MANDARIN CHINESE I Course Number: 5500
Grade level: 9-12
Credit Value: 1
Prerequisite: N/A
This course is an introduction to Mandarin Chinese where students learn through speaking, listening, reading and writing. Students will begin to learn the language using the Pinyin system and will be introduced to the use of simplified characters. The course aims to develop an awareness of Chinese culture and a variety of language skills in the five dimensions of interpersonal communication, presentational speaking, presentational writing, interpretive listening and interpretive reading. By the end of year I, students are expected to master approximately 200 single characters and be able to read very basic Chinese texts within 400 characters without Pinyin. Classroom work is supplemented with videos on Chinese art, films and culture activities. This class is conducted in Chinese and English. It is open to the High School students with no or little previous experience of learning Mandarin Chinese.