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5.8 Distance Learning
At times, there may be events beyond our control that may force the closure of the campus. In situations like these, each division will activate protocols to ensure the continuity of learning for students and maintain our commitment to an excellent education.
When the decision is made to close the campus for the day, an announcement will be made no later than 5:30am in the morning of the closing day and, where possible, the night before. Once the decision is made to close the campus, it will be communicated in various ways, using all of our means of communication.
Distance learning days will count as school days for students; students are simply learning in a different place. As such, distance learning days are counted in the same way as school days on campus.
Teachers and students are expected to participate in distance learning. Parents are asked to support their children in this process. If students are not feeling well or for any other reason are unable to participate in distance education, parents should report absences to the division secretary as they would with any regular absence from school.