The "Nigel Sielegar" user's logo

Nigel Sielegar

New York, United States

Nigel Sielegar is a senior designer at Alfalfa studio in NY. Before joining alfalfa studio, Nigel worked for Firebelly Design Chicago as a design intern and soon after, he worked for Motorola developing new set of icons and user interface. Nigel's design ranges from deep thinking to pragmatic multidisciplinary approaches. His design versatility can be seen from his portfolio that includes Installation works for TV networks, product designs for fashion companies, and numerous branding and print works for clients ranging from small non-profit to big international companies. Nigel has earned his bachelor degree from The Illinois Institute of Art Chicago and graduate degree at The School of Visual Arts New York. His works has been awarded Certificate of Typographic Excellence by the Type Directors Club, Adobe Design Achievement Award semi finalist, and has appeared in many design blogs, press, and publications.


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