TEST BANK for Sociology in Action: A Canadian Perspective 4th Edition by Bereska Tami and Symbaluk D

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Chapter 1 1. Chapter 01-001 According to the textbook authors, we might better understand who becomes a professional hockey player by applying ideas developed by which of the following? a. Karl Marx b. Emile Durkheim *c. Max Weber d. Auguste Comte 2. Chapter 01-002 According to the textbook authors, what is the relationship between unemployment and postsecondary education? a. As unemployment increases, postsecondary enrolments decrease. *b. As unemployment increases, postsecondary enrolments increase. c. Unemployment and postsecondary unemployment are essentially unrelated. d. As unemployment decreases, postsecondary enrolments also decrease. 3. Chapter 01-003 "Expectations regarding how we are supposed to act" defines which of the following? a. values b. functionality *c. norms d. cultural facts 4. Chapter 01-004 It can be argued that the so-called hook-up culture found on the modern university or college campus results from a variety of social factors of which the individuals involved might not even be aware. When we make this statement, what kind of sociology are we practising? *a. seeing the strange in the familiar b. seeing the particular in the general c. employing social facts

d. recognising the irrelevance of free will 5. Chapter 01-005 According to sociologists, why do some individuals seem to have more resources and face fewer challenges when considering postsecondary education? a. Some universities will only admit students above a particular income level. b. Some individuals make poor choices and have no self-control in their youth. *c. Some individuals experience several coinciding larger social factors that may limit their choices. d. Some individuals don't have the inner resources to overcome life's challenges. 6. Chapter 01-006 In Canada today, how is postsecondary education most commonly viewed? *a. normative b. renormative c. dysfunctional d. functionally required 7. Chapter 01-007 Once Ruth got married, she quit her job, had two children, and stayed at home to raise them. Although Ruth had wanted to be a doctor, raising her children was what her family and friends expected her to do. What kind of influence on her actions was Ruth's decision to follow "expected path"? a. micro-level *b. macro-level c. global d. functional 8. Chapter 01-008 Which term refers to the level of broad social forces? a. micro level *b. macro level c. sociological level

d. public level 9. Chapter 01-009 How might a sociologist best understand a situation in which someone adopts a fashion trend that is being widely shared by others in society? a. an example of network diffusion b. the familiar in the strange *c. the strange in the familiar d. decorative diffusion 10. Chapter 01-010 Charles is supposed to drive his friends to school for an important examination. However, no matter how much he tries, Charles cannot start his car. In anger he tells his friends that his car is doing this on purpose. What quality is Charles attributing to his car? a. directionality *b. agency c. micro tendencies d. non-operationality 11. Chapter 01-011 What does it mean when sociologists refer to agency? *a. the ability to make choices b. the ability to connect to a broad web of social services c. the ability to influence others d. the ability to interact effectively with a bureaucracy such as the university 12. Chapter 01-012 Factors such as social stratification, inequality, race, ethnicity, and gender affect opportunities available to a person. What label did Max Weber give to these factors? *a. life chances b. individual opportunities c. life opportunities d. individual chances

13. Chapter 01-013 According to Max Weber, the ways in which our opportunities in life are affected by factors such as race, ethnicity, and gender is summarized by which of the following? a. stratified outcomes *b. life chances c. proletarian deprivation d. lifestyle competition 14. Chapter 01-014 Which of the following is most correct? a. Micro-sociological factors exert influence at the macro-sociological level. b. Macro-sociological factors exert influence at the micro-sociological level. *c. Micro and macro factors may be said to influence each other. d. Micro and macro factors are influential in mutually distinct ways. 15. Chapter 01-015 Which term best describes the relationship between the macro and micro level? a. unidirectional *b. bidirectional c. multidirectional d. nondirectional 16. Chapter 01-016 Which of the following best describes the term "life chances"? a. the probability of surviving a natural disaster *b. the opportunities in life resulting from patterns of stratification and inequality c. the ways in which what one achieves in life is a product of personal will and ambition d. the idea that luck has important sociological dimensions

17. Chapter 01-017 In Canada, how is the decision to attend university perceived? a. It is not considered normative. b. It is no longer affected by life chances. *c. It is, in one sense, an indirect product of the decisions made by so many married mothers to enter the work force in the 1960s and 1970s. d. It is rarely based on financial considerations. 18. Chapter 01-018 According to the textbook authors, what is the essence of the sociological perspective? a. the use of statistics to chart social change b. the promotion of the functional c. the desire to promote change at the micro level *d. the use of a sociological imagination 19. Chapter 01-019 Which statement best describes the relationship between micro and macro levels of explanation? a. Macro questions are the appropriate subject matter of sociology while micro questions are not. b. Micro questions tend to be more important than macro questions. c. Micro questions often require macro answers. *d. Individual experiences which occur at the micro level are intricately connected to broader social forces at the macro level. 20. Chapter 01-020 According to C. Wright Mills, who should use the sociological imagination? a. psychologists b. social psychologists c. professional sociologists only *d. everyone

21. Chapter 01-021 According to C. Wright Mills, what do sociologists try to do? a. They try to relate individual troubles to higher individual-level factors. b. They try to understand individual troubles in a comparative way. *c. They try to relate private troubles to public issues d. They try to understand individual troubles in an interdisciplinary way. 22. Chapter 01-022 Which term best describes the ability of a person to grasp the connection between society and self? *a. sociological imagination b. social evolution c. sociological revelation d. structural integration 23. Chapter 01-023 Which of the following helps us to understand that things are not always what they seem to be? a. the sociological you b. the sociological problematic c. the sociological paradox *d. the sociological imagination 24. Chapter 01-024 Why would social services workers benefit from a degree in sociology? a. They need to understand how to work with marginalised individuals. b. A university degree in at least one social science is necessary for the position. c. They develop social service programs. *d. They deal with both personal and social problems.

25. Chapter 01-025 According to C. Wright Mills, the sociological imagination encourages the exploration of which of the following with respect to unemployment? a. the reasons for individual unemployment b. how the unemployment of individuals affects society in dysfunctional ways c. why unemployment rates have more to do with the imagination of the record-keepers than with the facts *d. the link between unemployment as an individual problem and unemployment as a societal problem 26. Chapter 01-026 Why do some people use the phrase "commit sociology"? a. It is often used by researchers to describe their procedures. *b. They mean to discourage an examination of the root causes of serious social problems. c. It is used to reference to C. Wright Mills, who first used it to describe sociologists feeling about the sociological imagination. d. It is used as a way of acknowledging the contributions of Max Weber because he was the first to use the phrase. 27. Chapter 01-027 When the sociological imagination is employed, we are encouraged to see a link between which pair of concepts? *a. biography and history b. anomie and life chances c. significant and generalised others d. normative and non-normative behaviour 28. Chapter 01-028 According to C. Wright Mills, which of the following is true with respect to the sociological imagination? a. It is best thought of really just an intellectual exercise. b. When used by itself, it lacks any real explanatory power.

c. It provides a poor guide for the development of social policy. *d. It should be employed by all members of society. 29. Chapter 01-029 What is being suggested when scholars are accused of "committing sociology"? *a. that they are too interested in the root causes of social problems b. that they fail to be attentive to the role played by social facts in the life of a society c. that sociology is a superior approach when compared to other social sciences d. that sociology lacks a moral dimension 30. Chapter 01-030 Who was Auguste Comte? a. He introduced the concept of the "life chance." b. He introduced the concept of the "sociological imagination." c. He argued that sociology needs to be more interdisciplinary. *d. He gave sociology its name. 31. Chapter 01-031 The work of which of the following can be seen as an important precursor of sociology? a. Hypatia b. Napoleon c. Michelangelo *d. Ibn Khaldun 32. Chapter 01-032 For Comte what are the key dimensions of social life? a. the individual and society b. material and non-material culture c. the social and the pre-social *d. social statics and social dynamics

33. Chapter 01-033 Whom might most people consider to be the founder of Sociology? a. Erving Goffman b. C. Wright Mills *c. Auguste Comte d. Julius Marx 34. Chapter 01-034 Even before the discipline had a name, what were the early sociologists trying to understand? a. research methods *b. social change c. early theory d. social myth 35. Chapter 01-035 Which of the following terms refers to the establishment of permanent settlements, the appropriation of resources, and the exploitation of Indigenous peoples? a. exploration/discovery b. colonialism *c. colonization d. resettlement 36. Chapter 01-036 How can we think of sociology when compared to other social sciences? a. it is more honest b. it is more valid *c. it is more comprehensive d. it is much more ancient 37. Chapter 01-037 Who is acknowledged as doing work that examined how power affected the society of the time? a. Mahatma Gandhi *b. Ibn Khaldun

c. Aristotle d. Confucius 38. Chapter 01-038 Who is noted as the first academic to recognize the significance of combining empirical research and theory as a productive method of studying the social world? *a. Auguste Comte b. Karl Marx c. Max Weber d. Max Blumer 39. Chapter 01-039 Sociological research has provided society with an overview of the Canadian legal and corrections systems. These data would not have been available for analysis and application to society without the use of which of the following to gather reliable knowledge? *a. empirical methods b. theoretical conceptualization c. research funding d. experimental methodologies 40. Chapter 01-040 A defining feature of sociology, what is its central focus? a. the study of behaviour b. group psychology *c. the connections between people and organizations d. the study of social life 41. Chapter 01-041 Why do we describe sociological methods as empirical? a. They were first used in the establishment of the British Empire. b. They reflect the biases of those who use them. *c. They involve the collection of verifiable evidence. d. They use a non-historical approach.

42. Chapter 01-042 Which term refers to a set of propositions intended to explain a fact or a phenomenon? *a. a theory b. a norm c. a concept d. a paradigm 43. Chapter 01-043 In a large metropolitan centre, authorities suspected that break-and-enter and other theft crimes were increasing due to massive layoffs during a global recession and the subsequent loss of income. By systematically studying the income levels of populations within the metropolitan area, the most vulnerable areas were identified and strategies for addressing the immediate needs of the people in those areas were initiated. Which sociological approach is useful for this type of objective study of this nature? a. critical *b. positivist c. negativist d. reductionist 44. Chapter 01-044 Jocelyn has been turned down for five jobs in the last two months. She believes the interviewers do not consider her because of the colour of her skin. What theoretical approach would be most effective when analysing situations like Jocelyn's ? a. interpretive *b. critical c. positive d. negative 45. Chapter 01-045 What do positivist theories emphasize? a. the need for observations of the social world to be interesting b. an implicit optimism c. the macro level of analysis

*d. explanation and prediction 46. Chapter 01-046 Which statement best describes a positivist approach? a. It stems from the humanities. b. It focuses on subjective explanations. *c. It looks at the relationships between variables. d. It assume that people generally have favourable views of their society. 47. Chapter 01-047 How can we best describe classical sociological theories? a. They are most commonly taught in courses which deal with contemporary theory. b. They have been most attentive to the work of feminist scholars. *c. They were developed during the early days of the discipline. d. They are most frequently used in contemporary research. 48. Chapter 01-048 Social power is an essential element of which of the following type of theory? a. positivist *b. conflict c. interpretive d. neoclassical 49. Chapter 01-049 According to the text, which theory emphasizes explanation and prediction, assuming that there are objective "laws" that govern the way society works? a. interpretivist theorizing b. critical theorizing *c. positivist theorizing d. feminist theorizing

50. Chapter 01-050 According to the text, what do we call collectively shared criteria by which we determine whether something is right or wrong? a. sociology *b. values c. theory d. functionalism 51. Chapter 01-051 What might a sociologist identify as a latent function of religion? a. It addresses our most important empirical questions. b. It teaches us to distinguish the sacred from the secular. *c. It increases solidarity by bringing community members together. d. It addresses "big questions" such as "what is the meaning of life"? 52. Chapter 01-052 For the most part, contemporary Canadian society is characterised by which of the following? a. mechanical solidarity *b. organic solidarity c. postmodern solidarity d. solidarity rooted in conflict 53. Chapter 01-053 Which of the following is NOT true with respect to social facts? a. they may have a non-material form b. they can be said to exist independently of individuals *c. they are most closely associated with the work of Max Weber d. they are exemplified by, for instance, the suicide rate

54. Chapter 01-054 Which of the following is NOT a material social fact? a. the educational system *b. the belief system c. the criminal justice system d. the highway system 55. Chapter 01-055 João grew up in the countryside, but moved to the city to find work when he turned 18. He felt very lost because he was unsure of social norms that were followed in his new urban surroundings. According to Durkheim, what consequence might follow from such experiences? a. manifest urbanism b. neo-urbanism c. dysfunctional *d. anomie 56. Chapter 01-056 Which term would most sociologists use to describe the tendency for people in society to become increasingly isolated from each other? a. manifest function b. disnormative *c. dysfunctional d. micro level affect 57. Chapter 01-057 When the members of society share a view that something is right or wrong, what do we say they are expressing? *a. their values b. their norms c. a generalized otherness d. an emancipatory laxity 58. Chapter 01-058 Which of the following is Émile Durkheim most closely associated?

a. life chances *b. anomie c. class conflict d. the generalized other 59. Chapter 01-059 Which type of society is characterised by organic solidarity? a. a traditional society b. a preindustrial society *c. a contemporary urban society d. a very homogeneous society 60. Chapter 01-060 Which of the terms below best define anomie? a. class conflict *b. normlessness c. dysfunctional d. eufunctional 61. Chapter 01-061 Suicide rates in some Indigenous communities are among the highest in Canada. While suicide is often characterized as an individual's response to pain, emotional, psychological, and/or other mental health concerns, what term might Durkheim use to describe what appears to be a specific issue within an entire community of people? a. dysfunctional b. cultural fatigue *c. anomie d. shared post-traumatic stress 62. Chapter 01-062 During an economic depression, large numbers of people may feel a collective sense of normlessness and uncertainty about what the rules are under which social condition. Who would best describe this type of situation? a. Marx *b. Durkhein

c. Mills d. Comte 63. Chapter 01-063 During an economic depression, large numbers of people may feel a collective sense of normlessness and uncertainty about what the rules are under these new social conditions.¬†¬†What is this situation an example of? a. normative deficiency *b. anomie c. dysfunction d. inadequate normalization 64. Chapter 01-064 Which type of society would conflict theorists find most reflective of their arguments? a. a society which is constantly at war with its neighbours b. a society in which there is no real violence but in which levels of media violence are very high *c. a society in which a small group of powerful people is at the top of the social hierarchy and a large group of powerless people is on the bottom. d. a society in which a proletarian class exploits the bourgeoisie class 65. Chapter 01-065 Who is credited with founding the conflict perspective? a. Émile Durkheim *b. Karl Marx c. Max Weber d. George Herbert Mead 66. Chapter 01-066 Critical theory focuses on what factor influencing social processes? a. negativity b. social problems c. self-interpretation

*d. power 67. Chapter 01-067 According to the text, what type of theorizing explores the role that power plays in social processes, and emphasizes the importance of knowledge being tied to emancipation? a. interpretivist theorizing *b. critical theorizing c. positivist theorizing d. feminist theorizing 68. Chapter 01-068 In Marxist conflict theory, who are the owners of the means of production? *a. the bourgeoisie b. the proletariat c. the leaders d. everyone 69. Chapter 01-069 According to the text, which sociological framework views society as comprising individuals who are engaged in various forms of communication, which come to mean particular things based on common shared understandings that develop between specific people? a. conflict framework *b. interactionist framework c. feminist framework d. postmodern framework 70. Chapter 01-070 Which theoretical framework is tightly linked with practice? a. structural functionalist theory b. symbolic interactionist theory c. Durkheim's theory *d. conflict theory

71. Chapter 01-071 According to Marx, who is likely to become alienated under capitalism? a. the bourgeoise b. nouveau riche *c. proletariat d. lower level government bureaucrats 72. Chapter 01-072 There is a small group of people in town who seem to have all the money and make all the rules. The rules they make (especially around employment) are intended to ensure they continue to have all the money. Which theoretical perspective would be most effective to analyze the activities in this town? a. structural functionalism b. feminist theory *c. conflict theory d. anomie 73. Chapter 01-073 George Herbert Mead and Herbert Blumer are credited with pioneering work with respect to which sociological perspective? a. critical b. feminist c. functionalist *d. interactionist 74. Chapter 01-074 What is the sociological label we give to people (including people we might not know) when we care about what those people think of us? *a. the generalized other b. the significant other c. the general public d. the significant public

75. Chapter 01-075 Batool did not want to wear a sari to the mall because she was afraid of what shoppers at the mall would say about her. How would George Herbert Mead describe the shoppers Batool was concerned about? a. significant others *b. generalized others c. significant shoppers d. generalized shoppers 76. Chapter 01-076 According to George Herbert Mead, what do we develop as we pass through all of the main stages of socialization? a. social awareness b. social savvy c. a multisignificant other *d. a generalized other 77. Chapter 01-077 Which of the following is associated with the concept of praxis? a. positivism b. functionalism c. symbolic interactionism *d. conflict theory 78. Chapter 01-078 In what kinds of situations involving one's superiors might people engage in impression management? a. mainly in high pressure situations b. when superiors know that they have behaved in a non-normative way c. mainly at the micro level *d. in all aspects of public life 79. Chapter 01-079 Tamar has a health condition which makes it impossible to wear a mask to protect against COVID-19. While this is perfectly understandable, she is reluctant to venture out

because of how others might respond to her. We might say that she is worried about which of the following? a. network rejection *b. generalised other c. crowd mentality d. reactive other 80. Chapter 01-080 Which type of theorist would argue that it is important to understand social worlds the way the people who live in those social worlds understand them? a. functionalist b. conflict c. positivist *d. interactionist 81. Chapter 01-081 Large-scale social movements are often informed by a conflict theory framework. What is the term coined by Karl Marx that describes the connection between scholarship and action by some groups attempting to end their subordination? a. reactiveness *b. praxis c. academic intervention d. autonomy 82. Chapter 01-082 Which term refers to the group of people who are most important to us and who have a major influence in our socialization? *a. significant others b. specialized others c. significant individuals d. socialized others 83. Chapter 01-083 Who was one of the first feminist sociologists? a. Beatrice Potter Webb

b. Jane Addams *c. Harriet Martineau d. Marianne Weber 84. Chapter 01-084 According to the text, which statement is true with respect to all versions of contemporary feminist theory? a. They strive to be androcentric. b. They employ the concept of patriarchy. c. They are Marxist in form. *d. They argue that research and theory must be combined with practice. 85. Chapter 01-085 Which term best describes a society when legal and/or social power is vested in men? *a. patriarchal b. patrilocal c. gender focused d. gender antiquated 86. Chapter 01-086 Which statement best describes of the work of sociologist Dorothy Smith? a. It is widely recognized for her androcentric approaches to sociology. b. It argued that the only way to change social structures is to focus on their economic base. *c. It argued that the only way to understand the micro level is to understand the lived experience at that level. d. It is one of the key contributions associated with 19th century feminist sociology. 87. Chapter 01-087 The feminist perspective argues that past academic research has inadequately studied women's experiences as different from men's experiences. Why is this the case? *a. The research has been androcentric.

b. The research has been focused on functionality. c. The research has been conflict driven. d. The research has been matrilineal. 88. Chapter 01-088 Jane and Josh both went to get their haircut and they both got brush cuts. Mutual friends had a much stronger, negative reaction to Jane's haircut, telling her she looked awful and should grow her hair back. Josh was told he looked good. Using a feminist sociological framework, which statement best explains this difference in reactions? a. Gendered interpretation is an individual-level process. *b. Expectations regarding behaviour are gendered because society is gendered. c. Conflict will confirm that society is gendered. d. Style is gendered regardless of other gender changes in society. 89. Chapter 01-089 Postmodern sociology emerged after which significant historical event? a. World War I *b. World War II c. the collapse of the Soviet Union d. the 9/11 terror attacks 90. Chapter 01-090 Who is credited with the conceptualization of standpoint theory? a. Harriet Blondeau b. Margaret Neuman *c. Dorothy Smith d. Beatrice Williams 91. Chapter 01-091 Dorothy Smith, a Canadian sociologist, contends that women's positions have been overlooked or ridiculed. She suggests that feminist theory and practice must assume the

importance of listening to women as they describe their life experiences. What is the name of her feminist theory? a. stand-alone theory *b. standpoint theory c. relational feminist theory d. feminist socialist theory 92. Chapter 01-092 According to the text, which sociological framework argues that social change has created inescapable chaos and meaninglessness? a. conflict framework b. interactionist framework *c. skeptical postmodern framework d. affirmative postmodern framework 93. Chapter 01-093 Which of the following statements is true with respect to postmodern sociology? *a. It developed in the post-World War II period. b. It includes a version called "skeptical postmodernism" which has done much to shape contemporary sociological analysis. c. It focuses on the effects of rapid industrialization. d. It calls for the development of a grand overarching theory of society. 94. Chapter 01-094 How would a postmodern or poststructuralist sociologist describe the body of knowledge regarding the causes and nature of terrorism which we routinely confront in news media? a. as a form of rhetoric b. as a skeptical assessment *c. as an elite discourse d. as a mass-mediated form of knowledge

95. Chapter 01-095 Who was the most influential post-structural theorist? a. Hector Fanje *b. Michel Foucault c. Harriet Martineau d. Karl Marx 96. Chapter 01-096 Which theoretical framework deconstructs what is perceived as "knowledge" and asks questions of that knowledge? a. functional postmodernism b. critical postmodernism c. skeptical postmodernism *d. affirmative postmodernism 97. Chapter 01-097 "You need a university education to succeed in today, world." This statement is part of an agreement about the importance of education, constructed by people with an education. As more and more people agree with this statement, it becomes widely accepted as true. According to Michel Foucault, this acceptance means that the statement has become what type of social phenomenon? a. an elite interaction *b. an elite discourse c. a popular discourse d. a popular interaction 98. Chapter 01-098 Which term refers to a way of understanding a particular subject or social phenomenon? a. social statement b. postmodern topic *c. discourse d. Interaction 99. Chapter 01-099 To which sociological theory is the work of Michel Foucault most directly linked?

a. skeptical modernism b. manifest postmodernism c. affirmative discourse *d. poststructuralism 100. Chapter 01-100 "Beauty is skin deep." While this is a common and seemingly innocent expression, it is a notion that underlines the billion-dollar beauty and fashion industry. It has profound and prolonged effects upon girls' and women's self-image. According to Foucault, the wide acceptance of this expression has become part of what social phenomenon? a. an elite corporate understanding b. an unpopular discourse *c. an elite discourse d. a popular topic of debate 101. Chapter 01-101 Carina read a book about the decline of patriarchy. She questioned the validity of some of the examples that were presented to demonstrate that women have equal opportunities when compared to men in North American society. What process did Carina use to come to her conclusion? a. framework reasoning *b. thinking critically c. judgmental deduction d. conversation analysis 102. Chapter 01-102 To complete his undergraduate degree, Paul had taken a variety of courses for his major and to fulfill his elective requirements. Over the course of his university experience, he had taken courses that facilitated the development of a valuable new practise of thinking that required effort to develop and nurture. By what name is this new form of thinking known? a. critical assessment *b. critical thinking c. critique of thought d. cynical assessment

103. Chapter 01-103 In Paul's first year of undergraduate study, he learned about various marriage, partnerships, and child rearing practices in his anthropology class. His religious beliefs and values were challenged as he reviewed the wide variety of cultural customs and practices. He could not accept that other cultures had valid forms and practices that were different than his own. What type of thinking was Paul using? a. politically correct thinking b. higher belief and values thing c. higher-order thinking *d. lower-order thinking 104. Chapter 01-104 What does it mean to engage in higher order critical thinking? a. It means to find the major merits and faults in an argument. b. It means to develop ways in which the argument might be tested using research. *c. It means to extrapolate information from one domain to another. d. It means to search for the elements of the argument which define it as a form of discourse. 105. Chapter 01-105 Which of the following is true with respect to critical thinking? a. Most of us are born with the inherent knowledge of how to think critically. b. The development of critical thinking is inherent in a university education. c. Three levels of critical thinking may be said to exist - lower order, the meso order, and higher order. *d. It means that at the macro level it is linked to the idea of critical societies.

106. Chapter 01-106 According to the authors of the textbook, what is included in the sociological toolkit? a. critical thinking b. nonempirical methods c. a clear idea of what it is you hope to prove *d. an agenda for change 107. Chapter 01-107 What is the simplest definition of a theory? a. conceptual paradigm b. social philosophy c. unproven hypothesis *d. explanation 108. Chapter 01-108 According to the textbook, what does critical thinking involve? a. recognizing the domain-specific nature of information b. abilities that are hardwired in our brains c. the micro level but not the macro level of society *d. empirical research methods 109. Chapter 01-109 According to the authors, which of the following is NOT one of the ways in which sociology is practiced? a. academic b. policy c. private *d. predisciplinary 110. Chapter 01-110 What is the best way to describe the work of Max Weber? *a. academic b. policy c. private d. multidisciplinary

111. Chapter 01-111 According to the text, theoretical and empirical research is considered what kind of sociology? *a. academic b. policy c. public d. private 112. Chapter 01-112 Seeing the strange in the familiar means recognizing how different cultures resemble each other. a. True *b. False 113. Chapter 01-113 Life chances in Canada remain relatively equal across ethnic categories. a. True *b. False 114. Chapter 01-114 Norms are society's ever-changing expectations for how we are supposed to act, think, and look. *a. True b. False 115. Chapter 01-115 Weber argued that life chances were influenced by factors such as gender. *a. True b. False 116. Chapter 01-116 The concept of agency refers to the ability of people making their personal choices.

*a. True b. False 117. Chapter 01-117 Appreciating the link between the general and the specific is the essence of the sociological imagination. *a. True b. False 118. Chapter 01-118 While macro-level processes have an impact on the microlevel, micro-level processes have no effect on the macrolevel. a. True *b. False 120. Chapter 01-120 To commit sociology is to dedicate one's professional life to the study of society. a. True *b. False 121. Chapter 01-121 The term "life chances" refers to the opportunities that an individual encounters over the course of his or her lifetime. a. True *b. False 122. Chapter 01-122 The origins of sociology can be traced to the period after World War I. a. True *b. False

124. Chapter 01-124 Comte coined the term "sociology" to describe a new science that would use empirical research and theory for the study of society. *a. True b. False 125. Chapter 01-125 Postdisciplinarity refers to research done after the social sciences were divided into disciplines. a. True *b. False 126. Chapter 01-126 Meeting a future life partner might be seen as a latent function of post-secondary education. *a. True b. False 127. Chapter 01-127 Dorothy Smith proposes that since men and women experience different positions in society, they form different life perspectives. *a. True b. False 128. Chapter 01-128 The use of social statistics to improve prediction is most closely associated with positivist thought. *a. True b. False 129. Chapter 01-129 Feminist theory has tried to reverse taken-for-granted assumptions by most people that women have gained absolute equality with men.

*a. True b. False 130. Chapter 01-130 Karl Marx developed a theory of social research and thought that predicted the conflict of WW1. a. True *b. False 131. Chapter 01-131 Increased levels of suicide and depression among lottery winners remind us of a concept associated with Émile Durkheim. *a. True b. False 132. Chapter 01-132 According to Émile Durkheim, anomie is most likely to occur during a period of rapid social change. *a. True b. False 134. Chapter 01-134 According to Marx, the proletariat comprises those who own and control the means of production. a. True *b. False 135. Chapter 01-135 A research project gave poor neighbourhood residents the kind of information they needed to increase their collective power. This is an example of praxis. *a. True b. False

136. Chapter 01-136 Once significant others are identified, they retain their importance for the individual's entire life. a. True *b. False 137. Chapter 01-137 Harriet Martineau publicly disagreed with most of Auguste Comte's ideas. a. True *b. False 138. Chapter 01-138 Gender socialization research concludes that males and females are perceived and treated in an identical fashion in North America. a. True *b. False 139. Chapter 01-139 Postmodern theorists believe that we need to create clearer distinctions between disciplines and additional grand narratives to explain social life. a. True *b. False 140. Chapter 01-140 Michel Foucault argued that there are many discourses competing for an authoritative position in a society. *a. True b. False 141. Chapter 01-141 As a feminist, Dorothy Smith argued that in order to understand social structures we must understand differences in lived experiences between men and women at the microlevel.

*a. True b. False 142. Chapter 01-142 It is accurate to say that female writers did not make significant contributions to sociological thought until the latter half of the 20th century. a. True *b. False 143. Chapter 01-143 At the macro level, critical thinking can be detached from social action and kept within the academic and intellectual silos of higher level educational institutions. a. True *b. False

Chapter 2 1. Chapter 02-001 Why is sociology considered a science? a. It has an exclusive reliance on positivist approaches. b. Sociologists usually have degrees in the natural sciences. c. It has philosophical origins. *d. It seeks to use empirical methods. 2. Chapter 02-002 Professor Johnson undertook a study of homeless youth. Using an identical methodology and a comparable sample, Professor Said did an almost identical study and reached the same conclusions as Professor Johnson. What would most sociologists probably say about this situation? a. Professor Said's study was a waste of time. b. Professor Said lacks a sociological imagination. *c. To advance any science, including sociology, depends on replication. d. It seems suspicious that Professor Said would have produced very similar results . 3. Chapter 02-003 What distinguishes sociology from common sense hunches? a. the type of question being asked b. the rejection of empirical methodology *c. the interplay of theory and research d. critical analysis 4. Chapter 02-004 Which of the following is a principal component of any theory? *a. concepts b. empirical research c. policy recommendations d. at least one non-empirical question

5. Chapter 02-005 In a study of female offenders, which of the following is not a variable? a. ethnicity b. social class *c. gender d. age 6. Chapter 02-006 In the novels and short stories, Sherlock Holmes often investigated crimes by making very careful observations of a crime scene and then developing a more general explanation. Which of the following best describes his approach? *a. inductive reasoning b. deductive reasoning c. non-empirical investigation d. conceptual understanding 7. Chapter 02-007 What is the usual starting point of a data-collection exercise using an inductive approach? a. theorizing b. hypothesizing c. reporting preliminary findings *d. gathering data 8. Chapter 02-008 What is the usual starting point of a deductive study? a. data gathering b. hypothesizing c. reporting preliminary findings *d. theorizing 9. Chapter 02-009 What type of study would most probably ask, "what is it like to be a "? a. descriptive study *b. exploratory study

c. inductive study d. deductive study 10. Chapter 02-010 The textbook reports the results of an explanatory study which investigated the effects of frequent Facebook posting. What did the study find? a. Frequent Facebook posting increased anxiety. b. Frequent Facebook posting increased loneliness. c. Frequent Facebook posting increased the desire to meet other people. *d. Frequent Facebook posting decreased loneliness. 11. Chapter 02-011 Which type of research asks, "what is the nature of this social problem?" a. explanatory research b. deductive research *c. needs assessment research d. empowerment research 12. Chapter 02-012 A questionnaire was distributed to a large introductory sociology class. Students were asked to indicate whether or not they were going to major in sociology. This would most likely be described as what kind of study? a. exploratory study *b. descriptive study c. a micro study d. an aspirational study 13. Chapter 02-013 A study was done to determine the effects of new procedures intended to facilitate pregnant mothers' access to resources. It is important to ask "was the program worth the costs?" What type of study is most likely to answer this question? a. descriptive research b. exploratory research

*c. evaluation research d. explanatory research 14. Chapter 02-014 Which statement best describes concepts? a. They are best defined as explanations. b. They are always non-categorical. *c. They take the form of variables in research. d. They are generally explained using inductive reasoning. 15. Chapter 02-015 I am doing a study of students majoring in sociology. What would not be considered a variable in my study? a. age b. area of minor concentration *c. area of major concentration d. family income 16. Chapter 02-016 According to the text, what is the principal component of any theory? a. research b. reliability c. variables *d. concepts 17. Chapter 02-017 Which statement best summarizes the research relating to "selfies" online? a. It demonstrates the deductive approach. b. It found the selfies on Instagram are nowhere near as gendered as those in magazine ads. c. White male selfies contained less muscle presentation than magazine ads. *d. Female selfies were more likely to contain a kissing pout face.

18. Chapter 02-018 Which of the following involves empirical research late in the process? *a. deductive logic b. inductive logic c. sociological theories d. conceptual research 19. Chapter 02-019 Dressler and Farmer hypothesized that novice marathon runners would run farther and longer if they were exposed to veteran runners who could mentor them through the early days of marathon training. The researchers began with existing theories, developed a new hypothesis, and then organized a research program to test the premise. Which form of reasoning did they use? a. reductionist *b. deductive c. inductive d. empirical 20. Chapter 02-020 Which statement best describes inductive reasoning? *a. It starts with research and ends with theory construction. b. It starts with theory and ends with theory construction. c. It reflects the bidirectional relationship between theory and research. d. It is not a practical tool for sociologists to use. 21. Chapter 02-021 Rosa finished her fieldwork before developing her theory about what social phenomenon was occurring. According to the text, research approach did Rosa use? a. deductive reasoning *b. inductive reasoning c. common reasoning d. reliable reasoning

22. Chapter 02-022 Which of the following begins with empirical research? a. deductive logic *b. inductive logic c. sociological theories d. conceptual research 23. Chapter 02-023 In evaluation research a separate prior study is often undertaken which asks "what is the nature of the social problem?" Which term refers to this prior study? a. de facto assessment b. exploratory investigation *c. needs assessment d. inductive study 24. Chapter 02-024 The text used text messaging to illustrate which of research approach? a. surveys b. experiments c. discourse analysis *d. exploratory research 25. Chapter 02-025 Mike and Johanna wanted to study the notion that Internet dating site users developed more self-confidence about their personal appeal as a potential partner over a sixmonth time frame. Which form of research would reveal this particular social phenomenon? a. descriptive b. exploratory *c. explanatory d. deductive 26. Chapter 02-026 In what kind of study do researchers attempt to assess the necessity for or efficacy of a social program or social condition?

a. exploratory b. experimental c. empowerment *d. evaluation 27. Chapter 02-027 A program was developed to increase prescription compliance in recently diagnosed hypertension patients. Medical readings and interviews were conducted with participants over one year, at three-month intervals. At the end of the program, medical health practitioners revisited the program to check its effectiveness and to make adjustments as indicated by the data. Which form of research would reveal the outcome of the program? *a. evaluation b. exploratory c. explanatory d. empowerment 28. Chapter 02-028 What kind of research is designed to facilitate improving the conditions within a particular social setting or for a particular social group? a. exploratory b. experimental *c. empowerment d. evaluation 29. Chapter 02-029 According to the text, what are researchers doing when they are pursuing change while studying a social system? a. community research b. social research c. responsible research *d. action research 30. Chapter 02-030 Which term refers to the process of defining variables in a precise manner that is measureable?

a. conceptualization *b. operationalization c. theorization d. variablization 31. Chapter 02-031 What is the main reason that sociologists review previous research before doing a study of their own? a. to determine if they will be able to get their own research published in a scholarly journal *b. to determine what is already known and where gaps or limitations exist c. to criticize the work of other sociologists d. to decide on one or more of the research methods available for the research design 32. Chapter 02-032 Which of the following best describes the process operationalization? *a. defining variables in precise measurable manner b. developing critical theory c. transforming an hypothesis d. organizing a research team 33. Chapter 02-033 In which of these hypothetical examples would the measuring instrument be reliable but not valid? *a. In order to measure her psychic ability, Martha weighs herself repeatedly with consistent results. b. In order to determine his height, Albert uses a rubber measuring stick which yields several estimates. c. In order to measure family income, Fernando asks several strangers in a restaurant how much money they have in their pockets. d. In order to estimate age, Bertha asks students in a classroom to name their favourite song of all time. 34. Chapter 02-034 For some reason, Norman believes that his bathroom scale

measures intelligence. What does Norman not realize with respect to this type of measurement? a. A bathroom scale can be neither reliable nor valid. b. A working bathroom scale is valid but not reliable. *c. A working bathroom scale is reliable but not valid. d. A bathroom scale cannot be operationalized. 35. Chapter 02-035 Which of the following best defines operationalization? *a. the translation of concepts into measureable variables b. the transformation of a literature review into a research question c. the analysis of the relationship between variables d. the use of theory to organize data collection 36. Chapter 02-036 What does the term "validity" mean in relation to survey research? a. The results can be verified by outside parties. b. There is consistency of measurement. *c. At least one of the variables is a good indicator of the intended concept. d. The sample is representative. 37. Chapter 02-037 In the process of drawing conclusions, what should a researcher always do? *a. Revisit the original research question. b. Consider the consequences of their conclusions. c. Propose policy changes. d. Compile their results. 38. Chapter 02-038 Which term refers to a testable research statement that includes at least two variables? a. a theory

*b. a hypothesis c. an empirical prediction d. an exploratory statement 39. Chapter 02-039 Which of the following is NOT a major component of a research design? a. data collection b. data analysis c. drawing conclusions *d. making policy recommendations 40. Chapter 02-040 Which term refers to obtaining consistent results with the same measure? a. multiple causation *b. reliability c. experimenter presence d. validity 41. Chapter 02-041 Suppose that a person receives the same score when she takes an IQ test more than once. Which statement best describes this test? a. It is valid. b. It is a good predictor. *c. It is reliable. d. It is dependable. 42. Chapter 02-042 A sociologist publishes an article on a study in which she estimated the level of religious commitment in the population. Another interested researcher uses the same methodology and replicates the experiment and produces the same estimate. What can be said about the original study result? a. It shows causation. b. It has confidence. c. It has verifiability.

*d. It has reliability. 43. Chapter 02-043 When are measurements in research considered reliable? a. when they are correlated *b. when they yield consistent results c. when they measure what they were supposed to measure d. when they are accurate and relevant 44. Chapter 02-044 After researchers have collected and analyzed their data, what is generally considered the next and final step of the research process? a. finalizing the research design b. reconfiguring the hypotheses c. certifying the ethical approval *d. disseminating the findings 45. Chapter 02-045 What is generally the last step in the research process? a. termination of analysis b. data distribution *c. dissemination of findings d. securing ethical approval 46. Chapter 02-046 Why is the Stanford Prison experiment famous? a. It was the first experiment ever done in a maximum security institution. b. It was the first social science experiment to undergo the Tri Council ethics review process. *c. It demonstrated the situational nature of control and coercion. d. It did not maintain the anonymity of the researcher. 47. Chapter 02-047 Without prior notice, a sociologist shows up in a high

school classroom. Students are informed that they must take part in a survey of criminal activities. The students are assured that their names or other identifying information will not appear on the questionnaire, that all research material will be seen by only the researchers, and that the material will be destroyed at the end of the study. Which of the following comments seems most appropriate with respect to the ethics of the study? a. There appear to be no obvious ethical problems. b. The researchers are not protecting the anonymity of students. c. Students are not being paid for their participation. *d. There appears to allowance for prior consent. 48. Chapter 02-048 Debriefing is mandatory in which of the following types of research situations? a. where confidentiality is a problem b. in situations which involve an experimental design c. in qualitative research *d. where information is initially withheld 49. Chapter 02-049 The study of survival games among Indigenous youth living in the Northwest Territories used what kind of research design? a. a quantitative survey *b. an inductive content analysis c. an experiment d. a focus group 50. Chapter 02-050 A researcher has conducted a survey of students' assessments of faculty performance. Students did not put their names on the questionnaire. When the research is done, the researcher leaves the questionnaires in the lounge for faculty to peruse. Which ethical breech is this researcher guilty of? *a. not respecting confidentiality

b. not respecting autonomy c. not respecting the feelings of the faculty members who are being assessed d. failing to include student names on the forms 51. Chapter 02-051 What does the Tri Council Policy Statement relate to? *a. the role of ethics in research b. the use of experiments in social science c. the amount of funding available for sociological research d. the publishing criteria regarding research findings 52. Chapter 02-052 Why was Stanley Milgram's research considered ethically problematic? a. The identities of the experimental subjects were made public. b. The research could have physically harmed the subjects. *c. The research could have psychologically harmed the subjects. d. The research could have physically harmed the researchers' assistants. 53. Chapter 02-053 The text used Stanley Milgram's study on obedience to authority as an example of the importance of which sociological issue? a. obedience b. reliability *c. ethics d. experimentation 54. Chapter 02-054 Which of the following is part of the "Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans" standards for conducting research?

*a. Participation in research must be voluntary, and confidentiality and anonymity must be observed. b. Researchers may harm research participants only when the potential gains in knowledge outweigh theparticipants' rights. c. Researchers must take care of the funders' interests in their research, ensuring outcomes do not contravene their expectations. d. Researchers must avoid politically incorrect areas of inquiry and take care not to delve into sensitive issues. 55. Chapter 02-055 In social science research, which statement best summarizes the matter of ethics? a. Ethics are left to individual researchers. b. Ethics are overseen by the disciplinary organization (e.g., the sociology association). *c. Ethics are specified by the Tri-Council policy. d. Ethics are only a matter of interest to universities in rare cases. 56. Chapter 02-056 Research in online chat rooms is challenging. Even if researchers announce that they have logged in, someone logging in later might not be aware of their presence. What does this important research issue pertain to? a. technology *b. ethics c. research intent d. research outcomes 57. Chapter 02-057 Which statement best defines "maintaining confidentiality"? *a. The researcher is able to identify a given person's responses, but promises not to do so. b. The research cannot identify a given response with a given respondent. c. The researcher refrains from collecting personal information about participants.

d. The researcher obtains written consent before collecting personal information. 58. Chapter 02-058 Qualitative methodologies are usually associated with which of the following? *a. inductive approach b. deductive approach c. reductive approach d. quantitative approach 59. Chapter 02-059 Which of the following uses inductive logic? a. surveys *b. grounded theory c. foundational theory d. research hypotheses 60. Chapter 02-060 What term is used to describe the research situation in which colonized or oppressed people can express their views and concerns in whatever form is most relevant to them? *a. decolonization b. recolonization c. anti-colonization d. Indigenous responding 61. Chapter 02-061 Some researchers interested in male violence examined three sources of data: self-reports of survey subjects, selfreports by victims, and police arrest data. All three sources concurred with respect to the finding that men are more violent than women. What is this an example of? a. research duplication b. research replication *c. triangulation d. research design validity

62. Chapter 02-062 Which statement best describes sociology experiments? a. They are inductive. b. They are useful for generating research hypotheses. *c. They ideally involve the random assignment of subjects. d. They are among the most common techniques used by sociologists. 63. Chapter 02-063 What is the major limitation of experiments in sociology? a. They rarely make use of a dependant variable. b. They too frequently employ control groups. *c. They involve what are essentially artificial situations. d. They fail to make causal arguments. 64. Chapter 02-064 How to access and then exit a research setting is a problem unique to which of the following research methodologies? a. the focus group *b. participant observation c. systematic observation d. multimethod observation 65. Chapter 02-065 How do we describe the situation in which a researcher directly observes a social group or process but does not interact with the participants? a. obtrusive observation *b. systematic observation c. participant observation d. single-case observation 66. Chapter 02-066 Professor Hobsworth has undertaken a study of the treatment in the news of "notable people" who have appeared on the cover of Time magazine during the period 2000 to 2020. She is especially interested in the types of coverage

associated with different types of notable people. This study is an example of which of the following? a. primary research *b. secondary data analysis c. tertiary data analysis d. newsfact analysis 67. Chapter 02-067 Which of the following is a major shortcoming of surveys? a. the difficulty in finding capable interviewers b. securing the cooperation of a sufficiently large sample *c. the inability to independently validate survey information d. the difficulties involved in the operationalization of concepts 68. Chapter 02-068 We are doing an experiment to determine if exposure to violent newscasts in a laboratory setting increases subjects' fear of the world. Which statement is most important to this experiment design? *a. Exposure to violent news would be the independent variables. b. Fear would be the independent variable. c. Members of a control group would be exposed to the violent newscasts. d. Random assignment would be unnecessary in such a study. 69. Chapter 02-069 What do sociologists call the presumed cause that is manipulated in an experiment? *a. independent variable b. dependent variable c. controlled variable d. central variable

70. Chapter 02-070 What do sociologists call the participants in an experiment who are NOT exposed to the independent variable? a. dependent group *b. control group c. observed group d. responsive group 71. Chapter 02-071 In a study of the effects of exposure to pornographic films on men's attitudes toward women, what is the name of the group of research participants who are NOT exposed to the films? *a. the control group b. the research group c. the master group d. the experimental group 72. Chapter 02-072 In a study of the health of runaways of different ages in Toronto, the researcher examined housing, employment, and education. In this research, what is the independent variable? *a. age b. housing c. employment d. health 73. Chapter 02-073 Students who work at part-time jobs get lower grades than those who do not work. In methodological terms, what kind of variable are students' grades? a. mediating b. independent *c. dependent d. confounding 74. Chapter 02-074 For a research project about vacation practices, Sam will

look at the influence of a person's income on her or his vacation destination. He proposes that the higher the income, the more luxurious the accommodation choice will be. Which term refers to the accommodation choice? a. an independent variable *b. a dependent variable c. a spurious variable d. an intervening variable 75. Chapter 02-075 What is random assignment associated with? *a. experiments b. ethnography c. surveys d. systematic observation 76. Chapter 02-076 What is the best scientific methodology to isolate a cause? *a. experiment b. survey c. field research d. observation studies 77. Chapter 02-077 What kind of research should a social scientist use to clearly establish the causal relationship between two variables? *a. experimental b. direct observation c. correlational d. ethnographic 78. Chapter 02-078 According to the text, what is the primary means of collecting social science evidence? *a. survey b. field study c. ethnographic study d. experiment

79. Chapter 02-079 Sanjay is interested in finding out people's attitudes about crime in his neighbourhood. Using a brief face-toface interview, he goes door-to-door and asks his neighbours identical questions using the questionnaire he designed. Which research method is he using? a. participant observation *b. survey c. experiment d. ethnography 80. Chapter 02-080 Which term refers to a printed research instrument containing a series of items to which research participants (or "subjects") respond by choosing from a list? a. pretest b. posttest c. observational device *d. questionnaire 81. Chapter 02-081 A researcher might administer a questionnaire to a small group that closely resembles the population of interest. What label would a sociologist give this group? a. multivariate sample *b. representative sample c. restricted sample d. sample of convenience 82. Chapter 02-082 You conduct a survey with a large introductory class of sociology students, but you want to sample only 30 percent of them. When passing out the survey, you need to make sure that each person in the class has an equal chance of being selected to complete it. What kind of sample have you selected? a. multivariate b. cross-sectional

*c. representative d. multi-stage 83. Chapter 02-083 What is the best research design for testing causality? a. ethnography *b. experiment c. survey d. content analysis 84. Chapter 02-084 When a researcher meets with the research participants in her study and asks each of them a series of questions, altering the questions as necessary, which data collection method is she using? a. researcher-administered questionnaire *b. unstandardized interview c. structured survey d. structured experiment 85. Chapter 02-085 According to the text, what is the biggest advantage of interviews when compared to questionnaires? a. The answers are easier to analyze. b. The answers reflect the rapport built with the respondent. *c. The answers better reflect the respondents' actual views. d. The answers are less likely to raise ethical issues. 86. Chapter 02-086 Which statement best describes a researcher doing secondary analysis? a. He or she replicates an earlier research study. b. He or she completes a project by answering questions not addressed in the original study. c. He or she focuses on the study of secondary organizations.

*d. He or she uses data previously collected or made available for some other purpose. 87. Chapter 02-087 Which type of analysis can be carried out on existing data sources, such as public records, official reports, and surveys completed by other researchers? *a. secondary analysis b. inconspicuous analysis c. researcher-coordinated analysis d. unobtrusive analysis 88. Chapter 02-088 Keira has decided to buy a data set from Statistics Canada to use as the basis for her research for her master's thesis. Which method of data collection is she using? a. primary analysis *b. secondary analysis c. technical analysis d. quantitative analysis 89. Chapter 02-089 Which terms refer to research on copies of suicide notes done in order to establish the types of themes that occur in them most often? a. field research *b. content analysis c. participant observation d. ethnography 90. Chapter 02-090 What is NOT included in secondary analyses? a. studies using statistical information collected by Statistics Canada b. content analyses c. historical analyses *d. ethnography

91. Chapter 02-091 Which theoretical tradition is most consistent with ethnographic research methods? a. positivism *b. interactionist c. functionalist d. conflict 92. Chapter 02-092 Which research approach is defined as "the use of multiple methods to critically examine the ways in which language is used to convey social constructions and social relations"? a. critical analysis b. post-structural analysis c. postmodern analysis *d. discourse analysis 93. Chapter 02-093 If a researcher directly observes a social group or process in the field, but does not interact with the participants, what kind of research is being performed? a. experimental observation b. restricted observation *c. systematic observation d. participant observation 94. Chapter 02-094 Which term refers to studying people where they live, work, and play? a. discourse analysis *b. ethnography c. case investigation d. field experimentation 95. Chapter 02-095 When a researcher conducts a detailed study of the life and activities of a group of people by living with that group over a period of years, what is this type of study called? *a. ethnography

b. survey research c. complete observation d. field experimentation 96. Chapter 02-096 A sociologist starts "hanging out" with Italian immigrants. In addition to hanging out, he informally conducts interviews with the immigrants, and supplements his research with official statistics and government reports. Then he publishes a book on his work that gives an in-depth insider's look at Italian immigrant life in Canada, contrasted with the official information. His work both confirms some aspects of official data, and confronts some government claims about immigration. What kind of research is this? a. experimental research project b. survey research project *c. ethnographic research project d. academic writing project 97. Chapter 02-097 If a researcher collects observations about a group while taking part in the activities of the group, what kind of research is being performed? *a. participant observation b. survey c. environmental behaviour d. experiment 98. Chapter 02-098 A graduate sociology student proposes a thesis on pool hustlers. A major part of his methodology is spend time in pool halls. As a reasonably good pool player, he will play games and allow himself to be hustled, and he will use his skill to set up hustles himself. What kind of research is he conducting? *a. participant observation b. social observation c. unethical observation d. primary observation

99. Chapter 02-099 Which type of research design employs at least one qualitative and one quantitative method at the same time in order to compare different perspectives as part of the overall data integration? a. integrated case study b. multi-level method c. qualquan approach *d. convergent analysis 100. Chapter 02-100 Inductive reasoning is a theory-driven approach that typically concludes with generalizations based on research. a. True *b. False 101. Chapter 02-101 People who are both frequent text message and Facebook users are known to develop a reduced ability to spell combined with an overall reduction in written language skills. a. True *b. False 102. Chapter 02-102 Facebook strengthens feelings of inclusion and connection with others. *a. True b. False 103. Chapter 02-103 Statistics Canada is a significant resource for social science researchers who need descriptions of numerous aspects and characteristics of Canada's population. *a. True b. False

104. Chapter 02-104 Descriptive research is a useful research method for tracking whether or not groups, events, activities, and/or situations remain static or undergo changes. *a. True b. False 105. Chapter 02-105 When a concept is operationalized for research purposes it is referred to as a variable. *a. True b. False 106. Chapter 02-106 A measurement instrument which gives consistent results each time it is used but does not really describe the concept being measured is reliable but not valid. *a. True b. False 107. Chapter 02-107 An excellent way to draw conclusions from research is to revisit the original research question. *a. True b. False 108. Chapter 02-108 The Nuremburg Code ended concerns about ethical misconduct. a. True *b. False 109. Chapter 02-109 It is not necessary to tell research subjects that their participation is voluntary because doing so may decrease their likelihood of involvement.

a. True *b. False 110. Chapter 02-110 Confidentiality cannot exist without anonymity. a. True *b. False 111. Chapter 02-111 A respondent (or participant) is considered to be confidential if a researcher cannot link the data collected on or from that person back to his or her personal identity. a. True *b. False 113. Chapter 02-113 Experiments are most useful with respect to explanatory research. *a. True b. False 114. Chapter 02-114 Social scientists use experiments as often as natural scientists do because they provide a reliable source of data. a. True *b. False 115. Chapter 02-115 The major advantage of an experiment is the researcher's control over the environment and the ability to isolate the experimental variable. *a. True b. False

116. Chapter 02-116 In any research context, the dependent variable is presumed to cause the independent one. a. True *b. False 117. Chapter 02-117 Field experiments are experimental designs conducted in real life settings. *a. True b. False 118. Chapter 02-118 Self-administered questionnaires work best with open-ended questions. a. True *b. False 119. Chapter 02-119 A senior citizen who gives his age as 10 years younger than his actual age is an example of the inaccuracies possible in surveys. *a. True b. False 120. Chapter 02-120 Books, magazines, and television programs can all be sources of data for secondary analysis. *a. True b. False 121. Chapter 02-121 Discourse analysis refers to the use of recording equipment to study political speeches. a. True *b. False

122. Chapter 02-122 The major advantage of field methods is that they are so much less expensive than any alternatives. a. True *b. False 123. Chapter 02-123 Participant observation involves collecting systematic observations while being part of the activities of the group being studied. *a. True b. False 124. Chapter 02-124 Systematic observation involves taking part in a social group or process. a. True *b. False 125. Chapter 02-125 The method of participant observation typically employs random samples of individuals or groups. a. True *b. False

Chapter 3 1. Chapter 03-001 Which of the following does the postmodern lens encourage us to think about? a. a single unified Canadian identity *b. multiple simultaneous Canadian cultures c. culture as a product of rational choice d. culture as defined in social media 2. Chapter 03-002 What term do we use to describe the spread of cultural elements from one group to another? a. cultural movement b. cultural influence c. lateral cultural organization *d. cultural diffusion 3. Chapter 03-003 Blue jeans were created as a kind of working garment for miners to wear when they were digging or panning for gold. Since then, jeans have become, for many. a high-fashion item. What term do we use to describe this process? a. sartorial rehabilitation b. adaptation c. cultural diffusion *d. cultural class movement 4. Chapter 03-004 The textbook describes a recent Government of Canada initiative called "Building on Success: International Education Strategy". Which of the following was a key aspect of that initiative? *a. culture shock b. cultural diffusion c. cultural movement d. cultural retention

5. Chapter 03-005 Which term refers to customs and practices that occur across all societies? a. symbols b. beliefs c. norms *d. cultural universals 6. Chapter 03-006 Which statement does NOT accurately describe cultural universals? *a. Cultural universals include appearance, activities, institutions, and customary practices. b. The specific form of cultural universals is constant from one time to another within the same group. c. The specific form of cultural universals is constant from one group to another. d. Sociologists are in agreement that cultural universals are the result of functional necessity. 7. Chapter 03-007 When an archeologist finds a piece of pottery from 5,000 years ago, what aspect of human activity is this evidence of? a. the ability to carry water b. the ability to make fire *c. the ability to produce material goods d. the ability to think abstractly 8. Chapter 03-008 Which of the following is an example of nonmaterial culture? *a. an act of kindness b. a train c. a flash drive d. a house

9. Chapter 03-009 What are pizza and poutine, along with works of art, various forms of housing, means of transportation, clothing, tools, and countless electronic gadgets examples of? a. consumptive culture b. postmodern culture *c. material culture d. capitalist culture 10. Chapter 03-010 Madeline lived in Asia for several years before returning to Canada. When she returned to Canada she found herself disoriented by aspects of the culture which were once very familiar to her. What is this an example of? a. xenophobia b. reverse xenophobia c. culture shock *d. reverse culture shock 11. Chapter 03-011 Which term is defined as "intangibles produced by intellectual or spiritual development; also, the use of artifacts in a given culture"? a. cultural utility b. cultural universal c. cultural products *d. nonmaterial culture 12. Chapter 03-012 How do critical approaches view pop culture? a. as nonmaterial culture b. as cultural tradition *c. as an ideology d. as mass-mediated culture 13. Chapter 03-013 John Fiske's view of popular culture is best described by which of the following?

a. Popular culture contributes to the integration of diverse groups in society. b. Popular culture is best viewed as a critique of high culture. *c. Both the producers and the consumers of popular culture determine the course that consumerism takes. d. Popular culture is to culture what junk food is to food. 14. Chapter 03-014 What term is used to describe someone who widely consumes both high culture and popular culture? a. a cultural addict *b. a cultural omnivore c. a cultural herbivore d. a cultural super-consumer 15. Chapter 03-015 According to the textbook, when did a unique youth culture develop in North America? a. in the early 19th century b. in the medieval period *c. after World War II d. after World War I 16. Chapter 03-016 Which statement best describes Indigenous languages in Canada? a. It is correct to say that Indigenous languages are extinct in Canada. b. There is only one Indigenous language in Canada that is still being spoken. *c. There are more than 50 Indigenous languages in Canada. d. More than 50 Indigenous language families exist in Canada. 17. Chapter 03-017 Which of the following statements is true with respect to Indigenous languages in Canada?-

a. The use of Indigenous languages has decreased over the last decade. *b. There are twice as many Indigenous youth who can speak Indigenous languages compared to Elders. c. The use of Indigenous languages has increased dramatically among non-Indigenous people. d. The rate of people using Indigenous languages has remained constant for over a century. 18. Chapter 03-018 Who was Noah Piugattuk? a. the current Minister of Indigenous Affairs *b. a character in a film about Indigenous assimilation c. the author of a book about Indigenous languages d. the oldest living Canadian 19. Chapter 03-019 What term do we use to describe the position that language has meaning within the given culture in which it occurs? a. linguistic determinism *b. linguistic relativism c. linguistic centrism d. linguistic contextualism 20. Chapter 03-020 Some feminists have argued that the use of the term "mankind" to refer to people of any gender results in people thinking of males as more important than women or those of other genders. From whose work is such a hypothesis derived? a. Fiske *b. Sapir and Whorf c. Piugattuk d. Durkheim 21. Chapter 03-021 What is the nearest estimate of the number of mother tongues spoken in Canada?

a. 2 *b. 100 c. 400 d. By definition there can only be 1. 22. Chapter 03-022 Which term refers to a shared system of communication that includes spoken, written, and signed forms of speech, as well as nonverbal gestures used to convey meaning? a. knowledge b. social reality *c. language d. culture 23. Chapter 03-023 Which of the following best defines the concept of a "mother tongue"? a. the language spoken by members of the maternal line *b. the language first spoken as a child and still understood c. the language spoken in the land from which one emigrated d. the language used in the home 24. Chapter 03-024 Which statement would best summarize the ideas of Sapir and Whorf? a. All indigenous languages are part of one language family. b. There really are no words and phrases unique to Canada. *c. Language shapes reality for those experiencing it. d. In Canada, more people speak Aboriginal languages than speak immigrant languages. 25. Chapter 03-025 Which term would a sociologist use to refer to specific behavioural expectations of any society? a. prescriptions

b. values c. codes of conduct *d. norms 26. Chapter 03-026 Which of the following is an example of a folkway? a. the law against selling heavily addictive drugs *b. the rule about talking in a movie theater c. child sexual abuse d. the rule about incest 27. Chapter 03-027 Which term refers to informal norms that are based in accepted tradition and demonstrate respect for the generalized other? a. informal sanctions b. taboos *c. folkways d. everyday customs 28. Chapter 03-028 With respect to language, what is the meaning of the term "emblem"? *a. a physical gesture with a direct verbal equivalent b. a physical gesture that is a cultural universal c. an article of clothing that is a symbol of group membership d. a symbol worn on a piece of clothing 29. Chapter 03-029 Which of the following is true with respect to multiculturalism in Canada? a. While widely embraced, multiculturalism has never been official government policy. b. The goal of multiculturalism is consistent with Canadians' yearning for a "dominant culture". *c. Multiculturalism is a core Canadian value. d. To discourage the use of languages other than French or English.

30. Chapter 03-030 A conflict theory of culture highlights which of the following? a. the internalization of norms b. collective conscience *c. the inconsistency between norms and values d. the importance of cultural relativism 31. Chapter 03-031 With respect to Quebec's Bill 21, "An Act Respecting the Laicity of the State", which of the following is true? a. The law extended new religious freedoms to all Quebec residents. b. The law extended new religious freedoms to only a small number of religions. *c. The law was intended to uphold French secularism. d. The framers of the bill were criticized for not addressing the wearing of religious garments in public. 32. Chapter 03-032 Which of the following is best understood as a counterculture rather than a subculture? *a. The Proud Boys b. Little Italy in Toroto c. professional musicians d. furries (i.e. people who dress in furry animal costumes in order to better express the animal with which they identify) 33. Chapter 03-033 Sylvana was told about a foreign culture in which people eat animals that she has only thought of as pets her entire life. She is outraged and demands from her MP that international action must be taken to present this practice. What does it appear Sylvana needs a lesson in? a. ideal and real culture b. the collective conscience c. cultural determinism

*d. cultural relativism 34. Chapter 03-034 While Canadians have always liked to appear as though they did not approve of gambling, their behaviour at casinos and during lotteries suggests otherwise. What is this gap an example of? a. subterranean values b. subcultural values c. contra-culture *d. ideal and real culture 35. Chapter 03-035 Emile Durkheim would argue that norms and values can be categorized as which of the following? *a. social facts b. the opiate of the masses c. examples of folkways d. forms of cultural determinism 36. Chapter 03-036 Which of the following is NOT one of the values described by the 1990 Federal Government Task Force? a. compassion and generosity b. belief in consultation and dialogue *c. building a melting pot to produce a single Canadian identity d. our world image 37. Chapter 03-037 What does the term "prescriptive norm" imply? *a. rules regarding behaviour we are expected to perform b. less serious rules c. rules that have wide public support d. rules that carry the force of the legal system

38. Chapter 03-038 Which of the following terms refers to informal norms that demonstrate respect for the generalized other? *a. folkways b. mores c. taboos d. informal values 39. Chapter 03-039 Every day when you get out of bed, you brush your teeth, apply deodorant, then select and put on appropriate clothing. What are all of these actions examples of? a. formal norms *b. folkways c. mores d. laws 40. Chapter 03-040 "You don't really mean to chew with your mouth open, do you?" What function does this statement serve? a. It constructs cultural norms. b. It encourages rational action. c. It creates cultural discomfort. *d. It enforces a proscriptive norm. 41. Chapter 03-041 Which of the following is the most likely reaction when a person violates a folkway? *a. an informal sanction b. a formal sanction c. a positive sanction d. a prescriptive norm 42. Chapter 03-042 Which statement best explains why those who break mores are more severely sanctioned than those who break folkways? a. Informal norms may not be violated without serious consequences. b. Breaking mores is universally offensive.

*c. Mores are based on cultural values and are needed to maintain social control. d. All mores are considered taboos and subject to severe sanctions. 43. Chapter 03-043 According to the text, which of the following best describes mores? a. informal norms that may be violated without serious consequences b. norms that are not considered to be highly essential to the stability of society *c. norms based on cultural values and considered crucial to maintain social control d. learned patterns of behaviour that can vary markedly from one society to another 44. Chapter 03-044 According to the text, signs of disapproval are often conveyed through use of which communication strategy? a. yelling b. extensive vocabulary c. interrogation *d. nonverbal means 45. Chapter 03-045 What is a taboo? a. an informal norm based on tradition b. an institutionalized norm that embodies fundamental values *c. an act that is morally disapproved and that is seen as bad in itself d. a rule that outlines behaviour we are expected to refrain from 46. Chapter 03-046 Which of the following is an example of a prescriptive norm? a. Don't spread rumours.

b. Refrain from being on Facebook while you are in class. *c. Cover your mouth when you cough. d. Kiss strangers on the cheek when first introduced. 47. Chapter 03-047 What is an emblem? a. nonverbal signals that are cultural universals b. forms of speech which are used in formal situations *c. gestures with direct verbal equivalents d. untranslatable phrases 48. Chapter 03-048 Which of the following is NOT one of the values identified in a 1990 federal government task force which asked Canadians about their views on Canada's future and what it means to be Canadian? a. belief in equality and fairness in a democratic society b. belief in consultation and dialogue c. importance of accommodation and tolerance *d. respect for the nation's elderly 49. Chapter 03-049 Which statement best describes the Canadian Multiculturalism Act? a. It was criticized for its failure to embrace core Canadian values. b. It recommended an end to Canadian bilingual policies. c. It assumed that cultures in Canada formed a natural hierarchy. *d. It stated that it was important to preserve and promote languages other than English and French. 50. Chapter 03-050 Which principle is contradicted by the condemnation of practices engaged in by members of a culture rather than your own?

a. cultural universalism b. cultural intolerance c. cultural non-absolutism *d. cultural relativism 51. Chapter 03-051 Why is language so important in the construction of culture? *a. It enables the transfer of knowledge. b. It is part of material culture. c. It makes subcultures possible. d. It enables the distinction of allophones. 52. Chapter 03-052 According to Durkheim, "observable social phenomena external to the individual" defines which of the following? a. normative rate b. supra-individuality *c. social fact d. microsociological phenomena 53. Chapter 03-053 According to the text, which of the following is a core Canadian value? *a. accommodation and tolerance b. pay equity and employment equity c. honesty and justice d. kindness and love 54. Chapter 03-054 What is a functionalist likely to argue about culture? a. Societies that share a common language and core values are unlikely to have very specific types of dysfunctions. *b. Societies in which people share core values are more likely to have consensus and harmony. c. Social facts are functional for the existence of culture.

d. Values and norms help create and sustain the privileged position of the powerful in society while excluding others. 55. Chapter 03-055 According to the text, what is the Canadian Multiculturalism Act intended to reflect? a. the laws of Canada b. the policies of Canada c. the mores of Canadians *d. the core values of Canadians 56. Chapter 03-056 What has the functionalist perspective on culture been criticized for? a. focusing on how societies meet their needs *b. not acknowledging unfair treatment of some groups c. downplaying the role of stability and cooperation d. overemphasizing a micro-level analysis of society 57. Chapter 03-057 What label is given when people come to accept cultural norms and follow them without even being aware that they are doing so? *a. internalization of norms b. unconscious culture c. unconscious norms d. cultural acceptance 58. Chapter 03-058 Canadians may believe that they are law abiding, but they will routinely fail to wear a seat belt or slow down when driving in school zones. What does this demonstrate? *a. a discrepancy between ideal culture and real culture b. the difference between Canadians and Americans c. the differences between a law and a more d. a discrepancy between cultural universals and value contradictions

59. Chapter 03-059 What does the term "real culture" refer to? a. the cultural values the majority of people identify with b. the elements of culture that have material forms *c. practices engaged in by the majority of people in a given society d. the cultural norms that ensure the continued existence of the culture 60. Chapter 03-060 Which term refers to the belief that the behaviours and customs of any culture must be viewed and analyzed by the culture's own standards? a. cultural xenocentrism b. diversity in practice *c. cultural relativism d. reverse ethnocentrism 61. Chapter 03-061 Which term refers to the assumption that one's own culture and way of life are superior to all others? a. group superiority *b. ethnocentrism c. the authoritarian personality d. self-centredness 62. Chapter 03-062 Which of the following is an example of ethnocentrism that a Canadian or American might be guilty of? a. respecting cultural differences no matter what *b. assuming democracy is the best social model c. finding what others eat intriguing and interesting d. seeing other religions as on a par with your own 63. Chapter 03-063 Which term refers to a group of people who share a distinctive set of cultural beliefs and behaviours that

differ in some significant way from that of the larger society? *a. a subculture b. a counterculture c. a contraculture d. an ethnic neighbourhood 64. Chapter 03-064 Which of the following is an example of a counterculture? a. Hutterites *b. Black Bloc protesters c. 1990s rave drug enthusiasts d. Italian Canadians 65. Chapter 03-065 Near Kitchener, Ontario, there are peaceful communities of Mennonites who practise their religion, live apart from mainstream society, wear their own style of clothes, and practise farming with minimal mechanization. What term do sociologists apply to people living this lifestyle? a. foreign culture *b. subculture c. counterculture d. subversive culture 66. Chapter 03-066 I believe it is wrong for the military to recruit a 13year-old in the Republic of the Sudan or in the Republic of South Sudan, but I don't believe it is wrong to recruit 16year-old in Canada. As a result, what might others accuse me of? a. cultural duplicity b. extreme cultural relativism c. cultural intolerance *d. ethnocentrism 67. Chapter 03-067 Which statement best defines "high culture"?

a. It refers to the influence of cannabis use on contemporary films, books, and television. b. It prevents social reproduction of the classes. *c. It includes opera and Shakespeare Festivals. d. It is rarely associated with status symbols. 68. Chapter 03-068 What is a key aspect of Canadian identity? a. a commitment to rugged individualism b. the notion that Canada is "the land of the free and the home of the brave" *c. a recognition that we are not American d. a well-known and well-respected national cuisine 69. Chapter 03-069 Jolene texts her boyfriend that she is running late. She ends the text with "XO." According to the text, what label can be given to the "XO"? a. technological change b. an informal norm c. diffusion *d. a symbol 70. Chapter 03-070 Which statement best defines "popular culture"? *a. It is often associated with youth culture. b. It really began in the 1930s in North America. c. It includes movies and television, but not phone apps or fast food restaurants. d. It is included in the cultural mosaic. 71. Chapter 03-071 Which statement best reflects the views of cultural critic John Fiske? *a. Popular culture plays a role in shaping mass culture. b. High culture plays a role in shaping popular culture.

c. Popular culture plays a role in shaping elite culture. d. The three forms of culture exist as independent forms. 72. Chapter 03-072 What does the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis argue? a. Language imprisons people. b. Language is common to both animals and humans. *c. Language shapes how its speakers view reality. d. Language is less important than symbols in determining how we view the world. 73. Chapter 03-073 What is a cultural omnivore? a. someone with the resources to consume as much elite culture as they wish to consume b. someone whose cultural preferences are focused on culinary tastes *c. someone who consumes elements of both popular and high culture d. someone who has no real appreciation of the culture which they consume 74. Chapter 03-074 Culture is the sum of the social environment in which we are raised and continue to be socialized throughout our lives. *a. True b. False 75. Chapter 03-075 Cultures generally remain static. a. True *b. False

76. Chapter 03-076 The postmodern lens affirms the existence of two distinct cultural worlds in Canada. a. True *b. False 77. Chapter 03-077 The tangible and physical items which people have created for their use forms an important part of what sociologists refer to as "tangible culture." a. True *b. False 78. Chapter 03-078 Language is the primary facilitator of culture because it enables us to pass knowledge on from one generation to the next. *a. True b. False 79. Chapter 03-079 The first language Angela learned to speak was Italian and she still understands and speaks the language. We can say that Italian is her "Native language." a. True *b. False 80. Chapter 03-080 The title "firefighter" was introduced to reduce gendered cultural constructions. *a. True b. False 81. Chapter 03-081 One of the key factors distinguishing folkways and mores is the seriousness of the penalty associated with the violation of the norm.

*a. True b. False 82. Chapter 03-082 Taboos do not really exist in modern societies. a. True *b. False 83. Chapter 03-083 The 1991 Canadian study which attempted to identify Canadian values identified one such value as "attachment to Canada's natural beauty" *a. True b. False 84. Chapter 03-084 Canadian multiculturalism represents an attempt on the part of government to promote ethnocentrism. a. True *b. False 85. Chapter 03-085 Observing cultural norms without even realizing we are doing so is indicative of the internalization of norms. *a. True b. False 86. Chapter 03-086 Ethnocentrism is based on the assumption that one's own way of life is superior to all others. *a. True b. False

87. Chapter 03-087 Canada is one of the few societies that has no identifiable value contradictions. a. True *b. False 88. Chapter 03-088 Judging another culture exclusively by the standards of one's own culture is called ethnocentrism. *a. True b. False 89. Chapter 03-089 High culture in Canada includes symbols such as maple syrup, Canadian beer, and poutine. a. True *b. False 90. Chapter 03-090 According to conflict theorists, ideology is a tool used by the elite to maintain their position of dominance in society. *a. True b. False 90. Chapter 03-090 According to conflict theorists, ideology is a tool used by the elite to maintain their position of dominance in society. *a. True b. False

Chapter 4 1. Chapter 04-001 Through the use of an iPhone app or some other device, many people now keep track of how many steps they walk each day. What is this practice an example of? a. the cybernetic self b. the virtual "me" *c. the virtual self d. the psychophysical dimension of human experience 2. Chapter 04-002 Which term would be associated with personal-social identity? *a. ascribed characteristics b. social structural characteristics c. emergent characteristics d. divergent characteristics 4. Chapter 04-004 If we were to describe "Professor" as a master status, what term would we use to categorize other traits such as being articulate or having an extensive book collection? a. contemporary characteristics *b. auxiliary traits c. correlated roles d. associated traits 5. Chapter 04-005 Which of the following is true with respect to the process of socialization? a. It is related to the social identity but not personal identity. b. It ends in late adolescence. c. The family has become increasingly irrelevant to the socialization process. *d. It is a life-long process.

6. Chapter 04-006 Which statement most accurately refers to our identities? a. Our identities remain relatively consistent throughout our lived. b. While the personal elements of our lives may change over the time the social rarely do. c. Our personal identities become less important to us as we age. *d. Over the lifecycle, our identities are in constant flux. 7. Chapter 04-007 Bill was reading the profiles of potential partners on an online dating site. He had children from his first relationship and wanted to meet someone who was also a parent. However, he was concerned about how other people approached parenthood. He considered himself a loving father while also being a fair but strict disciplinarian and wanted to meet someone whose parenting style complemented his own. According to the text, what is the term used to describe a particular personal quality in which Bill was concerned? a. secondary status *b. auxiliary trait c. ancillary status d. a "deal breaker" 8. Chapter 04-008 Which term refers to a status characteristic that is essential to the way we view ourselves and the ways that others view us? a. dominant status b. auxiliary status *c. master status d. essential status 9. Chapter 04-009 According to the text, what term do sociologists use to refer to an individual's sense of who he or she is based on perceived similarities to and differences from others?

a. individual personality *b. self-concept c. social identity d. psycho-social identity 10. Chapter 04-010 Alycia was a member of the LGBT group in her high school. She joined to be with students who had similar sexuality and gender identity-based interests. She also was a member of the school's Talent Night committee. She organized a group of musically talented LGBT members to perform a mix of pop songs. According to the text, what aspect of herself was Alycia drawing from when she joined the LGBT group and then joined the school's Talent Night committee? a. complex personality *b. self-concept c. sexual identity d. psycho-social identity 11. Chapter 04-011 Which study appeared in the text as an example of sociobiological theories? a. the Feral Child Study b. the Human Genome Project *c. the Minnesota Twin Study d. the Quebec-Ontario Genetic Multiple Birth Research Program 12. Chapter 04-012 Which of the following is true with respect to sociobiology? a. It rejects claims of biological determinism. *b. It argues that many forms of behaviour are rooted in evolutionary processes. c. It has been criticized for being too focused on proximate causes. d. It has been criticized for failing to consider ultimate causes.

13. Chapter 04-013 Which of the following has traditionally regarded a newborn baby as a "blank slate"? *a. the nurture argument b. the nature argument c. sociobiologists d. social identity theorists 14. Chapter 04-014 Research in biology supports the claim that ALL BUT ONE OF THE FOLLOWING lack empirical support with respect to the causes of social behaviour. Which factor is it that is lacking in empirical support? a. genes *b. race as a biological characteristic c. hormones d. enzymes 15. Chapter 04-015 Which of the following argues that behaviour is best understood in terms of the consequences it produces? *a. radical behaviourism b. observational learning c. epigenetics d. consequential behaviour theory 16. Chapter 04-016 Which of the following argues that the environment affects behaviour by affecting the ways in which genes are expressed? a. sociobiology b. biosociology *c. epigenetics d. radical evolutionary theory 17. Chapter 04-017 Which of the following is true with respect to twin studies?

a. These studies have only been done with nonidentical twins. b. These studies have only been done with identical twins. c. Research suggests very similar outcomes for identical and non-identical twins. *d. Many of the early twin studies have been faulted for their methodological problems. 18. Chapter 04-018 Which of the following key concepts distinguishes bioecological theory from other arguments regarding human development? a. cultural determinism b. radical social control c. evolutionary structures *d. human agency 19. Chapter 04-019 Which of the following best describes the concept of sociobiology? *a. the belief that social behaviour evolved from the need to reproduce and survive b. a theory that promotes the belief that socialization provides knowledge about normative sex roles necessary for procreation c. the belief that human behaviour is predicated upon survival of the fittest and that biological advantages accrue to the strongest collection of genes d. the belief that human behaviour is controlled by genetics 20. Chapter 04-020 According to the text, which of the following corresponds to a perspective known as behaviourism? a. the theory that views human development as a dynamic process of reciprocal interaction between individuals *b. a school of thought that denies free will, emphasizes observable phenomena, and claims that all behaviour is learned from the environment

c. the belief that human behaviour is controlled by a blend of genetics and the environment (the nature–nurture debate) d. the belief that human social behaviour is predicated upon the biological drive to procreation and survival 21. Chapter 04-021 Which perspective is credited to psychologist B.F. Skinner (1938)? *a. radical behaviourism b. biological determinism c. radical socialization d. sociobiology 22. Chapter 04-022 According to the text, which description corresponds to a perspective known as radical behaviourism? a. a school of thought that denies free will, emphasizes observable phenomena, and claims that all behaviour is learned from the environment b. the belief that human behaviour is controlled by a blend of genetics and the environment (the nature–nurture debate) c. the belief that human social behaviour is predicated upon the biological drive to procreation and survival *d. an emphasis placed on how learning is a function of the consequences that follow behaviour 23. Chapter 04-023 According to the authors, which term is used to describe the position which maintains that social behaviour evolved from the need to reproduce and survive? a. sociogenetics b. social Darwinism *c. sociobiology d. biogenetics

24. Chapter 04-024 Which statement best describes behaviourism? a. It adopts a free will philosophy. b. It argues that behaviour is the product of biological factors. c. It sees the causes of behaviour in factors internal to the individual. *d. It argues that all behaviour is a result of learning. 25. Chapter 04-025 What did early studies of aggression (undertaken by social psychologist Albert Bandura) conclude? a. Learning always takes place in the presence of immediate consequences. b. Sociobiology is the best explanation of aggression. *c. Often learning takes place when people observe and imitate others. d. Radical behaviourism is the best explanation of most forms of behaviour including aggression. 26. Chapter 04-026 Which statement best describes the bio-ecological theory of human development? a. It emphasizes the role of human agency. *b. It sees the relationship between environment and human development as reciprocal. c. It sees individuals as active agents in their own socialization. d. It argues that all behaviour is a result of learning. 27. Chapter 04-027 What does recent research conclude about the roles of nature and nurture? a. It suggests that genetics may be much more important that social factors in the study of human socialization.

b. It has been able to show that as predicted by earlier theorists, a person's genes are largely irrelevant to their behaviour. c. Environmental factors do not help us understand human development in the individual. *d. The traditional line between nature and nurture is much blurrier than we had previously thought. 28. Chapter 04-028 According to the text, which description corresponds to the bio-ecological theory of human development? a. a theory of human development that reveals human behaviour to be an enduring process of adaptation, interpretation, and interaction with observable phenomena b. the theory that human behaviour is organized around the integration of genetic factors and environmental forces c. the theory that promotes the belief that human social behaviour emerged from a distinct need to reproduce, survive, adapt, and thrive *d. a theory that views human development as a dynamic process of reciprocal interaction in which individuals also play an important role in shaping their environment 29. Chapter 04-029 Which of the following is true with respect to the work of George Herbert Mead? *a. Symbolic interactionism is a useful framework for understanding the development of the self. b. Human beings are born with a self that is partially developed. c. The self is "unreflexive". d. The self is comprised of the "I" and the "our". 30. Chapter 04-030 At the end of an examination period, students often "cut loose" and engage in more drinking and rambunctious behaviour than usual. How would Mead understand such behaviours?

a. It is an expression of students' "me". *b. It is an expression of students' "i". c. It is an expression of students' "our". d. What is expressed is a product of the looking-glass self. 31. Chapter 04-031 Who argued that we learn to see ourselves and to judge ourselves the way we imagine other people see us and judge us? a. George Herbert Mead *b. Charles Horton Cooley c. Erving Goffman d. Ng Chhaidy 32. Chapter 04-032 Sofia is playing by herself at the daycare. She is pretending to be a firefighter but she is constantly switching between that role and the roles of the homeowner and the homeowner's dog. Which of the following would be a safe conclusion with respect to Sofia? a. She is at the preparatory stage of development. b. She is at the play stage of development. *c. She is at the game stage of development. d. While Sofia has clearly developed a sense of the "me" she is still lacking a sense of the "I". 33. Chapter 04-033 Which of the following is true with respect to feral children? a. With respect to the case discussed in the textbook, the feral child was eventually able to attend university. b. Even in isolated conditions, feral children have been shown to invent a complex verbal language. c. Upon return to civilization, learning to speak a language is the first skill feral children develop. *d. Upon returning to civilization, feral children are full of emotion.

34. Chapter 04-034 Which of the following statements is true with respect to socializaton? a. The process ends in early adulthood. b. Research shows that there are no genetic effects upon a child's temperament. *c. Reactions from caregivers can change how genes are expressed. d. Research distinguishes primary, secondary, and tertiary agents of socialization. 35. Chapter 04-035 What do we learn from Ng Chhaidy's experience? a. Stories of feral children are really just local legends. *b. Conventional socialization does not occur under conditions of extreme isolation. c. After receiving professional help, Ng Chhaidy made a complete recovery. d. The story was a hoax created by a local media outlet. 36. Chapter 04-036 Which statement best summarizes one of Mead's key beliefs? a. Acting and reacting to others on the basis of shared meaning is not a uniquely human ability. b. The reflexive self is incapable of taking itself into account in relation to others. c. All individuals are born with a sense of self. *d. Children's games provide a vivid illustration of how the self develops in and through interaction. 37. Chapter 04-037 According to the text, which description corresponds to Mead's theory of the development of the social self? a. a theory that views human development as a dynamic process of reciprocal interaction in which individuals also play an important role in shaping their social environment

b. the development of one's social skills relative to specific ethnic values and beliefs that help people know how act in small and large social situations *c. humans have a unique capacity to act and react to others on the basis of shared meanings d. the sense of ourselves that we develop based on our perceptions of how others view us 38. Chapter 04-038 Mead's theory of the social self includes three stages of development. Which of the following is NOT one those stages? a. preparatory stage *b. transitional stage c. play stage d. game stage 39. Chapter 04-039 According to the text, which statement best describes Mead's game stage of childhood development? a. Children learn to take on the role of others. b. Children learn to imitate the behaviour of others through observation. *c. Children learn to take acknowledge and actuate several different roles simultaneously. d. Children learn to differentiate between right, wrong, fairness, and following rules of etiquette and fairness at play. 40. Chapter 04-040 According to the text, which statement best describes Mead's play stage of childhood development? *a. Children learn to take on the role of others. b. Children learn to imitate the behaviour of others through observation. c. Children learn to take acknowledge and actuate several different roles simultaneously. d. Children learn to differentiate between right, wrong, fairness, and following rules of etiquette and fairness at play.

41. Chapter 04-041 Melissa was shopping for new scrubs for her job as a registered nurse at an elderly care home. She normally would purchase pastel-coloured materials, usually with a subtle floral pattern. On a whim, she bought brightly coloured scrubs in a retro "hippy tie dyed" style. Which of the following best describes Melissa's behaviour? a. her reflexive self b. the "me" c. her personal identity *d. the "I" 42. Chapter 04-042 Jonathon, a registered nurse, was shopping for scrubs for his new job at an elderly care home. He normally would purchase brightly coloured scrubs with vivid eye-catching patterns but he purchased scrubs according to the dress code at the home, such that employees were to wear subtly patterned pastel-hued fabrics. Which of the following best describes Jonathon's behaviour? a. Mead's concept of the "I" b. Charmaz's concept of social identity c. Watson's theory of behaviourism *d. Mead's concept of the "me" 43. Chapter 04-043 According to the text, what is the basic premise that underlines interactionist theories relative to the development of the self? a. The manner in which children learn to differentiate between right, wrong, and following rules of etiquette and fairness at play will depend in the range of significant others in his or her social world. *b. The way that people identify and label a person can affect that person's self-perception. c. Human beings act toward things on the basis of the meanings the things have for them. d. Human development is a dynamic process of reciprocal interaction between individuals.

44. Chapter 04-044 What happens in the play stage? a. Children do little more than imitate others. b. Children have no sense of temporal order. *c. Children can only focus on one role or perspective at a time. d. Children expand on lessons learned in the game age. 45. Chapter 04-045 What did Mead use the analogy of a baseball game to illustrate? a. the importance of life goals *b. how in the game stage one comes to understand multiple roles c. how rules control behaviour d. the importance of play at the game stage 46. Chapter 04-046 Using the terminology introduced by Mead, which term refers to the uninhibited part of the self? *a. the I b. the Me c. the Id d. the Ego 47. Chapter 04-047 Which of the following expressions is in direct contradiction to the concept of the "looking glass self"? a. "I'm rubber and you're glue whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you." b. "People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones." *c. "Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me." d. "I know you are, but what am I?" 48. Chapter 04-048 According to the text, which statement summarizes the key aspect of Cooley's "looking-glass self"?

*a. The perceived judgments of others are significant to our self-esteem and identities as we may misinterpret others' judgments. b. It is not so much a matter of how a person perceives others' judgments as it is a matter of adapting to those judgments within normative social expectations. c. A person may incorrectly interpret others' judgments and act without considering the consequences of an inappropriate social response. d. It is difficult to assess whether others are judging our master statuses or our auxiliary statues. 49. Chapter 04-049 Alex, a bass player in a rock band, had for years worn his hair long. One day he changed the style to a much shorter look. When he arrived at the club for the band's next engagement, the other band members did not say anything but he thought that their silence was in fact a statement of disapproval. From that time on until his hair had once more grown long, he wore a hat to cover his short hair. According to the text, which theory of self might explain Alex's response to his band mates' perceived disapproval? a. Mead's "reflexive I-to-me self" *b. Cooley's "looking-glass self" c. Mills "sociological imagination" d. Watsons notions of "personal identity" 50. Chapter 04-050 According the text, which of the following best describes the concept of the "looking-glass self"? a. an individual's sense of who he or she is based on perceived similarities to and differences from others b. the portion of a person's identity and sense of self that renders him or her unique and distinct from the generalized other *c. the sense of ourselves that we developed based on perceptions of how others view us d. an individual's sense of self developed through socialization and interactions with primary caregivers

51. Chapter 04-051 What does Charles Horton Cooley's use of the term "looking glass self" suggest? *a. Our sense of self is based on our assessment of how others see us and judge us. b. In many cases, our sense of self is so transparent that others see right through us. c. Just as a looking glass allows us to see what is going on behind us, our sense of self allows us to continually reinterpret the past. d. Just as a looking glass can allow us to see around corners, our sense of self is the basis for our predictions of the future. 52. Chapter 04-052 How do others influence our personal and group identities? a. Significant others are likely to have less influence than the Generalized Other. *b. The influence of others likely depends on how important they are to us. c. A person with more of a looking glass selforientation is likely to be less dependent on others for his or her perception of self. d. A stronger looking-glass self-orientation is associated with greater stability in one's identity. 53. Chapter 04-053 Which term refers to the earliest form of socialization, which begins the moment an individual is born into a culture and experiences socialization for the first time? a. initial socialization b. infantilized socialization *c. primary socialization d. youth-oriented socialization 54. Chapter 04-054 Which statement best describes the virtual self? a. It refers to the kinds of avatars gamers use. b. It assumes an absence of human agency.

*c. It includes the self-tracking that results in digital records of ourselves. d. It does not include postings that describe daily moods. 55. Chapter 04-055 Steve is in a drug treatment program. His counsellor constantly expresses the view that Steve does not have the strength of character to proceed in the program. According to research discussed in the book, which statement best applies to Steve? a. Steve is likely to view the counsellor's attitude as a challenge which must be met. *b. The counsellor's attitude may affect Steve's probability of reoffending. c. Steve may try to forge a looking-glass self. d. Steve may reject his Master Status. 56. Chapter 04-056 Families are supposed to fulfill specific purposes and be responsible for particular guidance to young children in order to guide them into becoming productive adults and citizens. According to the text, from what theoretical perspective does this notion of the family emerge? a. symbolic interactionism b. feminist perspective *c. functionalist perspective d. postmodern perspective 57. Chapter 04-057 According to Duff and Pearce (2013), what are two significant attitudes that children learn from primary caregivers and parents? a. self-reflection and self-esteem b. compassion and kindness c. interpersonal trust and forgiveness *d. self-esteem and interpersonal trust 58. Chapter 04-058 Which of the following highlights the importance of human

agency and the bidirectional nature of socialization within families? a. conflict theory b. functionalism *c. the interactionist pespective d. the looking-glass me 59. Chapter 04-059 Which of the following is true with respect to the consequences of bullying? *a. Consequences include an increase in health issues. b. While victims of bullying experience potential consequences, bullies themselves do not. c. While bullies often experience serious psychological consequences, victims rarely do. d. Bullying has not been shown to increase thoughts about suicide among bullies or victims. 60. Chapter 04-060 Which of the following is true with respect to bullying? a. Bullies and their victims are rarely in the same school classroom. b. Bullies lose status when peer groups witness acts of bullying. c. Cyberbullying is less prevalent among older youth. *d. About 40 percent of youth in Canada likely to be bullied. 61. Chapter 04-061 Which agent of socialization is the main source of social comparisons? a. No one agent of socialization is more important than any other in this respect. b. the family *c. the peer group d. the social institution

62. Chapter 04-062 Why does the textbook argue that many children might be at greater risk of harm during a pandemic? a. They are less likely to be vaccinated against the pandemic. b. Schools are prohibited by law from taking many of the precautions that might protect students. *c. The capacities of support services are likely to be severely limited, d. Panic buying may lead to shortages of nutritional foods. 63. Chapter 04-063 According to Duff and Pearce (2013), what is one of the possible outcomes for children who do not learn healthy self-esteem and who have low interpersonal trust? *a. inability to develop and maintain secure attachments b. low educational achievement c. depressive and anxious personality disorders d. inability to maintain stable social networks 64. Chapter 04-064 According to the text, what is the outcome of dysfunctional parenting? a. insecure attachment and maladjustment *b. inadequate socialization and insecure attachment c. resentment and a legacy of inadequate parenting skills d. inadequate socialization and inadequate parenting skills 65. Chapter 04-065 What is most likely to be found in an "unhealthy family"? *a. children with low self-esteem b. the infant's development of interpersonal trust c. child attachment d. communications with individual family members

66. Chapter 04-066 Which statement best describes the role of the family as a unit of socialization? *a. The socialization process involving parents and children is bidirectional. b. Female children are expected to become the secondary caregivers. c. Siblings do not make a significant contribution to the socialization process. d. Sibling conflict is normal and has not been shown to be related to developmental outcomes. 67. Chapter 04-067 In contemporary sociology, how are families assessed? a. in terms of their degree of conformity to the nuclear ideal b. in terms of normal versus abnormal structures *c. in terms of how well families function and communicate d. in terms of micro and macro dimensions 68. Chapter 04-068 What has research found with respect to bullying? a. Bullies tend to lose status if peer groups witness the bullying. b. Electronic bullying is more common among younger youth than older youth. c. Girls are slightly more likely than boys to fall prey to electronic bullying. *d. Bullying produced negative outcomes for both the bully and the bullied. 69. Chapter 04-069 According to sociologists, which term describes the framework of cultural elements and social patterns in which social interactions take place? *a. social structure b. social continuum c. sociological perspective d. sociological imagination

70. Chapter 04-070 Which description corresponds to the concept of social status? a. the behavioural feature of the combined effects of a person's socioeconomic position, level of education, sex, gender, age, and ethnicity b. a social position that is assigned to a person through compliance with social norms, values, beliefs, and social location *c. a recognized social position that exists independently of any given individual who may occupy it d. an acknowledged social position conferred upon an individual at birth, but influenced by variables such as socioeconomic station, level of education, sex, gender, age, and merit 71. Chapter 04-071 According to the text, which term describes the process by which individuals acquire knowledge about the roles accompanying a specific social position before taking on that social position? *a. anticipatory socialization b. ancillary specialization c. adaptive socialization d. anticipatory specialization 72. Chapter 04-072 What is a status? a. a social position that has a degree of prestige attached to it *b. a social position that exists in relation to others c. usually lacking a behavioural component d. a social position that is largely dependent on the person who occupies it

73. Chapter 04-073 Phillip is a graduate student who behaves as though he is already a professor. What is Phillip engaging in? a. pre-role behaviour *b. anticipatory socialization c. role violation d. status anticipation 74. Chapter 04-074 Which of the following best describes the concept of ascribed status? a. a social position obtained through personal actions *b. a social position conferred at birth or acquired involuntarily c. a social position that exists independently of any given individual who may occupy it d. a social position acquired through mastery of social skills relative to specific ethnic values and beliefs that help people know how act in small and large social situations 75. Chapter 04-075 Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of McDonaldization? a. calculability b. efficiency c. control *d. division of labour 76. Chapter 04-076 The extreme emphasis put on grades in post-secondary education by students and professors alike would be reflective of which of the following according to Ritzer? a. efficiency b. impersonality *c. calculability d. control

77. Chapter 04-077 Which of the following is NOT one of the characteristics of an ideal type bureaucracy according to Max Weber? *a. a supportive work environment b. a division of labour c. impersonality d. hiring based on qualiifications 78. Chapter 04-078 What term is defined as "two or more people who share relevant cultural elements and interact with regular frequency"? a. a social institution *b. a social group c. a social network d. a social status set 79. Chapter 04-079 Elliot is a third-year law student, a single father of two young children, and a part-time employee at the law library on campus. He has an evening shift scheduled at the library at the same time as an evening class final exam. His children's caregiver is also studying for exams and cannot look after his children that evening. His final exam in his legal ethics class is the day after this shift. According to the text, which two terms describe the role challenges Elliot faces as he attempts to manage all of these commitments? a. role confusion and role tension b. role identity conflict and role strain c. role strain and parenting role conflict *d. role strain and role conflict 80. Chapter 04-080 Chanel is starring in the musical production at her university; however, rehearsals are held at the same time as her biology class. What is Chanel most likely to experience? a. role inconsistency b. role strain

c. master and auxiliary status conflict *d. role conflict 81. Chapter 04-081 According to Max Weber, how would an ideal type of bureaucracy be described? a. It would not be a formal organization. b. It would have a very flexible chain of authority. *c. It would be an analytical construct that does not exist in reality. d. It would have an informal division of labour. 82. Chapter 04-082 Canada and other nations are struggling to understand and deal with citizens who become "radicalized." One aspect of the issue is to try to identify such citizens before the issue becomes critical to national, local, and personal safety. Which term best describes one possible process for attempting to reverse the effects of radicalization? a. reconformation b. social facilitation *c. resocialization d. social reintegration 83. Chapter 04-083 The approach known as behaviourism may be criticized because it is biologically deterministic. a. True *b. False 84. Chapter 04-084 The bio-ecological approach to human development may be criticized because it neglects human agency. a. True *b. False

85. Chapter 04-085 The bio-ecological theory of human development understands human development as a reciprocal process. *a. True b. False 86. Chapter 04-086 The theory of bio-ecological human development includes the notion that micro and macro levels of influence and reciprocating interaction affect individuals who are also active social agents. *a. True b. False 87. Chapter 04-087 The "reflexive self" can acknowledge "itself" objectively, subjectively in relation to other social actors, and the broader macro level views of society. *a. True b. False 88. Chapter 04-088 The "me" of Mead's (1934) theory of self reflects the spontaneous and unrestrained personal and social reactions. a. True *b. False 89. Chapter 04-089 In the "looking-glass self" concept, the influence of others on our personal and group identity is both direct and certain. a. True *b. False 90. Chapter 04-090 According to Mead, in the play stage children are able to take on more than one role simultaneously.

a. True *b. False 91. Chapter 04-091 While you have a strong urge to scream at someone who cut you off in traffic, you refrain from doing so. We could say this shows a victory for the "me" over the "I." *a. True b. False 93. Chapter 04-093 It is accurate to say all humans are born with a sense of self a. True *b. False 94. Chapter 04-094 Socialization is a concept that reflects the transmission of stable sociocultural norms, values, beliefs, and language over an individual's life course. a. True *b. False 95. Chapter 04-095 Nora Young's cultural concept of "self-tracking" includes creating digital records of various aspects of our life. *a. True b. False 96. Chapter 04-096 According to the interactionist perspective, children are less likely to have influence over their parents due to struggles between human agency (a child's desire to be independent) and the unidirectional of socialization (normative expectations of parental discipline and control).

a. True *b. False 97. Chapter 04-097 In the contemporary period, males and females are expected to share equally in primary caregiving. a. True *b. False 98. Chapter 04-098 Within families, socialization may be understood as bidirectional. *a. True b. False 99. Chapter 04-099 The concept of social comparison refers to how individuals evaluate others relative to appearance, merit, abilities, and social status. a. True *b. False 100. Chapter 04-100 About forty percent of Canadian students are likely to be at differing times the victims of and aggressors in bullying. *a. True b. False 101. Chapter 04-101 Canadians spend less time on the Internet than anyone else in the world. a. True *b. False

103. Chapter 04-103 Statuses exist independently of the specific people occupying them. *a. True b. False 104. Chapter 04-104 In a sociological sense, the term "status" refers only to high-level positions in society. a. True *b. False 105. Chapter 04-105 Role is the dynamic aspect of a status; while we occupy a status, we play a role. *a. True b. False 106. Chapter 04-106 We hold statuses but enact roles. *a. True b. False 107. Chapter 04-107 The terms "social institution" and "social structure" are interchangeable. a. True *b. False 108. Chapter 04-108 The terms "role strain" and "role conflict" are synonymous. a. True *b. False

109. Chapter 04-109 Role conflict takes place within one status while role strain involves two or more statuses. a. True *b. False 110. Chapter 04-110 Role strain always takes place within one specific status. *a. True b. False 111. Chapter 04-111 According to the text, social institutions are formal structural models with hierarchical chains of authority, sets of procedures, and guiding protocols. a. True *b. False 112. Chapter 04-112 Weber's "ideal type" represents a social construct that depicts a status set that includes one (or more) master statuses, auxiliary statuses, and several social networks. a. True *b. False 113. Chapter 04-113 According to the text, bureaucracies are formal organizational models with hierarchical chains of authority, sets of procedures, and guiding protocols. a. True *b. False 114. Chapter 04-114 A university is a good example of total institutions. a. True *b. False

Chapter 5 1. Chapter 05-001 Which of the following is the most influential contributor to socioeconomic status? *a. education b. income c. occupation d. race/ethnicity 2. Chapter 05-002 Which of the following is NOT normally included in an operationalization of socioeconomic status? a. education b. income c. occupation *d. race/ethnicity 3. Chapter 05-003 Which statement does NOT accurately reflect slavery in Canada? a. Canada does not actually have a history of slavery. *b. Most slaves in Canada descended from Indigenous people. c. Slaves of African descent were brought to Canada in the 19th century. d. In Canada the tradition of slavery differs from the American tradition in that Canadian slaves were considered citizens. 4. Chapter 05-004 According to the textbook, what percentage of the population would be considered in the "ultra rich" category? a. 30% b. 15% *c. 1% d. Given the complexities of the income sources of the ultra rich, it is impossible to estimate what percentage of the population they make up.

5. Chapter 05-005 Which of the following statements is true with respect to regional variations in income? a. Median family incomes and levels of inequality are quite consistent across the country. *b. High median family incomes do not reflect the absence of inequality. c. Data on regional variations in median family income and level of inequality reveal no meaningful patterns. d. For regions of Canada, high median family income is associated with low average family income. 6. Chapter 05-006 According to Oxfam, wealth of the top one percent of the Canadian population exceeds the wealth of what percent of the bottom? a. 10% b. 40% *c. 70% d. 99% 7. Chapter 05-007 Of the statements below, which one is correct with respect to the cost of living in Nunavut, Yukon, and the Northwest Territories? a. The cost of living in these areas is lower than most other areas of Canada. b. Because of the population size and the size of the areas, an extensive infrastructure has made the distribution of food and other necessities easier. c. The federal government allows no special tax deductions for northern residents. *d. Levels of food insecurity in Nunavut are higher than anywhere else in Canada. 8. Chapter 05-008 According to the textbook, which of the following is INCORRECT with respect to the "lower classes"?

a. Many of the poor are employed in the service industries . *b. Rates of social mobility in the lower class are comparable to social mobility rates in the other social classes in Canada. c. Members of the lower class who are employed are at constant risk of losing their jobs because of globalization. d. In Canada, on average, members of he lower class earn slightly over $50,000 per year. 9. Chapter 05-009 With respect to the middle class, many sociologists would make which of the following arguments? a. The middle class in Canada has been expanding over the last decade. b. In many parts of the world (but not in Canada) incomes are becoming more polarized. *c. Jobs in many sectors which paid well, have been replaced by lower-paying jobs in the service industry. d. Only a very small percentage of Canadians think of themselves as middle class. 10. Chapter 05-010 Which of the following is true of the capitalist class in Canada? *a. They comprise approximately 1% of the population. b. The category consists largely of recent immigrants who have become highly successful entrepreneurs. c. They tend to rate high on only one dimension of stratification discussed by Weber. d. This group is also referred to as "the upper middle class". 11. Chapter 05-011 Stanley is a mid-level supervisor at a pencil factory. Because he gets into a dispute with his boss, he looks for another position. He ends up doing the same job for the same compensation at a pencil factory on the other side of the province. How would we describe Stanley's mobility situation?

a. intergenerational vertical mobility b. intergenerational horizontal mobility c. Intragenerational vertical mobility *d. intragenerational horizontal mobility 12. Chapter 05-012 After attending nursing school, Maria became an R.N. As her daughter, Arielle, grew up she too became fascinated with medicine and decided to seek a career in the same field. However, her grades and her financial situation allowed Arielle to attend medical school. Now she is a successful surgeon. How do we understand Arielle's movement through the class system, relative to Maria? a. intergenerational vertical mobility *b. intragenerational vertical mobility c. Intragenerational horizontal mobility d. intergenerational horizontal mobility 13. Chapter 05-013 Which of the following is true with respect to the "closed system of stratification"? *a. Such a system is exemplified by the caste system. b. Such a system has only ever existed in one nation. c. Such systems are partly based on inherited social rank. d. While closed systems existed historically, they no longer exist. 14. Chapter 05-014 Which of the following is true with respect to the contemporary slave trade? a. Most contemporary slaves are adult men who are forced to work in urban "sweat shops". b. It is estimated that globally the business of human trafficking does not include more than 10,000,000 victims. *c. The size of the human trafficking problem is especially large in India, China, and Pakistan. d. The Federal Government in Canada has resisted calls for a human trafficking "hotline" for victims and

witnesses because, it is claimed, this is a provincial matter. 15. Chapter 05-015 Who were the first slaves in Canada? a. African Americans who arrived with the United Empire Loyalists b. White Europeans who were "indentured servants" *c. the descendants of Indigenous "war captives" prior to colonization d. Americans who were captured during the War of 1812 16. Chapter 05-016 What is the difference between social inequality and social stratification? a. Social inequality is used in reference to closed societies and social stratification is used in reference to open societies. b. Social stratification is an older outdated term. c. There is no difference. The terms mean the same thing. *d. Social inequality refers to the unequal distribution of resources while social stratification refers to socially sanctioned patterns of inequality. 17. Chapter 05-017 What is slavery an example of? a. an open system of stratification *b. a closed system of stratification c. an unequal system of stratification d. a divided system of stratification 18. Chapter 05-018 Who was freed by the Upper Canada Abolition Act of 1793? a. Indigenous slaves only b. slaves of African descent only *c. slaves who entered Ontario from The United States among other places d. all Canadian slaves

19. Chapter 05-019 When was slavery abolished in Canada? a. 1793 *b. 1833 c. 1895 d. 1942 20. Chapter 05-020 Which statement best describes the caste system in India? *a. It is disavowed in public but maintained in private. b. It is maintained by legally mandated discrimination. c. It has been undermined by marriage across castes. d. It does not have a fixed number of levels. 21. Chapter 05-021 Which statement best describes the class system of stratification? a. It is a closed system. b. It is found in very few countries in the world. *c. It is based on various economic measures. d. It is similar to a caste system in that individuals move from one stratum to another only with great difficulty. 22. Chapter 05-022 Which of the following would most accurately describe India's caste structure? a. a gender-neutral system of stratification b. a mixed system of stratification c. an open system of stratification *d. a closed system of stratification 23. Chapter 05-023 According to the text, what does the term "class system" refer to?

a. It is a definition of living standard and expectations. b. It is an assessment of people's differing physical capabilities. c. It is a justification for inequality, prejudice, and discrimination. *d. It is a relatively persistent economic ranking of people. 24. Chapter 05-024 In which system of stratification would a couple have the easiest time moving within social structure? a. socioeconomic b. slavery c. caste *d. class 25. Chapter 05-025 In discussions of social mobility, which term refers to changes that occur within the same social location? a. immobility b. static mobility *c. horizontal mobility d. vertical mobility 26. Chapter 05-026 What can we conclude about the impact of caste and stratification systems? *a. Both impact the potential for social mobility. b. Both limit people's life chances equally. c. Both allow upward social mobility. d. Both impact gender in similar ways. 27. Chapter 05-027 A young woman worked as a security guard for several years to pay her way through university. Then she started a new career as a software analyst. What has she experienced? a. postmodernity *b. intragenerational mobility

c. intergenerational mobility d. structural mobility 28. Chapter 05-028 James never went to high school and works as a janitor. His son, Fred, is going to university and will be a lawyer by the end of next year. Fred is an example of what kind of occupational mobility? a. education-based b. status-based c. intragenerational *d. intergenerational 29. Chapter 05-029 Chris, a dentist, furthered his education to become an orthodontist and has an annual take-home pay of around $200,000. Evaluated together, these three factors are a measure of what type of status? *a. socioeconomic status b. accumulated social status c. collective status sets d. meritocratic social status 30. Chapter 05-030 According to the text, what are the specific measures of a person's socioeconomic status? a. Regardless of ascribed status, it is based on meritocracy. *b. It measures people's income, education, and occupation. c. It measures statistical assessments of social position. d. It measures one's social standing in a given society. 31. Chapter 05-031 Tim graduated from college and was able to get an entry level position at a large marketing firm. After working there several years Tim had worked his way up to an account executive position. What is this an example of?

a. intergenerational mobility *b. intragenerational mobility c. horizontal mobility d. status-based mobility 32. Chapter 05-032 What is the most important contributor to socioeconomic status? a. income b. occupation *c. education d. aspirations 33. Chapter 05-033 What does the term "capitalist class" describe? a. any socioeconomic status category in a class system b. the top 15 % of income earners *c. the ultra-rich d. people who own real estate 34. Chapter 05-034 According to the text, which term describes a person's economic assets, including income from employment? a. income status b. prestige resources *c. financial wealth d. economic power 35. Chapter 05-035 What social class do most Canadians commonly perceive themselves to be in? a. capitalist b. upper-middle *c. middle d. working

36. Chapter 05-036 Which term describes the growing inequality in income in Canada and elsewhere? *a. the shrinking middle class b. the growing underclass c. the working poor d. inequality 37. Chapter 05-037 Jarred has a wife and two sons. He works full-time at minimum wage and has no additional sources of income. Which statement best reflects his family's financial situation? a. His family is a lot better off than they would have been 20 years ago. b. His yearly income is approximately 20 percent above the poverty line. c. His income keeps the family just above the poverty line. *d. His income places him among the working poor. 38. Chapter 05-038 It is claimed that the middle class is shrinking. What does this claim reflect? a. Income polarization is disappearing. b. The service industries have created millions of high-paying jobs. *c. Many full-time jobs have become part-time jobs. d. There has been growth in the number of manufacturing jobs, which tend to be low wage jobs. 39. Chapter 05-039 According to the data presented in the book, which of the following best defines "low class"? a. consists of about 10% of the population b. engages what are referred to as "semi-skilled jobs" c. has very little or no social mobility *d. includes the "the working poor"

40. Chapter 05-040 With respect to regional variations in family income, which statement best describes Alberta? a. In Alberta, the high median family income implies a low level of income inequality. b. Alberta has a high median family income and shrinking levels of inequality. c. In Alberta, the increase in income inequality since 2011 is attributable to the increasing wealth of the bottom 25% of the population. *d. Compared to New Brunswick, Alberta has more social inequality but a much higher median family income. 41. Chapter 05-041 Jason now owns his home, a vacation property, and a downtown retail space. As a result, what has he increased? a. his income b. his wealth *c. his net worth d. his equality 42. Chapter 05-042 Which statement best describes net worth? *a. Net worth increases as income increases. b. Net worth decreases as income increases. c. Net worth and income are essentially unrelated. d. Net worth increases as income increases but only for the very wealthy. 43. Chapter 05-043 What kind of measure forms Canada's official poverty line? a. unmet needs b. average poverty gap c. deep income poverty scale *d. market basket measure 44. Chapter 05-044 Which of the following measures is defined as "an annual family income value in dollars below which a family is

considered worse off than the 'average' family due to the high proportion of income allocated to food, clothing, and shelter."? a. average poverty gap b. deep income poverty *c. low-income cut-off d. relative low income 45. Chapter 05-045 Which of the following is NOT at risk of persistent poverty? *a. the elderly b. lone-parent families c. Indigenous people d. people with disabilities 46. Chapter 05-046 Which of the following statements is INCORRECT with respect to the funding of education for Indigenous students? a. Historical chronic underfunding of students on reserves as compared to other students has led tosubstandard levels of schooling. b. Students on reserves have less access to extracurricular activities. *c. Off-reserve schooling is not publicly funded. d. The gap in funding between on-reserve and offreserve schooling is estimated to be about 30 percent. 47. Chapter 05-047 What does the research tell us about the link between education and employment? a. Educational attainment is not a particularly useful predictor of future earnings. *b. Educational attainment is a significant determinant of future employment (i.e. the kind of work one ends up doing). c. Educational attainment is an important contributor of future earnings but only for males. d. Women with a Bachelors degree, in general, earn no more than women with a college or high school diploma.

48. Chapter 05-048 Which statement best describes the low-income cutoff measure? *a. It only includes costs for "essentials." b. It takes regional variations in cost of living into account. c. It is based on income before taxes. d. It takes into account many costs routinely incurred such as those associated with education or running a household. 49. Chapter 05-049 Which of the following contributes to the slow progress made toward remedying water problems on reserves? a. the tendency of provincial and territorial governments to try to over-regulate the water problems on reserves b. the failure of the federal government to assume jurisdiction for the water problems on reserves c. a failure on the part of governments to develop a water advisory system *d. funding and infrastructure 50. Chapter 05-050 The textbook claims that among the individual-level factors contributing to homelessness in Canada are "deficits in human capital". To what does this term refer? a. an absence of friends b. an unwillingness to utilize living space unless it meets certain unrealistic standards *c. low educational attainment or missing job skills d. a lengthy arrest record 51. Chapter 05-051 What does a low-income cutoff (LICO) measure? a. It is a sophisticated "market basket" measure of poverty.

*b. It is a relative, rather than an absolute, measure of poverty. c. It is an absolute, rather than a relative, measure of poverty. d. It is a measure for determining if single people are poor. 52. Chapter 05-052 What have some critics argued about Canada's low-income cutoff line? *a. It does not reflect all "typical" household expenditures. b. It disproportionately represents visible minorities as poor. c. It can't account for the ups and downs of the economy. d. It unfairly makes Canada look bad internationally. 53. Chapter 05-053 Which measure is based on incomes less than 50% of the national median adjusted for family? *a. Low-Income Measure b. Market Basket Measure c. Low-Income Cutoff d. Net Worth Index 54. Chapter 05-054 Which term refers to the trend in which women are disproportionately represented among individuals living in poverty? *a. the feminization of poverty b. matriarchal poverty c. pink-ghetto poverty d. the gendering of poverty 55. Chapter 05-055 The intersectionality of risk is a greater problem for which of the following groups in that more than half live in persistent poverty?

a. nonvisible minorities b. high school dropouts *c. Indigenous children d. children whose household family income is in the third decile 56. Chapter 05-056 According to the text, who is most at risk for heart disease? a. a wealthy man who smokes half a pack of cigarettes each day and uses his treadmill occasionally b. a middle-income man who eats a good diet and jogs twice per week c. a working-class man who works out every day and eats a vegetarian diet *d. a poor man who lives on income assistance, walks everywhere, and often relies on a food bank 57. Chapter 05-057 What is found when examining the educational opportunities of the poor and the non-poor? a. They have the same drop-out rates. *b. Income consistently increases with level of education. c. Those who do less well in school are no more likely than others to end up poor as adults. d. The system of public education in Canada levels the playing field with respect to the education of the poor and the non-poor. 58. Chapter 05-058 Which of the following is NOT considered a form of homelessness? a. the unsheltered b. the emergency sheltered c. those who have housing but whose situation is precarious *d. travelers or tourists staying in motels or other temporary residences

59. Chapter 05-059 According to a report discussed in the textbook, which statement reflects the issue of water on reserves? a. Indigenous communities are no more likely than other communities to lack running water. b. Currently there are fewer than a dozen Indigenous communities under a drinking water advisory. c. The building of new treatment plants pretty much guarantees access to clean drinking water. *d. Canadian water and waste management are overseen by provincial and territorial governments, whose regulations do not apply to reserves. 60. Chapter 05-060 Which of the following is a structural risk factor for homelessness? a. substance abuse b. unemployment *c. lack of affordable housing d. divorce 61. Chapter 05-061 Over the last several decades, what has been the trend for poverty rates? a. They have fluctuated wildly. b. They have gone up consistently. c. They have gone down consistently. *d. They have remained largely unchanged. 62. Chapter 05-062 Which term refers to services and programs designed to lesson financial burdens experienced by low-income groups? a. economic assistance b. employment insurance *c. social safety net d. social support

63. Chapter 05-063 Which statement best reflects the experience of the elderly in Canada? a. The elderly are at great risk with respect to poverty. b. The declining number of older people in society means that the economic situation of the elderly will likely remain stable. *c. Our experience with the elderly demonstrates that government programs designed to provide income security are effective at reducing poverty. d. The elderly lack access to a government sponsored income. 64. Chapter 05-064 David takes a job at the auto plant and begins to feel like a commodity at work, like his creative talents are so removed from the vehicles he has a hand in producing. What would Karl Marx suggest he is experiencing? a. class conflict b. anomie *c. alienation d. exploitation 65. Chapter 05-065 According to Karl Marx's ideas, what is likely to happen to Carrie when she moves from designing, producing, and selling her own women's fashions to working as a seamstress for a large design company? a. class conflict *b. alienation c. wealth d. anomie 66. Chapter 05-066 According to functionalist theory, which statement best describes inequality? a. Social inequality defeats the goal of achieving a meritocracy.

b. Inequality often means that the least competent people can end up holding important positions. c. Poverty persists in large part because it is beneficial to the non-poor. *d. Inequality exists in all societies. 67. Chapter 05-067 Which statement best summarizes Marx's belief about poverty? a. Social classes emerge out a broad societal consensus. *b. It is the economic basis of capitalist society which is the source of social inequality. c. Religion is an important avenue of social change. d. The system of capitalism systematically disadvantages members of the bourgeoisie. 68. Chapter 05-068 Which condition in a capitalist system is Marx referring to by the use of the term alienation? a. a general sense of dissatisfaction with one's life circumstances b. feelings of normlessness *c. the detachment that exists between workers and their labour d. the sense that one does not belong 69. Chapter 05-069 What kind of stratification system produces social mobility for meritocracy and achieved status? a. caste b. aristocratic *c. open d. closed 70. Chapter 05-070 If you were to use a conflict perspective to determine social inequality, which concept would you study? *a. property ownership and control

b. race and gender c. prestige and rewards d. desires and ambitions 71. Chapter 05-071 What did Karl Marx argue about class relations? a. The bourgeoisie consists of those who must sell their labour to those who own the means of production. b. The proletariat consists of those who own the means of production. *c. Class relationships involve inequality and exploitation. d. Wealth, prestige, and power are all important in determining a person's class position. 72. Chapter 05-072 Which term describes a world in which everyone would have an opportunity to compete for higher-status positions and those most capable would be awarded the highest ranks? a. socialist system b. capitalist system c. democracy *d. meritocracy 73. Chapter 05-073 In the Catholic Church, ordained priests all start their clerical careers at the same place; however, rising through the ranks is a competitive process based upon achievement. What kind of promotional structure is represented here? a. good works b. competency *c. meritocracy d. self-sacrifice 74. Chapter 05-074 Which belief would be considered fact in a meritocracy? a. Most of us cannot go from poverty to wealth. b. Hard work and playing by the rules do not bring financial wealth.

*c. It is up to the individual to break the cycle of poverty. d. Structural factors affect the degree of success an individual can attain. 75. Chapter 05-075 Suppose Jack and Annie's parents were teaching them about living in a meritocracy. What key lesson would the children need to learn? a. Their position in the stratification system depends strictly on their ascribed statuses. b. They must justify their wealth by working hard. c. All members of society equally share resources. *d. Their own share of societal resources is based on their qualifications and effort. 76. Chapter 05-076 Which assumption does the Davis–Moore thesis make? a. We experience conflict between those who own the means of production and those who work for wages. b. We have an equal distribution of valued goods in our society. c. We have considerable social mobility in our society. *d. We can advance based on experience, skills, and education. 77. Chapter 05-077 What prediction did Karl Marx make with his theory about social stratification in capitalist societies? *a. The emergence of an exploited working-class consciousness would result in a revolution. b. Class conflict would occur between the bourgeoisie and the petite bourgeoisie. c. Over time, the capitalist mode of production would produce income equality. d. Surplus value was created by workers in feudalism but not in capitalism.

78. Chapter 05-078 Which statement best describes Marx's prediction for capitalism? *a. Widespread proletarian protest would end in a revolutionary upheaval. b. There would be a settlement on a social contract between workers and owners. c. Increasingly profitable capitalism and a growing petite bourgeoisie would prevail. d. There would be increasingly ineffective protests by workers against their exploitation. 79. Chapter 05-079 Which of the following people would NOT be of high status in the scheme developed by Weber? a. someone with a great deal of money b. a politician who has control of several key public policies c. someone whose profession is well regarded by members of the community *d. an elderly individual whose knowledge of the society is extensive 80. Chapter 05-080 According to Weber, in which of the following measures would a member of the clergy be most likely to rank highly? a. economic assets b. the ability to enact one's will *c. social advantages conferred by the position d. community experience 81. Chapter 05-081 How do Marx and Weber differ in their understanding of the relationship between capitalism and religion? *a. Marx thought capitalism was a by-product of religion while Weber thought that religion influenced the economic system. b. Marx thought that Judaism and Christianity had differing effects on the economic system while Weber made no distinction between types of religions.

c. Marx thought that Protestantism influenced the development of capitalism while Weber thought that capitalism influenced the development of Protestantism. d. Marx thought that religion was a by-product of capitalism while Weber was largely silent on the issue of religion. 82. Chapter 05-082 Who developed a multidimensional approach to social stratification that reflects the interplay among wealth, prestige, and power? *a. Max Weber b. Karl Marx c. Michel Foucault d. George Herbert Mead 83. Chapter 05-083 According to Max Weber, what is the term for the social advantage conferred by a particular position? a. wealth b. power c. status *d. prestige 84. Chapter 05-084 Andrea is able to get her children to stay in bed, even though they protest. According to Weber, which element of her status is Andrea employing? a. wealth *b. power c. generation d. prestige 85. Chapter 05-085 Which statement best reflects the relationship between Karl Marx and Max Weber on class and stratification? *a. Weber added to Marx's insights, offering a multidimensional view of class.

b. Marx added to Weber's insights, offering a multidimensional view of class. c. Weber's emphasis was narrow, compared to Marx's focus on several class dimensions. d. Both Marx and Weber saw similar futures for capitalism and the social system, yet Weber was more specific in his analysis. 86. Chapter 05-086 What is the "vertical mosaic"? a. a complex form of social mobility b. a description of the American "melting pot" *c. a metaphor for the Canadian class structure d. a recognition of the key role played by urban social networks in the prevention of homelessness 86. Chapter 05-086 What is the "vertical mosaic"? a. a complex form of social mobility b. a description of the American "melting pot" *c. a metaphor for the Canadian class structure d. a recognition of the key role played by urban social networks in the prevention of homelessness 88. Chapter 05-088 Greta is a student who is a follower of Karl Marx and believes that his views of social inequality have the most validity. Kerpal, on the other hand, believes that the writings of Max Weber hold the real key to understanding social stratification. On which of the following points would Greta and Kerpal likely agree? a. the role of the economy is the shaping of social hierarchies b. the relationship between religion and capitalism c. the way in which power is distributed in society *d. "how did capitalism develop?" is an important sociological question 89. Chapter 05-089 Jerome will be graduating from university this year. While

he was a student, Jerome excelled as a basketball player and has been offered a very lucrative contract by a professional team. Many of his friends have criticized the fact that he will make so much money while as teachers and social workers they will make much less. Jerome defends himself by arguing that his skills are rare and reflect the thousands of hours he has devoted to the sport. Which of the following theorists would likely agree with Jerome and come to his defense? a. Marx b. Weber *c. Davis and Moore d. Lenski 90. Chapter 05-090 How does Weber use the term "social class"? a. to refer to a social position in any organization *b. to refer to a ranking based on wealth, power, and prestige c. to identify the owners of the means of production d. to refer to members of the "capitalist class" 91. Chapter 05-091 Which statement best describes the study of elites? *a. Elite theory holds that the power rests in the hands of a small group who wield economic and political authority. b. The Canadian system of inequality is best described as a horizontal elite. c. In Canada there was no real evidence of a ruling elite. d. The members of an elite group almost never compete with each other. 92. Chapter 05-092 Which statement best describes highly stratified capitalist societies? a. Surplus value is not generated. *b. Some of the accumulated "surplus value" will be shared with workers.

c. Surplus value will mean more inequality than in nonindustrial societies. d. Surplus value has been declining for decades. 93. Chapter 05-093 Which of the following accurately represents the ideas of Karl Marx's theory? *a. exploitation, alienation, class conflict b. alienation, prestige, power c. power, prestige, wealth d. oppression, exploitation, isolation 94. Chapter 05-094 According to the text, which statement best describes current trends? a. A single worker's real wages have not increased. *b. The gap between rich and poor families is growing wider. c. National unemployment rates have steadily risen. d. Income inequality has increased, but only a little. 95. Chapter 05-095 The caste system is based solely on inherited social standing. *a. True b. False 96. Chapter 05-096 In a closed system of stratification, people's positions are set by inherited social standing. *a. True b. False 98. Chapter 05-098 Ethnicity is the most influential contributor to socioeconomic status. a. True

*b. False 99. Chapter 05-099 A study of social mobility discussed in the textbook reported that when social mobility did occur it was greatest for the sons of low-earning fathers. a. True *b. False 100. Chapter 05-100 Most of Canada's ultra-rich are self-made millionaires. *a. True b. False 101. Chapter 05-101 When asked in surveys, most Canadians define themselves as "middle class." *a. True b. False 102. Chapter 05-102 In Canada, the lowest cost of living is in Nunavut, Yukon, and the Northwest Territories. a. True *b. False 103. Chapter 05-103 Net worth is defined as the difference between your combined salary and assets minus your debts. a. True *b. False 104. Chapter 05-104 The "Low-Income Measure" should not be used for international comparisons.

a. True *b. False 105. Chapter 05-105 Canada has no official definition of poverty. *a. True b. False 106. Chapter 05-106 Many Canadians now carry substantial debt loads because record low interest rates have made it more attractive to borrow and spend rather than save. *a. True b. False 107. Chapter 05-107 The elderly in Canada are most at risk for experiencing poverty today. a. True *b. False 108. Chapter 05-108 According to the text, Canada's response to poverty has been nonexistent. a. True *b. False 109. Chapter 05-109 According to the functionalist theory, social stratification exists in all societies, in some form. *a. True b. False 111. Chapter 05-111 In a meritocracy, everyone has an equal chance to compete for higher-status positions.

*a. True b. False 112. Chapter 05-112 The Davis–Moore thesis assumes that social stratification results in meritocracy. *a. True b. False 113. Chapter 05-113 In Karl Marx's view, alienation develops as workers manufacture goods that embody their creative talents but the goods do not belong to them. *a. True b. False 114. Chapter 05-114 Marx and Weber had identical definitions of classes. a. True *b. False 115. Chapter 05-115 Evidence from various sources demonstrates that a limited number of people continue to own or control a very large portion of the wealth in Canada. a. True *b. False 116. Chapter 05-116 Wealth inequality has been slowly increasing in Canada. *a. True b. False

Chapter 6 1. Chapter 06-001 According to the textbook discussion of personal fitness trackers, which of the following is true? a. These devices have changed very little over the years with respect to the functions they can perform. b. Such devices suggests a certain kind of pressure to resist the demands of social norms. c. Fitness trackers give us reason to question the validity of the McDonaldization hypothesis. *d. These devices illustrate Culkin's claims that "we shape our tools and thereafter our tools shape us". 2. Chapter 06-002 Natalie begins her day by reading tweets and private messages sent to her online. Afterwards, she watches some television and then heads out to school. On the way, she listens to Spotify and later posts some content on TikTok. Carlo, on the other hand, begins his day by reading the front pages of the two newspapers he has delivered to his home. On the way to work, he listens to a local FM Jazz station. At lunch he finishes a magazine article he had wanted to read and ends his day falling asleep on his couch while watching the CBC. We might say which of the following with respect to Natalie and Carlo? a. They seem to have similar views regarding the importance of legacy media. *b. They seem to differ with respect to their media landscapes. c. They seem equally interested in electronic media. d. They may be said to differ in terms of the manner in which they triangulate media content. 3. Chapter 06-003 On average approximately how many hours each week do Canadians spend engaged with media? a. 25 *b. 60 c. 80 d. 100

4. Chapter 06-004 The most used form of media in Canada is which of the following? *a. broadcast television b. the Internet c. radio d. newspaper 6. Chapter 06-006 As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, Canadians increased their consumption of digital media. Which of the following areas saw the greatest increase in activity? a. religion b. entertainment *c. news and government websites d. YouTube 7. Chapter 06-007 Which of the following is NOT a form of "legacy media"? a. Time Magazine b. CBC Radio *c. Youtube d. The Toronto Star 8. Chapter 06-008 Which of the following is considered the first form of mass media? a. radio b. telegraph c. books written by medieval monks *d. books printed with a printing press 9. Chapter 06-009 Which of the following is true with respect to television in Canada? a. Television was introduced in Canada in 1970. b. Most people prefer online viewing to broadcast viewing.

c. Television is not a form of legacy media. *d. Broadcast television continues to be the most popular medium in Canada. 10. Chapter 06-010 What is the significance of The Advanced Research Agency Network? a. It introduced cable as a means of content transmission. b. It advocated the need for more rigorous control of Canadian content. *c. It was a Cold War project that was the foundation of the Internet. d. This was the original name of IBM. 11. Chapter 06-011 Which of the following is correct with respect to the music and recording industry? a. Eight track tapes are expected to make a comeback near the end of the current decade.. b. The sales of all types of recording media have decreased in recent years. c. Long-play records are no longer considered a form of legacy media. *d. Vinyl records have been growing in popularity. 12. Chapter 06-012 Which of the following is true with respect to Sherry Turkle's assessment of the social implications of new media? a. New media have made us more productive and more efficient since they make it easier to multitask. b. The social networking aspects of the new media allow people to develop a level of intensity in friendships that is sometimes not possible in face-toface interaction. *c. Many people have a tendency to overshare online. d. The ways in which new media affect people and their relationships contradicts the theoretical arguments made by Marshall McLuhan.

13. Chapter 06-013 What name is given to the position which argued that, "all traffic on the Internet should be given equal treatment by internet providers with little or no manipulation, interference, prioritization, discrimination, or preference given"? a. Fair Play Doctrine *b. Net Neutrality c. Access and Internet Freedom d. The Free Net Argument 14. Chapter 06-014 Which organization in Canada oversees the operation of the Internet? a. The Department of Justice b. The Bureau of Broadcast Standards *c. The Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission d. The Canadian National Media Regulation Agency 15. Chapter 06-015 Which term refers to communications that target large audiences in print or in electronic format using audio and/or images? a. mass technology *b. mass media c. technological communications d. media communications 16. Chapter 06-016 According to the text, which medium has had a resurgence because of its use in the music industry? *a. the vinyl record b. the phonograph c. the Internet d. the compact cassette

17. Chapter 06-017 Which theory argues that a diverse society can be better integrated through mass media content? *a. functionalist b. conflict c. postmodern d. social interactionist 18. Chapter 06-018 According to the textbook authors, which one of the following is NOT a function of mass media? a. social integration *b. critical thinking c. socialization d. a cognitive function 19. Chapter 06-019 Why is the music industry at an all-time high, despite decreased sales in nearly all formats (especially digital)? *a. on-demand audio streaming b. the creation of the bitcoin c. the popularity of vinyl recordings d. radio popularity of particular artists 20. Chapter 06-020 Danielle loves using the mobile apps on her cell phone. She keeps track of the news, does her banking, follows her favourite celebrities, texts her friends, and plays games on the bus. She would prefer to use her apps than have dinner with her family. According to the text, Danielle's activities reflect which major concern associated with all of the electronic-mediated communication? *a. reduced interaction in real life b. inability to distinguish real life c. improper grammar resulting from texting d. eye impairment from screen use 21. Chapter 06-021 According to the text, what is one major aim of the

Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission? *a. to encourage communications that serve the interests of Canadians b. to encourage ethnic community solidarity c. to encourage global distribution of Canadian television shows d. to encourage diversification in programming 22. Chapter 06-022 If a functionalist analysis of the mass media is done, what would be the focus of the work? a. how the media are used to make society function more efficiently b. how the media make life easier for members of society c. how the media disrupt old practices and creates new practices *d. how the media contribute to the maintenance of stability in society 23. Chapter 06-023 Media can play a role in connecting us to each other in ways that make us more socially aware and responsive to each other, our communities, current events, and many social issues. Into which theoretical framework does this role fit? a. feminist b. postmodern c. holistic *d. functionalist 24. Chapter 06-024 In discussing the role of radio in nation-building, what other technological innovation do the authors suggest involved a parallel process? a. the development of television b. the development of the computer *c. the development of a national railroad system d. the development of the telegraph

25. Chapter 06-025 Which Prime Minister oversaw the work of the Aird Commission and what was a major conclusion of the Commission? *a. William Lyon MacKenzie King; that mass media can be used to create national unity and build a common culture b. Wilfred Laurier: that mass media should operate on a purely commercial basis c. Robert Borden; that French and English media systems must be integrated d. Lester Pearson; that television content should be regulated by the government 26. Chapter 06-026 Which statement best describes the functionalist approach to the study of media? a. It emphasizes the study of traditional rather than new media because it is an older theory. b. It maintains that a latent function of the media is to provide us with up-to-date information. *c. It argues that the media help us connect to each other. d. It examines the effects of media at the microlevel. 27. Chapter 06-027 A media analyst warns that the "media conglomerate" is selectively contributing to hysteria about global warming because the focus is only on stories that allege manmade carbon emissions are the problem. The analyst further states that there are plenty of opposing opinions from credible scientists that don't get airtime. He concludes that we are being deceived with an unbalanced, mediaselected view. Which theoretical perspective has informed this critic's observations? a. functional b. anarchist c. postmodern *d. conflict

28. Chapter 06-028 How many companies dominate the media industry in Canada? a. 3 *b. 5 c. 9 d. 37 29. Chapter 06-029 Mass media companies are usually part of an organization "made up of several widely diversified companies." What term is used to describe such an organization? a. limited company b. incorporated company c. multi-national company *d. conglomerate 30. Chapter 06-030 Which of the following scenarios do we expect to find under conditions of consumer capitalism? a. The bourgeoise no longer exploit the proletariat. b. Worker alienation is no longer a problem. c. The proletariat begin to exploit the bourgeoise. *d. People are exploited as workers and as consumers. 31. Chapter 06-031 Victor has uploaded dozens of videos of his music to YouTube. His music is gaining popularity and he has been getting thousands of hits. However, he has discovered it is the Internet company that publishes his work that makes the lion's share of income. What word might be used to describe Victor? *a. prosumer b. alienated consumer c. proletarian consumer d. consumerist victim

32. Chapter 06-032 According to Herman and Chomsky, what really is the ultimate function of news media? a. to generate profit b. to promote national unity *c. to manufacture public consent for the agenda of the powerful d. to identify and guard against internal enemies 33. Chapter 06-033 What is the general point of "Digital Disconnect"? a. The line between entertainment and information no longer exists. b. Canadian social identity has been undermined historically by the power of American media. *c. The changing nature of the news is creating a misinformed public. d. It is really not possible to distinguish Legacy Media from New Media. 34. Chapter 06-034 The pilot for a new television show included a character that helped a teenager obtain an abortion. Because a major shareholder on the television network's board of directors was anti-abortion, the show was not purchased. According to the text, what sociological approach could be used to analyze the influence of the shareholder? a. socialization b. monopolization c. functionalist framework *d. conflict framework 35. Chapter 06-035 Which statement is an assertion reflected in a conflict analysis of the mass media? *a. They serve the economic interests of a few powerful people and organizations. b. They attempt to suspend bias and be objective. c. They simply reflect common societal interests.

d. Media news is not filtered nor interpreted but merely reported. 36. Chapter 06-036 According to the text, what does a conflict framework analysis of the media attempt to demonstrate? a. that multimedia outlets reproduce local community values and interests *b. that a monopolized media can shape public perception about certain issues. c. that ownership and control of the media is becoming decentralized d. that it focuses on current trends and values in society to help construct the media's content. 37. Chapter 06-037 According to the text, what is the term used when a company has exclusive control over a particular product or service such as having exclusive control of news print media for an entire province? a. socialization *b. monopoly c. persuasive d. elite 38. Chapter 06-038 The five largest American media-interest corporations have holdings of diversified media companies. According to the text, what specific name is given to this kind of corporation? a. diversified corporation *b. conglomerate c. media mogul d. monopoly 39. Chapter 06-039 Which statement best summarizes media concentration in Canada? a. Concentration is not really an issue in Canada.

b. Concentration is apparent with respect to traditional media but not with respect to new media. c. Concentration is an issue with respect to new media only. *d. Concentrated ownership has resulted in media bias in news. 40. Chapter 06-040 Which model is being followed by a mass media corporation that pushes a particular political agenda? a. the conflict model *b. the propaganda model c. the corporate model d. the conglomerate model 41. Chapter 06-041 Which term refers to the argument that the media are more successful in telling people what to think about than in telling its audiences what to think? a. cultivation *b. agenda setting c. net neutrality d. augmented reality 42. Chapter 06-042 Which statement best summarizes the arguments of Herman and Chomsky? *a. Media concentration encourages the diffusion of propaganda. b. Contemporary media are supportive of democratic values. c. Media may be said to manufacture dissent. d. The media serve an important watchdog function with respect to the powerful in society. 43. Chapter 06-043 What is one negative consequence of the consolidation of media properties?

a. narrowcasting-fragmentation of programming to specialty or niches b. globalization-a boy in Mumbai listening to Mustang Sally on his MP3 *c. making the media less open and diverse in terms of ideas and cultural products d. sharing critical information/news around the world almost instantaneously 44. Chapter 06-044 What do the companies that dominate the mass media do on a regular basis? *a. influence what topics we are interested in b. provide unbiased information c. give voice to the underdogs of society d. provide points of view on a single topic 45. Chapter 06-045 In a picture, there is a group of people divided by a long, narrow red carpet. Walking down the carpet is a woman in a white dress and a man in a tuxedo. What sociological term best explains why most Canadians would interpret this picture as a wedding? a. religion b. ideology *c. representation d. sizing 46. Chapter 06-046 A large oil company also owns a chain of print and broadcast news media. At one of its gas stations there is a large fuel spill, which leaks into a nearby harbour. This incident caused significant environmental damage, yet nothing was reported about it in the company's news media. What kind of media activity is represented by the absence of reporting this news in the company-owned papers, and on its radio and television stations? a. biasing *b. sizing c. controlling d. obscuring

47. Chapter 06-047 According to the text, the "sizing" of a news story involves which of the following considerations? a. how a story is framed *b. how a story is presented in relation to other stories c. who the reporter is d. what the story is 48. Chapter 06-048 "Everywhere I turn, there is a story about the trial of a man who murdered his wife. It's on the front page of every paper and the lead story in every broadcast, covering every detail. It's like nothing else is going on in the world." According to the text, what kind of analysis of the new coverage does this statement provide? a. placement b. narrative c. leading *d. sizing 49. Chapter 06-049 According to Robert Entman, which of the following is NOT used by the media to frame and create meanings in news narratives, highlighting certain aspects of a news event? *a. cultivation b. agency c. generalization d. categorization 50. Chapter 06-050 How would Robert Entman label the framing technique used when a news story is placed in the context of a larger political system or issue? a. cultivation b. agency *c. generalization d. categorization

52. Chapter 06-052 If news of an event is prominently displayed in multiple media for several days, it is likely to be understood by the public as an important event. Which determinant of framing is this an example of? a. displaying b. featuring c. prominentness *d. sizing 53. Chapter 06-053 Which of the following is NOT one of the framing devices discussed in the textbook? a. agency *b. quantification c. identification d. generalization 54. Chapter 06-054 A news report on juvenile violence clearly argues that the problem is caused by inadequate parenting. Which type of framing device is used in this article? *a. agency b. categorization c. identification d. generalization 55. Chapter 06-055 Which of the following statements summarizes the current consensus regarding the relationship between mass media violence and real life aggression? a. There is no consistent evidence to support the view that such a relationship exists. b. There is a relationship but it is negative in that people who are aggressive in real life are less likely to expose themselves to media violence. *c. There is a small but statistically significant relationship between mass media violence and real life

aggression such that high rates of media violence are associated with higher rates of aggression. d. The research suggests that whatever relationship exists is a product of the the fact that both a preference for mass media violence and real life aggression are both related to socioeconomic status. 56. Chapter 06-056 Which of the following theories speaks of the "mean world syndrome"? a. desentization theory *b. cultivation theory c. socialization theory d. threshold 57. Chapter 06-057 Chanel spends a great deal of time trying to decide which pictures to post on her Facebook site. She wants to include only those in which she appears most attractive. Moreover, she often uses filters and other forms of enhancement which she believes will improve the quality of the pictures. In the end some of the pictures she posts don't give a very accurate picture of her appearance. Finally, she does not want to post anything provocative in case a future employer might access the site. Which theory would predict such behaviour? a. cultivation theory b. social learning theory *c. dramatrugical theory d. functional theory 58. Chapter 06-058 Which of the following is NOT one of the more common representations of women in the mass media? a. victims b. consumers *c. police officers d. sexual objects

59. Chapter 06-059 A newspaper headline reads, "Police Chief says no one is safe from threat." Which framing device is this an example of? a. agency *b. identification c. categorization d. attribution 60. Chapter 06-060 On a television newscast, where would framing likely settle? *a. news anchor b. sportscaster c. field reporter d. weather person 61. Chapter 06-061 Which term refers to an overgeneralization about a group that is often based on faulty assumptions? a. critique b. complaint *c. stereotype d. framing 62. Chapter 06-062 According to the text, significant exposure to which media can lead girls to have restricted notions of female beauty? a. books b. video games c. magazines *d. television 63. Chapter 06-063 According to the text, what is the most researched topic in the area of mass media? a. stereotypes b. women c. advertising

*d. violence 64. Chapter 06-064 Compared to those who watch less TV, which statement best describes girls who are heavy TV viewers? a. They are more likely to have wide friendship groups. b. They are more likely to have highly diverse notions of beauty. c. They place more emphasis on problem solving. *d. They are more likely to think that beauty is important. 65. Chapter 06-065 In traditional mass media content, how are men most likely to be portrayed? a. problem-solvers b. comic characters *c. involved in violence d. news reporters 66. Chapter 06-066 Albert Bandura's classic study in social psychology used a "Bobo the Clown" toy to study which theoretical concept? *a. social learning theory b. violent tendency theory c. desensitization theory d. cultivation theory 67. Chapter 06-067 According to social learning theory, what is a consequence of media violence? a. Media violence has no impact on aggression in children. *b. Media teaches children scripts about how and when to behave aggressively. c. Media effects of violence are offset by pro-social family socialization.

d. Media effects on violence are inconclusive in most social research. 68. Chapter 06-068 According to the text, what does the social learning perspective tell us about violent behaviours? a. People are intrinsically aggressive. b. Nonviolent people prefer to watch violent TV. c. Aggression stems from lack of socialization. *d. Aggression is learned like any other behaviour. 69. Chapter 06-069 An eight-year-old boy grows up in a home where his father demonstrates ethnic intolerance. One day while watching TV, the boy's father yells at a man on the television: "Why don't you go back home where you belong?" The next day the boy sees a schoolmate of the same ethnic background and repeats what he heard his father say. What predicts this kind of behaviour from the boy? a. observational theory b. technological theory c. critical theory *d. social learning theory 70. Chapter 06-070 Which statement best describes research on social learning theory? a. It found that children will copy the aggressive actions of an adult behaving violently only if they observe the behaviour in person. b. It found that children will copy the aggressive actions of an adult behaving violently only if they observe the behaviour on film. *c. It suggests that the theory provides a useful explanation of copycat crimes. d. It suggests that imitation is not the mechanism by which people behave in violent fashion. 71. Chapter 06-071 Gary has watched many violent movies and television shows

so he no longer cringes at watching people get stabbed multiple times. What would best explain his lack of reaction to such acts of violence? a. reductive theory b. observational theory *c. desensitization theory d. cultivation theory 72. Chapter 06-072 Which theory best explains why there is a tendency for horror films to become increasingly gruesome and violent over the life of a franchise? a. conflict theory *b. desensitization theory c. cultivation theory d. agenda-setting theory 73. Chapter 06-073 According to the text, which theory states that repeated exposure to television violence results in cumulative effects on viewers? a. violent theory b. desensitization theory c. cumulative theory *d. cultivation theory 74. Chapter 06-074 Cultivation analysis is about how people with long-term exposure to something develop, or cultivate, perceptions that are at odds with reality. With respect to television violence, which term captures this effect? *a. mean world syndrome b. mean streets syndrome c. violence begets violence d. sticks and stones effect 75. Chapter 06-075 Billy is 15 and he watches a lot of television, especially cop shows and gory movies. He also spends time playing

first-person shooter games online. Although Billy lives in a safe area, he carries a knife "just to feel safe." Which term best identifies Billy's condition? a. the violence delusion *b. mean world syndrome c. screen-time paranoia d. mean streets syndrome 76. Chapter 06-076 Olympia believes that women should not be on the street alone after dark because they will likely be raped or killed. She draws this conclusion based on all of the police dramas she watches on television. What sociological term would Gerbner and his colleagues use to explain her fear? a. imagined fear syndrome b. mediated fear syndrome c. street violence syndrome *d. mean world syndrome 77. Chapter 06-077 What does cultivation theory focus on? a. diminished emotional reactions to violence over time b. the imitation of filmed role models *c. the development of a mean world syndrome over time d. the effect of hip hop lyrics on music fans 78. Chapter 06-078 What do postmodern theorists encourage consumers to do when exposed to the mass media? *a. Think critically about the messages taken in. b. Be aware of the mean world syndrome. c. Appreciate the influence of violence in the media. d. Control the short- and long-term effects of media exposure.

79. Chapter 06-079 Which theory is best suited to help us appreciate how much our lives change with the introduction of each new medium? a. feminist theory *b. postmodern theory c. functionalist theory d. symbolic interactionism theory 80. Chapter 06-080 According to postmodern theorists, what is NOT considered an aspect of media literacy? a. All media are constructions. b. Media have commercial interests. c. Media have social and political implications. *d. Meaning in media is the same for all audiences. 81. Chapter 06-081 Many critics have argued that while Stephen King's books are as frightening as he intends them to be, the movies based on his books are much less successful. It seems it's more difficult to tell these stories in movie form than in book form. This observation is most relevant to which of the principles described below? a. Books require us to use our imaginations and movies do not. b. It is more difficult to create suspense and dread in a 2-hour movie than it is in a book that may takeseveral days to read. c. It is much more difficult to write for the screenthan to write a novel. *d. Each medium has a unique aesthetic form. 82. Chapter 06-082 Mike is taking a sociology course titled "Mass Media and Communications for the 21st Century." His interest in this class emerges from his concern with how media might be negatively or positively affecting society through subtle messages embedded in a variety of media formats. What is the main intent of this course? *a. media literacy

b. mass media analysis c. media deconstruction d. critical multimedia research analysis 83. Chapter 06-083 According to the text, what can we state about an individual if he or she is able to recognize, critically assess, and make informed choices about the messages contained in mass media forms? a. She or he is socially aware. b. She or he is critically educated. c. She or he is a feminist. *d. She or he is media literate. 84. Chapter 06-084 Jackson is a 25-year-old who watches about 18 hours of TV per week. He is on par with other millennials. *a. True b. False 85. Chapter 06-085 Those over the age of 55 are least likely to use a smartphone to multitask while they are watching television. *a. True b. False 86. Chapter 06-086 The claim that in Russia a very small group of people referred to as an oligarchy are able to monitor and control virtually all of the information individuals are exposed to is really just a myth. a. True *b. False 87. Chapter 06-087 Bitcoin is a type of cryptocurrency. *a. True

b. False 89. Chapter 06-089 According to Tomi T. Ahonen, email is the "new" 7th mass media. a. True *b. False 90. Chapter 06-090 When an enhanced version of reality created by the use of technology to overlay digital information on an image being viewed through a device it is referred to as a "virtual reality." a. True *b. False 91. Chapter 06-091 Conflict theorists argue that a small powerful group determines how we come to view certain things. *a. True b. False 92. Chapter 06-092 It can be said that a manifest function of the media is to provide audiences with current, up-to-date communications. *a. True b. False 93. Chapter 06-093 The music industry does not reflect the same concentration of ownership as newspapers, television, or movies. a. True *b. False

94. Chapter 06-094 In Western countries like Canada, where media are privately owned, the media are intended to generate profit. *a. True b. False 95. Chapter 06-095 With respect to most Western media, it is correct to say that conglomerates play an agenda-setting function with respect to media content. *a. True b. False 97. Chapter 06-097 People are powerfully influenced by media messages because they think they are invulnerable to such messages. *a. True b. False 98. Chapter 06-098 Entman (1991) argues that "sizing" is essentially irrelevant to the framing process. a. True *b. False 99. Chapter 06-099 Representation is a term used to describe how meaning is attributed to media images. *a. True b. False 100. Chapter 06-100 Girls internalize media messages about beauty and femininity between the ages of 8 and 10. a. True *b. False

101. Chapter 06-101 Cultivation theorists argue that media representations of violence and disorder tend to convince viewers that the world is a meaner and more brutish place than it really is. *a. True b. False 102. Chapter 06-102 Cultivation theory has been demonstrated with experiments using "Bobo dolls." a. True *b. False 103. Chapter 06-103 The evidence from experimental studies demonstrates the potential long-term link between TV violence and aggressiveness. *a. True b. False 104. Chapter 06-104 The "mean world syndrome" is normally associated with postmodern theory. a. True *b. False 105. Chapter 06-105 Media literacy enables a person to make informed choices about messages contained in the mass media. *a. True b. False

Chapter 7 1. Chapter 07-001 According to the text, which term applies to the biological differences between females and males? *a. sex b. sexuality c. gender d. genetics 2. Chapter 07-002 The idea that there is a dualism in the areas of sex, gender, and sexualities is derived from which of the following? a. ideology b. nonmaterial culture *c. elite discourse d. biology 4. Chapter 07-004 Males should be strong, dominant, independent, and invulnerable. What is this statement an example of? a. sexual identity typing b. gender identity discourses *c. elite gender discourses d. sex typing identity 5. Chapter 07-005 According to the textbook, which of the following best defines "sex"? a. Sex is a matter of socioeconomics. b. Gender is construed as dualist, but sex is not. c. Sex is construed as dualist, but gender is not. *d. Sex is a matter of biology. 6. Chapter 07-006 What does the term "the opposite sex" assume? a. that sex is determined at the moment of conception

b. that sex is the opposite of gender *c. a dualist conception d. the presence of primary and secondary sex characteristics 7. Chapter 07-007 Which of the following is a sexuality dualism? a. female/male b. femininity/masculinity *c. heterosexual/homosexual d. gender/sex 8. Chapter 07-008 Which term best describes a person whose physical sex characteristics fall outside the boundaries of the male/female? *a. intersexed b. disorders of sexual development c. differences in sexual development d. non-dualistic sexuality 9. Chapter 07-009 When a person's sex characteristics do not neatly fit into the dualism, how is this labelled? *a. intersex b. sexual pathology c. gender mis-identity d. a spectrum problem 10. Chapter 07-010 How does the elite discourse of the medical profession regard differences in sexual development? *a. as problems that require resolution b. a physical health problem c. indistinguishable from disorders of sexual development d. neo-dualistic

11. Chapter 07-011 Which of the following is most closely associated with Indigenous understandings of sexual nonconformity? *a. two-spirited b. sisgendered c. gender creativity d. gender fluidity 13. Chapter 07-013 The online community known as "The Lounge" is a space where which of the following happens? a. Transgender people are able to share their stories with interested readers. b. People are put in touch with an agency that engages in conversion therapy. *c. Gender non-conforming youth and others in search of advice and support can connect with others. d. A sex specialist will be available for the counselling of gender non-conforming youth using Zoom. 14. Chapter 07-014 Which of the following is true with respect to the concept of hyper-masculinity? a. The development of alternative masculinity has decreased the tendency toward hyper-masculinity. *b. The preponderance of hyper-masculinity is evident in popular cultural representations. c. Hyper-masculinity is a medical condition which has little relationship with the wider culture. d. Hyper-masculinity is also referred to as emphasized masculinity. 15. Chapter 07-015 Hyper-masculinity is associated with which of the following? *a. cultures of honour b. delinquent subcultures c. cultures of dishonour d. cultures of gender nonconformity

16. Chapter 07-016 How has traditional femininity changed in the last several decades? *a. It has become more sexualized. b. Women have become almost as violent as men. c. We have seen the development of hyper-femininity . d. It is now possible to speak of hegemonic femininity. 17. Chapter 07-017 Which of the following is true with respect to pioneering sex researcher Alfred Kinsey? a. He introduced the concept of dualism in the study of sex and gender. b. He is known as the "Champion of heteronormativity". *c. He argued that sexuality is best understood as a spectrum. d. He was able to forge a consensus among sex researchers regarding the nature of gender. 18. Chapter 07-018 The textbook uses which of the following acronyms in reference to gender nonconformity? a. LGBT b. LSMFT *c. LGBTQIA2s d. SNOVT2s 19. Chapter 07-019 The textbook argues that media play an important role in deconstructing dualism. Which of the following is true in this respect? a. Gender nonconforming characters have always been more common on television than in film. *b. Diverse sexualities have been normalized in several television series. c. Differences in sexual development have yet to be explored in film.

d. Sexual dualism of female/male has been addressed more than other relevant issues in the creative arts. 20. Chapter 07-020 Which of the following means low or absent sexual attraction or desire for sexual activity? a. pansexuality *b. asexuality c. desexuality d. negative sexualism 21. Chapter 07-021 Max has just graduated from the College of Nursing and is about to begin his career as a registered nurse. His family has never understood his career choice. His brothers and male cousins mock him and tease that he will have to wear a dress and pantyhose to be a "real" nurse. According to the text, what type of socially constructed gender expectation is Max NOT fulfilling? *a. traditional masculinity b. conscious femininity c. traditional femininity d. oppositional masculinity 22. Chapter 07-022 Christine was asked to be a flower girl for her aunt's wedding at the age of four. Despite her tendencies to jump and yell when she gets excited, she was quiet and reserved that afternoon because her mother had instructed her to "act like a little lady." According to the text, what is this an example of? a. an institutionalized gender role *b. an elite discourse about gender c. a secondary discourse d. institutional discourse 23. Chapter 07-023 What sociological concept defines the culturally and socially constructed differences between females and males?

*a. gender b. sex c. primary sexual identifier d. sexual identity 24. Chapter 07-024 Where does our sense of gender-appropriate behaviour come from? a. We acquire it at birth. b. We tap into it once we reach 18-36 months of age. *c. We learn it through the socialization process. d. We develop into males and females regardless of cultural influences. 25. Chapter 07-025 When Chris was born, the doctors were unable to confirm whether the child was male or female. According to the text, what term would appropriately label the child? a. unassigned b. unlabelled c. ambiguous *d. intersexed 26. Chapter 07-026 Which statement best summarizes a common research finding? a. Females are naturally feminine across cultures. b. There is no evidence of societies where women are aggressive while men are nurturing. c. There is less gender variation within sexes than there is between sexes. *d. The idea that there are only two sexes is a social construction. 27. Chapter 07-027 Who does the term "cisgender" describe? a. individuals who are two-spirited b. individuals who are transgender *c. individuals whose identity corresponds to elite discourses

d. individuals whose identity is not consistent with elite discourses 28. Chapter 07-028 Although Jason was born a male, he has always thought of himself as "a woman trapped in a man's body." What would sociologists describe Jason as struggling over? a. his sexual role b. his gender role c. his sexual identity *d. his gender identity 29. Chapter 07-029 Yasmin and Martin's first child was born with what physicians called "ambiguous external genitalia." There was much pressure from the doctors and the hospital's "gender identity team" for the new parents to accept the label and to have their child "fixed" even though the baby did not display any physical health problems. What sociological concept reflects this scenario? *a. an elite discourse from the medical community b. an elite biological reality c. a socially constructed expectation of normative sexuality d. the medical discourse of biological determinism 30. Chapter 07-030 Anthropologists used the European term bardaches to describe North American Indigenous individuals who had multiple sex/gender variations. Which anglicized expression was adopted to replace this derogatory term for one that referred to individuals who have both male and female lifeforces? a. two-gendered *b. two-spirited c. multi-gendered d. dualistic sexuality 31. Chapter 07-031 Frances was born female, but has always thought of herself

as a male. She started to dress as a male, cut her hair, and insisted on being called Frank. Which sociological term identifies Frank? a. transsexual b. mixed gendered *c. transgendered d. cross-gendered 32. Chapter 07-032 John's appearance mirrors the stereotype of female beauty (e.g., makeup, well-groomed hair, etc.), and he acts in culturally feminine ways, including wearing dresses. What term best describes John? a. bi-gender b. gender neutral c. gender deviant *d. transgender 33. Chapter 07-033 Which term is used by the text to describe people who identify themselves with another sex and seek to live their life on that basis? a. hermaphrodite *b. transgendered c. transvestite d. homosexual 34. Chapter 07-034 As industrialization cemented the division of labour in society, men found work outside the home. According to the text, what label can be used to describe where the women continued to work? a. in the home *b. in the private sphere c. in the domestic arena d. in the family quarter 35. Chapter 07-035 What was one outcome of industrialization?

a. children increasingly associated with the public sphere *b. the cult of domesticity c. the unification of public and private spheres d. women increasingly associated with the public sphere 36. Chapter 07-036 According to the text, who are the transgendered? *a. those who want to change their gender b. those stuck in the "gender identity gate" c. those who call themselves bisexual d. those who have hormonal imbalances 37. Chapter 07-037 Which references how traditional masculinity has become more extreme? a. spectrum masculinity b. binary masculinity *c. hypermasculinity d. ubermasculinity 38. Chapter 07-038 According to research findings, which of the following is indicative of hypermasculinity? *a. the changes in recent years in the content of Hollywood action films b. the rapid spread of American patriotism c. the growth of right-wing movements d. the popularity of martial arts 39. Chapter 07-039 Which statement best describes the dualisms upon which elite discourses are predicated? a. They are "real" in the sense that they are part of our biological hardwiring. *b. They are real in the sense that they have reallife consequences.

c. They are not socially constructed and therefore not real. d. They are not real because they all lack a binary character. 40. Chapter 07-040 According to research, when are pre-school teachers most likely to initiate gender neutral activity? a. when they are interacting with a single sex group b. at recess *c. when they are interacting with mixed-sex groups d. when they are engaged in one-on-one interaction with the teacher 41. Chapter 07-041 Learning gender roles in the classroom is often referred to as which of the following? a. gender socialization *b. the hidden curriculum c. a latent function d. gendered curriculum 42. Chapter 07-042 With respect to the performance of girls and boys at school, which of the following is true? a. Girls achieve lower overall grades than boys do. *b. Girls get higher scores on standardized reading tests. c. Girls are less likely to pursue a post-secondary education. d. Boys enjoy their time in school more than girls do. 43. Chapter 07-043 Research over several decades has shown which of the following to be true with respect to males and females in the classroom? a. It is only the less competent teachers who treat boys and girls differently.

b. Maintaining classroom order means controlling girls as much as the boys. *c. Boys receive more attention than girls. d. Boys who are least likely to exhibit traditional masculinity are most likely to receive attention. 44. Chapter 07-044 As discussed in the text, what does research on children and adolescents suggest? *a. Norms are gendered. b. The implications of having been born a particular sex are only relevant in the first two years of life. c. The implications of having been born a particular sex are only relevant until adolescence. d. Gender equality has replaced almost totally traditional views about sex and gender. 45. Chapter 07-045 According to the text, why do teachers tend to interact more with boys than girls? a. to prepare them for their role in society b. to ensure they learn gendered expectations *c. to maintain order d. to draw attention away from girls 46. Chapter 07-046 According to Statistics Canada, who is more likely to graduate from university? a. male students *b. female students c. private-school students d. students who have dropped out and then tried again 47. Chapter 07-047 Bobby was always being called out in class to answer questions, which taught him to be assertive and independent. Julie was never called on so she learned passivity and to remain silent. According to the text, what is the label given to this portion of the learning curriculum?

a. secret b. gendered *c. hidden d. skill-related 48. Chapter 07-048 What has research on the classroom behaviour of preschool teachers found? a. Teachers are not likely to engage in gender neutral play during free play periods. b. Teachers are more likely to engage in gender specific play with males only in the context of mixedgroups. c. Teachers are more likely to engage in gender specific play with females only in the context of mixed-groups. *d. Teachers might be more likely to encourage female children to play with dolls when they are with a group of only female children. 49. Chapter 07-049 Although the effects are sometimes subtle, what has research on children's classrooms at all ages found? a. There really are no differences in the character of male and female educational experiences. b. Girls are encouraged to try to figure out problems on their own. c. Only incompetent teachers are likely to reinforce gender differences in the classroom. *d. Boys are likely to dominate classroom interaction. 50. Chapter 07-050 Which type of student is likely to receive more attention in the classroom? a. the studious and industrious female b. female students who conform to the traditional model of femininity c. the studious and industrious male *d. male students who conform to the traditional model of masculinity

51. Chapter 07-051 According to the text, what did one study of implicit gender stereotypes find? a. Holding implicit stereotypes had no relationship to choices made between the sciences and the social sciences/humanities. *b. Holding implicit stereotypes was related to program selection across fields within each of the sciences and social science /humanities. c. Males tended to be overrepresented in biology and engineering as compared to females. d. Females tended to be overrepresented in psychology and economics. 52. Chapter 07-052 Why did women begin entering the workforce on a large scale in the 1960s? a. "first wave" feminism was on the rise b. satisfaction as a homemaker was dwindling *c. economic needs of the family required the income d. daycare was more readily available 53. Chapter 07-053 Which term refers to a preference for sexual relationships with members of the opposite sex? a. homosexuality b. bisexuality c. gendered sexuality *d. heterosexuality 54. Chapter 07-054 Which statement best describes occupational segregation? a. Over the last few decades there has been an increase in occupational segregation based on gender. b. Over the last few decades a decline has occurred in occupational segregation mainly because so many men have entered professions traditionally dominated by women.

*c. Over the last few decades a decline has occurred in occupational segregation in part due to the fact that more women have entered occupations normally dominated by men. d. Over the last few decades, as women entered traditionally male careers in greater numbers, they were more likely than men to rise to the top of their fields and hold positions of authority. 55. Chapter 07-055 In the 1960s women started to move into the labour force in large numbers. What was an important cause of this change? a. the rise of third wave feminism *b. the rapid escalation of inflation c. the dramatic decline in education segregation on the basis of gender d. the postwar economic boom 56. Chapter 07-056 Which term describes the disparity between earnings for men and women? a. work gap b. labour gap *c. wage gap d. wage disparity 57. Chapter 07-057 Which statement best describes the wage gap between men and women in Canada? a. The wage gap has been closing steadily and is nowalmost non-existent. b. A wage gap only exists because we have failed to consider the effects of part-time and non-unionized work. c. For every dollar men earn, women earn 99 cents. *d. A gender-based wage gap has been evident ever since relevant data were first collected. 58. Chapter 07-058 Vince and Twyla both worked at a non-unionized

manufacturing plant. They started their jobs at the same time and did comparable jobs on the same shift. However, Vince made approximately $65,000 per year while Twyla earned roughly $47,000. According to the text, what might be the explanation for this difference in pay? *a. It is sometimes still assumed that women's work is "peripheral" to family life. b. Women are not paid at the same rate as men due to more sick days and anticipated maternity leaves. c. Due to physical differences in physical strength and work capacity, males produce more marketable product than their female coworkers. d. Women don't aspire to supervisory or management positions and don't take advantage of training opportunities that would give them a greater rate of pay. 59. Chapter 07-059 According to the text, when does gender socialization by parents begin? a. Starting at about 18 months of age, parents act toward children on the basis of the child's sex. *b. Before the baby is even born, parents want to know the gender of the baby, and once the sex is known, parents see the baby by their gender. c. Children's toys often contradict their parents' gender expectations. d. When old enough to do household chores, children are usually assigned the same chores, irrespective of gender. 60. Chapter 07-060 Avaya was three days old when her mother took her to a piercing salon to have her ears pierced. According to the text, to what socially constructed perceptions and expectations was her mother responding? a. Infant girls often have very few distinguishing female features and it is important that people be able to respond to either a male or female child appropriately.

b. Social learning theory suggests that parents teach their children from the earliest of moments what is attached to their gender at birth. c. Desensitization theory suggests that seeing the pierced earing in her ears from an early age will desensitize the child to the possibility of fear during future medical or dental treatment. *d. Gendered treatment begins very early in a child's life and reflects the gendering that individuals will face later in educational, occupational, and economic situations. 61. Chapter 07-061 After work Allyson picks up her son Duke from daycare, goes home, prepares dinner, eats with her husband, then begins Duke's evening bedtime ritual, followed by laundry, and kitchen clean-up. What term do sociologists use to refer to Allyson's at-home activities once she returns from work? *a. the second shift b. overtime c. the stalled revolution d. dual tasks 62. Chapter 07-062 Which statement best defines the "second shift"? a. It is the need to work increasing amounts of overtime because of inflation. b. It is the change in feminist objectives in the 1960s. *c. It is the pattern by which employed women have to put in a full shift of domestic labour after working a full shift outside the homes. d. It is the pattern by which women find it increasingly necessary to take on a second job in order to make ends meet. 63. Chapter 07-063 According to recent research, how is domestic labour divided among LGBTQ? *a. Lower income earners are responsible for more domestic labour.

b. Most believe that domestic labour is divided evenly. c. When labour is divided, it is divided according to age. d. The more highly educated partner is responsible for more domestic labour. 64. Chapter 07-064 What did the conflict theory of Frederich Engels argue? a. A gendered division of labour is part of the natural order. *b. The transition from feudalism to capitalism would result in patriarchy. c. Female subordination would increase as women entered paid employment. d. A gendered division of labour would contribute to the socialization of children and the stabilization of adult personalities. 65. Chapter 07-065 Which of the following statements is true? a. Occupational sex segregation has increased in recent years. b. In recent years, men have entered and have come to dominate traditional female occupations. c. The glass escalator has recently emerged as a new solution to women's occupational segregation. *d. The glass ceiling continues to be a problem for women. 66. Chapter 07-066 Candace recently got a new job. Based on general statistical information, where would we expect to find Candace on an average day? *a. hospital b. school c. outdoors d. laboratory

67. Chapter 07-067 Which of these statements is true regarding the occupational experiences of women? a. Women began to move into the labour force in large numbers in the 1980s. *b. Women's movement into the labour force was impacted by "Second Wave Feminism". c. Currently about 50 percent of Canadian women are in the labour force. d. Women are slightly more likely than men to have full-time jobs. 68. Chapter 07-068 What does the term "second shift" refer to? a. men's unpaid work in the home, done in addition to a paid job outside the home b. that many men, and some women, must work two paying jobs to make ends meet c. children working a part-time job in additional to school work *d. women's unpaid work in the home, done in addition to a paid job outside the home 69. Chapter 07-069 According to functionalist theorists such as Talcott Parsons, which statement best describes tasks? *a. Twenty-first century families engage in more tasksharing than was the case in the past. b. Traditionally females have been responsible for more instrumental tasks. c. Traditionally males are responsible for more expressive tasks. d. Task differentiation by gender is the fairest way to ensure that what needs to be done is done. 70. Chapter 07-070 Which statement best describes parental leaves in Canada? a. Only mothers are allowed to take parental leaves. b. Fathers are allowed to take parental leaves only if divorced or a single parent.

*c. Although fathers are allowed to take parental leave, they seldom do. d. Parental leaves are not allowed in the case of a child adoption. 71. Chapter 07-071 According to interactionist theory (Erving Goffman) what do codes of gender do? *a. reinforce dualisms of sex and gender b. undermine the dualism of sexuality c. challenge male dominance d. challenge female passivity 72. Chapter 07-072 Regarding the wage gap, which of the following statements is NOT correct? *a. Women make less even though when compared to men they work more hours per day at wage labour. b. Women are less likely to assume administrative and supervisory positions. c. The cultural view that women's earnings were peripheral to family life. d. Women's work has traditionally been devalued. 73. Chapter 07-073 For every dollar earned by a male how much is earned by a female on average? a. 70 cents *b. 88 cents c. 90 cents d. 95 cents 74. Chapter 07-074 What has led to the reduction in the gender wage gap in recent years? a. Increasing numbers of men have entered professions that have been traditionally dominated by women.

*b. Increasing numbers of women have entered professions that have been traditionally dominated by men. c. an increase in union activism d. federal legislation which will not let the gap become greater than 5 percent 75. Chapter 07-075 The gender gap in wages tends to be largest in which of the following fields? *a. trades b. education c. business d. travel and tourism 76. Chapter 07-076 Olivia tried out for the hockey team at her school but didn't make the team. While she hid her feelings from her friends, she was unable to do so once she got home. Her mother heard the crying coming from her room and went in to talk to her. She told Olivia that we don't always get what we want and that she should work hard on improving her skills and try again next year. According to Talcott Parsons, what sort of task was Olivia's mother performing? a. conciliatory b. emotional *c. expressive d. instrumental 77. Chapter 07-077 According to Parsons, which of the following is important with respect to the functioning of the family? a. discipline *b. heterosexuality c. sexual adaptations d. stabilization of child personalities 78. Chapter 07-078 According to Sheila Jeffreys, it is important that society

move beyond the dualisms of sex and gender. What does Jeffreys advocate we should be moving toward? a. an intrasex society *b. a post-gender society c. a transgendered society d. a liberation society 79. Chapter 07-079 The phrase "matrix of domination" is closely associated with which of the following concepts? a. transexualism b. non-economic conflict c. triangulation *d. intersectionality 80. Chapter 07-080 Which of the following is true with respect to the contemporary "conflict perspective" on the family? a. Given its emphasis on economic, the conflict perspective is unable to account for exploitation rooted in gender. b. As has always been the case, the contemporary conflict perspective fails to address the key role played by social movements in the quest for gender equality. *c. Contemporary conflict perspectives recognize that conflict can be based on non-economic factors. d. Contemporary conflict theorists argue that female subordination will end as more and more women enter the paid labour force. 81. Chapter 07-081 Which of the following statements is correct with respect to the process of gender socialization? *a. The sex of a child, no matter how young, functions like a master status. b. The research suggests that parental expectations regarding the sex and gender of small children have changed dramatically over the last 50 years.

c. There are virtually no differences between parents who are and parents who are not LGBTQIA2s regarding whether or not a child is offered a "gender buffet". d. Sociologists understand the process of gender socialization as one that ends shortly after puberty. 82. Chapter 07-082 Many feminists say that we cannot speak of women as a general category. Instead, we need to consider the ways in which our individual arrays of multiple identities combine to create a distinctive whole. Therefore, which of the following must be recognized as important? a. identity politics b. multiple identity syndrome *c. intersectionality d. multidentification 83. Chapter 07-083 Which perspective questions the very notion of gender? *a. postmodern b. socialist c. liberal d. radical 84. Chapter 07-084 Which theory group states that a gender "identity" is not possible? a. liberal feminism b. interactionist theory c. functionalism *d. postmodernism 85. Chapter 07-085 How is gender perceived in the context of postmodern theory? *a. One does gender rather than has a gender. b. Gender is an inner essence. c. It is possible to have a consistent gender identity.

d. The dualism of sex and gender are understood as unchangeable. 86. Chapter 07-086 Sociologists use the terms "sex" and "gender" interchangeably. a. True *b. False 87. Chapter 07-087 The dualism with respect to sexuality is dependent up a dualistic view of sex and gender. *a. True b. False 88. Chapter 07-088 Your gender is dependent on what genitalia and hormones you are born with. a. True *b. False 89. Chapter 07-089 Gender is best understood as a biological characteristic. a. True *b. False 89. Chapter 07-089 Gender is best understood as a biological characteristic. a. True *b. False 91. Chapter 07-091 An individual whose gender identity or expression corresponds to that of another sex is known as cisgendered. a. True

*b. False 92. Chapter 07-092 Hypermasculinity has become increasingly evident in movies in recent years. *a. True b. False 93. Chapter 07-093 Boys who exhibit the more traditional forms of masculinity are least likely to receive the attention of the teacher in the classroom. a. True *b. False 94. Chapter 07-094 In Canada girls are less likely than boys to receive a postsecondary education. a. True *b. False 95. Chapter 07-095 Men in Canada are more likely than women to experience the "glass escalator." *a. True b. False 96. Chapter 07-096 Engineers are more likely to be male because, as boys, men are taught to be independent and aggressive. a. True *b. False 97. Chapter 07-097 The boundaries of gendered norms are somewhat more fluid for men than for women.

a. True *b. False 98. Chapter 07-098 In Canada today, pay equity exists for most occupations. a. True *b. False 99. Chapter 07-099 The pay gap between men and women should continue to shrink, largely because of increases in women's wages. a. True *b. False 100. Chapter 07-100 Research shows that, from the moment of birth, infant boys and girls are treated in the same way by their parents. a. True *b. False 101. Chapter 07-101 A study of the behaviour of parents and children at a local zoo found that the parents tended to discipline their daughters but not their sons for talking loudly, jumping up and down, and climbing on fences or large rocks. *a. True b. False 102. Chapter 07-102 To date, no effort has been made to use conflict theories to explain gendered family violence. a. True *b. False

103. Chapter 07-103 Talcott Parsons is best known for tracing gender inequality to capitalist economic systems. a. True *b. False 104. Chapter 07-104 Engels contended that female subordination in families would end if women entered paid employment. *a. True b. False 105. Chapter 07-105 Interactionist theory focuses on how we come to understand gender and how we develop our own gender identities. *a. True b. False 106. Chapter 07-106 Men and women now spend roughly equal amounts of time on the combination of paid and unpaid labour; men spend more time proportionately on paid labour while women spend more time in unpaid domestic labour. *a. True b. False 107. Chapter 07-107 The concepts and theories we use to define and describe sex, gender, and sexualities have remained stable and consistent since sociologists have developed feminist and postmodern theories. a. True *b. False

Chapter 8 1. Chapter 08-001 Matt was born in Estonia and he can trace his family tree back several generations. He moved to Canada when he was 17. He very much enjoys Estonian food, speaks the language fluently and is very involved with the Estonian community in Vancouver. Which of the following is true with respect to Matt? a. Matt's objective ethnicity is Estonian but his subjective ethnicity is not. b. Matt's subjective ethnicity is Estonian but his objective ethnicity is not. *c. Both Matt's subjective and objective ethnicity are Estonian. d. Matt's ethnic identity is Estonian but his subjective ethnicity is not. 2. Chapter 08-002 Phillip was born in Australia to Indigenous parents. When he was very young, he and his parents moved to Sweden because his mother was to attend medical school there. When she was finished, the three of them moved to Canada and have been there ever since. Depending on the situation and the company, Phillip sometimes feels like he is Indigenous, that he is Swedish, or that he is Canadian. Which statement below best describes Phillip's situation? a. Phillip is obviously experiencing some "ethnic status conflict". b. Phillip is confused regarding his "objective ethnicity". c. Phillip is confused regarding his "subjective ethnicity". *d. Phillip exercises choice with respect to the way in which he incorporates ethnicity into his identity. 3. Chapter 08-003 What is the percentage of genes that humans share? a. 45% b. 65% c. 85% *d. 95%

4. Chapter 08-004 Which of the following is true with respect to the Enlightenment? *a. Scholars began to study race scientifically. b. Scholars first made the distinction between race and ethnicity. c. The debunking of race signalled the beginning of the end of colonialism. d. The racial categories developed by scholars are still considered useful by contemporary scientists. 5. Chapter 08-005 The first typology of race developed by Linnaus included how many racial categories? *a. 4 b. 10 c. 25 d. almost 100 6. Chapter 08-006 Which of the following is true with respect to the concept of "visible minorities"? a. The breadth of the concept makes it useful in almost all national contexts. *b. The concept has been criticized for erasing the distinctions which exist between various marginalized groups. c. The concept has been criticized for including Indigenous people whose situation is very unique. d. It has been argued that the use of the term is insensitive since it marginalizes the beliefs and opinions of those who are partially or totally without sight. 7. Chapter 08-007 Which of the following is true with respect to ethnicity? a. While most people have an objective ethnicity, most people do not have a subjective ethnicity.

b. Everyone has a subjective ethnicity but not everyone has an objective ethnicity. c. The term "ethnicity" is reserved for minority groups. *d. Everyone has an objective and a subjective ethnicity. 8. Chapter 08-008 What do we call the process by which people come to be seen as a specific group on the basis of physical characteristics and are treated differently as a result? a. ethnicization *b. racialization c. prejudice d. ethnic labelling 9. Chapter 08-009 Which term refers to cultural characteristics such as language, religion, taste in food, shared descent, cultural traditions, and shared geographical locations? a. national pride b. functional culture c. cultural acuity *d. ethnicity 10. Chapter 08-010 According to the text, what are objective definitions of ethnicity based upon? a. a sense of belonging, or a shared “we feeling” *b. language, customs, national origin, and ancestry c. labels and definitions applied by out-groups d. definitions of the in-group that defines itself 11. Chapter 08-011 Which term refers to a group of people who can be distinguished by themselves and others on the basis of cultural or nationality characteristics? a. a minority group

b. a nation state c. a racial group *d. an ethnic group 12. Chapter 08-012 Which term refers to the ethnic characteristics of your ancestors? *a. objective ethnicity b. subjective ethnicity c. cultural ethnicity d. ancestral ethnicity 13. Chapter 08-013 Which term refers to how you personally identify your ethnicity? a. objective ethnicity *b. subjective ethnicity c. cultural ethnicity d. personal ethnicity 14. Chapter 08-014 Tarik's parents encouraged him to participate in activities in their Bosnian community in Canada, but he refused, telling his parents that he was "Canadian." Five years later, however, he became active in the community, volunteered at a Bosnian cultural centre, and called himself "Bosnian." What does this case study demonstrate? a. Group ethnicity is stronger than individual ethnicity. b. Denying one's ethnicity is problematic. *c. Ethnicity can change. d. Growing up in Canada is confusing for immigrant youth. 15. Chapter 08-015 Which term refers to a system of classification based on physical differences that are seen as essential and assumed to be permanent? a. ethnicity

b. cultural hierarchy *c. race d. fixed social ranking 16. Chapter 08-016 According to the text, which of the following is a conclusion of the scientific community concerning racial differences? a. Racial classification is based on sound science. b. Outward appearance definitions are reasonable. c. Genetic differences between are behaviourally significant. *d. Genetic differences between groups are small. 17. Chapter 08-017 According to the text, what is the main difference between race and ethnicity? *a. Race is physical attributes; ethnicity is cultural characteristics. b. Race is cultural characteristics; ethnicity is physical attributes. c. People can be multiracial, but they can’t be multi-ethnic. d. Racial categorizations are more scientifically determined than ethnic categories. 18. Chapter 08-018 Stan is a third-generation descendant of Chinese immigrants. He works as a volunteer at a local food bank in a mid-sized Western Canadian city. The city has a large Indigenous population who, due to the legacy of colonization, poverty, and social barriers, are frequent clients of the food bank. Due to his physical features of non-Caucasian skin colour and black hair, he is often asked about his "Indigenous" ancestry and is commended for helping his "people." According to the text, what two categorizations are being incorrectly integrated? a. visible minority status and subjective ethnicity b. cultural characteristics and racial profiling c. ethnicity and race *d. objective and subjective ethnicity

19. Chapter 08-019 Which term draws attention to the oppressive social and political practices that give rise to inequalities experienced by people of colour? a. ethnic identity b. race c. visible minority *d. racialized group 20. Chapter 08-020 How long have Indigenous people called the land known as North America home? a. approximately 500 years b. approximately 1000 years *c. at least 14,000 years d. at least one million years 21. Chapter 08-021 Which statement best describes ethnicity? a. Ethnicity is a term that should be used to refer to groups outside of the dominant culture. b. Only groups of people who are definable in terms of language or lifestyle can be said to have an ethnicity. *c. Everyone can be said to have an ethnicity. d. While everyone has an objective ethnicity, few people have a subjective ethnicity. 22. Chapter 08-022 While most scholars now use the term Indigenous, many people continue to use the term Aboriginal. What explains the continued popularity of Aboriginal? a. The term Aboriginal is believed to be the term most commonly used in other countries. *b. The term Aboriginal is the one that is inscribed in the Canadian Constitution. c. Many believe the term Aboriginal to be derived from one of the Indigenous languages.

d. Many believe that the term Indigenous has a much narrower meaning than Aboriginal. 23. Chapter 08-023 Among Canadians, what is the most common mother tongue aside from French or English? a. Korean b. Farsi *c. Chinese d. Ojibway 24. Chapter 08-024 Among Canadian Indigenous groups, which of the following is the largest? *a. First Nations b. Metis c. Inuit d. Native North American 25. Chapter 08-025 Currently, what are the top three source countries for immigrants who move to Canada? a. Pakistan, Nigeria, China b. Philippines, China, and Iran *c. China, Philippines, and India d. China, Japan, and India 26. Chapter 08-026 Which term acknowledges fundamental rights, as outlined in the United Nations Declaration: a. Native b. Aboriginal *c. Indigenous d. First Nations 27. Chapter 08-027 What is the preferred location for most immigrants to Canada?

a. medium-sized cities b. Atlantic Canada *c. Toronto d. Vancouver 28. Chapter 08-028 According to the text, what type of immigrant needs to be sponsored by close relatives who have already immigrated to Canada? a. Geneva Convention refugees b. economic immigrants c. country of asylum refugees *d. family-class immigrants 29. Chapter 08-029 Immigration policies that barred entry into Canada for certain groups were allowed until the application policies were reworded in the 1960s. According to the text, what was exclusionary phrase that was removed from immigration forms? *a. nation of origin b. ethno-racial ancestry c. ethno-cultural ancestry d. racial origin 30. Chapter 08-030 You know of four people who are seeking to relocate to Canada. Reza wishes to come to Canada because he lost his family in a natural disaster some years ago and wishes to start over. Sange had a factory in his country making buggy whips and he is considered a master buggy whip maker. Megha feels that if she returns to her home she may be prosecuted because of her role in the democracy movement. Finally, Brett wants to come to Canada because he has inherited wealth and wants to go on an endless ski vacation. Who would you say most closely matches the objectives of the Immigration and Refugee Act of 2001? a. Reza b. Sange *c. Megha d. Brett

31. Chapter 08-031 According to the text, which of the following is NOT listed as a factor that influences the age when youth move out of the family home in Canada? a. family socioeconomic status b. family connectedness *c. community participation d. recency of immigration 32. Chapter 08-032 What is someone who enters Canada and is allowed to stay because they are fleeing persecution referred to as? a. an asylum grantee *b. a refugee c. temporary resident d. a Crown Grantee 33. Chapter 08-033 In the 1960s, race, ethnicity, and nationality were removed as explicit criteria in Canadian immigration policy. What precipitated this change? a. It was believed in government circles that the system contained too many loopholes. b. There was a shift in official language from race and ethnicity to "minority group". *c. The Canadian government switched to a points-based immigration system. d. For this period, immigration was restricted to citizens of "The British Empire". 34. Chapter 08-034 Which of the following is an accurate statement about immigration trends? a. Presently the Canadian government discourages immigration because of a high unemployment rates. b. Currently the Canadian government discourages immigration because of the public fear of terrorism.

*c. Currently the Canadian government encourages immigration because of an ageing population and a global economy. d. Currently the Canadian government encourages immigration in order to build up the armed forces. 35. Chapter 08-035 Which of the following is true with respect to race, ethnicity, and family patterns? *a. Immigrants are more likely than non-immigrants to live in extended families. b. Immigrants are less likely than non-immigrants to live in multigenerational households. c. Immigrants are more likely to live in matrilocal nuclear families. d. Indigenous people are less likely than others to live in multigenerational households. 36. Chapter 08-036 Rohan and his family immigrated from Sri Lanka to Canada when Rohan was an adolescent. In their Ottawa home, they continue to keep Sri Lankan customs and everyone speaks Sinalese when at home. Rohan attends a private school where there are very few visible minority students. While he has very positive feelings toward both Sri Lankan and Canadian cultures, he often feels marginalized. In other words, he doesn't really know in which cultural world he belongs. How would we describe the type of adjustment Rohan is making? a. dysfunctional b. unsettled *c. diffuse d. interstitial 37. Chapter 08-037 Many people who are the children or grandchildren of those who immigrated before the middle of the 20th century will often ask "why don't these immigrants today just work harder and pull themselves up by the bootstraps? If my grandfather did it, they can do it." What is it that this kind of argument fails to appreciate?

a. In the earlier period, immigrants were given substantial grants upon arrival. b. In the earlier period, almost all immigrants spoke English. c. In the earlier period, we know that immigrants were much wealthier on arrival than current immigrants. *d. In the earlier period, immigrants tended to be white and European while many immigrants today are racialized. 38. Chapter 08-038 The numerous investigations done by government and other organizations tell us which of the following about residential schools? a. The schools were privately funded by religious organizations but run by local government. b. Students at residential schools received a full day of academic instructions, similar to children not in the residential school system. *c. Many students who attended residential schools subsequently developed "residential school syndrome". d. Most students at residential schools went on to high school in the public system. 39. Chapter 08-039 Which term best describes the approach the Canadian government has historically taken toward Indigenous people? a. multiculturalism b. voluntary assimilation *c. coerced assimilation d. segmented pluralism 40. Chapter 08-040 Which of these statements is most accurate with respect to income disparities between immigrants and non-immigrants ? a. Only at the lowest educational levels, do immigrants earn less than non-immigrants. b. Income disparities are largest among those who immigrated in the 1980s. c. Refugees have lower incomes than the Canadian-born but higher incomes than other immigrants.

*d. Immigrants earn less than the Canadian-born at all levels of education. 41. Chapter 08-041 Which statement best describes extended families? a. Immigrants are less likely than non-immigrants to live in extended families. b. Members of non-racialized groups are more likely than members of racialized groups to live in extended families. *c. Indigenous people on reserves are more likely than non-Indigenous people to live in extended families. d. The extended family is the dominant family form in Canada irrespective of immigration or racial status. 42. Chapter 08-042 Which statement best describes co-residence of immigrants? a. Young adults from the first generation in their families to be born in Canada are less likely to be co-residing with parents. b. The effects of ethnicity on co-residence is unaffected by the length of time the family has been living in Canada. *c. Young people of Southern European and Asian origins are more likely co-reside with parents. d. Co-residence with parents is unaffected by the recency of immigration to Canada. 43. Chapter 08-043 Joseph, his four siblings, his parents, and his grandparents share a home. Joseph and his family have recently moved to the city from an Indigenous reserve in northern Manitoba. According to the text, why might this family choose to live as an extended family? a. to ensure the passing on of cultural tractions from elders b. to allow for ease of religious worship among the family *c. Extended families can offer support and protection in a racialized society.

d. to have the grandparents to care the younger children in the children’s own home 44. Chapter 08-044 Zainab is a 20-year-old woman who emigrated from Iraq to Canada with her family in 2008. While she is at home among her extended family and family friends, she dresses and acts as is expected of a young Iraqi woman. When she returns to her university dormitory to live amid her friends who come from many ethnic and religious backgrounds, she dresses and acts according to dominant Western norms. What term best describes Zainab’s intergenerational status? *a. bicultural b. multicultural c. socioculturally adaptive d. rebellious 45. Chapter 08-045 According to the text, which term describes a child who is exposed to major aspects of the family heritage when at home and participates in the national culture of the country where he or she lives when outside the home? a. cultural liaison *b. bicultural c. ethnic-national d. ethnically balanced 46. Chapter 08-046 What label is given to the pattern of adaptation used by immigrant youth who identify with both their heritage cultures and their new, national cultures? a. ethnic pattern b. national pattern c. diffuse pattern *d. integration pattern 47. Chapter 08-047 What label is given to the pattern of adaptation used by

immigrant youth who identify primarily with their new, national culture? a. ethnic pattern *b. national pattern c. diffuse pattern d. integration pattern 48. Chapter 08-048 Youth like Juan whose parents were born in Mexico but who was born in Canada have been observed to adapt to the demands of the two cultures in four different ways. Which of the following is NOT recognized as a form of adaptation? a. integration b. national c. ethnic *d. specific 49. Chapter 08-049 Which factor has the greatest effect on the income disparity between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people? a. age of first job *b. level of education c. language skills d. willingness to relocate 50. Chapter 08-050 What process involves members of subordinate racial and ethnic groups becoming absorbed into the dominant culture? a. participation b. pluralism *c. assimilation d. amalgamation 51. Chapter 08-051 What term do sociologists use for the group whose members are disadvantaged and subjected to unequal treatment by the dominant group, because of physical or cultural characteristics, and who regard themselves as objects of collective discrimination?

a. socially depressed *b. minority c. marginalized d. powerless 52. Chapter 08-052 According to your text, to whom does the term "les femmes du pays" apply? a. European women who emigrate to Canada to marry wealthy Canadian merchants in Quebec b. European women who migrated with their husbands to Western Canada to participate as farm wives in Western settlement *c. Indigenous country wives of European traders d. Métis wives of French Canadian farmers 53. Chapter 08-053 Who would most likely be classified as a member of a minority group in Canada? *a. a Chinese man b. a white man with northern European ancestry c. a French Canadian man d. a member of the middle class 54. Chapter 08-054 What is a minority group? *a. a group that is socially disadvantaged b. a group that makes up less than 50 percent of the population c. a combination of immigrant groups and visible minorities d. a group that can be defined in terms of a unique ethnic character 55. Chapter 08-055 Which statement best describes the assimilation of immigrants? a. It is generally understood as an involuntary process.

b. It is best understood as a linear process in the case of racialized groups. *c. It is best understood as a segmented process in the case of contemporary immigrant groups. d. Over time all immigrant groups seem to be assimilated to roughly equal degrees. 56. Chapter 08-056 Which statement best describes the assimilation experiences of Indigenous people in Canada? a. It finds its origins in the middle of the 20th century. b. The reserve system largely allowed Indigenous people to maintain their traditional customs. c. While the process was coercive it should not be seen as a form of ethnocide. *d. Under the Indian Act, all Indigenous people became wards of the federal government. 57. Chapter 08-057 Which statement best describes residential schools? a. The program of residential schools began in the 1950s. b. Residential schools were operated by local school boards. c. Students were allowed to not take part in the residential school program if they had strong religious objections. *d. Under the policy, education beyond Grade 8 was prohibited for Indigenous youth. 58. Chapter 08-058 Which statement best describes the education students received in residential schools? *a. In addition to their academic work, students were required to spend every afternoon doing manual labour. b. By and large teachers had the same training as teachers in other schools. c. Unlike private school systems, residential schools were not allowed to operate for profit.

d. Relatively few schools played any part in a program of ethnocide. 59. Chapter 08-059 According to the text, what is the definition of "pluralism"? *a. Cultural differences are maintained and celebrated. b. Cultural differences are too numerous to count. c. National cultures combine into one new culture. d. Origin culture is slowly replaced by new culture. 60. Chapter 08-060 As of 2015, what amends have been made for the residential schools? a. None of the religious orders involved in the residential school system have offered an apology. *b. The federal government apologized for the residential school system in 2008. c. Despite promises, former students have yet to be offered a restitution package. d. Despite promises, a "Truth and Reconciliation Commission" was never created. 61. Chapter 08-061 Which pattern of group interactions is reflected in the Canadian policy of multiculturalism? a. assimilation *b. pluralism c. miscegenation d. voluntary segregation 62. Chapter 08-062 Which statement best describes the Canadian Multiculturalism Policy? a. During the incipient stage (prior to 1971) Canadian political and social institutions were employed a "made in Canada" model of multiculturalism.

b. A movement away from assimilation was prompted by the large scale immigration that occurred after World War I. *c. Canada was the first nation in the world to establish a national multiculturalism law. d. In the 1990s Canadian multiculturalism developed a folkloric orientation. 63. Chapter 08-063 According to the text, which term is used when a minority group is separated from the dominant group? a. population split b. ghettoization *c. segregation d. social division 64. Chapter 08-064 What do anti-miscegenation laws prohibit? a. attempting to immigrate without possession of the relevant documents b. any attempt to subvert multiculturalism policy *c. interracial marriage d. interracial adoption 65. Chapter 08-065 Which statement best describes population transfer? a. It includes the voluntary relocation of population groups. b. It involves agreements by countries to set matching immigration goals. *c. It is exemplified in the development of the reserve system for Indigenous People. d. It is exemplified by the release of people of Japanese descent from internment camps at the end of World War I. 66. Chapter 08-066 According to the text, what is racism? a. It is mostly a biological category.

b. It is largely a thing of the past. *c. It is primarily a form of prejudice. d. It is primarily associated with radical countercultures looking for change. 67. Chapter 08-067 Which term refers to someone who holds a negative attitude about people of colour based on preconceived notions about them? *a. prejudiced b. a discriminator c. stereotyped d. a scapegoater 68. Chapter 08-068 A woman tells her husband: "I am going to hire Julie to clean the house because she is from Country X and immigrants from there are very hard workers." Which prejudicial component is this woman highlighting? a. behavioural b. affective c. institutional *d. cognitive 69. Chapter 08-069 The school board abolished an old regulation that no students from Country X would be admitted. The regulation had been put in place because the board had believed at the time that people from Country X were less intelligent and unable to achieve appropriate academic standards. What was the rule an example of? *a. prejudice b. normative theory c. frustration-aggression d. Marxist ideology 70. Chapter 08-070 Your parents believe that all people from Hawaii have pig roasts on a regular basis and can hula dance. What name

would sociologists use to describe these overgeneralizations? a. ethnicity b. discrimination *c. stereotypes d. racism 71. Chapter 08-071 What process puts prejudice into practice? *a. discrimination b. ethnocentrism c. alienation d. stereotyping 72. Chapter 08-072 After the terrorist bombings in the United States in 2001, some airline passengers overheard a group of other passengers speaking Arabic and demanded that the foreigners be taken off the plane. The airline employees had the foreign-born passengers disembark. What term best describes this incident? a. prejudice b. racism *c. discrimination d. bigotry 73. Chapter 08-073 Which statement best describes the role of the cognitive and affective components with respect to prejudice? a. The cognitive component need not correspond to the behavioural component but the affective component always corresponds to the behavioural component. b. The affective component need not correspond to the behavioural component but the cognitive component always corresponds to the behavioural component. *c. Neither the cognitive nor the affective components must correspond to the behavioural component. d. Both the cognitive and the affective components must correspond to the behavioural component.

74. Chapter 08-074 What does the discussion of institutional and systemic discrimination demonstrate? a. Discrimination is always a conscious choice. *b. Height requirements for police officers may be discriminatory against some ethnic groups. c. Members of racialized groups are in fact not more likely to be subject to random street checks. d. Institutional and systemic discrimination are by definition not intentional. 75. Chapter 08-075 According to the text, which of the following is an example of systemic discrimination? a. specifically naming Aboriginal peoples in Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms b. the Parliament of Canada apologizing to Aboriginal people for residential school abuses c. awarding Japanese Canadians cash awards for wrongs suffered during World War II *d. imposing height restrictions as part of the screening process for applicants to the police force 76. Chapter 08-076 Which of the following demonstrates how institutional racism normally manifests itself? *a. underrepresentation of visible minorities in management positions at a cable company b. hate crimes against Asians c. complaints to a Human Rights Commission d. explicit hiring policies at an airline that prevent new immigrants from applying 77. Chapter 08-077 Which group was subject to a head tax as part of Canada's racist immigration policy? a. Jews b. South Asians *c. Chinese

d. Japanese 78. Chapter 08-078 Why is hate crime considered to be a unique type of criminal offense? a. Unlike many other crimes, they are quite likely to be reported to the police. b. The major category of hate crime involves the sexual orientation of the victim. *c. Hate crimes are thought to affect not only the victim but also the wider community to which the victim belongs. d. Hate crimes are not included in the Criminal Code but in separate legislation. 79. Chapter 08-079 According to conflict theory, the powerful in society have a vested interest in maintaining prejudice in society. Which of the following sayings captures the essence of the strategy involved in this action? a. Keep your friends close but your enemies closer. *b. Divide and conquer. c. My enemy's enemy is my friend. d. In order for injustice to prevail it is only necessary for good people to do nothing. 80. Chapter 08-080 Thomas is an associate professor at a major university. He is earning a very good salary. And since he has tenure he cannot be fired except "for cause". He is working hard because he wants another promotion (to full professor) and there are rumblings that the senior administration is looking at him as a possible Dean or Vice President. How would a conflict theorist describe Thomas's situation? *a. He is in the primary labour market. b. He is in the secondary labour market. c. He is in the elite labour market. d. He is in the tertiary labour market.

81. Chapter 08-081 The Green Hornet was at one time a very popular superhero who was dedicated to fighting crime. Although he was white, he had a sidekick whose name was Kato and who was Asian. Kato assisted The Green Hornet in a number of ways. He was a chauffeur, friend, confidante and, when conditions required it, a very capable martial artist. The character of Kato also was responsible for much of the comedy relief in the narrative. How is Kato's ethnicity being framed? a. a secondary character b. a racialized anti-hero *c. as adornment d. as heroically limited 82. Chapter 08-082 Which of the following is true with respect to Critical Race Theory? a. The central concept is white nationalism. b. The theory argues that racism serves the interests of the white dominant class but undermines the movement for equality among the white working class. c. Critical Race Theory argues that theorists should maintain a careful distance from the subjects of study in order to remain objective. *d. It was developed as a distinct theory in the 1970s and 1980s. 83. Chapter 08-083 The textbook claims that for many years, the height restrictions of police departments discriminated against the members of some ethnic groups. What is this an example of? a. covert prejudice b. physical racism *c. systemic discrimination d. individual discrimination 84. Chapter 08-084 Which statement best describes the conceptual nature of prejudice and discrimination?

a. Prejudice is both a behaviour and an attitude. b. Racism may or may not be a form of prejudice. c. One cannot be said to said to be prejudice if the stereotypes one employs are positive rather than negative. *d. When we discuss the cognitive components of a prejudice, we are talking about what we think. 85. Chapter 08-085 Which of the following statements is true with respect to multiculturalism in Canada? a. Multiculturalism has been an official policy in Canada since 1945. b. The development of multiculturalism policy was prompted by falling immigration rates and viewed as a strategy to increase foreign interest in Canada. *c. Canada was the first country to pass a national multiculturalism law. d. The Canadian Multiculturalism Act has yet to be approved by Parliament. 86. Chapter 08-086 Which of the following is a true statement with respect to the KKK? a. While once a powerful organization, the KKK in Canada is now all but extinct. b. During its heyday, the KKK was especially popular in the Atlantic provinces. c. The KKK is a distinctly Canadian organization having been founded in Northern Ontario in the 1930s. *d. Social media platforms are vital for recruiting new members for groups like the KKK. 87. Chapter 08-087 Stereotypes are the foundation of which of the following components of prejudice? *a. cognitive b. interactional c. affective d. behavioural

88. Chapter 08-088 The major components of prejudice include all but which one of the following? a. cognitive *b. interactional c. affective d. behavioural 89. Chapter 08-089 How has the term "enemy alien" been used with respect to Canadian immigration policy? a. It describes people who have entered the country illegally. *b. It describes members of certain ethnic groups who were the subject of relocation during the world wars. c. It describes operatives from Communist countries who engaged in espionage activities during the Cold War. d. It describes foreign nationals who are wanted for a crime in their own countries and if captured are returned to their home countries for trial. 90. Chapter 08-090 What was found in a study of prejudice and galvanic skin responses? *a. People who were high in ethnocentrism were likely to have a higher galvanic skin response in the presence of a black subject. b. People who were low in ethnocentrism were likely to have a higher galvanic skin response in the presence of a black subject. c. Ethnocentrism appeared to be unrelated to galvanic skin response. d. People who were high in ethnocentrism had a higher galvanic skin response irrespective of the colour of the subject. 91. Chapter 08-091 Why would a study of galvanic skin responses be a useful way to study prejudice?

a. Prejudice cannot really be measured in a survey. b. Prejudice people are less likely to respond to surveys. c. Galvanic skin response can be measured without the subjects' knowledge. *d. People might not be aware of their own prejudices. 92. Chapter 08-092 With respect to race and ethnicity, what are interactionist theories about? a. They are about individually ascribed mental and physical advantages and disadvantages. b. They are about racial prejudices and attitudes caused by inbred, biological dispositions. c. They are about social problems caused by the nature of economic inequality in society. *d. They are about racial prejudices and attitudes learned through social interactions. 93. Chapter 08-093 A little boy uses a racist term when describing a neighbour, and rather than telling him how inappropriate that label is, his parents laugh. From this experience, the boy learns that his parents think he is funny when he uses racist language and he repeats the practice. What type of theorist would best explain this construction of racism? a. primordial b. social-psychology c. power-conflict *d. interactionist 94. Chapter 08-094 A young man grew up in the U.S. Deep South. His grandfather and father were both members of the Ku Klux Klan, and he is also a member of the Klan, and he has an abiding hatred of minorities. Which type of social theory predicts this man's prejudice? *a. interactionist b. social-psychological c. power-conflict

d. Marxist 95. Chapter 08-095 According to the research discussed in the textbook, which term refers to a media framing method that emphasizes overidealization? a. invisibility *b. adornment c. white-washed d. stereotyping 96. Chapter 08-096 According to split labour market theory, which category is most likely to discriminate? a. highly paid non-white workers competing with immigrants for the same jobs b. recent immigrants from different countries competing for the same jobs *c. white workers (expensive labour) being displaced by immigrants (cheap labour) d. the state by discriminating against immigrants by limiting access through head taxes 97. Chapter 08-097 Jose, a Mexican immigrant, and his other Mexican friends work at a meat-packing plant doing the worst and most dangerous jobs while the clean, safe administration jobs are all filled by white non-immigrants such as Pete. Which theory does this situation exemplify? a. work racism theory b. internal colonialism theory *c. split labour market theory d. gendered racism theory 98. Chapter 08-098 White workers may use racial discrimination against nonwhites to protect their position, particularly when uppertier workers feel threatened by lower-tier workers. What theory is this sort of explanation of prejudice based on?

*a. split labour market theory b. social learning theory c. authoritarian personality theory d. scapegoat theory 99. Chapter 08-099 What does Marxist conflict theory argue? a. Prejudice is implicit in the character of group life. *b. The powerful have a vested interest in maintaining conflict between groups. c. It is necessary to focus on the frames within which prejudice and discrimination can be located. d. Conflict between racial groups empowers those groups and makes them more able to oppose the bourgeoisie. 100. Chapter 08-100 Ethnicity is fixed, inflexible, and impermeable. a. True *b. False 101. Chapter 08-101 There is no specific gene associated with "race"; rather there are small genetic differences that can be attributed to geographic mobility of early humans. *a. True b. False 102. Chapter 08-102 Objective ethnicity is defined as a socially constructed category used to classify humankind according to such physical characteristics as skin colour, hair texture, and facial features. a. True *b. False

104. Chapter 08-104 In Canada, the most commonly reported non-English, nonFrench mother tongue is the Chinese languages. *a. True b. False 105. Chapter 08-105 In Canada, nation of origin is still an important aspect of policy decisions regarding immigration. a. True *b. False 106. Chapter 08-106 Canada signed the Refugee Convention in 1951, the same year that it was adopted by the United Nations. a. True *b. False 107. Chapter 08-107 Immigrants and people who have been granted refugee status are referred to as permanent residents until they are able to apply for and achieve Canadian citizenship. *a. True b. False 108. Chapter 08-108 Immigrant families are six times as likely as Indigenous families to live in extended-family situations. a. True *b. False 109. Chapter 08-109 Immigrants are no more likely than other Canadians to live in extended families. a. True *b. False

110. Chapter 08-110 Very strict parenting can be lead to rebellion, aggression, lower grades in school, and substance use. *a. True b. False 111. Chapter 08-111 Children raised in immigrant families who also participate in the national culture where they live are considered polycultural. a. True *b. False 112. Chapter 08-112 The diffuse adaption pattern occurs when people are uncertain about which culture they should or should not identify with. *a. True b. False 113. Chapter 08-113 The effect of ethnicity on the likelihood of young people co-residing with parents declines the longer a family is in Canada. *a. True b. False 114. Chapter 08-114 Immigrants who are confused about how they should be adapting to their bicultural experiences are said to be following a diffuse pattern. *a. True b. False

115. Chapter 08-115 Overall, immigrants today have lower levels of education than in the past. a. True *b. False 116. Chapter 08-116 Ethnocide is the use of violence and force to eradicate an ethnic group. a. True *b. False 117. Chapter 08-117 An Indigenous child at a residential school was likely physically and/or emotionally abused. *a. True b. False 118. Chapter 08-118 The formative period of multiculturalism focused on implementation of programs and procedures to ensure equal participation by minorities within institutional structures. a. True *b. False 119. Chapter 08-119 During World War II, only Japanese immigrants born outside Canada were interned. a. True *b. False 120. Chapter 08-120 Anti-miscegenation laws prohibit workplace discrimination a. True *b. False

121. Chapter 08-121 The affective component of prejudice includes the emotions we attach to stereotypes associated with certain individuals. *a. True b. False 123. Chapter 08-123 The cognitive and affective components of prejudice always correspond with the behavioural component of prejudice. a. True *b. False 124. Chapter 08-124 Racism is part of Canada's history and current circumstances. *a. True b. False 125. Chapter 08-125 According to Marxists, race is an ideology used to justify exploitation of minorities and immigrants. *a. True b. False 126. Chapter 08-126 Proponents of the split labour market theory suggest that white workers suffer as a consequence of racial and ethnic antagonisms. a. True *b. False

Chapter 9 1. Chapter 09-001 What kind of approach does the Canadian census use to define "family"? *a. structural b. functional c. sensible d. antiquated 2. Chapter 09-002 Eugenia's family consists of herself, her ex-husband, their two children, and her sister and new brother-in-law. Her sister lives just down the street and has taken on some parental responsibilities when Eugenia's ex-husband cannot take the kids. According to the text, whose definition would best reflect Eugenia's definition of "family"? a. Canadian census b. George Peter Murdock *c. Vanier Institute of the Family d. Talcott Parsons 3. Chapter 09-003 Which definition of family makes accommodations for a close personal friend? a. The one used by the Canadian Child Benefits Program b. The one used by the Census of Canada *c. The one used by Corrections Canada d. The one used by The Vanier Family Institute 4. Chapter 09-004 What does it mean to say that the Canadian Census uses a structural definition of family? a. It is a definition used to produce macro-level data. b. it focuses on the primary and secondary relationships involving family members. *c. It is a definition which focuses on status positions.

d. It defines family narrowly in terms of blood relations. 5. Chapter 09-005 Which organization defines family in terms of the activities in which members engage? a. Federal Child Benefit bureaucracy *b. The Vanier Institute of the Family c. The Census of Canada d. Corrections Canada 5. Chapter 09-005 Which organization defines family in terms of the activities in which members engage? a. Federal Child Benefit bureaucracy *b. The Vanier Institute of the Family c. The Census of Canada d. Corrections Canada 7. Chapter 09-007 Research has shown that street youth sometimes organize themselves in ways that resemble nuclear families. What term would be used to describe these units? a. pseudo-families b. street families *c. fictive kin d. impromptu families 8. Chapter 09-008 First responders who are involves in the rescue of people from natural disasters to do everything they can to rescue the pets of people they are saving. What does this policy reflect? a. The influence of several major lawsuits which have resulted from the loss of pets. b. The humanitarian belief that domestic species should be treated equally. *c. The recognition that some owners view their pets as family members and will not leave without them.

d. A policy that has been criticized by disaster experts in the federal government for risking the lives of people in order to save cats and dogs. 9. Chapter 09-009 What term do some Indigenous communities use to describe fictive kin? *a. families of the spirit b. families of friends c. families we choose d. families of the heart 10. Chapter 09-010 What term do LGBTQ2+ often use to refer to fictive kin? a. urban families b. families of the heart *c. families we choose d. families for life 11. Chapter 09-011 What is the book "The Homesteaders" about? *a. 19th century families who settled on the Canadian prairies. b. Modern-day urban dwellers who attempt to go back to the land. c. The return of British citizens to the Atlantic provinces following the American Revolution. d. Rural European immigrants who tried without success to recreate their style of life in the Canadian North. 12. Chapter 09-012 According to the text, which definition of family considers the presence of "love" between members? a. Canadian census b. George Peter Murdock *c. Vanier Institute of the Family d. Talcott Parsons

13. Chapter 09-013 What does the Vanier Institute of the Family emphasize in its definition of family? a. people who are related to each other by blood, legal ties, or adoption *b. internal processes and functions of families c. economic roles and identity with other individuals d. any group whose members consider themselves to be a family 14. Chapter 09-014 The Canadian census defines a family in terms of a specific set of domestic relationships involving people who can be described as which of the following? a. have a blood relationship *b. live in the same dwelling c. have lived together for more than five years d. can demonstrate that at least two them share at least one common ancestor 15. Chapter 09-015 Which aspect of family relations has most recently been included as a distinct entity in the census definition of family? a. common-law relationships b. same-sex couples c. same-sex spouses *d. stepfamilies 16. Chapter 09-016 Which term best describes a definition of family in terms of particular statuses (e.g., parent, child) and a specific physical location? a. functional *b. structural c. neolocal d. demographic

17. Chapter 09-017 Which of the following is included in the definition of family used by the Vanier Institute? a. that children be present b. a heterosexual relationship c. that family members live in the same dwelling *d. that family involve emotional connections 18. Chapter 09-018 Madeleina came to Canada with her husband and two children. After their arrival, they met and befriended a young couple who were very helpful with the children and even lent them money once when they had bills to pay. The husband even shovelled the walk once when Madeleina's husband was ill. The families are so close that they now invite each other to celebrate Christmas, birthdays, and other celebrations during the year. According to the text, how would their relationship be defined? a. as an immigrant family b. as a family network *c. as fictive kin d. as adoption 19. Chapter 09-019 Which term refers to individuals who are not related by blood, marriage, or adoption but who assume some of the benefits and/or some of the obligations of family life? *a. fictive kin b. extended family members c. unrelated relations d. proto-family members 20. Chapter 09-020 Maya and Sandy have been living together in a committed relationship for five years, without being legally married. Which term best describes their relationship? a. constitutional relationship *b. common-law union c. dual habitation d. trial marriage

21. Chapter 09-021 Which statement best summarizes the discussion in the text about marriage and childrearing in Canada today? a. Men are as likely as women to be single parents. b. People are more inclined to get married than at any other time in history. c. Same-sex couples cannot legally adopt children in Canada. *d. People marry at a much later age now than they did several decades ago. 22. Chapter 09-022 Which of the following is true with respect to marriage? *a. Fewer Canadians are getting married today than 50 years ago. b. Statistics Canada collects annual information on marriage and divorce rates. c. Of Canadians who have never married, over 50% say they do not intend to get married. d. People who identify as members of a visible minority are less likely to think marriage is important than are those who do not identify as members of a visible minority. 23. Chapter 09-023 Jennifer and Rick are both in their mid-thirties. They think of themselves as a couple and so does everyone else. However because of a number of financial factors, they have decided to maintain separate residences. What term is used to describe their situation? a. neolocal residents *b. living alone together c. non-residential couple d. spatially-discrete couple 24. Chapter 09-024 "A consensual intimate union among multiple adult partners outside of marriage" defines which of the following?

a. polyandry *b. polyamory c. polygamy d. polygany 25. Chapter 09-025 Which of the following is true with respect to same-sex couples? a. The percentage of same-sex couples has remained the same for more than a decade. b. There are slightly more female than male same-sex couples. *c. Members of same-sex relationships are more equitable than members of different-sex relationships with respect to the domestic division of labour. d. About 10% of married or common-law couples are same-sex relationships. 26. Chapter 09-026 Who are same-sex couples most likely to rely on for social support? a. friends and family in equal measure *b. friends more than members of the extended family c. members of each of the nuclear families to which the couple belongs d. individuals they have met through voluntary associations 27. Chapter 09-027 Prior to 1968, what did one have to do to initiate a divorce proceeding in Canada? a. Demonstrate that the other party entered into the marriage under FALSE pretenses. b. Provide a letter from a priest, rabbi, or other religious leader who supported the divorce. *c. Demonstrate that the other party was "at fault" such as abuse or adultery. d. Prove that the couple have maintained separate residences for at least 6 months.

28. Chapter 09-028 Which of the following is a simple stepfamily? *a. Tony and Sherry were just married. Tony has a daughter from a previous relationship. b. Barbara and Nick were just married. Barbara has a son from a previous marriage and Nick has a daughter from an earlier relationship. c. Katherine and Sal were married a couple of years ago. Sal had a son from a previous marriage. After their first year of marriage, Katherine gave birth to twins. d. Sarah and Matt were just married. Sarah has a daughter from a previous marriage and Matt has a son from a previous marriage. 29. Chapter 09-029 What accounts for the decline in marriage in recent decades? a. large numbers of people deciding to never marry *b. an increase in cohabitation c. fewer people believe in marriage according to opinion polls d. concerns about the fact that over half of all marriages end in divorce 30. Chapter 09-030 How old would "baby boomers" be today (2021)? a. 50-58 *b. 56-75 c. 82-94 d. 48-60 31. Chapter 09-031 Medical ethicists have expressed concern that children who are born through the application of Assisted Reproductive Technology will come to be seen as which of the following? a. surrogate children b. test tube babies *c. commodities d. artificially conceived children (ACC)

32. Chapter 09-032 Myra has very strong views about the family. She believes that family diversity is a good thing. She is impatient with people who say the family is in decline and she points out that many of the things people see as evidence of decline have always existed. What term would sociologists use to characterize Myra's view? a. the postmodern perspective *b. the family pluralism perspective c. the traditional family perspective d. the neoliberal view of the family 33. Chapter 09-033 Lauren is married to Sharma and they live in a small house with their children. Both Lauren's and Sharma's families live some distance away and they are rarely in contact. Sharma has no doubt, nor do any members of his family, that he is the head of the household, although in the society where they live, lineage is traced through Lauren's side of the family. With reference to the terms below, how would you classify this family? a. nuclear, extended, matriarchal, patrilineal b. monogamous, nuclear, matriarchal, matrilineal c. monogamous, extended, matriarchal, patrilineal *d. monogamous, nuclear, patriarchal, matrilineal 34. Chapter 09-034 To what does the term, "sixties scoop" refer? a. The sharp increase in marriages which occurred during the 1960s. b. The unprecedented growth in family benefits made available in the 1960s. *c. The large scale seizure of Indigenous youth by federal authorities in the 1960s. d. The dramatic growth in the economy following the post World War II adjustment.

35. Chapter 09-035 Which of the following is NOT true with respect to policereported family violence? a. There are more physical than sexual assaults reported. *b. Rates of victimization are very different for males and females for all categories of offences. c. The vast majority of victimized youth live with the perpetrator. d. The family member most likely to be a perpetrator is a parent. 36. Chapter 09-036 When Europeans first arrived in the land now called Canada, they encountered Indigenous family structures. Which of the following statements is true with respect to the families they encountered? a. Indigenous cultures were strictly matriarchal. b. Indigenous families were organized in terms of statuses and roles rather than relationships. *c. Women frequently had greater power in the family structure than did their European counterparts. d. Monogamy was non-existent. 37. Chapter 09-037 Women who have an unwanted or ill-timed birth are more likely than women who have had a wanted or well-timed birth to experience depression when? a. immediately after the birth b. when the mother is released from the hospital and returns home c. one to five years later *d. five to thirteen years later 38. Chapter 09-038 Which of the following is NOT related to higher rates of IPV among Indigenous women? a. high rates of fertility b. high rates of unemployment *c. higher likelihood of living in urban areas

d. the impact of colonialization 39. Chapter 09-039 In his analysis of the family, which of the following does Emile Durkheim NOT do? a. examine the liberalization of divorce b. consider the socialization of children *c. express concern about the decline of the family d. analyze the household division of labour 40. Chapter 09-040 When were "no-fault" provisions introduced in the Divorce Act, which made marital breakdown the sole ground for divorce in Canada? *a. 1968 b. 1973 c. 1985 d. 1994 41. Chapter 09-041 In 1972, Elyse and Mathias had been separated for three years. According to the text, what is the term that describes the divorce legislation that allowed this couple to obtain a divorce without evidence of wrong doing by either person? a. practical divorce b. annulment *c. no-fault divorce d. blameless divorce 42. Chapter 09-042 According to the text, which factor accounts for the increase in single parents? a. decrease in marriages *b. increase in divorces c. increase in services for single parents d. decrease in taxes for single parents

43. Chapter 09-043 In Canada today, what percentage of single families are headed by women? a. 30 b. 50 c. 65 *d. 81 44. Chapter 09-044 In Canada, which trend has been seen in recent decades? a. increasing marriage rates b. couples marrying at younger ages *c. increases in lone parenthood d. increasing birth rates 45. Chapter 09-045 What does the term "baby boom" refer to? a. a dramatic increase in government subsidies made available to parent with more than three children *b. a period after World War II during which an unusually large number of children were born c. the dramatic increases in the number of multiple births resulting from new reproduction technologies d. the large number of immigrants who have children within their first year in Canada 46. Chapter 09-046 Barry is a senior partner in an accounting firm. He is working on a retirement plan that includes cutting back to half-time work when he turns 63, just two years from now. He was born in 1953. Most of the senior partners were born in roughly that same post-World War II timeframe. Barry is a member of which age cohort? a. old age pensioners b. the "golden parachute" group *c. baby boomers d. early retirees

47. Chapter 09-047 Emily and Nathan, both in their mid-30s, want children but are experiencing infertility. Together, they earn a comfortable upper-middle class income. They and their physician have discussed several very expensive reproductive technologies. They have family members who are opposed to purchasing a service that may result in human life. According to the text, this scenario highlights what bioethical concern? a. The children born of these technologies are considered state property. *b. The children born of these technologies are perceived as commodities. c. Children born from reproductive technologies face social stigma. d. Social supports for families who freeze fertilized eggs are dwindling. 48. Chapter 09-048 According to the "family decline perspective" lone parenthood is equated with what social outcome? a. absentee fathers b. loss of childcentredness *c. ineffective child socialization d. increased child labour 49. Chapter 09-049 Which statement best reflects the family pluralism perspective? a. People should have more children. *b. It is a myth that families used to be better off than they are today. c. Same-sex marriage reflects the decline of the family. d. The 1950s was the height of family togetherness. 50. Chapter 09-050 Which statement best reflects the family pluralism perspective? a. People should have more children.

b. Stable families tend to have religious foundations. c. Today, people have less control of their children's socialization. *d. People have greater opportunity for relationship satisfaction. 51. Chapter 09-051 Kellan and Rachel are getting a divorce. Their friend Julie believes they are both being selfish and not thinking of their children. She believes they should work on their marriage to create a stable home for their children. According to the text, what perspective does Julie support? *a. family decline perspective b. family pluralism perspective c. family unit perspective d. family unity perspective 52. Chapter 09-052 Which statement best reflects the family pluralism perspective? a. In the so-called golden age of the family, single parenthood was very much a matter of choice. b. Individuals actually have less freedom now than in the past to choose the types of relationships they wish to have. *c. The decline perspective is based on myths. d. One needs to be very cautious with respect to family diversity. 53. Chapter 09-053 Sheila, Mandy, and Cynthia live with their husband Phillip and the three children, which all adults play a role in raising. There are, in total, seven people in the family. Sheila, Mandy, and Cynthia make all of the major family decisions and are the ultimate authority on family matters. Like other people in the society in which they live, the adults trace their ancestry through the mothers. Which set of terms best describes this family? a. nuclear, monogamous, patriarchal, and bilineal b. nuclear, monogamous, bitriacchal, and bilineal *c. nuclear, polygamous, matriarchal, and matrilineal

d. extended, monogamous, matriarchal, and bilineal 54. Chapter 09-054 Dan and Aamori live in Vancouver with their two sons, Emmett and Imara. Which term best describes their family? a. disjointed kin b. extended family *c. nuclear family d. conjugal family 55. Chapter 09-055 Alaine, his wife Cleo, and their two young sons live in a house they built shortly after Alain and Cleo got married. Cleo's parents live in a nearby city and Alaine has family across the country that they seldom see. How would a sociologist describe Alaine and Cleo's two-child family? a. disjointed b. extended *c. nuclear d. conjugal 56. Chapter 09-056 According to the text, which term refers to a family household that includes three generations in the same household? *a. extended b. postmodern c. communal d. primordial 57. Chapter 09-057 Which term refers to a marriage to one person at a time? a. homogamy b. polygamy *c. monogamy d. monofily 58. Chapter 09-058 If members of a tribe practised the custom of marrying one

person during their entire lifetime, what kind of marriage would they have? a. homogamous b. polygamous *c. monogamous d. group marriage 59. Chapter 09-059 Jerome lives with his wife Vivian and their two children, for a total of four people in the family. Jerome makes all of the major family decisions and is the ultimate authority on family matters. Like other people in the society in which they live, Jerome and Vivian trace their ancestry though both the mother's and the father's side of the family. Which set of terms best describes this family? *a. nuclear, monogamous, patriarchal, and bilineal b. nuclear, monogamous, bitriachal, and bilineal c. nuclear, polygamous, matriarchal, and matrilineal d. extended, monogamous, matriarchal, and bilineal 60. Chapter 09-060 According to the text, what destroyed the traditional Indigenous family? a. a successful assimilation policy *b. interventionist strategies employed by the Canadian state and the church c. cultural awareness and self-government d. the informal network and the formal political hierarchy 61. Chapter 09-061 What pattern of descent has a legitimate son as the father's heir to property and sometimes social position? a. monarchical b. patrilocal c. patriarchal *d. patrilineal

62. Chapter 09-062 Lisa and Charles recently lost their father to heart disease. Charles inherits the family estate and lakefront property while Lisa gets nothing. What pattern of descent is at work here? a. monarchical b. patrilocal *c. patrilineal d. patriarchal 63. Chapter 09-063 In what family structure does the mother hold authority? a. patriarchal *b. matriarchal c. egalitarian d. bilateral 64. Chapter 09-064 Theresa has owned and operated a popular bakery in Timmins for three decades. Her five children work under her leadership. Which term best describes this family structure? a. patriarchal *b. matriarchal c. egalitarian d. bilateral 65. Chapter 09-065 When Europeans arrived in what is now called Canada, what did they find about Indigenous families? a. Children were viewed as property rather than as "persons." b. Children were to be kept at an emotional distance and treated harshly. c. Punishment was used extensively as a socialization technique. *d. There was a relative absence of patriarchal authority.

66. Chapter 09-066 Margo is an Indigenous woman who had parents and other relatives who were forcibly sent to live in the first incarnation of the residential schools. Her parents grew up in these schools without learning most of the skills and capacities necessary to keep a family functioning. Margo's parents, and many parents like Margo's, were not able to cope with the demands of parenthood and, without adequate education and employment, were impoverished. Subsequently, in the 1960s, Margo was also taken from her parents and placed into the residential school system. According to the text, what is the name given to the second wave of Indigenous child apprehension? a. Indigenous baby boomers *b. the sixties scoop c. the sixties educational placement strategy d. Indigenous child protection services 67. Chapter 09-067 What did the Canadian federal government establish in order to accelerate assimilation of Indigenous families? *a. residential schools b. the off-reserve system c. a program of financial incentives d. a program of sponsorship among non-Indigenous families 68. Chapter 09-068 In the 1930s, the Canadian government insisted that, at age five, Arora go to an Indigenous residential school. She was abused and suffered from neglect. According to the text, what other outcome likely occurred as a result of her time in the government school? a. She received a solid education. b. She was punished for speaking English. *c. She grew up outside a family environment. d. She became more aware of her Indigenous heritage. 69. Chapter 09-069 What does survey research suggest with respect to family violence in Canada?

a. Women were much more likely than men to report being abused. *b. Women were more likely to experience more severe forms of abuse. c. The majority of victims said that they reported their victimization to authorities. d. Dating violence cannot be investigated using a survey method. 70. Chapter 09-070 What does data gathered from police reports on child abuse in Canada suggest? a. The rate of victimization by family violence is lower for girls than for boys. *b. The younger the victim of child abuse is, the more likely it is that the offender is a parent. c. Child abuse is most likely when the child is below the age of five. d. Male and female children are equally likely to be the victims of sexual abuse. 71. Chapter 09-071 As new parents, Colin and Erica are finding that parenthood has taken a toll on their marriage. They fight more often and rarely take time to show each other love or affection. According to the text, what theory would best be used to analyze their relationship? a. social parenting theory b. family expansion theory c. dual-parenting theory *d. family life course development theory 72. Chapter 09-072 Pat and Chris just brought home their first baby. Based on previous research, what might a family life course sociologist advise them to be aware of? a. Pat and Chris are likely to experience a decline in relationship conflict given their joy over the birth of their baby.

b. Pat and Chris need not worry about a decline in their feelings of love for each other because the baby is adopted. *c. They are about to undergo one of the most stressful family situations. d. If Pat and Chris are gay or lesbian parents, they need not worry about a decline in feelings of love because this only affects heterosexual parents. 73. Chapter 09-073 Which of the following is NOT a proximal cause of intimate personal violence among Indigenous women? a. high unemployment rates b. high fertility rates c. high likelihood of living in a rural area *d. historic patterns of colonization 74. Chapter 09-074 With respect to the sharing of household tasks, which of the following statements is true? a. Couples of all types are no more likely to share household tasks equitably than were couples in the 1950s. b. While different-sex couples are more likely to share household tasks more equitably than in the 1950s, same-sex couples are not. *c. When both partners in different-sex couples are working, the woman is likely to assume responsibility for indoor tasks, while the man is likely to assume responsibility for outdoor tasks. d. Conflict theorists were the first to draw attention to the broader sociological significance of household work. 75. Chapter 09-075 According to the textbook, it is often the case that victims and perpetrators of family violence do not see themselves as such. Which theory helps us understand why this would be the case? a. functionalism *b. interactionist

c. conflict d. feminist 76. Chapter 09-076 According to which perspective is the family important for maintaining social order? *a. functionalist theory b. interactionist theory c. conflict theory d. feminist theory 77. Chapter 09-077 Matthew staunchly believes that as long as society insists that women need to be responsible for home and children, women will be oppressed. He feels frustrated because people do not seem to understand that women's inferior position is linked to their lower status in the private sphere. Which theoretical perspective do Matthew's ideas mirror? a. postmodern b. feminist *c. conflict d. symbolic interactionist 78. Chapter 09-078 According to the text, what do feminist theorists believe is the source of inequality in the family? a. social status b. class differences c. property arrangements *d. patriarchy 79. Chapter 09-079 Which statement best describes feminist theories of the family? a. They reinforce romantic images of family life. b. They are heteronormative. c. They ignore the study of the "second shift." *d. They argue there is no single, monolithic "family," but rather a plurality of family forms.

80. Chapter 09-080 "When I get home from my full-time job, my husband often is waiting for me to make dinner. After we eat, we put the kids to bed, but then I have to straighten up the house or it doesn't get done." What is this a prime example of? a. why men have children later in life b. why the birthrate is falling *c. gendered inequality d. a mothering ideology 81. Chapter 09-081 After an argument about childcare, married couple Alison and Bob are at odds. Alison believes she is almost fully responsible for raising the children, while Bob is certain he does more than his fair share of childrearing. According to sociologist Jessie Bernard, what is happening here? *a. Alison and Bob have "his marriage" and "her marriage." b. Alison and Bob have an egalitarian marriage. c. Alison and Bob have a marital hierarchy. d. Alison and Bob have shared realities. 82. Chapter 09-082 Which statement best reflects the ideas of sociologist Jessie Bernard? *a. Men and women experience marriage differently and that a marriage contains two marriages: "his marriage" and "her marriage." b. Romantic love is no longer a very significant factor in mate selection in Western culture. c. Problems of dominance and subordination inherent in relationships represent a "negative side of family life." d. Patriarchy in the society is often reversed in the home, with the woman being more dominant than the man. 83. Chapter 09-083 Which statement best summarizes the arguments of interactionist theorists?

a. It sometimes makes sense to talk of "her marriage" but never "his marriage." b. For divorced parents, variable perceptions of the father's parenting skills on the part of parents tends to contribute to the development of effective parenting. c. Victims of dating violence are rarely unsure as to whether or not they have been victimized. *d. For divorced parents, a variable perception of a mother's willingness to accommodate changes in the visiting schedule makes effective co-parenting difficult 84. Chapter 09-084 The Canadian census definition of family has changed a great deal over the years. *a. True b. False 85. Chapter 09-085 According to the Canadian Census, a family is defined as "intact" when children are the biological/adopted children of both parents. *a. True b. False 86. Chapter 09-086 You have some friends whom you have known all your life whom you regard as "family members." These friends are considered "fictive kin." *a. True b. False 87. Chapter 09-087 It is not acceptable to include and describe pets as members of the family. a. True *b. False

88. Chapter 09-088 While defining families on the basis of love offers flexibility relative to inclusiveness and notions of emotional support, the tendency to focus on positive emotions is an idealized version of families that can neglect to account for negative emotional realities (e.g., family violence). *a. True b. False 89. Chapter 09-089 In Canada, since 1970, the rates of people who are getting married for both the first and second times have steadily increased. a. True *b. False 90. Chapter 09-090 Ontario has the highest proportion of common-law couples of any province in Canada. a. True *b. False 91. Chapter 09-091 In Canada, the number of people cohabiting has declined in the last couple of decades. a. True *b. False 92. Chapter 09-092 Per capita, more people are getting married today than a half century ago. a. True *b. False

93. Chapter 09-093 One-half of all marriages in Canada end in divorce. a. True *b. False 94. Chapter 09-094 Most lone-parent families are headed by men. a. True *b. False 95. Chapter 09-095 The overwhelming majority of lone-parent families are headed by women *a. True b. False 96. Chapter 09-096 Divorce rates for second marriages are the same as divorce rates for first marriages. a. True *b. False 98. Chapter 09-098 The term "nuclear family" describes the type of family arrangements that became predominant in the 1960s, the socalled "nuclear age." a. True *b. False 99. Chapter 09-099 A matrilineal family system is by definition also matriarchal. a. True *b. False

100. Chapter 09-100 In Indigenous communities, patriarchal authority is central to family function. a. True *b. False 102. Chapter 09-102 Survey results concerning family violence indicate that women are more likely to report more severe forms of abuse than are men. *a. True b. False 103. Chapter 09-103 Functionalist theory uses the term "profit" to describe the benefits derived from a social relationship. a. True *b. False 104. Chapter 09-104 According to social exchange theory, we compare our relationship to alternative possibilities for our lives and may make changes if we perceive that another would make a better partner. *a. True b. False 105. Chapter 09-105 Family life course development theory states that the final transition is to "parenthood." a. True *b. False 106. Chapter 09-106 Research on family conflict finds that conflicts between full siblings (who share two parents) are more common than between half siblings (in stepfamilies).

*a. True b. False

Chapter 10 1. Chapter 10-001 Mort is convinced that astrology is real even though there is no evidence to indicate that this true. What are Mort's thoughts about astrology an example of? a. supposition b. postulate *c. belief d. idea 2. Chapter 10-002 Which of the following does NOT exemplify the components of a belief system? a. the statement "It is not possible to divide a number by zero" b. being kind to your neighbours c. prayer *d. speculation 3. Chapter 10-003 Clair not only believes that Bigfoot is real, he believes that if captured Bigfoot should be treated in a humane manner. What aspect of belief systems is related to the latter belief? a. claims about empirical reality *b. claims about ethics c. claims about the human-animal interface d. claims about the paranormal 5. Chapter 10-005 According to the text, which of the following is NOT a component of a belief system? a. ethical and moral claims b. technologies to obtain use "the truth" *c. opportunities to learn about knowledge d. claims about the nature of reality

6. Chapter 10-006 According to the text, which term refers to the social institution involving beliefs and practices based on recognizing the sacred? a. terrorism b. family *c. religion d. education 7. Chapter 10-007 For Durkheim, which concept is the essence of a religion? a. supernatural b. paranormal c. other-worldly *d. sacred 8. Chapter 10-008 According to the text, which of the following was an example of negative bonding capital? *a. Canadian residential schooling for Indigenous children b. refusal by some religions to pay federal taxes c. internal conflicts, or schisms, within a religion d. a Christmas tree in Central Park 10. Chapter 10-010 Which of the following correctly ranks the order of the major religions of the world in terms of size? a. Islam, Christianity, Judaism *b. Christianity, Islam, Hinduism c. Hinduism, Judaism, Islam d. Christianity, Hinduism, Islam 11. Chapter 10-011 In recent decades, how has attendance at organized religious services changed? a. increased in Canada but decreased in other predominantly Christian nation

b. decreased in Canada and in other non-Christian nations c. remained the same in Canada but increased in other countries that are and those that are not predominantly Christian *d. decreased in Canada and in other predominantly Christian nations 12. Chapter 10-012 Which of the following is NOT typically included in a measure of religiosity? a. religious attendance *b. secular engagement c. participation in private religious activities d. the importance of religion 13. Chapter 10-013 Which of the following is considered THE key measure in the study of religion? a. secularity b. religionism *c. religiosity d. religious affect 14. Chapter 10-014 What percentage of the Canadian population practices Islam? *a. 3% b. 10% c. 15% d. 20% 15. Chapter 10-015 Which of the following is true with respect to secularism? *a. Currently about 1/4 of Canadians are secularists. b. Unlike the rest of the world, Canada is becoming less secular. c. To be secular is to be greatly devout. d. By the year 2036 approximately 50% of Canadians will identify as secular.

16. Chapter 10-016 Christianity and what other religion will have the same number of adherents across the world by 2060? a. Hinduism b. Sikhism *c. Islam d. Buddhism 17. Chapter 10-017 Shannon is trying to get a job in the travel industry but doesn't know anyone working in that field who might help her find a starting position. However, one day at synagogue she meets an older woman named Sherry. Sherry doesn't work in the travel industry but she knows someone who does. She offers to put Shannon in touch with her friend and to provide an email of introduction. What concept does Sherry's behaviour exemplify? a. bonding social capital *b. bridging social capital c. bridging cultural capital d. economic capital 18. Chapter 10-018 The decision-makers in a rather conservative Christian religious group are trying to decide how to order their philanthropic priorities. They have received a very powerful appeal from a group which supports the homeless but which is affiliated with a non-Christian congregation. However, after very little discussion they decide to donate the money to a youth group affiliated with their own church. Which of the following is most relevant to this decision? a. Bridging capital is more powerful than bonding capital. *b. Bonding capital is more powerful than bridging capital. c. Cultural capital is more powerful than social capital. d. Religion has done very little historically to support the homeless.

20. Chapter 10-020 Which of the following best characterizes Durkheim's view of religion? a. Religious rituals and services are best understood as a distraction from the business of daily life. *b. Religious rituals and services are an important source of bonding capital. c. Religious rituals and services are an important source of bridging capital. d. Religiosity minimizes the role of the individual. 21. Chapter 10-021 Ruthie enjoys attending religious services at her church. While she loves the readings and the music, in many ways her favorite part occurs when the actual service has ended. At that point the members of the congregation gather on the sidewalk in front of the church and sometimes in the park next door. They visit with each other, catch up on local news, trade bits of gossip, and usually have a laugh or two. Which concept below is most relevant to an understanding of these after-service get-togethers? a. social religiosity b. bridging social capital *c. bonding social capital d. religious social capital 22. Chapter 10-022 Marx and Weber disagree with respect to the relationship between religion and what other dimension of social life? a. family life b. social capital *c. the economy d. mass media 23. Chapter 10-023 Which theoretical perspective analyzed the heterogeneity of many religious beliefs and practices? *a. postmodern theory b. conflict theory

c. feminist theory d. religious affect theory 24. Chapter 10-024 When Indigenous spiritual practices were banned by colonial authorities and replaced by Christianity, the consequences included which of the following? *a. Women lost much of the power they had held. b. Indigenous people were required to attend weekly religious services. c. Two-spirit people were able to gain official recognition. d. Many Indigenous people gave up their secular beliefs. 25. Chapter 10-025 Which of the following is true with respect to Ktunaxa Nation vs. British Columbia? a. The Supreme Court decided that the objects of religious beliefs must be protected. b. For Indigenous people, religion is equivalent to belief. c. The ruling did protect Indigenous spiritualities and sacred sites. *d. The Supreme Court ruling was consistent with previous Supreme Court decisions relating to religious freedom. 26. Chapter 10-026 Marco is 47 years old. Recently he had a religious conversion and has become very religious both with respect to his beliefs and his behaviour. Of the changes in behaviour listed below, which one would we NOT expect to see with respect to Marco? a. a decrease in drug use b. a decrease in feelings of depression *c. higher levels of secularism d. an increase in physical health

27. Chapter 10-027 Marissa greatly enjoys attending religious services. She has met many people who have helped her deal with a number of practical problems in her everyday life. Through these friends she has found a handyman, a house-cleaning service, and a new doctor. What would we say Marissa has acquired from these new associations? *a. bridging capital b. bonding capital c. referral capital d. friendship bonds 29. Chapter 10-029 Which perspective typically emphasizes the ways in which religious beliefs and rituals bind people together? a. conflict b. feminist *c. functionalist d. symbolic interactionism 30. Chapter 10-030 A novice born-again Christian attends a charismatic prayer group. The small group stands to pray, then someone starts to speak in tongues, and the whole group starts singing in unison. The novice feels a transcendent presence. Which term applies to this social phenomenon? a. collective sacredness b. collective projection *c. collective effervescence d. collective delusion 31. Chapter 10-031 Damian loved going to church because it made him feel part of something larger than himself. Whose approach to religion explains why Damian felt this way? *a. Durkheim b. Weber c. Marx d. Taylor

32. Chapter 10-032 Who argued that when we feel we are in the presence of a higher power, we are actually experiencing a collective consciousness? a. Marx *b. Durkheim c. Weber d. Freud 33. Chapter 10-033 Durkheim's sociology of religion is most closely associated with which of the following? *a. functionalism b. conflict theory c. interactionist theory d. critical theory 34. Chapter 10-034 What did Marx mean when he referred to religion as the "opium of the people"? *a. Religion soothes the disadvantaged like a narcotic, blinding them to social inequalities. b. Once committed to religion, one cannot escape its soothing clutches. c. The satisfaction derived from religion is very intense, something like a narcotic. d. The effect of religion is due to the religious feeling itself, not the church or organization. 35. Chapter 10-035 Allan had a discussion with a sociology classmate who has identified himself as a conflict theorist. Which argument is the conflict theorist likely to make? a. Religion provides opportunities to challenge social injustice. *b. Religion justifies the inequality. c. Religion helps people cope with illness. d. Religion means different things to different people.

36. Chapter 10-036 Lauren works in a factory and raises three children. Her husband is unemployed and drinks too much. Lauren believes that this is only a temporary situation because, when she dies, her deity will take her to a better place where she will live for eternity. Which theorist would argue that Lauren's belief is preventing her from breaking out of this situation? a. Taylor b. Weber c. Durkheim *d. Marx 37. Chapter 10-037 Sally is happiest when she is working in her home, making sure it is neat and clean, preparing meals for her family, and ensuring that her children are content. Weber would argue that this approach to hard work is part of Sally's religious upbringing. What label would he apply to it? a. Catholic dedication b. being Christian c. the sacred approach *d. the Protestant ethic 38. Chapter 10-038 According to Weber, what influence can the moral tone that infused the rise of capitalism in Europe be traced back to? a. the edicts of the Roman Catholic Church b. ungodly, atheist, and material aspirations *c. the ideas of the Protestant doctrine d. the religious persecution of the Jews 39. Chapter 10-039 Which research question would an interactionist pose? a. Are powerful interests behind religion? b. What accounts for discord between religious groups? c. In what ways do religious teachings and practices enable individuals to achieve their goals?

*d. How does religion contribute to people's construction of identity? 40. Chapter 10-040 According to a feminist perspective, what is important to women concerning religion? a. determining the amount of discrimination that women face b. alternative belief systems for all women, given the patriarchal nature of organized religion *c. women's absence or oppression in religious institutions d. that church officials are penalized for wrongdoings against women 41. Chapter 10-041 Who's work saw predestination as essential to understanding the relationship between religion and society? a. Durkheim *b. Weber c. Marx d. Taylor 42. Chapter 10-042 Who is considered the founder of the sociology of science? a. Thomas Kuhn *b. Robert Merton c. Auguste Comte d. Max Weber 44. Chapter 10-044 Taylor is a biologist working on the human genomes. Several of her colleagues have discovered research anomalies working within the current research framework. This has been the case for some time now. What would you tell Taylor is likely to happen in the near future? a. Researchers will be slowed down by changes in the epistemology.

b. The universalism of her research will likely be called into question. *c. There is likely to be a paradigm shift. d. The current paradigm will likely enlarge over time. 45. Chapter 10-045 What is science bound up with, according to the postmodernist theorist? a. knowledge *b. power c. objectivity d. epistemology 46. Chapter 10-046 With respect to paradigms, how do the social sciences and the natural sciences differ? a. The social sciences cannot really be said to have paradigms. b. Social science paradigms usually have far fewer anomalies. c. Paradigm shifts in the social sciences are rarely related to theory. *d. Social sciences tended to be multi-paradigmatic. 47. Chapter 10-047 Which of the following is NOT true with respect to Indigenous epistemology? *a. It is based on categorizarion and hierarchy. b. It is embodied and tied to specific places. c. Knowledge is an everyday part of living. d. It is explicitly tied to action and practice. 48. Chapter 10-048 Nathan undertook a research project relating to the travel time of subway riders in several large cities. He really doesn't care at all about this topic but he feels that the people he will meet with and the visibility of the findings when they are generated will be very good for his career. What norm of science is Nathan not observing?

a. communism b. universalism *c. disinterestedness d. organized skepticism 50. Chapter 10-050 According to Merton, what is one of the "norms of science"? a. norm of interestedness b. norm of economy of action *c. norm of communism d. norm of Occam's razor 51. Chapter 10-051 Which assumption is reflected in Merton's norms of science? a. Science is a belief system in which truth is socially constructed. *b. Science is objective and distinct from other forms of knowledge. c. Science is a kind of religion. d. Science is a set of secular rituals. 52. Chapter 10-052 Which of the following is NOT part of the normative structure of science described by Merton? a. communism b. disinterestedness *c. organized optimism d. universalism 53. Chapter 10-053 According to Kuhn, which term refers to the paradigm shifts that have occurred in science throughout history? a. paradigmatic turns b. scientific accumulation c. scientific divergence *d. scientific revolutions

54. Chapter 10-054 According to Thomas Kuhn and other writers, what must you understand in order to understand scientific revolutions? a. hypothesis testing *b. paradigm shifts c. psychology of the scientist d. why some scientists disobey the norms of science 55. Chapter 10-055 Science funding in Canada was reduced under the government of Stephen Harper and in the United States under Donald Trump. According to the text, what generalization from the sociology of science is relevant to understanding these changes? a. Paradigm shifts can be politically motivated. b. Powerful individuals can be the engines of social change. *c. Scientific knowledge depends on the social framework in which it is produced. d. Conservative governments are unsympathetic to scientific causes. 56. Chapter 10-056 With which statement would a feminist scholar most likely disagree? *a. Research should be value-free. b. Historically, scientific research has had an androcentric bias. c. Career progress is typically more difficult for female than for male scientists. d. Science should be connected to social and political action. 57. Chapter 10-057 Which statement best describes the way that the Canada Constitution Act, 1867 defined educational jurisdiction? a. Primary and secondary education was to be the responsibility of the federal government. b. Universities and colleges were to be the exclusive responsibility of the federal government.

*c. Primary and secondary education was to be the responsibility of provincial and territorial governments. d. Educational policy at all levels was to be decided by a joint body made up of federal, provincial, and municipal levels of government. 58. Chapter 10-058 From kindergarten through college and university, children learn attitudes and behaviour appropriate to the student role. Which manifest function of education does this illustrate? *a. socialization b. transmission of culture c. skills development d. change and innovation 59. Chapter 10-059 According to the text, which group of children fare better in school because of an advantaged home environment? a. immigrant children *b. affluent children c. intelligent children d. Asian children 60. Chapter 10-060 Who argued that education is crucial for promoting cultural values and order in society? *a. Durkheim b. Bourdieu c. Etzioni d. Weber 61. Chapter 10-061 Which term refers to the hidden, unstated, and sometimes unintended consequences of activities within an organization or institution that all social institutions, including schools, have? a. manifest functions

*b. latent functions c. unobtrusive goals d. subjective goals 62. Chapter 10-062 What are open, stated, and intended goals or consequences of activities within an organization or institution? a. latent functions *b. manifest functions c. purposeful functions d. planned functions 63. Chapter 10-063 According to the text, which statement best reflects a functionalist view of school functions? *a. Schools transmit social values and teach acceptable social practices. b. Schools are designed along the lines of an open curriculum, and ongoing cooperation. c. Schools are said to promote cooperation among students, not competition. d. Schools operate on the principle that those with the least ability are rewarded. 64. Chapter 10-064 If we were to ask a conflict theorist, how would he or she describe education? a. Education is a voice for the masses. b. Education is a paradigm for social change. c. Education is a platform for challenging social inequality. *d. Education is a vehicle for reproducing existing inequalities. 65. Chapter 10-065 Which term refers to the implicit transmission of cultural values such as conformity and obedience to authority through the school's rules, routines, and regulations? a. a tracking system

*b. the hidden curriculum c. a latent function of education d. an educational indoctrination 66. Chapter 10-066 Which statement best describes what sociologists call the "hidden curriculum"? a. There are rules, procedures, and norms taught to learners as part of their lessons. *b. There are rules, procedures, and norms that are taught in addition to the formal curriculum. c. There are educational objectives that serve to restrict opportunities for visible minorities. d. There are educational lessons that provide more opportunities for visible minorities. 67. Chapter 10-067 Which sociological approach would contend that the very design of mass public schooling ensures that people who are born disadvantaged remain disadvantaged? a. neo-conservatives b. human capital theorists *c. conflict theorists d. structural-functionalists 68. Chapter 10-068 Patrick is from a "working poor" household. He has been identified as a student with low motivation who is unlikely to go very far in life. There is some suspicion as well that he might have learning challenges. His current teacher thinks he is ill mannered; he doesn't like to put his hand up or wait in lines. The guidance counsellor at Patrick's school strongly advises Patrick to think about "the trades" as a career option. What two aspects of the social production of class are identified in this brief description? a. social control and credentialism b. cultural capital and social capital *c. hidden curriculum and streaming d. streaming and credentialism

69. Chapter 10-069 Nadir speaks four languages, invests in numerous stocks, values higher education, and attends the opera and the ballet on a regular basis. Which term best describes these particular assets of Nadir? *a. cultural capital b. material culture c. accumulated social wisdom d. social wisdom 70. Chapter 10-070 Which sociologist argued that school helps students transition from the person-centered role in the family to the more formal role required by a highly competitive, achievement-oriented work domain? a. Robert Merton b. Emile Durkheim c. Karl Marx *d. Talcott Parsons 71. Chapter 10-071 Which of the following is NOT a latent function of education? a. daycare provision b. matchmaking *c. social control d. expansion of networks 72. Chapter 10-072 According to the textbook, middle-class students are likely to possess more of which of the following? *a. cultural capital b. erotic capital c. bonding social capital d. kinship capital 73. Chapter 10-073 Which type of theorist argues that credentialism creates a

host of problems especially for members of the lower classes? a. postmodern *b. conflict c. interactionist d. functionalism 74. Chapter 10-074 The classic study by Rosenthal and Jacobson demonstrated which of the following? a. Academic credentials are rarely called into question. b. The gender of students importantly determines the career path they pursue. *c. Teacher expectations affect student performance. d. Reading ability among immigrant children can be facilitated by certain types of reading material. 75. Chapter 10-075 The textbook states that the Pink Floyd album, The Wall, provided a pointed critique of the British educational system. Which of the reactions to the album listed below is discussed in the text? a. Pink Floyd were banned from appearing in the United States. b. The lead singer of Pink Floyd sought a term as a member of his local school board. *c. The song, "Another Brick in the Wall", was banned in South Africa. d. The album ended up being heavily censored when it was released in Canada. 76. Chapter 10-076 Which of the following is a theme explored by postmodern theorists? a. the self-fulfilling prophecy b. the hidden curriculum *c. the use of a wide variety of methods to assess student performance

d. the affect of teacher expectations on student performance 77. Chapter 10-077 Which of the following is NOT a manifest function of education? a. skill development b. cultural transmission *c. network augmentation d. social control 78. Chapter 10-078 According to the text, which term refers to splitting students into curricular groupings, with each group headed along a different path? *a. streaming b. credentialism c. mobility d. socialization 79. Chapter 10-079 Which term refers to assigning students to specific courses and educational programs based on their test scores and/or previous grades? a. grading b. IQ grouping c. organizing *d. streaming 80. Chapter 10-080 According to the text, what has the organization People for Education defined as a major priority? a. the removal of intelligent design theories from the high school curriculum b. the enhancement of the streaming process *c. Indigenous education d. uncovering the hidden curriculum

81. Chapter 10-081 The text discusses an experiment in which a sample of school children were labelled "academic bloomers" in order to see what effects the label might have on IQ. According to the study authors, Rosenhan and Jacobson, what did they in fact observe? *a. a self-fulfilling prophecy b. a secondary labelling process c. no effects worth noting d. an actual decrease in IQ scores 82. Chapter 10-082 Jonathan has always been told, and believed, that he was a "C" student, and his grades at university are mostly "Cs." What is this an example of? a. labelling b. learning disability *c. self-fulfilling prophecy d. fallacy of reasoning 83. Chapter 10-083 According to the text, what is a main result of credentialism? a. Individuals become overqualified in pursuing credentials. b. Only people who have the required skills can get a job. *c. Class advantage and social status become linked to having academic credentials. d. It produces a more competitive society. 84. Chapter 10-084 Currently, Protestants are the largest religious group in Canada. a. True *b. False

85. Chapter 10-085 Religion tends to be higher among native-born Canadians than among immigrant groups. a. True *b. False 86. Chapter 10-086 Research findings indicate that people who have formal religious affiliations are more anxious than those without formal religious affiliations. a. True *b. False 87. Chapter 10-087 According to Reginald Bibby, declines in religious affiliation, attendance and a decrease in religious beliefs do not mean that most Canadians are not abandoning religion. *a. True b. False 88. Chapter 10-088 The concept of a collective conscience is associated with Karl Marx. a. True *b. False 89. Chapter 10-089 For Émile Durkheim, the central feature of all religions is the fact that such organizations become the "opium of the masses." a. True *b. False 90. Chapter 10-090 Sociologist Max Weber argued that religion retarded social change.

a. True *b. False 91. Chapter 10-091 Scientific knowledge is not influenced by political agendas. a. True *b. False 92. Chapter 10-092 According to Thomas Kuhn, the natural sciences are characterized by multiple paradigms. a. True *b. False 93. Chapter 10-093 Scholars maintain that Indigenous knowledge and "western science" tend to be mutually exclusive. a. True *b. False 94. Chapter 10-094 According to the text, Indigenous knowledge is closely tied to the environment and long-past events. *a. True b. False 95. Chapter 10-095 As an advanced industrialized nation, Canada's education system is controlled federally. a. True *b. False 96. Chapter 10-096 Because primary and secondary education is offered free to

all Canadians, income is not a really a factor relevant to school success. a. True *b. False 98. Chapter 10-098 The story presented in the text about the band Pink Floyd describes how music from their album The Wall became an anthem for a student strike. *a. True b. False 99. Chapter 10-099 According to conflict theorists, education perpetuates social inequality. *a. True b. False 100. Chapter 10-100 Children of economically disadvantaged households fare just as well in school as children from affluent home environments. a. True *b. False 101. Chapter 10-101 The fact that all Canadian students have equal access to primary and secondary schooling means they have equal opportunities to succeed in school. a. True *b. False 102. Chapter 10-102 A petition calling for reform of the curriculum in Quebec schools in 2017 argued that the current curriculum paid disproportionate attention to the role played by immigrants

and Indigenous people and that those aspects of the curriculum should be scaled back. a. True *b. False

Chapter 11 1. Chapter 11-001 Which concept is defined as "actions intended to prevent, correct, punish, or cure behaviours or characteristics perceived as unacceptable"? a. punishment b. sanction *c. social control d. societal reaction 2. Chapter 11-002 According to the text, who in society are the objects of social control? a. deviants b. the poor and marginal c. the criminal classes *d. everyone 3. Chapter 11-003 Anthony is left-handed. Which definition of deviance might lead us to label Anthony's condition as deviant? a. norm violation b. harmfulness *c. statistical d. There is no reasonable definition by which lefthandedness could be seen as deviant. 4. Chapter 11-004 Which of the following is NOT an objective definition of deviance? a. deviance as statistical rarity b. deviance as harm c. deviance as norm violation *d. deviance as defined by structures of power 5. Chapter 11-005 What is the essential difference between crime and noncriminal deviance?

a. Crimes are always more serious than acts of noncriminal deviance. b. Crimes always carry more severe punishments than non-criminal acts of deviance. *c. Crimes are embodied in government legislation while non-criminal acts of deviance usually are not. d. Crimes always involve harm while non-criminal acts of deviance do not necessarily. 6. Chapter 11-006 For an act to be considered a crime in Canada it must meet which of the following conditions? a. There must be a victim. *b. The act must be intentional. c. The act must have harmful consequences for the victim. d. The act must violate an important social norm. 7. Chapter 11-007 "The number of criminal incidents reported to the police divided by the number of people in the population" defines which of the following? *a. the crime rate b. the crime severity index c. the uniform crime report d. the statistical crime measure 9. Chapter 11-009 Which of the following describes the origins of the #METOO Movement? a. It is a movement that was launched by several high profile Hollywood actresses to bring public attention to the exploitation of women in the entertainment business. b. It began as a movement on American University campuses to focus attention on the problem of rape on campus. c. It was a movement launched by several high profile American politicians as an effort to attract women's votes.

*d. It began as a movement to help Black women and girls from the lower socioeconomic classes who had been victims of sexual violence. 10. Chapter 11-010 Victimless crimes typically involve which of the following? a. adult offenders b. harm only likely to befall those not involved in the crime itself *c. an exchange of illegal goods or services d. a high degree of crime reportability 11. Chapter 11-011 Ariel is intoxicated on a public street. Her friends who are with her begin to laugh at her as she stumbles. An elderly man passing by tells Ariel she should be ashamed of herself. Ariel asks her friends to call her parents to pick her up, but they ignore her. A police cruiser comes by and the officers ignore Ariel but begin to question her friends in an accusatory manor. In the distance a doorman can be heard yelling "and don't let that Ariel girl in here again." Who would you say is involved in social control activities? a. the elderly man and the police b. the police and her friends c. Ariel, the police, and the elderly man *d. the elderly man, the police, her friends, and the doorman 12. Chapter 11-012 Which of the following is a normative definition of deviance? a. Deviance is any behaviour which is statistically rare. b. Deviance is behaviour at which the majority of the members of a society express disapproval. *c. Deviance is any act that violates a rule. d. Deviance is behaviour which produces social harm.

14. Chapter 11-014 Which concept is central to a subjective definition of deviance? *a. power b. harm c. rules d. consensus 15. Chapter 11-015 Which of the following best describes how sociologists would define crime? a. an act that is accompanied with punishment *b. an act that violates criminal law c. any belief that violates cultural norms d. any behaviour that violates cultural norms 16. Chapter 11-016 The class is expecting a lecture on alternative medicine, when the professor walks in smoking marijuana. According to the text, how would this behaviour be classified? a. as deviant b. as normal c. as expected *d. as criminal 17. Chapter 11-017 What is the consensus view of law creation normally contrasted with? a. dissensus view *b. conflict view c. negotiated view d. symbolic view 18. Chapter 11-018 Which theory of law creation argues that crimes are acts which most people think should be prohibited? *a. consensual view b. political interest view c. collective consciousness view

d. majority view 19. Chapter 11-019 Which theoretical argument claims that the law is not always neutral? a. postmodern *b. conflict c. functionalism d. interactionist 20. Chapter 11-020 Taylor is sure that her neighbour is responsible for damage done to her property. She intends to sue her neighbour for the cost of repairs. What kind of law is used for this purpose? a. public *b. private c. common d. criminal 21. Chapter 11-021 What kind of law can be said to involve the accused and the Crown? a. private *b. criminal c. common Law d. retributive 22. Chapter 11-022 Cynthia is in trouble with the law. We are not sure what she did, but we know that she has been given a fine that is less than $5000 and a term of incarceration not greater than six months. What can we conclude from these details? a. It is an indictable offence. *b. It is a summary offence. c. It is a crime against property. d. It is an example of common law.

23. Chapter 11-023 What are hybrid offences? a. crimes that involve more than one type of victim b. crimes that contain elements of violence and crime against property *c. crimes that can be prosecuted as either an indictable or a summary offence d. crimes that are identified in both the Canadian Criminal Code and in many provincial criminal codes 25. Chapter 11-025 Which statement best describes recent crime trends in Canada? a. Most of the crime reported in 2014 was violent rather than property crime. b. The rate of crime has increased in recent years. c. The crime rate has remained unchanged in recent years. *d. Both the crime rate and the rate of severity have been declining. 26. Chapter 11-026 What is the most important source of information on crimes reported in Canada? a. Law Enforcement Administration System b. Canadian Criminological Society *c. Canadian Uniform Crime Reporting System d. Statistics Canada Census Bureau Annual Report 27. Chapter 11-027 Which statement best describes the General Social Survey? *a. The findings from the survey can be used to supplement the Uniform Crime Reports. b. The survey asks respondents about crimes they have committed. c. The survey may be faulted because it fails to ask respondents whether the crime they are reporting came to the attention of the police. d. The GSS studies victimless crimes.

28. Chapter 11-028 Which of the following crimes usually involves a consensual exchange of illegal goods or services among adults? a. property b. corporate c. occupational *d. victimless 29. Chapter 11-029 Which of the following was legal before 2013? a. communicating in a public manner to engage prostitution services b. operating a brothel c. living off the avails of prostitution *d. exchanging money for sexual favours 30. Chapter 11-030 Which of the following statements is correct with respect to most of the crime committed in Canada? a. It contains elements of violence. b. Most crimes are processed by federal courts. c. Most crimes involve the commission of a felony. *d. Most crimes go unreported. 31. Chapter 11-031 Melissa is a student at a large Canadian university. In class one morning before the lecture starts, the Professor says that she has recently learned that one of the students in the class has submitted a plagiarized essay. As the class goes quiet, the Professor mentions the name of the student and tells the student to stand up. When the student does, the professor says that she is going to submit a grade of zero for the course for that student. Melissa is shocked by the scene and promises herself she will NEVER submit plagiarized work. What is this episode an example of? *a. general deterrence b. specific deterrence c. particular deterrence

d. retributrion 32. Chapter 11-032 The adage "an eye for an eye" is reflective of what criminal justice concept? a. restitution b. general deterrence c. special deterrence *d. retribution 33. Chapter 11-033 What is the role of the ombudsperson in the Federal Correctional System? a. liaise between inmates and their families *b. investigate inmates' complaints and make recommendations c. represent correctional staff in disciplinary hearings d. assess effectiveness of correctional programs 34. Chapter 11-034 Which of the following is a claim made by abolitionists? a. Long prison sentences for serious crimes are not useful for the purpose of retribution. b. Although prisons are very problematic, they are the most cost-efficient way to manage non-violent offenders. *c. While many people claim that incarceration denies the offender the opportunity to victimize others, this is only TRUE of the world beyond the prison. d. Abolitionism is not compatible with the principles of Peacemaking Criminology. 35. Chapter 11-035 What did critics of the prostitution law passed in 2014 argue? a. The law would make prostitutes customers less safe. b. The law would make prostitution so attractive that even more people would enter the profession.

c. The new law would apply only to underage sex workers. *d. The new law would make prostitutes even less safe than they were before the law was proposed. 37. Chapter 11-037 How do we define cybercrime? a. crimes committed using the Internet b. crimes which do not involve human victims *c. crimes committed through the use of computer technology d. crimes which lack the element of human intent 38. Chapter 11-038 According to the text, what will result in the future growth of crime? a. failed restorative justice methods b. new methods for committing crimes of a violent nature c. crimes that occur within the corrections system *d. the Internet and other new technologies 40. Chapter 11-040 What kind of crime is a business operation that supplies illegal goods and services for profit? a. corporate crime b. political crime *c. organized crime d. occupational crime 41. Chapter 11-041 Who decides the guilt or innocence of those accused of committing a crime? a. the community b. police officers *c. criminal courts d. moral entrepreneurs

42. Chapter 11-042 Which statement best describes the Canadian court system? *a. Most cases are summary offences and are dealt with in the provincial or territorial courts. b. Most cases are summary offences and are dealt with in the federal courts. c. Most cases are indictable offences and are dealt with in the provincial courts. d. Which court system processes a case is not determined by the summary-indictable distinction. 43. Chapter 11-043 Without question, what type of deterrent is the death penalty? *a. specific b. general c. subjective d. restitutive 44. Chapter 11-044 In a fit of jealous rage, a man attacks his wife's lover. After a few months in jail, he vows that no matter what, he will never commit a crime again because of his negative incarceration experience. Sociologically speaking, what is this called? a. general recidivism b. specific recidivism *c. specific deterrence d. general deterrence 45. Chapter 11-045 After spending five years in prison, David is released back into the community with job skills and social supports, and he is ready to start his life over as a law-abiding citizen. What principle does this illustrate? a. retribution *b. rehabilitation c. restorative justice d. reintegration

46. Chapter 11-046 Which statement is a major criticism of deterrence theory? a. It fails to specify the characteristics that make a deterrent successful. b. While deterrence theory explains how deterrents work at a general level, it neglects a consideration of the specific level. c. While deterrence theory explains how deterrents work at the specific level, it neglects a consideration of the general level. *d. People are less rational than deterrence theory assumes. 47. Chapter 11-047 Which statement is a claim made by the abolitionist movement? a. The current prison system is too focused on crimes which occur in prisons rather than beyond them. b. Despite obstacles, prisons are a suitable setting for rehabilitation efforts. c. The current prison system is too focused on restitution. *d. The punitive response directs attention away from the social experiences that lead to offending. 48. Chapter 11-048 Which group seeks to return the focus of the justice system to repairing the harm that has been done to the victim and to the community? a. Corrections Canada officials *b. restorative justice advocates c. deterrence theorists d. social protectionists 49. Chapter 11-049 After Arthur broke into his neighbour's house and stole jewellery, cash, and small electronics, his community gathered together a number of community leaders and Arthur and his neighbour and attempted to resolve the dispute together. What were they involved in?

*a. a community justice circle b. the Youth Criminal Justice Act c. deterrence measures d. social protection 50. Chapter 11-050 Which alternative to the current justice system is a nonviolent movement and a type criminology which focuses on reducing suffering and social injustice? a. retributive criminology b. classical criminology *c. peacemaking criminology d. restorative criminology 51. Chapter 11-051 Which alternative to the current justice system is a movement which emphasizes healing and the reparation of harm caused by the offender? a. retributive criminology b. classical criminology c. peacemaking criminology *d. restorative criminology 52. Chapter 11-052 The idea that social structure exerts pressure upon certain people to rebel and NOT to conform to social norms is central to which approach? a. knowledge-power perspective b. class-conflict theory c. status-conflict perspective *d. strain theory 53. Chapter 11-053 According to the text, which term best describes the use of illegitimate channels to pursue culturally approved goals when legitimate means are not available? *a. innovation b. differential motivation c. over conformity

d. neutralization 54. Chapter 11-054 According to the text, the kinds of excessive deviance we might witness in a pandemic is best explained by the work of which sociologist? *a. Emile Durkheim b. Karl Marx c. Robert Merton d. Edwin Lemert 55. Chapter 11-055 Lillian worked as an accountant for a business with annual profits of $1 million. However, her boss paid her a lowlevel salary that did not meet her family's expenses. Lillian soon realized that she could embezzle money easily and began skimming about $100,000 per year. According to the text, through which theory can the reason behind her deviant behaviour best be understood? a. control b. routine activity *c. strain d. monetary 56. Chapter 11-056 According to Merton's strain theory, what are criminals doing when they commit crimes? *a. They are responding innovatively to institutionalized goals. b. They are exhibiting unintelligent and irrational behaviour. c. They are showing underlying psychological pathologies. d. They are expressing their frustrations with capitalism. 57. Chapter 11-057 Which concept is central to Merton's theory of deviance? *a. social strain

b. neutralization c. social learning d. primary deviance 58. Chapter 11-058 Clifford has always wanted to be wealthy and powerful but he has lacked the opportunity to realize this dream. He has recently become involved with a group of people who have found out that great deals of money can be made by importing and selling illegal drugs. In terms of the categories identified by Merton, how would you characterize Clifford's behaviour? *a. innovation b. rebellion c. retreatism d. entrepreneurism 59. Chapter 11-059 What transforms primary deviance into secondary deviance? a. blocked opportunity b. anomie *c. stigmatization d. adopting a deviant role model 60. Chapter 11-060 When the pandemic started, Simone tried the best she could to follow all the rules about masks, social distancing, and quarantines. As time went on, though, the external surveillance of her behaviour really became unnecessary because she had begun to surveil her own behaviour. What theory would find this to be an interesting problem? a. interactionist theory b. strain theory *c. postmodern theory d. feminist theory 61. Chapter 11-061 The concept of the self-fulfilling prophecy would figure prominently in which in of the following theories?

a. strain *b. interactionist c. conflict d. feminist 62. Chapter 11-062 Which theory would be most likely to ask why a man who wants to be a kindergarten teacher and a woman who wants to be a bouncer are both considered deviant? a. strain b. labelling *c. feminist d. interactionist 63. Chapter 11-063 What is the mandate of the organization Jack.org? a. to reform the system of urban policing b. to introduce more Indigenous elements into the criminal justice system *c. to bring an end to the stigma of mental illness d. to combat the attempt by some corporations to privatize prisons in Canada 64. Chapter 11-064 Marcy is not a very good student, if we make that judgement based on her grades. The work she has done reflects very little effort and, during her time at university, she has failed to write exams and submit assignments. Interestingly though, she attends all her classes, although she rarely concentrates on what the professor is saying, and she spends hours in the library staring off into space or randomly highlighting sentences in her assigned reading. How would Robert Merton describe Marcy's behaviour? *a. ritualism b. retreatism c. rebellion d. surrender

65. Chapter 11-065 According to control theory, which concept is the key to understanding the causes of deviance? a. anomie *b. social bonds c. differential attachment d. differential connectedness 66. Chapter 11-066 A young girl in middle school decides, for the first time, not to attend school today because she has a test. What would sociologist Edwin Lemert call this initial act of rule breaking? *a. primary deviance b. secondary deviance c. residual deviance d. undetected deviance 67. Chapter 11-067 Suppose that Becky, who is under the legal age, orders and is served a drink in a bar. She is not discovered, so she is not labelled. According to Lemert's labelling theory, what form of deviance has taken place? a. secondary deviance *b. primary deviance c. residual deviance d. undetected deviance 68. Chapter 11-068 What theory would view Alex as deviant if his teachers define him as a trouble maker? a. strain b. social control c. differential association *d. labelling 69. Chapter 11-069 Which approach claims that deviance is produced by societal reactions to deviance?

a. power-knowledge theory b. conflict theory c. consensus theory *d. labelling theory 70. Chapter 11-070 After his release from prison, Abdul was unable to find work. What theory best explains the behaviour of those prospective employers who refused to hire him because he was a criminal? a. strain *b. labelling c. differential association d. social bond 71. Chapter 11-071 In an interpretive framework, which term best describes a lifestyle and identity organized around deviance? a. primary deviance *b. secondary deviance c. tertiary deviance d. identity deviance 72. Chapter 11-072 Which perspective would make the claim that "the rich get richer and the poor get prison"? a. functionalist *b. conflict c. social control d. symbolic interactionist 73. Chapter 11-073 What does the conflict perspective argue about criminal law? a. It is applied equally to the different social classes. b. It attempts to reverse the inequalities present in society.

c. It was created in order to label deviants as "criminals." *d. It protects the interests of the affluent and powerful. 74. Chapter 11-074 Your sociology professor uses the phrase "knowledge is power" several times a week. She is, in all likelihood, which of the following? a. a feminist b. a conflict theorist c. a functionalist *d. a postmodernist 75. Chapter 11-075 According to the text, if a woman decides to go topless at a beach and then gets cited for public nudity, while topless men are ignored, what has she experienced? a. punishment b. deviant behaviour *c. gendered nature of deviance d. social sanction 76. Chapter 11-076 Which theory would examine the different standards of what is considered deviant for a man versus for a woman? a. functionalist *b. feminist c. social control d. conflict 77. Chapter 11-077 All societies have norms that govern acceptable behaviour. *a. True b. False 78. Chapter 11-078 Definitions of deviance tend to be quite stable from place to place and from time to time.

a. True *b. False 79. Chapter 11-079 Crimes are subject to formalized institutional penalties while this need not be the case with deviance. *a. True b. False 80. Chapter 11-080 In Canada, the legal definition of a crime does not require the concept of intent. a. True *b. False 82. Chapter 11-082 In terms of the Canadian Criminal Code, the most serious crimes are those which are known as summary offenses. a. True *b. False 83. Chapter 11-083 In Canada, crimes which are committed against property are known as victimless crimes. a. True *b. False 84. Chapter 11-084 Property crimes include break and enter, theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson. *a. True b. False 86. Chapter 11-086 The major weakness of the Canadian Uniform Crime Reports

system is that it focuses on only violations of federal laws, and ignores violations of provincial statutes. a. True *b. False 87. Chapter 11-087 The prostitution law introduced by the Canadian government in 2014 focused on the control of the prostitutes' customers. *a. True b. False 88. Chapter 11-088 In Canada, offenders serving sentences of two years or more are under the jurisdiction of provincial and territorial government. a. True *b. False 89. Chapter 11-089 Deterrence theory is based on the assumption that punishment can be used to prevent crime. *a. True b. False 90. Chapter 11-090 Deterrence theory emerged out of the positivist school of criminology. a. True *b. False 91. Chapter 11-091 Peacemaking criminology is a nonviolent movement and a criminology which focuses on reducing suffering and social injustice. *a. True

b. False 92. Chapter 11-092 According to strain theory, people commit deviant acts when they are exposed to cultural goals that they cannot obtain through approved means. *a. True b. False 93. Chapter 11-093 Durkheim contended that low or moderate amounts of crime are actually functional for society. *a. True b. False 94. Chapter 11-094 According to social bond theory, the probability of deviant behaviour increases when a person becomes tied to a deviant subculture. a. True *b. False 95. Chapter 11-095 Secondary deviance occurs when a person breaks a law, while primary deviance occurs when a person breaks a folkway. a. True *b. False

Chapter 12 1. Chapter 12-001 Which of the following is most correct according to sociologists? a. Health is best understood as the absence of disease or infirmity. b. Simply put, health and illness are the result of individual choices made at the micro-level. c. Health and illness are matters of lifestyle. *d. It is important to focus on the larger social context within which individuals live. 2. Chapter 12-002 Which of the following is true with respect to the sociology of health and illness? a. The field emerged in the 1970s. b. When the field emerged it was primarily theoretical rather than applied. *c. The growth of degenerative disease focused attention on the role of social factors in illness. d. The sociology of health and illness has neglected the study of the implications of demographic change. 3. Chapter 12-003 What is the epidemiological transition? a. A historical period characterized by falling mortality and increasing birth rates. b. A historical period during which increasing morbidity was associated with declining morality. *c. A historical period which results in morbidity and mortality becoming concentrated in older populations. d. It refers to the current period during which increasing numbers of people die in pandemics. 4. Chapter 12-004 Which statement best describes the beginning of the sociology of health and illness? a. It was mainly a theoretical area based on the writings of Marx.

*b. It was an applied area concerned with questions of public health. c. It was a research area that reflected recent innovations in mathematical sociology. d. It emerged as a historical research area focused on the study of the Black Plague. 5. Chapter 12-005 Which factor contributed to the rapid development of medical sociology? a. the dramatic increase in a variety of infectious diseases b. a longstanding debate with psychology about the causes of health and illness c. the growth in the number of unemployed sociologists *d. the growth in medical bureaucracy and regulation 6. Chapter 12-006 Which term best describes the trajectory according to which trends in health and illness can be described? *a. the epidemiological transition b. the demographic transition c. the health index progression d. the health-illness matrix 7. Chapter 12-007 Which statement best described morbidity for most of human history? a. Morbidity and mortality were concentrated in the middle aged. b. Morbidity was concentrated in the middle aged but mortality was concentrated in the elderly. c. Morbidity was concentrated in the young but mortality was concentrated in the middle aged. *d. Morbidity and mortality were both concentrated in the young. 7. Chapter 12-007 Which statement best described morbidity for most of human history?

a. Morbidity and mortality were concentrated in the middle aged. b. Morbidity was concentrated in the middle aged but mortality was concentrated in the elderly. c. Morbidity was concentrated in the young but mortality was concentrated in the middle aged. *d. Morbidity and mortality were both concentrated in the young. 9. Chapter 12-009 Which of the following is not discussed as a cause of the decline in infectious and parasitic diseases? a. improvements in agriculture b. developments in public health c. new medical interventions *d. increasing birth rates 10. Chapter 12-010 The textbook discusses the case of a scientist who, in the early 1990s, investigated the link between vaccinations and autism. Which of the following is true with respect to that case? *a. Some time after the research was reported, the study was found to to be fraudulent. b. At the time, the study attracted very little media attention. c. The study has largely been forgotten by those involved in the vaccination debate. d. Despite his critics, the scientist went on to win a Nobel Prize in Medicine. 11. Chapter 12-011 What was the normal life expectancy for most of human history? *a. between 20 and 30 b. between 30 and 40 c. between 50 and 60 d. between 70 and 80

12. Chapter 12-012 Which of the following is true with respect to the final stage of the epidemiological transition? a. It occurred in the late 19th and early 20th century. *b. The period witnessed an increase in degenerative diseases. c. The period saw the emergence of no new infectious diseases. d. New infectious diseases emerged in large part because of an underutilization of antibiotics. 13. Chapter 12-013 In the 21st century, what percentage of deaths involve children under the age of five? *a. less than 1 percent b. approximately 5 percent c. 10 percent d. 12 percent 14. Chapter 12-014 According to the text, which term best describes the incidence and patterns of death in a population? a. morbidity *b. mortality c. population decline d. sociology of health 15. Chapter 12-015 As indicated in your text, what is one fact about aging that distinguishes our era from other historical periods? a. In the past, the elderly had more family contact. b. People have healthier diets and lifestyles today. *c. Most Canadians can expect to live to old age. d. In the modern age the elderly have limited sources of support.

16. Chapter 12-016 According to the text, what is the major cause of death in old age? a. lack of health insurance b. poverty and inequality c. poor health care *d. chronic degenerative diseases 17. Chapter 12-017 How does the textbook explain the resurgence of infectious diseases in the 1990s? a. as a result of pathogens transmitted in fast food b. through the dramatic rise in the use of daycare services *c. as a result of widely publicized FALSE research which discouraged vaccination d. through contaminated water supplies 18. Chapter 12-018 Which statement is true with respect to vaping? a. Those over 25 are most likely to take up vaping. b. For adult smokers, vaping has proved to be a powerful aid for those who wish to quit smokingtobacco. *c. Fifteen percent of those between the ages of 15 to 24 report using e-cigarettes (vaping). d. While vaping is known to have serious long-term effects, it seems to produce no short-term harmful effects. 19. Chapter 12-019 Which of the following statements is true with respect to tobacco use? a. Male and female rates of smoking are approximately equal. *b. Currently tobacco use is responsible for 7 million deaths per year world wide. c. Globally cigarette smoking is decreasing.

d. Because of the cost of cigarettes smoking is much more common in high and middle income countries than in low income countries. 20. Chapter 12-020 Which of the following is true with respect to mortality in Canada? a. Most of the top "official" causes of death are infectious diseases. *b. For men and for women, the top two causes of death are cancer and heart disease. c. Men and women are equally likely to die in an accident. d. Women are more likely than men to commit suicide. 21. Chapter 12-021 The late 20th and early 21st centuries witnessed the fourth phase of the epidemiological transition. What is characteristic of this phase? a. decline in infectious disease b. rise of new degenerative diseases c. increase in new infectious diseases and the decline of degenerative disease *d. increase in new infectious diseases and the increase in degenerative disease 22. Chapter 12-022 What is one major reason why dangerous new infectious diseases have emerged in recent years? a. Several stands of experimental viruses have not been adequately controlled in laboratory settings. b. Some countries have already begun to experiment with germ warfare. c. Certain infectious viruses which have their origin in space have landed on earth as falling space debris. *d. The overuse of antibiotics has meant that some infectious diseases have become resistant to their effects.

24. Chapter 12-024 According to the text, what is NOT a leading cause of death in women? a. cancer b. heart disease *c. accidents d. stroke 25. Chapter 12-025 In order, what are the top three causes of death among men and women in Canada? a. cancer, diabetes, heart disease b. heart disease, cancer, stroke *c. cancer, heart disease, stroke d. heart disease, stroke, cancer 26. Chapter 12-026 Which of the following comparisons is INCORRECT with respect to alcohol use in general? a. Men consume more alcohol than women. b. Canadians tend to drink less than residents of Eastern Europe. c. People over 25 years of age are more likely to consume alcohol than those under 25. *d. University students are less likely to drink alcohol than non-students in the same age categories. 27. Chapter 12-027 Why are governments less likely to try to control alcohol consumption than they are to try to control tobacco consumption? a. Alcohol plays an important role in the rituals of many religious groups. b. There are too many people addicted to alcohol to make this a reasonable solution. *c. Alcohol is an extremely important source of revenue for governments. d. Alcohol has a very long tradition of usage in most cultures including Canada.

28. Chapter 12-028 Which of the following comparative statements is INCORRECT with respect to ultra-processed food in general? a. Adolescents consume more ultra-processed food than do older Canadians. b. Immigrants are more likely to consume ultraprocessed food than those who were born in Canada. *c. Those living in urban areas are more likely to consume ultra-processed food than are Canadians living in rural areas. d. Lower socioeconomic status Canadians are more likely to consume ultra-processed food than are those of higher socioeconomic status. 29. Chapter 12-029 In an Edmonton study reported in the textbook, which type of neighbourhood was most common? a. food desert b. food swamp *c. food oases d. food plain 30. Chapter 12-030 Garth has had to deal with mental illness issues for most of his life. He suffers from severe anxiety and frequent bouts of depression. His illnesses interfered with his education and he was not able to finish high school. He is frequently unemployed and when he does find work, it is usually part-time and for minimum wage. Because he lacks the funds to eat nutritious food, Garth has suffered from a variety of other physical illnesses. He has also experienced extended periods of homelessness. By any measure, Garth can be said to be of lower socioeconomic status. What explanation makes most sense in Garth's case? a. social selection *b. social causation c. social deprivation d. social epidemiology

31. Chapter 12-031 Among Canadian Indigenous people, control of destiny is affected most profoundly by which of the following? a. income b. education *c. colonization d. lack of employment 32. Chapter 12-032 What does research tell us about the "healthy immigrant effect"? a. This effect is unrelated to immigrants' level of education before immigrating. b. This effect is unrelated to immigrants' level of income or occupation before immigrating. *c. The effect dissipates quickly. d. Immigrants remain more healthy than the rest of the population long after arriving in Canada because of the immigrant effect. 33. Chapter 12-033 Which of the following is an important reason for rising healthcare costs in Canada? *a. the aging of the population b. the new "baby boom" c. the emergence of a public that is increasingly informed about health issues and as a result demand more sophisticated tests and treatments d. the need to compete with the private system 34. Chapter 12-034 Which of the following was NOT one of the principles of the Medical Care Act of 1966? a. universality *b. total international coverage c. comprehensive coverage d. nonprofit administration

34. Chapter 12-034 Which of the following was NOT one of the principles of the Medical Care Act of 1966? a. universality *b. total international coverage c. comprehensive coverage d. nonprofit administration 36. Chapter 12-036 Which of the following statements is true with respect to the utilization of health care services by the elderly? a. Chronic health conditions are an inevitable part of aging. b. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the safest place for seniors was a long-term care facility. c. After age 80, per capita healthcare costs decrease. *d. As people age, they tend to require more major surgery. 37. Chapter 12-037 In what theoretical tradition would you locate Talcott Parsons' approach to illness? *a. functionalism b. conflict theory c. interactionist theory d. postmodern theory 39. Chapter 12-039 According to some critics, the sick role concept is limited for which of the following reasons? a. Because sickness is a physical condition it is not really a social role. b. We have neglected the study of the well role. *c. It is an androcentric concept. d. A sick role is not learned like other roles. 40. Chapter 12-040 Yvonne was recently diagnosed with celiac disease. This is an autoimmune disease which involves an allergy to gluten.

Typically, if she is exposed to gluten she will experience intestinal problems which can be serious. Having celiac disease has created many problems with respect to the ways in which she interacts with others. Many of her friends snicker because they don't think it is a "real" disease. She is embarrassed when she feels she needs to ask the waiter a large number of questions about a restaurant meal or when she needs to turn down a dinner invitation from a friend or co-worker. In short, these problems reflect on the nature of the identity she has been building around celiac. What term would Conrad and Schneider use to define these identity issues? a. sickness *b. illness c. disease d. malady 42. Chapter 12-042 The management of a Canadian company which makes playing cards has come to the realization that if they move their manufacturing plant to a developing nation where labour is plentiful and jobs are sparse, they could significantly increase their profit margin. This would happen because they will not have to contribute to employee healthcare plans and will be able to pay substantially lower wages in the developing country. Which theoretical perspective would be particularly interested in this issue? a. postmodern *b. conflict c. functionalist d. symbolic interactionism 43. Chapter 12-043 When it was time for Kelly to have her baby, she took an Uber to the hospital. While it would not have been the case in earlier times, Kelly was attended to by a doctor, several nurses, an anesthesiologist, and other medical specialists. In fact, throughout her childbirth experience, Kelly was the only layperson in the room. What has Kelly been experiencing? *a. the medicalization of childbirth b. the professionalization of the helping professions

c. the McDonalidization of medicine d. the practical application of science 44. Chapter 12-044 A study of postoperative communications between doctors and patients reflected which of the following processes? a. Doctors responded to patients on the basis of the label which has been assigned to the patient. b. Doctors tried to discourage patients from taking on the sick role. c. The communication was never direct but always channeled through intermediaries in bureaucraticfashion. *d. Doctors communicated in a way which ensured that medical discourse remained privileged. 45. Chapter 12-045 How would Parsons characterize the sick role? a. conflictual b. primary deviance *c. dysfunctional d. self-fulfilling prophecy 46. Chapter 12-046 Which of the following has the greatest impact on a young person's decision whether to start smoking? a. social determinants of health *b. advertising and marketing c. peer pressure d. social policies 47. Chapter 12-047 What is the leading cause of preventable death in the world? a. war b. accidents c. infectious disease *d. tobacco

48. Chapter 12-048 The smoking patterns of which area contributes to the overall global increase in tobacco use? a. North America b. Europe c. high income countries *d. low- and middle-income countries 49. Chapter 12-049 Genvieve took up smoking at the age of 15 because she saw a girl smoking in a movie and thought it looked cool. According to the text, what influenced Genvieve's decision to smoke? a. social determinants of health b. micro-level factors *c. cultural norms d. social policies 50. Chapter 12-050 The Global Information System on Alcohol and Health assigns nations scores between 1 and 5 based on the riskiness of their drinking patterns. What is Canada's score? *a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5 51. Chapter 12-051 According to the Canadian Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Survey, what percentage of Canadians admitted to consuming alcohol in the previous year? a. 55 b. 67 *c. 77 d. 97 52. Chapter 12-052 What do the results from the Canadian Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Survey reveal?

a. Men and women are equally likely to drink alcohol. *b. Men are more likely than women to engage in high risk drinking. c. High-risk drinking is concentrated in the under 17 age group. d. Ten percent of Grade 12 students indicated that they had used alcohol in the previous month. 53. Chapter 12-053 In response to alcohol use and misuse, how would you characterize the responses of governments around the world? a. Governments have been quick to respond with preventive legislation because alcohol is a major reason for rapidly escalating health costs. b. Governments have been quick to respond because of economic incentives made available by the United Nations. c. Governments have been very slow to respond because the evidence on the harmful effects of alcohol is somewhat inconsistent. *d. Governments have been slow to respond because alcohol plays such a key role in so many national economies. 54. Chapter 12-054 According to the Canadian Community Health Survey in 2004, what percentage of children between 4 and 13 was not eating enough fruits and vegetables? a. 25 to 30 percent b. 50 to 60 percent *c. 60 to 70 percent d. 85 percent 55. Chapter 12-055 Why is Canada's poor still less healthy than individuals from the middle and upper classes? *a. Medical care cannot compensate for other disadvantages of poverty, such as poor housing or inadequate diet.

b. The poor have longer life spans, so they naturally fall victim to many more illnesses than the middle and upper classes. c. The poor suffer less stress, and as a result do not go to doctors as often. d. The poor choose not to use preventive strategies, despite being more informed about them than the middle and upper classes. 56. Chapter 12-056 According to the text, what are the advantages of those with education, occupational status, income, and wealth? a. They have roughly the same life expectancy as those who do not have these advantages. *b. They live longer than those who do not have these advantages. c. They often travel to the United States for health care. d. They are able to get better health care in Canada than other people can. 57. Chapter 12-057 According to the text, what are some of the social determinants of health? a. mentality and country of origin b. inherent physical attributes and genetics *c. social class and ethnicity d. attitude, outlook, and expectations 58. Chapter 12-058 Globally, what is the single most important determinant of health? *a. socioeconomic status b. gender c. ethnicity d. region 59. Chapter 12-059 Where is food insecurity the biggest problem in Canada?

a. Atlantic Canada *b. the north c. Ontario d. Quebec 60. Chapter 12-060 Which statement best describes mental illness and socioeconomic status? a. Socioeconomic status is a cause of mental illness. b. Socioeconomic status is a product of mental illness. *c. Socioeconomic status both causes and results from mental illness. d. Socioeconomic status has not been shown to be related to mental illness 61. Chapter 12-061 According to the text, which term best describes the suggestion that people with mental disorders may drift into lower levels of socioeconomic status, or be prevented from rising out of lower levels of status? a. social class causation hypothesis *b. social selection hypothesis c. social causation hypothesis d. mental acuity hypothesis 62. Chapter 12-062 According to the text, which term best describes the suggestion that the stresses associated with having a lower socioeconomic status contribute to the development of mental disorders? a. social class causation hypothesis b. social selection hypothesis *c. social causation hypothesis d. mental acuity hypothesis 63. Chapter 12-063 In addition to socioeconomic status, what factor has had a profound effect on the health of indigenous people in Canada?

a. urban living *b. colonization c. climate d. traditional diet 64. Chapter 12-064 Which statement best describes Indigenous people's health status in Canada over the years? *a. Many of the diseases that affect Indigenous people can be traced to inadequate housing, crowding, and poor sanitary conditions on reserves. b. Indigenous people were especially likely to contract malaria in the late 19th century when they were moved to reserves. c. As a result of declining infant mortality rates, Indigenous people now have a longer life expectancy than the Canadian average. d. Indigenous people are among the poorest in Canada and yet have higher than adequate nutrition due to high participation in traditional hunting, fishing, and cultivating practices. 65. Chapter 12-065 From a sociological perspective, many of the diseases affecting Indigenous people result from which of the following? *a. inequitable conditions in their communities b. bad choices as adolescents c. high-risk lifestyles d. heredity 66. Chapter 12-066 The legacy of which of the following still affects Indigenous people's health problems today? a. traditional culture *b. colonialism c. imperialism d. diffusion

67. Chapter 12-067 Prem Gupta, like many people coming to Canada recently, belongs to a group of people who are less likely to have chronic diseases. According to your text, which term best describes the effect of this trend? *a. healthy immigrant effect b. Indian immigrant effect c. Asian immigrant effect d. recent immigrant effect 68. Chapter 12-068 When did the current system of universal medical care in Canada come into existence? a. 1893 b. 1922 *c. 1966 d. 1995 69. Chapter 12-069 According to the textbook, which statement best describes Canada's doctor shortage? a. The doctor shortage in Canada is a myth. b. There is a doctor shortage but only with respect to specialists. c. Walk-in medical clinics are an effective solution to whatever doctor shortage might exist. *d. We have one of the lowest physician-to-population ratios in the world. 70. Chapter 12-070 Which term refers to the requirement that all Canadians be covered for health care on uniform terms and conditions? *a. universality b. comprehensiveness c. accessibility d. portability 71. Chapter 12-071 On a vacation in British Columbia, Jurgen, a Manitoba

resident, breaks his leg. He goes to the hospital nearest where his accident occurred and receives full health services. Which of the following requirements of the Canadian health-care plan does this case illustrate? a. universality b. comprehensiveness c. accessibility *d. portability 72. Chapter 12-072 Which term refers to the idea that all necessary medical services should be guaranteed, without a specific dollar limit, and should be available solely on the basis of medical need? a. universality *b. comprehensiveness c. portability d. public administration 73. Chapter 12-073 Approximately what percentage of the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) did Canada spend on health care in 2011? a. less than 1 percent *b. 5 percent c. 11 percent d. 25 percent 74. Chapter 12-074 According to the text, what is one consequence of the "baby boom" from 1946 to 1965? a. increase in marriages b. high economic growth c. creation of a population pyramid *d. rising median age 75. Chapter 12-075 Which statement best describes Canada's health care spending?

a. Canada spent more per capita than any other country that was a member of OECD. b. Health care spending in Canada has stayed ahead of inflation. *c. Because of inflation and population growth per capita, spending has actually declined. d. Health care spending in Canada makes up only two percent of the GDP. 76. Chapter 12-076 What is the main reason health care costs are expected to rise dramatically over the upcoming years? a. increasing rates of immigration *b. baby boomers are aging c. huge increase in HIV/AIDS d. increased availability of new, but more expensive, prescription drugs 77. Chapter 12-077 What does the research tell us about the relationship between aging and chronic health conditions? a. Most people between the age of 75 and 80 do not have a chronic health conditions. *b. It is not age itself which determines chronic health and increased health care spending, but multiple health conditions. c. The vast majority of elderly people have multiple health conditions. d. Chronic health conditions unlike many other kinds of illness are unrelated to lifestyle. 78. Chapter 12-078 According to Talcott Parsons´s concept of the sick role, which statement best characterizes the sick person? *a. The sick person is exempt from normal social responsibilities. b. The sick person has the choice whether or not to return to a healthy state. c. The sick person is not expected to get well. d. The sick person is still responsible for meeting social and personal obligations.

79. Chapter 12-079 Irene has Crohn's disease. She is currently taking five university courses and working part-time. When she has a bout of her illness she calls in sick for work and stays home from school. To what extent does Irene conform to the sick role? a. Irene's behaviour challenges the sick role. b. Irene's behaviour falls short of the sick role. *c. Irene's behaviour is consistent with the sick role. d. Irene's behaviour is in opposition to the sick role. 80. Chapter 12-080 Martin has been battling flu symptoms and a cold for more than two weeks. He complains about how he is feeling to his roommate, but refuses to follow his doctor's suggestion to stay at home, rest, and focus on his recovery. Which characteristic of the sick role is Martin ignoring? a. The sick person is temporarily exempt from normal social responsibilities. *b. The sick person must want to get well and cooperate with the physician's directions. c. The sick person should seek technically competent help. d. The sick person is not responsible for getting sick. 81. Chapter 12-081 According to Talcott Parsons's concept of the sick role, what obligations does the sick person have? a. The sick person must fulfill normal social responsibilities. *b. The sick person must do everything in her or his power to return to a healthy state. c. The sick person must take the blame for becoming sick in the first place. d. The sick person must get support from a range of service providers.

82. Chapter 12-082 What is the interactionist approach to health based on? a. analyzing how the sick role functions in society *b. the meanings attributed to illness and disease c. the impact of race, class, and gender on access to health care d. the role of doctors as gatekeepers determining access to the health-care system 83. Chapter 12-083 With which of the following statements would a conflict theorist agree? a. Disease, of the mind or body, is solely about biology. *b. Capitalism paved the way for the emergence and rapid transmission of infectious diseases. c. Postmodern culture cares little about health and health-related issues. d. There is no ambiguity about the nature of most disorders. 85. Chapter 12-085 Canadian women who live in rural areas are often unable to obtain adequate prenatal support, pregnancy counselling, or abortion services. How would a conflict theorist approach this problem? a. analyze dysfunctions of the maternal health-care system *b. critique differential access to health services c. examine medicalization of women's lives d. illustrate the social construction of reproduction 86. Chapter 12-086 What term do interactionists use to refer to the meaning attached to the physical experience of pathology of the body? *a. illness b. malady c. morbidity

d. sickness 87. Chapter 12-087 Which theoretical approach to health views health as a commodity? a. functionalism b. interactionist *c. conflict theory d. postmodern theory 88. Chapter 12-088 According to post-modern theorists, as the medical science became increasingly intertwined with rational-bureaucratic health care systems, which of the following has resulted? a. Medicine has become increasingly expensive. *b. Physicians claims about health and wellness gained supremacy over those of other health practitioners. c. Physicians became less important in the delivery of health care. d. Medical science came to be seen as a commodity. 89. Chapter 12-089 Today more women have caesarean sections, are assisted in the birth process by medical technology and drugs, and are more likely to deliver babies in hospitals than 100 years ago. What do these trends illustrate? a. greater attention to women's reproductive health needs b. the influence of feminism c. medical treatment of reproduction *d. medicalization of women's lives 90. Chapter 12-090 Marjorie, who suffers from chronic pain, has a doctor's appointment later in the day. In preparation, she spends some considerable amount of time working on her hair and make-up. According to the authors of the textbook, what might be the reason behind this seemingly unrelated behaviour?

a. Marjorie has a crush and wished to catch the doctor's eye. b. She hopes that she looks as well as can be expected because she wants to have the doctor approve of her planned trip out of the country. *c. She needs to strike a balance and not look too put together so that the doctor will take her complaints about the pain seriously. d. She fears that her attempts to cope with pain have made her look much older is. 91. Chapter 12-091 The medical profession has successfully lobbied seven provincial governments to make it illegal for a pregnant woman to drink any amount of alcohol. *a. True b. False 92. Chapter 12-092 Deaths in old age now usually result from degenerative diseases. *a. True b. False 93. Chapter 12-093 More men die of strokes than do women. a. True *b. False 94. Chapter 12-094 In the 1990s many parents stop vaccinating their children and this led to adverse health consequences. *a. True b. False 95. Chapter 12-095 For women, but not for men, the top causes of death are cancer and heart disease.

a. True *b. False 96. Chapter 12-096 Today, diet and activity have minimal influence on causes of death. a. True *b. False 97. Chapter 12-097 The top causes of death among both older and younger age groups are NOT preventable. a. True *b. False 98. Chapter 12-098 The best predictor of smoking behaviour in a population is the current smoking behaviour of adults. a. True *b. False 99. Chapter 12-099 The leading cause of preventable death in the world today is tobacco. *a. True b. False 100. Chapter 12-100 Surveys of university students show that between 35 and 40 percent will have engaged in binge "in the previous few weeks." *a. True b. False

101. Chapter 12-101 Research shows that accelerometers over-estimate the amount of exercise in which people engage when compared with verbal reports. a. True *b. False 103. Chapter 12-103 Research lends greater support to the social causation argument than to the self-selection argument with respect to the relationship between socioeconomic status and mental illness. *a. True b. False 104. Chapter 12-104 Low-income Canadians are much more likely to experience a mental illness. *a. True b. False 105. Chapter 12-105 Indigenous status affects health independent of the effects associated with socioeconomic status *a. True b. False 106. Chapter 12-106 Recent immigrants tend to be much less healthy than nativeborn Canadians. a. True *b. False 107. Chapter 12-107 Canadians have always enjoyed a universal health-care system.

a. True *b. False 108. Chapter 12-108 The dominant medical model is making alternative approaches to medicine obsolete. a. True *b. False 109. Chapter 12-109 Chronic health problems are an inevitable part of aging. a. True *b. False 110. Chapter 12-110 The "sick role" is a key concept in interactionist theory *a. True b. False 111. Chapter 12-111 Critics of the functionalist view of health and illness argue that it places too much responsibility for illness on the sick people themselves. *a. True b. False 113. Chapter 12-113 A major issue of concern for conflict theorists is the ability of all citizens to obtain health care. *a. True b. False 114. Chapter 12-114 Medical discourses are elite discourses. *a. True

b. False

Chapter 13 1. Chapter 13-001 How do we define collective behaviour? a. behaviour that works toward a clearly defined goal b. any behaviour engaged in by people acting as a group *c. behaviour that is relatively unstructured spontaneous and unstructured d. behaviour that is coordinated by group leaders 2. Chapter 13-002 What would be another term for "theatre audience"? a. a casual crowd *b. a conventional crowd c. an expressive crowd d. a deliberate crowd 3. Chapter 13-003 The television game show, "Let's Make a Deal" hosts a very distinct kind of audience. The members dress in funny costumes. They cheer and shout loudly and generally act in a very excited manner. What kind of crowd is this? a. an active audience b. an acting crowd *c. an expressive crowd d. a casual crowd 4. Chapter 13-004 Which of the following is a characteristic of a conventional crowd? *a. structured b. unpredictable c. uncontrolled d. non-normative 5. Chapter 13-005 Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of collective behaviour?

a. spontaneous *b. pre-planning c. difficult to predict d. unplanned 6. Chapter 13-006 According to the text, which statement best describes collective behaviour? a. Collective behaviour is more predictable than other forms of behaviour. *b. Collective behaviour usually lies outside what is considered normative behaviour. c. Collective behaviour is institutionalized unlike other forms of behaviour. d. Collective behaviour takes on a specific form under specific circumstances. 7. Chapter 13-007 How would a sociologist define a gathering of people that is relatively spontaneous, unstructured, and unconventional in nature? a. grassroots activism b. organizational behaviour c. institutional behaviour *d. collective behaviour 8. Chapter 13-008 According to the text, which statement best describes collective behaviour? a. Collective behaviour is more predictable than other forms of behaviour. *b. Collective behaviour usually lies outside what is considered normative behaviour. c. Collective behaviour is institutionalized unlike other forms of behaviour. d. Collective behaviour takes on a specific form under specific circumstances.

9. Chapter 13-009 Which term best describes a group of students who go to the same office to have their student loan forms processed? a. acting crowd b. casual crowd c. expressive crowd *d. conventional crowd 10. Chapter 13-010 What do people waiting at a station to get on the subway exemplify? a. conventional crowd b. expressive crowd c. acting crowd *d. casual crowd 11. Chapter 13-011 When you sit in the gymnasium or lecture hall with a large group of students for your final exam, you are part of what kind of crowd? *a. conventional b. expressive c. acting d. casual 12. Chapter 13-012 Which term refers to a temporary gathering of people in the same place at the same time? *a. crowd b. situated group c. assemblage d. collectivity 14. Chapter 13-014 According to the text, what characteristic differentiates an expressive crowd from a conventional crowd? a. An expressive crowd does not necessarily share a common interest. b. An expressive crowd has organizational features.

c. An expressive crowd is an institutionalized form of gathering. *d. An expressive crowd has an explicit participatory purpose. 15. Chapter 13-015 What type of crowd is formed when a collectivity gathers at the same place, at the same time, to pursue a common goal? a. protest b. expressive *c. acting d. conventional 16. Chapter 13-016 Sometimes, acts of civil disobedience become violent, as in a confrontation between protestors and police officers. In this case, what would a sociologist say the protest crowd has become? a. conventional crowd *b. acting crowd c. aggressive crowd d. instrumental crowd 17. Chapter 13-017 A large group of protesters gather outside City Hall to protest a lack of services for the poor. They pass out pamphlets, listen to speakers, and stop traffic. What kind of crowd is this? a. casual crowd *b. acting crowd c. expressive crowd d. conventional crowd 18. Chapter 13-018 Who developed contagion theory? a. Clark McPhail *b. Gustave Le Bon c. Robert Park d. Herbert Blumer

19. Chapter 13-019 Which theory focuses on the shared emotions and prior dispositions that many people bring to crowd behaviour? a. circular reaction theory b. crowd psychology theory *c. convergence theory d. contagion theory 20. Chapter 13-020 Based on convergence theory, what can we conclude about norms and crowd behaviour? a. Collective behaviour adapts to a new cultural norm. b. Norms in a crowd are created in a haphazard, meaningless fashion. *c. Crowds are not irrational. d. A single dominant norm is accepted by everyone in a crowd. 21. Chapter 13-021 Popular phrases used by journalists to describe crowd behaviour are "group mind" and "mob psychology". From whose work can these terms be derived? *a. LeBon b. Festinger c. Turner and Killian d. Parsons 22. Chapter 13-022 A large crowd has formed in front of city hall although it is not clear why. All we know so far is that the members of the crowd seem to be wandering around aimlessly and having brief conversations with each other. As they do, they seem to be growing increasingly excited. In what activity are the crowd members engaged? a. rumour transmission b. pre-riot excitation *c. milling d. rabble rousing

23. Chapter 13-023 According to Turner and Killian, which of the following is NOT a characteristic of collective behaviour ? a. rationality b. diversity *c. deindividuation d. a division of labour 24. Chapter 13-024 For Turner and Killian, in what sense are norms "emergent"? a. They relate only to non-normative behvaviour. b. They have associated with them penalties that are easily avoided. c. They emerge only in situations which can be defined as emergencies. *d. They emerge in and are specific to a particular situation. 26. Chapter 13-026 Avanthi is attending a protest at a factory farm. One of the most radical members of the group jumps up on the speaker's platform and urges the crowd members to storm the factory, destroy equipment, and release as many animals as possible. According to contagion theory, what would we expect Avanthi to do? a. Knowing that he is the most radical leader and he does not really represent the crowd, she will likelyignore him. b. Knowing what a serious step this is she may begin to discuss the matter with the two friends who came to the protest with her. *c. Do what the leader says. d. Before doing anything herself she will wait and see what most other people do. 27. Chapter 13-027 People who feel free to do things in crowds that they would not otherwise do, were described by Festinger as experiencing which of the following? a. anonymity

b. alienation *c. deindividuation d. contagion 28. Chapter 13-028 While attending his first punk rock concert, Joshua is fascinated by the mosh pit and the behaviour of those participating. Joshua reasons, "I don't think people who would not otherwise take part in that activity have irrationally responded to those around them and began to do the same things." Instead, he reasons, "I am convinced that people with a predisposition to behave this way showed up here and decided to join others who have the same predispositions." In thinking this through, Joshua has rejected the logic of one theory and accepted the logic of another. With respect to the answers below, consider the first term the rejected theory and the second term the accepted theory. Which pairing is correct? a. contagion; emergent norm b. emergent norm; convergence *c. contagion; convergence d. convergence; emergent norm 29. Chapter 13-029 In comparing fads and fashions, which of the following statements is true? a. While fads are dispersive fashion is not. b. Generally speaking, fads last longer than fashion. c. Both fads and fashions are localized. *d. Fashion is more closely associated with identity than are fads. 30. Chapter 13-030 Which of the following is NOT a dispersive form of collective behaviour? a. fads *b. riots c. fashion d. disasters

31. Chapter 13-031 Which is the following is best described as a fashion? a. fidget spinners *b. Uggs boots c. fanny packs d. LOL's 32. Chapter 13-032 Which theory understands collective behaviour with reference to a collective mind? *a. contagion theory b. convergence theory c. emergent norm theory d. cybernetic theory 33. Chapter 13-033 According to the textbook, the right-wing violence which occurred in Charlottesville, Virginia in August 2017 is best explained by which of the following theories? a. contagion theory b. emergent norm theory *c. convergence theory d. value-added theory 34. Chapter 13-034 What is Snopes.com? a. a website dedicated to celebrity gossip b. a website which debunks rumours associated with the economy *c. a website that examines the veracity of urban legends d. a website where one can post any rumours they may have heard regarding COVID-19 35. Chapter 13-035 According to Stanley Cohen, moral panics are directed against which kind of threat? a. ethnic criminals b. sex offenders

*c. folk devils d. environmental threats 36. Chapter 13-036 Canadian history recognizes Judge Emily Murphy as one of the individuals responsible for the passage of early drug legislation. Her book, "The Black Candle", described problems real and imagined relating to the use of cocaine, cannabis, and other drugs. Her book influenced the attitudes of politicians and members of the general public and thereby helped establish these early laws. In the language of collective behaviour, we would describe Emily Murphy as which of the following? a. a legal advocate b. a moral reformer *c. a moral entrepreneur d. a norm crusader 37. Chapter 13-037 Which of the following is NOT true with respect to rumours? a. Rumours are likely to emerge in ambiguous situations. b. The spread of rumours often precedes major events. c. A key characteristic of rumours is that they are unsubstantiated. *d. Rumours are only known to occur in highly stratified societies. 39. Chapter 13-039 How many pipeline oil spills occurred in Canada in 2017? a. none b. 12 c. 53 *d. 173 40. Chapter 13-040 What do Bhopal, India, Chernobyl, Ukraine and Savar, Bangladesh have in common?

a. Each location is the site of a major research institute dealing with COVID-19. b. Each is the site of a major natural disaster. *c. Each is the site of a major human-made disaster. d. Each place has been identified as the location of of groups active in cyberterrorism. 41. Chapter 13-041 Which of the following statement is UNTRUE with respect to the COVID-19 Fatality Rate (CFR)? *a. The rate is calculated by taking the number of confirmed deaths by the disease divided by 100 and multiplied by the number of people known to have the disease. b. The CFR over-estimates the number of dead if people have the disease but are not tested. c. The CFR under-estimates the number of dead if people who are fatally ill with the disease have yet to die. d. The CFR changes constantly. 42. Chapter 13-042 Which of the following is a distinguishing feature of moral panics? a. They always concern matters of crime and the law. *b. They always constitute a disproportionate reaction to the threat. c. They are a product of the late 20th century. d. They rarely focus on youth. 43. Chapter 13-043 You have heard a rumour that the place where you work is going to downsize and jobs may be in jeopardy. How worried you should be depends in part on how reliable the rumour is. Which of the following statement about rumour characteristics is correct? a. Despite what many people believe rumours tend to be quite accurate. *b. Over time, rumours are sharpened. c. Rumours that are tweeted tend to be the most accurate.

d. Rumours mainly contain conventional information. 44. Chapter 13-044 Which of these characteristics of urban legends are also characteristic of rumours? *a. unsubstantiated b. contain a morale c. attributable to a FOAF d. tends to be quite durable over time 45. Chapter 13-045 Which of the following is true regarding gossip? a. Gossip is always unsubstantiated. *b. Gossip is unconventional. c. Gossip is rarely about specific individuals. d. Gossip tends to result from a plan rather than be spontaneous. 46. Chapter 13-046 What effect can we expect when rumours are tweeted multiple times? a. People are likely to ignore the rumour because it is "old hat". *b. People are more likely to believe the rumour. c. People are likely to become suspicious of those spreading the rumour. d. It is likely that the rumour ends up being ignored by other social media. 47. Chapter 13-047 According to the textbook, what is a major problem with convergence theory? a. It pays too much attention to the milling process. b. It assumes the non-rationality of those involved in crowds. c. It is not especially useful in explaining violent or destructive behaviour. *d. It is largely inattentive to crowd processes.

48. Chapter 13-048 In the context of Herbert Blumer's convergence theory, what would a riot after a hockey game be an example of? a. milling b. deindividuation c. collective excitement *d. contagion 49. Chapter 13-049 Which theory of collective behaviour is a type of people argument? a. contagion theory *b. convergence theory c. emergent norm theory d. cybernetic theory 50. Chapter 13-050 What is a key component of urban legends? a. They are non-specific. b. They are about real people. c. They are intended as entertainment and almost never contain a moral. *d. The source of urban legends tends to be a friend of a friend. 51. Chapter 13-051 The Beatles made their first appearance on North American soil on February 7, 1964, at Kennedy Airport in New York. History has recorded images of crowds of youth, mostly teenaged girls, who gathered just to see these pop icons wherever and whenever the Beatles appeared in public. What is this an example of? a. contagion theory *b. convergence theory c. emergent norm theory d. contamination theory 52. Chapter 13-052 What is the end stage of the emergent norm process?

a. contagion b. deinviduation *c. justification d. collective excitement 53. Chapter 13-053 Workers show up at their place of employment to find the building dark and all the doors locked. They begin to talk to each other about what might be going on. Several people think the business has gone bankrupt and the owners have left town. They decide that their only option is to vent their hostility in a public way. Some of them start to batter down the door. Others look for paint and brushes for graffiti. Still others shout instructions to various people. In terms of collective behaviour theories, what are we witnessing? a. contagion process *b. emergent norm process c. convergence process d. cybernetic process 54. Chapter 13-054 Which of the following is an example of a dispersed crowd? a. a group of subway riders who take over one of the cars to protest fare increases b. a flash mob doing a musical number in the library *c. Canadians following NHL hockey d. pride parades in Canadian cities 55. Chapter 13-055 What is the defining characteristic of a rumour? a. It is a story about people. b. It is a story about something in the present or future, rather than the past. *c. It is a story which is unsubstantiated. d. It is a story that depends completely on oral transmission.

56. Chapter 13-056 Without any proof, community members begin to discuss a recent homicide as gang related. What does this illustrate? *a. rumour b. gossip c. mass hysteria d. panic 57. Chapter 13-057 According to the text, which term refers to unsubstantiated stories about people or events? a. tales b. news *c. rumours d. urban legends 58. Chapter 13-058 According to the text, which term refers to abstract unsubstantiated stories containing an underlying message or moral? a. tales b. gossip c. rumours *d. urban legends 59. Chapter 13-059 In what sorts of social situations do rumours typically arise? a. conflict situations b. situations characterized by extreme power differentials *c. ambiguous situations d. situations involving strangers 60. Chapter 13-060 By which of the following processes do rumours become modified to fit the storyteller's point of view? a. levelling *b. assimilation

c. sharpening d. refining 61. Chapter 13-061 What is a defining characteristic of gossip? a. It is unsubstantiated. b. It is substantiated. c. It is about a celebrity. *d. It is about a specific person. 62. Chapter 13-062 The leaders of a student social movement say in a television interview that university and college tuition should be free to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to attend. In what sort of activity are they engaged? a. discourse generation *b. claims-making c. constructing movement rhetoric d. mobilizing followers 63. Chapter 13-063 News of an alligator living in the sewers of New York City holds an underlying message that people should not try to go down into the sewers unless authorized to do so. According to the text, what label might be given to this story? a. tale of the city b. gossip c. rumour *d. urban legend 64. Chapter 13-064 According to the text, which term refers to a shared fear underlying an impending threat that can produce a collective action? a. moral panic *b. widespread panic c. social panic d. collective panic

65. Chapter 13-065 A comparison of social movements and other forms of collective behaviour reveals which of the following? a. Collective behaviour is unconventional but social movements are conventional. b. Both forms of behaviour are best described as spontaneous. *c. Social movements have leaders while other forms of collective behaviour do not. d. Neither type of activity requires planning or organization. 66. Chapter 13-066 The "Skeptics Movement" is intended to promote rational thought. Skeptics are very interested in debunking all kinds of paranormal claims and promoting the scientific viewpoint as a basis for social policy as well as a foundation for everyday life. What kind of movement is the Skeptics Movement? a. an alternative social movement b. a redemptive social movement *c. a reformative social movement d. a revolutionary movement 67. Chapter 13-067 According to the textbook, the "Idle No More" movement was organized around what type of strategy? a. violent confrontation *b. resistance c. withdrawal of services d. cyber attacks 68. Chapter 13-068 Rachel heard that if you parked your car in an underground parking lot at night, it was important that you should always approach your car from the back, not the side, so that you could see if someone was hiding beneath it. She also was warned to check the back seat to ensure that no one was crouching in the back ready to attack her. She heard this warning from her older sister's best friend who

read it in an email from a college acquaintance. According to the text, what is the term given to this kind of anecdote? a. urban lore *b. urban legend c. rumour d. gossip 69. Chapter 13-069 According to the text, which term refers to an irrational but widespread worry that certain groups present an enormous threat to the social order of society? *a. moral panic b. widespread panic c. social panic d. collective panic 70. Chapter 13-070 How do we label people who bring morally damaging behaviour to the attention of others? a. law enforcement b. social watchdogs c. media messengers *d. moral entrepreneurs 71. Chapter 13-071 Which statement best describes moral entrepreneurs? a. They are almost always politicians. b. They engage in predatory activities intended to make a profit from the serious concerns raised others. *c. They are advocates for a particular normative position. d. They are experts whose views are used to legitimate concern. 72. Chapter 13-072 According to the text, which term refers to a relatively sudden, unscheduled, one-time event that causes a great

deal of damage or large-scale loss of life, and substantial disruption or stress among residents of the stricken area? a. focal point *b. disaster c. media opportunity d. sociological calling 73. Chapter 13-073 According to the text, which term best describes the seemingly irrational behaviour of people who stay in the midst of a disaster? a. solidarity *b. communality c. social cohesion d. social structure 74. Chapter 13-074 Which term best describes the organized efforts by a substantial number of people to change or to resist change in some major aspect or aspects of society? a. revolution b. social aggregate *c. social movement d. interest collectivity 75. Chapter 13-075 According to the text, what is a characteristic shared by both social movements and other forms of collective behaviour? a. their need for quantification b. their need for funding c. their need for media attention *d. their unconventional nature 76. Chapter 13-076 According to the text, which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a social movement? *a. intense, but short lived b. organization

c. planning d. unconventional 77. Chapter 13-077 In what sense are some social movements contentious politics? a. They tend to use tactics which invite public condemnation. b. There is often a huge gap between what movement leaders want and what the rank and file wants. c. Social movements involve moral entrepreneurship. *d. They involve collective claims making that will conflict with the interests of others. 78. Chapter 13-078 Which of the following is defined as a complex or formal organizations which identifies its goals with the preferences of a social movement or countermovement and attempts to implement these goals? a. collective behaviour movement b. claims making collective *c. social movement organization d. moral enterprise 79. Chapter 13-079 According to the text, which term best describes a process wherein a social movement declares that a particular condition is unjust and identifies measures needed to resolve the unfairness? a. claims identification *b. claims making c. claims analysis d. claims proclamation 80. Chapter 13-080 According to the text, who typically carries out the "work" of a social movement? *a. a social movement organization (SMO) b. a grassroots social gathering (GSG)

c. a claim-making management team (CMM) d. an alternative visionary group (AVG) 81. Chapter 13-081 Which of the following is an example of a reformative movement? *a. labour movements b. terrorist movements c. millenarian movements d. vegetarianism movements 82. Chapter 13-082 What kind of movement are antismoking and drug-free movements? *a. alternative b. redemptive c. revolutionary d. religious 83. Chapter 13-083 In the late 1950s, guerrilla fighters were able to overthrow the Batista government of Cuba, leading to the eventual leadership of Fidel Castro in Cuba's communist state. Which term best describes the actions of the guerrilla fighters? a. redemption *b. revolution c. coup d'état d. alternative 84. Chapter 13-084 What kind of an organization is Alcoholics Anonymous? a. alternative *b. redemptive c. reformative d. religious 85. Chapter 13-085 Which type of movement seeks to bring about a total change

in society, rarely working within the existing system to accomplish its purpose? *a. revolutionary b. reformative c. resistance d. alternative 86. Chapter 13-086 Karl Marx argued that workers would eventually overthrow capitalism and socialism would replace it. What kind of movement did Marx see as inevitable? *a. revolutionary b. reformative c. religious d. resistance 87. Chapter 13-087 Neil Smelser discussed six interrelated factors that facilitate social action. What did this theory become known as, as it pertains to social movements? a. resource mobilization theory b. sociological mobility theory *c. value-added theory d. new social movement theory 88. Chapter 13-088 Which of the following is NOT a component of value-added theory? *a. structural mobility b. structural conduciveness c. precipitating factors d. the operation of social control 89. Chapter 13-089 According to value-added theory, what must be present prior to the growth and spread of a generalized belief? *a. structural strain b. precipitating factors c. the operation of social control

d. mobilization of participation for action 90. Chapter 13-090 Which of the following is true with respect to Smelser's value-added theory? *a. In considering collective behaviour it is important to recognize the broader historical and social context. b. It is not necessary that all steps be completed in order to set the stage for collective behaviour. c. The order in which the stages occur will depend up the type of collective behaviour. d. Precipitating factors constitute the first stage in the value-added process. 91. Chapter 13-091 According to the text, what is the main assumption underlying resource mobilization theory? a. Social movements develop based on what is possible given the resources available. *b. Social movements develop when the leaders believe there are enough resources to fulfill their mandate. c. Social movements develop when mobilization receives adequate grassroots funding. d. Social movements develop depending on how resources are brought together and utilized. 92. Chapter 13-092 Which of the following is a key concept of New Social Movement Theory? a. the mobilization of social control b. the rational other *c. collective identity d. memetic change 93. Chapter 13-093 According to the text, what theory developed to emphasize the importance of cycles of contention and political opportunities?

a. convergence theory b. social movement theory *c. political process theory d. value-added theory 94. Chapter 13-094 After a flood, 300 people who had been displaced from their homes realized that only poor neighbourhoods had been flooded, and that the rich neighbourhoods had been protected from the water. The next day, Johann organized 300 displaced people into carpools to travel to government offices and demand an explanation. According to the text, which theory is supported by this event? *a. resource mobilization theory b. relative deprivation theory c. power-balance theory d. Marxist theory 95. Chapter 13-095 Relative to social movements, the contemporary Idle No More movement is noted as being a peaceful revolution and a form of resistance. Which of the following is NOT a significant concern of members of this movement? *a. making Aboriginal languages recognized as the third " official" Canadian language b. dismantling of the reserve system c. Aboriginal sovereignty d. protection of Aboriginal rights and the environment 96. Chapter 13-096 Which assumption is the basis of resource mobilization theory? a. Social movements always result in conflict. b. Social movement members must subvert their own interests to those of the movement. *c. Social movement members and leaders are rational people. d. Social movements fail to assume responsibility for the resources a society must spend to control the associated collective behaviour.

97. Chapter 13-097 Which of the following is a key concept in new social movement theory? a. social control *b. collective identity c. marginal value d. precipitating event 98. Chapter 13-098 The mission of Canada Without Poverty (CWP) is to eradicate poverty by promoting income security and social security for all Canadians; however, unless this organization can mobilize resources through media awareness and recruiting activists among the poor, nothing will happen. What does CWP need to do to be successful? a. mobilize resources *b. frame alignment c. get media coverage d. sow seeds of discontent 99. Chapter 13-099 According to the text, which theory can appropriately analyze social movements that emphasize human rights? *a. new social movement theory b. resource mobilization theory c. humane theory d. new mobilization theory 100. Chapter 13-100 According to the text, how is the sense of belonging that develops within a social movement most accurately labelled? a. collective belonging b. social identity c. social gathering *d. collective identity 101. Chapter 13-101 Georges and several of his close friends work for Environment Canada as biologists, or teach environmental

technology courses at universities and colleges. They have formed an action committee with the purpose of saving the northern tundra from diamond mining companies. What kind of social activists are they? a. social citizenship activists b. power balance theorists c. revolutionary environmentalists *d. new social movement activists 102. Chapter 13-102 Which of the following best describes the process of "frame alignment"? a. attempts to bring about complete changes in ideology b. attempts to link ideologically compatible individuals c. the idealization, embellishment, clarification or invigoration of existing values or beliefs *d. attempts by social movement organizations to present their claims and directives in a manner that fits individuals' existing ideas and values 103. Chapter 13-103 The term collective behaviour was coined by sociologist Robert Park. *a. True b. False 104. Chapter 13-104 The crowds one sees at a theme park on a busy holiday are examples of what sociologists mean by the term conventional crowd. *a. True b. False 105. Chapter 13-105 Collective behaviour always has a hierarchy of authority and established rules and procedures.

a. True *b. False 106. Chapter 13-106 A collectivity that is so intensely focused on a specific purpose or object that the participants may erupt into violent or destructive behaviour is called an "acting crowd." *a. True b. False 107. Chapter 13-107 An expressive crowd is a gathering of people who share a common interest and are gathered at the same event with an explicit participatory purpose, such as people attending a funeral. a. True *b. False 108. Chapter 13-108 Convergence theory argues that crowds allow people to do what they were inclined to do anyway. *a. True b. False 109. Chapter 13-109 A major problem with emergent norm theory is that it is unable to explain the division of labour one sees in crowds. a. True *b. False 110. Chapter 13-110 Emergent norm theory argues that crowds are irrational. a. True *b. False

112. Chapter 13-112 Urban legends are typically dispersed among people from the rural areas, with low levels of education and lower socioeconomic status, who know little about urban life. a. True *b. False 113. Chapter 13-113 Rumours typically arise in ambiguous situations. *a. True b. False 114. Chapter 13-114 The concept of moral panic assumes that societal reaction is directly proportional to the threat. a. True *b. False 115. Chapter 13-115 Moral entrepreneurs regularly engage in claims making activities. *a. True b. False 116. Chapter 13-116 Moral panic is an irrational but widespread worry that certain groups present an enormous threat to the social order of society. *a. True b. False 117. Chapter 13-117 A moral entrepreneur is someone who sees a niche market for manufacturing goods that appeal to middle-class, socially conservative groups.

a. True *b. False 118. Chapter 13-118 After a disaster, communities almost always end up as stronger than they were before the disaster. a. True *b. False 119. Chapter 13-119 While collective behaviour is short lived and relatively unorganized, social movements are longer lasting and more organized and have specific goals or purposes. *a. True b. False 120. Chapter 13-120 A social movement is, in part, distinguished from other collective behaviour by the degree of radical change it proposes. a. True *b. False 121. Chapter 13-121 A social movement is, in part, defined by the type of change sought by the movement. *a. True b. False 122. Chapter 13-122 Alternative movements seek to bring about a total change in society. a. True *b. False

123. Chapter 13-123 According to value-added theory, the first factor that must be present to facilitate social action is the growth and spread of a generalized belief. a. True *b. False 124. Chapter 13-124 A value-added analysis to social movements fails to explain how a movement gathers a diverse range of individual supporters who come to collectively believe in a cause. *a. True b. False 125. Chapter 13-125 Value-added theory assumes that there is structural strain to which social movements are a reaction. *a. True b. False 126. Chapter 13-126 New social movement theory can be criticized for its failure to address the matter of collective identity. a. True *b. False

Chapter 14 1. Chapter 14-001 How does the text define demography? a. the study of urban living b. the study of cities c. the study of people *d. the study of human populations 2. Chapter 14-002 What is it that "measures the ecological assets that a given population requires to produce the natural resources it consumes.....and to absorb its waste, especially carbon emissions"? a. sustainability metric b. the national audit *c. carbon footprint d. ecological overshoot assessment 3. Chapter 14-003 What is significant about the work of Robert Malthus? a. He is credited with inventing environmental sociology. b. He coined the term "carbon footprint". *c. He showed how population growth can outstrip the food supply. d. He was the first to write about the demographic gap. 4. Chapter 14-004 For Malthus, which of the following would not be a population check? a. war b. abortion *c. fertility drugs d. birth control 5. Chapter 14-005 Which of the following errors was made by Malthus?

a. He failed to predict that the population would grow exponentialy. b. He failed to predict that the population would grow beyond the human carrying capacity. *c. He failed to predict the dramatic growth of the food supply. d. He failed to take migration into account. 6. Chapter 14-006 Which of the following is true with respect to population growth in Canada? a. Canada's fertility rate for 2020 was 3.0. b. In Canada there are more women in their childbearing years compared to other age groups. c. In Canada the infant mortality rate for 2020 was 89.5. *d. Canada encourages immigration to offset slow population growth. 7. Chapter 14-007 Marissa has volunteered to take her niece and nephew on a picnic in the country. As the kids become restless in the car, Marissa thinks about how long it is taking her to get out of the city. The road she is on is full of fast food restaurants, box stores, shopping malls, and parking lots. What is it that Marissa is experiencing? a. suburbanization b. the new urbanism *c. urban sprawl d. the commodification of space 8. Chapter 14-008 What is considered the biggest environmental success in Canadian history? a. the reconstruction of Niagara Falls in 1967 b. the establishment of Earth Day *c. the MacKenzie River Basin d. the banning of pesticides

9. Chapter 14-009 Which of the following is considered to be the best measure of a country's economic and social development? a. sociodemographic ratio *b. infant mortality rate c. migration rate d. total fertility rate 10. Chapter 14-010 Which of the following is the principal human contributor to resource depletion and pollution? a. rising birth rates *b. urbanization c. the development of air travel d. the development of nuclear power as an energy source 11. Chapter 14-011 What is the Narwhahl? a. a type of pollution prevention technology b. a major environmental intervention on behalf of Indigenous people *c. a nonprofit news source focused on conservation and the environment d. a major north-south oil pipeline 13. Chapter 14-013 A company, which has developed a new product to makes lawns greener, includes in its marketing a bold declaration that the product has been tested at several major universities and has the endorsement of the "National Academy of Lawn Scientists". In reality, the product has never been tested at a university and there is not such thing as a "National Academy of Lawn Scientists". Which of the "seven sins of greenwashing" does the behaviour of this company illustrate? a. sin of no proof b. sin of irrelevance c. sin of fibbing *d. sin of worshipping FALSE labels

14. Chapter 14-014 Francis has been told by his partner that he needs to cut back on his use of chlorofluorocarbons. He doesn't really know what that means or what he should get rid of. Which of the following you would advise him to stop buying? a. pest control products b. gasoline *c. aerosol sprays d. seafood 15. Chapter 14-015 With respect to the demographic transition, which of these characteristics is associated with the final stage? *a. a postindustrial economy b. high mortality rates c. the emergence of the nuclear family d. a decline in immigration 16. Chapter 14-016 What percentage of the Earth's water is fresh water? a. 70.5% b. 50.5% c. 20.5% *d. 2.5% 17. Chapter 14-017 "A person who is forced to flee their country as a result of displacement resulting from life-endangering environmental change" defines which of the following? a. environmental victim b. environmental migrant *c. environmental refugee d. green migrant 18. Chapter 14-018 According to the text, who would seek answers to the question "Exactly how many people can Earth sustain"?

*a. demographers b. environmentalists c. ecologists d. urban anthropologists 19. Chapter 14-019 Emanuel has just finished a study in Alberta that indicates how much wind power must be captured if fossil fuel consumption is to decline, while still maintaining the standard of living. According to the text, what is Emanuel trying to manipulate? a. urban sprawl b. overpopulation *c. the ecological footprint d. the carbon footprint 20. Chapter 14-020 Glen and Hanna are working on a report that describes the rate that humans are consuming the earth's recourses. They have discovered that the earth currently needs about oneand-a-half planets to sustain itself. Which term refers to this phenomenon? a. biological divergence b. biocapacity overshoot *c. ecological overshoot d. ecological overrun 21. Chapter 14-021 According to the text, which term refers to the steady and ongoing depletion of ecological resources as opposed to an abrupt and dramatic end to life on earth? a. biological divergence b. calculation of biocapacity c. ecological overrun *d. ecological overshoot 22. Chapter 14-022 The society in which Ted lives produces an over-supply of goods. Consumerism is alive and well. But interestingly, people don't seem to hang on to these good for very long.

The goods either break, or they are replaced by newer versions. What term do the authors of the textbook use to describe the kind of society in which Ted lives? a. a consumerist society b. a waste society c. an excessive society *d. a disposable society 23. Chapter 14-023 What is meant by the term "greenwashing"? a. It refers to a technique used by corporations to shift the blame for environmental damage.. *b. It refers to manufacturers falesly marketing product to make them appear to have more environmental benefits than they actually have. c. It refers to the ways in which corporate media reframe news to allow corporations to escape liability. d. It refers to the way in which government committees can falsely blame innocent parties for ecological damage. 25. Chapter 14-025 Which term do we use to describe the total area of land and water ecosystem needed in order to produce the resources consumes and the waste that the population generates? a. ecological niche b. population environment *c. ecological footprint d. environmental setting 26. Chapter 14-026 What is the name of the organization which was established by the United Nations and the World Meteorological Organization, and which provides policy makers with scientific assessments relating to climate change? a. The Global Climate Change Review Body b. The Club of Rome *c. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change d. The International Climate Observer Organization

28. Chapter 14-028 Which of the following statements would be regarded as anthropocentric? a. The history of the planet cannot be ignored in any attempt to resolve its current problems. b. "The study of pre-literate populations can tell us a great deal about how people can live in harmony with the environment." c. "It is only through a humanistic sociology that we can truly understand the relationships among species." *d. "Humans are more important than all other lifeforms." 29. Chapter 14-029 According to the text, what is the mission of the World Wildlife Fund Canada (WWF-Canada)? *a. to stop environmental degradation and help achieve sustainable growth b. to reduce carbon footprints to near zero c. to improve water quality in underdeveloped countries d. to promote environmentally conscious living in all countries 30. Chapter 14-030 According to the textbook, approximately what proportion of food produced is thrown away? a. 1/8 b. 1/4 c. 1/3 *d. 1/2 31. Chapter 14-031 The movement known as "ecological modernization" is associated with which theoretical paradigm? *a. functionalism b. conflict theory c. symbolic interactionism

d. postmodernism 32. Chapter 14-032 According to the textbook, a critical perspective on the environment raises several important issues. Which of the following is NOT one of those issues? a. A concern that many analysts seem more interested in saving capitalism than saving the environment. *b. A concern that practices that damage the environment are often constructed as "anti-economic". c. A concern that many believe that the only way to solve social and environmental problems is to speed up the treadmill of production. d. A belief that given the speed at which environmental damage is being done, the only solution is an ecological revolution. 33. Chapter 14-033 Which of the following statements is true with respect to the Human Exemptionalism Paradigm? *a. It argues that humans are unique from other organisms because they can reason and develop culture. b. It recognizes the interdependence of humans and the natural environment. c. It assumes that technology cannot solve all of our problems. d. It points out that the study of the environment was neglected by the classical theorists. 34. Chapter 14-034 According to the text, what is a population check? a. a system to estimate a local population b. a system to estimate world population *c. a factor that limits population growth d. a factor that assists with population growth 35. Chapter 14-035 Country X is on the verge of war because of a food shortage. If the country goes to war and 1,000,000 people die, the food shortage problem will be solved regardless of

which side wins the war. According to the text, the war would then be considered which of the following? a. a tragedy b. a political strategy c. a population principle *d. a population check 36. Chapter 14-036 Which of the following best defines a carbon footprint? *a. a method for identifying and keeping track of behaviours that negatively impact the environment through greenhouse gas production b. an estimate for gauging how much land and water area a human population requires to produce the resources it consumes and to absorb its wastes c. a method for identifying and keeping track of the waste (regardless of its source) that negatively impacts society d. an estimate of how much waste is added to landfill sites each year, based on garbage collection and landfill studies 37. Chapter 14-037 Ruth and Gary have their own vegetable garden, and buy meat from the butcher, who is supplied by local farmers. What goal are Ruth and Gary trying to achieve through their effort to eat locally? a. increase their food's "fresh quotient" b. increase their food miles c. reduce their food costs *d. reduce their "carbon footprint" 38. Chapter 14-038 Based on the Malthusian perspective, which of the following is a likely outcome of overpopulation? a. The population experiences more wealth. b. Fewer inequalities exist. c. More countries go to war over resources. *d. The world will exceed its human carrying capacity.

39. Chapter 14-039 According to Thomas Malthus, what would happen if the population was left unchecked? a. We would exceed the available land supply. *b. We would exceed the available food supply. c. We would exceed the ecological balance. d. We would exceed the earth's water supply. 40. Chapter 14-040 What was the famous prediction made by Thomas Malthus? a. The earth's population would reach 20 million by the year 2000. *b. The geometric growth of population would outstrip the earth's food supply. c. The earth's population will resolve its environmental problems by relocating to another planet. d. Rising sea levels will decimate the coastal populations of several nations. 41. Chapter 14-041 The Conservation Council of New Brunswick invites a leading environmentalist to speak at its annual general meeting. He tells the audience that the planet is rapidly approaching an environmental tipping point, a place beyond which the global ecosystem will not be able to sustain life. Which term best characterizes this view? a. point of no return *b. carrying capacity c. ecological limits d. doomsday scenario 43. Chapter 14-043 Which of the following relates to Stage 1 of the demographic transition theory? a. postindustrialization b. early industrialization c. advanced industrialization and urbanization *d. preindustrial societies

44. Chapter 14-044 Judy decided that her career was very important to her and that having children would jeopardize her advancement. Therefore, she decided not to have any children. Which ongoing phenomenon is Judy's decision part of? a. the feminist prerogative theory *b. the demographic transition c. the antidomestic syndrome d. professional prioritization 45. Chapter 14-045 Which statement best describes the human carrying capacity of earth? a. It was exceeded during Malthus's own lifetime. b. It was made much worse by modern technology. *c. It was not exceeded even in modern times. d. It could in reality support a population of earth double what it currently is. 46. Chapter 14-046 Significant population growth due to high birth rates and lower death rates is typical of which stage of demographic transition? a. 1 *b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 47. Chapter 14-047 Which description corresponds to preindustrial societies? a. societies that burn large amount of coals *b. societies with agriculture-based economies c. societies that are largely governed by religiously based sociopolitical and cultural systems d. societies with economies and services that are not yet capable of structured and coordinated industry

48. Chapter 14-048 Which condition is characteristic of Stage 1 of the demographic transition? *a. high fertility rates and high death rates b. high fertility rates and low death rates c. low fertility rates and high death rates d. low fertility rates and low death rates 49. Chapter 14-049 Which of the following is the 4th stage of the demographic transition? a. preindustrial stage b. industrial stage *c. postindustrial stage d. Malthusian stage 50. Chapter 14-050 Which of the following relates to Stage 3 of the demographic transition? a. postindustrialization b. early industrialization *c. advanced industrialization d. preindustrial societies 51. Chapter 14-051 According to the text, which term refers to a situation when natural resources are used at a rate that allows for natural replenishment? *a. sustainability b. eco-friendly c. carbon footprint d. ecological footprint 52. Chapter 14-052 Heidi loves to text and send pictures to her friends. Every year for her birthday her parents give her a new phone with the latest technology. According to the text, Heidi acts like many people who live in what kind of a society? a. advanced

b. technological *c. disposable d. careless 54. Chapter 14-054 Overconsumption is a rate of consumption of resources at a rate that exceeds which of the following? a. the demographic transition rate *b. sustainability c. industrial production d. population growth 55. Chapter 14-055 Which of the following is NOT an example of greenwashing? a. sin of the hidden tradeoff b. sin of no proof *c. sin of excessive packaging d. sin of vagueness 56. Chapter 14-056 According to the text, what is the main problem with the "green" products that are flooding into the marketplace? a. According to the text, what is the main problem with the "green" products that are flooding into the marketplace? b. The stores are unable to keep up with consumer demand. c. Ottawa is insisting on regulation, which is reducing access for the consumer. *d. The products are not living up to their "green" claims. 57. Chapter 14-057 According to the text, what term is used when a company misleads the consumer in terms of the environmental benefits of using a particular product? a. enviro-fiction *b. greenwashing c. false-greening

d. impressionable greening 59. Chapter 14-059 Jeremy was shopping in his favourite supermarket. He was trying to be environmentally conscious of his purchases. He specifically looked for products labelled as "all natural." Unfortunately, the majority of products labelled as "all natural" fall under one of the seven sins of greenwashing. Under which of the seven sins does the term "all natural" fall? a. sin of irrelevance b. sin of fibbing c. sin of no proof *d. sin of vagueness 60. Chapter 14-060 Which form of greenwashing gives the false impression of third party endorsements? a. sin of fibbing *b. sin of worshipping false labels c. sin of lesser of two evils d. sin of irrelevance 62. Chapter 14-062 Karl ran across a report that focused on the possible adverse reactions to non-biodegradable pesticides. According to the text, during which wave of environmentalism was it likely written? *a. first b. second c. third d. fourth 63. Chapter 14-063 According to the text, which concern was NOT a prominent part of the second wave of environmentalism? a. acid rain b. global warming c. alternative energy sources

*d. pesticide use 64. Chapter 14-064 According to the text, which term refers to the Earth's atmospheric heating? *a. global warming b. environmental warming c. ozone-attentive causation d. secondary ozone effect 65. Chapter 14-065 Global warming is often described in terms of which of the following? a. an endless summer b. a global heat wave *c. a greenhouse effect d. intensive luminosity 66. Chapter 14-066 Which of the following is NOT an example of an environmental refugee? a. people driven out of their homes by wildfires b. people leaving a high risk flood zone *c. people moving to a resource rich environment to improve their standard of living d. people moving away from a hurricane zone 67. Chapter 14-067 Which paradigm has anthropocentrism as a central theme? *a. Human Exemptionalism Paradigm b. New Environmental Paradigm c. Ecological Exception Paradigm d. Contemporary Enviro-ecological Paradigm 68. Chapter 14-068 Which paradigm assumes that the rational application of technology is the solution to our environmental problems? *a. Human Exemptionalism Paradigm

b. New Environmental Paradigm c. Ecological Exception Paradigm d. Contemporary Enviro-ecological Paradigm 69. Chapter 14-069 A wealthy industrialist protests against government regulations forcing a clean-up of his polluting processes. He argues that the clean-up will cost too much and that it is humanity's right to have mastery over the environment. Which term best defines his position? a. ethnocentric *b. anthropocentric c. self-centredness d. capitalist 70. Chapter 14-070 According to the text, which term refers to the concept that humans are separate from and superior to all other natural things? *a. anthropocentrism b. biocentric egalitarianism c. Gaia hypothesis d. superorganism hypothesis 71. Chapter 14-071 According to the text, which of the following promotes the idea that humans are able to overcome problems through technical innovation? a. an environmental paradigm b. a social-constructionist paradigm *c. a human exemptionalism paradigm d. a economic-prosperity paradigm 72. Chapter 14-072 The rains caused such terrible flooding and destruction in country Z that people had to leave their homes and move into the mountains. According to the text, which term refers to these migrants? a. green migrants

b. eco-migrants c. eco-refugees *d. environmental refugees e. LO2 GROWING AWARENESS OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS 73. Chapter 14-073 Which paradigm criticizes classical theories for failing to consider the environment? a. Human Exemptionalism Paradigm *b. New Ecological Paradigm c. Ecological Exception Paradigm d. Contemporary Enviro-ecological Paradigm 74. Chapter 14-074 According to the text, which term refers to the study of the interdependence between humans and the natural environment? *a. the New Ecological Paradigm (NEP) b. the Human Exemptionalism Paradigm (HEP) c. the Green Environmental Paradigm (GEP) d. the Natural Environmental Paradigm (NEP) 75. Chapter 14-075 Which term describes the economic system's need for increasing profits through consumer demand? a. unsustainable development b. consumer needs system c. industrialism *d. treadmill of production 76. Chapter 14-076 According to the text, which theoretical approach would argue that industry, humans, and the environment can coexist provided everyone works together to protect the environment? *a. functionalist b. critical c. feminist d. interactionist

77. Chapter 14-077 According to the text, what is the basic perspective of ecofeminism? *a. Exploiting women and dominating the environment are associated phenomena. b. Biocentric egalitarianism is a capitalist response to environmental problems. c. Materialists are less communal and more likely to accept environmental degradation. d. Degradation of the environment can be stopped by choosing import substitutions. 79. Chapter 14-079 Alphonse and Justyn joined a group of environmental activists who marched in front of the Canadian Parliament buildings and then in front of the Alberta Legislature to protest the further development of the "oil sands" in Alberta. According to the text, why is extracting oil from bituminous sands, or "oil sands," a contentious process? a. It is very dangerous to human workers because of the fumes and gases emitted during the extraction processes. *b. It produces more greenhouse gas than conventional oil extraction processes. c. The cost of extraction is much higher than conventional oil extraction processes. d. It contributes to the overall high price Canadians pay for fuel. 80. Chapter 14-080 What idea represents a major attempt to bridge the difference between the dominant and alternative environmental outlooks? a. eco-terrorism b. conquering nature *c. sustainable development d. human exemptionalism 82. Chapter 14-082 As City X grew, a new source of energy was needed to power

the increasing number of factories and homes. A wind farm was built and companies were given subsidies to use solar power. Which concept includes the logic behind developing wind and solar power rather than using oil or coal? a. modern urban expansion b. resource conservation *c. sustainable development d. environmental conservation 83. Chapter 14-083 According to the text, which term refers to development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of the future generation to meet its own needs? a. environmental conscience b. eco-friendly inventions c. positive environmentality *d. sustainable development 85. Chapter 14-085 Which term refers to chemicals that stay intact in the environment for long periods, become widely distributed geographically, accumulate in the fatty tissue of living organisms, and are toxic to human and wildlife? *a. persistent organic pollutant b. non-biodegradable environmental threat c. toxic environmental substance d. poisonous ecological danger 86. Chapter 14-086 Demography is the study of cities and urban development. a. True *b. False 87. Chapter 14-087 The earth is beyond its carrying capacity and to sustain itself humanity would require 3.5 planets. a. True

*b. False 88. Chapter 14-088 Ecological overshoot refers to the capacity of single ecological system to regenerate in shorter timeframe than scientists predict. a. True *b. False 89. Chapter 14-089 According to Thomas Robert Malthus, the population, if left unchecked, would exceed the available food supply. *a. True b. False 90. Chapter 14-090 "Carrying capacity" refers to the optimum population size that the planet can support under present environmental conditions. *a. True b. False 91. Chapter 14-091 The ecological footprint was developed largely as a method for identifying and keeping track of human behaviours that negatively impact the environment. a. True *b. False 92. Chapter 14-092 The growth of Canada's population is largely due to the fact it has a 3.0 fertility rate. a. True *b. False

93. Chapter 14-093 A carbon footprint is a method for identifying and keeping track of environmental impacts, both good and bad. a. True *b. False 94. Chapter 14-094 The term "population checks" was developed by David Suzuki to describe inadvertent human fertility problems arising from environmental degradation. a. True *b. False 95. Chapter 14-095 Thomas Malthus' predictions of the planet's human carrying capacity are coming true. a. True *b. False 96. Chapter 14-096 More than 83% of contemporary Canadian society lives in urban centres. *a. True b. False 97. Chapter 14-097 The lower mainland in Vancouver is the fastest growing urban area in the country. a. True *b. False 98. Chapter 14-098 According to the text, urban sprawl refers to the overlapping and eventual amalgamation of several small communities that surround a major city. a. True

*b. False 99. Chapter 14-099 Greenwashing is when consumers are misled regarding the environmental practices of a company or the environmental benefits of a product or services. *a. True b. False 100. Chapter 14-100 Greenwashing refers to the deliberate attempt on the part of corporations to convince the public that their products are environmentally safe. *a. True b. False 101. Chapter 14-101 Overpopulation was a key issue during the second phase of environmentalism. a. True *b. False 102. Chapter 14-102 The first wave of environmentalism occurred in the 1930s. a. True *b. False 103. Chapter 14-103 Recent scientific findings suggest that we are witnessing large scale relocation of species as many types of marine and terrestrial life seek environments similar those which they inhabited before global warming. *a. True b. False

104. Chapter 14-104 Environmental sociology tends to be a theoretical rather than an empirical discipline. a. True *b. False 105. Chapter 14-105 The human exemptionalism paradigm featured the ideals of steadily evolving social progress, prosperity, and material comfort for all segments of society. *a. True b. False 106. Chapter 14-106 Sustainable development is a concept that tries to bring together various environmental viewpoints in a way that protects the environment while maintaining economic growth. *a. True b. False 107. Chapter 14-107 The idea of sustainable development suggests that it is possible to have continued economic growth without damaging the environment. *a. True b. False

Chapter 15 1. Chapter 15-001 According to the text, which term refers to the social condition characterized by tight global economic, political, cultural, and environmental interconnections and flows that make most of the current borders and boundaries irrelevant? a. globalization *b. globality c. glocalization d. glocality 2. Chapter 15-002 How can we distinguish between globalization and globality? a. globalization was the term that was originally used but globality has come into fashion more recently b. globalization is a political term, globality is an analytical one *c. globalization refers to a process and globality is a condition d. globalization refers to macro processes while globality refers to micro processes 3. Chapter 15-003 Which of the following is NOT true with respect to globalization? *a. Globalization is understood as a phenomenon that finds its origins in the 19th century. b. Globalization is rooted in trade routes and the exchange of goods. c. Migration is an important aspect of globalization. d. The explorations of Marco Polo can be considered an early aspect of globalization. 4. Chapter 15-004 Which term best describes globality? *a. condition b. process c. structure

d. construction 5. Chapter 15-005 Which of the following is true regarding globalization in the 20th century? a. At the end of World War I, the major colonial empires such as the French and the Dutch were dismantled. b. Post World War II changes resulted in there being 88 fewer nations. c. At the end of the First World War, the United Nations was established. *d. After World War II, several transnational financial organizations were formed in part to help reconstruct Japan and Europe. 7. Chapter 15-007 What historical event created the circumstances in which globalization came fully into its own? *a. the collapse of the Soviet Union b. the moon landing c. the war in Vietnam d. the agreement to limit the proliferation of nuclear weapons 8. Chapter 15-008 Which of the following is not a real international financial organization? a. The World Bank *b. The Transnational Economic Collective c. The International Monetary Fund d. The World Trade Organization 9. Chapter 15-009 Which term best describes globalization? a. condition *b. process c. structure d. construction

10. Chapter 15-010 A Canadian think-tank produces a working paper which says that tuition in Canadian universities should be unregulated so that universities can charge whatever the market can bear. In addition, it argues that university programs which produce graduates who are not employable in the current economy should be phased out. On what economic/political philosophy are these recommendations based? a. fiscal austerityism *b. neoliberalism c. fiscal liberalism d. financial progessivism 11. Chapter 15-011 Which of the following best describes globalization? a. a process that began after World War II *b. a process that is thousands of years old c. a structure that involves most nations of the world d. a structure that was put in place after World War II 12. Chapter 15-012 What spurred modern globalization? *a. technological innovations in the latter half of the 19th century b. the computer revolution c. World War I d. the Franco-Prussian War 13. Chapter 15-013 According to the text, how long has globalization existed? a. 10 years b. 50 years c. 100 years *d. thousands of years 14. Chapter 15-014 According to the text, which term refers to the process of

dismantling colonial empires and granting the former colonies political and economic independence? a. globalization b. glocalization c. transnationalization *d. decolonization 15. Chapter 15-015 How did the post-World War II period differ from the Post World War I period? a. After the First World War, several international economic organizations were formed while this did not occur after the Second World War. b. After the First World War, steps were taken to rebuild the economies destroyed by the war; after the Second World War, countries were largely left to their own resources. c. After the Second World War but not after the First World War, countries sought to recover their economies by strengthening their economic borders. *d. After the Second World War but not after the First World War, neoliberalism became a dominant economic doctrine. 16. Chapter 15-016 Whose thinking influences neoliberalism? a. Durkheim *b. Darwin c. Marx d. Pearson 17. Chapter 15-017 If you owned a business in a neoliberal economy, which of the following would you NOT expect to happen? *a. Your taxes would increase. b. Your business would rarely be affected by worker strikes. c. The regulation of your business by government would be reduced.

d. International markets for your products would increase. 18. Chapter 15-018 What activities do the policies of neoliberalism promote? a. reduced individual responsibility for health and education b. increased government spending and increased social responsibility c. increased government regulation of domestic capital markets *d. decreased government regulation and increased freedom of market forces 19. Chapter 15-019 You watch an economist being interviewed: she speaks passionately against government regulation of business and financial institutions, saying, "The markets will correct themselves." What type of economist would this person be? *a. neoliberal b. Marxist c. Keynesian d. structural 20. Chapter 15-020 Which organization would support the neoliberal perspective on development? *a. the IMF and the World Bank b. relief organizations c. micro-credit organizations d. fair-trade organizations 21. Chapter 15-021 Matthias is taking a course in political studies. He is learning about various economic philosophies that have proliferated in the past 100 years. Which term best describes the economic concept that "prosperity and democracy will flourish when market forces are unimpeded by government"?

a. neo-conservatism b. economic self-determination *c. neoliberalism d. liberal globalization 22. Chapter 15-022 According to the text, which popular theoretical process is similar to neoliberalism? *a. Darwin's biological process of "natural selection" b. Keynesian theory of macroeconomics and the role of aggregate demand c. Adam Smith's theory of "the invisible hand" d. the Truman Doctrine 23. Chapter 15-023 Which economic organization allows less powerful nations to have the same degree of participation as more powerful nations? a. International Monetary Fund b. The World Bank *c. The World Trade Organization d. The Global Economy Assistance Organization 24. Chapter 15-024 In which of the following pairs of organizations is the United States the dominant power? *a. The International Monetary Fund; The World Bank b. The World Bank; The World Trade Organization c. The World Trade Organization; The Global Economy Assistance Fund d. The Global Economy Assistance Fund; The International Monetary Fund 25. Chapter 15-025 According to the text, what has happened to manufacturing jobs under the influence of globalization? a. They have steadily increased around the world. b. They have remained in developed countries.

c. They have been reduced due to technological investment. *d. They have moved into low-wage countries. 26. Chapter 15-026 Jason purchased a t-shirt when he attended a concert put on by his favourite rock band. What he didn't know was that seemingly simple purchase was representative of a global manufacturing process. According to the text, which term refers to this process? a. gendered assembly line *b. global assembly line c. globalized workforce d. golden assembly line 27. Chapter 15-027 Which condition does NOT apply to phenomenon known as "the global assembly line"? a. manufacturing jobs that are moved from one low-wage country to another b. production that uses a variety of physical and human resources *c. the focus on the environmentally hazardous extraction of raw or unprocessed natural resources d. located in regions and countries that sacrifice worker safety and wages to attract outsourced jobs 28. Chapter 15-028 Which of the following is NOT an aspect of the economic dimension of globalization? a. increase in corporate power *b. decreased production flexibility c. the outsourcing of service jobs d. transnational corporations that have more wealth than many nations 29. Chapter 15-029 When Victor calls for technical support with his computer, he speaks to someone in India. He gets angry about this situation because his brother is a computer wizard, but

can't find work here in Canada. What is the market phenomenon that has created this situation? a. global demand b. customer care c. global-local service *d. outsourcing 30. Chapter 15-030 According to the text, what was the origin of the International Development Association? a. growth of international terrorism b. Korean War *c. Cold War d. initiative that led to the International Space Station 31. Chapter 15-031 Antonella lives in Toronto. While visiting New York, she stopped to eat Chinese food on her way to a Hungarian film festival. Before going home, she went and bought a pair of shoes made in Brazil and a purse made in Italy. According to the text, the travel, food, film, shoes, and purse are all part of which dimension of globalization? a. economic b. technological *c. cultural d. personal 32. Chapter 15-032 According to the text, globalization has meant that the power of nation-states has been transferred "upward" and "downward." Which of the following is an example of the upward transfer? *a. to international organizations b. to regional trading blocks c. to global cities d. to global civil society

33. Chapter 15-033 Supporters of globalization suggest that the availability of communication technologies has increased the ways in which populations can experience and shape their world. Which of the following was NOT noted in the text as an aspect of the benefits of globalized communications during the Arab Spring in 2011? a. The world was informed of citizen protests and government responses. b. Images and videos gave visual evidence to others living under similar political circumstances that change initiated from within and by citizens was possible. c. Shared knowledge of each other's lives can increase understanding and tolerance of other culture. *d. War crimes captured in real-time audio-visual broadcasts enabled world courts to charge and convict war criminals. 34. Chapter 15-034 Which of the following is NOT a description of an aspect of the postwar development of globalization? a. the emergence of several international financial institutions b. the expansion of many international markets c. Greater flexibility in production became possible and varied resources in a number of countries were exploited. *d. Many large corporate organizations found they were unable to maintain international supply lines and that the hostility of several foreign governments made corporate growth difficult. 35. Chapter 15-035 Why did the United States initially make such a large contribution to the International Development Association? a. As part of an agreement to end the Second World War, the United States agreed to make such a largeinvestment. *b. The American leadership worried that without such a fund available, poor countries might ally themselves with the Soviet Union.

c. A very liberal American Congress saw this agency as an important step toward international peace. d. The CIA actively lobbied for the establishment of the organization as a cover for covert operations. 36. Chapter 15-036 Joaquim works at a local factory assembling electronics for a North American technology manufacturing firm. He is a contract worker, which means that he works only when the firm has a specific production order to fill. Due to periodic layoffs his average daily wage is approximately US$1.15. According to the text, what is the term given to an average daily wage that falls below US$1.90? *a. international extreme poverty line b. regionally adjusted rate of income c. internationally adjusted poverty statistics d. local extreme wage disparity 37. Chapter 15-037 Many people consider cultural appropriation to be a serious issue. Cultural appropriation is defined as the adoption of elements of one culture by members of another culture. But this seems to directly contradict one of the arguments made in the textbook. What is this argument about? a. cultural heterodoxy b. cultural relativism *c. cultural dimension of globalization d. neoliberal cultural adoption 38. Chapter 15-038 To what does the term "embodied globalization" refer? *a. the movement of people b. illegal forms of immigration c. the movement of goods only d. the establishment (but not the staffing) of international organizations 39. Chapter 15-039 To what does the term "disembodied globalization" refer?

a. the movement of people b. the importation of personal luxury goods *c. the use of digital technologies to communicate d. the establishment of international organizations 40. Chapter 15-040 What do Euromaiden, the Dakota Access Pipeline, and the Hong Kong anti-government protests have in common? a. All three cases involved active engagement by international financial institutions. b. All three cases supported the establishment of neoliberal governments. c. The actions by police and military agencies in each case exemplified the ways in which new information technologies can be used to control dissident elements. *d. Social media were effectively used to mobilize protesters and gain worldwide attention. 41. Chapter 15-041 Which of the following is NOT true with respect to the economic dimensions of globalization? a. Worldwide, between 1950 and 2000, per capita income quadrupled. b. Between 1950 and 1970 developing countries, which were open to global business, saw much greater economic expansion than those which were not open. *c. While there were significant increases in GDP, standard of living remained constant. d. For several countries the globalization of the economy allowed the rural poor to be absorbed into the modern urban economy. 42. Chapter 15-042 Which of the following statements is INCORRECT with respect to the relationship between globalization and inequality? a. As a result of globalization, inequality in infant mortality has decreased. b. Globalization has resulted in less inequality regarding access to primary education.

c. The 2008 global economic recession slowed economic growth of the richest one percent of the world's population. *d. Globally, levels of poverty have remained constant. 43. Chapter 15-043 Which statement is true regarding the Global Justice Movement? *a. Members of the global justice network are themselves engaged in global activities. b. While such movements have been around for many years, they really only came to widespread attention during the WTO Summit in Toronto in 2010. c. The global justice movement is opposed to globalism in its entirety. d. The global justice movement is more accurately known as the "Anti-Globalization Movement". 44. Chapter 15-044 Pia is a four-month-old child who was born to an impoverished family in the Global South. Her parents work when employment is available in their locality but their wages are so low that they are categorized as "working poor." Pia is subject to an uncertain future. Which of the following is noted in the text as one reason why Pia may not live to her first birthday? a. poor parenting knowledge and practices b. culturally gendered rejection and devaluing of female children known as "femicide" *c. lack of access to basic childhood vaccinations d. excessive numbers of children born to women who don't know about or have access to birth control technologies 45. Chapter 15-045 Eugenia, a Mexican single mother of three, goes to work each morning at a local factory, working all day in poor conditions. However, she does not make enough money to pay all of her family's expenses and her eldest son must also work to make ends meet. Eugenia's daily life is an example of which negative aspect of globalization?

a. family employment *b. exploitation of workers c. corporate advantage d. economic abuse 46. Chapter 15-046 Which statement is true with respect to globalization and economic development? *a. In the last few decades, the International Monetary Fund supported development and helped maintain financial stability. b. The 2008 economic recession affected poor countries most severely. c. The 2008 financial recession accelerated the economic growth of the global top one percent. d. The number of people living in extreme poverty is higher now than it was a few years ago. 47. Chapter 15-047 How many people worldwide can be said to live in extreme poverty? a. 20 million b. 100 million *c. 700 million d. over one billion 48. Chapter 15-048 In countries where levels of human development are low, approximately how many broadband subscriptions would there be per 100 people? *a. 1 b. 10 c. 40 d. 70 49. Chapter 15-049 Which statement is correct with respect to child labour world-wide?

a. Approximately 20 million children are employed as child labourers. *b. About 1/2 of the world's child labourers are involved in hazardous work. c. The number of child labourers in the world has increased substantially over the last two decades. d. COVID-19 has reduced the number or child labourers. 50. Chapter 15-050 What is meant by the phrase "race to the bottom"? a. The exportation of manufacturing to developing nations has resulted in more and more poorly made products. b. Intense international competition has resulted in a diminishment of corporate profits. *c. The search for corporate profits has resulted in companies constantly looking for developing countries with cheaper labour and more easily exploitable resources. d. Reformers in many developing nations are attempting to reduce as quickly as possible the number of child labourers. 51. Chapter 15-051 Which of the following is true with respect to The International Labour Organization (ILO)? *a. The ILO is a United Nations agency. b. The ILO is organized around neoliberal principles. c. It prioritizes the voice of workers over the voices of employers and governments. d. The agency has been criticized for failing to develop any flagship programs. 52. Chapter 15-052 What is the name of the structural adjustment program which was implemented in the 1980s, and had as its mandate the lending of money to developing nations only if they agreed to cut social programs and government spending? a. The Neoliberal Agenda b. The International Development Agency *c. The Washington Consensus

d. The Economic Federation Against Government Waste 53. Chapter 15-053 Which of the following violates the principle of globalization? a. Coca Cola alters the soft drink flavour in order to satisfy local tastes in foreign markets. b. Because of a preference for British rather than American music, MTV, shortly after its premiere, altered its playlist in order to feature more UK music. *c. When opening Euro Disney, a decision is made to not sell wine or other alcoholic beverages. d. A restaurant in Italy serves Indian-Italian fusion cuisine. 54. Chapter 15-054 Which of the following is NOT true with respect to postwar modernization theory? a. Modernization theories blamed a lack of development on the underdeveloped nations themselves. b. Modernization theory claimed that underdevelopment is a product of irrational and traditional values. *c. Modernization theorists argued that providing underdeveloped nations with borrowed money was a tactic that was doomed to fail. d. Critics of modernization theory alleged that the problem of underdeveloped nations is actually created by developed nations. 55. Chapter 15-055 Which statement best describes international trade in the 1970s and 1980s? *a. Developing nations which had opened themselves up to international trade saw their GNPs grow by almost five percent per year while those nations which were not opened to trade grew by considerable less. b. Whether or not a nation opened itself to trade had no effect on the growth of the GNP.

c. Developing nations which had opened themselves to trade saw a more rapidly declining GNP than did nations which were not opened to trade. d. Developing nations which had opened themselves up to international trade saw the GNP fall by almost five percent per year while the GNP of those nations which were not opened to trade remained steady. 56. Chapter 15-056 According to the text, over 700 million people were in which of the following economic situations? a. On a daily basis, they could only purchase what someone living in the United States could purchase for about one dollar. *b. On a daily basis, they could only purchase what someone living in the United States could purchase for about two dollars. c. On a daily basis, they could only purchase what someone living in the United States could purchase for about five dollars. d. On a daily basis, they could only purchase what someone living in the United States could purchase for about ten dollars. 57. Chapter 15-057 Which statement best describes child labour? a. The vast majority of child labourers are in Eastern European countries. b. Because of existing regulations only a small proportion of children are involved in hazardous work. c. Claims about modern day slavery are largely a myth. *d. Child labourers are found in virtually every industry. 58. Chapter 15-058 With the globalization of production, what is the easiest way to reduce the price of products produced? *a. reduce wages b. reduce production time c. reduce demand d. reduce company profits

59. Chapter 15-059 Dependency theorists would likely make which of the following claims? a. The nations which were the first to industrialize were the ultimate losers in terms of the world economy. b. Countries which had abundant resources in which major industrial nations were interested received a major economic boost with widespread prosperity as a result. *c. Many decolonized nations continued to be economically dependent. d. Dependency theory can be read as an elaboration of Modernization Theory. 60. Chapter 15-060 The International Labour Organization (ILO) has four objectives to ensure that globalization has a fair outcome for all. Which of the following is NOT one of those objectives? a. Promote employment by creating a sustainable institutional and economic environment. b. Develop and enhance measures of social security and labour protection. c. Promote social dialogue in order to create social progress. *d. Ensure economic success to ensure continued employment opportunities. 61. Chapter 15-061 Which of the following is a consequence of the implementation of NAFTA in 1994? a. Canada began exporting jobs to the United States. *b. Canada and the United States began exporting jobs to Mexico. c. China began exporting jobs to Mexico. d. All social classes in Mexico benefitted, but especially the poorest.

62. Chapter 15-062 What does the "Washington Consensus" refer to? a. an agreement among North American countries that they would respect each other's agreements previously made with workers' unions *b. structural adjustment programs established in the 1980s c. the establishment of protocols regarding how long nations have to repay loans d. an agreement to block trade with nations having bad human rights records. 63. Chapter 15-063 Which of the following is NOT reasonably considered a cause of the "race to the bottom"? a. consumer demand for lower prices b. flexibility of production *c. job insecurity in the developed world d. bargaining power of large corporations 64. Chapter 15-064 Which version of feminist sociology might be particularly interested in how daughters in developing nations are assumed to be the ones to take up household responsibility, if, for instance, the mother is working outside the home for a large corporation? a. postcolonial feminism b. postmodern feminism *c. ethics of care feminism d. transnational feminism 65. Chapter 15-065 What is a major advantage of feminist methodology in the study of globalization? a. The positivist character of most feminist methodologies allows for an examination of the emotional content of behaviour. b. It is one of the few methodologies that have been taken up by researchers in developing countries.

*c. It is particularly concerned with the problem of intersectionality. d. Unlike many methodologies, it is uniquely suited to study local conditions. 66. Chapter 15-066 According to World Systems Theory, how would the United States be categorized? *a. core b. semi-peripheral c. peripheral d. external 67. Chapter 15-067 Which of the following is the official mandate of the IMF and World Bank? a. to increase regional equality *b. to facilitate development and ease financial crises c. to urge the passage of legislation regarding corporate responsibility d. to increase corporate profitability 68. Chapter 15-068 The International Monetary Fund lends money to countries in need on the condition that the borrower follow a mandatory package of reforms that allow for the intensification of free markets. What are these arrangements known as? *a. structural adjustment programs b. Global Agreement on Loans and Trade c. bad debt schemes d. reorganization plans 69. Chapter 15-069 Countries that participate in structural adjustment programs have certain imposed requirements placed on them. According to the text, what is one of the primary requirements? a. increased tariffs

*b. reduced spending on social programs c. product-specific tariffs d. increased spending on social programs 70. Chapter 15-070 According to the text, why are farmers in developing countries unable to compete with Canadian and American produce? *a. Developing countries cannot offer farmers subsidies due to the requirements to participate in structural adjustment programs. b. Developed countries do not require subsidies to make their produce accessible to the local market. c. The structural adjustment programs put a $1 million cap on the amount of subsidies available to farmers indeveloping countries. d. Travel subsidies are not sufficient to bringproduce in at a reasonable rate. 71. Chapter 15-071 More and more people around the world are eating lunch at McDonald's while local restaurants shut down. What trend resulting from globalization does this reflect? a. American empire *b. cultural homogenization c. increased cultural production abroad d. reduced production costs 72. Chapter 15-072 Hebron and Stack (2016) argue that global culture does not necessarily mean the destruction of local culture. What is the label he uses for the new mixing of cultures that is occurring? a. cultural mélange b. fusion cultures c. transnationals *d. glocalization

73. Chapter 15-073 According to the text, what is one clear sign of cultural homogenization due to globalization? a. uniformity of fashion b. closure of small restaurants c. decline of local businesses *d. loss of languages 74. Chapter 15-074 Renaldo, who lives in Spain, opened up a restaurant featuring a Spanish-Canadian fusion cuisine. According to Hebron and Stack (2016), what phenomenon is Renaldo embracing? a. globalization b. transnationals *c. glocalization d. cultural imperialism 75. Chapter 15-075 Which of the following was NOT a requirement for eligibility in structural adjustment program? a. Eligible nations had to reduce government spending. b. Eligible nations had to liberalize their trade policies. c. Eligible nations had to reduce spending on social programs. *d. Eligible nations needed to convert to the metric system. 76. Chapter 15-076 Felix has taken his first trip from the United States to a Middle Eastern country he had not heard of until his company sent him there. He has been looking around the host city and several things surprise him. He went into a boutique and found that they were selling the same make and type of sweatshirts that he buys back home. He also noticed that a Hollywood movie he had wanted to see before this trip is playing just down the street from his hotel. He had been worried about the language differences he might encounter, but everyone he meets speaks English. What is Felix experiencing?

a. routinization of culture b. ethnocentrism c. heterogenization of culture *d. homogenization of culture 77. Chapter 15-077 A local Saskatoon restaurant serves a fusion cuisine which combines flavours and cooking styles from Canada and France. What is the restaurant an example of? a. homogenization of culture *b. glocalization of culture c. Canadianization of culture d. heteroginization of culture 78. Chapter 15-078 What label has been given to the cultural influence exerted by the United States around the world? *a. Americanization b. U.S. imperialism c. cultural control d. globalization 79. Chapter 15-079 It was not unusual for colonial powers to bring together disparate groups by drawing arbitrary borders around them. According to the textbook, what has this resulted in? *a. ethnic and religious conflict in the post-colonial world b. an increased population and, therefore, increased economic power in these nations c. the development of fusion cultures d. the reluctance of colonial powers to develop an institutional middle ground between disparate cultures 80. Chapter 15-080 Which of the following is NOT a consequences of globalization? a. SARS epidemic b. expanding scope of organized crime

*c. anti-vaccination movement d. environmental destruction 81. Chapter 15-081 According to the text, global justice movements are formed in resistance to which of the following? a. globalization b. glocalization c. corporate imperialism *d. neoliberalism 82. Chapter 15-082 Which of the following is NOT a common activity used by global justice movements? a. protesting at international meetings of the World Bank, IMF, and WTO b. organizing their own summits c. developing issue-specific campaigns *d. stopping corporate development plans 83. Chapter 15-083 What is a common feature of all global justice movements? a. oppose globalization b. extensions of national labour movements c. proceed from the assumptions of anarchism *d. opposed to neoliberalism 84. Chapter 15-084 When significant numbers of young people in Country X give up on their traditional beliefs and practices and embrace Western values, which type of theorist would conclude that the country is moving in the right direction? *a. modernization b. pro-capitalist c. neodevelopment d. bootstrap

85. Chapter 15-085 Modernization theory draws upon assumptions from which theoretical approach? *a. functionalist b. conflict c. interpretive d. feminist 86. Chapter 15-086 According to modernization theorists, why are developing countries economically disadvantaged? a. Restrictions on economic development exist. *b. They have not yet adopted Western values. c. Liberalism has thwarted economic development. d. There is not enough local governance. 87. Chapter 15-087 A professor presented the following argument: "The reason it took Brazil so long to develop was that the citizens did not have the drive and 'need for achievement' necessary to develop business and industry." According to the text, which theoretical approach is this professor drawing arguments from? a. capitalist theory *b. modernization theory c. dependency theory d. underdevelopment theory 88. Chapter 15-088 On which of the following perspectives is dependency theory based? a. functionalist theory b. interactionist theory c. feminist theory *d. conflict theory 89. Chapter 15-089 According to the text, which theory developed in response to the inadequacies of modernization theory and the

political injustices that resulted from policies based on it? a. neomodernization theory *b. dependency theory c. world systems theory d. neocolonial dependency theory 90. Chapter 15-090 A factory in Country X purchases raw materials from Country Y to make its product. Profits will be reinvested in the factory, increasing production and profits in Country X. Country Y will never make enough profits from the sale of materials to build its own factory. What theory could be used to explain the relationship that has developed between countries X and Y? a. capitalist theory b. modernization theory *c. dependency theory d. underdevelopment theory 91. Chapter 15-091 One of the factors contributing to underdevelopment in the world, including in most African countries, is historical colonization. Which development theory supports this notion? a. colonization theory b. stage theory *c. dependency theory d. modernization theory 92. Chapter 15-092 According to the criteria set out in the text regarding core nations, which country would be deemed a core nation? a. Mexico *b. England c. Brazil d. Taiwan

93. Chapter 15-093 France and Germany exert control over world trade and both have high levels of urbanization. As such, which term best describes these nations? a. middle income b. peripheral *c. core d. transnational 94. Chapter 15-094 What consequence of the world systems theory is exemplified by Mexico-US relations? a. the ease with which peripheral nations can change their structural position in the capitalist world economy b. the success of modernization *c. how disparity between the rich and the poor within the major cities is increased, with urban growth tied to economic relations with core nations d. decreased disparity between the rich and the poor with urban growth brought about by core nations 95. Chapter 15-095 According to Wallerstein, which term refers to those nations that typically provide labour and raw material to heavily industrialized, technologically advanced nations? *a. semi-peripheral nations b. core nations c. peripheral nations d. resource-rich nations 96. Chapter 15-096 Which theoretical framework argues that underdeveloped nations are responsible for their own lack of development? a. world Systems theory *b. modernization theory c. dependency theory d. post-colonial theory

97. Chapter 15-097 Which theory argues that the nations that were the first to industrialize exploited other countries and turned them into the mines and plantations of the developed world? a. world systems theory b. modernization theory *c. dependency theory d. post-colonial theory 98. Chapter 15-098 Within the language of global systems theories, which type of nation is most vulnerable when globalization is underway? a. core nations b. semi-peripheral c. peripheral *d. external areas 99. Chapter 15-099 Global civil society benefits when power is transferred unilaterally to nation-states through the social condition of globality. a. True *b. False 100. Chapter 15-100 Globality is most properly understood as a social process. a. True *b. False 101. Chapter 15-101 Neoliberalism is an economic philosophy which links high tariffs to prosperity and democracy. a. True *b. False

102. Chapter 15-102 The World Trade Organization was created after World War II in an effort to stabilize flows of international currency. a. True *b. False 103. Chapter 15-103 Financial institutions such the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, and the World Trade Organization were created to control the transfer of funds to nations that were wavering between joining the Soviet bloc and democratically led nations. a. True *b. False 104. Chapter 15-104 Neoliberalism is a unique blend of liberal, conservative, and socialist ideals that allows for individual merit, individual success, and the eventual redistribution of wealth for the collective well-being of society through Keynesian economic processes. a. True *b. False 105. Chapter 15-105 The notion of individual merit is a key aspect of neoliberalism. The text notes that the "fittest" will rise to positions of power and management that require specific expertise and skills and that the weak will accept lesser positions in the productive schema of a nation. *a. True b. False 106. Chapter 15-106 Tourism has influenced globalization. *a. True b. False

107. Chapter 15-107 Globalization has led to a decline in the power of nationstates. *a. True b. False 108. Chapter 15-108 The power of nation states has been transferred completely to regional trade bodies. a. True *b. False 109. Chapter 15-109 Social analysts agree that income inequality between nations is quickly becoming a problem of the past. a. True *b. False 110. Chapter 15-110 The International Labour Organization (ILO) is a tripartite agency of the United Nations that gives equal voice to workers, employers, and governments in shaping policies and programs related to labour standards. *a. True b. False 111. Chapter 15-111 The "race to the bottom" is primarily motivated by efforts to increase corporate profits. *a. True b. False 112. Chapter 15-112 While the International Labour Organization includes the voices of employers and governments, it has been criticized

for its failure to consider the viewpoints of workers in the development of policy. a. True *b. False 113. Chapter 15-113 The International Labour Organization is a United Nations Agency. *a. True b. False 114. Chapter 15-114 The "race to the bottom" refers to lower wages, declining working conditions, and job insecurity in the developing world, not the developed world. a. True *b. False 115. Chapter 15-115 Bollywood releases more films per year than Hollywood and, therefore, has more cultural influence around the world. a. True *b. False 116. Chapter 15-116 The attempt in many cities to blend McDonald's restaurants with local architecture is an example of glocalism. *a. True b. False 117. Chapter 15-117 The "Washington Consensus" was a product of the WTO summit held in Seattle Washington. a. True *b. False

118. Chapter 15-118 "Ethics of Care" feminism is a form of feminism which focuses on the "care work" that women do within the global economy. *a. True b. False 119. Chapter 15-119 Modernization theory holds that undeveloped countries must follow the road travelled by successful Western democratic societies. *a. True b. False 120. Chapter 15-120 According to modernization theory, one of the largest barriers to development in low-income nations is traditional values. *a. True b. False 121. Chapter 15-121 Modernization theory assumes that all nations industrialize in the same manner. *a. True b. False 122. Chapter 15-122 Modernization theorists believe that entrepreneurship and competitiveness are the values underlying capitalism and development. *a. True b. False

123. Chapter 15-123 Dependency theorists and their supporters like to blame developing countries for their lack of progress. a. True *b. False 124. Chapter 15-124 Dependency theory explains global inequality in terms of the historical exploitation of poor nations by richer nations. *a. True b. False 126. Chapter 15-126 The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was put forward by the Organization for American States. a. True *b. False

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