WATER IS PRECIOUS If there was water on the surface of dry leaves; they would look superbly mesmerizing; glistening profoundly under the sun, If there was water on mud coated wall; there would be a ravishing scent that permeated the adulterated air, If there was water on vegetables lying sprawled in a forlorn heap; they would bounce back to boisterous life; retrieving the plethora of minerals they had lost in the blistering heat, If there was water on fossils languidly scattered in obsolete territories of the dormant volcano; they would perspicuously depict the mysteries of the past; besides shimmering magnificently under the moon, If there was water on wild buds of jungle mushroom; the unruly shoots would sparkle tenaciously; drawing millions of mouths towards them to satiate their famished taste buds, If there was water on a battalion of acrimonious thorns; their tips would get dramatically softened; making them flounder in their conquest of mercilessly puncturing soft skin, If there was water on scalp hair; their bedraggled texture would miraculously transform into immaculately polished, If there was water on the obdurate foam of bed; there would be an unprecedented cool that besieging the ambience; and I would find it astoundingly easy to fall into a invincible siesta, If there was water on pairs of chapped lips; they would look irrefutably voluptuous and longing to be kissed, If there was water on the scorched soil of arid desert; the surrounding wildlife would get substantial reprieve from sweltering storms of heat, If there was water on rampant flames of fire ominously rising up by the zipping second; the occupants inside would be saved from the tyranny of being burnt alive, If there was water on the elevation of dusty window panes; they would suddenly glitter in animation; explicitly exposing the panoramic view outside,