Nigerian observer 30 07 2014

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The Nigerian

PUBLISHED SINCE MAY 29, 1968 • V ol. 39 NO.045 • WEDNESDAY, JULY 30 , 20 14 . N100.00 ECONOMY Page 18 Harnessing the benefits of Nigeria’s GDP rebasing

Oshiomhole inaugurates Environmental C’ttee, Wast Mgt, Tourism Board, others today BENIN CITY Governor Adams Oshiomhole of Edo State will today, Wednesday July 30, 2014 inaugurate the

committee on Environment, Waste Management Board, Tourism Board and the Technical / Vocational Education

Board. Venue is the Banquet Hall, Government House, Benin City beginning at 1 pm.

A statement by Peter Okhiria, Chief Press Secretary to the state Governor requests all guests to be seated by 12:30 pm.

Commonwealth Games


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Dealing with spirit husband and wife

Senate President hails team Nigeria

ABUJA - Senate President David Mark has sent a solidarity message to Nigeria athletes and officials otherwise called ‘team Nigeria ‘ in the on going 2014 Commonwealth games holding in Glasgow, Scotland for their superlative performances so far. Senator Mark in a terms of their welfare and goodwill message to the urged them not to rest on N i g e r i a n their oars in the medal r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s chase. He added that the expressed joy that the athletes were flying the National Assembly will to give nation’s flag very high in continue adequate budgetary Glasgow. He said the medals allocation to sports being won by Nigerian development saying that athletes especially in sports remain a potential weight lifting and the ingredient for our unity as women 100metres by a people. Senator Mark pointed Blessing Okagbare “are clear manifestation that out that sports is not just the nation has come of for entertainment but age in international now a yardstick for measuring nations’ sporting competition”. The Senate President socio- economic and assured the athletes political strength . Before the Nigerian and officials that the Federal Government representatives left the would do the needful in shores of Nigeria for Glasgow, on July 23,

2014, Senator Mark told them to rise up to the challenges of

rekindling the winning spirit of the nation in international sporting

competition. He told the Nigerian Olympic Committee (NOC) President, Sani Ndanusa to leave no stone unturned in the quest for medals at the G l a s g o w Commonwealth Game for Nigeria.

Ndanusa had promised that the athletes would do the nation proud “because we had good training with modern sporting facilities”. Besides, he said government will not compromise the welfare of the athletes and officials.

Sierra Leone’s top Ebola doctor dies from Virus

FREETOWN - The doctor leading Sierra Leone’s fight against the worst Ebola outbreak on record died from the virus yesterday the country’s chief medical officer said. Reuters reports that the death of Sheik Umar Khan, who was credited with treating more than 100 patients, follows the deaths of dozens of local health workers and the infection of two American medics in neighboring

Liberia, highlighting the dangers faced by staff trying to halt the disease’s spread across West Africa. Ebola is believed to have killed 672 people in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone since the outbreak began in February, according to the World Health Organisation. The contagious disease, which has no known cure, has symptoms that

TIT BIT “The devil has always known that a most effective way of punishing a society is to discover a man controlled by his senseless political ambiion and then, provide him with the tools of rigging.” - Kinglsey Ogbeide-Ihama

include vomiting, diarrhea and internal and external bleeding. The 39-year-old Khan, hailed as a “national hero”

EID-EL-FITRI: Children enjoying themselves during Eid-el-fitri celebration in Abuja on Monday. Photo: NAN.

Jonathan condoles El-Rufai over son’s death

Continues on page 2

ABUJA- President Goodluck Jonathan has commiserated with Nigeria’s former Minister of the Federal Capital Territory, Nasir ElRufai over the death of his son, Hamza in an auto accident yesterday morning. The president in a c o n d o l e n c e message, expressed his deep sense of grief and shock over

the sudden and untimely death of Hamza. In the message, the president noted that

“although no amount of words can fill the deep gap created by the loss of Hamza, I hope that the out

pouring of support at this moment by friends and associates will

comfort Mallam ElRufai”. President Jonathan prayed for the peaceful repose of the soul`1 he rest of his family.

IMF warns of potential risks to global growth

WASHINGTONSharply higher interest rates around the world could combine with weaker growth in emerging markets to

slice as much as 2 percentage points off global growth in the next

five years, the International Monetary Fund said yesterday.

In a report assessing how individual national policies could interact to undermine the world economy, the IMF also warned the conflict Continues on page 2


Sierra Leone’s top Ebola doctor diesArikfrom Virus Air, has suspended flights Continued from page 1

by the Health Ministry, had been moved to a treatment ward run by the medical charity Medecins Sans Frontieres in the far north of Sierra Leone. He died on Tuesday afternoon, less than a week after his diagnosis was announced, and on the same day that President Ernest Bai Koroma was due to visit his treatment center in the northeastern town of Kailahun. “It is a big and irreparable loss to Sierra Leone as he was the only specialist the country

had in viral hemorrhagic fevers,” said the chief medical officer, Brima Kargbo. Weak health systems are struggling to contain the disease despite international help ranging from doctors to safety equipment. The West African airline Asky has suspended flights to and from Sierra Leone and Liberia as concern over the spread of the virus has increased since the first death was reported last week in Nigeria’s coastal city of Lagos, home to 21 million people. Togo-based Asky said it would no longer take on food

IMF warns of potential risks Continued from page 1 to global growth between Russia and

Ukraine could reverberate to the rest of the region if sanctions against Russia escalate, hitting natural gas supplies to Europe and weakening European banks Reuters report. The resulting impact could prompt further gyrations in financial markets, in contrast to the recent period of market calm, the IMF said in its ‘spillovers’ report. In its worst-case scenario, the IMF said the United States and United Kingdom could tighten monetary policy sooner than expected, leading to higher borrowing costs worldwide, even as key emerging market growth slows a further 0.5 percentage point over the next three years. The two developments would reinforce each other, prompting slower growth and hurting in particular, those emerging markets with large economic imbalances, such as Argentina, Brazil, Russia and Turkey. As in past reports, the IMF said monetary tightening in rich nations would have limited negative impact on the rest of the world if it was wellcommunicated and prompted by better growth prospects. The impact could also be muted if higher U.S. and UK rates come as the euro zone and Japan continue monetary easing, though this “asynchronous” tightening could cause more global exchange rate volatility. Central banks in the United States, Japan, the euro zone and Britain sharply lowered rates to boost growth in the wake of the global financial crisis, but Britain and the United States are now preparing to reverse course. The IMF said the more sluggish expansion in the developing world, long the engine of the global recovery, was increasingly likely due to structural, not cyclical factors. The IMF has downgraded growth projections for emerging markets by a cumulative 2 percentage points over the last four years. It now expects their annual growth to slow to a 5 percent rate over the next five years, from an average of 7 percent growth from 2003 to 2008. “Given the significant and rising contribution of emerging markets to the global economy over the past few decades, their recent slowdown could have farreaching implications,” the

IMF said. Emerging markets affect the rest of the world largely through trade and financial channels; a 1 percentage point slowdown in emerging markets leads to a quarter of a percentage point loss in advanced economies, the IMF said. But a slowdown in key emerging markets, especially Brazil, Russia, China and Venezuela, would also have a big impact on their immediate regions through avenues like oil prices and remittances. Austrian, French, Italian and Swedish banks are particularly exposed to turmoil in Russia, in addition to holders of foreign bonds and underwriters for credit default swaps, which are affected when credit quality worsens.

in Guinea, where the outbreak was first identified. It said that passengers leaving the Guinean capital Conakry would be checked for signs of the disease before departure. The airline added that medical teams would be deployed to screen passengers in transit through its Lome hub. The victim was a Liberian who traveled to Nigeria on Asky via Lome. Nigeria’s largest carrier,

to Liberia and Sierra Leone because of the Ebola risk. The fatality rate of the current outbreak is around 60 percent although the disease can kill up to 90 percent of those who catch it. On Monday, a U.S. administration official said President Barack Obama was receiving updates and noted that U.S. agencies had stepped up assistance to help contain the virus.

Ajmobi warns against rigging 2015 election


IBADAN - The Oyo State Governor, Abiola Ajimobi has said that the 2015 general election would be tough as any attempt to rig any of the elections would be resisted vehemently . Ajimobi read the riot act while feting his party members All Progressives Congress (APC) in the Government House Agodi in the state capital on Monday night said that “ all efforts would be made to checkmate the excesses of our opponents particularly in the state come 2015.” He declared further “ The 2015 governorship election particularly here in Oyo State will be a game of bumper to

bumper and fire for fire as we in APC will resist any wholesome act towards rigging of any of the elections by any of our opponents”. He however admitted that the checkmating of their opponents could only be possible if the party members shine their eyes and as well register during registration exercise in the state . Earlier, the state chief executive in a message issued by his Special Adviser on Media, Dr. Festus Adedayo, on the occasion of the Sallah celebrations, said the Ramadan fasting period was meant to affirm that even as mortals, man can move towards perfection through a denial of the desires of the flesh which will in turn lead to purity of the soul.

EU agrees first broad sanctions on Russia; US expected to follow BERLIN - European Union agreed for the first time on Tuesday to impose broad sanctions against Russian oil companies, banks and defense firms, by far the strongest international action yet over Moscow’s support for rebels in eastern Ukraine Reuters reports. The United States could announce new measures of its own “as soon as today”, the White House said. The measures mark the start of a new phase in the biggest confrontation between Moscow and the West since the Cold War, which worsened dramatically after the downing of Malaysian flight MH17 over rebel-held territory on July 17 by what Western countries say was a Russian-supplied missile. Diplomats said ambassadors from the 28member European bloc agreed to restrictions on trade of equipment for the oil and defense sectors, and “dual use” technology with both defense and civilian purposes. Russia’s state run banks would be barred from raising funds in European capital markets. The measures would be reviewed in three months. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who had been reluctant to step up sanctions before the crash because of her country’s trade links with Russia, said the latest EU measures were “unavoidable”. Previously Europe had imposed sanctions only on individuals and organizations accused of direct involvement in threatening Ukraine, and had shied away from wider “sectoral sanctions” designed to damage its biggest energy supplier. The new measures have been coordinated with Washington in the hope that Russian President Vladimir Putin will back down from a months-long campaign to seize territory and disrupt

Ukraine, whose pro-Moscow leader was toppled in February. But Putin has shown no sign of backing down. Indeed, despite the international condemnation following the downing of the airliner, Western countries say the Kremlin has stepped up support for separatists by sending them more heavy weaponry. Moscow denies it is arming the rebels, protestations that are ridiculed in the West. On the ground on Tuesday, intense fighting between government troops and proRussian rebels killed dozens of civilians, soldiers and rebels over the past 24 hours, as Kiev pressed on with an offensive to defeat the Moscow-backed revolt. Shells hit the center of Donetsk, a city with a pre-war population of nearly a million people where residents fear they will be trapped on a battlefield between advancing Ukrainian troops and Russian-backed rebels who have vowed to make a stand. Ukrainian forces have been pushing rebel units back toward their two main urban strongholds of Donetsk and Luhansk and have sought to encircle them in several places. The government says its forces have retaken several villages in the rolling countryside near where the airliner crashed, killing all 298 passengers, most of them Dutch. In Donetsk, the body of a dead man lay in rubble behind a badly damaged 10-storey residential building close to the city center, hit by shelling. Rebels at the scene placed body parts on a nylon sheet and carried it on a stretcher to a green van. “There, that’s their ‘separatists’. That’s their ‘rebel commander’,” said a distressed woman in her 60s, gesturing toward the body. “They are killing neighbors. They are killing people, ordinary people.” Another middle-aged woman, who gave her name as Katarina, charged out of the building next door carrying two bags. “No more! I cannot live in this death row any more!” she said. “I am leaving! I don’t know where!”

Lawyers urged to uphold ethics of the profession

The car in which El-Rufai ‘s son drove. -’s

Bishop warns against using religion ABUJA - Rt. Rev. Emmanuel for political ambition Badejo, the Catholic Bishop of Oyo Diocese, has appealed to politicians not to use religion to further their political ambition. Badejo, who spoke in an interview with newsmen in Abuja, regretted that politicians were promoting religious differences for selfish interest. The bishop was at the Holy Cross Catholic Church Gwarinpa II Abuja, to solicit support to develop his diocese, promotion of inter- faith programmes, among others. He said the signs ahead of the 2015 polls portend great danger going by the attitude of some politicians. “What I am afraid of now is the

tendency of politicians to begin to stoke the fires of religious differences as a pillar of their agenda. “Politicians are now saying that this person should not be there because he did this and he did that to Christianity; we do not need that,” he said. On Eid el-Fitri celebration, he enjoined both Christians and Muslims to desist from making religion look like a problem. “Religion is a blessing; it is religion that helps us to modify the tendencies and excesses that we have.

“Politicians should mention their agenda, put it to people, sell it to the people and then hope to be elected. “That is something we should look after in the South West of Nigeria,” he added. On Boko Haram insurgency, Badejo said that the sect’s onslaught has become ‘incomprehensible,’ stating that politicians should be held responsible for the increasing cases of insurgency in the country. He added that it was unfortunate that Nigeria nurtured the ground for the ‘explosion’ of Boko Haram insurgency.

IJEBU-ODE (OGUN) - The Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), Ijebu-Ode Branch, Ogun, yesterday urged its members to uphold the ethics of the law profession in order to remain relevant to the society. The Secretary-General of the association, Taiwo Odumosu, made the call in an interview with journalists in Ijebu-Ode yesterday. He stressed that by adhering strictly to the ethics of the profession, corruption would be eliminated in the dispensation of justice, adding: “unbiased interpretation of law is the common man’s last hope“. He decried corruption in the law profession resulting in unprofessional hike in service fees or engaging in money laundering for clients. “We need to always emphasise the ethics of our profession so that we can have a bar that is more responsive to the society’’, Odumosu said. He said the judiciary must remain uncompromised to maintain public confidence.

Odumosu advised his colleagues to encourage other professionals to study law, saying: “the knowledge of law will ensure we have a better society. “I will encourage all the faculties of law of universities to ensure that they inculcate ethics into their curriculum. “Law students do not have to wait until they get to the law school to benefit from such curriculum as is the case now’’, he said. On the ongoing strike by the Judiciary Staff Union of Nigeria (JUSUN), Odumosu said, “if we need progress in this country, government must always respect the decisions of the courts at all levels.“ Prof Bankole Sodipo, the Dean, Private and Commercial Law, Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo, said lawyers needed to shun sharp practices in the profession. Sodipo told journalists that not adhering to the founding principles of law would only bring the profession into disrepute and thus lead to its stagnation.

News Sokoto Earmarks N800m To Sponsor Students Abroad - Official

Competency Test Cancellation

Ex-Party Officer Commends Oshiomhole By RICHARD EWEKA

A Former Treasurer of the defunct Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN), UK Chapter Mr. Tobi Idaomi has commended Edo State Governor, Comrade Governor Adams Oshiomhole for his magnanimity in reviewing government stance on the competency test for teachers and replacing it with training and re-training of teachers for effective service delivery. In a chat with newsmen in Benin City, Mr. Idaomi said the cancellation has shown that Oshiomhole is a listening governor and has the love of his people at heart. “No body or party can take the credit not even the PDP who feels they made the governor change his mind, but the governor should be appreciated for the step, he has proved that he is the people’s governor and has listened to

BYO Inaugurates Edo South Working C’ttee By VICTOR OMOALU BENIN CITY – The Buhari Youth Organisation (BYO) has inaugurated its Edo South Executive Working Committee with an assurance that it will do all possible towards rallying support for the former Head of state if he declares his intention to run for the presidential seat. Co-ordinator of the Edo South wing of the Buhari Youth Organisation, Pastor Osas Oshodin extolled the virtues of General Buhari, describing him as a man of integrity, honesty and capacity that would ensure responsible and good governance. He said despite rigors and frustrustration in the Nigeria politics, the people were still ready to rally support for his (Buhari) political ambition. According to him, “What is happening today is a total display of lack of knowledge, in sensitivity and indept understanding of this man(Buhari)”, adding that it was more pathetic when the people, especially the youth still allowing themselves to be used by politicians. He debunked the allegation that General Buhari will Islamize the country if elected, describing the allegations as a nefarious and misleading tactics employed by his detractors to perpetrate themselves in government. Pastor Oshodin however assured of the committee’s support for the General.

them”, he noted. Speaking further, Idaomi said, the governor is not out to witch hunt anybody hence that the cancellation of the competency test. Here-called that over 900 had their names removed from pay role for various fraudulent act adding that, “he is worker friendly and has done this to show that he loves the workers and wants the best for them”. Idaomi said, the governor decided to embarked on this training and re-training exercise to build human capacity who will build the pupils and students who are the future leaders of this nation.

Fun seekers being checked at the entrance of the millenium park gate, Abuja on Monday.

School Proprietor Advocates Education For Children By VICTOR IMADE AND FAITH ISIKWEME BENIN CITY - The Founder of Compassion Caring Home and Proprietor of the Compassion Royal Academy (CRA) Rev. Friday Uwumagbe Iginosa has expressed the need to give children the best of education and invest in their future. Rev Igbinosa in his remarks at Ikhueniro, near Benin City at the

maiden graduation ceremony of the academy said the best legacy any one can bequest on children is education. He said the establishment of the school and home for the less privileged and orphans were borne out of the necessity to reach out to the individuals. According to him, the CRA has a dream which he nurtured alongside his wife and proprietress of the school, pastor

(Mrs.) Janet Igbinosa. He disclosed that education as a tool of change should not be the reserve of the children of the well-to-do, but should be extended to the children of the less privileged or not too rich. Rev Igbinosa commended Ambassador and legal councilor of the school, Barrister (Mrs.) Margaret Mozia for her immense contributions to the growth of the

Traditional Artists (Yantauri) displaying during the Eid-el-Fitre celebration (Hawan Daushe) in Dass Local Government Area of Bauchi State yesterday.

school, while expressing satisfaction with the joy of parents over the excellent academic performance of their children in the school. He however solicited for support from well-meaning individuals so as to put smiles on the faces of the pupils, some of whom he said are transported to the school from their homes and back home free of charge while others are given free lunch, book and uniforms. In an exhortation by the school proprietress and co-founder of the home, she admonished everyone to keep believing in God and accept Christ in order to receive the newness of life. Pst. (Mrs.) Igbinosa also urged all to make sacrifices for the less privileged in the society while encouraging them to give their best support as well as direct sponsors to the caring home and school. Speaking on behalf of parents, Mrs. Love Azunife commended the management and staff of the school for the improvement of their children’s academic performance while praying God to strengthen them. The graduation ceremony was graced by clergymen as well as inhabitants of the community. The ceremony featured praise and worship, drama, step dance, newscast, cultural dance, poem and Bible recitations, as well as beauty pageant which saw the emergence of Miss Favour Godwin and Master Osasenaga Igbinosa as Queen and King respectively.

SOKOTO - Sokoto state government has said that it earmarked over N800 million for the sponsorship of 420 students abroad at both the under-graduate and post-graduate levels. The Chairman of the State Universal Basic Education Board (SUBEB), Prof. Musa Maitafsir, said this in Sokoto when he spoke to 121 Masters’ Degrees students leaving for the Islamic University of Uganda. He said that the money had been lodged in the account of the state scholarship board. Maitafisr said that the money was for the payment of tuition and registration fees of the students and for their upkeep. He said that over N350 million out of the amount was set aside for the training of 220 students in the Islamic University of Uganda. According to him, “already, 99 students had finished their oneyear post-graduate Diploma in Education in the same institution. “The 121 students leaving Sokoto for Uganda today will join the 99 already there for various Masters’ Degrees courses in the same Institution,” Maitafsir, added. The chairman further said that the balance of N 450 million will be spent on the sponsorship of additional 200 under-graduate students in various Universities in Sudan, India, Bangladesh and the United Arab Emirates (Dubai). “Out of them, 160 are going to Sudan; 100 going to India, 40 will be going to Bangladesh and 60 to Dubai, UAE,” he said. Maitafsir stated that the gesture was being pursued under the state government’s TeacherDevelopment Programme. “The aim of the programme is to have good school administrators and teachers, and by extension, for Nigeria,’’ he said. Maitafsir appealed to the students to be good Ambassadors of Sokoto state and Nigeria, generally. He urged them to steer clear of all acts capable of tarnishing the image of the state and Nigeria. Spokespersons of the students, Abubakar Magawata and Kabiru Surajo, commended the state government for the gesture. They promised to be of good behaviour and face their studies squarely, saying, “We will not fail the people of the state and Nigerians.

Sallah: Sultan Urges Insurgents To End Terrorism SOKOTO - The Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Sa’ad Abubakar, has called on all perpetrators of terrorism in the country, especially in the northern part, to fear God and stop such heinous acts. Abubakar, who made the call in Sokoto in his Sallah message to Nigerians, said that the insecurity in the country had led to loss of many lives and property.

According to him, the massive losses of innocent lives and property are highly regrettable and they are “unIslamic”. He noted that Nigerians were facing various forms of difficulties as a result of the recurring insurgency and other criminal acts. He therefore charged Nigerians to sustain prayers “for God to either touch the

hearts of the terrorists or expose them.” The Sultan commended security agencies for efforts being made to contain the insecurity, and urged them to remain unrelenting. He appealed to the people to complement the efforts of the security agencies of maintaining peace and unity with their support, adding that

the task of doing so should be regarded as a collective responsibility by all Nigerians. He appealed to political leaders in Nigeria to ensure that social justice prevailed, saying that it was the “condition for sustainable peace and unity”. “We should all fear God and regard leadership as a trust and we will be accountable to

Him,” he said. “We are also commending Governor Aliyu Wamakko for initiating and successfully implementing various welfare programmes for the people of the state,” he added. The Sallah celebration in Sokoto was attended by former President Shehu Shagari, Governor Wamakko, the National Security Adviser and Col. Sambo Dasuki (rtd).


Pa Aigbedion’s Burial Begins Aug 1 BENIN CITY - The family of Aigbedion of Oke-Irue in Uhunmwode Local Government Area of Edo State has announced the burial ceremony of Late Pa Osagunvbewan Aigbedion who passed-on at the age of 83years. A statement by Mr. Kingsley Aigbedion indicated that on Friday August 1, 2014, at 9 am, that the body will be taken from Iruekpen Hospital to his residence, No 4 Ogiemwenkpen Street, Oke-Irue. On Saturday August 2, 2014, there will be social dance at his residence beginning at 11am, while the burial ceremony will climax on Sunday August 3, 2014 with a thanksgiving service.

President of the Senate, Sen. David Mark, signing condolence register of late former Prime Minister of Ghana and Senior Presidential Advisor, Late Dr. Paul V. Obeng at Terma Agbamame Accra Ghana.

BENIN CITY- The Chairman of Akugbe Charity Organisation, a non-governmental and nonprofitable organization, based in Benin City, Comrade Tony Kabaka Adun, has brought succour to less privileged Nigerians, especially those living in Edo State. He dolled out relief materials, like cash, household items, worth over Five million naira to some orphans, physical challenged and unemployed persons in Edo State as part of

New ECOWAS Brown Card Operational Jan 1, 2015 - NIA LAGOS- The Nigerian Insurers Association (NIA) on Tuesday said the implementation of the new Brown Card for Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) would take off on January 1, 2015. The NIA Director-General, Mr Olorundare Thomas, told newsmen in Lagos that the aim was to eradicate fake cards. The card is a creation of the ECOWAS protocol to facilitate transportation within the West Africa sub-region. It helps in claim payments by insurance companies to motorists involved in accidents. “The sub-regional Secretariat in Lome, Togo, had standardised the operations of the scheme with the design of a new consensual card. “ The secretariat is also designing an online claim management software that will reduce the time for claims processing,’’ Thomas said. The director-general said that the need to review the protocol in line with current realities was among the challenges confronting the ECOWAS card scheme. He said that the Nigerian National Bureau had continued to face challenges of delay in payment of cross border claims management. Thomas said that other

BAUCHI - Dr Adamu Gamawa, new Executive Chairman, Bauchi State Primary Healthcare Development Agency (PHCDA), said on Tuesday that efforts had been intensified to immunize against polio virus, children of internally displaced persons living in the state. Gamawa told newsmen in Bauchi on Tuesday that although he inherited an agency that had worked hard to ensure that the state was free of the wild polio virus, his greatest challenge was the influx of persons from neighbouring states facing security challenges. “I met an organization that is functional and willing to work but the major challenge we have is that of Internally Displaced

Persons from some neighbouring states. “People are moving and because of the security challenges, you cannot be sure that all their children had been vaccinated against the wild polio virus,” he said. The chairman stated that as a step towards ensuring that all children were captured, the agency had to be extending Immunization Plus Days . “We had to be staggering immunization far beyond the Immunization Plus Days to take care of all those areas that have challenges, and difficult terrain. “We equally have plans for nomadic people that move across the state; we make sure that they are immunized,” he added.

Organisation Empowers Less Privileged By LUCKY EFESE

Late Pa Osagunvbewan Aigbedion

Bauchi PHCDA Immunises Children Against Polio Virus

challenges faced by the bureau, included issues with the police formation of some member countries to get motorists released on time. According to him, this happens when accidents involves accidents with loss of life.

his Corporate Social Responsibility to the people. Comrade Adun, who noted that the decisions to invest in human capital development through his Charity organisation was borne out of his ordeal, during his struggling years in life averred that his continuous prayers was for God almighty to promote him and family so that he could impact positively in the lives of the people. He pointed out that he had recently engaged services of legal practitioners in the state to offer services to well over two hundred and fifty prison inmates across the state who never had the financial resources to employ lawyers for legal consultations and representations. He made particular reference to those who were abruptly left in prison custody for minor offences without trial and later gave them employment in his organization, Akugbe Ventures Limited, a tax consultant firm to the Edo State Government, which has over Five Thousand Youths as Staff to enable them remould them and fit into the society. He challenged all those who

God has promoted highly in different disciplines to emulate him to wipe out poverty in the society. The Prison Authority, Edo State

Command, consequently presented an appreciation and commendation letter to the Senior Special Assistant to the Edo State Governor on

Neighbourhood Watch, to challenge him to remain focused and committed to fight a course of the less privileges in the society.

President of the Senate, Sen. David Mark with Mrs. Rose Obeng, wife of the former Prime Minister of Ghana and Senior Presidential Advisor, Late Dr. Paul V. Obeng with him is the widow’s mother, Mrs. Georgina Brobbey during a condolence visit to the family at Terma Agbamame Accra Ghana.

Vigilante Boss Urges Landlords To Check Tenants


EVBUOTUBU (BENIN CITY) – As part of efforts to curtail crime wave and rid society of hoodlums and kidnappers, a security expert and President/Chief Executive, Eghosasere Ventures (EV) Vigilante Group of Nigeria, Comrade Eghosa Idahosa has emphasized the need for landlords in Evbuotubu Community and environs to always conduct background checks on their tenants. Comrade Idahosa also advised residents and tenants in the community under his jurisdiction to cultivate the habit of giving prompt report of suspicious characters and strangers to law enforcement

agents. The Vigilante boss dropped the hint in Benin City, while briefing newsmen on efforts by his security outfit towards crime prevention and control in communities. He explained that through the help of the Police and cooperation from members of

the community, his security outfit has been able to arrest a lot of criminals, adding that security should not be left in the hands of security agents alone, as the issue should be a priority of every member of the society. The security expert informed that as a civilian vigilante, his organisation interacts with

BNCL CO-OP Holds AGM Tomorrow 31, 2014. BENIN CITY - The Annual Venue is the Newsroom at General Meeting of Bendel the Corporate Headquarters of Newspapers Company Limited BNCL, 24, Airport Road, (BNCL), holds tomorrow, July Benin City beginning at 2pm.

landlords every three months to sensitise them on security tips and urged other communities not yet covered by the vigilante group to apply to enable it extend its services to them. According to him, the experience, expertise and training he has garnered, over the years, since 1998, had sufficiently prepared him for security duties, adding that before, now, he had successfully pioneered and managed such vigilantes as Ogbe Youth, OPC and OPDA before the Corporate Affairs Commission approved Eghosasere Ventures Vigilante Group of Nigeria in April 2014. He, however, solicited

logistic support and intelligence information from individuals, Corporate organisations and the government to make the task of policing the communities easier and the society crime free.

Comrade Eghosa Idahosa

Across The Nation Acting Governor Condemns Bomb Attacks KANO - The Kano State Government has described the multiple bomb attacks in the city as “unfortunate.’’ The state acting governor, Dr Abdullahi Ganduje, made the condemnation when he visited the NNPC Mega Filling

Station (the scene of Monday bomb blast) to assess the

situation. He promised


government would deploy gadgets in some strategic

places in the commercial city to detect criminals.

Pray For Peace, Unity Deputy Gov Tells Muslims OWERRI - The Deputy Governor of Imo, Mr. Eze Madumere, has urged Muslims in the state to pray for peace and unity in the country. Madumere made the call in a statement signed by his Chief Press Secretary, Mr Uche Onwuchekwa. He congratulated them on the successful completion of the Ramadan, which he said, afforded them the opportunity of “spiritual rejuvenation and communing with Allah while pouring their hearts desire to Him”. He observed that the Eidel Fitr celebrations also called for sober reflection and prayers for the families of the victims of insurgency. Madumere wished them a peaceful celebration and urged them to continue to lend their support to the state government.

President Goodluck Jonathan receiving the out-going Ambassador of Finland, Mrs. Rita Korpivaara at the Presidential Villa in Abuja recently.

He advised the residents to be extra vigilant and security conscious on the happenings in their respective surroundings. He commended the security agencies for their efforts to check the activities of insurgents in the state. Ganduje said the timely intervention of security agents at the NNPC Mega station was worthy of commendation, stressing that the action helped to save several lives. The acting governor also visited Kofar Nasarawa and some of the injured victims receiving treatment at Murtala Muhammad hospital. He promised the victims that government would offset their medical bills. The state Police Commissioner Mr. Aderenle Shinaba, heads of security agencies and some members of the state Executive council accompanied Ganduje on the visit.

Sultanate To Establish Women University

SOKOTO - The Sultanate Council of Sokoto plans to establish an all women Medical University in Sokoto, the Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Saad Abubakar III, has said. “The council has already applied to the state government for land and the application is receiving positive attention,” Abubakar said in Sokoto at a meeting of the state Education Development Trust Fund

He explained that the aim of the proposed university was to further boost the education of women in the state in particular and in Nigeria in general. He said the council was making arrangements to convene a meeting with prominent indigenes of the state on December 27 to brainstorm on the state of education in the state. According to the sultan the

meeting will assess the achievements recorded in the sector and profer the way forward. “Already, a technical committee for the meeting has been set up and it will soon swing into action,” he said. Abubakar commended the state government for paying attention to education and other aspects of human endeavour. He also commended some prominent indigenes of the

state for their assistance to revamp education in the state. “Some prominent indigenes of the state have renovated and equipped several schools, “he said. Governor. Aliyu Wamakko, who spoke through Alhaji Sahabi Gada, Secretary to the state government, promised that government would assist the Trust Fund to realise its objectives. He also pledged that government would give

attention to the development of education. In his remark, the Chairman, Board of Trustees of the Fund, Alhaji Shehu Shagari, said the board currently has over N90 million in its coffers. “Over 90 per cent of the assistance we have received is from the state government, the 23 local governments and the Sultanate Council. “We have been training the youths of the state in ICT and various types of skills to complement the efforts of the government,” the former President said.

Traditional Rulers Support Adamawa Acting Governor

President Goodluck Jonathan (left) receiving letter of Credence from the Ambassador designate of United Arab Emirate, Mr. Mahmud Mohammed Mahmud Al-Mahumud at the Presidential Villa in Abuja recently.

YOLA - Traditional rulers in Adamawa State have declared their full support and commitment to working with the acting governor of the state, Alhaji Ahmadu Fintiri, for peace and unity of the state. A delegation of the traditional rulers made the declaration while paying Sallah homage to the acting Governor at the Government House in Yola on Monday. The delegation, led by the Lamido of Adamawa, Alhaji Barkindo Mustapha, included the Emir of Mubi, Alhaji Abubakar Isa; Hama

Bachama; and Mr Honest Irimiya. The others on the delegation were Ganwari Ganye; Alhaji Umaru Sanda; Hama Bata, and Mr. Alhamdu Teneke. The Lamido expressed the commitment of the state’s traditional institution to working with the acting governor ’s transitional government for maximum result. He urged the governor to be fair and just in his assignment so that the people would rally round him to ensure success. Mustapha said his

emergence, for the second time, as acting governor was an act of God, adding that the royal fathers had no doubt in his ability to deliver. Responding, the acting governor said his administration would depend heavily on the royal fathers’ advice in running a fair and just administration. Fintiri urged the royal fathers to continue to mobilise their subjects to be security-consciousness. He said they should accord security agencies the maximum support needed for them to succeed.

Lagos Sallah: Fashola

Preaches Love, Peaceful Co-Existence

L-R: National Treasurer, Unity Party of Nigeria (UPN), Mr. Okey Nwaneri; National Chairman/President Oodua People’s Congress (OPC), Dr. Fredrick Fasehun and National Deputy Secretary of UPN, Prince Samson Ndubuisi, at UPN Media Interactive Forum in Lagos recently.

IKEJA - Governor Babatunde Fashola of Lagos State has enjoined Nigerians to love one another and co-exist peacefully, irrespective of their religion. In a Sallah message signed by Mr Hakeem Bello,his Special Adviser on Media,Fashola said it was only through love and peaceful co-existence that the country could be moved to greater heights. The governor said the

L-R: Chief Executive Officer, Eagle and Gold International, Mr. Edwin Okafor; Deputy Director, Indonesian Trade Promotion Centre (ITPC), Mr. Bona Kusuma and Director, ITPC, Pontas Tobing, at the News Conference on the forth coming Indonesian Tradexpo in Lagos recently.

Ebola Virus: NCAA Suspends Asky Airline IKEJA - Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) has suspended all ASky Airline flight operations to Nigeria over the transportation of an Ebola virus victim into the country. Mr Benedict Adeyileka, the Acting Director-General of NCAA, announced the decision in a statement issued by the General Manager, Public Communications of NCAA, Mr Fan Ndubuoke, in Lagos. He said that the regulatory authority had to take the action to protect Nigerians from the deadly Ebola virus, currently ravaging some parts of Africa. ASky Airline is an important player in East, West and Central Africa, operating 80 flights into Lagos and Abuja weekly. The airline flew a Liberian infected with Ebola virus into Lagos, where he died. Adeyileka said the Country Manager of ASky had been invited to explain issues relating to the trip but that he could not offer any conclusive or substantial evidence on the matter. He said that the airline manager did not demonstrate any capacity to be able to prevent a reoccurrence or possible transportation of Ebola victims

From Flying Into Nigeria

into Nigeria. “This is contrary to the provision of Article 14 of the Chicago Convention,1944, which states that ‘Each contracting State agrees to take effective measures to prevent the spread by means of air navigation, of cholera. “Also of typhus (epidemic), smallpox, yellow fever, plague and such other communicable diseases as the contracting state shall from time to time decide to designate..... “The International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) has similarly prescribed measures (Standard Practices) in Annex 9 to the Convention which a state must take to prevent the spread of communicable disease in the event of an outbreak. “Annex 11 (Air Traffic Services) and Annex 14 (Aerodromes, Volume 1Aerodrome Design and Operations) require air traffic services and aerodromes to establish contingency planning or aerodrome emergency plans, respectively for public health emergencies of International concern,” Adeyileka said. .

He noted that the lives of millions of Nigerians were too precious to be risked on the platter of negligence of an airline. “The airline operations was therefore suspended with immediate effect until it is able to sufficiently and evidently prove that adequate machinery is in place to provide adequate screening of passengers in all their points of operation, including profiling of each passenger,” he said. Adeyileka directed the Directorate of Air Transport Regulation to proceed to write a letter of investigation to the airline. He said that the agency would also write to other airlines operating into and out of Nigeria to ensure they put in place all necessary preventive measures during screening of passengers. Adeyileka assured Nigerians that NCAA would coordinate the establishment of a Rapid Response Health Team at the International airports, being major ports of entry. “This is to prevent the spread of the deadly Ebola virus in Nigeria according to

International best practices. “The authority will support all the relevant health authorities in the implementation of adequate

health measures,” he said. Similarly, Arik Air which had earlier suspended flights to Monrovia and Freetown has been advised to maintain the cessation of flights until cleared by NCAA.

challenges presently facing the country required the efforts of all citizens to overcome,stressing that only Nigerians could solve the country‘s problems. Fashola noted that Nigeria had great potential and that all that was needed was for its citizens was to show the right commitment and determination to move the nation to its deserved position. “The country will only assume its leadership position in Africa and among the black race when Nigerians embrace law and order, unity of purpose, equity and patriotism,”he said. He urged Nigerians to be security concious and be vigilant, noting that these would help address the security issues facing the country. While wishing Lagosians and Nigerians a happy Sallah celeberation,Fashola urged the citizens to impact people around them during the celebration. He said brotherhood, forgiveness ,moderation and sacrifice, were some of the lessons of Ramadan,and urged Nigerians to continue to make the lessons part of their lives, even after Sallah,

Be Tolerant, Lagos Speaker LAGOS- Speaker Lagos Urges Nigerians State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon Adeyemi Ikuforiji ,has urged Nigerians to be tolerant and adhere to the teachings of Ramadan period. He made the appeal at Oregun Central Mosque Lagos, shortly after observing his Eid-l-fitri prayer. Ikuforriji said the celebration of the Eid festival should be avenue to inculcate the lessons of Ramadan in individual’s life Ikuforiji revealed that 30 days of fasting taught muslim -faithful to be kind to the needy,have self

restraint and obedient to the doctrines of islam.He expressed hope that the 200 Chibok Girls in Borno state would be set free and come back home peacefully.He disclosed that atrocities of Boko Haram insurgence is not religious but politically motivated.He added that members of the Boko Haram went to pray on sallah day proving that it is not religious issue, While commenting on the Chibok girls that were

abducted on April 15 by the outlawed Boko Haram sect, Ikuforiji said, “It is sad and that has left a very big dent on our image as a country. We have prayed that these girls of ours are returned safely.” He prayed for a peaceful Nigeria and appealed further to Nigerians to be their brothers keepers. Hon. Ikuforiji was ,however,accompanied by muslim faithful and pressmen to pray and give thanks to God.


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Abuja Civil Servant Imprisoned For Stealing

Osun Election

Group Tasks INEC On Timely Distribution Of PVC Voter’s Card ABUJA - CLEEN Foundation, an NGO, has urged INEC to ensure timely distribution of Permanent Voters Card (PVCs) to the electorate ahead of Osun governorship election scheduled for August 9. The Executive Director of the foundation, Ms Kemi Okenyodo, made the call yesterday in Abuja at public presentation of the 4th Security Threat Assessment Report for 2015 elections. Okenyodo said the call became necessary to make sure that all eligible voters in the state exercise their constitutional rights. She noted that inability of the electorate to collect PVCs would constitute a “tinder box“ that could cause violence during the forthcoming governorship election. The executive director appealed to INEC, the National Orientation Agency, Civil Society Organisations and political parties to carry out massive voter education to guarantee violence-free election in the state. Okenyodo also urged the commission to sustain its engagements through the Inter-Agency Consultative Committee on Election Security which provided an opportunity for synergy and collaboration among security agencies. “There should be increased and sustained engagements among key institutions such as INEC, security agencies, civil societies, media, community and religious leaders toward restoring public confidence in the electoral process. “Government at all levels should pay attention to and track violence hot spots or flashpoints for effective preparation and response to emergencies,’’ Okenyodo said. Earlier, the foundation’s Programme Officer, Mr Chinedu Nwagwu, also said inadequate logistics and welfare for security agents on election duties posed a serious danger to the electoral process. “This will make security agencies susceptible to political influence, thereby affecting the integrity of the electoral process,’’ Nwagwu said.

ABUJA - A Wuse Zone 2 Senior Magistrates’ Court has sentenced a 32-yearold civil servant, Ajbo Abu, of the National Population Commission, Abuja to three months in prison for stealing a computer set worth N150,000. The Senior Magistrate, Mrs Simisola Adeniyi, sentenced Abu without an option of fine. She said that the sentence was to serve as a

punishment to the convict and a deterrent to other intending criminals. Earlier, the police prosecutor, Cpl. Umar Ango, said that on July 4, at about 5.30 p.m., Yohanna Ogbaje, of Grand Security Ltd., Abuja, reported the convict at the Wuse Zone 3 Police Station, Abuja. He said that Ogbaje, a L-R: Co-Chairman, World Pension Summit, Mr. Harry Smorenberg, President Goodluck Jonathan and the Acting Director-General of PENCOM, Ms Chinelo Anohu-Amazu, at the security guard, attached to World Pension Summit in Abuja recently. the commission, reported that on the same day at about 5 p.m, the convict sneaked into the commission’s premises. Ango said that the convict was a staff of the commission. He told the court that the convict went into the administrative office and stole a computer set worth N150, 000. He said that during police interrogation, the computer set was found in Abu’s possession. Ango also told the court that the convict admitted that it was the fourth time L-R: Chairman, World Pension Summit for Africa, Mrs. Grace Usoro, Co-Chairman, World Pension Summit, Mr. Harry he was committing such a Smorenberg; Acting Director-General of PENCOM, Ms. Chinelo Anohu-Amazu; President -Goodluck Jonathan; Minister of crime. Finance, Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala; Co-Chairman, World Pension Summit, Mr. Eric Eggink and Chairman, Senate Committee He said that the offence on PENCOM, Senator Aloysius Etuk, at the World Pension Summit in Abuja recently. of theft by the civil servant was contrary to Section 289 of the Penal Code. Abu admitted committing the crime. He begged the court for mercy and promised not to cultural club in schools of languages apart from the dances, languages and ABUJA - The Coordinator, commit the crime again. dresses,’’ she said. indigenous today but if revisiting it is child’s

Group Urges FG To Revisit Cultural Clubs In Schools Good Access, an NGO, Mrs. Adama Ahmed, has called on the Federal Government to revisit the extinct cultural clubs in schools to encourage teaching of cultural values. Ahmed, who spoke with newsmen in Abuja said that returning to cultural clubs would enable children to better understand their culture. She said that Nigerian culture had gone into extinction owing to the fact that most children do not recognise the need to learn the culture for the betterment of the country. She said that there was need for the government to look inward and reawaken the cultural groups and societies in the schools, adding it would tremendously impact the lives of the youths. “Hardly will you see a

considered, it will regenerate the minds of the youths against social vices. “I remembered when I was growing up we used to do our cultural festival. Children are always happy to see themselves showcased in their culture. “But today, what we see is that most children do not know the culture they practice, they go to school, come out without knowing anything about the culture of Nigeria. “Also, cultural clubs in schools will afford the children an opportunity to know the different dances and languages spoken by the different tribes in the country and learn from it all. “Doing this will also enable children to learn different

language,’’ she said. She called on school authorities to create extracurricular classes where children could learn the various culture of the country. “Now for cultural values to play a key role in the development of the country, governments at every level must give room for extracurricular classes to learn about the different cultures,’’ she added. Ahmed further said that the students should be mobilised and motivated on the importance of these cultural clubs in order to impact on their lives. “The government should, however, go back to schools and motivate the students on the importance of portraying the Nigerian cultures through

Court Strikes Out Case For Want Of Prosecution

ABUJA - An FCT High Court has struck out a matter between one Dr Alabo Amabibi and the Registered Trustees of the Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) for want of prosecution. The action was coming after the defendant counsel, Mr. Alex Akoja had informed the court on June 4 that the parties had decided to settle out of the court. Justice Valentine Ashi had ruled on June 4 that the plaintiff counsel, Mr Oluwole Adeshina should contact his client and agree on the type of settlement before the next hearing date. Amabibi, the plaintiff, had in March filed a case seeking the court to restrain the NMA from reviewing its constitution. He sought the court to restrain

the association from amending its constitution at its 54th Annual General Conference held on May 2 in Benin, Edo. Earlier, Akoja had told the court that the chairman of the association told him that the plaintiff had withdrawn the matter and had settled the issue with the association. “The plaintiff has tendered an apology to the house seeking to withdraw the matter out of court, and for instituting the action without exhausting internal mechanism for dispute resolution. “I therefore urged the court to dismiss the suit.’’ The plaintiff and his legal representation were not in court when the matter was struck out.

Business + Economy Ebola Virus

Arik Suspends Flights To Liberia, Sierra Leone IKEJA - Arik Air has said it would suspend flight operations to Monrovia in Liberia and Freetown in SierraLeone following the first Ebola virus death officially confirmed in Lagos. This is disclosed in a statement issued and signed by the airline’s Head of Corporate Communications, Mr Ola Adebanji, in Lagos. It said the suspension would be in force until further notice. The reports state that the first Ebola virus death officially confirmed in Lagos involved a Liberian national. He had flown into Lagos on a foreign airline from Monrovia via Lome in Togo last week. The statement said the flights suspension decision was a precautionary measure aimed at safeguarding the lives of Nigerians. “We are taking this important step as a concerned corporate citizen, bearing the interest of Nigerians at heart. “We acknowledge the steps the Federal Government of Nigeria is currently undertaking to prevent the spread of the deadly Ebola virus,” it said. The statement said the airline felt compelled to take the business decision to immediately suspend flight services into the two Ebola

virus-affected countries. It said this was due to its interest in the well-being of Nigerians. “At the early stages of the virus development across West Africa, the Gambian Government took the proactive decision to stop airlines, including Arik Air, from bringing in-bound passengers from Monrovia, Conakry in Guinea and Freetown into Banjul in Gambia. ‘Hence, in line with the actions taken by the Gambian Government, we trust and are confident that the FGN shall take all steps necessary to control and curtail the spread of the virus,” the statement said. It advised that all in-bound flights into Nigeria, which originate from any of the Ebola-affected countries, be immediately suspended. “Our core vision and purpose are to provide world-class experiences and services which are safe, reliable and contribute towards both improved user quality of life as well as the elevation of Nigeria’s global standing,” the airline said. However, Arik assured customers and Nigerians that their continued safety would always be at the forefront of all business decisions taken by the airline management.

Gbong Gwom Jos, Jacob Da Buba (left) welcoming the new Commissioner of Police, Plateau State, Mr. Nasiru Oki to his palace during his courtesy visit in Jos recently.

Ethiopian Airline Boost Nigerian Tourism Sector ABUJA - The Managing Director, Ethiopian International Services, Esayas Hailu, has in Abuja said that the Ethiopian airlines’ cargo services in Nigeria has been a boost to the Nigerian tourism sector. Hailu who said this at a news conference noted that

the cargo services had over the years served 24 destinations across the world, including Nigeria with six dedicated freighters. “The Ethiopian cargo freight has about 55 years of dependable and reliable service in Nigeria, with both the good and the bad times. “Ethiopia is not only the longest-serving carrier in Nigeria but has also succeeded in building a vast network of connection between Nigeria and the rest of the world within a short connection. “This has greatly improved the Nigerian tourism sector in

the area of its cultural diversity and in relation to the world at large,’’ he said. Hailu said the cargo network had been able to bring African countries together in the area of trade, investment and tourism. He promised the introduction of Nigerian delicacies and the loyalty of the airlines to Nigerians, while building a good business relationship. “Nigeria is the largest market in Africa, owing to the population and domestic growth. “So, we open our gateway

to facilitate the movement of Nigerians. “This, we also do by making sure that very soon Nigerian foods will be introduced into our delicacies,’’ Hailu said. He, however, noted that vacancies had been opened for Nigerian pilots to occupy so as to build more synergy and co-operation. “The Ethiopian government is fostering a deeper relationship with the Nigerian government to ease the free movement of tourists within Nigeria and the rest of the world,’’ the Ethiopian official said.

Effective Border Patrol

Immigration Seeks Adequate Funding

Coal City shuttle bus carrying over 50 students of ESUT caught fire on Ozubulu road at Independence Layout in Enugu recently.

ABUJA - The Nigeria Immigration Service (NIS), has urged the Federal Government to equip it with Censors to enable the department effectively police the nation’s 1,400 kilometres borders. Mr. Chukwuemeka Obua, the Public Relations Officer of the service, made the call in Abuja in an interview with newsmen. He said that due to the expansive size of the borders and the inability of immigration officers to effectively patrol them, the service had forwarded a proposal to the government to provide it with modern technological equipment like censors. He said the censors would be placed at strategic locations at the borders to pick up mass or single movement of people in certain areas where immigration officers could not

reach. “Illegal routes in Nigeria are vast and some persons may think they can move without being noticed. “The equipment will pick their movement and relay it to immigration formations that will deploy personnel to intercept such movement. “ To make up for inadequate human capital at the borders, a special border patrol corps has been established. “The first set of 1,000 officers have been trained with relevant skills and dispersed to different formations to man the borders. “The government has also granted permission for the resuscitation of the air border patrol unit. “The service has two or three aircrafts that are currently being repaired to augment the special censors and the border patrol corps,’’ Obua said.

The NIS spokesman told newsmen that the proposed amendment to the Immigration Act of 2004 would prescribe stiffer penalties for illegal immigrants in the country to forestall crime. He added that if the Act is amended; kidnappers, scammers, human traffickers and prostitutes would face severe punishment when they are caught. He said that such offenders had not been receiving adequate punishment because the Immigration Act of 2004 did not stipulate severe punishment for serious crimes. “ The act proffers a fine of N100 for offences that are serious and this is outdated. “ The Immigration Act of 2004 is currently undergoing amendment because it does not prescribe stiff penalties for offences,’’ he said.

International Features

THE third Gaza war is playing out much like the first one more than five years ago: The harrowing civilian toll in Gaza is now at the center of the discourse, eclipsing the rocket attacks by Hamas militants that were the stated reason for the Israeli assault. Then as now, a question persists: Beyond the carnage, are Israel’s airstrikes against civilian locations achieving anything at all? It ended messily for Israel in 2009. A U.N. commission investigated, Israel refused to cooperate, and the resulting report — since then partly disavowed by its own author, former South African judge Richard Goldstone — said Israel deliberately targeted civilians and might have committed war crimes, along with Hamas. About 1,400 Palestinians, including many hundreds of civilians, were killed in the operation dubbed “Cast Lead,” along with 13 Israelis. After 18 days this year, the civilian death toll of operation “Protective Edge” is at similar levels — and the proportion is higher. Israel’s argument is similar as well: Hamas is to blame not only for attacking a much-stronger power with rockets, but also for operating from within heavily populated residential areas, as well as mosques, hospitals and schools. Navi Pillay, the U.N. high commissioner for human rights, said Wednesday that some of the recent Israeli attacks, including those on homes and on a care center for the disabled, raise “a strong possibility that international law has been violated in a manner that could amount to war crimes.” She also condemned indiscriminate Hamas attacks — including 3,000 rockets fired since July 8 that have killed several civilians in Israel — and said storing military equipment in civilian areas or launching attacks from there is unacceptable. But “the actions of one party do not absolve the other party of the need to respect its obligations under international law,” she added.

New Twists In Gaza War International law can be a fuzzy and subjective thing, its application dependent on circumstances. The wider context also affects the degree of political pressure on Israel to stop. So it is important to note that there are also key differences between now and 2009. Here’s a comparative look: THE ROCKETS HAVE MORE RANGE It is hard for outsiders to grasp the meaning, to Israelis, of Tel Aviv. The seaside metropolis of about 2 million is prosperous and fun, and an easy, generally liberal atmosphere prevails. It is a place of high tech, of electric nightlife, of diverse and highly Westernized culture,

surrounding the blockaded Gaza Strip. These are gritty places: hardscrabble towns that are relatively poor; or kibbutz farming communities whose people are often idealistic and pioneering. The people under fire there were certainly displeased, but by and large had no illusions about where they live. Now Hamas is firing at Tel Aviv, which is 80 kilometers (50 miles) north of the strip, and even at some cities beyond. One landed near Tel Aviv’s airport, causing U.S. and European airlines to suspend flights. Millions are living with the threat of rockets every day. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

The Islamic militant group had legitimately won Palestinian paliamentary elections in 2006, was denied the share of power it wanted by Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas, and in a little over a year had battled its way to full control of Gaza. It promised cleaner government than the Palestinian Authority and was relatively popular as a result. Israelis and much of the world, remembering suicide bombings and bus attacks, rejected Hamas as a terrorist group, to be blockaded and shunned. But in the Arab world at least, there was a veneer of legitimacy. Hamas had powerful supporters in Iran and the Gulf, and neighboring Egypt was not

leading Arab circles to have brought destruction and disgrace in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen and Egypt’s own Sinai region. There is not much love for Israel in the Arab world, and growing horror at the civilian deaths in Gaza. But many in the region seem nonetheless pleased to see Hamas get hammered, and some would be happier still to see it gone. The Obama administration seems more involved in the region than that of President George W. Bush in its final days: Secretary of State John Kerry and other international negotiators are scrambling around the Middle East, but genuine pressure seems lacking. More maneuvering

openly an enemy back then. Much has happened since in the Arab world, and it hasn’t helped Hamas. The Arab Spring brought a wave of Islamist successes, following by a widespread sense of their misrule. In Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood, which largely spawned Hamas, is now outlawed; its leaders are on trial and the group is portrayed by media as terrorists. Jihadis cut from a similar cloth as Hamas are considered in

room for Israel. NETANYAHU IS NO OLMERT There are two kinds of governments in Israel when it comes to the heart of the matter, which is peace with the Palestinians and the possibility of a Palestinian state. One kind was in power during “Cast Lead.” Prime Minister Ehud Olmert was clearly committed to pulling out of the West Bank one way or another and was making rather far-reaching offers to Abbas: a state in all of Gaza and the vast majority of the West Bank, and a share in Jerusalem. For a variety of reasons no deal was struck, but Olmert was perceived as serious on the Palestinian issue. This opens doors and spreads positivity, and Israel enjoyed some space as a result. It’s a very different story under Netanyahu. He dropped his lifelong

Israeli troops involved in the ongoing Gaza war

of surfing and gay pride parades. It is essential to an often unspoken but profound feeling that many Israelis cling to, which oddly aligns with what Arab critics would say: That they somehow do not belong in the Middle East. In 2009, Hamas was firing relatively small projectiles with minimal range, mostly aimed at border communities

can go on TV and ask Americans what they would do if New York or Chicago were under constant rocket attack. The argument resonates, the world seems to be listening, and even many in the Arab world agree. So Israel gets more room to maneuver. IT’S NOT THE SAME HAMAS Hamas rode relatively high in 2009, in its own particular way.

“It is hard for outsiders to grasp the meaning, to Israelis, of Tel Aviv. The seaside metropolis of about 2 million is prosperous and fun, and an easy, generally liberal atmosphere prevails. It is a place of high tech, of electric nightlife, of diverse and highly Westernized culture, of surfing and gay pride parades. It is essential to an often unspoken but profound feeling that many Israelis cling to, which oddly aligns with what Arab critics would say: That they somehow do not belong in the Middle East.”

opposition to a Palestinian state in recent years — but his terms are very far from those of the Palestinians. Jewish settlement construction in the West Bank is roaring ahead, and nine months of peace talks got scarcely beyond quibbles and procedure. Netanyahu’s own party continues to oppose a Palestinian state, and there is a sense of a wink about his moves in this regard. And so the region and the world view him with considerable suspicion. If he were fighting anyone but Hamas, the atmosphere for Israel would be most uncomfortable by now. A SENSE OF PREDICTABLE FUTILITY During the 2008-9 campaign, it was not exactly clear what the outcome would be. Would Hamas break under the assault? Would the people of Gaza blame Hamas for their suffering and overthrow the group? Is victory possible? It was not even clear whether Israel ruled out reoccupying the strip, from which it had withdrawn four years earlier. The answers to those questions are clearer now. In both campaigns, as well as another one in late 2012, Hamas has shown that it will simply continue firing rockets no matter what the outcome to the people of Gaza. Hamas does not seem on the verge of being overthrown despite its heavy-handed rule. And the people actually support Hamas’ stated goal of ending the Israeli-Egyptian blockade so much that there seems to be scant pressure on Hamas to give in. On the Israeli side, there is minimal desire to retake the inhospitable strip. It’s also clear that Israel’s various efforts to minimize the deaths with a variety of warnings aren’t working well. For the third time, the world sees images of whole families buried under rubble, of children in a morgue. And for all its claims of precision, Israel’s military is having trouble producing detailed explanations of why any particular building was hit. It lends a sense of predictable futility to the proceedings, and raises questions in Israel itself about the strategy. The answer tends to be that doing nothing in response to rocket fire on cities is not an option. That logic dominates the Israeli discourse for now. But to many, it is starting to feel uncomfortable nonetheless. Courtesy: AP.

THE core premise of the 2014 Human Development Report, launched in Tokyo, Japan last week by Prime Minister of Japan Shinzô Abe, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Administrator Helen Clark and Director of the Human Development Report Office Khalid Malik focuses on persistent vulnerability as a major threat to human development, and warns that unless it is systematically tackled by policies and social norms, progress will be neither equitable nor sustainable. ACCORDING to income-based measures of poverty, 1.2 billion people live with $1.25 or less a day. However, the latest estimates of the UNDP Multidimensional Poverty Index reveal that almost 1.5 billion people in 91 developing countries, including Nigeria are living in poverty with overlapping deprivations in health, education and living standards. And although poverty is declining overall, almost 800 million people are at risk of falling back into poverty if setbacks occur. WE believe that by addressing vulnerabilities, all people may share in development progress, and human development will become increasingly equitable and sustainable globally and Nigeria must key into various development processes to be part of solution and also be in position to benefit from same. IT is equally heart-warming to know that the 2014 Human Development Report comes at a critical time, as attention turns to the creation of a new development agenda following the 2015 deadline for achieving the Millennium Development Goals. It is therefore an imperative for the post-2015 SDGs to have a standalone Goal to address vulnerability in the next 15 years.


Nigeria And 2014 Human Development Report THE Report holds that as crises spread ever faster and further, it is critical to understand vulnerability in order to secure gains and sustain progress. It points to a slowdown in human development growth across all regions, as measured by the Human Development Index (HDI). It notes that threats such as financial crises, fluctuations in food prices, natural disasters and violent conflict significantly impede progress. OBVIOUSLY , the Boko Haram insurgency poses a great threat to human development in Nigeria and the global community must come to the rescue of the country beyond skeletal military assistance from some developed countries of the world. Boko Haram insurgency alone is not only leading to heavy losses of human lives and property, millions are already rendered homeless and are refugees in their homeland. Livelihoods of over six million persons have been affected and economic life in North Eastern Nigeria have been crippled. Investments in Nigeria are already threatened even though government grandstands that it has what it takes to curtail the threat. BESIDES, floods and desertification occasioned by Climate Change have continued to wreak havoc and render millions homeless destroying livelihoods and exacerbating food crisis in the country. AT the moment, the President, Goodluck Jonathan is seeking $1bn to combat

terrorism in the country. This request must not be politicised by anyone and we urge the National Assembly to expeditiously approve the request. The President must demonstrate prudence, transparency and accountability in the use of such funds to assuage the fears of those opposed to the securing of such a facility given our past history as a nation. ADDITIONALLY, government needs to make conscious efforts to mitigate impact of Climate Change and tackle ocean surge, desertification and flooding in Nigerian coastal communities. There should be clear cut plans and actions for rehabilitation, resettlements and empowerments for affected and vulnerable persons and communities. IT is also instructive to point that reducing both poverty and people’s vulnerability to falling into poverty must be a central objective of the post-2015 agenda. For us, eliminating extreme poverty as roundly canvassed by the report, is not just about ‘getting to zero’; it is also about staying there. FINALLY, the Report calls for governments to recommit to the objective of full employment, a mainstay of macroeconomic policies of the 1950s and 1960s that was overtaken by competing policy goals following the oil shocks of the 1970s. It argues that full employment yields social dividends that surpass private benefits, such as fostering social stability and cohesion. Going forward, we believe that Nigeria, having had its fair share of the oil shocks during the era should abide by recommendations and prescriptions of the 2014 Human Development Report, if it hopes to overcome its vulnerability challenges by 2030.


Making Ajaokuta Steel Project A Reality BY all accounts, the present administration appears fully prepared to complete the hitherto moribund Ajaokuta steel project in Kogi. The idea behind a steel project in Nigeria started in 1958, when the colonial a d m i n i s t r a t i o n commissioned a feasibility study on iron ore deposits in the country. In 1967, a United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) survey identified Nigeria as a potential steel market; which led to the signing of a bilateral agreement between the defunct Soviet Union and Nigeria. The Soviet steel experts that conducted a feasibility study confirmed the availability of raw materials and recommended further geological surveys. They also recommended the Blast Furnace/Basic Oxygen Furnace (BF/BOF) process, capable of producing 570,000 tonnes of rolled products per annum. In 1971, an extraministerial agency, the Nigerian Steel Development Authority (NSDA), was established by Decree No.9, to focalise efforts required to actualise a steel plant in the country. Besides, the discovery of large deposits of iron ore at Itakpe in 1972 by the Soviet aero-magnetic survey team, catalysed the formal signing of a global contract in 1975, with Tiajpromexport (TPE), a Soviet state-owned firm, for an integrated steel plant of 1.3 million tonnes of long products. However, the actual work on the Ajaokuta Steel Company commenced in 1979 during the administration of Alhaji Shehu Shagari. Record, however, showed that the Ajaokuta steel plant was inaugurated in 1983 when it had achieved almost 95 per cent completion, with most of its vital rolling mills, including light, billets, wire rod, medium section and structural mills, operational.

By SANI ADAMU However, since its inauguration in 1983, the plant has been embroiled in managerial ineptitude and controversy, ranging from allegations of obsolete machines and outdated blast furnace model. Despite its initial completion, the plant had suffered years of neglect under successive administrations. In 2005, the efforts by the President Olusegun Obasanjo’s administration through the concessioning of the plant to Global System Steel Holdings Limited (GSHL), an Indian firm, also failed to revive it. The agreement was terminated in 2008 by the late President Umaru Yar’Adua’s administration. This, perhaps, underscores the decision of President Goodluck Jonathan to reactivate the plant and ensure its final completion. Three years down the line, available records showed that work on the critical sections of the massive steel complex had been completed and ready for operation. Acknowledging the progress made so far, Mr Musa Sada, the Minister of Mines and Steel Development, said that the Federal Government had also signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with some private firms to facilitate its completion. He, however, said that the investors were trade partners and not core investors. Sada, who spoke during a working tour of the company, said that the investors would be engaged on a short-term basis to

operate the completed facilities. He said that the new approach was to avoid past mistakes in appointing management teams to handle the plant. According to him, the move will save vital components of the plant and machines from further deterioration, stressing that the workers are among the best trained in the industry. The minister said that reviving the steel plant was necessary in view of its crucial role towards the attainment of the country’s industrial revolution. Nonetheless, the National Iron Ore Mining Company Ltd (NIOMCO), says that the Ajaokuta Steel Company will require about 2.3 million tonnes of iron ore concentrate to enable it start production. Malam Abubakar Ibrahim, the Sole Administrator of the company, said this in Itekpe, Kogi, during a 3-day facility inspection tour of the plant. He said that with adequate supply of iron ore, the steel company could produce more than 1.3 million tonnes of steel annually. Ibrahim, however, said that in order to meet the iron ore requirement of the Ajaokuta Steel Company, NIOMCO must also be able to produce and process seven million tonnes of raw iron ore annually. He also said that in order to guarantee 15 to 20 years of uninterrupted iron ore production, sufficient amount of iron concentrate must be stockpiled at both Itakpe and Ajaokuta. “At that level of

production, our in-house study has shown that the operating cost per tonne shall be about N7,000, which means that a net monthly operating income of about N228 million shall be realised at current world market concentrate price of N16,000 per tonne,’’ Ibrahim said. He identified lack of appropriate storage facility for explosives and shortage of serious suppliers of the

“He also said that in order to guarantee 15 to 20 years of uninterrupted iron ore production, sufficient amount of iron concentrate must be stockpiled at both Itakpe and Ajaokuta.” President Namadi Sambo also restated government’s commitment to make the plant functional within the shortest possible time. Sambo said that President Jonathan had also directed

been removed by Mr President,’’ he said. The vice- president spoke at the foundation laying ceremony of Kogi House in Abuja. To justify the huge

Musa Sada, Minister of Mines and Steel Development

iron ore concentrate as some of the challenges confronting the company. However, Sada allays such fears, noting that the Federal Government is doing everything possible to ensure that NIOMCO bounces back. Sada also said the recent launching of National Industrial Revolution Plan by the government would address such challenges. Interestingly, Vice-

the National Council on Privatisation (NCP) to restore life to the steel industry through the speedy revival of the company. “Very soon, I want to assure you that the promise Mr President gave sometime in Kogi that the Ajaokuta Steel Industry will be brought back to life will be actualised. ‘’I want to categorically state that all the encumbrances to the progress of the project have

“The Soviet steel experts that conducted a feasibility study confirmed the availability of raw materials and recommended further geological surveys. They also recommended the Blast Furnace/Basic Oxygen Furnace (BF/BOF) process, capable of producing 570,000 tonnes of rolled products per annum.”

investment, the Ajaokuta Steel Company also said it would collaborate with Industrial Training Fund (ITF) to train 1,000 youths in each of the 36 states of the federation. Mr Isah Joseph, the Sole Administrator of the company, said that the youths would be trained at its Metallurgical Training Centre (MTC) in Ajaokuta on various skills beginning from the third quarter of this year. According to him, the programme will go a long way to empower the youths. “It is our plan that training will commence at MTC under the African Centre for Human Capital Development (ACHCD) Continues on Pg 14

Opinion Continued from Pg 13

arrangement in the third quarter of 2014. “A memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed with the ITF to actualise the skills acquisition programme of the Federal Government. “The training of 1,000 youths per state in artisanal skills was worked out for the MTC,’’ he said. Joseph said that the 36,000 youths would be trained on c a r p e n t r y / j o i n e r y,

mechanical/machining, electrical installations and wielding, among others. He said since inception in the 1970s, the company was conceived as a project that would lead Nigeria to industrialisation. “The project, however, had history occasioned by an inter-play of forces that has made the integrated inauguration of the steel plant elusive till date. “The bane of Ajaokuta Steel Company over the

...Ajaokuta Steel Project years has mainly been poor funding. “Capital allocation to the project has remained a mirage for a number of years. “Added to this is the case instituted against it since 2008 by its erstwhile concessionaires, which is in the process of being definitively concluded through mediations,

courtesy of Mr President,’’ he said. The sole administrator said the detractors of the project had continued to canvass for its sale. He stressed that the plant was a strategic and rugged national investment, designed to last for several generations with minimal conservation efforts. Joseph said that privatising

the company at this point would scuttle the dreams of the founding fathers. According to him, it will also amount to disservice to the nation and generations yet unborn. “The technical audit of the plant by the international and local experts attests to its sound health, courtesy of the patriotic efforts of the staff,” he said. Industry watchers,

nonetheless, applauded the efforts made by the Jonathan administration to revitalise the ailing company, in order not to waste the huge investment made by successive governments. “The dream of making Ajaokuta an industrial hub of the country is coming up slowly; the journey is still far, but it must be a reality,’’ says an observer. (NAN)

Using Veterinary Services To Prevent Diseases In Humans OVER the years, experts have noted the low appreciation of the relevance of veterinary services in the prevention of disease infections in humans and promotion of animal welfare. They say that Nigeria should key into the increased global interests and concern on how animals are used and treated. This they say is crucial in delivering animal welfare services to the benefit of all animals and the society. They, however, identified substandard and illegal veterinary practice as obstacles to animal welfare. Prof. Hamidu Sharabutu, the President, Veterinary Council of Nigeria, (VCN), said the council was poised to check the trend, noting that the “veterinary profession has a unique position between man and animal.’’ He said that the “veterinary profession regarding animal welfare now expands well beyond simple individual veterinary daily practice.’’ Sharabutu further underscored the need to establish veterinary centres in all the states of the federation. “These centres will curb illegal and substandard veterinary practices in the country, whose activities do not contribute in checking disease transfer from animal to man,’’ he stated. On his part, the VCN Registrar, Dr Markus Avong, reiterated the commitment of the council to deliver on its mandate of regulating the practice of veterinary medicine in the country. He advised the public to ensure they patronised only qualified veterinary doctors. Avong also urged the


Federal Government to formulate a comprehensive animal policy that would tackle cross-border animal diseases. He said that would help to control three cross-boundary diseases affecting animals in the country. Avong listed them as: “Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia (CBPP), Paste de Petits Ruminant (PPR) and Rabies in dogs.’’ He noted that the diseases had become a threat to trade in animal and animal products between Nigeria and other member nations of the World Health Organisation. According to him, about 70 per cent of diseases or disease agents that affect human beings are from animals. He said that close to 100 per cent of emerging and reemerging diseases in humans across the world had their origins from animals. Dr Sani Ozomata, a veterinary doctor stressed the need for synergy to check infectious diseases from animals to humans, and described animals as “ reservoirs of human infections.’’ He advocated the establishment of corresponding hospitals for animals in the country to boost animal disease control. However, stakeholders complain of high cost of vaccinating their animals against diseases, which is a setback to fight against animal disease infection in humans. Mr Victor Achinivu, a pet dog owner said he had failed to vaccinate his dog as prescribed because of high

cost of vaccines. A report by the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), states that pharmacotherapy (the treatment of disease through the administration of drugs) is one of the most important means of controlling animal diseases. According to the report, in veterinary practice, the cost of treatment is important in determining the usefulness of a drug. Owing to current economic trends, the report notes that the cost of veterinary care in Nigeria is becoming prohibitively high, while some drugs are not available at all. The way out, according to the FAO, is to develop acceptable effective drugs from reasonably inexpensive and locally available raw materials. Another issue of concern is the sanitary conditions of abattoirs across the cross and the methods of conveying animals and meat from slaughter houses to the points of sale. Mr Dominic Abonyi, said that effective abattoir sanitation was crucial in preventing the outbreak of diseases.

Abonyi, the Head, Ethics and Standards Enforcement, Environmental Health Officers’ Registration Council

that person. “It is their primary responsibility in the first place to provide a design of how

it will be accessible to flies or dust. “But you see butchers on top of motorbikes, carrying

of Nigeria (EHORECON), said the council would continue to champion the campaign for improved abattoirs in the country. He added that the provision of adequate facilities was crucial in promoting cleanliness and ensuring safety operations in abattoirs. “If somebody is carrying meat in an unhygienic manner, it is the responsibility of the environmental department of the area council to apprehend

meat should be conveyed. “So if the person is now found to be carrying meat on his laps on a motor bike, such should be impounded and taken to court for prosecution.’’ Abonyi said that EHORECON would intensify its sensitisation campaign to further enlighten people on the dangers of transporting meat in an unhygienic manner. “You are not supposed to convey meat in a manner that

meat on their laps, and others in wheelbarrows,’’ he noted. Some Abuja residents criticised the current method of meat transportation, describing it as unhygienic. A house wife, Mrs. Alice Akpan, said she felt irritated by the way butchers convey meat in the FCT, adding “most times I feel like not eating meat anymore.’’ Malam Mohammed Isa, a meat seller at Wuse Market, canvassed for greater enlightenment programmes for meat sellers on more hygienic ways to handle and transport meat. The relevant stakeholders should collaborate to provide good veterinary services in order to effectively prevent and control infectious diseases associated with animals. (NAN)

“He advocated the establishment of corresponding hospitals for animals in the country to boost animal disease control.”


Who Shot Down Malaysian Airline’s Flight MH 17? WHOEVER shot down Malaysian Airline flight MH 17 that was carrying innocent civilians through the skies of eastern Ukraine on it’s way from Amstersdam to Melbourne has indulged in an act of exceptional barbarity. This was a horrendous act of pure savagery and evil. The consequences of indulging in such a course of action for those that were involved in it will be far -reaching and devastating. As far as the unfolding and ugly events in Eastern Ukraine are concerned this episode is a real game changer. The question that is on everyone’s lips is who was behind it? The western and particularly the American media and international news networks have already provided an answer to that question and they would have us all believe their own version of events and accept their understanding of the narrative. Yet things are never as simple as they appear to be when it comes to such matters. As Count Von Clauzwitz once said, ”truth is always the first casualty in war”. Concerning the


shooting down of this plane I urge everyone to think deeply about who was really behind it and I urge them not to accept what they are being fed by the western news agencies and western governments blindly. There are a number of relevant and pertinent questions that still need to be answered before we can come to any definitive position about who the culprits really were. For example who stood to gain the most from shooting down the plane and why is the fact that the plane had been escorted by Ukrainian fighter jets been unreported by the western mainstream news networks. Why, unlike others, did the Malaysian Airlines plane fly

at 33,000 feet over a war zone where other airlines refused to fly? Were they given assurances by someone or some people who actually sought to set them up? Why did they change their original flight path at the last minute and venture dangerously into troubled and what were clearly dangerous skies? Was this really due to bad weather or was it because they were advised to do so by some external force or authority? What about the very serious allegation that is consistently being made on Russian, Chinese and Iranian television that the target of the ground to air missile was actually President Putin who was

flying somewhere close to the area at the time and that the whole thing was actually an assassination attempt against Putin by the Ukrainian government and their American allies. Why is that aspect of the whole episode not being reported on the western international news networks? What does the Spanish Air controller have to gain by lying when he asserted that the plane was actually shot down by the Ukrainian government, which is America and Europe’s ally and the arch enemy of the proRussian Eastern Ukrainian separatists and the Russian Federation. The motive would simply be to discredit the Russians and the East Ukrainian pro-

Russian forces and create a pre-text for greater NATO involvement in the unfolding events in Eastern Ukraine. Simply put this whole episode brings us one step closer to a full scale war in the Ukraine and eastern Europe between Russia and her allies on the one hand and America and her allies on the other. According to many conspiracy theorists, like the respected David Icke, who believe that the Illuminati’s goal is to use America to control the entire world and that the ultimate objective is to eventually establish a ”new world order” with a ”one world government” such a war is actually what many of the more powerful covert forces that are secretly operating behind the scenes in the west and particularly America actually want. There are so many unanswered questions in this matter. Again is there any link between this tragic episode and the one involving the missing Malaysian Airline MH 370. This was the plane which apparently vanished into thin air from the skies with no trace whlist it was on it’s way from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing just a few months ago? Can one airliner be so unlucky and is it just a coincidence or is there more to it? Eventually the truth will unfold and all these questions will be answered. It is at that time that the world will see for themselves who the real deceivers, butchers and monsters are in this and so many other matters. It is the same people that tried to convince us that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, who told us that the Syrian government used chemical weapons against it’s own people and who created Osama Bin Ladin and who used and funded him to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan for many years. It is the same people who shot down an Iranian passenger plane ”by mistake” in the 1980’s killing hundreds of innocent civilians, who killed over 200,000 people in Baghdad in three days of bombing, who fought an

“What about the very serious allegation that is consistently being made on Russian, Chinese and Iranian television that the target of the ground to air missile was actually President Putin who was flying somewhere close to the area at the time and that the whole thing was actually an assassination attempt against Putin by the Ukrainian government and their American allies.”

illegal war against Iraq, who destroyed Egypt, Libya and Syria, who dropped nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, who fought an unnecessary and illegitimate war in Vietnam, who assisted in the undermining and removal of a democraticallyelected President in the Ukraine, who set up a puppet regime in Georgia and who looked the other way as 800,000 Tutsis were slaughtered in three months in Rwanda. It is the same people who installed and supported many brutal military dictatorships in South America and Africa for many years, who orchestrated a terrible war between Iran and Iraq, who prop up undemocratic feudal systems and governments in the Arab Gulf states, who tolerated apartheid in South Africa for many decades. It is the same people who, through their ally and puppet Saudi Arabia, covertly supported islamist terror and barbaric islamist militias like the Al Nosra Front more than anyone else and who have brought sheer chaos and destabilised and removed more governments in north Africa, eastern Europe and the Middle East than any other in world history. It is the same people that believe in and support homosexual marriage and same-sex unions and that have sought to impose their patently anti-Christ and humanist values and philosophies on the rest of the world in the name of ”yes we can” and liberalism. It is the same people that believe that the world does not need God, that have banned prayer in their public schools and that believe that they are now the new gods of this strange and unfolding new world. It is the same people that believe that the end justifies the means and that they can do anything to further their evil agenda no matter how horrendous and no matter what the cost is in human lives. It is the same people that tell you that they don’t believe in barbaric behavior, butchery, human sacrifice and the systematic and wellorchestrated massacre of innocent civilians but that actually indulge and encourage it in various parts of the world on a regular basis. Need I say any more? May God save the world and humanity from these demons that are working for the dark forces.

Midweek Magazine IT is really absurd how the Nigerian society is very good at setting ‘crazy standards’. Standards that are often unheard of in other advanced or developing nations across the globe, particularly those that are far better than us as a nation in all ramifications. That is how best we can describe the ‘superiority’ debacle that is currently plaguing the health sector in Nigeria. The rivalry between the Nigerian Medical Association (NMA)/Medical and Dental Consultants Association of Nigeria (MDCAN), AND the Joint Health Sector’s Unions (JOHESU)/ and Assembly of Healthcare Professional Associations (AHPA), is threatening to put Nigerian health sector in serious crisis. This unfortunate development to us, is amongst the major reason Nigeria’s health sector has been on a life support because of its ‘self-inflicted’ problems that is encouraged by the political class. But where peoples’ lives is now used to play politics, it seriously calls for concern. Though, the described rivalry between NMA/ MDCAN on the one side and JOHESU/AHPA on the other, has been there for quite some time, it became quite obvious when barely a few days after the Nigerian Medical Association suspended its planned industrial action in January 2014, the Joint Health Sectors’ Unions announced its decision to embark on a fiveday warning strike which began from January 15 to 21, 2014. The union, had on January 7, directed its members to proceed with a warning strike except the Federal Government addresses its grievances through constructive dialogue. The JOHESU, comprising of pharmacists, nurses, physiotherapists, radiographers and laboratory scientists, among others, warned that a “dialogue with President Goodluck Jonathan would be the minimum and non-negotiable conditionality for the resolution of the crisis.” The union listed its grievance to include approval of consultancy status for some cadre of health workers, payment of specialists and other professional allowances as enjoyed by doctors, call duty/shift allowance, and refusal of Onyebuchi Chukwu, Minister of Health, to abide by the ruling of the National Industrial Court in July 2013. It also blamed the NMA and the Ministry of Health for all the lingering problems and disharmony in the health sector, warning that the move

to appoint a Surgeon-General, to head the health sector, would create more confusion not only in the health system, but among all cadres of workforce in the country. The union accused Chukwu of seeking to institutionalize the professional chauvinism of medical and dental practitioners as against international best practice. The JOHESU also blamed the minister for Nigeria’s poor health indices and inconsistencies in the national health bill. It is no news that the problems bedeviling the Nigerian Health Sector are enormous: ranging from poor funding by the government – with resulting poor equipment and lack of specialist medical personnel - to brain drain and lack of industrial harmony among the workers in the field. Obviously, because it has to do with ‘human lives’, we are not sure if there is any other sector in Nigeria that has been traumatized by industrial disharmony more than Nigeria’s health care. The sector has been literally brought to its knees by interprofessional bickering and struggle for supremacy. While the doctors contend that they – by virtue of their training and responsibilities—are the natural heads of the sector, other health workers, including nurses, physiotherapists, pharmacists, laboratory technicians/ technologist, radiographers, and practically every other non-physician staff argue otherwise. And of course, while this rages on, the health care sector continues to suffer with attendant loss of innocent lives; the lives of our women and children, our fellow Nigerians. It is no surprise therefore that the life expectancy of any child born in Nigeria today is amongst the lowest in the world, only higher than that of a child born in Angola and Afghanistan. In its bid to address issues, it was reported that the Federal Government of Nigeria and JOHESU reached an agreements on some of the issues of contention. According to reports, the “agreements” was said to have been reached at a meeting that was held in Abuja, FCT between the Joint Health Sector Unions (JOHESU) and Assembly of Healthcare Professional Associations (AHPA); with the Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF), Senator Anyim Pius Anyim; Honourable Minister of Labour and Productivity; Honourable Minister of Health; Chairman, Salaries, Income and Wages

Supremacy Struggle Hea By ZIK GBEMRE

Commission; Head of the Civil Service of the Federation, and other top government functionaries on 5th of June 2014. Three of these agreements, which the MDCAN has equally raised a brow on, are of great concern to us since they have grave implications for the management and survival of the health sector in Nigeria. According to the report, firstly, the meeting was said to have communicated that a circular dated 16th May, 2014 had been released by the Federal Government, formally restoring “consultancy status to other health care professionals and approving the payment of a specialist allowance to other health care professionals other than medical and dental practitioners.” In line with this so-called circular, JOHESU/ AHPA have directed that all their members who are due and have satisfied the existing criteria, as upheld by a court judgment, for consulting positions, should apply for the payment of the allowance with its accrued arrears with effect from 1st January, 2010 in line with the CONHESS Circular dated 8th December 2009. The second thing was that the meeting was said to have accepted JOHESU and AHPA’s position and demand, and accordingly agreed to abolish the post of Deputy Chairman Medical Advisory Committee (DCMAC). JOHESU/AHPA’ position is that the establishment and existence of that post is unlawful, and that no further appointment should be made into the post. Thirdly, the meeting was said to have agreed to refer a number of issues to the Yayale Ahmed Committee. These issues include the review of the process of appointment of Chief Medical Directors and Medical Directors of Teaching Hospitals and the agitation of JOHESU & AHPA that appointment of Chief Medical Directors and Medical Directors be made from permanent staff of the teaching hospitals rather than from the universities; the alleged lopsidedness of advertorial for appointment of CMDs/MDs, which is skewed in favour of medical and dental practitioners, and the agitation of JOHESU & AHPA that the appointment process be made open to all “competent and qualified” health professionals. Just like the MDCAN, we

vehemently disagree with the above reported agreements as agreed and approved by the Federal Government. We believe Medical Practitioners that make up the MDCAN are an association of medical and dental consultants, who, exclusive of other professionals in the health sector, are known and addressed as “consultants”. Negotiating and agreeing with non-medical and dental practitioners in the health sector, and designating them “consultants”, such that there will now be multiplicity of consultants in the teaching hospitals, is not acceptable and a grievous step in the wrong direction. Across developed societies, medical doctors/medical consultants are the ones that are known to head health institutions and not Nurses or Laboratory technicians or Physiotherapists or what have you. This is hinged on the fact that the training, schooling and exposed experiences of this two great divide are different. Nurses and others in that category are supposed to be ‘aides’ that assist medical doctors/medical consultants in health care delivery and not to assume heads of medical clinics or become medical consultants. No matter the years and experience gathered by a Nurse for instance, it does not automatically make such a Nurse qualified to become medical consultants. As a Nurse or any other health worker, it is expected that if one wants to become a medical doctor/medical consultant, one should go back to the appropriate school to get a degree in medicine. We know people in UK and in the USA, that had read other medical courses up to PHD level and they still went back to school to read medicine and wrote the appropriate exams to become medical practitioners/doctors today. Medicine is not Pharmacy, neither is it Nursing or Laboratory technology. These medical fields, though related and are meant to work in harmony, are still different. You cannot just become a medical consultant like a doctor by mere ‘promotion’ or ‘ascribed status.’ And it is absolutely wrong for the Federal Government or its officials to do this. Doing so is practically putting the Nigerian health sector in great jeopardy. In advanced societies in the UK and USA, prescriptions for various

ailments are only given by medical doctors/medical consultants. And such prescriptions are strictly followed by Nurses and Pharmacists without altering them. On this issue of superiority in the health care sector and the appointment of staff into leadership positions; Sahfeeyah Musa, a member of Thought Leadership Forum, noted one very important fact and that is, the word ‘superiority’ is a misnomer and should never be used in

fact that every member of the health team is equally important, but due to the central role that the doctor plays in the team then it is impossible to strip him/her of the leadership role. For instance, when a person is sick and needs to go to a hospital, the patient goes to see a doctor. The doctor, from his assessment of the patient will determine if the patient needs admission or not; tests

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the context of team work. Provision of health care, like it is with almost everything else, is team work. Within the team are several professionals each with his/her own area of expertise. But as it is with every field of human endeavour there must also be a leader for every team. While leadership is not usually a birth right, certain qualities entrust leadership on certain groups of people in the natural order of things. In the health care team, the medical doctor, from our understanding and by virtue of his training, job function and experience, is no doubt the leader of the team. While all other health care workers (including the Pharmacist, Laboratory technicians/Scientist, Nurses, Physiotherapist etc.), will appear to have training in specific areas of patient care, the medical doctor, it will appear, has training in ALL aspects of patient care. However, let us reiterate the

or not; drugs or not; physiotherapy or not etc. This central role must not be taken for granted and should be respected by all and sundry. We are aware that in some parts of the world a patient can as a matter of fact go to the hospital to see a nonphysician staff. This is especially true with “nondisease conditions like pregnancy” where a woman can be registered to see a trained nurse midwife and not a medical doctor. However, this arrangement, like we have observed, is meant to ‘free-up’ more specialist personnel i.e. the obstetricians, for more serious conditions like surgeries, eclampsia or pre-eclampsia. Interestingly, even where complications are observed in such a person, the patient is immediately registered to see a doctor. As such, it will be disingenuous to suggest that patients go to hospital to see any other health professional

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Midweek Magazine

e Between Doctors And Other alth Workers

ther than the doctor. Even a regnant woman on her first isit to a hospital for her antiatal care, is still made to first ee a doctor before she can see nurse mid-wife on ubsequent visits. Some honest questions for akeholders to ponder; Would anyone (on both sides f the obvious divide), allow hostess to pilot a plane, ecause she is in close roximity to the pilot and

ps you enjoy your flight e? Would anyone allow the rk of their lawyer argue their e in court? Would anyone ow the bricklayer champion engineering design of their lding? Now the hostess nts the same remuneration as pilot, the clerk wants to run chambers, the bricklayer is regarding the instructions of building engineer. No doubt, ry one of them is crucial to success of the project, but re are differences in the alifications, responsibilities d positions of them all. It is refore expected that they all rk together with dignity bracing the positions they are alified to fill. is a known fact before a son can be appointed a nsultant in the medical fession; he or she must have ained the requisite degrees of chelor of Medicine and chelor of Surgery (MB, BS). e person must be a fellow of ost-graduate medical college her in Nigeria or from any

other recognized postgraduate medical colleges, and must have the required professional experience and expertise as a medical doctor. The post graduate medical colleges in Nigeria and West Africa being referred to here are the West Africa PostGraduate Medical College, West Africa Post-Graduate College of Surgeon, and the National Post-Graduate Medical College of Nigeria.

Under the scheme of service, as contained in the relevant Circular, issued by the Federal Ministry of Health, medical consultants who have the requisite qualification and who must have undergone a minimum level of professional training, are the ones, exclusive of other health professionals, to whom patients are assigned, and who, upon that assignment, are responsible for the management of patients. Further, under that exclusive assignment and management duty, it is the medical consultant (Medical Doctor) that will determine who, apart from himself, has to join him to manage his patient, depending on the diagnosis, and whether the patient is suffering from a single ailment or multiple ailments. If the medical doctor to whom the patient is assigned is a consultant in the field of medicine covering the patient’s ailment, but the

diagnosis reveals that the patient’s primary ailment has implicated other organs of the body and occasioned secondary or consequential diseases over which the medical consultant has no specialization, it is still the duty of that medical consultant, managing the patient, to call in other consultants or specialists to assist him in managing his patient. Designating or appointing Nurses, Pharmacists or Physiotherapists or Laboratory technicians/ Scientists as “Consultants” in the hearth sector is, therefore, an aberration, and a perversion of the ‘order of care’ in the health sector. Under this order of care, there is no rule that can accommodate this designation or appointment of non-medical doctors as consultants or specialists, even if some managers of public hospitals in Nigeria want to invent the absurdity. In the medical profession, Nurses, Pharmacists, Physiotherapists and Laboratory technicians are not trained to make diagnosis and prescribe treatment. In fact, members of the NMA/ MDCAN have genuine fears that the constitutionally guaranteed right of patients to life will be in jeopardy if nonmedical doctors are appointed as consultants. Come to think of it, when patients die or are dissatisfied with any aspect of health care, it is the Consultants/medical doctors that are sued rather than the nurses or others in this category. We believe that being Medical Doctors who swore to the Physician’s Oath, and being Medical and Dental Consultants – which are the eminent class in the medical profession; members of MDCAN are duty-bound to protect lives of Nigerians and non-Nigerians who are passing through Nigeria’s health care delivery system. So, the Nigerian Government should not complicate issues for everyone by playing politics with the health of its citizenry. The oddity and aberration of this agreement by the Federal Government of Nigeria and JOHESU and APHA on “extension of Consultancy statuses to all health professionals,” is not only that it is professionally and administratively perverse; it is also a legal absurdity.

It is imperative to recall that, following the determination of a Suit in 2012 involving the Trade Union Members of the Joint Health Sector Unions (JOHUSU), which include: Medical and Health Workers Union of Nigeria; National Association of Nigeria Nurses and Midwives; Senior Staff Association of Universities Teaching Hospital, Research Intitutes and Associated Institutions Nigerian Union OfPharmacists, Medical Technologists and Professions Allied to Medicine; and NonAcademic Staff Union of Educational and Associated Institutions Vs. Federal Ministry of Health, on Monday, the 22nd day of July, 2013, by Hon. Justice B.A Adejumo ( Presiding Judge), Hon. Justice B.B Kanyip and Hon, Justice M.N. Esowe, where in the National Industrial Court, held that a few non-medical and dental practitioners aberrantly appointed as consultants in University College Hospital, Ibadan should continue to enjoy that status. The Federal Ministry of Health (that is the Federal Government of Nigeria), appealed that decision, and the MDCAN also approached the National Industrial Court with an application to set aside the judgment. The Appeal and Application are still pending in Courts. We all know the law is well settled in Nigeria that once a civil matter is placed before a court or judicial tribunal for adjudication, parties to the court action most refrain from doing anything capable of overreaching, undermining or foisting a fait accompli on the court. Doing so will not only be tantamount to subverting the rule of law, but also will amount to treating the court with contempt, the punishment of which is imprisonment. No matter the impatience on the part of parties, they are under a legal obligation to await the outcome of the resolution or determination of the issues submitted to the court for adjudication. Hence, the so called agreement on the extension of consultative status to all health professionals and the purported issuance of a circular to that effect is contemptuous of the Courts. It undermines and subverts the majesty, dignity and integrity of the Courts; it is illegal and it is an affront to the rule of law.

A public affairs analyst noted that back when he was in primary 4, with no personal prior contact with a medical doctor, he made a stunning observation – and that is, everyone who then was pursuing a medicalrelated courses in the University, be it Biochemistry, Microbiology, Optometry, Physiotherapy, Medical Lab Science, Nursing or Pharmacy, came home to the village brandishing his or herself as a doctor. When few clarifications were made about these disciplines by his teacher, he reasoned that there must be something about the doctor that is lacking in the other ENVIABLE DISCIPLINES that made them proudly present themselves as who they were not, even after spending time reading a profession. Looking into the Nigerian society, the medically ignorant (literate or not) without reservations refers to anybody who offers any help in his ailment as doctor. Be it the over the counter patent medicine dealer; the charlatans who have taken over our media houses with treatments of staphylococcus, gonococcus and even non existing cocci; the specialists in diagnosing malaria and typhoid who do ‘culture’ for every ignorant Nigerian presenting to him; the man who has converted drug dispensing places to consulting rooms and treatment centres with many children who had earlier seen him with diarrhoea presenting later to the hospitals with extra pyramidal signs and symptoms; or the women in the maternity homes (most of them owned by hospital orderlies, after all they work in the hospitals), from where almost every case of obstructed labour and ruptured uterus emanate. Do a little finding about the man who flaunts stethoscope in front of his car daily along our roads and you will be shocked about the man behind the wheels. The major problem here is that unfortunately, we live in a society where titles take precedence over proficiency; where leaders are bereft of common sense; where the struggle for national cake is sacrificed for excellence; where charlatans and noisy

touts dictate for professors the course of state affairs; where laid down rules/guidelines are sidelined once the man up is either your brother or colleague or you have patted him on the back; where we wait first for a system to crumble or become overstretched before we act right and even when we act, we do window dressing that ends up producing white-painted sepulcher. Perhaps, the day the doctor starts looking at this current war from this view point, he will be better armed and informed to fight along. Most of these fights are attempts to get even; attempts to square up; attempts to prove to then classmates “after all we are still equals.” If only those in the medical field, especially the health workers aside medical doctors, would take pride in their expertise and be content with where they are. And if one wants to change his/ her status to a medical doctor, then one should pay the necessary sacrifice to read medicine and attain it. In view of the several troubles our Country is going through currently, there is need for the Presidency to do everything in its powers to ensure that the health sector is not thrown into disarray on account of ill -motivated and ill-decided positions taken on behalf of Government by officials who seem not to be aware of, or care little about the havoc the decisions being taken by them will wreak on the health sector. There is need to address these perennial issues of granting arbitrary, antihealth care delivery concessions in the health sector by agents and agencies of government, just to placate and appease some workers in the health sector, even when those concessions, on the long term, will lead to the destruction of the health care delivery system in our Country. It is high time the system stopped granting concessions that will ruin the health care delivery system to a resentful and conspiratorial segment of the health sector workforce on the altar of political expediency, and in the illusion that doing so is the best way to guarantee industrial harmony. The lives of human beings are at stake here not personal interests. The government must be above board in reining in everyone in the health sector and not play politics with human lives each moment a union throws tantrum; be it doctors or nondoctors.

Economy “Nigeria’s new GDP has important implications for the rest of the continent; it raises the question whether there are other African economies with a systematically underestimated GDP.’’

Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Finance Minister

Executive Officer of Cowery Asset Management Company, noted that it would attract new investors to Nigeria. Chukwu, a finance expert, however, advised that the country’s new economic status should compel the stakeholders to seek more investments to sustain the growth. “Since there are immense potential in the country, the government should entice investors with friendly agricultural programmes to enhance mechanised farming. “The policy will make it

still not living a good life, and so people are bound to wonder what is in it for the masses. “We are tired of government giving us improved economic indicators without it positively affecting our standards of living,’’ he said. Corroborating Obiareari, Mr Lawrence Nweke, a business centre manager, said in spite of the impressive news about the country’s GDP, small scale businesses are still finding it difficult to thrive. “We want to see these figures translate into energy,

possible for them to access land, credit facilities and farm machinery with ease. “The government will benefit through taxes and the creation of employment opportunities for young Nigerians,’’ he said. Sharing a similar sentiment, Mr Carlos Lopes, the Executive Secretary, UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), said the development had placed the country in another economic perspective. “Nigeria’s new GDP has important implications for the rest of the continent; it raises the question whether there are other African economies with a systematically underestimated GDP,’’ he said. In his view, Mr Muda Yusuf, the Director-General, Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry, said with the rebasing, Nigeria’s economy had the capacity to reduce poverty. But, Mr Nnaemeka Obiareari, Managing Director, Tarux Capital and Advisory Services, Lagos, disagreed with Yusuf, insisting that the rebasing had not shown any positive impact on the lives of the citizenry. “Majority of our people are

good roads and other infrastructural facilities. “It is not enough for us to say that Nigeria has the largest economy in Africa, yet the people are suffering,’’ he said. Dr Sule Magaji, Head, Department of Economics, University of Abuja, observed that the new GDP rating had thrown up many challenges to government. He said Nigeria’s GDP growth was a good development that should translate to the economic development of the country, if the indices were adequately addressed. “There are many indices of economic growth and development that should be addressed by government. “These include improving the living standards of the people, embarking on mechanised agriculture, massive employment and ensuring the security of lives and property, among others,’’ he said. Whatever yardstick is used in assessing the performance of any nation’s economy, observers insist that the assessment should reflect the true position of the welfare and security of the citizens.

Harnessing The Benefits Of Nigeria’s GDP Rebasing DR Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Nigeria’s Finance Minister, did not dispute the assertion of World Bank President Jim Kim, that Nigeria was among the world’s extremely poor countries, but only offered an explanation. She explained that the ranking was based on large population of the poor in the country and not on the level of development. The minister said the phenomenon of large number of the poor is peculiar to middle-income countries such as Nigeria. To give credibility to her explanation, on April 6, 2014, Nigeria became the largest economy in Africa and 26th


largest economy in the world based on an 89.22 per cent growth in Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Economists note that GDP indicates the market value of all officially recognised final goods and services produced within a country in a year, or over a given period of time. According to them, the GDP per capita is often considered an indicator of a country’s standard of living. They opine that in spite of Kim’s observation, it is reported that Nigeria’s economy is currently worth 510 billion dollars. Available records from the

National Bureau of Statistics also indicate that the latest GDP estimate is N80.2 trillion or 509.9 billion dollars. Observers note that the boost in the GDP is attributable to the emergence of new economic activities, particularly the growing services sector, such as telecommunications, banking and entertainment. With improved GDP, the question is, what will be the benefits to the masses, especially in their standard of living? According to OkonjoIweala, the rebasing would not make the challenges of poverty and unemployment to

disappear overnight, but it is important for policy making. “The knowledge derived would help us to make better policies to grow the economy and create jobs for young Nigerians. “Becoming the largest economy on the continent is a positive development, but it is not the destination,’’ she said. Okonjo-Iweala said the GDP estimates would also help Nigerians, particularly the policy makers, to have better understanding of the structure and changes of the economy to serve as tools for economic growth. Explaining the benefits of the GDP rebasing, Mr Johnson Chukwu, the Chief

“There are many indices of economic growth and development that should be addressed by government. These include improving the living standards of the people, embarking on mechanised agriculture, massive employment and ensuring the security of lives and property, among others.’’

Natural Medicine

With Dr Mao 0803071734

Women And Their Brassiers (1) ONE of my regular female readers phoned me in last week to ask some questions on brasor brassieres, if you like breast firmness and breast cancer. Three questions, I thank her for reading my column because in these days when people worship money and material things reading culture is at a suboptimal level. In response to her inquiry, I am writing on the topic WOMEN AND THEIR BRASSIERES this week. Later, I will dwell on how women can help themselves to “Stop” breast cancer early. In both articles, I will provide useful insights in my usual simple prose. I will only use medical jargons if I cannot escape from doing so. Now, let’s go. Why do women use brassieres? It is to house their breasts. Secondly, it is to prevent them from physical, swinging movements with accompanying muscle fibre/ligament stretch strain and pain. Thirdly, women put on brassieres to keep their breasts from public, prying male eyes. Fourthly, it is for street assurance women wear brassieres. Who knows a woman may have wardrobe malfunction during a public brawls or attack that leaves her dresses torn to shreds. Under such a circumstance, her breasts are still covered atleast from inquisitive, busybody eyes at the scene. And, fifthly, some women put on brassieres for cosmetic reasons. See, it is not “powder” alone women rub on their faces to look beautiful. Also, they apply “brassiere powder” on their breasts so as to give weak breasts a lovely firm, voluminous and shapely contour on the dress worn over them. Either this outer lovely configuration for the

brassiered breasts or they will appear flat, flabby or sloppy on their bust liner invariably, you can see that brassieres have utilitarian values for all categories of women. However, it is unfortunate not many women know much about brassieres beyond wearing them. Yes, for them anything goes. A big lie, brassieres can save or harm you, if you don’t use them knowledgeably. There is nothing on earth without a good and bad side to it. Herein comes the mechanical functionality of brassieres. To make them serve you well, you must choose brassieres with the right band/strap and cup size. This means that your goal is to wear only brassiere with the best fit for you. Big and small breasts don’t have the same fit. In the case of big breasts, the band/strap must have a stronger. Lifting power to hold up the cups of the brassieres, this is because the breasts are bigger, more voluminous and heavier. Also, the cups of the brassieres of a woman with big breasts should be firm, spacious and elastic to enable the breasts “sit” comfortably in them without spilling out from the top, below or the sides of the brassieres. You often hear people say: sow your dress according to your cloth. This advice is good for dresses, not brassieres. in the case of brassieres, the counsel should be: wear a brassiere according to your breast size. If your breasts are big, put on the right brassieres. if the standard measure of brassieres doesn’t fit, go for the extra large ones that will accommodate your breasts comfortably. Never manage brassieres or else

you will endanger your breasts. How? Read on. When the wrong band undersize brassiere strap is worn, they cut into your shoulders as well as put unnecessary, abnormal lifting pull, strain and pressure on the breasts. Also, a poorly-fitting cups of a brassiere will have the

and below the inframammary folds. Hence, the wrong undersized brassiere bands/straps and cups are not only disfiguring your lovely breasts they put them under torsion, thus preventing proper circulation of blood and nutrients in them as well as inhibiting the evacuation

disorder, like cancer, may invade the breasts. Disease usually attacks the weakest link in the body. Like I have said earlier on, small breasts have their own fit. What a woman with big breasts should wear as a brassiere is not what a woman with small breasts needs. This is

circumferential wires, etc round them digging into the lower flesh of the breasts instead of lying normally under the breasts

of toxic, metabolic wastes from them. This condition of the breasts chokes them. They cannot “breathe”. If care is not take, one

granted that the latter category of woman may be contending with a nearflat, unattractive breast configuration. That

requires an outward, robust voluminous and massy appeal to onlookers. Therefore, the healthy option of the woman with a small breast should not be to go for cosmetic breast enlargement as Angela Jolie, the American actress, did given the hazards of using implants to increase breast size and volume. Accept your fate, if small breasts runs genetically in your family. If test however reveal that they are due to nutritional and/or hormonal defects, seek clinical remedies. They can help to reverse your small-breast misfortune. However, don’t forget one thing. Choose the right size of brassiere if you want to wear one. Typically, such a brassiere should be tight and compact-not voluminous or have a loose band/strap or cup. Care should have been taken to structurise the centre of the brassiere cup as well as fortify its sides with panels that hug the small breast firmly. Furthermore, the cup of the brassiere should have been padded with foam and made of an elastic fabric. This ensures that when you wear the brassiere you can give a cosmetic busty appearance of breast fullness, mass volume, firmness and solidity on the dress surface. Last word here, don’t rush at a brassiere design because it carries your size on it. Different designs of the same size often fit breasts differently.

“Yes, for them anything goes. A big lie, brassieres can save or harm you, if you don’t use them knowledgeably. There is nothing on earth without a good and bad side to it.”

With Victor Aniukwu

New Horizon

Build Your Nations On Spiritual Platform (1) WE are trying to develop ourselves and our nations but we must try to develop spiritually for spiritual development is sound and complete.” Human life is attained after many, many millions of years of evolution. We should remember that there are 8,400,000 species of life according to the Padma Purana. Life began with the aquatics, for we can understand from vedic literature that at the beginning of creation the entire planet was merged in water. This material world is composed of five gross elements — earth, water, fire, air and either. Besides these, there are three subtle elements — mind, intelligence and ego. Behind these curtains is the spirit soul, which is covered by these eight elements. This information is given in the Bagavad — gita. Human beings are not the only living entities to have a spirit soul. We are all souls — beast, birds. Reptiles, insects, trees, plants, aquatics and so on spirit soul is simply covered by different dress, just as some of you are dressed in white clothes, some in green and some in red, e.t.c. but we are not concerned with the dress; we are concerned with the spirit soul. Thus it is said in Bagavad-gita 5:18 — “The humble sage (saintly person) by virtue of true knowledge, sees with equal vision, a saintly person, a cow, an elephant, a dog and dog eater.” The sage (saintly person) does not make any distinction on the basis of colour, intelligence or species. He sees every living entity as a small particle of spirit soul. There are innumerable particles of spiritual atoms, which are measured as one ten thousandth of the upper portion of a hair. Because we have no instrument to measure the dimensions of the spirit soul, the small particle of spirit soul is measured in this way. In other words, the soul is so small that it is smaller than atom. That small atom particle is within you, within me, within the elephant, within all men, within the ant and trees, everywhere. However, scientific knowledge cannot estimate the dimension of the soul, nor can a doctor locate the soul within the body. Consequently, material scientist conclude that there is no soul, but is not a fact. Naturally and spiritually there is a soul. The presence of the soul makes a difference of a living body and a death body. As soon as the soul departs from the body, the body dies. It has no value. However great a scientist or a philosopher one may be, he must admit that as soon as the soul departs from the body, the body dies. It then has no value and has to be thrown away: We should try to understand this fact. The soul is valuable, not the body. The

fact that the soul is transmigrating is explained in the Bagavad-gita 2:22. “As a person puts on new garments, giving up old ones, similarly, the soul accepts new material bodies, giving up the old and useless ones.” When a suit becomes old, we give it up and accept another suit, similarly the soul is changing dresses according to desire. Because the soul is part and parcel of God, it has godly qualities. God is the supreme will, the supreme power, the supreme independent one and we, being part and parcel of him, have all these qualities in minute quantity. We have willing, thinking, feeling and desiring. In the Vedas, it is stated that Krishna (God) is the supreme living force among all living forces. He is also supplying the necessities of all living entities. We living entities are innumerable; there is no limit to our numbers. God however is one. He is also living as we are, but we are minute particles of that living force. For example, a particle of gold is the same in quality as a gold mine. If we chemically analyze the ingredients in small drop of water, we still find all of the ingredients that are to be found in the vast ocean. In a similar way, we are one with God, being his part and parcel. This godly particle, the soul or the living force, is transmigrating from aquatics to trees and plants and then from trees and plants to insect life, then to reptile life, then to the bodies of birds and beasts. Darwin’s theory of evolution is but a partial explanation of the transmigration of the soul. Darwin was simply taken information from Vedic literature, but has no conception of the soul. The difference is that the soul is transmigrating from aquatic life, then to plants and trees, then to insect life, then to bird life, then to animal life, then to human life, and within human life, he moves from uncivilized life to civilized life. The life of human being represents the culmination of evolution. From this point we can again slide down into the cyclic process of evolution, or we can elevate ourselves to a godly life. The choice is up to us. This in indicated in Bagavad Gita. This human form of life actually means developed

consciousness, therefore we should not waste our lives like cats, dogs and hogs. That is the injunction. Although this body is perishable like a dog’s or cat’s body, it is different in that one can attain the highest perfection in this life. We are part and parcel of God, but somehow or other, we have fallen into this material existence, now we have to evolve in such a way that we can go back home, back to Godhead. That is the highest perfection. There is actually another world, a spiritual world that is far beyond the heavens.

development, and the child is born dead. We can take this dead body and preserve it in chemicals, but it will not develop. Development means change of body. All of us have had baby bodies, but those bodies are no longer existing. The body of a baby develops into the body of a child and that body develops into the body of a boy, and that body develops into a youth’s body, which eventually turns into an old ma body. Finally the body completely vanishes. The whole cosmic manifestation, the gigantic

identifying the Soul with the body, we attain the stage called brahma-bhuta. When one realizes aham brahmasmi, “1 am not this body, I ant Spirit Soul, part and parcel of the Supreme Brahman, such a person attains what is called Brahman realization. As soon as Brahman realization is attained, one becomes happy. Is this not a fact? If you understand clearly that you have no birth and death, that you are eternal, will you not become happy? Yes certainly. Thus when one is Brahman-r a spiritually realized, he has no

As stated in Bagavad Gita 8:20. “Yet there is another nature, which is eternal, and is transcendental to this manifested and unmanifested matter. It is supreme and is never annihilated. When all in this world is annihilated, that part remains as it is.” In this material world, everything is created, it stays for sometime, produces some by-product, dwindles, and finally varnishes. Our bodies are created at a certain moment by sexual intercourse. The semen of the father emulsifies and takes a pea form, and the living entity or soul takes shelter, in that form and because it takes shelter it develops hands, legs, eyes et.c This development is complete in the seventh month and in the ninth, the human being comes out of the womb. It is because the soul is present that the child develops. If the Soul is not present, there is no

form of this material world, is also working according to this same process. It is created at a certain time, it develops, it is maintained, and at a certain stage, it is dissolved. That is the nature of the material world. It is manifest at a certain interval and again it vanishes. The word (blava) means nature, but there is another nature, which never dissolves, which is eternal. As jivas (Spirit Souls], we are also eternal. This is verified in the Bagavad — Gita :20. “For the soul there is neither birth nor death. Nor having once been, does he ever cease to be. He is unborn, eternal, ever-existing, undying, and ever primeval. He is not slain when the body is slain”, just as God has no birth or death, we Spirit Souls can have neither birth nor dead, but because we think, “1 am this body”, we consider that we are born and we’ll die. Such thinking is called Maya or illusion, and as soon as we get out of this illusion of

more to do with hankering or lamentation. The whole world is simply hankering and lamenting. We African people are now hankering to be Europeans and Americans, but the Europeans have lost their Empire, and now they are lamenting. So in this way, one party is hankering and the other is lamenting. Similarly, this material life is simply a combination of hankering and lamenting. We are hankering for those things which we do not possess, and we are lamenting for those things which we have lost. That is the business in this material world. If we realize that we are part and parcel of the supreme personality of Godhead (Parabrahman) and that we are Brahman, then we will transcend this hankering and lamentation business. The so-called universal brotherhood or unity that the United Nations is trying to

“God however is one. He is also living as we are, but we are minute particles of that living force. For example, a particle of gold is the same in quality as a gold mine. If we chemically analyze the ingredients in small drop of water, we still find all of the ingredients that are to be found in the vast ocean.”

achieve is possible only when you come to the spiritual platform, or Brahman realization. Brahman realization is the aim of human life. One should not work like cats, dogs and hogs. The hog is always very busy day and night, trying to find stool, and when he finds it, he eats it and becomes sexually agitated and will go for sex without discrimination. A hog will have sex with its mother or sister or any one elsealizede, and that is the life of a hog. However the Scriptures indicate that the human form of life is not meant for working hard for sense gratification like cats, dog and hogs. Rather it is

meant for realizing that, “I do not belong to this material world. I am a spirit soul and am eternal but somehow or other I have fallen into this conditioned life of birth, old age, disease and death.” This human form of life is meant for making a solution to these four material miseries — Birth, Old age, Disease and Death. That is the aim of human life. Just try to understand that human life is not meant for working very hard like hogs and then having some sense gratification and then all of a sudden death takes one away. People who do not believe in the soul are in the most unfortunate condition. They do not know where they came from nor where they are going. Knowledge of the soul is the most important knowledge, but it is not discussed in any University. But what is the constitution of the body? What is the distinction between a dead body and a living body? Why is the body living? What is the conclusion of the body, and what is the value? No one is presently studying these questions, but in Krishna (God) consciousness they are trying to educate people so that they can understand that they are not these bodies but spirit soul. The business of human life is different from the business of cats and dog. And that is the message.

Place Of Prayer Continued from last week

WHEN you find yourself in a wilderness situation, obedience to God’s instruction is key to coming out quickly. When you deliberately disobey God’s instruction in a bid to help

for his dear life. He came to God and God helped him. Today, he is blessed. During his wilderness experience, he sold a bungalow, but today he has a storey building. He has cars. He travels abroad. He has

come to the village and be made king. However, they had a pattern for any stranger that would be crowned as King. He would first be made a Prince and be tested, if he could pass the test and keep the pattern

cleaned him up and put upon him the attire of a prince. He was taken to the palace and was shown around the palace. He was shown all the rooms of the palace and presented with great wealth. The rooms

With Pastor Samuel O. Osaghae SMS Only 08030809339

Coming Out Of The Wilderness (4) yourself, you extend your stay in the wilderness. The way out is to have a servant’s attitude in your obedience to God’s instruction. A servant obeys his masters instruction whether it is convenient or not. When you know and believe that God’s thoughts towards you continually are thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you an expected end (Jeremiah 29:11) then you will not find it difficult to trust Him implicitly, just like a baby trusts his parents Patience is another very vital attribute of those who will come out of the wilderness on schedule. I want you to know that it is only the blessing of the Lord that makes rich and adds no sorrow (Proverbs 10:22). I gotten wealth is like vapour, it soon evaporates. Desperacy without restriction is the mother of iniquity. When you are too desperate and there is no control, you will definitely end up in sin. When you are too desperate, you will dine with the devil. Some years back, a member of our Church fell on hard times. He had financial crises that made him lose all that he had. He was not really born again at the time, and so he still had friends that were deep into sin. One of his friends told him there was a way out of the wilderness he was going through. The way out suggested by this friend was to join a cult. He was taken to the cult meeting to be initiated on an appointed day. During the initiation ceremony, all the members of the cult spat saliva on a plate and asked him to lick the accumulated saliva. He was shocked at this nauseating ritual. He refused to lick up the collected saliva and escaped

businesses. His children are blessed. He is over seventy years old now and he is still enjoying abundant health and life. And most importantly, his name is written in the book of life and so he is a candidate of eternal life. If he had joined that cult at that time, he may since have died and gone to hell. Be not deceived, the devil does not give any free gift; when he gives a gift with his right hand, he takes an important part of your life with his left hand. A lot of people have used the method of the devil to come out of the wilderness of poverty. If such people are sincere with you, you will find that their life is filled with regret thereafter. Another area of life that demands patience is in our choice of a marriage partner. If you marry the wrong person, you may never arrive at your destiny. Wait for God; do not be in a hurry. Marriage redefines your destiny. No matter how glorious your future is, If you mis-marry, it is cancelled. I will conclude this third key to coming out of the wilderness with this intriguing story that well summarizes the third key of coming out of the wilderness which is: Keep the Pattern. There was a mysterious village where only strangers could be made Kings. Their king died and for years they waited for a stranger to

of the village, he would be crowned a king. One day a hunter lost his

contained choice clothes, shoes, and all the niceties of royalty.

overtook his reasoning and he decided to check out the room. He got to the door but

willing to heed any warning. His curiosity had eaten up his reasoning. He

way while hunting in the forest. As he moved around in the forest trying to find his way back to his village, he stumbled upon hunters is from this strange village. He was caught by them and taken to their village. On arrival, the people were very happy that they finally had a prospective king. They told him about their custom of choosing new kings and offered him kingship. The hunter happily accepted. They took off his rags,

Unknown to him, the rags taken from him were placed in a magical room and that was the same room he was asked not to enter. A parrot was placed by the door of that room to always remind him not to open the door of that room or enter into it. He could enter into every room in the palace but was not permitted to enter into that strange room, This was the pattern he had to keep. After some days in the palace, his curiosity

the warning of the Parrot brought him back to reality. He obeyed the Parrot on that occasion and turned his back on the door to the room. With each day, he got frustrated at his inability to see that one room. He eventually made up his mind to see what was hidden in that room. As he approached the door to the room on this day, the Parrot again cried out to warn him. This time, he was not

killed the Parrot and opened the door to the room. As he stepped into the room, he was transported mysteriously from the beautiful palace back to the point in the forest where he lost his way. When he regained consciousness, he discovered that the attire of a prince was no longer on him, but he was now clothed in the same rags that had been taken from him. The hunter was reduced from glory to poverty because he was not disciplined enough to keep the pattern. No matter how rough your wilderness experience is or how long you have spent in it, make up your mind to keep the pattern of God. When you diligently serve the Lord and keep his pattern, you will come of the wilderness at His own appointed time.

“No matter how rough your wilderness experience is or how long you have spent in it, make up your mind to keep the pattern of God. When you diligently serve the Lord and keep his pattern, you will come of the wilderness at His own appointed time.”


Israel Hits Symbols Of Hamas Power

GAZA Strip, Gaza City casualties. have been mounting in was hit in an airstrike, and — Israel escalated its Even before the recent days, as the extent of five bodies were pulled members of one family, military campaign against shutdown, Gaza residents the destruction in Gaza from the rubble, the Red where killed by tank shelling on a home, the Red Hamas striking symbols of only had electricity for became more apparent. Crescent said. Those killed Crescent said. the group’s control in Gaza about three hours a day More than 1,110 included the mayor, 50Israel has lost 53 soldiers, and firing tank shells that because fighting had Palestinians have been year-old Anas Abu along with two civilians and shut down the strip’s only damaged power lines. killed and more than 6,500 Shamaleh, his 70-year-old a Thai worker. power plant in the heaviest Lt. Col. Peter Lerner, an wounded since July 8, father and three relatives. Tens of thousands of bombardment in the Israeli military spokesman, according to Ashraf alIn the southern town of Gazans have been displaced fighting so far. did not comment on the Kidra, a Gaza health Rafah, seven members of Flares turned the sky over explosion at the plant, but official. The U.N. has one family were killed in an by fighting in the border Gaza City orange overnight told The Associated Press estimated that 75 percent of airstrike and seven areas, which have come under heavy tank fire. Late and by daybreak, as the that Israel’s latest strikes those killed are civilians. members of a second family Monday, Israel urged conflict entered its fourth signal “a gradual increase in At least 26 Palestinians were killed when tank shells week, heavy clouds of dust the pressure” on Hamas. were killed early Tuesday in hit their home, according to residents of three large in hovered over the territory. A “Israel is “determined to the airstrikes and tank the Rafah office of the neighborhoods northeastern Gaza to leave thick column of black strike this organization and shelling on four homes, Palestinian Center for smoke rose from a burning relieve us of this threat,” according to the Red Human Rights, which keeps their homes and immediate head to Gaza City. fuel tank at the power plant. Lerner said. Crescent. a casualty count. Despite appeals for a The pounding came after International calls for an The house of the mayor of In central Gaza, seven cease-fire, both sides have Israeli Prime Minister unconditional cease-fire the Bureij in central Gaza people, including five Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday warned of a “prolonged” campaign against Hamas. It was not clear if this meant Israel has decided to go beyond the initial objectives of decimating Hamas’ ability to fire rockets and demolishing the group’s military tunnels under the Gaza-Israel border. Already, the intensity and the scope of the current Gaza operation is on par with an invasion five years ago, which ended with a unilateral Israeli withdrawal after hitting Hamas hard. In Tuesday’s strikes, Israeli warplanes carried out dozens of attacks, leveling the home of the top Hamas leader in Gaza, Ismail Haniyeh, and damaging the offices of the movement’s Al-Aqsa satellite TV station, a central mosque in Gaza City and government offices. Haniyeh, whose house was turned into a mountain of rubble by a pre-dawn airstrike, said in a statement Tuesday that “destroying A Palestinian firefighter participates in efforts to put out a fire at Gaza’s main power plant, which witnesses stones will not break our said was hit in Israeli shelling, in the central Gaza Strip yesterday. determination.” No one was hurt in Haniyeh’s home. Since the start of the war, Israel has MARSEILLE, France targeted several homes of have in the past added to Thousands took to the streets Hamas leaders but none was tensions between the two killed presumably as they of Marseille in the south of communities. appear to have gone into France to show their support city. thousands of protesters Israel began its offensive hiding. “We are here to show our defied a ban by French for Israel, the first such Gaza’s power plant was demonstration in the country solidarity with Israel, which authorities to rally against earlier this month, citing a surge in rocket attacks forced to shut down after has been attacked and has a Israel’s offensive in the Gaza launched from Hamas two tank shells hit one of since the start of the recent right to defend itself,” Strip. Police made about 70 militants in the Gaza strip. three fuel tanks, said Jamal fighting in Gaza, organizers William Labi, head of the arrests. Dardasawi, a spokesman for said. Some 1,031 Palestinians, In Marseille, some 2,000 mainly civilians and Some 2,000 pro-Israeli body governing Jewish Gaza’s electricity distribution company. The demonstrators, carrying congregations in Marseille, people had marched including many children, shelling sparked a large fire French and Israeli flags, told Reuters. The protest was peacefully on Saturday in an have been killed in the 20and a huge column of were separated by riot police also organized by the authorized pro-Palestinian day conflict. Israel says 43 smoke was seen rising from from a few dozen pro- community’s umbrella group demonstration. of its soldiers have died, the site. Dardasawi said 15 France has both the largest along with three civilians protesters CRIF. workers were trapped inside Palestinian Pro-Palestinian protesters Jewish and Muslim killed by rocket and mortar by the fire and that the chanting anti-Israeli slogans clashed with police in central populations in Europe and fire out of the Mediterranean in Marseille’s Old Port in the damage would take months Paris on Saturday when flare-ups in the Middle East center of the Mediterranean to repair. There was no enclave. immediate word on

Thousands March In Support Of Israel

been holding out for bigger gains. Hamas has said it will not stop fighting until it wins international guarantees that a crippling border blockade of Gaza will be lifted. Israel and Egypt had imposed the closure after Hamas seized Gaza in 2007, defeating forces loyal to their political rival, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. Over the past year, Egypt has further tightened restrictions, shutting down hundreds of smuggling tunnels under the Egypt-Gaza border that had provide crucial tax income to Hamas. The closure of the tunnels drove Hamas into a severe financial crisis. Israel has said it is defending its citizens against attack from Gaza by hitting Hamas rocket launchers, weapons storage sites and military tunnels under the Gaza-Israel border. Israel said its troops will not leave Gaza until they have demolished the tunnels which have been used by Hamas to sneak into Israel to try to carry out attacks. Gaza militants infiltrated through one of the tunnels and killed five soldiers in a firefight. One of the assailants was also killed. Separately, four Israeli soldiers were killed by mortar shells from Gaza that hit southern Israel. Israel media have said the army has destroyed close to 20 of 31 identified tunnels, but that 10 more tunnels are believed to be in areas of Gaza still outside Israeli control. After the deaths of the soldiers, Netanyahu signaled that Israel is intensifying its air- and ground campaign. “We will continue to act aggressively and responsibly until the mission is completed to protect our citizens, soldiers and children.” Overnight, Israel carried out about 70 airstrikes, the military said. Haniyeh’s house, located in a narrow alley of the Shati refugee camp, was reduced to rubble. Residents placed a large framed portrait of Haniyeh atop the rubble, and draped Hamas flags and Palestinian national banners over the debris. Neighbor Imhane Abu Ghaliyeh, 60, who lives 50 meters (yards) from Haniyeh’s home, said area residents fled after apparent warning missiles were fired.

International Russia Ordered To Pay $ 50Bn Over Yukos

LONDON — An international court has ordered Russia to pay over $50 billion in compensation to the former majority shareholder of now-defunct oil producer Yukos over the expropriation of the company more than 10 years ago. In one of the largest arbitration cases ever, a subsidiary for GML Ltd., once the biggest shareholder in Yukos Oil Co., had sought $103.5 billion from Russia. The Russian government under

President Vladimir Putin in 2003 leveled massive tax claims against Yukos, then Russia’s largest oil company owned by the country’s richest man Mikhail Khodorkovsky. Russia imprisoned Khodorkovsky and seized the company’s assets when they couldn’t pay. The move was widely seen as retaliation for Khodorkovsky’s support for opposition political parties. Russia says it was merely seeking payment for back taxes

China Probes Former Security Chief BEIJING - China has begun an investigation into former domestic security chief Zhou Yongkang, one of the most powerful politicians of the last decade, on suspicion of corruption, state media said yesterday, in what could be one of the country’s worst scandals. The ruling Communist Party has decided to probe Zhou for suspected “serious disciplinary violations”, the official Xinhua news agency said in a brief dispatch, using the usual euphemism for corruption. The investigation will be conducted by the party’s graft watchdog, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and the decision was made in line with the party’s constitution and anti-corruption regulations, Xinhua added, without giving details. Zhou, 71, is the most senior Chinese politician to be ensnared in a graft scandal since the Communist Party swept to power in 1949. Reuters reported in early December that Zhou had been placed under virtual house arrest while the party investigated corruption accusations against him. Zhou was a member of the party’s Politburo Standing Committee - China’s apex of

power - and held the immensely powerful post of security tsar until he retired in 2012. During his five-year tenure as security chief, Zhou oversaw the police force, civilian intelligence apparatus, paramilitary police, judges and prosecutors. Government spending on domestic security exceeded the defense budget. But Zhou became too powerful and that position was downgraded during a sweeping leadership reshuffle in 2012. Zhou was implicated in rumors in 2012 that he hesitated in moving against one-time contender for top leadership Bo Xilai, who fell in a divisive scandal following accusations his wife murdered a British businessman. President Xi Jinping has made fighting deeply-engrained graft a central theme of his new administration, and has promised to take down “tigers” - or senior officials - as well as those of lower rank who are implicated in corruption. In ordering the investigation, Xi has broken with an unwritten understanding that members of the Standing Committee will not be investigated after retirement. Zhou could not be reached for comment. It is not clear if he has a lawyer.

Russia Violated Nuclear Treaty - US WASHINGTON - In another sign of deteriorating relations between the United States and Russia, the U.S. government said on Monday that Moscow had violated the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces treaty, and urged immediate bilateral talks on the issue. The Cold War treaty, ratified in 1988, was designed to eliminate ground-launched cruise missiles with ranges of 500 to 5,500 km (310 to 3,400 miles). “This is a very serious matter which we have attempted to address with Russia for some time now,” an administration

CHANGE OF NAME NASIRU - I formerly Miss Nasiru Habeebah now wish to be known, called and addressed as Mrs. Habeebah Nasiru Abdulqadri. All former documents remain valid. Concerned authorities, National Youth Service Corps and the general public should please take note.

official said in a statement. “We encourage Russia to return to compliance with its obligations under the treaty and to eliminate any prohibited items in a verifiable manner,” the official said. The official did not describe how Russia violated the treaty. But the New York Times had reported in January that Washington informed its NATO partners that Russia had tested a ground-launched cruise missile. State Department officials had hinted that a formal determination that Russia had violated the treaty could be forthcoming, said Daryl Kimball, executive director of the Arms Control Association, a Washington-based research and advocacy group. He said the violation would not represent a new military threat to the United States and its European allies, given Russia’s existing missile arsenal. But in an interview, Kimball called the infraction “disturbing.” “It suggests that Russia is moving away from a long U.S.Russia tradition of restraining the most dangerous weapons even as they have serious disagreements on all sorts of issues,” he said.

and penalties that Yukos evaded in the period 2000-2003. Yukos shareholders received no compensation for that. Khodorkovsky spent ten years in prison before he was pardoned by Putin in December last year. Khodorkovsky has said he is not party to the case and is not interested in its outcome. GML, formerly Group Menetap Ltd., said the Permanent Court of Arbitration’s ruling found Russia had sought to bankrupt Yukos and appropriate

its assets and that it was determined to do whatever was necessary to achieve this purpose. “The majority shareholders of Yukos Oil were left without compensation for the loss of their investment when Russia illegally expropriated Yukos,” GML Executive Director Tim Osborne said in a statement. “It is a major step forward for the majority shareholders, who have been battling for over 10 years for this decision.” Russian Foreign Minister

Sergey Lavrov, commenting earlier Monday, said Russia will be appealing the ruling. “Authorities who are representing Russia in this trial will use all possible legal means to defend their position,” Lavrov said. The ruling adds to tensions between Russia and the international community at a time when relations are at their lowest ebb since the end of the Cold War. Following the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 over

Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Head of the Jewish autonomous region Alexander Vinnikov in the Kremlin in Moscow, Friday.

eastern Ukraine, the U.S. and European Union are debating further economic sanctions against Moscow because of its support for rebels suspected of launching the attack. “It is GML’s belief that the ‘Yukos affair’ was a major strand in the Russian government’s strategy to bring Russia’s natural resources under direct Kremlin control and to use those resources as a tool to reassert control over Russia’s former sphere of influence,” Osborne said in testimony before the U.S. Helsinki Commission in 2009. “It marked a turning point” as Russia moved away from its “commitment to the rule of law, property rights, and energy security.” GML sought relief from the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague, Netherlands, under the Energy Charter Treaty, which creates the legal basis for an open international energy market. The holding company claimed that Russia violated the treaty, which requires swift and fair compensation if assets are expropriated. GML says that even before Russia filed its tax claim against Yukos, the company had paid $15 billion in taxes for the period on total income of $29 billion. The government claimed the company owed an additional $27 billion, bringing Yukos’ total tax liability for the period to $42 billion — more than the company’s gross income, according to GML. “This is not taxation,” Osborne said in testimony before a U.S. House Financial Services subcommittee in 2007. “This is confiscation.”

Australia Issues Arrest Warrants Over Syria Fighting

SYDNEY, Australia Australia has issued arrest warrants for a pair of Australian citizens believed to be fighting in Syria, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) after images emerged of the two holding the severed heads of Syrian soldiers. Australian Federal Police (AFP) counter-terrorism chief Neil Gaughan told the ABC in an interview that warrants had been issued for Australians Khaled Sharrouf and Mohamed Elomar on terrorism offences. A Twitter account linked to al Qaeda offshoot Islamic State last week published grizzly pictures of the beheaded corpses and heads of five soldiers killed in Syria’s Raqqa province, saying the soldiers were from the 17th division. Sharrouf and Elomar traveled to Syria and Iraq late last year, the ABC reported, and late last week a Twitter account purported to belong to Sharrouf showed pictures of Elomar handling severed heads. “As soon as they set foot on Australian soil they will be taken into custody,” Gaughan said. Australia has raised the alarm about the number of its citizens believed to be fighting alongside insurgents overseas, including an Australian suicide bomber who killed three people in Baghdad this month. That has added to concern

about radicalized fighters launching attacks when they return home, a threat the government has used to justify a package of major new intelligence legislation. Last week, Attorney General George Brandis announced

sweeping national security reforms that would make it easier to track Australian citizens believed to have fought overseas both while they were abroad and after they returned home. Brandis told the ABC that concrete evidence had now

emerged to support those concerns. “There is evidence that they are trained in terrorist tradecraft to perform acts of domestic terrorism in the event that they return either to their home countries or go elsewhere after they have been in theater,” Brandis said. “So that is a new and very alarming development.”

Then China’s Public Security Minister, Zhou Yongkang reacts as he attends the Hebei delegation discussion sessions at the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China at the Great Hall of the people, in Beijing October 16, 2007.

Discourse Strengthening Nigeria-Turkey Relations Via Cultural Exchanges NIGERIA and Turkey established diplomatic relations in 1960 and the two countries were instrumental in the formation of D-8 (Developing Eight) Countries — a group of developing countries which formed an economic development alliance in 1997. Other countries in the alliance are Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia and Pakistan. At present, Nigeria is Turkey’s 5th largest trade partner in Africa and 2nd among the sub-Saharan African countries, according to some data posted on the website of Turkey’s Ministry of Economy. Nigeria and Turkey have signed some bilateral trade agreements, including the Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation in 1986 and the Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement in 2011. Besides, the Turkey-Nigeria Chamber of Commerce was established in Lagos in 1999, while the Turkish-Nigerian Business Council was established in 2011. Unarguably, Nigeria and Turkey enjoy sound trade relations and the volume of the bilateral trade stood at over N206 billion as at 2013, according to statistics from the Nigerian Association of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture. Nigeria’s main imports from Turkey include clothing, food items, engine and automobile parts, while Turkey imports sesame seeds, raw and semiprocessed leather as well as rubber, among others, from Nigeria. In Nigeria, Turkish investments are visible in the areas of construction, quarrying, textile, tourism, education, healthcare, hospitality, among others. The burgeoning economic relations between Nigeria and Turkey have elicited positive comments from officials and citizens of the two countries For instance, Mr Murat Akyuz, who led a recent trade delegation from Turkey to Nigeria, underscored the importance of Nigeria as an emerging market for Turkey, which was a manufacturing

economy. “Our special visit here reflects our commitment to Nigeria and our recognition of its importance as a key strategic market. “We want to develop longterm business relations with Nigeria with our high-quality products; we also want to make it easier for Nigerian cosmetic manufacturers and importers to do business with Turkey,’’ Akyuz said. However, observers maintain that apart from nurturing economic relations between Nigeria and Turkey, cultural exchanges and festivals also strengthen efforts to boost bilateral relations between the two countries. For instance, the 4th Nigerian-Turkish Friendship and Cultural Festival, organised by UFUK Dialogue Foundation, a Nigeria-based Turkish organisation and the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and National Orientation, was recently held in Abuja. The fiesta showcased various aspects of Turkish and Nigerian cultures such as dresses, food, dance and arts, even as the participants savoured dishes prepared by people from other cultures. Cultural troupes from Hausa, Igbo, Yoruba ethnic groups in Nigeria and those from Turkey took turns to perform, while masquerades entertained spectators at the festival held on the campus of Nigerian Turkish Nile University. Speaking at the event, Chief Edem Duke, the Minister of Tourism, Culture and National Orientation, said that the Federal Government was taking the festival seriously. The minister, who was represented by Mr George Ufot, Director of Culture in the ministry, said that the festival had fostered stronger bilateral ties between the two countries. He also commended Turkish entrepreneurs for their investments in Nigeria. “I congratulate you on the 2014 celebration of the Nigeria Turkish Friendship Cultural Festival; I must confess that we in the ministry have fond memories of this festival. “The festival has consistently served as a major platform to present the warm and excellent


relationship existing between our two countries. “I must express my admiration for the ideals of Fethullah Gelen, the inspirational leader and thinker who has been behind the creation of these wonderful schools, hospital and numerous noble activities which the Turkish community in Nigeria has come to be positively identified with. “All over the world, the indomitable icon has become the voice of peace, dialogue and a source of inspiration for many

divergent religious beliefs. “We definitely have so much to share from the way you have effectively mobilised your citizenry to foster interfaith and intercultural dialogue through education, information exchange and respect for your environment and diversity. “I seize this occasion to wholeheartedly commend UFUK Dialogue Foundation, the organisers of this event, for their principled stand in organising various events that have contributed in raising the value of humanity, and

festivals. He noted that Nigeria and Turkey had cultural similarities, with diverse ethnic nationalities coexisting. “Culture is the whole essence of man’s existence; so, we need to remind ourselves constantly of our norms and values. “Our cultures are some of the things we need to pass to the younger generations to keep them alive. “The Turkish are very strong traditionalists and we love our folk dance and music, we like to dance just like Nigerians; and both countries had very close relationship with each other in the past. “We are now looking to the future for stronger cultural exchanges, educational and cultural cooperation,’’ Sert said On his part, Mr Cemal Yigit,

Edem Duke, Minister of Culture and Tourism hearts and minds, as well as the wonderful Turkish people and their kindred all over the world. Duke lauded the Turkish strength of purpose, as well as the peaceful co-existence of groups in Turkey, saying that Nigeria shared a lot with the country in terms of multiculturalism. He stressed that Nigeria ought to emulate Turkey in efforts to achieve a cohesive and peaceful society in spite of

community service. “I share and embrace their call on all of us to become marketers and advocates of dialogue; we must all become channels to communicate and understand others,’’ Duke said. Sharing similar sentiments, Prof. Huseyin Sert, the ViceChancellor of Nigerian Turkish Nile University, said that culture was the essence of life, adding that efforts should be made to celebrate cultures via

“We should also recognise the fact that not many countries are investing in Nigeria the way Turkey does. Look at the type of schools and hospitals the Turkish people have in Abuja and you will understand what I m saying.’’

the event’s coordinator, said that the festival was not just to exhibit arts, food and culture, adding that it was particularly aimed at establishing bridges between Nigerian and Turkish nationals. Yigit, who is also the Managing Director of InciProduction, said that the festival had created an opportunity for citizens of Nigeria and Turkey to understand one another and work together for the progress of their countries. “Understanding, dialogue, respect, culture of coexistence bring riches for all; we work for these values we believe that will impact positively on the world. “Through this forum, we are trying to emphasise the need for dialogue in the world; the need for love and living together in a society where everyone’s

opinion matters. ‘By so doing, we create a stable and peaceful society where everybody will live in harmony and share positive ideals,’’ he added. Mr Cosmos Onah, who was in charge of the Igbo culture booth at the festival, said that Igbo people recognised the need to be represented at the event because of their cultural similarities with Turkish people. He said that the Igbos were entrepreneurial just like the Turkish people; hence the recognition of Igbo businessmen by their Turkish counterparts. “The Igbos travel a lot for business; a lot of us go to Turkey to do one business or the other and the Turkish people know it. “Turkey is a manufacturing economy and most of their products are of high quality; hence, the huge influx of businessmen into Turkey. “We should also recognise the fact that not many countries are investing in Nigeria the way Turkey does. Look at the type of schools and hospitals the Turkish people have in Abuja and you will understand what I m saying,’’ he said. Onah said that a team of Igbo people would soon travel to Turkey, as part of the cultural exchange project involving the two cultures. Items such as foods, yams, cassava, kolanut, bitter kola and assorted vegetables, among others, were display at the Igbo culture stand. Mr Yahaya Bala, who manned the Hausa culture stand, said that the bulk of the cultural similarities between the Hausa culture and the Turkish culture derived from religion. He noted that the majority of Turkish people were Muslims, just like the majority of Hausa people. He said that business deals between the two cultures were facilitated by the sound business relations existing between Nigeria and Turkey. Items displayed at the Hausa stand were handicraft items such as hand-woven material and local fabrics. The Yoruba talking drum echoed from all corners of the fiesta’s venue, as the crowd cheered and sand along in interpretation of the talking drum’s message transmitted by drummers of the Yoruba cultural troupe. The cultural fiesta notwithstanding, observers insist that structured efforts should also be made to organise trade exhibitions involving Nigeria and Turkey so as to boost the economic and cultural ties existing between the two countries. They, however, note that Turkish entrepreneurs have demonstrated uncommon zeal in exploiting the investment opportunities which abound in Nigeria. (NAN).

Spiritual Platform

Dealing With Spirit Husband And Wife

WE are still dealing with evil foundation in one’s life. Many people face the problem of spiritual spouse. Many Christians of various hues face this problem. Non-Christians face the same problem, perhaps even more severely than the Christians. Spiritual marriage is a root problem, an evil foundation. is a foundational issue because its consequences are behind many people’s problems In life. Spiritual marriage is a state in which a man or woman is married to a spiritual being and regularly in dreams or in rare occasions physically, sexual intercourse takes place. This is a big problem in that many people are molested regularly in dreams, and in many cases the victims are helpless. This phenomenon is mentioned in several places in the scriptures but Gen. 6:1-4 is more specific. This passage says: “Now it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were beautiful: and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose. And the Lord said “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years”. There were giants on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men and they bore children for them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men” Sons of God in this passage, refer to angels. Job 1: 6, 2: 1 and 38: 7; 8 6. This problem probably became accentuated with the fall of and his angels. Just as human beings admire the opposite sex sodo these spiritual beings. These evil entities have ravaged many people and have caused many problems. It is important therefore that every Christian and non-Christian should understand this phenomenon. Young people are advised to read this book in their own interest. The Bible says that “my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge “Hosea4:6, The question is, how do we know that a spiritual spouse is in existence in our lives? There are many tell talc signs that a spirit wife or husband is in our lives. When there is constant sexual intercourse in dreams; in rare cases spiritual spouse manifests physically. There have been reports of physical appearance. A young man reported that at 4 am every day, a fair complexioned lady would force her way into his bedroom. He testified that he was helpless whenever this lady appeared. She would have sex with him until he was exhausted and tired. At day time he would be useless, confused and sick. He confessed that this went on for years until he was introduced to a prayer fellowship. T.2 A young woman was ready

to marry her heart throb. Everything was set and the wedding day, tragedy struck. The officiating Priest, addressing the bride said “will you have him, comfort him, honor and protect him, obey and serve him. In sickness and in health and forsaking all others, be faithful to him as long as you both shall live? -the bride refused to answer. The minister repeated the charge hut the girl refused to answer, repeated It the third time, the girl said” no”. - Unknown to the audience but seen and heard by the girl was her spirit husband standing in front of her, threatening her with death if she answered yes. - marrying, being pregnant or carrying babies in dream; difficulties in childbearing; so many women experience forceful sexual intercourse with their spirit husbands immediately after meeting with their earthly husbands. The aim is to neutralize the male sperm. - low sperm count; men experience sexual attacks from their spiritual wives whose activities drain or siphon the male essence. - confusion in the minds of young men /women about who and when to marry. There are many cases of young people not being able to choose a partner. even at 40 years! Many postpone marriages times without number. These young people could be dealing with an extremely jealous spirit spouse. T.3 A sister tried several times to marry but without success Each time she announced her wedding date, exactly two weeks to the time, she would have very stubborn and ugly pimples all over her face. The man would drop her. - disharmony in marriages; the spirit spouse which hates marriage with perfect hatred, would fight to cause trouble in homes. Homes characterized by conflicts, fights, threats of divorce. are in most cases under attack by spirit spouse. - sudden hatred - frequent caesarean operations or miscarriages come from spiritual spouse attack on marriages. We have tried to identify some of the major indications of the existence of spiritual marriages. Please note that it is not everybody that has a spiritual spouse. It all depends on exposure. Another element you should know is that there are spiritual prostitutes that attack people, physically married or not. Just as you have jealous human beings, so also are there jealous spiritual spouses. This phenomenon is a deep mystery. “How do you acquire a spiritual spouse, husband or wife

With Rt Rev (Dr.) C. I. Umane

This Is an Important area which we should note carefully. Consciously or unconsciously we get entangled with spiritual wife or husband. There are certain sinful conducts or actions which attract these evil elements into our lives. The following are some of the major ways by which we get ourselves entangled: - seeking satanic protection from a shrine, prayer house (whose mode of operation and dogma you do not know). Incisions (a form of dedication) or from white garment herbalists. - sexual immorality; people who have sexual relationship with a prostitute or a possessed person; who practices masturbation, lesbianism,

backsides in a sensual manner. This attracts spirit beings to want to attack them. - inheriting satanic priesthood. There are family idols and community idols to which children are dedicated at birth. Children are covenanted to idols from the womb. There have been many testimonies of young girls being married to spirit beings through this process. Some people unwisely pledge their children to idols for protection with the same result. - soul ties especially with the person who disvirgins one, male or female. - circumcision of young girls There are several elements of spiritual marriages which we should know; • Conscious spiritual marriages • Unconscious spiritual marriages,

her a certificate of divorce, puts It In her hand, and sends her out of his house, when she has departed from his house, and goes and becomes another man’s wife, If the latter husband detests her and writes her a certificate of divorce, puts it in her hand, and sends her out of his house, or if the latter husband dies who took her as his wife then her former husband who divorced her must not take her back to be his wife after she has been defiled; for that is an abomination before the Lord, and you shall not bring sin on the land which the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance” Make the following

homosexuality, incest. bestiality, adultery, fornication, etc play into the hands of a waiting spirit spouse. Worse is sex outside marriage. This exposes people to spiritual spouse. - acceptance of gifts, especially during marriages. This is why a wise Christian will pray over every gift before using It. A gift from a possessed person can land one with a spiritual spouse. T.4 A very beautiful girl was a bundle of problems. - the first man that proposed marriage to her found himself in an hospital after a fight with her - the second lost an eye in a fight with her. - the third man left with a broken head. - this woman was introduced to a prayer fellowship and in the course of deliverance, a demon spoke through her, demanding the return of wrapper collected from them. This obviously referred to a gift which she received and which put her into a problem with spirit spouse. - cultural dances which are erotic and sensual. You will notice that In most of our cultural dances the women wiggle their

• Forced spiritual marriages, • There are spiritual marriages where the man or woman can see his or her spirit spouse, • There are instances where satanic agents can take the face of a familiar person to attack another person. This is a form of astral attack. • Polygamous and polyandrous spiritual marriages. Like an earthly polygamous home, a roster of attendance/attention is proposed. Destroying spiritual marriage is a difficult task, You must know their roots and their operations. The following procedure is recommended. (I) You must make up your mind that enough is enough with this unholy alliance or relationship. (Ii) Reject the marriage. (iii Denounce the marriage. (lv) Issue a bill of divorce against your spiritual partner. Deut 24: 1-4 “When a man takes a wife and marries her, and it happens that she finds no favor in his eyes because he has found some uncleanness in her, and he writes

confessions Matt, 22:29-30 Lev. 19:19 Deut. 26: 14 Rom.7:l-4 • Command the spiritual spouse to pack his or her baggage and leave you alone, never to return. • destroy all the spiritual materials in the marriage these areDowry Marriage rings Wedding dresses Marriage certificates Root Prayer Points Spend Quality Time on Each of Them). 1. You spirit wife I husband release me by fire in Jesus name. 2. You spirit wife / husband 1 divorce you by the blood of Jesus Christ 3. I command the thunder fire of God to burn to ashes the wedding materials involved in the marriage in Jesus Name. 4. 1 destroy every evil deposit in my body arising from my spiritual marriage in Jesus Name. 5. Every spirit wife, every spirit husband, die, in the name of Jesus.

GSM: 0803579951 6. Everything. you have deposited in my life, come out by fire, in the name of Jesus. Every power that is working against my 7. Every power that is working against my marriage, fall (in and die, in the name of Jesus. 8. I divorce and renounce my marriage with the spirit husband or wife, In the name of Jesus. 9. I break all covenants entered into with the spirit husband wife, in the name of Jesus. 10. I command the thunder fire of God to burn to ashes the wedding gown, ring, photographs and all other materials used for the marriage, in Jesus’ name. 11. I send the fire of God to burn to ashes the marriage certificate, in the name of Jesus. 12. I break every blood and soul-tie covenants with the spirit husband or wife, in the name of Jesus. 13. I send thunder fire of God to burn to ashes the children born to the marriage, in Jesus’ name. 14. draw my blood, sperm or any other part of my body deposited in the altar of the spirit husband or wife, in the name of Jesus. 15. Every spirit wife/every spirit husband, die, in the name of Jesus. 16. I return to you every property of yours in my possession in the spirit world, including the dowry and whatsoever was used for the marriage and covenants, in the name of Jesus. 17. I drain myself of all evil materials deposited in my body as a result of our sexual relation, in the name of Jesus. 18. Lord, send Holy Ghost fire into my root and burn out all unclean things deposited in it by the spirit husband or wife, in the name of Jesus. 19. 1 break the head of the snake deposited into my body by the spirit husband or wife to do me harm, and command it to come out, in the name of Jesus. 20. Purge out with the blood of Jesus, every evil material deposited in my womb to prevent me from having children on earth in Jesus name. 21. Lord, repair and restore every damage done to any part of’ body and my earthly marriage by the spirit husband or wife, in the name of Jesus. 22. I reject and cancel every curse, evil pronouncement, spell jinx, enchantment and incantation placed upon me by the spirit husband or wife, in the name of Jesus. I take back and possess all my earthly belongings in the custody of the spirit husband or wife, in the name of Jesus. I command the spiritual spouse to turn its back on me forever In Jesus’ name.


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By SAM EHEBHA GSM:08056626091


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By SAM EHEBHA GSM:08056626091

Your Star



NAP 17 XX 17 XX 17 NAP 41 XX 41 XX 41 PAIR 17 Vs 18 PAIR 7 OR 36 GOODLUCK LET IT BE









NAP 7 XX 7 XX 7 PAIR: 5 or 41 BE A WINNER

NAP 14 XX 14 XX 14 PAIR 38 OR 39 FOR SURE



NAP 11 XX 11 XX 11 PAIR 1 0R 25 DRAW IS DRAW

NAP 36 XX 36 XX 36 PAIR 11 OR 32 BE MY GUEST




17 7




43 5 13 19 20 24

4 15 17 26 34 41 47 FOR THREE DRAWS?

Van Gaal Inherited A ‘Broken’ Squad

MANCHESTER United manager Louis van Gaal thinks he has inherited an unbalanced and “broken” squad from David Moyes. Van Gaal, speaking in his first (Javier) Hernandez, (Danny) English media interview of Welbeck, but you also see Juan United’s tour of the USA, denied Mata, (Marouane) Fellaini, and the idea that succeeding Moyes you see (Ander) Herrera. There would be easier than following Sir are a lot of players that can play Alex Ferguson, who won 13 titles in the same position. in 26 years at Old Trafford. “It is not in balance. It’s more In Van Gaal’s eyes, Ferguson difficult to succeed in a difficult left Moyes with a team of winners. situation than in a fantastic He says he is inheriting a “broken” situation.” squad awash with attacking Van Gaal will look to address midfielders. the imbalance in his squad by “No,” Van Gaal said when signing at least two players over asked whether following the next three weeks — Ferguson would have been harder. rumoured to be Thomas “I don’t agree. I had to follow Vermaelen and Mats Hummels. Bobby Robson at Barcelona the Rumours linking Thomas year after he won three titles and Vermaelen with a move to Old there wasn’t a problem (Van Gaal Trafford refuse to go away. won the league that year). United have been told they “When there is success you will have to stump up 79 million have a very good squad, and now pounds to sign other target I have to follow and the squad was Kevin Strootman from Roma broken I think. while Real Madrid are also “When you look at the squad, demanding a big fee for Angel there is quality. There is (Wayne) Di Maria, who is also on the Rooney, (Robin) van Persie, club’s radar.

Van Gaal insists he will not pay over the odds for any transfer targets though. “I don’t buy players for the sake of buying players,” he said. “I buy players to improve my selection. “Now I don’t know if we will play (5-3-2) or 4-3-3. If I play 4-3-3 I need more specialists in the wings and attackers and then we have to buy another kind of player.” Meanwhile, Van Gaal insists he will not get drawn into any

mind-games with Jose Mourinho this season and he says he still regards the Chelsea manager as his “friend”. Mourinho controversially claimed earlier this week that United were paying over the odds for Luke Shaw, a 27 million pound signing from Southampton who reportedly now earns in the region of 100,000 thousand pounds a week. Louis van Gaal insists that his relationship with Jose Mourinho is as good as ever. Mourinho said had Chelsea paid

that kind of money to the 19year-old, it would have “killed” the London club. United boss Van Gaal hinted he would speak privately to Mourinho about the matter. Many saw that as a sign the two former colleagues were set for a rocky relationship this season. Mourinho, who worked as Van Gaal’s assistant at Barcelona for three years, has a record of trying to wind up fellow managers. But Van Gaal is sure he will

DANIEL Sturridge insists that Liverpool can prosper this season without his former striker partner Luis Suarez. Sturridge and Suarez hit 52 Premier League goals between them last season as the Reds finished runners-up to Manchester City.

That made them the most prolific attacking partnership at Anfield since Ian St John and Roger Hunt scored 52 league goals between them in 1963/64. But Suarez, the league’s top scorer last season with 31 goals, completed a 75 million pound move to Barcelona on July 16.

Liverpool have brought in Rickie Lambert from Southampton this summer, but a deal to sign QPR striker Loic Remy fell through on Sunday. Sturridge, with 21 league goals last season, is set to lead the Reds’ attack this coming season, but does not believe the

Sturridge Confident He Can Step Up

West Ham Snatch Jenkinson Loan Deal

ARSENAL defender Carl Jenkinson is set to turn down a move to Hull City and seal a loan switch to West Ham United, Goal understands. Hull made a +3.75 million bid for the right-back, which the Hammers were not willing to match, but Jenkinson’s desire to remain in London has persuaded Arsenal to allow him to move on loan to the Boleyn Ground. And Hull boss Steve Bruce has admitted defeat in the race for the full-back, telling Talksport: “I think there were about five or six clubs who would be interested in Carl Jenkinson. He’s a very, very good player.

have a harmonious relationship with the Portuguese manager this term even though both he and his former protege are in charge of teams vying for the title. “I don’t think I will fall out with him. He is my friend,” Van Gaal said of Mourinho. United play the third game of their US tour against Inter Milan in Washington DC on Tuesday night.

Cart Jenrinson

“I think Sam Allardyce is in the box seat, because of being in London. “It was someone who we showed an interest in. But when a really good young player comes out of Arsenal, or one of the big clubs, then a club like ours will always be looking at them. “He’s got about five or six clubs to choose from but from what I understand he wants to stay in London.” Goal understands Jenkinson still believes he has a future at the Emirates Stadium, despite the summer arrival of +10m France international Mathieu Debuchy from Newcastle United. Meanwhile, 19-year-old defender Calum Chambers has also moved to north London from Southampton in a deal worth +20m. West Ham boss Sam Allardyce is a big fan of Jenkinson and will be delighted to have beaten Steve Bruce to the full-back’s signature. Jenkinson, 22, left Charlton for Arsenal in 2011 as a teenager but has failed to hold down a regular first team place at the Emirates.

ARSENAL have signed Southampton defender Calum Chambers for a reported fee of £16m. The fee was undisclosed but believed to be worth £16m, this

the signing of Ferencvaros midfielder Muhamed Besic after the Bosnia and Herzegovina international finalised a fiveyear contract. The 21-year-old travelled to Thailand with the Toffees for their pre-season match against Leicester at the weekend after an agreement was reached with the Hungarian side. Besic officially completed his move after the finer details of the paperwork were concluded. “Muhamed is a young

footballer who has developed massively in the last two seasons,” manager Roberto Martinez told evertontv. “He has been playing as a centre-half and as a defensive midfielder at an incredible level. “With Bosnia and Herzegovina in the World Cup he showed that he is a really mature footballer, that he covers the ground really well, that he is very dynamic and

“He is bringing us really good strength in an important part of the side.” Besic, who became his country’s youngest senior international with a debut aged 18, played three times at the World Cup, with one of those appearances coming against eventual finalists Argentina. Born in Germany, he began his professional career at Hamburg before transferring to Ferencvaros in two years ago.

Daniel Sturriedge

goal burden will rest solely with him following the departure of Suarez. The 24-year-old England striker told the Liverpool Echo: “It was a unique partnership. “I wish Luis all the best. We shared some good times together. Daniel Sturridge will have to shoulder more of Liverpool’s goal-scoring burden now that Luis Suarez has left the club. “We created history together with our goals and I think we became the most successful Liverpool partnership together in one season. “In terms of next season for the goals, I’ll step up myself and everyone has to step up to get the goals because it is a long season. “The new boys who have come in as well as the players who have been there all season. This is a huge club with a lot of players who can step up. “Luis has left and that’s football. He’s moved on but he’s doing it for himself and his family. “As a team we will move forward, I wouldn’t say I’m the main man. We are going to do our best to move forward as a squad. And do our best to be involved at the top.”

Arsenal Complete £16m Capture Of Chambers

Everton Snap Up Besic On Five-year EVERTON have completed Contract technically very gifted.

despite the fact that the 19-yearold full-back has only made 18 Premier League starts. The England U19 captain has made his name as a full-back but can also play in midfield or as a centre-back. “We are very pleased that Calum has agreed to join us. The way he adapted to the Premier League last season with Southampton at a young age shows that he has tremendous quality,” said Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger. “He has a lot of the attributes that we look for in a young player and I am sure that he will do well with us.” Chambers added: “I am so happy to be signing for Arsenal. They are a team I have much admired for their playing style, and a team who have been one of the top sides in Europe for many years. I’m looking forward to joining up with my new team-

mates today and beginning preparation for the season ahead.” Southampton Head of Football Development Les Reed admitted he was disappointed to use yet another young star: “We are naturally disappointed whenever any of our Academy graduates leave and that is very much the case with Calum’s departure,” he said. “Our position remains unchanged in that we are determined to keep our best young players at the club. “It is important in the transfer window to remain calm, resilient and above all patient. “We have targets, and we are working hard to get them across the line.”

Southampton have already seen a host of talent leave the club this summer. Adam Lallana, Dejan Lovren and Rickie Lambert all left for Liverpool for a combined sum approaching £50m while teenage left-back Luke Shaw joining Manchester United for a fee believed to be £27m which can then rise to £30m. Head coach Mauricio Pochettino also left for Tottenham and there have been doubts over the future of French midfielder Morgan Schneiderlin. Chambers becomes the fourth first team player to join Arsenal this summer joining forward Alexis Sanchez, rightback Mathieu Debuchy and goalkeeper David Ospina.

Messi And Father To Face Tax Charges MADRID — A Spanish judge on Monday rejected a prosecutor’s request to drop charges of tax fraud against Lionel Messi and ordered the investigation into three cases of suspected unpaid taxes to proceed. A court statement said there is “sufficient evidence” to believe the Barcelona and Argentina star “could have known and consented” to the creation of a fictitious corporate structure to avoid paying taxes on income from his image rights. The statement was issued by the court in Gava, Barcelona, that was initially called on by prosecutors to investigate if there was a case for Messi and his father, Jorge Horacio Messi, to answer. Messi senior then told the media that he and his son were both cooperating fully with the authorities. In June, Messi’s public relations firm said a prosecutor had agreed to drop the tax fraud case against the player and his father. Messi’s father is under investigation for an alleged 4 million euros ($5.3 million) in

Monaco Sign Teenage Midfielder Bakayoko MONACO have strengthened their midfield in preparation for their first Champions League campaign in 10 years by signing Tiémoué Bakayoko from Stade Rennais, the club said on Monday. The 19-year-old has joined on a five-year contract for a fee which media reports have put at +8 million after an impressive breakthrough season with Rennes. The defensive midfielder made 28 appearances in all competitions last term. “I am going to discover a new club. Monaco are a club going places in French and world football so this is obviously a good thing. It’s a new challenge and I think I am ready for it,” said Bakayoko, who turns 20 next month. Wealthy Monaco finished second in Ligue 1 last term but sold World Cup top scorer James Rodriguez to Real Madrid last month.

Tiémoué Bakayoko

unpaid taxes from 2007-09. He made a payment of more than 5 million euros ($6.6 million) in August 2013 to cover alleged unpaid taxes, plus interest. Monday’s statement said it was not necessary for Messi “to have full knowledge of all accounting or corporate transactions or the exact amount of the fraud” for him to have had a clear idea of an intention to defraud. Spain has been cracking down on tax evasion as it fights to repair the country’s public finances after a prolonged recession triggered by the collapse of its once-booming real estate sector. Finance Minister Cristobal Montoro warned footballers they should make sure they were “comfortable” with their tax affairs.

James Destined For Greatness,

Says Del Piero

James Rodriguez

We Have No Plans To Sell Vidal - Juventus

JUVENTUS have no intention of selling star midfielder Arturo Vidal and have been given no indication he wants to leave the club, according to the club’s Director General Beppe Marotta. United have been constantly ““Transfer gossip is normal linked with the Chilean on one of the best players in midfielder this summer with circulation. We have never the latest reports suggest they activated a plan to sell the could be ready to offer as much player. as £47m for his services. “We’ll be happy to keep the The Bianconeri chief spoke player if he wants to stay.” to Sky Sport Italia ahead of the Euro Papers: United in Serie A fixtures being drawn up £47m Vidal swoop and was asked about the Angel Di Maria looks set to persistent rumours that 27- join PSG, while Man United year-old could be on his way are heavily involved in the to Old Trafford. transfer market today. All the “We recently renewed his continental scoops! contract because we knew that Marotta also said the club we could count on an important was close to completing the element. He has not taken any signing of versatile Verona star different position to what he Romulo. thought before,” Marotta saide. “I certainly cannot deny

talks with Verona for Romulo. There are situations that need to be defined, but we can complete the move within 24 hours,” he said about the midfielder who can also play right-back. Many have suggested Roma are the new favourites for the Scudetto, especially after Antonio Conte quit to be replaced by Massimiliano Allegri. “Our squad is well constructed, we are reigning champions and the group deserved its praise. We are ready to take any opportunities that present themselves,” Marotta saide. “A defender and a striker can be objectives, but I won’t say anything so as to avoid creating expectations.

Atletico Success No Fluke

DIEGO Simeone has stressed that Atletico Madrid’s La Liga triumph last season was the logical result of their hard work after the club had already won five trophies over the previous four years. Atleti bagged their first league title in 18 years in the 2013-14 campaign, stunning favourites Barcelona and Real Madrid, while Simeone’s men also went within seconds of winning the Champions League. While Atletico’s La Liga success was considered one of the fairytale stories of last season across Europe, Simeone - who has been in charge at the Vicente Calderon since December 2011 - claimed it had been coming. The Vicente Calderon side won the Europa League in 2012, while they also won the Uefa Super Cup after each of

- Simeone

the aforementioned titles, as well as scooping up the 2013 Copa del Rey. “Last year was no fluke, it was a consequence of what has been going on at the club,” Simeone told AS. “First it was [winning] the Europa League, then the European Super Cup, Copa del Rey, third in the League and the following year the Liga title and the Champions League final.” Simeone added that with the additions of - amongst others - Mario Mandzukic, Antoine Griezmann and Jan Oblak, plus the retention of a large chunk of last season’s squad, there is no reason Atletico cannot challenge the likes of Real and Barca again. “The technical department have been working through all

of this during the past 40 days. “Filipe Luis left and Guilherme Siqueira came in; Thibaut Courtois has gone while Miguel Angel Moya and Oblak are now on board; up front we’ve lost Diego Costa and Mandzukic has arrived. “Griezmann will give us the velocity we’ve lacked and needed. You don’t create a team from just 11 players but from 18 or 20.”

Diego Simeone

“We are targeting a fourth consecutive Scudetto. Roma have without doubt reinforced and were already a fearsome prospect last season.” Juventus and Roma were the only clubs not to support Carlo Tavecchio for FIGC President, though others are joining them after a racism row. “We always considered him inadequate for the role and our position has not changed. We’re seeing some other clubs are reconsidering their position, so we’ll see what happen,” confirmed Marotta.

JUVENTUS legend Alessandro Del Piero has taken the time to praise new Real Madrid signing James Rodriguez and believes the Colombia international is destined for greatness. Madrid paid Monaco +80 million for the creative midfielder, while also spending +25m to lure Toni Kroos away from Bayern Munich. Del Piero feels the Champions League holders have strengthened well ahead of the 2014-15 campaign by bagging the duo, whom both excelled at the World Cup. “Madrid reinforced the squad well. James is an incredible player – he’s young and has a great future ahead of him,” Del Piero was quoted as saying by AS. “And Kroos will fit in perfectly as well. He is a midfielder who will play an important role for Real Madrid.” Del Piero then went on to voice his admiration for Carlo Ancelotti, with whom he worked at Juventus between 1999 and 2001, and branded him the ultimate trainer. “Ancelotti is the best coach of all time and I am delighted for him that he won ‘La Decima’ with Madrid. That was a special moment for him and for Real Madrid.” The 55-year-old replaced Jose Mourinho as Madrid boss in the summer of 2013 and won the Copa del Rey and Champions League in his first year in charge at the Santiago Bernabeu.

Ronaldinho Leaves Atletico Mineiro

RONALDINHO has left Atletico Mineiro to become a free agent after both parties agreed to terminate his contract with immediate effect. Ronaldinho, 34, helped the side to win the Recopa Sudamericana on Wednesday with a 5-3 aggregate victory over Argentina’s Lanus — before being substituted early in the second half — but said his goodbyes to his teammates according to striker Jô. “I didn’t speak with him after the (Recopa) win, but everything indicates that it was his last match,” Jô told Globoesporte. “The way he said goodbye to everybody gave that impression.” The two-time FIFA World Player of the Year wrote on his Twitter feed: “Galo (Atletico Mineiro) will always be in my heart.” Also, during a week off, he failed to arrive for Deco’s testimonial in Lisbon after reportedly missing his flight. Ronaldinho will now be a free agent, with his next move subject to much speculation. However his brother and agent suggested that fans will not have

to wait long to find out where the legendary Brazilian will end up. Atletico confirmed the news, with coach Levir Culpi insisting that the club must now move on. “I can’t call on Ronaldinho anymore,” Culpi told SporTV. “His cycle with us has ended. “It’s unfortunate because he’s an idol to all of us. Everyone loves his football, the way he plays and he’s a very charismatic person. But that’s the way it goes. He’s leaving and we must move on without him.”


Judge Clears Way For Sale Of Los Angeles Clippers Basketball:

THE estranged wife of Los Angeles Clippers co-owner Donald Sterling can proceed with the record $2 billion sale of the NBA team despite her husband’s objections, a judge has ruled, in a likely coda to a case of lingering racism in American sports. Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Michael Levanas said the deal struck by Shelly Sterling with former Microsoft Corp Chief Executive Officer Steve Ballmer was permissible and could be consummated even if Sterling, who has been banned for life from the National Basketball Association for racist remarks, chose to appeal. “She had every good reason to believe that Donald agreed to the sale of the team,” said Levanas, who added that he found Donald Sterling’s combative testimony at the emotionally charged nine-day trial “often evasive and inconsistent.”

Sepp Blatter, FIFA President

No Systematic Doping In Football -FIFA

FIFA claims there is no systematic doping culture in football and that most positive tests are individual cases usually involving recreational drugs. suspicion that blood doping would The recent 2013 World Anti- play a significant role in football.” Doping Agency (Wada) testing Fifa also disclosed in the BJSM figures revealed there were 28,002 that the longer the out-ofdoping controls carried out in 2013 competition period the greater the with 140 Adverse Analytical likelihood of eluding doping Findings (AAF) and 270 Atypical controls and the temptation on the Findings (ATF) which required a part of teams and individuals to results management process. dope. Out-of-competition blood “We are confident that there is tests accounted for only 0.61% of no systematic doping in football all doping procedures carried out and no systematic doping culture in football in 2013. in football,” a Fifa spokesperson Fifa now believes the Athlete told Goal. “There are Biological Passport (ABP) approximately 30,000 sampling programme will provide more procedures in football every year, intelligent testing and also lead to more than any other sport. a long-term reduction in costs over “There are individual cases of time. The current cost of doping, as shown by the results organising, conducting, analysing published by Wada, but most and managing a single doping positive cases are for so-called control is around $1,000. The social drugs like marijuana and overall costs of doping controls in cocaine and a few for anabolic football is about $30 million persteroids, but these are individual annum. cases.” Using those numbers it can be However, writing in April’s estimated that to catch a single British Journal of Sports athlete using anabolic steroids costs Medicine, Fifa chief medical around $3m. The ABP monitors an officer Jiri Dvorak admitted there athlete’s blood profile over time is an “urgent need” to change and can detect changes which detection strategies in football. indicate the presence of prohibited The number of doping tests in substances. The next generation football between 2005 and 2012 ABP will also be able to test better increased roughly by 50 per cent for the presence of Human Growth but the number of Adverse Hormone (HGH) as well as blood Analytical Findings (AAF) remain transfusions to increase a red blood much the same. Fifa also said that cell count. federations and even entire nations “Establishing the biological could fear total transparency due profile requires several samples of to potential exposure to a doping blood and urine so that laboratory culture and harming reputation. experts and doctors can make There has not yet been one comparisons,” Fifa said. “In confirmed case of recombinant collaboration with the EPO doping in football, something confederations and in future with Fifa admitted may be due to the national leagues, Fifa is “imperfect testing” procedures. currently establishing a database in About eight per cent of doping order to monitor footballers during controls in 2013 were for EPO. their professional career. Fifa introduced blood and urine Laboratory findings from different procedures for EPO detection at in and out of competitions controls the 2002 World Cup but also stated are stored in a central data base for to Goal that “there was no comparison.

“Fifa began this process by testing players during the Fifa Club World Cup 2011, 2012 and 2013, and for the 2013 Fifa Confederations Cup and the 2014 Fifa World Cup all players were tested unannounced prior to the competition by giving blood and urine samples. The data base is also enhanced by the sampling procedures obtained from Uefa during the Champions League 2013, 2014 and the Euro 2012. “The values can be compared to the values obtained during routine testing following each match. The data base already

includes 1,324 players from 55 nationalities and 370 different clubs. Almost all top players are included and many of them have been tested two, three, four or five times, which gives us more samples to compare and draw conclusions from.” The new ABP procedures will be in conjunction with the 2015 Wada code which relies more on evidence-based, targeted, sport-specific and situationspecific testing. The 2015 Wada code will also permit storage of samples for up to 10 years for the purpose of re-analysis

ANDREA Petkovic progressed at WTA Stanford but she will not play Sam Stosur in the second round after the Australian fell at the first hurdle. Petkovic twice recovered from going a break down in the second set to beat Ajla Tomljanovic of Croatia 6-1 6-4 as the number

eight seed got her Bank Of The West Classic campaign off to a comfortable enough start. The German had been expected to meet Stosur in the second round, but the 2011 US Open champion was bounced out by 16-year-old qualifier Naomi Osaka in an early shock

The ruling was a major victory for an embarrassed NBA and Shelly Sterling, who had asked the probate judge to confirm her as the trustee of the family trust that owns the Clippers. She acted in May to have her 80-year-old real estate billionaire husband removed when neurologists deemed him to have early Alzheimer’s disease and unable to handle business affairs. Shelly Sterling, 79, cried after the ruling and told reporters outside the courtroom: “Either way we’d win. I am just doing what I had to do.” Donald Sterling’s attorneys said they would file an appeal of the decision. “He doesn’t see this as the final battleground,” said Sterling’s attorney, Bobby Samini. “This is one stage of a long war.” In an unprecedented move, NBA commissioner Adam Silver banned Sterling and fined him $2.5 million three months ago after his taped private comments imploring a girlfriend not to associate with black people, including NBA Hall of Fame player Magic Johnson, were published. The majority of NBA players are black, and Clippers interim CEO Richard Parsons testified that team sponsors were ready to leave, head coach Doc Rivers could quit and players would refuse to play if Sterling was able to keep the franchise he has owned for 33 years. Under Sterling, the Clippers for decades languished as a league doormat and afterthought to the marquee Los Angeles Lakers, but in recent years they have added enough talent to compete in the NBA play-offs. Sterling had vowed to block the sale he initially blessed because

he said his wife improperly removed him as a trustee of the family trust that owns the Clippers. Shelly Sterling also said she believed her husband’s ban from the NBA would be lifted. During the trial, Sterling had treated her with both love and contempt, calling her a pig and liar at one stage. The NBA, looking to close a chapter that brought shame to the basketball league and outraged fans, said it was “pleased” with the court’s decision. “We look forward to the transaction closing as soon as possible,” NBA spokesman Mike Bass said. The tentative ruling will take formal effect when Levanas issues it in writing in coming weeks after he considers objections. Ballmer, known for his enthusiasm for pick-up basketball while at Microsoft, is ready to get to work, his attorney, Adam Streisand, said. “He is very excited ... about bringing dignity back to the Clippers,” Streisand said. Legal experts said the ruling was so strongly in favour of Shelly Sterling that any challenge from Donald Sterling was unlikely to derail the sale. “He can appeal as much as he likes, but the Clippers are going to be sold to Ballmer,” said Ed McCaffery, a professor of law at University of Southern California. Sterling has also sued the NBA, the league commissioner and his wife in state and federal courts, contending the team was illegally taken from him. “We expect that we’ll continue to get grenades from all directions,” Streisand said.

Stosur Upset In Stanfod As Petkovic Progresses

Samantha Stosur

result. Stosur had match point at 7-6 up in the second set tie-break, and then led 5-3 in the third set, but failed to capitalise on either position of authority and eventually went down 4-6 7-6(7) 7-5. It was one of the biggest wins

of the youngster’s short career but not, in her opinion, the biggest. “It’s probably the second-best win of my life,” Osaka said. “The first being when I first beat my sister.” Her next opponent Petkovic was relieved to make it past Tomljanovic after a tricky previous encounter between the two. “I’m very happy, especially because I lost to Ajla the last time we played in a tough match,” Petkovic said. “I just think she has so much raw talent and such a great future. I’m very happy I’m through.” Top seed Serena Williams is the headline act at the tournament in California as the American makes her first appearance since her troubled Wimbledon. She will play Karolina Pliskova in the second round, after the Czech downed Kimiko Date-Krumm 61 6-3.

Commonwealth Games

Okagbare Grabs Gold For Okagbare, who still has NIGERIA’S Blessing 200m and long jump gold to Okagbare set a new Nigeria aim at in these Games, said: Commonwealth record of

Blessing Okagbare, of Nigeria celebrates after wining the women’s 100 meter final, at Hampden Park stadium in Glasgow during the Commonwealth Games 2014 in Glasgow, Scotland, Monday, July 28, 2014.

10.85 seconds to win 100m gold and put her Jamaican rivals in the shade. Okagbare produced a fine piece of relaxed sprinting to leave Veronica CampbellBrown in silver and Kerron Stewart bronze. England’s Asha Philip produced a new personal best of 11.18secs to take fourth. Compatriot Bianca Williams took sixth in her first major championships. Philip said: “Fourth is always the first loser, but there’s a lot more to come.

“I wanted a medal, but it’s my first ever Commonwealth Games. I’m really happy with that.”

“A season’s best, a win - I’m just happy I was able to pull it off. After 70m it just felt easy.

JAMAICAN Kemar Bailey-Cole won the Commonwealth Games 100 metres gold medal in a time of 10.00 seconds on Monday. Bailey-Cole made a slow start out of the blocks at Hampden Park but his long stride helped him claw his

way back into the main group at the midway point. With 10 metres remaining he got on the shoulder of England’s Adam Gemili and powered past him to take victory. Gemili took silver in 10.10 seconds while Jamaican Nickel Ashmeade claimed the bronze in 10.12.

Jamaican Bailey-Cole Wins 100 Metres

First Senior Medal For Gemili ADAM Gemili’s With 100m Silver decision to focus on the

Kemar Bailey-Cole of Jamaica centre, wins the men’s 100 meter race as he looks across at Adam Gemili, right, of England who came second at Hampden Park Stadium during the Commonwealth Games 2014 in Glasgow, Scotland, Monday July 28, 2014.

the world’s 50 best footballers of the season.

relatively poor start himself to take gold in 10.00. And Gemili insists his success at Hampden Park will hopefully be just the start for him over the 100m distance. “This is my first senior medal and I’m speechless,” said Gemili. “There is so much preparation that goes into running just ten seconds – it’s not as easy as people think. “I’ve got a great team behind me and they are who I need to thank. It’s

my first time representing England and I’m so happy. “The reception I got was absolutely unbelievable and it’s something I’m never going to forget. “It was not about the time – it was about the position and I’ve done it so I’m over the moon. “The times will come and hopefully I will have a decent career in terms of the time I run. But medals are what counts and this is a stepping stone now for the European Championships in a couple of weeks, the World Championships and then eventually Rio.”

has implored the former Nigeria U17 star Kelechi Iheanacho not to rest on his

oars as the Citizens stepup preparations for the 2014/2015 English Premier League season.

City’s 5-1 win over AC Milan in the International Champions Cup in Pennsylvania. The 17-year-old who got a starter’s shirt by manager Pellegrini got his side’s fourth goal in the 25th minute. With defenders in front of him, he toe-poked a shot and nestled into the bottom left corner that gave goalkeeper Agazzi no chance. “We have a lot of young players here with us. We have Kelechi Iheanacho, Greg Leigh, Jason Denayer and several others,” Pellegrini told the club’s official website. “It’s an important chance for them to show what they can do, and maybe this moment it is their moment,” he concluded.

100m in Glasgow proved a masterstroke as he earned himself Commonwealth Games silver, his first senior medal. The 20-year-old got a fantastic start and crossed the line in 10.10 seconds, favorite Kemar BaileyCole recovering from a

Vincent Enyeama The Only Nigerian In Goal 50

GOALKEEPER Vincent Enyeama has been named in 27th position in the 2014 Goal 50, which was released in full on Monday afternoon. (See full details here - Goal 50 2014) made the list in 2013. The 31-year-old is the Enyeama kept two clean only Nigerian to be named sheets as he helped Nigeria on the list of the top 50 reach the second round at performers from last the World Cup in Brazil season, and the second- weighing in with some ever after Sunday Mba quality saves.

Vincent Enyeama

He also had a great season with his club where he went 1062 minutes without conceding a goal as Lille set up an early challenge for the Ligue 1 title. They eventually finished third and earned a Uefa Champions League spot. For his feat in the French top division, Enyeama was awarded the Marc Vivien Foe prize for best African player in France last season. A colourful character, Enyeama helped Nigeria win the 2013 Africa Cup of Nations title in South Africa and has grown in confidence since. He was listed among the best goalkeepers at the 2014 World Cup, 12 years after he made his debut in a game against England at Korea/Japan 2002. The Goal 50 is our prestigious annual award that recognizes and ranks

Pellegrini Demands More From Iheanacho scored second MANCHESTER City Iheanacho in his consecutive game in manager Manuel Pellegrini

Kelechi Iheanacho

CMYK A time came in Rivers State when the contracts awarded in the state were mainly intended for the indigenes of the state. That was when Governor Chibuike Amaechi was leading the state with indigenous-biased coloration, being a man who loved his indigenous peoples he was close to before he became governor. Amaechi exalted the indigenes of Rivers State and gave them rights and considerations. That was the period he said that the Rivers money was for Rivers people. But when the people he so-much loved were betraying him, he reversed his seemingly social stance to ‘Rivers money is for competent people’. Contracts were being awarded in Rivers State and many of them were not completed or were abandoned or were politicized. Some of the contractors are those fighting Amaechi today in one way or the other even though that when you ask them to bring the proof that they completed the contracts that were given them to do, you see them bringing Kangaroo proofs that the contracts that were awarded to them were completed. Amaechi seemingly did not tighten up how contracts were awarded in Rivers State. He might say that it was not in his office to award contracts, but since this concerned his government, the criteria with which contracts were awarded then to mostly indigenes, were not committed to assiduous supervision. The contracts were like largesse to his indigenous fellows because in earnest, the governor loved his ‘pals’ to a fault. It is today not certain if Amaechi still remember his inaugural speech of Oct. 26 2007 after he won his case with the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) in the court that ousted Sir Celestine Omehia, when he said, “I will

serve you with humility, and above all, with fear of God. I will listen to your opinion and will be guided by your views and together we will make Rivers State great again”. Without trumpeting my own praise, I was one of the frontrunners that guided and guarded Amaechi when he served

“Amaechi’s Dilemma”. The paper succinctly stated that Amaechi expressed his frustrations and his government’s failures during a chat with Rivers stakeholders and the media. Amaechi laid bare his feelings on the grim realities confronting his administration while

revenue base of the state to meet the increasing challenge of sustaining the economic profile of the state should be the challenge confronting Amaechi in the face of many multi-nationals that fled the state in the wake of kidnappings and violent attacks on the management and staff of

Matters In Focus With

Odimegwu Onwumere Night, and the 2009 version of Nite of A Thousand Laughs, entreated to pep up Rivers State. You may say, just frivolities!

his administration in the hands of those he loved, in this regard: “I can confess that since I assumed office, waste

Amaechi, Contractors And The Future Of Rivers State

with ‘humility and fear of God’, when he was listening to ‘our opinions and was guided by our views’ as commentators. These attributes of the governor unfortunately have all been engulfed and gulped by politics of the Titans in the midst of those he once loved and assisted. Many of the contracts were not reviewed if they were actually completed or not. I had written in my articles then that it was as if the governor had the indigenes of Rivers State at heart when he was making that inaugural speech, but many of them later betrayed him. He knows what I am writing about his ‘people betraying him’ if he would relax and reflect on the whole issue. The ‘focused’ Amaechi then had put in excellent plans by restoring most of play fields particularly in old Port Harcourt Township and had all insisted on good sports arena for the new primary school buildings embarked upon in all the LGA of Rivers State. Today, is it not about President Jonathan and the presidency that Amaechi has focused all his attention to? As ‘history would absorb me’ concerning my genuine contributions in Rivers State, I singlehandedly fought for the integration of nonindigenes in the affairs of the government and many of them are today enjoying the fruits of that labour which I carried out through massive media briefs on the need non-indigenes should be incorporated in Amaechi’s government and he did not betray. The records are there! At a point Amaechi was disappointed in the indigenous contractors. This was evident in the The NEWS, January 18, 2010, with the article titled,

Governor Chibuike Amaechi of Rivers State presenting the 2010 proposed budget estimate of N429 billion to the state House of Assembly on 23 December 2009. Prominent among his worries was the drop from the state’s 2009 budget of N432.28 billion in the 2010 fiscal estimate. This was heralded, as due to the reduction of revenue from the Federation Account, as a result of the ceding of about 200 oil wells from the state to Akwa-Ibom, Bayelsa and other bordering states by the National Boundary Commission, NBC, and the Revenue Allocation, Mobilisation and Fiscal Commission (which that of Akwa Ibom 86 oil wells ceded to her have been reclaimed by Rivers State, 2011). I had written then that not only how to shore up the

oil companies in the state, but, also, the plight of nonindigenes that had been left in abject penury in Rivers State. Today, I must say that it is the entire state that has been left in abject penury and not nonindigenes anymore. When I look back, I’m yet to see the benefits of the many groups in the entertainment industry who were implored to stage shows in Port Harcourt, starting with ‘Diplomatic Unplugged’ by Akas Baba, followed by Friends of WAZOBIA FM, ECOWAS Beauty Pageant, AY Live, ION Film Festival and CARNIRIV 2009/2010, which was the Rivers’ government’s clone of the Calabar end-of-year Carnival. Other shows organised were CRACK YA RIBS by ace comedian Julius Agwu, THISDAY Musical Entertainment

His indigenous contractors conversely betrayed his government. Amaechi affirmed this again during an interactive session with the media one time at the Government House, Port Harcourt. Amaechi then frowned at the woeful performance of

disposal has [posed] a serious challenge to my administration. But the problems are that we inherited waste disposal contractors who are mainly (indigenous?) politicians in the state who receive between N4 and N5 million monthly but hardly evacuate the refuse.” We once saw exmilitants who were camped at Aluu for training in various skills, near Port-Harcourt, after the amnesty programme of President Musa Yar’Adua was granted them, went on rampage, because of lack of adequacy to their welfare. This is the fate of the state today. The truth is that Amaechi knew at the back of his heart that he had sacrificed the future of the state on the altar of indigenous political patronage of politicians who were in the corridors of power. The truth of the matter again was hinged on the fact that the individuals behind the brouhahas that Amaechi is today facing were those he could not look straight in the face and tell them how they betrayed the trust he had for them, hence pummeling the future of the state.

Printed and published by Bendel Newspapers Company Limited, 24, Airport Road, P.M.B. 1334 Benin City. Telephone; Lagos: 01 4930929, Benin: 052 257492, 257531 Editor: BARR. SOLOMON IMOHIOSEN (KSJI)-(07030699646), Deputy General Manager-Marketing (08023457566), Assistant General Manager-Advertisement (08023808856) Lagos Office: 25A Alli Street, Off Tinubu Square, Lagos Island, Lagos. Abuja Office: Floor 1, Edo House, 75 Ralph Shodeinde Street, Central Business District, Abuja. Tel/Fax: 09-5237631. All correspondence to: 24 Airport Road, Benin City. E-mail: (ISSN 0331-2674)

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