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Up Close & Personal with Miles Long
Welcome again everyone to my Up Close and Personal series with all of your Favorite adult stars, where we get an inside look at what they like, what their interests are, how they got into the Adult Business and other juicy personal details that come from being close friends with them as well as some gorgeous pictures of these lovely ladies and all their important social media and web links!
Miles: Yes I’m so fucking excited, because you know it’s not every day I get to see my Filipina Bestie because we are both Filipino (Reaches in and High Fives) I mean most people don’t even know that about me, these are my People here! So it’s my special privilege to have this interview with my long time Super Bestie and a Beautiful Filipina Jada Kai. Now this is actually pretty cool you have an interesting story that’s very diff erent than the other traditional career paths of people that have gotten into the business. Like how did you fi rst get into the Business? Because you were doing something totally diff erent before you got into this.
Jada: Yeah I was in Figure Skating before this... (Laughs)
Miles: And not just like you like skated around an ice rink a little, you were much more famous than that, I don’t know if some of you have not seen her work or followed here interviews we have done, she is actually a world famous ice skater who has represented the Philippines as a champion can you tell us a little more about that because pretty fucking special that’s not something that everybody has happen to them right?
Jada: Yeah for sure, so I started skating when I was really young I was like 6 years old when I fi rst stepped on the ice... And then I started competing... (Laughs)
Miles: So, did your parent’s know that you really liked skating when you were that young?
Jada: Yeah I would like throw temper tantrums ... (Laughs)
Miles: No way shut up! You were like stamping your feet and yelling “I wanna go Ice-skating!!!” (Laughs)
Jada: “I wanna go Ice skating RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!” (Screams and Laughs)
Miles: OMG that’s so fucking funny! (Laughs)
Jada: So there were like “OK we will take you Ice Skating!” (Laughs) I started taking group lessons, and then once I started taking private lessons, the coach I was working with at the time, was like “Wow I think she’s really talented, maybe you guys should move to train in Delaware.” which is one of the top training centers at the time ... So I ended up moving by the time I was 8 years old, with my family to like to pursue a whole Ice Skating career.
Miles: Wow now was that a tough thing for you, uprooting from where you were, like you had friends and a school and all that stuff and your parents had jobs and all that stuff right?
Jada: Yeah so, I was living in Philadelphia at the time so I didn’t even hear about Delaware because I was so young, and so I was a little bit sad when I left but I ended up really liking Delaware, and I kept competing, I wasn’t as good as I thought I was when I was that young... Miles: OK, OK you mean when you went to the training center there were other folks who were more experienced and talented than where you had been coached previously...
Jada: Yeah, defi nitely, like, it was night and day, going to that rink because there were people from all over the world training there, so I ended up not doing so good competitively as when I was younger, and by the time I was in High School, I had worked really hard and ended up making Team USA...
Miles: Wow what a big deal!!!! Jada: And when I was 14, I did my fi rst competition in Italy, and I brought home the Gold there, and I was able to keep that up for 5 years.
Miles: OK so what we can take away from this folks is that this was not an occasional pastime for her she was actually pretty fucking good at this... (Laughs)
Jada: (Laughs) Yeah, it was crazy hard work, like I don’t know how I worked that hard when I was that young...
Miles: So I’ve read some interviews of Gymnasts that were on the Olympic team for USA have talked about the strenuous work outs that they would have to go through, doing
2000 sit ups a day, and all this other crazy stuff , was that a really hard workout regime you had as well when you were younger?
Jada: (Laughs) Yeah, it was insane, I would be working out and skating before school, I would start training at 530 in the morning, and then I would go to school for a little bit, and then I would be right back at the Rink, going back to training, and then working out again at night time and by the time I would get home it would be like 7pm, so then I would be doing homework, and then same thing every day. (Laughs) It was pretty crazy...
Miles: WOW! Now back then, I was seeing when the crazy BMX stunt guys would want to get good at some crazy trick they had a big foam pit and they would take their bike, go off the jump and they would practice their trick and land in the foam pit, so obviously, if they don’t land correctly they would not injure themselves... Is there something like that for ice skating? Where you are trying to do this Triple Quadruple Quintuple Jumpy Double Triple Axle Flippie Thingie and then obviously you don’t want to land on your head on the ice, because then you would break something...
Jada: Yeah, there’s some things to help you out with that, there would be harnesses that we would wear, so the coach would like pull you up with a harness attached to a rope, and help you spin, so you would learn what it feels like to do rotations, and they would kind of catch you a little bit so that if you would fall you wouldn’t fall too hard, and there was also Off Ice training where we would learn our jumps off of the ice, and then do it on the ice later, but yes there was a lot of falling, and we would wear these Butt Pads on each hip and also to protect our tailbone... Miles: Yeah you defi nitely don’t want to break your tailbone, then you would be down for the count for a while... So how did you go from that to representing our country, the Philippines?
Jada: So both my parents were Filipino and since I was a dual citizen I was able to represent the Philippines as well and put the Philippines on the map in international competition, I was able to share my skating with the new Rinks over there, because skating is pretty new to the Philippines, it’s an island you know... (Laughs)
Miles: A Tropical Island... (Laughs)
Jada: Yes a Tropical Island... (Laughs) So there’s not just ice everywhere and available...
Miles: You can’t just snowboard Jada: For sure so, it was very neat for me to be able to bring that to the Philippines.
Miles: Awesome, and so when you competed how did you do representing our Country?
Jada: Well I earned 2 National Championships...
Miles: Wow congratulations that’s amazing!
Jada: And I was able to Medal Internationally for the Philippines, and that was really special to me.
Miles: And weren’t you also able to help some of the kids coming up with some coaching while you were over there which was pretty special too? Jada: It was really nice because I got to do workshops with the new skaters, and I was able to inspire them a little bit to pursue fi gure skating which was new, I ended up moving to Delaware like I said when I was really young and I was able to train with amazing skaters and it was really cool when I was at the Philippines and I was able to train side by side with them and actually I was able to do that in Thailand as well, and help them build a skating program...
Miles: Now have you been able to stay in touch with any of those Gals, and it’s been some time now, have any of them stuck with it and become a skater that’s represented the Philippines or Thailand?
Jada: Yes they were all able to compete, while I was there
actually, and I helped them a lot of them moved on to school but, because they were skating so much they inspired another generation of skaters behind them! So I think the Philippines will be on the Map for a while!
Miles: That’s a feel good story right there! At what point did you realize sex was a thing and the fi rst person you had sex with was that a boy or a girl?
Jada: It was a boy...
Miles: Was it his idea or your idea?
Jada: It was DEFINITELY his Idea ... (Laughs)
Miles: Nothing wrong with that! (Laughs)
Jada: I remember that this boy was defi nitely more sexually experienced than me so I was kind of like embarrassed about being a virgin, so I kept that from him...
Miles: Wow, so you never told him! (Laughs) You did your best, “Fake It ‘til you Make It!” (Laughs)
Jada: Yeah... I was like “I know what I’m doing!” (Laughs)
Miles: And he was like “Wait a minute what are you doing that’s not a BJ.” (Laughs)
Jada: (Laughs) Yeah it was like the fi rst time we hooked up, we got naked, and he pointed at his package and was like “Do you want to suck it?” and I was like ... Um OK.” (Laughs) It was probably like the worst BJ...
Miles: Trust me everyone, she’s gotten A LOT better since then... (Laughs)
Jada: I remember when he came I was like (Looks around confused and shrugs) “I don’t know what I’m supposed to do here.” (Laughs) “What so I do?” (Laughs) I didn’t know what Cum was... (Laughs) and now it’s my job. (Laughs)
Miles: That’s what I’m talking about... Practice makes perfect! (Laughs) Now what about girls? Were you into girls at all?
Jada: Yeah I was always very attracted to girls, I would always check them out, I was also always very shy with girls so...
Miles: I think that’s also part of our culture generally though... I mean the women tend to be more shy... Right? So that’s not surprising, but... The fi rst girl that you hooked up with... This has got to be a good one right? Jada: The fi rst girl that I hooked up with, I don’t know it might not be the best story... (Laughs)
Miles: Oh it’s a good story, I actually know this story that’s why I’m saying it’s a good story... (Laughs)
Jada: So at the time I was working at a bar, and this beautiful blonde girl, she was a regular at the bar, so she made friends with all of the bartenders, and...
Miles: So she was eye fucking you the whole time... (Laughs)
Jada: So she ended up telling everyone at my job that “Jada is pretty cute!” and she told everyone there that she was Miles: She was like “Jada is pretty hot, I wanna sit on her face, you got her number?” (Laughs) I’m paraphrasing but that’s what she was saying right? (Laughs)
Jada: So we started getting to know each other really well...
Miles: So when you say getting to know each other really well, does that mean Deep French Kissing or what? (Laughs) Holding pinky fi ngers, or were you just serving her drinks? (Laughs)
Jada: (Laughs) Exchanging words... (Laughs) Before exchanging spit right? So she was hanging out at my place, and then one night things just got all juicy, she was defi nitely ... It was just like me losing my virginity all over again... (Laughs) She knew exactly what to do, and I was just like along for the ride... (Laughs) I was like “This feels good!” and that was when I was like “Wow I really do like hooking up with girls!”
Miles: Now besides the incredible solo scene you did for “When Girls Are Alone” and this incredible interview, where can we see more of you on the Interwebs? What are your Social Media Handles?
Keep up with Jada Kai and all her adventures here:
twitter.com/Offi cialJadaKai instagram.com/offi cialjadakai/
Keep up with Miles Long and all his adventures here:
twitter.com/mileslong4real instagram.com/mileslong4real/ www.mileslong4real.com/ povmania.com/ girlgirlmania.com/ imdb.me/mileslong