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A look Back at 2022
Say goodbye 2022 & HELLO 2023
and hello to 2023 … I have to say that 2022 was a year with numerous ups and downs. All-in-all NightMoves had a solid year and the ups easily defeated the downs! Here are a few highlights:
The return of Christopher Blue to our family was been a pleasant surprise. Chris was an important part of our company years ago and I didn’t realize how much I missed his insights and friendship. He is a movie & music trivia encyclopedia, Beatles fan and he helped in bringing numerous accounts back into our pages. A huge 2022 plus!
Our 30th Annual NightMoves Awards Show Weekend was a fantastic success. The Star Caravan locations, the adult fi lm stars & feature dancers we brought into town, the show itself at Mojito’s Tampa and the Showgirl “Duo-Act” contest were all amazing! Another great 2022 plus!
Our monthly “Spin The Wheel / Customer Appreciation Parties” all worked out great! We visited area nightclubs and gave away tons of adult toys, vibrators, lingerie, lotto tickets & prize baskets to entertainers & club patrons. Our fantastic sponsors (Cupid’s Boutique & Love Toys) have been nothing short of sensational. We are looking forward to the 2023 “Spin The Wheel” locations!
We hosted two golf tournaments at Tarpon Woods Golf Course and raised thousands of dollars for Jan Stephenson’s Crossroads Foundation (A Purple Heart Charity). Our caddies made money and had fun and our golfers had an afternoon they will not soon forget! We will be doing another tournament in April or May of 2023!
NightMoves attended numerous expos & shows throughout the country (Exxotica’s, Exotic Dancer Expo & FetishCon to name a few) the addition of Richard Kent has been great. Richard loves going to these events and he takes amazing photos and we are able to print recap articles with photos online and in print. Welcome to the team Richard!
On the “Other Side of the Coin” 2022 was not a good year when it came to health issues. Tracy spent two weeks in the hospital with pneumonia and is still feeling the eff ects here in late December. Andrew Rock had knee surgery and is far from 100% as well … NO MORE DOCTOR APPOINTMENTS IN 2023!!
Hurricane Ian was a son-of-a-bitch and demolished areas just south of Tampa Bay. People are still homeless and are fi ghting FEMA and insurance agencies. I get so pissed off when I see this happening and then watch our country bail out some European/ African country with billions of dollars. Damn it … help the citizens here in the USA.
I’m hoping that 2023 will be as good (without the health issues and bad weather) as 2022 was. We have a lot planned and we want to sincerely thank you for supporting and reading our publication. We put a lot of time and eff ort into every edition with
exclusive photos and articles. We pride ourselves in our editorial and exclusive photographs ... we don’t just print photos of beautiful stock models or reprint articles on automobiles. Nobody cares about or reports on the adult industry in Central Florida better than NightMoves … Thank you all for your support!