Thankful For You DISCUSSION
It is God’s promise to you that as you continue to love each other and seek His wisdom in your relationship, He will reveal Himself to you in beautiful ways. Cozy up and dive into what God has in store for you through some honest discussion, reflection and prayer. Be sure to have your Bible handy. If you don’t have access to one, check out the Bible Gateway app available on your Apple or Android device.
-- W h a t -- W h a t -- W h a t
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We hear a lot about having an “attitude of gratitude.” We try to teach this concept to our kids, or point out when this is lacking in others’ lives. What did this look like in the life of Jesus? If Jesus is our perfect example of living a Christ-centered life, let’s see how He modeled this for us.
As you push pause on your date night activities and get ready to make your way through this discussion guide together, take a minute to acknowledge just how blessed you are! Put your date guide down for five or ten minutes, get comfy and soak up this quiet moment together. Give thanks to God for this time together, for each other and for whatever else pops into your mind. Ready your hearts to receive God’s word.
God really doesn’t need our thanks. He isn’t a demanding father looking down on us, withholding His grace until we sing His praises. We sing His praises because of the undeserved grace that He has already poured out for us. Having a spirit of gratitude pleases our Father, but it is largely for our own benefit. It is what refuels us when life slows us down. Let’s read Colossians 3:17 together: “And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” “In whatever we do . . .” This means every day. Every new breath is a gift! We give thanks to keep our hearts in the right relationship with the giver of every gift. We give thanks because God gave us His son so that we could be set free. We give thanks because the Lord works all things together for good for those who place their trust in His sovereignty (see Romans 8:28). Through practicing an attitude of gratitude every day, even when circumstances aren’t going our way, our hearts will be tuned in to His grace. A thankful heart has the power to keep us in a place of humility and dependency on God. As we recognize how much we need Him, it opens up the door for continued blessings. It invites His presence. God loves to give good gifts to His children (see Matthew 7:11).
a r e t h e b i g t h i n gs? a r e t h e l i t t l e , e v eryda y t hings?
m a j o r b l e s s i n g s do you t a ke for granted?
-- Wha t
spirit ua l blessings ha ve you a s a couple encount ered in 2018?
-- Who
a re t he people t ha t you a re most t ha nkf ul for? Why?
Philippians 2:5 says, “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.” Who, on the day of His crucifixion, knowing what was before Him, gave thanks to His Father . . . Let that sink in for a moment. Sitting around a table, Jesus was surrounded by His disciples. In just a short time, He would be nailed to a cross and separated from His Father. Knowing this, He stood before those He loved and ministered to and “praised God by giving thanks” (1 Corinthians 11:24). He gave thanks before using a boy’s lunch to feed thousands (John 6:11). He stood before the cave where His friend Lazarus lay and gave thanks to His Father for hearing His prayer (John 11:41). Are you willing to give thanks before a time of testing, or when you are in need of a miracle, like Jesus did?
Do you find it hard to give thanks when circumstances are difficult? Next time you are in a challenging situation, try beginning your prayer for deliverance with a word of thanks for God’s redemptive plan, which is already in the works. Do you tend to think more about what you don’t have than what you do have? Next time you find yourself here, battling feelings of covetousness, remind yourself of what Christ gave for you so that you could be free from that bondage. Take a few minutes now to pray together. If you are unsure where to start, pray these words: Dear Heavenly Father, giver of all good gifts, You made the ultimate sacrifice for us so that we could live in constant communion with You. It is impossible to comprehend what this gift is worth, and tonight, we are grateful that it comes at no cost to us. For this reason, we give our lives to You in gratitude. We choose to live every day, like Your son Jesus, giving all honor and praise to Your name. I want to thank You now, especially for . . .