PLease, Do Disturb // a Catalog of works by nigel sielegar // 06.08
Ple ase Do Disturb
I would like to dedicate this book to all the people with whom I’ve been fortunate enough to have a chance to work. It’s for all of you who have been helping me though all the tough times and many late nights. I highly appreciate your support and care, but more importantly your friendship. This book is for all of you.
PLease, Do Disturb // a Catalog of works by nigel sielegar // 06.08
I was about to ask someone to write some thing nice here, but inste ad you ge t a be autiful shot of my workspace.
Measuring my interaction with others I measured how much time I spend interacting with others based on four random days of the week. To ensure that I got honest data, I recorded those four days without anyone knowing. Analysis is drawn based on data gathered and averaged to the duration of a week.
Hr. 0
05:11 - 37:12 I.M.
Direct Indirect
Thursday January 31 2008
Location 44:08 - 47:10 I.M.
3 6 : 4 5 - 4 6 : 4 9 C o n v.
0 6 : 1 5 - 0 7 : 0 8 C o n v. PM
2 5 : 1 8 - 5 2 : 1 7 C o n v.
1 6 : 3 6 - 1 6 : 3 8 C o n v. 2 0 : 1 2 - 3 9 : 4 5 C o n v.
1 5 : 4 2 - 1 7 : 2 2 C o n v.
4 0 : 1 5 - 0 2 : 2 0 C o n v. 15:09 - 15:23 I.M.
1 0 : 3 7 - 1 2 : 4 2 C o n v.
3 : 1 5 - 2 4 : 1 3 Lecture
5 4 : 1 3 - 5 8 : 4 3 C o n v. 0 3 : 1 0 - 0 3 : 1 4 C o n v.
3 0 : 1 5 - 3 1 : 0 2 C o n v.
25:36 - 25
3 4 : 4 5 - 3 4 : 4 9 C o n v. 1 4 : 1 2 - 1 4 : 5 2 C o n v.
4 8 : 1 0 - 4 8 : 1 2 C o n v.
Direct Indirect Studio
00:00 - 01:18 I.M. 00:36 - 25:22 I.M.
Stre et & Subway
Stre et & Subway
Mu c c a D e s i g n
Stre et & Subway
First of all, know me personally.
Direct Indirect
Sunday February 03 2008
05:37 - 35:09 I.M.
00:36 - 25:22 E-mail 11:56 - 20:20 I.M.
34:28 - 51:26 I.M.
49:03 - 30:50 I.M. 03:41 - 41:31 I.M.
49:24 - 09:36 I.M. 06:27 - 38:5
Direct Indirect Location
Stre et & Subway
Ap a r t m e n t
37:21 - 14:27 I.M.
Direct Indirect
Wednesday February 06 2008
Location 0 4 : 3 1 - 1 6 : 0 7 C o n v. 0 7 : 4 4 - 3 7 : 1 9 C o n v. 4 8 : 2 9 - 4 8 : 3 2 C o n v. 4 9 : 4 2 - 5 8 : 3 7 C o n v.
45:05 - 00:49 I.M.
3 8 : 2 7 - 5 5 : 5 0 C o n v.
2 0 : 1 4 - 2 1 : 5 5 C o n v.
41:02 - 43:39 I.M. 4 9 : 2 4 - 5 4 : 3 3 C o n v.
5 9 : 0 2 - 0 7 : 2 4 C o n v.
2 1 : 1 9 - 2 1 : 3 1 C o n v. 2 9 : 3 1 - 3 4 : 3 6 C o n v.
5 3 : 4 9 - 5 5 : 2 8 C o n v.
0 9 : 2 2 - 1 6 : 0 6 C o n v. 3 0 : 0 1 - 3 4 : 4 4 C o n v.
44:12 - 47:32 Co
Stre et & Subway
S u n r i s e Ma r t , A s t
Direct Indirect Location
Stre et & Subway
Ap a r t m e n t
00:00 - 27:24 I.M.
Direct Indirect
Saturday February 09 2008
Location 3 4 : 0 2 - 5 4 : 4 0 C o n v.
2 8 : 2 9 - 5 1 : 1 1 C o n v.
3 6 : 0 1 - 4 0 : 3 7 C o n v.
3 3 : 4 2 - 3 3 : 5 5 C o n v. 5 4 : 4 9 - 0 2 : 1 2 C o n v.
5 9 : 4 0 - 0 2 : 3 3 C o n v. 0 9 : 5 5 - 1 0 : 2 9 C o n v. 1 5 : 3 0 - 1 8 : 0 2 C o n v.
1 0 : 0 9 - 2 0 : 3 8 C o n v. 2 7 : 1 9 - 2 7 : 2 2 C o n v.
05:43 - 47:52 I.M.
Direct Indirect Location
Hr. 0
Stre et & Subway
Ap a r t m e n t
ANALYSIS Comparison of interaction based on medium
Comparison of good neutral and bad interaction
Comparison of Interaction, sleep, and being alone
Alone 48.57%
Comparison of average interaction for one day during weekend and weekdays
Weekdays 5:39:48
Interaction that leaves me with a positive feeling Interaction that leaves me with no feeling Interaction that leaves me with a negative feeling
3 1 : 3 0 - 3 1 : 4 0 C o n v. 36:47 - 37:46 I.M.
1 6 : 4 3 - 1 7 : 0 5 C o n v.
4 4 : 1 0 - 4 8 : 0 3 C o n v. 51:18 - 51:42 I.M.
58:08 - 59:19 E-mail
1 8 : 0 3 - 2 5 : 0 8 C o n v. 2 6 : 5 8 - 1 2 : 0 2 C o n v.
2 7 : 1 2 - 2 7 : 1 4 Conv
Stre et & Subway
Ap a r t m e n t 5 5 : 4 6 - 5 5 : 4 8 C o n v.
5:58 Class
2 8 : 2 4 - 2 8 : 4 9 C o n v.
0 7 : 2 8 - 0 8 : 2 6 C o n v.
02:19 - 15:03 Class 25:06 - 45:42 Class
4 4 : 1 0 - 4 9 : 0 5 C o n v. 4 0 : 0 2 - 4 5 : 1 3 C o n v. 0 9 : 4 4 - 1 4 : 3 2 C o n v. 2 0 : 3 4 - 2 0 : 5 2 C o n v. 4 2 : 3 0 - 1 2 : 4 2 C o n v.
4 1 : 1 6 - 4 2 : 2 9 C o n v.
1 3 : 1 4 - 1 3 : 3 5 C o n v.
1 6 : 3 2 - 1 6 : 3 5 C o n v. 3 1 : 2 4 - 3 5 : 3 2 C o n v.
Stre et & Subway
3 7 : 1 5 - 3 7 : 4 2 C o n v.
4 5 : 3 6 - 4 5 : 4 8 C o n v.
4 1 : 2 6 - 5 0 : 0 2 C o n v.
0 5 : 1 6 - 0 6 : 5 8 I . M . 3 1 : 2 2 - 3 2 : 0 5 C o n v. 0 7 : 0 3 - 2 2 : 3 1 C o n v.
0 7 : 2 9 - 0 7 : 5 6 C o n v.
D e i t c h p r o j e c t S o Ho
2 4 : 4 2 - 3 0 : 4 4 C o n v.
Stre et & Subway
S t r e e t & S u b w a y3 4 S t r e e t
5 4 : 0 2 - 5 5 : 1 9 C o n v.
Stre et & Subway
Ap a r t m e n t
11:32 - 15:09 I.M. 32:41 - 44:52 I.M.
1 7 : 0 3 - 1 7 : 3 2 C o n v.
Ap a r t m e n t
52 I.M.
00:03 - 42:38 I.M.
40:28 - 52:35 Phone
Stre et & Subway
57:55 - 59:01 I.M. 11:49 - 18:29 I.M.
Ap a r t m e n t
27:14 - 30:08 E-mail.
41:44 - 59:05 E-mail. 56:38 - 07:19 E-mail.
Ap a r t m e n t
5 4 : 1 2 - 5 4 : 3 4 C o n v.
o n v.
07:15 - 09:24 E-mail.
57:30 - 03:20 I.M.
4 5 : 2 9 - 4 6 : 3 2 C o n v.
Stre et & Subway
or Place
21:44 - 22:01 Phone. 34:04 - 12:50 I.M. 52:19 - 58:01 I.M. 12:17 - 21:13 I.M.
Ap a r t m e n t
52:22 - 01:04 I.M. 54:45 - 44:32 I.M.
41:32 - 44:21 I.M.
Ap a r t m e n t 3 4 : 5 1 - 4 9 : 2 2 C o n v. 5 5 : 0 7 - 5 5 : 4 1 C o n v. 0 2 : 2 4 - 0 3 : 5 5 C o n v. 0 8 : 2 0 - 1 2 : 0 4 C o n v.
5 1 : 4 3 - 5 3 : 2 7 C o n v.
32:03 - 35:42 I.M.
51:04 - 00:00 I.M.
Stre et & Subway
Ap a r t m e n t
E-mail 4.60% Conv. 49.59%
Neutral 48.48%
I.M. 40.60%
Good 47.72%
Interaction 23.72%
Weekends 5:45:52
Phone 6.32%
Bad 2.69%
Sleep 27.71%
EDUCATION SCHOOL OF VISUAL ARTS New York May 2009 Master of Fine Arts in Design THE ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF ART December 2005 Bachelor of Fine Arts in Visual Communications
Then, know me professionally.
TDC Type Directors Club January 2008 - Present AIGA American Institute of Graphic Art July 2004 - Present PROJECT PHILANTHROPY January 2004 - June 2007
Skills Mac and PC platform Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, QuarkXPress, ImageReady, Director, Flash, After Effects Photography, Book Making, Silk Screen Printing
awards and recognitions
FREELANCE DESIGNER August 2005 - Present Designed Identity systems, branding, website, packaging, promotional items, and product developments for various clients
CERTIFICATE OF TYPOGRAPHIC EXCELLENCE New York January 2009 awarded by the Type Directors Club for the business card designed for Sergii Boguslavskyi
Alfalfa Studio New York August 2008 - November 2008 Designer Designed identities, stationary, motion graphic video, catalog, and promotional materials for various clients MOTOROLA February 2006 - June 2006, August 2006 - January 2007 Media Designer Designed icons, navigation system, and user interfaces for Motorola future products Chicago
GAMS COMMUNICATION Chicago June 2006 - August 2006 Designer Designed collateral, marketing materials, advertisements and websites FIREBELLY DESIGN Chicago February 2005 - August 2005 Graphic Design Intern Designed corporate identities, collateral and marketing materials and websites PROJECT PHILANTHROPY Chicago March 2004 - June 2006 Voluntarily Works Designed identity systems, promotional materials, and websites for the following non-profit organizations: Threshold Rehabilitation Industries Leslie’s Place Mary Crane Center Open Heart Magic Wisdom Bridge THE ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF ART Chicago March 2004 - June 2004 Student Design Coordinator Conceptualized and designed posters, newsletters, mailers, advertisements and menus CHICAGO HOUSE Chicago January 2004 Designer Conceptualized and designed a commemorative book
Adobe design achievement awards June 2008 Semi finalist
New York
ICFF EDITORS AWARDS New York May 2008 Awarded by ICFF for a collaboration work with Kevin O’Callaghan, designing a booth for SVA MODEL CITIZEN New York May 2008 A show and exhibition on fashion products with political twist NBC THE TODAY SHOW New York March 2008 Installation for NBC Earth Day program - a collaboration with Kevin O’Callaghan Aired on NBC’s ‘The Today Show’ for 5 consecutive days CERTIFICATE OF TYPOGRAPHIC EXCELLENCE New York January 2008 Awarded by the Type Directors Club for typographic video of Jamie Cullum ‘Twenty Something’ NEWBERRY LIBRARY Chicago July 2006 ‘Printers Square’ booklets designed for Firebelly Design. was catalogued as part of John M. Wing Foundation as permanent collection on the history of printing THE ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF ART Chicago In the Honor Lists for 3 consecutive years AUSTRALIAN EMBASSY Indonesia August 2002 2nd place in Book Cover Design Competition HEXOS Indonesia January 2002 1st place in Logo Design Competition
You might have seen my works in these blo gs and T V shows
all between 2006 and 2008
Work >> 2006
2006: Quantum Group // 50,000 feet // Logo for a printing company in Morton Grove, Illinois employing the concept of print rollers arranged to form their initial. // Sergii Boguslavskyi Business Card // Sergii Boguslavskyi // Business card for a 3D artist designed to be folded into a 3D cube with fluorescent orange printed on the inside. His initials “S” and “B” appear when the card is folded into a cube and turn into abstract geometric shapes when flattened. // Honey Rose Lets go camping // Honey Rose Foundation // A flyer for Honey Rose Foundation’s camping program for teenagers using graffiti paint splash to draw their Honey Rose mascot. // Adam Musa Business Card // Adam Musa // A business card for a software engineer in Canada. Software engineers write codes and let the computer translate them into an understandable language. The card works in a similar fashion; the front cover of the business card has his name written in numbers and the real information lies on the inside panels. // Alexander West Branding // Alexander West // Branding work for Alexander West, a high-end custom shirt maker in New York, that revolves around the idea of craftsmanship and shirt-making process. The promotional giveaways for Alexander West follow the same theme and feature items used in shirt-making process, such as measuring tapes and collar stays. // Grow From the Heart // Self Initiated // I was bothered by how a lot of textile companies shifted their production to China, where the work eventually gets passed off to the hands of underaged children, robbing them of a good childhood. This shirt was selected and produced by Unitee. // FEC // Fullerton Engineering Company // Business card with alternate back side for FEC, an engineering company specializing in building communication towers. // Tambah Rejo // UD. Tambah Rejo // Branding and experimental rice packaging for a store in Indonesia. // Wunderbloc // Wunderbloc New York // A promotional postcard and a series of 3 dimensional maps that represent the different neighborhoods in New York. // Borneo // Borneo Flooring Company // Logo and stationery set for a hardwood flooring company that imported exotic hardwood. // Ivan – Feiliana engagement card // Ivan Sielegar and Feiliana Sia // Engagement card for my older brother, who loves chocolate but hate strawberries, and h¬is fiancée, who loves strawberries but hates chocolate. The chocolate-dipped strawberry becomes a symbol of celebration that combines bitter and sweet on a much more personal level. // Motorola design language 2007 // Motorola // A set of icons for upcoming Motorola phones including main icons, list icons, applications, and status icons. I also designed Motowhere icons and arrows for their turn-by-turn direction, AT&T icons, and Iconography for the next generation of Motorola phones. // T!nka identity // T!nka Jewelry // The brief from T!nka sounded like this: “Please design me a logo, a business card and a packaging for my jewelry collection. Please do whatever you want, but try to be as cost-effective as possible”. Organic graphics using the silhouettes of their jewelry becomes their brand identity and helps them save on production costs. The business card is designed to function as both a business card and as packaging. // YES Vodka // Gams Communication // An invitation for YES Vodka product launch party, which was held in 2006 at Y-bar Chicago. The event details are hidden behind the semi-transparent red vellum. // Surtex // Bridgewater Design // Patterns designed to be licensed for wallpapers, wrapping papers, and textiles. //
2006: Quantum Group // 50,000 feet // Logo for a printing company in Morton Grove, Illinois employing the concept of print rollers arranged to form their initial. // Sergii Boguslavskyi Business Card // Sergii Boguslavskyi // Business card for a 3D artist designed to be folded into a 3D cube with fluorescent orange printed on the inside. His initials “S” and “B” appear when the card is folded into a cube and turn into abstract geometric shapes when flattened. // Honey Rose Lets go camping // Honey Rose Foundation // A flyer for Honey Rose Foundation’s camping program for teenagers using graffiti paint splash to draw their Honey Rose mascot. // Adam Musa Business Card // Adam Musa // A business card for a software engineer in Canada. Software engineers write codes and let the computer translate them into an understandable language. The card works in a similar fashion; the front cover of the business card has his name written in numbers and the real information lies on the inside panels. // Alexander West Branding // Alexander West // Branding work for Alexander West, a high-end custom shirt maker in New York, that revolves around the idea of craftsmanship and shirt-making process. The promotional giveaways for Alexander West follow the same theme and feature items used in shirt-making process, such as measuring tapes and collar stays. // Grow From the Heart // Self Initiated // I was bothered by how a lot of textile companies shifted their production to China, where the work eventually gets passed off to the hands of underaged children, robbing them of a good childhood. This shirt was selected and produced by Unitee. // FEC // Fullerton Engineering Company // Business card with alternate back side for FEC, an engineering company specializing in building communication towers. // Tambah Rejo // UD. Tambah Rejo // Branding and experimental rice packaging for a store in Indonesia. // Wunderbloc // Wunderbloc New York // A promotional postcard and a series of 3 dimensional maps that represent the different neighborhoods in New York. // Borneo // Borneo Flooring Company // Logo and stationery set for a hardwood flooring company that imported exotic hardwood. // Ivan – Feiliana engagement card // Ivan Sielegar and Feiliana Sia // Engagement card for my older brother, who loves chocolate but hate strawberries, and h¬is fiancée, who loves strawberries but hates chocolate. The chocolate-dipped strawberry becomes a symbol of celebration that combines bitter and sweet on a much more personal level. // Motorola design language 2007 // Motorola // A set of icons for upcoming Motorola phones including main icons, list icons, applications, and status icons. I also designed Motowhere icons and arrows for their turn-by-turn direction, AT&T icons, and Iconography for the next generation of Motorola phones. // T!nka identity // T!nka Jewelry // The brief from T!nka sounded like this: “Please design me a logo, a business card and a packaging for my jewelry collection. Please do whatever you want, but try to be as cost-effective as possible”. Organic graphics using the silhouettes of their jewelry becomes their brand identity and helps them save on production costs. The business card is designed to function as both a business card and as packaging. // YES Vodka // Gams Communication // An invitation for YES Vodka product launch party, which was held in 2006 at Y-bar Chicago. The event details are hidden behind the semi-transparent red vellum. // Surtex // Bridgewater Design // Patterns designed to be licensed for wallpapers, wrapping papers, and textiles. //
2006: Quantum Group // 50,000 feet // Logo for a printing company in Morton Grove, Illinois employing the concept of print rollers arranged to form their initial. // Sergii Boguslavskyi Business Card // Sergii Boguslavskyi // Business card for a 3D artist designed to be folded into a 3D cube with fluorescent orange printed on the inside. His initials “S” and “B” appear when the card is folded into a cube and turn into abstract geometric shapes when flattened. // Honey Rose Lets go camping // Honey Rose Foundation // A flyer for Honey Rose Foundation’s camping program for teenagers using graffiti paint splash to draw their Honey Rose mascot. // Adam Musa Business Card // Adam Musa // A business card for a software engineer in Canada. Software engineers write codes and let the computer translate them into an understandable language. The card works in a similar fashion; the front cover of the business card has his name written in numbers and the real information lies on the inside panels. // Alexander West Branding // Alexander West // Branding work for Alexander West, a high-end custom shirt maker in New York, that revolves around the idea of craftsmanship and shirt-making process. The promotional giveaways for Alexander West follow the same theme and feature items used in shirt-making process, such as measuring tapes and collar stays. // Grow From the Heart // Self Initiated // I was bothered by how a lot of textile companies shifted their production to China, where the work eventually gets passed off to the hands of underaged children, robbing them of a good childhood. This shirt was selected and produced by Unitee. // FEC // Fullerton Engineering Company // Business card with alternate back side for FEC, an engineering company specializing in building communication towers. // Tambah Rejo // UD. Tambah Rejo // Branding and experimental rice packaging for a store in Indonesia. // Wunderbloc // Wunderbloc New York // A promotional postcard and a series of 3 dimensional maps that represent the different neighborhoods in New York. // Borneo // Borneo Flooring Company // Logo and stationery set for a hardwood flooring company that imported exotic hardwood. // Ivan – Feiliana engagement card // Ivan Sielegar and Feiliana Sia // Engagement card for my older brother, who loves chocolate but hate strawberries, and h¬is fiancée, who loves strawberries but hates chocolate. The chocolate-dipped strawberry becomes a symbol of celebration that combines bitter and sweet on a much more personal level. // Motorola design language 2007 // Motorola // A set of icons for upcoming Motorola phones including main icons, list icons, applications, and status icons. I also designed Motowhere icons and arrows for their turn-by-turn direction, AT&T icons, and Iconography for the next generation of Motorola phones. // T!nka identity // T!nka Jewelry // The brief from T!nka sounded like this: “Please design me a logo, a business card and a packaging for my jewelry collection. Please do whatever you want, but try to be as cost-effective as possible”. Organic graphics using the silhouettes of their jewelry becomes their brand identity and helps them save on production costs. The business card is designed to function as both a business card and as packaging. // YES Vodka // Gams Communication // An invitation for YES Vodka product launch party, which was held in 2006 at Y-bar Chicago. The event details are hidden behind the semi-transparent red vellum. // Surtex // Bridgewater Design // Patterns designed to be licensed for wallpapers, wrapping papers, and textiles. //
2006: Quantum Group // 50,000 feet // Logo for a printing company in Morton Grove, Illinois employing the concept of print rollers arranged to form their initial. // Sergii Boguslavskyi Business Card // Sergii Boguslavskyi // Business card for a 3D artist designed to be folded into a 3D cube with fluorescent orange printed on the inside. His initials “S” and “B” appear when the card is folded into a cube and turn into abstract geometric shapes when flattened. // Honey Rose Lets go camping // Honey Rose Foundation // A flyer for Honey Rose Foundation’s camping program for teenagers using graffiti paint splash to draw their Honey Rose mascot. // Adam Musa Business Card // Adam Musa // A business card for a software engineer in Canada. Software engineers write codes and let the computer translate them into an understandable language. The card works in a similar fashion; the front cover of the business card has his name written in numbers and the real information lies on the inside panels. // Alexander West Branding // Alexander West // Branding work for Alexander West, a high-end custom shirt maker in New York, that revolves around the idea of craftsmanship and shirt-making process. The promotional giveaways for Alexander West follow the same theme and feature items used in shirt-making process, such as measuring tapes and collar stays. // Grow From the Heart // Self Initiated // I was bothered by how a lot of textile companies shifted their production to China, where the work eventually gets passed off to the hands of underaged children, robbing them of a good childhood. This shirt was selected and produced by Unitee. // FEC // Fullerton Engineering Company // Business card with alternate back side for FEC, an engineering company specializing in building communication towers. // Tambah Rejo // UD. Tambah Rejo // Branding and experimental rice packaging for a store in Indonesia. // Wunderbloc // Wunderbloc New York // A promotional postcard and a series of 3 dimensional maps that represent the different neighborhoods in New York. // Borneo // Borneo Flooring Company // Logo and stationery set for a hardwood flooring company that imported exotic hardwood. // Ivan – Feiliana engagement card // Ivan Sielegar and Feiliana Sia // Engagement card for my older brother, who loves chocolate but hate strawberries, and h¬is fiancée, who loves strawberries but hates chocolate. The chocolate-dipped strawberry becomes a symbol of celebration that combines bitter and sweet on a much more personal level. // Motorola design language 2007 // Motorola // A set of icons for upcoming Motorola phones including main icons, list icons, applications, and status icons. I also designed Motowhere icons and arrows for their turn-by-turn direction, AT&T icons, and Iconography for the next generation of Motorola phones. // T!nka identity // T!nka Jewelry // The brief from T!nka sounded like this: “Please design me a logo, a business card and a packaging for my jewelry collection. Please do whatever you want, but try to be as cost-effective as possible”. Organic graphics using the silhouettes of their jewelry becomes their brand identity and helps them save on production costs. The business card is designed to function as both a business card and as packaging. // YES Vodka // Gams Communication // An invitation for YES Vodka product launch party, which was held in 2006 at Y-bar Chicago. The event details are hidden behind the semi-transparent red vellum. // Surtex // Bridgewater Design // Patterns designed to be licensed for wallpapers, wrapping papers, and textiles. //
2006: Quantum Group // 50,000 feet // Logo for a printing company in Morton Grove, Illinois employing the concept of print rollers arranged to form their initial. // Sergii Boguslavskyi Business Card // Sergii Boguslavskyi // Business card for a 3D artist designed to be folded into a 3D cube with fluorescent orange printed on the inside. His initials “S” and “B” appear when the card is folded into a cube and turn into abstract geometric shapes when flattened. // Honey Rose Lets go camping // Honey Rose Foundation // A flyer for Honey Rose Foundation’s camping program for teenagers using graffiti paint splash to draw their Honey Rose mascot. // Adam Musa Business Card // Adam Musa // A business card for a software engineer in Canada. Software engineers write codes and let the computer translate them into an understandable language. The card works in a similar fashion; the front cover of the business card has his name written in numbers and the real information lies on the inside panels. // Alexander West Branding // Alexander West // Branding work for Alexander West, a high-end custom shirt maker in New York, that revolves around the idea of craftsmanship and shirt-making process. The promotional giveaways for Alexander West follow the same theme and feature items used in shirt-making process, such as measuring tapes and collar stays. // Grow From the Heart // Self Initiated // I was bothered by how a lot of textile companies shifted their production to China, where the work eventually gets passed off to the hands of underaged children, robbing them of a good childhood. This shirt was selected and produced by Unitee. // FEC // Fullerton Engineering Company // Business card with alternate back side for FEC, an engineering company specializing in building communication towers. // Tambah Rejo // UD. Tambah Rejo // Branding and experimental rice packaging for a store in Indonesia. // Wunderbloc // Wunderbloc New York // A promotional postcard and a series of 3 dimensional maps that represent the different neighborhoods in New York. // Borneo // Borneo Flooring Company // Logo and stationery set for a hardwood flooring company that imported exotic hardwood. // Ivan – Feiliana engagement card // Ivan Sielegar and Feiliana Sia // Engagement card for my older brother, who loves chocolate but hate strawberries, and h¬is fiancée, who loves strawberries but hates chocolate. The chocolate-dipped strawberry becomes a symbol of celebration that combines bitter and sweet on a much more personal level. // Motorola design language 2007 // Motorola // A set of icons for upcoming Motorola phones including main icons, list icons, applications, and status icons. I also designed Motowhere icons and arrows for their turn-by-turn direction, AT&T icons, and Iconography for the next generation of Motorola phones. // T!nka identity // T!nka Jewelry // The brief from T!nka sounded like this: “Please design me a logo, a business card and a packaging for my jewelry collection. Please do whatever you want, but try to be as cost-effective as possible”. Organic graphics using the silhouettes of their jewelry becomes their brand identity and helps them save on production costs. The business card is designed to function as both a business card and as packaging. // YES Vodka // Gams Communication // An invitation for YES Vodka product launch party, which was held in 2006 at Y-bar Chicago. The event details are hidden behind the semi-transparent red vellum. // Surtex // Bridgewater Design // Patterns designed to be licensed for wallpapers, wrapping papers, and textiles. //
2006: Quantum Group // 50,000 feet // Logo for a printing company in Morton Grove, Illinois employing the concept of print rollers arranged to form their initial. // Sergii Boguslavskyi Business Card // Sergii Boguslavskyi // Business card for a 3D artist designed to be folded into a 3D cube with fluorescent orange printed on the inside. His initials “S” and “B” appear when the card is folded into a cube and turn into abstract geometric shapes when flattened. // Honey Rose Lets go camping // Honey Rose Foundation // A flyer for Honey Rose Foundation’s camping program for teenagers using graffiti paint splash to draw their Honey Rose mascot. // Adam Musa Business Card // Adam Musa // A business card for a software engineer in Canada. Software engineers write codes and let the computer translate them into an understandable language. The card works in a similar fashion; the front cover of the business card has his name written in numbers and the real information lies on the inside panels. // Alexander West Branding // Alexander West // Branding work for Alexander West, a high-end custom shirt maker in New York, that revolves around the idea of craftsmanship and shirt-making process. The promotional giveaways for Alexander West follow the same theme and feature items used in shirt-making process, such as measuring tapes and collar stays. // Grow From the Heart // Self Initiated // I was bothered by how a lot of textile companies shifted their production to China, where the work eventually gets passed off to the hands of underaged children, robbing them of a good childhood. This shirt was selected and produced by Unitee. // FEC // Fullerton Engineering Company // Business card with alternate back side for FEC, an engineering company specializing in building communication towers. // Tambah Rejo // UD. Tambah Rejo // Branding and experimental rice packaging for a store in Indonesia. // Wunderbloc // Wunderbloc New York // A promotional postcard and a series of 3 dimensional maps that represent the different neighborhoods in New York. // Borneo // Borneo Flooring Company // Logo and stationery set for a hardwood flooring company that imported exotic hardwood. // Ivan – Feiliana engagement card // Ivan Sielegar and Feiliana Sia // Engagement card for my older brother, who loves chocolate but hate strawberries, and h¬is fiancée, who loves strawberries but hates chocolate. The chocolate-dipped strawberry becomes a symbol of celebration that combines bitter and sweet on a much more personal level. // Motorola design language 2007 // Motorola // A set of icons for upcoming Motorola phones including main icons, list icons, applications, and status icons. I also designed Motowhere icons and arrows for their turn-by-turn direction, AT&T icons, and Iconography for the next generation of Motorola phones. // T!nka identity // T!nka Jewelry // The brief from T!nka sounded like this: “Please design me a logo, a business card and a packaging for my jewelry collection. Please do whatever you want, but try to be as cost-effective as possible”. Organic graphics using the silhouettes of their jewelry becomes their brand identity and helps them save on production costs. The business card is designed to function as both a business card and as packaging. // YES Vodka // Gams Communication // An invitation for YES Vodka product launch party, which was held in 2006 at Y-bar Chicago. The event details are hidden behind the semi-transparent red vellum. // Surtex // Bridgewater Design // Patterns designed to be licensed for wallpapers, wrapping papers, and textiles. //
2006: Quantum Group // 50,000 feet // Logo for a printing company in Morton Grove, Illinois employing the concept of print rollers arranged to form their initial. // Sergii Boguslavskyi Business Card // Sergii Boguslavskyi // Business card for a 3D artist designed to be folded into a 3D cube with fluorescent orange printed on the inside. His initials “S” and “B” appear when the card is folded into a cube and turn into abstract geometric shapes when flattened. // Honey Rose Lets go camping // Honey Rose Foundation // A flyer for Honey Rose Foundation’s camping program for teenagers using graffiti paint splash to draw their Honey Rose mascot. // Adam Musa Business Card // Adam Musa // A business card for a software engineer in Canada. Software engineers write codes and let the computer translate them into an understandable language. The card works in a similar fashion; the front cover of the business card has his name written in numbers and the real information lies on the inside panels. // Alexander West Branding // Alexander West // Branding work for Alexander West, a high-end custom shirt maker in New York, that revolves around the idea of craftsmanship and shirt-making process. The promotional giveaways for Alexander West follow the same theme and feature items used in shirt-making process, such as measuring tapes and collar stays. // Grow From the Heart // Self Initiated // I was bothered by how a lot of textile companies shifted their production to China, where the work eventually gets passed off to the hands of underaged children, robbing them of a good childhood. This shirt was selected and produced by Unitee. // FEC // Fullerton Engineering Company // Business card with alternate back side for FEC, an engineering company specializing in building communication towers. // Tambah Rejo // UD. Tambah Rejo // Branding and experimental rice packaging for a store in Indonesia. // Wunderbloc // Wunderbloc New York // A promotional postcard and a series of 3 dimensional maps that represent the different neighborhoods in New York. // Borneo // Borneo Flooring Company // Logo and stationery set for a hardwood flooring company that imported exotic hardwood. // Ivan – Feiliana engagement card // Ivan Sielegar and Feiliana Sia // Engagement card for my older brother, who loves chocolate but hate strawberries, and h¬is fiancée, who loves strawberries but hates chocolate. The chocolate-dipped strawberry becomes a symbol of celebration that combines bitter and sweet on a much more personal level. // Motorola design language 2007 // Motorola // A set of icons for upcoming Motorola phones including main icons, list icons, applications, and status icons. I also designed Motowhere icons and arrows for their turn-by-turn direction, AT&T icons, and Iconography for the next generation of Motorola phones. // T!nka identity // T!nka Jewelry // The brief from T!nka sounded like this: “Please design me a logo, a business card and a packaging for my jewelry collection. Please do whatever you want, but try to be as cost-effective as possible”. Organic graphics using the silhouettes of their jewelry becomes their brand identity and helps them save on production costs. The business card is designed to function as both a business card and as packaging. // YES Vodka // Gams Communication // An invitation for YES Vodka product launch party, which was held in 2006 at Y-bar Chicago. The event details are hidden behind the semi-transparent red vellum. // Surtex // Bridgewater Design // Patterns designed to be licensed for wallpapers, wrapping papers, and textiles. //
2006: Quantum Group // 50,000 feet // Logo for a printing company in Morton Grove, Illinois employing the concept of print rollers arranged to form their initial. // Sergii Boguslavskyi Business Card // Sergii Boguslavskyi // Business card for a 3D artist designed to be folded into a 3D cube with fluorescent orange printed on the inside. His initials “S” and “B” appear when the card is folded into a cube and turn into abstract geometric shapes when flattened. // Honey Rose Lets go camping // Honey Rose Foundation // A flyer for Honey Rose Foundation’s camping program for teenagers using graffiti paint splash to draw their Honey Rose mascot. // Adam Musa Business Card // Adam Musa // A business card for a software engineer in Canada. Software engineers write codes and let the computer translate them into an understandable language. The card works in a similar fashion; the front cover of the business card has his name written in numbers and the real information lies on the inside panels. // Alexander West Branding // Alexander West // Branding work for Alexander West, a high-end custom shirt maker in New York, that revolves around the idea of craftsmanship and shirt-making process. The promotional giveaways for Alexander West follow the same theme and feature items used in shirt-making process, such as measuring tapes and collar stays. // Grow From the Heart // Self Initiated // I was bothered by how a lot of textile companies shifted their production to China, where the work eventually gets passed off to the hands of underaged children, robbing them of a good childhood. This shirt was selected and produced by Unitee. // FEC // Fullerton Engineering Company // Business card with alternate back side for FEC, an engineering company specializing in building communication towers. // Tambah Rejo // UD. Tambah Rejo // Branding and experimental rice packaging for a store in Indonesia. // Wunderbloc // Wunderbloc New York // A promotional postcard and a series of 3 dimensional maps that represent the different neighborhoods in New York. // Borneo // Borneo Flooring Company // Logo and stationery set for a hardwood flooring company that imported exotic hardwood. // Ivan – Feiliana engagement card // Ivan Sielegar and Feiliana Sia // Engagement card for my older brother, who loves chocolate but hate strawberries, and h¬is fiancée, who loves strawberries but hates chocolate. The chocolate-dipped strawberry becomes a symbol of celebration that combines bitter and sweet on a much more personal level. // Motorola design language 2007 // Motorola // A set of icons for upcoming Motorola phones including main icons, list icons, applications, and status icons. I also designed Motowhere icons and arrows for their turn-by-turn direction, AT&T icons, and Iconography for the next generation of Motorola phones. // T!nka identity // T!nka Jewelry // The brief from T!nka sounded like this: “Please design me a logo, a business card and a packaging for my jewelry collection. Please do whatever you want, but try to be as cost-effective as possible”. Organic graphics using the silhouettes of their jewelry becomes their brand identity and helps them save on production costs. The business card is designed to function as both a business card and as packaging. // YES Vodka // Gams Communication // An invitation for YES Vodka product launch party, which was held in 2006 at Y-bar Chicago. The event details are hidden behind the semi-transparent red vellum. // Surtex // Bridgewater Design // Patterns designed to be licensed for wallpapers, wrapping papers, and textiles. //
2006: Quantum Group // 50,000 feet // Logo for a printing company in Morton Grove, Illinois employing the concept of print rollers arranged to form their initial. // Sergii Boguslavskyi Business Card // Sergii Boguslavskyi // Business card for a 3D artist designed to be folded into a 3D cube with fluorescent orange printed on the inside. His initials “S” and “B” appear when the card is folded into a cube and turn into abstract geometric shapes when flattened. // Honey Rose Lets go camping // Honey Rose Foundation // A flyer for Honey Rose Foundation’s camping program for teenagers using graffiti paint splash to draw their Honey Rose mascot. // Adam Musa Business Card // Adam Musa // A business card for a software engineer in Canada. Software engineers write codes and let the computer translate them into an understandable language. The card works in a similar fashion; the front cover of the business card has his name written in numbers and the real information lies on the inside panels. // Alexander West Branding // Alexander West // Branding work for Alexander West, a high-end custom shirt maker in New York, that revolves around the idea of craftsmanship and shirt-making process. The promotional giveaways for Alexander West follow the same theme and feature items used in shirt-making process, such as measuring tapes and collar stays. // Grow From the Heart // Self Initiated // I was bothered by how a lot of textile companies shifted their production to China, where the work eventually gets passed off to the hands of underaged children, robbing them of a good childhood. This shirt was selected and produced by Unitee. // FEC // Fullerton Engineering Company // Business card with alternate back side for FEC, an engineering company specializing in building communication towers. // Tambah Rejo // UD. Tambah Rejo // Branding and experimental rice packaging for a store in Indonesia. // Wunderbloc // Wunderbloc New York // A promotional postcard and a series of 3 dimensional maps that represent the different neighborhoods in New York. // Borneo // Borneo Flooring Company // Logo and stationery set for a hardwood flooring company that imported exotic hardwood. // Ivan – Feiliana engagement card // Ivan Sielegar and Feiliana Sia // Engagement card for my older brother, who loves chocolate but hate strawberries, and h¬is fiancée, who loves strawberries but hates chocolate. The chocolate-dipped strawberry becomes a symbol of celebration that combines bitter and sweet on a much more personal level. // Motorola design language 2007 // Motorola // A set of icons for upcoming Motorola phones including main icons, list icons, applications, and status icons. I also designed Motowhere icons and arrows for their turn-by-turn direction, AT&T icons, and Iconography for the next generation of Motorola phones. // T!nka identity // T!nka Jewelry // The brief from T!nka sounded like this: “Please design me a logo, a business card and a packaging for my jewelry collection. Please do whatever you want, but try to be as cost-effective as possible”. Organic graphics using the silhouettes of their jewelry becomes their brand identity and helps them save on production costs. The business card is designed to function as both a business card and as packaging. // YES Vodka // Gams Communication // An invitation for YES Vodka product launch party, which was held in 2006 at Y-bar Chicago. The event details are hidden behind the semi-transparent red vellum. // Surtex // Bridgewater Design // Patterns designed to be licensed for wallpapers, wrapping papers, and textiles. //
2006: Quantum Group // 50,000 feet // Logo for a printing company in Morton Grove, Illinois employing the concept of print rollers arranged to form their initial. // Sergii Boguslavskyi Business Card // Sergii Boguslavskyi // Business card for a 3D artist designed to be folded into a 3D cube with fluorescent orange printed on the inside. His initials “S” and “B” appear when the card is folded into a cube and turn into abstract geometric shapes when flattened. // Honey Rose Lets go camping // Honey Rose Foundation // A flyer for Honey Rose Foundation’s camping program for teenagers using graffiti paint splash to draw their Honey Rose mascot. // Adam Musa Business Card // Adam Musa // A business card for a software engineer in Canada. Software engineers write codes and let the computer translate them into an understandable language. The card works in a similar fashion; the front cover of the business card has his name written in numbers and the real information lies on the inside panels. // Alexander West Branding // Alexander West // Branding work for Alexander West, a high-end custom shirt maker in New York, that revolves around the idea of craftsmanship and shirt-making process. The promotional giveaways for Alexander West follow the same theme and feature items used in shirt-making process, such as measuring tapes and collar stays. // Grow From the Heart // Self Initiated // I was bothered by how a lot of textile companies shifted their production to China, where the work eventually gets passed off to the hands of underaged children, robbing them of a good childhood. This shirt was selected and produced by Unitee. // FEC // Fullerton Engineering Company // Business card with alternate back side for FEC, an engineering company specializing in building communication towers. // Tambah Rejo // UD. Tambah Rejo // Branding and experimental rice packaging for a store in Indonesia. // Wunderbloc // Wunderbloc New York // A promotional postcard and a series of 3 dimensional maps that represent the different neighborhoods in New York. // Borneo // Borneo Flooring Company // Logo and stationery set for a hardwood flooring company that imported exotic hardwood. // Ivan – Feiliana engagement card // Ivan Sielegar and Feiliana Sia // Engagement card for my older brother, who loves chocolate but hate strawberries, and h¬is fiancée, who loves strawberries but hates chocolate. The chocolate-dipped strawberry becomes a symbol of celebration that combines bitter and sweet on a much more personal level. // Motorola design language 2007 // Motorola // A set of icons for upcoming Motorola phones including main icons, list icons, applications, and status icons. I also designed Motowhere icons and arrows for their turn-by-turn direction, AT&T icons, and Iconography for the next generation of Motorola phones. // T!nka identity // T!nka Jewelry // The brief from T!nka sounded like this: “Please design me a logo, a business card and a packaging for my jewelry collection. Please do whatever you want, but try to be as cost-effective as possible”. Organic graphics using the silhouettes of their jewelry becomes their brand identity and helps them save on production costs. The business card is designed to function as both a business card and as packaging. // YES Vodka // Gams Communication // An invitation for YES Vodka product launch party, which was held in 2006 at Y-bar Chicago. The event details are hidden behind the semi-transparent red vellum. // Surtex // Bridgewater Design // Patterns designed to be licensed for wallpapers, wrapping papers, and textiles. //
2006: Quantum Group // 50,000 feet // Logo for a printing company in Morton Grove, Illinois employing the concept of print rollers arranged to form their initial. // Sergii Boguslavskyi Business Card // Sergii Boguslavskyi // Business card for a 3D artist designed to be folded into a 3D cube with fluorescent orange printed on the inside. His initials “S” and “B” appear when the card is folded into a cube and turn into abstract geometric shapes when flattened. // Honey Rose Lets go camping // Honey Rose Foundation // A flyer for Honey Rose Foundation’s camping program for teenagers using graffiti paint splash to draw their Honey Rose mascot. // Adam Musa Business Card // Adam Musa // A business card for a software engineer in Canada. Software engineers write codes and let the computer translate them into an understandable language. The card works in a similar fashion; the front cover of the business card has his name written in numbers and the real information lies on the inside panels. // Alexander West Branding // Alexander West // Branding work for Alexander West, a high-end custom shirt maker in New York, that revolves around the idea of craftsmanship and shirt-making process. The promotional giveaways for Alexander West follow the same theme and feature items used in shirt-making process, such as measuring tapes and collar stays. // Grow From the Heart // Self Initiated // I was bothered by how a lot of textile companies shifted their production to China, where the work eventually gets passed off to the hands of underaged children, robbing them of a good childhood. This shirt was selected and produced by Unitee. // FEC // Fullerton Engineering Company // Business card with alternate back side for FEC, an engineering company specializing in building communication towers. // Tambah Rejo // UD. Tambah Rejo // Branding and experimental rice packaging for a store in Indonesia. // Wunderbloc // Wunderbloc New York // A promotional postcard and a series of 3 dimensional maps that represent the different neighborhoods in New York. // Borneo // Borneo Flooring Company // Logo and stationery set for a hardwood flooring company that imported exotic hardwood. // Ivan – Feiliana engagement card // Ivan Sielegar and Feiliana Sia // Engagement card for my older brother, who loves chocolate but hate strawberries, and h¬is fiancée, who loves strawberries but hates chocolate. The chocolate-dipped strawberry becomes a symbol of celebration that combines bitter and sweet on a much more personal level. // Motorola design language 2007 // Motorola // A set of icons for upcoming Motorola phones including main icons, list icons, applications, and status icons. I also designed Motowhere icons and arrows for their turn-by-turn direction, AT&T icons, and Iconography for the next generation of Motorola phones. // T!nka identity // T!nka Jewelry // The brief from T!nka sounded like this: “Please design me a logo, a business card and a packaging for my jewelry collection. Please do whatever you want, but try to be as cost-effective as possible”. Organic graphics using the silhouettes of their jewelry becomes their brand identity and helps them save on production costs. The business card is designed to function as both a business card and as packaging. // YES Vodka // Gams Communication // An invitation for YES Vodka product launch party, which was held in 2006 at Y-bar Chicago. The event details are hidden behind the semi-transparent red vellum. // Surtex // Bridgewater Design // Patterns designed to be licensed for wallpapers, wrapping papers, and textiles. //
2006: Quantum Group // 50,000 feet // Logo for a printing company in Morton Grove, Illinois employing the concept of print rollers arranged to form their initial. // Sergii Boguslavskyi Business Card // Sergii Boguslavskyi // Business card for a 3D artist designed to be folded into a 3D cube with fluorescent orange printed on the inside. His initials “S” and “B” appear when the card is folded into a cube and turn into abstract geometric shapes when flattened. // Honey Rose Lets go camping // Honey Rose Foundation // A flyer for Honey Rose Foundation’s camping program for teenagers using graffiti paint splash to draw their Honey Rose mascot. // Adam Musa Business Card // Adam Musa // A business card for a software engineer in Canada. Software engineers write codes and let the computer translate them into an understandable language. The card works in a similar fashion; the front cover of the business card has his name written in numbers and the real information lies on the inside panels. // Alexander West Branding // Alexander West // Branding work for Alexander West, a high-end custom shirt maker in New York, that revolves around the idea of craftsmanship and shirt-making process. The promotional giveaways for Alexander West follow the same theme and feature items used in shirt-making process, such as measuring tapes and collar stays. // Grow From the Heart // Self Initiated // I was bothered by how a lot of textile companies shifted their production to China, where the work eventually gets passed off to the hands of underaged children, robbing them of a good childhood. This shirt was selected and produced by Unitee. // FEC // Fullerton Engineering Company // Business card with alternate back side for FEC, an engineering company specializing in building communication towers. // Tambah Rejo // UD. Tambah Rejo // Branding and experimental rice packaging for a store in Indonesia. // Wunderbloc // Wunderbloc New York // A promotional postcard and a series of 3 dimensional maps that represent the different neighborhoods in New York. // Borneo // Borneo Flooring Company // Logo and stationery set for a hardwood flooring company that imported exotic hardwood. // Ivan – Feiliana engagement card // Ivan Sielegar and Feiliana Sia // Engagement card for my older brother, who loves chocolate but hate strawberries, and h¬is fiancée, who loves strawberries but hates chocolate. The chocolate-dipped strawberry becomes a symbol of celebration that combines bitter and sweet on a much more personal level. // Motorola design language 2007 // Motorola // A set of icons for upcoming Motorola phones including main icons, list icons, applications, and status icons. I also designed Motowhere icons and arrows for their turn-by-turn direction, AT&T icons, and Iconography for the next generation of Motorola phones. // T!nka identity // T!nka Jewelry // The brief from T!nka sounded like this: “Please design me a logo, a business card and a packaging for my jewelry collection. Please do whatever you want, but try to be as cost-effective as possible”. Organic graphics using the silhouettes of their jewelry becomes their brand identity and helps them save on production costs. The business card is designed to function as both a business card and as packaging. // YES Vodka // Gams Communication // An invitation for YES Vodka product launch party, which was held in 2006 at Y-bar Chicago. The event details are hidden behind the semi-transparent red vellum. // Surtex // Bridgewater Design // Patterns designed to be licensed for wallpapers, wrapping papers, and textiles. //
2006: Quantum Group // 50,000 feet // Logo for a printing company in Morton Grove, Illinois employing the concept of print rollers arranged to form their initial. // Sergii Boguslavskyi Business Card // Sergii Boguslavskyi // Business card for a 3D artist designed to be folded into a 3D cube with fluorescent orange printed on the inside. His initials “S” and “B” appear when the card is folded into a cube and turn into abstract geometric shapes when flattened. // Honey Rose Lets go camping // Honey Rose Foundation // A flyer for Honey Rose Foundation’s camping program for teenagers using graffiti paint splash to draw their Honey Rose mascot. // Adam Musa Business Card // Adam Musa // A business card for a software engineer in Canada. Software engineers write codes and let the computer translate them into an understandable language. The card works in a similar fashion; the front cover of the business card has his name written in numbers and the real information lies on the inside panels. // Alexander West Branding // Alexander West // Branding work for Alexander West, a high-end custom shirt maker in New York, that revolves around the idea of craftsmanship and shirt-making process. The promotional giveaways for Alexander West follow the same theme and feature items used in shirt-making process, such as measuring tapes and collar stays. // Grow From the Heart // Self Initiated // I was bothered by how a lot of textile companies shifted their production to China, where the work eventually gets passed off to the hands of underaged children, robbing them of a good childhood. This shirt was selected and produced by Unitee. // FEC // Fullerton Engineering Company // Business card with alternate back side for FEC, an engineering company specializing in building communication towers. // Tambah Rejo // UD. Tambah Rejo // Branding and experimental rice packaging for a store in Indonesia. // Wunderbloc // Wunderbloc New York // A promotional postcard and a series of 3 dimensional maps that represent the different neighborhoods in New York. // Borneo // Borneo Flooring Company // Logo and stationery set for a hardwood flooring company that imported exotic hardwood. // Ivan – Feiliana engagement card // Ivan Sielegar and Feiliana Sia // Engagement card for my older brother, who loves chocolate but hate strawberries, and h¬is fiancée, who loves strawberries but hates chocolate. The chocolate-dipped strawberry becomes a symbol of celebration that combines bitter and sweet on a much more personal level. // Motorola design language 2007 // Motorola // A set of icons for upcoming Motorola phones including main icons, list icons, applications, and status icons. I also designed Motowhere icons and arrows for their turn-by-turn direction, AT&T icons, and Iconography for the next generation of Motorola phones. // T!nka identity // T!nka Jewelry // The brief from T!nka sounded like this: “Please design me a logo, a business card and a packaging for my jewelry collection. Please do whatever you want, but try to be as cost-effective as possible”. Organic graphics using the silhouettes of their jewelry becomes their brand identity and helps them save on production costs. The business card is designed to function as both a business card and as packaging. // YES Vodka // Gams Communication // An invitation for YES Vodka product launch party, which was held in 2006 at Y-bar Chicago. The event details are hidden behind the semi-transparent red vellum. // Surtex // Bridgewater Design // Patterns designed to be licensed for wallpapers, wrapping papers, and textiles. //
2006: Quantum Group // 50,000 feet // Logo for a printing company in Morton Grove, Illinois employing the concept of print rollers arranged to form their initial. // Sergii Boguslavskyi Business Card // Sergii Boguslavskyi // Business card for a 3D artist designed to be folded into a 3D cube with fluorescent orange printed on the inside. His initials “S” and “B” appear when the card is folded into a cube and turn into abstract geometric shapes when flattened. // Honey Rose Lets go camping // Honey Rose Foundation // A flyer for Honey Rose Foundation’s camping program for teenagers using graffiti paint splash to draw their Honey Rose mascot. // Adam Musa Business Card // Adam Musa // A business card for a software engineer in Canada. Software engineers write codes and let the computer translate them into an understandable language. The card works in a similar fashion; the front cover of the business card has his name written in numbers and the real information lies on the inside panels. // Alexander West Branding // Alexander West // Branding work for Alexander West, a high-end custom shirt maker in New York, that revolves around the idea of craftsmanship and shirt-making process. The promotional giveaways for Alexander West follow the same theme and feature items used in shirt-making process, such as measuring tapes and collar stays. // Grow From the Heart // Self Initiated // I was bothered by how a lot of textile companies shifted their production to China, where the work eventually gets passed off to the hands of underaged children, robbing them of a good childhood. This shirt was selected and produced by Unitee. // FEC // Fullerton Engineering Company // Business card with alternate back side for FEC, an engineering company specializing in building communication towers. // Tambah Rejo // UD. Tambah Rejo // Branding and experimental rice packaging for a store in Indonesia. // Wunderbloc // Wunderbloc New York // A promotional postcard and a series of 3 dimensional maps that represent the different neighborhoods in New York. // Borneo // Borneo Flooring Company // Logo and stationery set for a hardwood flooring company that imported exotic hardwood. // Ivan – Feiliana engagement card // Ivan Sielegar and Feiliana Sia // Engagement card for my older brother, who loves chocolate but hate strawberries, and h¬is fiancée, who loves strawberries but hates chocolate. The chocolate-dipped strawberry becomes a symbol of celebration that combines bitter and sweet on a much more personal level. // Motorola design language 2007 // Motorola // A set of icons for upcoming Motorola phones including main icons, list icons, applications, and status icons. I also designed Motowhere icons and arrows for their turn-by-turn direction, AT&T icons, and Iconography for the next generation of Motorola phones. // T!nka identity // T!nka Jewelry // The brief from T!nka sounded like this: “Please design me a logo, a business card and a packaging for my jewelry collection. Please do whatever you want, but try to be as cost-effective as possible”. Organic graphics using the silhouettes of their jewelry becomes their brand identity and helps them save on production costs. The business card is designed to function as both a business card and as packaging. // YES Vodka // Gams Communication // An invitation for YES Vodka product launch party, which was held in 2006 at Y-bar Chicago. The event details are hidden behind the semi-transparent red vellum. // Surtex // Bridgewater Design // Patterns designed to be licensed for wallpapers, wrapping papers, and textiles. //
2006: Quantum Group // 50,000 feet // Logo for a printing company in Morton Grove, Illinois employing the concept of print rollers arranged to form their initial. // Sergii Boguslavskyi Business Card // Sergii Boguslavskyi // Business card for a 3D artist designed to be folded into a 3D cube with fluorescent orange printed on the inside. His initials “S” and “B” appear when the card is folded into a cube and turn into abstract geometric shapes when flattened. // Honey Rose Lets go camping // Honey Rose Foundation // A flyer for Honey Rose Foundation’s camping program for teenagers using graffiti paint splash to draw their Honey Rose mascot. // Adam Musa Business Card // Adam Musa // A business card for a software engineer in Canada. Software engineers write codes and let the computer translate them into an understandable language. The card works in a similar fashion; the front cover of the business card has his name written in numbers and the real information lies on the inside panels. // Alexander West Branding // Alexander West // Branding work for Alexander West, a high-end custom shirt maker in New York, that revolves around the idea of craftsmanship and shirt-making process. The promotional giveaways for Alexander West follow the same theme and feature items used in shirt-making process, such as measuring tapes and collar stays. // Grow From the Heart // Self Initiated // I was bothered by how a lot of textile companies shifted their production to China, where the work eventually gets passed off to the hands of underaged children, robbing them of a good childhood. This shirt was selected and produced by Unitee. // FEC // Fullerton Engineering Company // Business card with alternate back side for FEC, an engineering company specializing in building communication towers. // Tambah Rejo // UD. Tambah Rejo // Branding and experimental rice packaging for a store in Indonesia. // Wunderbloc // Wunderbloc New York // A promotional postcard and a series of 3 dimensional maps that represent the different neighborhoods in New York. // Borneo // Borneo Flooring Company // Logo and stationery set for a hardwood flooring company that imported exotic hardwood. // Ivan – Feiliana engagement card // Ivan Sielegar and Feiliana Sia // Engagement card for my older brother, who loves chocolate but hate strawberries, and h¬is fiancée, who loves strawberries but hates chocolate. The chocolate-dipped strawberry becomes a symbol of celebration that combines bitter and sweet on a much more personal level. // Motorola design language 2007 // Motorola // A set of icons for upcoming Motorola phones including main icons, list icons, applications, and status icons. I also designed Motowhere icons and arrows for their turn-by-turn direction, AT&T icons, and Iconography for the next generation of Motorola phones. // T!nka identity // T!nka Jewelry // The brief from T!nka sounded like this: “Please design me a logo, a business card and a packaging for my jewelry collection. Please do whatever you want, but try to be as cost-effective as possible”. Organic graphics using the silhouettes of their jewelry becomes their brand identity and helps them save on production costs. The business card is designed to function as both a business card and as packaging. // YES Vodka // Gams Communication // An invitation for YES Vodka product launch party, which was held in 2006 at Y-bar Chicago. The event details are hidden behind the semi-transparent red vellum. // Surtex // Bridgewater Design // Patterns designed to be licensed for wallpapers, wrapping papers, and textiles. //
Work >> 2006 xxxx 2007
2007: IBI Logo // Investment Banking Institute // Logo for a financial education center derived from historic seals for banking and educational institutes. // Khoi Vinh Poster // School of Visual Arts // Guest lecture poster for Khoi Vinh, Art Director of This poster is based on his minimalistic design style. // Poster Postcard // Self Initiated // Silk-screen poster printed on heavyweight paper. This poster is perforated and can be split into 8 different postcards. // Petroflow Annual Report // Carolyn Wagner Inc. // Annual report for Petroflow Energy, an oil company based in Calgary, Canada. Designed in collaboration with Carolyn Wagner, the report is based on calculation and data analysis and comes in a custom folder. // Petroflow Rebranding // Carolyn Wagner inc. // A website designed to rebrand Petroflow Energy to become a modern, fresh, and trustworthy energy company. // Fold n’ Scoop // -- // Pooper scooper for everyday dog owners. The instructions fold into a scooper and the bag reminds people to take their dog for a walk everyday. The bags are made of ground wood paper that neutralizes the acidity of dog poop and turns it into fertilizer. // Jamie Cullum – Twenty Something // -- // Typographic music video created for ‘Just Type’, a typography class taught by Gail Anderson. It was awarded the Certificate of Typographic Excellence by the Type Directors Club and was included in The Typography Annual 29. // Feeling Stupid is Okay // Stefan Sagmeister // Experimental typography. As an assignment for Stefan Sagmeister, we were asked to compose and then design a personal truism. This work was featured on his website, ‘Things I’ve Learned in My Life So Far’. // Safarika Logo // Safarika // Logo for a financial investment course, inspired by the digital stock ticker at the New York Stock Exchange. // Cut Ruler // -- // Ruler designed especially for cutting straight. It allows you to cut stacks of paper with a knife and still get perfect results. // Wunderbloc Promotional // Wunderbloc New York // Promotional tote bag for Wunderbloc, based on the concept of bringing what goes inside the bag, outside. Also, an open /close sign that reads “open” on both sides, focusing on their online store service that is available 24 hours, 7 days a week. // Shimmering Dust // Stefan Sagmeister’s course, ‘Can Design Touch Someone’s Heart? ’ // Designed in collaboration with Jia Chen, this bilingual booklet educates garment factory workers (many of whom speak little or no English) about the health hazards of fabric dust. The information is told in a narrative manner and references the visual aesthetic of a Chinese novel. A compartment containing dust masks is attached to the back of the booklet. // Eye Lamp // Milton Glaser’s course, Design and Intention // Based on the concept of how human see light, this lamp appears plain white when off and the graphic eye and light waves pattern become visible when switched on. // Certificate Excellence in Life Adventure // Shierly Dharsono // Shierley is a friend of mine who I have known since high school. After completing high school in Indonesia, she worked illegally in the Unites States to save money for her college tuition. At 23, she is still working toward her degree and is often frustrated with how long it has taken to achieve this goal. Using extensive hand done illustration and hand lettering, this certificate is designed to remind her that her experience over the past few years means a lot more than just a degree. Congratulations Shierley! (Completed in conjunction with Stefan Sagmeister’s course, ‘Can Design Touch Someone’s Heart? ’) // Unfortunate Friends // -- // In collaboration with three other designers, Nick Ace, Jane Song, and Yayjung Chang, Unfortunate Friends is a viral campaign to raise funds for children in less fortunate parts of the world who do not have access to formal education. Felt dolls are crafted and then travel by mail from one person to another, raising awareness and encouraging the public to donate through the website. // // Carolyn Wagner Inc. // A portfolio website is for Carolyn Wagner, an art director in Denver, Colorado. //
2007: IBI Logo // Investment Banking Institute // Logo for a financial education center derived from historic seals for banking and educational institutes. // Khoi Vinh Poster // School of Visual Arts // Guest lecture poster for Khoi Vinh, Art Director of This poster is based on his minimalistic design style. // Poster Postcard // Self Initiated // Silk-screen poster printed on heavyweight paper. This poster is perforated and can be split into 8 different postcards. // Petroflow Annual Report // Carolyn Wagner Inc. // Annual report for Petroflow Energy, an oil company based in Calgary, Canada. Designed in collaboration with Carolyn Wagner, the report is based on calculation and data analysis and comes in a custom folder. // Petroflow Rebranding // Carolyn Wagner inc. // A website designed to rebrand Petroflow Energy to become a modern, fresh, and trustworthy energy company. // Fold n’ Scoop // -- // Pooper scooper for everyday dog owners. The instructions fold into a scooper and the bag reminds people to take their dog for a walk everyday. The bags are made of ground wood paper that neutralizes the acidity of dog poop and turns it into fertilizer. // Jamie Cullum – Twenty Something // -- // Typographic music video created for ‘Just Type’, a typography class taught by Gail Anderson. It was awarded the Certificate of Typographic Excellence by the Type Directors Club and was included in The Typography Annual 29. // Feeling Stupid is Okay // Stefan Sagmeister // Experimental typography. As an assignment for Stefan Sagmeister, we were asked to compose and then design a personal truism. This work was featured on his website, ‘Things I’ve Learned in My Life So Far’. // Safarika Logo // Safarika // Logo for a financial investment course, inspired by the digital stock ticker at the New York Stock Exchange. // Cut Ruler // -- // Ruler designed especially for cutting straight. It allows you to cut stacks of paper with a knife and still get perfect results. // Wunderbloc Promotional // Wunderbloc New York // Promotional tote bag for Wunderbloc, based on the concept of bringing what goes inside the bag, outside. Also, an open /close sign that reads “open” on both sides, focusing on their online store service that is available 24 hours, 7 days a week. // Shimmering Dust // Stefan Sagmeister’s course, ‘Can Design Touch Someone’s Heart? ’ // Designed in collaboration with Jia Chen, this bilingual booklet educates garment factory workers (many of whom speak little or no English) about the health hazards of fabric dust. The information is told in a narrative manner and references the visual aesthetic of a Chinese novel. A compartment containing dust masks is attached to the back of the booklet. // Eye Lamp // Milton Glaser’s course, Design and Intention // Based on the concept of how human see light, this lamp appears plain white when off and the graphic eye and light waves pattern become visible when switched on. // Certificate Excellence in Life Adventure // Shierly Dharsono // Shierley is a friend of mine who I have known since high school. After completing high school in Indonesia, she worked illegally in the Unites States to save money for her college tuition. At 23, she is still working toward her degree and is often frustrated with how long it has taken to achieve this goal. Using extensive hand done illustration and hand lettering, this certificate is designed to remind her that her experience over the past few years means a lot more than just a degree. Congratulations Shierley! (Completed in conjunction with Stefan Sagmeister’s course, ‘Can Design Touch Someone’s Heart? ’) // Unfortunate Friends // -- // In collaboration with three other designers, Nick Ace, Jane Song, and Yayjung Chang, Unfortunate Friends is a viral campaign to raise funds for children in less fortunate parts of the world who do not have access to formal education. Felt dolls are crafted and then travel by mail from one person to another, raising awareness and encouraging the public to donate through the website. // // Carolyn Wagner Inc. // A portfolio website is for Carolyn Wagner, an art director in Denver, Colorado. //
2007: IBI Logo // Investment Banking Institute // Logo for a financial education center derived from historic seals for banking and educational institutes. // Khoi Vinh Poster // School of Visual Arts // Guest lecture poster for Khoi Vinh, Art Director of This poster is based on his minimalistic design style. // Poster Postcard // Self Initiated // Silk-screen poster printed on heavyweight paper. This poster is perforated and can be split into 8 different postcards. // Petroflow Annual Report // Carolyn Wagner Inc. // Annual report for Petroflow Energy, an oil company based in Calgary, Canada. Designed in collaboration with Carolyn Wagner, the report is based on calculation and data analysis and comes in a custom folder. // Petroflow Rebranding // Carolyn Wagner inc. // A website designed to rebrand Petroflow Energy to become a modern, fresh, and trustworthy energy company. // Fold n’ Scoop // -- // Pooper scooper for everyday dog owners. The instructions fold into a scooper and the bag reminds people to take their dog for a walk everyday. The bags are made of ground wood paper that neutralizes the acidity of dog poop and turns it into fertilizer. // Jamie Cullum – Twenty Something // -- // Typographic music video created for ‘Just Type’, a typography class taught by Gail Anderson. It was awarded the Certificate of Typographic Excellence by the Type Directors Club and was included in The Typography Annual 29. // Feeling Stupid is Okay // Stefan Sagmeister // Experimental typography. As an assignment for Stefan Sagmeister, we were asked to compose and then design a personal truism. This work was featured on his website, ‘Things I’ve Learned in My Life So Far’. // Safarika Logo // Safarika // Logo for a financial investment course, inspired by the digital stock ticker at the New York Stock Exchange. // Cut Ruler // -- // Ruler designed especially for cutting straight. It allows you to cut stacks of paper with a knife and still get perfect results. // Wunderbloc Promotional // Wunderbloc New York // Promotional tote bag for Wunderbloc, based on the concept of bringing what goes inside the bag, outside. Also, an open /close sign that reads “open” on both sides, focusing on their online store service that is available 24 hours, 7 days a week. // Shimmering Dust // Stefan Sagmeister’s course, ‘Can Design Touch Someone’s Heart? ’ // Designed in collaboration with Jia Chen, this bilingual booklet educates garment factory workers (many of whom speak little or no English) about the health hazards of fabric dust. The information is told in a narrative manner and references the visual aesthetic of a Chinese novel. A compartment containing dust masks is attached to the back of the booklet. // Eye Lamp // Milton Glaser’s course, Design and Intention // Based on the concept of how human see light, this lamp appears plain white when off and the graphic eye and light waves pattern become visible when switched on. // Certificate Excellence in Life Adventure // Shierly Dharsono // Shierley is a friend of mine who I have known since high school. After completing high school in Indonesia, she worked illegally in the Unites States to save money for her college tuition. At 23, she is still working toward her degree and is often frustrated with how long it has taken to achieve this goal. Using extensive hand done illustration and hand lettering, this certificate is designed to remind her that her experience over the past few years means a lot more than just a degree. Congratulations Shierley! (Completed in conjunction with Stefan Sagmeister’s course, ‘Can Design Touch Someone’s Heart? ’) // Unfortunate Friends // -- // In collaboration with three other designers, Nick Ace, Jane Song, and Yayjung Chang, Unfortunate Friends is a viral campaign to raise funds for children in less fortunate parts of the world who do not have access to formal education. Felt dolls are crafted and then travel by mail from one person to another, raising awareness and encouraging the public to donate through the website. // // Carolyn Wagner Inc. // A portfolio website is for Carolyn Wagner, an art director in Denver, Colorado. //
2007: IBI Logo // Investment Banking Institute // Logo for a financial education center derived from historic seals for banking and educational institutes. // Khoi Vinh Poster // School of Visual Arts // Guest lecture poster for Khoi Vinh, Art Director of This poster is based on his minimalistic design style. // Poster Postcard // Self Initiated // Silk-screen poster printed on heavyweight paper. This poster is perforated and can be split into 8 different postcards. // Petroflow Annual Report // Carolyn Wagner Inc. // Annual report for Petroflow Energy, an oil company based in Calgary, Canada. Designed in collaboration with Carolyn Wagner, the report is based on calculation and data analysis and comes in a custom folder. // Petroflow Rebranding // Carolyn Wagner inc. // A website designed to rebrand Petroflow Energy to become a modern, fresh, and trustworthy energy company. // Fold n’ Scoop // -- // Pooper scooper for everyday dog owners. The instructions fold into a scooper and the bag reminds people to take their dog for a walk everyday. The bags are made of ground wood paper that neutralizes the acidity of dog poop and turns it into fertilizer. // Jamie Cullum – Twenty Something // -- // Typographic music video created for ‘Just Type’, a typography class taught by Gail Anderson. It was awarded the Certificate of Typographic Excellence by the Type Directors Club and was included in The Typography Annual 29. // Feeling Stupid is Okay // Stefan Sagmeister // Experimental typography. As an assignment for Stefan Sagmeister, we were asked to compose and then design a personal truism. This work was featured on his website, ‘Things I’ve Learned in My Life So Far’. // Safarika Logo // Safarika // Logo for a financial investment course, inspired by the digital stock ticker at the New York Stock Exchange. // Cut Ruler // -- // Ruler designed especially for cutting straight. It allows you to cut stacks of paper with a knife and still get perfect results. // Wunderbloc Promotional // Wunderbloc New York // Promotional tote bag for Wunderbloc, based on the concept of bringing what goes inside the bag, outside. Also, an open /close sign that reads “open” on both sides, focusing on their online store service that is available 24 hours, 7 days a week. // Shimmering Dust // Stefan Sagmeister’s course, ‘Can Design Touch Someone’s Heart? ’ // Designed in collaboration with Jia Chen, this bilingual booklet educates garment factory workers (many of whom speak little or no English) about the health hazards of fabric dust. The information is told in a narrative manner and references the visual aesthetic of a Chinese novel. A compartment containing dust masks is attached to the back of the booklet. // Eye Lamp // Milton Glaser’s course, Design and Intention // Based on the concept of how human see light, this lamp appears plain white when off and the graphic eye and light waves pattern become visible when switched on. // Certificate Excellence in Life Adventure // Shierly Dharsono // Shierley is a friend of mine who I have known since high school. After completing high school in Indonesia, she worked illegally in the Unites States to save money for her college tuition. At 23, she is still working toward her degree and is often frustrated with how long it has taken to achieve this goal. Using extensive hand done illustration and hand lettering, this certificate is designed to remind her that her experience over the past few years means a lot more than just a degree. Congratulations Shierley! (Completed in conjunction with Stefan Sagmeister’s course, ‘Can Design Touch Someone’s Heart? ’) // Unfortunate Friends // -- // In collaboration with three other designers, Nick Ace, Jane Song, and Yayjung Chang, Unfortunate Friends is a viral campaign to raise funds for children in less fortunate parts of the world who do not have access to formal education. Felt dolls are crafted and then travel by mail from one person to another, raising awareness and encouraging the public to donate through the website. // // Carolyn Wagner Inc. // A portfolio website is for Carolyn Wagner, an art director in Denver, Colorado. //
2007: IBI Logo // Investment Banking Institute // Logo for a financial education center derived from historic seals for banking and educational institutes. // Khoi Vinh Poster // School of Visual Arts // Guest lecture poster for Khoi Vinh, Art Director of This poster is based on his minimalistic design style. // Poster Postcard // Self Initiated // Silk-screen poster printed on heavyweight paper. This poster is perforated and can be split into 8 different postcards. // Petroflow Annual Report // Carolyn Wagner Inc. // Annual report for Petroflow Energy, an oil company based in Calgary, Canada. Designed in collaboration with Carolyn Wagner, the report is based on calculation and data analysis and comes in a custom folder. // Petroflow Rebranding // Carolyn Wagner inc. // A website designed to rebrand Petroflow Energy to become a modern, fresh, and trustworthy energy company. // Fold n’ Scoop // -- // Pooper scooper for everyday dog owners. The instructions fold into a scooper and the bag reminds people to take their dog for a walk everyday. The bags are made of ground wood paper that neutralizes the acidity of dog poop and turns it into fertilizer. // Jamie Cullum – Twenty Something // -- // Typographic music video created for ‘Just Type’, a typography class taught by Gail Anderson. It was awarded the Certificate of Typographic Excellence by the Type Directors Club and was included in The Typography Annual 29. // Feeling Stupid is Okay // Stefan Sagmeister // Experimental typography. As an assignment for Stefan Sagmeister, we were asked to compose and then design a personal truism. This work was featured on his website, ‘Things I’ve Learned in My Life So Far’. // Safarika Logo // Safarika // Logo for a financial investment course, inspired by the digital stock ticker at the New York Stock Exchange. // Cut Ruler // -- // Ruler designed especially for cutting straight. It allows you to cut stacks of paper with a knife and still get perfect results. // Wunderbloc Promotional // Wunderbloc New York // Promotional tote bag for Wunderbloc, based on the concept of bringing what goes inside the bag, outside. Also, an open /close sign that reads “open” on both sides, focusing on their online store service that is available 24 hours, 7 days a week. // Shimmering Dust // Stefan Sagmeister’s course, ‘Can Design Touch Someone’s Heart? ’ // Designed in collaboration with Jia Chen, this bilingual booklet educates garment factory workers (many of whom speak little or no English) about the health hazards of fabric dust. The information is told in a narrative manner and references the visual aesthetic of a Chinese novel. A compartment containing dust masks is attached to the back of the booklet. // Eye Lamp // Milton Glaser’s course, Design and Intention // Based on the concept of how human see light, this lamp appears plain white when off and the graphic eye and light waves pattern become visible when switched on. // Certificate Excellence in Life Adventure // Shierly Dharsono // Shierley is a friend of mine who I have known since high school. After completing high school in Indonesia, she worked illegally in the Unites States to save money for her college tuition. At 23, she is still working toward her degree and is often frustrated with how long it has taken to achieve this goal. Using extensive hand done illustration and hand lettering, this certificate is designed to remind her that her experience over the past few years means a lot more than just a degree. Congratulations Shierley! (Completed in conjunction with Stefan Sagmeister’s course, ‘Can Design Touch Someone’s Heart? ’) // Unfortunate Friends // -- // In collaboration with three other designers, Nick Ace, Jane Song, and Yayjung Chang, Unfortunate Friends is a viral campaign to raise funds for children in less fortunate parts of the world who do not have access to formal education. Felt dolls are crafted and then travel by mail from one person to another, raising awareness and encouraging the public to donate through the website. // // Carolyn Wagner Inc. // A portfolio website is for Carolyn Wagner, an art director in Denver, Colorado. //
2007: IBI Logo // Investment Banking Institute // Logo for a financial education center derived from historic seals for banking and educational institutes. // Khoi Vinh Poster // School of Visual Arts // Guest lecture poster for Khoi Vinh, Art Director of This poster is based on his minimalistic design style. // Poster Postcard // Self Initiated // Silk-screen poster printed on heavyweight paper. This poster is perforated and can be split into 8 different postcards. // Petroflow Annual Report // Carolyn Wagner Inc. // Annual report for Petroflow Energy, an oil company based in Calgary, Canada. Designed in collaboration with Carolyn Wagner, the report is based on calculation and data analysis and comes in a custom folder. // Petroflow Rebranding // Carolyn Wagner inc. // A website designed to rebrand Petroflow Energy to become a modern, fresh, and trustworthy energy company. // Fold n’ Scoop // -- // Pooper scooper for everyday dog owners. The instructions fold into a scooper and the bag reminds people to take their dog for a walk everyday. The bags are made of ground wood paper that neutralizes the acidity of dog poop and turns it into fertilizer. // Jamie Cullum – Twenty Something // -- // Typographic music video created for ‘Just Type’, a typography class taught by Gail Anderson. It was awarded the Certificate of Typographic Excellence by the Type Directors Club and was included in The Typography Annual 29. // Feeling Stupid is Okay // Stefan Sagmeister // Experimental typography. As an assignment for Stefan Sagmeister, we were asked to compose and then design a personal truism. This work was featured on his website, ‘Things I’ve Learned in My Life So Far’. // Safarika Logo // Safarika // Logo for a financial investment course, inspired by the digital stock ticker at the New York Stock Exchange. // Cut Ruler // -- // Ruler designed especially for cutting straight. It allows you to cut stacks of paper with a knife and still get perfect results. // Wunderbloc Promotional // Wunderbloc New York // Promotional tote bag for Wunderbloc, based on the concept of bringing what goes inside the bag, outside. Also, an open /close sign that reads “open” on both sides, focusing on their online store service that is available 24 hours, 7 days a week. // Shimmering Dust // Stefan Sagmeister’s course, ‘Can Design Touch Someone’s Heart? ’ // Designed in collaboration with Jia Chen, this bilingual booklet educates garment factory workers (many of whom speak little or no English) about the health hazards of fabric dust. The information is told in a narrative manner and references the visual aesthetic of a Chinese novel. A compartment containing dust masks is attached to the back of the booklet. // Eye Lamp // Milton Glaser’s course, Design and Intention // Based on the concept of how human see light, this lamp appears plain white when off and the graphic eye and light waves pattern become visible when switched on. // Certificate Excellence in Life Adventure // Shierly Dharsono // Shierley is a friend of mine who I have known since high school. After completing high school in Indonesia, she worked illegally in the Unites States to save money for her college tuition. At 23, she is still working toward her degree and is often frustrated with how long it has taken to achieve this goal. Using extensive hand done illustration and hand lettering, this certificate is designed to remind her that her experience over the past few years means a lot more than just a degree. Congratulations Shierley! (Completed in conjunction with Stefan Sagmeister’s course, ‘Can Design Touch Someone’s Heart? ’) // Unfortunate Friends // -- // In collaboration with three other designers, Nick Ace, Jane Song, and Yayjung Chang, Unfortunate Friends is a viral campaign to raise funds for children in less fortunate parts of the world who do not have access to formal education. Felt dolls are crafted and then travel by mail from one person to another, raising awareness and encouraging the public to donate through the website. // // Carolyn Wagner Inc. // A portfolio website is for Carolyn Wagner, an art director in Denver, Colorado. //
2007: IBI Logo // Investment Banking Institute // Logo for a financial education center derived from historic seals for banking and educational institutes. // Khoi Vinh Poster // School of Visual Arts // Guest lecture poster for Khoi Vinh, Art Director of This poster is based on his minimalistic design style. // Poster Postcard // Self Initiated // Silk-screen poster printed on heavyweight paper. This poster is perforated and can be split into 8 different postcards. // Petroflow Annual Report // Carolyn Wagner Inc. // Annual report for Petroflow Energy, an oil company based in Calgary, Canada. Designed in collaboration with Carolyn Wagner, the report is based on calculation and data analysis and comes in a custom folder. // Petroflow Rebranding // Carolyn Wagner inc. // A website designed to rebrand Petroflow Energy to become a modern, fresh, and trustworthy energy company. // Fold n’ Scoop // -- // Pooper scooper for everyday dog owners. The instructions fold into a scooper and the bag reminds people to take their dog for a walk everyday. The bags are made of ground wood paper that neutralizes the acidity of dog poop and turns it into fertilizer. // Jamie Cullum – Twenty Something // -- // Typographic music video created for ‘Just Type’, a typography class taught by Gail Anderson. It was awarded the Certificate of Typographic Excellence by the Type Directors Club and was included in The Typography Annual 29. // Feeling Stupid is Okay // Stefan Sagmeister // Experimental typography. As an assignment for Stefan Sagmeister, we were asked to compose and then design a personal truism. This work was featured on his website, ‘Things I’ve Learned in My Life So Far’. // Safarika Logo // Safarika // Logo for a financial investment course, inspired by the digital stock ticker at the New York Stock Exchange. // Cut Ruler // -- // Ruler designed especially for cutting straight. It allows you to cut stacks of paper with a knife and still get perfect results. // Wunderbloc Promotional // Wunderbloc New York // Promotional tote bag for Wunderbloc, based on the concept of bringing what goes inside the bag, outside. Also, an open /close sign that reads “open” on both sides, focusing on their online store service that is available 24 hours, 7 days a week. // Shimmering Dust // Stefan Sagmeister’s course, ‘Can Design Touch Someone’s Heart? ’ // Designed in collaboration with Jia Chen, this bilingual booklet educates garment factory workers (many of whom speak little or no English) about the health hazards of fabric dust. The information is told in a narrative manner and references the visual aesthetic of a Chinese novel. A compartment containing dust masks is attached to the back of the booklet. // Eye Lamp // Milton Glaser’s course, Design and Intention // Based on the concept of how human see light, this lamp appears plain white when off and the graphic eye and light waves pattern become visible when switched on. // Certificate Excellence in Life Adventure // Shierly Dharsono // Shierley is a friend of mine who I have known since high school. After completing high school in Indonesia, she worked illegally in the Unites States to save money for her college tuition. At 23, she is still working toward her degree and is often frustrated with how long it has taken to achieve this goal. Using extensive hand done illustration and hand lettering, this certificate is designed to remind her that her experience over the past few years means a lot more than just a degree. Congratulations Shierley! (Completed in conjunction with Stefan Sagmeister’s course, ‘Can Design Touch Someone’s Heart? ’) // Unfortunate Friends // -- // In collaboration with three other designers, Nick Ace, Jane Song, and Yayjung Chang, Unfortunate Friends is a viral campaign to raise funds for children in less fortunate parts of the world who do not have access to formal education. Felt dolls are crafted and then travel by mail from one person to another, raising awareness and encouraging the public to donate through the website. // // Carolyn Wagner Inc. // A portfolio website is for Carolyn Wagner, an art director in Denver, Colorado. //
2007: IBI Logo // Investment Banking Institute // Logo for a financial education center derived from historic seals for banking and educational institutes. // Khoi Vinh Poster // School of Visual Arts // Guest lecture poster for Khoi Vinh, Art Director of This poster is based on his minimalistic design style. // Poster Postcard // Self Initiated // Silk-screen poster printed on heavyweight paper. This poster is perforated and can be split into 8 different postcards. // Petroflow Annual Report // Carolyn Wagner Inc. // Annual report for Petroflow Energy, an oil company based in Calgary, Canada. Designed in collaboration with Carolyn Wagner, the report is based on calculation and data analysis and comes in a custom folder. // Petroflow Rebranding // Carolyn Wagner inc. // A website designed to rebrand Petroflow Energy to become a modern, fresh, and trustworthy energy company. // Fold n’ Scoop // -- // Pooper scooper for everyday dog owners. The instructions fold into a scooper and the bag reminds people to take their dog for a walk everyday. The bags are made of ground wood paper that neutralizes the acidity of dog poop and turns it into fertilizer. // Jamie Cullum – Twenty Something // -- // Typographic music video created for ‘Just Type’, a typography class taught by Gail Anderson. It was awarded the Certificate of Typographic Excellence by the Type Directors Club and was included in The Typography Annual 29. // Feeling Stupid is Okay // Stefan Sagmeister // Experimental typography. As an assignment for Stefan Sagmeister, we were asked to compose and then design a personal truism. This work was featured on his website, ‘Things I’ve Learned in My Life So Far’. // Safarika Logo // Safarika // Logo for a financial investment course, inspired by the digital stock ticker at the New York Stock Exchange. // Cut Ruler // -- // Ruler designed especially for cutting straight. It allows you to cut stacks of paper with a knife and still get perfect results. // Wunderbloc Promotional // Wunderbloc New York // Promotional tote bag for Wunderbloc, based on the concept of bringing what goes inside the bag, outside. Also, an open /close sign that reads “open” on both sides, focusing on their online store service that is available 24 hours, 7 days a week. // Shimmering Dust // Stefan Sagmeister’s course, ‘Can Design Touch Someone’s Heart? ’ // Designed in collaboration with Jia Chen, this bilingual booklet educates garment factory workers (many of whom speak little or no English) about the health hazards of fabric dust. The information is told in a narrative manner and references the visual aesthetic of a Chinese novel. A compartment containing dust masks is attached to the back of the booklet. // Eye Lamp // Milton Glaser’s course, Design and Intention // Based on the concept of how human see light, this lamp appears plain white when off and the graphic eye and light waves pattern become visible when switched on. // Certificate Excellence in Life Adventure // Shierly Dharsono // Shierley is a friend of mine who I have known since high school. After completing high school in Indonesia, she worked illegally in the Unites States to save money for her college tuition. At 23, she is still working toward her degree and is often frustrated with how long it has taken to achieve this goal. Using extensive hand done illustration and hand lettering, this certificate is designed to remind her that her experience over the past few years means a lot more than just a degree. Congratulations Shierley! (Completed in conjunction with Stefan Sagmeister’s course, ‘Can Design Touch Someone’s Heart? ’) // Unfortunate Friends // -- // In collaboration with three other designers, Nick Ace, Jane Song, and Yayjung Chang, Unfortunate Friends is a viral campaign to raise funds for children in less fortunate parts of the world who do not have access to formal education. Felt dolls are crafted and then travel by mail from one person to another, raising awareness and encouraging the public to donate through the website. // // Carolyn Wagner Inc. // A portfolio website is for Carolyn Wagner, an art director in Denver, Colorado. //
2007: IBI Logo // Investment Banking Institute // Logo for a financial education center derived from historic seals for banking and educational institutes. // Khoi Vinh Poster // School of Visual Arts // Guest lecture poster for Khoi Vinh, Art Director of This poster is based on his minimalistic design style. // Poster Postcard // Self Initiated // Silk-screen poster printed on heavyweight paper. This poster is perforated and can be split into 8 different postcards. // Petroflow Annual Report // Carolyn Wagner Inc. // Annual report for Petroflow Energy, an oil company based in Calgary, Canada. Designed in collaboration with Carolyn Wagner, the report is based on calculation and data analysis and comes in a custom folder. // Petroflow Rebranding // Carolyn Wagner inc. // A website designed to rebrand Petroflow Energy to become a modern, fresh, and trustworthy energy company. // Fold n’ Scoop // -- // Pooper scooper for everyday dog owners. The instructions fold into a scooper and the bag reminds people to take their dog for a walk everyday. The bags are made of ground wood paper that neutralizes the acidity of dog poop and turns it into fertilizer. // Jamie Cullum – Twenty Something // -- // Typographic music video created for ‘Just Type’, a typography class taught by Gail Anderson. It was awarded the Certificate of Typographic Excellence by the Type Directors Club and was included in The Typography Annual 29. // Feeling Stupid is Okay // Stefan Sagmeister // Experimental typography. As an assignment for Stefan Sagmeister, we were asked to compose and then design a personal truism. This work was featured on his website, ‘Things I’ve Learned in My Life So Far’. // Safarika Logo // Safarika // Logo for a financial investment course, inspired by the digital stock ticker at the New York Stock Exchange. // Cut Ruler // -- // Ruler designed especially for cutting straight. It allows you to cut stacks of paper with a knife and still get perfect results. // Wunderbloc Promotional // Wunderbloc New York // Promotional tote bag for Wunderbloc, based on the concept of bringing what goes inside the bag, outside. Also, an open /close sign that reads “open” on both sides, focusing on their online store service that is available 24 hours, 7 days a week. // Shimmering Dust // Stefan Sagmeister’s course, ‘Can Design Touch Someone’s Heart? ’ // Designed in collaboration with Jia Chen, this bilingual booklet educates garment factory workers (many of whom speak little or no English) about the health hazards of fabric dust. The information is told in a narrative manner and references the visual aesthetic of a Chinese novel. A compartment containing dust masks is attached to the back of the booklet. // Eye Lamp // Milton Glaser’s course, Design and Intention // Based on the concept of how human see light, this lamp appears plain white when off and the graphic eye and light waves pattern become visible when switched on. // Certificate Excellence in Life Adventure // Shierly Dharsono // Shierley is a friend of mine who I have known since high school. After completing high school in Indonesia, she worked illegally in the Unites States to save money for her college tuition. At 23, she is still working toward her degree and is often frustrated with how long it has taken to achieve this goal. Using extensive hand done illustration and hand lettering, this certificate is designed to remind her that her experience over the past few years means a lot more than just a degree. Congratulations Shierley! (Completed in conjunction with Stefan Sagmeister’s course, ‘Can Design Touch Someone’s Heart? ’) // Unfortunate Friends // -- // In collaboration with three other designers, Nick Ace, Jane Song, and Yayjung Chang, Unfortunate Friends is a viral campaign to raise funds for children in less fortunate parts of the world who do not have access to formal education. Felt dolls are crafted and then travel by mail from one person to another, raising awareness and encouraging the public to donate through the website. // // Carolyn Wagner Inc. // A portfolio website is for Carolyn Wagner, an art director in Denver, Colorado. //
2007: IBI Logo // Investment Banking Institute // Logo for a financial education center derived from historic seals for banking and educational institutes. // Khoi Vinh Poster // School of Visual Arts // Guest lecture poster for Khoi Vinh, Art Director of This poster is based on his minimalistic design style. // Poster Postcard // Self Initiated // Silk-screen poster printed on heavyweight paper. This poster is perforated and can be split into 8 different postcards. // Petroflow Annual Report // Carolyn Wagner Inc. // Annual report for Petroflow Energy, an oil company based in Calgary, Canada. Designed in collaboration with Carolyn Wagner, the report is based on calculation and data analysis and comes in a custom folder. // Petroflow Rebranding // Carolyn Wagner inc. // A website designed to rebrand Petroflow Energy to become a modern, fresh, and trustworthy energy company. // Fold n’ Scoop // -- // Pooper scooper for everyday dog owners. The instructions fold into a scooper and the bag reminds people to take their dog for a walk everyday. The bags are made of ground wood paper that neutralizes the acidity of dog poop and turns it into fertilizer. // Jamie Cullum – Twenty Something // -- // Typographic music video created for ‘Just Type’, a typography class taught by Gail Anderson. It was awarded the Certificate of Typographic Excellence by the Type Directors Club and was included in The Typography Annual 29. // Feeling Stupid is Okay // Stefan Sagmeister // Experimental typography. As an assignment for Stefan Sagmeister, we were asked to compose and then design a personal truism. This work was featured on his website, ‘Things I’ve Learned in My Life So Far’. // Safarika Logo // Safarika // Logo for a financial investment course, inspired by the digital stock ticker at the New York Stock Exchange. // Cut Ruler // -- // Ruler designed especially for cutting straight. It allows you to cut stacks of paper with a knife and still get perfect results. // Wunderbloc Promotional // Wunderbloc New York // Promotional tote bag for Wunderbloc, based on the concept of bringing what goes inside the bag, outside. Also, an open /close sign that reads “open” on both sides, focusing on their online store service that is available 24 hours, 7 days a week. // Shimmering Dust // Stefan Sagmeister’s course, ‘Can Design Touch Someone’s Heart? ’ // Designed in collaboration with Jia Chen, this bilingual booklet educates garment factory workers (many of whom speak little or no English) about the health hazards of fabric dust. The information is told in a narrative manner and references the visual aesthetic of a Chinese novel. A compartment containing dust masks is attached to the back of the booklet. // Eye Lamp // Milton Glaser’s course, Design and Intention // Based on the concept of how human see light, this lamp appears plain white when off and the graphic eye and light waves pattern become visible when switched on. // Certificate Excellence in Life Adventure // Shierly Dharsono // Shierley is a friend of mine who I have known since high school. After completing high school in Indonesia, she worked illegally in the Unites States to save money for her college tuition. At 23, she is still working toward her degree and is often frustrated with how long it has taken to achieve this goal. Using extensive hand done illustration and hand lettering, this certificate is designed to remind her that her experience over the past few years means a lot more than just a degree. Congratulations Shierley! (Completed in conjunction with Stefan Sagmeister’s course, ‘Can Design Touch Someone’s Heart? ’) // Unfortunate Friends // -- // In collaboration with three other designers, Nick Ace, Jane Song, and Yayjung Chang, Unfortunate Friends is a viral campaign to raise funds for children in less fortunate parts of the world who do not have access to formal education. Felt dolls are crafted and then travel by mail from one person to another, raising awareness and encouraging the public to donate through the website. // // Carolyn Wagner Inc. // A portfolio website is for Carolyn Wagner, an art director in Denver, Colorado. //
Cut ting With Regular Ruler
Metal Edge For Cut ting Clear Plastic Body Rubber Padding
2007: IBI Logo // Investment Banking Institute // Logo for a financial education center derived from historic seals for banking and educational institutes. // Khoi Vinh Poster // School of Visual Arts // Guest lecture poster for Khoi Vinh, Art Director of This poster is based on his minimalistic design style. // Poster Postcard // Self Initiated // Silk-screen poster printed on heavyweight paper. This poster is perforated and can be split into 8 different postcards. // Petroflow Annual Report // Carolyn Wagner Inc. // Annual report for Petroflow Energy, an oil company based in Calgary, Canada. Designed in collaboration with Carolyn Wagner, the report is based on calculation and data analysis and comes in a custom folder. // Petroflow Rebranding // Carolyn Wagner inc. // A website designed to rebrand Petroflow Energy to become a modern, fresh, and trustworthy energy company. // Fold n’ Scoop // -- // Pooper scooper for everyday dog owners. The instructions fold into a scooper and the bag reminds people to take their dog for a walk everyday. The bags are made of ground wood paper that neutralizes the acidity of dog poop and turns it into fertilizer. // Jamie Cullum – Twenty Something // -- // Typographic music video created for ‘Just Type’, a typography class taught by Gail Anderson. It was awarded the Certificate of Typographic Excellence by the Type Directors Club and was included in The Typography Annual 29. // Feeling Stupid is Okay // Stefan Sagmeister // Experimental typography. As an assignment for Stefan Sagmeister, we were asked to compose and then design a personal truism. This work was featured on his website, ‘Things I’ve Learned in My Life So Far’. // Safarika Logo // Safarika // Logo for a financial investment course, inspired by the digital stock ticker at the New York Stock Exchange. // Cut Ruler // -- // Ruler designed especially for cutting straight. It allows you to cut stacks of paper with a knife and still get perfect results. // Wunderbloc Promotional // Wunderbloc New York // Promotional tote bag for Wunderbloc, based on the concept of bringing what goes inside the bag, outside. Also, an open /close sign that reads “open” on both sides, focusing on their online store service that is available 24 hours, 7 days a week. // Shimmering Dust // Stefan Sagmeister’s course, ‘Can Design Touch Someone’s Heart? ’ // Designed in collaboration with Jia Chen, this bilingual booklet educates garment factory workers (many of whom speak little or no English) about the health hazards of fabric dust. The information is told in a narrative manner and references the visual aesthetic of a Chinese novel. A compartment containing dust masks is attached to the back of the booklet. // Eye Lamp // Milton Glaser’s course, Design and Intention // Based on the concept of how human see light, this lamp appears plain white when off and the graphic eye and light waves pattern become visible when switched on. // Certificate Excellence in Life Adventure // Shierly Dharsono // Shierley is a friend of mine who I have known since high school. After completing high school in Indonesia, she worked illegally in the Unites States to save money for her college tuition. At 23, she is still working toward her degree and is often frustrated with how long it has taken to achieve this goal. Using extensive hand done illustration and hand lettering, this certificate is designed to remind her that her experience over the past few years means a lot more than just a degree. Congratulations Shierley! (Completed in conjunction with Stefan Sagmeister’s course, ‘Can Design Touch Someone’s Heart? ’) // Unfortunate Friends // -- // In collaboration with three other designers, Nick Ace, Jane Song, and Yayjung Chang, Unfortunate Friends is a viral campaign to raise funds for children in less fortunate parts of the world who do not have access to formal education. Felt dolls are crafted and then travel by mail from one person to another, raising awareness and encouraging the public to donate through the website. // // Carolyn Wagner Inc. // A portfolio website is for Carolyn Wagner, an art director in Denver, Colorado. //
2007: IBI Logo // Investment Banking Institute // Logo for a financial education center derived from historic seals for banking and educational institutes. // Khoi Vinh Poster // School of Visual Arts // Guest lecture poster for Khoi Vinh, Art Director of This poster is based on his minimalistic design style. // Poster Postcard // Self Initiated // Silk-screen poster printed on heavyweight paper. This poster is perforated and can be split into 8 different postcards. // Petroflow Annual Report // Carolyn Wagner Inc. // Annual report for Petroflow Energy, an oil company based in Calgary, Canada. Designed in collaboration with Carolyn Wagner, the report is based on calculation and data analysis and comes in a custom folder. // Petroflow Rebranding // Carolyn Wagner inc. // A website designed to rebrand Petroflow Energy to become a modern, fresh, and trustworthy energy company. // Fold n’ Scoop // -- // Pooper scooper for everyday dog owners. The instructions fold into a scooper and the bag reminds people to take their dog for a walk everyday. The bags are made of ground wood paper that neutralizes the acidity of dog poop and turns it into fertilizer. // Jamie Cullum – Twenty Something // -- // Typographic music video created for ‘Just Type’, a typography class taught by Gail Anderson. It was awarded the Certificate of Typographic Excellence by the Type Directors Club and was included in The Typography Annual 29. // Feeling Stupid is Okay // Stefan Sagmeister // Experimental typography. As an assignment for Stefan Sagmeister, we were asked to compose and then design a personal truism. This work was featured on his website, ‘Things I’ve Learned in My Life So Far’. // Safarika Logo // Safarika // Logo for a financial investment course, inspired by the digital stock ticker at the New York Stock Exchange. // Cut Ruler // -- // Ruler designed especially for cutting straight. It allows you to cut stacks of paper with a knife and still get perfect results. // Wunderbloc Promotional // Wunderbloc New York // Promotional tote bag for Wunderbloc, based on the concept of bringing what goes inside the bag, outside. Also, an open /close sign that reads “open” on both sides, focusing on their online store service that is available 24 hours, 7 days a week. // Shimmering Dust // Stefan Sagmeister’s course, ‘Can Design Touch Someone’s Heart? ’ // Designed in collaboration with Jia Chen, this bilingual booklet educates garment factory workers (many of whom speak little or no English) about the health hazards of fabric dust. The information is told in a narrative manner and references the visual aesthetic of a Chinese novel. A compartment containing dust masks is attached to the back of the booklet. // Eye Lamp // Milton Glaser’s course, Design and Intention // Based on the concept of how human see light, this lamp appears plain white when off and the graphic eye and light waves pattern become visible when switched on. // Certificate Excellence in Life Adventure // Shierly Dharsono // Shierley is a friend of mine who I have known since high school. After completing high school in Indonesia, she worked illegally in the Unites States to save money for her college tuition. At 23, she is still working toward her degree and is often frustrated with how long it has taken to achieve this goal. Using extensive hand done illustration and hand lettering, this certificate is designed to remind her that her experience over the past few years means a lot more than just a degree. Congratulations Shierley! (Completed in conjunction with Stefan Sagmeister’s course, ‘Can Design Touch Someone’s Heart? ’) // Unfortunate Friends // -- // In collaboration with three other designers, Nick Ace, Jane Song, and Yayjung Chang, Unfortunate Friends is a viral campaign to raise funds for children in less fortunate parts of the world who do not have access to formal education. Felt dolls are crafted and then travel by mail from one person to another, raising awareness and encouraging the public to donate through the website. // // Carolyn Wagner Inc. // A portfolio website is for Carolyn Wagner, an art director in Denver, Colorado. //
2007: IBI Logo // Investment Banking Institute // Logo for a financial education center derived from historic seals for banking and educational institutes. // Khoi Vinh Poster // School of Visual Arts // Guest lecture poster for Khoi Vinh, Art Director of This poster is based on his minimalistic design style. // Poster Postcard // Self Initiated // Silk-screen poster printed on heavyweight paper. This poster is perforated and can be split into 8 different postcards. // Petroflow Annual Report // Carolyn Wagner Inc. // Annual report for Petroflow Energy, an oil company based in Calgary, Canada. Designed in collaboration with Carolyn Wagner, the report is based on calculation and data analysis and comes in a custom folder. // Petroflow Rebranding // Carolyn Wagner inc. // A website designed to rebrand Petroflow Energy to become a modern, fresh, and trustworthy energy company. // Fold n’ Scoop // -- // Pooper scooper for everyday dog owners. The instructions fold into a scooper and the bag reminds people to take their dog for a walk everyday. The bags are made of ground wood paper that neutralizes the acidity of dog poop and turns it into fertilizer. // Jamie Cullum – Twenty Something // -- // Typographic music video created for ‘Just Type’, a typography class taught by Gail Anderson. It was awarded the Certificate of Typographic Excellence by the Type Directors Club and was included in The Typography Annual 29. // Feeling Stupid is Okay // Stefan Sagmeister // Experimental typography. As an assignment for Stefan Sagmeister, we were asked to compose and then design a personal truism. This work was featured on his website, ‘Things I’ve Learned in My Life So Far’. // Safarika Logo // Safarika // Logo for a financial investment course, inspired by the digital stock ticker at the New York Stock Exchange. // Cut Ruler // -- // Ruler designed especially for cutting straight. It allows you to cut stacks of paper with a knife and still get perfect results. // Wunderbloc Promotional // Wunderbloc New York // Promotional tote bag for Wunderbloc, based on the concept of bringing what goes inside the bag, outside. Also, an open /close sign that reads “open” on both sides, focusing on their online store service that is available 24 hours, 7 days a week. // Shimmering Dust // Stefan Sagmeister’s course, ‘Can Design Touch Someone’s Heart? ’ // Designed in collaboration with Jia Chen, this bilingual booklet educates garment factory workers (many of whom speak little or no English) about the health hazards of fabric dust. The information is told in a narrative manner and references the visual aesthetic of a Chinese novel. A compartment containing dust masks is attached to the back of the booklet. // Eye Lamp // Milton Glaser’s course, Design and Intention // Based on the concept of how human see light, this lamp appears plain white when off and the graphic eye and light waves pattern become visible when switched on. // Certificate Excellence in Life Adventure // Shierly Dharsono // Shierley is a friend of mine who I have known since high school. After completing high school in Indonesia, she worked illegally in the Unites States to save money for her college tuition. At 23, she is still working toward her degree and is often frustrated with how long it has taken to achieve this goal. Using extensive hand done illustration and hand lettering, this certificate is designed to remind her that her experience over the past few years means a lot more than just a degree. Congratulations Shierley! (Completed in conjunction with Stefan Sagmeister’s course, ‘Can Design Touch Someone’s Heart? ’) // Unfortunate Friends // -- // In collaboration with three other designers, Nick Ace, Jane Song, and Yayjung Chang, Unfortunate Friends is a viral campaign to raise funds for children in less fortunate parts of the world who do not have access to formal education. Felt dolls are crafted and then travel by mail from one person to another, raising awareness and encouraging the public to donate through the website. // // Carolyn Wagner Inc. // A portfolio website is for Carolyn Wagner, an art director in Denver, Colorado. //
2007: IBI Logo // Investment Banking Institute // Logo for a financial education center derived from historic seals for banking and educational institutes. // Khoi Vinh Poster // School of Visual Arts // Guest lecture poster for Khoi Vinh, Art Director of This poster is based on his minimalistic design style. // Poster Postcard // Self Initiated // Silk-screen poster printed on heavyweight paper. This poster is perforated and can be split into 8 different postcards. // Petroflow Annual Report // Carolyn Wagner Inc. // Annual report for Petroflow Energy, an oil company based in Calgary, Canada. Designed in collaboration with Carolyn Wagner, the report is based on calculation and data analysis and comes in a custom folder. // Petroflow Rebranding // Carolyn Wagner inc. // A website designed to rebrand Petroflow Energy to become a modern, fresh, and trustworthy energy company. // Fold n’ Scoop // -- // Pooper scooper for everyday dog owners. The instructions fold into a scooper and the bag reminds people to take their dog for a walk everyday. The bags are made of ground wood paper that neutralizes the acidity of dog poop and turns it into fertilizer. // Jamie Cullum – Twenty Something // -- // Typographic music video created for ‘Just Type’, a typography class taught by Gail Anderson. It was awarded the Certificate of Typographic Excellence by the Type Directors Club and was included in The Typography Annual 29. // Feeling Stupid is Okay // Stefan Sagmeister // Experimental typography. As an assignment for Stefan Sagmeister, we were asked to compose and then design a personal truism. This work was featured on his website, ‘Things I’ve Learned in My Life So Far’. // Safarika Logo // Safarika // Logo for a financial investment course, inspired by the digital stock ticker at the New York Stock Exchange. // Cut Ruler // -- // Ruler designed especially for cutting straight. It allows you to cut stacks of paper with a knife and still get perfect results. // Wunderbloc Promotional // Wunderbloc New York // Promotional tote bag for Wunderbloc, based on the concept of bringing what goes inside the bag, outside. Also, an open /close sign that reads “open” on both sides, focusing on their online store service that is available 24 hours, 7 days a week. // Shimmering Dust // Stefan Sagmeister’s course, ‘Can Design Touch Someone’s Heart? ’ // Designed in collaboration with Jia Chen, this bilingual booklet educates garment factory workers (many of whom speak little or no English) about the health hazards of fabric dust. The information is told in a narrative manner and references the visual aesthetic of a Chinese novel. A compartment containing dust masks is attached to the back of the booklet. // Eye Lamp // Milton Glaser’s course, Design and Intention // Based on the concept of how human see light, this lamp appears plain white when off and the graphic eye and light waves pattern become visible when switched on. // Certificate Excellence in Life Adventure // Shierly Dharsono // Shierley is a friend of mine who I have known since high school. After completing high school in Indonesia, she worked illegally in the Unites States to save money for her college tuition. At 23, she is still working toward her degree and is often frustrated with how long it has taken to achieve this goal. Using extensive hand done illustration and hand lettering, this certificate is designed to remind her that her experience over the past few years means a lot more than just a degree. Congratulations Shierley! (Completed in conjunction with Stefan Sagmeister’s course, ‘Can Design Touch Someone’s Heart? ’) // Unfortunate Friends // -- // In collaboration with three other designers, Nick Ace, Jane Song, and Yayjung Chang, Unfortunate Friends is a viral campaign to raise funds for children in less fortunate parts of the world who do not have access to formal education. Felt dolls are crafted and then travel by mail from one person to another, raising awareness and encouraging the public to donate through the website. // // Carolyn Wagner Inc. // A portfolio website is for Carolyn Wagner, an art director in Denver, Colorado. //
2007: IBI Logo // Investment Banking Institute // Logo for a financial education center derived from historic seals for banking and educational institutes. // Khoi Vinh Poster // School of Visual Arts // Guest lecture poster for Khoi Vinh, Art Director of This poster is based on his minimalistic design style. // Poster Postcard // Self Initiated // Silk-screen poster printed on heavyweight paper. This poster is perforated and can be split into 8 different postcards. // Petroflow Annual Report // Carolyn Wagner Inc. // Annual report for Petroflow Energy, an oil company based in Calgary, Canada. Designed in collaboration with Carolyn Wagner, the report is based on calculation and data analysis and comes in a custom folder. // Petroflow Rebranding // Carolyn Wagner inc. // A website designed to rebrand Petroflow Energy to become a modern, fresh, and trustworthy energy company. // Fold n’ Scoop // -- // Pooper scooper for everyday dog owners. The instructions fold into a scooper and the bag reminds people to take their dog for a walk everyday. The bags are made of ground wood paper that neutralizes the acidity of dog poop and turns it into fertilizer. // Jamie Cullum – Twenty Something // -- // Typographic music video created for ‘Just Type’, a typography class taught by Gail Anderson. It was awarded the Certificate of Typographic Excellence by the Type Directors Club and was included in The Typography Annual 29. // Feeling Stupid is Okay // Stefan Sagmeister // Experimental typography. As an assignment for Stefan Sagmeister, we were asked to compose and then design a personal truism. This work was featured on his website, ‘Things I’ve Learned in My Life So Far’. // Safarika Logo // Safarika // Logo for a financial investment course, inspired by the digital stock ticker at the New York Stock Exchange. // Cut Ruler // -- // Ruler designed especially for cutting straight. It allows you to cut stacks of paper with a knife and still get perfect results. // Wunderbloc Promotional // Wunderbloc New York // Promotional tote bag for Wunderbloc, based on the concept of bringing what goes inside the bag, outside. Also, an open /close sign that reads “open” on both sides, focusing on their online store service that is available 24 hours, 7 days a week. // Shimmering Dust // Stefan Sagmeister’s course, ‘Can Design Touch Someone’s Heart? ’ // Designed in collaboration with Jia Chen, this bilingual booklet educates garment factory workers (many of whom speak little or no English) about the health hazards of fabric dust. The information is told in a narrative manner and references the visual aesthetic of a Chinese novel. A compartment containing dust masks is attached to the back of the booklet. // Eye Lamp // Milton Glaser’s course, Design and Intention // Based on the concept of how human see light, this lamp appears plain white when off and the graphic eye and light waves pattern become visible when switched on. // Certificate Excellence in Life Adventure // Shierly Dharsono // Shierley is a friend of mine who I have known since high school. After completing high school in Indonesia, she worked illegally in the Unites States to save money for her college tuition. At 23, she is still working toward her degree and is often frustrated with how long it has taken to achieve this goal. Using extensive hand done illustration and hand lettering, this certificate is designed to remind her that her experience over the past few years means a lot more than just a degree. Congratulations Shierley! (Completed in conjunction with Stefan Sagmeister’s course, ‘Can Design Touch Someone’s Heart? ’) // Unfortunate Friends // -- // In collaboration with three other designers, Nick Ace, Jane Song, and Yayjung Chang, Unfortunate Friends is a viral campaign to raise funds for children in less fortunate parts of the world who do not have access to formal education. Felt dolls are crafted and then travel by mail from one person to another, raising awareness and encouraging the public to donate through the website. // // Carolyn Wagner Inc. // A portfolio website is for Carolyn Wagner, an art director in Denver, Colorado. //
2007: IBI Logo // Investment Banking Institute // Logo for a financial education center derived from historic seals for banking and educational institutes. // Khoi Vinh Poster // School of Visual Arts // Guest lecture poster for Khoi Vinh, Art Director of This poster is based on his minimalistic design style. // Poster Postcard // Self Initiated // Silk-screen poster printed on heavyweight paper. This poster is perforated and can be split into 8 different postcards. // Petroflow Annual Report // Carolyn Wagner Inc. // Annual report for Petroflow Energy, an oil company based in Calgary, Canada. Designed in collaboration with Carolyn Wagner, the report is based on calculation and data analysis and comes in a custom folder. // Petroflow Rebranding // Carolyn Wagner inc. // A website designed to rebrand Petroflow Energy to become a modern, fresh, and trustworthy energy company. // Fold n’ Scoop // -- // Pooper scooper for everyday dog owners. The instructions fold into a scooper and the bag reminds people to take their dog for a walk everyday. The bags are made of ground wood paper that neutralizes the acidity of dog poop and turns it into fertilizer. // Jamie Cullum – Twenty Something // -- // Typographic music video created for ‘Just Type’, a typography class taught by Gail Anderson. It was awarded the Certificate of Typographic Excellence by the Type Directors Club and was included in The Typography Annual 29. // Feeling Stupid is Okay // Stefan Sagmeister // Experimental typography. As an assignment for Stefan Sagmeister, we were asked to compose and then design a personal truism. This work was featured on his website, ‘Things I’ve Learned in My Life So Far’. // Safarika Logo // Safarika // Logo for a financial investment course, inspired by the digital stock ticker at the New York Stock Exchange. // Cut Ruler // -- // Ruler designed especially for cutting straight. It allows you to cut stacks of paper with a knife and still get perfect results. // Wunderbloc Promotional // Wunderbloc New York // Promotional tote bag for Wunderbloc, based on the concept of bringing what goes inside the bag, outside. Also, an open /close sign that reads “open” on both sides, focusing on their online store service that is available 24 hours, 7 days a week. // Shimmering Dust // Stefan Sagmeister’s course, ‘Can Design Touch Someone’s Heart? ’ // Designed in collaboration with Jia Chen, this bilingual booklet educates garment factory workers (many of whom speak little or no English) about the health hazards of fabric dust. The information is told in a narrative manner and references the visual aesthetic of a Chinese novel. A compartment containing dust masks is attached to the back of the booklet. // Eye Lamp // Milton Glaser’s course, Design and Intention // Based on the concept of how human see light, this lamp appears plain white when off and the graphic eye and light waves pattern become visible when switched on. // Certificate Excellence in Life Adventure // Shierly Dharsono // Shierley is a friend of mine who I have known since high school. After completing high school in Indonesia, she worked illegally in the Unites States to save money for her college tuition. At 23, she is still working toward her degree and is often frustrated with how long it has taken to achieve this goal. Using extensive hand done illustration and hand lettering, this certificate is designed to remind her that her experience over the past few years means a lot more than just a degree. Congratulations Shierley! (Completed in conjunction with Stefan Sagmeister’s course, ‘Can Design Touch Someone’s Heart? ’) // Unfortunate Friends // -- // In collaboration with three other designers, Nick Ace, Jane Song, and Yayjung Chang, Unfortunate Friends is a viral campaign to raise funds for children in less fortunate parts of the world who do not have access to formal education. Felt dolls are crafted and then travel by mail from one person to another, raising awareness and encouraging the public to donate through the website. // // Carolyn Wagner Inc. // A portfolio website is for Carolyn Wagner, an art director in Denver, Colorado. //
xxxx Work >> 2006 xxxx 2007 2008
2008: Tidal TV // Alfalfa Studio // Logo for Tidal T V, an online television network. The type treatment is based on a modular form and appears in various color palettes, corresponding to particular shows. // Grace // -- // Working with 2 amazing designers, Yai-Jung Chang, and Jane Song, we designed and built this spiritually based installation. It’s a bird-like mobile structure that flaps its wings every time the wind blows. // Free Play redesign // -- // Book cover redesign for Free Play, a book about the power of improvisation and how ideas develop without deliberation. // Sonova Logo // Arcadia Biosciences // Logo for Sonova, a product line of Safflower oil. // NBC Earth Day Installation // NBC // This giant frame (18’ x 24’) was installed at Rockefeller Center South Plaza and appeared on NBC’s ‘Today Show’ for 5 consecutive days in conjunction with their Earth Day program, “Green is Universal”. The installation began with the empty frame and, each day, more of the image was filled in using publically donated electronic waste, such as cell phones, keyboards, hard drives, etc. The final result was a large-scale mosaic, completed on the fourth day. Construction was managed by Kevin O’Callaghan and a team of School of Visual Arts undergraduate students. // I Am Busy // -- // An experimental website for people working in office settings that allows people to play games, chat, make office toys out of stationary items, read emails and read blogs while pretending they’re doing work. The website is designed to mimic popular office software interfaces. // Bravo Shear Genius // Bravo T V Network // Outdoor salon, designed together with Kevin O’Callaghan, held on June 23, 2008 on the Times Square military island to promote the second season of Shear Genius. // SoHo Bespoke Branding // SoHo Bespoke // Branding work for SoHo Bespoke, a custom shirt company in New York. The logo is designed based on a tailor’s measuring tape and the branding is about borrowing color from nature and presenting it in a modern and minimalist fashion. // Every Person, Every Place // Center for Architecture // Motion graphic, designed together with Alfalfa Studio, for The Center for Architecture 2008 Awards Gala. // Love Hate Relationship // -- // A pair of calligraphic posters, each containing contradicting ideas regarding how I feel about my country. While contradictory in meaning, the shape and forms are designed to look similar. // RedTape // -- // RedTape is a line of belts inspired by cost and bureaucracy in the United States’ health care system. These belts are part of Model Citizen, an exhibition and fashion show from the School of Visual Arts first year MFA Design. // Areej Khan Impulse // Areej Khan // Areej Khan, a fellow designer in the MFA design studio at SVA, does most of her work based on gut feeling and impulses. This portfolio features 3 distinct projects displayed in identical, unmarked books. The reader’s impulse will decide which project is viewed first. // Anal Retentive Chair // -- // A chair designed to reflect the personality trait, “anal-retentive”. Every part of the chair is meticulously labeled with measurements. Some parts of the chair were even reconstructed to make it perfectly proportional. // ICFF booth for SVA // -- // Working together with Kevin O’Callaghan and the MFAD Class of 2009, this is the School of Visual Arts booth at the International Contemporary Furniture Fair (ICFF), New York. This booth was awarded the ICFF Editors Award for Best Booth. // Amphibian membership card // Amphibian theater // Amphibian sends this card to prospective and renewing members to be a part of the theater family. This card is designed to fold into an envelope after the form is filled out. // Unwearable Jewels // Sebastian + Barquet Gallery // Collaborating with Alfalfa Studio, this is a catalog for Solange Azagury-Partridge, a jewelry artist from London. Designed in conjunction with her show, ‘Unwearable Jewels’ in Chelsea, New York, it is printed in 3 different papers (extra glossy, un-coated end paper, gold mirror papers) and uses velvet as the cover to emulate a jewelry box. // Ivan Feiliana Wedding Invitation // Ivan Sielegar & Feiliana Sia // Bilingual wedding invitation designed for my brother. // Alfalfa Studio Stationery // Alfalfa Studio // Stationery set for Alfalfa studio, based on random sketches. The format of the letterhead and envelope are flipped so they appear horizontally instead of the traditional vertical layout. // Unbook // -- // Challenging the traditional form of the book. The first project reimagines the Color Index, a book about color combinations. It is reformatted to house a plastic box that contains color chips that can be shaken to create random combinations of color. The second project is a photography book about Times Square and takes the form of a Rolodex. The top portion features 360° photographs of Times Square and the bottom one contains facts and information. //
2008: Tidal TV // Alfalfa Studio // Logo for Tidal T V, an online television network. The type treatment is based on a modular form and appears in various color palettes, corresponding to particular shows. // Grace // -- // Working with 2 amazing designers, Yai-Jung Chang, and Jane Song, we designed and built this spiritually based installation. It’s a bird-like mobile structure that flaps its wings every time the wind blows. // Free Play redesign // -- // Book cover redesign for Free Play, a book about the power of improvisation and how ideas develop without deliberation. // Sonova Logo // Arcadia Biosciences // Logo for Sonova, a product line of Safflower oil. // NBC Earth Day Installation // NBC // This giant frame (18’ x 24’) was installed at Rockefeller Center South Plaza and appeared on NBC’s ‘Today Show’ for 5 consecutive days in conjunction with their Earth Day program, “Green is Universal”. The installation began with the empty frame and, each day, more of the image was filled in using publically donated electronic waste, such as cell phones, keyboards, hard drives, etc. The final result was a large-scale mosaic, completed on the fourth day. Construction was managed by Kevin O’Callaghan and a team of School of Visual Arts undergraduate students. // I Am Busy // -- // An experimental website for people working in office settings that allows people to play games, chat, make office toys out of stationary items, read emails and read blogs while pretending they’re doing work. The website is designed to mimic popular office software interfaces. // Bravo Shear Genius // Bravo T V Network // Outdoor salon, designed together with Kevin O’Callaghan, held on June 23, 2008 on the Times Square military island to promote the second season of Shear Genius. // SoHo Bespoke Branding // SoHo Bespoke // Branding work for SoHo Bespoke, a custom shirt company in New York. The logo is designed based on a tailor’s measuring tape and the branding is about borrowing color from nature and presenting it in a modern and minimalist fashion. // Every Person, Every Place // Center for Architecture // Motion graphic, designed together with Alfalfa Studio, for The Center for Architecture 2008 Awards Gala. // Love Hate Relationship // -- // A pair of calligraphic posters, each containing contradicting ideas regarding how I feel about my country. While contradictory in meaning, the shape and forms are designed to look similar. // RedTape // -- // RedTape is a line of belts inspired by cost and bureaucracy in the United States’ health care system. These belts are part of Model Citizen, an exhibition and fashion show from the School of Visual Arts first year MFA Design. // Areej Khan Impulse // Areej Khan // Areej Khan, a fellow designer in the MFA design studio at SVA, does most of her work based on gut feeling and impulses. This portfolio features 3 distinct projects displayed in identical, unmarked books. The reader’s impulse will decide which project is viewed first. // Anal Retentive Chair // -- // A chair designed to reflect the personality trait, “anal-retentive”. Every part of the chair is meticulously labeled with measurements. Some parts of the chair were even reconstructed to make it perfectly proportional. // ICFF booth for SVA // -- // Working together with Kevin O’Callaghan and the MFAD Class of 2009, this is the School of Visual Arts booth at the International Contemporary Furniture Fair (ICFF), New York. This booth was awarded the ICFF Editors Award for Best Booth. // Amphibian membership card // Amphibian theater // Amphibian sends this card to prospective and renewing members to be a part of the theater family. This card is designed to fold into an envelope after the form is filled out. // Unwearable Jewels // Sebastian + Barquet Gallery // Collaborating with Alfalfa Studio, this is a catalog for Solange Azagury-Partridge, a jewelry artist from London. Designed in conjunction with her show, ‘Unwearable Jewels’ in Chelsea, New York, it is printed in 3 different papers (extra glossy, un-coated end paper, gold mirror papers) and uses velvet as the cover to emulate a jewelry box. // Ivan Feiliana Wedding Invitation // Ivan Sielegar & Feiliana Sia // Bilingual wedding invitation designed for my brother. // Alfalfa Studio Stationery // Alfalfa Studio // Stationery set for Alfalfa studio, based on random sketches. The format of the letterhead and envelope are flipped so they appear horizontally instead of the traditional vertical layout. // Unbook // -- // Challenging the traditional form of the book. The first project reimagines the Color Index, a book about color combinations. It is reformatted to house a plastic box that contains color chips that can be shaken to create random combinations of color. The second project is a photography book about Times Square and takes the form of a Rolodex. The top portion features 360° photographs of Times Square and the bottom one contains facts and information. //
2008: Tidal TV // Alfalfa Studio // Logo for Tidal T V, an online television network. The type treatment is based on a modular form and appears in various color palettes, corresponding to particular shows. // Grace // -- // Working with 2 amazing designers, Yai-Jung Chang, and Jane Song, we designed and built this spiritually based installation. It’s a bird-like mobile structure that flaps its wings every time the wind blows. // Free Play redesign // -- // Book cover redesign for Free Play, a book about the power of improvisation and how ideas develop without deliberation. // Sonova Logo // Arcadia Biosciences // Logo for Sonova, a product line of Safflower oil. // NBC Earth Day Installation // NBC // This giant frame (18’ x 24’) was installed at Rockefeller Center South Plaza and appeared on NBC’s ‘Today Show’ for 5 consecutive days in conjunction with their Earth Day program, “Green is Universal”. The installation began with the empty frame and, each day, more of the image was filled in using publically donated electronic waste, such as cell phones, keyboards, hard drives, etc. The final result was a large-scale mosaic, completed on the fourth day. Construction was managed by Kevin O’Callaghan and a team of School of Visual Arts undergraduate students. // I Am Busy // -- // An experimental website for people working in office settings that allows people to play games, chat, make office toys out of stationary items, read emails and read blogs while pretending they’re doing work. The website is designed to mimic popular office software interfaces. // Bravo Shear Genius // Bravo T V Network // Outdoor salon, designed together with Kevin O’Callaghan, held on June 23, 2008 on the Times Square military island to promote the second season of Shear Genius. // SoHo Bespoke Branding // SoHo Bespoke // Branding work for SoHo Bespoke, a custom shirt company in New York. The logo is designed based on a tailor’s measuring tape and the branding is about borrowing color from nature and presenting it in a modern and minimalist fashion. // Every Person, Every Place // Center for Architecture // Motion graphic, designed together with Alfalfa Studio, for The Center for Architecture 2008 Awards Gala. // Love Hate Relationship // -- // A pair of calligraphic posters, each containing contradicting ideas regarding how I feel about my country. While contradictory in meaning, the shape and forms are designed to look similar. // RedTape // -- // RedTape is a line of belts inspired by cost and bureaucracy in the United States’ health care system. These belts are part of Model Citizen, an exhibition and fashion show from the School of Visual Arts first year MFA Design. // Areej Khan Impulse // Areej Khan // Areej Khan, a fellow designer in the MFA design studio at SVA, does most of her work based on gut feeling and impulses. This portfolio features 3 distinct projects displayed in identical, unmarked books. The reader’s impulse will decide which project is viewed first. // Anal Retentive Chair // -- // A chair designed to reflect the personality trait, “anal-retentive”. Every part of the chair is meticulously labeled with measurements. Some parts of the chair were even reconstructed to make it perfectly proportional. // ICFF booth for SVA // -- // Working together with Kevin O’Callaghan and the MFAD Class of 2009, this is the School of Visual Arts booth at the International Contemporary Furniture Fair (ICFF), New York. This booth was awarded the ICFF Editors Award for Best Booth. // Amphibian membership card // Amphibian theater // Amphibian sends this card to prospective and renewing members to be a part of the theater family. This card is designed to fold into an envelope after the form is filled out. // Unwearable Jewels // Sebastian + Barquet Gallery // Collaborating with Alfalfa Studio, this is a catalog for Solange Azagury-Partridge, a jewelry artist from London. Designed in conjunction with her show, ‘Unwearable Jewels’ in Chelsea, New York, it is printed in 3 different papers (extra glossy, un-coated end paper, gold mirror papers) and uses velvet as the cover to emulate a jewelry box. // Ivan Feiliana Wedding Invitation // Ivan Sielegar & Feiliana Sia // Bilingual wedding invitation designed for my brother. // Alfalfa Studio Stationery // Alfalfa Studio // Stationery set for Alfalfa studio, based on random sketches. The format of the letterhead and envelope are flipped so they appear horizontally instead of the traditional vertical layout. // Unbook // -- // Challenging the traditional form of the book. The first project reimagines the Color Index, a book about color combinations. It is reformatted to house a plastic box that contains color chips that can be shaken to create random combinations of color. The second project is a photography book about Times Square and takes the form of a Rolodex. The top portion features 360° photographs of Times Square and the bottom one contains facts and information. //
2008: Tidal TV // Alfalfa Studio // Logo for Tidal T V, an online television network. The type treatment is based on a modular form and appears in various color palettes, corresponding to particular shows. // Grace // -- // Working with 2 amazing designers, Yai-Jung Chang, and Jane Song, we designed and built this spiritually based installation. It’s a bird-like mobile structure that flaps its wings every time the wind blows. // Free Play redesign // -- // Book cover redesign for Free Play, a book about the power of improvisation and how ideas develop without deliberation. // Sonova Logo // Arcadia Biosciences // Logo for Sonova, a product line of Safflower oil. // NBC Earth Day Installation // NBC // This giant frame (18’ x 24’) was installed at Rockefeller Center South Plaza and appeared on NBC’s ‘Today Show’ for 5 consecutive days in conjunction with their Earth Day program, “Green is Universal”. The installation began with the empty frame and, each day, more of the image was filled in using publically donated electronic waste, such as cell phones, keyboards, hard drives, etc. The final result was a large-scale mosaic, completed on the fourth day. Construction was managed by Kevin O’Callaghan and a team of School of Visual Arts undergraduate students. // I Am Busy // -- // An experimental website for people working in office settings that allows people to play games, chat, make office toys out of stationary items, read emails and read blogs while pretending they’re doing work. The website is designed to mimic popular office software interfaces. // Bravo Shear Genius // Bravo T V Network // Outdoor salon, designed together with Kevin O’Callaghan, held on June 23, 2008 on the Times Square military island to promote the second season of Shear Genius. // SoHo Bespoke Branding // SoHo Bespoke // Branding work for SoHo Bespoke, a custom shirt company in New York. The logo is designed based on a tailor’s measuring tape and the branding is about borrowing color from nature and presenting it in a modern and minimalist fashion. // Every Person, Every Place // Center for Architecture // Motion graphic, designed together with Alfalfa Studio, for The Center for Architecture 2008 Awards Gala. // Love Hate Relationship // -- // A pair of calligraphic posters, each containing contradicting ideas regarding how I feel about my country. While contradictory in meaning, the shape and forms are designed to look similar. // RedTape // -- // RedTape is a line of belts inspired by cost and bureaucracy in the United States’ health care system. These belts are part of Model Citizen, an exhibition and fashion show from the School of Visual Arts first year MFA Design. // Areej Khan Impulse // Areej Khan // Areej Khan, a fellow designer in the MFA design studio at SVA, does most of her work based on gut feeling and impulses. This portfolio features 3 distinct projects displayed in identical, unmarked books. The reader’s impulse will decide which project is viewed first. // Anal Retentive Chair // -- // A chair designed to reflect the personality trait, “anal-retentive”. Every part of the chair is meticulously labeled with measurements. Some parts of the chair were even reconstructed to make it perfectly proportional. // ICFF booth for SVA // -- // Working together with Kevin O’Callaghan and the MFAD Class of 2009, this is the School of Visual Arts booth at the International Contemporary Furniture Fair (ICFF), New York. This booth was awarded the ICFF Editors Award for Best Booth. // Amphibian membership card // Amphibian theater // Amphibian sends this card to prospective and renewing members to be a part of the theater family. This card is designed to fold into an envelope after the form is filled out. // Unwearable Jewels // Sebastian + Barquet Gallery // Collaborating with Alfalfa Studio, this is a catalog for Solange Azagury-Partridge, a jewelry artist from London. Designed in conjunction with her show, ‘Unwearable Jewels’ in Chelsea, New York, it is printed in 3 different papers (extra glossy, un-coated end paper, gold mirror papers) and uses velvet as the cover to emulate a jewelry box. // Ivan Feiliana Wedding Invitation // Ivan Sielegar & Feiliana Sia // Bilingual wedding invitation designed for my brother. // Alfalfa Studio Stationery // Alfalfa Studio // Stationery set for Alfalfa studio, based on random sketches. The format of the letterhead and envelope are flipped so they appear horizontally instead of the traditional vertical layout. // Unbook // -- // Challenging the traditional form of the book. The first project reimagines the Color Index, a book about color combinations. It is reformatted to house a plastic box that contains color chips that can be shaken to create random combinations of color. The second project is a photography book about Times Square and takes the form of a Rolodex. The top portion features 360° photographs of Times Square and the bottom one contains facts and information. //
2008: Tidal TV // Alfalfa Studio // Logo for Tidal T V, an online television network. The type treatment is based on a modular form and appears in various color palettes, corresponding to particular shows. // Grace // -- // Working with 2 amazing designers, Yai-Jung Chang, and Jane Song, we designed and built this spiritually based installation. It’s a bird-like mobile structure that flaps its wings every time the wind blows. // Free Play redesign // -- // Book cover redesign for Free Play, a book about the power of improvisation and how ideas develop without deliberation. // Sonova Logo // Arcadia Biosciences // Logo for Sonova, a product line of Safflower oil. // NBC Earth Day Installation // NBC // This giant frame (18’ x 24’) was installed at Rockefeller Center South Plaza and appeared on NBC’s ‘Today Show’ for 5 consecutive days in conjunction with their Earth Day program, “Green is Universal”. The installation began with the empty frame and, each day, more of the image was filled in using publically donated electronic waste, such as cell phones, keyboards, hard drives, etc. The final result was a large-scale mosaic, completed on the fourth day. Construction was managed by Kevin O’Callaghan and a team of School of Visual Arts undergraduate students. // I Am Busy // -- // An experimental website for people working in office settings that allows people to play games, chat, make office toys out of stationary items, read emails and read blogs while pretending they’re doing work. The website is designed to mimic popular office software interfaces. // Bravo Shear Genius // Bravo T V Network // Outdoor salon, designed together with Kevin O’Callaghan, held on June 23, 2008 on the Times Square military island to promote the second season of Shear Genius. // SoHo Bespoke Branding // SoHo Bespoke // Branding work for SoHo Bespoke, a custom shirt company in New York. The logo is designed based on a tailor’s measuring tape and the branding is about borrowing color from nature and presenting it in a modern and minimalist fashion. // Every Person, Every Place // Center for Architecture // Motion graphic, designed together with Alfalfa Studio, for The Center for Architecture 2008 Awards Gala. // Love Hate Relationship // -- // A pair of calligraphic posters, each containing contradicting ideas regarding how I feel about my country. While contradictory in meaning, the shape and forms are designed to look similar. // RedTape // -- // RedTape is a line of belts inspired by cost and bureaucracy in the United States’ health care system. These belts are part of Model Citizen, an exhibition and fashion show from the School of Visual Arts first year MFA Design. // Areej Khan Impulse // Areej Khan // Areej Khan, a fellow designer in the MFA design studio at SVA, does most of her work based on gut feeling and impulses. This portfolio features 3 distinct projects displayed in identical, unmarked books. The reader’s impulse will decide which project is viewed first. // Anal Retentive Chair // -- // A chair designed to reflect the personality trait, “anal-retentive”. Every part of the chair is meticulously labeled with measurements. Some parts of the chair were even reconstructed to make it perfectly proportional. // ICFF booth for SVA // -- // Working together with Kevin O’Callaghan and the MFAD Class of 2009, this is the School of Visual Arts booth at the International Contemporary Furniture Fair (ICFF), New York. This booth was awarded the ICFF Editors Award for Best Booth. // Amphibian membership card // Amphibian theater // Amphibian sends this card to prospective and renewing members to be a part of the theater family. This card is designed to fold into an envelope after the form is filled out. // Unwearable Jewels // Sebastian + Barquet Gallery // Collaborating with Alfalfa Studio, this is a catalog for Solange Azagury-Partridge, a jewelry artist from London. Designed in conjunction with her show, ‘Unwearable Jewels’ in Chelsea, New York, it is printed in 3 different papers (extra glossy, un-coated end paper, gold mirror papers) and uses velvet as the cover to emulate a jewelry box. // Ivan Feiliana Wedding Invitation // Ivan Sielegar & Feiliana Sia // Bilingual wedding invitation designed for my brother. // Alfalfa Studio Stationery // Alfalfa Studio // Stationery set for Alfalfa studio, based on random sketches. The format of the letterhead and envelope are flipped so they appear horizontally instead of the traditional vertical layout. // Unbook // -- // Challenging the traditional form of the book. The first project reimagines the Color Index, a book about color combinations. It is reformatted to house a plastic box that contains color chips that can be shaken to create random combinations of color. The second project is a photography book about Times Square and takes the form of a Rolodex. The top portion features 360° photographs of Times Square and the bottom one contains facts and information. //
2008: Tidal TV // Alfalfa Studio // Logo for Tidal T V, an online television network. The type treatment is based on a modular form and appears in various color palettes, corresponding to particular shows. // Grace // -- // Working with 2 amazing designers, Yai-Jung Chang, and Jane Song, we designed and built this spiritually based installation. It’s a bird-like mobile structure that flaps its wings every time the wind blows. // Free Play redesign // -- // Book cover redesign for Free Play, a book about the power of improvisation and how ideas develop without deliberation. // Sonova Logo // Arcadia Biosciences // Logo for Sonova, a product line of Safflower oil. // NBC Earth Day Installation // NBC // This giant frame (18’ x 24’) was installed at Rockefeller Center South Plaza and appeared on NBC’s ‘Today Show’ for 5 consecutive days in conjunction with their Earth Day program, “Green is Universal”. The installation began with the empty frame and, each day, more of the image was filled in using publically donated electronic waste, such as cell phones, keyboards, hard drives, etc. The final result was a large-scale mosaic, completed on the fourth day. Construction was managed by Kevin O’Callaghan and a team of School of Visual Arts undergraduate students. // I Am Busy // -- // An experimental website for people working in office settings that allows people to play games, chat, make office toys out of stationary items, read emails and read blogs while pretending they’re doing work. The website is designed to mimic popular office software interfaces. // Bravo Shear Genius // Bravo T V Network // Outdoor salon, designed together with Kevin O’Callaghan, held on June 23, 2008 on the Times Square military island to promote the second season of Shear Genius. // SoHo Bespoke Branding // SoHo Bespoke // Branding work for SoHo Bespoke, a custom shirt company in New York. The logo is designed based on a tailor’s measuring tape and the branding is about borrowing color from nature and presenting it in a modern and minimalist fashion. // Every Person, Every Place // Center for Architecture // Motion graphic, designed together with Alfalfa Studio, for The Center for Architecture 2008 Awards Gala. // Love Hate Relationship // -- // A pair of calligraphic posters, each containing contradicting ideas regarding how I feel about my country. While contradictory in meaning, the shape and forms are designed to look similar. // RedTape // -- // RedTape is a line of belts inspired by cost and bureaucracy in the United States’ health care system. These belts are part of Model Citizen, an exhibition and fashion show from the School of Visual Arts first year MFA Design. // Areej Khan Impulse // Areej Khan // Areej Khan, a fellow designer in the MFA design studio at SVA, does most of her work based on gut feeling and impulses. This portfolio features 3 distinct projects displayed in identical, unmarked books. The reader’s impulse will decide which project is viewed first. // Anal Retentive Chair // -- // A chair designed to reflect the personality trait, “anal-retentive”. Every part of the chair is meticulously labeled with measurements. Some parts of the chair were even reconstructed to make it perfectly proportional. // ICFF booth for SVA // -- // Working together with Kevin O’Callaghan and the MFAD Class of 2009, this is the School of Visual Arts booth at the International Contemporary Furniture Fair (ICFF), New York. This booth was awarded the ICFF Editors Award for Best Booth. // Amphibian membership card // Amphibian theater // Amphibian sends this card to prospective and renewing members to be a part of the theater family. This card is designed to fold into an envelope after the form is filled out. // Unwearable Jewels // Sebastian + Barquet Gallery // Collaborating with Alfalfa Studio, this is a catalog for Solange Azagury-Partridge, a jewelry artist from London. Designed in conjunction with her show, ‘Unwearable Jewels’ in Chelsea, New York, it is printed in 3 different papers (extra glossy, un-coated end paper, gold mirror papers) and uses velvet as the cover to emulate a jewelry box. // Ivan Feiliana Wedding Invitation // Ivan Sielegar & Feiliana Sia // Bilingual wedding invitation designed for my brother. // Alfalfa Studio Stationery // Alfalfa Studio // Stationery set for Alfalfa studio, based on random sketches. The format of the letterhead and envelope are flipped so they appear horizontally instead of the traditional vertical layout. // Unbook // -- // Challenging the traditional form of the book. The first project reimagines the Color Index, a book about color combinations. It is reformatted to house a plastic box that contains color chips that can be shaken to create random combinations of color. The second project is a photography book about Times Square and takes the form of a Rolodex. The top portion features 360° photographs of Times Square and the bottom one contains facts and information. //
2008: Tidal TV // Alfalfa Studio // Logo for Tidal T V, an online television network. The type treatment is based on a modular form and appears in various color palettes, corresponding to particular shows. // Grace // -- // Working with 2 amazing designers, Yai-Jung Chang, and Jane Song, we designed and built this spiritually based installation. It’s a bird-like mobile structure that flaps its wings every time the wind blows. // Free Play redesign // -- // Book cover redesign for Free Play, a book about the power of improvisation and how ideas develop without deliberation. // Sonova Logo // Arcadia Biosciences // Logo for Sonova, a product line of Safflower oil. // NBC Earth Day Installation // NBC // This giant frame (18’ x 24’) was installed at Rockefeller Center South Plaza and appeared on NBC’s ‘Today Show’ for 5 consecutive days in conjunction with their Earth Day program, “Green is Universal”. The installation began with the empty frame and, each day, more of the image was filled in using publically donated electronic waste, such as cell phones, keyboards, hard drives, etc. The final result was a large-scale mosaic, completed on the fourth day. Construction was managed by Kevin O’Callaghan and a team of School of Visual Arts undergraduate students. // I Am Busy // -- // An experimental website for people working in office settings that allows people to play games, chat, make office toys out of stationary items, read emails and read blogs while pretending they’re doing work. The website is designed to mimic popular office software interfaces. // Bravo Shear Genius // Bravo T V Network // Outdoor salon, designed together with Kevin O’Callaghan, held on June 23, 2008 on the Times Square military island to promote the second season of Shear Genius. // SoHo Bespoke Branding // SoHo Bespoke // Branding work for SoHo Bespoke, a custom shirt company in New York. The logo is designed based on a tailor’s measuring tape and the branding is about borrowing color from nature and presenting it in a modern and minimalist fashion. // Every Person, Every Place // Center for Architecture // Motion graphic, designed together with Alfalfa Studio, for The Center for Architecture 2008 Awards Gala. // Love Hate Relationship // -- // A pair of calligraphic posters, each containing contradicting ideas regarding how I feel about my country. While contradictory in meaning, the shape and forms are designed to look similar. // RedTape // -- // RedTape is a line of belts inspired by cost and bureaucracy in the United States’ health care system. These belts are part of Model Citizen, an exhibition and fashion show from the School of Visual Arts first year MFA Design. // Areej Khan Impulse // Areej Khan // Areej Khan, a fellow designer in the MFA design studio at SVA, does most of her work based on gut feeling and impulses. This portfolio features 3 distinct projects displayed in identical, unmarked books. The reader’s impulse will decide which project is viewed first. // Anal Retentive Chair // -- // A chair designed to reflect the personality trait, “anal-retentive”. Every part of the chair is meticulously labeled with measurements. Some parts of the chair were even reconstructed to make it perfectly proportional. // ICFF booth for SVA // -- // Working together with Kevin O’Callaghan and the MFAD Class of 2009, this is the School of Visual Arts booth at the International Contemporary Furniture Fair (ICFF), New York. This booth was awarded the ICFF Editors Award for Best Booth. // Amphibian membership card // Amphibian theater // Amphibian sends this card to prospective and renewing members to be a part of the theater family. This card is designed to fold into an envelope after the form is filled out. // Unwearable Jewels // Sebastian + Barquet Gallery // Collaborating with Alfalfa Studio, this is a catalog for Solange Azagury-Partridge, a jewelry artist from London. Designed in conjunction with her show, ‘Unwearable Jewels’ in Chelsea, New York, it is printed in 3 different papers (extra glossy, un-coated end paper, gold mirror papers) and uses velvet as the cover to emulate a jewelry box. // Ivan Feiliana Wedding Invitation // Ivan Sielegar & Feiliana Sia // Bilingual wedding invitation designed for my brother. // Alfalfa Studio Stationery // Alfalfa Studio // Stationery set for Alfalfa studio, based on random sketches. The format of the letterhead and envelope are flipped so they appear horizontally instead of the traditional vertical layout. // Unbook // -- // Challenging the traditional form of the book. The first project reimagines the Color Index, a book about color combinations. It is reformatted to house a plastic box that contains color chips that can be shaken to create random combinations of color. The second project is a photography book about Times Square and takes the form of a Rolodex. The top portion features 360° photographs of Times Square and the bottom one contains facts and information. //
This wall on the top is curved as drawn in the top view
Voting Booth for favorite conceptual barber chair
Curved half circle wall
10 ft
3 ft
27 ft
3.5 ft
Conceptual Chair Voting Booth
14 ft 6 ft
14 ft
7 ft
5 ft
5 ft
5 ft
5 ft
56 ft
TOP VIEW Mirrors and red walls, there are 14 haircut stations in total.
Giant Shear Genius Scissors
Conceptual barber chairs designed based on different themes.
Promotional poster Barber chair voting booth
14 ft
28 ft 56 ft
3/4 VIEW
Chair Conceptual th Voting Boo
2008: Tidal TV // Alfalfa Studio // Logo for Tidal T V, an online television network. The type treatment is based on a modular form and appears in various color palettes, corresponding to particular shows. // Grace // -- // Working with 2 amazing designers, Yai-Jung Chang, and Jane Song, we designed and built this spiritually based installation. It’s a bird-like mobile structure that flaps its wings every time the wind blows. // Free Play redesign // -- // Book cover redesign for Free Play, a book about the power of improvisation and how ideas develop without deliberation. // Sonova Logo // Arcadia Biosciences // Logo for Sonova, a product line of Safflower oil. // NBC Earth Day Installation // NBC // This giant frame (18’ x 24’) was installed at Rockefeller Center South Plaza and appeared on NBC’s ‘Today Show’ for 5 consecutive days in conjunction with their Earth Day program, “Green is Universal”. The installation began with the empty frame and, each day, more of the image was filled in using publically donated electronic waste, such as cell phones, keyboards, hard drives, etc. The final result was a large-scale mosaic, completed on the fourth day. Construction was managed by Kevin O’Callaghan and a team of School of Visual Arts undergraduate students. // I Am Busy // -- // An experimental website for people working in office settings that allows people to play games, chat, make office toys out of stationary items, read emails and read blogs while pretending they’re doing work. The website is designed to mimic popular office software interfaces. // Bravo Shear Genius // Bravo T V Network // Outdoor salon, designed together with Kevin O’Callaghan, held on June 23, 2008 on the Times Square military island to promote the second season of Shear Genius. // SoHo Bespoke Branding // SoHo Bespoke // Branding work for SoHo Bespoke, a custom shirt company in New York. The logo is designed based on a tailor’s measuring tape and the branding is about borrowing color from nature and presenting it in a modern and minimalist fashion. // Every Person, Every Place // Center for Architecture // Motion graphic, designed together with Alfalfa Studio, for The Center for Architecture 2008 Awards Gala. // Love Hate Relationship // -- // A pair of calligraphic posters, each containing contradicting ideas regarding how I feel about my country. While contradictory in meaning, the shape and forms are designed to look similar. // RedTape // -- // RedTape is a line of belts inspired by cost and bureaucracy in the United States’ health care system. These belts are part of Model Citizen, an exhibition and fashion show from the School of Visual Arts first year MFA Design. // Areej Khan Impulse // Areej Khan // Areej Khan, a fellow designer in the MFA design studio at SVA, does most of her work based on gut feeling and impulses. This portfolio features 3 distinct projects displayed in identical, unmarked books. The reader’s impulse will decide which project is viewed first. // Anal Retentive Chair // -- // A chair designed to reflect the personality trait, “anal-retentive”. Every part of the chair is meticulously labeled with measurements. Some parts of the chair were even reconstructed to make it perfectly proportional. // ICFF booth for SVA // -- // Working together with Kevin O’Callaghan and the MFAD Class of 2009, this is the School of Visual Arts booth at the International Contemporary Furniture Fair (ICFF), New York. This booth was awarded the ICFF Editors Award for Best Booth. // Amphibian membership card // Amphibian theater // Amphibian sends this card to prospective and renewing members to be a part of the theater family. This card is designed to fold into an envelope after the form is filled out. // Unwearable Jewels // Sebastian + Barquet Gallery // Collaborating with Alfalfa Studio, this is a catalog for Solange Azagury-Partridge, a jewelry artist from London. Designed in conjunction with her show, ‘Unwearable Jewels’ in Chelsea, New York, it is printed in 3 different papers (extra glossy, un-coated end paper, gold mirror papers) and uses velvet as the cover to emulate a jewelry box. // Ivan Feiliana Wedding Invitation // Ivan Sielegar & Feiliana Sia // Bilingual wedding invitation designed for my brother. // Alfalfa Studio Stationery // Alfalfa Studio // Stationery set for Alfalfa studio, based on random sketches. The format of the letterhead and envelope are flipped so they appear horizontally instead of the traditional vertical layout. // Unbook // -- // Challenging the traditional form of the book. The first project reimagines the Color Index, a book about color combinations. It is reformatted to house a plastic box that contains color chips that can be shaken to create random combinations of color. The second project is a photography book about Times Square and takes the form of a Rolodex. The top portion features 360° photographs of Times Square and the bottom one contains facts and information. //
2008: Tidal TV // Alfalfa Studio // Logo for Tidal T V, an online television network. The type treatment is based on a modular form and appears in various color palettes, corresponding to particular shows. // Grace // -- // Working with 2 amazing designers, Yai-Jung Chang, and Jane Song, we designed and built this spiritually based installation. It’s a bird-like mobile structure that flaps its wings every time the wind blows. // Free Play redesign // -- // Book cover redesign for Free Play, a book about the power of improvisation and how ideas develop without deliberation. // Sonova Logo // Arcadia Biosciences // Logo for Sonova, a product line of Safflower oil. // NBC Earth Day Installation // NBC // This giant frame (18’ x 24’) was installed at Rockefeller Center South Plaza and appeared on NBC’s ‘Today Show’ for 5 consecutive days in conjunction with their Earth Day program, “Green is Universal”. The installation began with the empty frame and, each day, more of the image was filled in using publically donated electronic waste, such as cell phones, keyboards, hard drives, etc. The final result was a large-scale mosaic, completed on the fourth day. Construction was managed by Kevin O’Callaghan and a team of School of Visual Arts undergraduate students. // I Am Busy // -- // An experimental website for people working in office settings that allows people to play games, chat, make office toys out of stationary items, read emails and read blogs while pretending they’re doing work. The website is designed to mimic popular office software interfaces. // Bravo Shear Genius // Bravo T V Network // Outdoor salon, designed together with Kevin O’Callaghan, held on June 23, 2008 on the Times Square military island to promote the second season of Shear Genius. // SoHo Bespoke Branding // SoHo Bespoke // Branding work for SoHo Bespoke, a custom shirt company in New York. The logo is designed based on a tailor’s measuring tape and the branding is about borrowing color from nature and presenting it in a modern and minimalist fashion. // Every Person, Every Place // Center for Architecture // Motion graphic, designed together with Alfalfa Studio, for The Center for Architecture 2008 Awards Gala. // Love Hate Relationship // -- // A pair of calligraphic posters, each containing contradicting ideas regarding how I feel about my country. While contradictory in meaning, the shape and forms are designed to look similar. // RedTape // -- // RedTape is a line of belts inspired by cost and bureaucracy in the United States’ health care system. These belts are part of Model Citizen, an exhibition and fashion show from the School of Visual Arts first year MFA Design. // Areej Khan Impulse // Areej Khan // Areej Khan, a fellow designer in the MFA design studio at SVA, does most of her work based on gut feeling and impulses. This portfolio features 3 distinct projects displayed in identical, unmarked books. The reader’s impulse will decide which project is viewed first. // Anal Retentive Chair // -- // A chair designed to reflect the personality trait, “anal-retentive”. Every part of the chair is meticulously labeled with measurements. Some parts of the chair were even reconstructed to make it perfectly proportional. // ICFF booth for SVA // -- // Working together with Kevin O’Callaghan and the MFAD Class of 2009, this is the School of Visual Arts booth at the International Contemporary Furniture Fair (ICFF), New York. This booth was awarded the ICFF Editors Award for Best Booth. // Amphibian membership card // Amphibian theater // Amphibian sends this card to prospective and renewing members to be a part of the theater family. This card is designed to fold into an envelope after the form is filled out. // Unwearable Jewels // Sebastian + Barquet Gallery // Collaborating with Alfalfa Studio, this is a catalog for Solange Azagury-Partridge, a jewelry artist from London. Designed in conjunction with her show, ‘Unwearable Jewels’ in Chelsea, New York, it is printed in 3 different papers (extra glossy, un-coated end paper, gold mirror papers) and uses velvet as the cover to emulate a jewelry box. // Ivan Feiliana Wedding Invitation // Ivan Sielegar & Feiliana Sia // Bilingual wedding invitation designed for my brother. // Alfalfa Studio Stationery // Alfalfa Studio // Stationery set for Alfalfa studio, based on random sketches. The format of the letterhead and envelope are flipped so they appear horizontally instead of the traditional vertical layout. // Unbook // -- // Challenging the traditional form of the book. The first project reimagines the Color Index, a book about color combinations. It is reformatted to house a plastic box that contains color chips that can be shaken to create random combinations of color. The second project is a photography book about Times Square and takes the form of a Rolodex. The top portion features 360° photographs of Times Square and the bottom one contains facts and information. //
2008: Tidal TV // Alfalfa Studio // Logo for Tidal T V, an online television network. The type treatment is based on a modular form and appears in various color palettes, corresponding to particular shows. // Grace // -- // Working with 2 amazing designers, Yai-Jung Chang, and Jane Song, we designed and built this spiritually based installation. It’s a bird-like mobile structure that flaps its wings every time the wind blows. // Free Play redesign // -- // Book cover redesign for Free Play, a book about the power of improvisation and how ideas develop without deliberation. // Sonova Logo // Arcadia Biosciences // Logo for Sonova, a product line of Safflower oil. // NBC Earth Day Installation // NBC // This giant frame (18’ x 24’) was installed at Rockefeller Center South Plaza and appeared on NBC’s ‘Today Show’ for 5 consecutive days in conjunction with their Earth Day program, “Green is Universal”. The installation began with the empty frame and, each day, more of the image was filled in using publically donated electronic waste, such as cell phones, keyboards, hard drives, etc. The final result was a large-scale mosaic, completed on the fourth day. Construction was managed by Kevin O’Callaghan and a team of School of Visual Arts undergraduate students. // I Am Busy // -- // An experimental website for people working in office settings that allows people to play games, chat, make office toys out of stationary items, read emails and read blogs while pretending they’re doing work. The website is designed to mimic popular office software interfaces. // Bravo Shear Genius // Bravo T V Network // Outdoor salon, designed together with Kevin O’Callaghan, held on June 23, 2008 on the Times Square military island to promote the second season of Shear Genius. // SoHo Bespoke Branding // SoHo Bespoke // Branding work for SoHo Bespoke, a custom shirt company in New York. The logo is designed based on a tailor’s measuring tape and the branding is about borrowing color from nature and presenting it in a modern and minimalist fashion. // Every Person, Every Place // Center for Architecture // Motion graphic, designed together with Alfalfa Studio, for The Center for Architecture 2008 Awards Gala. // Love Hate Relationship // -- // A pair of calligraphic posters, each containing contradicting ideas regarding how I feel about my country. While contradictory in meaning, the shape and forms are designed to look similar. // RedTape // -- // RedTape is a line of belts inspired by cost and bureaucracy in the United States’ health care system. These belts are part of Model Citizen, an exhibition and fashion show from the School of Visual Arts first year MFA Design. // Areej Khan Impulse // Areej Khan // Areej Khan, a fellow designer in the MFA design studio at SVA, does most of her work based on gut feeling and impulses. This portfolio features 3 distinct projects displayed in identical, unmarked books. The reader’s impulse will decide which project is viewed first. // Anal Retentive Chair // -- // A chair designed to reflect the personality trait, “anal-retentive”. Every part of the chair is meticulously labeled with measurements. Some parts of the chair were even reconstructed to make it perfectly proportional. // ICFF booth for SVA // -- // Working together with Kevin O’Callaghan and the MFAD Class of 2009, this is the School of Visual Arts booth at the International Contemporary Furniture Fair (ICFF), New York. This booth was awarded the ICFF Editors Award for Best Booth. // Amphibian membership card // Amphibian theater // Amphibian sends this card to prospective and renewing members to be a part of the theater family. This card is designed to fold into an envelope after the form is filled out. // Unwearable Jewels // Sebastian + Barquet Gallery // Collaborating with Alfalfa Studio, this is a catalog for Solange Azagury-Partridge, a jewelry artist from London. Designed in conjunction with her show, ‘Unwearable Jewels’ in Chelsea, New York, it is printed in 3 different papers (extra glossy, un-coated end paper, gold mirror papers) and uses velvet as the cover to emulate a jewelry box. // Ivan Feiliana Wedding Invitation // Ivan Sielegar & Feiliana Sia // Bilingual wedding invitation designed for my brother. // Alfalfa Studio Stationery // Alfalfa Studio // Stationery set for Alfalfa studio, based on random sketches. The format of the letterhead and envelope are flipped so they appear horizontally instead of the traditional vertical layout. // Unbook // -- // Challenging the traditional form of the book. The first project reimagines the Color Index, a book about color combinations. It is reformatted to house a plastic box that contains color chips that can be shaken to create random combinations of color. The second project is a photography book about Times Square and takes the form of a Rolodex. The top portion features 360° photographs of Times Square and the bottom one contains facts and information. //
G o o d c r a f t s
G o o d D i v e r s e c u l t u r e
f o o d
N o s t a l g i c F a m i l y & f r i e n d s
m e m o r i e s
S i m p l e l i f e s t y l e
11 m a y
C o r r u p t
L o w m o r a l i t y
i n c i d e n t
g o v e r n m e n t
L o w e d u c a t i o n
D i s c r i m i n a t i o n
C o r r u p t i o n
2008: Tidal TV // Alfalfa Studio // Logo for Tidal T V, an online television network. The type treatment is based on a modular form and appears in various color palettes, corresponding to particular shows. // Grace // -- // Working with 2 amazing designers, Yai-Jung Chang, and Jane Song, we designed and built this spiritually based installation. It’s a bird-like mobile structure that flaps its wings every time the wind blows. // Free Play redesign // -- // Book cover redesign for Free Play, a book about the power of improvisation and how ideas develop without deliberation. // Sonova Logo // Arcadia Biosciences // Logo for Sonova, a product line of Safflower oil. // NBC Earth Day Installation // NBC // This giant frame (18’ x 24’) was installed at Rockefeller Center South Plaza and appeared on NBC’s ‘Today Show’ for 5 consecutive days in conjunction with their Earth Day program, “Green is Universal”. The installation began with the empty frame and, each day, more of the image was filled in using publically donated electronic waste, such as cell phones, keyboards, hard drives, etc. The final result was a large-scale mosaic, completed on the fourth day. Construction was managed by Kevin O’Callaghan and a team of School of Visual Arts undergraduate students. // I Am Busy // -- // An experimental website for people working in office settings that allows people to play games, chat, make office toys out of stationary items, read emails and read blogs while pretending they’re doing work. The website is designed to mimic popular office software interfaces. // Bravo Shear Genius // Bravo T V Network // Outdoor salon, designed together with Kevin O’Callaghan, held on June 23, 2008 on the Times Square military island to promote the second season of Shear Genius. // SoHo Bespoke Branding // SoHo Bespoke // Branding work for SoHo Bespoke, a custom shirt company in New York. The logo is designed based on a tailor’s measuring tape and the branding is about borrowing color from nature and presenting it in a modern and minimalist fashion. // Every Person, Every Place // Center for Architecture // Motion graphic, designed together with Alfalfa Studio, for The Center for Architecture 2008 Awards Gala. // Love Hate Relationship // -- // A pair of calligraphic posters, each containing contradicting ideas regarding how I feel about my country. While contradictory in meaning, the shape and forms are designed to look similar. // RedTape // -- // RedTape is a line of belts inspired by cost and bureaucracy in the United States’ health care system. These belts are part of Model Citizen, an exhibition and fashion show from the School of Visual Arts first year MFA Design. // Areej Khan Impulse // Areej Khan // Areej Khan, a fellow designer in the MFA design studio at SVA, does most of her work based on gut feeling and impulses. This portfolio features 3 distinct projects displayed in identical, unmarked books. The reader’s impulse will decide which project is viewed first. // Anal Retentive Chair // -- // A chair designed to reflect the personality trait, “anal-retentive”. Every part of the chair is meticulously labeled with measurements. Some parts of the chair were even reconstructed to make it perfectly proportional. // ICFF booth for SVA // -- // Working together with Kevin O’Callaghan and the MFAD Class of 2009, this is the School of Visual Arts booth at the International Contemporary Furniture Fair (ICFF), New York. This booth was awarded the ICFF Editors Award for Best Booth. // Amphibian membership card // Amphibian theater // Amphibian sends this card to prospective and renewing members to be a part of the theater family. This card is designed to fold into an envelope after the form is filled out. // Unwearable Jewels // Sebastian + Barquet Gallery // Collaborating with Alfalfa Studio, this is a catalog for Solange Azagury-Partridge, a jewelry artist from London. Designed in conjunction with her show, ‘Unwearable Jewels’ in Chelsea, New York, it is printed in 3 different papers (extra glossy, un-coated end paper, gold mirror papers) and uses velvet as the cover to emulate a jewelry box. // Ivan Feiliana Wedding Invitation // Ivan Sielegar & Feiliana Sia // Bilingual wedding invitation designed for my brother. // Alfalfa Studio Stationery // Alfalfa Studio // Stationery set for Alfalfa studio, based on random sketches. The format of the letterhead and envelope are flipped so they appear horizontally instead of the traditional vertical layout. // Unbook // -- // Challenging the traditional form of the book. The first project reimagines the Color Index, a book about color combinations. It is reformatted to house a plastic box that contains color chips that can be shaken to create random combinations of color. The second project is a photography book about Times Square and takes the form of a Rolodex. The top portion features 360° photographs of Times Square and the bottom one contains facts and information. //
2008: Tidal TV // Alfalfa Studio // Logo for Tidal T V, an online television network. The type treatment is based on a modular form and appears in various color palettes, corresponding to particular shows. // Grace // -- // Working with 2 amazing designers, Yai-Jung Chang, and Jane Song, we designed and built this spiritually based installation. It’s a bird-like mobile structure that flaps its wings every time the wind blows. // Free Play redesign // -- // Book cover redesign for Free Play, a book about the power of improvisation and how ideas develop without deliberation. // Sonova Logo // Arcadia Biosciences // Logo for Sonova, a product line of Safflower oil. // NBC Earth Day Installation // NBC // This giant frame (18’ x 24’) was installed at Rockefeller Center South Plaza and appeared on NBC’s ‘Today Show’ for 5 consecutive days in conjunction with their Earth Day program, “Green is Universal”. The installation began with the empty frame and, each day, more of the image was filled in using publically donated electronic waste, such as cell phones, keyboards, hard drives, etc. The final result was a large-scale mosaic, completed on the fourth day. Construction was managed by Kevin O’Callaghan and a team of School of Visual Arts undergraduate students. // I Am Busy // -- // An experimental website for people working in office settings that allows people to play games, chat, make office toys out of stationary items, read emails and read blogs while pretending they’re doing work. The website is designed to mimic popular office software interfaces. // Bravo Shear Genius // Bravo T V Network // Outdoor salon, designed together with Kevin O’Callaghan, held on June 23, 2008 on the Times Square military island to promote the second season of Shear Genius. // SoHo Bespoke Branding // SoHo Bespoke // Branding work for SoHo Bespoke, a custom shirt company in New York. The logo is designed based on a tailor’s measuring tape and the branding is about borrowing color from nature and presenting it in a modern and minimalist fashion. // Every Person, Every Place // Center for Architecture // Motion graphic, designed together with Alfalfa Studio, for The Center for Architecture 2008 Awards Gala. // Love Hate Relationship // -- // A pair of calligraphic posters, each containing contradicting ideas regarding how I feel about my country. While contradictory in meaning, the shape and forms are designed to look similar. // RedTape // -- // RedTape is a line of belts inspired by cost and bureaucracy in the United States’ health care system. These belts are part of Model Citizen, an exhibition and fashion show from the School of Visual Arts first year MFA Design. // Areej Khan Impulse // Areej Khan // Areej Khan, a fellow designer in the MFA design studio at SVA, does most of her work based on gut feeling and impulses. This portfolio features 3 distinct projects displayed in identical, unmarked books. The reader’s impulse will decide which project is viewed first. // Anal Retentive Chair // -- // A chair designed to reflect the personality trait, “anal-retentive”. Every part of the chair is meticulously labeled with measurements. Some parts of the chair were even reconstructed to make it perfectly proportional. // ICFF booth for SVA // -- // Working together with Kevin O’Callaghan and the MFAD Class of 2009, this is the School of Visual Arts booth at the International Contemporary Furniture Fair (ICFF), New York. This booth was awarded the ICFF Editors Award for Best Booth. // Amphibian membership card // Amphibian theater // Amphibian sends this card to prospective and renewing members to be a part of the theater family. This card is designed to fold into an envelope after the form is filled out. // Unwearable Jewels // Sebastian + Barquet Gallery // Collaborating with Alfalfa Studio, this is a catalog for Solange Azagury-Partridge, a jewelry artist from London. Designed in conjunction with her show, ‘Unwearable Jewels’ in Chelsea, New York, it is printed in 3 different papers (extra glossy, un-coated end paper, gold mirror papers) and uses velvet as the cover to emulate a jewelry box. // Ivan Feiliana Wedding Invitation // Ivan Sielegar & Feiliana Sia // Bilingual wedding invitation designed for my brother. // Alfalfa Studio Stationery // Alfalfa Studio // Stationery set for Alfalfa studio, based on random sketches. The format of the letterhead and envelope are flipped so they appear horizontally instead of the traditional vertical layout. // Unbook // -- // Challenging the traditional form of the book. The first project reimagines the Color Index, a book about color combinations. It is reformatted to house a plastic box that contains color chips that can be shaken to create random combinations of color. The second project is a photography book about Times Square and takes the form of a Rolodex. The top portion features 360° photographs of Times Square and the bottom one contains facts and information. //
2008: Tidal TV // Alfalfa Studio // Logo for Tidal T V, an online television network. The type treatment is based on a modular form and appears in various color palettes, corresponding to particular shows. // Grace // -- // Working with 2 amazing designers, Yai-Jung Chang, and Jane Song, we designed and built this spiritually based installation. It’s a bird-like mobile structure that flaps its wings every time the wind blows. // Free Play redesign // -- // Book cover redesign for Free Play, a book about the power of improvisation and how ideas develop without deliberation. // Sonova Logo // Arcadia Biosciences // Logo for Sonova, a product line of Safflower oil. // NBC Earth Day Installation // NBC // This giant frame (18’ x 24’) was installed at Rockefeller Center South Plaza and appeared on NBC’s ‘Today Show’ for 5 consecutive days in conjunction with their Earth Day program, “Green is Universal”. The installation began with the empty frame and, each day, more of the image was filled in using publically donated electronic waste, such as cell phones, keyboards, hard drives, etc. The final result was a large-scale mosaic, completed on the fourth day. Construction was managed by Kevin O’Callaghan and a team of School of Visual Arts undergraduate students. // I Am Busy // -- // An experimental website for people working in office settings that allows people to play games, chat, make office toys out of stationary items, read emails and read blogs while pretending they’re doing work. The website is designed to mimic popular office software interfaces. // Bravo Shear Genius // Bravo T V Network // Outdoor salon, designed together with Kevin O’Callaghan, held on June 23, 2008 on the Times Square military island to promote the second season of Shear Genius. // SoHo Bespoke Branding // SoHo Bespoke // Branding work for SoHo Bespoke, a custom shirt company in New York. The logo is designed based on a tailor’s measuring tape and the branding is about borrowing color from nature and presenting it in a modern and minimalist fashion. // Every Person, Every Place // Center for Architecture // Motion graphic, designed together with Alfalfa Studio, for The Center for Architecture 2008 Awards Gala. // Love Hate Relationship // -- // A pair of calligraphic posters, each containing contradicting ideas regarding how I feel about my country. While contradictory in meaning, the shape and forms are designed to look similar. // RedTape // -- // RedTape is a line of belts inspired by cost and bureaucracy in the United States’ health care system. These belts are part of Model Citizen, an exhibition and fashion show from the School of Visual Arts first year MFA Design. // Areej Khan Impulse // Areej Khan // Areej Khan, a fellow designer in the MFA design studio at SVA, does most of her work based on gut feeling and impulses. This portfolio features 3 distinct projects displayed in identical, unmarked books. The reader’s impulse will decide which project is viewed first. // Anal Retentive Chair // -- // A chair designed to reflect the personality trait, “anal-retentive”. Every part of the chair is meticulously labeled with measurements. Some parts of the chair were even reconstructed to make it perfectly proportional. // ICFF booth for SVA // -- // Working together with Kevin O’Callaghan and the MFAD Class of 2009, this is the School of Visual Arts booth at the International Contemporary Furniture Fair (ICFF), New York. This booth was awarded the ICFF Editors Award for Best Booth. // Amphibian membership card // Amphibian theater // Amphibian sends this card to prospective and renewing members to be a part of the theater family. This card is designed to fold into an envelope after the form is filled out. // Unwearable Jewels // Sebastian + Barquet Gallery // Collaborating with Alfalfa Studio, this is a catalog for Solange Azagury-Partridge, a jewelry artist from London. Designed in conjunction with her show, ‘Unwearable Jewels’ in Chelsea, New York, it is printed in 3 different papers (extra glossy, un-coated end paper, gold mirror papers) and uses velvet as the cover to emulate a jewelry box. // Ivan Feiliana Wedding Invitation // Ivan Sielegar & Feiliana Sia // Bilingual wedding invitation designed for my brother. // Alfalfa Studio Stationery // Alfalfa Studio // Stationery set for Alfalfa studio, based on random sketches. The format of the letterhead and envelope are flipped so they appear horizontally instead of the traditional vertical layout. // Unbook // -- // Challenging the traditional form of the book. The first project reimagines the Color Index, a book about color combinations. It is reformatted to house a plastic box that contains color chips that can be shaken to create random combinations of color. The second project is a photography book about Times Square and takes the form of a Rolodex. The top portion features 360° photographs of Times Square and the bottom one contains facts and information. //
2008: Tidal TV // Alfalfa Studio // Logo for Tidal T V, an online television network. The type treatment is based on a modular form and appears in various color palettes, corresponding to particular shows. // Grace // -- // Working with 2 amazing designers, Yai-Jung Chang, and Jane Song, we designed and built this spiritually based installation. It’s a bird-like mobile structure that flaps its wings every time the wind blows. // Free Play redesign // -- // Book cover redesign for Free Play, a book about the power of improvisation and how ideas develop without deliberation. // Sonova Logo // Arcadia Biosciences // Logo for Sonova, a product line of Safflower oil. // NBC Earth Day Installation // NBC // This giant frame (18’ x 24’) was installed at Rockefeller Center South Plaza and appeared on NBC’s ‘Today Show’ for 5 consecutive days in conjunction with their Earth Day program, “Green is Universal”. The installation began with the empty frame and, each day, more of the image was filled in using publically donated electronic waste, such as cell phones, keyboards, hard drives, etc. The final result was a large-scale mosaic, completed on the fourth day. Construction was managed by Kevin O’Callaghan and a team of School of Visual Arts undergraduate students. // I Am Busy // -- // An experimental website for people working in office settings that allows people to play games, chat, make office toys out of stationary items, read emails and read blogs while pretending they’re doing work. The website is designed to mimic popular office software interfaces. // Bravo Shear Genius // Bravo T V Network // Outdoor salon, designed together with Kevin O’Callaghan, held on June 23, 2008 on the Times Square military island to promote the second season of Shear Genius. // SoHo Bespoke Branding // SoHo Bespoke // Branding work for SoHo Bespoke, a custom shirt company in New York. The logo is designed based on a tailor’s measuring tape and the branding is about borrowing color from nature and presenting it in a modern and minimalist fashion. // Every Person, Every Place // Center for Architecture // Motion graphic, designed together with Alfalfa Studio, for The Center for Architecture 2008 Awards Gala. // Love Hate Relationship // -- // A pair of calligraphic posters, each containing contradicting ideas regarding how I feel about my country. While contradictory in meaning, the shape and forms are designed to look similar. // RedTape // -- // RedTape is a line of belts inspired by cost and bureaucracy in the United States’ health care system. These belts are part of Model Citizen, an exhibition and fashion show from the School of Visual Arts first year MFA Design. // Areej Khan Impulse // Areej Khan // Areej Khan, a fellow designer in the MFA design studio at SVA, does most of her work based on gut feeling and impulses. This portfolio features 3 distinct projects displayed in identical, unmarked books. The reader’s impulse will decide which project is viewed first. // Anal Retentive Chair // -- // A chair designed to reflect the personality trait, “anal-retentive”. Every part of the chair is meticulously labeled with measurements. Some parts of the chair were even reconstructed to make it perfectly proportional. // ICFF booth for SVA // -- // Working together with Kevin O’Callaghan and the MFAD Class of 2009, this is the School of Visual Arts booth at the International Contemporary Furniture Fair (ICFF), New York. This booth was awarded the ICFF Editors Award for Best Booth. // Amphibian membership card // Amphibian theater // Amphibian sends this card to prospective and renewing members to be a part of the theater family. This card is designed to fold into an envelope after the form is filled out. // Unwearable Jewels // Sebastian + Barquet Gallery // Collaborating with Alfalfa Studio, this is a catalog for Solange Azagury-Partridge, a jewelry artist from London. Designed in conjunction with her show, ‘Unwearable Jewels’ in Chelsea, New York, it is printed in 3 different papers (extra glossy, un-coated end paper, gold mirror papers) and uses velvet as the cover to emulate a jewelry box. // Ivan Feiliana Wedding Invitation // Ivan Sielegar & Feiliana Sia // Bilingual wedding invitation designed for my brother. // Alfalfa Studio Stationery // Alfalfa Studio // Stationery set for Alfalfa studio, based on random sketches. The format of the letterhead and envelope are flipped so they appear horizontally instead of the traditional vertical layout. // Unbook // -- // Challenging the traditional form of the book. The first project reimagines the Color Index, a book about color combinations. It is reformatted to house a plastic box that contains color chips that can be shaken to create random combinations of color. The second project is a photography book about Times Square and takes the form of a Rolodex. The top portion features 360° photographs of Times Square and the bottom one contains facts and information. //
2008: Tidal TV // Alfalfa Studio // Logo for Tidal T V, an online television network. The type treatment is based on a modular form and appears in various color palettes, corresponding to particular shows. // Grace // -- // Working with 2 amazing designers, Yai-Jung Chang, and Jane Song, we designed and built this spiritually based installation. It’s a bird-like mobile structure that flaps its wings every time the wind blows. // Free Play redesign // -- // Book cover redesign for Free Play, a book about the power of improvisation and how ideas develop without deliberation. // Sonova Logo // Arcadia Biosciences // Logo for Sonova, a product line of Safflower oil. // NBC Earth Day Installation // NBC // This giant frame (18’ x 24’) was installed at Rockefeller Center South Plaza and appeared on NBC’s ‘Today Show’ for 5 consecutive days in conjunction with their Earth Day program, “Green is Universal”. The installation began with the empty frame and, each day, more of the image was filled in using publically donated electronic waste, such as cell phones, keyboards, hard drives, etc. The final result was a large-scale mosaic, completed on the fourth day. Construction was managed by Kevin O’Callaghan and a team of School of Visual Arts undergraduate students. // I Am Busy // -- // An experimental website for people working in office settings that allows people to play games, chat, make office toys out of stationary items, read emails and read blogs while pretending they’re doing work. The website is designed to mimic popular office software interfaces. // Bravo Shear Genius // Bravo T V Network // Outdoor salon, designed together with Kevin O’Callaghan, held on June 23, 2008 on the Times Square military island to promote the second season of Shear Genius. // SoHo Bespoke Branding // SoHo Bespoke // Branding work for SoHo Bespoke, a custom shirt company in New York. The logo is designed based on a tailor’s measuring tape and the branding is about borrowing color from nature and presenting it in a modern and minimalist fashion. // Every Person, Every Place // Center for Architecture // Motion graphic, designed together with Alfalfa Studio, for The Center for Architecture 2008 Awards Gala. // Love Hate Relationship // -- // A pair of calligraphic posters, each containing contradicting ideas regarding how I feel about my country. While contradictory in meaning, the shape and forms are designed to look similar. // RedTape // -- // RedTape is a line of belts inspired by cost and bureaucracy in the United States’ health care system. These belts are part of Model Citizen, an exhibition and fashion show from the School of Visual Arts first year MFA Design. // Areej Khan Impulse // Areej Khan // Areej Khan, a fellow designer in the MFA design studio at SVA, does most of her work based on gut feeling and impulses. This portfolio features 3 distinct projects displayed in identical, unmarked books. The reader’s impulse will decide which project is viewed first. // Anal Retentive Chair // -- // A chair designed to reflect the personality trait, “anal-retentive”. Every part of the chair is meticulously labeled with measurements. Some parts of the chair were even reconstructed to make it perfectly proportional. // ICFF booth for SVA // -- // Working together with Kevin O’Callaghan and the MFAD Class of 2009, this is the School of Visual Arts booth at the International Contemporary Furniture Fair (ICFF), New York. This booth was awarded the ICFF Editors Award for Best Booth. // Amphibian membership card // Amphibian theater // Amphibian sends this card to prospective and renewing members to be a part of the theater family. This card is designed to fold into an envelope after the form is filled out. // Unwearable Jewels // Sebastian + Barquet Gallery // Collaborating with Alfalfa Studio, this is a catalog for Solange Azagury-Partridge, a jewelry artist from London. Designed in conjunction with her show, ‘Unwearable Jewels’ in Chelsea, New York, it is printed in 3 different papers (extra glossy, un-coated end paper, gold mirror papers) and uses velvet as the cover to emulate a jewelry box. // Ivan Feiliana Wedding Invitation // Ivan Sielegar & Feiliana Sia // Bilingual wedding invitation designed for my brother. // Alfalfa Studio Stationery // Alfalfa Studio // Stationery set for Alfalfa studio, based on random sketches. The format of the letterhead and envelope are flipped so they appear horizontally instead of the traditional vertical layout. // Unbook // -- // Challenging the traditional form of the book. The first project reimagines the Color Index, a book about color combinations. It is reformatted to house a plastic box that contains color chips that can be shaken to create random combinations of color. The second project is a photography book about Times Square and takes the form of a Rolodex. The top portion features 360° photographs of Times Square and the bottom one contains facts and information. //
2008: Tidal TV // Alfalfa Studio // Logo for Tidal T V, an online television network. The type treatment is based on a modular form and appears in various color palettes, corresponding to particular shows. // Grace // -- // Working with 2 amazing designers, Yai-Jung Chang, and Jane Song, we designed and built this spiritually based installation. It’s a bird-like mobile structure that flaps its wings every time the wind blows. // Free Play redesign // -- // Book cover redesign for Free Play, a book about the power of improvisation and how ideas develop without deliberation. // Sonova Logo // Arcadia Biosciences // Logo for Sonova, a product line of Safflower oil. // NBC Earth Day Installation // NBC // This giant frame (18’ x 24’) was installed at Rockefeller Center South Plaza and appeared on NBC’s ‘Today Show’ for 5 consecutive days in conjunction with their Earth Day program, “Green is Universal”. The installation began with the empty frame and, each day, more of the image was filled in using publically donated electronic waste, such as cell phones, keyboards, hard drives, etc. The final result was a large-scale mosaic, completed on the fourth day. Construction was managed by Kevin O’Callaghan and a team of School of Visual Arts undergraduate students. // I Am Busy // -- // An experimental website for people working in office settings that allows people to play games, chat, make office toys out of stationary items, read emails and read blogs while pretending they’re doing work. The website is designed to mimic popular office software interfaces. // Bravo Shear Genius // Bravo T V Network // Outdoor salon, designed together with Kevin O’Callaghan, held on June 23, 2008 on the Times Square military island to promote the second season of Shear Genius. // SoHo Bespoke Branding // SoHo Bespoke // Branding work for SoHo Bespoke, a custom shirt company in New York. The logo is designed based on a tailor’s measuring tape and the branding is about borrowing color from nature and presenting it in a modern and minimalist fashion. // Every Person, Every Place // Center for Architecture // Motion graphic, designed together with Alfalfa Studio, for The Center for Architecture 2008 Awards Gala. // Love Hate Relationship // -- // A pair of calligraphic posters, each containing contradicting ideas regarding how I feel about my country. While contradictory in meaning, the shape and forms are designed to look similar. // RedTape // -- // RedTape is a line of belts inspired by cost and bureaucracy in the United States’ health care system. These belts are part of Model Citizen, an exhibition and fashion show from the School of Visual Arts first year MFA Design. // Areej Khan Impulse // Areej Khan // Areej Khan, a fellow designer in the MFA design studio at SVA, does most of her work based on gut feeling and impulses. This portfolio features 3 distinct projects displayed in identical, unmarked books. The reader’s impulse will decide which project is viewed first. // Anal Retentive Chair // -- // A chair designed to reflect the personality trait, “anal-retentive”. Every part of the chair is meticulously labeled with measurements. Some parts of the chair were even reconstructed to make it perfectly proportional. // ICFF booth for SVA // -- // Working together with Kevin O’Callaghan and the MFAD Class of 2009, this is the School of Visual Arts booth at the International Contemporary Furniture Fair (ICFF), New York. This booth was awarded the ICFF Editors Award for Best Booth. // Amphibian membership card // Amphibian theater // Amphibian sends this card to prospective and renewing members to be a part of the theater family. This card is designed to fold into an envelope after the form is filled out. // Unwearable Jewels // Sebastian + Barquet Gallery // Collaborating with Alfalfa Studio, this is a catalog for Solange Azagury-Partridge, a jewelry artist from London. Designed in conjunction with her show, ‘Unwearable Jewels’ in Chelsea, New York, it is printed in 3 different papers (extra glossy, un-coated end paper, gold mirror papers) and uses velvet as the cover to emulate a jewelry box. // Ivan Feiliana Wedding Invitation // Ivan Sielegar & Feiliana Sia // Bilingual wedding invitation designed for my brother. // Alfalfa Studio Stationery // Alfalfa Studio // Stationery set for Alfalfa studio, based on random sketches. The format of the letterhead and envelope are flipped so they appear horizontally instead of the traditional vertical layout. // Unbook // -- // Challenging the traditional form of the book. The first project reimagines the Color Index, a book about color combinations. It is reformatted to house a plastic box that contains color chips that can be shaken to create random combinations of color. The second project is a photography book about Times Square and takes the form of a Rolodex. The top portion features 360° photographs of Times Square and the bottom one contains facts and information. //
2008: Tidal TV // Alfalfa Studio // Logo for Tidal T V, an online television network. The type treatment is based on a modular form and appears in various color palettes, corresponding to particular shows. // Grace // -- // Working with 2 amazing designers, Yai-Jung Chang, and Jane Song, we designed and built this spiritually based installation. It’s a bird-like mobile structure that flaps its wings every time the wind blows. // Free Play redesign // -- // Book cover redesign for Free Play, a book about the power of improvisation and how ideas develop without deliberation. // Sonova Logo // Arcadia Biosciences // Logo for Sonova, a product line of Safflower oil. // NBC Earth Day Installation // NBC // This giant frame (18’ x 24’) was installed at Rockefeller Center South Plaza and appeared on NBC’s ‘Today Show’ for 5 consecutive days in conjunction with their Earth Day program, “Green is Universal”. The installation began with the empty frame and, each day, more of the image was filled in using publically donated electronic waste, such as cell phones, keyboards, hard drives, etc. The final result was a large-scale mosaic, completed on the fourth day. Construction was managed by Kevin O’Callaghan and a team of School of Visual Arts undergraduate students. // I Am Busy // -- // An experimental website for people working in office settings that allows people to play games, chat, make office toys out of stationary items, read emails and read blogs while pretending they’re doing work. The website is designed to mimic popular office software interfaces. // Bravo Shear Genius // Bravo T V Network // Outdoor salon, designed together with Kevin O’Callaghan, held on June 23, 2008 on the Times Square military island to promote the second season of Shear Genius. // SoHo Bespoke Branding // SoHo Bespoke // Branding work for SoHo Bespoke, a custom shirt company in New York. The logo is designed based on a tailor’s measuring tape and the branding is about borrowing color from nature and presenting it in a modern and minimalist fashion. // Every Person, Every Place // Center for Architecture // Motion graphic, designed together with Alfalfa Studio, for The Center for Architecture 2008 Awards Gala. // Love Hate Relationship // -- // A pair of calligraphic posters, each containing contradicting ideas regarding how I feel about my country. While contradictory in meaning, the shape and forms are designed to look similar. // RedTape // -- // RedTape is a line of belts inspired by cost and bureaucracy in the United States’ health care system. These belts are part of Model Citizen, an exhibition and fashion show from the School of Visual Arts first year MFA Design. // Areej Khan Impulse // Areej Khan // Areej Khan, a fellow designer in the MFA design studio at SVA, does most of her work based on gut feeling and impulses. This portfolio features 3 distinct projects displayed in identical, unmarked books. The reader’s impulse will decide which project is viewed first. // Anal Retentive Chair // -- // A chair designed to reflect the personality trait, “anal-retentive”. Every part of the chair is meticulously labeled with measurements. Some parts of the chair were even reconstructed to make it perfectly proportional. // ICFF booth for SVA // -- // Working together with Kevin O’Callaghan and the MFAD Class of 2009, this is the School of Visual Arts booth at the International Contemporary Furniture Fair (ICFF), New York. This booth was awarded the ICFF Editors Award for Best Booth. // Amphibian membership card // Amphibian theater // Amphibian sends this card to prospective and renewing members to be a part of the theater family. This card is designed to fold into an envelope after the form is filled out. // Unwearable Jewels // Sebastian + Barquet Gallery // Collaborating with Alfalfa Studio, this is a catalog for Solange Azagury-Partridge, a jewelry artist from London. Designed in conjunction with her show, ‘Unwearable Jewels’ in Chelsea, New York, it is printed in 3 different papers (extra glossy, un-coated end paper, gold mirror papers) and uses velvet as the cover to emulate a jewelry box. // Ivan Feiliana Wedding Invitation // Ivan Sielegar & Feiliana Sia // Bilingual wedding invitation designed for my brother. // Alfalfa Studio Stationery // Alfalfa Studio // Stationery set for Alfalfa studio, based on random sketches. The format of the letterhead and envelope are flipped so they appear horizontally instead of the traditional vertical layout. // Unbook // -- // Challenging the traditional form of the book. The first project reimagines the Color Index, a book about color combinations. It is reformatted to house a plastic box that contains color chips that can be shaken to create random combinations of color. The second project is a photography book about Times Square and takes the form of a Rolodex. The top portion features 360° photographs of Times Square and the bottom one contains facts and information. //
2008: Tidal TV // Alfalfa Studio // Logo for Tidal T V, an online television network. The type treatment is based on a modular form and appears in various color palettes, corresponding to particular shows. // Grace // -- // Working with 2 amazing designers, Yai-Jung Chang, and Jane Song, we designed and built this spiritually based installation. It’s a bird-like mobile structure that flaps its wings every time the wind blows. // Free Play redesign // -- // Book cover redesign for Free Play, a book about the power of improvisation and how ideas develop without deliberation. // Sonova Logo // Arcadia Biosciences // Logo for Sonova, a product line of Safflower oil. // NBC Earth Day Installation // NBC // This giant frame (18’ x 24’) was installed at Rockefeller Center South Plaza and appeared on NBC’s ‘Today Show’ for 5 consecutive days in conjunction with their Earth Day program, “Green is Universal”. The installation began with the empty frame and, each day, more of the image was filled in using publically donated electronic waste, such as cell phones, keyboards, hard drives, etc. The final result was a large-scale mosaic, completed on the fourth day. Construction was managed by Kevin O’Callaghan and a team of School of Visual Arts undergraduate students. // I Am Busy // -- // An experimental website for people working in office settings that allows people to play games, chat, make office toys out of stationary items, read emails and read blogs while pretending they’re doing work. The website is designed to mimic popular office software interfaces. // Bravo Shear Genius // Bravo T V Network // Outdoor salon, designed together with Kevin O’Callaghan, held on June 23, 2008 on the Times Square military island to promote the second season of Shear Genius. // SoHo Bespoke Branding // SoHo Bespoke // Branding work for SoHo Bespoke, a custom shirt company in New York. The logo is designed based on a tailor’s measuring tape and the branding is about borrowing color from nature and presenting it in a modern and minimalist fashion. // Every Person, Every Place // Center for Architecture // Motion graphic, designed together with Alfalfa Studio, for The Center for Architecture 2008 Awards Gala. // Love Hate Relationship // -- // A pair of calligraphic posters, each containing contradicting ideas regarding how I feel about my country. While contradictory in meaning, the shape and forms are designed to look similar. // RedTape // -- // RedTape is a line of belts inspired by cost and bureaucracy in the United States’ health care system. These belts are part of Model Citizen, an exhibition and fashion show from the School of Visual Arts first year MFA Design. // Areej Khan Impulse // Areej Khan // Areej Khan, a fellow designer in the MFA design studio at SVA, does most of her work based on gut feeling and impulses. This portfolio features 3 distinct projects displayed in identical, unmarked books. The reader’s impulse will decide which project is viewed first. // Anal Retentive Chair // -- // A chair designed to reflect the personality trait, “anal-retentive”. Every part of the chair is meticulously labeled with measurements. Some parts of the chair were even reconstructed to make it perfectly proportional. // ICFF booth for SVA // -- // Working together with Kevin O’Callaghan and the MFAD Class of 2009, this is the School of Visual Arts booth at the International Contemporary Furniture Fair (ICFF), New York. This booth was awarded the ICFF Editors Award for Best Booth. // Amphibian membership card // Amphibian theater // Amphibian sends this card to prospective and renewing members to be a part of the theater family. This card is designed to fold into an envelope after the form is filled out. // Unwearable Jewels // Sebastian + Barquet Gallery // Collaborating with Alfalfa Studio, this is a catalog for Solange Azagury-Partridge, a jewelry artist from London. Designed in conjunction with her show, ‘Unwearable Jewels’ in Chelsea, New York, it is printed in 3 different papers (extra glossy, un-coated end paper, gold mirror papers) and uses velvet as the cover to emulate a jewelry box. // Ivan Feiliana Wedding Invitation // Ivan Sielegar & Feiliana Sia // Bilingual wedding invitation designed for my brother. // Alfalfa Studio Stationery // Alfalfa Studio // Stationery set for Alfalfa studio, based on random sketches. The format of the letterhead and envelope are flipped so they appear horizontally instead of the traditional vertical layout. // Unbook // -- // Challenging the traditional form of the book. The first project reimagines the Color Index, a book about color combinations. It is reformatted to house a plastic box that contains color chips that can be shaken to create random combinations of color. The second project is a photography book about Times Square and takes the form of a Rolodex. The top portion features 360° photographs of Times Square and the bottom one contains facts and information. //
2008: Tidal TV // Alfalfa Studio // Logo for Tidal T V, an online television network. The type treatment is based on a modular form and appears in various color palettes, corresponding to particular shows. // Grace // -- // Working with 2 amazing designers, Yai-Jung Chang, and Jane Song, we designed and built this spiritually based installation. It’s a bird-like mobile structure that flaps its wings every time the wind blows. // Free Play redesign // -- // Book cover redesign for Free Play, a book about the power of improvisation and how ideas develop without deliberation. // Sonova Logo // Arcadia Biosciences // Logo for Sonova, a product line of Safflower oil. // NBC Earth Day Installation // NBC // This giant frame (18’ x 24’) was installed at Rockefeller Center South Plaza and appeared on NBC’s ‘Today Show’ for 5 consecutive days in conjunction with their Earth Day program, “Green is Universal”. The installation began with the empty frame and, each day, more of the image was filled in using publically donated electronic waste, such as cell phones, keyboards, hard drives, etc. The final result was a large-scale mosaic, completed on the fourth day. Construction was managed by Kevin O’Callaghan and a team of School of Visual Arts undergraduate students. // I Am Busy // -- // An experimental website for people working in office settings that allows people to play games, chat, make office toys out of stationary items, read emails and read blogs while pretending they’re doing work. The website is designed to mimic popular office software interfaces. // Bravo Shear Genius // Bravo T V Network // Outdoor salon, designed together with Kevin O’Callaghan, held on June 23, 2008 on the Times Square military island to promote the second season of Shear Genius. // SoHo Bespoke Branding // SoHo Bespoke // Branding work for SoHo Bespoke, a custom shirt company in New York. The logo is designed based on a tailor’s measuring tape and the branding is about borrowing color from nature and presenting it in a modern and minimalist fashion. // Every Person, Every Place // Center for Architecture // Motion graphic, designed together with Alfalfa Studio, for The Center for Architecture 2008 Awards Gala. // Love Hate Relationship // -- // A pair of calligraphic posters, each containing contradicting ideas regarding how I feel about my country. While contradictory in meaning, the shape and forms are designed to look similar. // RedTape // -- // RedTape is a line of belts inspired by cost and bureaucracy in the United States’ health care system. These belts are part of Model Citizen, an exhibition and fashion show from the School of Visual Arts first year MFA Design. // Areej Khan Impulse // Areej Khan // Areej Khan, a fellow designer in the MFA design studio at SVA, does most of her work based on gut feeling and impulses. This portfolio features 3 distinct projects displayed in identical, unmarked books. The reader’s impulse will decide which project is viewed first. // Anal Retentive Chair // -- // A chair designed to reflect the personality trait, “anal-retentive”. Every part of the chair is meticulously labeled with measurements. Some parts of the chair were even reconstructed to make it perfectly proportional. // ICFF booth for SVA // -- // Working together with Kevin O’Callaghan and the MFAD Class of 2009, this is the School of Visual Arts booth at the International Contemporary Furniture Fair (ICFF), New York. This booth was awarded the ICFF Editors Award for Best Booth. // Amphibian membership card // Amphibian theater // Amphibian sends this card to prospective and renewing members to be a part of the theater family. This card is designed to fold into an envelope after the form is filled out. // Unwearable Jewels // Sebastian + Barquet Gallery // Collaborating with Alfalfa Studio, this is a catalog for Solange Azagury-Partridge, a jewelry artist from London. Designed in conjunction with her show, ‘Unwearable Jewels’ in Chelsea, New York, it is printed in 3 different papers (extra glossy, un-coated end paper, gold mirror papers) and uses velvet as the cover to emulate a jewelry box. // Ivan Feiliana Wedding Invitation // Ivan Sielegar & Feiliana Sia // Bilingual wedding invitation designed for my brother. // Alfalfa Studio Stationery // Alfalfa Studio // Stationery set for Alfalfa studio, based on random sketches. The format of the letterhead and envelope are flipped so they appear horizontally instead of the traditional vertical layout. // Unbook // -- // Challenging the traditional form of the book. The first project reimagines the Color Index, a book about color combinations. It is reformatted to house a plastic box that contains color chips that can be shaken to create random combinations of color. The second project is a photography book about Times Square and takes the form of a Rolodex. The top portion features 360° photographs of Times Square and the bottom one contains facts and information. //
xxxx X>> X 2006 xxxx Work xxxx X X 2007 xxxx xxxx X X 2008 xxxx < Thank You >
This is a listing of companies, organizations, and people who have made marks in this book. Special thanks to these people for doing what they do, and allowed me to be par t of it. I have spent many, many hours tr ying to get ever yone that was involves in this book. If I made a mistake and lef t somebody out, I deeply apologize.
Nicholas Acemoglu / / Santi Alaysius / / Gail Anderson / / Joice Angjaya / / Solange A zagur y-Par tridge / / Jessica Baer / / Matt Bellagamba / / Carlos A. Beracasa / / Jason Bishop / / Sergii Boguslavskyi / / Chris Capuozzo / / Yaijung Chang / / Jia Chen / / Allan Chochinov / / Kristina Critchlow / / Shierly Dharsono / / Frank E. DiVito / / Shaun Donovan / / Stephen Doyle / / Rafael Esquer / / David Gabriele / / Gustavo Garcia / / Mar yanne Gilmar tin / / Milton Glaser / / Dawn Hancock / / Yuyun Har tono / / Steven Heller / / Steve Haslip / / Sam Kang / / Areej Khan / / Shawn Killman / / Daeil Kim / / Devon Kinch / / Scott Lee / / Warren Lehrer / / Yvonne Luk / / Daniel Libeskind / / Nina Libeskind / / Michelle Lipira / / Nicole Marinake / / Jim Misener / / Minal Nairi / / Kimiyo Nakatsui / / Erinn Ng / / Scott Ng / / Kevin T. Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Callaghan / / Adam Musa Ongkowidagdo / / Fernando Pantoja / / Mike Petersen / / Howard W. Reeves / / David Ricar t / / Esther Ro Schofield / / Theresa Rollison / / Stefan Sagmeister / / David Saltzman / / Dan Savage / / Matthew Shapoff / / John S. Shegerian / / Ivan Sielegar & Feiliana Elizabeth Sia / / Ragowo Sieregar / / Steven Smith / / Jane Jihun Song / / Scott Stowell / / Tom j. Sublewsky / / Lita Talarico / / Rick Valicenti / / Libor Vanc / / Khoi Vinh / / Carolyn Wagner / / Jeff Walker / / Bill White / / Keisha White / / Tor y Williams / / Michael Wnuk / / Alex C. Yoo / / SVA BFA students who were involved in the NBC and BRAVO projects
50.000 feet / / Alexander West / / SoHo Bespoke / / Alfalfa Studio / / Amphibian Theater / / Arcadia Biosciences / / Bridgewater Design / / Carolyn Wagner inc. / / Center For Architecture / / Robin Hood Foundation / / New York Cit y Depar tment of Housing Preser vation and Development / / Forest Cit y Ratner / / Studio Daniel Libeskind / / Chempetitive Group / / Electronic Recyclers International / / Fuller ton Engineering / / Gams Communication / / Honey Rose Foundation / / Investment Banking Institute / / J.S. McCar thy Printers / / Lillstreet Ar t Center / / Motorola inc. / / Petroflow Energ y / / Quantum Group / / Salsedo Press / / T! nka / / Tidal T V / / Tur tol / / Unitee / / Wunderbloc New York / / Yes Vodka
xxxx X>> X 2006 xxxx Work xxxx X X 2007 xxxx xxxx X X 2008 xxxx < Thank You > Ple ase flip through again
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