TO PRAY TO GOD WAS OF PARAMOUNT IMPORTANCE To write good things was of paramount importance; what you wrote the literature with; what hand you used; was utterly inconsequential, To admire magnificent beauty was of paramount importance; which eye you admired it with; the aperture you kept while profoundly appreciating it; was utterly inconsequential, To smell the ravishing rose was of paramount importance; how you sniffed it; which nostril did you use; was utterly inconsequential, To swim in the voluptuous ocean was of paramount importance; which hand and foot you used to splash about in the poignantly tangy waves; was utterly inconsequential, To eat appetizing morsels of food was of paramount importance; what side of the mouth did you use to finely pulverize the tantalizing chunks; was utterly inconsequential, To trample the venomously heinous scorpion was of paramount importance; whether you used your right foot or left foot to indiscriminately squelch the irate monster; was utterly inconsequential, To sleep blissfully in the star studded night was of paramount importance; whether you slept directly beneath the opalescent moon or whether you slept in your enviously cozy dwelling; was utterly inconsequential, To reach the pinnacle of the impregnable mountain was of paramount importance; whether you clambered up with boots or conquered it barefoot; was utterly inconsequential, To make the mercilessly orphaned child laugh was of paramount importance; whether you made him smile by indigenously poking out your tongue or whether you achieved the same by singing ingratiating rhymes; was utterly inconsequential, To expurgate the disdainfully inflated bowels in the morning was of paramount importance; whether you did that hiding behind the conglomerate of foliated trees or whether you evacuated the dirt sitting on the plush lavatory seat; was utterly inconsequential, To remember the person you adored was of paramount importance; whether you did that writing eloquently long letters or whether you managed to accomplish the same by chanting her name incessantly in your mind; was utterly inconsequential,