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MSC: Client Needs: Physiological Integrity a. Very young registered nurse b. Older, mature registered nurse c. Newly licensed registered nurse d. A registered nurse who is very thin

19. A psychoeducational session will discuss medication management for a culturally diverse group of patients. Group participants are predominantly members of minority cultures. Of the four staff nurses below, which nurse should lead this group?


Persons of minority cultures value age and wisdom. Persons with a Western worldview tend to value youth. An older, mature registered nurse would be the most credible leader of this group. The nurse’s size has no bearing on credibility.

PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Apply (Application)

REF: Page 5-33 (Table 5-4) TOP: Nursing Process: Planning

MSC: Client Needs: Psychosocial Integrity a. 65-year-old female professional interpreter b. 24-year-old male professional interpreter c. A member of the patient’s family d. The patient’s best friend

20. A nurse wants to engage an interpreter for a severely anxious 21-year-old male who immigrated to the United States 2 years ago. Of the four interpreters below who are available and fluent in the patient’s language, which one should the nurse call?


A professional interpreter will be most effective because he/she will be able to interpret both language and culture. When an interpreter is engaged, the interpreter should be matched to the patient as closely as possible in gender, age, social status, and religion. Interpreters should not be relatives or friends of the patient. The stigma of mental illness may prevent the openness needed during the encounter.

PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Analyze (Analysis)

REF: Pages 5-8, 33 (Table 5-4)

MSC: Client Needs: Psychosocial Integrity

TOP: Nursing Process: Planning a. Fateful, magical b. Eastern, holistic c. Western, biomedical d. Harmonious, religious

21. A patient who has been hospitalized for 3 days with a serious mental illness says, “I’ve got to get out of here and back to my job. I get 60 to 80 messages a day, and I’m getting behind on my email correspondence.” What is this patient’s perspective about health and illness?


The Western biomedical perspective holds the belief that sick people should be as independent and self-reliant as possible. Self-care is encouraged; one gets better by “getting up and getting going.” An ability to function at a high level is valued. See relationship to audience response question.

PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Understand (Comprehension)

REF: Page 5-35 (Table 5-5)

MSC: Client Needs: Psychosocial Integrity

TOP: Nursing Process: Assessment a. Assess the patient for extrapyramidal symptoms. b. Sit beside the patient and rock in sync. c. Offer to pray with the patient. d. Assess the patient for pain.

22. A white patient of German descent rocks back and forth, grimaces, and rubs both temples. What is the nurse’s best action?


This patient of German descent would hold a Western worldview and be stoic about pain. This patient will keep pain as silent as possible and be reluctant to disclose pain unless the nurse actively assesses for it. The patient’s nonverbal communication suggests pain rather than EPS (extrapyramidal symptoms). The patient would probably not respond positively to prayer or the nurse’s rocking behavior.

PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Apply (Application)

REF: Page 5-35 (Table 5-5) TOP: Nursing Process: Assessment

MSC: Client Needs: Physiological Integrity a. Iced tea b. Ice cream c. Warm broth d. Gelatin dessert

23. A Vietnamese patient’s family reports that the patient has wind illness. Which menu selection will be most helpful for this patient?


Wind illness is a culture-bound syndrome found in the Chinese and Vietnamese population. It is characterized by a fear of cold, wind, or drafts. It is treated by keeping very warm and avoiding foods, drinks, and herbs that are cold. Warm broth would be most in sync with the patient’s culture and provide the most comfort. The distracters are cold foods.

PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Analyze (Analysis)

REF: Page 5-38 (Box 5-2)

MSC: Client Needs: Psychosocial Integrity

TOP: Nursing Process: Implementation a. Move the picture so it is beside a window. b. Send the picture to the business office safe. c. Leave the picture where the patient placed it. d. Send the picture home with the patient’s family.

24. A Mexican American patient puts a picture of the Virgin Mary on the bedside table. What is the nurse’s best action?


Cultural heritage is expressed through language, works of art, music, dance, customs, traditions, diet, and expressions of spirituality. This patient’s prominent placement of the picture is an example of expression of cultural heritage and spirituality. The nurse should not move it unless the patient’s safety is jeopardized.

PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Apply (Application)

REF: Pages 5-3, 16, 19

TOP: Nursing Process: Implementation

MSC: Client Needs: Psychosocial Integrity

25. A nurse begins work in an agency that provides care to members of a minority ethnic population. The nurse will be better able to demonstrate cultural competence after a. identifying culture-bound issues. b. implementing scientifically proven interventions. c. correcting inferior health practices of the population. d. exploring commonly held beliefs and values of the population.


Cultural competence is dependent on understanding the beliefs and values of members of a different culture. A nurse who works with an individual or group of a culture different from his or her own must be open to learning about the culture. The other options have little to do with cultural competence or represent only a portion of the answer.

PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Apply (Application)

REF: Pages 5-15, 16

MSC: Client Needs: Psychosocial Integrity

TOP: Nursing Process: Assessment a. Knowledge is acquired through use of affective or feeling senses. b. Science is the foundation of knowledge and proves something exists. c. Knowledge develops by striving for transcendence of the mind and body. d. Knowledge evolves from an individual’s relationship with a supreme being.

26. A nurse cares for a first-generation American whose family emigrated from Germany. Which worldview about the source of knowledge would this patient likely have?


The European-American perspective of acquiring knowledge evolves from science. The distracters describe the beliefs of other cultural groups. See relationship to audience response question.

PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Understand (Comprehension)

REF: Page 5-35 (Table 5-5)

MSC: Client Needs: Psychosocial Integrity

TOP: Nursing Process: Assessment a. Patients of different cultural groups may metabolize medications at different rates. b. Metabolism of psychotropic medication is consistent among various cultural groups. c. Differences in hepatic enzymes will influence the rate of elimination of psychotropic medications. d. It is important to provide patients with oral and written literature about their psychotropic medications.

27. The nurse administers medications to a culturally diverse group of patients on a psychiatric unit. What expectation should the nurse have about pharmacokinetics?

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