Unconquerably virgin

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UNCONQUERABLY VIRGIN Wasn’t it unsurpassably amazing; that her nubile palms still remained unconquerably virgin even after my caressing them a countless times; as they evolved into an infinite fresh lines of mesmerizing destiny every unfurling instant; by the grace of the Omnipotent Almighty Lord, Wasn’t it limitlessly amazing; that her royal eyes still remained beautifully virgin even after my peering into them a countless times; as they evolved into an infinite fresh droplets of priceless empathy every unfurling instant; by the grace of the everpervading Almighty Lord, Wasn’t it undefeatedly amazing; that her passionate chest still remained celestially virgin even after my smooching it a countless times; as it evolved into an infinite fresh cloudbursts of spell-binding compassion every unfurling instant; by the grace of the perpetual Almighty Lord, Wasn’t it boundlessly amazing; that her tantalizing feet still remained impeccably virgin even after my teasing them a countless times; as they evolved into an infinite fresh pathways of unflinching adventure every unfurling instant; by the grace of the Omniscient Almighty Lord, Wasn’t it irrefutably amazing; that her luscious lips still remained timelessly virgin even after my kissing them a countless times; as they evolved into an infinite fresh epitomes of unparalleled sensuousness every unfurling instant; by the grace of the unshakable Almighty Lord, Wasn’t it unbelievably amazing; that her voluptuous nape still remained unimpeachably virgin even after my fondling it a countless times; as it evolved into an infinite fresh whirlwinds of inimitable titillation every unfurling instant; by the grace of the everlasting Almighty Lord, Wasn’t it interminably amazing; that her bewitching belly still remained innocuously virgin even after my nibbling it a countless times; as it evolved into an infinite fresh atmospheres of stupendous virility every unfurling instant; by the grace of the spectacular Almighty Lord, Wasn’t it unfathomably amazing; that her ravishing hair still remained immaculately virgin even after my embracing it a countless times; as it evolved into an infinite fresh reverberations of insatiable euphoria every unfurling instant; by the grace of the unquestionable Almighty Lord, Wasn’t it endlessly amazing; that her inebriating shoulders still remained insuperably virgin even after my kneading them a countless times; as they evolved

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