DNI Faith Key to my Heart Discussion Guide

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Key y m o t t r a e H D I S C U S S I ON G U I D E

W E L C OM E It is Go d’s promise to you that as you continue to love each other and seek His wisdom in your relationship, He will reveal Himself to you in b eautiful ways. Cozy up and dive into what Go d has in store for you through some honest discussion, reflection and prayer. Be sure to have your Bible handy. If you don’t have access to one, check out the Bible Gateway app available on your Apple or Android device. For a custo m Date Night In Box Faith playlist, featuring Christian artists, visit nightinboxes.com/music.

E X P R E S S YO U R L OV E When entering a relationship, finding that spark is usually easy. After the spark fades and life circumstances come into play, a relationship can b e tested. Finding someone who pushes you to b ecome the b est version of yourself is a blessing, and finding someone who also encourages you in your relationship with Christ is priceless. In a relationship, it’s important to fo cus your energy on building each other up in Christ. Acting in love toward your partner takes intention, but Go d gives us a road map to follow. We all cho ose to express love in different ways. As you will discover during your love language quizzes, your heart will respond to one love language more naturally than others. In The 5 Love Languages, Dr. Gary Chapman highlights that acts of love can b e lost in translation if you aren’t aware of how your partner seeks love. There are countless ways to display love, but tonight we are going to fo cus on 5 common expressions.

reminder of the blessing that Go d has given you in one another. Enjoying your date night this evening is a wonderful way to spend quality time with each other! R E C E I V I NG GI F T S Hebre ws 13:16 “And do not forget to do good and to sh are with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” Giving your partner a gift, however small it may b e, lets them know that you intentionally sought out their happiness. It displays thoughtfulness and selflessness, and lets your partner know that their joy is a priority for you.

A C T S O F S E RV I C E John 13:5 “Then he poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet and to wipe them with the to wel th at was wrapped around him.” Jesus displayed His love for His disciples by humbling Himself and tenderly serving one of their most basic needs. Performing acts of service for your partner can b e anything from filling their gas tank to crossing a challenging task off their to-do list. It displays a sacrifice of your time, energy and thought.


If you h aven’t already, pause here and take so me time to co mplete your love language quizzes before continuing your discussion.

Luke 15:20 “And he arose and came to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father sa w him and felt co mpassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him.”

We hope you’ve identified your primary love languages and discussed them together. Let’s take a closer lo ok at each of the 5 love languages and see how we can put them into practice. You may find a new appreciation for a certain love language.

Physical touch can b e a powerful expression of love. In Jesus’ ministry, He continually used physical touch to display His love and compassion for His followers. A lack of physical touch in your relationship can leave you feeling disconnected and unloved, even if this is not your primary love language.

W OR D S O F A F F I R M A T I ON Proverbs 16:24 “Gracious words are a honeyco mb, s weet to the soul and healing to the bones.” A n e ncou r a gi ng wo rd c a n le ave a l a s t i ng i mp a c t . S h a r i ng a f fi r m i ng wo r d s wit h you r p a r t ne r do e s no t ne e d to b e co mple x o r lo ng - wi nde d . I f it do e s n ’ t co me n at u r a lly to yo u to s ho w love i n t hi s w ay, t r y w r it i ng a no te o r s e nd i ng a te x t , telli ng you r p a r t ne r s o me t hi ng s i mple t hat you ap p r e c i ate a b o ut t he m . Q UA L I T Y T I M E Hebre ws 10:24-25 “And let us consider ho w we may spur one another on to ward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as so me are in the h abit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day app roaching.” John Piper writes in his b o ok, Desiring God, “Seek your joy in the joy of your spouse.” Are you willing to slow down and spend quality time with your partner if it will bring them joy? Spending quality time connecting with each other will bring a sweet

P R AY E R A N D R E F L E C T I ON Share with your partner one new thing that you learned ab out his or her heart this evening. With this in mind, take a few minutes to discuss these questions: How are you encou ra ged by what God has been doing in you r relationship? W hat sacrifices are you willing to make in order to show you r par tner love in a new way?

Take a minute to pray together silently or aloud. If you are unsure where to start, pray these words: “Heavenly Father, th ank You for allo wing us to set this quality time aside as we get to kno w each other’s hearts a little bit more intimately. Would You stir in us a desire to seek the joy of our partner above our o wn? Th ank You for giving us the perfect example of love in Your son, Jesus. Please guide us daily as we step out of our co mfort zones to sho w each other our love. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. ”

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