There was nothing like office

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THERE WAS NOTHING LIKE OFFICE There was nothing like stink; in the dictionary of the rose; blossoming in the mesmerizing ambience of the valley, There was nothing like cowardice in the dictionary of the lion; roaring its way thunderously through the dense outgrowths of the jungle, There was nothing like adulteration in the dictionary of the gushing stream; cascading down the pristine slopes of the gorgeous mountain, There was nothing like pessimism in the dictionary of the Sun; inundating every spot of earth with blistering rays and dazzling shine, There was nothing like stain in the dictionary of the eraser; as it ruthlessly annihilated every blemish that it came across and caressed, There was nothing like color in the dictionary of milk; as it oozed out impeccably white from the teats of the mother, There was nothing like laziness in the dictionary of the clock; as it ticked diligently; without gasping the slightest for breath all round the clock, There was nothing like dryness in the dictionary of the clouds; as they showered unrelentingly; flooding scorching mass of sand with heavenly water, There was nothing like pandemonium in the dictionary of the valley; as it reverberated its echoes sonorous and clear; piercing every nook and cranny of the atmosphere, There was nothing like sleep in the dictionary of the owl; as it incorrigibly kept awake all night; without batting its eyelids the slightest, There was nothing like straightness in the dictionary of a dog; as it inevitably kept curling its tail; as hard as you might try and compress it, There was nothing like euphoria in the dictionary of a yawn; as it was a perennial indication of a person to blissfully close his eyes; snore and sleep, There was nothing like freezing in the dictionary of the fire; which leapt in handsome flames to try and sizzle the cosmos, There was nothing like weakness in the dictionary of the boxer; whose swollen fists; craved inexorably to drill a hole through the wall,

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