UI/UX / Graphic Design / Industrial Design Portfolio APR2019

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UI/UX - Graphic Design - Product Design


平面設計 Graphic Design

使用者介面設計 UI/UX Design 50 肩 復 健 設 計 ROLLA








實 踐 大 學 工 業 產 品 設 計 學 系 第 38 屆 新 一 代 設 計 展




Wrinkle of Time

JustThink Summer Camp

合作專案 Collaboration

產品設計 Product Design









Noise Artefacts Starbucks Recycle Project


Philips Bitpresso

教育 Education 2012 畢業於馬來西 亞 檳 城 鍾 靈 菁 英 中 學 Graduated in Chung Ling Cluster High School, Penang, Malaysia. 2015 畢業於工商管 理 文 憑 - 馬 來 西 亞 英 迪 國 際 大 學 Diploma in Business, INTI International College Penang, Malaysia.

黎俊銘 Lay Joon Ming Nigell est. 1995

使 用 者 介 面 設計師,工業產品設計師 UI/UX Designer, Industrail Designer From Penang, Malaysia Based in Taipei.

nigellegin1995@gmail.com +8860905328857

2016 入學於工業產 品 設 計 學 系 , 台 北 實 踐 大 學 , 台 灣 Bachelor of Industrail Design, (Enroll) Shih Chien University, Taipei. 2018 參與學生交換 計 畫 , 德 國 科 隆 應 用 技 術 大 學 Student Exchange Program - TH-Köln Koln International School of Design (KISD), Cologne, Germany June 預計畢業於台 北 實 踐 大 學 , 工 業 產 品 設 計 學 系 2020 Expected to graduate in Bachelor of Industrail Design Shih Chien University, Taipei.

語言 Language

軟體技術 Skills

精通於 / Speaks fluently in: 中文,英文,马来文, 广 东 话 , 福 建 语

Photoshop, Illustrator, Fusion 360, Sketch, Adobe Xd, Premier Pro.

Chinese, English, Malay, Cantonese, Hokkien

展覽經驗 Exhibition Experiences 2016 Jan

這樣也是蠻愜意的 - 期末總檢展覽 平面組 - Graphic Department t


綠色進行式活動 - 星 巴克,台北 策展人 - Curator


RE: - 期末總檢展覽,台北 影片組 - Videography Department

2017 Jan June 2018 Jan

開物 - 期末總檢展覽,台北 攝影組 - Photography Department 告白 - 期末總檢展覽,台北 平面組 - Graphic Department PutOn! - 期末總檢展覽,台北 影片組組長 - Head of Videography Department


KISDparcours2018 , 德國科隆 策展人 - Curator


RetuneFestival 2018 ,德國柏林 策展人 - Curator

2019 Mar May

工作經驗 Work Experiences

Right - 校慶教學成果展,台北 平面組 - Graphic Department Wrinkle of Time - 新一代畢業展覽,台北 平面組 - Graphic Department 专刊組 - Yearbook Department

Street Churros 平面設 計 師 - Graphic Designer


協助 FB 平 面 制 作 協助 Street Churros 廣 告 協助產 品 , 人 物 攝 影 協助檔 期 網 站 設 置 協助分 店 室 內 設 計


Assisting Assisting Assisting Assisting Assisting

in in in in in

banner production. advertising Street Churros FB. product, portrait photography. events’ website. branch interior graphic design.

Aug/2016 Shawn Yue Madness Pop-up Store, Taipei. Staff (Warehouse & Inventory)

個人經驗 Personal Experiences

個人陳述 Personal Statement

Jan/2013 - Mar/2015 INTI International College Penang, Malaysia 9th INTIMA, INTI Student Government 學 生 會 創 意總監 Creative Director

Focusing on one thing at a time.

Ever since I was a child, I was educated not to multitask in doing things. Multitasking sure do buys you some time, but I always suppose that multitasking come with drawbacks which it kills one’s performance in that moment. Well, in my opinion, I believe that “Concentration” is the key to performance, as once the goal is set, all we need to do is just to achieve the only target and then we can aim for the next objective.

Adaptive & Fast Learner

I am always adapting myself in different environments and cultures. It is an advantage for me as I am born in Malaysia, the community which draws on the varied cultures of the diverse citizens with a British background. Hence, it is never a problem for me to study aboard in various environments like Taipei and Germany, and most importantly, I am willing to absorb different cultures in a short period of time, making me a fast learner. Thus, I believe that my background and experiences have trained me to be a person with flexibility, with the capacity to be bent, usually without breaking. In this world in which situations, circumstances or workplaces can change extremely quickly, I believe that it is vital for us to have the ability to cope or respond well to unexpected changes by utilizing our critical thinking. And now, I believe that I have prepared myself for my next phase of life.

Jan/2014 - Dec/2014 INTI International College Penang, Malaysia INTI WaveCrew, Dance Club 熱 舞 社 副 主席 Vice President Sept/2018 - Feb/2019

使 用 者 介 面設計課程

User Experience Design Course 組 長 Team Leader Sept/2018 - Feb/2019 Shih Chien University, Taipei. Year 104, Department of Industrial Design 工 委 Committee Feb/2019 - Present Shih Chien University, Taipei, Taiwan Year 104, Department of Industrial Design 總 務 Treasurer



Ever since I was introduced to the world of arts through drawing and colouring during primary and secondary school, followed by the exposure in designing while I was in college and university; I have truly developed a strong interest towards the field of art particularly in design. Whilst I continue to develop my skills and knowledge related to design, I find this field fascinating. Throughout the journey, I always have the urge to get addicted to designing – the addiction of searching for inspiration for my design work. Therefore, my keen interest in designing drives me to go further in depth while learning more about designing. I really enjoy designing, it gives me the satisfaction through my work and my desire to design makes me feel like I belong in the world of designing. I might not be a leader material in a team, but I am definitely an independent person. Being independent does not mean being overpowering, arrogant and dominant; but instead, it stands a position in a team. When working in a team, I might be one who the stand back and say, “Wait a minute, why are we even doing this at all? What if we looked at the thing backward or turned it inside out?”. This does not mean that I always fight back with my team members, but it gives another perspective of viewing situations in which I believe it leads to a more diverse solution of problems.

為何是我? So, why me? As my background and experiences of different cultures, training me to be a highly adaptive person, in which leads me the following abilities: 1. Great communication skills - able to gather everyone’s opinion 2. High intensity of concentration when working 3. Always breaking through challenges 4. Cheering up a team 5. Fast and modest learner 6. Basic exposure to product and UI/UX design.

A Quote that I Adore “Don't get set into one form, adapt it and build your own, and let it grow, be like water.” - Bruce Lee

使用者介面設計 UI/UX Design i

50 肩膀復健設計 ROLLA

ii 電源管理裝置 BOLT iii 網路應用程式 KISDspaces

UI / UX Design



五十肩復健設計 ROLLA 為五 十 肩 復 健 設 計 , 藉 由 軟 硬 體 整 合 引 導 五 十 肩 患 者

更有效率與方 向 性 的 治 療 五 十 肩 , 同 時 透 過 遊 戲 積 分 方 式 , 增添復健樂趣 與 誘 因 , 並 分 散 五 十 肩 病 患 復 健 時 的 疼 痛 。 ROLLA, a rehabilitation device for frozen shoulder, integrated with a mobile application. It guides and encourages patients in their frozen shoulder rehabilitation journey. ROLLA also helps patients to distract pain during rehabilitation process through video games in an effective and joyful way.


進行中, 2019






Collaboration Product Category





In progress, 2019

Hardware form design, UI/UX design Rehabilitation Hardware & App

布料、矽膠、塑膠、玻璃螢幕 Fabric, Silicone, Plastic, Glass Screen 655 * 440 * 110 mm


ROLLA 五十肩復健設計



50肩不再只是年 長者的煩惱 Frozen Shoulder in Young 隨著科技的發展,文明病不僅 變得普及且逐漸低齡化,五十 肩也不再只是女性年長者的煩 惱。我們試圖擺脫復健讓人感 到無趣的第一印象,將五十肩 的複健療程結合現代科技與遊 戲,使復健多了些趣味性,使 患者能更持之以恆的進行,以 逐漸康復。 In this developing era, civilized diseases has gradually become younger. Frozen shoulder is no longer only pains of female seniors. We integrate rehabilitation treatment of frozen shoulders with modern technology, with a touch of exciting interactions, motivating patients not to give up on their recovery journey.

楊媽媽, 48歲,家庭主婦

冰凍期 - 六個月

我已經患上五十肩有快半年了。這種疾 病已經影響了我的日常生活,但在我康 復過程中,我往往在家裡復健時因缺乏 引導與動力而迷失方向。有些時候,我 會因為沈迷於追劇而忘記吃藥或運動。 最主要的是復健運動的過程是如此痛苦 和乏味。以我看來,這最可能是我總是 我在無意識中忘記這些常規的原因之一 吧。

I am diagnosed with frozen shoulder in the past 6 months. This disease has already affected my daily life but I am always lost in direction in my rehabilitation journey. There is no one to guide me during my rehabilitation exercises at home. Sometimes, I tend to forget about eating medicine or exercising when I am too into watching dramas. On top of that, rehabilitation exercises are so painful and boring. In my opinion, this might be the main reason I always forget about my routine in unconsciousness.

Mrs. Yang, 48 y/o, housewife

Frozen Stage - Six month



痛 點


User’s Pain Point


五十肩是多數中年族群的困擾,由於肩關節黏膜的沾黏,造成患者無法正常的 轉動及抬高手臂,延伸出生活的不便,需要靠一段時間復健才能完全康復,然 而復健過程通常使患者感到無趣且沒有方向,造成複健中斷,以至於病情無法 好轉。 Frozen shoulders cause problems to middle-aged elderly people. Due to adhesion at the shoulder joint, patients normally couldn’t naturally rotate and raise their arms, causing inconvenience in life. Moreover, it takes a plethora of painful process to recover, where most of the process are boring and dull, demotivating patients during treatment, interrupting their recovery.

痛 點



Design Vision 目標群體



Targeted Audience (TA)

Targeted Results

Targeted Actions

i 已確認患有五十肩並正準備接受 治療的病患。

i 分散復健時的疼痛。

Frozen shoulder patients who are ready for treatments.

ii 不排斥透過科技或遊戲的方式 進行複健的病患。 3

Accepts treatment through technology or gaming.

Relief pain during treatment.

i 通過遊戲積分的方式,增添樂 趣與誘惑,分散復健時的疼痛。

ii 增加複健時的樂趣。

Bring joy into rehabilitation process through playing games .

iii 更有成就感治療五十肩。

ii 軟硬體整合設計引導病患者更 有效率與方向性治療五十肩。

Relief pain during treatment. To cure recover with confidence.

Guiding patients through integration of mobile application and hardware.

UI / UX Design

使 用方 式

User Manual


Mobile device


進行方式: i 轉動裝置進行復健 ii 積分/復健引導 app

Rental at home: Rental services are able at the rehabilitation center for patients to rent ROLLA home got rehabilitation exercises at home.

Mechanism: i Rolling device for rehabilitation ii Points collecting / rehabilitation app


Soft-Hardware Installation


Hardware Installation

1. 利用手機軟體透過藍芽與 硬體裝置連線。

Connect ROLLA with your app through bluetooth.

2. 五十肩嚴重度偵測 :

Frozen Shoulder Self-Test : allow patients to understand their situation through self-test on the ROLLA hardware. (Using the height of patients can reach to determine their status.)

讓患者可透過裝置中的面板 了解自身的狀況。 (手能抬起的高度與角度是判 斷五十肩康復程度的重要依 據)

硬體 家裡租借: 五十肩患者可從復健中心租借 ROLLA 回家使 用,減少經常跑復健中心的困擾。

Mobile Application

行選擇適合現階段的遊戲難 度以進行複健。

Users are able to decide the difficulty of the game they’re playing according to their own situation.

遊戲: 遊戲以駕駛小飛船作為主軸 患者可上下移動手把位置控 制小飛船,以閃避障礙物與 累積分數,藉此轉動肩膀以 達到復健效果。

Game: Use ROLLA to control as to how a spaceship works to collect points by moving their arms up and down to achieve rehabilitation results.

3. 針對自身病情程度,可自

4. 軟體將會整合使用者病患

的數據,讓使用者了解自身 的進步程度。

The app records patient’s condition and syncs the data to your doctor.

Patients are able to connect 5. 在軟體中與朋友圈串聯, 透過裝置與病友們一起 PK 積 with other patients through the 分,增加複健誘因與樂趣。 app, to compete each other during rehabilitation.

6. 軟體中將有可以與他人交 流針對五十肩的論壇。

A feed page that allows patients to discuss about their illness.

7. 病患可以選擇安排復健模 式以取代遊戲模式。

Besides gaming, rehabilitation exercises can be also planned through the app.


ROLLA 五十肩復健設計


復健 運 動

Rehabilitation Scenarios 五十肩周期 i 冷凍期

ii 冰凍期

Rehabilitation Exercises iii 解凍期

Stages of Frozen Shoulder i Freezing stage ii Frozen stage iii Defrosting stage

在復健中心 治療師協助患者進行肩關節 活動度伸展運動。

在家 自行在家進行複健運動。

At rehabilitation centre Exercises guidance by physiotherapists.

At home Self-exercising at home.

頻率 - 兩週復健 6 次 - 依週期不同回复時間也不同


手指爬牆運動 Finger Walk

用手指沿牆緩緩向上爬動,然後再 徐徐的向下回原處,逐漸增加高度 Reach out and touch the wall at waist level with the fingertips of the affected arm. With your elbow slightly bent, slowly walk your fingers up the wall, spider-like. Slowly lower the arm and repeat.

- 每種運動大致上是每次 10-20 秒,重複 10 次,一天 4 循環 (最好是每天做)

鐘擺運動 Frequency - 6 times every 2 weeks. - recovery period differs based on different stages

Frequency - 10 to 20 seconds, repeat for 10 sets, 4 times a day. (Everyday)

如何知道不需要再到復健中心報到: A. 疼痛緩解 B. 可自行在家做復健運動 C. 不因疼 痛而“不敢動” D. 患肢可維持正常功能且可維持正常姿 勢或動作

居家復健運動 A. 爬牆運動 B. 肩前運動 C. 雙掌上頂 D. 拉毛巾後旋 E. 交叉手運動

Not needed to revisit the rehabilitation centre when: A. Pain is relieved B. Able to exercise at home C. Not afraid to move their arms D. Shoulders are able to move normally

Home Exercises A. Climbing the wall B. Shoulder exercise C. Double hands D. Towel stretch E. Cross-body reach

Pendulum Stretch

用手支撐,腰背打直,同時雙腳與 肩同寬,雙膝微蹲,罹患得手垂下 身體自然擺動去搖晃手臂。 Relax your shoulders. Stand and lean over slightly, allowing the affected arm to hang down. Swing the arm in a small circle — about a foot in diameter.


Shoulders Shaking

手臂從一方慢慢拉著另一隻手向上 伸展 (往外/往前) Pull your frozen arms with your good arms outwards to release the stiffness of your diagnosed arms .


UI / UX Design




ROLLA 五十肩復健設計

產 品 色 彩 與 材 料應用

Color, Material, Finishing

Pantone 656U

Pantone 324U

Pantone 7710U

Pantone 122U

Pantone Grey 4U

透過冷色調與暖色調對比的搭配,讓產品不失科技感 的同時增添了溫暖,以避免產品過於冰冷而產生距離 感。黃色與藍色對比色的搭配帶出鮮明活躍的風格, 創造產品中游戲強烈的刺激感效果,推動使用者復健 的動力。鉻黃色的運用帶出了產品的希望熱情與愉悅 感,呈現出活潑有朝氣的感覺,營造光明有活力的印 象。 尼羅河藍除了帶有科技感外,還具有療癒與鎮定 效果的治療色彩。

The contrast of cool and warm colours, adds a little warmth to ROLLA without losing the sense of technology, holding the balanace to avoid from being too cold, creating a sense of distance. The combination both colors brings vibrant and active style, creating a strong stimulating effect in the game, motivates users during their rehabiliation period. The use of chrome yellow brings out the enthusiasm and pleasure of the product, shows the lively and energetic feeling, creating a bright and vibrant impression. Other than that, Nile Blue series does not only bring the sense of technology but also has healing colors for healing and calming effects.


用於觸控式熒幕,再以豐富的視 覺效果與游戲與使用者互動。

Used as a touch screen display for patients to interact with through rich visual effects of games.


利用麻布的粗糙且有溫度的觸感 增加使用者與產品的關系,以保 持產品較有溫度,不冰冷。

Linen fabric is chosen for its touchy feel with warmth, adding more interaction between the product and users, to ensure that frozen shoulder can be recovered with warmth.


矽膠的特性柔軟與防水。因此, 把手包覆著一層矽膠,確保使用 者的舒適的同時也可避免傷手。 矽膠的彈性也可以預防使用者在 復健時因為疼痛松開把手而造成 二度傷害。

Silicone are soft and waterproof. Hence, the handle is covered with a layer of silicone to ensure the user's comfort. The elasticity of the silicone also prevents users from sliding their hands off due to pain caused during rehabilitation in order to avoud secondary injury.


不銹鋼的堅固足以支撐產品的重 量,方便使用者在壁掛,歸還或 搬運時可以用手提著產品。

The stainess steel is strong enough to withstand the weight of ROLLA, in order to allow users to carry, install and return the device conveniently.

Glass Screen

Linen Speaker




Stainless Steel 7

UI / UX Design

使 用 者 介 面 設 計 (進行中) User Interface (In progress)

1 論壇 Feed page

2 個人化首頁 Personalized profile page

3 小日曆 Calendar


4 線上預約復健 Online Rehabilitation Booking

為更加貼近使用者生活,提供論壇使患者找尋相關文章 作為復健參考。


To get closer to user's life, a feed page is provided for patients to search relevant articles as reference for rehabilitation.


小日歷讓患者可詳細記錄自身復健狀況. The calendar section allows patients to record their own rehabilitation status in details.

個人化主頁讓患者可以一目瞭然復健進程與狀況使復健 過程更有系統被記錄。 Personalized homepage allows patients to keep in touch with their progress and conditions at a glance, making the rehabilitation process more systematically recorded.


病患者可以通過 APP 線上預約復健或看診時刻。 Patients are able to book appointments and set reminders on their rehabilitation therapy.


ROLLA 五十肩復健設計

復健系統中包含: 1 遊戲 2 運動 3 自我偵測 患者可以根據自身需求選擇類別,使復健不再只是無趣的 重複動作,更多了趣味與自主性。 The rehabilitation app includes three modes: 1 Game mode 2 Exercise mode 3 Self-test mode. Patients can select categories according to their own needs, so that rehabilitation is no longer just a boring repetitive action, but more fun and autonomy.

1 游戏模式 Game Mode

3 自我侦测模式 Self-Test Mode

2 复健模式 Exercise Mode

下一步 如貼身教練般的智慧型推薦每日訓練計劃 (進行中)

Next Step (In progress)

Just like your personal coach, recommending training programmes daily in smart (In progress)

每個動作都會引導到教學,有別於傳統書籍、教學影片因使用者模仿姿勢而錯誤訓練。App 內 會根據使用者每日訓練狀態與問題反饋,藉由演演算法,智能推薦適當強度的運動項目。為了 讓患者每天能維持訓練,以游戲化設計建立狀態等級與累計機制,在心理上為了避免損失而努 力維持外,也能讓使用者挑戰目標建立成就感,看見每日鍛煉成長。


Unlike the traditional books or non-interactive tutorials, users are more likely to work out in the correct way. The app will recommend personal daily program based on their daily training status through algorithm. In order to ensure users to work out every day, programs are gamified in levels and accumulation points. Hence, user might try their best to maintain and complete their challenge to avoid lost psychologically, visualizing their growth of rehabilitation.

APP 界面設計(預計四月底結束) APP UI Design (Expected to complete on the end of April)

UI / UX Design

讓復健之旅更愉 快 。 Create fun, not pain.


UI / UX Design



電源管理裝置 BOLT 為外宿族的電源管理裝置,透過物聯網技術讓使用者可遠端管 理監控住宿處的電源使用情況。同時利用與隊友競賽的互動方式累計 點數,並抵消電費為誘因,以達到減少使用者電費開銷與減少電源浪 費,以環保為最終目的。 BOLT is an energy monitoring device for out-stayers, allowing users to remote their energy usage at their homes through IoT. BOLT also motivates users by providing discounts on electrical bills as incentives through collecting points in interactive matches with friends, and saving electrical energy as the ultimate goal.

年份 Year

January, 2018






Product Category



UI/UX design

Monitoring Mobile Application iPhone 8


BOLT 電源管理裝置


Know Context

電 源浪 費 無 形 成為壞習慣 Energy Wasting as a Habit

由於政府的大量補助,台灣的 電費一直都非常低廉,造成人 民開始不珍惜電源,甚至七成 的人民用電都不知電價,因此 無節制的浪費電源。可是,在 低廉電價的背後,我們付出了 多少看不見,同時傷害地球的 代價? Taiwan’s electrical price per unit has been very low due to large amounts of subsidies from their government. This causes citizens not to cherish their power supply and start using power as they want unrestrictedly. Through interviewing, it is shocked that about 70% of Taiwan’s citizens do not know how much does their electrical bill costs. However, behind the low electricity prices, how much does it really costs, meanwhile harming the Earth?


節能議題已成為全球的重要議題,從政令宣導、教育文化、 社會規範到各種節能科技以及數據充斥在你我生活當中,不 斷地提醒我們提高能源效率與倡導節能生活。更換設備並提 升效率確實可帶來一定程度的節能效果,但在使用者低能源 意識與不當的使用行為下,使用高能源效率產品並不等同實 行節能生活。有關於人們如何使用、為何使用,以及詳實的 使用經驗都相當欠缺的情況下,意圖透過分析各種數據來進 行節能計劃的美意也將大打折扣。 不幸的是,雖然目前臺灣從政府單位到相關企業即便有心涉 足能源技術、管理系統到終端產品開發,卻缺少了對「人」 的能源認知與使用行為理解,在面對居家用電資訊時抱持著 哪些態度?什麼樣的能源資訊對使用者才是有意義的?以及 在有限的註意力下該如何誘導使用者實行節能行為?

The issue of energy conservation has become an important issue in the world. From political propaganda, education culture, social norms to various energy-saving technologies and data flooding in our life, we constantly remind ourselves to improve energy efficiency and promote energy-saving life. Replacing equipment and improving efficiency can indeed bring about a certain degree of energy saving effect. However, under the low energy awareness and improper use behaviour of users, the use of high energy efficiency products is not equivalent to energy saving life. In the case the lack of people behaviours, reason, and detailed user experience, the intention to analyse various data to save energy will be reduced enormously. Unfortunately, although Taiwan’s government agencies and related companies are developing themselves in energy technologies and management systems to new proposed products, they are still lacking the understand of the energy perception and user behaviour towards “users”. What attitudes were held? What sort of energy information is meaningful to users? And how to induce users to implement energy-saving behaviour with limited attention?

UI / UX Design

人 物理 解 - 人 物誌

Know People - Persona 為了瞭解使用者的用電行為以方便進行數據分析,進行 了兩種的調查方式,向公眾發布問捲與深入訪談。通過 獲得所搜集的數據,在進行深入的使用者分析,試圖尋 找使用者行為背後的原因。

Persona #1

Questionnaire surveys were distributed to the public and detailed interviews were conducted in order to understand the user behaviour of using electrical energy. Through obtaining data of user behaviour, the data helps in analysing patterns of users in depth.

Persona #2

冷 漠疏離


The Indifference 楊毅德 , 22, 學生 企業管理三年級 獨立套房

他正在努力發展事業,並認為生活 中還有其更重要的事需要花心思處 理,因此無暇關心「節電」。但, 他是個容易被他人影響。

He strives to develop his careers and he believes that there are other more important things in life that needed to be dealt with. Hence, he is totally unconcern about power saving, but, he is easily persuaded.


- 沒有好的節能行為 - 容易受他人影響 - 熱於社交 - Do not practice good energy efficiency habits - Easily affect by others - Loves to socialize

蘇芷琦 , 19, 學生 服裝設計一年級 雅房

Ability to affect

Attitude of energy saving



Knowledge of energy saving

Behavioral of energy saving


Concerns towards surrounding environment


在乎電費對生活的影響 個性被動 有養成小小的節點習慣 課餘時間在外打工賺取零用錢

- Cares about the impact of electrical bills on life. - Passive personality - Practices a little of power saving habits. - Works part time after school for pocket money.

林季觀, 23, 學生 會計四年級 雅房

She is passive and thinks she is unrelated to power saving. However, due to her family's low income, she believes that electricity bills affect her life. Vivi lacks of knowledges on power saving, hence, not knowing ways to control electricity. 在家在外節能行為一致

Ability to affect

Attitude of energy saving



Knowledge of energy saving

Behavioral of energy saving


Concerns towards surrounding environment

She does not only involve herself in different recycle activities, but also actively influence her room-mates together. However, she doesn't know much about energy conservation, thus, she invests on energy-saving products, hoping for a more efficient effect. 在家在外節能行為一致

Consistency of energy saving in house & outdoor

Characteristic 影響力


她平常不僅參與響應環保活動,也 願意主動影響同住者一起節能。由 於對節能知識不多,她信任節能產 品希望藉此帶來更好的節電效果。

Gwen Lin, 23, Student Accounting Dept. Shared Room


Consistency of energy saving in house & outdoor

Characteristic 影響力


她個性被動,認為節電與自己並不 相關,但因家庭的月收入不高,因 此認為電費對會生活造成影響。同 時,她節能知識不高,並不懂的要 如何節電。

The Spreader

Vivi Hsu, 19, Student Fashion Design Dept. Shared Room


Consistency of energy saving in house & outdoor



The Passive

Eddie Yang, 22, Student Business Management Dept. Suite Room


Persona #3

- 節能知識不高 - 主動影響他人節能 - 良好的節能行為 - Does not have much knowledge on energy conservation - Actively influencing others to pick up energy conservation habits. - Practices a little of power saving habits.



Ability to affect

Attitude of energy saving



Knowledge of energy saving

Behavioral of energy saving


Concerns towards surrounding environment


BOLT 電源管理裝置

結構深層理解 Frame Insight

痛點 Pain



Unable & Unsure

Feedback Effects

1. Power is invisible, users are not aware of power is switched on.

1. They tried to save power buy ending up failed. Hence, users are demotivated to continue practice energy saving.

1. Do not see their habits as energy wasting. Without proper guidance, user continue with their own habits which are energy wasting.

1. Goal of saving money is indistinct.

2. Goal progresses are unsure, with no specific figures to keep an eye on, users would not know how much have they achieved. 3. Users feel 2 months is too long for them to monitor their power usage since Taiwan has their bill once every two months.

想要 得 到 什 么 Gain

2. Unaccompanied with friends. 3. Tend to forgot with energy saving when they got busy with their lives.



3. Unable to control their electrical appliances when not at home.

3. Even users could check their power usage on their ammeter, but they do not have the concept of the unit kWh.



Ability to


1. Able to notice how much power is flowing or switched on, in another term, gaining awareness of appliances using electricity.

1. Efficiency in saving power. Users wants to save the correct power in a correct way and on the same time living in comfort.

1. Identify different electrical appliances that consumes different power energy.

1. To use less power energy and save the Earth.

2. Cut down electrical bill, to save monthly expenses.


2. They forgot to double check their electrical appliances before leaving, leaving appliances on.

2. Users feels demotivated without rewards. Moreover, effects of saving money is not strong since Taiwan electrical bill per unit is too cheap.

2. To use less power energy to save bill expenses.

2. Get reminded to switch off unused power. 3. Control their appliances from far.

Save Money

Save the Earth

Expenses of utilities are heavy to students. And hence, extra costs on bills need to be cut down to reduce the burden of a student.

It is a responsibility to try our best to save the Earth by using an adequate amount of power energy on the right time, in another terms, Energy Efficiency.

UI / UX Design


Explore Concepts


Behavioral Change




具有能力 Enable


啟示 Get inspired 意識 Make aware 引導 Guidance

有信心 Confidence 有動力 Motivation 有好處 Advantage

容易 Make easier 啟發 Activate 習慣 Make habit

參與 Involved 陪伴 Accompanied 習慣成性 Immersed



建 構解 決 方 案

Frame Solution

把 APP 內的視覺數據化增加使用者的 在數據上的察覺性,再透過顏色的運 用讓使用者意識自己用的電量。 互動化 APP 增加使用者的參與感,讓 使用者不覺得無聊。有了其他使用者 的陪伴,讓使用者不再覺得節能不再 孤單。

法將家裡每一個電器設備區隔辨識, 再隨著使用時間越長,監控社區便會 發展與發現更多的設備。

即 時 遠 端 控 製 或監控電源 Remote control in real-time

把監控設備安裝在家用變電箱上,可 深入了解電源使用與家裡用電狀況。 安裝在變電箱中的電流傳感器可檢測 並記錄家電的使用狀況,再透過演算

A monitor device which installs in home’s electrical panel and provides insight into your energy use and home activity. The monitor detects and records appliances through current sensors in your electric panel. Then advanced machine learning detection algorithms work to distinguish one appliance from another — to recognize each individual voice. Over time, more and more devices are discovered as the monitor community grows.

APP 數 據 視 覺 化 與

使用 者 互 動 化

App Visualizing Data and Interaction between Users

Visualization of data in the app increases user's awareness of the amount of power they used through using colors as a conveying media. Interaction between users increase engagement and less bored. With the accompany of other users, they will no longer feel alone. 16

BOLT 電源管理裝置

bolt monitor




Connected with wifi

bolt Current Transformer Clamps


Current Transformer Clamps Positive clamp x1 Negative clamp x1 - Clamps to clip on home main wire - To measure voltage & current in a wire

Installation CT Clamps - connect to main + and - wires Monitor - connect to volt breaker to power the monitor and to track on voltages.


- Act as a hub to read voltage and current and sync to the PC and mobile app. - To detect and track specific appliances - Perform machine learning algorithm to identify which appliance is drawing power. 17


Work = Force x Displacement Velocity =

Power =

Displacement Time Work Time

Theory Equations Power =

Work Time

Velocity = Force x


Force x Displacement Time


Power = Force x Velocity


UI / UX Design


Maximize Flexibility Starting with registeration to know more on details about the situation of users and characteristics, for example, gender, types of room rented, types of electrical devices occupied, etc. Variables of the users profile will eventually manipulate amount of power usage.


BOLT 電源管理裝置

顯示危機感 清楚呈現資訊 Make it Visible

Power is now visible via Bolt, with realtime and power usage records, users are able to understand more about their own habits. Other than making power visible, power is converted to currency as well to create more awareness to users.


Visualizing Crisis Warning will also be given if power is overused to remind users to keep an eye on their power usage.

UI / UX Design

提高彈性或適應性 Make it Adaptive Mode 1 Switching on “School Mode” that have been preset by users when the user is leaving out for school. This mode has been set that all unsed devices like TV, AC, mircowave ovens, and lightings are all off in order to reduce power waste.

Mode 2 This mode is actually a countdown timer, where users are able to control to switch off a electrical appliances automatically after using for the preset period of time.


訂定目標 Set Goals



Provide Incentive

Goals with rebates rewards will be given to push users to save energy. When users complete goals, coupons especially used on rebating electrical fees could be given to decrease burdens of students paying bills and could be a encouraging way to create value to students.


Creating a Competitive Culture

將行動變有趣 Make it Fun!

Connect with other people with similar lifestyle and demographics in order to compete on who has the least power usage for the month. This design could stimulates users with a competitive attitudes to help them with practicing electricity efficiency. Competitions can bes based on electrical bills, and hours of air conditioner switched on which are the power drawing elements.


UI / UX Design


KISDspaces PWA Social Learning Environment of the Faculty of Cultural Science

UI / UX Design


網路應用程式 KISDspaces 是一個用於知識轉移與合作的社交學習平臺。它有助於優 化實體與虛擬化的學習體驗之間的關係。 KISDspaces is a social learning platform for knowledge transfer and collaboration. It helps to connect digital and physical learning experiences.

年份 Year

July 2018






Product Category



UI design

Progressive Web Application (PWA)

iPhone X


KISD 網路應用程式


Homepage The homepage of spaces enables a campuswide communication of students, professors and employees. Not only keeping KISD members updated on news and activites happening in KISD, it also functions as a discussion posts for members to speak out on their opinions and feedbacks.


Problems Homepage is only just a step in the user journey, it’s not a final destination for users. It’s just like a hotel lobby where it functions as a pathway with receptions for customers to live in their hotel rooms. The layout of the previous homepage is not user friendly that some of the subpages are located at the bottom of the main page, causing inconveniences and ignorance of the KISDspace members.



Redefining the Homepage


Research The homepage delivers contents to users or it delivers them closer to other main contents of the platform. Those are the only two reasons users care about a homepage. The reason for this is simple: Most information presented on the homepage has very little connection to the visitor and their needs because people search for specific, not general information. As a result, they skip over the homepage to find what they really want. However, although the homepage is less important, it still serves a vital purpose to help users get to the next page, where they will find the information they need.

To create an effective homepage, you need to find a clear answer to the following questions - What is the main thing I want my visitors to do after they see the homepage? It might be checking their updates of their subject groups, finding a person or an artwork, or to upload their reports on their spaces. And these are the goals when redesigning this homepage.

As mentioned, a lot of traffic bypasses a site’s homepage and goes directly to its content pages. It’s worth investigating where users spend their time. Interviews were taken to understand more about the behaviour of the members such as students, employees and professors.


Identify User Preference

UI / UX Design


Navigation Good navigation is a vehicle that takes users where they want to go;


Problems Establishing good navigation is a challenge on mobile due to the limitations of the small screen and the need to prioritize content over chrome. The navigation bar of the previous platform is has too much information in just a page, making users to be confused and lose attention on their purporse of visiting the website.

S 通知 S-Notification


Research Behaviours of users using the platform has been observed and noted down; where one of the users stated: “Clear menus and links are the foundations upon which all great websites are built.” - Prof. Philipp Heidkamp

Hamburger Menu Screen space is a precious commodity on mobile, and the hamburger menu is one of the most popular mobile navigation patterns for helping you save it. The drawer panel allows you to hide the navigation beyond the left edge of the screen and reveal it only upon a user’s action. Clear Indicators of Functionality Visual changes help clarify what interactions to expect on a site. For example, swapping an expand icon for a collapse icon indicates that something has changed, and how to reverse the change. When the icon doesn’t update, people may miss the result.

S-Notifications is a powerful tool to inform users of updates, comments and posts on their Spaces from other users.


Problems The layout of the previous homepage is not user friendly that it is located at the bottom of the main page, which caused inconveniences and ignorance of the KISDspace members.


KISD 網路應用程式

KISD 平台 KISDspaces In KISD, there are a several kinds of classes going on, which are projects, courses and seminars. Each of them has different purposes of conducting the classes, and in KISD spaces, they have each of their own spaces; where students and professors can create and mange space alike. Spaces is closely integrated into courses and projects enables users to discuss, give feedbacks and share contents. In their own Spaces, members are able to organize themselves with small groups with fridges, posts, disscuss research, or even set milestones. Outcome can be easily presented to receive feedbacks from other members on the spaces. After the course has ended, users are able to reflect and evaluate their results and share final materials with the group.

個人頁 Profile

All users of KISDspaces have a profile and portfolio page where they can share course results with others. Users can evaluate, reflect and document their participation, processes and outcome. The sharing of experiences motivates other studentsto reflect about their own learning.


UI / UX Design

朋友圈與 S-信箱

Friends and S-Mail There are thousands of students, professors and employees in KISDspaces. Through time, there will also be alumnis of KISD either. This will a a well established platform for members to get to know more people and more about KISD thoough this platform. Members are able to get in touched with members in KISDspaces for experience exchange. Within this platform, members are able to connect each other without having to moving to another social media app such as Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter; hence, having more self-privacy in the Internet world.


平面設計 Graphic Design i

實踐大學工業產品設計第 38 屆 新 一 代 設 計 展

Wrinkle of Time

ii 覺醒暑期工設體驗營 JustThink Summer Camp

Graphic Design

Wrinkle of Time 實踐大學工設 新一代設計展 A form marked with a slight line. Or fold.


進行中, 2019






Collaboration Category

In progress, 2019

Main Visual, Poster, Invitational Card Identity Design, Editorial & Layout Design, Exhibition Design


Wrinkle of Time 實踐大學工業產品設計學系第 38屆新一代設計展

Wrinkle of Time 主論述 「展開捷徑,盡是滿滿山河。」 物件,源自日常,來自日常裡自我的思考;來自與材質的共存;來自雙方間對話; 來自無邊界想像。 日常,引伸現象。橫空出世的話題,打破了原本均衡的局面,引發設計時空的皺褶 (Wrinkle of time)。 現象 U 形曲線的構成不只是起合間的捷徑,承轉裡乘風破浪的風景卻也譜寫一道道 巧妙的皺褶 (Wrinkle)。 曲終餘韻永不散。我們將其攤開,拉伸起合捷徑,註解承轉中進程,探究設計時空 的皺褶。 33

Objects, mostly originates from our daily lives. It emerges from self-pondering in our journal; blooms after the coincidence of natural elements; reflects a heart-to-heart talk; develops to a boundless imagination. At the rear of an item, disclosing a phenomenon behind, where a sensation which has been launched, shaking the current harmony, leaving a slight line of wrinkle in time. Dodging from the entrance of the Rosen bridge, Turning over, endeavor to sail through the surging ocean. Yet, enduring traits of wrinkles in the tranquil sea. Expanding, and imprinting anchors in our journey, designing space through the wrinkles of time.

Graphic Design

Wrinkle of Time 發想

Wrinkle的含 義 Wrinkle 的含義有兩種:

i 皺摺 ii 聰明的創新

A form marked with a slight line. Or fold. 副标更是加持了主题 Wrinkle of Time 的概念。同时 副標更是加持了主題 的概念。同時 也詮釋了 Wrinkle 的意义,就像在工业产品设计里 也诠释了 的意義,就像在工業產品設計里 線條所扮演的重要性。 线条所扮演的重要性。

Pantone 226C 100% 60% 20% 利用特殊色印刷,以凸顯視覺。 同時利用不同特殊桃紅粉色色百分比 刷淡,製造不同層次的對比度,增加 視覺的張力。


Wrinkle of Time 實踐大學工業產品設計學系第 38屆新一代設計展

Wrinkle of Time 專 刊封面設計

燙 印 處 理 - 透 明雷射萬花筒


利用透明鐳射萬花筒燙印視覺里的線條,再透過光澤的折 射出不同的光彩,製造出宇宙的零碎神秘感。

為了製造讀者在閱讀時的手感,加上方便在專刊印刷後清 潔處理,因此在封面上加了絲絨包膜,增加觸感。


Graphic Design

Wrinkle of Time 專刊內頁紙材應用

選擇 一 : 冰 鏡 紙 印刷照片的立體對比度中等,保留了產品照 基本應有的立體度。 紙色冰冷,可完美詮釋 Wrinkle of Time 主題 的科技未來感,但冰鏡紙價格偏高。

選擇 二 : 光 韻 紙 印刷照片的立體對比度極棒,非常有利凸顯 產品的新外觀深淺。 但紙色偏暖,與 Wrinkle of Time 主题的调性 不符。

選擇三:日和紙 印刷照片的立體對比度中等,雖然不及光韻 紙,但保留了產品照基本應有的立體度。 紙色不及冰鏡可表現出 Wrinkle of Time 主題 的科技未來感。雖然日和紙偏中冷,但其是 是偏有手感之紙,也符合了主題調性,因此 取捨了冰鏡選擇其為內頁紙。 36

Wrinkle of Time 實踐大學工業產品設計學系第 38屆新一代設計展

專刊文字字型 Title






華康黑體 Std W7

Gill sans semibold













華康黑體 Std W3

Helvetica Neue Light









華康黑體 Std W3

Helvetica Neue light











Graphic Design


Wrinkle of Time 實踐大學工業產品設計學系第 38屆新一代設計展

新 一 代 展 場 視 覺設計


Graphic Design

A form marked with a slight line. Or fold.








e c


r e



2017 實踐大學工業產品設計學系

















Graphic Design


暑期工設体验营 實踐工業產品設計學系舉辦暑期體驗營十二年至今,已累積豐富經驗 和完整的教學流程,希望能從中讓學員體驗到完整的設計過程。我們 透過引導學員觀察,進而培養「尋找議題的能力」,從感受生活中的 細節出發去做設計。營隊過程則結合核心課程及專業講師分享,讓學 員在參與營隊的過程中更加瞭解工業產品設計學系的學習內容。

年份 Year

April, 2017





Collaboration Category

Main Visual, Poster, Invitational Card Identity Design


JUST THINK 暑期工設體驗營


Logotype 原始形狀


C=20, M=0, Y=5, K=0

C=60, M=10, Y=5, K=0

C=15, M=80, Y=60, K=0


Visual System

藝 術家




冒險 家

Graphic Design


合作專案 Collaboration i


Noise Artefacts

ii 星巴克綠色進行式 Starbucks Recycle Project

Cooperative Projects

In cooperation with

Exhibited in

GAA Foundation Venice Biennale 2018 Venice, Italy

Retune Festival 2018 Berlin, Germany

Noise Artefacts


What happens if you transfer objects between virtual & physical reality? Many objects in Venice symbolize a process of physical decay. A virtual image of one of these is created and transformed between the physical and virtual reality. Through a feedback loop an attempt to visualize digital decay is made. The art facts were exhibited in a physical as well as virtual exhibition.


年份 Year

June, 2018





Collaboration Category





Conceptual, Model Making Installation Design

木材、黑鐵、不鏽鋼 Wood, Steel, Stainless Steel 1300 * 600 * 550 mm


Noise Artefacts 雜訊瑕疵


Introduction The project “noise artefacts” was created within the international project VRenice Beach - Museum of Moving Surreality at the Cologne International School of Design (KISD).

What does the lack of these principles mean for the objects around us? Do these objects change, and how?

The subject of the project was, on the one hand to create an exhibition, and on the other hand, to create objects on the subject of Surrealism and Virtual Reality. In the area of exposition, questions about the perception of the “exhibition space” and the “exhibit” in the context of virtual reality are raised.

What does that mean for their appearance and file format?

Here again the question of constructed realities and thus the questioning of one’s own perception is in the focus. At the moment, the topics “Augmented Reality” and “Virtual Reality” can hardly be ignored. The boundaries between the analogue and the digital world are becoming more and more blurred. For designers, these new technological possibilities raise questions and demand more complex solutions. What happens during the transition of the user between the realities? Liquid identities, new organizational structures, a lack of physicality, and thus the question of infinity and decay, stand in a strong contrast to our physical reality.

Decay processes are present in physical space and can be observed around our daily life. It often seems that these do not exist in virtual reality. However, their appearance often differs from those in physical reality.


Is there a digital decay or are files infinite?

Many objects in Venice symbolize a physical decay process. A virtual image of one of these objects was created and transformed between the realities. By repeating the process, an attempt to visualize digital decay is made.

Cooperative Projects

無 限循 環

Feedback Loop Many objects in Venice symbolize a process of physical decay. Objects and the city itself are characterized by biological decay. The object used in the project are two logs that were washed ashore in Venice. These are usually used in the water as support for lights or as anchor points of boats. An iterative process explores what happens to an object in the transition between virtual and physical reality. With the help of photogrammetry, a 3D scan was made of the object found in Venice. When transforming physical objects into virtual realities, the distinction between defining data and “noise” is usually elementary. Instead of clearing the noise and seeing it as flawed, it is accepted as part of the object in this project. The created virtual object is defined by polygons. In order to return the object to physical reality by 3D printing, the polygonal structure of the object must be converted into horizontally layered surfaces. For the first physical reproduction of the logs, the file was built up with algorithms and then 3D printed. By repetition of the process and the

retention of noise data, as well as the data resulting from the algorithmic processing, the shape of the object changed. This can be interpreted as decay. The transition of the object between the realities and decay is the result of the iterative process. The structure of the object can be compared with the coding of different file formats. Data is constantly being transformed into different encoding formats, compression and reinterpretation. This change in data often causes compression artefacts.


Noise Artefacts 雜訊瑕疵


Snapback to Reality

Transferring the aesthetics of a certain place into virtuality is often attempted through the detailed reproduction of physical realities with CGI. Even though a visually realistic reproduction is possible, these realities have a surreal appearance once one is aware of its virtuality. In the installation, this surreal appearance is emphasized through various stylistic devices. The newly created virtual reality offers a place in which various objects can be viewed which were created during the decay process. The built room combines elements from two places. Elements which can be found in a museum presentation context and elements from the place where the pole was found. It’s possible to navigate the virtual character through the virtual world with abstract gestures on the controller. The character’s perspective can be observed through a two-dimensional projection.


Cooperative Projects


The File Format Bench Decay processes do not only change the external appearance of objects, but also their function. After a certain degree of decay the original function does not longer exist. Originally the poles, which form the starting point of the project, served as a pillar for a light in a canal in Venice. Due to the weather, the material of the pole has dissolved, so that it can no longer fulfil its function and was washed up onto the coast. The reproduction of this artefact in the form of a piece of furniture finally separates it from the original intended function. Furthermore, the furniture should reflect the different structure of file formats. Part of the furniture is made from metal polygons, which refers to the construction of digital 3D objects. The other part of the furniture consists of layered panels and refers to the construction of 3D prints. By transferring files between different encoding formats, decay occurs through misinterpretation. In addition to these possible misinterpretations, it is not uncommon for the compression of artefacts to occur. This happens through the reduction of the file size by compression algorithms. When encoding an object with polygons or layered surfaces, the more complex shapes are not reproduced. The shape can only be an approximate the original one. The fewer polygons and the fewer layers used to form the shape, the less space a file consumes and then it is easier to physically build the shape. However, this compression further abstracts the form from its original. The form “decays”.


Noise Artefacts 雜訊瑕疵


Museum Concept The goal of the project was also to create an own exhibition. In the area of exposition, questions about the perception of the “exhibition space” and the “exhibit” in the context of virtual reality are raised. Here again the question of constructed realities and thus the questioning of one’s own perception is in the focus. In the research, various museum concepts were explored. Critical positions on the White Cube concept as well as interactive concepts were examined. The question that is asked in every design process remains: Who is the museum for? Who is the visitor? The point of tension between the realities is reflected again in the exhibition itself. The three works represent three museum concepts. On the one hand, there are objects and prints that are for viewing, but should not be touched. They are visually separated from the other objects, and at the same time they frame the whole exhibition space. The spotlights emphasize the sculpturality of these objects. On the other hand, there is the interactive bench on which visitors can sit to immerse themselves in the virtual game “snapback to reality”. Visitors can immerse themselves in virtual reality and experience a museum through the game. You can see the “decayed” 3D scans of the object. The textures of the object hang in the space. The virtual place itself is modelled on the Giardini Park in Venice where the original object was found. It is located on a pier, which also functions as a platform or stage, and visitors are invited to interactively enter the museum and click through the various objects. A virtual museum in the physical museum was created. 53

Cooperative Projects


ROLLA 五十肩复健设计 Noise Artefacts 雜訊瑕疵


Cooperative UI / UXProjects Design


Cooperative Projects

In cooperation with

Starbucks Taiwan HuaShan 1914 Creative Park Taipei.


綠色進行式 A collaboration with Starbucks in order to reproduce some home products using their materials in order to promote recycling. A total of 15 products are produced in this collaboration and the ideations are exhibited in a cultural park, HuaShan 1914 Creative Park in Taipei.

年份 Year

April, 2016





Collaboration Product Category



Conceptual, Model Making Recycled Material Home Products

攪拌棒、杯子、紙袋、杯套、杯架、麻繩 Stirring Sticks, Cups, Paper Bags, Cup Sleeves, Holders


Starbucks 綠色進行式


Storage Series

光碟收納架 CD Holder

紙制外帶杯架、塑膠攪拌棒 Paper cup-holder, Plastic stirring stick

懸掛式多層收納袋 Hanging Multi-Storage Storage Bag


Paper bag

多功能收納掛架圈環 Multi-Purpose Storage Hoop

塑膠冷杯、紙制提袋麻繩 59

Plastic cold-cup, Paper bag string

Cooperative Projects


Household Products Series

伸縮洗衣籃 Expandable Laundry Bag

紙質提袋、塑膠與木製攪拌棒 Paper bag, Plastic and wooden stirring stick

咖啡渣除臭袋 Coffee grounds Deodorizing Bag


Paper bag, Coffee grounds

牙刷掛架 Hanging Toothbrush Holder


Paper hot-cup


Starbucks 綠色進行式


Stationery Series

卡套 Card Holder

紙制提袋、麻繩 Paper bag, String

手提電腦包 Laptop Bag


Paper bag, Sponge, Zipper

筆記本 Notebook

紙制提袋 61

Paper bag

Cooperative Projects

照 明系 列

Lighting Series

手電筒 Torchlight


Wooden stirring stick

床頭燈 Night Lamp


Wooden stirring stick

氣氛吊燈 Hanging Lamp


Plastic cold-cup


Starbucks 綠色進行式


貓墊子 Cat Mat


Paper cup-holder

貓抓球 Cat Toy Ball


Paper cup-holder

貓抓板 Cat Scratching Board

紙制杯套、紙制熱杯 63

Paper cup-holder, Paper cup

Cooperative Projects


產品設計 Product Design i



ii 迷你咖啡機 Philips Bitpresso

Product Design


伸縮式潛水蛙鞋 AmvatiX-9 改 良 於 傳 統 蛙 鞋 設 計 , 以 滑 軌 的 結 構 伸 縮 方 式 , 讓

使用者不用 彎 下 腰 便 可 輕 易 穿 上 蛙 鞋 。 同 時 伸 縮 結 構 能 讓 在 岸上行走更 加 舒 適 , 增 加 使 用 者 的 活 動 性 , 減 少 使 用 者 在 穿 上或脫下時 受 傷 。 AmvatiX-9, is a pair of expandable scuba fins, which helps divers to don and doff their fins conveniently in seconds. With the expandable structure of the fins blade, divers are able to shrink their fins when they are on land, to help them walk easily in their fins.

年份 Year

April, 2019








Product Category Material



Product design Watersports Equipment Silicone, Rubber, Plastic, Carbon Fibre 675 * 160 * 70mm per unit


AmvatiX-9 伸縮式潛水蛙鞋



我 對水 中 活 動 的想法

My Beliefs to Watersports

從小就與「水」有特別有緣 分,曾經是國中游泳校隊身 分,再大學時期游泳教練、 救生員、潛水員,一直都與 水上活動脫離不了關系。我 享受潛水的時刻,每當潛入 水底近似無重力的感受是如 此的自由。時代經歷了無數 的更迭,潛水蛙鞋的設計卻 從一而終從未改變。

繁瑣裝備的負擔必須被輕量化 由於穿上蛙鞋後將大幅阻礙使用者的行動,往往都會 先穿上繁瑣的裝備與配種和氧氣筒才會穿上蛙鞋。而 在彎下腰穿上蛙鞋時,更是增加了傷害到腰的風險, 更別說這一切都發生在搖晃的游艇上。

Gearing up needs to be simplified Gearing up has always been a problem in scuba diving. Imagine putting on your dive fins with weights on your back, bending down with a tight suit, all this happening on a moving boat. Well, couldn’t all this be so much easier?

Diving is fun! Entering the world that is so different from ours where the force of gravity seems to vanish is a sensation of blissful freedom. Despite the evolution of 90 over decades, one aspect has never changed, our diving fins.


Product Concept 透過針對結構的改進改變穿脫蛙鞋的方式,希望可透過減少使用者彎下腰 穿脫蛙鞋而受傷的風險。


This project aims to change the way of donning and doffing off scuba fins in order to decrease the risk of users hurting their back.

Product Design

使 用方 式 User Flow

穿上蛙鞋 (岸上)

Donning on your fins (On land)

1. 將蛙鞋放在平面上,並把後踵護片拉開。 Place your scuba fins on a flat surface and stretch the mouth of the fins.

2. 把腳穿進蛙鞋後,後踵護片順勢踩下。 Place your feet into the fins and step onto the ground firmly.

3. 蛙鞋尾部的橡膠蛙鞋帶會因之前腳後跟踩下


The back of the fins will eventually fling back to your ankle, your fins are now firmly fit to your feet.

調整蛙鞋葉片 (海裡)

Adjusting your fins blades (In water)

4. 用手把蛙鞋葉片拉開以調整蛙鞋葉片的長度。 Pull the fin blades to your preferred length with your hands.

5. 使用完畢後,再用手把蛙鞋葉片收回。 Push back the fins blades with your hands after using to walk on the shore.

脫下蛙鞋 (岸上) Doffing your fins (On land)

6. 平整站好,以免失去平衡而跌傷。 Stand firmly on the ground, just in case of injuries.

7. 用另一隻腳或手拉下後踵護片,並把鞋口拉

開,即可脫下蛙鞋。 Push down the back of your fins by using your hands or your toes of the other legs to stretch the mouth of the fins, then take off your fins.


AmvatiX-9 伸縮式潛水蛙鞋


Structure & Features




蛙鞋后踵护片设计,让使用者可以轻易的穿脱蛙鞋,尽 量减少使用者弯下腰穿脱蛙鞋的动作,避免伤害腰部。 使用者可以把滑轨退下后并穿脱蛙鞋。

透过客制化的设计,可依据自己的喜好调整蛙鞋带的松 紧度,增加穿着蛙鞋的舒适度。同时,使用者还可在左 右两侧上套上不同的设定的规格模组,让蛙鞋带的松紧 度更弹性化。

伸缩滑轨结构可以帮助使用者依据自己所需要的推动力 调整蛙鞋叶片的长度。同时,在未需要时可以把蛙鞋叶 片缩小,方便使用者在陆地上行走。

Counterpart Rail Design

Customized Fin Lock Design

To help users to don and doff their fins better, rail structures are added at the back of the fins. This design is able to avoid users from bending their back for their fins, decreasing the risk of hurting their back.

Sliding Rail Structure Design

Users are able to adjust exactly how tight users prefer by placing into different sections, from loose at the first section or tight by moving it further forward. Users are also able to customise different settings on each side of their fins.

產 品色 彩 與 材 料應用


Color, Material, Finishing


Pantone 656U Pantone 3265U


Pantone 574U Pantone 430U


Pantone Black 3U

Carbon fibre



Sliding rail structure design allows user to customise the length of their fin blades according to their ideal water propulsion rate. When not in use, just simply shorten the fin blades to allow walking on land.




Plastic (Textured)

Product Design

草 模與 模 型 製 作

Prototypes & Model Making


User Scenarios


Stay fit, stay fun, stay wet!


Product Design


迷你咖啡機 一款專為註重自己生活風格的單身人士設計的飛利浦咖啡研磨機。不 同與一般傳統的笨重的研磨機,同時也足夠單身人士的分量。這旨在 通過研究和瞭解品牌的背景,把品牌的設計語言或語義應用在新開發 的產品里。 A Philips coffee grinder designed for single aficionado, which live in their preferred lifestyle. Unlike the traditional grinders which has a bulky form and also a redundant portion for a single user. This project aims to apply design languages of the specific brand and by studying and understanding the brand’s background, propose with a new product.

年份 Year

January, 2017








Product Category Material



Branding, Product design Lifestyle Home Appliances Ceramic, Plastic, Glass, Stainless Steel 90 * 90 * 250mm


Philips Bitpresso 迷你咖啡機



單 身咖 啡 愛 好 者

Single Coffee Aficionados

我很享受單身的感覺,對我 而言單身是一種很好生活狀 態。因為沒有夜生活,早上 可以早起,到家裡附近的公 園散步,再回家好好泡一杯 咖啡開始我的一天。 Being single is a good way to live. Hence, I really enjoy the feeling of being single. I get up early in the morning for a walk in the park near my place every day. And go back home for a cup of fresh coffee to kick-start my day.

龐大笨重的咖啡機 通過研究飛利浦的系列產品發現該品牌雖然推出了一 系列的咖啡機器產品,然而對於單身外宿的使用者來 說,他們因為住宿空間不夠與而不需如此龐大笨重的 機器,造成他們每日需要多話費額外開銷到外面購買 咖啡,一開始他們效率的一天。

Big and bulky machines By studying Philips’s series of products, it is no doubt that the brand has launched a plethora of coffee series machine products. However, it is found that most of the machines are bulky and non-portable. Big machines are redundant and expensive to single users due to limited home space, leading them to spend more expenses on buying their daily coffee, to kick-start their productive day.


Product Concept Bitpresso

是一款小型,輕便便攜式的咖啡機。用戶可琢磨自 己所喜好咖啡豆/烤的種類,讓使用者擁有更多的嘗試新口 味的機會。同時,研磨自己的咖啡豆可以讓使用者斟酌自 己喜好的粗度,從而獲得優質的濃縮咖啡。


Bitpresso is designed to be a small, light and portable coffee machine for single users; meanwhile, users may use varieties of coffee bean or roast, which gives users more flexibility in trying new flavours. Grinding your own beans gives users more control over their coffee preparation, resulting in a quality espresso shot that please even the most sophisticated coffee aficionado.

Product Design

使用者分析 Target Audience Analysis “ 新鮮咖啡的香味是如此偉

大的發明啊! Scent of fresh-made coffee, what a great invention! ”

黃逸銘, 29 歲,上班族,單身 Yi-Ming, 29 y/o, Office Worker, Single

我享受每天早起,泡杯自己喜歡的咖啡再到公園散步, 散步後再回家準備上班。這種生活步調是我一天里感到 最悠哉的時間。可惜家裡住宿空間不足而不能擁有自己 的一臺咖啡機,因此需要花費額外開銷每天購買咖啡。

I enjoy waking up early and having a cup of pleasant coffee as a start of my day. This pace of life is the only leisure time of my day. Unfortunately, there is not enough space to have my own coffee machine. Hence, I could only afford to buy myself a coffee; in results, increasing my daily expenses.


User Manual

1. 確認 Bitpresso 已裝有自己喜好的咖啡豆。 Make sure Bitpresso is filled with your preferred coffee beans.

2. 選擇自己喜好咖啡豆的粗度。 Choose your preferred coarse of coffee grinds.

4. 扭轉 Bitpresso 底下的轉伐並把機器放在杯子或保溫瓶里, 5. 按下發亮的紅色按鈕以讓 Bitpresso 開始運作,咖啡即會


Twist the opening at the bottom of the machine and place the machine on your cup or flask. And Bitpresso will be ready to prepare your espresso.


Press the red lighted button in order to allow Bitpresso to start making your coffee. The espresso shot will drip from the bottom of the machine.

3. 以啟動 Bitpresso,按下打開按鈕,紅燈將會亮起。 Push the on button, and the red light will be switched on. Wait for the machine to start.

6. Bitpresso 用後需充電,簡單的把機器放在無線充電裝置


Bitpresso needs to be charge after use. Just simply place the machine on the wireless charging port provided. 76

Philips Bitpresso 迷你咖啡機


Sketches & Prototypes


Product Design

使 用 者情 境

User Scenarios

簡單咖啡,咖啡簡 單 。 Ease with coffee, coffee with ease.


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