Perm region newspaper
MONDAY, 28 MAY 2007
MONDAY, 28 MAY 2007
The fate of Europe in Perm hands During May, 28 th29 th in Perm the representatives of the European parliaments majority will discuss new partnership and cooperation agreement. Nevertheless that the discussion of the agreement can’t be started officially (because one of the EU participants, which is Poland, used the veto against it), the discussion organizers are certain in this meeting effectiveness, regardless on the discussion results. The majority of Perm citizens, questioned with a little survey, organized by our sociologic team, share their point of view. Well, during the survey Perm citizens
Tamara, pensioner. — I don’t know anything about this event, though I regularly read newspapers and watch news on TV, but the fact that this event is being held in our city is very pleasant.
have been asked with two questions: 1. Do you know that during May, 28th-29th the meeting of 20 European countries representatives meeting will be held with purpose of the new partnership and cooperation agreement discussion. (Formally the previous agreement between RF and EU is over in the November 2007). 2. What do you think of that Perm is the place of holding such world-wide scale event? It is necessary to note that not a single respondent knew about the international meeting, however almost everybody reacted positively. Somebody even felt proud for his own city.
Elena, young mother. — No I’ve heard nothing about it. Probably, it’s great that foreign guests will come to us. Maybe something will work out from this.
Egor, student. — I don’t know. It’s hard to say what I feel, because you have just told me about it. Perhaps it is good. Our city is supposed to grow and flourish.
Mihail, construction worker. — There is no information anywhere about it. But I think that they won’t decide anything there. It is just show. There is only conversations and no actions.
Larissa, businesswoman. — I definitely don’t know anything about this, but I suggest it is good. Let the meeting be.
Yulia, student. — I don’t know about it. I relate very positively to that fact and even feel proud for my city.
Anna, pensioner. — I’ve heard nothing about it. I don’t see anything bad in this. I think that it is great. I hope this will affect our life in some way.
Slavoliu, from Serbia. — I don’t know anything about this event. I’m a foreigner, Serbian. I can tell that 10 years ago, when I was in Russia, and particularly in Perm, it was treated differently. It is wonderful that we start to cooperate. It is great experience for everybody. I think it will bring its positive results.
Alexander, manager of security agency. — I don’t know about it, but it’s right. Recently I’ve come from Yekaterinburg and such meetings are held regularly there. It is great that is getting started in our city. I’m happy for the city.
Kristina, employee. — No, I haven’t heard about the event. From my point of view, no doubt it is good for our city.
Address of the newspaper: Russia, Perm, Karpinskogo 97/А-208, e-mail:, tel. 8 912 98 362 79 Establisher and publisher: The Bureau of translators, interpreters and guides-followers “The Perm interpreters”, Lmt. Director of the edition: Aljona Mouse ( Editor-in-chief: Larissa Azanova ( Сorrector Yakov Farbrerov ( The art-director: Oksana Nikiforova ( Authors: Aljona Mouse, Aleksey Klochikhin, Larissa Azanova, Karina Dubrovskaya, Arina Medvedeva, Nadezhda Proskurina, Elena Esti. Photographer: Elvira Sedova ( The editors do not share the responsibility for the maintenance of the promotional and advertising material. No part of these materials may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the editorial board. The editors may not share the authors’ point of view. The editors reserve the right to themselves for reduction of publications texts without change of their sense, and also for placing of promotional materials at own discretion if another situation is not stipulated by the contract. Newspaper’s periodicity is 2 numbers per month. Circulation is 999 copies. Prepress and a press: ОАО ИПК «Соликамск». Адрес: 618540 Пермская область, г. Соликамск, Соликамское шоссе, 15. Тел.: директор 7-01-91, бухгалтерия 7-61-97; менеджеры: тел./факс: (34253) 7-49-53,
Perm region newspaper
MONDAY, 28 MAY 2007
The European Union in Perm The fate of Perm. The fate of the agreement. The fate of Europe. The day before the meeting of European parliament representatives, held on 28-29 may in our city, Andrey Klimov met with Perm journalists.
It was stated that the goal of the meeting will be the discussion of the new agreement between Russian Federation and the European Union. The previous one has been signed in far 1994, and it’s over in November 2007. However today there are some disagreements in new agreement version. The additional obstacle is also that each EU participant has veto, which can make null and void all the other partners’ efforts and tendencies.
By the moment of the meeting, Andrey Klimov has confirmed participation of 30 national parliaments’ deputies, and also ambassadors to Russia. Russian delegation should be led by Oleg Morozov, the duma vice-chairman, and Konstantin Kosachev, the representative of the International relationships duma committee For us, the Perm citizens, such a meeting plays important role for many reasons. First of all, for the first time in the history our city will be
abreast such popular European cities as Helsinki and Lisbon, where the top-level meetings and discussions are held. Secondly, such a meeting is a great chance to prove that Perm is the really first European city, where the Europe fate could be and should be decided. And in the third place, it is very possible that European deputies, having close relations to worldwide businesses, would like to satisfy their investments’ needs here, at the Great Perm Land.
Inter-Parliamentary “round table” Russia – EU in Perm The event will be participated by heads of international affairs committees and high-ranking officials from the majority of EU countries European Union. History of formation. European Union started its history from the economic agreement, signed by several countries of Western Europe (Belgium, Italy, Luxemburg, Netherlands, France, FRG) in 1951. The purpose of the agreement at that moment was to provide guaranteed peaceful existence at continental Europe after the end of WWII. The initiators of agreement though that if countries had “total transparency on issues
of coal and steel consuming” (the main components of war industry at that time), then they wouldn’t be able to start a war against each other. Later military-political goals of new union became not so important, and economic connections of participated countries exceeded the bounds of metallurgy and coal mining. That’s how the “Common Market”, united 12 countries of the Western Europe by the begging of 90’s, appeared. Later at its basis was created
European Union. History of the formation European Union started its history from the economic agreement, signed by several countries of Western Europe (Belgium, Italy, Luxemburg, Netherlands, France, FRG) in 1951. The purpose of the agreement at that moment was to provide guaranteed peaceful existence at continental Europe after the end of WWII. The initiators of agreement though that if countries had “total transparency on issues of coal and steel consuming” (the main components of war industry at that time),, then they wouldn’t be able to start a war against each other. Later military-political goals of new union became not so important, and economic connections of participated countries exceeded the bounds of metallurgy and coal mining. That’s how the “Common Market”, united 12 countries of the Western Europe by the begging of 90’s, appeared. Later at its basis more powerful political and economic international structure, named European Union, was created. EU includes 27 Eurupean countries: Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxemburg, the Great Britain, Denmark, Ireland, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Finalnd, Sweden, Hungary, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czechia, Estonia. Since January, 1st 2007 Bulgaria and Romania have officially entered the European Union. Today EU is the most powerful economic and political union in the world, comparable to the USA by its potential
more powerful political and economic international structure, named European Union. EU includes 27 European countries: Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxemburg, the Great Britain, Denmark, Ireland, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Finland, Sweden, Hungary, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czechia, Estonia. Since January, 1st 2007 Bulgaria and Romania have officially entered the European Union. Today EU is the most powerful economic and political union in the world, comparable to the USA by its potential
EU and Russia. Approximately half of Russian foreign trade is related to the EU. EU countries are main foreign investors into Russian economics. Politics of strategic partnership with EU is officially acknowledged as one of the main directions of Russian international policy. The partnership and cooperation agreement (PCA) is international legal document, defining relations base between Russia and the European Union, was signed at Greek island Korfu (Kerkira) in 1994 and took effect in December of 1997. The agreement was signed for 10 years term. Thus at the end of the year contract time is over, and consequently a question of the future standard base of Russian relations with its
main trade and economic partner comes up.
Plan of the campaign. From possible variants of the situation resolution was the unlimited prolongation of the PCA-1997, its “modernization” or creating totally new document. Russian and European Union leaders chose the last one. Until now there is still no unambiguous solution about new PCA, Moscow and EU has fundamentally different opinions. In this respect we can be glad the modernization variant was rejected first by experts and later by Russian and European Union leaders. Both parties recognized the hopelessness of attempts to save and highlight the PCA items (different for either party) they are interested in and remove outdated or destructive items (here opinions vary). Partnership cooperation agreement became long ago hopelessly obsolete – morally, from legal point of view, politically (PCA concluded the other Russia and other European Union) and economically. Its modernization would be like repairing ramshackle hut by pulling down some floors and annexing a new building. With acknowledgment of the necessity to prepare a crucially new document regulating mutual relation between Russia and European Union the observed until now agreement of opinion of Russian and European
Union political elite came to an end. Moscow and EU have essentially different points of view concerning a new PCA. Considering the fact that not all so-called European newcomers (former USSR republics and the Warsaw Pact countries) are ready and willing to integrate in EU and RF, the negotiations, signing and ratification of new PCA can turn out to be a very difficult and considerably long process. In this process a special part could play interparliamentary connections of Russia and EU countries.
What is the meeting of EU and RF political principals in May so special? Until recently the main mechanisms of interparliamentary relations between EU and RF were the Parliamentary Cooperation Committee and parliamentary groups responsible for connections with specific countries. But Parliamentary Cooperation Committee and parliamentary «friendship groups» are composed by political principals without regard to their specialization. At the same time the necessity of regular exchange of views not only with European Parliament (in the line of Parliamentary Cooperation Committee), but with representatives of profile committees for international affairs of EU countries and Russia, becomes apparently significant during prepara-
tion of new PCA. The idea to start meeting in a new fashion – committees leaders for international and European affairs and International relationships duma committee of State Duma of RF — for the first time was expressed at international conference in Potsdam, in spring of 2006. Delegate А. Кlimov proposed to hold meeting of international parliamentarians in Perm, where the Europe begins. In December the State Duma Council of RF approved this idea and it was accepted in international activity plan of State Duma for 2007 in the form of interparliamentary «round-table conference» in Perm, at the end of May, 2007.
Meeting at the Perm ground. The meeting will last for two days. During that time there is going to be 5 discussions. At the first one, opened for mass media, main messages of EU and RF representatives will be made. Other discussions will be conducted without mass media. It is suggested to discuss problems and perspectives of our strategic cooperation in home and international security, economics and humanitarian spheres, as well resulting the meeting at the private sessions. Host organization in Perm is PIT-fund, experienced in preparation and conducting such meetings in Moscow and EU countries.
Perm region newspaper
MONDAY, 28 MAY 2007
Perm soil for European rose Perm region may be proud not only by the fact that Dr. Zhivago loved his Lara here, and the “Perm 36” zone was very active but still “a little” constrained place for discussions about remedial actions in the former Soviet Union. This is one of the few Russian regions, where the regime of greater investment favor really exists generally and for foreign investors particularly, and the examples of that are numerous and diverse. Everybody today seems to have the understanding of the most important role of financial flows for successful region development. However in Perm it developed to №1 strategic problem, which is been being solved not only by local authorities, but the whole community, changed fundamentally since the “Cold War”. The best example of our mentality changes is not the former “red manager triumph in the governor elections in 2000, but the victory of entrepreneur Yuriy Trutnev. He promoted Perm region as a kind of a business project so successfully at the Federal level, that in five years he, the only governor, who was proposed for natural resources minister. The present governor Oleg Chirkunov, his follower, learnt thoroughly his patron’s strategy (Both of them are former business partners), and introduced it to the masses so well, that even girls on the streets talk about it.
The longest history of existence in Perm (since the first half of the 90’s) has American company “Pratt and Whitney”, the part of “United Technologies” corp. Its cooperation with aircraft engine holding “Perm Engines”, within the limits of which “Pratt and Whitney” is the proprietor of the daughter enterprise “Perm Engine Plant”(25% of the shares), like an ocean’s level, had its high and low tides. But it has totally passed the time test and today the partners are occupied with the joint development of perspective aircraft engine PS-90A2. The total investments volume in these years reached $125 millions, and the department №10, built only on American money, has become favorite place of highranking officials excursions: from USA consul from Yekaterinburg to Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin. One of the greatest chemical plants in Russia the joint-Stock
company “Metafraks”, situated not in Perm, but in small Gubaha city, is in foreign partner cooperation, which is not less by scale. In 2004 “Metafraks” in cooperation with the world-famous company Dinea founded joint enterprise “Metadinea”, producing urea formaldehyde resins for industrial glue production. In the last year Finnish ambassador came to Gubaha for cutting of ribbon ceremony at the third industrial resin plant with power of 30 thousands tons per year, built on foreign investor money. The total investments amount is estimated to 9 millions euro, which helped “Metafraks” to become not just “one of the”, but the greatest industrial resin manufacturer. Favorable geographic situation of Perm region, making us the Europe “Eastern Gates”, more and more attracts attention of foreign investors in human-service and commerce spheres. All the leading auto and
electronics manufacturers have their trade centers in Perm; This
year in Perm suburbs, in Kondratovo village the grandiose IKEA commercial and entertainment center construction will start. And it is a good sign for any territory, where they exist. “Kastorama”, which is looking for a place for construction of the specialized supermarket for building materials and garden-plots equipment, has the same intentions to Perm region. The reason of such a rush is simple — everybody understands that oil and gas lines to Europe go through the Perm territory, that’s why there should be a lot of people with money. However, the investments appeal of the region is caused not only by the citizens’ welfare, but also the tendency of local authorities to create a kind of peculiar financial area with lower taxes than in the neighbor regions. The
decrease of income tax rate from 24 to 20% (max gap by Russian law) as a result of the first four months of the year has already led to record investments of Perm enterprises to their development. It is expected that 2007 will override the indexes of 1999-2001 in that sense, when the investments rate growth was up to 29%. Then it was a fall till 2005, when the total investments rate was — 2%. But already last year investments volume started to grow, and the rise was 15. It means that Perm economics along with the Russian one got high potential, and the foreign investor would come not to lifeless financial emptiness, looking as an empty space, but rich, fertilized with Russian oil money soil, where even the most delicate European flower can bloom as good as at the native
Perm region newspaper
MONDAY, 28 MAY 2007
Real estate Good question, what do you mean why? To live there, work and have a rest. Before the summer starts, “The Perm Days” decided to prepare sleighs, indeed doors and walls, in advance. We offer you a survey of commercial real estate and hotel business market. We would like to thank for that such Perm publications as “Metrazhi”, “Delovoie Prikamie, “Business Class” newspapers and “Noviy Region”, and web-sites.
Why does a man need a home? Perm commercial real estate market survey at the beginning of the 2007. Construction of commercial real estate, from the whole diversity of economy sectors, represented in Perm region, is one of the most perspective segments in a sense of development. It is caused with two factors, which are unsatisfied demand and high income level. Perm commercial real estate market is one of the most capacious in Russia by total area of the real estate, as well as by general financial indexes. It is necessary to note that commercial real estate market is represented with not only non residential realty, but with inhabitant one as well, which is offered for commercial use rent. Traditionally the real estate is divided to three main groups: property in land, residential buildings, non-residential buildings (different functional purposes). As for Perm commercial realty investments income, at the present the income level of office realty is 14-17% with investments into “finished product” and about 2025% — at the development stage. Besides that, the investments to office and shopping realty are less risky. The specialists state that Perm real estate market situation is gradually changes under the influence of such factors as: — Territory deficiency at the central neighbor-
hoods for large-scale constructions; — Tendency to sizes increasing of shopping and office centers; — Quality improvement of the offered commercial spaces; — Increasing of realty market competition; — Formed structure of solvent demand on highquality room, as for commercial , as for industrial realty.
These factors caused the tendency of new territories development for construction of residential and non-residential realty. That will soon reflect in business activity center displacement, and also appearance of new ones. So during the last year several projects were realized in different commercial realty segments, widening its range.
Perm region newspaper
MONDAY, 28 MAY 2007
Real estate Inside tourism — does it exist or not? The unquestionable fact is that many foreign tourists are shocked with Perm hotels. We, as mass media of accepting side, are interested mostly in another thing – when will the situation become better. And we are 100% sure that it’s not just going to happen, but is already happening. Here are just some digits about the fact that European service and 5 star hotels will shine in the hospitality skies of Perm and Perm region very soon. Perm business-class hotels characteristics.
Hotel name
Total rooms area
Tariff (Single room cost roubles per day)
Room name (hotel data)
New Star Hotel
2 300
Standard single room
Amaks-Premier Hotel
2 550
Single room Business LUX
2 900
Business-class (single room)
4 000
Single room «Standart»
1 600
Standard single room
1 400
First Class Single room
3 200
Single one-room
2 200
Single room half-lux
1 800
Standard Single room
2 000
Gabriel Hotel
2 800
3 400
Standard single room
2 800
Standard single room
VIP-hotel EVA
3 900
1 006
2 630 (average price)
Perm econom-class hotels characteristics №
Hotel name
Total rooms area
Tariff (Single room cost roubles per day)
1 700
1 400
1 200
1 500
1 450 (average price)
Note: Any quantity characteristics are in approximate range and are not an argument for making reservation decisions.
Perm region newspaper
MONDAY, 28 MAY 2007
STRATEGIC NEWS Author’s column Nadezhda Proskurina practising psychologis
Business «by Russians» What is the mysterious Russian soul? Where and when to talk about business in Russia? What presents do Russians make to the important people in business? This is and many other things you will find out from the series of articles which will help you to understand and adapt in the Russian business storming sea.
If you wish to understand people – read fairy tales! fairy tales tell a lot about national character. Formation of representations about the world, about moral values, about what is good and what is bad begins from fairy tales. Interesting fact: in Russia a favourite fairy tales hero is Ivan-the fool. Plain on the surface, making, at first sight, silly and unnecessary deeds, he does not want to reach wealth and glory, but in the end of a fairytale he always marries fine beautiful princess as an award and gets half-kingdom in addition. At the same time his senior brothers – clever men and pragmatists – appear as fools. The original national ideal is expressed in Ivan — the fool’s simplicity, sincerity, in commercialism and pragmatism absence in his character. He gave to a hungry doehare the last chunk of his bread, a senseless act from the point of view of common sense, but during the difficult moment this animal helped him to win the malicious sorcerer. So mercy is awarded. Nobody takesIvanthe fool seriously, and this is his force too. Character of Russian people and characters of Russian fairy tales heroes very strongly call up with one another, but it is only a small part of that is possible to tell about the mysterious Russian soul. In the following issue we will acquaint you with features of conducting business negotiations in Russia, and we hope our recommendations will be useful for you.
The number of official millionaires grows in the Perm region 148 thousand and 986 income statements of natural persons were accepted by the Perm region taxation authority in 2006. This index is by 6,7% higher than in 2005. The number of persons with taxable income from 1 million up to 10 million rubles, in comparison with the similar
period of the last year, has increased in 4,9 times, and those with the taxable income from 10 million up to 100 million rubles – in 5,5 times. The amount of persons whose incomes exceed 100 million rubles has increased from 35 up to 201, including 15 natural persons, declared incomes, whose income more than 1 billion rubles.
Business-incubator The Perm region will receive 40 million rbl. from the federal budget by winning a competition on creation of innovative business-incubator in Perm. Such decision was made by the federal competitive commission which selected subjects of the Russian Federation for small business support actions financing. Also number of subjects which will receive the state grants for creation business-incubators, includes Samara region (44 million rbl.),
Bryansk region (35 million rbl.), Altay region (30 million rbl.). The total sum for financing of the business-incubator project creation will be 80 million rbl. The federal treasury will provide 40 million rbl., and the other 40 millions will be allocated from the regional budget. Preliminary, the business-incubator creation is planned to be on 37, Soldatova’s street. After repair works in the building, an operating company, for working with the business-incubator projects, will be found.
Flying news Turkish airline is going to open regular flights between Perm and one of Turkish cities; however realization of the airline plans is postponed till signing the intergovernmental agreement between the countries. Absence of this agreement, by the way, prevents the Latvian airlines to fix an air-lift with Riga.
And meantime, 10 Moscow flights will be conducted from the Perm airport “bolshoe “Savino» since the June. “The Ural airlines“ and “AtlantSoyuz» will join «Siberia“ and “Aeroflot“ airlines. It is supposed that “Yu-Teir“ airline will also come to the Perm air transportations market in July. At the present stage there is a discussion of convenient takeoff times.
Open letter
Repulse the drugs
Interethnic relationships problems discussion A discussion platform, devoted to «Migration and tolerance» topic was held at the territory of Perm State University on May, 24th. The action took place within the limits of one-day festival «Me and Another». The discussion platform is organized by department of home policy of the Perm region, Lenin district of Perm administration, the Perm state university and the Perm regional library within the limits of the regional special Program of development and harmonization of national relationships among Perm region nations. Perm scientists researches of the ethnic migration problems
and the various projects, conducted at the Perm region territory for interethnic tolerance politics development, have been presented. Forms and methods of work recommendations about propagation of the tolerance ideas to the Perm region were developed. The new migratory legislation; the modern state migratory policy and its realization in the region; National relationships; adaptation actions for new migrants on the Perm ground; national structure and diasporas of the Perm region; labor migration; a role of migrants in development of Prikamye culture were the main questions which were reviewed during the discussions.
International Action “Repulse: drug — “OFF“ was started by the initiative of Russia young generation and Autonomous Non-profit Organization “Center of Cooperation”. ” with the Ministry of Culture and mass communications of the Russian Federation support. The goal of this wide-range social project is forming of youth negative attitude to drugs of all kinds. International status of the action is not an accidental choice. The worlds’ statistics shows the urgency of the drug addiction problem in all the countries of the world community. By the UN data, there are 200 000 000 people, taking drugs. What will be tomorrow? The Repulse: drug — “OFF“ action originality is in the use of interactive creative method, removing language barriers, the ability of unlimited participant quantity and geographic coverage. Action is based on the principle of interinvolving of community at any level and it is capable to stop the millions of young people desire to try drugs at the first time! The mission of “International Cooperation Center” is assistance in creating of international connections at the all levels and in all life spheres of the world community, based on principles of common to all mankind values and directed to intellectual, spiritual, moral and physical society development all over the world. For us there is nothing more important than life under the peaceful sky and creation of healthy world community with equal possibilities, regardless of race, religion and sex.. Full information about the Action can be found at the web-site: The President of ANO «InternationL Cooperation Center» Yulia Shmakova
Perm region newspaper
MONDAY, 28 MAY 2007
Cultural events Portrait as a ticket to eternity With the invention of photo camera, in the end of the XIX century, the tradition to leave portraits to offspring had almost disappeared, but only to be reborn in our days. At the present
portrait painting is in fashion. It is explained, most likely, with the fact that some persons and connoisseurs of art want not just to think about the future, but become a part of it as
This portrait of the famous Russian opera singer Anna Netrebko was admired by visitors of portraitists’ exhibition, held in Perm recently. There is another portrait, it is kept by the singer herself.
Victoria Nesterova is a portraitist. In 1990 she graduated from the USSR national artist E.N. Shirokov workshop of Perm State Institute of arts and culture. Since 2000 to 2002 she had been working on probation in the St. Petersburg Academy of fine arts, sculpture and architecture, named after I.E. Repin. She is participant of city exhibitions in Perm and St. Petersburg. Her works are found in private collections in Russia and abroad.
spectacular as possible and for the centuries.. Victoria Nesterova is incredibly talented portrairist. She is young and pretty as well. That’s why customers often don’t take her seriously. They don’t believe that the pictures are really hers. Nevertheless her pictures are impressive. The pictures, covered with romantic appeal and opened emotionally, seem to live their own life. “Portrait is the most difficult kind of painting. On the other hand, human being is the most interesting object to be drawn. I must feel the
inside world of a person and try to represent it with paints. I have a problem of not just creating a precise picture of a certain person, but to create an unique individual image, with help of composition and coloring. Sometimes a person is shy. In that case I try to establish personal contact, try to open him; so I have to be psychologist sometimes. As a result in portraits, made by Victoria, there is always whole, harmonious and spirited image, the image that will be saved for long years.
The Crossroads International exhibition of fine arts “The Crossroads” starts on June, 8th at the Perm exhibition. The exhibition has been being held for 5 years, this is the traditional present for Perm citizens, devoted to the City Day celebration, from artists of Perm sister-cities. The present initiators are International department of city administration, Perm-Louisville sister-cities committee and the exhibition hall itself (the site). This year two photographers from Louisville
and 4 artists and 1 photographer from Oxford are expected to come. Also the exhibitions includes works of Perm artists, who are into the sister-cities movement, e.g. the artists, wellknown there. The grand opening of the exhibition will take place at the Central Exhibition Hall to the address 15, Sibirskaya str. at 4 pm. At the opening you’ll be able to meet artists, ask them questions. There will be volunteer interpreters, helping those, who aren’t sure in their English. The exhibition will last until the end of the June.
Meeting of Perm delegation at the Oxford town-hall. Sister-cities are two cities, situated in different countries, and having permanent friendly relationships for lifestyle, history and culture interchange with the purpose of: — understanding achieving — friendship and cooperation consolidation among different countries nations — experience exchange of solving the similar problems of local authorities and organizations Perm has been a friend of Lousville 13 years already, and 12 years with Oxford. There are gossips that in the nearest future Perm will have new sisters from Italy and China.
The International Festival “Diaghilev seasons: Perm-Petersburg-Paris”. The results. The main event of theatre life in may if the International festival “Diaghilev seasons: PermPetersburg-Paris”. Guests from different cities and countries came to Perm in the period between May 15th and 23rd. The festival program included the world and Russian premieres, opera and ballet performances, producer project competition, the modern choreography night, organ hall concerts, art exhibitions, films demonstrations from collection of the French cinematheque, international symposium, recitals with participation of famous choreographer Vladimir Vasiliev and pianist Pavel Nersesian, ballet soloists of National Paris
opera-house, Mariinskiy theatre, famous native and foreign artists and musicians, musicologists and critics, culture figures and researchers — Creative groups from Japan, France, the USA, Netherlands, Vatican, Finalnd, Germany, Brazil, Argentina, Belgium took part in the festival. — The festival started with grand opening of bronze four-meter monument to Sergei Diaghilev, created by sculptor Ernest Neizvestniy, at the beautiful noble mansion of Diaghilev Museum-house, which is historical home of Diaghilev family. The great impresario grandnephew, Dmitriy Diaghilev, came from Kostroma especially to attend at the ceremony.
An hour later, 20th anniversary “Diaghilev readings” started here, at the museumhouse. Scientists, critics, writers, Час спустя, здесь же, в домемузее, начали свою работу XX юбилейные «Дягилевские чтения», в которых приняли участие ученые, критики, писатели, fine arts specialists, from Russia, France, Germany, Finalnd, the USA and Netherlands took part in the event. — For the first time in Russia joint Russian-German projects were presented. They are Shchetinskiy opera “Bestiary”, which was held at the Diaghilev gymnasium, and Curt Vaile ballet with singing “Seven Deadly Sins”. For
the first time Handel opera “Alcina” was presented in Russia. — All the kinds of modern art with its apical events and experimental works, developing new genres and new pro-culture areas, found places for themselves at the festival. Modern ballet was presented by “Batic” modern dance theatre (Japan). For the first time American dance opera “more perfect union”, the premiere of which was held in May of the last year in New-York, was performed in Russia. This performance is kind of a satirical and allegoric view of American constitution creation — Unique exhibition projects were held. — Benua and Bakst theatre dress and sketches
exhibition from collection of St.Petersburg museum, “Russian vanguard” exhibition opening from the private collection of Edik Natanov(Israel)), for the first time photo exhibition, devoted to Marlen Ditrich, was presented. It included 40 pictures, provided by Berlin cinema museum for the Perm exhibition. There is a long queue to get this exhibition. — For the first time, within the limits of International Diaghilev Festival, Perm museums took part in European action “Museum night”. To be open for a spectator is the main motto of the “Museum night” all over the world. The spectators could get not only information about the museum collections, but also to participate
actively in familiarization with museum areas. — Within the limits of the festival “Producer projects competition” was held. The idea of organization of such a competition belongs to Perm. Serious and significant theatre projects took part in the competition. Today it is no doubt that Perm initiative has Russian significance. Summary of the festival and “Producer projects competition” winners rewarding was organized at the closing ceremony. We can hopefully suggest that thankfully to the “Diaghilev seasons” unique festival, Perm becomes a world culture traditions revival centre, and offers new sides of culture space creation and development
Perm region newspaper
MONDAY, 28 MAY 2007
We hope that you have already noticed that there are plenty of beautiful girls in Perm. And today you can make sure that it’s a real fact, because our city has a real chance to find new Natalia Vodyanova.
Shashlyk is a form of shish kebab, that came from the former Soviet Union countries of Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan Uzbekistan and has been adopted as a Russian dish. In general, shashlyk is possible to prepare from everything — a chicken, a fish, shrimps. But only meat shashlyk is real shashlyk. And this is not just the fried meat, this is the whole ritual with the rules As to fire wood, in opinion of experts, a grapevine fire woods and interdictions. are the best for shashThe usual technique of lyk. They are followed shashlyk preparation. by: a white acacia, a sloe, a beech, an oak. Meat for a shish kebab is Only deciduous breeds cut to small pieces, put in of trees suit for shashlyk firewood. not oxidized utensils and gets Fire wood of resinous coniferous breeds of pickled. For this purpose it is trees are categorisalted (or do not salt), sprincally excluded, they kled with black pepper (or is will give to meat a taste, ineradicable not sprinkled), filled with the any sauces. cut onions and vinegar (either a lemon juice, or wine, either a tomato sauce, or Russian kefir, or what is necessary for soul) and gets mixed. Utensils gets covered and placed in a cold place for pickling for 2-24 hours. Then pieces of meat are threaded on a metal spit «shampur» alternately with the onion rings. And only at the last stage all experts are united in that it is necessary to fry the shashlyk above the hot coals, without a flame, on a brazier within 15-20 minutes, turning a spit for even cooking of the meat. To a meat shashlyk should be served with red dry wines.
May 23, 2007 – is a great date for Perm models and all model business field. Two official representatives of the most popular model
agencies: Ford Models and RushModels visited Perm within the bounds of unique scouting round. Ford Models has been the industry-leader for about 60 years. Founded in 1946 in New York City Ford Models now has its departments all over the world and is known as the most successful model agency, where such models as Jane Fonda, Kirsten Dunst, Mischa Barton, Lindsay Lohan, Christey Brinkley, Flavia and many others
have made their career. RushModels was opened in Moscow in 2001 and it is focused on scouting new faces and promoting models to the international model markets. We are lucky to receive such important guests as the director of RushModels Vladimir Sumovsky and international scout of Ford Models, Constantine Samarin, in Perm. During the interview they told us that the scouting round in Russia
takes place only in 12 cities. Working models and those who only take their first steps in the business took part in casting. It is noteworthy that one of the most advanced model agencies of our city Great Model (Elvira Zaytceva), which has been the leader in this sphere for 11 years in Perm and has been working up to international standards for 6 years, also presented their models at the competition. Good luck, girls!
W el c ome to P E R M
INTRODUCTION First of all we’d like to tell you some words about us and our activities. The “PERM TRANSLATORS AND INTERPRETERS” is association of professional translators and interpreters. Our motivated team is ready to solve any problem, related to any translation activity. OUR POLICY — high quality — short terms/dates — acceptable prices — convenient service OUR TEAM The most part of our translators and interpreters are students, freelancers and experienced teachers. OUR CLIENTS Our clients are either private persons or large companies; we always consider the specific character of every client’s activity.
WE DO WRITTEN TRANSLATION. SIMULTANEOUS/ SEQUENTIAL TRANSLATION. OUR GUARANTEES We guarantee to you an accurate translation with the observance of all the niceties of lexical locutions and terminology. In case of written translation — the observance of the formation of the original document with the text according to the classical system of translation. We remind that classical system of translation includes – translation, — specialist’s consultation on given theme, — corrector, and native speaker’s checking (only on your inquiry). ONLY BY US THE NEW SERVICE IN PERM — MODELS-INTERPRETERS We are ready to arrange our models-interpreters for you, for meeting of your guests, partners at the airport. All of those speak foreign languages: German, English, French, Turkish and even Kirghiz. We are glad to offer you rare opportunities to meet our marvelous city in any time you want. Our models-interpreters will show you the nightclubs and favorite restaurants of Perm. Monthly casting secures high esthetic and speaking level of models. Let’s write short letter to us or just call 8 912 98 362 79 and we answer all your questions about our services and possibilities in sphere of Perm visiting and translating/ interpreting. CONTACTS: If you need some help, advice or interpreter/translator please do not hesitate and call/write us Mobile phone 8 912 98 362 79 ( e-mail addresses: halena2000@mail )
Announcment ¢
next time...
Inter-parliamentary round table Russia the European Union. Our correspondent special report Kungur cave, the dark side.
Why does Permyak (perm citizen) have salty ears? The report from the international art exhibition «Crossroads»
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Summer Menu: okroshka Ambulance: public transport map How many rubles do the Russian girls cost?
Restaurant, Nightclubs and Café Guide