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3.3 Accreditation
3. Relations with parents/guardians are regulated by the contract for the provision of educational services that is agreed on annually with families who entrust the education of their children to the school. 4. Relations with personnel are governed by the provisions of their employment contracts and internal school regulations. 5. Relations with students are regulated by these regulations and by the instructions of the Administration 6. The Head of School will appoint a person in charge of School Community Life (Encargado de Convivencia Escolar), who will oversee the effective validity of the provisions of these regulations and will lead and coordinate the work of the SCL Committee & Council. 7. At Nido de Águilas there are acceptable rules of behavior for the common good of the whole school. Students are reminded that their primary role in this community is that of students. One of the interests of the school is to have rules that guarantee good behavior, self-discipline, and responsible behavior. Responsibility for student behavior rests with each student individually. Teachers at the school will resolve student behaviors and deal with minor infractions. Divisional Principals or Assistant Principals will deal with more serious violations and multiple minor offenses. 8. Nido de Águilas protects the right of each individual student to receive an education in a positive school environment, free from major interruptions in learning.
Nido de Águilas is recognized and accredited by the Chilean Ministry of Education and the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) of the United States. NEASC is the agency that accredits private and public schools in the northeastern United States and international schools around the world, provided they meet the strict accreditation requirements established by the agency. The school is also a member of the "Association of American Schools of South America" (affiliated with the US State Department's Office of Overseas Schools in Washington, D.C.), and is a fully recognized school for awarding the International Baccalaureate Diploma (IB).