Integrated Township at Telav, Ahmedabad | Green Field Development | MUD - CEPT University | 3rd Sem

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D I SC L A I M E R The information presented in this portfolio has been studied, collected and produced by the author under partial fulfilment of the course Master plan studio under the curriculum of Masters in Urban Design at CEPT University. Any omissions or errors are coincidental and are deeply regretted

I would like to express heartful gratitude towards Faculty of Planning at CEPT University, Ahmedabad to conduct this Master plan Studio course, to establish an approach and capacity to work with large-scale urban design projects. I am profoundly grateful to Prof. Brijesh Bhata, Prof. Vipuja Parmar, and the academic associate Sophiya Islam, for their critical inputs & comments which have led my learnings in the Studio. I have taken efforts in this project. However, It would not have been possible without the kind support of my family & friends. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all of them.

Studio Brief UD4001 - Master Plan Studio Tutors: Brijesh Bhatha, Purvi Bhatt, Vipuja Parmar, Tapan Shah The studio focuses on preparing Master Plans for large green field Developments in peri urban areas. To respond to the demand of expansion in the rapidly growing urban centers, governments facilitate such new developments through various development mechanisms. The studio operates within the existing development framework of the Integrated Township Policy which is a typically developer driven activity and involves design on a large tract of land under single ownership. The design of the project will involve preparing a three dimensional urban design master plan with strategies of street network and urban block, public open spaces, public amenities and infrastructure, integration of public transport systems, strategies for pedestrian and vehicular priority on streets, defining the building height and bulk, building uses and landscape strategy.


Students will be required to prepare an urban design master plan for these developments with an emphasis on creating liveable neighborhoods that explore the ideas of future living through their designs. The design process will consistently retain its focus on how these ideas can be translated into reality. The studio outcome will also involve preparing effective representation graphics and persuasive communication strategy for the design project.



A case study on the Blue Ridge Township in Pune was performed in order to understand the scope & scale of the master plan scheme. It certainly made a lot of changes in our understanding of the size of the project by working with real evidence. The case study had a relatable quality with the proposed project, as both of them were a little far from the city center but holds the same importance in their respective cities.

Blue Ridge Township


The Blue Ridge township is an integrated township, which blends the residential housing & the commercial space. Strategically located in Hinjewadi, the IT hub of Pune.

Site area – 148.70 acres Project by – Aniruddha Vaidya & Associates (AVA Architects) (Pune) & Arcplus (China)

Bottleneck site conditions, makes the main street – public, inviting people to the inner residential loop

The residential loop is has active spots, that involves community engagement making it live

Main Spine has open & porous built edges, while the built form outside the residential loop has partially porous & on the inner side it has a private built edge

Private green open spaces & integration of water-body making the inner residential loop interesting

Key Concept - Live + Work Neighborhood

Merging with the existing commercial built fabric, will create a support & buffer to the residential housing Case Study

Community engagement & making the residential area live, by creating some activity points

Providing adequate open spaces & integrating existing water-body to enhance the quality of life

Blue Ridge township Key Learnings

Master plan - Isometric Built form of SEZ is kept open & inviting

Water-body separating different typology & their private open spaces

Large breathable open space supported by golf & interactive edge of water-body

Street network is the backbone in this township, to control the access the different hierarchy of open spaces

Despite of whatever the future development happens, Central green area remains unhindered.

Case Study

The node of the township & a landmark for the city to reach Blueridge

Adequate breathable space on ground for the detached & for dense high rise apartments, the central portion becomes a open space at all levels



The location of the site is within the boundaries of the Ahmedabad Urban Development Authority but outside the boundaries of the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation. The site is situated in the southwestern part of a city of Ahmedabad, near the village of Telav. The key access to the site is via National Highway No 947 (Sanand Sarkhej Highway) which meets the SP ring road on the east side of the site at 2.5 km from the site & further it connects to the S.G. highway.

Contextualizing the Site Site at Macro Level

The Site

Site Area : 335 ac (135.5 Ha)

• SP Ring Road is prime radial network and hence has a major potential as it is well connected to the road network of the city. • The existing & the proposed road network makes the site a magnet of activity for the floating population that would be able to cross over.

Site at Micro Level • As a result of the Automobile development in Sanand Sarkhej Corridor is developed with many Residential townships and some renowned institutes in the vicinity. • Thus, the Corridor provides a strong linkage for Ahmedabad City with Sanand.

Legends Narmada Canal Existing Roads Proposed D.P. Roads

Telav Village Rural Settlements

Site Context

Seasonal Lakes

Dense Vegetation

Gokuldham G+4

Factories & Manu-

Gokuldham G+2

Green Belt

Housing Apartments

facturing House

Housing Bungalows



Looking forward to some intangible qualities that the township should offer its residents & the city, is explored through a certain vision & further strategies were for formed to achieve the vision. The vision statement in this project is derived by understanding the quality of growth of the city & its need.

About the Greenfield Development The growth must be well planned to cater to the near future requirements in terms of density, job opportunities, connectivity etc. also substantially focusing on good leisure and recreational



Creating a development with a vibrant public place, which will act as an anchor to connect people from the city & the township

VIBRANT PUBLIC PLACE Leisure, Recreational & Retail Opportunities

CONNECTING PEOPLE Connecting city to the township

With the rapid out-growth of the city, it is becoming a predominant place for living & working environment, and as a result quality of life in the outskirts is somewhere neglected to achieve the required density. Vision & Strategy

IDEA: Providing anchors of varied uses to attract people from the city & the township & connect them with the residents of the township in the public domain.

Site Conditions Opportunities & Constraints

Proposed D. P Roads on periphery of site

Existing Natural features – Pond & Canal

Existing Highway Connectivity

Existing AMTS Bus Stops

Opportunity to increase connectivity to the city, as one of the roads connects the neighborhood on other side of the canal

Opportunity to create recreational spaces surrounding the natural features

Opportunity to create an inviting commercial edge

Opportunity to have a connection from the township to the bus stops. N 100 0

Vision & Strategy



400 mts.

Spatial Strategies

N 100 0

Recreational (Public) Anchors

Central Vehicular Thoroughfare

Utlizing the natural anchor (canal) to some extent for public purpose & further bringing in the publicness to the site, stretched till the opposite side of the canal, making the central public spine with two boulevard streets on both sides for the residents.

Vehicular Thoroughfare connecting the Sanand Sarkhej highway & the proposed D.P. Road (45 meters wide) is creates a robust connection to the city. Further the secondary roads creates varied land parcels within the site.

Vision & Strategy

Green Spine



400 mts.

Private anchors for residential neighborhood

Location of the Vehicular thoroughfare is Varied private anchors for different residential towards the canal, creating uneven land parcels neighborhoods were created in accordance with on its either sides. Green spine is imagined on the the canal, the central public area, the larger land parcel side, which could bring in the boulevards, the vehicular thoroughfare & the regulated public to the residential neighborhood. green spine.



The master plan details the proposed built form & the strategic layout of the different anchors that will help to fulfill the goal of connecting residents from the township to the city in the vibrant public spaces of the township. The master plan is demonstrated further in varied delayered forms to understand the scale, working and the quality of the township.

Master plan Districts Hospital Luxurious Canal View District Mixed Use District

Recreational District Commercial District

Detached & Row Houses

Recreational + Retail Districts

Institutional, Commercial & Mixed Use Districts

Residential Districts

100 0 50 200

Master plan

Luxurious Canal View District S.E.W.S Housing

400 mts.


400 mts.

100 0




Open Space Total Open Space

22% of Site Area

75 ac

Yoga Center

Hierarchy of Open Space

Park Park School & Library Shopping Retail (D- mart) Cultural Plaza

Entertainment Zone Food Court Retail Shopping

Community Hall

Shopping Retail (D-mart) Cafe City Level Anchors – Public Green Spaces

6.4% of Site Area 23 ac Master plan

Community Level Anchors Semi Private Green Spaces

5.7% of Site Area 19 ac

Neighborhood level Anchors Private Green Spaces

10% of Site Area 33 ac

Sports Club Club

100 0 50 200

400 mts.


400 mts.

100 0




Street Network Total area under Street Network

20% of Site Area

67.1 ac

Hierarchy of Street Network

Primary Street Network COI for the whole Site

8.5% of Site Area 28.4 ac Master plan

Secondary Street Network

5.7% of Site Area 19.1 ac

Tertiary Street Network

5.8% of Site Area 19.6 ac

100 0 50 200

400 mts.


400 mts.

100 0




Built Form

Legends 56.2 % (150.7 ac) Residential Use 6.6 % (17.6 ac) S.E.W.S Housing 4.0 % (10.6 ac) Mixed Use 1.7 % (5.8 ac) Recreational Use 6.4% (17.2 ac) Commercial Use 3% (10.6 ac) Institutional Use

400 mts.

100 0

Master plan



Built Height

Global Floor Space Index


Legends Upto G + 5 Floors Upto G + 10 Floors G + 15 Floors


400 mts.

100 0






The Phasing strategy of the master plan indicates the plan of action for the actualization of the whole master plan. The phases are segregated such that, it generates enough revenue from the one phase to carry out the succeeding phase and also to trying to cater to the neighborhoods in each phase completely.


N 100 0

Phase - 1 Luxurious Canal View district, Mixed Use abutting the Sanand Sarkhej Highway & the Recreational District would become the primary anchors bringing the city to the township. Phasing

Phase - 2 Flourishing the whole central public spine along with the supporting Residential neighborhoods on the edge of the two boulevards would become the secondary anchors for connection.

Phase - 3 Further, Some low rise residential neighborhoods would bring in the complete life to the township & an additional support (S.E.W.S. community) to the whole township would come in this phase.



400 mts.

Phase - 4 Lastly, the other canal view district would complete the township along with some other residential neighborhoods connecting the proposed D.P. Road (45 meter)

100 0 50

Recreational Urban Block



400 mts.


Residential Urban Block


The envisioned life in the township is depicted through detailed urban blocks, character images and sections to understand the quality of life in the township. Detailed character of the life in the township is shown with illustrative images and guidelines are also envisioned to achieve the desired built form to achieve the exact envisioned character. Detailing the above two mentioned Urban Blocks.

Recreational Urban Block Vibrant & Active Public Place Retail Anchors Leisure Anchors Recreational Anchors

Block size : 600 mt x 350 mt

N 100 0 50 200

Envisioned Life

400 mts.


Food Court

Entertainment Zone

Amphi overlooking the canal

Plaza for Food Trucks & stalls

Indoor & Outdoor adventure sports activity

Central Exhibition Space

Iconic Retail Shopping Low Rise Pedestrian Mall

Urban Block Guidelines

The Guidelines for the Recreational Urban Block is only for the Iconic Retail Built.

1. SCALE : The Built should be low rise. It should not exceed 9 meters in height

2. ENCLOSURE : The built should have a central court to accommodate exhibition area which is open to sky.

4. OPENINGS: The entrance of the store should be from the porous flange only. Envisioned Life

3. POROSITY: The built should be porous after every 50 meters of continuous edge from the inner side of the court.

5. FRONTAGE: The inner and outer frontage of the built should have visual merchandising

Character Image of the Central Exhibition Space in the Iconic Retail Built Shaded seating spaces

Envisioned Life

Retail Display Vibrant inner facades of the iconic built through visual merchandising

Entrance to the Retail Shops

Exhibition Stalls in the central open space creating interactive environment.

Residential Urban Block Vibrant & Safe Residential Neighborhood Community Park Neighbourhood Park

Block size : 400 mt x 350 mt

N 100 0 50 200

Envisioned Life

400 mts.

Kid’s Play Area

Community Park


Amenity Blocks

Neighborhood Parks

Urban Block Guidelines

1. Ancillary amenities on the Ground Floor of the building abutting the tertiary roads to have a barrier from street & vibrancy on the ground floor

2. Buildings facing each other on the longer side should have a pocket park in between the two buildings & the balconies should face the pocket park in the between them.

4. The bicycle track should have line of trees on both side.

Envisioned Life

3. The pedestrian pathways abutting the school and the park should have a level difference of 0.15 meters from the road, while it may or may not have a level difference within the neighbourhood park

5. The inner street could be regulated to become pedestrian streets during some hours of the day, which would increase the safety of the pedestrians during heavy footfall time of the day.

Character Image of the Safe & Vibrant Residential Neighborhood Community Park

Envisioned Life

Bicycle Track with line of trees on both sides

Neighbourhood Park

Balcony facing the Pocket Park

Section through the Partial Pedestrian Street



12 meters wide road

100 0 50 200

Envisioned Life

400 mts.


Section AA’ - Tertiary Road

Section through the busy School Junction



24 meters wide road

100 0 50 200

Envisioned Life

400 mts.


Section BB’ - Secondary Road

Section through the Vehicular Thoroughfare

C’ C

30 meters wide road

100 0 50 200

Envisioned Life

400 mts.


Section CC’ - Primary Road

Bird’s Eye View

Envisioned vibrant life in the Residential neighborhoods

Envisioned vibrant life in the Public districts within the township

Envisioned Life

Envisioned Vibrant Life in the Public Districts within the township

Vibrant & Active Public Areas

Envisioned Life

Envisioned Vibrant Life in the Residential neighborhoods

Vibrant & Safe Residential Areas

Envisioned Life

STUDIO OUTCOMES The studio carried out the journey of a greenfield site to a complete masterplan of a township, which could be envisaged as the first step as an urban deisgner. This made us achieve the understanding of the scale and the size of the transformation along with the idea to incorporate intangible aspects of urban design to it. In particular, the studio stressed an effective understanding of spatial consistency and a large-scale master plan for urban design. The entire design exercise was broken down into stages incorporating the idea of urban blocks, taking into account the general urban shape of building forms, legibility, street character, urban design regualtions, spatial understanding and the phasing strategy. The solutions proposed to fulfil the vision and to take inspiration from the local context have helped to create a vibrant city and pedestrian friendly spaces. Apart from the envisaged idea, the sensitive approach also aims to create a better level of living for the people in their daily lives.


Understanding the importance of little elements of urban design elements and how it is affecting the huge scale of township was the greatest learning in this semester. This entire studio exercise has also contributed to the growth of illustrative skills, identification approaches and various techniques to depict essential elements and concepts of urban design.

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