Nigerian observer 27 06 2014

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The Nigerian


The Prophetic Bird of Edo Culture

• Vol . 39 N o. 022• FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 2014 • N100.00

Labour leaders urged to venture into politics

BENIN CITY - Labour leaders across the country have been encouraged to venture into politics and not to shy away. The Commissioner for Establishment and

Special Duties, Comrade Aifediyi Didi Adodo gave the admonition when he

declared open the delegate conference of Amalgated Union of Public Corporation Civil

Service Technical & Recreational Service E m p l o y e e s (AUPCTRE) women commission that took place in Benin City. Commissioner Didi Continues on page 2

$200m Investment

Oshiomhole woos South Africans By ADAMS OYIBOKE


US finds new Allies

BENIN CITY – Governor Adams Oshiomhole has told the Board of the Nigerian Institute for Oil Palm Research (NIFOR) to advise a South African Investor to look in the direction of Edo State for the investment of $200 million in the cultivation and production of oil palm on 100,000 hectares of land. maintained that Edo is Speaking yesterday the safest in the entire when he hosted the nation and her people NIFOR Board led by are hospitable. Senator Lee Maeba, According to him, Oshiomhole said the other agro-companies State has adequate land that have investments reserves and other in the state are doing so infrastructure to meet the well that they have demands of the investors. asked for more land for Responding to Senator expansion. Maeba’s speech that a He told the NIFOR South African investor Board Members that was seeking to plough Government is will to $200 million in the agric approve more land for sector in Edo, Enugu and the Institute if it applies Benue states, he for it.

Oshiomhole noted that Government had cause to revoke reserved land

from some landlords who were not actual farmers but were sub-letting such

land to small-scale farmers and collecting rent on same.

He assured NIFOR of Government’s support whenever it is needed. Earlier, Senator Maeba who led other members of the Board on the visit said they were in Government Continues on page 2

Grounded Chopper

I ’ll go to court if... By ADAMS OYIBOKE BENIN CITY – Governor Adams Oshiomhole has vowed to go to court and challenge any authority which seeks to infringe on his fundamental human rights if his right to movement from one place to another within the country is violated again. Speaking yesterday when the management of the Nigerian Airspace Management agency, Benin Airport Branch paid him a visit to apologise over the recent

- Edo Gov

incident at the Benin Airport where his chartered helicopter was stopped from flying, the Governor who said he had direct contact with President Goodluck Jonathan following the incident said “I’m convinced that he (President) didn’t give those orders that I should be stopped.” He said: “the next time I’m so interrupted, I will not fail to go to court and challenge the infringement on my fundamental right to

TIT BIT “When a woman requires more than the soothing words of her husband to console her, she would also require more than the frown on his face to keep her silent.” - Kinglsey Ogbeide-Ihama

movement. We need to strengthen our democracy. We need breathe air to our multiparty democracy.” He advised the airport authorities to shun partisan politics and insist on Continues on page 2

VISIT: L-R: Prince Agamini, Mr. Ibekwe Ikechi and Governor Adams Oshiomhole during a visit of the officials of the Nigerian Airspace Management Agency, Benin Airport to the Governor in his office, yesterday (Thursday).

National Confab approves State Police By JOSES SEDE

ABUJA - The National Conference sitting in Abuja yesterday, broke a generational jinx with a resolution that henceforth, any state of the federation desirous of having a State Police Force can establish, fund and control it. This resolution, when enacted into law would put to rest the long debate and controversies over the establishment of state police. The state police

when established by states that desired them are to compliment the efforts of the Nigeria Police Force. They also said government should compensate Odi, Zaki Biam and other places

affected by military operations in the past. The areas of jurisdiction of the Federal police will cover the

entire country and on clearly spelt out matters and offences while the jurisdiction of the State Police will cover the state and operate within the laws enacted by the State Assembly.

The conference also resolved that in addition to establishing state police, states laws should also provide for community policing. The decisions were made while considering the Continues on page 2

defend the title of the reigning African champions. Senator Mark who

led Federal G o v e r n m e n t delegation to Brazil at the opening ceremony on June 12 , 2014 was hopeful that Nigerian Continues on page 2

Mark salutes Eagles, slams Abuja bombers


ABUJA - President of the Senate, Senator David Mark has praised the Super Eagles of Nigeria for advancing to

the next round of 16 in the FIFA world cup in Brazil. Senator Mark was happy that Nigeria has improved her past records and ready to


Labour leaders urged to venture into politics

Continued from page 1

Adodo stressed that as creation of the nation’s wealth, it was only proper the workers take part in the sharing of the wealth, pointing out that it is when they participate actively in politics can they determine how, when and where the nation’s wealth can be deployed. The commissioner challenged the labour leaders to take a cue from Comrade Governor Adams Aliyu Oshiomhole who has become a train blazer in the country. Comrade Didi Adodo stated that they certainly will experience challenges, but advised that they should not in any way be deterred by such opposition, that if the Comrade Governor was able to whether the storm and became victorious, they also can.

He reiterated that the success story of Adams Aliyu Oshiomhole is traceable to his labour background, adding that anyone who is focused can surpass what the Comrade Governor has done. The Establishment and Special Duties Commissioner urged labour leaders not to introduce religion or tribal coloration into unionism, advising that they should allow truth to prevail at all times, saying that every divisive tendencies must be rejected. To this end, the commissioner advise the delegates to the conference to see them-selves as one people with a common vision and mission. Comrade Didi Adodo informed the delegates that the governor of Edo has enormous regards for labour in the State. He said all the promises made to workers to a large extent has been fulfilled and assured that whatever issues that

are on ground will be tackled with the best of intentions. He told the delegates that the governor of Edo State has transformed all sectors of the economy to the admiration of all, saying that schools, roads, water and other infrastructure has been attended to by the government of Adams Oshiomhole. The President of the union, Comrade Solomon Adelegan said the occasion is a unique one because the body which hitherto was considered conservative in terms of involvement of women in the affairs of the union has now fully embrace the women, thereby breaking the gender barriers. On her part, Mrs. Mercy Okezie stated that history has been made and enjoined

not make any mistake in citing NIFOR in Benin. NIFOR has on its roll over 2,000 employees and is very particular to mention that nearly 2,000 of these are from Edo State and so we can conveniently say that NIFOR is one of the major employers of labour in Edo State”. Senator Maeba commended the Governor in his determination to show

commitment to the infrastructural development of the State and sued for its sustenance. The Nigeria Institute for Oil Palm Research (NIFOR) was established in October 1939 as a Research/Training Institute.

Oshiomhole woos South Africans

Continued from page 1 House to introduce themselves to the Governor and solicit the Government’s collaboration to acquire 5,000 hectares of farmland to provide over 2,500 direct and indirect jobs for Nigerians especially the people of the state. According to him “God did

I ’ll go to court if...

Continued from page 1

professionalism, saying “it will be a sad day if the management of a sensitive institution that has to do with air safety joins the club of politicians and political actors. “I am saying this from my experience over the cause of my stewardship here. Twice

my chartered chopper has been stopped by your agents and the airport authority for reasons that have nothing to do with professional judgment but purely for partisan political reason. While apologizing to the Governor over the grounding of his chartered helicopter, the Airspace Manager, Nigerian

Airspace Management Agency, Benin Airport, Mr. Ibekwe Ikechi said “if things have happened before, let it be in the past, please.” He sought a cordial working relationship with the Government with a view to further improve on the operations of the Benin Airport.

National Confab approves State Police

Continued from page 1

report of the Committee on National security. The Conference agreed with the report of the Committee that state governors should be involved in the running of the Federal Police in their respective states. It was also agreed that officers of the rank of Deputy Superintendent of Police to Constable in the Federal Police should be deployed to their states of origin. It was reasoned that this will address the concern of language and culture, as this group of officers actually constitute the operational component of the force. To make the police more people friendly, the conference called for the amendment of section 214 of the 1999 constitution so that The Nigeria Police Force will be called The Nigeria Police. A proposal for the establishment of a National Border Patrol Force to secure and protect the nation‘s border was also approved by the conference. The Border Patrol Force is to be domiciled in the Ministry of Defence. In the same vein, a compulsory life insurance for all armed security personnel including the Police, by government, was approved.

The conference however rejected recommendation to merge the Federal Road Safety Corp and National Security and Defence Corp with the Nigeria Police Force. The conference equally rejected call to suspend recruitment of constables for a given period of time within which police training institutions would be upgraded and brought to international standard. Also turned down by the conference was proposal for the police to be brought under the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The proposals for establishment of a police complaint authority and call for women to be given 50 per cent participation in all the security forces were further turned down However, mapping out security architecture for the country, the conference accepted the proposal for the creation of a Security and Intelligence Services Oversight Committee (SISOC). The committee is to be composed of a retired Chief Justice of Nigeria as chairman, a former head of the Civil Service, and a former Director General of the State Security Service or National Intelligence, as members. Similarly, the conference also accepted the proposal for the establishment of Water Way Safety Corps to man the

waterways and riverine areas. The corps is expected to perform similar functions as that of the Federal Roads Safety Corps (FRSC) The proposals mandating government to enact a law that would impose speed limit on convoys of government officials and limit to the number of vehicle to be in such convoys were also accepted by the conference. The number of vehicles in the convoys is to be determined by Federal Road Safety Corps in consultation with the Police and the Department of States Security Service. Such a law is expected to reduce the recklessness of convoys of government officials which had in the past led to loss of lives; it would also reduce wastage of government funds. The conference also agreed that retired military personnel should be mobilized and trained to fight terrorism. In addition, government was also mandated to set up Counter Terrorism Architecture to among others: harmonize national counter terrorism efforts; and provide the platform for foreign assistance.

all to cooperate with the union leaders to make the Amalgated union of public corporations, Civil Service Technical and Recreational Service Employees (AUCPCTR) to the next level. The guest lecturer, Mrs. Rita Goyit whose lecture center in the role of women in trade union development called on women not be limited by their gender differences, advised them to strive for excellence.

Comrade Aifediyi Didi Adodo

Mark salutes Eagles, slams bombers Continued from page 1 representatives would do the nation proud in the mundial. He reminded the players and officials of the need to work as a team saying that individual talents abound in our team but an effective collaboration of all the talents would produce the desired result. The Senate President urged Nigerians to rally round the Super Eagles by offering prayers and support for them at all times. He said government on her part would fulfill the part of the bargain in terms of logistics and welfare to officials and players. Meanwhile, President of the Senate, Senator David Mark and his Deputy, Sen. Ike Ewkweremadu, have condemned the Wednesday Abuja bomb blast that left no fewer than 21 persons dead and several others injured even as he pleaded with perpetrators to sheathe their swords . Reacting to the bomb blast in the Wuse area of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, Senator Mark lamented that in spite of peaceful entreaties the killings and destruction of property continued unabated. He restated his appeal that rather than take laws into their hands, Nigerians who are disenchanted with the system for whatever reason should bring their grievances to the attention of government noting that these wanton destruction of lives and property is not doing our nation any good. An angry Senator Mark stated : “ Honestly, this is not our way of life. We are a people who value life. We cherish one another. This new trend of mass murder is alien to us. We must stand up against this and make Nigeria safe and better again. “There are more than enough channels for any body or group of persons to seek redress including the law courts . Certainly , resort to killing, violence or destruction of property is not one of them.” Senator Mark told the security operatives not to be deterred by the development but be strengthened to face the challenges of protecting lives and property in the land.

Environmental sanitation holds tomorrow BENIN CITY – The Monthly Environmental Sanitation Exercise will hold tomorrow, Saturday 28th June, 2014, between the hours of 7.00a.m. with restriction of human and vehicular movements. A statement by the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Public Utilities, Major Lawrence Loye (Rtd) yesterday directs the general public to clean-up their premises, desilt drains in front of their houses and pack the refuse together for easy disposal by the Edo State Waste Management Board. “It is also important for the general public to note that every household must have appropriate waste bins with

covers for their refuse storage to avoid littering of wastes around their premises and beyond. “Furthermore, all Local Government Councils are directed to adequately mobilize their Environmental Health Departments for the sanitation exercise and ensure compliance, by setting up Environmental Mobile Court as well as carrying out massive evacuation of refuse from Public Places,” Major Loye said. The statement further adds that Special Mobile Courts are in place to try offenders who are seen loitering about during the Environmental Sanitation Exercise.”

Transport Ministry directs Bottling Coy to withdraw vehicles from roads BENIN CITY - Edo State Ministry of Transport has directed the Nigerian Bottling Company, producers of Coca cola to withdraw with immediate effect, all its distribution trucks from the roads in Edo State, pending when such vehicles have been inspected and certified road-worthy by Vehicle Inspection Officers (V.I.Os) to ply the roads. According to a statement signed by the Commissioner for Transport, Honourable Orobosa Omo-Ojo (JP), and made available to newsmen in Benin City yesterday, “Edo State Ministry of Transport has observed with utmost disbelief and pain that all

the trucks belonging to Nigerian Bottling Company, producers of Coca Cola have continued to constitute death traps on the roads in the state”. It emphasized that flouting of the directive, the Ministry would be compelled to apply the full weight of the laws of Edo State Traffic Management Agency (EDSTMA) and other relevant Road transport Laws. Furthermore, the Transport Ministry has directed the company to produce its truck with Registration Number LAGOS KSF 282 XF with immediate effect for violating traffic rules, including traffic high and dangerous driving yesterday June 26, 2014.

Extend Devt to feeder roads, Anglican Church urges Oshiomhole


BENIN CITY – Edo State Governor, Comrade Adams Oshiomhole has been called upon to extend his giant strides in construction of roads and drainages to feeder roads in the state. This was contained in a communiqué issued at the end of the 2nd session of the 17th Synod of the Diocese of Benin, Church of Nigeria, Anglican Communion, which took place in Benin City, recently. The communiqué which was signed by the Bishop of the Diocese, Rt. Rev. Peter Imasuen (MFR) and the Chancellor of the Diocese, Justice S.O. Uwaifo (Rtd), appreciated the Edo State government for the giant stride in construction of roads and drainages. The synod also

encouraged the governor to extend government gesture to other areas such as agriculture and electrification in addition to creating enabling environment for the private sector to provide employment. The communiqué condemned the pervasive and destructive corruption in governance in the country, and in the church. It therefore called on spiritual leaders to speak and act against it, just as it appealed to government to enhance strategies for more effective inculcation of spiritual and moral values in children. The synod emphasized the need for effective disciples and teachers that are willing to suffer for Christ, adding that Christians must be prepared to suffer for the gospel and endure the shame of the cross.

News Philanthropist Donates Hospital To Police BY BETTY IDIALU WARRI - Corporate organizations and individuals have been called upon to compliment Government’s efforts towards making quality and affordable healthcare accessible to Nigerians as government cannot do it alone. This formed the main thrust of speeches at the commissioning of a 44- Bed capacity Hospital at MD Abubakar Police Barracks, Dei Dei Abuja donated by a Warri based Company, as contained in a statement made available to newsmen in Warri. The Inspector General of Police,MD Abubakar while commending the MD/CEO of BILORITZ NIG.LTD, Mr. Billy Ofesi thanked him for appreciating the job of the police force in the society, saying ,”policing is a noble venture which places high demand on those involved in the discharge of policing responsibilities. Experience has shown that extreme levels of physical and mental stress are exerted on the police officers in the course of their duties with operational circumstances warranting the

highest commitment. Speaking further, the IG said police personnel have over the years paid little attention to their personal well being, leading to deteriorating health conditions of the rank of the Force. According to the IG, “this administration has the desire to further improve the Nigerian Police Medical Services and make its operations worthy of recognition.” He then called on the member of the force to take advantage of the National Health Insurance Scheme.(NHIS) as they stand to benefit immensely from it. Mr. Billy Ofesi from Tebu Town in Warri North Local Government Area of Delta State while welcoming guests to the occasion, said the project was borne out of inspiration and passion for humanity, particularly to the Nigerian Police Force. He said the management of the company thought it wise that the welfare of the Nigerian Police should not be left in the hands of Government alone. He however noted “that the dream was sold to him by a passionate and determined

police officer ACP RABIU HUSS AINI current Warri Area Commander, , who saw our kind gestures to some communities in other parts of the Nigeria.” Expressing delight that the project which started few years ago has been completed and ready for use by men of the police and the community at large, he thanked president, Good luck Jonathan, the Inspector General of Police and his team for their support in the course of carrying out the project. Speaking with journalists in Warri, the Warri Area Commander, ACP RABIU HUSSAINI said he was delighted he facilitated the project for the police. In a society where everyone thinks of what they can get. According to ACP RABIU HUSSAINI “Not that this man has any case with the police, he only felt he could contribute his own quota to the welfare of the police. The injured police can go and take treatment, the community can also benefit.” ACP HUSSAINI added that it was gratifying that the AIG Force Secretary was suggesting that a ward be named after RABIU HUSSAINI.

Vice President Namadi Sambo (4th right) at the scene of a bomb blast in Wuse II in Abuja

Oba Erediauwa Voids Odionwere’s Installation BENIN CITY-The Benin Monarch, His Royal Majesty, Oba Erediauwa and the Chiefs in Council have faulted the installation of Mr. Napoleon Edogiawerie as Odionwere of Uti/ Egbiken Community in Ikpoba Okha Local Government Area of Edo state, declaring it null and void. Also declared null and void is the Community Development Association (CDA) set up by Mr. Edogiaworie. A statement by the Information Officer, Benin Traditional Council

(BTC), Robinson Osayamwen indicated that Mr. Edogiawerie installed himself as Odionwere of the community and also constituted the CDA without recourse to other members of the community, a development the monarch considered as anticommunity. Consequently, the statement directed Mr. Edogiaworie to appease the ancestors for anticommunity activities”. The statement “directed Mr. Edogiawereie to relocate the persons he

purportedly sold the land belonging to the monarch to within two weeks from the date of judgment”. According to the statement the monarch and chiefs in council have appointed Mr. Victor Okunoghea who has been the Okaighele of the community since the demise of the last Odionwere, Pa, Idubor Aigbiremwen as the community chairman and Okaghele respectively. Mr. Okunoghea, according to the statement, is also to take charge of all landed property of the Oba in the community.

BENIN CITY-A High Court sitting in Benin has affirmed the August 3, 2010 judgment of the Benin Monarch, His Royal Majesty, Oba Erediauwa which proclaimed Prince Efe Eresoyen as the Enogie of Irhue N’Owina Dukedom. Delivering the judgement

which lasted over 30 minutes, Justice Esther Edigin said the claimant in the case, Festus Oviasuyi failed to provide enough evidence that the Oba of Benin does not recognize Prince Efe Osawaru Eresoyen as Enogie of the community. On the claim that the

and promised that Aronokhale would replicate same if given the mandate to represent the area. Uloko described the aspirant as a detribalized politician whose interest and love cut across the 10 wards of the Local Government Area.

Speaking further, he said he was happy with the reception accorded the aspirant by the leaders of the party and reassured them that the Aspirant will not let them down. He therefore thanked them for their support so far.

Okao Owina is the Head of the community where an Enogie exists, Justice Edigin affirmed that the Enogie is the Head of the community while the Okao Owina is the Chief Priest of the community. The court however directed the claimant to pay N100, 000 as compensation cost to Prince Efe Osawaru Eresoyen. Commenting on the judgment, Prince Eresoyen said the judgement was fair and just, saying that people in the community are still his subjects. He advised those who must have purchased landed property in the community from any individual or group to come forward with the necessary documents for approval.

High Court Affirms Prince Eresoyen As Enogie Of Irhue N’Owina

Scene of shopping mall bomb blast on Aminu Kano Crescent, Wuse 2 in Abuja.

Youth Leader Canvasses Support For Aspirant By ANDY EGBON AGENEBODE –The Youth leader and Coordinator for Paul Aronokhale campaign organization in Weppa Wano, Etsako East Local Government Area of Edo state, Mr. Monday Uloko has called on the

people of Weppa Wano to continue to support Mr. Paul Aronokhales aspiration to represent them at the state House of Assembly come 2015. Comrade Uloko made this statement at Agenebode while addressing newsmen, shortly after he toured

the four wards of Weppa Wano. According to Comrade Uloko. Mr. Aronokhale’s visit to Weppa Wano is a testimony of his love for the people of the area. He recounted the magnanimity of the aspirant to youths and several organizations

News Women Leadership Award LAPO Seeks Nomination For Women BENIN CITY- Lift Above Leadership Award Poverty Organization (LAPO), a community development NGO has urged women to obtain and submit nominations for this year ’s LAPO Outstanding Women Leadership Award, scheduled for Octobber 17, 2014. The award was instituted in 2013 to honour and celebrate Women who have distinguished

themselves in their careers and business organizations with sustajAÅble social impact. In a statement, the coordinator, Mrs. Philomena Elijah said the organization has over the years promoted women empowerment and the recognition of their outstanding contributions tosocietal

...Congratulates Ehigiamusoe Over Alumni Award BENIN CITY- Lift Above Poverty Organization (LAPO), A community development NGO has congratulated its Executive Director, Mr. Godwin Ehigiamusoe on his conferment with the Distinguished Alumni Award, 2014 by the Lagos Business School Alumni Association. In a statement signed by General Manger, Sabina Idowu-Osehobo, the Board, management and staff of the organization noted the award is a bold acknowledgment and appreciation of his imm contributions to the growth and development of microfinance and the Nigeria economy in general. They lauded Ehigiamusoe’s unwavering commitment to

the socio-economic empowerment of the poor through the implementation of sound economic, social and health services across the country. Mr. Godwin Ehigiamusoe is a proud recipient of FATE Foundation’s Moder Entrepeneur (2008) Award and the Outstanding Social Entrepreneur for Africa 2010 Award by the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship. He has authored Understanding NGOs (2008); Poverty and Microfinance in Nigeria (2000) nad Issues in Microfinance (2011). Mr. Ehigiamusoe was on the Chief Executive Programme 19 of the Lagos Business School in 2010.

development, adding that “by acknowledging and rewarding people’s excellent contribution, we are inspiring and promoting hard work, creativity and exceptional service in the society. She said the nominees must be Nigerian women who are above 30 years of age with 10 years minimum working experience. Contestants under the Business category must own businesses located in Nigeria. The LAPO Outstanding Women Leadership Award carries a cash prize and a plaque. The award is in three different categories viz: Business, professional and public life.

The Executive Chairman, Edo State Internal Revenue Service, Chief (Sir) Oseni Elamah (left) receiving an award from the chairman of the chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria, Benin District and Society Mr. Dominic Eichie. With them is the immediate past Chairman of the institute, Barr. Alex Omoiyamu during a courtesy call in Benin City recently.

Inflammatory Breast Cancer’ Prevalent In Adolescents -CMD IBADAN - Prof. Temitope Alonge, Chief Medical Director, University College Hospital,Ibadan, says Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC) is a type of cancer more prevalent in female adolescents. Alonge told newsmen in Ibadan that IBC, a rare and aggressive breast cancer, could cause the breast to appear red and swollen and give the appearance of inflammation.

The Executive Chairman, Edo State Internal Revenue Service, Chief (Sir) Oseni Elamah (middle) flanked on the right by the Director of Legal Service of the agency and the Chairman of the afternoon session of the 2014 Law week of the Nigeria Bar. Association in Benin City recently.

He said the diagnosis of IBC in the U.S. showed that it accounted for one to five per cent of all cases of breast cancer in the country and more common in younger women. Alonge said cases of IBC would continue to vary but that their common symptoms varied from one individual to another. “IBC may not manifest as a lump or show up on a mammogram,’’ he explained. Alonge said conditions, such as sudden increase in breast size (as much as a cup size in a few days), change in breast skin colour and constantly itching breast skin, were some of the symptoms of IBC. Others, he added, were signs of the breast getting warmer and harder or firmer than usual, breast pain (not related to menstrual cycle), nipple retraction and swollen nymph nodes. Alonge explained that for diagnosis, the doctor needed to do a clinical breast examination, including a visual check of the breast. “The doctor looks for skin colour changes that may be caused by cancer cells blocking the nymph nodes and vessels in

Women Welcome Confab Recommendation On Rapists

ABEOKUTA - Some women in Ogun have commended delegates at the National Conference for adopting the report of the Conference Committee on Civil Society, Labour, Youths and Sports on death sentence for rapists. Delegates at the conference on Tuesday unanimously agreed to adopt the report of the committee. The report recommended death sentence for those found to have raped minors and life sentence for other rapists, Some of the women, who

expressed their views in separate interviews with jounalists in Abeokuta, said the recommendation would reduce cases of rape in the country. The Coordinator, Child Protection Network, Ogun Chapter, Mrs. Peju Osoba, said death sentence would go a long way in discouraging an intending rapist. Osoba said incidence of rape should not be taken lightly in view of its long term effect on victims. The effects, he said, included contracting diseases, drop in

academic performance and emotional trauma. Mrs. Remi Adebiyi, the Chairperson, National Association of Women Journalists (NAWOJ), Ogun Chapter, commended the conference delegates for the recommendation, saying the decision was in the best interest of Nigerian women. “In as much as sinners must not go on punished, perpetrators of rape must be made to face the consequence whether you rape a minor or an adult,” she said.

In her remarks, Mrs. Elizabeth Anifowose, the Chairman, Ogun House of Assembly Committee on Women Affairs, said that the death sentence for rapists should be changed to life sentence. The lawmaker said that life sentences should be given to offenders in line with laws concerning human rights. She, however, commended the conference delegates for the recommendation. “The recommendation would likely put a stop to the issue of rape in the country,’’ she said.

the breast skin. “If the breast is swollen, it may be caused by fluid build–up, a condition called edema. Your doctor will check the nymph nodes nearest your breast sites to which cancer cells may travel. “If your breast skin is ridged, pitted, bumpy or resembles an orange peel, that will also be noted. “These symptoms can develop quickly, sometimes seemingly overnight and sometimes taking weeks or months,’’ he further explained. The CMD said treatment for the disease included use of chemotherapy to kill cancer cells

and shrink tumours, targeted biological therapy and mastectomy, axillary lymph node dissection and hormonal therapy. He said that if a young woman diagnosed with IBC took effective treatments, she might live longer and have quality life after diagnosis. The CMG added that if checked early, IBC could be treated as a chronic disease and the patient might become a longterm survivor. Alonge advised all mothers of female adolescents to set aside more time to help their girls in detecting the disease, he described as ‘aggressive’ .

LAGOS - The absence of the prosecutor has stalled the trial in a Federal High Court, Lagos, of a former branch Manager, of First City Monument Bank (FCMB) Plc, Rosemary Usifo, for alleged fraud. Usifo is charged by the Special Fraud Unit (SFU) of the police with the bank on a one-count charge of obtaining N30 million from a customer’s fixed deposit account. The suit which was fixed for trial could not proceed as scheduled because of the absence of the prosecutor, Mr Effiong Asuquo. Asuquo was said to be away on official duty. Consequently, the trial judge, Justice Saliu Saidu, further adjourned the case to July 7 for trial. The suspect was first arraigned by SFU on Dec. 5, 2013. She had, however, pleaded not guilty to the charge but the

judge had ordered her remand at Kirikiri Prisons, pending the ruling on her bail application. In the charge, it was alleged that Usifo, while acting as a Branch Manager of the Okerin branch of the defunct Finbank Plc (now FCMB), in 2011, fraudulently obtained N30 million from a customer of the bank. She was alleged to have obtained the sum from the fixed deposit account of one Archibong Nkanga, a retired Deputy Inspector-General of Police. The prosecutor had said that the accused, who had been at large since the perpetuation of the crime in 2011, was eventually arrested by the police in November 2013. The offence contravened the provisions of sections 1(2) (a), (c), and sections 3 (1) (2) of the Miscellaneous Offences Act, Cap. M17, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004, the prosecution said.

Prosecutor Absence Stalls Trial Of Ex-Bank Manager

South East

Obiano’s Wife Donates To Schools AWKA - The wife of the Anambra State Governor, Mrs. Ebele Obiano, has donated materials including food items to the special schools for the blind and dumb in the state. The schools were Basden Memorial Special Education

Centre, Isulo in Orumba South local government and the Special Education Centre, Umuchu in Aguata Local government Area. Others are the Zion Hospital and Maternity, Enugwu-Ukwu in Njikoka Local Government Area where an abandoned baby boy was recovered. Obiano promised to offset the

bill for the treatment of the abandoned baby, adding that she would absorb the baby into the Obiano family if nobody came forward for his adoption. The governor’s wife said her visit was to identify and give the less privileged a sense of belonging. She donated bags of rice,

L-R: Deputy Governor of Anambra, Dr. Nkem Okeke; Gov Willie Obiano; his wife, Ebelechukwu and speaker, State House of Assembly, Mrs Chinwe Nwebili, during the celebration of the Governor’s first 100 days in ofiice in Awka recently.

beans, vegetable oil, salt, one cow and N50,000 each to the schools for the welfare of the children. She also inaugurated a water borehole she sponsored at the Basden Memorial Education Centre and appealed to philanthropists to come to the aid of the pupils as they were not the cause of their predicament. “I realised that some of their challenges include lack of potable water as they travelled two kilometres to get water, poor feeding and dilapidated infrastructure. “Even the condition of the school is highly deplorable. The fact that they are handicapped does not warrant such abandonment; they are human beings and must be attended to by all of us. “Those with sight challenges can be trained in Braille reading, the dumb in sound education,” Obiano said. The doctor on call at the hospital, Dr Oliver Onwughalu, said the baby was just 18 hours old, weighing 2.8 kg when he was brought to them on June 23. Onwughalu, who commended the governor’s wife for her intervention, said the baby boy would be circumcised on Tuesday after which he would be discharged.

L-R: NNPC Group Managing Director, Mr Andrew Yakubu; Chairman, House of representatives committee on Finance, Rep Abdulmumin Jibrin; Chairman, Board of Nigerian Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (NEITI), Mr Ledum Mitee; Executive Secretary, Mr Zainab Ahmed and Auditor-General of the Federation, Mr Samuel Ukura, presenting NEITI 2011 solid minerals industry audit report in Abuja recently.

Indigenes, Council Boss Disagree Over Siting Of Abattoir

AWKA -There was tension and apprehension in Awka following the disagreement between the Umuike village and the Awka South local government council over the site of an abattoir. The council Chairman, Mr. Azubuike Iloh, told newsmen in Awka that the 118.665 hectares of land at Agu-Awka had been cleared for construction work. Iloh said the relocation of the slaughter house at Kwata meat market, Awka to AguAwka was to make place for a more hygienic and conducive atmosphere for

such business. “The existing abattoir is not conducive for meat handling. This government has taken cognisance of the deplorable condition of the slaughter facility and decided to find a more decent location,” he said. The chairman said the state government properly acquired the land in 1996 while the construction of the abattoir actually began in 1997. He also alleged that hoodlums had already vandalised the new abattoir building, adding that the extent of damage would cost

the council more than N20 million. The council boss said he was already compiling a report on the matter to the state governor and would as well copy the police for investigation. Reacting, however, the Chairman of the Land Management Committee in Umuike, Chief Dilim Okafor, told newsmen in a chat that all documents concerning the ownership of the land was with them. Okafor claimed that the land

which was gazetted in 1990 had been released to them by the state government. He denied the allegation that he went to the construction site in the company of some hoodlums who lynched the machine operator on the construction site. Okafor also expressed concern with the new abattoir near the FIFA stadium under construction in Awka. He, however, urged Governor Willie Obiano to urgently intervene in the matter to avert any clash.

Osazee Weds Osaosemwen Osazee Weds Osaosemwen, Deacon and Pastor (Mrs) Dele-Ogbeide of Oyeru family and Mr Charles Osaro Admadasun of Amadasun family, both of Edo state have announced the wedding ceremony of Miss Osazee Amadasun and Mr Osaosemwen Dele-Ogbeide which takes place on Saturday June 28, 2014. Venue is the New Convenant

Gospel Church, His Glory), No 1 Edokpolo Close, Off First Federal Road, New Benin, City beginning at 11 am. Reception follows immediately at Samsy Hotel, No. 4 Benoni Hospital Road, GRA, Benin City. These will be preceded tomorrow, June 27 2014 with a traditional marriage ceremony at No. 25 Uwa Street, Between 2nd and 3rd East Circular Road, Benin City beginning at noon.

Osazee and Osaosemwen

Anambra Trains Youths In Agriculture

AWKA - No fewer than 250 youths have been selected for various skills acquisition in the agriculture sector aimed at making them self-reliant, Chief Nnamdi Mekor, the Anambra Commissioner for Agriculture, has said. Mekor told newsmen in Awka that the training was part of Governor Willie Obiano’s strategic programmes for the development of the state. He said that the youths would be trained in rice, maize, cassava, palm kernel, fish and poultry production, among others, adding that the training was expected to create jobs for the youths. Mekor also said that the youths would be given grants to kickstart projects of their choice. He said that another N1.2 billion credit facility was currently being dispensed to farmers. “Already, the state government has procured

massively, improved seeds and seedlings that will be distributed free to youths after training as well as to other farmers. “The governor has also ordered for the procurement of 100 tractors but because of the delay in arrival, he procured 10 tractors for immediate use by farmers and the trainees. “The idea is to grow the economy through smallholder farmers by giving them improved seeds, machines and micro-credit as well as attract investors to the state,” the commissioner said. He said that subsequent training would follow in the three senatorial districts of the state. Mekor said two companies Coscharis and Excel - had commenced rice production in Anaku and Omasi communities and that they were expected to cultivate over 5,000 hectares directly.

Misappropriation: Ebonyi

Dismisses Manager Of Transport Coy

ABAKALIKI - The Ebonyi Government has dismissed the acting General Manager of the Ebonyi State Transport Corporation (EBOTRANS), Mr. John Chukwu, for alleged misappropriation of N18.2 million. The state’s Commissioner for Information and Orientation, Mr. Chike Onwe, announced the sack in Abakaliki while briefing newsmen on the outcome of the state executive council meeting. The commissioner said the decision followed the consideration of the white paper on the report of the committee set up to assess the parastatal agencies. “The action is part of the

government’s efforts to salvage the corporation as the government has directed Mr. Chukwu to refund the money to the state government,’’ he said. Onwe said the executive council also directed the state audit department to immediately conduct further investigation to ascertain the actual amount misappropriated by the acting general manager. The council also directed the acting general manger to hand over all government property in his possession to the permanent secretary in the ministry of works and transport. He said that security agencies had been directed to recover the misappropriated money.

South West Adams Aliu Marks 40th Wedding Anniversary

BENIN CITY - The Fortieth Wedding Anniversary of Sir (Barr) and Lady Adams Aliu has been celebrated with Holy Mass at their Parish, St. Gabriel The Archangel Catholic Church, No. 96, Sapele Road Benin City on Wednesday June 25, 2014. The officiating Priest Rev. Fr Festus Ogbonmwan retrospected on the lives and times of Sir (Barr) and Lady Adams Aliu who, as young undergraduate friends and lovers then in their Twenties, decided to tie the nuptial knot on June 25, 1974 at the then Benin City Council Marriage Registry while reception was held at Motel Benin Plaza Benin City. The 1974 wedding was subsequently later blessed at St Maria Goretti Catholic Church Benin City by Rev Fr Richard Ofere. They were initiated into the Catholic Knighthood Order of the Knights of St John International in 2001. While praying for the couple, the officiating Anniversary Priest also lauded the members of the congregation for rejoicing with the family of Adams Aliu especially some of those who witnessed the wedding in 1974 and were also present at its 40 th anniversary in 2014. During the Anniversary Mass, the celebrants accompanied by their family members, friends and well-wishes later danced to the Altar to offer Thanksgiving to God for a successful 40th wedding

Anniversary. Since it was a working day, guests were treated to take-away food and drinks at the end of the Anniversary Mass right at the Church venue to enable guests go in pursuit of their routine work day programmes. Sir (Barr) Adams Aliu is a retired Journalist/Editor of the DAILY TIMES fame, a retired Federal Public servant, Public Relations Practitioner is now a practicing Barristerat-Law. He was recently appointed a Senior Special Assistant on Legal Matters to the Edo State Governor Comrade

Adams Aliyu Oshiomhole. Lady Philo Adams-Aliu is a recently retired Secondary School Principal. A product of St Maria Goretti Girls’ Grammar School, Benin City, studied at the Universities of Benin and Lagos, she graduated in Physics and Mathematics. Sir (Barr) and Lady Adams Aliu are blessed with four children: Two boys and Two girls who have since graduated, married and are doing well in their chosen professions.

Executive Director, Editorial Operations, News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), Mr. Isaac Ighure, Ekiti State Governor-Elect, Mr. Ayo Fayose, Managing Director, NAN, Mr Ima Niboro and Former Managing Director, Mr. Akin Osuntokun, during the visit of the Governor-Elect to NAN Headquarters in Abuja yesterday.

Don Decries Nigeria’s Legal Education By ROLAND OSAKUE

BENIN CITY- Dissatisfied with the falling standard of Education in the country, a University don and Former Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Professor Chris Nwachukwu Okeke has decried the current legal education system in Nigeria saying it is ill-equipped to address the challenges facing modern Nigerian lawyers. He also said the system was making the country’s law system fall below international standard. Delivering the 14th Justice Chukwunweike Idigbe Memorial Lecture titled “ReAssessing Nigerian Legal Education in the 21st Century”, at the University of Benin, Main Auditorium, the renowned Professor of International and Comparative law, said the normal perception of lawyers is embedded in their constitutional role to secure justice, but lamented the dearth

of the Country’s legal education. He said, “the legal education system is insufficiently equipped in its effort to addressing the challenges of Nigerian lawyers in the 21st century.” Okeke noted with dismay that against the backdrop of national and international economic stagnation, law schools have seen a decline in applications,” “diminishing career prospects for graduates and negative coverage in the media”. According to him, only an overhaul in the Legal education system can bring about the necessary reform for an improved legal education system and “When this

happens, then will Nigerian legal education be well positioned to stay viable and alive and be positioned to take charge of the future as well as seize opportunies to better prepare its students for the new world.” He equally frowned at the attitude where lawyers combined law practice and teaching, stressing that the growing trend has accounted for the fallen standard in legal education, “For instance, the level of private practice allowed to law lecturers has been linked to the fallen standard of legal education. “It is argued that law lecturers are putting their private practice above their teaching

engagement, and that combining total law practice with classroom teaching will naturally affect the output of legal education. “There are incidences where those lecturers while teaching in classrooms receive phone calls from their clients informing them that their cases have been or are about to be called up. “There is no doubt that such calls have the propensity of unsettling both the lecturers and the students’ composure, which will negatively affect the output of the lecturers. “Lecturers engaged in fulltime law practice are also less likely to find sufficient time to devote to legal research and writing”, he said.

“According to him, “We shall advocate for an innovation in legal instruction. As a given approach to law teaching has profound implications for legal education. “The increasing falling standard in Nigerian legal education and the failure of Nigerian law faculties to adequately prepare their students for practice has been a major area of concern in recent times, he said. “Thus, it is being argued that the needed reforms in Nigerian legal education call for a drastic review of both the past and present approaches compared with what obtains elsewhere in the world in order to improve the system to a modern standard.”


Edo State Police Command, DSP Noble Uwoh said the driver and the car are now in police costudy. He added that investigation has commenced but however advised members of the public to be law-abiding and civil in their encounter with others. It was learnt that the deceased policeman, Cprl Osas Agbonmwenma was serving at St. Saviour Police Division, Benin City before the unfortunate incident, last Friday. Impeccable source hinted that the deceased corporal was among a team of policemen on routine patrol, who, on sighting the car without registration number, ordered the driver to pull-over along Uwa Street by First East Circular Road Junction. Though no official account of the incident, eye witness alleged that the attempt by the policemen to forcefully take over control of the vehicle led to a physical combat between them as the driver grabbed the deceased policeman by the neck so tightly that he because unconscious in the process. The eye witness stated further that attempts by other policemen to free their colleague from the driver’s grip by beating him harder failed to yield desired

result. Another version of the encounter alleged that the driver who was asked to drive to police station in company of the deceased police corporal diverted the car to an unknown direction, prompting the corporal to forcefully stop the car around St. Maria Goretti Grammar School. Apparently provoked by the action of the policeman, the driver allegedly hit the cop on the

forehead with an object. The policeman it was gathered immediately was rushed to a hospital where he died. A motorist who claimed to have witnessed the melodrama described it as a result of overzealousness of the policemen and flagrant disobedience and attempt to resist arrest by the driver. The source however called for civility and maturity in law enforcement.

Driver Beats Policeman To Death

BENIN CITY- A police Corporal has allegedly been beaten to death by a driver in Benin City. The Public Relations Officer of

Brig.-Gen. Joe Komolafe (Rtd), Maj.-General Garba Wahab, Chief of Admin, Nigerian Army, Maj.-Gen. Sunday Adebayo, Commandant, Nigeiran Army Education Corps (NAEC) and Dr. Gbenle Animashaun at the 2014 NAEC 2nd Quarter conference in Ilorin yesterday.

Late Pa Johnson Ogbomon PA Johnson Aruagbon For Burial Ogbomon is dead. He slept in the bossom of the Lord on Monday, April, 14, 2014 at the age of 73 years. In a press statement by his eldest son, Mr. Osareyekemwen Ogbomon, on Friday, June 27, 2014, the deceased corpse will leave Akugbe Hospital Upper Sakponba Road, Benin City, for lying in state at his residence, number 19 Aruagbon Street, Off Overcomers Road, Off BeninAbraka Road Benin City, by 10:00am. Social dance and entertainment will hold Saturday, June 28, 2014 at the

aforementioned residence by 12:00 noon prompt.

Late Pa. Johnson Aruagbon Ogbomon Aged 73 years

Lagos Release Votes For Capital Projects Early, Don Urges FG

L-R: President of Resident Doctors, Federal Psychiatric Hospital (FNPH) Yaba, Dr. Olusegunn Akinwotu, Speaker/ Facilitator, Dr. Joshua Olufinlade and Vice President, FNPH, Dr. Oyetayo Jeje, at a Health Awareness Campaign Against Substance Abuse for Bus Drivers at Sabo Motor Park in Lagos.

ICPC Recorded More Convictions In 2013 -Chairman LAGOS - Mr. Ekpo Nta, Chairman, Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Commission (ICPC), said the commission recorded more convictions in 2013 than any other year. Ekpo made this known at a forum for members of staff and management where they reviewed the activities of the commission in 2013. This is contained in the commission’s in-house bulletin, made available to the newsmen in Lagos. He said that the success recorded during the year under review was as a result of the capacity building programmes for the workers which had affected the output of the commission positively. The chairman renewed the commission’s determination to pursue the fight against corruption in the country, expressing gladness that the impact of the organisation as an anti-corruption agency was now being felt more by Nigerians. “The reason for the successes achieved is the collaboration with many MDAs, groups, international organisations and notable individuals. “Some notable achievements recorded in 2013 include recovery of huge sums of money running into several billions from government ministries, departments and agencies (MDA), which had been paid into the Federal Government account. “We have also reduced corruption in Nigerian

universities through system studies, and the shutting down of 21 fake degree-awarding institutions. “The impunity in tertiary institutions, MDAs, visa racketeers, fake youth corps members, false land speculators/agents, among others, has been reduced drastically,” Ekpo said.

The chairman said that the busting of fake visa scam syndicates had resulted in some foreign countries entering into partnership with the commission in the area of training for members of their staff. Ekpo commended the members of staff for their hard work and competence, noting

that over 82 per cent of the commission’s workforce had benefited from local and foreign training, assuring them of more. “Any member of staff that performed well at any training would be adequately rewarded while those that flunked would be punished,” he warned.

parents could result in selfishness and violence manifesting in the children. According to her, poor parenting is a challenge for children as it can make them insecure and unstable. Osanyin said that in normal circumstances, parenting was the fulfillment of societal natural expectation and should be a source of joy, but several challenges were confronting it. “Consequently, a lot of the children have eventually grown up to become failures, social

misfit and liabilities,” she said. She noted that the parental function includes ensuring that children survive and satisfactorily making children understand the norms and values of the society. Also at the event, Dr Olanike Adebule, Secretary to the Government of Lagos State, said that parents should have an input in their children’s understanding of the realities of life. Adebule, who was represented by the Special Adviser to Governor Fashola on Education,

LAGOS - An economist, Dr. Muyiwa Alaba, has urged the Federal Government to ensure early release of votes for capital projects in a fiscal year. Alaba, a Senior Lecturer at the Lead City University, Ibadan, told newsmen in Lagos that the delay could have negative impact on national development. Reports state that the Finance Minister, Dr. Ngozi OkonjoIweala, on June 19, said the Federal Government had released N200 billion for the execution of capital projects for the second quarter. A statement by the minister’s Special Adviser, Mr. Paul Nwabuikwu, said the release

was in addition to N200 billion released in the first quarter. Alaba said that in developed countries, the government would have shut down their economies if such happened. According to him, delay in budget allocation for capital projects is not good enough for consistent growth and planning of the economy. He said that the reason for early release of budget was that every government in any country evaluates growth recorded in certain fiscal year for future plans. Alaba appealed to the government to ensure that the trend was checked.

Electricity Coy Raises Alarm


LAGOS - The Eko Electricity Distribution Company (EKEDC), Ijora Business Unit, has raised alarm over the high level of electricity cable and equipment vandalism in the area. Mr. Peter Ayiwe, the Public Relations Officer of EKEDC, Ijora Unit, raised the alarm in an interview with newsmen in Lagos. Ayiwe said that incessant vandalism of EKEDC equipment by hoodlums in the area not only called for serious concern but affected the delivery of sustainable electricity supply to consumers. He said that continuous

vandalism of power equipment had also contributed to epileptic power supply within the area. According to Ayiwe, the management of EKEDC will no longer tolerate any act of vandalism of its installations. He said that protection of electrical installations should be taken serious by all consumers. “When about six electricity poles that supply power to Iponri Housing Estate fell, before we got there, all the wires and cable had been stolen by hoodlums. “The management spent millions of naira to replace the lost cable and wires; this should not be allowed to continue.

Chief Fatai Olukoga, said children should be taught the value of a good name and virtue. “Children should be taught to co-exist peacefully for the promotion of national integration and development. “Get the education of a child right; you cannot get it right elsewhere, that is the reason the Lagos State Government has invested in education. “Future will not forgive us if we do not invest on their education,” she said. Prof. Olumuyiwa Noah,

former Provost, Adeniran Ogunsanya College of Education, Ijanikin, identified the 21st century as an era of accelerated change. Noah said it was an era where we had the “Thumb Tribe Kids” who were more educated than parents, and more computer literate than their teachers. He identified some parents as strollers, who go through shopping mall without knowing what to expect from life. The don said the tourist parents were travelling from one place to the other while another category, “settlers’’, were professionals who were not thinking toward becoming entrepreneurs. “If you parent a child and you do not start on a bitter note, you are not doing a good work. “We cannot use a particular formula to raise a child. Once the pillar is wrong, whatever structure put on the pillar will soon collapse. “Without adequate early child education they might not be able to see far,” he said. Mrs. Gbolahan Daodu, Chairperson, Lagos State Universal Basic Education Board, said that parenting was inborn, that required little or no formal education. Daodu, who was represented by Mrs. Bunmi Oteju, said the 19th century parenting styles were stricter than the ones adopted by 21st century literate parents. She also said the high rate of divorce cases had an effect on child development.

Don Decries Materialistic Lifestyle

LAGOS - Prof. Ajike Osanyin, the President, Early Childhood Association of Nigeria (ECAN) has said that the materialistic lifestyle of parents had adverse effects on their children. Osanyin made the remark at the 2014 National Conference of ECAN at the National Post Graduate Medical College, Ijanikin, Lagos The conference had the theme “Parenting in the 21st Century: Problem and Prospects.” She said that such traits in

National Vice P r e s i d e n t , P e n t e c o s t a l Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN) North Central Zone, Rev. Yakubu Pam (left) and Chairman, Niger State Chapter, Rev. To l o r u n l e k e E m m a n u e l , addressing a news conference after a meeting of PFN Chairmen and Secretaries on the Abducted Chibok Girls in Jos recently.

North Polio

Kano Assembly Passes Rape Prohibition Bill

Bauchi Inaugurates Emergency Centre

BAUCHI - Bauchi State Government, has inaugurated a Polio Emergency Operation Centre as part of efforts to completely eradicate the polio virus in the state. Inaugurating the centre in Bauchi, Governor Isa Yuguda said the state recorded zero case of polio in the last 13 months. Yuguda attributed the achievement to the state government’s commitment and the intervention of development partners in the fight against the disease. He, however, expressed concern that the state had over the years been experiencing the reoccurrence of the deadly virus due to its prevalence in neighbouring states. He said that the centre was established with the main aim of completely eradicating the deadly virus and other preventable diseases from the state to safeguard the wellbeing of children. The governor said that the centre, which was constructed with the support of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, was equipped with Internet and other critical facilities needed to effectively combat the virus. “The centre will serve the need of our development partners and also serve as a collaborative office for all development partners such as UNICEF, USAID and WHO. “They will work together with the Bauchi State Ministry of Health and Primary Health Care Agency for effective service delivery.’’ The governor assured the development partners of the state’s commitment to completely rid the area of the polio virus. In his remarks, the state’s Commissioner for Health, Dr. Sani Malami, said polio had been controlled in all but three countries in the world.

Lack Of Rain Worries Farmers

DAMATURU - Farmers in Yobe said that their crops were shrinking due to the long absence of the rains in the state. Reports say that the farmers were worried over the seizure of the rains for about two weeks. Ali Modu, a subsistence farmer in Damaturu, said: “Some of us planted our only stock. We have nothing left to replant the farms even if the rains come back strong.” Aisami kolo, another farmer, said most of the farms had to be replanted as the intense sun and heat had scorched the crops. “The pattern of rainfall in a normal situation has not been too good and now, the long period of lack of rainfall has compounded the problems.’’ Garba Gaba, a farmer in Fune, told newsmen that the lack of rains would have a very bad effect on crop production this year. “Agriculture has in the last three years suffered some setbacks in Yobe because of the insurgents’ attacks and poor rains,” he said.

Some internally displaced persons from Borno and Taraba State waiting to be registered for Relief Assistance at the Gombe State Emergency Management Agency on Wednesday. RE

SEMA Registers Displaced Persons

GOMBE - The Gombe State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA) has registered 830 internally displaced persons (IDPs) from Borno, Adamawa and Taraba states. The Executive Secretary of SEMA, Dr. Arabs Rukuje, disclosed this in a telephone interview with newsmen in Gombe. He said the compilation of names, which started on Monday, had reached 830 persons displaced by crises in the affected three states as at Tuesday (June 24). The scribe said the registration was ongoing as many IDPs have been going to the agency in Gombe to be enrolled. “As at Tuesday my officers told me that 830 IDPs were registered; this is the highest number of influx of people we have seen into the state,” he said. According to him, to ensure that genuine persons were registered, the agency first took records of the IDPs to ensure their proper identification. He further said the agency engaged communities in the state to provide shelter for the IDPs, saying many were provided with temporary places by their relations in the state. Rukuje also stated that the agency had provided food and non-food items, including

blankets, mats and mattresses, to alleviate their sufferings before other relief measures could be given to them. He called on the international community, wealthy individuals and other organisations in the state to assist with shelter, beddings, food and other relief materials as the problem was beyond the capacity of the state to handle. On reports that some residents of the state were disguising as IDPs, he said security operatives and local volunteers were engaged to counsel and fish out impositors. “We appreciate the economic conditions of people but that should not make them wish calamity for themselves,” he said. Newsmen who visited the agency in Gombe reported that many of the IDPs, mostly women and children, trooped to the office as early as 7 a.m. waiting to be registered for assistance. Mrs Halima Bawa from Wukari town of Taraba told newsmen that she was staying with relations in Gombe with her three children after her husband fled to Katsina-Ala in Benue following the recent crisis in Wukari.

Another IDP, Mrs Zainab Fari, a mother of five, said she fled Wukari to Gombe after her husband left for Mutum Biyu, the headquarters of Gassol Local government Area of Taraba, following the disturbances. On his part, Malam Umaru Dahiru, a resident of Bospam village of Toungo Local Government Area of Adamawa, said himself, wife and nine

children were forced to relocate from their village as a result of the insurgency. Another IDP, Malam Garba Sale, a resident of Bulunkutu area of Maiduguri, said he came and settled in Kullum village near Doho town of Yamaltu/ Deba Local government Area of Gombe State about two months ago. He said that he went to SEMAs office to enable him get some relief materials to enable him cater for his three wives and five children.

KANO - The Kano State House of Assembly has passed into law the state Rape Prohibition Bill 2014. Newsmen reports that the law, which provides a maximum of life sentence for convicted rapists, was passed unanimously by members. The new law also stipulated an additional fine of N200, 000. The Clerk of the house, Alhaji Lawal Badamasi, said in addition, the law requires the court to demand compensations for rape victims. The clerk said the new law also has provisions for homosexuals and lesbians. “Whoever has carnal intercourse against the order of nature with any man, woman or animal shall be punished with imprisonment for a term of fourteen years, and shall also be liable to a fine of N50, 000. “And any woman who has a feeling of love for another woman or girl, and went ahead to employ the means of satisfying that passion, either through bodily contact or otherwise with or without consent in order to drive sexual pleasure is said to have committed lesbianism, and shall be imprisoned for a term of 14 years and shall be liable to a fine of N50,000,” he said.

2011 Post Election Violence

Victims Get N29.1m MALUMFASHI (Katsina State) - A Philanthropist in Katsina State, Alhaji Umar Tata, has doled out N29.1 million to 104 victims of the 2011 postelection violence in Malumfashi Local Government Area of the state. The reports say that the beneficiaries included Yorubas, Igbos, Hausa Christian and a few Muslims who lost property after the April 2011 general elections. Alhaji Ya’u Musa-Rugoji, the Coordinator of the exercise, told newsmen in Malumfashi that the beneficiaries were screened and assisted based on the magnitude

L-R: Bauchi State Commissioner for Health, Dr. Sani Malami, Governor Isa Yuguda of Bauchi State, Executive Director, National Primary Health Care Development Agency, Dr. Ado Mohammed, Bauchi State Chairman, Polio Immunization and Emir of Dass, Alhaji Usman Bilyaminu and President, Global Development, Bill and Malinda Gate Foundation, Dr. Chris Elias, inaugurating Bauchi State Polio Emergency Operation Centre in Bauchi recently.

of their losses. He said the beneficiaries comprised those that lost their shops, vehicles and houses during the violence. According to him, the support is aimed at cushioning the hardship of the victims and to rekindle the spirit of brotherliness that existed before the incident. A beneficiary, Mr. Felix Olawale, said although the Federal Government had given out assistance to victims of the post election crisis in the state, it was only shared to “influencial persons’’. Adding that most of the

victims, especially non indigenes left the town after the incident as they have nothing to live on. “With the present support from Tata, many people will return and embark on their routine businesses in Malumfashi,’’ Olawale said. He appealed to politicians to promote love and brotherhood, and encourage people to always live in peace with one another in the interest of national development. Olawale also urged people to shun violence, and pray for the successful conduct of the 2015 general elections.

MAIDUGURI Jaiz Foundation, the social responsibility arm of Jaiz Bank, has donated relief materials worth N10 million to victims of the Boko Haram insurgency in Borno. Delivering the materials to Governor Kashim Shettima of Borno at the Government House Maiduguri, the Branch Manager, Jaiz Bank Maiduguri, Alhaji BabaAli Bukar-Petrol, said the donation was part of the bank’s corporate social responsibility. He commended Shettima for the efforts toward assisting victims of the insurgency in the state, saying “we also have to assist the state government to rebuild and strengthen the victims’ livelihood. “We are therefore appealing to

the state government to continue the good works, in spite of the security challenges. “As captain of the ship, Governor Kashim Shettima sailed through rough waters and rose above the tide in providing succour and hope for the people, the Jaiz Bank was ready to identify with you to move the state forward.’’ Items donated were 200 bags of grains, 1,600 pieces of clothing materials for men and women, 660 litres of groundnut oil, among others. Governor Shettima, who received the materials, thanked the management and staff of Jaiz Foundation for what he described as “monumental gesture.’’

Foundation Donates To Insurgency Victims

Abuja Doctor Decries Lack Of Health Personnel Chibok:

ABUJA -Dr Danladi Saleh, the Principal Medical Officer, Chibok General Hospital, Borno, has called for more health personnel in the hospital. Saleh, who is the only medical doctor in the hospital, told newsmen in Abuja that there were many patients in the community that required medical attention. He said that the doctor who was in the hospital left because of security concerns. “My predecessor left because of the security situation of the community, he said the community was becoming insecure, so he decided to leave. “I accepted the offer to work at the hospital because I am from the community; nobody wants to go there, when there are crises like that. “When my people asked me to come and serve them, I have to consider the fact that they are my people and I am from there. “I cannot allow them to stay like that, a general hospital without a medical doctor for my community. “Sometimes when you become a doctor and one of the reasons is to serve the people, if your own community is suffering from that, why shouldn’t you go home? “I was inspired to go because I am a native of Chibok community, I decided to yield to their appeal,’’ Saleh said. He said the challenges were enormous because “working as the only medical doctor in the community that

is predispose to constant violence. “Even in a normal condition that had no problem in that community, working as the only doctor would have its challenges, because there would be sick people. “Some people will have problem and come to the hospital, at times you will see in a day, many patients and the work becoming strenuous. “It is expected though; there are auxiliary nurses and volunteers who also help in Chibok General Hospital. “Actually, Chibok has been relatively peaceful since I came here, it is not really what people are portraying because am living in that community,’’ he said. He said that displaced people come from neighbouring villages to Chibok. “The major attack in Chibok was that of April 14, where over 200 girls were abducted and the one recently in Korangulum community near Chibok by the insurgents. “It is not the one you will think the whole people are dying,’’ he said. However, Saleh said that the state government through the Commissioner for Health had been supportive since he took the appointment. “They made the request I have given to them available, working in Chibok has been interesting. “It is normal to have fears and anxiety, and definitely we will all die, so there is no problem and we have to live with that,’’ said Saleh.

Man Arraigned

Enticement: ABUJA - A 25-year-old man, Aliyu Mohammed, has appeared before an FCT Chief Magistrates’ Court , Karu, for making love advances to a married woman. Mohammed of NEPA Office, Karu, Abuja, was arraigned before Chief Magistrate Hadiza Dodo, on a one-count charge of enticing a married woman. Prosecutor Stephen Eimoga told the court that the woman, Zainab Ibrahim, reported the case at Karu Police Station on June 22. Eimoga said the accused, who had the complainant’s mobile phone number, called and expressed his affection for her when he knew she was married. He further said that despite

several warnings from the complainant, the accused kept pestering her with calls, even at odd hours. The prosecutor said the complainant had no option than to report the matter at the station. Eimoga said the accused admitted committing the offence, which contravened Section 389 of the Penal Code, during interrogation at the station. Dodo, the chief magistrate, granted bail to the accused in the sum of N100, 000 with a surety in like sum. Dodo ordered that the surety must reside within the jurisdiction of the court. She adjourned the case till Aug. 18 for continuation of hearing.

FCT Minister, Sen. Bala Mohammed (right), presenting key of Abuja to the visiting Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Mr. Hailmarian Desalegn in Abuja. With them is President Goodluck Jonathan

FCTA Begins Enforcement Of Building Re-Decoration Order

ABUJA- The Department of Development Control, Federal Capital Territory Administration (FCTA), has began the enforcement of its re-decoration order on buildings. The officials of the Aesthetics and Amenities Division, FCTA, in company of military personnel attempted to lock occupants out of the Danyadado Plaza in Garki Area 11, Abuja, for violating the order. Mr Dominic Odenigbo, Assistant Director, Aesthetics and Amenities, said the directive on re-decoration of commercial and residential buildings in the FCT was necessary to maintain the beauty of the territory. He said the occupants of the plaza had been notified about the need for the redecoration. “We are here to enforce the order of redecoration which we have intensified since the beginning of this year. “It entails renovation of the house; plumbing work, roofing work and painting, among others. “It is our statutory responsibility to ensure that the beauty of Abuja is maintained always,’’ he said. Odenigbo explained that the enforcement of the order was usually effected on the occupants of affected buildings who were expected to compel their landlords to carry out the renovation works. “It is the responsibility of the occupants to ensure that their landlord complies with the order,’’ he said. He advised residents to comply with the redecoration orders in their premises to avoid sanctions.

However, the occupants of the plaza protested and resisted the attempt to eject them. They directed the officials to channel the enforcement of the re-decoration infringement against the owner of the plaza.

Their spokesperson, Mr. Stanley Orakpo, said that redecoration of the plaza was the responsibility of the landlord. “We have paid for the premises and our rent is still running, any problem with the building should be the

responsibility of the landlord,’’ he said. He said that most tenants in the plaza recently renewed their rents with the landlord and should not be made to suffer unnecessary financial loss.

Police Investigate Murder Of 24-Yr-Old Electrician By MIKE OSERIOGIAGBON

BENIN CITY- Police in Benin have commenced investigation into the gruesome murder of a 24year-old electrician in the state capital. The acting Public Relations Officer, Edo Police Command DSP Noble Uwoh disclosed this to The NIGERIAN OBSERVER in Benin City. He stated that operatives of the command would not rest on their oars in ensuring that the perpetrators of the dastardly act are brought to book. The deceased, Osas Osariemen was shot dead at his shop in Ikpoba-hill area about 8:30 am on Wednesday, June 18, 2014, Benin City. His brother, Mr. Elvis Osariemen has appealed to the Commissioner of Police, Mr. Foluso Adebanjo, State Security Service (SSS) and other relevant security agencies in the state to unmask and bring to justice those behind the killing. The victim, Osas Osariemen, it was gathered was an easygoing person who would not hurt a fly while alive.

The Late Osas Osariemen

Business + Economy IFAD Assisted Programme

Release Counterpart Fund, Beneficiaries Urge Govt

ABUJA - Beneficiaries of the Community-Based Natural Resource Management Programme (CBNRMP) have appealed to the Rivers Government to release its counterpart fund for the prorgamme. In a telephone interview with newsmen in Abuja, some of them, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said that the delay in the release of the counterpart fund by the state government was jeopardising the achievement of the programme’s goal in the state. They, therefore, urged the state government to take the necessary steps to ensure the successful implementation of the programme. They complained that the programme could not draw down on the fund provided by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the main financier, without the counterpart fund. According to them, the present situation is affecting their livelihood, thereby making it difficult for them to adequately cater for their families. Reacting to the complaints in a separate telephone interview with newsmen the National Programme Coordinator, Mrs. Irene Jumbo-Ibeakuzie,

however, said that the Rivers Government had released N50 million as counterpart fund. She commended the state government for the gesture, adding that the gesture would go a long way in reviving the interest of the beneficiaries as well as in ensuring the success

ABUJA - The Minister of Mines and Steel Development, Mr. Musa Sada, said that Nigeria was endowed with ironore and other steel raw materials in commercial quantity for the production of steel. Sada disclosed this while receiving Chinese investors in Abuja. A statement signed by the ministry’s head of press and a Deputy Director, Mr. Marshall Gundu, said: ‘‘There is sufficient quantity of Iron-Ore and other steel raw materials in commercial quantities to support the production of steel products in the country.” Sada, who was represented by his Permanent Secretary, Mr. Dauda Kigbu, said that the Federal Government had provided conducive environment for investment opportunities. The minister said that the steel sector had been driven by private investors while the government was providing the enabling environment for investment to strive. He said that part of government policy to provide conducive environment for investors included issuance of effective mineral titles for exploration and exploitation of mineral resources to develop the steel sector.

He said other incentives were integration of the steel development plan into the Industrial Revolution Plan of the country and zero duty on the importation of steel making equipment. Others included zero duty on importation of mining equipment, tax holiday for investors and provision of the needed infrastructure through public private sector partnership. Sada said the Chinese investors had made a right choice to invest in the country’s steel sector as Nigeria was fast

of the programme. She, however, said that the state Ministry of Agriculture had yet to make the money available to the programme.

Jumbo- Ibeakuzie said that the programme would not be able to access the IFAD fund, if the government’s counterpart fund was not released.

“The situation is also making it difficult for the beneficiaries of the programme to remain on agricultural jobs on a sustainable basis in order to achieve sustainable livelihood improvement. “It is also impacting negatively on the job creation potential of the programme.” Reports state that goal of the programme is to improve the standard of living and quality of life of rural poor people in the Niger Delta, with a special focus on women and young people. It was learnt that the

programme is also expected to improve employment opportunities for young people by channelling their energies into the development of sustainable livelihoods and natural resource management activities. The programme, which is targeted to benefit over 400,000 households, is being implemented in the nine Niger Delta states of Abia, Akwa Ibom, Bayelsa, Cross River, Delta, Edo, Imo, Ondo and Rivers since its inception in 2005.

Microfinance Banks Ready To Go Cashless

L-R: Plateau Commissioner for Water Resources, Mr. Idi Waziri, Governor Jonah Jang of Plateau and Commissioner for Works, Mr. Chris Hassan, during inspection of Yelwa Dam in Jos South Local Government Area of Plateau on Wednesday.

Nigeria Has Commercial IronOre, Steel Raw Materials -Minister growing economy in the African. He said the country with its huge population had large market and gateway to the Economic Community of West African States, assuring the investors that they would have return in their investment. Speaking earlier, Mr. Zhang Dade, the leader of the Chinese delegation, said they were in the ministry to indicate their readiness to invest in the steel industry after discussions with stakeholders. Dade, also the President of

Pangang Group Company Ltd, said they had visited Ajaokuta Steel Company Ltd and the National Iron-Ore Mining Company, Itakpe, for fact finding ahead of the visit to the ministry. He said that they were interested in establishing a steel making plant in a suitable location in any part of the country to explore and exploit iron-Ore for steel production in the country. Dade said the company was one of the major steel producing companies in China and that they were operating in other African countries as well.

ABUJA - The National Association of Micro Finance Banks (NAMFB), has expressed readiness of its members to key into Federal Government’s cashless policy. The Executive Secretary of the association, Mr. Kabir Yar’Adua, made the disclosure in an interview with newsmen in Abuja. He said the cashless policy was a revolution that would improve the lives of Nigerians, especially those at the grassroots. He added that “I think this policy is a revolution for us. It is a combination of mobile banking and agency banking which is a bit ahead of even the ATM. “The decision is good and it will benefit the market women, house wives, vulcanisers and people at the bottom of the pyramid in the country. “As part of our role, we have embarked on capacity building and training for our members on how agency banking works and how it is being done. “We are encouraging our members and also talk with a number of mobile money companies to ensure that the policy is adequately implemented.” Yar’Adua said the association was in the process of signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with 25

Governor Jonah Jang of Plateau (2nd right) with other Government Officials, during the inspection of Yelwa Dam in Jos South Local Government Area of Plateau on Wednesday.


licenced mobile companies to ensure inclusion of its members in the scheme. He said the policy would help to ensure that more people were included in the banking sector “like in Kenya. “In Kenya, about two million accounts were created overnight because of mobile banking, where scratch cards and mobile phones were used to save and withdraw money from agents. “A vulcaniser who wants to save N500 can just buy scratch card from a nearby agent and perform the transaction. “Such a vulcaniser will be able to save time and money that he will have used to go to the bank just to deposit N500.” The scribe of the association said the implementation of the cashless policy would increase availability of jobs as it would require more agents to perform many jobs in the process. “A recent research shows that a mobile company needs at least 50,000 agents to make impact like that of Kenya annually. “The beauty of this system of employment is that it does not require any form of expertise; it could be a trader or anybody with mobile phone and a gadget given to him by the mobile company.” On the challenges that could be encountered, Yar’ Adua said the mobile money and agency companies would need to ensure proper screening of the agents. He said the association and the companies must work together to monitor the agents to ensure their effectiveness and faithfulness to their clients. On the 83 closed MFBs in the country, the executive secretary said it was a good thing for the association as it gave assurance to their clients that the MFBs were properly monitored and regulated. He added that the closure showed that the MFBs were doing well as more than 80 per cent of them were still functional after the exercise.


























































































50 360,271.38













































































































































































































































5,334,980.00 18,482.00

















































































































































































































































































427,426,770.90 103,500.00









































































































































































































394,416.94 312,416.00



































































































































































Close 189.21 93 61.3 78 25 33.9 4.9 11.28 7.91 3.65

TOP TOP 10 10 LOSERS GAINERS Gain 9.01 2 1.1 1 0.6 0.42 0.2 0.18 0.11 0.08







469.16 1050 1893.92 2046.24 225.64 2641.34 2070 1012.77 111

-37.51 -15 -13.59 -12.62 -11.87 -8.78 -5 -4.34 -3

REGRETTABLY, several thousands of lives have been wasted by the dreaded Boko Haram sect since it bared its fangs. In Kano, over 60 lives perished recently, following the suicide bombing of a bus, at a motor park in Kano in an attack traceable to Boko Haram. The unfortunate event which shook the city of Kano to its foundations came at a time when some powerful forces in the North are asking for amnesty for Boko Haram. SINCE the incident, a lot of condemnations and protestations have trailed the blast from the UK, the Senate, the House of Representatives, the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), Oodua Peoples Congress (OPC) and lawyers of note in the country. THE NIGERIAN OBSERVER strongly condemns this latest Boko Haram orchestrated terrorist attacks. But beyond that, we call on the Federal Government to urgently prosecute those already arrested and others with records of complicity. The reason for this position is not far-fetched. ALMOST on a daily basis, there are accounts of several security threats arising from armed robberies, assassinations, armed militancy and banditry, kidnapping, bombings and of recent, the blood-let from a religious sect called the Jaamatus Alhus Sunnah Lid Daawatis Wal Jiliad (otherwise called Boko Harm) who say they are opposed to Western education and are ready to attack every vestige of western civilization. INDEED, the rate of crime and criminality, as exemplified in the high incidence of kidnapping, bombings and other organised crimes has sadly moved from the realm of security threat to an area of real and present danger. THE frightening security condition in Nigeria has not only been a source of worry, it has also dented Nigeria’s International status. FOR instance, on August 26, 2011 the terrorist group, Boko Haram bombed the United Nations (UN) Headquarters in Abuja, the nation’s Federal capital city. The consequences of that attack, as of today, are yet to abate.


Need To End Boko Haram Insurgence Now IN the wake of the UN building attack, Nigeria, lost her hosting right of the global food security meeting of the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) which was moved from Abuja, to Senegal. The meeting was an assemblage of experts and food administrators all over the globe. ASIDE the UN building bombing on August 26, 2011 that claimed 23 lives including 11 UN personnel, local Islamic fundamentalist sect, Boko Haram, had until late, been orchestrating series of isolated attacks predominantly in Northern Nigeria. The sect is believed to be targeting centres of international attraction, especially in the Federal Capital Territory. CURIOUSLY, the presidential committee on security challenges in the North East Zone has identified security lapses, inter-service rivalry and lack of collaboration as factors that have encouraged the proliferation of security crises in the Northern part of the country. It also blamed the security breaches on high level of poverty, unemployment and other social ills. THE NIGERIAN OBSERVER is however of the considered opinion that serious security collaboration and intelligence sharing must be urgently evolved to arrest security breaches and this needs to go beyond the shores of the nation. The federal government must build inter-agency cooperation through diplomatic channels/pacts, and international intelligence to ensure that crime of whatever scale is nipped in the bud. MOST importantly, there is the overriding need to promptly move to demilitarize the Nigerian

society and reduce the heavy influx of arms and ammunition in the country which have unfortunately gone into the wrong hands. TO this extent, the Customs and Immigration Services, in tandem with the Ministry of Interior should work round the clock to protect the porous Nigerian borders. SOMETHING fundamental equally needs to be done to reduce, if not totally eliminate the existence of private militias that were established, funded and used by politicians and individuals who later dumped them after having been trained to handle arms. ALSO, the various security agencies, beside the need to be technologically equipped and funded to carry out their assigned tasks, would need to be restructured. The structure and duties of our security agencies must be revisited so as to ensure that each organ very well knows its specific roles and function, while the laws establishing these agencies must be made clear on who does what. THE government at all levels, particularly the federal government, urgently needs to carry out reforms in the security sub-sector to eliminate inertia created by inter-agency rivalry and react decisively to security threats with dispatch. ON their part, the citizens must cooperate with the security agencies by supplying them with prompt, useful and relevant information on likely security breaches. This can be facilitated by the existence of a well-coordinated biometric database of Nigerians and non-Nigerians alike indicating where people live, their nature of jobs and background. This will assist in fishing out the bad eggs in the society. DECISIVE steps should be taken to cripple Boko Haram Sect and their operations as well as end their menacing reign. If anything, a safe, secure and peaceful environment is what the present democracy needs to be strengthened and sustained, as such the government and people of Nigeria cannot afford to leave this to the whims and caprices of miscreants.

Voice Of


Every Friday With Mallam Abdulfattah Enabulele Chief Imam of Benin

As this year’s Ramadan Fast begins in less than 48 hours, this write-up examines the benefits of fasting to our health. Food is needed by the body to provide energy for immediate use buring up carbohydrates, which is sugar. Excess carbohydrates, which can not be used, are stored as fat tissue in muscles, and as glycogen in the liver for future use. Insulin, which is a hormone from the pancreas, lowers blood sugar and diverts it to other forms of energy storage, that is, glycogen. To be effective, insulin has to be bound to binding sites called receptor. Obese people lack receptor; therefore they cannot utilize their insulin, which leads to insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. ‘When one fasts (or decreases carbohydrate intake drastically), it lowers his blood glucose and

Ascertaining The Crescent Of The Moon Abdullah bin Umar narrated that Allah’s messenger (may Allah be pleased with him) mentioned Ramadan and said: ‘Start observing Saum (fast) on seeing the Crescent, the moon of Ramadan, and give up observing Saum (fast) on seeing the Crescent, the moon of Shawwal; if the sky is overcast and you cannot see it, then complete thirty days of Sha’ban. EXPLANATION: If the moon is sighted today Friday 29th Sha’ban 1435/June 27, 2014, let all Muslims begins fasting tomorrow, Saturday 28th June, 2014. In case the moon of Ramadan

is not sighted on the 29th of Sha’ban due to the sky being blurred or cloudy, one should complete 30 days of Sha’ban and then observe fasting from Sunday 29th June, 2014. The observance of fast merely on the basis of suspicion or assumption that the moon of Ramadan might possible have been sighted on the 29th of Sha’ban itself, is forbidden. On behalf of Edo State Moon Sighting Committee, I wish all Muslims a successful Ramadan Fast and Allah’s abundant blessings in the years ahead.

Medical Aspects Of Fasting (1) insulin level. This causes a break down of glycogen from the liver to provide glucose for energy need and breakdown of fat from adipose tissue to provide for energy needs. On the basis of human physiology described above, semi-starvation (ketogenic) diets have been devised for effective weight control. These diets provide calculated amount of protein in divided doses with plenty of water, multivitamins, etc. These effectively lower weight, blood sugar, but because of their side effects, should be used only under supervision of

physicians. Complete fasting reduces or eliminates hunger and causes rapid weight loss. In 1975, Allan Cott in his paper: “Fasting as a way of life” noted that fasting brings a wholesome physiological rest for the digestive tract and central nervous system and normalizes metabolism. It must be pointed out, however, that there are also many adverse effects of total fasting. That includes hypokalemia and cardiac arrhythmia associated with low calorie starvation diets used in unsupervised manner. Studies on Islamic Fasting

Patience & Endurance (2)

THE third is patience with the afflictions that Allah tests His servants with, whether by their being harassed by people or being exposed to pain and sicknesses. This category also includes all that happens to us against our own will, such as the loss of property, the death of loved ones, illness or harm done to us by others, which is perhaps the most difficult of all to bear gracefully. When patience is displaced upon the afflictions that Allah has decreed upon a Muslim is to surrender to Allah’s decree without displaying discontent or anger. Allah tells us about this aspect of patience and the rewards expected from it. “Be sure We shall test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in goods or lives or the fruits of your toil, but give glad tidings to As-Sabirun (the Patient). Who, when afflicted with calamity, say: Truly, to Allah we belong and truly, to Him we shall return. They are those on whom are the Salawat (i.e. who are blessed and will be forgiven) from their Lord and (they are those who) receive His mercy and it is they who are the guided ones.” (2:155-157) Such trials and tribulations from Allah and our fellow human beings, however distasteful they may be, are in reality opportunities for our own purification as reported in a number of statements from Prophet Muhammad. It was narrated from lbn Umar that the Messenger of Allah said: “The believer who mixes with people and bears their annoyance with patience will have a greater reward than a believer who does not mix with people and does not put up with their annoyance. ‘When Allah loves a people He tries them. So whoever is pleased with what Allah gives or takes from him, then for him is pleasure and whoever is angry, then for him is wrath.” It was narrated from Abu Hurairah that the Messenger of Allah said: “Trials will not cease afflicting the believing man and the believing woman in their selves, the children, and their property, until they meet Allah without having any sins left.”

“No fatigue, nor disease, nor sorrow, nor sadness, nor hurt, nor distress befalls a Muslim, even if it were the prick he receives from a thorn, except that Allah expiates some of his sins for that” Patient in the face of hardships and mishaps, as well as acceptance of Allah’s decree in His will and wisdom in such matters, are indeed proof of our faith in Allah. This is not to say that dislike and a feeling of sadness for the afflictions that have occurred is wrong, for indeed feelings of loss, frustration, and pain are only a normal part of human life, as long as they do not go beyond the limits of the Shari’ah ordained by Allah. Patient illuminates such feelings so that we are able to endure difficulties without panic and without disobeying Allah. This is why some wise people say that anxiety over what has been lost is a calamity, and impatience over what is expected is foolishness. This implies that being annoyed with the decree of Allah’s will is futile. We would do well to remember the maxim from Allah that says: “It may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you, and that you love a thing which is bad for you. And Allah knows, but you do not know.” (2:2 16) True believers have no way out of the difficulties and challenges of these worldly affairs except to uphold patient and trust in Allah as He has commanded all believers to do. “0 ye who believe! Preserve in patience and constancy; via with one another in such perseverance; strengthen each other and fear Allah that you may be successful.” (3:200) “Only those who are patient will receive their reward in full without reckoning” (39:10) This reward of patient without reckoning, as promised by Almighty Allah Who never fails in His promises, is none other than paradise. O Allah! Help us to be patient when afflicted, be grateful when favoured, and seek Your forgiveness when sinful. Forgive our sins and wrongdoings and have mercy on us. You are indeed the Merciful and the oft-Forgiving. Ameen.

There have been many studies on Ramadãn Fasting. In 1996, an international conference was held in Casablanca. Morocco, under the king Hassan Foundation for health in Ramadan and about 50 papers were presented including those from Dr. Soliman (Jordon), Azizi (Iran), Noomani (USA) and Athar (USA). The conclusions of these presentations were that Ramadan Fasting had beneficial effects on health, especially on blood glucose, blood pressure lipid profile and weight. No serious ad verse effects were noted (ref 7-10) Why Islamic fasting is different than other types of Fasting (ref 7) 1- As compared to other diet plans, fasting during Ramadan contains no malnutrition or inadequate calorie intake since there is no restriction on the type or amount of food intake during iftar or sahar. This was confirmed by M. M. Hussaini (ref 6) during Ramadan in 1974 when he conducted dietary analysis of Muslim students at the University of North Dakota and the State University at Fargo. He concluded that calorie intake of Muslim students during fasting was at two thirds of NCRRDA, 2- Fasting, in Ramadan is voluntarily undertaken. It is not a pre scribed imposition from a physician. In the hypothalamus part of the brain there is a center called “lipostat” which controls the body mass. When sever and rapid weight loss is achieved by a starvation diet, the center does not recognize this as normal and, therefore re-programs itself to cause weight gain rapidly once the person goes off the starvation diet. So the only effective way of losing weight is slow, self-controlled, and gradual weight loss by modifying our behavior, and the attitude about eating while eliminating excess food. Ramadan is a month of self-regulation and self-training in terms of food intake thereby causing hopefully a permanent change in lipostat reading. 3- In Islamic fasting, we are not subjected to a diet of selective

food only (i.e protein only, fruits only ete). An early breakfast, before dawn in taken and then at sunset fast is broken with something sweet i.e. dates, fruits, juices to warrant any hypoglycemia followed by a regular dinner later 4- Additional prayers are prescribed after the dinner, which helps metabolize the food. Using a calorie counter, I counted the amount of calories burnt during extra Prayer called Taraweeh. It amounted to 200 calories. Isha prayer called salat uses all the muscles and joints and can be placed in the category of a mild exercise in terms of caloric output. 5- Ramadan fasting is actually an exercise in self discipline. For those who are chain smokers, nibble food constantly, or drink coffee every hour. It is a good way to break the habit, hoping that the effect will continue after the month is over. 6- Psychological effect of Ramadan fasting arc also well observed by the description of people who fast, They describe a feeling of inner peace and tranquility. The prophet (S) advised them: “If one slanders you or oppresses you, tell him I am fasting.” Thus personal hostility during the month is minimal. Dr. Shahid Athar author of “Health Concerns for Believers’ wrote: It is my personal experience that within the first few days of Ramadan, I begin to feel better even before losing a single pound. I work more and pray more; physical stamina and mental alertness improve. As I have my own lab in the office, I usually check my chemistry that is, blood glucose, cholesterol, triglyceride before the commencement of Ramadan and at its end. I note marked improvement at the end, As I am not over weight, thank GOD, weight loss is minimal. The few pounds I lose, I regain soon after. Fasting in Ramadan will be a great blessing for the overweight whether with or without mild diabetes (type 11). In benefits those also who are given to smoking or nibbling, can rid themselves of these addictions in this month. (Fasting for Medical Patients: suggested Guidelline).


Continued from last week

THIS is as if to bid a dismissive goodbye to the chapters of the nauseatingly riotous past, with not only vehemence in words but demonstrable action; and preferably to further tone up the ongoing course of transformation, that the Federal Government would do well to address the nation with broadcast message in the semblance of the Hour of a RITE and LIBATION to banish the ‘Old Order’ and ‘Flag-Off the delivery of the hopeful DELIVERANCE the NEW beginning, with particular focus on TERMS of National Integration towards oneness of purpose as a sensitive hob of the “firstthing-first” and the “Kingdom” to “Seek-Ye-First …”; especially mindful of what has become the thorny psychology of the nation’s socio-political peculiarity – that the nation may stand to enjoy a clean-bill-ofhealth from encumbrances of acrimonious social apathy and regional ethnicism; so that every national aspiration would yield favorably to the forces of CONCORD; with such inherently Executive Conciliatory Nicety and Appeal that cannot but win the impassioned hearts of the populace - such that would attract ovation and manifestly lead to a spontaneity of meteoric popularity in favor of and to the credit ledger of Good-Governance on the part of the Government of the Day, being the innovative harbinger of such phenomenally revivalist turn-of-events: in so far as such spirit of such pronouncements would be habitually matched with deeds – in

ways that cognately blends with exemplary and demonstrable conduct of the concerned leadership stakeholders, who are now critically the cynosure of all eyes. URGENT AND ESSENTIAL NEED FOR NATIONAL IDEOLOGY Thus, a proactive rider to the foregoing calls for exigent need which centers on the said scepter of unity to be the anchor for the nation’s niche for identity of a philosophy of an ideology; that should be hinged fundamentally on lofty National goals to be the centerpiece of common yearnings; for the common gaze; and of the over-all common interests of the various indigenes of the teaming populace. This is to seize the advantage of pooled resources of the peoples collectively, as conservable sociopolitical synergy, of which benign applicability would be all equations to all-the-variables therein; just as it would be optimally a veritable force to pull the nation out of the riddled democratic Quo Vadis. This is upon the envisagement that the accruable forces of liberty in demographic, corporate and spiritual oneness of the People, plus the attendant therapeutics in unalloyed joint-will and joint-efforts in the spheres of labor deliveries under the canopy of industry, would be exceedingly the quickest impetus to slough-off the jaundices of the past for emergence of a rise in all dimensions of the nation’s socioeconomic and political fronts. This is especially for the magnitude of the catching-up with which the Nation has to contend: and yet especially and particularly if the vaunted

Nigerian Leaders

robust human and mineral resources of the Nation could be harnessed and appropriated for Nigeria to be truly representative of her Status as a Continental Giant with the exuded visage that marks her to be exactly be so resplendently selfesteemed. And may the sanctity and the dictum of the said unity concept be replicated throughout the Continent of Mother Africa to which, for obvious reasons, Nigeria would not only remain symbiotically a Big Brother, but of a glittering mantle of Role Modelship in all parameters of Progressive Aspirations. A NATIONAL SOCIAL WELFARE PLAN (NASOWEP) TO BE FLOATED This is that something of s o m e w h a t bureaucratically unorthodox but practically result-oriented, and demonstrably impactful approach to be put in place: perhaps as a befitting new deal: such that would be of the p r o d u c t i v e resourcefulness akin to the aftermath of the pragmatic decisiveness of action of the USA during the Great Depression of the 1930’s – the peculiar situation of the Nigerian version to take the turn of the nation’s new ‘emergence’ - as if now robed in a toga of a Renaissance, as if harvested anew out of the time-honored ‘rumbles’ as can better be likened to the ‘outcome’ of the Big Bang evolution theory of Albert Eistein and co such that would aptly flow with the wake of the ‘Centenary New Start’, along the Nation’s Socio–

Political and Economic Transformational clime: such that would be a symbolism of a distinct monument to deliberately animate and rekindle the warmth and endearment of the citizenry in embrace with the leadership: such that would be an occasioned horizon in a manner of a RITE in a semblance to the cleansing of Augean stable of the nation, in support of an invigorated new beginning: to be better premised in accord with the said order of the ‘firstthing-first’: as an immediate All-EmbracingS o c i a l - We l f a r e - P l a n initiated for immediate implementation; and that this be funded at the instance of the Hierarchy of the said pedigree of the Nation’s Political Leaderships – that is, of all the collective lineages of the Nation’s Ruling Class from inception as dignitaries that include: the Heads of Governments and Presidents, Cabinet Members and other Doyens of Political Office Holders, who would for proof of Statesmanship and love of Country, be sufficiently provoked at saving the Fatherland; and that they magnanimously eat-the-humble-pie, to jointly flag-off the funding of this Welfare Schedule which is aimed to be a robustly Multi-TrillionAccount - a monumental exercise to be of the supports of other concerned who-is-who amongst the well-to-do pre-eminent CompatriotLeaders of the Civil Society, including the Religious Bodies: as well as Friends and Well Wishers of the Nation

“This is especially for the magnitude of the catching-up with which the Nation has to contend: and yet especially and particularly if the vaunted robust human and mineral resources of the Nation could be harnessed and appropriated for Nigeria to be truly representative of her Status as a Continental Giant with the exuded visage that marks her to be exactly be so resplendently self-esteemed.”

within and outside the country: even as this also is a frantic motioning particularly to the West and other Humane Regions of the World, where there may be any strayed moneys of Nigerian intrinsic resource(s) – through any source(s), which recovery or repatriation to Nigeria may be questionable or


National Social Welfare Plan (NASOWEP) - at N100trn (One Hundred Trillion Naira) target would be of Omnibus Account to be open for the Coordination and Administration by The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), at the behest of the National Council of

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President Goodluck Jonathan (3rd left), Vice President Namadi Sa to the ongoing National Conference in Abuja, during the opening

encumbered due to either ‘identity’ or legal constraints: such neighboring foreign Nations or Interests of good conscience, who would not want to be seen as holding back on such doubtful funds, neither to be seen as coy detractoraccomplices that had hands in sabotagious economic loss for Nigeria, as attributably partly the cause of her retarded development: but that such international ByStander(s) would thursly demonstrably wish the nation well for her to remain eternally good for the good of our common world, that the said

State: to principally serve the immediate basic stipend needs for categories of the nation’s needy and extremely down-trodden: the under privileged: the disadvantaged and the employable but unemployed - all from which are relative sources and parts of the hatchery of the epidemics of the afflictions and metastasis of social ills against which the nation had reeled: and for such sediments of sociological toxins to be detoxified out of her Body-Scheme-of-Things; and that while the NASOWEP phenomenon may also pass congruently

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ship Can Make It


he nation’s Centenary memoration and a algia of shared assioned love of the erships for the ultimate wishes for the nation, it be seen also that it’s essful utility and ementation are not just for there to be a psychohured fabric of hope, to

inclusive productivity of one-and-all toward fasttracked measures against the nation’s economic WANTS, which haunt and taunt banefully as penury for many. This is to note in passing, that the cardinal essence of the NASOWEP ‘Project’ is with the ambitious over-view to serve the exigency of the immediate national social

ambo (2nd left), in a group photograph with delegates of the conference.

cify the frailed mperaments of the cially-shell-shocked pulace, neither to serve incentive to stimulate triotic fervor, but to cure an inroad to mosphere of social mity with antidotal effect ainst the horrors of the mpaging insecurities d torrents of heinous minalities in the land: d more so to enlist a ng-wagon of operation and llaborative interests of ajority of the citizenry – hose creative dowments now in lull d dormancy would ontaneously yield ward a harness of all-

demands, as hitherto highlighted; to precede the action of Government of the Day, which would rise out of its bureaucratic order-of-things to find her feet to articulate and consolidate on the said Welfare Plan, in a way and style to enhance the dividends of democracy to percolate down the spectrum of the segments of the citizenry. This being a gesture that would be a beguiling and unsung initiation and somewhat baptism of the populace into unalloyed nationalistic consciousness and psychological incentive for self-motivated patriotism – a plank by which the nation

would so endear the citizens to zealously ask what can they do for their nation. This is also to stress that any ‘excess’ of the seed proceeds which may accrue beyond the envisaged Fiscal Benchmark on the said NASOWEP Project, would be prudently extended to cover other infrastructure as the protracted palava with E L E C T R I C I T Y, Petroleum REFINERY, EDUCATION, AGRIC, etcetera; so that the NASOWEP would be readily an opportune ground of plausible compromise for the leadership hierarchy being stakeholders as the nation`s POWERm a n a g e m e n t CURATORS, to be enjoined to use this medium in all its fullest ramifications: to bring about a congenial atmosphere for a clear coast that should be conducive for the leaderships’ Undertakings to reposition and rejuvenate the Father Land: just for the same Leadership-Stakeholders to reminisce with thanks to the Almighty, that one is still alive to witness the nation at her Centenary; about which this moment would be seized for one to be that invaluable part of the process by which it is a glorious look-ahead with confidence for better days for the nation: with avowals to burry all hatchets and sink all differences with fellow Nationalist-Leaders, who on reflection through the pages of the ages, could by now discern how best,

comparatively, the nation`s ship of destiny ought to be steered; about which such compatriot would now feel privileged to be a component part of the worthy leadership legacy of Service Contribution, which would be extolled at the rebirth of the Nigerian Dream, as are the wishes and expectations of the Ancestors and Posterity. And as hitherto alluded Metaphysically, may it be saliently acknowledged also, that the submission for the NASOWEP be spear-headed from the Chambers of the Leaderships - nay the collective Alumni of the incumbency of the Nation’s Political Office Holders, from inception of selfRulership through the current Leadership contemporaries, is with all humility, as factored on a homage in honor to whom honor is due: ostensibly in special favor of the nation’s leaderships that had been the hands that rocked the cradle of the fate of the nation from the beginning – to be of a precision with a never-failing-efficacy, as primed from the point of all that went wrong: as drawn especially from the vociferous public concerns and outcry; with all eyes that turned sensitively on the podium of the Leadership. In other words, it is to that which against which or whom the indignant public frowns and brickbats are targeted that is the same epicenter from which the same publics expect demonstrable action as a token, for their minds to be disabuse by what may strike as symbol of

prospect of hopes; for the polity to flow with the leaderships on a course of the consensus for uninhibited national reconstruction through the Federal Government envisioned Transformation Agenda. And all of the notions of the above exposé, should come to pass for the providential release of the overall Heavenly increase which would now gratifyingly activate in surplus through the facets of the yet to be harnessed potent endowments of the nation. Thus, of note-worthy is the overriding importance of the foregoing, for the fact that, as hitherto observed, teleological that nations are of purposeful geographic components for human demography in the Order of Creation. This being an equally natural sequence which emphasizes the superlative significance on existence of nation(s) and the origin of the attendant art of nation-building which the Art of Governance presupposes; this is as of existential essence to different earthly demographic planes; just as shelters are of indispensible relevance for the humans: which goes without saying, that the personage(s) who participate in Public Service are of rare privilege that is not just as of the bequeath of the human Golden diadem, but like a celestially hallowed Crowning amongst the accredited few who are of the divine calling and admission into the architectural site of the Master Creator; as the Service Delivery of such incumbent personage(s) are of the direct

Stewardship to the said Supreme Omnipresent, Omniscient Almighty,

from whom are mysteries of the spiritual reward to be due for all the generations of the said individuals and groups who would render imputes to forester such nation(s) to the ideal success in the final analysis, on behalf of the said Supreme Creator. This is needless to say that it would be fundamentally a laudable and commendable moment of ovation to behold, in the sight of the Jury of the High Heavens, when Nigeria would now have a recuperative sigh of reliefs: just as the said concerned Heavenly Father, The Giver-Owner of the Nation’s Estate would spontaneously, and supernaturally cause the interests and fates of such Nation’s Compatriots to be inscrolled individually and collectively in His Eternal Sand of Time; even as their Now through their Hereafter would be so measured in the fervor as of His HeroBy-Products with whom He‘s Well Pleased; and as of who were Sent forth and who came and Saw and Conquered at long last even against all odds – and all of whom with whom He would now and through hereafter abide as Regenerative and Faithful Breeds; for their ameliorating, magnanimity and courageous Giant-Leaps towards the Transfiguration nay the Re-birth of the Nigerian State at This Her Centenary Anniversary!

“Thus, of note-worthy is the overriding importance of the foregoing, for the fact that, as hitherto observed, teleological that nations are of purposeful geographic components for human demography in the Order of Creation.”

With Francis U. Odupute

Art Alive The Best Birthday Gift I’ve Ever Received

-Oba Erediauwa

LAST Friday was a historic day in the great Benin Kingdom - day posterity will always refer to. Dr. Adrian Mark Walker, the grandson of Captain Herbert Sutherland Walker, (one of the British soldiers who invaded the Benin kingdom in 1897 and carted away at least 4,000 antiquities/ artworks, cultural properties and religious cum historical objects from the palace of the Oba), returned two of the stolen artworks to His Royal Majesty, Oba Erediauwa, a few days to the monarch’s birthday. The Benin Monarch, HRM Omo N’Oba N’Edo Uku Akpolokpolo, Oba Erediauwa, who could not hide his joy said Dr Walker’s return of the two looted bronze works 117 years after,

was the greatest birthday gift he had ever received. The two bronze artworks were a long-beaked bird (Ahianmwen Oro) and a bell (Egogo). While appreciating Dr. Walker ’s friendly gestures in returning the artworks, the Benin monarch used the opportunity to call on other foreigners, especially descendants of the British soldiers who invaded Benin in 1897 as well as the British museum and their counterparts across the world, who are still in possession of Benin artefacts and historical objects to take a cue from what Dr walker had done and return all the Benin artefacts cum cultural properties/historical objects in their possession.

DELIVERING his speech during a public ceremony organized by the palace of the Oba for him, Dr. Adrian Mark Walker, said he never expected that his action would cause such

a huge and response by the high and mighty in the land, noting that he believed “… that it is the right thing to do” in returning the cultural objects to the place of their origin.

Oba Erediauwa receiving the two bronze artworks from Dr. Adrian Mark Walker (right). . Photo: SOLOMON ENAIGBE

...It Is The Right Thing To Do -Mark Walker Dr. Walker narrated how he had jealously guided the objects over the years, having persuaded his grandmother to take custody of them. However, when he

Dr. Walker addressing the Crowd after the presentation of the artworks. Photo: FRANCIS ODUPUTE

discovered that his own children didn’t have any interest in such “stuff”, Dr. Walker knew that something bad might happen to the artefacts someday. Thus he began to think of what to do to save the valuable objects. In his words, “I was very pleased to have them in my possession because they reminded me of my parents…But when I realized that my children were not interested in the bronze works, I knew I had to protect their future” which now meant returning them to the true owners in Benin kingdom. Thanks to the internet; it was while surfing the internet for information about Benin bronze the Dr Walker saw the website of the Richard Lander Society, an organization that promotes the call for the repatriation of looted Benin antiquities and historical objects. Said Dr. Walker: “…On that website is a brief history of Benin and a passionate plea for the return of

the bronzes. So I contacted Mr. Sunstone and he very kindly put into effect a lot of work by himself and his colleagues who arranged for visits to the Nigerian High Commission in London and made contact with the royal household here”. Chief Steve Sunstone is the leader of Richard Lander Society in the UK. The Briton, Dr. Walker, also read out some revealing/ breathtaking excerpts from a war diary belonging to his grandfather, Captain Herbert Sutherland walker, one of the British soldiers who invaded Benin Kingdom in the February, 1897 punitive expedition. He must have kept the old diary securely for decades as an intelligence document he inherited from his grandfather in which were contained handwritten, on-the-spot evidences of facts and figures of some actual events of 1897 including archival photographs taken by

his grandfather. Very intriguing and lucid was the vivid narrative language of the diary which Richard Lander Society leader, Chief Steve Sunstone averred, during his keynote address, that “…the existence of his grandfather’s diary was beyond belief and to view photographs of the 1897 expedition and read hand written facts and stories written at the time was a rare and surprising opportunity. I believe that the facts contained within this diary, will one day help return more Benin Bronzes from the UK. This is now an additional objective of The Richard Lander Society”, Steve Sunstone said. As Dr. Walker read out the excerpts from his grandfather’s 1897 diary, the crowd/audience was excited to hear the word “loot” read from the diary said to have been hand-written by his grandfather on the spot of the Benin invasion in 1897.

Any Wrongdoing Cannot Be Corrected By Time -Oshiomhole

THE executive governor of Edo State, Adams Aliu Oshiomhole, was one of the dignitaries who graced the occasion to witness the return of the two looted Benin bronzes by a Briton, Dr. Adrian Mark Walker, at the palace of the Oba of Benin, last week. In a brief remark in appreciation of the Briton’s wise decision, the governor said Dr. Walker was a man who has a heart of gold. Excerpts: “Oba gha tokpere… Ise! …Allow me to specially observe all the protocols….and allow me to specially appreciate our honourable guest. Allow me to start by congratulating our paramount ruler, His Royal Majesty, Omo N’Oba N’Edo Uku Akpolokpolo, the great Oba of the great Benin kingdom. Oba gha tokpere …Ise! “As we knew, it is just right that we congratulate His Majesty on this occasion that it pleased

God Almighty that during his reign those two artworks were returned, without firing a gun shot or without hiring a team of senior advocates of international law to persuade Dr. Walker to return those artefacts. And like His Majesty mentioned about an hour ago in his chamber, these items are being returned just a few days before His Majesty’s next birthday. So I believe this is the most wonderful, historic birthday present to His Royal Majesty. “But allow me to add that when good things happen everybody wants to take credit. So I told Pius Odubu and I that it was while we were here as governors… that we were able to work on the subconsciousness of Dr. Walker to return these very important artworks. So I want to thank him from the bottom of my heart; you have already received the most important thanks from His royal

Majesty himself. All of us- being his stewards –we can only add to the royal appreciation that has already been delivered directly to you by His royal majesty himself. “And I think as you have said, the way in which you have been so warmly received by His Royal Majesty and the crème of not just members of the royal family, but the crème of personalities of Benin kingdom, shows that we not only take you as someone who has a strong spirit of brotherhood, we see you as someone who has a heart of gold, who believes that any wrongdoing that is perpetuated can never be corrected by time, it can only be corrected by doing what you have just done. And true to the word- the Iyase had already said so – you’ll have peace, and our ancestors will ensure that you have peace. That is the sure reward of those who have done the sort of thing that you have done.”

Governor Adams Oshiomhole delivering his speech at the occasion. Photo: FRANCIS ODUPUTE

Art And Culture

The Prophetic Bird Of Edo Culture

THE Prophetic Bird of Edo Culture is a red bird with long beak, the cry of which is said to be prophetic. If it cries “Oya—O” — disgrace, it portends danger or disaster ahead. If it cries “Oliguegue” - be grateful, it portends good favour, fortune or good luck ahead. If it cries persistently Oyao, Oyao, in front of a person, it is prophesizing that the person should be cautious. The person may not undergo the journey or rather return than continue, but if the bird cries Oliguegue” continuously, the journey would be favorable. The bird is believed to be a messenger of the spirit World. In 1515 CE, as Oba Esigie passed through the gates of Benin on his way to fight the Ata of Idah, the bird of prophecy, evil and good omen made discouraging sounds overhead — oyao, oyao, that disaster lay ahead. The Oba ordered the bird to be killed and then went on to win the war. He said, “Whoever wishes to succeed in life should not heed the bird of prophecy (Ne O gha Yin Agbon, ghei daho Ahianmwe notie oya). On the Oba triumphant return from the battle, he had the brass casters make an image of the bird on a bronze head of a battle standard to remind it that the Oba was not subject to the fate of ordinary spirit. In former times, ceremonies open and

close agricultural cycle but the ceremonies are primarily concerned with the purification and strengthening of the kingdom. Oba Esigie created Oro festival (Ugie Oro) in remembrance of the great internal and external wars. Ugie Oro is celebrated every five days for three months. The King and Chiefs dance in procession, in full regalia. It is considered so attractive a festival that in Benin adage, “If a farmer participate in dancing Oro, the farmer will never take care of his farm”. As part of the ceremony, chiefs dance in a circle beating with a rod the beak of a cast brass bird of prophecy, in remembrance of the prophetic bird, Oba Esigie had killed on his way to success against the Igala people. The chiefs, carry the standard staff and hit the beak with a brass rod in remembrance of its ignominious prophecy hence the name Ahianmwe-Oro, brass staff used during oro festival. There are indeed parallels between Oba Esigie and Oba Eresonyen, both overcame serious internal oppositions. In each reign, brasscasting flourished. The emulation of Esigie was

clearly an appeal to a time when the kingdom was at its height, led by a successful monarch of undeniably legitimate ancestry. Just as Oba Esigie had introduced a new rite, Ugie Oro — festival of

the Benins. Percussion idiophone are made of brass in the form of a bird with a long beak and struck with a brass beater on the beak. The bird shaped percussion staff is called Ahianmwe — Oro

Oro, into the annual cycle, Oba Eresoyen introduced Ugie Ododua. In contrast, the performers of Ododua wear brass helmet masks. The bronze head cast of Ahianmwe — Oro, the prophetic bird is a percussion staff idiophone, used only by

meaning bird of Oro festival. Oro festival takes place in May/June, Uki Eghe, lunar Month. And Ahianmwe Oro is used only during the Oro festival — Ugie Oro. The percussion staff is played only by the Oba and some of the Chiefs. According to tradition,

“As part of the ceremony, chiefs dance in a circle beating with a rod the beak of a cast brass bird of prophecy, in remembrance of the prophetic bird, Oba Esigie had killed on his way to success against the Igala people.”


the Ugie Oro was invented by Oba Esigie in the beginning of the sixteenth century. It is said that a bird of prophesy with a very long beak was crying “Oyao” meaning “disgrace” when Oba Esigie was marching with his army towards Idah. The Benin Solders thought that the bird was warning against coming defeat but the Oba said,

ahianmwe-oro percussion staff Idiophone. (No Ia vbe egogo) sounding like the bell. A number of very old percussion staffs of Ahianmwe-oro were also found in Benin capital after the British conquest while some looted Ahianmwe-oro brass staffs are in private hands and could be found in Museums - Metropolitan Museum. Apart from

“Ne o yha yin agbon, I danmwe eho ahianmwen no tie oyao” i.e. the person who wants to inhabit this earth does not listen to a bird crying “disgrace”. Oba Esigie won the war and had the brass smiths to cast the bird with its long beak. At Ugie Oro — Festival of Oro, Oba Esigie told his chiefs to help him to beat the beak with which he bird was crying disgrace (oyao) in order to deceive him at the war. The prophetic bird had existed, as some of the old bronze plagues that once decorated the beams of Oba Palace in Benin City represent musicians, chiefs playing the

percussion staffs, bells and slit-drums are found among the Edo people. People still listen to prophetic bird of good and bad omen, when it cries Oliguegue — be grateful; but foolish person heeds to the cry of Oyao — disgrace, while wise people are courageous. The bronze cast prophetic bird is a standard carried by Benin warriors during battles and the beak is beaten in remembrance of its ignominious, disgraceful prophecy during the triumphant victory festival of Oro-Ugie oro, as percussion idiophone in Benin culture.

Burning Missiles: Demons FEMINIQUE

Who Love Women!

WHEN a mortal man loves a woman, he goes the whole hog in ensuring she is in eternal bliss only within the endless embrace of his love, no matter how undeserving he is of her love or she, his love. He wants her to live and be loving him! However, when an immortal, or a spirit being loves a woman … gosh! It could be dire, it could be fatal! For the mortal man, he is in the same scheme of earthly

space, imputing in her subconscious the feelings, the actions and the messages they intend to convey to the woman after whose hearts their unwholesome hearts beckon and those hearts are often made of steel! They want to possess the woman, spirit, body and soul! They end up killing their love and re-uniting with the spirit. I have heard several stories, right from

wives…’ (Genesis 6:2) what matters is any mortal man who is in the scene at that moment is an interloper and except by divine intervention, is doomed! In the past one week, I have been engrossed in the study of demons and other spiritual beings because within the past two weeks my ears have become inundated with their escapades with young ladies and women in

do so. They say it is a tradition when a young one dies. The outcome? The deceased was a dire form of ‘Ogbanje’, an ‘Abiku’, a changeling and she had a pact with a ‘powerful spirit being who dared her to get married and die! Our unfortunate young lady defied the warning and went on to get married, and not ending at that, she also dared to get pregnant. The vicious firespitting demon who loved her

beings, in the same form with the woman he loves and albeit Shakespeare wrote that there is no art to discern the mind’s construction in the face, the love birds do all they can to try to understand each other’s feelings, do’s and don’t. Often times actions speak louder than words but words help in sending signals and in helping both parties understand each other better. Immortals on the other hand, simply hover around her

adolescence, of spirit beings possessing mortal women and ‘consuming’ them with their ghostly, guttural passion, jealousy and suffocating and murderous hatred for the man who unfortunately comes between. For that man too, it could be fatal. It therefore doesn’t matter at what point the spirit being ‘noticed the daughters of men, saw that they were good-looking, and went taking them as

our common neighbourhoods. Two young women I knew passed on recently in very ‘wooshy’ circumstances and both were pregnant. In my previous article I paid tributes to them, and I mentioned I wasn’t going to discuss the outcome of the enquiries embarked on the dead by one of the families, being a traditional one. Well, if I don’t, I would hear the chants of unwary ladies, all deceived, misled by scheming demons, dead, buried, but screaming for freedom! Although God said in his word that he hates his children to enquire of the dead’ one of the families, not being able to bear the untimely loss, went ahead to

couldn’t bear it, he made her to will her own death and she succeeded, putting her loved ones in confusion and agony. Several stories like this abound and we cannot wave them off, for the word says we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers. However, there is consolation in the word, knowing that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but are mighty through the pulling down of strongholds. One research I encountered in the course of my study states that over 50 percent of maternal deaths and death among young ladies is due to the ‘unholy nuptials with demons’. The research recommends that periodical spiritual deliverance should

Afterword ∗ BringBackOurGirls ∗ Support an orphanage ∗ Embrace peace, eschew violence ∗ Register for antenatal care in a good hospital and take your routine checks seriously. ∗ Be prayerful, without ceasing at all seasons!

With IJEOMA UMEH email: Tel: 08182382839 be conducted for the girlchildren – at infancy, at puberty, teenage and adulthood and that before she finds a ‘brother’ and gets bethroted, she has to go through one last deliverance to ‘severe all alliances with the evil one’. Now, how do females get initiated in this maccabre dance of death? What are the visible signs? Pa Eghe Imafidon, a traditional healer says, “it is by enticement, by the exchange of pacifiers and gifts. It could be passed on from mother to daughter, or from ancestral lineage. There is a spiritual being assigned to every family, kindred, community and so on. I am sure the Bible makes reference to it. We traditionalists also know about it. Families who have succeeded in extricating themselves from such spirits have done so through cleansing. Some have paid dearly for it. These spirits could choose the brightest among the offshoots of the family and take over their existence, even killing them in the process, sons have been dominated as much as daughters. Sometimes families, in search of protection, deliberately attract the attention of the super naturals, build a shrine and sacrifice to them. Some negatives want more than animal sacrifice; they want to be part of the lives of the members of the family and such interest, if not bridled, could be of grave consequence. As for women, well, I am not shy to tell you that women, because of their special composition, are like magnets to spiritual and supernatural forces. They are attractive and that is what makes them powerful. Most women are powerful because they are not ordinary nor are they possessed by ordinary creatures. Some use it to improve the lot of their families, some use it

negatively. However, as healers we advice women to be careful and always at alert. Nothing or no one can hold you against your wish. To be free, consent must be kept back. Mothers should also carefully observe their daughters’, caution them against eating any how, observe the companies they keep and where they go to, know the kind of dreams they dream and the vows they have taken among their peers. As for signs, the one who is so possessed sees and hears things normal people don’t and for us, we treat but God heals. He sees, he hears. He knows”. For Pastor Matthew Muonagor, “women should resist the devil and he will flee from and free them. The hunger for beautiful things is what causes such ungodly unions. By their fruits you shall know them. Ladies who love flashy things, gold, all sorts of shiny apparels, money and other worldly goods are easily enticed. They are told that there’s a kingdom where they will become queens and rule over a great area. It’s all deception, because anyone who dies in such foolery will go straight to hell. Their judgment is total. Parents should allow spirit-filled servants of God to come in and destroy these fetish articles that they tie their children’s destinies to. It is only death and sorrow that comes from ancestral shrines, nothing more. Deliverance is compulsory for everyone, no matter their religion, race, sex or status. Idol worship is nonsense and the idols are only as powerful as you make them. Don’t fear them, let them fear you. Get rid of them before they get rid of you. They are like the Frankinstein monster, you craft them, they kill you. That is not the will of God”. What else can we say? Divorce, vomit the demon and be free!

“Now, how do females get initiated in this maccabre dance of death? What are the visible signs? Pa Eghe Imafidon, a traditional healer says, “it is by enticement, by the exchange of pacifiers and gifts. It could be passed on from mother to daughter, or from ancestral lineage.”

View Point THE President of Nigeria is accusing its eastern neighbor, Cameroon of not cooperating with it and allowing cross-border pursuit of Boko Haram terrorists it claims return to Cameroon after attacks in Nigeria. The Boko Haram insurgency has claimed thousands of lives in Nigeria since the President assumed power over Africa’s most populous nation. The economy of the north has been seriously impacted by the uncontrolled spate of terror and the President has come under increasing pressure to act or resign as his administration loses its remaining credibility within Nigeria and abroad. This would not however be the first time the President looks for candidates to blame for failures of the administration, both locally and internationally. It would be recalled that at the beginning of his tenure, with each initial event of Boko Haram terrorism, the President of Nigeria encouraged the blame of ‘northern elements.’ As time progressed, with the amalgamation of several political parties, forming the merger, APC party, the Presidency blamed all matters including the provision of stable power and resolving an intractable ASUU education sector strike on the ‘opposition.’ It can be recalled that during an interview with CNN international anchor, Christian Amanpour, the President claimed Nigerians were celebrating better power and accused Christian Amanpour of being ‘with’ the ‘opposition,’ who denied this ‘better service.’ Blaming others for the problems of the current administration is also not unique to the President. Recently at the Powerlist 2014 programme in London, an intimately close minister, the embattled minister of oil, Diezani Alison-Madukwe accused foreign nations of

‘economic terrorism,’ for being the ones who purchased stolen oil. However in the face of accusations of NNPC theft of up to and over 100 billion dollars, the minister did not claim to be a terrorist as she had labeled such gravid acts of financial sabotage, but submitted that investigations of the illegal looting activities of the national oil corporation must extend to the predecessor regime. On the topic of oil theft, the President of Nigeria also played the same blame card in an interview with CNN’s Amanpour, accusing foreigners who purchased stolen oil. It is quickly becoming the defining feature of the Jonathan administration to either flat-out deny or find others to accuse of all its challenges and inadequacies. During the recent escalation in Boko Haram terrorism, the Presidents media man, Reno Omokri was found to have even gone as far as preparing press releases under an alias, Wendel Simlin, to accuse the whistleblower, suspended former CBN governor of being behind the escalation in Boko Haram attacks which followed a replacement of army chiefs and appointment of a questionable character, three-time failed NSA as minister of defence. Though the need for cooperation with Nigeria’s neighbors in the battle against terrorism cannot be undermined, the difficult position of Nigeria’s neighbors can be appreciated given the administration’s record of recklessness, incompetence and protection, appointment and recognition of terror masterminds and corrupt thieves. In April of 2012 when the ex-governor of Borno, Ali Modu Sherif, who has been clearly implicated in the metamorphosis of Boko Haram terrorism and is indicted in the Abba Moro White-paper report with the president, was arrested by the

Tackling Challenges Of Boko Haram Insurgency

Cameroon government for Boko Haram terrorism, the Nigerian Presidency facilitated his release with another senator who was arrested with him. Upon his arrest, Ali Modu Sheriff said, “I did not know that Cameroonians are like this, I prefer to go back to where I came from.” Indeed, Nigeria where he came from under the Jonathan administration embraces and rewards terror sponsors. Here is where he is most comfortable. Again, when another nonrepentant MEND terrorist who has admitted a relationship with Boko Haram founder, late Mohammed Yusuf, Mujahid Dokubo-Asari” was arrested by the Benenoise security services, the Nigerian


Presidency immediately sent to his rescue. The relationship of the Nigerian President with terror sponsors and terrorists has challenged his repute and commitment to the battle against terrorism both locally and internationally. In a current lament, Noble Laureate, Wole Soyinka who has called the ruling PDP party a ‘terrorist organization,’ described Nigeria’s president as having ‘canonised terrorism’ by awarding a confirmed exdictator who looted billions of dollars, of which up to $1.2 billion has been certified and recovered, and a known killer, an award of ‘national honor.’ Professor Soyinka described ex-dictator Abacha

“Rather than a policy of denial of responsibility for failure and trading blame with local and international players, how about the Presidency accepting its credit for enabling terror and mass murder of Nigerians reminiscent of the progrom years?”

as equivalent to Boko Haram terrorists. The terror impact of the billions he looted which has been confirmed, to the nation cannot be debated. With a history of dining with and protecting terrorists and facilitating the release of terror sponsors from neighboring countries, the cooperation of such nations and their permission for Nigerian troops to crisscross their borders freely is unfortunately legitimately jeopardized. Without a true commitment to abating and fighting terror, which selectively targets the poor and less affluent, Nigeria fails to garner international support in its ‘war against terror.’ It will be remembered that until Nigeria showed some seriousness and declared a state of emergency against the wishes of his head of national security, as impressed on the President by certain intelligence media in a May 8 2013 article captioned, “Nigeria at war,” did the US and UK

government swiftly adjust their positions, declaring Boko Haram members wanted and freezing their assets. Rather than a policy of denial of responsibility for failure and trading blame with local and international players, how about the Presidency accepting its credit for enabling terror and mass murder of Nigerians reminiscent of the progrom years? Denial can never solve this problem, and there is urgency for critical action or resignation. A friend of the President said ‘he is still learning.’ Well, people are dying, if he hasn’t learned enough in 7 years so-far in Aso rock, he should have pity on the poor who are dying and give way to people who have commitment, moral competence, respect and balls. It is enough of politics with Nigerian lives. At this critical point in Nigeria’s history, Nigeria needs a strong President who can cross party lines and also international borders with respect and regard.

Religion Mystery, Babylon The Great, Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth - Her Wrong Doctrine Of Church Wedding (Part 1) IN any assembly where this religious system is being practiced , such an assembly becomes the habitation of devils and the hold (strong- hold) of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird as written in Revelation 18:2 which was highlighted in one of our earlier publications of the series on Mystery Babylon. In II Peter 2:1-3 it is written “But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not”. These are the false prophets and false teachers of this religious system to whom Jesus refers as thieves and robbers in John 10:1.

Their mission is to kill and destroy souls of men, steal eternal life from them, and make merchandize of them through their covetousness. These thieves bewitch the souls of foolish Christians not to obey the truth, as written in Galatians 3:1 “O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you?” They make their followers to speak evil of the truth. They allow strange doctrines to flourish in their religious assemblies, thereby making their followers to be comfortable in their sins. The religious system of Mystery Babylon, preaches another Jesus and another gospel which is not the gospel of the truth of the bible. It is under the control of another spirit, the spirit of the prince of this world, the spirit that worketh in the children of disobedience to the truth as written in II Corinthians 11:4 “For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye

receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.” Jesus Christ became eaten up by the zeal of His Father’s House so much so that He became so enraged when His Father’s House was being defiled by the commercial and social activities that were being carried out in His Father’s House by these thieves, as recorded in John 2:14-16, and I quote “And found in the temple those that sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the changers of money sitting: And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers’ money, and overthrew the tables; And said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence; make not my Father’s house an house of merchandise.” Jesus further said, in His wrath against these thieves, and I quote “It is written My house shall be called the house of prayer, but ye have made it a den of thieves”. The house of God, or the temple of

God is therefore not a place for thieves who turn the house of God into social gathering or for social engagements or into commercial house. The house of God is a chosen place for spiritual warfare through prayers against satan and his host of army. It is a sanctified place where souls are


REV. OLU GEORGE “church wedding” which is the popular social ceremony that goes on inside most harlot churches. This contradicts the foundation of the truth upon which Jesus Christ came to establish His church on earth. If you care to search the scriptures, from Genesis to Revelation,

not defiled before marriage as it is written in Hebrews 13:4 and I quote “Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.” And why was it a notable marriage? It heralded the beginning of the spiritual lineage of Jesus Christ. Therefore,

“In II Peter 2:1-3 it is written “But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.” being sanctified made ready for heaven through the teaching of the truth as written in John 17:17 “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth,” and as written in II Chronicle 7:16 “For now have I chosen and sanctified this house, that my name (the truth) may be there forever: and mine eyes and mine heart shall be there perpetually” Unfortunately, satan through these false teachers of Mystery, Babylon the great, Mother of harlots has introduced into the church a false doctrine of

there is no biblical example of any “wedding” conducted either in the early church, or in any synagogue. The two notable accounts of marriages recorded in the bible were all consummated at the ‘brides fathers’ homes, not in any temple or in any Jewish Synagogue. The first one was the ‘holy marriage’ between Isaac and Rebecca. Holy marriage, in the sense that it was a honourable one because the bed was

“Jesus Christ became eaten up by the zeal of His Father’s House so much so that He became so enraged when His Father’s House was being defiled by the commercial and social activities that were being carried out in His Father’s House by these thieves, as recorded in John 2:14-16, and I quote “And found in the temple those that sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the changers of money sitting.”

the simplicity in this notable marriage between Rebecca and Isaac should be the standard for all heavenbound Christian parents for their sons and daughters. It is important to know that Rebecca was chosen for Isaac by Jesus Christ in answer to the prayers of Isaac and Abraham’s servant, who was commissioned by Abraham to go in search of a wife for his son. According to the book of Proverbs 19:14 a prudent wife is from the LORD, and she can only be found through fervent prayers and patience. Adam never chose a wife for himself; it was God that gave Adam a wife. Christians who are in search of life-partners should take note of these salient points. TO BE CONTINUED COURTESY: REV. OLU GEORGE CHRISTIAN GOSPEL CHURCH (The Truth Centre), BENIN CITY.


SS Peter and Paul: JUNE 29th is the feast of SS Peter and Paul. These names are very popular within the Christendom. They are names that have really influenced the Church and the society at large. Most Churches and places receive their titles through these great men. Who are these great men? What is special about them? Why must we celebrate their feast annually? What are their major contributions to the Church? What is the nature of Christian leadership? To start with, we are not just celebrating Peter and Paul as individual saints. We are celebrating the great pillars of the Church, the leaders of the Church and indeed the Vicars of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are celebrating the hierarchical and charismatic gifts that are deposited in these two great Apostles. We are celebrating unity in diversity. The Catechism of the Catholic Church no 552 describes Peter as the head of the twelve Apostles: “Simon Peter holds the first place in the college of the Twelve; Jesus entrusted a unique mission to him. Through a revelation from the Father, Peter had confessed: “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Our Lord then declared to him: “You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18). The name Peter is derived from the Greek name Cephas which means stone. Peter means Stone. Any house that is built on stone or rock is guaranteed. No amount of wind can bring such house down. Peter is the foundation on which the Church of Christ is built. Nothing can bring this Church down because it is standing on a solid foundation. Our Lord Jesus Christ entrusted a unique authority to Peter. He handed over to

him the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Jesus assured him, saying, “I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven” (Matthew 16:19). The Catechism of the Catholic Church describes this key as a symbol of authority: “The power of the keys designates authority to govern the house of God, which is the Church. Jesus, the Good Shepherd, confirmed this mandate after his resurrection: “Feed my sheep” (John 21:15-17) The power to ‘bind and loose’ connotes the authority to absolve sins, to pronounce doctrinal judgments, and to make disciplinary decisions in the Church. Jesus entrusted this authority to the church through the ministry of the apostles and in particular through the ministry of Peter, the only one to whom he specifically entrusted the keys of the kingdom” (CCC 553). The power to bind and loose includes the power of deliverance and healing. It is the power to bind Satan and the power to loose the children of God on the other hand. This is an essential sign that must accompany a true believer. Jesus said, “This signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons… they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover” (Mark 16:17). Peter exercised this authority in Acts 3 when he met the crippled man. He told him, “I have no silver and gold, but what I give is what I have; in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk. Instantly, the man started walking. Peter was not given the authority to bind or suppress his fellow human beings as most religious leaders do these days. Instead he was given the authority to bind Satan and to loose the children of God from satanic

Reflection The Pillars of the Church

bondage. The authority our Lord Jesus Christ gave to Peter was a ministerial authority: the authority to serve. Jesus told his disciples that the greatest among them must be their servant. “You know that the ruler of the gentiles lord it over them, and their great men exercise their authority over them. It shall not be so among you; but whoever would be first among you must be your servant, and

Lord; and you are right, for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example that you also should do as I have done to you” (John 13:12-15). Only God knows how many religious leaders are ready to wash the feet of their disciples as Jesus did. God knows how many of them are using their position of authority to suppress those

told Peter, “Feed my sheep.” The sheep is very important to Jesus. It was because of the sheep that Jesus died on the cross. Without the sheep there will be no shepherd. That is why the code of Canon Law describes the salvation of souls as the supreme law of the Church (Can. 1752). Peter is the head of the shepherds. Another great man we are celebrating alongside with St. Peter is St. Paul. He is the indefatigable Apostle of the

under them. One aspect of the authority of Peter that is gradually dying down in most churches today is the authority to feed the flock of Christ Jesus. Before the ascension of Christ Jesus called Peter three times and each time he asked him, “Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?” He said to him, ‘Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.’ He said to him, “Feed my lambs” (John 21:15-17). Jesus repeated this question three times and each time he

Gentile. Before he became an apostle he persecuted the church of Christ. In fact it was on his way to Damascus where he was going to launch a fresh attack against the Christians that Jesus Christ arrested him. That experience led to his radical conversion. From a persecutor he became an apostle and a promoter of the gospel among the gentiles. After his conversion he used the zeal he was using to persecute the Christians to promote the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. St. Paul was a zealous preacher. He was a theologian and a charismatic preacher. He was also a missionary. Most of the Epistles in the New Testaments were written by him. God used him to bring the gospel to the gentiles and to Rome which was considered the ends of

SS Peter and Paul

whoever must be first among you must be your slave; even as the Son of man came not to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom to many” (Matthew 20:25-28). Leadership is for service and not for oppression or dictatorship. Jesus taught his disciples what it means to be a leader. At the last supper Jesus washed the feet of his disciples. After washing their feet he said to them, “Do you know what I have done to you? You call me Teacher and

“The power to bind and loose includes the power of deliverance and healing. It is the power to bind Satan and the power to loose the children of God on the other hand. This is an essential sign that must accompany a true believer. Jesus said, “This signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons… they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover” (Mark 16:17).”

the world. Although Paul was not one of the Twelve Apostles chosen by our Lord Jesus Christ during his public ministry; but he was considered an apostle because of his direct encounter with Jesus and the mission given to him by Jesus as an apostle of the gentile. Paul introduced himself as an apostle of our Lord. He wrote, “Paul, called by the will of God to be an apostle of Christ Jesus” (I Cor 1:1). In his letter to the Galatians he even describes his apostleship as coming directly from God through Christ Jesus and not from men: “Paul an apostle – not from men nor through man, but through Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised him from the dead” (Galatians 1:1). Paul is generally considered one of the most important figures of the Apostolic Age. He founded several churches in Asia Minor and Europe. He used his status as a Jew and a Roman citizen to promote the ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ to both Jewish and Roman audiences. Out of the twenty-seven books of the New Testament Fourteen were attributed to Paul. Approximately half of the Acts of the Apostles deals with Paul’s life and works. God used Paul to solve the problem of discrimination and divisions among the Jewish Christians. When the Jewish Christians, especially those who belonged to the party of the Pharisees, insisted that the gentiles must be circumcised before becoming Christians, Paul defended the gentiles in most of his epistles. For instance, he insisted that: “There is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28). Our Lord Jesus Christ according to St. Paul has broken down the dividing wall of hostility (Eph 2:16). There are so many other things to learn from these great leaders of the Church. Their lives have left an indelible mark in the soul of history. As we celebrate them we pray for selfless and zealous leaders like them both in the Church and the society at large. Happy feast of SS Peter and Paul!

International Features A new insurgent artillery offensive against Christian villages in the north of Iraq sent thousands of Christians fleeing from their homes, seeking sanctuary in Kurdish-controlled territory, Associated Press reporters who witnessed the scene said. The United States government and a senior Iraqi military official confirmed that Syrian warplanes bombed militants’ positions Tuesday in and near the border crossing in the town of Qaim. Iraq’s other neighbors — Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Turkey — were all bolstering flights just inside their airspace to monitor the situation, said the Iraqi official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media. American officials said the target was the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, the Sunni extremist group that has seized large swathes of Iraq and seeks to carve out a purist Islamic enclave across both sides of the Syria-Iraq border. “We’ve made it clear to everyone in the region that we don’t need anything to take place that might exacerbate the sectarian divisions that are already at a heightened level of tension,” Kerry said, speaking in Brussels at a meeting of diplomats from NATO nations. “It’s already important that nothing take place that contributes to the extremism or could act as a flash point with respect to the sectarian divide.” Meanwhile, two U.S. officials said Iran has been flying surveillance drones in Iraq, controlling

Iraq: US Finds New Allies them from an airfield in Baghdad. The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren’t authorized to discuss the issue publicly, said they believe the drones are surveillance aircraft only, but they could not rule out that they may be armed. A top Iraqi intelligence official said Iran was secretly supplying the Iraqi security forces with weapons, including rockets, heavy machine guns and multiple rocket launchers. “Iraq is in a grave crisis and the sword is on its neck, so is it even conceivable that we turn down the hand outstretched to us?” said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the subject. The intelligence-gathering and arms supplies come on the heels of a visit to Baghdad this month by one of Iran’s most powerful generals, Qassem Soleimani, commander of the Revolutionary Guard’s Quds Force, to help bolster the defenses of the Iraqi military and the Shiite militias that he has armed and trained. The involvement of Syria and Iran in Iraq suggests a growing cooperation among the three Shiite-led governments in response to the raging Sunni insurgency. And in an unusual twist, the U.S., Iran and Syria now find themselves with an overlapping interest in stabilizing Iraq’s government. None-Arab and mostly Shiite, Iran has been playing the role of guarantor of Shiites in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. It has maintained close ties with successive Shiite-led governments since the 2003 ouster of Saddam Hussein, a Sunni who oppressed the Shiites, and is

also the main backer of Syria’s Assad, a follower of Shiism’s Alawite sect. In a reflection of how intertwined the Syria and Iraq conflicts have become, thousands of Shiite Iraqi militiamen helping President Bashar Assad crush the Sunni-

the Iraqi Shiites and the Alawites in Syria coordinate their overall pressure on the Sunni forces?” Qaim, where the Syrian airstrikes took place Tuesday, is located in vast and mostly Sunni Anbar

building a new government that fully represents its Shiite, Sunni and Kurdish populations. However, al-Maliki, in his first public statement since President Barack Obama challenged him last week to create a more inclusive leadership or risk

US President Barack Obama

led uprising against him are returning home, putting a strain on the overstretched Syrian military as it struggles to retain territory recaptured in recent months from rebels. Anthony Cordesman, a prominent foreign policy analyst at the Washingtonbased Center for Strategic and International Studies, said that with Syria’s apparent willingness to now take on the Islamic State directly, “the real problem is how will Iran,

“We’ve made it clear to everyone in the region that we don’t need anything to take place that might exacerbate the sectarian divisions that are already at a heightened level of tension.”

province. Its provincial government spokesman, Dhari al-Rishawi, said 17 people were killed in an air raid there. Reports that the Sunni militants have captured advanced weapons, tanks and Humvees from the Iraq military that have made their way into Syria, and that fighters are crossing freely from one side to the other have alarmed the Syrian government, which fears the developments could shift the balance of power in the largely stalemated fight between Assad’s forces and the Sunni rebels fighting to topple him. “His army is already overstretched and every bullet that doesn’t hit enemy targets at home can be a bullet wasted,” he said. “Going after ISIL along border areas could serve tactical goals but is more a luxury than anything else.” In Brussels, Kerry said Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki appears to be standing by his commitment to start

a sectarian civil war, rejected calls for an interim “national salvation government .” Al-Maliki has faced pressure, including from his onetime Shiite allies, to step down and form an interim government that could provide leadership until a more permanent solution can be found. Al-Maliki, however, insisted the political process must be allowed to proceed following April elections in which his bloc won the largest share of parliament seats. “The call to form a national salvation government represents a coup against the constitution and the political process,” he said. He added that “rebels against the constitution” — a thinly veiled reference to Sunni rivals — posed a more serious danger to Iraq than the militants. Al-Maliki’s coalition, the State of the Law, won 92 seats in the 328-member parliament in the election, but he needs the support of

a simple majority to hold on to the job for another fouryear term. The legislature is expected to meet before the end of the month, when it will elect a speaker. It has 30 days to elect a new president, who in turn will select the leader of the majority bloc in parliament to form the next government. More of Iraq’s sectarian tensions boiled over into violence on Wednesday, with Sunni militants shelling a Christian village 45 miles (75 kilometers) from the frontier of the selfruled Kurdish region, which has so far escaped the deadly turmoil unscathed. The shelling of the village of Hamdaniya sparked a flight by thousands of Christians from it and other nearby villages toward the Kurdish region. Hundreds of cars, many with crucifixes swinging from their rear-view mirrors, waited to cross into the relatively safe northern Iraqi Kurdish city of Irbil. Others were forced to walk, including 28-year-old Rasha, who was nine months pregnant and carried her 3-year-old son on her hip. After her husband’s car broke down, the woman, who would give only her first name for fear of militant reprisals, and her mother-in-law walked for miles toward the checkpoint, fearful she would give birth before reaching safety. Like most others, the women said they had nowhere to go, but hoped strangers would take them in in the Christiandominated area. “Otherwise we will sleep in a park,” Rasha said, shrugging. Meanwhile, progovernment forces battled Sunni militants, threatening a major military air base in Balad, north of Baghdad, military officials said. The militants had advanced into the nearby town of Yathrib, just five kilometers (three miles) from the former U.S. base, which was known as Camp Anaconda. The officials insisted the base was not in immediate danger of falling into the hands of the militants. Courtesy: AP

International China Accuses Philippines Of Stirring Tension

BEIJING - China on Wednesday accused the Philippines of creating tension in the region and urged Manila to show “sincerity” in upholding stability after President Benigno Aquino welcomed Japan’s more assertive military policy. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe made it clear on Tuesday he wanted an early agreement with his ruling party’s dovish junior partner to ease constitutional curbs that have kept Japan’s military from fighting abroad since World War Two. Aquino said after meeting Abe that “nations of goodwill can only benefit if the Japanese government is empowered to assist others”. China’s foreign ministry said Aquino’s statement had complicated an already difficult

Palestinian Prisoners end hunger strike.

situation. “We think that the relevant country should earnestly show its sincerity, meet China halfway, rather than creating tensions and rivalry and adding new, complicating factors to the situation in the region,” spokeswoman Hua Chunying told a daily news briefing. Hua urged Manila to “play a positive and constructive role” for peace and stability, “rather than the reverse”. Japan and the Philippines are locked in disputes with China over territorial claims, respectively, in the East China Sea and South China Sea. SinoJapanese ties have also long been plagued by what Beijing sees as Japan’s failure to atone for its often brutal occupation of parts

Israel: Palestinian Prisoners End Hunger Strike JERUSALEM – Dozens of Palestinian prisoners on Wednesday ended their 63-day-long hunger strike over detentions without charges after reaching a deal with Israeli prison authorities, a Palestinian official said. The development came against the backdrop of a broad Israeli ground operation in the West Bank in search of three Israeli teens who went missing in the Palestinian territory nearly two weeks ago. There have also been neardaily rocket attacks from Gaza, prompting Israeli airstrikes in retaliation. Overnight Wednesday, a rocket fired by Palestinian militants toward Israel exploded in the northern Gaza Strip, killing a 3-yearold Palestinian girl and wounding three other people. A Gaza security official said the rocket was misfired and exploded prematurely inside the coastal strip. He spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to the media. Since 2012, Palestinian prisoners have staged a series of hunger strikes, sometimes as individuals and sometimes in larger groups, to protest “administrative detention,” a policy that can keep some prisoners in custody for months or years without charges. Israel has defended the practice as a necessary tool to stop militant activity, including attacks. About 5,000 Palestinians are imprisoned in Israel for alleged offenses ranging from rock throwing to deadly militant attacks. Of those, some 190 are administrative detainees, while another 143 Palestinians detained in

recent raids have also been held under the policy. The latest hunger strike was launched April 24, with 77 prisoners still participating before Wednesday’s settlement, according to Qadoura Fares, an advocate for Palestinian prisoners. The deal was struck with Israel’s Prisons Authority, said Minister of Prisoner Affairs Shawqi Al-Aissa. Fares said the agreement “states that the prisoners stay in hospital until they recover, and then they will be taken to the prisons they were in before the strike while Israel ends punitive measures against them.” The measures included limiting visits by family members as well as removal of televisions and other amenities from their jail rooms. “This is not a big victory but it has shaken the administrative detention law,” Fares said, adding that the prisoners will “continue their struggle for freedom.” Fares said the crisis over the missing teens “had a very bad effect on the strike,” reflecting what some observers have said — that Palestinians can’t expect Israel to make any concessions under such circumstances. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu praised prison officials for reaching the deal. “We took a clear policy and brought this result, and we will add additional measures that will lead to fewer prisoner strikes in the future,” he said. Over the objections of Israel’s medical community and human rights groups, Netanyahu’s government has been pressing forward with a law that would allow force feeding to keep hunger-striking prisoners alive. The three Israeli teens — Eyal Yifrah, 19, Gilad Shaar, 16, and Naftali Fraenkel, a 16year-old with dual Israeli-

American citizenship — disappeared on June 12 in the West Bank. Since then, the territory has seen a spike in violence. Israel has accused the militant Palestinian Hamas group, which controls Gaza, of being behind the abduction. Hamas has praised the kidnapping, but has not taken responsibility for it. The Israeli military said troops arrested 17 Palestinians in the West

Bank overnight. It also said that since the operation began, about 370 Palestinian suspects have been arrested, including about 280 Hamas members. Among the latest arrests were two more Hamas lawmakers, the group said. In all, 21 Hamas lawmakers are in Israeli custody. Even so, the operation appears to be winding down ahead of the Muslim Ramadan holiday, which begins this weekend. Israel appears to have scaled back the arrests,

and is concentrating its efforts in the area of Hebron, where the teens disappeared. Israel’s military chief, Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz, acknowledged Tuesday that as time passes, fears are rising about the fates of the teens. Meanwhile, a 24-year-old Palestinian, Mustafa Aslan, died of wounds sustained in clashes with the Israeli military on the outskirts of Jerusalem last Friday, his family said. Aslan had been in an Israeli hospital since he was shot in the chest. In all, five Palestinians have died in Israel’s latest West Bank operation.

of China in the 1930s and 1940s. “Because of historical reasons, China has maintained a high degree of concern about Japan’s policy movements in the military and security fields,” Hua said. China, she said, hoped Japan would “understand and respect the legitimate concerns” of neighboring countries. State media earlier said China had unveiled a new official map of the country giving greater play to its claims on the South China Sea, making the disputed waters and its numerous islets and reefs more clearly seem like national territory. Previous maps included China’s claims to most of the South China Sea, but in a little box normally in a bottom corner to enable the rest of the country to fit easily onto a single leaf. It was not clear, however, to what extent the map was new. Reuters was able to buy a very similar one, first printed last year, in one of Beijing’s main book stores. The map described by media reports is longer and dispenses with the box. It shows continental China and its selfdeclared boundary in the South China Sea - stretching to the coasts of Malaysia, Vietnam and the Philippines - on one complete map. “The islands of the South China Sea on the traditional map of China are shown in a cut-away box, and readers cannot fully, directly know the full map of China,” the ruling Communist Party’s official People’s Daily said on its website.

Congress To Sue Obama

WASHINGTON –The House will vote next month on legislation authorizing a campaign-season lawsuit accusing President Barack Obama of failing to carry out the laws passed by Congress, Speaker John Boehner announced on Wednesday. In a memo distributed to House members, Boehner, ROhio, accused Obama of “aggressive unilateralism” and said if left unchecked, it would give the president “king-like authority at the expense of the American people and their elected legislators.” White House press secretary Josh Earnest dismissed any suggestion that the president has failed to act within the law in issuing executive orders or taking other actions. “We feel completely confident that the president was operating within his authority as the president of the United States to take these steps on behalf of the American people,” he told reporters. Whatever the outcome of the suit in the courts, Boehner ’s announcement guarantees creation of yet another political struggle between Republicans and Obama and his Democratic allies in a campaign already full of them. “On matters ranging from health care and energy to foreign policy and education, President Obama has repeatedly run an end-around” on the public and Congress, the speaker wrote. He accused

him of “ignoring some statutes completely, selectively enforcing others and at times, creating laws of his own.” At a news conference, Boehner strongly brushed aside a question of whether impeachment proceedings could result from the suit. In his memo, he stopped short of accusing the president of violating his oath of office. Instead, he said Obama was “straining the boundaries of the solemn oath he took on Inauguration Day.” Other Republicans have been less restrained. Rep. Lou Barletta, R-Pa., said recently the House probably has the votes to impeach Obama, although he said he wasn’t calling for it. One former

tea party-backed lawmaker, exRep. Allen West of Florida, has called for the House to vote to remove the president from office. Boehner also rejected a suggestion that the suit was a political move designed to give traditional Republican voters an added impetus for going to the polls this fall when control of Congress will be at stake. But Rep. Steve Israel of New York, who chairs the Democratic campaign committee, said Boehner planned a “politically motivated lawsuit,” and predicted the voters would punish Republicans for it. He accused the speaker of a “reprehensible waste of taxpayers’ money and a

desperate political stunt meant to gin up the Republican base at a time when House Republicans are historically unpopular.”

A group established to help elect Democrats, the House Majority PAC, rushed out an online request for donations that said Boehner had “sunk to a new low” and was “caving in to pressure from the right and suing President Obama.” Disputes about the balance of power between the executive branch and the Congress are as old as the Constitution under a system in which lawmakers pass laws and the president carries them out. Boehner said the House “must act as an institution to defend the constitutional principles at stake.”

Boehner listens as Obama speaks during a ceremony honouring the President’s Cup golf team in Washington.

International US Prepares Fresh Sanctions Against Russia

Iran’s Nuclear Future

Russia Wants Marathon Talks

UNITED NATIONS Russia’s U.N. envoy on Wednesday said the next round of talks between Iran and six world powers will be a two-week marathon session, while warning a panel of U.N. sanctions experts not to sabotage the final phase of the delicate negotiations. Russian Ambassador Vitaly Churkin told the Security Council that the negotiations are scheduled to run from July 2 to July 15 in Vienna. Other senior officials close to the talks confirmed the talks are expected to last two weeks, as a July 20 deadline for a long-term deal approaches. Speaking about the previous round of negotiations, June 16 to 20, Churkin said “it was very useful and confirmed the overall readiness to continue cooperating in a constructive vein.” He predicted that their readiness for cooperation would continue in the talks beginning next week. The long period set aside for the negotiations between Iran and the United States, Britain, France, Russia, China and Germany may be an indication both of how difficult it will be to overcome the differences between Tehran and the six and the parties’ determination to get a deal. The stakes are high in the talks resuming on July 2, as the powers seek a negotiated solution to a more-thandecade-long standoff with Iran that has raised fears of a new Middle East war and a regional nuclear arms race. Churkin sharply criticized the U.N. Panel of Experts on Iran, which monitors compliance with the Security Council’s sanctions regime, saying “any information not backed up by concrete facts ... could have a negative impact on the conduct of negotiations of the group of six and Iran.”

The panel’s latest findings were made public earlier this month. Reuters reported on the panel’s report in May, when the experts noted that Tehran’s illicit procurement appeared to have slowed during its negotiations with the six powers, though Iranians continued to attempt to bypass sanctions. They also accused Iran of pursuing its ballistic missile program in violation of U.N. sanctions imposed on Tehran for refusing to suspend its uranium enrichment program. Iran says enrichment is part of a peaceful nuclear program.

Russia’s United Nations Ambassador Vitaly Churkin speaks during a news conference marking the start of his month-long term as president of the U.N. Security Council at the U.N. headquarters in New York.

US Ends Philippine Anti-Terror Operation

MANILA, Philippines — After more than a decade of helping fight Islamic militants, the United States is disbanding an anti-terror contingent of hundreds of elite American troops in the southern Philippines where armed groups such as Abu Sayyaf have largely been crippled, officials said yesterday. But special forces from the U.S. Pacific Command, possibly in smaller numbers, will remain after the deactivation of the Joint Special Operations Task Force Philippines (JSOTF-P), to ensure al-Qaida offshoots such as Abu Sayyaf and the Indonesia-based Jemaah Islamiyah do not regain lost ground, according to U.S. and Philippine officials. The move marks a new chapter in the long-running battle against an al-Qaida-inspired movement

in the southern Philippines, viewed by the U.S. as a key front in the global effort to keep terrorists at bay. It reflects shifting security strategies and focus in economically vibrant Asia, where new concerns such as multiple territorial conflicts involving China have alarmed Washington’s allies entangled in the disputes. A year after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, the U.S. military established the task force in the southern Philippines to help illequipped Filipino forces contain a bloody rampage by Abu Sayyaf gunmen, who carried out bombings, terrorized entire towns and kidnapped more than 100 people, including three

Americans. Although U.S. forces are barred by the Philippine Constitution from engaging in combat, the advice, training, military equipment and intelligence, including drone surveillance, that they provided

Golan Helght

UN Demands End To Miliary Operations UNITED NATIONS — The U.N. Security Council has strongly condemned the recent intense fighting between Syrian government and

Turkey Submits Bill To Boost Kurdish Peace Process ANKARA - Turkey’s government sent a bill to parliament yesterday giving its peace process with Kurdish militants a legal framework, a step that may boost support for Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan before an August presidential election. The bill was long sought by

pro-Kurdish politicians, partly to remove the risk of those involved in the talks being prosecuted if the political climate in Turkey turned against the process in the future. Ankara began peace talks with jailed Kurdish militant leader Abdullah Ocalan in 2012 in a bid to end a 30-year-old

Turkey’s Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan addresses members of parliament from his ruling AK Party (AKP) during a meeting at the Turkish parliament in Ankara.

helped the underfunded Philippine military beat back the Abu Sayyaf. U.S.-backed Philippine offensives whittled the militants’ ranks from a few thousand fighters — mostly drawn from desperately poor hinterland villages — to about 300 gunmen, who survive on extortion and kidnappings for ransom while dodging military assaults.

insurgency which has killed 40,000 people. “We are nearing the stage when these problems are solved, violence ends, people put down their weapons and come down from the mountains to return to normal social life,” Deputy Prime Minister Besir Atalay said after submission of the bill. The draft law protects anyone involved in the talks from prosecution over the insurgency by Ocalan’s Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK). It also makes it the government’s responsibility to rehabilitate militants who lay down their weapons. The bill was presented less than a week before the ruling AK Party announces its candidate - widely expected to be Erdogan - for Turkey’s first direct presidential election, due in August. Kurds account for around a fifth of Turkey’s population, and their support would help Erdogan’s bid. However opinion polls indicate he may not even need broad Kurdish support to win the necessary majority.

opposition fighters in the Golan Heights and demanded an end to all military activity in the area that has separated Syrian and Israeli forces since 1974. A resolution unanimously adopted by the council echoed Secretary-General Ban Kimoon’s finding that ongoing military activities in the area of separation “have the potential to escalate tensions” between Israel and Syria, jeopardize the cease-fire between the two countries and pose a risk to civilians and U.N. personnel. The resolution extends the U.N. mission monitoring the Israeli-Syrian cease-fire, which currently has about 1,250 troops, until Deember 31. The mission, known as UNDOF, was established in May 1974 following intensified firing on the IsraelSyria border after the 1973 Arab-Israeli war. Israel captured the Golan Heights from Syria in 1967, and Syria has campaigned for decades for return of the land. For nearly four decades, the U.N. monitors helped enforce a stable truce between Israel and Syria. But in recent months, the Golan Heights has increasingly become a battlefield in the more than three-year-old Syrian conflict. Syrian mortars overshooting their target have repeatedly hit the Israeli-controlled Golan, and U.N. peacekeepers have been abducted.

WASHINGTON - The United States said on Wednesday it has fresh sanctions ready to impose on Russia if Moscow does not take steps to de-escalate tensions with Ukraine, including halting the flow of fighters and arms to Ukrainian separatists. A senior U.S. official said on Friday Washington and the European Union had intensified talks about “scalpel” sanctions on Russia’s financial, defense and hightech industries as more Russian military material has flowed into Ukraine. The U.S. State Department declined to provide details on what kinds of sanctions might be imposed. However, a Western diplomat on Wednesday said they could include steps to limit Western purchases of debt from Russian state enterprises, to restrict technology transfers in the energy sector and to crack down on the sale of socalled dual-use items with civilian and military applications to Russia. The moves would respond to what American officials have said was Russia’s recent increase in support to Ukrainian separatists, including the provision of Russian tanks and the preparation of more tanks to cross into eastern Ukraine. Separatist rebellions erupted in eastern Ukraine in early April after street protests in Kiev toppled Moscow-backed leader Viktor Yanukovich, and Russia in turn annexed the Crimean peninsula. Eastern rebels have called for union with Russia. “We need to see Russia secure its border, stop the flow of fighters and weapons into Ukraine and call on separatists to lay down their arms and release the OSCE hostages,” U.S. State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf said on Wednesday. Harf was referring to monitors of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, a rights watchdog that lost contact with two monitoring teams in late May amid intense fighting between the Ukrainian army and proRussian separatists. Last week, the OSCE said it had re-established contact with the two four-person teams and demanded their immediate release. “Those are the important actions we are looking for,” Harf added. “We have additional sanctions ready to go.” The spokeswoman did not provide detailed information about the sanctions. However, last week the senior U.S. official said they were designed “to deny Russia the kinds of investment and nextgeneration technology that it needs to continue to grow.”

EVERY FRIDAY WEEK 50, 2014 LAST SEASON RESULT Anderson Richwell 1.2. X. Forecast

WEEK 50, 2013 NO. OF DRAWS 09

By SAM EHEBHA GSM: 08056626091

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14 15 B SEAMAN NAP 16 11 35 27 C 36 35 21, 22, 32, 33 37 14 24 25 Pair 36 FACE TO FACE U.K EDITION X X


For One X?



Ecuador Thrown Out FRANCE just about Of Brazil held on to deny 10-man Ecuador from causing an upset and progressing through to the knockout stage, with Switzerland going through in the South Americans’ stead. The game was a surprisingly even one, and while France easily enjoyed the majority of possession, they struggled to create chances, with Ecuador having a fair few goalscoring opportunities of their own. The first half was a relatively tense affair with very few chances, although Antonio Valencia’s red card for a wild challenge appeared to give France an easy opportunity. Yet if anything, Ecuador were the better side after going down to ten men, and in the final twenty minutes the game was end-to-end as the substitutes Michael Arroyo and Renato Ibarra wreaked havoc on the

wings, proving a far more effective duo than Valencia and the withdrawn Jefferson Montero. Yet the quality of finishing was poor from both sides, particularly from Karim Benzema for France, who spurned chance after chance by blasting the ball right at the Ecuadorian keeper Dominguez. It was also a disappointing night for Enner Valencia, who in contrast to his previous performances was largely anonymous. France managed to hold on despite several scares, but could not find a way past Ecuador either. Yet Switzerland’s comfortable win over Honduras means that they will be heading out of the tournament, and France top the group easily. It’s France-Nigeria in the next round, and Switzerland will face Argentina.

XHERDAN Shaqiri hit a superb hat-trick as Switzerland booked their place in the last 16 with a 3-0 win over Honduras in Manaus. The Bayern Munich attacker was the star of the show and opened the scoring with a magnificent drive that flew in off the bar on six minutes. The Swiss, who qualify in second spot following Ecuador’s stalemate with tabletopping France, were always in control and doubled their lead just past the half hour when a flowing break involving Gokhan Inler and Josip Drmic

saw Shaqiri race through and finish with aplomb. Honduras responded after the break and should have had a penalty when Jerry Palacios appeared to be shoved by Johan Djourou when through on goal. But it was Shaqiri’s night and he secured the match ball when he nonchalantly knocked in Drmic’s cut back from the left. Ottmar Hitzfeld’s side will now face a last-16 clash with Argentina in Sao Paulo next Tuesday. KEY MOMENTS PRE-MATCH: Palacios returns, but no Senderos. Wilson

Nigeria players celebrate Ahmed Musa first goal against Argentina.

FIFA ‘Investigating Neymar’ For Prohibited Underpants

WITH an unrepentant person biter terrorising World Cup matches, FIFA has reportedly also found time to launch an investigation into Neymar’s underpants. day fund of $1.4 billion in If there’s one thing that cash by being concerned the governing body cares with players biting each above all else, it’s the other. protection of its highYou do it by making sure paying sponsors’ players don’t have exclusivity. underpants made by nonAfter all, you don’t FIFA sponsors peeking out become a non-profit of their shorts. organization with a rainy According to UOL, the underwear alarm went off at FIFA headquarters when Neymar’s were partially Palacios returns from suspension to take his place in the Honduras exposed after he swapped midfield. Carlos Costly and Jerry shirts following Brazil’s 4Bengtson lead the attack while Juan Carlos Garcia comes in for 1 win over Cameroon.

And if you think that this is all a big joke, consider that Denmark’s Nicklas Bendtner was fined +100,000 ($125,797) by UEFA (European football’s governing body) when he celebrated a goal by lifting up his shirt to reveal the name of a betting firm on the waistband of his underpants at Euro 2012. For the sake of comparison, the Croatian federation was fined less for its fans’ combination of racial abuse aimed at opposing players and flare

throwing at the same tournament. This also isn’t the first time Neymar’s underwear has raised concerns from the football brand police. When a similar situation occurred while he played in a Champions League match for Barcelona two months ago, his press agent had to deny that it was an intentional marketing strategy. So remember: You can never say that FIFA doesn’t care. Because it does care very much about underwear. And money.

admitted that he will never forget the goal that he controversially had disallowed against Nigeria at the World Cup. With the score goalless in Cuiaba, Dzeko - who is his nation’s record goalscorer - saw his 21stminute strike ruled out for offside, even though replays showed the decision had been incorrect. Peter Odemwingie went on to score the only goal of the game eight minutes later, which handed Nigeria a narrow 1-0 victory. The defeat ensured that Safet Susic’s men could not qualify for the second round after their earlier

loss to Argentina. Despite scoring the opener in his team’s 3-1 win over Iran in their final group game in Salvador, the Manchester City striker said he would always remember the disallowed goal against Nigeria, which marred BosniaHerzegovina’s maiden World Cup campaign. “Despite the victory, we go home sad as we could’ve gone further,” Dzeko said. “The goal they cancelled out against Nigeria, I will remember until the end of my life.” Miralem Pjanic and Avdija Vrsajevic also scored against Iran on Wednesday, which handed

the side their only victory in Brazil. And Pjanic expressed his disappointment at his team not having progressed further in the tournament, saying that the Bosnia-Herzegovina players did not put in a good enough performance to beat Nigeria despite Dzeko’s disallowed goal. “I’m glad I scored at the World Cup, but I am sorry that we did not achieve what we wanted,” he said. “If we had a bit more luck we could have got out of the group. We gave our best and it was a great experience for us. In the second game we did not work hard, but we have to look forward.”

Swiss Face Argentina In Round 16

Xherdan Shaqiri

Celtic’s Emilio Izaguirre. As for Switzerland, they bring in Fabian Schaer to replace Steve Von Bergen (fractured cheekbone) at centre back. He will partner Johan Djourou. Aston Villa’s Philippe Senderos came on for Von Bergen against France but did not impress. 3' - SWITZERLAND CHANCE! Drmic skips past his man and into the area on the left. He plays a lovely ball across the six-yard box for Shaqiri who sees his side-footer brilliantly saved. The follow-up is still on, but Honduras get bodies in the way and survive. 6' - GOAL! SWITZERLAND 1-0 HONDURAS. What a stunning strike from Shaqiri! The Bayern forward cuts in from the right and fizzes a sensational shot in off the bar. First blood to the Swiss! 3D goal: Shaqiri opens the scoring Watch a 3D recreation of Xherdan Shaqiri’s goal for Switzerland in their 3-0 win against Honduras. 21' - SWITZERLAND CHANCE! Switzerland are playing in flashes and ripping Honduras open when they do. More exquisite one-touch play tees it up for Shaqiri who pulls the trigger once again but this time he drags it a few yards wide.

Dzeko Rues Disallowed Goal BOSNIA-Herzegovina striker Edin Dzeko has Against Nigeria

Football Administrators,

Fans Commend Super Eagles A Deputy Director at the National Sports Commission (NSC) and other football fans have expressed satisfaction with the performance of the Super Eagles at the ongoing 2014 World Cup in Brazil. In Onitsha, Anambra, Joe They made their views known Amene, a member of Nigeria in separate interview with Football Federation (NFF) newsmen in Awka and Gombe said:“We are happy and we thank respectively while reacting to the God that we have qualified to the outcome of the NigeriaRound of 16. Argentina encounter on “It might not be easy to say Wednesday. what will happen, since countries The match ended which ended that qualified are equally good. 3-2 in favour of the Argentines. “But I know that Nigerians’ In his comments, Mr Stanley fervent prayers and the Super Okebugwu of the NSC, called Eagles fighting spirit will for a strong bond in the team’s continue to push us ahead just as ranks, stressing that unity of the African Nations’ Cup purpose was critical to success episode.’’ in the knockout stages. Amene lauded the Eagles He urged the team to improve defence and the goalkeeper for on their game as they no longer “doing the country proud’’. had the privilege of relying on “Although we lost, our team the outcome of other matches to performed exceptionally well progress. and fought gallantly against odds “We are happy they did well in and outside the pitch of play,’’ to qualify; but now, their fate is he said in their hands, so they must be Similarly, football fans in united and work hard. Gombe have also commended “Thank God the Bosnians won the team’s performance, saying their game convincingly and that that the Eagles did their best. was good enough for us to go One of the respondents, Mr through.’’

Joshua Garba, said he was impressed with the performance of the Super Eagles compared to their opening match against Iran. Garba, however, advised the team to prepare very well against France in the next match “because France is a very difficult team”. Malam Usman Ahmed, a staff of the Independent national Electoral Commission (INEC), Gombe, said he was happy with the way the Eagles played. Ahmed, however, advised that the coach to reinforce the team’s striking force by effecting some changes that would bring younger minds for better results. Also commenting, a sports journalist, Mr Timothy Choji, said the Super Eagles gave a good account of themselves, noting that many were people did not give them a chance of succeeding.

Another football fan, Miss Naomi Yusuf, advised Coach Stephen Keshi to ensure that the right players, especially Osaze Odemwingie, were included in the next match against France. Nigeria will meet France in the Round of 16, having placed second with four points behind Argentina, who clinched the maximum nine points from Group F


Familiarity Breeds Intent For Enyeama

NIGERIA goalkeeper Vincent Enyeama faces a last-16 matchup against the land in which he currently plays with Lille. There has been no more formidable a goalkeeper in the whole of Europe over the course of the last year, with Enyeama

recording more clean sheets than any other custodian in the continent’s big six leagues. Such form has not deserted him during the World Cup, in which he already boasts two shutouts to his name. And while France’s attacking

Babatunde Hand Broken NIGERIA midfielder Michael By Shot Babatunde appeared to break

his hand after being struck by the ball during the Group F clash with Argentina. Babatunde, 21, was hit by a shot from teammate Ogenyi Onazi during the second half as he tried to move out of the way. The Volyn Lutsk player looked in distress and was soon stretchered off after being given a protective cast for his arm. Michael Uchebo was substituted on in his place. “I think he’s got a broken hand and is going to get surgery as we speak,” Nigeria coach Stephen Keshi said in

his postmatch news conference. “I’m not sure he’s going to play again in this World Cup. It’s not good.” Babatunde departed the field of play with Nigeria trailing 32, and the scores remained the same at full-time. Despite the defeat, the Super Eagles advanced out of Group F to the round of 16, with Argentina going through as group winners Babatunde has endured a frustrating World Cup, having also been stretchered off in the 1-0 win against BosniaHerzegovina after picking up an injury.

Gervinho Blames Lamouchi

IVORY Coast winger, Gervinho, believes that some of the blame for the Elephants’ failure to progress to the knockout stages of the World Cup should also be placed on head coach Sabri Lamouchi. The West Africans were eliminated from the competition on Tuesday evening when they fell to a


late, yet controversial, defeat to Greece in the final Group C match. “In a match, not only the players are involved. There is also a technical staff in place,” Gervinho told RFI. “The staff and the coach must also have the experience to deal with this kind of games. It is also the responsibility of the coach to handle the match.” The elimination is Ivory Coast’s third successive group stage exit and one that came as a mighty blow after they were tipped to progress into the Last 16. Lamouchi announced his resignation just hours after the match. He took over back in 2012.

Vincent Enyeama

form has been fearsome – perhaps the best in the competition – their players will know all too well the challenge that faces them in the Super Eagles’ goal. Enyeama is a goalkeeper blessed with outstanding reflexes and shot-stopping abilities, and this is reflected by the 20 clean sheets he kept in Ligue 1 in 38 outings for Rene Girard’s side, including a clubrecord 1058 minutes without conceding. Indeed, even his weakness of gathering aerial balls is something that has been successfully addressed to a significant extent over the course of the last year, aided by the confidence that has been brought to him by a run of formidable form. But he is a stranger to much of the France offensive line. Karim Benzema and Olivier Giroud are forwards of the calibre he has not met on his day-to-day business, and while certain elements of the Bleus’ offensive line are familiar to him, including Paris SaintGermain midfielder Blaise Matuidi, scorer of the final goal Lille conceded at home last term.

We’ll Hold Our Heads High

BOSNIA coach Safet Susic believes his side can return home from their first World Cup with some pride after beating Iran 3-1 in their final group match. The Europeans had high hopes going into the tournament despite it being their first on the world stage but were eliminated after just two matches. Despite some tough luck they at least finished with a win with goals from Manchester City striker Edin Dzeko, Miralem Pjanic and Avdija Vrsajevic with Reza Ghoochannejhad’s late consolation never enough to push Iran through to the last 16. “We dominated the game and deserved to win,” Susic told his post-match press conference. “Although I know that Iran wanted to progress, the victory was important for us. “We can now go home with our heads held high. We wanted to leave a good impression, but we’re not satisfied because we

think that we could have done more. “I’m not being arrogant when I say that, but if we’d played a bit better against Nigeria and had a bit more luck, I think we would have made the round of 16. “I was a little surprised by the way Iran played today, they can attack teams extremely well and I was expecting them to be adventurous, but I thought at times it was almost as if they would have been content to draw.” Iran coach Carlos Queiroz felt the exertions of the tournament took its toll on his side. “I have to congratulate Bosnia and Herzegovina, they deserved to win and, without disrespect to Argentina or Nigeria, I believe that they should have qualified from this group,” he said. “They have great players who play for great clubs - and I do believe that they are the best team of the group.

“We pushed ourselves to the limit, mentally and physically and I’m very proud of them. “We were exhausted after the Argentina game but we fought for 90 minutes. “Despite all our difficulties, we kept pushing and created some good chances but Bosnia and Herzegovina were better today. “They were on another level and we are not at that level due the facilities in Iran. “We finish our job here with no regrets, no excuses.” Queiroz, however, will not be continuing in his role as Iraq boss. “I didn’t receive any single concrete or attractive proposal to stay on over the last 11 months,” he told reporters. “As you can imagine I feel very proud and it’s an honour to work for Iran. I will always keep the country and the players in my heart. “I fell in love with them but you can’t have a marriage when

- Susic

only one person wants to stay married and unfortunately it’s not the people on Facebook who make the decision. “After going through the 11 months without hearing anything, I have been forced to make a decision. “I have just come here to say thank you to all who have supported me and given me this opportunity to work for Iran.”

Safet Susic

Suarez Not Picked For His Manners

URUGUAY’S President Jose Mujica has weighed into the global controversy over footballer Luis Suarez, saying it is unfair to judge him retrospectively for biting an Italian player when other incidents went unreviewed. “We didn’t choose him to the protective attitude be a philosopher, or a towards the brilliant but mechanic, or to have good volatile striker felt around his manners - he’s a great homeland. player,” said Mujica, echoing “I didn’t see him bite

Messi, Argentina Eye World Cup LIONEL Messi had just finished guiding Argentina through the group stage of the World Cup when talk quickly turned to what it would be like to be crowned world champions. Messi’s two goals on Wednesday against Nigeria brought his tally in Brazil to four, including the match-winners in Argentina’s first two matches. Argentina won all three of their Group F matches — all just by a single goal — but Messi and his team already have their eyes on the cup. “There is nothing more beautiful than being a world champion and to see the joy of the entire country that is following us,” Messi said after Wednesday’s match. Argentina coach Alejandro Sabella also touched on what it would mean for La Albiceleste to win their first World Cup since 1986. “It is a professional desire, not only mine, but of all people of Argentina, the players and all the fans,” Sabella said. “It’s a dream that hasn’t come true for a long time. We want to give 100 percent, which is the least we can do.” Messi said he was “doing fine” after being replaced in the 63rd minute against Nigeria, and Sabella acknowledged the substitution had been planned. “We agreed on taking him out previously and discussed this,” the coach said. “We needed to rest him.” However, the news on Sergio Aguero, who left in the 38th minute, was not as good, with Sabella saying the forward has “a

Lionel Messi

muscular problem that will be assessed” on Thursday. Lionel Messi scored four goals for Argentina in the group stage. By winning Group F, Argentina will play the runnersup from Group E in the round of 16, and Messi said his team is just getting started. “I’m happy to see how things have evolved,” Messi said. “We wanted to qualify as soon as we got here and we hope to continue along this road.” Sabella said his team has shown improvement since the first match against Bosnia and Herzegovina. “We wanted to finish first in the group from the very beginning,” Sabella said. “The team improved again today and had good control of the ball. They were able to damage the opponent. “As we advance, we will improve our structure. I don’t like speaking about individual players, but we have seen improvement on the whole over the three games. “We live off our results. If we win and play very well, I am always pleased, but am always looking to improve what has to be improved.” Nigeria coach Stephen Keshi was so impressed by Messi’s play that he said the Barcelona man was “from Jupiter,” which Messi took as a compliment. “I thank the coach from Nigeria for these words,” he said. “I’m happy for the victory and what Argentina showed today. “Today, we saw a better Argentina.”

- Uruguay President

anyone. But they sure can bash each other with kicks and chops,” he added. Suarez, one of the world’s best forwards whose team is in the last 16 at the World

Cup, is awaiting global football body FIFA’s judgement on Tuesday’s incident when TV footage showed his mouth on the shoulder of Italian defender

Luis Suarez of Uruguay is interviewed after the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group D match between Italy and Uruguay at Estadio das Dunas

Giorgio Chiellini. The Liverpool player has been punished twice in the past for biting, and also for racism. He earned notoriety at the last World Cup for a handball on the line against Ghana, denying the Africans a certain goal and spot in the semi-finals. Many Uruguayans believe the global reaction against him, though, is over-the-top and hypocritical. “In football, I was taught that you obey what the referee says,” Mujica said. “If we’re going to take decisions in football based on what TV says, then there are loads of penalties and handballs you’d have to give that weren’t given, so bad luck.” Uruguay captain Diego Lugano, at a news conference in the Brazilian city of Natal after a training session, was equally protective of Suarez and tackled one English journalist head on. “It’s clear that Uruguay’s triumph doesn’t make you happy, it’s obvious on your face,” said Lugano. I understand that the figure of Suarez sells because he’s very charismatic ... I’m calm because I know that Luis will pick himself up and is going to have success in the World Cup. That’s what people fear. They’re right to fear that.”

Italy’s Early Exit Likely Impact On Economy’s Recovery

It ITALY was in mourning on Wednesday after a 0-1 2014 FIFA World Cup loss to Uruguay sealed its ignominious exit from the world’s most watched sporting event. In addition to dashing Italy’s hopes for a second World Cup

title in eight years, the loss is now likely to have a short-term impact on the country’s slowmoving economic turnaround. “There is no doubt that there’s a wide but short-term impact from an emotional event like this,” Maria Rossi from the polling firm Opinioni told Xinhua. “When the national team wins in such a high-profile tournament, people feel more optimistic afterwards. They go out, spend more, and they feel better about the future. And of course the opposite happens with a loss,’’ she added. Any downturn in economic activity could be bad news for Italian aspirations for an economic turnaround. Italy’s economy has shrunk in per-capita terms every year since 2010, but there were hopes it would show positive growth this year. In recent months, economic indicators have been mixed but improving. ISTAT, the country’s National Statistics Institute, reported on Wednesday that retail sales rose 2.6 per cent in April, the last month with comprehensive statistics available, the best one-

month figure since 2011. Consumer confidence is showing signs of life in June, after falling in April and May. But economic growth figures remain anemic, and unemployment levels, particularly among young workers, are still mired near historical highs. U.S. ratings agencies like Standard & Poor’s and Fitch continue to say the outlook for Italy is negative. This is in the face of bond yields, the most immediate barometer of the country’s economic risks as determined by investors, which remain near alltime euro-era lows, a very positive indicator. “The consensus is that the economy is improving, but very gradually,” Javier Noriega, chief economist with private investment bankers Hildebrandt and Ferrar, said in an interview. “It’s a like a slow turning ship and while a nice run through the (World Cup) tournament would have probably been a good thing, it’s hard to imagine the loss having more than a brief impact.’’ Noriega said Hildebrandt and Ferrar did a study in 2006 to

determine the economic impact of Italy’s World Cup victory that year and the results were telling. There was a flurry of economic activity for a few days after the final win. Italians were spending money in restaurants and bars celebrating, buying souvenirs, spending a little more when it came to every day purchases, and so on. But over time it more or less averaged out. “Though the economic activity after the final was measurable, at the end of the year it probably added, at most, a tenth of 1 percent to the year-end 2.2 percent growth figure compared to the previous year,” Noriega said. The medium-term impact of the early exit in this tournament will almost surely be smaller, according to Noriega. “Sure, maybe people stay home more or spend less for the next two or three days,” he said. “But then a few days after that they’ll realize they have a little more pocket money than they would have had otherwise and they’ll go out and spend it. “Economically speaking, people have short memories for this kind of thing.

2014 Wimbledon... 2014 Wimbledon... Second Seed Li Powers Into Third Round, Azarenka Eliminated

“I played well today,” Murray told the BBC after his 16th consecutive singles victory at the All England Club (seven at the 2012 Olympics, seven at last year’s Wimbledon and now two this year). But he cautioned against reading too much into the one-sided match, pointing out that his opponent was out

of his element. “This is the first year he’s played on grass. He’s just come out of college and broken into the top 100. “It was tough for him, because he doesn’t have a lot of grass-court experience, but he’ll definitely keep improving. I had to concentrate on my side of the net today, though.”

her journalism degree to use after she ends her playing career. Li, who suffered a firstround defeat at the French Open last month, secured her place in history by becoming the first Chinese grand slam winner when she was crowded champion at Roland Garros in 2011. That served to raise the hopes and expectations of the millions of fans in China who follow her matches across the globe. Li has handled that pressure with aplomb, but she is clearly undaunted by returning to a more normal life at home with her husband, in spite of her past complaints that his snoring has cost her sleep ahead of matches. Li’s opponent in the third round will be unseeded Czech Babora Zahlavova Strycova, a 6-4 6-2 victor against 32nd seed Elena Vesnina. Eighth seed and former world No.1 Victoria Azarenka, just back from a foot injury, was knocked out by Serbia’s Bojana Jovanovski. A match full of soundeffects from two of the noisiest players on the women’s tour seemed to have swung Azarenka’s way when she levelled after a slow start, but then slipped to 6-3 3-6 75 defeat.

round of Wimbledon on Wednesday. Bidding to become the oldest man to reach the third round at the All England Club since 2007, Stepanek tried practically every shot known to mankind, and then some, as he tried to topple

the top seed. His lunging forehands drew wild applause, his silky volleys had the purists purring and his crowd-pleasing shotselection left fans hollering but all Stepanek had to show for his efforts was a bloodied right knee and the memories of a standing ovation. “He’s 35 years-old but he’s moving very well and he performs really well on the big stage. He loves to engage the crowd, he’s an entertainer,” a hugely relieved Djokovic said after subduing his friend. “It was fun from one side to be part of a great thrilling match but on the other side I should not have complicated my own life in this way. Credit to him for playing well on the important moments. “Glad I hung in there mentally and managed to win the match.” As one of the fittest athletes in world sport, it was little wonder the Serb was left

cursing his luck when he let a 5-2 lead in the third set tiebreak slip through his sweaty fingers. A backhand long on set point allowed Stepanek to dream that an upset was in the offing and when Djokovic sportingly conceded a point while holding advantage at 55 in the fourth set, 15,000 fans held their collective breath wondering if the gesture would come back to haunt the Serb. The 2011 champion survived that scare but Stepanek was not done. Lunging and diving after almost every ball in the tiebreak - emulating a move mastered by Djokovic’s coach Boris Becker during his heyday - Stepanek again set pulses racing as he fought back from 5-2 down to level at 5-5. Two points later, Djokovic hit a screaming crosscourt that appeared to seal the match but Stepanek was not

CHINA’S Li Na looked at home on the grass of Wimbledon as she powered into the third round on Wednesday, but the second seed revealed that she dreams of becoming a housewife. Though the Australian Open champion eased to a routine 6-2 6-2 win against Austrian Yvonne Meusberger with a display of athleticism and aggression belying her 32 years, she is prepared to embrace a more relaxing environment when she finally calls it a day. Not for her the well-trodden path from tennis professional to coach or media pundit. “You know, my dream for after I retire, I want be housewife,” the two-time grand slam winner said when asked whether she plans to put

Andy Murray

Murray Steams Pasts Rola Into Third Round

ANDY Murray breezed into the third round of Wimbledon with a hugely-impressive victory over Blaz Rola. winners from both sides of the court, put the 23-year-old Looking in peak condition firmly in his place to set up a and every inch a potential third round clash with either champion, Murray hardly Czech Jan Hernych or broke sweat as he took his Spain’s Roberto Bautista. Slovakian opponent to pieces [LINK: Murray on course in an hour and 24 minutes, to be Britain’s greatest-ever winning 6-1 6-1 6-0. sportsman?] “Getting games finished quickly helps. I feel like that cost me a little bit at the French Open,” said Murray after the quickfire victory. “Not that I would NOVAK Djokovic necessarily have beaten Rafa, showed that Wimbledon was but I played a lot of sets and no place for a 35-year-old in a lot of those sets, I was warrior as he beat battleup. If you can finish matches scarred Czech Radek as quickly as possible, it Stepanek 6-4 6-3 6-7(5) 7helps.” 6(5) in a hugely entertaining Rola did earn three break contest to reach the third points during the match, but was unable to take any of those chances. And Murray was utterly ruthless, particularly on Rola’s second serve: the defending champion won 71% of the points when Rola failed to find the box with his first serves. While the British number one was winning Wimbledon last year, Rola was winding up a successful college tennis career for Ohio State University. The contrast in quality was stark. Some of the biggest cheers on an otherwise partisan Court One were reserved for Rola’s two winning games, the crowd willing him to avoid further embarrassment. Novak Djokovic But Murray, blasting

Five-time champion Venus Williams moved on serenely, however, reaching the third round of a major for the first time in 18 months by beating Japan’s Kurumi Nara 7-6(4) 6-1. Illness and injuries have robbed Williams of some of her powers in recent years, but the 30th seed is determined to keep her sister, world No.1 Serena, company in the singles this year. “I guess I haven’t held up my end of the bargain,” the 34-year-old, who missed last year’s tournament and exited in the first round in 2012, said of her struggles. “I tried. I just haven’t had the luck I’ve wanted.” She will face 2011 champion Petra Kvitova next after the powerful Czech hurried past Germany’s Mona Barthel 6-2 6-0. Agnieszka Radwanska, seeded four, posted an easy win against Australia’s Casey Dellacqua.

convinced. Challenging the call, he comically pressed his palms together and knelt down on the grass as he waited for Hawkeye’s verdict. Djokovic’s roar into the skies confirmed the way the call had gone. “As soon as we come out on court we want to win against each other but it’s true we are friends off the court and practice (together a lot). We know each other’s game really well,” the six-times grand slam champion said after beating the Czech for the 11th time in 12 meetings. “I was two sets up, I had some break points in the third, should have closed it out in the third set tiebreaker but credit to him for fighting.” By dousing the antics of a man who entertained Wimbledon for more than 31/4 hours, Djokovic set up a third round meeting with Frenchman Gilles Simon.

Li Na

Djokovic Survives Stepanek Test

How Would Decamping Hinder Gov Oshiomhole’s Performance? THERE seems to be a deliberate effort to make the manner of some decamping APC members appear like a best-seller or a Grammy award winning event. Inasmuch, there has been adequate deployment of the mass media in letting the entire world understand that the outward bound journey, is for real. As it is wont for most politicians to dramatize their entrances and exits, the singsong of being suddenly jolted to realize that they have been dining with an unremitting ‘political enemy’ is once again rending the air. And in capping this, is the usual claim of finding a divine and better resting place for such estranged interests to berth … even before finding out whether the interests can co-habit with other existing interests, or would be regarded as contraband in the place of the new political voyage. Understandably, there is nothing wholly wrong about where and with whom a person chooses to exhibit his dexterity in politics. But it is fairer to appreciate that this liberty should not extend to the freewill of practicing politics in a manner that betrays a moral high ground as an ethical model for personal dignity and the practice of party discipline: Especially with the current awakening to the realization that there is no right way to doing a wrong thing; which the ‘do or die’ manner of politicking as popularized by former President Olusegun Obasanjo has caused the entire country. As the saying goes that those who cherish eating omelettes must not forbid the breaking of eggs, it is apt to appreciate that when people of different backgrounds come together and forge a common political front, it is not expected that individual idiosyncrasies which may not be contributory to general objectives, are jettisoned overnight. But essentially, it is through the act of effective leadership which a political party

hierarchy should exude that various individuals are made to understand and accept that there are more rewarding benefits in submitting their drive for personal benefits to the demands of corporate benefits. And better still, to work towards discounting partisan interests for the benefits of the general public. In this regard, an ideal political party should first of all reflect a grooming institution for leadership roles, and not a sharing house of political power and privileges. It should see itself more as an institution concerned with the processes of achieving good governance than an institution for the proper sharing of political offices. It ought to be a platform for creating an ideal and sellable political brand through refinement and indoctrination in populist or people oriented ideas. And yet, if we put a lot of the political parties in the country to task as to their roles of preparing the members for effective leadership, it would be discovered that there is so much work to be done. In fact, there should be better screening of the caliber of persons that are nominated to handle political party affairs, starting from the wards. When this is done, it would become a seamless process for people to progress into leadership positions. It would produce the type of political party members who understand that they owe it as a corporate social responsibility to mobilize not only their members but the public to participate in the monthly environmental exercise; and not just to be interested in the business of hiring out their equipment to government as party members. Such would groom membership who owes it as a duty to organise voluntary vigilante groups for the corporate benefits of all, and not when it only serves the purpose of relations employed by government: Or when a

people presume that corporate responsibility is best encompassed in the distribution of SURE-P slush-fund to woo party membership. A lot of persons have described Late Chief Obafemi Awolowo in various glowing terms as regards his capacity to have achieved the towering

Governor Adams Aliyu Oshiomhole has fulfilled their burning desires for credible governance. Moreover, it seemed very distinct too, that Governor Adams Oshiomhole was achieving these successes in governance from without a guidepost, scripted by ACN hierarchy to aid in healing the severely bruised

FEED BACK By KINGSLEY OGBEIDE-IHAMA been genial enough since the Comrade Governor reflected magnanimity in sharing the accolades from his numerous successes

• Cormade Adams Oshiomhole

political feat with highly remarkable policy formulation and execution. But not a lot would understand how he personally gained and made so many of his followers to gain through the various mental exercises he initiated by making people come together and brainstorm on the challenges of governance, even before aiming for any political office. But as we witnessed at every political or social event which drew the presence of politicians, and notably, the former leadership of ACN in Edo State, these new sets of estranged political interests were never missing in the crowd, proclaiming so loudly and clearly how

people’s interests in governance. If by today the question arises whether the Comrade Governor has reawakened the sense of responsibility in governance; Edo State people would no doubt offer a thunderous ‘yes’. At least, time there was when people completely forgot whether it was government that was responsible for building schools, roads and other social infrastructure. For now, people can claim that some of their developmental needs have been met, while others could blame the Comrade Governor for not beginning with a prioritization of their own infrastructural needs, within the wave of his transformation programme. The mood before now has

with all and sundry. These are successes achieved in spite of the lack of any researched work or current roadmap handed him as a guide to good governance. Therefore, none should also forget in a hurry that the benefits of the goodwill and political support offered him could have been squandered. And from tradition, it is most unlikely that people would have spared him their denunciations and fraternal denials. As it stands today, there is no feigning that the Comrade Governor has made himself a brand in governance as he did while being a labour leader. And whether currently there are political parties peopled by the caliber of persons who

can offer good governance at all levels, or have properly positioned themselves as entities for grooming responsible leadership, is not a question that can be answered with a sincere affirmation. It is on this strength that a lot still believe Nigerians are influenced more to vote for the personality of the candidates than the clarion call or inducements by the political parties. It is also for these extenuating circumstances that Governor Oshiomhole would remain as a good political bargain transcending his governorship era. If the Governor requires magnanimity to accommodate other politicians in the praises emanating from his governance, it would be highly presumptuous for any person to expect him to protect the already garnered successes by the same token of magnanimity he dispenses. Sometimes, achieving all of these may lead to certain moral miscarriages. But such miscarriages should find relief in our reasoning when perceived as painful but necessary means; or the sheer inability for humans to know everything about tomorrow. With over two years remaining in this administration, and still rolling out more infrastructural investments in the state, these projects, at the end would remain fresh and telling on the minds on Edo populace. In comparing the old formula of vaunted promises with the bold truth that seeing better aids the process of believing, it is highly prospective that the people would heed a call to stand by the one whom the exiting Governor believes will continue in his stead. And so will be it.

Printed and published by Bendel Newspapers Company Limited, 24, Airport Road, P.M.B. 1334 Benin City. Telephone; Lagos: 01 4930929, Benin: 052 257492, 257531 Editor. BARR. SOLOMON IMOHIOSEN (KSJI) - (07030699646), Deputy General Manager (Marketing) (08023457566), Assistant General Manager(Advertisement) (08023808856) Lagos Office: 3/4 Amode Close, Kudirat Abiola Way, By Olushonsun Bus Stop, Oregun, Ikeja, Lagos. Abuja Office: Floor 1, Edo House, 75 Ralph Shodeinde Street, Central Business District, Abuja. Tel/Fax: 09-5237631. All correspondence to: 24 Airport Road, Benin City. E-mail: (ISSN 0331-2674)

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