Architecture & Urban Design Portfolio 2013 - 2021 | Nidhi Malani

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Urban Transformation

Integrated Township

TOD based Local Area Plan

Green Field Development


Reviving the Lal-Baug

Landscape Design Project Scan/ Visit - For detailed reports of the above mentioned projects



Casa en Prad

Residence Ren



trapur Public Plaza

Re-Imaging the Cinema Road

Public Space Design

Urban Renewal Project





Kiosko Tres Cantos

Miscellaneous Work


Refurbishing Kiosk

Urban Design Illustrative Drawings 3-D - Lumion Renders Artwork for J.W. Marriot, Surat Data Analysis Work (GIS based)


Urban Transformation

TOD based Local Area Plan Gulbai Tekra & Ellis-bridge, Ahmedabad

This studio exercise trained us about numerous complexities of implementing a local area strategy as well as the detailed powers of the land policies and regulations. It prompted us to adopt the liberal and market demand solution while maintaining a strong understanding of the real life scenarios of the proposed outcomes. The detailed demonstrations have showed us the distinction between an urban planning transformation and a place making project.

URBAN TRANSFORMATION Gulbai Tekra - Ellis bridge, Ahmedabad

Post-Graduation Academic Project

TOD based LAP - Urban Transformation Studio

Project: This studio anchors on the design aspects of urban transformations within the existing urban areas & working on transformative design of trigger projects emerging out of the delineated areas. Site Area: 286 Acre

Site Context: Gulbai Tekra and Ellis bridge are geographically situated in the center of the Ahmedabad city having three major parks of the city. The Ellis Bridge area was the first region built on the west bank of the Sabarmati river outside of a walled city and Gulbai Tekra is renowned for its rustic charm and large natural parks.

Softwares Used - Auto CAD, Sketch Up, Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop

Envisioned LAP Framework Plan

Site Contextualization I. Old Stock and redevelopment 30% of building stock is older than 40 years 20% of building stock has been built/redeveloped in last 15 years. years

Building Age

II. Random spread of High Rise Spread of high rises is irrespective of the edges indicating transformation at owner’s will and capacity. 1-2 floors- 5% 3-10 floors- 73% 11-15 floors- 22%

Building Height

III. Rich Mix of Uses 65% of residential typology is apartments apartments, rest is low rise independent houses 54% of commercial is offices 31% retail 15% Hotels

Building Type

Transition of anchors from Institutional to Commercial

New commercial along CG Road Most retail buildings along CG road were developed in last 15 years & are mid-rise.

Old Institutional

Transition of Housing Typology

Most of the institutional is the oldest stock of the site & is 3-5 floors High.

Multiple high rise apartment redevelopment has taken place in last 15 years.

Analyzing the Site - Need for an LAP? Area of high significance City level Public realm with high footfall and social value to be preserved. Various institutional and community built of high communal and public significance.

High Public footfall and thoroughfare - multiple

stakeholders to cater

Value Appreciation Existing Net FSI = 1.1 (BUA vs. total developable plots) Average market rate - 7,800 sq.ft.

Low FSI Consumption - lack of land optimization leading to lack of affordability.

BRTS Catchment

Moderate monthly ridership density (24,342-40,212) - more reliance on private vehicles. Low population catchment (19-60 pph)- due to less proportion of residential built-form.

Despite being a city level anchor with high footfall, inefficient land use and lack of integration with public transport leads to an unaffordable neighborhood with poor livability and private transport dependence.

Vision for LAP Framework

Vision Statement for LAP Framework

To revitalize city’s vibrant core through synergised connections and a rich mix of uses with an active public realm.

Strengthening the connections

Enhancing diverse anchors

Encouraging Land efficient development

Improving Livability

Objectives & Strategies for LAP Framework I. Synergised Connections - Enhancing walkability & Integrating various sensible modes of transit.

Reduction of Block Sizes

Regulating Encroachments

NMT Route Integration

II. Active Public Realm - Integration of central public realm & increasing public area in private domain.

Enhancing active & safer public connections

Reforming guidelines to improve quality of open spaces in private domain.

III. Rich mix of uses - Activating & Densifying Transit Corridor, Optimizing Commercial potential & Managing residential density & diversity

Incentivising higher densities along prime nodes & edges

Context responsive built-form dedicated to have pedestrian friendly high density development

LAP Framework Plan Envisioned LAP Framework Plan

Urban Transformations Along BRTS Corridor

Under Ellis bridge Flyover

Delineated Area Urban green parks are generally seen as valuable assets to have a vibrant & safe character of a neighborhood

Residential Neighborhood Street

Park P recinct within the urban core of the western

Ahmedabad city

Park Precinct’s Vision & Strategies

The main idea is to Connect the precinct to the transit corridor, synergize existing public realm with a more continuous realm and ensuring the newer development responding the various assets. CONNECT neighborhood to transit system Proposed street network showing hierarchy of proposed NMT infrastructure with street widening & street restructuring.

Dedicated NMT lane

Internal Shared Street

The connection of precinct & transit system is enhanced through the dedicated NMT routes connecting major landmarks.

SYNERGIZE existing public realm with

more continuous realm

To activate the proposed connections from earlier strategy, synergizing the existing public realm by enhancing the major nodes qualitatively & carving out public domain from the private plots connecting the nodes.

ENSURING the new development responds to assets

A podium typology capitalizes the BRT corridor’s value, with the nodes being the TDR receiving zones for identity creation. Park responsive built form orienting their open space towards the parks. All these strategies of connecting, synergizing & ensuring lead the proposed development to enhance & preserve the precinct’s identity also taking optimal advantage of the parks in the vicinity.

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Envisioned Precinct Master-plan

igger projects identified:BRT PLAZA - It demonstrates a

nergised connection between the transit tion and the social anchors.

NMT STREET - It demonstrates

orporation of NMT Lane to have better ality pedestrian connection to the Paldi oposed MRT

Project 1 : BRT Plaza

Project 2 : NMT Street

Park Precinct Project 1: BRT Plaza Strategies

The transformed BRT plaza would have wider Timely regulated Happy Street could be Reducing the speed of the vehicles through & safer pedestrian crossings extended, to connect the plaza to active spill raised & tactile mechanisms for some streets. over spaces within the proposed builtfrom at evening time.

Character Image

BRT Station with spill over space


NMT lane

Pedestrian Crossing

Public building (Social Anchor)

Synergized Connection between the transit station & the social anchor

BRT Plaza Isometric View Interactive Regulated public realm within the private domain Using the active frontage from the private realm Wider pedestrian crossings Reducing speed through tactile mechanisms Raised vehicular lanes to reduce speed BRTS Stop with spill over spaces & public conveniences

Park Precinct Project 2: NMT Street Strategies



The edge of the Rasala Park in the active zone The park edge would have carved out niches would have partially porous compound walls for seating spaces as pause points. to have a visual connection with the existing nursery & active ground frontage in the institutional built.

Character Image

Vending Area

Park Entrance

Dedicated NMT route


The opaque compound wall becomes a backdrop for vending activities outside the park & group seating with partially porous compound wall helps to have interactive edge on the cricket ground edge.

Group niched seatings

Partially porous compound wall

Rasala Park’s Entrance - Calm area on inside - Activeness on onside

NMT Street Isometric View

Group seating spaces Existing Rasala park's entrance Vending Spaces


Integrated Township

Green Field Development Telav, Ahmedabad

The master plan details the proposed built form & the strategic layout of the different anchors that will help to fulfill the goal of connecting residents from the township to the city in the vibrant public spaces of the township. The master plan is demonstrated further in varied delayered forms to understand the scale, working and the quality of the township.


Post-Graduation Academic Project

Green Field Development Project

Project: The studio focuses on preparing Master Plans for large green field Developments in peri urban areas responding to the demand of expansion in the rapidly growing urban centers Site Area: 315 Acre

Site Context:


200 100

400 m

As a result of the Automobile development in Sanand Sarkhej Corridor is developed with many Residential townships & some renowned institutes in the vicinity. Thus, the Corridor provides a strong linkage for Ahmedabad City with Sanand.

VISION STATEMENT: Creating a development with a vibrant public place, which will act as an anchor to connect people from the city & the township

Softwares Used - Auto CAD, Sketch Up, Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop



Luxurious Canal View District Mixed Use District

Recreational District Commercial District

Detached & Row Houses Luxurious Canal View District S.E.W.S Housing


100 50


400 m

Delayering the Master-plan Global Floor Space Index - 1.4

Total Area under Open Spaces (Public, Semi-Private & Private)

22% of Site Area

75 acre

Total Area under Roads (Primary, Secondary, Tertiary)

20% of Site Area

67.1 acre

Legends Primary Roads Secondary Roads Tertiary Roads

Proposed Built Form

Proposed Built Heights



Residential Use S.E.W.S Housing Mixed Use Recreational Use Commercial Use Institutional Use

56.2 % (150.7 ac) 6.6 % (17.6 ac) 4.0 % (10.6 ac) 1.7 % (5.8 ac) 6.4% (17.2 ac) 3% (10.6 ac)

Up to G + 5 Floors Up to G + 10 Floors Up to G + 15 Floors


100 50


400 m

Residential Urban Block - Detail VIBRANT & SAFE Residential Neighborhood with COMMUNITY & NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS. The Residential block has a low rise apartments with a community open spaces & school.

Block Size - 400 mt x 300 mt

Guidelines - Residential Block The Residential urban block guidelines majorly focuses on the quality of the built & the quality of pedestrian movement. It also emphasis on having better quality NMT movement through the block.

3. Sidewalks abutting the school & park should have level difference of 150 mm

1. Ancillary amenities on the Ground Floor

2. Pocket Parks between buildings facing longer side to each other

4. The bicycle track should have line of trees on both side.

5. Time regulated pedestrian local streets during peak hours for pedestrian safety

Envisioned Vibrant Life in the Residential neighborhoods

Character Image of the Safe & Vibrant Residential Neighborhood

Detailed Isometric View of the Residential Urban Block Kid's play-area

Community Park


Amenity Blocks

Neighborhood Parks

Recreational Urban Block - Detail VIBRANT & SAFE Recreational Neighborhood with RETAIL, LEISURE & RECREATIONAL ANCHORS The Recreational urban block majorly has the Commercial built, Food Courts, Exhibition Spaces.

Block Size - 600 mt x 350 mt

Guidelines - Recreational Block These guidelines were given for the built quality of the commercial built within the recreational block. The main features of these guidelines allow to have vibrancy in the inner court and on the outer facade of the Commercial built.

3. POROSITY - It should be porous after very 50 m of continuous edge from the inner side

1. SCALE - The Built should be low rise. It should not exceed 9 meters in height

2. ENCLOSURE - It should have a central

4. OPENINGS - The entrance of the store should be from the porous flange only

5. FRONTAGE - The inner & outer frontage of the built should have visual merchandising

open to sky court to accommodate exhibition

Character Image of the Central Exhibition Space in the Iconic Retail Built

Envisioned Vibrant Life in the Public Districts within the township

Detailed Isometric View of the Recreational Urban Block Amphitheater Amphi overlooking the canal

Food Court Plaza for Food Trucks & stalls

Entertain Indoor & O

nment Zone Outdoor adventure sports activity

Central Exhibition Space

Iconic Retail Shopping Low Rise Pedestrian Mall


Vastrapur Public Plaza

Public Space Design Vastrapur, Ahmedabad

The project focus on the application of the skills developed in the first module of the same semester which involved perception and representation of the key elements of Urban Design. The design is majorly driven to incorporate and understand how various urban design elements would work for a better public plaza to the Vastrapur Lake.


Post-Graduation Academic Project

Vastrapur, Ahmedabad

Public Space Design

Project: The project was designed to recognize an urban issue in daily urban life & to deliver a solution.

Further, communicating graphically the elements that form the basis of public life in public spaces. Site Area: 3650 sq. mt.

Site Context: The site is an underutilized AMC plot right next to the Vastrapur Lake, the main idea is to utilize the site & activate it as an extended public plaza of the Vastrapur Lake


Vastrapur Lake

To develop a Public Plaza which is well connected to the Vastrapur Lake Concerns:



Versatile Usage

Physical Constraints:

No segregation of various activities in the plaza

Inadequate Lighting Facility

Mismanagement of activities Excess vendors encroaching the street

Softwares Used - Auto CAD, Sketch Up, Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop

Isometric View of the Vastrapur Public Plaza

Concerns Safety


Versatile Usage

Connectivity of the plaza & the lake

Connectivity of the plaza & the lake

Connectivity of the plaza & the lake

Design Strategies The Design Strategies follows the three main concerns simultaneously and it tries to add shared street between the plaza and the lake to have easy and safer connection, which could be timely regulated. The time regulation can control the vehicular access to the site, thus making the inner street safer

Predominantly pedestrian street connection

More activities inside the plaza

Segregation of activities

Character Image of the Public Plaza having vegetable market and seating spaces during the day time

Character Image of the Public Plaza acting as a Food Plaza with temporary & permanent seating spaces during the night time

Design Strategy - Safety

Informal seating/gathering space becomes the welcoming place to the food plaza

Ease & Safer connectivity for pedestrian because of the raised street level

Design Strategy - Liveliness

Food plaza separated by raising it from the street plaza Segregated functional & gathering activities benefits to utilize the open shaded area efficiently

Proposed Public Plaza

Lowering the high compound walls develops a connection to the existing lake & activates the whole street with

h ancillary activities


Re-Imaging the Cinema Road

Urban Renewal Project Cinema Road, Surat

The project was to bring back the glory of the cinema road of Surat. The cinema road was one of the vibrant street of Surat's history .the present scenario of the cinema road has a swimming pool & is considered dull in compared to old times. So the development of this project was not confined to the progress of the cinema complex & sports complex but the whole street was given a thought to act as a gathering place for the people of Surat.


B. Arch Academic Project

Surat, Gujarat

Urban Renewal Project

Project: To Re-Flourish the lost charm of the old Cinema Road of Surat, which was a major essence of Surat City. Site Area: 12820 sq. mt.

Concept: To ZIP the life from CORE TO SHORE by creating FUSION OF MASS AND VOIDS

Vibrancy on



Blooming Pockets Softwares Used - Auto CAD, Sketch Up, Photoshop, Lumion

Top Aerial View

Final Design Outcome

Sports Complex A solid void progression alternating between building blocks & landscaped courtyards creates a rhythm that breaks the mass of the complex & provides better integration between indoor & outdoor spaces.

Detail Plan of Sports Complex

Cinema Complex A play of light and shadows through pergola was created in the entrance plaza of the cinema complex. The cinema complex had a submerged auditorium, which was a new addition to the Old Cinema Road of Surat.

Detail Plan of Cinema Complex

A’ A

Site Plan

The final outcome had all the gathering space on the streets & on the bridge connecting the sites & different activities were planned according to the time of the day.

Section AA’

Design Visuals


Reviving the Lal-Baug Garden

Landscape Project Rander, Surat

In between the dense fabric of rander, the lal baugh garden was the only open, breathable space that connected people from every age group & the location of this site helps to bind different communities in the vicinity also. This project not only focuses on beautification; but also to create a new public realm that has quality built environment.


B. Arch Academic Project

Landscape Design Project

Project: To Re-develop the abandoned garden site in the dense fabric of Rander. Site Area: 5423 sq. mt. Concept: As the garden needs to be welcoming for all age groups,it is necessary to have harmony & balance in the natural forms & the activities of every age group.

Softwares Used - Auto CAD, Sketch Up, Photoshop, Lumion

Envisioned Landscape Plan

Site Plan Interactive edges towards the road side & seamless connections inside to various activities for varied age groups overlooking the river Tapi.

Design Visuals


Casa En Pradena

Residence Renovation Pradena, Madrid, Spain

This was a Family house of an Architect, outside the city of Madrid. In this project the Architect wanted to have more light inside the house than it has earlier & he wanted to have a usable space according to the number of persons in his family & according to the spaces they need in the present day.

CASA EN PRADENA Pradena, Madrid, Spain

Internship Project

Residential Renovation Project

Project: The project was designed to recognize an urban issue in daily urban life & to deliver a solution to it & to further communicate graphically the elements that form the basis of public life in public spaces.

Existing S

Renovated Design Proposal

Ground Floor Plan

First Floor Plan Softwares Used - Revit

Proposed exploded Isometric

Site Conditions

First Floor Plan

Final Design Outcome - Revit Drawings

Proposed Section through the Living Room

Softwares Used - Revit

Proposed Section through the Patio

Proposed section through kitchen


Kiosko Tres Cantos

Kiosk Refurbishment Project Madrid, Spain

The project was to design a bar which is more spacious and luminous than existing bar kiosk, covering same area as it did earlier in the mall. The new ambience of bar should also complement with the new interior of the mall.


Internship Project

Refurbishing Kiosk Project

Project: The project was redesign the kiosk in a mall, which could merge with the newly refurbished interiors of the mall. Updating the kiosk with latest equipments was another challenge.

Design Proposal:




Section AA’

Softwares Used - Revit, Photoshop

Proposed Kiosk in the existing image of the mall

Proposed Kiosk in the existing image of the mall


Miscellaneous Work Urban Design Illustrative Drawings 3-D - Lumion Renders Artwork for J.W. Marriot, Surat Data Analysis Work (GIS based)

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