Chapter 1 1. ch01-001 A central aspect of an organization is the coordination of people and resources. *a. True b. False 2. ch01-002 Organizational behavior focuses on the behavior of organizations and how organizations interact with each other. a. True *b. False 3. ch01-003 Organizational theory seeks to explain processes and factors influencing the structure and outcomes of organizations. *a. True b. False 4. ch01-004 Max Weber is known for his writings on bureaucracy and management. *a. True b. False 5. ch01-005 The division of work is also known as the division of labor. *a. True b. False 6. ch01-006 Scientific management was promoted by Henri Fayol.
a. True *b. False 6. ch01-006 Scientific management was promoted by Henri Fayol. a. True *b. False 8. ch01-008 Henri Fayol proposed 14 principles of management. *a. True b. False 9. ch01-009 According to Henri Fayol, a scalar chain is the line of authority from top management to the lowest ranks. *a. True b. False 10. ch01-010 The “father of scientific management” was James Dean. a. True *b. False 11. ch01-011 Organizations involve which of the following? a. Goals/purposes b. Relationships c. External environments d. Coordination *e. All the above 12. ch01-012 Which of the following is NOT one of the interactive levels in organizational behavior? *a. Strategy
b. Individual c. Organizational d. Group/interpersonal 14. ch01-014 Which of the following is NOT one of Henri Fayol’s principles of management? a. Authority and responsibility b. Discipline c. Unity of command *d. Hierarchy of needs 15. ch01-015 Which of the following is NOT one of Henri Fayol’s five core management functions? a. Planning *b. Executing c. Coordinating d. Controlling 16. ch01-016 Scientific management sought to do which of the following? a. Create greater efficiency b. Use time and motion studies c. Break production processes into small units d. Minimize movement of employees and materials *e. All of the above 17. ch01-017 What is the main cost of healthcare? a. New technology b. Legal costs/fees *c. Employees d. Pharmaceuticals
Chapter 2 1. ch02-001 A large majority of American workers feel disengaged from their work. *a. True b. False 2. ch02-002 Hierarchy of command is similar to chain of command. *a. True b. False 3. ch02-003 Max Weber’s writings and principles became the foundation for public administration and civil service systems. *a. True b. False 4. ch02-004 The scalar principle promotes open communication, with employees sometimes skipping immediate supervisors to speak with someone at a higher organizational level. a. True *b. False 5. ch02-005 The proper use of a mission and vision can facilitate the coordinative principle. *a. True b. False 6. ch02-006 Abraham Maslow postulated that higher-level needs could be achieved without first addressing lower-level needs. a. True
*b. False 7. ch02-007 Theory X and Y are based on the premise that managers perceive employees differently and that these perceptions affect how they treat employees. *a. True b. False 8. ch02-008 Most current management theories are based on a closed systems approach. a. True *b. False 9. ch02-009 Selecting officeholders based on their technical qualifications reflects the characteristic of impersonality. *a. True b. False 10. ch02-010 The Hawthorne studies refocused management strategy from scientific management to include social and psychological aspects of human behavior. *a. True b. False 11. ch02-011 The scalar principle suggests that staff members provide advice and ideas, whereas line management’s job is to get things done. a. True *b. False
12. ch02-012 The contingency approach suggested that there was no one best way to organize and manage; rather, management style should depend on environmental factors. *a. True b. False 13. ch02-013 A closed systems approach indicates that firms are highly influenced and affected by their environments. a. True *b. False 14. ch02-014 If organizations are “fit,” they should be aligned or matched with their environments. *a. True b. False 15. ch02-015 Which of the following was NOT part of Weber’s ideal bureaucracy? a. Hierarchy of command b. Advancement based on achievement c. Specialization of labor *d. Merit pay 16. ch02-016 Which of the following was one of the first management writers to propose that people be advanced based on their achievements, skills, and performance? a. Maslow *b. Weber c. Fayol d. Gulick
17. ch02-017 Which of the following uses the functional principle? *a. Job descriptions b. Job enlargement c. Scalar principle d. Coordinative principle 18. ch02-018 The coordinative principle can be assisted by having an effective . a. job description b. scalar structure *c. mission and vision d. matrix structure 19. ch02-019 Maslow’s hierarchy of needs contains how many levels? a. 3 b. 4 *c. 5 d. 7 20. ch02-020 Which is the highest level of need according to Maslow? a. Physical b. Social and belonging c. Esteem *d. Self-actualization 21. ch02-021 A theory Y manager believes that employees a. avoid and dislike work b. need restrictive controls *c. should be involved in decision-making d. may be gullible and easy to manipulate
Chapter 3 1. ch03-001 Diversity is about having and valuing differences. *a. True b. False 2. ch03-002 Culture and race are the same as an ethnic group. a. True *b. False 3. ch03-003 Ethnocentrism can lead to implicit or explicit segregation, racism, and discrimination. *a. True b. False 4. ch03-004 Collectivism encourages workers to seek the good of the group and self-sacrifice. *a. True b. False 5. ch03-005 Diversity is rarely expressed in terms of gender and age. a. True *b. False 6. ch03-006 Post-millennials place a strong value on education. *a. True b. False
7. ch03-007 Significant racial and ethnic disparities exist in the provision and outcomes of healthcare. *a. True b. False 8. ch03-008 The chief purpose of diversity management is to make everyone equal. a. True *b. False 9. ch03-009 Diversity is reflected in a varied employee population that encompasses a wide array of differences and similarities. *a. True b. False 10. ch03-010 An ethnic group identifies itself through common language, behavioral norms, worldview, background, and ancestry. *a. True b. False 11. ch03-011 Ethnocentrism is the exaggerated tendency to think the characteristics of one’s own group or race are superior to those of other groups or races. *a. True b. False 12. ch03-012 Group cultures value loose social relationships that encourage individuals to take responsibility for themselves and their relatives. a. True
*b. False 13. ch03-013 Which theory proposes overlapping and interdependent systems of discrimination? a. Affirmative action b. Inclusion c. Workforce diversity *d. Intersectionality 14. ch03-014 Which of the following is a cultural value more prominent in the United States than in many Asian countries? a. Collectivism b. Respect *c. Individualism d. Duty 15. ch03-015 A 2019 McKinsey & Company study of Middle Eastern countries indicated that percent of women felt they were treated equally to men when it came to promotions. a. 19 b. 34 *c. 56 d. 72 16. ch03-016 Which of the following is the generation born between 1943 and 1960? *a. Boomer generation b. Millennial generation c. Generation X d. Generation Y 17. ch03-017 Weaknesses associated with Generation X include which of the following?
*a. Lack of loyalty b. Lack of adaptability c. Inability to manage resources d. Little initiative 18. ch03-018 Positive attributes of millennials include which of the following? *a. Appreciation for diversity b. Strong communication skills c. Ability to solve problems d. Corporate loyalty 19. ch03-019 Health disparities are based on which of the following? a. Age b. Location c. Race *d. All of the above 20. ch03-020 A 2018 study found health disparities resulted in excess medical costs.
a. $453 million b. $3 billion c. $42 billion *d. $93 billion 21. ch03-021 The benefits of a diverse workforce include all except which of the following? a. Improved patient satisfaction and trust *b. Fewer minority-owned practices c. Better healthcare in underserved communities d. Increased healthcare access for minority patients 22. ch03-022 Which of the following has created barriers to diversity?
a. Chief equity officers b. Equity advocates *c. Human resources processes to ensure fit d. Buy-in from top management
Chapter 4 1. ch04-001 Learning can be shown by gaining new facts and information; acquiring new procedures, processes, and skills; or establishing new routines and knowledge of action–outcome relationships. *a. True b. False 2. ch04-002 Learning always improves an organization. a. True *b. False 3. ch04-003 The last step in the cycle of learning is apply/test/act/institutionalize. *a. True b. False 3. ch04-003 The last step in the cycle of learning is apply/test/act/institutionalize. *a. True b. False 5. ch04-005 System thinking is one of the main characteristics of a learning organization. *a. True b. False 6. ch04-006 Fear of punishment can be a personal barrier to learning. *a. True
b. False 7. ch04-007 The functional structures in healthcare often impede organizational learning. *a. True b. False 8. ch04-008 Quality improvement efforts require an organization to promote learning. *a. True b. False 9. ch04-009 In learning, interpreting is the process of deducing relationships among insights, including the ability to explain the relationships to oneself and others. *a. True b. False 10. ch04-010 Double-loop learning occurs when a “governing variable” is questioned, causing shifts in strategies, values, or mission. *a. True b. False 11. ch04-011 Medical professional programs are designed to focus on both clinical knowledge and nonclinical learning. a. True *b. False
12. ch04-012 Organizations can shift to a learning focus in a relatively short period of time. a. True *b. False 13. ch04-013 Learning communities are a select group of potential adopters and stakeholders who engage in a shared learning process to facilitate adaptation and implementation of innovations. *a. True b. False 14. ch04-014 Leaders’ support of employees asking questions enhances organizational learning. *a. True b. False 15. ch04-015 Learning best occurs when
a. informal learning dominates b. formal learning dominates *c. both formal and informal learning occur d. learning comes from the top down 16. ch04-016 Which of the following is NOT one of the four separate processes for learning? a. Integrating *b. Investigating c. Interpreting d. Institutionalizing
17. ch04-017 Which of the following is NOT one of the steps of the learning cycle? *a. Develop/originate b. Apply/test/act/institutionalize c. Reflect/interpret d. Generalize/judge/integrate 18. ch04-018 Mental models
a. provide a venue by which analysis can occur *b. are assumptions held by individuals and the organization that can promote (or distract from) learning c. are a common vision for stimulating learning d. reduce an organization’s heuristic biases 19. ch04-019 Which of the following is NOT a key component of a learning organization? a. Concrete learning processes b. Supportive learning environment c. Leaders reinforcing learning *d. Differential cultural perspectives 20. ch04-020 Group and organizational barriers to learning include all except which of the following? a. Strict work rules *b. Leadership turnover c. Blaming culture d. Minimal feedback 21. ch04-021 Learning can be more complex in healthcare than in other fields because of . *a. professionalism and tight interdependencies b. lower salaries and greater dissatisfaction c. higher levels of trust and partnership
d. none of the above
Chapter 5 1. ch05-001 Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, trust in medical scientists fell to an all-time low. a. True *b. False 2. ch05-002 Low employee engagement actually costs employers. *a. True b. False 3. ch05-003 Attitudes tend to stay fixed throughout our lives. a. True *b. False 5. ch05-005 Many employers have found that frequent employee attitude surveys are better than an annual survey. *a. True b. False 6. ch05-006 According to a Gallup survey, employee engagement in the United States increased from 2000 to 2020. *a. True b. False 7. ch05-007 Money and compensation are the two most important factors of job satisfaction. a. True *b. False
8. ch05-008 Culture and values are the two most important contributors to job satisfaction in the United States. *a. True b. False 9. ch05-009 In general, satisfied healthcare workers result in more satisfied patients. *a. True b. False 10. ch05-010 When employees have an emotional attachment to an organization, they are displaying continuance commitment. a. True *b. False 11. ch05-011 Healthcare is a labor-intensive industry with personnel costs accounting for more than percent of hospital expenses. a. 27 b. 42 *c. 55 d. 67 12. ch05-012 Which of the following is NOT a theory focused on employee satisfaction? *a. Dwan’s downtime theory b. Two-factor theory c. Dispositional approach d. Value theory of job satisfaction
13. ch05-013 Some studies suggest that low employee engagement costs US companies as much as annually. a. $760 million b. $10 billion c. $240 billion *d. $500 billion 14. ch05-014 Which of the following work-related behaviors was predicted to change as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic? a. Long-term commitment to wearing a mask at work b. A greater desire to be on-site for the social connection *c. An increased concern for cleanliness d. An increased use of public transportation 15. ch05-015 Which of the following is NOT a component of attitude? a. Cognitive *b. Social c. Affective d. Behavioral 16. ch05-016 is when both the employee and the employer work to support one another. a. Satisfaction *b. Engagement c. Systems thinking d. Two-factor theory 17. ch05-017 According to Gallup, the percentage of engaged employees in the United States between 2000 and 2020. *a. increased from 26 percent to 36 percent b. decreased from 18 percent to 14 percent c. increased from 18 percent to 33 percent d. decreased from 36 percent to 17 percent
18. ch05-018 The theory that suggests job satisfaction is a result of just being happy is called what? a. Two-factor theory b. Adams’s happiness theory c. Value theory *d. Dispositional theory 19. ch05-019 Which of the following suggests an employee stays with an employer because they think they will not find a better job? *a. Continuance commitment b. Normative commitment c. Affective commitment d. Personal commitment 20. ch05-020 Which of the following suggests an employee stays with an employer because they believe their coworkers will not be able to complete a long-term project without them? a. Continuance commitment *b. Normative commitment c. Affective commitment d. Personal commitment
Chapter 6 1. ch06-001 Ethics are written codes that suggest behaviors. a. True *b. False 2. ch06-002 Ethics are fairly homogeneous across the world. a. True *b. False 3. ch06-003 Core organizational values should be the foundation for an organization’s mission and vision. *a. True b. False 5. ch06-005 Distributive justice involves the perceived fairness of actions, decisions, and the way individuals are treated. a. True *b. False 6. ch06-006 Nonmaleficence can be defined as “doing no harm.” *a. True b. False 7. ch06-007 Leaders teach ethics through their words and deeds. *a. True b. False
8. ch06-008 There are no common ethics across most cultures. a. True *b. False 9. ch06-009 Ethics should be integrated with corporate social responsibility. *a. True b. False 10. ch06-010 Ethics set the parameters for acceptable actions and behaviors in accomplishing an organization’s mission and vision. *a. True b. False 11. ch06-011 The rights model includes informed consent, whereby patients have the right to a full understanding of the risks and potential outcomes of treatments, allowing them to choose whether to accept or reject medical alternatives. *a. True b. False 12. ch06-012 “Nonprocedural justice” is the perceived fairness of the process by which a decision is made and evaluated by compliance with decision-making processes, level of access, openness, and participation by employees. a. True *b. False 13. ch06-013 The utilitarian model defines the moral value of actions based on a valuation of their consequences.
*a. True b. False 14. ch06-014 The “self-behavioral model” is the theory that selfinterested behavior is ethical. a. True *b. False 15. ch06-015 The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 sought to regulate ethical behavior in organizations. *a. True b. False 16. ch06-016 Transparency is a key part of the internet test for ethical decisions. a. True *b. False 17. ch06-017 Ethics
a. are often unwritten b. govern behavior c. are influenced by culture *d. all the above 18. ch06-018 Corporate social responsibility is sometimes referred to as which of the following? a. Ethical mandates *b. Corporate citizenship c. Organizational communication d. Behavioral mandates
19. ch06-019 Ethics
*a. set parameters for acceptable actions and behaviors b. may change according to an individual’s context c. should be established after constructing a mission and vision d. are generally not important to an organization 20. ch06-020 The rights model is based on which of the following? a. Detailed ethical values b. The greatest good for all *c. The inherent rights all people should have d. Medical alternatives 21. ch06-021 The fairness model includes all except which of the following? a. Distributive justice *b. Heuristic justice c. Procedural justice d. Interactional justice 22. ch06-022 Which of the following is NOT one of the four general ethical principles? *a. Anonymity b. Autonomy c. Nonmaleficence d. Beneficence 23. ch06-023 Healthcare professions provide ethical guidance by . a. holding annual meetings *b. publishing statements of professional ethics c. providing speakers to local groups d. publishing textbooks
Chapter 7 1. ch07-001 Motivation theories explain the causes of workplace effort and direction of effort. *a. True b. False 2. ch07-002 Operant conditioning is a form of motivation. *a. True b. False 3. ch07-003 Rewards have consistently been found to have long-lasting motivational effects. a. True *b. False 4. ch07-004 Work that is found to be more intrinsically satisfying motivates greater effort. *a. True b. False 5. ch07-005 Greater use of external controls and external stimuli increases employee satisfaction and commitment. a. True *b. False 6. ch07-006 Hygiene factors can motivate people to accomplish new things. a. True *b. False
7. ch07-007 Removing controls but maintaining accountability creates job satisfaction. *a. True b. False 8. ch07-008 Enriching work by increasing variety, autonomy, feedback, and other characteristics contrasts with Taylor’s scientific management theory. *a. True b. False 9. ch07-009 In equity theory, outputs are more than just salary and compensation. *a. True b. False 10. ch07-010 Expectancy is the belief that one will receive a reward if expected performance is achieved. a. True *b. False 11. ch07-011 Motivation has been defined as “the willingness to work at a certain level of effort.” *a. True b. False 12. ch07-012 Promotions, performance-based bonuses, grades, awards, and employee recognition programs are examples of intrinsic stimuli.
a. True *b. False 13. ch07-013 The degree to which an individual or group experiences internal motivation has been tied to the level of satisfaction and commitment. *a. True b. False 14. ch07-014 Dissatisfiers are also called non-hygiene factors. a. True *b. False 15. ch07-015 Satisfiers relate to job content and have longer-lasting effects than dissatisfiers do. *a. True b. False 16. ch07-016 A central theme of job design has long been Hackman and Oldham’s job characteristics model. *a. True b. False 17. ch07-017 Optimal job enrichment may vary by the individual characteristics of the employee. *a. True b. False 18. ch07-018 Satisfaction theory is the theory that proposes that
employees seek to balance their work inputs and the outcomes/benefits they receive in comparison to those of others. a. True *b. False 19. ch07-019 Providing monetary compensation to motivate employees has limited short-term effects but stronger long-term effects. a. True *b. False 20. ch07-020 Motivation must be coupled with appropriate skills, ability, and relevant training to be effective. *a. True b. False 21. ch07-021 Most motivation theories divide motivation into what? a. black-and-white concepts *b. external and internal stimuli c. stimulus and response d. desires and wants 22. ch07-022 Which type of stimuli has been shown to have the quickest effect on motivation? a. Intrinsic b. Internal c. Primary *d. External 23. ch07-023 Managers often use negative forms of external stimuli because . *a. the results can be seen more quickly
b. they have better long-term results c. they are more effective in creating proper behaviors d. managers enjoy them 24. ch07-024 The ERG theory of motivation breaks needs into
*a. three b. four c. five d. six 26. ch07-026 Which of the following would be considered a hygiene factor? *a. A high salary b. Achievement c. Recognition d. Growth 27. ch07-027 Which of the following is NOT one of the five core characteristics of job design? a. Variety b. Feedback c. Significance *d. Equity 28. ch07-028 Which of the following is NOT one of the major means for accomplishing job enhancement? a. Job rotation b. Job enrichment *c. Job categorization d. Job enlargement 29. ch07-029 Expectancy theory links three factors. If any of these factors is lacking, motivation will be .
*a. absent b. average c. heightened d. stimulated 30. ch07-030 What is “valence”? a. The belief that one will receive a reward if expected performance is achieved *b. The value a person places on the expected reward c. The belief that one’s efforts will result in the desired outcome d. The value of believing in one’s work
Chapter 8 1. ch08-001 Emotions are central to our lives and form the mainstay of our personal relationships. *a. True b. False 2. ch08-002 Emotions can be described as the “background” feelings that exist in our lives. a. True *b. False 3. ch08-003 The ability to express emotions can be helpful and healthy. *a. True b. False 4. ch08-004 Longing is categorized as a secondary emotion of sadness. a. True *b. False 5. ch08-005 Emotional intelligence is more important for leaders than their general intelligence. *a. True b. False 6. ch08-006 The constructs between stress and emotions are the same. a. True *b. False
7. ch08-007 Eustress damages a person’s ability to function effectively. a. True *b. False 8. ch08-008 A person’s culture can influence their stress. *a. True b. False 9. ch08-009 Qualitative underload occurs when the skill requirements of a job are far below the training of the employee. *a. True b. False 10. ch08-010 Love, joy, surprise, anger, sadness, and fear are considered secondary emotions. a. True *b. False 11. ch08-011 Primary emotions reflect the person’s mental processing of a situation. a. True *b. False 12. ch08-012 Emotional intelligence is an awareness of personal emotions. *a. True b. False
13. ch08-013 Stress is mental or emotional strain that arises from uncertainty introduced by unexpected events. *a. True b. False 14. ch08-014 Burnout is the physical and/or mental collapse caused by overwork and stress. *a. True b. False 15. ch08-015 Restress occurs when people respond positively to a stressor, allowing them to see the gap between actual and desired statuses. a. True *b. False 16. ch08-016 Hardiness is the ability to handle stress. *a. True b. False 17. ch08-017 Employee assistance programs generally provide confidential, short-term counseling and referrals to help employees deal with challenges that could affect their work. *a. True b. False 18. ch08-018 Emotions have all except which of the following components? a. Brief episodes *b. Background feelings
c. Complexity d. Influence on our behaviors 19. ch08-019 Which of the following is NOT a primary emotion? a. Joy b. Surprise c. Anger *d. Concern 20. ch08-020 Secondary emotions
a. do not last long *b. reflect a person’s mental processing c. may include surprise d. come from an iterative deterrent 21. ch08-021 Which of the following is NOT a secondary emotion of joy? a. Cheerfulness *b. Irritation c. Zest d. Pride 22. ch08-022 Which of the following primary emotions does not have a designated secondary emotion? a. Fear b. Sadness *c. Surprise d. Love 23. ch08-023 Which of the following is NOT one of the key skills that leaders with high emotional intelligence possess? a. Other-awareness b. Regulation c. Self-awareness
*d. Calculation 24. ch08-024 Which of the following is NOT a way to improve emotional intelligence? *a. Act quickly b. Recognize emotions c. Seek connections d. Record thoughts 25. ch08-025 Role ambiguity occurs when which of the following factors is present? *a. Lack of specificity of role functions b. Too much information c. Only one job focus d. Overtraining 26. ch08-026 An employee experiencing stress could seek help from a(n) . a. TARP b. UNICO *c. EAP d. NIC
Chapter 9 1. ch09-001 Paradigms are choices we make that affect our happiness. a. True *b. False 2. ch09-002 Paradigms differ among individuals because all human beings perceive things differently. *a. True b. False 3. ch09-003 Part of the problem with our perceptions is that we never have complete information. *a. True b. False 4. ch09-004 Pointing out that someone else’s success is just luck would be an example of the fundamental attribution error. *a. True b. False 5. ch09-005 Having stereotypes is, by definition, always bad. a. True *b. False 6. ch09-006 The primacy and recency effects suggest that important messages should be at either the beginning or the end of a conversation. *a. True b. False
7. ch09-007 Cultures can profoundly affect perceptions. *a. True b. False 8. ch09-008 Job commitment can be a strong stabilizing force for employees and organizations. *a. True b. False 9. ch09-009 Asking someone if they get advice from traditional healers is likely to cause bad feelings and reduce patient satisfaction. a. True *b. False 10. ch09-010 Paradigms are the way people experience, process, and interpret stimuli. a. True *b. False 11. ch09-011 My company is not doing very well financially, and I explain at a board meeting that the diminished profits are the result of the bad economy, political problems, and just bad luck. My comments are an example of the fundamental attribution error. *a. True b. False
12. ch09-012 A just-like-me effect occurs when one characteristic or trait dominates the evaluation of people or products. a. True *b. False 13. ch09-013 I choose people on my team who have the same preferences that I do. This is an example of the halo effect. a. True *b. False 14. ch09-014 In the primacy and recency effects, you have only one chance to make a first impression. *a. True b. False 15. ch09-015 Which of the following is NOT influenced by our paradigms? a. The type of questions we ask b. How results are interpreted c. How we structure questions *d. The degree of energy we exhibit 16. ch09-016 Perceptions
*a. provide feedback to modify or reinforce paradigms b. have little effect on paradigms c. are generally restricted to controls d. may be understood as limiting rationale 17. ch09-017 Which of the following is NOT true about the fundamental attribution error? a. People attribute their own success to internal attributions.
b. Failures are attributed to external factors. *c. Others’ successes are primarily attributed to internal factors. d. A bad economy is considered an external factor. 18. ch09-018 Use of stereotypes
a. is necessarily bad b. occurs in only a small portion of the population *c. simplifies our perspectives and reduces mental effort d. establishes negative paradigms 19. ch09-019 The similar-to-me effect can lead to bias in which of the following areas? a. Hirings b. Annual evaluations c. Creativity *d. All of the above 20. ch09-020 Findings that one’s first reward has an oversized effect on future behaviors might suggest which of the following? a. Similar-to-me effect *b. Primacy and recency effects c. Heuristic bias d. Halo effect 21. ch09-021 Setting positive expectations that lead to positive results is the effect. *a. Pygmalion b. Golem c. primacy d. recency
22. ch09-022 One study found that nurses increased their commitment to their employer when what happened? a. The nurses received higher wages. b. The nurses were offered increased job flexibility. *c. The nurses helped design and improve their performance appraisals. d. The nurses received subsidized lunches.
Chapter 10 1. ch10-001 Identifying and considering all possible solutions is part of rational decision-making. *a. True b. False 2. ch10-002 Bounded rationality is an integral part of rational decision-making. a. True *b. False 3. ch10-003 Under bounded rationality, people do not act rationally. a. True *b. False 4. ch10-004 “Satisficing” in decision-making may not lead to an optimal solution. *a. True b. False 5. ch10-005 An example of sunk cost bias is a real estate sales agreement in which negotiations center around the initial list price of a home. a. True *b. False 6. ch10-006 Sunk costs should not be considered in decision-making because they are fixed and nonrecoverable. *a. True
b. False 7. ch10-007 People are much more likely to accept a decision presented in a positive way. *a. True b. False 8. ch10-008 Groupthink occurs when group members avoid raising controversial issues and stifle dissent as a result of their group cohesion. *a. True b. False 9. ch10-009 A decision tree graphically models the sequence of decisions and outcomes. *a. True b. False 10. ch10-010 Under the bounded rationality model, people search for optimal solutions that will satisfy their needs. a. True *b. False 11. ch10-011 The garbage can model of decision-making contains many potential solutions that exist by themselves and are connected to problems only when they arise. *a. True b. False
12. ch10-012 The use of decision shortcuts, known as heuristics, can result in cognitive biases. *a. True b. False 13. ch10-013 Anchoring bias occurs when we give disproportionate weight to the first information received. *a. True b. False 14. ch10-014 People’s tendency to be much more likely to accept a decision presented in a positive way reflects the similarity bias. a. True *b. False 15. ch10-015 Groupthink is the tendency for members of a highly cohesive group to seek consensus so strongly that they fail to do a realistic appraisal of other alternatives that may be more effective. *a. True b. False 16. ch10-016 Rational decision-making
a. systematically searches for a decision that is “good enough” *b. identifies all possible options c. is based on emotions d. recognizes cognitive limitations
17. ch10-017 Which decision-making model has been portrayed as organized anarchy? a. Rational decision-making b. Bounded rationality *c. Garbage can model d. Heuristic model 18. ch10-018 Decision shortcuts are known as what? a. Bounded rationality *b. Heuristics c. Cognitive deficits d. Satisficing 19. ch10-019 Which bias seeks to maintain one’s current situation? a. Anchoring bias b. Sunk cost bias *c. Status quo bias d. Confirming evidence bias 20. ch10-020 Which type of bias suggests a safer course, as it causes less psychological risk? a. Confirming evidence bias *b. Status quo bias c. Sunk cost bias d. Anchoring bias 21. ch10-021 Sunk costs
a. should always be considered in a decision b. can only be recovered partially c. discount and dismiss contrary evidence *d. should not be considered in a decision
22. ch10-022 Groupthink occurs because of
a. group election *b. lack of group diversity c. self-confirming bias d. garbage can decision-making 23. ch10-023 Which of the following is generally NOT included in a meeting agenda? a. Past minutes review b. Follow-up on past assignments *c. Alternative options d. Time of next meeting
Chapter 11 1. ch11-001 “Innovation” and “creativity” are synonymous. a. True *b. False 2. ch11-002 Creative companies need to attract, reward, and retain employees who are risk takers. *a. True b. False 3. ch11-003 Creativity by itself is sufficient to change an organization. a. True *b. False 4. ch11-004 Technological innovations in healthcare tend to be directly related to the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. *a. True b. False 5. ch11-005 A clear vision and goals will help enhance creativity. *a. True b. False 6. ch11-006 Establishing a process to engage patients and the public can help create a climate for change. *a. True b. False
7. ch11-007 Disruptive innovation builds on past successes and organizational competencies and provides incremental improvements. a. True *b. False 8. ch11-008 Creativity is the precursor to innovation, which is the implementation of new ideas. *a. True b. False 9. ch11-009 Business model innovation in healthcare reorganizes and better integrates the healthcare activities of physicians, hospitals and nursing homes, and other providers. *a. True b. False 10. ch11-010 Two important factors that encourage adoption of new technology are the perceived ease of use and the perceived usefulness by various stakeholders. *a. True b. False 11. ch11-011 Diffusion occurs when an innovation becomes embedded to maintain an organization, industry, or system. a. True *b. False 12. ch11-012 Disruptive innovation creates radical change and destroys existing organizational competencies.
*a. True b. False 13. ch11-013 The vast majority of innovations are radical innovation. a. True *b. False 14. ch11-014 Creativity
*a. is the development of new ideas b. consists of evidence of newly formed thoughts c. follows innovation d. comes from committee deliberation 15. ch11-015 Creativity can be facilitated by all except which of the following? a. Technology b. Leadership/culture *c. Innovation d. Knowledge 16. ch11-016 Which of the following is NOT one of the areas of healthcare innovation discussed in the textbook? *a. Patient care innovation b. Consumer-focused innovation c. Technology innovation d. Business model innovation 17. ch11-017 The degree of creativity and innovation is related to which of the following? *a. Employees and culture b. Available funding c. Competition
d. Size of the organization 18. ch11-018 Which of the following is NOT a phase of change? a. Engage and enable the organization b. Create a climate for change *c. Establish key performance indicators for change d. Embed and sustain change
Chapter 12 1. ch12-001 Informal groups are often arranged by the organization. a. True *b. False 2. ch12-002 Task groups are organized around a specific job or undertaking and may be structured based on individual expertise, not hierarchical position. *a. True b. False 3. ch12-003 The strength of an initiation into a group has no effect on the level of group commitment. a. True *b. False 5. ch12-005 Command groups are units that receive direction and orders within their organization. a. True *b. False 6. ch12-006 Governmental organizations are important because they impart group norms that establish acceptable and nonacceptable behaviors. a. True *b. False 7. ch12-007 Groups of hospitals that are dispersed across the United States and owned by a healthcare system are an example of sequential interdependence.
a. True *b. False 8. ch12-008 Pooled interdependence requires that group members make only discrete, independent contributions. *a. True b. False 9. ch12-009 Pressure within groups is always destructive and needs to be carefully monitored and controlled by managers. a. True *b. False 10. ch12-010 Marketing directors who hope to be a hospital CEO someday are looking to join an aspirational group. *a. True b. False 11. ch12-011 Which of the following is an example of a command group? *a. An executive team b. The CEO of an organization c. An informal group d. A loose coalition 12. ch12-012 Individuals are acculturated into groups through which of the following? a. Dues b. Education *c. Rituals d. Seniority
13. ch12-013 Which of the following is NOT a type of interdependence? *a. Interdisciplinary b. Pooled c. Reciprocal d. Sequential 14. ch12-014 Which of the following provides an example of sequential interdependence? a. Intensive care unit b. Emergency department *c. Hospital admission process d. A football game 15. ch12-015 Employees who gather to feed the feral cats on the hospital grounds would be a(n) . *a. informal group b. formal group c. command group d. acculturated group 16. ch12-016 Telling someone how to perform specific procedures in a clinic is an example of . a. appearance norms *b. performance norms c. arrangement norms d. policy norms 17. ch12-017 All except which of the following are included in the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses standards? a. decision-making b. leadership c. collaboration *d. clinical skills
18. ch12-018 A group of older employees from different departments who meet for lunch each day would be considered . a. a command group b. an acculturated group *c. a cohort d. a task group 19. ch12-019 A nurse begins to mistrust the hospital CEO because the other unit nurses continually promote the idea that the CEO has no idea how to run the hospital. The nurse is experiencing what? a. Group polarization *b. Group shift c. Groupthink d. Group interdependence 20. ch12-020 An entire group of friends decides to protest new uniforms at work even though some of them actually like the way the uniforms look. This is an example of what? *a. Group polarization b. Group shift c. Groupthink d. Group interdependence
Chapter 13 1. ch13-001 Interdisciplinary teams consist of people trained in the use of different tools and concepts; among the members, there is an organized division of labor around a common problem. *a. True b. False 2. ch13-002 Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary teams are composed of members from different professions and occupations, with varied and specialized knowledge, skills, and methods. *a. True b. False 3. ch13-003 Team-building efforts are often designed around improving team problem-solving and processes. *a. True b. False 4. ch13-004 In the team-building stage of storming, members are usually excited, as they are transitioning from individual to member status. a. True *b. False 5. ch13-005 Teams are evolved groups that have great task orientation, purpose, interdependence, structure, and social familiarity. *a. True b. False
6. ch13-006 The four stages of team building are forming, storming, norming, and performing. *a. True b. False 7. ch13-007 An effective team has shared discussion and dialogue. *a. True b. False 8. ch13-008 Teams of diverse individuals tend not to be effective because of differences in how they frame a problem. a. True *b. False 9. ch13-009 Teams whose members are not sure about the idea of working together are in the forming stage. a. True *b. False 10. ch13-010 A team is effective when members can have a brainstorming session in which everyone contributes ideas to the conversation, no matter how different the ideas are. *a. True b. False 11. ch13-011 The optimal team size, both in general business and in healthcare, depends on many factors, but it tends to be within what range? *a. 2–9 people b. 10–19 people
c. 20–29 people d. 30–35 people 12. ch13-012 Which of the following is NOT a mechanism to strengthen team identity? a. Team logo b. Team slogan c. Team name *d. Common background 13. ch13-013 A group of nurses, physicians, pharmacists, radiologists, and housekeepers who work together at a cancer treatment clinic is an example of a(n) team. a. multidisciplinary *b. interdisciplinary c. pooled d. diverse 14. ch13-014 Pediatric physicians, obstetric nurses, X-ray techs, and administrators who come together to determine an equipment budget would be considered a(n) team. *a. multidisciplinary b. interdisciplinary c. pooled d. diverse 15. ch13-015 Diverse teams are more likely to avoid what? a. The forming stage b. Conflict c. Norms and standards *d. Groupthink 16. ch13-016 Teams that are able to tackle most problems as they arise and continue working on their mission are at what stage?
a. Forming b. Storming c. Norming *d. Performing 17. ch13-017 Team that have standards in place are at what stage? a. Forming b. Storming *c. Norming d. Performing 18. ch13-018 Efforts to build teams would include all except which of the following? a. Identify barriers to success b. Get help if barriers are in the way *c. Choose team members who have no personality conflicts d. Determine objectives up-front
Chapter 14 1. ch14-001 Leaders can spend as much as 80 percent of their day communicating, speaking, listening, reading, and writing to interact with others, solve problems, and plan strategies. *a. True b. False 2. ch14-002 Feedback is not required for good communication. a. True *b. False 3. ch14-003 The way a message is encoded depends on the sender’s evaluation of the receiver’s capability. *a. True b. False 4. ch14-004 Highly important and complex messages are often best transmitted through electronic channels. a. True *b. False 5. ch14-005 If possible, one should always use communication with high information richness. a. True *b. False 6. ch14-006 Decoding creates meaning from language and nonverbal behavior. *a. True
b. False 7. ch14-007 Feedback involves the process by which the sender and receiver engage to validate the message sent and received. *a. True b. False 8. ch14-008 Traditionally, women focus more on connecting with others and relationship building, whereas men tend to emphasize status and dominance in conversations. *a. True b. False 9. ch14-009 Video calls have been shown to facilitate good communication within virtual teams. a. True *b. False 10. ch14-010 Communication comprises the transmission of information and meaning from one individual or group to another. *a. True b. False 11. ch14-011 As the complexity and importance of a message increases, the degree of information richness through the communication channel must likewise increase. *a. True b. False
12. ch14-012 Noise consists of distractions that heighten the effectiveness of the communication process. a. True *b. False 13. ch14-013 Compared to nonverbal communication, verbal communication more accurately represents the sender’s actual message. a. True *b. False 14. ch14-014 Which of the following is NOT part of the communication model? a. A sender *b. A facilitator c. Encoding d. Decoding 15. ch14-015 Approximately percent of medical malpractice cases in the United States are a result of miscommunication. a. 20 *b. 30 c. 40 d. 50 16. ch14-016 The complexity and importance of a message dictate the degree of required. *a. information richness b. encoding c. decoding d. group feedback
17. ch14-017 Low-richness communication channels include which of the following? a. Feedback b. Face-to-face talks *c. E-mails d. Video calls 18. ch14-018 Decoding is highly influenced by all except which of the following receiver characteristics? a. Mood b. Culture c. Self-identity *d. Friends 19. ch14-019 Often, nonverbal information can overshadow a verbal message and provide as much as of the meaning conveyed. a. one-third b. one-sixth *c. one-half d. three-fourths 20. ch14-020 Which of the following is NOT an example of nonverbal communication? a. Touching *b. Space between speakers c. Nodding d. Smiling
Chapter 15 1. ch15-001 Leadership has a clear, consistent, and widely accepted definition. a. True *b. False 2. ch15-002 The great man perspective is related to the trait theory of leadership. *a. True b. False 3. ch15-003 Leadership and management are frequently seen as complementary but require different competencies. *a. True b. False 4. ch15-004 Contingency theory suggests that the best leadership style depends on the situation and context. *a. True b. False 5. ch15-005 Fiedler’s contingency theory suggests that autocratic decisions and directive styles by which leaders tell followers what to do are more likely to work when the leaders know exactly what to tell the subordinates. *a. True b. False 6. ch15-006 According to the path–goal theory of leadership, leaders should not create and share organizational visions.
a. True *b. False 7. ch15-007 Transforming leaders empower individuals and organizations to embrace the mission and vision. *a. True b. False 8. ch15-008 A transformational leader is more than just inspirational, as the leader can play the roles of teacher, mentor, coach, reformer, and revolutionary. *a. True b. False 9. ch15-009 Servant leadership is an extension of trait leadership theory. a. True *b. False 10. ch15-010 The behavior theory of leadership was initiated as a result of the Korean War and the need to train leaders for it. a. True *b. False 11. ch15-011 The managerial grid arrays leaders according to their level of concern for people and production. *a. True b. False
12. ch15-012 Transformational leadership differs from transactional leadership in that transformational leaders and followers raise one another to higher levels of motivation and morality. *a. True b. False 13. ch15-013 Expert leaders are those who, by force of their personal abilities, are capable of having profound and extraordinary effects on followers. a. True *b. False 14. ch15-014 Individualized consideration is demonstrated when a transformational leader pays special attention to each follower’s needs for achievement and growth and acts as a coach or mentor. *a. True b. False 15. ch15-015 Which of the following is the earliest leadership theory discussed in the book? a. Transactional b. Transformational c. Situational *d. Trait 16. ch15-016 Ultimately, most researchers felt that traits had what kind of effect on leadership? *a. Weak b. Moderate c. Strong d. Foundational
17. ch15-017 Someone with a strong concern for people but a low concern for production would be classified as what type of leader? a. Team leader *b. Country club c. Authoritarian d. Impoverished 18. ch15-018 Which popular leadership author significantly contributed to promoting contingency leadership? a. House b. Mintzberg *c. Blanchard d. Burns 19. ch15-019 The transactional theory of leadership examines *a. the influence and behaviors of those being led b. the contingencies of management c. the traits and competencies of superior leaders d. the duties and roles of leaders 20. ch15-020 Which of the following is NOT a leader’s behavior listed under the path–goal theory? a. Work facilitation b. Interaction facilitation c. Values based *d. Incumbent analysis 21. ch15-021 Generally, what is the central and unique theme to transformational leadership? *a. The creation of a vision b. The creation of a mission statement c. The concept of continual learning
d. The qualities engendered in employees 22. ch15-022 Which of the following is NOT a component of transformational leadership? a. Individualized consideration *b. Managerial competencies c. Intellectual consideration d. Inspirational motivation 23. ch15-023 Which of the following is NOT one of the competencies for leaders in the American College of Healthcare Executives assessment tool? *a. Financial performance b. Business skills and knowledge c. Leadership d. Communication and relationship management
Chapter 16 1. ch16-001 Power and influence are basically the same. a. True *b. False 2. ch16-002 Leaders, to be effective, must have power of some sort. *a. True b. False 3. ch16-003 A person may hold a position of formal authority but still have little or no power. *a. True b. False 4. ch16-004 Reward power drives results more quickly than coercive power. a. True *b. False 5. ch16-005 Rational persuasion involves emotional requests to arouse enthusiasm by appealing to values and ideals. a. True *b. False 6. ch16-006 Having a higher-level title is one way to influence people through authority. *a. True b. False
7. ch16-007 Negative organizational politics are more likely to occur during significant organizational change. *a. True b. False 8. ch16-008 Unwelcome sexual conduct—particularly when submission to such conduct is made a term or condition of employment—is sexual harassment. *a. True b. False 9. ch16-009 Power is the capacity to influence others. *a. True b. False 10. ch16-010 Formal authority conveys the right to influence someone. *a. True b. False 11. ch16-011 Scolding someone in public is an example of concrete power. a. True *b. False 12. ch16-012 The range of tasks I am willing to perform in my job without questioning is called the zone of indifference. *a. True b. False
13. ch16-013 If I show employees a list of people who have already contributed to a fund that I am promoting, I am exercising a social validation influence strategy. *a. True b. False 14. ch16-014 Influence
a. fades rapidly in most organizational structures *b. occurs when power is exercised c. is a capacity to influence someone d. must be gained by skill and knowledge 15. ch16-015 Formal authority can be derived from which of the following? *a. Coercive power b. Derivative power c. Referent power d. Heuristic power 16. ch16-016 Which source of power comes from being trusted and respected? *a. Referent power b. Formal power c. Coercive power d. Reward power 17. ch16-017 A zone of indifference will be larger if a. trust is low *b. trust is high c. a leader has long tenure d. a leader has short tenure
18. ch16-018 Which of the following is NOT one of the positive influence tactics discussed in the book? a. Personal appeal b. Exchange c. Rational persuasion *d. Ingratiation 19. ch16-019 Organizational politics is
a. based on merit b. based on luck *c. mostly seen as negative d. seeking others’ benefit 20. ch16-020 Which of the following is NOT a key organizational factor contributing to organizational politics? a. Role ambiguity b. Promotions *c. Prevention mode d. Scarcity of resources 21. ch16-021 Which of the following might be considered sexual harassment? a. Sexually degrading words to describe an individual b. Displaying sexually suggestive objects in a workplace c. Touching, physical advances, or propositions *d. All of the above
Chapter 17 1. ch17-001 Conflict arises when two or more parties have opposing views, positions, needs, or interests that are perceived to be incompatible. *a. True b. False 2. ch17-002 Conflict can encourage innovation and organizational decision-making. *a. True b. False 3. ch17-003 Conflict in healthcare has led to patient safety errors. *a. True b. False 4. ch17-004 Competition among groups is almost always dysfunctional. a. True *b. False 5. ch17-005 Interpersonal conflict arises when a person has a selfconflict. a. True *b. False 6. ch17-006 Healthcare information and outcomes can be interpreted in different ways by different people through the lens of their own knowledge, expectations, values, and experiences. This complexity can lead to conflict.
*a. True b. False 7. ch17-007 People who make a habit of avoiding conflict over the long run will fail. *a. True b. False 8. ch17-008 Conflict has been defined as a competitive or opposing action of incompatibles. *a. True b. False 9. ch17-009 Relationship conflict involves disagreements over how a job gets done. a. True *b. False 10. ch17-010 Task organizational conflict typically centers on company policies, hiring decisions, benefits, organizational culture, organizational leadership, and power. a. True *b. False 11. ch17-011 Escalating conflicts often produce polarization, in which people—even those who may have initially been neutral—are driven to take sides and accept more extreme positions. *a. True b. False
12. ch17-012 Purely competitive contests result in zero-sum games where one party wins at the expense of the loser. *a. True b. False 13. ch17-013 A lot of conflict stems from two causes: poor communication and the inability to control one’s emotions. *a. True b. False 14. ch17-014 Conflict management has been referred to as “the process of negotiating differences.” *a. True b. False 15. ch17-015 In negotiation, hearsays are the expressed desires or presented proposals, whereas positions consist of a party’s real needs, desires, fears, and goals. a. True *b. False 16. ch17-016 Which of the following statements about conflict is NOT true? a. It reflects past interactions. *b. It is always negative. c. It involves actions to meet one party’s interests. d. It involves perceptions that only one party’s interests can be met. 17. ch17-017 Which of the following is NOT a result of poorly managed conflict?
a. Damaged relationships b. Decreased job performance *c. Less resistance to change d. Job burnout 18. ch17-018 Which of the following is NOT one of the four types of work-related conflict? a. Relationship conflict *b. Competitive conflict c. Process conflict d. Task conflict 19. ch17-019 Conflict occurs in hospitals as a result of which of the following? a. Respect for physicians b. Empathy *c. Life-and-death decisions d. Little work interdependence 20. ch17-020 Communication breaks down and conflict arises when people inappropriately interject their . *a. uncontrolled emotions b. preferred work processes c. feedback d. encoding of language 21. ch17-021 Which of the following is an example of the BATNA (best alternative to a negotiated agreement)? a. Having a list of potential real estate properties *b. Having a job offer while interviewing for work c. Understanding your sunk costs d. Seeking an optimal solution to a problem
Chapter 18 1. ch18-001 Generally, one organizational structure is optimal or inherently superior to others across all types of organization. a. True *b. False 2. ch18-002 For-profit organizations exist to provide goods and services to financially benefit their owners, and they pay taxes. *a. True b. False 3. ch18-003 Not-for-profit organizations do not make profits. a. True *b. False 4. ch18-004 Organizational structure normally refers to the alignment of structural elements, such as roles and processes for formal reporting relationships, with the organization’s mission and goals. a. True *b. False 5. ch18-005 It is almost always best to have a small span of control in a company. a. True *b. False 6. ch18-006 Flattened structures with large spans of control may
increase the centralization of decision-making, diminish the desired autonomy, and decrease communication. *a. True b. False 7. ch18-007 No matter the organizational structure, tensions will always exist between the forces of integration (centralization) and differentiation (decentralization). *a. True b. False 9. ch18-009 A matrix organization can more easily standardize processes and products. a. True *b. False 10. ch18-010 Matrix structures tend to work best in companies that develop innovative, project-based products. *a. True b. False 11. ch18-011 A corporation consists of a legal structure that allows a group of people to act as a single entity and provides limited liability to its owners. *a. True b. False 11. ch18-011 A corporation consists of a legal structure that allows a group of people to act as a single entity and provides limited liability to its owners. *a. True
b. False 13. ch18-013 A chain of command forms the formal reporting structure and delineates the direction for formal company communication and decision-making. *a. True b. False 14. ch18-014 Flatter structures have been found to be more appropriate when the environment is slowly changing and requires consistent innovation. a. True *b. False 15. ch18-015 Most hospitals have traditionally been structured as matrix organizations. a. True *b. False 16. ch18-016 What percentage of the 70 largest for-profit companies in the United States are healthcare corporations? a. 10 percent *b. 16 percent c. 24 percent d. 32 percent 17. ch18-017 Which of the following is NOT one of the three structural levels that organizations can be subdivided into? a. Functional unit level *b. Hierarchical level c. Corporate level d. Business unit level
18. ch18-018 Approximately what percentage of nursing homes in the United States are for-profit? a. 29 percent b. 49 percent *c. 69 percent d. 89 percent 19. ch18-019 Which of the following would NOT be included in organizational design? a. What to make internally *b. Arranging tasks c. Instituting and enforcing policies d. Acquiring or developing technology 20. ch18-020 Which of the following was an American who contributed greatly to the concept of division of labor and today’s business structures? *a. Frederick W. Taylor b. Henri Fayol c. William Maslow d. John Kimberly 21. ch18-021 Which of the following is a problem with the division of labor? a. More expertise *b. Greater coordination needs c. Economies of scope d. Marginally trained personnel 22. ch18-022 Effective size of a span of control depends on which of the following? a. Company technology *b. Employees’ skills and competencies
c. The size of an organization d. Organizational culture 23. ch18-023 Mechanistic organizations have all except which of the following characteristics? a. Specialized jobs b. Narrow span of control *c. Decentralized decision-making d. Information concentrated at the top 25. ch18-025 Matrix structures involve which of the following? a. Flat span of control *b. Both functional and product/service management c. Transfer pricing d. Specialization of tasks
Chapter 19 1. ch19-001 Performance management occurs almost exclusively at the department level of a firm. a. True *b. False 2. ch19-002 Performance management systems vary, and no one type of system is best suited for every organization. *a. True b. False 3. ch19-003 Gantt charts can rapidly show the status of projects, critical dependencies, and key beginning and ending points. *a. True b. False 4. ch19-004 Balanced scorecards were invented to help manage multiple concurrent projects. a. True *b. False 5. ch19-005 Research has shown that most workers are satisfied with performance management. a. True *b. False 6. ch19-006 Individual performance management systems often become ineffective when they focus both on allocating rewards and identifying developmental needs.
*a. True b. False 7. ch19-007 Advocates of forced distribution claim that it helps to resolve rater inflation and to differentiate and accurately reward performance. *a. True b. False 8. ch19-008 360-degree feedback is best used for development and not as a rating tool. *a. True b. False 9. ch19-009 Performance management is a process of establishing performance standards and evaluating performance to ensure that goals are being effectively accomplished. *a. True b. False 10. ch19-010 Critical metrics used in performance management that are directly tied to strategic organizational goals are called successful performance indicators. a. True *b. False 11. ch19-011 A Gantt chart is a bar chart that shows the schedule of a single project or of multiple projects. *a. True b. False
12. ch19-012 Numerical rating systems often encourage employees and managers to focus on performance outcomes and their resultant rewards. *a. True b. False 13. ch19-013 For maximum effectiveness, annual performance appraisals should be the singular feedback event to guide an employee’s job performance. a. True *b. False 14. ch19-014 Competency models appraise individuals based on the skills, knowledge, and characteristics that are important for attaining positive job outcomes. *a. True b. False 15. ch19-015 Performance management can be used to support all except which of the following? a. Pay and promotion decisions b. Employee development c. Profitability *d. Site location 16. ch19-016 Key performance indicators should be
*a. set for every key objective b. limited to only top corporate objectives c. made to expire after a set time limit d. created prior to strategic objectives
17. ch19-017 Which of the following is NOT one of the traditional areas monitored in a balanced scorecard? a. Internal business processes b. Learning and growth *c. Quality improvement d. Financial measures 18. ch19-018 Individual performance management systems often fail because . *a. they are considered threatening to both managers and employees b. they are poorly developed tools c. they have inadequate processes d. of informal pressures 19. ch19-019 What is another name for stacked ranking systems? a. Employee self-classification *b. Forced ranking c. Stepped ranking d. Competitive reward system 20. ch19-020 If numerical rating scales are used, they generally should be in what range? a. 1–3 *b. 1–5 c. 1–10 d. 1–100 21. ch19-021 A 360-degree feedback appraisal system is often not used because . *a. it is too time consuming b. results are subject to opinion c. employees do not accept the feedback d. the rating system often breaks down
22. ch19-022 Which of the following is an advantage of competency-based appraisal systems? a. They provide constant, clear criteria for the organization. *b. They help establish consistency and fairness. c. They set clear corporate goals. d. They are based on the positions needed for corporate productivity.
Chapter 20 1. ch20-001 Mentoring and coaching are really the same thing. a. True *b. False 2. ch20-002 Coaching tends to focus mostly on the transfer or improvement of definite skills over a short period. *a. True b. False 3. ch20-003 A coach’s focus is to provide solutions or address business problems for the person being coached. a. True *b. False 4. ch20-004 Mentoring assists in socializing new or junior members in an organization. *a. True b. False 5. ch20-005 Lack of faith and trust in subordinates’ motivation and abilities is a common reason given for not delegating. *a. True b. False 6. ch20-006 Ultimately, responsibility always resides with the subordinate. a. True *b. False
7. ch20-007 Micromanaging is the worst form of gofer delegation. *a. True b. False 8. ch20-008 Mentoring involves long-term employee growth and nurturing to improve leadership capabilities. *a. True b. False 9. ch20-009 Effective coaching and mentoring become a natural complement to training and leadership development programs. *a. True b. False 10. ch20-010 Delegation involves “the act of empowering to act for another.” *a. True b. False 11. ch20-011 The four key concepts of delegation are responsibility, authority, accountability, and trust. *a. True b. False 12. ch20-012 Trust is rarely the foundation of delegation. a. True *b. False
13. ch20-013 Gofer delegation involves a lot of direct, one-on-one supervision and a small span of control. *a. True b. False 14. ch20-014 Coaching and mentoring primarily differ in what area? *a. Temporal dimensions b. The number of people worked with c. The skills passed on d. The requirements of each 15. ch20-015 The CEO position in healthcare experiences turnover of percent. a. 2–5 b. 7–11 *c. 14–20 d. 22–27 16. ch20-016 Delegation includes all except which of the following? *a. Attitude b. Responsibility c. Trust d. Accountability 17. ch20-017 Which of the following is included in the ground rules for effective mentoring? a. Number of meetings b. Length of meetings *c. How to communicate outside scheduled meetings d. Overall commitment to mentoring
18. ch20-018 Which of the following is NOT a reason people often give for not delegating? a. I do not want to lose control. b. I have no confidence or trust in my subordinates. c. I will not get credit. *d. My job is temporary. 19. ch20-019 Good delegators focus on
a. low-risk activities *b. high-leverage activities c. personalities d. recognition 20. ch20-020 The highest level of delegation is a. gofer delegation *b. stewardship delegation c. action plan delegation d. assess and report delegation
Chapter 21 1. ch21-001 The values and mission of a company should express the foundation of its culture. *a. True b. False 2. ch21-002 A mission, linked with organizational ethics and moral codes, forms the core of culture and drives the norms for which actions are accepted and not accepted. a. True *b. False 3. ch21-003 Organizational values may be supported or damaged by the stories that exist in an organization. *a. True b. False 4. ch21-004 Symbols acquire meaning in organizations through their repeated connection to values. *a. True b. False 5. ch21-005 Groups with high uncertainty avoidance tend to have flexible codes of conduct and exhibit tolerance to unorthodox behaviors and ideas. a. True *b. False 6. ch21-006 Temporal orientation relates to how long a culture is
willing to defer satisfaction and focus on short-term rather than long-term outcomes. *a. True b. False 7. ch21-007 Changing employee behaviors is a critical step in beginning to change a culture. *a. True b. False 8. ch21-008 Organizational culture develops and is maintained through symbols, heroes, rituals, and values. *a. True b. False 9. ch21-009 An organization’s values should not direct the goals to be pursued and the appropriate standards for processes to achieve those goals. a. True *b. False 10. ch21-010 Symbols are images, actions, objects, and events that express or represent an idea or quality. *a. True b. False 11. ch21-011 Greater equality in a culture would suggest that the power distance is high. a. True *b. False
12. ch21-012 Cultural change can last years, but the formation and maintenance of a culture is a singular event. a. True *b. False 13. ch21-013 Ultimately, organizational leaders should recognize and lead cultural change. *a. True b. False 14. ch21-014 Leaders must be fully engaged and lead cultural change by directives. a. True *b. False 15. ch21-015 Culture can be summed up as “
*a. the way we do things around here b. the way employees act and behave c. the style of leadership and leaders’ behavior d. the relationships, both formal and informal, in an organization 15. ch21-015 Culture can be summed up as “
*a. the way we do things around here b. the way employees act and behave c. the style of leadership and leaders’ behavior d. the relationships, both formal and informal, in an organization 17. ch21-017 Storytelling in an organization
a. has little effect on culture *b. may positively or negatively affect culture c. develops only from formal activities d. may determine succession planning 18. ch21-018 Which of the following is NOT true about symbols in organizations? a. They acquire meaning through their repeated connection to values. b. They inform people about an organization’s values and culture. c. They may be expressed through clothing and pictures. *d. They are used in only about half of US organizations. 19. ch21-019 Which of the following is NOT a way that cultures vary? a. Power distance b. Uncertainty avoidance *c. Personality density d. Individualism versus collectivism 20. ch21-020 Cultures adapt and realign to their
a. staff members *b. environments c. leaders d. politics 21. ch21-021 Which of the following is a way that leaders can help change a culture? a. React to events with consistent, value-laden actions b. Allocate resources to promote change c. Terminate difficult, nonadaptive employees *d. All of the above
Chapter 22 1. ch22-001 Human resource management is a system that recruits, hires, trains, and monitors the work team. *a. True b. False 2. ch22-002 A useful job analysis differentiates between jobs based on culture. a. True *b. False 3. ch22-003 Performance simulation puts employees in realistic job experiences. *a. True b. False 4. ch22-004 Written tests are the most common resource used to select an employee. a. True *b. False 5. ch22-005 Personality tests are the most accurate method of finding the best employees. a. True *b. False 6. ch22-006 Having an attractive face is an advantage in getting a job interview. *a. True
b. False 7. ch22-007 Formal programs designed to help employees develop into advanced positions are part of a career ladder. *a. True b. False 8. ch22-008 Simulation is an important tool used to teach ethics. *a. True b. False 9. ch22-009 Denying a request for time off can be an example of workplace bullying. *a. True b. False 10. ch22-010 All forms of sexual harassment in the United States are illegal. *a. True b. False 11. ch22-011 The human resources department takes the lead in all aspects of the workforce. a. True *b. False 12. ch22-012 Which of the following is NOT a function of human resource management? a. Staffing b. Training
*c. Mentoring d. Monitoring 13. ch22-013 Which of the following is included in a useful job analysis? *a. Working conditions b. Membership in informal teams c. Work schedule d. Turnover rates 14. ch22-014 Asking a nurse applicant to demonstrate on a manikin how to change a wound dressing is an example of a . a. personality test *b. performance simulation c. BARS d. training seminar 15. ch22-015 Determining an applicant’s openness, extraversion, and agreeableness are part of a . *a. personality test b. performance simulation c. BARS d. training seminar 16. ch22-016 Asking an applicant in an interview to consider a scenario and how they would respond is an example of a . a. personality test b. performance simulation *c. BARS d. training seminar 17. ch22-017 What is one of the best methods of reducing bias in a job interview?
a. Hold no interview—hire based solely on the candidate’s application. b. Hold a telephone interview. c. Pick the one best interviewer who shows no bias. *d. Have multiple interviewers and structured interviews. 18. ch22-018 Which is NOT one of the five competency domains of the American College of Healthcare Executives? a. leadership b. knowledge of the healthcare environment c. professionalism *d. years in healthcare leadership 19. ch22-019 Which of the following is NOT considered workplace bullying? *a. All criticism b. Practical jokes c. Humiliation d. Verbal abuse 20. ch22-020 Sexual harassment includes which of the following? a. Dating a coworker b. Touching a coworker or patient *c. Unwelcome advances by a female employee on another female employee d. Talking about last night’s date 21. ch22-021 Why do most employees remain silent about unwanted treatment at work? *a. They do not have a good relationship with their boss. b. The problem is never solved. c. Courts do not back them. d. Most are fired when they do.
Chapter 23 1. ch23-001 An organization’s purpose is often expressed through the construction of mission, vision, and values statements. *a. True b. False 2. ch23-002 A mission primarily signals how people in an organization should behave and act; it tells employees what conduct is acceptable. a. True *b. False 3. ch23-003 Values define the ethics that guide decisions, actions, and processes. *a. True b. False 4. ch23-004 Mission statements should be long enough to contain the necessary components but short enough to be remembered. *a. True b. False 5. ch23-005 Only about one-fifth of US workers feel involved in and enthusiastic about their work. a. True *b. False 6. ch23-006 Employee engagement is critical for positive patient experiences and hospital performance.
*a. True b. False 7. ch23-007 Resistance is a common obstacle to change efforts. *a. True b. False 8. ch23-008 An organization’s mission, vision, and values should be considered statements of commitment, and they should define how the organization’s success is measured. *a. True b. False 9. ch23-009 A values statement depicts an organization’s desired future state. a. True *b. False 10. ch23-010 A gap analysis involves comparing an organization’s current performance and its status according to an environmental analysis (both internal and external) with the organization’s values, mission, and vision. *a. True b. False 11. ch23-011 A display of resistance suggests that employees are disloyal, even if it is a natural expression and response to change. a. True *b. False
12. ch23-012 The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality promotes a change model called the Comprehensive Unit-based Safety Program. It is based on Kotter’s eight-step model of change. *a. True b. False 13. ch23-013 Maintaining open communication, though often uncomfortable when resistance is discussed, allows concerns to be dealt with and the change to be better implemented. *a. True b. False 14. ch23-014 An organization’s mission should reflect which of the following? a. The community’s culture b. A leader’s preferences *c. The organization’s values, ideals, and purpose d. The organization’s preferred future 15. ch23-015 Values statements signal employees how to
a. do their job b. avoid conflict *c. behave d. advance their employment 16. ch23-016 Which of the following is NOT part of the Mayo Clinic’s values statement? a. Integrity b. Teamwork *c. Research d. Healing
17. ch23-017 Change in healthcare now includes new integrative structures such as . a. pharmacy and insurance groups *b. medical homes and accountable care organizations c. nursing homes and assisted care d. emergency physicians and medical groups 18. ch23-018 Which of the following is NOT part of Kotter’s change model? a. Generate short-term wins b. Communicate the vision c. Anchor new approaches *d. Implement teamwork 19. ch23-019 Which of the following is NOT one of the three types of change? a. Technology b. Structure c. People *d. Culture 20. ch23-020 Today’s healthcare organizations tend to reinvent their . *a. services and processes b. patient groups c. retirement packages d. stakeholders 21. ch23-021 According to the textbook, leaders manage simultaneously. a. price, cost *b. continuity, change c. employees, trustees d. expectations, outcomes