TILL DEATH DO US APART Till death do us apart; we will intransigently continue to harmoniously sing together; deluge every cranny of the gloomily frustrated atmosphere; with ebulliently euphoric sounds, Till death do us apart; we will indefatigably continue to tantalizingly dance together; resplendently trigger the voluptuousness of the exotic night; with untamed fireballs of augmenting compassion, Till death do us apart; we will irrevocably continue to wholeheartedly laugh together; endeavoring our bestto ignite the smiles of priceless humanity; on every lecherous face inundated with remorsefully debilitating disease, Till death do us apart; we will relentlessly continue to uninhibitedly philander together; blissfully frolicking in the aisles of rhapsodic desire and benign happiness; for centuries immemorial, Till death do us apart; we will unitedly continue to coalesce all mankind together; try our ultimate best to melange all religions; caste; creed and tribe alike; in the sea of glittering humanity, Till death do us apart; we will sensuously continue to fantasize together; fabulously wander in the lanes of bountifully bequeathing paradise; romancing with every element of the fathomlessly majestic beauty around, Till death do us apart; we will immutably continue to discover together; evolving a fantastically new township of vivacious grace and incredulously astounding intrigue; on every step that we holistically tread, Till death do us apart; we will irrefutably continue to bless together; bestowing an unfathomable whirlpool of philanthropic richness; upon every inexplicably devastated counterpart of ours; whom we encountered in our way, Till death do us apart; we will ardently continue to cry together; unequivocally sharing our triumph as well as ghastly sorrows alike; profusely entrenched in bonds of magically Omnipotent empathy, Till death do us apart; we will relentlessly continue to fight together; assimilating every iota of our surreptitiously entrapped courage and solidarity; to forever drive the ominous traitors; gorily decimating our sacrosanct motherland,
Till death do us apart; we will unsurpassably continue to paint together; delectably capturing the entire beauty of this boundless planet; in the vivacious kaleidoscope of our piquant eyes, Till death do us apart; we will miraculously continue to procreate together; spawning gloriously immaculate offsprings of our very own crimson blood; contributing our very best in continuing God’s most holy chapter of blooming existence, Till death do us apart; we will obsessively continue to learn together; celestially imbibing all the stupendously synergistic goodness that lingered bountifully in the atmosphere; and then disseminating its Omniscient essence to every household asphyxiated with gruesome darkness, Till death do us apart; we will inexorably continue to fly together; exuberantly surge forward with the full fervor of life; to blossom the flower of our benevolently beautiful dreams; into a veritably sparkling reality, Till death do us apart; we will indefatigably continue to march together; blend our innocuously righteous palms in the walls of unassailable solidarity; unflinchingly ready to tackle any diabolical devil; who dared stop us in our truthful way, Till death do us apart; we will insatiably continue to err together; inadvertently ommit an unfathomable volley of mistakes; which would timelessly leave our footprints on this earth as pure humans; every time it was given a chance to be born, Till death do us apart; we will perennially continue to eat together; relishing the most gorgeously glorious fruits of Mother nature; cupped symbiotically in our palms and under the seductively milky moonlight, Till death do us apart; we will perpetually continue to breathe together; surviving as a unconquerably single spirit; least bothered about what the acrimoniously tyrannical society; had to spuriously comment on our eternal relationship, And till death do us apart; we will immortally continue to love together; impregnably bonding the beats of our passionately thundering hearts in flames of fulminating romance; drinking; eating; breathing; discovering; exploring and preaching; only the elixir of mankind; to ecstatically survive .