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The main foyer and auditorium are connected by a set of luxury stairs and seating spaces to sit and enjoy a coffee during the intermission. These are large open staircases to allow large movements of people from the foyer on level 4 down to the auditorium on level 1 or balcony and mezzanine on level 2.
The main links of vertical access in the building in the central lift and stair core. There are 2 lift cores within the building however one is a multi-car lift. This enables faster transport options especially those in offices going to different office space or break areas and the auditorium lifts and public access areas being able to utilize a lift for levels 1-8. This keeps the programs separated by public and private space whilst speeding up the lift capacity. The private top level lift will also be able to reach levels 4-18 to accommodate people moving from the office down to the main foyer on level 4 to leave via St Kilda Road to use public transport home.

Different Scenarios for circulation within the level 4 foyer.
1. Enter from St Kilda Road, Go via reception for tickets and program booklet. Rush to toilets before heading down to the auditorium for the performance.
2. Enter from gardens in new art precinct, ask reception about where the restaurant is located, Take lift up to restaurant.

3. Take lift down to level 4 foyer to exit via St Kilda Road to walk to Flinders Street Station.
4. Finish performance in auditorium, take main stairs up to level 4. Via reception on way out of building via the main entry.
5.Enter from the arts precinct after learning that performance is showing nearby, attend reception area to purchase tickets. Grab a coffee at the takeaway cafe and wait of steps for auditorium to open for show.
Entry from City Road: Performers and Props
Entry from St Kilda Road: Public