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INFATUATION Your impeccably fascinating and nimble lids; had infatuated my despicably tyrannized eyes; to such an overwhelmingly profuse extent, That they had forgotten to disdainfully cry; shrugging the winds of brutally traumatized anguish; forever and ever and ever. Your freshly budding crusts of immaculately clattering teeth; had infatuated my pathetically gloomy lips; to such an unimaginably unprecedented extent, That they had forgotten even the most diminutive definition of painstaking sadness; perennially blossoming into cloudbursts of ebullient laughter. Your rhapsodically tinkling and tranquilly dangling lobes; had infatuated my drearily dwindling ears to such a profoundly unconquerable extent, That they had completely relinquished the ocean of diabolically manipulative sound forever; poignantly blending their fading senses; with the entrenchment of bountifully panoramic atmosphere. Your celestially innocuous and mesmerizing dimples; had infatuated my nervously writhing neck to such an irrevocably overpowering extent, That it incorrigibly refrained to maneuver even the slightest towards salaciously evil; fabulously enshrouding itself with the heavenly fruits of eternally ravishing creation. Your magically resplendent and supremely tiny palms; had infatuated my penuriously staggering fingers; to such an Omnisciently miraculous extent, That they unequivocally quit even the most infinitesimally insipid iota of evil; invincibly bonding with all philanthropically symbiotic mankind. Your wonderfully regale and twinkling feet; had infatuated my morbidly wavering footsteps; to such an incomprehensibly exuberant extent, That they perpetually marched towards the path of gloriously unflinching righteousness; spawning a fascinatingly unassailable religion of humanity; on every step that they transgressed. Your daintily enamoring and immaculate belly; had infatuated my disastrously famished stomach to such an endlessly supreme extent, That it perennially expurgated even the most inconspicuous element of treachery miserably incarcerated within; handsomely replenishing itself with the seeds of romantically unending timelessness. Your unchallangably godly and pristine breath; had infatuated my heinously estranged nostrils; to such a tantalizingly fathomless extent, That they exhaled only the mantra of scintillatingly priceless truth; wholesomely abdicating even the tiniest trace of malice; for infinite more births yet to unveil.

Your melodiously poignant streams of innocent blood; had infatuated my remorsefully shrinking veins to such a holistically serene extent, That they intractably vomited all lecherously dolorous despair; majestically assimilating the gorgeously untainted charisma; of this boundlessly beautiful Universe. And your royal fountain of immortally new born beats; had infatuated my ludicrously extinguishing heart to such an undefeated extent, That it not only indefatigably entwined with the cradle of glitteringly compassionate love; but ubiquitously disseminated a stream of marvelous humanity to every cranny besieged with horrendously crippling despair; passionately sequestered every devastatingly orphaned cry; in its humanitarian swirl.

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