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RENUNCIATION Renunciation from dolorously heinous stagnation; the corpses of crippling decay that had so vindictively strangulated every aspect of my impoverished existence, Renunciation from preposterously dastardly stench; the unfathomably abominable filth of bizarre manipulation; that had so treacherously pulverized me on every step that I dared to tread, Renunciation from despicably claustrophobic monotony; the knives of insane bloodshed and gory war; pugnaciously stabbing me from all sides, Renunciation from indefatigably squelching dreariness; the seeds of invidious laggardness; making me disdainfully collapse like a pack of frigid matchsticks; even before I alight a single step, As I perpetually blended myself with the unsurpassably exotic petals of the poignantly proliferating nature; solely inhaling its Omnipotently philanthropic fragrance; for infinite more births of mine yet to handsomely unveil . 1. Renunciation from tyrannically lambasting slavery; the blood-stained chains of malevolent dictatorship which had so brutally excoriated the shades of my vivaciously resplendent existence, Renunciation from robotically corporate machinery; the pompously spurious and ghastly walls of ignominiously castigating office; which had so indiscriminately incarcerated me from nine to nine, Renunciation from graveyards of fretful cowardliness; the ghosts of baselessly horrific fear; venomously poisoning my immaculately fantastic mind all the time, Renunciation from the shells of grotesquely sinister diffidence; the feckless hypochondriac that tried to annihilate me with its swords of unrelenting viciousness; every unfurling minute of the day and the bountifully star studded night, As I surrendered every ingredient of my mind; body and soul; to the invincibly Omnipresent inferno of spell binding righteousness; coalescing with the fabric of unflinching truth till the Lord had destined the very last breath of my life . 3.

Renunciation from the conventionally meaningless society; the derogatorily sinful wisps of sleazy cigar smoke and sanctimonious slang; which had rendered my survival more exacerbated than the wounds of a wailing dog, Renunciation from the tornadoes of gory war; the rain of innocent blood that poured unstoppably on my countenance; as countless lost their lives in battles of color and tribe, Renunciation from the gutters of unforgivable corruption; the raunchy wad of salacious notes; indefatigably trying to weigh every ingredient of my holistically blessed survival, Renunciation from disastrously stray loneliness; the winds of murderously rebuked isolation; overwhelmingly overpowering me; for ostensibly not the slightest fault of mine, As I wholeheartedly embraced the religion of eternally endowing humanity; blissfully burgeoning in its swirl to continue God’s most sacred chapter of creation; perpetually bonding with every synergistically living organism and its kind . 4. Renunciation from shattered glasses of asphyxiated boredom; the whiplashes of irascibly pernicious and anomalous sodomy that truculently impeded me; on every stage of my life, Renunciation from the web of transiently surreptitious desire; the untamed infernos of insurmountably bawdy delight that sporadically crept up from nowhere in clear space; into my wandering soul, Renunciation from the tunnels of abhorrently sordid betrayal; the pathetically reverberating edifices of prurient prejudice; parasitically deteriorating the beats of my marvelously celestial existence, Renunciation from inexplicably slandering misery; the incomprehensibly livid ant holes of cancerous disease; which so tumultuously augmented in every part of my sensitive blood and skin, As I immortally bonded every beat of my heart with hers forever and ever and ever; with the unassailably unparalleled fires between our bodies miraculously quelling all agonizing pain not only for this birth; but each time the Creator gifted this earth to eclectic mankind .

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