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About Our Partnerships

IMMART strongly believes that collaborations are a pathway to achieving our mission of building capacity among artists of all nationalities, education levels and abilities, and to building sustainable, inclusive and equitable communities www.immart.dk


We are very grateful for the numerous people and organisations who collaborate with us on projects, who host our IMMART Dinners, and who trust us enough to invest their time and money in us.

In 2022 we had dinners hosted by our Board Member Sophie Bruun, and IMMART Network member Angélique Sanossian, by Human Hotel, Global CSR, Art Escape Studios, Gallerie Lorien, and Casa De La Guitarra. We built on existing relationship and established new ones in our partnership for the coordination of ARTIVAL 2023, with Globe Art Point in Finalnd, Red Door in Denmark and Reykjavík Ensemble in Iceland.

IMMART collaborated with Ukrainian artist and curator Julia Dmuhk on a fundraiser exhibition with support from Gallerie Lorien, the Embassy of Ukraine and Bevar Ukraine.

We are also very grateful to our Board, Advisory Board, our Office team and volunteers for all of the time and effort they put into keeping the pulse of IMMART beating.

We look forward to expanding the team, nourishing existing partnerships and establishing new relationships in 2023.

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