Nigerian observer 20 11 2013

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The Nigerian


PUBLISHED SINCE MAY 29, 1968 • Vol . 38 NO. 358 •WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2013 . N100.00 ISSUES Page 15 Corruption As Bane Of Our Society

Edo assures on resolve to reposition The the activities of the BENIN CITY – Edo ministry to the State State Government has OBSERVER, EBS House of Assembly. expressed its resolve to reposition the Bendel Newspaper Company Limited (BNCL) Publishers of the Observer Title and the Edo Broadcasting

Service (EBS) for effective dissemination of government information and policies to the general public. The disclosure was

made by the State Commissioner for Information and Orientation, Hon. Louis Odion during the presentation of briefs on

The Commissioner in his briefs further disclosed that the pace of revamping the stateowned media outfits was Continues on page 2

Jonathan had requested the Senate to grant him the slot on November 19, 2013 to address a joint session of the two chambers. The president cited the disparity in the benchmark agreed by the two chambers as reason for his inability to present the budget. He said the budget

would be presented as soon as the Senate and House of Representatives harmonised their position on the Medium Term Expenditure Framework. “However, the distinguished Senate has approved the Medium Term Expenditure Framework

Jonathan defers 2014 budget presentation By JOSES SEDE


When it’s unfit

ABUJA - President Goodluck Jonathan yesterday in Abuja deferred the presentation of the 2014 budget before a joint session of the National Assembly. contained in a letter to Jonathan’s decision to the Senate President, defer the presentation Mr. David Mark, dated of the budget is November 18, 2013.

Urhomehe installs Chief Odubu as Okaevbo By CLIFFORD AGBAJOR ORHONMWON – The father of Edo State Deputy Governor, Chief Manson Umweni Odubu has been installed as the Okaevbo of Urhomehe Community in Orhionmwon Local Government Area of the state. The Installation rites

(MTEF) based on a benchmark of 76.5 dollars per barrel while the House of Representatives used a benchmark of 79 dollars per barrel. “It is not feasible for me to present the budget in the absence of a harmonised position on the MTEF. “In the circumstance,

it has become necessary to defer the presentation of the 2014 budget to a joint session of the National Assembly until such a time when both chambers may have harmonised their positions on MTEF. “It is my hope that this would be within the shortest possible time,” Jonathan added.

which climaxed with a grand reception for guests, friends, relations and political associates from far and near was graced by the state Governor, Comrade Adams Oshiomhole and the Deputy Governor, Dr. Pius Egbranmwen Odubu. The governor whose arrival electrified the Continues on page 2

Poverty fuelling violence in Africa - AU official

ABUJA – Mr. Admore Kambudzi, an officials of the African Union (AU), has blamed poverty and under-development as the root cause of conflicts in Africa, including the ongoing violence in Central African Republic (CAR). Kambudzi, who is the Secretary of the Peace and Security Council of the AU, made the observation on Tuesday in Abuja while speaking to newsmen on the sidelines of the ongoing experts meeting on peace and security in Africa.

The 3-day workshop entitled; “The First AU, Regional Economic Communities (REC), Regional Mechanisms (RMs) For Conflict Prevention and Management”, is being hosted by the ECOWAS Commission. CAR, which has been plagued by decades of instability and fighting, witnessed a resumption of violence last December when the ‘’Séléka rebel coalition” launched a series of attacks against the government of President Francois Bozize.

TIT BIT “If you don’t decide what is important in your life, someone else will decide for you. A wise person makes his own decision, and ignorant one follows public opinion. Don’t worry about not making a decision, someone else is there to make for you, whether you like it or not.” - Hon. Peter Eson

A peace agreement was reached in January but the rebels again seized the capital, Bangui, in March, forcing Bozizé to flee. “All these young people who end up holding a gun and shooting at their brothers and sisters; the main cause is underdevelopment, it is poverty,” Kambudzi said. He said the AU and the Continues on page 2

AWARD: Speaker, Edo State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Uyi Igbe, (right) receiving the Lengendary Niger Delta Speaker of the year award from the MD/CEO, Ofon Media Production, Mr. Lucky Okri, during a courtesy visit on Mr. Speaker in his office recently. Photo: GODWIN ISEGUAN.

Kogi Assembly sends delegates to console Iyayi family

LOKOJA - The Kogi House of Assembly on Tuesday in Lokoja resolved to constitute a delegation to go to Benin and commiserate with the family of the late Prof. Festus Iyayi. The resolution came

after the assembly adopted a motion moved by the Majority Leader, Alhaji Yakubu Yunusa, at plenary. Yunusa had in the

motion called for the constitution of a powerful delegation from the assembly to go to Benin and commiserate with the

Toilet Day, the African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW) has

called on African countries to implement the roadmap on

sanitation to boost its coverage. This is contained in a

family of the late Iyayi. “The late professor, who was a former President of ASUU and author, was a leader who devoted and

AMCOW urges African countries to implement ABUJA - As the World signed by the road map on sanitation statement celebrates the World AMCOW Executive Secretary, Bai Mas Taal, and made available to Continues on page 2

sacrificed his all for the country. “The accident which claimed the life of the professor Nov.12 was unfortunate,” he said. The majority leader noted that Iyayi had “made his marks on the sand of time”, and that the deceased would “be remembered for his positive contributions to the development of humanity and the Continues on page 2





Urhomehe installs Chief Odubu as Okaevbo

Continued from page 1 atmosphere noted that God Almighty remains the sole giver of longevity. He rejoiced with Chief Manson Umweni Odubu and his eldest son, Dr. Pius Odubu as he, Manson becomes the eldest member of Urhomehe Community. The Ohonsa of Holy Aruosa Cathedral, Harrison Okao noted that the deputy governor’s father has a good character and reputation, hence his elevation and investiture as the Okaevbo of

Orhionmwon. He urged other members of the community to emulate Chief Manson Odubu’s exemplary life in order to enjoy God’s grace in all ramifications. Other guests and associates of the Odubus who spoke on the installation ceremony described the event as significant and worth celebrating in view of the life expectancy in the country. Until his installation as the Okaevbo of Urhomehe which is divided into Adesogbe and

Evbueben quarters, Chief Manson Odubu was the Odionwere of Orhionmwon. Community. In tandem with the tradition of Benin Kingdom, the installation followed the recent endorsement by the Benin Monarch, His Royal Majesty, Oba Erediauwa. It was gathered that the recipient of the title must not only be the eldest man in the community, but also must be freeborn of the community. The installation ceremony

was attended by former External Affairs Minister, Chief Tom Ikimi, former Minister of Science and Technology, Prof. Emmanuel Emovon, the Speaker, Edo State House of Assembly, Hon. Uyi Igbe, some members of the House of Representatives, APC woman leader, Mrs. Modino Emovon, Civil Commissioners, Past and serving council chairman, political big shots, traditional rulers, palace chiefs as well as other personalities across various states of the country.

Poverty fuelling violence in Africa

Continued from page 1 Economic Community of C entral African States

(ECCAS) were working on a “common approach” to address the multifaceted challenges facing CAR. Kambudzi said that “the only asset Africa has to address conflicts in different parts of the continent is to accelerate socio-economic development”. He said that creating jobs, better incomes and better opportunities for the young generations were crucial to African peace efforts. “The challenge in the CAR is peace and stability; you cannot engage in development without a stable and peaceful environment. “Secondly, the challenge of CAR like the challenge of Somalia, the challenge of Sudan and South Sudan, all these countries emerging from conflicts, is to accelerate socioeconomic development. “This is in order to give bread and butter to Africans.” The AU official expressed support for an international force to support an existing AU-led peace operation in the CAR. “For the AU, the key discuss is about African solutions to African problems; if it will be an African force in a country in Africa or an international force, that is not a problem. “The issue is that the driving ideological umbrella should be African solutions to African problems driven by the Africans,” he said. Earlier in her remarks, the ECOWAS liaison officer to AU, Haijya Raheemat Momodu, called for greater cooperation to enhance

coherence among regional economic communities on issues of peace and security. Momodu said the success of the African-led International Support Mission to Mali (AFISMA), which later transformed to

a UN mission, was an inspiration to increased cooperation between the AU and regional communities. “The achievements, challenges and opportunities of AFISMA will largely benefit the future AU, REC, REM

Kogi Assembly sends delegates to console Iyayi snatched him, it is not strong Continued from page 1 family enough to obliterate his good country”. Yunusa however frowned at comments arising from the accident, saying they had mostly portrayed the state in bad light. “No one can predict what will happen, just as no one is happy about the accident which claimed the life of Iyayi,” he said.

The motion was seconded by Mr. Friday Sani (PDPIgalamela/Odolu), who noted that Iyayi’s death had robbed the country of the services of an erudite professor and unionist of note. Sani, who described Iyayi as a man to reckon with, said “even though death has

works”. The Speaker of the assembly, Alhaji MomohJimoh Lawal, in his contribution, prayed for the repose of the soul of the late University of Benin lecturer. The assembly later observed a one-minute silence in honour of the deceased.

AMCOW urges African countries to implement road map on sanitation

Continued from page 1 newsmen in Abuja yesterday.

Taal said this is the time for Africa to re-think and intensify efforts on the road maps that had been charted towards improving access to sanitation in the continent. “The eThekwini commitment is one such initiative, endorsed by African governments to help accelerate progress towards meeting the MDGs on sanitation and hygiene. “The good news is the recently concluded review of progress on eThekwini commitments indicating that Africa is not where we were a few years back. “Significant progress has been made in the areas of policy and strategy development, and adoption of an approach for improving access to sanitation among others,” Taal was quoted as saying in the statement. The executive secretary

said Africa is far from where we should be, regarding the sanitation and hygiene’s MDGs targets. He said common lowscore denominators identified at the Central, Eastern, Southern and Western Africa sub-regional review of progress on the eThekwini Commitments include financing, capacity, monitoring and evaluation, and coordination. He said AMCOW wanted to inspire the spirit of cooperation and communality, which lives in the hearts of all Africans, to look at what we as a people can do to improve the situation as we mark this year’s World Toilet Day. “Let us do this bearing in mind that we are fighting poverty and we are saving lives. “Let the civil society, academia, the private sector and all of us, led by government, join hands to

Edo assures on resolve to reposition The OBSERVER, EBS

Continued from page 1 currently being hampered by shortfall in revenue accruing to the state from the federation account. The problem of land encroachment on the premises of EBS, according him was also receiving government attention as the

deployment within and outside the remit of African standby force”, she said. Momodu said that the three-day meeting would extensively discuss peace and security issues affecting the continent and proffer ways to manage and prevent crisis in Africa.

Ministry of Lands and Survey and that of Housing and Urban Development were working out modalities to reclaim the land from land speculators. Also, yesterday at plenary, the Commissioner for Agriculture and Natural Resources, Hon. Abdul Oroh presented brief in which he

was disclosed that the ministry within the period under review generated the sum of N87.1million. In the same vein, the Commissioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs, Hon. Lucky James also gave a brief on the activities of his ministry.

work together to save lives, restore dignity and improve livelihoods of our people,” he added. The executive director, however, noted that about 2.5 billion people across the world face indignity, inconvenience, insecurity and discomfort due to lack of access to an improved sanitation. Taal said they also had to grapple with strong health and financial implications that come with the problem. He said over 600 million of these people live in subSaharan Africa, noting that Africa is off track to meet the MDGs for sanitation. “At the rate Africa is going, it may only attain universal access to sanitation and hygiene 300 years from now. “Meanwhile hundreds of children under five die due to sanitation and hygienerelated diseases daily; like losing the future today. “Many more people expend valuable time and resources due to ill health, and other negative effects of poor sanitation.” The theme of the 2013 World Toilet Day is the “Rural meet the urban sanitation.” The day is celebrated in more than 19 countries with 51 events being The eThekwini declaration sets the global bar for the progress and ambitions of political commitment on Africans an Conference in Durban, South Africa in 2008.

Police release list of candidates for further screening By MIKE OSERIOGIAGBON

BENIN CITY – Edo State Police Command has informed candidates who applied for recruitment into the Nigeria Police Force as Artisans that a list of candidates for further screening has been released. The command advised candidates to check the list

at the Police Headquarters just as it enjoined those whose names appeared in the list to proceed to Police College, Ikeja for another screening beginning from Novermber 17 – 23, 2013. This was contained in a statement issued by Edo State Police Spokesman, DSP Moses Eguovoen, made available to The NIGERIAN OBSERVER in Benin City yesterday.

Edo High Court remands 2 Tax defaulters By VICTOR OMOALU BENIN CITY - The High

Court sitting in Benin City, has remanded two persons, Federick Osarogiagbon, an Administrative Officer with Aiwayor Medical Clinic and Obalum Benjamin, manager, Cavali Purewater factory, both in Benin City, to prison custody for the offence of failure to file in tax returns to the relevant tax authority in the state. At the hearing of the case yesterday, counsel to the defendant, ( F e d e r i c k Osarogiagbon)G.A. Eghobamien Esq., told court that his client was not served with the charges and plead with the court to grant his client bail. But the presiding judge, Honourable Justice J.I. Acha noted that the proof of service indicated that the defendant was served with the charges but willingly refused to appear in Court during the last court sitting. He consequently ordered the defendant Federick Osarogiabgon to be remanded in prison custody till tomorrow 20th November, 2013 for consideration of bail. While adjourning the case against Cavali Purewater Factory to 25th November 2013 also for

bail consideration, the case against Dr. Folus Ejele, Chief Executive of Mega Clinic/Maternity was struck out and defendant discharged by the trial judge upon application by the defendant’s counsel, K.I. Aigbe Esq., that the defendant Dr. Folus Ejele has offset his establishment’s tax liabilities. The mobile revenue court, upon arraignment of the Chief Executive of Joe Vera Guest House, who pleads not liable to the charge against him, granted the defendant Ailojie Ikhalaede bail in the sum of N500, 000:00K with two sureties in like sum who must have property and be resident within court’s jurisdiction. Sureties must have evidence of tax payment for at least three years and are to deposit two passport photographs with court. It would be noted that all defendants were arraigned before the mobile revenue court in Benin City for an offence bothering on failure to file in their tax returns between January 2012 and September 2013 to the appropriate tax authority, an offence purnishable under section 81 (2) of the Personal Income Tax Act Cap 8 of 2004 as amended and punishable under section 81 (3) of the same PITA Cap 8 of 2004 as amended.

4 die as gunmen attack police station GOMBE - Four persons, including a police corporal, died when gunmen attacked the Bojude Police Station in Kwami Local Government of Gombe State yesterday. The Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO) of Gombe State Command, Mr. Fwaje Atajiri, confirmed to newsmen that the gunmen attacked the station at about 2 a.m. He said that three of the gunmen were killed while one police corporal also died

during gun duel with the hoodlums. Atajiri explained that some of the gunmen escaped with bullet wounds while another police man, who sustained injuries, was treated and discharged. He called on health workers in clinics and hospitals in the state to report to the police, any persons with bullet wounds who might visit their facilities for treatment. He said that the situation was calm and that more police men had been deployed to the area.





Commissioner Identifies GES By DOROTHY federal Ministry of Objectives the EGBOBAMWONYI Agriculture and Rural BENIN CITY – Edo State Commissioner for Agriculture and National Resources, Hon Abdul Oroh said the objective of the Growth Enhancement Scheme (GES) is to facilitate government withdrawal from direct procurement and distribution of agriculture inputs. Disclosing this in Benin City at the inauguration of the distribution of improved banana suckers (Williams Specie) to farmers, Commissioner Oroh also disclosed the objective of GES to include encouraging the private sub-section by developing marketing channels that would ensure sales of agriculture inputs to farmers in all nooks and crannies of the country. He said GES us designed to promote incentives for poor farmers in some focal crops, including cassava, rice, maize, plantain, cocoa, oil palm and livestock.

According to him, the cost of subsidy on GES is shared by both the federal and state governments on 25 percent basis while the private sector makes up for the balance 50 percent. The 6,000 banana suckers allocated to Edo State, he said was arrived at after a statistics of farmers in Nigeria was taken and arrived at 40 per farmer by the Nigerian Institute for Horticultural Research and Training, Ibadan. He disclosed that the state government through the supervising Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resource had been collaborating effectively with

Development regarding the implementation of Agricultural Transformation Agenda. The commissioner used the occasion to call on farmers who have not registered in the farmers enumeration exercise to do so in order to benefit from the GES programme. On his part, the Programme Manager, Agricultural Development Programme (ADP), Mr. Asikhia disclosed that the Williams Specie banana sucker which was distributed to farmers freely has the capacity to prevent flow of fungi from other plants around them.

ABUJA - Prof. Julius Okojie, the Executive Secretary of National Universities Commission (NUC), yesterday in Abuja said the commission would

support the introduction of Gender Studies in Nigerian universities. Okojie made this known when he received a delegation of the Forum for

Comrade Adams Oshiomhole watching with kin interest while some (EDSIMA) officials remove items causing obstruction on Mission Road in Benin City, Tuesday. Photo: CHARITY OZIGBO-ESERE.

NUC Pledges Support For Introduction Of Gender Studies In Nigerian Universities

Edo State Governor, Comrade Adams Oshiomhole inspecting some of the Car’s park indisciplinary on New Lagos Road in Benin City during his visit to the area yesterday. Photo: CHARITY OZIGBO-ESERE.

African Women Educationalists (FAWE) in Nigeria. He said that the introduction of the gender studies in the universities would educate students more on the peculiarities and uniqueness of the women folk. He recalled that as a ViceChancellor, he encouraged the appointment of female deans of faculties. Okojie described the role of women in the society as very critical to the growth and development of the nation. He advised the group to adopt a system approach by organizing a stakeholders’ conference, where adequate sensitisation would be done to inform the general public on the need to support women

programme. The executive secretary called for the involvement of more women in leadership and also for consistent training on skills acquisition. Okojie, while commending the group, assured the forum of the commission’s support in achieving its objectives Earlier, the President of FAWE, Mrs Marie Sojirin, said that the group came to seek collaboration on ways of promoting better life for girl-child and women in the Nigerian University System. Sojirin said that the activities of the organisation included addressing constraints to access; retention and performance in the educational process; undertaking advocacy to raise awareness and

poor sanitation and hygiene are the primary cause. “Worldwide, some 2.5 billion people lack the benefits of adequate sanitation. More than one billion people practice open defecation. “We must break the taboos and make sanitation for all a global development priority. “Sanitation is central to human and environmental health. It is essential for sustainable development, dignity and opportunity,’’ he said. He noted that poor water and sanitation cost developing countries around 260 billion dollars a year — 1.5 per cent of their gross

domestic product. On the other hand, he said that every dollar invested could bring a five-fold return by keeping people healthy and productive. “When schools offer decent toilets 11 per cent more girls attend. When women have access to a private latrine, they are less vulnerable to assault. “Despite the compelling moral and economic case for action on sanitation, progress has been too little and too slow. “That is why I launched a Call to Action on Sanitation this year to end open defecation by 2025 and build on existing efforts such as Sanitation and Water for All and the Sanitation Drives to 2015.’’

World Toilet Day: Moon Wants Nations To Boost ABUJA - As the World celebrates the World Toilet Day, UN Secretary-General, Ban-Ki Moon, has urged government of nations to step up efforts to boost sanitation coverage in their various countries. Ban made the call in his 2013 message on the World Toilet Day posted on the UN website. The World Toilet Day is celebrated every November 19 to raise global awareness for dignified sanitation. Ban said : “We are a long way from achieving the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) target of reducing by half the proportion of people lacking adequate sanitation.

“We must urgently step up our efforts with all actors working together for rapid and tangible results. “And as we look beyond 2015, it is essential that sanitation is placed at the heart of the post-2015 development framework. The solutions need not be expensive or technologydriven.” The UN chief said that there were many successful models that could be replicated and scaled up to achieve the target. Ban said that countries must work to educate at-risk communities and change cultural perceptions and long-standing practices that have no place in the modern


world. “By working together and by having an open and frank discussion on the importance of toilets and sanitation, we can improve the health and well-being of one-third of the human family,’’ he said. According to Ban, each year, more than 800,000 children under five die needlessly from diarrhoea – more than one child a minute. He said that countless others fall seriously ill with many suffering long-term health and developmental consequences, stressing that

influence policy and attitudes. She said that others are developing genderresponsive models for training teachers, improving learning processes and environments and empowering girls to facilitate the replication of FAWE best practices into the national education system. She said that the body had been organising counselling programmes in universities for female students who had been discouraged from continuing their studies in order to persuade and keep them in schools. Sojirin said that FAWE had also been providing financial support for less privileged female students and was working on balancing the disparity between the science and art-based subjects in secondary schools. “I observed that girl-child shows more interest in the Liberal Arts.’’ She said that through the advocacy campaigns by FAWE, many African governments had adopted gender-positive and friendly policies. She said that these policies include primary education, re-entry policies for adolescent girls, gender-positive pedagogy and appointment of more female teachers. She said that FAWE also aimed at ensuring the economic empowerment of girls living in vulnerable situations through skills acquisition.




Stop Use Of Sirens, UNILORIN ASUU Advises FG

ILORIN- The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) University of Ilorin branch, has called on the Federal Government to ban the use of sirens by public office holders in Nigeria. The union made the call in Ilorin in a release signed by its Chairman, Dr Taiwo Oloruntoba-Oju, on the death of former ASUU president, Prof. Festus Iyayi. It called on the Federal Government to see the tragic death of Iyayi as a wake-up call on the use of convoys and sirens by government functionaries. “We call for a declaration of emergency to tackle the death traps that we call roads in this country. The carnage must stop,” Dr Oloruntoba-Oju said. According to him, convoys of governors are not meant to terrorise the governed whose taxes are used to buy the cars, pay drivers and ensure their maintenance. ASUU chairman said that

convoys should not convey or deliver death to the masses of the country. “We join our voices to that of the governor of Lagos State who has clamoured incessantly for a stop to the use of sirens to terrorise citizens,” he added. Oloruntoba-Oju said that ASUU had declared seven days mourning period for the late former ASUU president. According to him, November 13 to November 19, were declared mourning period by ASUU members, adding that flags at all secretariats of the union are to be flown at halfmast. He also enjoined all ASUU members to wear the symbolic black arm bands or dress in black during the mourning period.

Across The Nation Employer Docked Over Rape Of Employee

Rt Hon. Uyi Igbe, Speaker Edo State House of Assembly cutting the tape to commission the fence of Virginia Primary School executed by Mr. Speaker as part of his 2013 Constituency project in Benin City recently. Photo: GODWIN ISEGUAN.

Kano Sponsors 251 Civil Servants For ASCON Programmes KANO- The Kano State Government has sponsored 251 senior civil servants for the Administrative Staff College of Nigeria (ASCON) workshop and examination to enable them to acquire quality administrative and managerial skills. The state’s Head of Service, Dr Umar Minjibir, disclosed this at the launch of the 19th Batch ASCON workshop and examination at the Murtala Mohammed Library, Kano. He also said that the state government had sponsored 10 officers from the Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning to pursue a master’s degree programme at the Regional Centre for Training in Aero Space Surveys (RECTAS), Oyo State. He said that the training was aimed at meeting the state’s manpower requirements for effective land administration reforms, following the establishment of Kano Geographic Information System (KANGIS). Minjibir urged the participants to make the best use of the training opportunity by giving the facilitators’ maximum cooperation so as to ensure the success of the programme. In his remarks, the DirectorGeneral of ASCON, Mr A. A. Peters, who was represented by a Director, Dr Tahir Fagge, said that the two-week management workshop would broaden the intellectual scope of the participants. “It will instill in them the requisite analytical skills of solving complex problems in the course of their official functions. “It will also enable them to respond appropriately to the rapid socio-economic changes within their respective organisations,’’ Peters said.

The fence measuring 300x200 ft at Virginia Primary School executed by Rt Hon. Uyi Igbe, Speaker Edo State House of Assembly as part of his 2013 Cosntituency project in Benin City recently. Photo: GODWIN ISEGUAN.

Biomedical Science May Help HIV Prevention ABUJA- Dr Morenike Ukpong, the Coordinator, New HIV Vaccines and Microbicides Advocacy Society (NHVMAS), has said that there was hope for the prevention of HIV infections through the intervention of biomedical science. Ukpong said this in Abuja, while speaking at a HIV Biomedical Prevention Forum, which has “Getting to Zero the Biomedical Way’’ as its theme She said that the forum was aimed at promoting a synergy between biomedical HIV-

prevention science and programming. “This forum also seeks to provide a unique platform for stakeholders to come together to learn from each other about the newest science and best practices in biomedical HIV prevention. “It will forge new connections across the field of HIV prevention, treatment, care and support for people living with the disease and those who are affected by it,’’ she said. Ukpong said that the forum would also explore efforts aimed

- Expert

at integrating HIV prevention with HIV treatment, care and support, while aiding the development of research in that regard. One of the forum’s organisers, Prof. Oni Idigbe, a Director at the Nigerian Institute for Medical Research (NIMR), stressed the need for the country to design effective HIV prevention tools in the absence of a vaccine. ‘Although the anti-retroviral

HIV/AIDs: Ogun Tasks Pregnant

Women On Status Checks

IJEBU-ODE (OGUN)- The Ogun Government has called on pregnant women to go for HIV and AIDS tests in order to curb the mother-to-child transmission of the disease. The Director, AIDS and STIs Control in the state’s Ministry of Health, Dr Ranti Oladehinde, made the call while speaking with newsmen in Ijebu-Ode. He said the early detection of

the virus before delivery would go a long way in proffering solutions that can save the baby. “The transmission of HIV from the mother to the yet-to-be-born baby can be prevented through the use of anti-retroviral drugs. “Mothers who patronise traditional midwives should try to go to the nearest Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission Centre (PMTCT) for test and

anti-retroviral therapy,” Oladehinde said. He called for help in curbing the spread of HIV by using condoms or staying faithful to their partners, adding that abstinence is the best protection for unmarried individuals. Also speaking, Mrs. Modupe Olugbenga, a member of the Civil Society on HIV and AIDS, Ogun State chapter, said constant awareness was important.

drugs are working, we are still far away from getting a complete cure and even when we do, we still need to have a preventive measure against the disease,” she said.

LAGOS- A trader, Kingsley Ikechukwu, 30, has appeared before an Oshodi Magistrates’ Court in Lagos over alleged rape of his employee. Ikechukwu, who resides at No 1, Ilufunmi St., Ejigbo, Lagos, is facing a one-count charge of rape. The Prosecutor, Cpl. Kehinde Olatunde, told the court that the accused committed the offence on November 4 at his residence. He said that the accused unlawfully and forcefully had sexual intercourse with his 20year-old sales girl. “The accused asked the complainant to bring something for him at home, when she got there, the accused locked his door and dragged her into his room. “The complainant was shouting for help but no one heard her voice because it was raining heavily,” he said. Olatunde said that the accused forcefully penetrated the private part of the complainant and had canal knowledge of her. “As a result of the rape, the complainant started bleeding from her private part and the accused gave her some rags to clean the blood but the blood did not stop. “While the accused was still looking for more rags to clean the blood, the complainant unlocked the door and ran out for help,” he said. The prosecutor said that the accused ran away from his house and could not be found again. He said that when the police visited Ikechukwu’s house, rags soaked with blood were seen. Olatunde said that the offence contravened Section 258 of the Criminal Laws of Lagos State, 2011. Section 258 stipulates life imprisonment for rapists. The accused, however, pleaded not guilty to the charge and was granted bail in the sum of N200,000 with two sureties in like sum. The Magistrate, Mr Akeem Fashola, adjourned the case to December 3 for mention.

Osun Immunises 777,779 Children Against Measles OSOGBO- The Osun State Government said that it had immunised 777,779 children in the just concluded Integrated Measles Campaign. Reports say that the exercise was conducted between November 2 and November 6 in the state. In a report released to newsmen in Osogbo by the Commissioner for Health, Dr Temitope Ilorin, the state government said the figure represented 107.2 per cent coverage. The report indicated that the government had targeted about 725,573 children below the age of five. “It was a huge success as the exercise was well received by the people across the state.

“Apart from measles vaccine, the children were immunised against polio; vitamin A was also administered,” the report said. According to the report, the campaign covers 111.6 per cent in the case of vitamin A supplements as 738,063 children have been covered. The report attributed the success of the exercise to the commitment of the state government and the readiness of parents to raise healthy children. “We are also appreciative of the huge support received from the World Health Organisation (WHO) and UNICEF. “The well being of the children is an investment in the future that should not be toyed with by any government,’’ it stressed.




South South Uduaghan Highlights Importance Of Cooperation Between Contractors, Communities UMEH (DELTA STATE) Governor, Dr Emmanuel Uduaghan has said it was important for communities to cooperate with contractors executing government projects in their areas. Addressing the people of Umeh, Isoko South Local Government Area of the state yesterday after inspecting more than 7 kilometer Umeh road, the Governor said by cooperating with the contractor, there will be speedy completion of government projects for the benefits of the communities. He emphasised that government’s projects were well planned to the benefits of the communities, assuring that his administration would not relent in executing projects that would uplift the standard of living of Deltans. “You should continue to cooperate with the contractor working here because what is being done is for your own good”, Dr Uduaghan told the people of Umeh, observing

that he has not heard about the community disrupting government projects in the area. He assured the people of Umeh that the road project would be completed on time, adding that the health centre, school and water projects would also be executed within stipulated time. The President-General of Umeh community, Mr Idudu Churchill thanked Governor Uduaghan for passionately working for Deltans especially, the people of Umeh and assured him that the community will continue to cooperate with contractors to enable them execute their projects to specification.

Rt. Hon. Uyi Igbe, Speaker Edo State House of Assembly (arrowed) in a group photograph with some teachers and students of Chrisdia Education Centre Oluku, Benin City after observing the House Plenary recently. Photo: GODWIN ISEGUAN.

Federal Roads: CALABAR- Governor Liyel Imoke has drawn the attention of the Federal Ministry of Works to the deplorable condition of federal roads in the state. Imoke said this in Calabar

Imoke Seeks Intervention

when the Minister of State for Works, Mr Bashir Yuguda, paid him a courtesy visit at Government House. He said that he made the call in a view on the annual Calabar Carnival coming up

in December, which often attracted tourists from all over the world to the state. He particularly noted that the Odukpani-Itu road was becoming a nightmare to commuters travelling in and

out of the state. “We have collapsed infrastructure in the state; 90 per cent of our tourists come by road, which means that our road infrastructure needs attention,’’ he said. The governor stressed the need for the expansion of the Ugep-Ikom-Ogoja road, the reconstruction of IBB Way in Calabar into a dual carriage way and the rehabilitation of Ikom-Obudu Ranch road. He attributed the frequent collapse of some portions of the Ugep-Ikom-Ogoja road to pressures from heavy vehicles which conveyed cement and stones from Calabar and Akamkpa. “With the loss of some of our oil wells, we have no other way than to seek alternative means of

generating revenue through tourism but with these poor road infrastructure, we cannot deliver much, ‘’ he said. Responding, the minister of state said that the ministry had given priority attention to the Odukpani road project, assuring the governor that work on the project would soon start. “Odukpani road is one of our priority projects. Be ready for us to come and flag-off the road before the end of the year,’’ he said. Yuguda assured the governor that as part of the Federal Government’s Transformation Agenda, the ministry would continue to collaborate with the state in efforts to develop its tourism potential.

NGO Wants Compulsory Education For Girl-Child Rt. Hon. Uyi Igbe, Speaker Edo State House of Assembly (arrowed) in a group photograph with some teachers and students of Word of Faith Group of School, Benin City after the Teachers and Students observed the House Plenary recently. Photo: GODWIN ISEGUAN.

C/River: 2013 Immunisation Records

CALABARThe Commissioner for Health in Cross River, Dr Angela Oyo-Ita, says the 2013 children immunisation against measles in the state recorded a large turnout. Oyo-Ita said this in an interview with newsmen in Calabar. She said that preliminary reports showed that there was massive turnout of mothers with their babies in every part of the state. “I am yet to have a feedback from those that went to the field as they are still preparing their

Large Turnout

reports but from the preliminary reports, there was a large turnout throughout the state. “I am satisfied with the way children were brought by their mothers to be immunised,’’ Oyo-Ita said. The commissioner said that the state targeted 500,000 children to be immunised. “Our target was 500,000 children; although we are yet to ascertain if we achieved that number, we were able to cover

all parts of the state. “All the 18 local government areas of the state were well covered,’’ she said The commissioner attributed the success of the exercise to intensive sensitisation and awareness campaigns carried out by the ministry before the exercise. She said that Cross River had always taken the lead in children immunisation in the country, adding that this was due to the untiring effort of Governor Liyel Imoke. It would be recalled that

immunisation of children against measles was carried out in the 17 southern states, including Cross River between November 2 and November 6.

ASABA- The International Centre for Women Empowerment and Child Development (ICWECD), an NGO, has said girl-child education would reduce child trafficking. The Executive Director of the organisation, Ms Bridget Anyafulu, said this in an interview with newsmen in Asaba. Anyafulu urged the government to provide compulsory primary and secondary education to every female child to curb child

trafficking. She said that girl-child education would help in reducing early marriage and teenage pregnancy. “There will be about 59 per cent lesser pregnancies among girls under the age of 17 and 18 if given secondary education,’’ she said. She urged the government and stakeholders to give urgent attention to the trend, adding that it was unfortunate that those expected to fight child trafficking were the people encouraging the use of children as housemaids.

2013 at God’s own Revolutionary Church, Agbor Delta State. Speaking at the presentation ceremony, the author, Rev Oke Akokotu stressed the importance of using birthdays to do good works for God and the nation, adding that he is committed to

always seeking the face of God Almighty in all that he does. He also used the occasion to visit orphanages and blessed them. Rev (Prof) Akokotu also organised a public lecture/ Disccussion on enhancing the educational independence of the nation.

Book Presentation, Distribution By JOEL CHUKWUAGHONIM Holds In Delta AGBOR (DELTA STATE) The official dedication, presentation and distribution of the 28th book of Rev. (Prof.) Oke Akokotu has been held in Agbor, Delta State. The book which was forwarded by a renowed Reverend Abraham triumphant was launched on October, 18th,




Across The Nation 2 Docked Over Alleged Break-In, Theft Of N1.6m LAGOS - Two men, Joshua Property Tabiti and Idowu Adebayo, on Director-General, Bureau of Public Enterprises (BPE), Mr. Benjamin Dikki ( r i g h t ) , commissioning with the widow of the former Chief of General Staff, Mrs. Josephine Akhigbe, during a condolence visit to the Akhigbe’s family in Lagos.

Monday appeared before a Yaba Magistrates’ Court, Lagos, for allegedly breaking into shops and stealing goods valued at N1.6 million. Tabiti, 25, resides in Bariga area of Lagos; while Adebayo, 20, lives at No.18, Bamidele St., Oworosoki, Lagos. They are facing a five-count charge of conspiracy, theft, breaking and entry, unlawful damage and unlawful possession. The prosecutor, Insp. Felix Ifijeh, told the court that the accused committed the offences on November 11, at about 4:00 a.m., at Tijani Ashogbon Street, Bariga, Lagos. He said that the accused broke into the shops of Mr Omoren

Lagos Records 135 Cases Of Building Collapse In 7 Years

IKEJA - No fewer than 135 buildings collapsed in Lagos in the last seven years, the state’s Tribunal of Enquiry on Building Collapse said on Monday. The chairperson of the tribunal, Mrs Abimbola Ajayi, said this while presenting the tribunal’s report to Gov. Babatunde Fashola in Ikeja. Reports say that the tribunal was constituted by the state government on May 20, following the spate of collapsed buildings in the state. It had a defined brief to unravel the causes of the problem and come up with recommendations within three months. Ajayi said that 130 cases were recorded before the tribunal was inaugurated while five buildings collapsed after it was set up. The chairperson described the situation as disturbing, saying a holistic approach was urgently needed to arrest the development.

She explained that the tribunal discovered that the problem endured because most building projects were handled by quacks. According to her, the poor enforcement of the state’s building control law has also contributed to the menace. ‘’Gross indiscipline and gross

corruption by all stakeholders have added to the problem as they have rendered the relevant laws ineffective. “The 2010 Building Control Law empowers the relevant government agencies to act and stop the menace, but the system does not— because of political,

cultural and administrative reasons,” she said. Ajayi also blamed the problem on the passive stance of law enforcement agencies and the Ministry of Justice to the arrest and prosecution of violators of building control laws. ‘’ Although there is the

LAGOS – Dr. Karo Ogbinaka, Chairman, Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU), University of Lagos Chapter, on Monday said that he was yet to get over the shock of seeing Prof. Festus Iyayi die. Iyayi, a one-time president of ASUU, died in an accident near Lokoja on November 12, on his way to Kano to attend a National Executive Committee (NEC) meeting of the union. The meeting was expected to deliberate on the way forward for

the four-month old strike of the union, after the Federal Government made a fresh offer. Ogbinaka told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Lagos: “I still cannot believe that Iyayi is dead because I was at the scene of the accident where it happened. “I witnessed the gory scene with blood stains all over the place as I can still remember struggling to assist our dear colleagues; believe me, it was too painful to see Iyayi die the way he did. “There was confusion in Kano and at the scene of the accident. Indeed it was a terrible and shocking sight to behold; we are indeed, deep in grief”.

The unionist said that the NEC suspended the Kano meeting that was to be held with Iyayi in attendance in order to do what was befitting of their fallen colleague. According to Ogbinaka, the NEC members have been meeting with the family of the deceased to give him a befitting burial. “We think we should give the NEC some time to get over the entire arrangements and then have some time to put themselves together before they start considering reconvening the postponed meeting,” he said. Ogbinaka said that it was only when the ASUU executives were fully settled that they would assemble executives of all the state chapters, for the way forward over the issue of the protracted strike.

I’m Yet To Get Over Shock Of Seeing Iyayi’s Death - UNILAG ASUU Chairman

Man, 25, Re-Arraigned For Armed Robbery LAGOS - A 25-year-old man, Temitope Onifade, was on Monday re-arraigned for armed robbery. The defendant, who has no particular means of livelihood, is standing trial before a Lagos High Court at Igbosere, on a two-count charge of conspiracy and armed robbery. According to the charge, Onifade allegedly committed the offences on July 17, 2008, at Okokomaiko on the LagosBadagry Expressway, Lagos. Onifade and others now at large, allegedly attacked one Mr. Chris Irondi and dispossessed him of his car and valuables. The offence is contrary to Sections 402 and 403 of the Criminal Laws of Lagos State. The Prosecutor, Mr. Afolabi Sholebo, urged the court to rearraign the defendant since

the case was a transferred matter. Sholebo also sought an adjournment to enable him produce a witness in court. The Defense Counsel, Mr. O.A. Azeez, reminded the court that there had been an order of inquiry about the defendant’s mental state before the case was transferred. Azeez said that Justice Christopher Balogun made the order, following observations by prison warders. The defendant, however, pleaded not guilty to the twocount charge. Justice Aishat Opesanwo told the defence counsel to file a formal application if the mental state of the defendant was still relevant. She adjourned the case to Jan. 15 for further hearing.

provision for summary trial of violators and offenders in the laws examined by the Tribunal, there is no record of persons prosecuted or sanctioned for incidents of building collapse by the Ministry of Justice, Nigeria Police and any other known organ,” she said. The chairperson expressed the confidence that the tribunal’s report and recommendations would help address the menace, if well implemented. Ajayi thanked the state government for setting up the tribunal, saying the step showed its determination to protect the lives of residents. Accepting the eight volume report, Fashola commended the tribunal for the effort and pledged strict implementation of the committee’s recommendations. He described the spate of collapsed buildings in the state as worrisome, and promised that his administration would explore all efforts possible to address the problem and protect lives. “It is the responsibility of the government to ensure that no life is lost in circumstances that are avoidable.

Saviour, Mr Ajayi Olalekan and Mrs. Endurance Ojo and stole electronics, clothes, handbags and recharge cards— all valued at N1.6 million. “The accused were also in possession of some instruments like pliers, spanners, hammers and one long iron rod used in breaking into the shops. “They were arrested by the police after the complainants, Saviour, Olalekan and Ojo, reported the incident at the police station,’’ he said. According to him, the offences contravene Sections 285, 307, 327, 409 and 40 of the Criminal Law of Lagos State, 2011. The two men, however, pleaded not guilty. In her ruling, the Chief Magistrate, Mrs Y.O AjeAfuunwa, granted the accused bail in the sum of N250, 000 each, with two sureties, each in like sum. She adjourned the case till Dec. 6 for trial. “For us, human life is very important and the most important thing that we have and we will do everything within our capacity to nurture it to the fullest,’’ he said. The governor, however, said tackling the problem should not be left to the government alone, and sought the cooperation of stakeholders to address the menace. Fashola urged residents to comply with the state’s building laws, and charged professionals to always abide by regulations. The governor said the problem would be reduced substantially if professional associations sanctioned members involved in construction of defective buildings. Fashola said the government had declared war against violators of building laws and officials had been directed to monitor such activities for necessary actions.

Hon. Philip Shaibu, Majority Leader, Edo State House of Assembly (right), receiving an award of excellence from Prince Festus Otono, National President of National Association of Edo State Students (NAESS) as good master of Progressive Students during the association courtesy call to the law maker’s office recently. Photo: GODWIN ISEGUAN




Across The Nation

Iyayi: NMA Calls For Official Inquiry BENIN - The Nigeria Medical Association (NMA), has called on the Federal Government to constitute an official inquiry into the road accident that claimed

the life of Prof. Festus Iyayi. The association also called on the Federal Roads Safety Corps (FRSC) to put to an end to reckless driving of convoys on

Nigerian roads. The President of the association, Dr Osahon Enabulele, made the call on

Monday in Benin City shortly after he led a delegation of the association on a condolence visit to the family of the late Iyayi. He described the late former

L-R: Lagos State Secretary of State Government, Dr. Oluranti Adebule; Commissioner for Transportation, Comrade Kayode Opeifa; Governor Babatunde Fashola of Lagos State and Deputy Governor, Mrs. Adejoke Orelope-Adefulire, at the induction of new special traffic mayors (Volunteers) by Governor Fashola in Lagos yesterday.

LSHA Calls For Conciliation Of Anambra Election

By SURAJU RAJI LAGOS - The Chairman, House Committee on Information, Strategy, Security and Publicity of the Lagos State House of Assembly, Hon Segun Olulade has expressed strong fear over the capacity of the present administration to conduct free and fair elections for Nigerians in 2015. He said that the nation has just witnessed what he described as ‘failed election conduct’ in Anambra State last weekend, adding that it shows that there will be bleak 2015 election. In a statement issued in his office on Monday, Hon. Olulade who called for outright cancellation of Anambra election said “the fact that the INEC Chairman, Prof. Attairu Jega, has accepted that his electoral mechanism was compromised shows that the process has failed”. Hon. Olulade was reacting

to the inconclusive election in Anambra State where APGA’s Candidate, Mr. Willie Obiano, was speculated to be leading candidate. Olulade lamented that “such high level rigging and electoral ineptitude demonstrated by INEC is a clear statement to the entire nation that 2015 general election is unsure to be free and fair”. He stated further that irregularities that marred the election was too obvious and has clearly given the nation an electoral set back before the whole world. He said that if what we are experiencing continues that way, the INEC and present administration are gradually calling for anarchy. The lawmaker said the recent development is nothing but a national embarrassment. “In electoral history, I have never seen where a section of the state where a popular candidate has his strong hold, was out rightly marginalized. Olulade remarked that candidate of a particular party and his entire family were removed from voters’ registers.

A section of new special traffic mayors (Volunteers) at their induction by Governor Babatunde Fashola in Lagos yesterday.

NAN, AAU Warns ASUU Against Strike By OSE EHEBHA National Association of Nigerian Students, (NANS) South-South/South –East (Zone B) has warned the Ambrose Alli University Chapter of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) against

making good its threats to embark on a fresh strike over failure of government to appoint a substantive vice-chancellor for the institution. ASUU-AAU had recently threatened to embark on a fresh strike, should the state government fail to appoint a

Robbery: Court Discharges 2 For Lack Of ABUJA - Justice Husseini Baba-Yusuf of an FCT High Court on Monday made good his threat to discharged two men charged with armed robbery. Baba-Yusuf discharged Williams Friday and Tunde Adewale, who were arraigned on a two-count charge of conspiracy

Diligent Prosecution

and armed robbery, for lack of diligent prosecution. He had on Nov. 14, 2012, given the police an adjournment when he discovered that out of the eight criminal cases filed on behalf of the Commissioner of Police in

National President of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) as a “courageous fighter’’ who had always fought for justice. “He was an unrepentant crusader for the restoration of standards and excellence in university education. “While we mourn the sad and tragic death of this dogged and courageous fighter for socioeconomic and political justice in Nigeria, we are pained that his death followed another despicable act of recklessness and impunity by executive convoys. “The NMA calls on the Federal Government to institute an urgent official inquiry into the circumstances that led to Prof. Festus Iyayi’s death. “The Federal Road Safety Commission should put machinery in motion to put an end to the recklessness of executive convoys whose intolerable impunity has sent many innocent and productive Nigerians to their early graves,” he said. Enabulele urged the Federal Government to fast track repairs and complete of the dual carriage road of the Abuja-Lokoja-Benin highway. “We restate our call on governments at federal, state and local government levels to be

more committed to the development of the transport system. “They can do this by fixing and regularly maintaining the several bad roads and death traps that are on Nigeria’s highways and landscape,” he said. The NMA president said that Nigeria and the academia would miss Iyayi’s inspirational literary works and frank contributions to the resolution of several questions bordering the existence of the Nigerian state. “While we hope this will be the last act of recklessness of executive convoys, we pray for the speedy recovery and perfect healing of all those who suffered various degrees of bodily injury,” he said. Enabulele urged the family of the deceased to take consolation in the fact that the late activist lived a good life with many accomplishments that many people would wish to achieve in life. Responding on behalf of the family, the son of late Iyayi, Oriabure Iyayi, thanked the association for the visit and expressed hope that the NMA would continue to uphold the ideals of the struggle. “I hope your association will continue with your current efforts to give voice to the voiceless, healthcare for ordinary Nigerians and fight for the common interest of the masses which my father fought and died for,” he said.

the FCT and listed for hearing, only two had legal representation. At the resumed hearing, BabaYusuf expressed his disappointment over the number of cases abandoned by the lawyers from the command. He said that most of the cases

were not being diligently prosecuted by the counsel handling them. Baba-Yusuf said he would write a letter of complaint to the office of the Commissioner of Police in the FCT over the attitude of the command’s lawyers.

substantive vice-chancellor for the university before suspension of on-going ASUU national strike. Addressing the press on behalf of his colleagues in Ekpoma, the Edo State representative in NANS, Comrade Prosper Iyere vehemently kicked against the proposed industrial action, describing it as illegal. According to him, the threats by ASUU amount to contempt of court since the vicechancellorship position of AAU is currently a subject of litigation. He wondered why the union would be championing the removal of the current acting vice-chancellor of the institution, when ASUU’s former national

President, Prof. Awuzie Ukachukwe has been presiding over Imo State University (IMSU) for the past two years as acting vice-chancellor. He therefore called on the AAU branch chairman, Prof. Fred Esumeh and his secretary, Dr. S. O. Omokhoje to retract their statement within 72 hours, failure to which they would be declared “persona non grata”. “We are aware that the office of vice-chancellor of AAU is a subject of litigation, instituted by the former vice-chancellor, Prof. Sam Uniamikogbo. “It will be outright contempt of court for ASUU to call for the removal of the acting vicechancellor in this respect.




North Commission Disburses N2m To 200 Widows KANO - The Kano State Zakkat and Endowment Commission has said it had disbursed N2 million as alms to 200 selected widows in Kano metropolis. The Director-General of the commission, Alhaji Sufiyanu Gwagwarwa, disclosed this in an interview with newsmen in Kano. He said the money was distributed to the beneficiaries after undergoing a one-day training on beans cake making. Gwagwarwa said the decision to train the widows on the trade was borne out of the commission’s desire to make them self-reliant. The State Governor, Alhaji Rabi’u Kwankwaso, directed us to train 200 widows and give them N10,000 each to enable them start the business. The initiative is aimed at discouraging widows whose husbands died and left them with little children, from begging,’’ he said. The director general also said that the commission would continue to organise similar training for widows as part of efforts to empower them. He called on the beneficiaries to make best use of the training and the money given to them to alleviate their suffering. Gwagwarwa urged Muslims to ensure prompt payment of their Zakkat to enable the commission disburse same to the poor.

347 Households Reject Polio Immunisation

Some of the wears displayed on the walkway along New Lagos Road by some traders in Benin City recently. PHOTO: CHARITY OZIGBO-ESERE.

Pests: Farmers Seek FG’s Assistance GORONYO (SOKOTO STATE)-Farmers in Goronyo and Wurno Local Governments of Sokoto State, have appealed to the Federal Government to curtail the menace of quelea birds and locusts destroying farms in the areas. A cross section of the farmer, in separate interviews with newsmen requested the government to conduct aerial spray of the areas to check the destructive pests. A farmer at Keta village on the fringes of Goronyo dam,

Ummarun Bakwai, said that the menace of the birds and locusts requires urgent intervention. “The Sokoto State Government should urgently collaborate with the federal government to conduct aerial spray to destroy the birds and locusts. “Unless this is done urgently, we may lose larger portions of our guinea corn and millet. “The spray was done here recently by the federal government while we were harvesting rice, beans and other

APC: Local C’ttees To Promote Interaction -Official DAMATURU- A Chieftain become a one united

of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Yobe, Sen. Alkali Jajere, says the constitution of stakeholders committees at local levels in the state is to promote interaction among party members. Jajere (APC-Yobe West) told newsmen in Damaturu that the committees would serve as rallying points for the legacy parties that formed the APC. “APC is committed to respecting the views of every party member and that is why Governor Ibrahim Gaidam, our leader in the state, constituted stakeholders committees for the 17 local governments to facilitate interaction between the party and members at the grassroots.” The lawmaker assured that the APC would respect the wishes of its members on all matters including the election of its flag bearers. “As a true symbol of democracy, APC will maintain internal democracy, equity, fair play, justice and respect for popular will in all its decisions,” he said. Also, Alhaji Samaila Gadaka, representing Fika/Fune Federal Constituency, said the committees would give the party supporters at the grassroots a sense of belonging. “Since the legacy parties have

ILLELA (SOKOTO)-A total of 453 cases of rejection had been recorded in the last two days in the ongoing 10th round of polio immunisation in Illela Local Government Area of Sokoto State, an official has said. The Director of Health for the local government, Hajiya Amina Jibril, disclosed this in Illela while briefing a team of Journalists monitoring the exercise. “These cases were recorded between Saturday and Sunday in 347 households across the area. “ Over sixty per cent of these rejections have been resolved and all the children hitherto missed, had been fully immunised,” she said. Jibril also said over 46 ,000 eligible children between zero to five years, are being targeted across the local government during the four-day exercise.

megaparty, the committees will provide the avenue for supporters to know where they should go and who to approach,” Gadaka said. In his comment, Alhaji Tijjani Tumsa, APC interim National Secretary, noted that the formation of the committees would provide the party with a solid foundation for its successful take off in the state. He urged supporters of the party at the local government level to cooperate with the committees for the

implementation of its programmes. Reports say that Governor Gaidam, last week inaugurated the stakeholders committees for the 17 local government areas in the state. Among those inaugurated were Senators Alkali Jajere, Ahmad Lawan and Bukar Ibrahim, as well as members of the House of Representatives, state legislators, commissioners and prominent politicians.

grains but we need more,” Bakwai added. Another farmer, Mustapha Basiru, said that the pests had destroyed many farms in Keta, Rimawa, Katsira, Falaliya, Takakume, Dantume and Gorau villages, all in Goronyo local government. “These birds roost and nest in waterlogged areas where typha grass, shrubs and other lower vegetation grow. “They can only be killed through aerial spray of chemicals,” Basiru said. He noted that the traditional methods of killing the birds, which include hunting the pests with catapults and beating drums to scare them away, were in-effective. “So, more of such aerial sprays should be conducted by the federal government to enable us reap bumper harvests,” the farmer pleaded. The Chairman of Goronyo Local Government, Alhaji Faruku Rimawa, who is also a large-scale farmer, commended the federal government for the recent aerial spray, but called for more intervention. “I am also appealing for the repeat of such laudable gesture to save the farmers from

incurring losses due to the destructive pests,” Rimawa said. The Commissioner for Agriculture, Alhaji Arzika Tureta, also urged the federal government to assist further in tackling the menace. In his reaction, the Zonal Pest Control Officer in charge of Sokoto, Kebbi and Zamfara States, Mr Jude Omoregbee, said that the birds were migratory pest that move in millions. “They can travel between 65 kilometres and 75 kilometres per hour and can wreak havoc on a farm in few minutes and depart,” he added. According to Omoregbee, 13 local governments have been ravaged by the pests in the state.

According to her, about sixty per cent of the targeted children have been immunised so far, since the exercise began last Saturday. “We are also hopeful that the exercise would record about 95 per cent success by Tuesday, “We have also planned a mop up exercise between Saturday to Tuesday next week to cover all the children who will expectedly be missed,” she added. Jibril disclosed that the state government had provided 115,520 doses of the polio vaccines to the local government, adding that 492 health personnel were administering the vaccine in 11 wards of the area. “We have some of them immunising children on house to house basis, while there are fixed and special teams,” she explained. The director said the local government was providing incentives to encourage parents to allow their children to be immunised. “These include plastic plates and cups, noodles, detergents and toiletries, among others; we are also doling out other items to the children, like sweets and biscuits,” she added. Also commenting, the Chairman of the local government, Alhaji Garba Sabongari said the council had earmarked N900,000 for logistics, to ensure the success of the exercise. The chairman assured parents that the polio vaccine was safe, adding: “It doesn’t have any contraceptives, its safe and healthy. “Parents should safeguard the lives of their children by allowing them to be immunised against polio and other child-killer diseases”.

Kebbi Establishes 140 Km BIRNIN KEBBI- The Kebbi Shelter Belt Government has established a shelter belt covering 140 kilometres as part of the ongoing regional Great Green Wall afforestation programme, an official has said. The Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Environment, Alhaji Katuni Sanusi, made the disclosure in Birnin Kebbi in an

Concerned mothers of Nigeria protesting over senseless killings in the country, kidnapping, ASUU strike and others in Benin City. PHOTO: LUCKY AGIE.

interview with newsmen. Sanusi also said the programme was executed under the SURE-P projects scheme and in conjunction with the Federal Government. He said the efforts made by the state in this regard had helped it in recording remarkable progress in the area of environmental protection. “In addition to the established shelter belt, an additional 84 kilometres of shelter belt had been established in desert-prone areas,” the permanent secretary said. Sanusi however advised the public against cutting down trees, in view of their long-term benefits, warning that violators would be prosecuted. “Tree planting is important to the prevention of desertification, and this is why the ministry will embark on sensitisation campaigns on the importance of tree planting. “Efforts will be intensified to reduce the menace of soil erosion,’’ he said. The ministry official appealed to the public to support the shelter belt programme, especially by preventing the destruction of afforestation by livestock.




Across The Nation

Anambra Guber Poll: Cleric

OBOSI (ANAMBRA)-The Canon in-charge of St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Obosi, Rev. Wisdom Okeke, has sued for peace in the aftermath of the Anambra governorship election. Speaking with newsmen in Obosi, Anambra, Okeke stressed the need for the people to remain calm and peaceful and allow the Independent National Electoral Commission to look into the problem. “What happened in Idemili North and Idemili South must be addressed but it is not enough to annul the entire election. “There was peaceful voting in most parts of the state. We must

ESUT Resumption

ASUU Dissociates Self ENUGU - The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) has dissociated itself from the planned resumption of academic activities at the Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT) on November 18. A statement from the Chairman of ASUU-ESUT, Prof. Gab Agu, in Enugu said the union’s attention was drawn to the announcement by authorities that students would resume academic activities on Monday. “The academic staff of ESUT dissociates itself from the above announcement. “While ASUU-ESUT mourns the demise of Prof. Festus Iyayi, a former President of ASUU, it awaits the directive of the NEC on the ongoing strike,” it said. Meanwhile, a condolence register has been opened for the late Iyayi at the ASUU secretariat at the Agbani campus of the school. Agu described the death as a big loss to the union, the academia and the country in general. The ASUU-ESUT boss prayed God to grant the family the fortitude to bear the loss.

all reason together so that Anambra can move forward,” he said. The cleric urged INEC to look into the complaints of the people to ensure that justice was maintained. Meanwhile, the Cleen Foundation, a non-governmental organisation, said it did not support the cancellation of the governorship poll. Addressing newsmen in Awka, the foundation’s Programme Manager, Mr Chinedu Nwagu, said the circumstances surrounding the election were not enough for its cancellation. “What happened in the conduct of the Anambra governorship election in some isolated areas is not strong enough for INEC to cancel the entire election. Meanwhile, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has commended the people of Anambra for their peaceful and orderly conduct during Satursay’s governorship election in the state. The party‘s National Publicity Secretary, Mr Olisa Metuh, gave the commendation in a statement issued in Abuja. He also commended President Goodluck Jonathan for providing adequate security and the enabling environment for credible, free and fair election in the state. The statement expressed

satisfaction that in spite of the alleged “massive importation of thugs and plots by the All Progressives Congress (APC)” to introduce violence to disrupt and rig the election, the process was conducted peacefully. “We commend the entire people of Anambra State and all

ABUJA - The presidency has refuted a claim credited to Mrs Marie-Franciose Nelly, the World Bank Country Director in Nigeria that 100 million Nigerians live in destitution or extreme poverty. This is contained in a statement issued by Dr Nwanze Okidegbe, the Chief Economic Adviser to the President. It would be recalled that Nelly made the claim in Enugu on November 12 during the bank’s Country Programme Portfolio Review. In the statement made available to newsmen on Sunday in Abuja, Okidegbe described Nelly’s claim as ‘false.’ He said that the claim contradicts the position of

Makhtar Diop, the Bank’s Vice President for Africa during his visit to Nigeria in May. “In May 2013, Diop declared that poverty has fallen under this administration from 48 per cent to 46 per cent. “Given our current population of about 170 million people, the Country Director’s imagery of 100 million Nigerian destitute seems to be based on a much higher poverty rate than that of her boss. “The question that arises from this absurdity therefore is: who is right? “Secondly, according to the World Bank, to live in extreme poverty is to live on less than 1.25 dollars per day, including the cost of accommodation, clothing,


Sues For Peace

stakeholders who played key roles in ensuring peaceful and orderly conduct of the process. “While we now await the official result, we wish to express our satisfaction that the election was conducted without disturbances,’’ it said. The statement further

commended the PDP candidate in the election, Mr Tony Nwoye, for his “resilience, grassroots appeal and credible outing”. This, it added, brought him to the forefront in the race even though he had only two weeks to campaign. “The PDP is indeed happy with

Comrade Tony Nwoye’s performance so far. “While we charge all our members to continue to remain calm and focused, we wish to state that our final position on the election will be made known when the overall result is declared by INEC, ‘’ the statement said.

Hon. Orobosa Omo-Ojo, Commissioner for Special Duties, Oil and Gas (right) presenting the brief of his Ministry to Mr. James Omoataman Deputy Clerk Legislative Matters, Edo State House of Assembly during the C o m m i s s i o n e r ’s appearance at the House recently. PHOTO: GODWIN ISEGUNAN.

Presidency Refutes World Bank Claim feeding, and other incidentals. “1.25 dollars per day translates into N200 per day or N6, 000 per month. “On feeding alone, a loaf of bread costs more than N200 in many parts of Nigeria while a plate of food, even from a road side food vendor, costs about the same amount,’’ he said. Okidegbe said that the administration of President Goodluck Jonathan had undertaken some reform programmes in key sectors of the economy like agriculture to create jobs and reduce poverty. “Indeed, Nigeria was recently

Hon. Jemitola Elizabeth Aanena, Commissioner for Arts and Culture (right) presenting the brief of her Ministry to Mr. James Omoataman, Deputy Clerk Legislative Matters, Edo State House of Assembly during the C o m m i s s i o n e r ’s appearance at the House. Photo: GODWIN ISEGUAN.

honoured for meeting the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) of reducing people living in absolute hunger by half, well ahead of the 2015 target set by the UN. “On average, about 20 per cent of the Subsidy Re-investment Programme (SURE-P) is allocated exclusively to protecting the poor through different types of social safety nets.

“One important area of success is the Conditional Grant Scheme with total conditional cash transfer to almost 40,000 households and recruitment of over 2,000 new health workers working on improving maternal and child health,’’ he said. The economic adviser said that instead of peddling inaccurate poverty numbers, the World Bank should focus on designing programmes and interventions to support the efforts of the government to accelerate poverty reduction in Nigeria.

Police Arraign 6 For Conspiracy, Robbery MAKURDI - The police have arraigned six persons in a Makurdi Magistrates’ Court for alleged conspiracy, armed robbery and belonging to unlawful society. The prosecutor, Sgt. Patrick Sunday, told the court that one Guma Adoo of Medium Security Prison Service, Makurdi, reported the case to the police. He alleged that the complainant stated that one Terkimbi Abur conspired with Philip Kuku, Aondona Iwar, Aondona Bem, Titus Chiangi and Terhemen Charlie, all of Ikpayongo village Makurdi, attacked his brother, Tersoo Shalagba. “They shot his brother, one Tersoo Shalagba of the same address with a gun on his right leg, and is now receiving treatment at Vine yard Hospital Apir depot Makurdi. “The accused snatched from Shalagba his Nokia E5 handset

(phone) and N540. “Police investigations further revealed that the accused were members of a cult group,” the prosecutor further told the court. However, when the case came up for mention, the accused pleas were not taken for want of jurisdiction. The prosecutor said that investigations into the matter were on and asked the court to give another date for mention. He said the offence contravened the Robbery and Firearms (special provision) Act and the Benue State Penal Code. The Magistrate, Mrs Lillian Terseer-Tsumba, ordered the accused to be remanded at the Federal Prisons, Makurdi. She also ordered that Titus Chiangi, who is a minor, should be placed in the custody of a remand home in Gboko pending determination of the case. Tsumba adjourned the case to January 27 for further mention.




Across The Nation LG Boss Directs Councillors To Monitor Immunisation Process HADEJIA (JIGAWA) Alhaji Abba Haruna, the Chairman, Hadejia Local Government, Jigawa, has directed councillors to ensure effective monitoring of polio immunisation in the area. Haruna gave the directive while inspecting the ongoing

immunisation in Hadejia. He said that councillors and other officials of the council were directed to monitor the exercise in their various wards to facilitate effective campaign against the disease. The chairman said that the council had engaged

community and religious leaders to enhance participation in the exercise. Haruna urged parents to cooperate with the immunisation officials and present their wards for the exercise, to ensure total eradication of the disease in the state.

Malam Gimba Mukaddas, the Manager, National Programme on Immunisation (NPI), said more than 39,000 children were targeted for the exercise in the area. Mukaddas said the agency had received more than 45,000 doses of Oral Polio Vaccines (OPV) and deployed 197 personnel to

Hon. Osarodion Ogie Commissioner for works (right) presenting his Ministry brief to Mr James Omoataman, Deputy Clerk Legistative Matters, Edo State House of Assembly during his appearance at the House PHOTO: GODWIN ISEGUAN.

facilitate smooth conduct of the exercise. In Birniwa Local Government Area, more than 37,000 children were expected to be immunised against the disease. The NPI Manager in charge of the area, Datti Muhammad, said

this while reviewing progress report of the exercise in the area. Muhammad said the National Primary Healthcare Development Agency (NPHDA) had supplied 45,000 doses of oral polio vaccines to the area.

Security Guards Arraigned For Theft MAKURDI - The police in Benue has arraigned two security guards, David Gbenda, 52, and Hassan Salisu, 37, at a Makurdi Magistrates’ Court on charges of office breaking and theft. The police prosecutor, Cpl. Abdulkareen Abubakar, told the court that the case was transferred from B Division Police Station, Makurdi, to the state CID through a letter on November 5. Abubakar said the principal of Padopas Harmony Secondary School, Makurdi, Mr. Alfred kyaan, reported the case on November 4 He alleged that the accused conspired with others, now at large, and broke into the school’s technology workshop and stole some machines. “They broke into the school’s introductory

technology workshop and stole one table grinding and a standing grinding machine, a plaining machine and five ceiling fans all valued N1.5 million.” He said the accused were arrested during police intervention, adding that they confessed committing the alleged crime during interrogations. Abubakar said the police was still investigating the case and urged the court to adjourn the case, to enable it to conclude the investigation. He said the offence contravened the Penal Code of Benue, 2004. The Magistrate, David Agada, granted each of the accused bail for N100,000 with one surety each. Agada adjourned the case to December 13 for further mention.

Anambra Governorship Election

Hon. Chris Ebare Commissioner for Energy and Water Resources (right) presenting the brief of his Ministry to Mr James Omoataman, Deputy Clerk legislative matters Edo State House of Assembly, during the C o m m i s s i o n e r ’s appearance at the House. PHOTO: GODWIN ISEGUAN.

Insecurity: Monarch Urges

Nigerians To Expose Evil Doers KOKONA (NASARAWA STATE) - Dr Sylvester Ayin, the Chairman, Kokona Traditional Council in Nasarawa State, has called on Nigerians to expose those he called“perpetrators of evil” to law enforcement agencies. The traditional ruler made the call at a meeting between traditional rulers, state government officials and security agencies in his palace. Ayin said that the call became necessary in order to ensure a crime-free society. “We have to expose these perpetrators of evil considering the security challenges facing

the state and some parts of the country. “The issue of security is a collective responsibility of all. Because it has affected the socio-economic development of the state, and the federation as whole. “Security problems should not be left in the hands of the security agencies alone, everybody in Nigeria has a role to play in tackling the security challenges facing the nation. “I am calling on my people and other Nigerians on the need to improve collaboration with security agencies by exposing evils perpetrators, in

order to ensure a crime free society.” The royal father advised the people of the state to embrace peace and tolerate one another, irrespective of ethnic, religious and political affiliation for the overall development of the state and the country. Earlier, Mrs. Mariamu Tama, the Director of Personnel Management (DPM), Cabinet Office, described the meeting as timely and also called on the communities to channel their grievances to the appropriate authorities for necessary action. Tama also advised the traditional and religious leaders

in the state to always preach peace to their subjects for the development of the state.

Group Chides INEC AWKA - The Nigeria Civil Society Election Situation Room has expressed dismay over the ‘poor’ conduct of the Anambra Governorship Election by INEC. Briefing journalists in Awka the Leader of the group, Mr. Clement Nwankwo, said the conduct of the election gave cause for concern ahead of 2015 general elections. “It is our overall impression that the conduct of the election leaves a lot to be desired and reflects the lack of competence on the part of INEC. “INEC’s assertion that this election would be a litmus test of its preparedness for the 2015 general elections has not been fully realised.’’ Nkwankwo frowned at

cases of missing names in the voters’ register and charged INEC to make concerted efforts to ensure that registered voters were not disenfranchised in future. The group urged the commission to change its strategy, with a view to improving on its preparation for subsequent elections in the country. Nwankwo commended the people of the state for conducting themselves in an orderly and peaceful manner during the election, in spite of the challenges. He also commended the security operatives for the professional manner they conducted themselves during the election, adding that there were no cases of intimidation or maltreatment by them.

Police Arraign 4 Men For Illegal Possession Of Firearms judge, Justice Mudashiru

ABUJA – Four men charged with illegal possession of firearms were arraigned in an Abuja High Court. The accused, Mohammed Samni, 29; John Olajide, 27; Emmanuel Sunday, 20 and Paul Gabriel, 20, are residents of Mararaba in Nasarawa State. The prosecutor, Mrs. Tolani Eyiowuawi, told the court that the accused were arrested sometime in April, 2012, during a stop-andsearch check at a spot close to Sky Memorial Hospital, Wuse,

Abuja. She said that two locally-made pistols and one Beratta pistol were found on the accused, and that none of them could produced any licence or authority to carry such weapons. The accused pleaded not guilty to the charge. Mr. Husseini Apghaiyemeh, counsel to the accused, prayed the court to admit them to bail. The prosecutor objected to the bail application, but the presiding

Oniyangi, granted them bail in the sum of N1 million each and one surety each in like sum. He ordered that the sureties must be resident within the Federal Capital Territory and must produce proof of ownership of landed property. He also directed that the accused be remanded in Kuje prison if they failed to meet the bail conditions. Oniyangi then adjourned the case to December 4.







THE crushing poverty level in today’s Nigeria has become so overwhelming that over 70 percent of Nigerians have unwittingly bowed to the pangs of biting hardship. POVERTY is today a generic term and has been so since attempts at its classification by various study and academic groups with Non Governmental Organisations (NCOs) ever more vehement and critical on the problems associated with large scale poverty and ways to improve the economic status of those classified in the group. SOCIAL scientists in attempt at plausible stratification and definition of the term find it necessary to contrast it with such opposite terms as richness, wealth, comfort, affluence and the likes as the terms carry inherent semantic undertones that most limes solicit sympathy, empathy and compassion from those afflicted with the plague which poverty has come to symbolise. HOWEVER, by daily interactions within society and among communities and nations, it is clear that poverty has striking universal perception and similarities because of its crosscountry feature and characteristics. The basic feature being that people suffer hunger and deprivation with not enough to eat, lack shelter and clothing as well as basic necessities required for human existence. FOR instance, the United Nations High Commission for Human Rights aptly sums pp poverty as a “human condition characterised by the sustained or chronic deprivation of the resources, capabilities, choices, security and power necessary for the enjoyment of all adequate standard of living and other civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights”. THERE is, as a result, conscious efforts by many organizations to mitigate the harsh effect of poverty which is more endemic in developing countries and many parts of Asia while in Nigeria, government’s effort at providing


Tackling Poverty palliatives and putting in place workable measures from some of its economic policies that cause poverty shocks are yet to yield the desired impact. IT is the concern for the world’s poor and to find solution to speeding poverty crisis that the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (IDEP) is celebrated worldwide in order to push people up the ladder of comfort where health care, food, shelter, clothing among others are assured the citizenry without experiencing the pain of deprivation. IN Nigeria, however, government has put in place social programmes as National Poverty Eradication Programme (NAPEP), National Economic Empowerment and Development Strategies (NEEDS), the National Directorate of Employment (NDE) to tackle problem of youth unemployment, a crucial poverty indicator among the socio-cultural stratification. IT presents a sad scenario that despite several policy initiatives the menace of poverty is a staggering reality and may have accounted for the loophole in myriad of social vices, most notably are high incidence of armed robbery, kidnapping, corruption, advance fee fraud (419), prostitution Rings, human trafficking and the likes, perpetuated and perpetrated by the authors as the quickest route to scale the poverty barrier. THE United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in its 2000/2001 Human, development

report on Nigeria, states that 70 per cent of Nigerians are in abject poverty while massive unemployment of people and the under utilization of resources are the order of the day. Since the report nothing about the poverty level has changed dramatically. IN assessing Nigeria’s poverty level, based on its oil wealth which it described as a mixed blessing, the report explained that it was not the oil resources that are the problem, but the management of those resources. A general overview of Nigeria’s poverty crisis indicates therefore that there is a fundamental problem which the Federal Government needs to identify and tackle in order to address the continuing poverty level in Nigeria. The NIGERIAN OBSERVER urges the government to re-appraise some of its economic policies and those geared towards poverty eradication. Beside, It is remarkable that government insensitivity to suggestions put forward to it is increasing and is not being addressed as they should. A holistic reappraisal is therefore inevitable at all sectors of the economy and mitigating measures put In place if government is to succeed in its poverty eradication drive. IN the face of glaring discontent at the increasing poverty level, the World Bank proffered in its report. that “oil and natural gas will generate continuing wealth for many years on which Nigeria can build, if it manages this wealth well. If it channels more of this wealth to the development of its people and to the productive use of its land and other resources, then Nigeria has a promising Future”. WE implore the Federal Government to continue to put policy measures in place to scale down poverty level. Corporate bodies and organisations can play a part by partnering with the various governments to alleviate poverty in the land.




International Features

Storms Sweep Across Midwest, Kill 6 In Illinois

AS a powerful tornado bore down on their Illinois farmhouse, Curt Zehr’s wife and adult son didn’t have time to do anything but scramble down the stairs into their basement. Uninjured, the pair looked out moments later to find the house gone and the sun out and “right on top” of them, Zehr said. The home on the outskirts of Washington, Ill., was swept up and scattered over hundreds of yards by one of the dozens of tornadoes and intense thunderstorms that swept across the Midwest on Sunday, leaving at least six people dead and unleashing powerful winds that flattened entire neighborhoods, flipped over cars and uprooted trees. “They saw (the tornado) right there and got in the basement,” said a stunned Zehr, pointing to the farm field near the rubble that had been his home. Entire blocks in Washington were leveled. Other area towns were heavily damaged, too, and officials at Chicago’s Soldier Field evacuated the stands and delayed the Bears-Baltimore Ravens game. The wave of thunderstorms that brought the damaging winds and tornadoes affected 12 states: Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, West Virginia, Pennsylvania and western New York. Bill Bunting, forecast operations chief of the National Weather Service’s Storm Prediction Center in Norman, Okla., said the storms were part of the same system and would be “moving rapidly to the east and continue east overnight and into the morning.” Illinois was struck the hardest by the unusually powerful late-season tornadoes. At least six were killed and dozens more injured, though with communications difficult and many roads impassable, it remained unclear how many people might be hurt or whether the death toll would continue to climb. An elderly man and his sister were killed when a tornado hit their home in the rural southern Illinois community of New Minden, coroner Mark Styninger said. A third person died in Washington, while three others perished in Massac County in the far southern part of the state, said Patti Thompson of the Illinois Emergency Management Agency. She did not provide details. Washington, a town of 16,000 about 140 miles southwest of Chicago, appeared to have the most severe damage. The tornado cut a path about an eighth of a mile wide from one side of town to the other, State Trooper Dustin Pierce said. Across farm fields a little more than a mile from where Zehr’s home was swept up, several blocks of

homes in one neighborhood were destroyed. “The whole neighborhood’s gone. The wall of my fireplace is all that is left of my house,” said Michael Perdun, speaking by cellphone. The Illinois National Guard said it had dispatched 10 firefighters and three vehicles to Washington to assist with immediate search and recovery operations. As law enforcement officers continued to search for victims and sized up the cleanup and rebuilding

President Barack Obama of US

job ahead, they kept everyone but residents and emergency workers out. With power off and lines down in many areas, natural gas lines leaking and trees and other debris blocking many streets, an overnight curfew kept all but emergency vehicles off pitch-black roads. The only lights visible across most of Washington on Sunday night were red and blue flashes from police and fire truck lights. Still, by nightfall Trooper Pierce said there were reports of looting around town. As Zehr worked with about 75 friends and neighbors to try to salvage anything from his home — dining room chairs and other odds and ends — he said he’d been at church while his wife, Sue, and

son were at home when the tornado hit. They had homeowners’ insurance, which he said he hoped was good. “We’re about to find out,” he said. A friend, Keith Noe, said the Zehr family still felt fortunate. “They both walked out of the basement and that’s what counts,” Noe said. Across Washington, an auto parts store with several people inside was reduced to a pile of bricks, metal and rebar; a battered car, its windshield impaled by a piece of lumber, was flung alongside it. “The employees were climbing out of this,” Pierce said, gesturing to the rubble behind him. None of them was seriously injured, he said. At OSF Saint Francis Medical Center in nearby Peoria, spokeswoman Amy Paul said 37 patients had been treated, eight with injuries ranging from broken bones to head injuries. Another hospital, Methodist Medical Center in Peoria, treated more than a dozen, but officials there said none of them were seriously injured. About 90 minutes after the tornado destroyed homes in Washington, the stormy weather darkened downtown Chicago. As the rain and high winds slammed into the area, officials at Soldier Field evacuated the stands and ordered the Bears and Baltimore Ravens off the field. Fans were allowed back to their seats shortly after 2 p.m., and the game resumed after about a two-hour delay. Earlier, the Office of Emergency Management and Communications had issued a warning to fans, urging them “to take extra precautions and ... appropriate measures to ensure their personal safety.” Just how many tornadoes hit was unclear. Although about 80 reports of tornadoes had come in as of Sunday night, the National Weather Service’s Bunting said the actual number will likely be in the 30 to 40 range. He said that’s because the same tornado often gets reported multiple times. The White House issued a statement saying President Barack Obama had been briefed about the damage and was in touch with federal, state and local officials. Weather service meteorologist Matt Friedlein said that such strong storms are rare this late in the year because there usually isn’t enough heat from the sun to sustain the thunderstorms. But he said temperatures Sunday were expected to reach into the 60s and 70s, which he said is warm enough to help produce severe weather when it is coupled with winds, which are typically stronger this time of year than in the summer. “You don’t need temperatures in the 80s and 90s to produce severe weather (because) the strong winds compensate for the lack of heating,” Friedlein said. “That sets the stage for what we call wind shear, which may produce tornadoes.”

“The wave of thunderstorms that brought the damaging winds and tornadoes affected 12 states: Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, West Virginia, Pennsylvania and western New York. Bill Bunting, forecast operations chief of the National Weather Service’s Storm Prediction Center in Norman, Okla., said the storms were part of the same system and would be “moving rapidly to the east and continue east overnight and into the morning.”




View Point Nigeria’s U17 Side: WHENEVER any youth tier of the Nigerian men’s national team take to the field in any international tournament, the Nigerian football faithful take to the their television sets with the highest of optimism, setting standards and expectations as high as the ultimate price for the players adorning the green and white. Over time, the youth tiers of the Nigerian men’s National team have always been a source of joy for football lovers in the country mainly for their history of going very far in tournaments and even on different occasions finishing as champions. The recent triumph by the U17 side at the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the way in which they practically breezed past their opponents went a long way in consolidating Nigeria’s status as a powerhouse at youth level. However, the troubling question that has been asked in recent times especially after the way the 2007 U17 side that emerged champions ended has resurfaced: what happens next? We saw promising youth footballers fly the Nigerian flag high in the 2007 U17 championship in South Korea, setting expectations for not just Nigerians but the world at large, only to fade out of reckoning few years later. The recent triumph by the U17 side meant that Nigeria has now won the tournament four times, which is more than any other country have managed but, the fact that Nigeria have won nothing at the U20 world stage just goes to highlight the serious problem with youth football development in Nigeria. In 2007, a year after the senior men’s national team had broken the hearts of football lovers in Nigeria with their 3rd place finish at the African Nations Cup in Egypt when they were largely expected to bring home the trophy, the U17 side did football faithful a great offset as they finish champions in South Korea. Just like Kelechi Iheanacho of the recent team, Macauley Chrisantus stole the show in 2007, scoring seven goals in the process that he was even touted to grow into that prolific goal scorer the senior side were missing. However, it was not to be. While the likes of Toni Kroos who participated in that competition now plays for European Champions Bayern Munich, many do not even know where Chrisantus plays his football as you would have to look deep into the lower tier of Spanish football to find that he plays for Las Palmas. The 2007 U17 tournament was no doubt one of the most productive youth tournaments in terms of the quality of football displayed and the number of current world class players that passed through the tournament. Players like Madrid’s Marcelo Vieira, PSG’s Lucas Moura, Manchester United’s Rafael Da

Learning From The Mistakes Of The Past

Silva and David De Gea, Chelsea’s Eden Hazard are some of the current world class stars who played for their respective countries as rivals to Nigeria for the 2007 trophy. Even our very own Victor Moses that we now brandish around as probably the most technically gifted player to come out of Nigeria since the days of Jay Jay Okocha played at the same tournament, except back then, he was still flying the colours of England. Then you try to take a look at the current situation of the Nigerian team that dominated so audaciously in that tournament where all this current world class players played and you end up in a sorry mood knowing how low those players have degraded from their career expectations. Of all the members of the 21 man squad called up by the late coach Yemi Tella, only Lukman Haruna ever really had any hope of a prospective spot in future limelight. As soon as the tournament ended, a number of top European clubs chased after his signature and according to reports, Real Madrid and Bayern Munich were among his suitors. Why he ended up signing for his youth club AS Monaco who were no nowhere near a force to be reckoned with back then remains an open question. After the relegation of Monaco to French League 2, Haruna moved on and then signed for Ukrainian powerhouse, Dynamo Kyiv in a five year deal. He still plays his football for the Ukrainian capital club and has even been called up for the Nigerian Men’s national team on seven occasions. As underwhelming as this story may seem for this once highly promising attacking midfielder, his story seems to be the least painful of all the members of that squad. Dynamo Kyiv is one of the most respected clubs in Ukraine and in some quarters, fairly rated in Europe. Unlike the somewhat good fair outcome of Haruna’s career, the remaining members of that all conquering squad have not had it easy. 6 years after being handed a world champions medal, some of the players still ply their trade in the inauspicious atmosphere of the Nigerian Premier League. Players like Kingsley Udoh, Dele Ajibola, Uche Okafor currently play for Heartland FC, Shooting Stars and Enugu Rangers respectively instead of the European dreams most footballers in Nigeria harbor before going on such competitions. Others like King Osanga plays for White Star Bruxelles in the second tier of the Belgian Premier League, Kabiru Akinsola plies his trade for CE L’b Hospitalet in the third division of the Spannish League, Yakubu Alfa plays for AS Trencin in the Slovakian Premier League while the likes of Usman Amodu is even currently without a club after being released by Columbian side Ilaneros.


Looking at the sorry professional state of these players who were once considered to be the future of Nigerian football, one can easily come to the conclusion that these once coveted talents are long wasted, considering the 21 man squad are currently between the ages of 22 and 23. It even becomes all the more painful when you take a look at the current situations of some of the European and South American players that participated in the same tournament. Many of these star players who

team. Their attacking philosophy stood them out from the other African participants who usually adopt a defensive and highly physical approach when going on such games. They trained so well to adapt to any form of play and their flexibility was practically their greatest strength and their edge over all the other contenders and not because they were “35 and 40-year-old” as claimed by the Uruguayan U17 captain Fabrizio Buschiazzo. They were amazing at close quarter passing like Pep Guardiolar’s Barcelona, could

season in 2011-2012 when he finally nailed down a regular starting spot which was a mammoth four years after. For someone of his caliber back then, he could have easily signed for any top club in Europe who needed him and could have been playing regular Champions League football from the age of 18 but remaining at the youth ranks at Bayern gave him the needed space, time and environment to develop his game for the rigours of senior football. Instead of taking such expedient path towards greatness, the Nigerian players jumped at any little opportunity to play first-team football, most

played against Nigeria then could not even produce the level of football that the Nigerian players dazzled the world with but now, these players, once barely above average now stand long ways ahead of the team that actually won the cup. The likes of Danny Welbeck, Danny Rose, Mamadou Sakho, James Rodriguez, Christian Benteke, Asier Illaramendi, were average at best back in 2007 but considering these players now play for Manchester United, Tottenham Hotspur, Liverpool FC, AS Monaco, Aston Villa, Real Madrid respectively while our country men are rotting away in different lowly rated leagues, then something is seriously wrong. Looking at the 2007 team and then comparing them to the current U17 side, there seem to be lots of similarities, not just in terms of finishing with the ultimate prize but also because of the dominating style of football played by both teams, their enormous future prospect and a stand out player in the mould of Iheanacho just like Chrisantus was. This team as well as obviously being the youngest U17 side that has ever been paraded by Nigeria arguably played the best style of football known to any African

counter-attack at lightning speed like Jose Mourinho’s Real Madrid, press high like Jurgen Klopp’s Dortmund and defend like Mourinho’s Chelsea of old. In short, these players have all it the needed characteristics to make a team that can, in the future, really dominate football but that question: what happens next? can always be re-echoed to cast serious doubt over the realism behind such a dream. As much as one may try to generate a stereotype that African players are only good at youth level, there are actually rational reasons behind the decline of the Nigerian U17 side of 2007 after the tournament. Standing out of most of the reasons was that of hurry. As much as the Nigerian team impressed the world, none of their players could individually match the level of Germany’s attacking midfielder, Toni Kroos. The technically gifted player was arguably on a different level than most players of his age when he flew the German flag high at the tournament. Toni Kroos, however gifted, returned to the Bayern Munich youth team as soon as the tournament was over, playing for their under 21 side and occasionally playing for the senior side until his breakthrough

notably Chrisantus, who joined German mid-table dwellers Hamburg SV. Footballers actually think midtable clubs allow you the gift of being away from the limelight to develop your game but the truth is there are even more pressures there as they always expect instant result so as to avoid relegation. Chrisantus, a then 17 year old was bought to spear-head the attack of a club battling to remain at the top tier of German football. Surely, the pressure was always going to be his undoing. You take a look at Haruna who could have easily signed for one of Bayern or Madrid but his fear for competition for places led to his signing for Monaco where they expected him to deliver like a seasoned footballer instead of being groomed like the future prospect that he was. No 17 year old player should fear competition for places. He should instead fear being afforded enormous game time. We have seen countless of times players who either are rushed or rush their own career and end up disastrously. It is just a shame that that U17 side did not learn from history. Then there is the problem of age cheat. Even with this current side being hailed as one of the

youngest ever U17 to be called up by Nigeria, one could still cast doubt over the authenticity of their ages just by looking at them. Should you judge honestly to yourself, you would suspect greatly that most of those players are older than 20, considering you live in Nigeria and know how a 17 year old actually looks like. When some of those U17 signed for foreign clubs, it never really occurred to them that different training methods exist according to age group. When a player of about 24 claiming to be 17 is being trained as a 17 year old, his development tends to slow down. It is just like a 30 year old man who only goes out with friends of 16-17 years of age. Sooner or later, his maturity and confidence levels tend to drop to that of a teenager. The age issue is killing Nigerian football and world football in general but one cannot help but admit that Nigerians and their African counterparts are over doing it. Problems of lack of agents, who actually know what being an agent means, avarice for fast money, lack of self belief are also part of the problems that affected that one time gifted squad. The current U17 world champions have conquered and are back home and it is inevitable that clubs from around the world would come hunting down their signatures especially those troubled clubs run by stingy administrators who seek to sign a player like Lionel Messi on a free transfer. The likes of Iheanacho, Yahaya, Success, Anwoniyi, Alampasu et al will no doubt be the players which clubs will chase the most and these gifted players, even more promising than the 2007 Golden Eaglets will need all the wisdom and guidance they can get as history have proven that no one can singlehandedly drive his/her career to success. These players have a competent coach in Manu Garba who knows how the game works. They may have conquered the world under his tutelage but the job is yet to be completed. Many of these players were nobodies before he amazingly scouted them out and seeing that these young boys take the right career path remains his job whether the he or the players like it or not. The world has been conquered, the trophy has been taken and now they are home, savouring their conquest not just in joys but also in monetary reward by the federal government and all the other sources that have been generous to them. Unfortunately, this is where the actual journey starts: the personal journey, to ensure that with time they can be waking up to their dreams. The road is tough and some of these boys will fade out but the best must be done to ensure that a good number of this U17 boys reach their gigantic potentials.





Corruption As Bane Of Our Society

CORRUPTION has eaten deep into the fabric of the Nigeria Society. From head to toe, it has pervaded everywhere. People and institutions, from office to house, to Church, Mosques, Hospitals, Markets, Publics, Schools, etc only God can help us. The cantankerous monster is being looked at from the angle of money mismanagement or mal-administration, alone but it goes more than this. Corruption as an embedded or inherent thing of human nature its all about you, values, virtues, characters and characteristics, attitudes behavior, actions, reactions, counter-reactions, positions we occupy, resources available to me and you or fulfill an assignment, achieve an objective meet up with mission statement, culture, tradition, heritage- our way of life- the way we dress, our appearances, how we dance, what comes out of our mouth. Hair dressing/plaiting, what you offer and be offered, we can go on and on. These things sum up our personality traits, and an wholistic assessment of us, what we represent, position we occupy, revealing ‘the man behind the mask’ for people to know who we are and what we are! Positive or negative, awkward, saint or Judas, corrigible, and incorrigible, men or women of easy virtues or valour, weak or strong, trustworthy, untrustworthy, confident, non-confident, conformist, haughty, cheat, greedy and avaricious; the list is endless! Directly or indirectly, intentionally or unintentionally, corruption has been a way of our life! We commit this offence without even having the feel until later when it must have faded from our sub consciousness. All I know is that it is either you belong in or belong out! The paradox or funny aspect of it is that when you belong you are respected, admired, adored, praised, exalted and glorified. All the virtues that belong to or not to you would be extolled even if not more than the Almighty God! Of course, all of us at one time or the other through receipt or acknowledgement appreciation of things-done to others, get gratification, kick backs and every other thing that make us to be at the receiving end of the corrupt practice, virtue, action or event so… if on the other way round, you are saintful like Jesus; strong in character and have an attitude of a man of valour and hard virtues, you are an embodiment’ of truth, trustworthy and confident, uncompromising; your yes is yes and your no is no, you may not fall in favour within the bracket of corrupt people and the attendant, implications and consequences are that you are always on your own (o-y-o)an as you will be regarded as an outcast, non-conformist, intransigent and people of the world especially Nigerians would not regard you or see you as anything but person to be discarded, who doesn’t understand the in-thing” You may even be ostracized. You are only at the mercy of people who are sympathetic with your cause not necessarily because of those virtues, of course, it doesn’t appeal to them

but or because they had wished to be like you but there is this inner- thing that makes them do things the way they do or fall for such corruptive tendencies! Corruption and corruptive tendencies as great canker worm decaying the stronghold of our human life are heavily manifested in our HOMES, SCHOOLS, CHURCHES, OFFICES, HOTELS, CLUBS, BEER PARLOURS PLACES OF WORK IN BETWEEN AND AMONG INDIVIDUALS ETC. Let Start from Home. The parents have failed in brining up the children properly and the children too are disappointed vice-versa. The parents have failed to inculcate discipline in the children so as to reflect in the way they think about themselves, the society at large, how they should relate with their peers, the need to have lowly mind and being humble, the need to respect elders, their types of hair and dress they should put on etc. Some say the hard economic reality of the present situation of the country is responsible for it, but I say no. Bible teaches us that “Teach your children how to go and they shall not depart from it when they grow up”. How many of us have time or subconscious inclination of our natural responsibility of taking care of these children to become responsible citizens except to be chasing money and more of it not even to solve the kids problems but to add more by using this means to spoil them! Some parents even get annoyed and pick quarrel with you when you point out to them the mistakes, errors, and misdemeanors of their children. Some because of the haphazardly way they put to bed when they think of it they would not like even flies to perch their kids. They watch blue-film in the presence of their parents, they bark or shout back at their parents when every such situation arise, they commit offence with levity without showing any remorse when they are questioned not to talk of being punished. Some of them as members of bad groups hit back at their suspected physical or imaginary enemies even if it involve their parents; the boys introduce their girl friends to their fathers and mothers among their peers they see sex, exchange sex peers as no big deal! Any attempt to question this malady that lead them to path of destruction would surely be wedged. So what do you think of such children! And we say that the children of today are the supposedly leaders of tomorrow I wonder what, our tomorrow would be if such youth reckless found-himself/herself in a position of power, influence, he will be corrupt and abuse it, kick against it he is ready to give you example of elders or adult too who are very corrupt. CORRUPTION IN SCHOOL From the kindergartens/creche class to the University class, teachers on their volition segregate and discriminate amongst the kids the one they like and dislike, ‘the one they pay attention to and otherwise depending on the children’s background, parents class etc. It goes up to secondary and such it is in the University. Teachers are no more


committed unlike before and so even the pupils / students too don’t take the teacher serious in return too! When the former are supposed to be in classes, they’re somewhere doing something else and even if they are in their place of duty they are seen sitting or standing in groups gossiping, making other people’s business their business! Trading words the important and the less important ones, abandoning the primary arrangement given to them to teach the children. How about putting fake levy on the pupils or students that the School

syndrome making their subordinates not only look like slaves, idealistic, robotic, and senseless idiots, they pick amongst their workers their favourities and throw away others, thereby throwing the bathing waters with the baby after taking bath! Where does all these take us to? No where! And that is why we have been perambulating and not achieving Government goals for hard work is no more a yard stick for promotion or elevation in the services any more. Officers that give service for which they are paid adopt their

is why organization bedeviled with this responsibility have failed in their average assessment? EFCC and ICPC — the two organizations known worldwide and created by the Government for their purpose have done little or nothing to stamp it out. There have been so many glaring cases ranging from petty thievery and theft to big time scandalous corrupt practice either financially or economically the wrong of it is. Caze on is usually swept under the carpet and nothing is heard about it again! It is synonymous with the proverb that the hawk flying above having known so well as a dangerous and clever kid has

management and staff placed in high position are money for their selfish ends, hence the glorious secondary schools universities are in a cul-de-sac because of lack of infrastructures studying materials and equipments, hence the dishing out of half baked or totally unemployed able” graduates out as mentioned by Nigeria Minister of Finance and National Planning MRS. OKONJO-IWEALA. You can see the extent of hypocritical demagogueries in and every sample or result of corruption killing of some banks agencies and parastatatls e.g. Africa Continental Bank in our day to day activities. This evil act did not start with killing of railway system of Transportation this

forgotten that other birds, animals every human being are watching it for any move it makes to be countered” in this situation even if they can’t be countered a day would come “monkey go, go market he no go return”. People especially government officials ranging from President, State to Councilor, Chairmen Board of trustees of political parties, exco members, head of parastatals of forces, government agencies, head of paramilitary organization the most target which this writer is referring is statement to private and public organization business men and even amongst individuals cannot be left out. The big time thieves amongst the high placed see their position as opportunities to enable public funds, resources over emphasize their privileges and enrich themselves with this ill-gotten wealth without putting back to the society what they have taken from it. If they’re lucky thy go scot-free and depending from where he/she emanated from, how deeply they are on ground’ examples are abound that this writer would not want to over border the reader about but which is known to all and sundry. The hydra headed vice continues to rear its ugly head even corruption in the citadels of institution of higher leaning, the

administration and as far as this writer knows it is same corruption that made the 1st Coup lanners of 1966 to strike, they were “against Corrupt Government officials, 10 percentage contractors within and outside the Government and every corruptive tendencies that had bedeviled Nigeria and destroying the hall mark of Nigeria growth and development “The liberalistic nature of us that always becloud our sense of judgment plummeted to full blown civil war with its attendant consequences e.g. armed robbers, this same issue explain exclusively the futility or otherwise, of every campaign against corruption as they are not backed up with the political will or action to deal with it once and for all. Some in the 80s during the NPN Federal Control Government of ALHI SHEHU SHAGARI; there were traces and cases of corruption that eventually led to the collapse of that administration, of course, Shagari as a person could have known little or nothing about the extent of the corruptive tendencies amongst officials in his Government but at least the buck stops on his table! Anything short of that couldn’t have been taken as excuse by the military Junta and that was why he was overthrown.

Ibrahim Lamorde, EFCC Chairman Authority or Govt. is not aware but the same goes to them, how about the male friends the female students vice-versa for sexual satisfaction and exposition of examination papers to revealed to their favorites causing exam leakages in the College of Education, Polytechnic, Colleges of Technology and even the University are let out what is obtainable at the Primary and Secondary level still rear its ugly head at the Tertiary level. Lecturers, professors, Associate professors, Head of Departments and facilitators favour one student than the other the less of talking in classes but sell handouts to student anyone that fail to buy them see the wrath of them. CORRUPTION IN OFFICES As the popular dictum I am directed... is often used in our offices, officers and people who occupy position who are expected to reason, shine their eyes, use their brains to make Government work are very redundant, insolent and highly unproductive rather the Government job or service is seen by everybody as an avenue to just come to office do the little they can do and wait for Government at the end of the month to pay salary. The hours uses at the top have devised a parlance of wait for you time

own system to get side by side profit out of their unsuspecting and suspecting people they cheat which there is little or nothing they can do even if they raise eyebrow! Senior Officers, Head of depts., Service Chiefs, Heads of parastatals government agencies bosses see their position as end itself not means to an end. They don’t rely on their salaries or emoluments attached to their portfolios but what they can get from the treasury, return from Government contracts, dipping hand where they are not supposed to put hand. Any time they are either removed, retired, or sacked they become fish out of waters, it is that time they feel to serve the people through partisan politics by joining political parties not for the virtues they stand for but what they can get when they cling political positions. They use the opportunity to make money and fling the ill-gotten wealth uncontrollably before the eyes of the parties. And party members alike and non-alike otherwise it’s O.Y.O you are on your own, it is as if our second name is Corruption. The success or failure of Government, eradicating it depends on strong determination on their part and not on the hypocritical and slipshod manner they have been handling and that




Midweek Magazine LET me begin by congratulating you all for the courage to organise this seminar, inviting me to speak and for the very solid positions you have adopted in our struggle for true democracy and social justice in our dear nation in general, Edo State in particular. I will be speaking briefly on the relationship between good governance and democratisation. Let me first explain my main assumption. It is my belief that good governance, however defined, is not possible without democracy. Democratisation on the other hand is advancement on procedural democracy to the level of routinisation and institutionalisation. As we say in Nigeria, when the majority of the people begin to drink, breathe, eat, see and hear democracy in all its ramifications, then we have gone beyond just political panics and elections to democratisation. The truth is that both good governance and democratisation function in the context of good leadership and constitutionalism. Leadership with qualities that deepens, widens and consolidates democratic structures, institutions, processes and practices; and a culture of constitutionalism that make the constitution truly belonging to the people to the level that they are involved in its compactment, understand it and can deploy it in the defence of their individual and collective rights. Some parts of this paper are drawn from

Good Governance And Democrat Democra about human, especially socioeconomic and cultural rights, due process, accountability, fiscal discipline, transparency and the careful but targeted deployment of scarce resources to meeting the basic needs of the majority of the people. Let me add that democracy is about ensuring a steady and qualitative improvement in the lives of the people, in their socio-economic, political, cultural and spiritual development, the protection of their environment, the decolonisation of their minds, and putting the people in the middle of holistic and sustainable growth and development. The question therefore is: are we moving solidly, visibly, seriously, and in a focused manner in these directions? Democracy is about values and the collective ability to build community. It is about building new structures of governance and development to promote the values of discipline, tolerance, sacrifice, volunteerism, and promoting the commonwealth and common good. Democracy is about expanding the political space to allow for the contestation for power and allowing ideas, principles and due process to triumph over indiscipline, rascality, mediocrity and violence. Finally, democracy is about improving on the living

structural challenges of the entire nation. What are the realities that we face today? Our Realities and Predicaments Today Nigeria is blessed in every way. But the interplay of social forces, the struggle for power and primitive accumulation, mediocre leadership, and the weak structures of the state have continued to complicate life for the ordinary citizen. In Nigeria, we have almost everything that we require to make progress. In several respects, Nigeria is more of an undeveloped rather than an underdeveloped society. Unfortunately, we have only adopted opportunistic, episodic, stop-go, fire brigade approach to development and democracy. No consistency, solidity, sense of nation and sense of mission. Just conferences, meetings, retreats, a lot of foreign travels, lectures, speeches, then the circle goes round and round until we get confused, then we bring foreign experts who confuse us the more, then we begin to find excuses and scapegoats, then we return to God. We bother God with everything. God is our excuse for laziness and failure to organise our people for struggle. Even armed robbers pray to God before going to cause mayhem and murder innocent people. How can God answer the prayers of people that do not even believe in or respect His existence? We

He did not rely on godfathers, election rigging, bribery of the police and electorate, manipulation of the electoral commission, violence, ballot box snatching, lies, and political rascality. Since we do not believe that we are inferior beings, it means we can achieve here which has been achieved in other nation. But we must organise and work for it. In spite of our collective tolerance, loyalty, sacrifices, hard work and discipline, our leaders and governments, over the decades, have managed to ruin everything that ought to make life better for us. Consider, for instance, the failure of our refineries, high cost of living, children hawking on the streets, distorted housing policy, millions of our people living in slums, armed robbery, high infant and maternal mortality rates, the spread of HIV/AIDS, and lack of a serious policy on the girl-child? Consider the massacres in several cities in the north and south especially in Jos in recent times? Consider the existence of thousands of abandoned projects all over the country? We continue to experimentindigenisation, privatisation, scabilisation, structural adjustment, war against indiscipline, operation feed the nation, new states, new capital, new uniforms for the police, new anthem, new constitution, development plans, rolling plans, reform agenda, new

“That people failed to provide good governance and good leadership in the past is absolutely no excuse for rascality and indiscipline. It is no excuse for poor or no performance. If after a year all we still hear are excuses about past administrations, it means that such a leadership came into power unprepared.” Professor Julius Ihonvbere’s earlier writings which he delivered at the Retreat Organised by Members of the Edo State House of Assembly, Uromi, Edo State 2010. other words, for sustainable growth and development, peace, harmony and progress, we must have good leadership, that will ensure good governance and thus promote constitutionalism and democratisation. At the end of the day, democracy is about people. It is also about quality leadership, constitutions and constitutionalism, the rule of law, political discipline, the construction and nurturing of democratic values, building strong and viable political institutions and giving hope to the ordinary person that there is indeed a collective future to work for. Democracy is also

conditions of the people meeting the basic human needs, building social confidence and social capital in a manner that supports the consolidation and routinisation of democratic structures and practices. Let me hasten to add that we have witnessed since 1999 some Islands of performance, good leadership and commitment to democratic institutions and ideals. But like in other distorted, disarticulated, deformed, underdeveloped social formations, such points of progress are often distracted, disregarded, diverted, confused, and rendered impotent by their non-performing colleagues or structures and by the contradictions within the system. This means that we cannot expect sustainable, people-centred, people-focused and people-driven development without dealing with the

have a lot of work to do and the earlier we take ourselves seriously, the better. If I may ask, can this country, especially Edo State, make progress without discipline, focus, sensitive, compassionate and visionary leadership, planning, investment, savings, productivity, stability, and good governance We just have to abandon political rascality, posturing, noise making, populism, and diversionary tactics for focused and strategybased planning and leadership to move forward. In Nigeria, we have hailed the emergence of the first black president in America and praised the elections in neighbouring Ghana. Obama was the product of hard work, community involvement, strategy, networking, and strong spiritual, intellectual and personal capabilities and skills.

breed politicians, military rule, parliamentary and presidential systems, return to old breed politicians, constitutional reform, and 7-Point Agenda just to name a few. No nation makes it with a left, right, right, left, centre, back, forward, roundabout, sit, stand, run and stop policy almost at the same time! We deliberately ignored and underdeveloped the Niger Delta while draining its natural resources to feed foreign private bank account and we expected the people to be silent, docile and orderly in their neglect, oppression and poverty. We put our children in the best private schools in and outside the country and ignore public education. We abolished bursaries, loans and scholarships for students while our kids live abroad in luxury with enough money and time to

think of terrorist acts. We neglect agriculture and import everything from toothpicks to water. We ignore the broken healthcare system and patronise foreign medical centres even for health check-ups. We even neglect the police and rely on private security outfits, thugs, and juju men! Our best holidays are abroad and we cry tourism tourism to the high heavens. We buy the most expensive cars and don’t care about the roads. Our ministries are littered with broken down typewriters, computers and air conditioners. We do not fix. We replace. Everything is contracts; sometimes inflated to unbelievable levels like the now suspended Abuja Airport runway project that was more expensive than building a brand new airport! Abandoned projects are everywhere- rail lines, hospitals, schools, party offices, low cost housing, roads, water words, schools, prisons, factories, you name it. Were the contracts awarded by spacemen? Who did? When, why and who is monitoring? We don’t care. Just re-award the contract! It is not possible to experience positive change In this way. It is impossible to build platforms, structures, relationships and patterns of dialogue, tolerance, consultation, communication, self-respect, social justice, discipline and democracy with superficial and opportunistic posturing. Other nations are making progress, building strong institutions, investing in ‘ICT 4 D”- information and communication technology for development; and into modern techniques for mass food and cash crop production, food processing, packaging and distribution, affordable and mass housing, urban renewal for human co-habitation, social solidity and social capital, and technology based patterns of knowledge-building to enhance the new knowledge economy. Here in Edo we are running around ring road with flowerpots and flowers to confuse and deceive old men and women and chiefs! We do not invest in human capital development or technology. When others are going digital, we are stuck in the manual era and we have only a tenuous relationship with modern administrative systems. We pay lip service to egovernance and just rely on long, windy, mostly meaningless speeches, As I have said in a recent lecture in Uyo, ‘We believe in government by panels or committees but have no regard for the report from such committees. Their reports are dumped as soon as they are presented. Everything for us is based on quota, religion, ethnicity, cults, cabals,

By PROF opportunism and nepotism. We look for excuses and scapegoats everywhere. How come many governors are always in Abuja? Is this no more a federation? Why are those huge government lodges in Abuja? Take a moment to think of all the developmental challenges we identified in the study of economics or social studies in the 1960s and tell me which one we have solved after almost after 50 years of independence, different forms of leadership and governance, massive deployment of public funds,

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Prof Julius Ihonvbere

and all sorts of planning methodologies. The truth is that we have not done well. We must tell ourselves the truth. That people failed to provide good governance and good leadership in the past is absolutely no excuse for rascality and indiscipline. It is no excuse for poor or no performance. If after a year all we still hear are excuses about past administrations, it means that such a leadership came into power unprepared. The contemporary world is too complicated and fast-moving to accommodate infantile political permutations and the arrogance of power shielded by a false cloak of tooth aching and belly aching about democracy and the like. A gubernatorial toga is not a tabula rasa for political rascality, opportunism and idiosyncratic gyration in the dark forest of mis-governance and contaminated leadership. Those who claim to be leaders, democrats and agents of change must learn a thing or two about maturity, discipline, visioning,

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Midweek Magazine



ty to listen and learn, and city to transcend wmanship, infantile ulism and pedestrian ogical perambulation. t we must move forward. democrats, lovers of ria, sons and daughters of state must rise to this enge. We must resist the pient dictatorship and sm. We must resist the affront on our collective he. We must stand against arrogance of power and rts to intimidate us vidually and as a people.

e must challenge the mmature and ill-formed nowledge of the village tailor at finds himself in the assroom and is beginning, as ela would say, to “teach us onsense.” We must refuse to cowed into a culture of fear, ocility, subservience and tolerance. We must defend the ghts of our people to freely ganise, associate, exist and joy their liberties. We must fuse to allow a wayfarer ilroad us into a nightmarish xistence, squander our sources, mortgage our llective destiny and turn us to objects of political anipulation as against forces participation. We must not ke Lucifer for granted: his oice is sonorous, sweet, his mile is alluring, his look gives lse confidence, his conduct xtremely deceptive, his oughts are demonic, abolical and uncouth; and we ust invoke all our energy, mmitment, determination, rce, values, and resources to ke a stand, defeat the devil and

Wither Nigeria

truly liberate Edolites for a better tomorrow. How do we precipitate purposeful and positive leadership in Edo State? How do we ensure true democracy and democratisation? How do we deconstruct, demystify and reconstruct the state in Nigeria and Edo for pro-people dispositions? How do we promote good governance that will serve and service the people? At the bottom of our collective failure is the failure of leadership. Most of us often do not like admitting to this

fact. But it is the truth. No organisation, movement or institution can experience positive change and make progress without good leadership. Only good leaders can respect the constitution, promote social justice, enhance tolerance and accommodation, and promote good governance. In Nigeria, we have a lot of despots, dictators, opportunists, pseudo-militants and radicals, arm-chair revolutionaries, and rulers but very few LEADERS. To be sure, there are very numerous Islands of integrity, responsibility, and progress. These Islands are yet to be connected to make the mighty ocean that we badly need to move forward in a consistent manner. And it is true that, very many good citizens of our dear country and state. Often and again, these good ones get harassed, intimidated and victimised by the few that have direct and indirect access to political power, public funds and the instruments of

violence. Let me just highlight a few areas that we must take seriously: Strengthen the Nigerian State For any nation to move forward, the state must enjoy a relatively high degree of hegemony to control contending forces, build strong structures, promote accumulation, and create an environment for selfsustained growth and development. The Nigerian state does not control the various pockets of power that challenge its power and authority even if it can use violence in the final instant. Political and other forces, be they politicians, militants, religious extremists, even students and armed robbers are not necessarily afraid of its pronouncements and institutions. Its failure to improve society and the lot of the majority leaves the state at the mercy of political adventurers. Because its hegemony is weak, its custodians cannot enjoy relative autonomy and cannot build discipline or some degree of harmony within and between social classes. So conflicts and competitions go on normlessly. This condition explains the inconsistency in policy and performance and constrains the ability of institutions to function. Few believe the government, an arm of the state when it says “your security is assured, go about your normal business.” Many see the budget reading or presentation as mere ceremony. Many more believe that all government officials and politicians are nothing but thieves. In short, the Nigerian state has very limited hegemony. This has to be reversed through deliberate growth and nurturing of leadership, purposeful policy making, constitution review, constitutionalism, respect for democratic values, promotion of equity, due process, social justice, and the basic needs of the people. This is much better than a nebulous rebranding project that is like climbing a tree from the top. Build the people, build their communities, promote their interests, build confidence in the state and promote state hegemony and democracy will flourish. A democratic state will promote democratisation

and good governance. Its structures and institutions will be ensured and assured by good leaders. 2. Redefine and strengthen leadership at all levels Any country or organisation without leadership cannot make progress. Just imagine what Nigeria has lost with the illness of President Yar’ Adua. You can then picture what a bad leader like can do to a nation. The history of Africa and Nigeria, Edo state inclusive is littered with very sad tales of bad, insensitive, arrogant, and ineffective leadership that have failed to inspire the people. A year of bad leadership can spell disaster for any nation or organisation. Even a week can cost a nation a generation. We cannot divorce or situation today in Nigeria and Edo state from bad leadership which is probably the most important ingredient in promoting and nurturing holistic development. It is common knowledge that our leaders do not read and are technologically challenged. They waste so much time talking, meeting, and inventing or pursuing enemies that they have little or no time to build real leadership qualities. They do not prepare successors and any other rising star is an enemy that must be framed, harassed, crippled financially, and eliminated or chased far away, They build false popularity profiles by paying for and receiving useless honorary degrees, chieftaincy titles, and awards from useless organisations. Awards that have no real meaning in the eyes of the people. No award goes for nothing. They lack the qualities of compassion, vision, education, capacity, capability, dignity, exposure, hard work, consultation, ability to listen, and a clear and real track record of service to the people. They put up billboards, name buildings and roads after themselves, setup youth vanguards, turn the local television and radio into their personal newsletters and appoint opportunists and praise singers into positions to recycle the same culture of mediocrity and eye service. Such a leader cannot build relative autonomy, hegemony, establish lasting institutions, and live in the hearts of the people for ever. Cheap popularity, not anchored on service, honesty, integrity

and performance is a waste of money and time. Our leaders spend public funds as if it is generated from their hard labour or that the money comes from some family savings. We must build new visions, new voices, new hopes, news constituencies and new leaderships at all levels. Our schools lack courses on leadership. Government does not support youth organisations or NGOs that build new leaders. Because we are greedy for power, we do not believe in building a successor generation. We have only a few leadership institutes in Nigeria and they are not very well funded aside from NIPPS which is really not a leadership institute every one is a leader. Once you loot the treasury, build a big house and buy a big expensive car, you are automatically a leader. Once you are elected or appointed to a political position, yes, you are now a leader. These are leaders that know next to nothing about service, loyalty, dignity, integrity, knowledge building, commitment, morality, discipline and the relevance of civil society in national and community development. Unless we begin to look seriously into these issues, Supporting youth groups, taking social studies, history and civics seriously encouraging creativity, courage and innovation, and rewarding hard work and achievement, we will make no progress. We must go beyond posturing, noise, long speeches to seriously articulating a holistic strategy for leadership development. 3. Generate positive political will for positive action One of our problems as a people is that we often tend to think small. We lack the capacity to vision. When we construct a road, we never vision that population will grow and the number of cars would increase. So we build a tine one lane road. Ten years later we demolish businesses and homes just to expand the road! We do not show courage even on matters is that we talk about daily. In Education we talk and talk about the fact that universities cannot admit more than 20% of students that actually pass the UME. What have we done so far? Little or nothing. Until we generate the political power to address issues that are critical to our development especially food production, industrialisation infrustructural development, power, housing, education, and tourism, we will continue to talk about them, hold countless

meetings and conferences and travel around the world wasting scarce foreign exchange. Isolated but creative developmental initiatives will continue to fail because there is no integrated plan or programme. Each governor is putting up a oneman show. The federal government on the other hand continue to interfere here and there and sometimes, it complicates welllaid down local arrangements. So a governor donates 100 cars and gadgets to the police in one state and the police force intensifies its efforts. The criminals simply cross the border to the next state to cool off. No integrated policing either. Similarly, when a state introduces a bursary or scholarship programme, students from neighbouring state ensure they are not left out of the enjoyment! It is indisputable that “the will to terminate poverty, pursue justice and equity, provide accountable leadership, build bridges of tolerance and accommodation, and ensure respect for the rule of law must guide our individual and collective determination to move Nigeria onto the path of sustainable, people-centred development. Tough decisions must be taken but built on consultation, dialogue and a smile does not hurt”!.

4. Political parties must reform for democracy Modern democracies are built on political parties, periodic competitive elections, public policy and programmes, and committed leadership. The truth is that politics is still war in Nigeria. To others it is a business in which you invest to reap billions within a short while. Such investments also allows you to control the candidate and interfere in the policy and political processes. Candidates are sponsored for political positions not be necessarily based on competence but their predisposition to being manipulated and ability to pursue narrow interests. Campaigns may not be necessary, platforms or manifestoes are not necessary and you do not need to have the best profile or qualifications. Just have a godfather, sufficient wildlooking thugs, money- the source is not relevant, and strategise on how to influence the electoral commission, the police and the media, and pronto you are “elected” into office. Don’t worry about the election monitors. They will not go beyond their reports, AIT or Channels television and press releases. When did these ever influence the Election Tribunals, Court of Appeal or the Supreme Court? If your opponent appeals, get some good lawyers, preferably Senior Advocates of Nigeria, and some money.

“Modern democracies are built on political parties, periodic competitive elections, public policy and programmes, and committed leadership. The truth is that politics is still war in Nigeria. To others it is a business in which you invest to reap billions within a short while. Such investments also allows you to control the candidate and interfere in the policy and political processes.”




Midweek Leisure

Sex: When

THE sex phenomenon is usually associated with moral decadence, but truly, when engaged appropriately, it’s got benefit find out Less stress, better blood pressure. That finding comes from a Scottish study of 24 women and 22 men who kept records of their sexual activity. The researchers put them in stressful situations such as speaking in public and doing math out loud-and checked this blood pressure people who have had intercourse responded better to stress than those who engaged in other sexual behavours or abstained. Another study found the diastolic blood pressure (the bottom number of your blood pressure) tends to be lower in people who live together and have sex often. Sex Boosts Immunity Having sex once or twice a

week has been liked with higher levels of an antibody called immonoghobown A, or ig A, which can protect you from getting colds and other infections A wikkes University study 112 college students keep records of how often they had sex and also provide saliva samples for the study. Those who had sex once or twice a week had higher levels of ig A an antibody that could help you avoid a cold or other infection than other students. Sex Burns calories Thirty minutes of sex burns 85 calories or more. It may not sound like much, but it add up 42 half hour sessions which burns 3,570 calories, more than enough to hose a pound, doubling up, you could drop that pound in 21 hour-long sessions sex is a great mode of exercise.

“Thirty minutes of sex burns 85 calories or more. It may not sound like much, but it add up 42 half hour sessions which burns 3,570 calories, more than enough to hose a pound, doubling up, you could drop that pound in 21 hour-long sessions sex is a great mode of exercise.”


Sex improves heart health A 20 year-long British shows that men who had sex two or more times a week were half as likely to have a fatal heart attack than men who sex less than once a month and

to have a stroke. Better self esteem. Sex may turn down pain. Oxytocin also boots your pain killers called endorphins headrace asthrists pain, as pms

the oxyyrocor cut their pain there hold by more than half. Stronger pelvic floor muscles For women doing pelvic floor muscle exercise called kegels may mean more pressure and as a perk, less chance of inconitinence later

although some older folks may worry that sex cooled causative the study found no link between how often men had sex and how likely they were

symptoms may improve after sex. In one study, 48 people inhaled oxytoan vapour and then had their fingers pricked

in life. To do a basic kegel exercise tighten for muscles of your pelvic floor as if you are trying to drop the flow of urine count to three, than

release. Better sleep The oxycotin released during orgasm also promotes sleep, research shows. Getting enough sleep has also been linked with a host of other health benefits such as a healthy weight and better

blood pressure. That something to think about especially if you have been wondering why your guy can be active one minute and snoring the next.

Steps To Finding The Perfect Outfit EXPENSIVE clothes aren’t the only answer of how to look nice. You can find perfect styles to suit your look! You can find cute clothes at inexpensive places. Be creative! Wear patterns and bright colors and make suits you and your style. Step 1: Empty your wardrope: split your clothes into three piles: clothes you love have potential; and donate or even give them to your friends be creative and pull all of your clothes, you could swap your outfits with your fiends! The love pile, obviously put back. The have potential pile put creative

new ways to wear/use the item. Step2: choose a cute wearable T. shirt then choose things to add to it like if you have some nice trousers to go with it, add them to your outfit. Got some pretty bangles and earring add them too. Think of it as a tree and your t-shirt is the tree trunk, and branches such as accessories keep growing on it. Step 3: find something that you like and coordinate it with other accessories for example, a start with bright colored tights for an outing Don’t be afraid to try things that are different and that you


haven’t tried before . you never know you could come up with something amazing maybe even your own style. Step 4: Don’t go to matehy matehy with shoes. Be brave but find something you are comfort in and can have confidence wearing Step 5: find a cute purse/ hand bay that has enough room for all the essentials the absolute basice are: lip stick /gloss. Keys, phone money, make-up a miniature bottle of perfume/ spray and a pen/ pencil. Step 6: the perfect top is essential to and outfit

wear something to suit your style whether it be dark or light, dull or colorful. Don’t get something that shows your bra straps. It unnatural unattractive.

But do try to show your figure. Don’t be afraid. Wear not tight but fitting shirts that are comfortable and fit. Step 7: style yourself make sure you add your own style to things

always experiment on what might work. Don’t be afraid to wear clothes you want to just because of what others have said, be yourself and dress like your personality, then your personality will shine through.

“Empty your wardrope: split your clothes into three piles: clothes you love have potential; and donate or even give them to your friends be creative and pull all of your clothes, you could swap your outfits with your fiends!”



WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2013 With Dr Mao 0803071734

Natural Medicine

Honey: When It’s Unfit THE idea of professional beekeeping and honey production was developed in Greece in 1682. ultimately, the objective behind this strive for professionalism is to produce standardized pure and organic honey for human consumption as well as ensure a sustenance of the bee population. It was discovered that wild bee hunting was not only time –wasting, the practice was fast depleting bee colonies around the world. Furthermore, let it be known that only the honeybee insect produces honey even though there are bees all over the place. What honeybee does is to collect nectars from plants mix them with its invertase enzyme and honey is produced. This honey is the honeybees food. So, it eats some of it and preserves the rest for use later on when times are hard. Invariably, when a man goes for this honey, all he is doing is “stealing” from the honeybee’s strong room of honey. Not all honey is fit for human use or consumption even when produced by professional beekeeper /honey makers. Why? It is because there is a defined standard procedure for cultivating beehives as well as using them to make pure honey, once this procedure is breached, the end

product is bad honey. For instance, every professional beekeeper and honey maker knows that in a beehive, there are three vertical sections of hexagonal combs filled with neither capped honey, uncapped honey, or the eggs of the queen honey bees. The capped combs contain the matured honey that is fit for human use. It is because of this status of the honey the honeybee seals or caps it for preservation while the uncapped combs in a section of the beehive are still being

processed towards maturing stage. However, what do we find? It is that some professional beekeepers and honey makers harvest both the capped

“However, what do we find? It is that some professional beekeepers and honey makers harvest both the capped and uncapped honey for sale, thus compromising that quality of the honey.”

“What is more, wild bee hunters attack beehives with open fires either to drive away the bees and /or kill them before harvesting honey. By so doing, the heat from the fire destroys nutrients like plant enzymes, hormones, life elixir, vitamins, amino acids, etc in the honey.”

and uncapped honey for sale, thus compromising that quality of the honey. Also, what can lead to a fall in the quality of honey is mixing harvested pure, capped honey with sub-standard honey sold in open markets. Usually, professional beekeepers and honey makers engages in this practice to increase the quantity of honey available for sale and increase profits. Certainly, such adulterated honey is not fit for human use since honey sourced from the open market contains

cool. Thereafter honey, honey combs, dead bees, wax flakes and sweetners are added. This alchemic liquid is then presented to the unwary public as pure honey. Of course, this is a false claim. What you have here is fake honey that is injurious to health. More worrisome is the practice of repackaging bad honey for sale as good honey in the brand containers of reputable companies which make pure, safe honey. Because of easily accessible technology today, unscrupulous

us clues that they are not from original sources. At this juncture, let me say that it is not only some greedy professional beekeeper/ honey producers or honey marketers that sell unfit honey. Wild, honey hunters do too, because they lack the required knowledge,

several contaminants. None of them carry NAFDAC certification of purity. Probably, when I elaborate on this you will understand what I mean. See, most people cook honey with the twisted logic of the modern alchemist. All they do is to concoct syrupy ingredients for honey making which they place in a cauldron. They heat the contents in the cauldron. When it is done, they allow the result molten liquid to

people can break the container ’s seal of branded honey and repackage it with substandard honey. One way you can beat this practice is to buy honey from only designated sales outlets of branded, NAFDAC approved stocks. Unfortunately, only a few of us care to do this. We buy honey wherever we find them. Hence, we always end up with unfit honey even though visually scrutinizing them for a brief moment could give

skill and operational attitude for producing pure honey. To start with, let’s look at their practice of cutting down tall trees so as to gain access to bechives on them. When the tree falls, the bechives fall along with them. The result is that the capped honey, uncapped honey and bee eggs, larvae as well as pupal al mix together in the damaged beechives, additionally, you will find wood debris, dead bees, bee wax, honey

comb, sand/soil and other miscellaneous pollutants in the fallen beehives thus, what you have is not pure, organic honey but, bad honey with unhealthy contaminants. So far, there are no known technology for purifying polluted honey, bad honey remains bad honey. What is more, wild bee hunters attack beehives with open fires either to drive away the bees and /or kill them before harvesting honey. By so doing, the heat from the fire destroys nutrients like plant enzymes, hormones, life elixir, vitamins, amino acids, etc in the honey. Also, debris from the fire such as ashes, soot, and other substances contaminate the already malnourished devalued honey. The point that must be made here eventually is that wild honey hunters don’t necessarily go all out to make bad honey for sale. They only produce such honey out of ignorance of the standard procedure for getting pure honey. When you train them to become professional beekeepers/honey producers, they graduate to become sources of good honey. So, shine your eyes. Be cautious. Not all the honey you see around being sold is natural, pure honey. About 99% of them are not fit for human use either as food or medicine.




Education/Career Scope

Why Am I Studying Mass Communication COMMUNICATION has to do with oral or written conversation between two or more persons, and as we all know, communication is a very vital ingredient in the world today. This is because no body can live in isolation or be an island to themselves. On its part, Mass can be defined as a large number of heterogeneous people who live around a geographical area, location or globe. Therefore, Mass Communication can be defined as the gathering and processing of information and disseminating of same to a large audience. The functions of Mass Communication are as f o l l o w s ; S U RV E I L L A N C E , practitioners serve as watch dog in the society in that they survey what is happening in the c o m m u n i t y , government and also things that affect the high and low rich and poor and what happens in dark and light. INFORMATION – They give information to people an allow us to know of happenings in

the society, report news. ENTERTAIN – The media entertain people in a great extent, after day to day activity, we need the media to relax our nerves in things like sports, news, music,

drama, cartoons, e.t.c. EDUCATE – The media set some specific programme such, as quiz competition, learning shows for children and adult to educate us on many things we do not know. They confer status on people. Mass Communication is divided into broad


areas as follows: PRINT JOURNALISM – the print media has to do with writing mainly, it is usually in newspaper,

magazine we have those that published weekly, monthly, fourth nightly, yearly and annually. We have soft and hard magazine. Soft magazine

magazines and journalists. Newspapers are of different type because we have those newspaper who publish daily, weekly, weekend and Sundays, newspaper are usually used to tell news in details as the prink is not limited by space. While for

is usually comic while hard magazine deals with human interest. The print media is usually, disadvantaged because only the educated or elite can read it, but in rural area, where we have the opinion readers who read and explain to the

uneducated people has made it easier for every one to know one thing or another in the newspaper. And you can always go back to check for news or information

in newspaper. BROADCAST – The broadcast media has to do with oral and visual and it has two main types which are: Television, the televisions are usually audio-visual as you can see and also hear with ears. The Television is limited by space but can

“The media set some specific programme such, as quiz competition, learning shows for children and adult to educate us on many things we do not know. They confer status on people. Mass Communication is divided into broad areas as follows: PRINT JOURNALISM – the print media has to do with writing mainly, it is usually in newspaper, magazines and journalists. Newspapers are of different type because we have those newspaper who publish daily, weekly, weekend and Sundays, newspaper are usually used to tell news in details as the prink is not limited by space. While for magazine we have those that published weekly, monthly, fourth nightly, yearly and annually. We have soft and hard magazine. Soft magazine is usually comic while hard magazine deals with human interest.”

Journalism: The Gre Sides By OGBEBOR EBEHIKI

THE profession of Journalism is often known to be a very interesting profession, but the hazards that usually follow it cannot be over

emphasized. Journalism is a profession for people that are physically and mentally balanced in the society. It is not a profession for the weak and lazy. It often requires a lot of righteous

activities from everyone in the field. Often times, some of the hazards that journalists all over the world are faced with are; Murder while on an official assignment.

Kidnap and accident of any kind. In the last few months, Edo State chapter of the Nigeria Union of Journalist lost five of its members and several others were seriously injured.

This recent happening has increased the number of causalities in the field of journalism. We recall the most recent of such hazards among Nigerian Journalists is that which occurred in Benin

be understood by both the literate and illiterate. RADIO – The radio is an audio media, because you can only hear them but you cannot see them. Therefore, the importance of Mass Communication cannot be over-emphasized because it creates a global connection around the world, with the use of Mass Communication gadget/ equipment. Different Person across the world can listen to news items at any particular time in different places. Therefore, as a field of study, it improves one’s communication skills and also can be used to get a job in respective profession such as News casting, correspondent manager, journalism, reporter, presenter, Public Relation Officer (PRO), Film Director, Fashion Photographer, p r o d u c e r , Cinematographer, screen writer, Graphic Designer, Editor, sound, Engineer, recorders, mixer e.t.c. As a child, I had this passion for mass communication and hope to become a newscaster or a presenter in future. While in Junior Secondary School, I read news for my house, which always come out first in news casting. This made me feel good and boost my moral as it kept me focus on studying mass communication. I developed the habit of writing news as well as casting. Auchi express road on their way from Afuze on an outing with the Governor of Edo State, Adams Oshiomhole. Many years ago, it was Dele Giwa of Newswatch Magazine, till now, journalists still face threats of various kinds whether accidents or outright elimination.




Place Of Prayer

Doer Of Righteousness

Marks Of True Sonship: EXAMINE yourselves whether ye be in the faith; prove your own Selves know ye not your own selves, How that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be repobates? 2 Corinthians 13:5. True Sons of God are known by certain marks. Once these marks are there, there is no struggle with the identity of the believer. However, when the marks of true sonship are absent, then the believers identity-as a true son of God is in doubt. Sonship of God should not be by words of mouth alone; you must bear the fruits of sonship of God. Remember that these marks are clear impressions and are revealed by strength and consistency of your intimacy. The sixth mark of true sonship we will be studying in this series is Doer of Righteousness. With reference to personal character, righteousness is used both for uprightness between man and man, and for true religion. Righteousness is defined as strong moral integrity in character or in actions. There are two sides to righteousness: there is the righteousness of faith’ which is called the gift of righteousness imputed to the sinner who believes in Christ. And than there is the second which is the act of righteousness. The gift of righteousness is the one that came with our justification- Justification is not the forgiveness of a man without righteousness, but a declaration that he possesses a righteousness which perfectly and forever satisfies the law, namely, Christ’s righteousness (2 Cor. 5:21 Rom. 4:6-8). The justified man is regarded and treated as if innocent, and is acquitted from the consequences of guilt before the tribunal of God, In Romans 5:17-19, the bible says: For if by one man’s offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness atone the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life. For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many he made righteous.

This righteousness, however, is just one side of the coin. The other side is just as important as the first side and this second side is the conscious acts of righteousness. Just as much as righteousness is a gift, God expects us to Live righteous before man. In l John 3:74, the bible says: Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous even as he is righteous. He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil. God wants your light as a believer to shine brightly before all men that they may see your good works and glorify by our Father which is in heaven (Matthew5:l 6). These two are two sides of a coin anti together. Just like a bird needs two wings to fly successfully, so you cannot take one and leave the other If you fake the gift of righteousness and leave the act of righteousness, the bible tells us that you are of the devil because he that commits sin is of the devil. The gift of righteousness makes us righteous before God, but we need to also show our righteousness to men. If, on the other hand, you leave the gift of righteousness and take the acts of righteousness alone, you will miss the grace of God and begin to labour for every thing. You cannot impress God with your righteous acts because your righteousness is like filthy rags before Him (Isaiah 64:6), but you must live right for the sake of men, that they may come to the knowledge of your Father by your lifestyle. You must make conscious, deliberate efforts to reflect holiness in your daily dealings will, men because your Father is holy (Matthew 5:48, I Peter 1:15). When you live right before men, the Lord takes glory. He demands your practical righteousness because your good character is important for your promotion to your next level. When David committed sin and later asked God’s forgiveness. God forgave him but still had to

With Pastor Samuel O. Osaghae SMS Only 08030809339

punish him because through that sin. David brought ridicule upon the name of God. He made the unbelievers speak against God. It was an open disgrace to God so God also had to punish him openly. Let’s take a second look at 1 John 3:7-10: Little children, let no man deceive you.’ he that doeth righteousness s righteous, even as he is righteous. He

that manifest His gifts and call upon His name are His true sons. Such people that depend only on the gift of righteousness and take it as an excuse for living in sin will be in for a rude shock on the Day of judgment when the master will say these words to them: “Depart from me ye workers of iniquity, for I know you not”.

do those things which are not convenient). Grace is not an excuse for sin. Even if it was, will we now continue in sin that grace may abound, the Apostle Paul says, “God forbid’ (Romans 6:1-2). How can we that God has made dead to sin now continue ma life style of sin

character is what stands you out as a child of God. Working signs and wonders does not qualify you for heaven. Only those that doeth the will of the Father in heaven will go to heaven. In Matthew 1:21-23, Jesus said. Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom

that committeth sin is of the devil,’ for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil. Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God. In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother. From the scripture above, we see that the man that is born of God does not commit sin. Doing righteousness is therefore a very important mark of true sonship of God. In doing righteousness (practicing righteousness) are the children of God manifested. Doeth means a performance of an activity. It is true that God is pleased with you and does not need you to be holy to have his gifts function in your life for his gift and calling are without repentance. However, not all

The righteous man is the man that doeth righteousness, not he that faiths it or receives it. Whenever you dress, talk or behave in a nasty way, God is not happy because you misrepresent Him. It is this misrepresentation that brings His judgment on you. Even Jesus had to consciously practice righteousness in order to please the Father, no wonder the Father was always with Him (John 8:29). He that commits sin is of the devil. Commit means to practice. It means to do something over and over again. He that repeats a sin over and over again is of the devil A true child of God is not comfortable with sin if he falls into sin even once, his heart gets taken ever by sorrow and be quickly seeks a way out. If you repeatedly commit sin and have no sorrow, it is an indication that your name is no longer in the book of life (Romans 1:28And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to

because we feel that righteousness is all about God and has nothing to do with us? I want to let you know that you have a part to play; God expects you to be a door of righteousness. In Exodus 32:33, the Lord said to Moses, Whosoever hath sinned against me, him will I blot out of my book. Only that which has been written is blotted out. Practicing righteousness is the only thing that can keep your name in the book of life. When you practice sin, your name will be blotted out of the book of life. The works of the devil is sin. This is what the son of God was manifested to destroy (Matthew 1:21. you have not settled the issue of sin, then Jesus is not yet manifested in your life. Sin is the foundation of every other evil. No man that has sin in him will enter into heaven because no unclean thing can enter there in. Be rapture conscious, the signals of the soon return of Christ abounds. We don’t know people by miracle or signs and wonders;

of heaven; but he that doeth, the will my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? And in thy name have cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto Thom, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity’. In Psalm 92:12, the bible tells us that the righteous shall flourish like the palm tree and grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Taking cue from the characteristics of the palm floe and the Cedar of Lebanon, the implication of this scripture is that all those that take up the two sides of this coin will flourish in all aspects of their lives, they will enjoy unstoppable expansion. Every part of their lives will be productive and useful. They would be imperishable, will continue to increase in the midst of adversity, and will be priceless to God of who is the Master and Owner of their lives.





Iran Rejects Existence Of Secret Nuclear Military Site

TEHRAN - Iran yesterday rejected as “baseless” claims by an exiled opposition group that it is conducting military nuclear activities in a hidden underground site, the official IRNA news agency reported. “(The) baseless remarks about the existence of secret nuclear installations in Iran... are strongly rejected,” Iran’s Atomic Energy Organisation spokesman Behrouz Kamalvand told IRNA.

On Monday, the Paris-based National Council of Resistance of Iran alleged its sources had confirmed the existence of the “012” military site in central Isfahan province, located inside a heavily guarded 600-metre (650-yard) tunnel. But the group said it was unable to ascertain what was happening inside the highly

secure area. The NCRI has revealed important aspects of Iran’s nuclear programme in the past, including the existence of the Natanz facility in 2002, but experts have met many of its other claims with scepticism. The new claim came ahead of nuclear talks between Iran and world

Lebanese men run to remove dead bodies from burned cars, at the scene where two explosions struck near the Iranian Embassy killing several people, in Beirut, Lebanon, Tuesday . The blasts in south Beirut’s neighborhood of Janah also caused extensive damage on the nearby buildings and the Iranian mission. The area is a stronghold of the militant Hezbollah group, which is a main ally of Syrian President Bashar Assad in the civil war next door. It’s not clear if the blasts are related to Syria’s civil war.

powers in Geneva this week, after an earlier round of talks this month came close to an interim deal but stumbled on last-minute changes to a draft text. Kamalvand said the NCRI made the allegation to

influence the “positive atmosphere” in the talks. The so-called P5+1 — Britain, France, the United States, Russia and China plus Germany — suspect Iran is using its nuclear programme to develop atomic weapons but Tehran insists it is purely for peaceful purposes. The NCRI is the political

Obama To Push Healthcare PRESIDENT Barack Campaign Obama wearily pleaded late Monday with supporters of his “Organizing for Action” (OFA) group to fight for him through “one more campaign” – his legacy-defining drive to save Obamacare. “I’ve run my last political campaign, but I’ve got one more campaign in me, and that’s making sure that this law works,” Obama said on a conference call organized by OFA. “And we’re not backing off one bit.” Obama complained that “a lot of misinformation” about the Affordable Care Act has been “created and fed” by the failure of the federal portal for buying health insurance. He did not offer specifics. The president spoke for about 14 minutes – sounding utterly bone-tired but plainly

trying to recapture the magic of his 2008 campaign or at least the competence of his 2012 reelection push. “I’m going to need your help, your energy, your faith, your ability to reach out to neighbors,” he said. “You’re going to make the difference.” Obama declared himself “confident” that the website would function for “the vast majority” of would-be purchasers by his self-imposed Dec. 1 deadline. The White House earlier put a number on that phrase: 80% of users, with some portion of the other 20% able to sign up via other means. “We’ve always understood that we’re going to have to enroll people by mail, we’ll have to enroll people over the phone, we’re going to have to enroll people in person,” Obama said.

Afghan Elders To Decide If US Troops Stay

KABUL - Thousands of Afghan tribal and political leaders will gather in the Afghan capital this week to decide whether to allow U.S. troops to stay after the 2014 drawdown of foreign forces. The fate of a U.S.-Afghan security deal that will determine whether U.S. forces stay or not is in the hands of 2,500 tribal chieftains and notables who will meet in a giant tent tomorrow for five days of deliberations. Without an accord on the Bilateral Security Agreement, the United States says it could pull out all of its troops at the end of 2014, leaving Afghanistan’s fledgling security forces on their own to fight the Taliban-led insurgency. Security was tight in Kabul ahead of the Loya Jirga, a traditional Afghan grand assembly convened to debate matters of national importance, following a suicide bomb attack outside the tent over the weekend. “The Loya Jirga is crucial for the future of our country,” said Farhad Sediqqi, a member of parliament who will attend the assembly. “Afghanistan needs to have a partnership and a pact with the United States.” The meeting comes at a critical juncture for Afghanistan ahead of a presidential election next year and growing anxiety about security as foreign troops prepare to leave. With the agreement, a U.S. force of between 10,000 and 15,000 will remain in Afghanistan. Karzai floated the idea of a grand council in order to muster popular support for a security deal opposed by many Afghan politicians and ordinary people. In the city of Jalalabad,

hundreds of students rallied against the pact yesterday chanting “Death to America, death to Karzai, long live the Islamic Emirates of the Taliban!” The Taliban have been waging an insurgency against Karzai and his foreign backers, to force out foreign troops, since 2001 and observers fear the Afghan security forces will struggle once most foreign troops leave next year. “Through this farce, the Karzai regime wishes to execute the Americans’ demands and implement a treacherous deal which in our

history will forever be known as national sedition and a criminal act against our nation,” the Taliban said in a statement. Delegates attending the grand assembly appear to be divided on the pact and much will rest on Karzai’s opening speech tomorrow, with many likely to take their cue from him. If the council votes in favor of the pact with the United States, it will still need the approval of both houses of parliament and the president’s signature before it is ratified. Just days before the meeting, sources told Reuters Karzai had rejected a key provision of the pact stipulating whether foreign troops will be able to search Afghan homes,

umbrella for a number of dissident groups, in particular the People’s Mujahedeen of Iran (MEK), founded in the 1960s to oppose the rule of the Shah. After the 1979 Islamic revolution, the MEK took up arms against Iran’s clerical rulers. It says it has now laid down its arms and is working to overthrow the Islamic regime in Tehran by peaceful means.

putting the entire deal in jeopardy. Two years ago, the United States ended its military mission in Iraq with a similar “zero option” outcome leading to the withdrawal of all of its troops after the failure of talks with Baghdad.

The United States appeared optimistic about the Afghan pact. “We reached general agreement on the BSA when Secretary Kerry was in Kabul last month,” said Laura Lucas Magnuson, a spokeswoman for the White House National Security Council.

OFA Executive Director Jon Carson, who said some 200,000 were on the call, emphasized that “the biggest push of this campaign is actually going to come in March.” (March 31 is the end of open enrollment). “It’s a long race and we’re not near the tape yet, so we’ve just got to keep on running” Obama said. “I hope that you have as much fight in you as I do.”

Egypt’s Interim Leader Won’t Run For Presidency

DUBAI - Egypt’s interim head of state Adly Mansour will not run for president in elections slated for next year, a Kuwaiti newspaper yesterday quoted him as saying. Mansour was sworn in as interim president on July 4, a day after the Egyptian army ousted Islamist President Mohamed Mursi following mass protests against his rule. Mursi had appointed him as head of the constitutional court, but he was not sworn in as head of the court until hours before he took the oath as interim president. When asked by Kuwait’s alSeyassah newspaper whether he would run for president, Mansour said:contest the vote.

Lebanon: Explosions Near Iranian Embassy BEIRUT — Two explosions struck yesterday near the Iranian Embassy in the Lebanese capital of Beirut, killing at least 10 people, wounding scores and causing wide damage to the mission and nearby buildings.

The reactor building at the Russian-built Bushehr nuclear power plant in southern Iran.

Kill 10

The mid-morning blasts hit Beirut’s upscale neighborhood of Janah, a Hezbollah stronghold. One explosion blew out the large black main gate of the Iranian mission, damaging the three-story facility. It was not known if anyone inside was hurt. Debris was scattered on the street and cars were on fire as people ran away from the chaotic scene. The second blast was meters (yards) away from the embassy building. The explosions killed 10 and wounded more than 30, said a Lebanese security official, speaking on condition of anonymity in line with regulations. An Associated Press photographer counted at least five bodies after the blasts in south Beirut. AP video showed firefighters extinguishing flames from vehicles, blood-spattered streets and bodies covered with sheets on the ground. A charred motorcycle stood outside the embassy gate. It was not immediately clear what had caused the blasts, and reports varied. Lebanon’s staterun National reporters said one of the blasts was carried out by

a suicide attacker on foot while the second was a car bomb. An armed guard of the Iranian embassy told AP that the first blast was believed to have been carried out by a suicide attacker who rode a motorcycle and blew himself up outside the gate. The other explosion, which caused much more damage, was a car bomb, the guard said, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to media. Heazbollah’s Al-Manar TV said 17 people were killed while Iran’s Press TV put the death toll at 15. There have been several attacks the past few months, including with rockets and car bombs, against Shiite strongholds in Lebanon in what Syrian rebels say is retaliation for the militant Hezbollah group’s open involvement on the side of President Bashar Assad’s forces in the civil war in neighboring Syria. “We tell those who carried out the attack, you will not be able to break us,” Hezbollah lawmaker Ali Mikdad told Al-Mayadeen TV. “We got the message and we know who sent it and we know how to retaliate.” Hezbollah’s Al-Rasoul al-Azam hospital called on people to donate blood, saying they need all blood types.








Achieving Sustainable Agriculture Through Technology

AS the world population increases, food demand also increases. And to feed the mouths of the ballooning population, there comes the need for greater innovative solutions that will lead to a significant improvement in food and nutritional security in the world. This is where science and technology comes in. Science and technology is the basis for a sustainable agriculture. With the introduction of science and technology in agriculture, countries in the world have been able to achieve a sustainable agriculture. Science and technology has made it possible to achieve high productivity; high quality, efficiency and resource saving techniques and expertise for agricultural production. For years now, agriculture has witnessed a stable development thanks to the application of science and technology. The introduction of science and technology in agriculture has helped the development of agriculture and has replaced the traditional farming methods with modern techniques such as building water conservancy projects, harnessing rivers, intensive cultivation, rational application of chemical fertilizers and agricultural chemicals and many more. The introduction of agricultural biotechnology, have made it possible for the reductions in fossil fuel use, soil tillage, and water runoff, all of which are critical to a sustainable agriculture. Furthermore, science and technology has brought advances in crop protection which has been a powerful tool in combating pests, diseases and weeds that can be detrimental to crop yields and agricultural


significant public investments in scientific research that has contributed to historical increases in food production. Scientists in the world devoted their time and lives to research and the development of farming

“With science and technology, the food we eat today can be made healthier through the addition of ingredients solutions such as proteins and fibres. With science-based solutions, manufacturers can reduce the content of fat, sugar, calorie and salt in a food with the use of enabling ingredients such as stabilizers, emulsifiers, and reduced-calorie sweeteners.” productivity. Through the use of crop and livestock protection products such as fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, pesticides and other non-chemical tools, farmers have been able to control the infestation of crops and animals in the farm, and increase productivity. Beyond the crop protection tools, science and technology has also provided farmers with the latest methods and techniques in plant cultivation, livestock breeding, modern irrigation practices, fertilizer use, mechanization, epidemic prevention, agricultural machinery, processing and storage and many more. The introduction of Green Revolution alone, demonstrated the potential for science and technology to bring countries from poverty and famine to surplus food. Since its introduction, crop production globally has increased from 1.84 billion tonnes in 1960 to 4.38 billion tonnes in 2007. A 42 per cent increase stemming from only an 11 per cent increase in the amount of agricultural land used. The 19 th and 20 th century marked a time of

products and practices. And over time, the world of agriculture has benefited from these researches and new methods of farming. In a country like China, science and technology has improved their agricultural productivity greatly. Agricultural Sci-Tech Department in China has made much progress in bio-technology, new and high technology and basic research; and the cultivation of plant cells and tissues, anther culture,

haploid breeding and the research on its application have reached an advanced level. China has been able to breed hybrid rice; hybrid corn and hybrid beans. Since 1949, China agricultural scientists have improved more than 40 kinds of crops, and developed nearly 5,000 high-yields, good-quality

new varieties with strong resistance. With science and technology, the food we eat today can be made healthier through the addition of ingredients solutions such as proteins and fibres. With science-based solutions, manufacturers can reduce the content of fat, sugar, calorie and salt in a food with the use of enabling ingredients such as stabilizers, emulsifiers, and reduced-calorie sweeteners. Fibres and phytonutrient content of food can also be increased through enzyme processing. Today, science and technology have made a major contribution to the transformation of agricultureboth plant and animal. Therefore, for any country to achieve a sustainable agriculture; there is need for the adoption and the use of advances in science and technology. Because only with science and technology, can a nation achieve a productive and sustainable agriculture.

“The introduction of Green Revolution alone, demonstrated the potential for science and technology to bring countries from poverty and famine to surplus food. Since its introduction, crop production globally has increased from 1.84 billion tonnes in 1960 to 4.38 billion tonnes in 2007. A 42 per cent increase stemming from only an 11 per cent increase in the amount of agricultural land used.”





Safe Practices For Better Healthcare


FACT SHEET ONE reason adverse events and medical errors occur is that evidence-based information on what works to prevent them or reduce the harm they cause, is not available. The National Quality Forum, with support from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), has identified 30 safe practices that evidence shows can work to reduce or prevent adverse events and medical errors. BACK GROUND The goal is that United States is to deliver safe, high – quality healthcare to patients in all clinical settings. Despite the best intention, however, a high rate of largely preventable adverse events and medical errors can occur in any health care setting in any community in this country. The 30 safe practices that follow have been endorsed by the membership of the Nation’s Leading Health Care provider, purchaser, and consumer organization. This organization strongly urges that these 30 safe practices be universally adopted by all applicable health care settings to reduce the risk of harm to patients. Creating a Culture Of Safety Create a health care culture of safety. There is a need to promote a culture that overtly encourages and supports the reporting of any situation or circumstance that threatens, or potentially threatens, the safety of patients or care givers and that views the occurrence of errors and adverse events as opportunities to make the health care system better. Matching Health Care Needs With Services Delivery capability For designated high-risk, elective surgical procedures or other specified care, patients should be clearly informed of the likely reduced risk of an adverse outcome at treatment facilities that have demonstrated superior outcomes and should be referred to such facilities in accordance with the patients stated preference. Specify an explicit protocol to be used to ensure an adequate level of nursing based on the institution’s usual patient mix and the experience and training of its nursing staff. All patients in general intensive care units (both adult and pediatric) should be managed by physicians having specific training and certification in critical care medicine (“critical care certified”). Pharmacists should actively participate in the medication – use process, including at a minimum, being available for consultation with prescribers on medication ordering interpretations and review of medications orders. Preparation of medications, dispensing of medications, and administration and monitoring of medications. Facilitating Information Transfer And Clear

Communication Verbal orders should be recorded whenever possible and immediately read back to the prescriber; that is, a health care provider receiving a verbal order should read or repeat back the information that the prescriber conveys in order to verify the accuracy of what was heard. Use only standardized abbreviation and dose designations. Patient care summarizes or other similar records should

not be prepared from memory. Ensure that care information, especially changes in orders and new diagnostic information, is transmitted in a timely and clearly understandable form to all patient’s current health-care providers who needs that information to provide care. Ask each patient or legal surrogate to recount what he or she has been told during the informed consent discussion.

“Verbal orders should be recorded whenever possible and immediately read back to the prescriber; that is, a health care provider receiving a verbal order should read or repeat back the information that the prescriber conveys in order to verify the accuracy of what was heard.”

Ensure that written documentation of the patient’s preference for life-sustaining treatments is prominently displayed in his or her charts. Implement a computerized prescribers-order entry system. Implement a standardized protocol to prevent the mislabeling of radio graphs Implement standardized protocol to prevent the occurrence of wrong site or wrong-patient procedures. For More Information

Detail information on the 30 safe practices listed below is available in the National Quality forum report, safe practices for better health care. A consensus report. The National Quality forum consensus report is based in part, on work by a team of researchers at the AHRQ Evidence based practice centre at Stanford university/University of California at San Franeiso. The National Quality Forum The National Quality Forum is a private, non-profit public benefit corporation, created in 1999 in response to the need to develop and implement a national strategic for health care quality measurement and reporting. Established as a unique public – private partnership, the National quality forum has broad participation from more than 260 organizations that represent all sectors of the health care industry, including health care providers, consumers, employers, insurers, and other stakeholders. Among its members are the AARP, AFL, C10, the American Hospital Association, the American Medical Association, the American Nurses Association, the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, the Ford Motor Company and General Motors.




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By SAM EHEBHA GSM:08056626091


3 9 12 14 15


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By SAM EHEBHA GSM:08056626091

Your Star




NAP 12 XX 12 XX 12 NAP 34 XX 34 XX 34 PAIR 31 Vs 32 PAIR 21 OR 27 GOODLUCK LET IT BE





NAP 32 XX 32 XX 32 PAIR : 2 or 3 BE A WINNER




NAP 22 XX 22 XX 22 NAP 33 XX 33 XX 33




NAP 26 XX 26 XX 26 PAIR 10 OR 11 BE MY GUEST











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25 13 15 16 23 24 35 FOR THREE DRAWS?




Walcott And Ramsey Set To Return

Theo Walcott and Aaron Ramsey

West Ham Stay Out Of Olympic Stadium Talks WEST Ham believe Leyton Orient need to hold discussions directly with the London Legacy Development Corporation without involving them if they are to come to a satisfactory solution over the Olympic Stadium. House of Lords report was published yesterday which recommended the two clubs work together, and even suggests the League One side be granted occasional use of the stadium, something for which they have long been pushing. It adds another layer to what has been a seemingly interminable saga over who would move into the stadium and one that twisted this way and that for years before negotiations ended in March this year with the LLDC signing off West Ham as anchor tenants. The agreement saw the Barclays Premier League club take on a 99-year lease, with the stadium to be transformed into a 60,000-seater venue in time for the 2016-17 season. While Orient chairman Barry Hearn wants there to be threeway talks between the two clubs and the LLDC, for West Ham any discussions should be just between the League One club and the LLDC which owns and manages the stadium. “Looking forward, our focus is solely on creating a stunning new home for the club and its supporters in 2016, alongside a long-term legacy for the community of east London,” a spokesman for the Premier League club said. “What goes on with other interested parties is very much a matter for (Leyton Orient) and the LLDC and not West Ham United. “We welcome the committee’s comments and are

happy the House of Lords have recognised that West Ham United’s selection will ensure the stadium reaches its full legacy potential.” Orient welcomed the report and on their website a statement from Hearn read: “I agree with the House of Lords recommendation ourselves, West Ham and the LLDC should sit down and work this out together once and for all. “Leyton Orient is a local club which undertakes a huge amount of community work in one of the poorest areas in London. “It has been said that Orient did not bid enough to cover its costs of using the stadium, but we were bidding within our means and against ourselves - we do not know what the LLDC

want from us because they will not tell us. “So we ask them again, publicly, to say what we have to pay to share the stadium, a national asset which is on our

doorstep. “We are writing to the LLDC seeking a meeting so that we can have an open and transparent discussion about what part we can play in the future use of the

Olympic Stadium.” A spokesman for the LLDC was not immediately available for comment.

‘Soldado And Defoe Should Play Together’ FORMER Tottenham Hotspur midfielder Chris Waddle believes that Spurs manager Andre Villas-Boas should play both Roberto Soldado alongside Jermain Defoe this season. Spurs have struggled for goals this campaign, with Soldado, who has been preferred to Defoe, failing to really find his feat in North London following a summer move from Valencia. Waddle, who also notably had a spell at Newcastle United, believes Defoe should be given an opportunity alongside the Spanish marksman. It is tricky, because if you

Jermain Defoe

ARSENAL are set for a double fitness boost ahead of the weekend’s clash with Southampton as Aaron Ramsey and Theo Walcott have been cleared to play. Walcott will return to the side after a six week lay-off with a stomach problem and will bring some much needed pace back to the Gunners frontline against his former side. Meanwhile, in-form Welsh midfielder Ramsey suffered a tight hamstring which forced him out of Wales friendly international with Finland last Saturday but has taken a week of rest to recover fully. Arsenals midfield has suffered in recent weeks with Abou Diaby, Alex OxladeChamberlain, Tomas Rosicky and Yaya Sanogo all on the sidelines and Lukas Podolski, recovering from a hamstring injury suffered in the 2-0 Champions League win against Fenerbahce back in August, hoping to be back before December. The league leaders host the impressive Saints on Saturday at the Emirates, with Mauricio Pochettino’s men having conceded a league-best five goals all season as they sit in third place.

give Defoe a start in the Premier League and drop Soldado to the bench, it will hurt his confidence,î Waddle told the London Evening Standard. I think all Soldado needs is a run of goals to get him off the mark, boost his confidence. He cost a lot of money so that could be burdening him slightly, but I think he needs time to adjust to a faster game. I’m actually surprised that Andre hasn’t started both of them up front together in a 4-42 setup, especially at White Hart Lane. When you are the home side, you need goals so I think he [AVB] should try them [Defoe and Soldado] together.

Chelsea’s Bertrand Traore Tipped For Top

Bertrand Traore

CHELSEA midfielder Bertrand Traore has a bright future ahead of him for club and country, according to Burkina Faso boss Paul Put. Traore, 18, was officially signed by the Blues earlier this month after impressing during a series of trials. The former Auxerre youth product has already featured 10 times for his national team and Put feels Traore has all the qualities needed to make it to the top of the game. I think it is one of the greatest

stories that we have in Burkina Faso,î Put told ESPN. ìI saw some previews of him when he was playing for the under-17s and also went to Chelsea to see two friendly games because he had no contract and could not play in competition. You can imagine for me that it is difficult to make a call to somebody who is not in competition but because he is a very big talent I called him up — I can see that he is growing and adapting to the national team.

He is one of the future, but is already one of the greatest players that Burkino Faso has. I think in the future he has the potential to play regularly for Chelsea. He has something that I havenít seen in a lot of players, he has something special. He is at a difficult age now, living in a different country away from his parents, so itís very important that the people around him help him to get on the right track. I cannot see what happens behind the scenes but he has all the abilities to able to make it at Chelsea.




Rossi Enjoyed Balo Partnership ITALY striker Giuseppe Rossi was happy with his goal against Nigeria and admitted he liked playing alongside Mario Balotelli. The striker latched onto the Milan man’s perfectly worked ball to score his first goal in over two-years with the National team in the 2-2 draw to the Super Eagleson Monday evening. “Of course I’m happy with the goal and the team’s overall performance,” he told Rai Sport after the game at Craven Cottage. “It’s a shame we conceded

those goals when we appeared to be in control. We can go home happy with this game. “More than the goal, it’s the performance that counts. We all worked very hard to honour this jersey and I think that’s what we did.” It was the first time the two strikes had been paired alongside each other, and their performance suggested it was a healthy compliment of the good boy, bad boy. “We’re two good guys! We get on well, as does everyone in the squad,” continued Rossi. “In all honesty, there wasn’t much time to prepare for this game. We did well, Mario gave me a great assist for the goal and played very well, so I’m happy for him. His goal will come as long as he keeps working like this.”

Mazzari Praises New Inter Owner

INTER coach Walter Mazzarri has praised the vision new owner Erick Thohir has for the club. The Indonesian business became the majority shareholder of the Serie A giants when he bought out 70% of Massimo Moratti’s stake, making him the new President of the club too. Since his takeover, Thohir

has repeatedly expressed his new vision for the club and it has been warmly embraced by Mazzarri. “It’s really nice. We all know how it works in this world: when a new owner comes in, he might have completely different

ideas to his predecessor, but that wasn’t so in this case,” Mazzarri told reporters. “It means the work that my team and I do is appreciated even in Indonesia, abroad, and if it’s the owner himself who

Thiago Silva Picked Messi Ahead Of Ibra THIAGO Silva has revealed he voted for Lionel Messi ahead of Paris SaintGermain teammate Zlatan Ibrahimovic for this year’s Ballon d’Or. As Brazil captain, Silva, 29, gets a vote along with the rest of the world’s international team skippers and coaches to determine the best player of 2013. Though he has witnessed Ibrahimovic’s exploits in a PSG shirt first-hand since they both arrived in the summer of 2012 — and for two years at AC Milan before that — the centreback still felt obliged to plump for Messi, who could be named the world’s best

player for an unprecedented fifth straight time. “I put Messi first, Ibra second and Cristiano Ronaldo third as he didn’t win anything last year. They’re all great players, and I could have put any of them in first place,” he told Globeesporte, adding that if the rules had allowed him to vote for his compatriots: “I would have chosen Neymar first and me second.” The 23-man shortlist for the award published last month will be reduced to just three men in early December. The honour, into which a select group of media representatives also have input, will be presented in Zurich on January 13.

Mancini Wants Pirlo At Gala

FORMER Inter and current Galatasaray coach, Roberto Mancini, has confirmed he is out to sign Juventus midfielder Andrea Pirlo. The 33-year-old is said to be a primary target for Mancini in the next transfer window as he looks to add extra quality to his current crop of Galatasaray players. Pirlo had openly discussed the uncertainty of his future at the club, citing he will leave should he not be considered as a valuable asset in Turin. The former Manchester City boss is already licking his lips, saying: “I would love to coach Pirlo, I would take him even now.” Juventus are expected to

host Galatasaray in the return leg of the Champions League group stage clash later this month, and Mancini has already added fuel to flames.

says certain things then it’s very satisfying indeed.” The Tuscan tactician has been at the club since August and has already lined the Nerazzurri up for a possible Champions League berth next season. “When you do the job I do,” explained the coach, “you always hope for that. “From day one I start working on the team, on my ideas, on the lads I have available to me and I always hope that they start following me as quickly as possible. “It hasn’t been easy but I’m pleased with the improvement - which I’d describe as stratospheric because I think Inter have already shown some great football this season.” Inter are currently sitting in fourth place and three points off third place Napoli on the Serie A standings.

‘Bayern Should Quit Bundesliga’

Walter Mazzari

Madrid Will Not Sign Pirlo

CARLO Ancelotti insists there is no prospect of Real Madrid signing Juventus star Andrea Pirlo. Pirlo flourished under Ancelotti at AC Milan, winning the Champions League together in 2003 and in 2007 as well as the Scudetto in 2004. With Pirlo’s contract up for renewal in the summer, and no negotiations scheduled with Juventus until the spring, there is already plenty of discussion over the 34-year-old’s future. Several Premier League clubs are reportedly ready to offer him a lucrative deal to

- Ancelloti

lure him to England, while Spain could be another potential destination should the Italy midfielder opt for a new experience abroad. However, Ancelotti has said Pirlo will not join him at the Bernabeu. “You know how strong a bond I have with Pirlo, but it’s something which is impossible,” he told Radio Monte Carlo. Pirlo left Milan for Juve two years after Ancelotti had moved to Chelsea, with current Rossoneri coach Massimiliano Allegri deciding in 2011 that the player no longer featured in

his plans. Pirlo responded by producing some of the best form of his career for the Bianconeri, winning back-toback Serie A titles, and Juve are contemplating offering him a two-year contract when talks are held after February. In the meantime, Pirlo is biding his time as he assesses his options. “All I’ve said is that I want to carry on playing because I’m enjoying it and I feel good,” he said on Friday. “I still want to play regularly and at a certain level. If it’s at Juventus or another club, we’ll see. Certainly I’m not ruling anything out.”

FELIX Magath believes Bayern Munich should quit the Bundesliga as a result of their dominance in Germany’s top flight. The Bavarians won the treble last season and have now amassed 22 league titles, with only Borussia Dortmund realistic rivals to their league crown. Magath has coached eight different teams in the Bundesliga, including die Roten, and suggested the creation of a super league containing Europe’s best teams could be a solution. “You would have to exclude them from the domestic competition - a Europe League would be more telling,” the 60-yearold told Hamburger Morgenpost. “I see the league as a competition where first place is permanently assigned to Bayern Munich. “The clubs that play constantly in the Champions League have huge advantages.”

Llorente Understanding Tevez

Roberto Mancini

JUVENTUS striker Fernando Llorente has claimed that he is starting to form a natural understanding with partner Carlos Tevez. The Spaniard, who is currently in South Africa for a friendly with his national team, believes that their new found working relationship will only improve each others’ game. “We have played a few matches together [Tevez]. He

is a great player and I think that we can improve in playing

Fernando Llorente

together,” he told AS. “I am comfortable featuring alongside Tevez. I feel better now. But my best is still to come. I still need to reach the top.” Llorente endured a tough transition into Italian football, but has finally started to show signs of renewed form following his goal against Napoli and successive strikes against Real Madrid.




Gibraltar Excited For International Debut

THE Gibraltar FA’s executive director has told Marca that the Euro 2014 qualifying draw feels like “a Christmas raffle” as the territory prepares for its senior international debut. Gibraltar — which has a population of fewer than 30,000 people — will take on Slovakia in a friendly in Portugal on Tuesday. The tiny British Overseas Territory, which borders Spain, officially became a member of UEFA in May after overcoming years of opposition from Spanish authorities and others who had argued against a precedent being set. Dennis Beiso, executive director of the Gibraltar FA, said he was proud to have brought the team into the international fold. “It has been a very long and hard process, which began in 1997,” Beiso said. “In the end, after two votes and three appeals to CAS [the Court of Arbitration for Sport], we have done it.” UEFA’s 54th member will now be in December’s draw for the next European Championship, and they have already fielded teams in under17 and under-19 qualifying games. Beiso said he hoped they would get England in their first set of qualifiers for a senior tournament. “For us it is like a Christmas raffle,” he said. “We can only imagine we could be playing at Wembley someday — it gives me goosebumps.” Gibraltar will reportedly be kept away from Spain in the Euro 2014 draw for political reasons, but Beiso said football links with the neighbours were cordial. “We have good relations with the Spanish FA,” he said. “[RFEF president] Angel Maria Villar was one of the first to congratulate us, but we understand that political matters have an influence.” All but four members of Gibraltar’s squad for Tuesday’s game at the Estadio Algarve in Faro play in the local amateur league. Their most high-profile player is former Manchester United and Stoke defender Danny Higginbotham, now at Chester City, who is a nephew of manager Allen Bula. Bula, who spent four years as head of football development and academy manager at Slovakian club MFK Kosice, told Marca his team had high hopes, including qualifying for senior international tournaments. “I always set myself ambitious goals,” the Gibraltar native said. “I am not the typical coach with a small country who is happy with losing and getting congratulated for making a good impression. “Many people might laugh, but my objective is to make it to tournaments, starting with this European Championship, and for Gibraltar to rise in the world ranking to No. 45.”

Casillas Still Dreams Of World Cup Save IKER Casillas says he still gets goose bumps when he thinks about his save against Arjen Robben that helped Spain win the 2010 World Cup. The Real Madrid keeper managed to turn away the Netherlands winger’s effort in the second half of normal time, before Andres Iniesta gave La Roja the victory with his extra time winner. And after returning to Johannesburg, the memories remain crystal clear for Casillas, who insists he was just thrilled to be a part of Spain’s first ever World Cup-winning side. “I just remembered how we celebrated inside the dressing room. The memories came flooding back as soon as we

stepped into the changing room,” he told reporters. “All of us have different memories and anecdotes which we have been sharing amongst ourselves. “As time goes by, you tend to forget things like that [save on Robben] but when I see it again on television, it all comes back to me. “Watching it again still gives me shivers – I held out for as long as I could and got my right toe to his shot to steer it wide, I was lucky. “I just feel very happy to have been part of that group of players in that side and being able to make the people back home feel proud of being Spanish.”

Hogan Howe

Police Chief Faces Hillsborough Probe

BRITAIN’s most senior police officer is facing an investigation into his conduct on the day of the Hillsborough disaster, in which 96 Liverpool fans died. Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe, the Metropolitan Police Commissioner, is the subject of a complaint received by the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC), which is the UK’s police watchdog. Hogan-Howe, then an officer with the South Yorkshire force, was on duty at Sheffield Boys’ Club as relatives waited for news of friends and family after the disaster. The IPCC said it had received a formal complaint about HoganHowe from the family of a victim. It expects the office of London mayor Boris Johnson to rule whether it should be investigated. According to the IPCC, the complaint was “about Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe in relation to his role at Hillsborough.” In a statement released to the media, the IPCC said: “This complaint has been passed onto the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC) for recording as required by the complaints process. “However, in this instance, the IPCC expects the matter to be recorded and referred.” The Metropolitan Police has had to respond to conflicting accounts as to whether HoganHowe ever made a statement to any of the official investigations into the Hillsborough disaster. He said last year that he had done, but records do not appear to back that up. In addition, Hogan-Howe has faced criticism over his handling of the operation, based at Sheffield Boys’ Club, to keep friends and families informed about fans unaccounted for following the disaster. A list of people believed to be

alive was read out by an unidentified police officer at the Boys’ Club that night, and it included the name of 14-year-old Adam Spearitt, who had actually died in the disaster. The IPCC said it had contacted Spearitt’s family to ask if they wanted the matter to be investigated. In a statement, the Metropolitan Police said it would be “inappropriate” for HoganHowe to comment on his role at Hillsborough while the IPCC was investigating. In response to the confusion over whether Hogan-Howe had given a statement to any Hillsborough investigation, the force said: “We believe the only appropriate way to clarify the situation regarding accounts made by the Commissioner following the Hillsborough disaster would be through the official investigation being conducted by the IPCC.” The 96 victims of the tragedy were crushed to death on an over-

crowded section of terracing at an FA Cup semi-final against Nottingham Forest, played at Sheffield Wednesday’s Hillsborough stadium, on Apr. 15, 1989. An independent report, published in Sept. 2012, cleared fans of any blame for the tragedy, and highlighted the role of the police and emergency services in attempting to cover up their own culpability.

Iker Casillas

Cameroon Are Back - Roger Milla CAMEROON legend Roger Milla expressed, at the conclusion of the Indomitable Lions’ 4-1 win over Tunisia, that they are back amongst Africa’s greatest footballing nations. Milla, who represented Cameroon at three World Cups, was impressed with the way the Lions played against the Eagles of Carthage on their way to booking a ticket to Brazil 2014. “The Indomitable Lions controlled the game from start to finish. We showed in the first leg that we could win, but we were

unlucky. We took our chances [in the second leg] and we won,” said Milla, who made over a 100 appearances for the Lions. Milla, who became the oldest player to score in a World Cup in 1994 [at the age of 42], added that the great teams don’t need a lot of opportunities to win a game. “The great football nations don’t need 50 goal opportunities to win a game. Cameroon are back. One or two years ago, people wrote us off. We have proved that we are present,” said Milla.

Falcao Will Be ‘Best Player’ At COLOMBIA coach Jose the 27-year-old Falcao as “one Pekerman predicted star striker of the best centre-forwards in the W/Cup world” and tipped the Monaco

Radamel Falcao

Radamel Falcao will be the “best player” at next year’s World Cup. The 27-year-old Falcao has continued his rise as one of the game’s premier strikers, scoring as stand-in captain in Colombia’s win over Belgium while at club level, has been linked with a January move to Chelsea. And Pekerman, who is readying his troops to face the Netherlands on Tuesday, hailed

man to wreak havoc in Brazil. “I think Falcao will be the best player at the World Cup. He has great qualities and a team that supports him at all times,” said Pekerman. “He is smart and very technical and that is why he is one of the best centre-forwards in the world. “I am proud to be the coach of a team which has Falcao. He is a unique player and any coach would want to have him in their team.”

Achille Webo opened the scoring for Cameroon on Sunday and Milla expressed his delight at seeing the marksman’s name on the score sheet. “We are going to work to show what we have already shown in a World Cup. I was especially pleased with Achille Webo’s goal. I even almost fell from the stands. Everybody was angry at him because he missed an opportunity in Radès [In the first leg],” added the 61-year-old. “But I told him that those who know about football don’t blame him. I would like to thank him because he showed us the way to victory.” Milla, who achieved international stardom at the age of 38 by scoring four goals as Cameroon reached the quarterfinals in the 1990 World Cup, urged the Cameroon FA to set up some high profile friendlies so that the Lions will be best prepared for the World Cup next year. “We need to go to work now: players, staff, and officials. We need to set up some friendlies, and not against small teams. We must not be scared to play against France, Portugal, Germany or England. It will be good for our players,” concluded Milla.







Let Us Detonate This Grand Corruption Conspiracy (2) must eliminate the artificial veneer that NASSershave built around themselves by making their public information public: office addresses, phone numbers, email, websites, and official residences. By doing so, we will enlist the legislators in redefining the future. What civil society can do: Anti-corruption campaigners such as the Civil Society Network Against Corruption, Human and Environmental Development Agenda, the Anti-Corruption Network, Save Nigeria Group, Public Accountability League, Premium Times, Campaign Against Corrupt Leaders,Public Interest Lawyers Leagueand SaharaReportersshould compile and publish this databaseurgently. Where official phone numbers are unavailable, a legislator’sprivate number is justifiable. Making such a database widely available will help to penetrate the outer courtyards of government. In the next stage, the database should be expanded to include contact information for all elected officials from the

EFCC Boss, Ibrahim Lamorde president down to local councilors and government offices. What you can do if you work for NASS or your State Assembly but love Nigeria: send this information discreetly to any of the groups listed above. What you can do, Nigerian citizen? Be proactive: Contactthose that are doing something to underminecorruption. Encourage. Suggest. Assist. Volunteer. I have no doubt that some NASSersare eager to work for theirpeople, although they mayat first be shy about heavy public attention. But by definition they are employees of those who should now contact them

“Of greater importance, we can weep at the feet of those who represent us in the highways and byways of power: National Assembly members (NASSers, for short); and in the Statesthe Assemblymen.Beginning today andpulling our friends, relatives and colleaguesalong, let us contact the NASSersany way we can: letters, email, phone calls, office visits in groups, and demand these documents.”

relentlessly to obtain the EFCC reports. Once we learn to ask elected officials hard questions, they will—as lovers of peace—in turn learn to ask harder questions of other officials, elected or appointed, as they are supposed to. Citizens will be able to pile unprecedented pressure on their representatives that will translate into law and improved governance. Theywill open the doors of accountability and transparency. Once we put the power of this information in the hands of every citizen armed with a pen or a phone, they will discover a voice that is normally denied them in between elections. They will jumpstart the national conversation the corruption oligarchy fears. Nigerians will learn where all the bodies are buried, and who dug the graves. The beauty of democracy is thatlegislatorswho do not like power in the hands of voters can seek another line of work, including the unemployment line. What the telecommunications companies can do: They can providea breakdown of phone numbers across the country by State/local councils/constituencies. This is not against the law, and it will enable anti-corruption campaigners to design demographically-appropriate bulletins that may be delivered directly to phone handsets. What the political parties can do: Demonstrateunderstanding of democracy beyondholding power. Parties such as the All Progressives Congress, which I cite because it claims to have the answers, should demonstrate understanding of the concept of a new politics defined by grassroots party organization, membership recruitment, voter education, accountability and the rule of law. Groveling at the feet of the very forces that threw Nigeria into the sewer in the first place is no indication of living by example. What anti-corruption campaigners can do: Unite to establish a genuine annual National Honours scheme, perhaps to be called Nigeria People’s Heroes, to restore meaning to the concept of honour. Honorees should be nominated by Nigerians on the basis of exemplary character, patriotism and achievement, enabling us to celebrate people we can be proud to introduce to the world and to our children. What Nigerians in the Diaspora can do: Admit you are a disenfranchised, marginalizedafterthought, butyou can now actively liaise with relatives and friends to undermine corruption and influence voters and institutions. You can supply information, expose corrupt officials, use the Freedom of Information law. No PAW is too small or too weak in detonating the corruption conspiracy.This is our country, and our war. * * Twitter: @SonalaOlumhense


The practice of casualisation is “pervasive. At the local government level, there is what they call “Hire and Fire”. Under this scheme, some highly unskilled staff are employed on a paltry wage of some N3000 a month. They are to be found as auxilliary workers at the health centers. They do all the dirty jobs and get peanuts.

THIS follow-up to last week’s article addresses Nigerians who are tired of the debilitating corruption in their country; people who wonder what they can do. There is, and I propose the following cause of action strictly for citizens. This is not about the government; it is self-defeating to engage a government led by people defined by a lack of character to lead by example. Let us be clear: unless there is violent uprising, it is impossible to upturn corruption overnight in any significant measure. The suggestions I make here are aimed at redefining therelationship between those who vote and those for whom they vote; they are targeted at undermining corruption over time butwithin the law, causing its foundation to erode irretrievably. The first task is to understand that Nigeria’s corruption oligarchy counts onthe ignorance and cowardice of Nigerians to fuel the culture of impunity. The first task is to empower and therefore embolden the people with information. A people armed with the truth, can never be defeated. The second task: to concede that fighting corruption through the front door is a daunting task. That is why the strategy is to find a weak link.Coming in through an unguarded door is fair and wise in war. Such an unguarded door is the annual report of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), described here last week, which the law compels the commission to submit to the National Assembly (NASS). Something about that report makes officials, especially the EFCC and the National Assembly, to do everything to hide it. The EFCC had however admitted it is available for the asking: “…Having been presented to the National Assembly, members of the public may be apprised of its contents by their elected representatives or seek to obtain copies by laid down procedures of the Senate and House of Representatives.” This is the back door through which, I propose we commence a Peoples Anti-Corruption War (PAW). We can use this small opportunity to PAW away at the menace, starting today, because there are no sentries guarding that door, no Kill&Go, no gbomo-gbomo. Once we access the reports, we will be able to understand why so much care is being taken to hide them, and whythe looters areunafraid. If the reports show respectable work being done, Nigerians ought to support the EFCC. Its chairman, Ibrahim Lamorde, says there is, and that he is simply avoiding dramatizing it. This is a ruse. It sounds like footballer JayJay Okocha picking up a pass from his own 18-yard box, driving and dribbling the entire opposition into desperation all over the field, and then, face-to-face with the opposing goalkeeper in the six-yard box, shooting…into touch. With that reports in our hands, we can establish how the inmates claimed the asylum. We can show up at the front door of the commission and the government, and ask educated questions. We can weep in the streets; there is nothing in the law against weeping in the streets. Of greater importance, we can weep at the feet of those who represent us in the highways and byways of power: National Assembly members (NASSers, for short); and in the Statesthe Assemblymen.Beginning today andpulling our friends, relatives and colleaguesalong, let us contact the NASSersany way we can: letters, email, phone calls, office visits in groups, and demand these documents. In order to make this and similar efforts workable, we

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