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About Our Organisation

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Plans Future

Plans Future

IMMART works for the activation and inclusion of linguistically and culturally differentiated artists in ordertoachievesocialequityinDenmarkandabroad. Accesstosocialnetworks,employmentopportunities, and knowledge are key. Our mission is to build capacity among artists of all nationalities, education levelsandabilities.

We want to accelerate the evolution of sustainable equitable societies where all artists are: seen, heard, valued and recognized for their contribution to the cultural heritage of the country they are producing their work in, and a ble to thrive regardless of cultural heritageandlinguisticcapability


We believe that everyone should have access to opportunities and be able to freely participate in the cultural life of the community where they are living. We also believe that both local and international collaborationareessentialforpositivesocietalchange to happen, and that aring is key - we aim to be sensitive to each person’s idiosyncrasies and particularsituation

We address the three pillars of sustainability (social, environmental and economic) and responsible business conduct by adherinng to the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) and we address the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular Goal10–ReducedInequalities,Goal11–Sustainable Cities and Communities and Goal 17 – Partnerships fortheGoals.

EverysingleIMMARTDinneris uniqueandsospecialinitsownright.

Ilovethem!It’sbeensogreatto revivetheHomeDinnersthisyear andexperienceourconversationsin theintimacyofourmembers’homes.

Wereallyappreciatethewarmth, trustandengagement

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