the post-feedback interval, practitioners can do which of the following? (A)

Check for understanding


Encourage active processing of the feedback provided


Encourage active processing for movement modification

(D) All of the above

Answer: (D) All of the above 9

Which of the following is the interval during which the learner synthesizes the information received both intrinsically and extrinsically ? (A)

The feedback-delay interval


The inter-trial interval


The post-feedback interval

(D) The total response interval

Answer: (B) The inter-trial interval 10 Movement patterns can be shaped by manipuating (A)

Task variables


Practice variables


Both A and B

(D) Neither A nor B

Answer: (C) Both A and B 11 Error amplification involves (A)

Amplifying the consequence sound associated with the movement


Exaggeration of an identified error


Amplifying the proprioception associated with the movement

(D) Exaggeration of prescriptive feedback provided

Answer: (B) Exaggeration of an identified error 12 Chris is having a tough time passing the ball, and the teacher goes over to

help. Having analysed Chris’s attempts, the teacher provides the following feedback: “No, that’s not it. You are too tense. Why are you so uptight? Your head isn’t straight and you aren’t kicking through the centre of the ball – no wonder it doesn’t go straight! Can’t you do better than that?" Rewrite the sentence to provide Chris with more effective feedback. Explain why your version is more effective. Answer: Feedback: Sandwich feedback – Good. Your contact with the ball is much stronger. On this next trial, focus on kicking through the centre of the ball. That will make the ball go straight. Let’s try again. You almost have it.This version is more effective because it confirms the learner’s progress. Encourages continued persistence and offers prescriptive feedback, which is more beneficial for novice learners. 13 Which of the following is true about descriptive feedback? (A)

Describes the nature of the performance error


Offers a suggestion as to how to correct an error


Describes how the performance felt

(D) Is also known as subjective feedback

Answer: (A) Describes the nature of the performance error 14 The choice to use either descriptive or prescriptive feedback is dependent on

which of the following? (A)

The type of error


The skill level of the learner


The nature of the skill

(D) The learner's level of motivation

Answer: (B) The skill level of the learner 15 Which of the following is NOT an example of augmented feedback? (A)

Video replay of an individual’s performance


Information provided to learner regarding their performance by the coach


The feeling a gymnast gets as she starts to lose her balance when doing a balance beam routine

(D) The score received for a dive that an official posts

Answer: (C) The feeling a gymnast gets as she starts to lose her balance when doing a balance beam routine 16 What is knowledge of performance, or KP? (A)

Information about an opponent's outcome in relation to one's outcome


Information about the outcome of a response

Information about the specific characteristics that led to the outcome (D) Physiological information concurrently fed back to the learner through some form of instrumentation (C)

Answer: (C) Information about the specific characteristics that led to the outcome 17 What is knowledge of results, or KR? (A)

Information about the outcome of a response


Information about the specific characteristics that led to the outcome


Physiological information concurrently fed back to the learner

through some form of instrumentation (D) Information about an opponent's outcome in relation to one's outcome

Answer: (A) Information about the outcome of a response 18 Which of the following is augmented feedback that is presented to the learner

following the completion of a response? (A)

Terminal feedback


Concurrent feedback



(D) Subsequent feedback

Answer: (A) Terminal feedback 19 Which of the following is NOT a function of augmented feedback? (A)

To correct an error


To motivate


To reinforce

(D) To accommodate learning styles

Answer: (D) To accommodate learning styles 20 Which of the following is an example of knowledge of results? (A)

You need to follow through more


Did you feel how you were off balance when you hit the ball?


Your ball landed short of the pin

(D) Be sure you contact the ball in front of your shoulder

Answer: (C) Your ball landed short of the pin 21 The statement “Great effort; way to go after that ball!” is an example of which of

the following? (A)



Verbal instructions


Positive reinforcement

(D) Negative reinforcement

Answer: (C) Positive reinforcement 22 In the video feedback learning stage known as the shock stage: (A)

Learners begin to critically observe their practice attempts and identify specific performance errors


Learners are preoccupied with their appearance and have to get used to seeing themselves on tape


Learners begin to understand why an error occurred and begins generating error correction strategies

(D) Learners can consistently identify and correct errors

Answer: (B) Learners are preoccupied with their appearance and have to get used to seeingthemselves on tape 23 Which of the following can be used as a source of performance feedback? (A)






(D) All of the above can be used as a source of performance feedback

Answer: (D) All of the above can be used as a source of performance feedback 24 In the sandwich approach to error correction, the learner is first

reinforced, then information is provided to facilitate error correction, and finally the learner is . (A)






(D) Encouraged

Answer: (D) Encouraged 25 True or false; augmented feedback can be redundant. (A) TRUE (B) FALSE

Answer: (A) TRUE

26 What

should you consider in order to decide whether to correct a movement error? Answer: Feedback: • Is the learner capable of making the correction (strength, range of motion, intellectual capacity)• How much time is needed to make the correction• Is the learner motivated to make the correction• Is there a risk of injury if not corrected

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