Chapter 1 1. Marketing as we perceive it today
a. has been around for centuries b. did not emerge until the last decade of the twentieth century
*c. is a particularly American concept d. was spawned by the industrial economy 2. Prior to the emergence of modern marketing in the last half of the
twentieth century, “marketing” activities can best be described as . a. advertising
*b. sales c. networking d. none of the above
3. The development of modern concepts of both healthcare and marketingwere given
impetus by the changing second half of the twentieth century.
in American society in the
*a. values b. economy c. political system d. defined benefits
4. “Sales” differ from modern concepts of marketing in that sales
. a. involve interaction between a buyer and seller b. attempt to increase the volume of business
*c. focus on transactions with existing customers d. use trade shows to promote products
5. Which of the following did not contribute to the emergence ofmarketing
after World War II? a. Pent-up demand for goods and services b. Expansion of the variety of products available c. Increased discretionary income
*d. A shrinking middle class
6. Prior to the emergence of healthcare marketing as a separatefunction,
virtually all healthcare organizations used a. advertising b. telemarketing
*c. public relations
d. social marketing 7. Hospitals that believed “if you build it they will come” were most
closely associated with which phase? *a. Production phase b. Sales phase c. Marketing phase d. None of the above
8. For healthcare, the 1960s and 1970s were periods of
a. restructuring
*b. rapid expansion c. declining patient volumes d. distrust of physicians
9. By the 1980s, healthcare was becoming a(n)
*a. buyer’s
b. seller’s c. producer’s d. advertiser’s
10. One of the major developments in healthcare that made marketingessential
was . a. monopolistic tendencies b. fragmentation of services
*c. introduction of competition d. limits in the number of healthcare options
11. When the financial crunch hit healthcare in the 1980s and 1990s,marketing
budgets were often cut because
a. marketers were not team players b. no marketing efforts had been successful c. hospital administrators wanted to do their own marketing
*d. hospital administrators were not convinced of the value ofmarketing
12. In what way is healthcare different from other industries? a. There are buyers and sellers. b. Consumers are increasingly important.
*c. Customers often do not know the price of the servicesconsumed. d. Customer satisfaction is important.
13. Which of the following is a unique characteristic of the healthcareindustry? a. There are buyers and sellers. b. There is heated competition.
*c. Third parties often come between the seller and the buyer. d. Services have different characteristics than goods do.
14. Organizations that provide health services differ fromorganizations
in other industries in that
*a. making a profit is not always the goal b. return on investment is important c. they are bureaucratic d. customer needs drive product development
15. What characteristic unique to the healthcare industry served as abarrier to the
development of marketing? a. Concerns over the cost of marketing b. The need to cover costs c. Poorly trained executives
*d. Ethical concerns over marketing, particularly advertising 16. The most significant development affecting healthcare since 2010has been •••••
. a. the emergence of managed care
*b. the Affordable Care Act c. the rise of consumerism d. micromarketing
Chapter 2 1. If there is one word to describe marketing activity, it is a(n)
. a. plan b. solution
*c. process d. analysis
2. In which of the following ways does healthcare not act like a normalmarket? a. It includes both buyers and sellers.
*b. Customers often do not make their own purchase decisions. c. It includes both goods and services. d. Consumer satisfaction is important.
3. Which of the following is one of the enterprisewide functions thatmarketing
performs? *a. Determining strategic direction b. Increasing sales volume c. Performing marketing research d. Educating consumers
4. Which of the following is an example of the educational function ofmarketing? a. Increasing market share b. Performing marketing research
*c. Promoting the organization’s image d. Influencing consumer decision-making
5. Compared to organizations in other industries, which of the following functions of
marketing may be less emphasized in healthcare? a. Improving customer satisfaction b. Improving the public’s perception of the organization c. Expanding the customer base
*d. Increasing the profit margin
6. Prior to the emergence of marketing as a healthcare function, whattype of
promotional activity did most hospitals perform? *a. Public relations b. Advertising c. Telemarketing d. Internet marketing
8. Which of the following promotional activities involves face-to-faceinteraction?
*a. Personal sales b. Advertising c. Direct mail d. Internet marketing
9. Which of the following promotional activities seeks to enhancerelationships
rather than generate sales? a. Direct mail b. Television advertising
*c. Customer relationship management d. Display advertising
10. Which of the following promotional activities focuses on thegeneral
population rather than specific patients? a. Target marketing b. Direct mail c. Database marketing
*d. Social marketing
11. Which of the following is not an attribute of mass marketing? a. “Shotgun” approach to the market b. One-size-fits-all approach to the market
*c. Tailored to the needs of customer segments d. More focus on the organization than its products
12. Which of the following is not an attribute of a service? a. Is intangible b. Has no resale value
*c. Can be warehoused until needed d. Usually consumed at the time of purchase
13. In healthcare, which of the following typically refers to apotential
customer for health services? *a. Consumer b. Patient c. Client d. Enrollee
14. Which of the four Ps of marketing has historically had limitedsignificance in
healthcare? a. Product
*b. Price c. Place d. Promotion
15. Developing a marketing plan represents which of the followingfunctions of
healthcare marketing? a. Enterprise function
*b. Operational function c. Educational function d. Promotional function
Chapter 3 1. One factor that encouraged the use of marketing by not-for-profithealthcare
organizations was
a. a decreasing number of patients b. competition from for-profit corporations
*c. the need to show a profit to support the mission d. decreasing government regulations
2. The factor in utilization that relates most closely to the level ofillness within a
population is
a. healthcare wants
*b. healthcare needs c. recommended standards d. consumer decision-making 3. Today, the demand for health services is considered “elastic”
*a. demand can rise and fall independent of the level of illness b. demand is highly predictable c. all doctors practice in the same manner d. people always get healthcare when they need it
4. The purchase decision for healthcare consumers is different fromthat in other
industries because
a. all providers charge the same prices b. doctors are licensed by the state in which they practice
*c. third-party intermediaries (e.g., insurance companies)influence the decision d. government programs cover most healthcare costs
5. Nursing homes have different marketing needs than hospitals dobecause
. a. they don’t need to make a profit b. patient satisfaction is not a consideration c. nursing home residents don’t care about the quality of care
*d. nursing homes need a few long-term patients rather than manyshort-term patients
6. The challenge of attracting patients is different for hospitals inthat a. hospital patients are too sick to make rational decisions b. most patients enter through the emergency department
*c. hospitals depend primarily on referrals from other providers d. hospitals depend on word-of-mouth publicity
6. The challenge of attracting patients is different for hospitals inthat
a. hospital patients are too sick to make rational decisions b. most patients enter through the emergency department
*c. hospitals depend primarily on referrals from other providers d. hospitals depend on word-of-mouth publicity
8. Which of the following organizations is least likely to providedirect patient
care? a. Community health center
*b. Public health department c. Cancer center d. Residential treatment center
9. Consumer desires for health and vitality have led to theintroduction
of . *a. cosmeceuticals b. over-the-counter drugs c. open-heart surgery d. freestanding surgery centers
10. Which of the following entities spend the largest share of theirbudget on
marketing? a. Hospitals b. Physician practices
*c. Pharmaceutical companies d. Public health departments
11. Congress passed laws to regulate healthcare marketing to physiciansbecause of
. a. rogue physicians b. for-profit companies c. misleading advertising
*d. overly aggressive pharmaceutical companies
12. The 1990s saw a major shift in pharmaceutical marketing toward
. a. cold calls on physicians b. over-the-counter drugs
*c. direct-to-consumer marketing d. display ads
13. Which of the following entities have been most affected by the
implementation of the Affordable Care Act? a. Hospitals b. Pharmaceutical companies
*c. Insurance companies d. Nursing homes
14. The federally supported health insurance program for low-incomepopulations
. *a. Medicaid b. Medicare c. Blue Cross d. Social Security
15. Which of the following types of services is most likely to beaggressively
marketed? a. Public health services
*b. Elective procedures c. Primary care d. Charity care
Chapter 4 1. Healthcare does not operate like a market in the same manner asother
industries because
a. it has buyers but no sellers b. there are a number of for-profit healthcare organizations
*c. consumers often do not know the price of the services theyconsume d. services are consumed more often than goods
2. The territory or population served by a healthcare organization isreferred to as
. a. catchment area
*b. market area c. area of dominant influence d. census tract
3. A census tract is an example of a(n)
a. political b. administrative
*c. statistical d. operational 4. The geographic area that is used as the basis for determining a
healthcare organization’s market area reflects
a. the type of care provided b. the size of the organization c. the geographic area from which patients are drawn
*d. all of the above
5. What type of organization is most likely to think of the nation asits market area? a. Regional hospital b. Public health agency c. Assisted living facility
*d. Multinational pharmaceutical company
6. Healthcare is delivered differently in different parts of thecountry because
of differences in a. technology b. physician training
*c. regional cultures d. hospital size
7. Which common geographic unit is often used for establishing marketareas even
though it is not always the most well-defined unit? *a. Zip code b. Area of dominant influence c. Census tract d. Division
8. Which of the following geographic areas relates most closely to themarketing
effort? a. Census tract
*b. Area of dominant influence c. Administrative unit d. Region
9. Because it is hard to compare one city with another as a result ofdifferences in the
way boundaries are drawn, the federal government developed
*a. metropolitan statistical areas b. census block groups c. regions d. areas of dominant influence
10. One method marketers use to better understand a market is
a. regionalization b. deduction
*c. segmentation d. specialization
11. Marketers are able to profile a market by examining its
a. consumer needs b. boundaries c. available resources
*d. market composition
12. Psychographic segmentation emphasizes the importance of a. consumer needs
*b. lifestyles c. historical consumption patterns d. employment status
13. A form of segmentation unique to healthcare is
a. geographic segmentation b. age segmentation
*c. payer segmentation d. demographic segmentation
14. An approach to marketing in which promotions are customized to theneeds of
market segments is
*a. target marketing b. mass marketing c. micromarketing d. none of the above
15. After all mitigating factors are eliminated, the consumers that areleft to cultivate
comprise the a. mass market
*b. effective market c. area of dominant influence d. customer base
Chapter 5 1. In healthcare, a “consumer” is
a. an established customer b. someone with health insurance
*c. anyone with the potential to use health services d. a former patient
2. Healthcare consumption decisions often include a(n)
component typically absent from other consumption decisions. a. psychological
*b. emotional c. financial d. rational
3. One way healthcare consumers are different from other consumers isthat a. they do not care about quality b. they search online for available services c. they often go into debt to pay for purchases
*d. they may not be the ones making purchase decisions
4. In healthcare, unlike other industries, the amount of servicesconsumed is
likely to be influenced by
a. the level of need b. consumer preferences
*c. insurance coverage d. consumer literacy
5. In healthcare, unlike other industries, consumption decisionsusually are not
influenced by
a. consumer needs b. service locations c. perceived quality of service
*d. price
6. Individuals receiving health services from nonphysician providersare often
referred to as a. patients b. enrollees
*c. clients d. purchasers
7. Because group insurance plans are common, influence
_ have a major
on the consumption of health services. a. customers b. insurance brokers c. employment agencies
*d. employers
8. Which of the following has not been a factor in the growth ofinternational
medicine? a. Globalization of all industries b. Overcapacity in US healthcare institutions
*c. Shrinking middle classes overseas d. Training of foreign nationals at US institutions
9. Which of the following has led US healthcare providers to adapttheir
programs to the needs of various ethnic groups? *a. Continued high rates of immigration into the United States b. A surplus of medical practitioners c. Government policies limiting immigration d. Foreign-born doctors practicing in the United States
10. Which of the following gives US institutions an advantage whenseeking to
establish health facilities overseas? a. The excellent reputation of American medicine b. The technology that US institutions can provide c. Local practitioners trained in the United States
*d. All of the above
11. A form of segmentation unique to healthcare is
a. geographic segmentation b. age segmentation
*c. payer segmentation d. demographic segmentation
12. According to Assael and Rogers, the segment of the population thatis slowest to
adopt an innovative service is called a. late adopters b. senior citizens
*c. laggards
d. early majority
13. The higher up consumers are within the hierarchy of healthcareneeds, the
more likely they will demand
*a. elective services b. emergency care c. primary care d. public health
14. Healthcare consumers are different from other consumers in thattheir purchase
decisions may be mediated by
a. family members
*b. gatekeepers c. public health officials d. marketers
15. Which of the following steps in the decision-making process isunique to
healthcare? a. Information search b. Alternative evaluation
*c. Contract assessment d. Buyer’s remorse
16. In the stages-of-change model of consumer decision-making, at whichpoint is the
marketer likely to have the greatest opportunity to influence the process? a. Precontemplation b. Preparation
*c. Action d. Maintenance
Chapter 6 1. Which of the following can be considered a product? a. A good b. A service c. An idea
*d. All of the above 2. Goods differ from services in that services are considered to be
. a. more useful
*b. less tangible c. more marketable d. less desirable
3. Common products purchased for personal health, such as toothpaste,Band-Aids,
and iodine, are
a. industrial goods b. specialty goods c. big-ticket items
*d. convenience goods
4. An annual physical is an example of
a. specialty care b. emergency care
*c. primary care d. uncompensated care
5. In healthcare, service lines were developed to
a. diversify services
*b. coordinate services across a number of departments c. improve insurance coverage d. placate physicians
6. The performance of complicated procedures, such as organ
transplants, typically requires a. primary care services b. secondary care services c. tertiary care services
*d. quaternary care services
7. For a hospital visit to count as an admission, the visit must
. a. involve a serious condition b. be covered by insurance
*c. require an overnight stay d. be approved by hospital administration 8. Elective procedures are more likely to be aggressively marketed
*a. they represent discretionary purchases b. they are more expensive c. doctors are not involved d. patients are not as sick
9. At which stage in the product life cycle is the educational functionof marketing most
important? *a. Introductory b. Growth c. Maturity d. Decline
10. At which stage in the product life cycle is the competition forcustomers most
intense? a. Introductory b. Growth c. Maturity
*d. Decline 11. Retail medicine has emerged in healthcare partly because of
. a. new technology b. an older population
*c. lack of access to physicians d. expanded insurance coverage
12. To control costs, Medicare developed
reimbursing hospitals for services provided. *a. diagnosis-related groups b. ambulatory care guidelines c. the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual d. physician fee schedules
as the basis for
13. Which of the following is an example of alternative therapy? a. Podiatry
*b. Acupuncture c. Dentistry d. Infusion therapy
14. Which of the following influences the demand for health services? a. Healthcare needs b. Healthcare wants c. Recommended standards of care
*d. All of the above
Chapter 7 1. Which predictor of health services utilization is linked mostclosely with
biological pathology? a. Preferences b. Recommended standards c. Wants
*d. Needs
2. The demand for healthcare is considered to be elastic primarilybecause of
. a. consumer attitudes
*b. wants c. needs d. recommended standards
3. Why does actual utilization not necessarily reflect the true needwithin a
population? a. Doctors don’t agree on diagnoses. b. Many services are elective. c. Prescription drugs are prohibitively expensive.
*d. Some people who need services do not obtain them.
4. Which of the following is an example of an emotion that affectshealthcare
decisions but not decisions related to other purchases? a. Vanity b. Happiness
*c. Fear d. Sadness 5. In the US healthcare system, women are thought to be responsible for
percent of the decisions related to the use of services. a. 20 b. 40 c. 60
*d. 80 6. A noteworthy characteristic of the US healthcare system is that
. a. the sickest people receive more care than they should
*b. well people are more likely to obtain health services thansick people are
c. physicians set up practices where the greatest numbers of sickpeople are located d. sick people obtain healthcare whether or not they have healthinsurance
7. Which of the following is the best predictor of the use of healthservices? a. Household size b. Consumer preferences
*c. Insurance coverage d. Religious affiliation
8. Which of the following is a structural factor that may encourage ordiscourage the
use of health services? *a. Availability of services b. Physician training levels c. Median age of the population d. Consumer attitudes
9. On which of the following factors has the Affordable Care Act hadthe most
influence? *a. Insurance coverage b. Doctor training c. Number of hospitals d. Medical research
11. Why must straight-line projections of service utilization be usedwith caution in
healthcare? a. Historical utilization statistics are unavailable. b. Projected utilization is difficult to calculate.
*c. Past utilization is not necessarily a predictor of futureutilization. d. Hospital administrators do not trust marketers.
12. Forecasts are similar to projections but are likely to
*a. take more factors into consideration b. require fewer calculations c. be easier to interpret d. be ignored in econometric analyses
13. Different marketing plans may be required for different populationsegments
a. health problems are equally distributed across the population
*b. health problems are not equally distributed across thepopulation c. data are not available on utilization patterns d. marketers do not know how to segment a population
Chapter 8 1. Which of the following developments influenced the passage of theAffordable
Care Act? a. Lack of health insurance coverage for 40 million Americans b. Inability to access care on the part of many Americans c. Abuses by the health insurance industry
*d. All of the above
2. The process through which an aging population experienced a shift from
predominantly acute health problems to chronic health problems iscalled the
a. demographic transition
*b. epidemiological transition c. organizational change model d. Malthusian theory 3. Which of the following was not the result of a shift from “patients”to “customers”?
*a. Patients complained about receiving too much medicalinformation. b. Patients wanted to take a more active role in their care. c. Patients expected to receive better service from thehealthcare system. d. Patients came to expect a higher level of value from theirhealthcare provider.
4. Heading into the 21st century, epidemiologists found that the majorfactor in
determining health and illness was
a. biological pathogens b. genetics
*c. lifestyles d. the healthcare available 5. Which of the following is not an attribute of “healthcare” whencompared with
“medical care”? a. A more holistic approach to the management of patients b. More emphasis on prevention rather than treatment and cure c. Consideration of the nonbiological contributors to ill health
*d. A reliance on physicians for all healthcare needs
6. Some might fault marketers for the role they have played in distorting the focus of
the healthcare system, because they
a. encouraged overutilization of health services b. promoted expensive, high-end procedures instead of cheaperalternatives c. indiscriminately promoted unnecessary or inappropriateservices
*d. all of the above
7. Which of the following factors was probably the most important inprompting the
emergence of the population health model? *a. The inability of the US healthcare system to improvecommunity health b. The growing shortage of doctors c. An increase in communicable diseases d. Patients’ dissatisfaction with their doctors
8. Which of the following is not an attribute of the population healthparadigm? a. Recognition of the social determinants of health b. A bottom-up method for determining community health status
*c. A prominent role for the healthcare system in populationhealth d. Emphasis on the health of populations rather than the healthof individuals
9. Which of the following is not a social determinant of health?
*a. Patient personality type b. Housing stability c. Food insecurity d. Neighborhood safety
10. What factor do epidemiologists now believe is the best predictor ofhealth and well-
being? a. Access to medical care b. Quality health insurance coverage c. Median household income
*d. Zip code where someone lives
11. How does the emphasis for marketing shift under the populationhealth
model? a. Marketers are more interested in groups of people
(populations) than individuals. b. Marketers are targeting well people rather than sick people. c. Marketers must segment populations into meaningful subgroups.
*d. All of the above
12. Which of the following statements can be applied to populationhealth
management? a. Population health management applies population health principles to
defined populations (e.g., patient panels, healthplan members). *b. Population health management does not take the socialdeterminants of health into consideration. c. Population health management shifts from individual intervention initiatives to group intervention initiatives. d. Population health initiatives are evaluated based on thequality of care rather than quantity.
14. For a population health initiative to be successful, what entityneeds to play a
central role? a. The healthcare system b. The political system
*c. The community d. The educational system
15. Which of the following bodies of knowledge is required of marketersinvolved in
the implementation of a population health model? a. Knowledge of the consumer population b. Familiarity with the social determinants of health c. Skill in conducting a community health needs assessment
*d. All of the above
Chapter 9 1. Unplanned strategies are referred to as
a. corporate strategies
*b. emergent strategies c. business strategies d. marketing strategies 2. An organization’s strategy should do all of the following except
. a. unify the organization’s actions b. provide the organization with a competitive edge
*c. restrict knowledge of the organization’s strategy to only key members of the inner circle d. reinforce the organization’s identity and distinguish it from competitors
3. True or False: When gathering initial information, the team shouldnot conduct an
inventory and assessment of existing marketing activities. a. True
*b. False
4. True or False: Macro-level trends are more important than micro-level trends
for organizations involved in regional or national marketing initiatives. *a. True b. False 5. All of the following are data collected through an internal audit
. *a. market intelligence b. referral sources c. corporate culture d. sales volume
6. Which of the following is an example of health behavior? a. Drug consumption b. Hospital visits c. Yoga
*d. All of the above
7. True or False: The SWOT analysis should include data from eitherquantitative
research or personal interviews, but not both. a. True
*b. False
8. A marketing approach that concedes the dominant position in themarket in
favor of being an effective runner-up is a
a. market penetration strategy
*b. second-fiddle strategy c. new product strategy d. flanking strategy
9. True or False: During the production era following World War II, theproduct
specialization approach was typical of most hospitals. a. True
*b. False
10. A brand image strategy
a. attempts to define the comparisons between one product and
another in the consumer’s mind b. attempts to convey something about a product that other competitors are reluctant to repeat because of the risk of beinglabeled blatant imitators *c. emphasizes psychological differences over physicaldifferences between products d. all of the above
11. True or False: Promotional strategies should reflect the
organization’s overriding strategic orientation. *a. True b. False
12. Brand identity refers to visual features that create awareness inthe mind of the
consumer. These features include
a. term b. symbol
*c. typography d. competitor slogans 13. A company’s name, logo, or tagline is referred to as its
*a. corporate identity
b. corporate branding c. corporate distinctiveness d. corporate image
Chapter 10 1. In which of the following areas has health communication beenimportant? a. Patient education b. Health promotion c. Prevention programs
*d. All of the above
2. In which sphere has health communication been most prominent in thepast?
*a. Public health b. Clinical medicine c. Doctor–patient relationships d. Alternative medicine
3. What trend in healthcare was most important in prompting interest inhealth
communication? a. Retail medicine b. Alternative medicine
*c. Consumerism d. Outpatient surgery
4. Why was interest in health communication originally limited in thehealthcare
arena? a. A lack of information on health and healthcare
*b. The slow acceptance of marketing in healthcare c. The large number of foreign medical graduates d. A poor understanding of the communication process 5. Which of the following is likely to receive health communication
outside the clinical setting? a. Clients b. Patients
*c. Consumers d. Customers 6. At which of Prochaska’s stages of change is health education likelyto be most
important? *a. Contemplation b. Preparation c. Action d. Maintenance
7. At which of Prochaska’s stages of change is marketing likely to be
most important? a. Contemplation b. Preparation
*c. Action d. Maintenance
8. Which of the following models of health communication operates atthe societal
level? a. Health belief model
*b. Community organization theory c. Social cognitive theory d. Consumer information processing model
9. Which of the following is an informal channel for health
communication? a. Public service announcements b. Patient counseling c. Health education newsletters
*d. Friends and family
10. Which component of communication provides the framework for the
conveyance of information? *a. Context b. Message c. Channel d. Timing
11. What is the means through which information that is conveyed (inthe form of
symbols) is converted into usable information? a. Channel b. Receiver
*c. Decoding d. Feedback
12. The level of knowledge that individuals and groups possess withregard to
health and healthcare is referred to as a. stages of change
*b. health literacy
c. feedback d. health belief
13. At what stage of the health communication process does onedetermine
the type(s) of media that will be employed? a. Defining communication objectives b. Formulating a strategy c. Profiling the audience
*d. Determining the channels
14. What is the process through which marketers and health educators might test the
extent to which a promotional initiative resonates withthe intended audience? a. Strategy formulation
*b. Concept testing c. Evaluation d. Stating assumptions
Chapter 11 1. The combination of techniques employed in a marketing campaign isthe
. a. media plan b. marketing plan
*c. promotional mix d. strategic direction
2. Which of the following techniques is an unpaid form of promotion? a. Advertising
*b. Public relations c. Personal sales d. Telemarketing
4. A press release is a form of
a. advertising b. direct mail
*c. publicity d. sponsorship
5. Which of the following is a disadvantage of a public service
announcement? a. High cost of placement b. Expensive to produce c. Restrictions on content
*d. No control over placement
6. Which of the following activities might not be considered by some asa form of
marketing? a. Direct mail b. Press conferences
*c. Community outreach activities d. Medical staff relationships
7. In addition to increasing sales, which function might advertisingperform? a. Promoting image b. Educating consumers c. Countering competition
*d. All of the above
8. Over the years, there has been a shift in healthcare frominstitutional
advertising to
a. image advertising
*b. product advertising c. mass marketing d. public service announcements
9. Personal sales is a preferred form of promotion when
a. a large number of customers must be attracted
*b. the product is a major purchase c. an impersonal approach is insufficient d. sponsorship opportunities are not available
10. Which informal form of promotion involves face-to-face interaction,usually in a
casual setting? a. Personal sales b. Telemarketing
*c. Networking d. Cross-selling 11. Giving consumers free items such as T-shirts, water bottles, and
refrigerator magnets with the organization’s logo is a form of . a. public relations b. networking c. paid advertising
*d. sales promotion
12. In which of the following circumstances is it more likely that themarketer can
interact directly with a potential customer? a. Direct mail b. Public service announcement
*c. Trade show d. Sales promotion
13. A call center might be used for a. outbound telemarketing b. inbound telemarketing
*c. both outbound and inbound telemarketing d. none of the above
14. Marketing via
is a recent development in healthcare.
*a. internet b. direct mail c. telephone d. television
15. Which of the following is not a form of print media? a. Magazines b. Newspapers c. Catalogues
*d. Billboards
16. Which of the following is the most targeted form of promotion? a. Television advertisements b. Newspaper advertisements c. Public relations
*d. Direct mail
17. All things being equal, what is the most expensive form ofpromotion? a. Magazines
*b. Network television c. Catalogues d. Billboards
18. An advertising spot that is designed to be educational as well aspromotional is
a(n) . a. form of social marketing b. public service announcement
*c. infomercial d. cosmeceutical 19. Social marketing differs from most forms of promotion in that it
. a. uses only television advertising
*b. encourages public health efforts c. is profit driven d. is more expensive
20. Developing a promotional piece that can be used on radio,television,
and a website is an example of
a. marketing mix b. social marketing c. micromarketing
*d. integrated marketing
Chapter 12 1. Which of the following is a form of social media? a. Blog b. Social network c. Podcast
*d. All of the above
2. Social media have which advantage over traditional (or industrial)media?
*a. Support two-way communication b. Are controlled by the originator c. Involve a time lag in dissemination d. Are carefully monitored
3. Worldwide, approximately what proportion of people use socialnetworking? a. 1 in 2
*b. 1 in 3 c. 1 in 10 d. 1 in 20
4. Which of the following is not a social network platform? a. Facebook b. LinkedIn c. Instagram
*d. Wikipedia
5. What percentage of Americans say that social media determine theirchoice of a
doctor, hospital, or medical facility? a. 21% b. 31% *c. 41% d. 51%
6. When information is disseminated in a rapid, epidemic-like manner,it is said to be
. a. instantaneous b. virtual c. cybernetic
*d. viral
7. Earned media, unlike paid media, are
a. free b. potentially viral c. expensive
*d. a and b
8. The federal law that prohibits the unauthorized publishing ofpatient data
online is the
*a. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act b. Affordable Care Act c. Dodd-Frank Act d. Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical HealthAct
9. Healthcare providers are using social media to
a. attract visitors to their websites b. facilitate communication with their customers c. alert people concerning upcoming events
*d. all of the above
10. Healthcare consumers use social media to
a. find a physician b. obtain treatment information c. evaluate a potential healthcare provider
*d. all of the above
11. What are the demographics of consumers who are likely to use socialmedia for
health-related reasons? *a. Younger, college-educated, higher income b. Older, college-educated, lower income c. Older, no college, lower income d. Younger, no college, lower income
12. With whom are consumers least likely to share health informationvia social
media? a. Doctors b. Hospitals c. Other patients
*d. Drug companies
13. Healthcare organizations can use inbound messaging for
a. evaluating customer service b. determining perceptions of the organization’s image c. planning service offerings
*d. all of the above 14. With which of the following plans should the organization’s social
media strategy be aligned? a. Strategic plan b. Business plan c. Marketing plan
*d. All of the above
15. The control of the content of social media has shifted to a. computer experts
*b. consumers c. healthcare providers d. government agencies
Chapter 13 1. Which of the following is a form of social media? a. Blog b. Social network c. Podcast
*d. All of the above
2. Social media have which advantage over traditional (or industrial)media?
*a. Support two-way communication b. Are controlled by the originator c. Involve a time lag in dissemination d. Are carefully monitored
3. Worldwide, approximately what proportion of people use socialnetworking? a. 1 in 2
*b. 1 in 3 c. 1 in 10 d. 1 in 20
4. Which of the following is not a social network platform? a. Facebook b. LinkedIn c. Instagram
*d. Wikipedia
5. What percentage of Americans say that social media determine theirchoice of a
doctor, hospital, or medical facility? a. 21% b. 31% *c. 41% d. 51%
6. When information is disseminated in a rapid, epidemic-like manner,it is said to be
. a. instantaneous b. virtual c. cybernetic
*d. viral
7. Earned media, unlike paid media, are
a. free b. potentially viral c. expensive
*d. a and b
8. The federal law that prohibits the unauthorized publishing ofpatient data
online is the
*a. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act b. Affordable Care Act c. Dodd-Frank Act d. Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical HealthAct
9. Healthcare providers are using social media to
a. attract visitors to their websites b. facilitate communication with their customers c. alert people concerning upcoming events
*d. all of the above
10. Healthcare consumers use social media to
a. find a physician b. obtain treatment information c. evaluate a potential healthcare provider
*d. all of the above
11. What are the demographics of consumers who are likely to use socialmedia for
health-related reasons? *a. Younger, college-educated, higher income b. Older, college-educated, lower income c. Older, no college, lower income d. Younger, no college, lower income
12. With whom are consumers least likely to share health informationvia social
media? a. Doctors b. Hospitals c. Other patients
*d. Drug companies
13. Healthcare organizations can use inbound messaging for
a. evaluating customer service b. determining perceptions of the organization’s image c. planning service offerings
*d. all of the above 14. With which of the following plans should the organization’s social
media strategy be aligned? a. Strategic plan b. Business plan c. Marketing plan
*d. All of the above
15. The control of the content of social media has shifted to a. computer experts
*b. consumers c. healthcare providers d. government agencies
Chapter 14 1. Which of the following factors should not determine the scope of ahospital
marketing campaign? a. The nature of the organization b. The characteristics of the product being marketed
*c. The preferences of the hospital’s chief executive officer d. The characteristics of the target audience
2. A short document that is prepared to present the specifics of amarketing
campaign is a
*a. marketing brief b. marketing plan c. implementation matrix d. none of the above
3. The final step in a media plan is typically
a. specification of objectives b. media selection c. budgeting
*d. evaluation
4. What planning tool is used to specify the activities to carry outthe marketing
campaign and the parties responsible for those activities? a. Marketing brief
*b. Implementation matrix c. Strategic plan d. Project plan
5. A marketing brief is unlikely to include information on a. the product to be marketed b. the marketing strategy
*c. the promotional mix d. the anticipated cost
6. What type of evaluation should a marketing initiative be subjectedto? a. Process evaluation b. Outcome evaluation c. Return on investment
*d. All of the above
7. Which of the following statements is not associated with theevaluation of
a healthcare marketing campaign? *a. The results of the campaign can usually be directly measured. b. A number of factors must be considered in the analysis. c. Return on investment is difficult to calculate. d. Intangible consequences may be as important as tangibleresults.
8. Which marketing outsourcing approach makes the most sense for alarge
hospital system? *a. Establish a marketing department and capitalize on in-houseresources. b. Outsource some functions but retain others in-house. c. Retain oversight of the project but outsource most marketingfunctions. d. Outsource virtually all direct marketing activities.
10. Which department in the organization is typically responsible forscheduling and
purchasing media resources? a. Creative department b. Traffic department c. Production department
*d. Media planning department
11. Which of the following is typically not a line item in a marketingbudget?
*a. Entertainment costs b. Media costs c. Printing costs d. Creative development costs
12. Which of the following explains why return on investment isdifficult to
determine for healthcare marketing campaigns? a. The cost of providing services is difficult to determine. b. A variety of extraneous factors might influence healthbehavior. c. Some of the benefits are likely to be intangible.
*d. All of the above
13. Which of the following is an example of an indirect cost associatedwith a
healthcare marketing campaign?
a. Media expenses b. Production costs
*c. Time required of nonmarketing staff d. Evaluation expenses
14. Which department is primarily responsible for the coordination ofactivities and
management of the client relationship? a. Creative department
*b. Account management c. Media planning department d. Production department
15. Which of the following is not considered an administrative cost? a. Rent b. Insurance c. Utilities
*d. None of the above
Chapter 15 1. Marketing research is a more accurate term than market research inthat the
. a. is narrower in scope b. limits the topics to be covered
*c. relates to price, product, place, and promotion as well asthe market d. refers only to hospitals
2. Developments in healthcare are making marketing research a. less important in today’s environment
*b. more important in today’s environment c. important only as it relates to business development d. neither less important nor more important
3. Which of the following do healthcare providers need to know moreabout today
than in the past? *a. Consumers b. Other hospitals c. Managed care plans d. Defined benefits
4. What federal legislation has made research by healthcare
organizations more important than ever? a. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act b. Dodd-Frank Act
*c. Affordable Care Act d. Medicare reauthorization bill
5. For progressive healthcare organizations, the decision-makingprocess is
becoming more
a. opinion driven b. technology driven
*c. data driven d. focused on sick people 6. To be most useful to an organization, marketing research should be
. a. carried out as needed b. ramped up whenever the competition increases
*c. an ongoing part of the organization’s operation d. conducted every year or so
7. Which of the following types of research is conducted to determinerelationships
between variables? a. Exploratory research b. Descriptive research
*c. Causal research d. Predictive research
8. Which of the following types of research is most frequently conducted by
healthcare marketers and provides the foundation for mostsubsequent analyses? a. Exploratory research
*b. Descriptive research c. Causal research d. Predictive research
9. Which of the following is a characteristic of primary research(relative to
secondary research)? a. Is carried out for some other purpose besides marketing
*b. Is relatively expensive to perform c. Is owned by some other party d. Is nonproprietary and publicly available
10. If Hospital X admits 1,000 patients from the community in 2020 andit is known
that a total of 5,000 patients were admitted to all hospitals in the community during that same time period, what is the market share for Hospital X? a. 10% b. 15% *c. 20% d. 25%
11. Which of the following is not an example of a qualitative researchmethod? a. Observation b. In-depth interviews c. Focus groups
*d. Experiments
12. Why is it difficult to carry out experiments on patients todetermine which
marketing approach is most effective? a. Patients may be reluctant to participate.
b. Experiments are too expensive.
*c. There are practical and ethical issues related to research onhuman subjects. d. The results are hard to measure.
13. To develop a comprehensive profile of a target population, the bestapproach is to
use . a. quantitative research b. qualitative research
*c. a combination of quantitative and qualitative research d. whatever research method is fastest
14. What type of survey research is typically the most expensive?
*a. Personal interviews b. Telephone interviews c. Mail surveys d. Internet surveys
15. Which of the following is a potential error factor in surveyresearch? a. The sample may be inappropriately drawn. b. The questions may be ambiguous. c. Interviewers may be biased.
*d. All of the above
Chapter 16 1. Marketing planning is best described as a(n)
a. enterprise b. project
*c. process d. activity 2. Which of the following is not a characteristic of an organization’s
overall marketing plan? *a. Short-term b. Comprehensive c. Integrated d. Supportive of the mission
3. What federal legislation has made planning more important than ever(especially for
not-for-profit hospitals)? a. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act b. Dodd-Frank Act
*c. Affordable Care Act d. Medicare reauthorization bill 4. The first step in the marketing planning process is usually
. a. research driven
*b. organizational c. operational d. technical
5. In gathering background information on the organization and itsoperations,
which of the following is a useful source? a. Annual reports b. Previous strategic plans c. Reports to regulatory agencies
*d. All of the above
6. Which of the following topics is not addressed through an internalaudit? a. Existing patient characteristics b. Services provided
*c. Competitive environment d. Financial condition
7. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a marketing plangoal? a. Broadly stated b. Comprehensive c. Supportive of the organization’s mission
*d. Extensive detail
8. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a tactic?
*a. Broad in scope b. Focused c. Detailed d. Action oriented
10. What should be the time horizon on an organization’s overall
marketing plan? a. Two years b. Five years c. Ten years
*d. Depends on the circumstances
11. Which of the following is not a component of the external audit? a. Market shares b. Population trends
*c. Employee satisfaction d. Competitive situation 12. What factor(s) might be used in prioritizing a plan’s objectives? a. Cost of implementation b. Time frame for implementation c. Bang for the buck
*d. All of the above
Chapter 17 1. Developments in healthcare and marketing have created demand fordata that
are . a. comprehensive b. detailed c. timely
*d. all of the above 2. What federal legislation limits marketers’ access to personal health
information? *a. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act b. Dodd-Frank Act c. Affordable Care Act d. Medicare reauthorization bill
3. What federal legislation has made access to data more important thanever? a. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act b. Dodd-Frank Act
*c. Affordable Care Act d. Medicare reauthorization bill
4. Which of the following are marketers not allowed to do because ofHIPAA
restrictions? a. Research the characteristics of existing patients
*b. Share personal health information outside the organization c. Conduct patient satisfaction surveys d. Distribute health education information to existing patients
5. Which of the following is not an example of organizational data? a. Patient demographic characteristics b. Patient financial categories c. Number of procedures performed
*d. Competitors’ market shares
6. Which of the following is a characteristic of primary data (relativeto secondary
data)? a. Collected for some purpose other than marketing
*b. Relatively expensive to acquire c. Owned by some other party d. Difficult to analyze
7. Which of the following time periods is important when collectingmarketing
data? a. Past b. Present c. Future
*d. All of the above
8. Which of the following is an example of a statistical unit used tocollect data?
*a. Census tract b. Zip code c. School district d. Congressional district
9. Which widely used geographic unit is frequently employed as a basisfor collecting
marketing data? a. Census block group b. School district
*c. Zip code d. Congressional district
10. Of the geographic units that marketers might use, which onespecifically
relates to marketing? a. Metropolitan statistical area b. County c. Zip code
*d. Area of dominant influence
11. Which survey was established to supplement the data collectedthrough the
decennial census of population? *a. American Community Survey b. Census of Business c. National Health Interview Survey d. Public opinion polls
12. Which federal organization has primary responsibility for compilingand analyzing
health data? a. Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services b. Census Bureau c. Bureau of Labor Statistics
*d. National Center for Health Statistics
13. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a registrationsystem? a. Regular updating b. Mandatory participation
*c. Transaction tracking d. Inclusion of all “eligible” parties
14. Which of the following is a reason for accessing data fromcommercial
data vendors? a. Covers topics not otherwise addressed b. Is more current than officially published reports c. Generates projections into the future
*d. All of the above
15. The best way to access most federally generated health data todayis via
*a. the internet b. printed reports c. DVDs d. social media
Chapter 18 1. Whose marketing activities are most directly affected by theAffordable
Care Act? a. Pharmaceutical companies’ b. Physicians’
*c. Health insurance companies’ d. Home medical supply companies’
2. Which of the following represents an effort to increase visibilityon the internet? a. Paid media b. Social networks
*c. Search engine optimization d. Social marketing
3. An arrangement for two or more organizations to combine theirpromotional
efforts is
*a. co-marketing b. search engine optimization c. integrated marketing d. social marketing
4. In the opinion of most experts, the demand for health services inthe future is
likely to
a. remain the same b. decline as people become healthier
*c. increase because of a number of factors d. remain unknown
5. Much of the change anticipated in the demand for health services isexpected to be
driven by
*a. consumers b. physicians c. government agencies d. hospital chains
6. The United States appears to be moving toward a healthcare systemthat is a. low-touch and high-tech b. high-touch and low-tech
*c. high-touch and high-tech d. none of the above
7. What trend is anticipated for health professionals for theforeseeable
future? *a. There will be shortages in many professions. b. There will be surpluses in many professions. c. Foreign-trained professionals will become less common. d. There will be an appropriate number of professionals given thepopulation
8. Which of the following will the healthcare marketer of the future beexpected to
know about? a. Financial analysis b. Strategic planning c. Consumer behavior
*d. All of the above
10. Which of the following factors is expected to lead to increaseddemand for
rehabilitation and disability-related services? a. A growing older population b. An increasing number of disabled Americans c. Advances in trauma care
*d. All of the above
11. Which of the following is not an example of alternative therapy?
*a. Orthopedics b. Massage therapy c. Acupuncture d. Homeopathic medicine
12. In today’s progressive healthcare organization, the place of the
marketer is
a. external to the organization b. in the basement c. restricted to the business development office
*d. in the corporate boardroom