THE SKY OF UNCONQUERABLE LOVE. If you asked me how tall was it; I would perhaps miserably stutter; faltering an umpteenth number of times; before I could even emanate an inconspicuous whisper, If you asked me how vivacious was it; I would perhaps stumble like ninepins on obdurate ground; ludicrously bedazzled by that extra tinge of somberly radiant light, If you asked me how fragrant was it; I would perhaps have to frantically rummage through the records of a several thousand years; and yet eventually find myself enshrouded by dungeons of inexplicably horrendous blackness, If you asked me how boisterous was it; I would perhaps have to furiously contemplate for hours immemorial; laboriously delving into the most inscrutably esoteric realms of my beleaguered mind, If you asked me how piquant was it; I would perhaps gasp for fresh air literally relinquishing the last breath of my life; maniacally ripping apart my hair for an answer; that simply wasn’t to be, If you asked me how charismatic was it; I would perhaps nonchalantly stare into disgusting space for countless more births of mine; worthlessly dithering towards a horizon that irrefutably didn’t have any end, If you asked me how conspicuous was it; I would perhaps grope wildly in an entrenchment of insane dreariness; wholesomely obfuscated for direction in the island of diabolical hell, If you asked me how harmonious was it; I would perhaps incoherently dither on the footsteps of utter devastation; lunatically running a marathon in the ungainly wild; that would never end, If you asked me how formidable was it; I would perhaps commence to miserably slither on the ghastly ground; ghastily metamorphosing every dream of my blissfully ravishing sleep; into a perpetually gory nightmare, If you asked me how phlegmatic was it; I would perhaps excoriate all my hair apart in bizarre frustration; lambasting my scalp till eternity; in quest of the most sagacious of answer,