THIS VERY NAKEDNESS. Cover it with the most ethereal traces of clouds; insouciantly dying in the wisps of nonchalantly lugubrious oblivion, Cover it with the most pathetically shriveled of twigs; sprawled in treacherous incoherence amidst the most non-existently disappearing of forests, Cover it with most fugitive rays of the rainbow; vanishing into the realms of infinite infinity; even before they could fall on the trajectory of celestial earth, Cover it with the most invisibly deadened of grass blades; indiscriminately trampled into wisps of parasitic nothingness; by the sacrilegiously marauding devil, Cover it with the most ghastily painful shards of glass; which stabbed even the most infinitesimal pore of your body; at a billion kilometers per minute, Cover it with the most disdainfully crinkled of petals; escaping faster than the speed of light; towards the valley of ruthlessly unsparing decay, Cover it with the most sordidly ignominious gutter water; which inevitably fomented you to vomit out every ounce of your goodness; into a dustbin of horrific animosity, Cover it with the most incongruously shattered of blighted beaks; that impregnated such an inexplicably incurable fever in your body; which augmented beyond the realms of eternity; every unfurling minute, Cover it with the most fecklessly inane bits of feces; which rendered you with such a squalidly bellicose odor; that you were mercilessly rejected by even the very closest of your compassionate kin, Cover it with the most inconspicuous strands of the eyelash; which hardly possessed even the most transiently comprehensible identity of their very own, Cover it with the infant’s very first nascent cry; which perhaps needed an infinite times more of your support; rather than your sadistically leaning upon it, Cover it with the virgin yolk of the haplessly smashed egg; venomously depriving another woman of her yet unborn child; in order to sequester your unimpeachable identity,