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guide NOVEMBER 2008 №10(18)

Perm regional newspaper The Perm Days is the newspaper for foreign guests of Perm region and english-speaking Perm and Perm region citizens


In the graph is the temperature on December, 1st

In Perm it is unusually warm Is it alright to come to Perm with no fear to be frozen?

US President is writing a book about Perm City 9 page

economic crisis Ural Investment Agency Changes its Plans Berezniki Soda Works reduces its overall production Belkomur Construction – the Matter of Macro economy KES-Holding Offspring Stopped Footing the Bill “Uralkali” is reducing production output Igor Shubin : “they all have already blew off “Makromir”, “PIK-Region” and “Development–Iug” Situation at pulp and paper plant “Kama“ to be controlled Perm Region Government created “Anticrisis committee

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4


5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

business SIEMENS EXPANDS ITS PRESENCE IN THE REGION FINNS FROM RUUKKI CHOOSE BETWEEN SOLIKAMSK AND DOBRYANKA SWEDES POSTPONE RUSSIAN INVASION BANQUE SOCIÉTÉ GÉNÉRALE VOSTOK IS OPEN IN PERM Market of office centers is widening Building in Perm of Interesting Turkish Company The third bridge across Kama is to be “EKS” stops Projects Statistics show

6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7

investment BUSINESS PARK CO-INVESTOR CO-INVESTORS FOR EURO TOWERS KES-Holding is not planning on cutting down its investment programme Activities of “VSMPO-AVISMA” depend on Boing and Airbus plans DOBRYANKA PLYWOOD MILL RELIES ON RUSSIAN INVESTMENT FUND

8 8 8 8 8

investment Perm Rotundas Tea capital of the Russian Empire Voznesenskaya Feodosievskaya Church “Diamond Pin Festival”

9 10 10 11

Пермские дни Газета Пермского края

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Pe r m r e g i o n a l n e w s p a p e r

November 2008

PAGE All your questions and requests concerning Investor Searching information posted in THE PERM DAYS please send by e-mail INFO@PIMG.RU or ask by skype ALJONA.MOUSE

INDEX “ASTRA” tobacco processing plant................ 5 “Bumatika”........................ 5 “Dobryanka Wood Processing Industry Development”.................... 8 “EKS”................................. 7 “Giprostroymost”.............. 7 “Gurish”............................. 7 “Kama Art-Group”...........11 “Kama Gate”..................... 8 “Kama“ plant..................... 4 “KomStrin”........................ 7 “LitMashPro”..................... 5 “Neftegormash”................. 5 “Perm gunpowder plant”.. 5 “Semya”............................. 7 “Sodachlor”....................... 8 “Stroyelement-2”............... 7 “Ural Investment Group” 4 “Uralkali”........................... 4 “VSMPO-Avisma”.............. 8 “ZapadUralKran”............... 5 Bastrakov Valeriy.............12 Berezniki Soda Works....... 4 Chirkunov Oleg................. 6 Fedchenko Nikolai............ 5 Gorprojet”.......................... 7 Hilkevich Alexander........11 Ivkin Nikolai...................... 5 Jdanova Elena................... 7 Kamkabel........................... 5 Karlinsky Vadim................ 5 KES-Holding...................... 4 KES-Holding...................... 8 Kondrusev Igor.................. 6 Konopleva Marina............. 7 Kosov Aleksander.............. 5 Livshiz Eduard................... 5 Lukanin Alexei.................. 8 Mahovikov Anatoly........... 7 Meshkov Nikolai............... 9 Nikolov Sergei................... 5 Obama Barak..................... 9 Oganyan Oganes............... 4 Perm Motors Board........... 5 Perm silicate panel factory...................... 4 Permgrazhdanstroy............ 8 Pyankov Pavel................... 5 RF Central Bank................ 7 Romanov Evgeniy.............. 8 Rosprirodnador.................. 5 Ruukki................................ 6 Ryadkin Vitaly................... 8 Shipalkin Viktor................ 7 Shishkin Andrey................ 8 Shubin Igor........................ 4 Shubin Igor........................ 9 SIEMENS........................... 6 Silvinit................................ 6 Sorovsky Seraphim...........10 Svizyaev Ivan..................... 9 Teplo-M............................. 4 TGK-9................................. 8 Thudilov Sergey................ 5 Timofeeva Marina............11 Tugova Vera.....................11 Tyufyaev Cyril................... 9 Uralkali.............................. 6 Ushakov Denis................... 4 Utkin Yuri.......................... 6 Vives Marc-Emmanuel...... 6

News in RUSSIA

N. Novgorod

Avalon announces $85 million Saratov warehousing plan

Moscow-based logistics company Avalon is to invest over $116m building a logistics complex in Saratov region, regional officials report. The 150,000-square-meter complex will reportedly be located in the region’s Engels district. Construction is scheduled to begin in March 2009, while a completion date has yet to be announced.


SFG’s $32 milliona r eserve fund

Voronezh-based developer SFG has announced plans to set up a $32 million reserve fund to support the company’s ongoing projects, it announced. The company’s CEO Timofey Solonevich said the fund is to be formed with the shareholders’ own funds. The fund is to support the company’s projects throughout the global financial crisis, Mr. Solonevich added.


VSMPO gets $292 million Vnesheconombank deal

Sverdlovsk region-based titanium products manufacturer VSMPO-Avisma is to take out $292 million five year loan with state-run Vnesheconombank, the company reports. The funds will reportedly be spent to partly finance the firm’s $731 million development program. Under the company’s development program, its annual capacities by 2012 would amount to 44,000 tons of titanium sponge, up 20%, and 46,000 tons of titanium mill products, up 46%.


Astrakhan aiport gets $22.6 million runway upgrade

Federal officials have assigned additional $22.6 million from the federal budget for reconstruction of a runway in Astrakhan airport, regional officials report. Initially the reconstruction cost was estimated at $47.3 million, officials say. As a result of overhaul, the runway will reportedly be lengthened by 700 meters to 3,200 meters to be able to receive more types of modern jet aircraft.


Italian firm announces $321 million Orenburg cement move

Italian cement manufacturer Buzzi Unicem is to invest $321 million building a ce-

ment factory in Orenburg region, regional officials report. Under plans, the plant will be located in the region’s Abulaksky district and will reportedly create up to 800 local jobs. The plant’s projected annual capacity is 2 million tons of high-tech portland cement, with products to be supplied throughout Orenburg region, neighboring regions and Kazakhstan, officials say. Timeframes for the project are yet to be announced.


Chuvashia investment 23.7% up for Q1-3 — claim

Investment into the Republic of Chuvashia’s economy over Q1-3 2008 totaled approximately $877 million, officials today claimed, which if true would be 23.7% up on 2007. The breakdown was as follows: - Pumped into real estate (except residential), $401 million (46.3%) - Pumped into residential real-estate, $249 million (28.7%) - Expenditure on machinary, equipment and transport facilities, $188 million (22.2%) - Reimbursement of other expenses, $24 million (2.8%) $522 million, or 60.2% of the total was spent by non-small business enterprises, according to sources.


SU-9 wins $109 million NSU building tender

Novosibirsk-based developer SU-9 has won a $109 million construction tender from Novosibirsk State University, sources within the University report. The University’s deputy principal Alexander Brodnikov, said the project is financed by 80% from federal budget, with the remaining funds to be put up by regional officials. Under plans, the company is to build the 55,000-square-meter main building, as well as utilities system on a 8.3-hectare site. Construction is scheduled to get underway this year and last three years. A total of four local developers applied in the tender, including Eurocity, Metapribor and TSU-2006. But the latter failed to submit all required papers, Mr. Brodnikov said.


ERDB’s 10 year $18 million Lipetsk Energy loan

Lipetsk City Energy Company (LGEC) is to take out $18 million ten-year loan with European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the bank reports. Interest rate hasn’t been confirmed but is expected at around 12.5%, the bank said. The funds will reportedly be used to finance the overhaul of the city’s utilities system and enable the company to double its investment in utilities and energy system development to $16 million.


Bakalskoye 2008 investment hits $11 million Chelyabinsk region-based ore mining company Bakalskoye Rudoupravleniye has reported 2008 investment in development of $11 million, up 1.9 times on 2007. Specifically, $1.6 million was reportedly invested in geological exploration in Techensky iron ore deposit. The remaining funds would be spent on new equipment and reconstruction works in Sideritovaya mine, Petlinsky and Novo-Bakalsky outcrops, the firm said.


Bashkortostan pays $1.1 million bond coupon The Republic of Bashkortostan has made the fourth coupon payment of $1.1 million on its fifth series bonds, regional officials report. The state three-year $27 million bonds were placed at MICEX in November 2006. The bonds have six coupons with fixed rate of 8.02%.

N. Novgorod

Pirelli and Rostech’s $281 million roll into Togliatti Italian tire manufacturer Pirelli and state-run Rostechnologii have announced plans to build a $281 million tire plant in Togliatti, Riasamara reports. The JV structure is yet to be disclosed. The plant’s projected annual capacity is 4.2 million truck and car tires. Construction is scheduled to begin in Summer 2009, with the plant to start operation in late 2010.


Eldorado in $5.5 million Siberian service center expansion Moscow-based electricals chain Eldorado has announced plans to invest $5.5 million in its HiTechnic service division in Siberia by the end of 2008. Under plans, Novosibirsk and Barnaul will each have two HiTechnic divisions, and three divisions are to open in the cities of Omsk and Krasnoyarsk. The company currently has HiTechnic centers in the cities of St. Petersburg, Rostov, Volgograd, Ekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod and Samara. The move is part of a $60m program by the firm, reported by Marchmont earlier this year, to roll-out service centers across the country in attempts to compete in Russia’s ever competetive electricals market.

The newspaper is registered in the Federal service of supervision under mass-media and protection of cultural heritage. Licence PI #FS77-29867 of October, 10th, 2007. Postal address: 25/B, 253, Parkovy blvd., Perm, Russia, 614097. E-mail: Establisher: Elena Moukhamadeeva (Aljona Mouse) tel. + 7 922 64 64 644. Publisher: PERM INTERMEDIA GROUP, Ltd. Director: Elena Moukhamadeeva (Aljona Mouse) ( Chief executive: Oksana Nikiforova ( Brand manager: Sergey Shalamov (, tel.: +7 908 255 45 23. Authors: Alyona Maus, Larisa Viktorova. Переводчики: Alexandra Vinnichuk, Anna Shilova, Yakov Farberov, Varvara Sinicina. The editors do not share the responsibility for the content of promotional and advertising materials. No part of these materials may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission in written form of the editors. The editors may not share the authors’ point of view. The editors reserve the right to themselves for reduction of publications texts without change of their sense, and also for placing of promotional materials at own discretion if another situation is not stipulated by contracts. Manuscripts and letters are not reviewed and not sent back. Circulation: 8200 copies. Printing #2648: “Novaya Tipografiya-Perm”. Address: 35, 1905 st., Perm, Russia, 614014.

Pe r m r e g i o n a l n e w s p a p e r

November 2008



All your questions and requests concerning Investor Searching information posted in THE PERM DAYS please send by e-mail INFO@PIMG.RU or ask by skype ALJONA.MOUSE

What is The Perm region? A region of the Russian Federation. It’s situated at the joint of eastern outskirts of East European Plain and western flanks of Ural mountains. Formed after integration of the Perm oblast and KomiPermyak Okrug on December, 1st 2005. Administrative town — Perm Area — 160 600 sq. m. Population — 2 730 892 people Federal district — Volga region Economic district — Urals Time zone MSK+2 (UTC+5; UTC+6 in summer)

Rivers Rivers of the Perm region are related to Kama river basin, the major left tributary of Volga river. There are more than 29 thousand rivers in the region, and their total length is more than 90 thousand kilometers. Kama river (1805 km) and its left tributary Chusovaya river (592 km) are the only two rivers, accounted as big rivers (e.g. longer than 500 km).

hematite, peat, limestone, precious, semi-precious and cap stones, building materials are mined in the region.

Minerals The Perm region is rich with various minerals. Oil, gas, coal, mineral salts, gold, diamonds, chromites and brown

Fauna There are 62 species of mammals (more than 30 of them are marketable ones), more than 270 birds species, 39 fish


The Perm region ministry of town-planning and infrastructure development has announced a tender for a public contract, which includes such pre-design works as engineering survey and ecological research for construction of the NPP. The contract price is 35.48 million rubles. Envelopes with the participation letters are to be opened on November 20th.

The Perm region is to introduce its innovative projects in India

The region delegation, within economic legation of the Privolzhskiy Federal district (PFD), will participate at official activities, devoted to the year, declared in the Republic as year of Russian Federation. The perm region presentation will be held within the limits of a single exhibition stand of regions, representing PFD. The exhibition itself is to be held in Greater Noida city. Besides that, the delegation, headed by Yuriy Utkin, the region government deputy chairman, will take place in visiting meeting at high technologies development zone in Bombay. The most perspective innovative projects and priority lines of the PFD economic development will be introduced at this meeting. There are plans to hold negotiations with representatives of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry Federation, heads of Indian companies, potential partners of the Perm enterprises. Representatives from Russian and Indian sides will discuss possibilities for cooperation in innovation and IT-technologies fields, investments into infrastructure projects, development of small-scale and medium business, tourism, and education technologies. The economic legation is organized by: Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade, Russian embassy and trade delegates in India, Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry Federation.

14 industrial enterprises from Perm will introduce themselves in Alma-Ata

On October 20th, representatives from 14 industrial enterprises of the region started their visit to AlmaAta – that’s the way the Perm region began to fix commercial and economic relations with Kazakhstan.

Flora The dominant vegetation in the Perm region is coniferous forest. They cover 71% of the region territory. The prevalent breeds of trees are spruce and silver fir. Quantity of deciduous trees increases to the south.

species, 6 vermigrade species and 9 amphibian species. Predator animals are represented with common marten and wolves, widely spread all over the region territory. Also there are ermine and weasel; there are badger and otter in the southern regions and wolverine – in the northern regions. There are bears and lynxes in small number. The most diffuse cloven-hoofed mammal in the region is moose deer. Currently the region is conducting works at acclimatization and breeding fur-bearing animals such as beaver, raccoon dog, musk beaver, arctic fox, burrow.

Within the visit, last for four days, the delegation of businessman of Prikamye had negotiations with representatives of Kazakhstan authorities, studied marketing outlets for the products of the Perm companies, and defined the further direction for promotion of the region enterprises products. Besides that, the delegation planned to have negotiations with Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Kazakhstan and other business society, which may become business partners for the Perm companies. The following 14 companies formed the commerce and economy legation from Perm: LLC «Nord», LLC «Kamskiy oil plant», LLC «Insaiur Autotrade-TL», Manufaturing Company “Splav”, LLC «Uralneftegaz», LLC «Rusenergo», LLC «Estar-Nytva», Federal State-owned Enterprise «Perm gun-powder plant», LLC «Osentsovskiy woodworking complex», LLC «KamcabelPerm», LLC «Agrocomplect», LLC «Energotrade», CJSC «Adsorber», LLC «Ecostroyproect».

Perm is to allocate 135 million rubles for development of the city general plan

The perm city Duma delegates made an amendment into the city budget for the funds redistribution. It is made to increase funding of the city planning authority by 135 rubles, required to begin development of the Perm general plan. «These findings are allocated at the expense of investment projects reduction, connected with construction of buildings for the city hall and Internal Affairs Department of Ordzhonikidzevskiy district. The construction works will be conducted in 2010. The head of the Perm administration finances department Elena Chugaeva said “We plan invest into the general plan development since 2008”. As noted by Arkadiy Kats, the head of Perm administration, the city plan development is obligation of the administration. He said “If the general plan is not approved until 2010, we won’t be able to confirm planning projects, licensure for construction, etc”. A. Kats also stated that before the town plan development it is necessary to make up a so-called master-plan. Also he added that «In compliance with Russian legislation, the development of the general plan itself should be fulfilled by a Russian company as a general contractor, but we consider to be a right decision to call for a development of the master plan a foreign company, experienced in such work, such as КСАР (Netherlands)».


According to press-cutting service of the Perm region governor, the RF government head Vladimir Putin issued an enactment, confirming list of federal high medicine technologies centers, which are to be put in operation in 2009. Currently, construction works of the “zero cycle” of the centre in Kamskaya dolina are finished. Construction modules of the centre will be shipped to Perm by Kama, as it is said by press cutting service with reference to Tatiana Galitsina, the vice prime minister of the region government. The shipment will start in spring 2009, when the navigation starts. The construction cost is higher 81 million, 2.4 of which should be allocated from the federal budget. The Perm region will cover expenditures, related to the parcel treatment for the object erection, design works and construction of utilities and installations.


Representatives of an American fast food corporation McDonald’s don’t talk about their wish of coming to the Perm market anymore. According to Igor Shubin, the mayor of Perm, they didn’t response after the city offered them three sites for construction. The mayor says «I suppose the crisis affected them as well. And I don’t exhibit any interest myself.» Shubin stated that his negative attitude towards opening of the McDonalds restaurants inPerm, because “it is fast-food, which the city is already full of”. He explained “It is not my initiative, I just fulfill the mandate of youth and students. If they don’t want to open anymore, I’m ready to turn down this project. I don’t need McDonald’s”. Denis Galitskiy, chief executive of the Business Initiatives Development Society, and chairman of the Perm civil chamber, Igor Averkiev, has already appealed to Igor Shubin with request to stop negotiations with the McDonald’s representatives. They said that the present market of catering in Perm is a good example for Russia as a whole. In their letter to the mayor it was pointed out that “Even Moscow and St. Petersburg don’t have such networks as “Vivat-Bufet” and “Vkus Stranstviy”, which provide available and high-quality fast-food. We are also proud of widespread facilites, serving traditional Russian pancakes (“Skovorodka” and “Blin-city”) and pelmeni (“Pelmeshki bez speshki”). Meanwhile, they added, all over the world McDonald’s has become “the symbol of unhealthy food and way of life in general”. Igor Shubin says «Maybe the economic situation itself will help to solve the question of opening of a McDonald’s restaurant in Perm”.

Газета зарегистрирована в Федеральной службе по надзору в сфере массовых коммуникаций, связи и охраны культурного наследия. Свидетельство о регистрации средства массовой информации ПИ №ФС77-29867 от 10 октября 2007 года. Адрес: 614097, Пермь, Парковый проспект, 25-253. E-mail: Учредитель издания: Мухамадеева Елена Владимировна (Алёна Маус), тел. +7 (922) 64-64-644. Издатель: OOO «Пермь Интермедиа Груп». Директор: Мухамадеева Елена Владимировна (Алёна Маус) ( Исполнительный директор: Оксана Никифорова ( тел. +7 (922) 24-000-70. Брэнд-менеджер: Сергей Шаламов (, тел. +7 908 255 45 23. Авторы: Алена Маус, Лариса Викторова. Переводчики: Александра Винничук, Анна Шилова, Яков Фарберов, Варвара Синицина. Редакция не несёт ответственность за содержание рекламных материалов. Никакая часть из опубликованных материалов не может быть воспроизведена или перепечатана без предварительного письменного разрешения редакции. Редакция может не разделять мнение авторов. Редакция оставляет за собой право сокращать тексты публикаций без изменения их смысла и также право размещения рекламных материалов по собственному усмотрению, если другая ситуация не предусмотрена контрактом. Рукописи и письма не рецензируются и не возвращаются. Тираж: 8200 экземпляров. Печать: ООО «Новая типография – Пермь». 614014, Пермь, ул. 1905 года, 35. Заказ №2648. Ïðè ïîäãîòîâêå ìàòåðèàëîâ èñïîëüçóþòñÿ тексты íîâîñòíûõ ëåíò:,,,,,,,,,

Pe r m r e g i o n a l n e w s p a p e r

November 2008

PAGE All your questions and requests concerning Investor Searching information posted in THE PERM DAYS please send by e-mail INFO@PIMG.RU or ask by skype ALJONA.MOUSE

economic crisis “Uralkali” is reducing production output

Ural Investment Agency Changes its Plans


he opening of the Park Inn hotel in Izhevsk is postponed for an indefinite period. Its management company is the LLC “Ural Investment Group” and the investor is presented by Izhevsk Komos Group.

The decision is caused by the deficit financing resulting from the liquidity crisis. The hotel cost and the scarcity of funds are not revealed. The hotel was supposed to be put into operation at the beginning of October.

Park Inn is a midmarket level brand of American hotel operator Rezidor SAS Hospitality. Rezidor portfolio includes more than 350 hotels with over 72 thousand rooms situated in 53 countries of Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

Berezniki Soda Works reduces its overall production


ccording to the newspaper, the JSC «Berezniki Soda Works» is going to decrease its production volume. The company is a supplier of glass industry in Russia. However some of branch enterprises are frozen and order volume is contracted. Meanwhile the

project on heavy soda production is being implemented. The needed equipment is already acquired and the manufacturing complex is now under construction. This year investments into the project amount to s5.6 million and next year it is expected to invest about s4.7 million. In

addition the company accounts for medium term credits. At the same time a positive side is in the fact that metallurgical coal suppliers reduced the prices for it. Till the end of the year the company’s management is going to search for the possible solutions to the existing problem.

The PSK company haven’t paid these enterprises for two periods of heat supply. The default in payment is an obligate result of the termination of bank crediting. Moreover existing

volumes. Decision to reduce production output in “Uralkali” is explained by current reduction of potash manure purchase in the world and lowering sales volumes of its traders. Belarusian potassium company “Uralkali” representatives mention that difficult situation on the world market negatively influenced

all traders including agriculture. Hastily getting rid of finances was stimulated by pessimistic attitudes on stock market and market of raw materials, as well as crisis of liquidity lead to reducing of prices for agricultural products, which at the moment isn’t showing fundamentally strong characteristics of the field.

Igor Shubin : “they all have already blew off “Makromir” , “PIK-Region” and “Development–Iug” Recently Igor Shubin the head of Perm City expressed his opinion that “Makromir” Company (St. Petersburg) hold up construction works of race track course in the city. His opinion is that this situation is connected with financial crisis that stroke most construction companies as well as stagnation of the field on the whole. “I don’t know anything about plans of “PIK” Group besides that they froze construction works as well as “Development–Iug”. They all blew off “Makromir”, “PIK-Region” and “Development-Iug”, they are all in deep thoughts“— shared Igor Shubin.

t was planned to discharge employees at pulp and paper plant “Kama” even before the crisis because of the situation in pulp and paper industry.

KES-Holding Offspring Stopped Footing the Bill

The company had no problems with payments till August but now its current debt to PGES is about `2 million. Besides the entreprise is in debt to Perm’s Fuel and Energy Company (PTEK), The LLC “Teplo-M” and “Perm silicate panel factory”.

In that way the company according to current year results production output will be reduced by 9, 3% comparing with planned


The organization of the working team charged with the construction of the trunk railway “Belkomur”, that is intended to link the cities of Arkhangelsk, Syktyvkar and Perm, is expected to reach completion in the near future. This is what Oganes Oganyan, senator of Perm region, said in an interview. Meanwhile the financial crisis aggravates the investment situation: it remains unclear how the Sovereign Wealth Fund is planning to finance existing projects. This will primarily depend on the market situation. Thus, the realization of the “Belkomur” project will be inevitably governed by macro economy.

erm’s Network Company (PSK) accumulates the debts to its business partners. This statement was put out by Denis Ushakov, the general director of PermGazEnergoService (PGES).

ccording to representative of “Uralkali” production output of potassium chloride will be reduced by 500 000 ton and in 2008 will make 4,9 ton.

Situation at pulp and paper plant “Kama “ to be controlled

Belkomur Construction – the Matter of Macro economy



credit portfolios are sequestrated and credit interest rates are changed. As explained by Ushakov, “the situation will only get worse each day and it would be very undesirable to come back to the 1990s, the period of bilateral clearing. We were suggested to acquire the debt portfolio of management companies to cope with the situation”. On his opinion the hardest period for the electric power industry should be expected in the March of 2009.

But situation got worsen because of situation on the world and Russian markets. According to web seit of Perm Region Governor Administration it is estimated that 1000 employees of pulp and paper plant will lose their jobs. In accordance with agreement of social partnership between the plant and region administration, today was created a working

team in the Region to help with finding a job those who lost it. It consists of employee’s representatives, trade unions and local authorities. Working team with Vladislav Djgukov as a leader made an offer to plan of measures for

company management. So today an advisory board of Krasnokamsk City employment Center is starting to work at the pulp and paper plant. Working team will hold meetings every week controlling observation of rights, social guarantees of workers who lost jobs.

Perm Region Government created “Anticrisis committee”

Government of Permsky Krai created a committee to work out new conception of budget of the Region, taking into consideration crisis influence of the Worlds economic crisis. In Region Board of Exchequer they reported that the main task of the committee is cutting down costs that were planned for 2008 aiming to economize funds for 2009. Besides, members of the committee are doing analysis to reconsider items of expenses for 2009. “Budget pillows” for Permsky Krai in situation of crisis will be cutting down road economy costs that were doubled comparing with last years. At the same time we found out that leaders of Permsky Krai Administration went another way.Particullary it was made a decision to take aside conception of city budget and to offer a new variant of “Anticrisis draft of the bill”. According to the Board of Exchequer of Perm Region this format of work is not acceptable because the draft of the bill in the budget need to be passed by the end of the year.

Pe r m r e g i o n a l n e w s p a p e r

November 2008



All your questions and requests concerning Investor Searching information posted in THE PERM DAYS please send by e-mail INFO@PIMG.RU or ask by skype ALJONA.MOUSE

Garbage sorting complex worth s1.05 million Is set into operation


umatika” Perm finished construction works and set into operation garbage sorting complex (MSK) on ordnance yard (TBO) in Krasnokamsk (Perm Region)”, — reported Deputy Director of the Company Sergey Thudilov. According to him planned production of capacity of the Complex (MSK) IS 30000 ton a year and @1.01

million was invested in this project. Over a month was held beta testing of this complex and set up of engineering volumes. We increased capacity of the plant and now we are on 80% from maximum capacity”, — told us Thudilov. MSK sorts garbage and paticulary polyethylene, paper, cardboard, bottles, broken house equipment

presses and sends it to treatment. In the beginning of 2009 the Company was planning to introduce technological sector to plant wastes processing. As it was announced “Bumatika” got the right to rent ordnance yard (TBO) In Krasnokamsk for 10 years and is planning to invest in this project around 100 mln. Rub. The first starting complex of

MINIMUM WAGE IN PERM KRAI WAS SET AT THE RATE OF ABOUT €144 The Perm krai government has fixed the amount of per capita minimum wage for the 4th quarter of 2008. On an average it accounts to 4964 rubles or €144, informs the governor’s press-service. The cost of living for the working-age population in October-December of the current year is expected to reach €155,3; for retirees – €113,44; for children – €135,63, at that children under 6 require at least €118,63 per month, while those from 7 to 15 years old need minimum €149,14.

ordnance yard (TBO) worth f0.863 million. Rub. Is set in operation in January 2008. Total area of ordnance yard is 16.7 hectare. Administration of Krasnokamsk attracted to this project one more investor “Ordance”. The company is engaged in utilization of biological and medical wastes. But we don’t know how much was invested in this project by them.

KAMKABEL WELCOMES THE NEW DIRECTOR GENERAL As a result of the Limited Society Kamkabel general meeting Aleksander Kosov was appointed the company’s Director General. Vadim Karlinsky, Kamkabel’s former managing director, remained among the works’ top-managers. Aleksander Kosov was born on February, 25 1966 in the city of Omsk. He graduated from Sverdlovsk Institute of National Economy in 1989. Since 1992 he held managing posts in major enterprises of Russia (Yekaterinburg, Rostov-on-Don, and Perm) and Ukraine (Kharkiv): department head, commercial director, production director, operating manager, executive director, deputy director general for strategic development and finally director general.

Machine-building concern stakes on multifields


roup of Companies Western-Ural Machine — building concern (ZUMK) is posing a strategic task within 5 next years to diversify business and get the level of strategic partnership with “Gazprom”, “Russian Railways”. This information was given by vice-president ZUMK Sergei Nikolov at a press-conference. The main produce of the plant is mining equipment. Moreover, according to Nikolov ZUMK projects have to be completed and have engineering and innovational character. Except for design work machine 0building companies will be attracted not only from Perm Region but also from other Regions of Russia. ZUMK started to form its’ mine-build-

ing division. Nikolov mentions that it will be formed in short time constrains and now they are preparing staff

that will allow ZUMK to start rendering mine –building which will be a new service for the group.

Creating multiple – field concern creates conditions to secure business of the group. It will be more stable in today’s situation on the market”, — explains Nikolov. As a result of diversification ZUMK will appear on international markets. Together with Chinese company Citic ZUMK got a tender to construct a plant for potash fertilizer production worth f90.4 million In Uzbekistan. And it is planned to put it into operation in 2010. More than that ZUMK is working on technical and economic basis of constructing adventure on the basis of coal field Ombilin in Indonesia. According to Alexandr Zemskov preparation of project documentation will cost several thousand Dollars.

PAVEL PYANKOV IS ELECTED DIRECTOR GENERAL OF THE TOBACCO PROCESSING PLANT ASTRA The new renovation project manager and Director General of tobacco processing plant ASTRA became Pavel Pyankov. Apart from ASTRA project management he is to take charge of the company Uralstroymontazh that carries out Renova Stroy Group project in the city of Chusovoy. In the past Pavel Pyankov used to be an assistant director of the Perm department of Renova Group Institute for Corporate Development and supervised Renova’s basketball project in Perm krai. Before that he worked in the governor’s administration where he arranged the opening of the Krai Public Chamber. The first political public project of the new born ASTRA Director General was the introduction of “unacknowledged” Youth Parliament of Perm krai under support of Ecoprombank and the Young Guard of the United Russia Party.

HEAD OF THE FEDERAL SERVICE FOR SUPERVISION OF NATURAL RESOURCES USAGE APPOINTED Eduard Livshiz became the new manager of ROSPRIRODNADZOR (Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources Usage) department in Perm krai. Mister Livshiz is to take up his duties on November, 1 this year. Previously he occupied the office of Perm garrison commandant and took the lead over the Perm krai Administration Agency for Law Enforced Bodies and Armed Forces Personnel.

Perm Gunpowder plant is intended to raise its revenue by 20-25%

ederal governmental Plant “Perm gunpowder plant” is planning to raise its revenue in 2009 by 20-25%.

This was mentioned by General Director of the plant Nikolai Fedchenko.He said that they are planning to do it through increasing produce

volumes. He wasn’t willing to say the expected produce volumes for 2009. But he said that last year its revenue was 240 mln. Rub and this year losses make 190 mln.Rub. He mentions that the reason for this is changing of all topmanagement.




Western-Ural Machine-building Concern comprises machinebuilding companies specializing on producing of mining, oil and gas production equipment — NPO “Gorneftemash”, Krasnokamsky plant “Neftegormash”, Iugokamsky Mahine – building plant, “LitMashPro”, “ZapadUralKran”.

The Open JSC Perm Motors Board of Directors has terminated ahead of schedule the authorities of the company’s Director General Nikolai Ivkin. The change is due to the annual shareholders’ meeting decision of the chief executive body authority delegation to the Closed JSC Perm Motors Group Managing Company. Nikolai Ivkin has been appointed the Managing Company’s Deputy Director General for property relations and non-industrial sector. Vyacheslav Grachev in his turn was appointed the managing director of OJSC Perm Motors. Earlier he used to be the company’s Deputy Director General. These management reshuffles are expected to boost the Perm Motors business activity.

Pe r m r e g i o n a l n e w s p a p e r

November 2008



All your questions and requests concerning Investor Searching information posted in THE PERM DAYS please send by e-mail INFO@PIMG.RU or ask by skype ALJONA.MOUSE


For the first time in Perm — the special offer for non-locals Four-room apartment in the wellknown Governor’s house

We draw to your attention our special autumn offer – a magnificent apartment in the well-known Governor’s house. The site: it is at an intersection of the 25 October, Sibirskaya and Krasnoarmeyskaya streets. The most well known governors of Perm krai lived in this house - Gennady Igumnov and Jury Trutnev. On the third floor of the ten-storied house you are surrounded by the whole epoch of the Post-Soviet period. Hundred twenty three square metres. A cosy courtyard, good neighbors and never-ending nostalgia for Russia’ Post-Soviet epoch.

The area – 123 sq. m, including a habitable 83 sq.m. 3rd floor. Protected territory, parking, furniture, quality furnishings, three loggias and two bathing areas.

Phone contact the seller: +7 922 64 64 644


iemens is planning to accomplish several new projects in the sphere of medicine and in the housing & utilities sector. Possibilities of future co-operation were discussed today during the meeting of the company representatives with the krai government vice-chairman Yuri Utkin. Siemens managers offer co-operation in the field of public health service, in particular, they might provide supply of modern diagnostic equipment and give a hand in energy-saving technologies application



For sale Building, place

A parcel, Sverdlovsky district, Uyzhny mini-district

Country, city

Russia, Perm

Seller, country

Agent, Russia

Purpose, variants of development

Area of low-rise blocks of flats Main permitted kinds of development the territory: - Single family-houses of 1-4 floors with a parcel; - Blocks of two-flat houses of 1-4 floors with and without a parcel. - Block of flats not higher than 4 floors with and without a parcel. - Offices and bureaus for organizations, companies. - Petrol stations Service: gas, electricity


25 ha


• 15 minutes from the city center • It is planned to build a shopping center nearby.


1 000 000 Euro



in the housing and utilities sector. “For us cost and quality are the key criteria”, said Yuri Utkin, vicechairman of the krai government, during the meeting with German partners. “Siemens has already approved itself in Perm krai, that’s why new projects in such spheres as health care and utilities sector will be very much interesting for us”. In Perm krai Siemens already supervises several projects. It effects delivery of automation equipment for the OJSC Silvinit, OJSC Uralkali, Limited Society Novogor, and

he Finnish company RUUKKI and Perm krai government continue negotiations for wood processing enterprise location on the territory of the region. On October 23 another meeting was held. The Finnish Group hasn’t yet decided on the industrial site location hesitating between Solikamsk and Dobry-

anka. Both variants are being carefully examined. However, the northern area is more preferable for Finnish investors because it has large lumber resources, says Yuri Utkin, krai government Vice-Chairman. For the next three weeks governmental committee will work on questions put by RUUKKI, after that negotiations will continue.

Representative office of the company’s department IA&DT is open in Perm. In Volga Federal District the company’s subsidiary is functioning since 2005. The concern is represented in over 190 countries of the world and unites about 471 thousand employees. In Russia Siemens carries out operations in all the traditional areas of its activity and has representative offices in 30 regions. The annual turnover in 2007 amounted to €950 million.

regional electric utilities. Since 2007 Siemens supplies Perm TPP #6 with generating equipment of 120 MW capacity, having invested €97 million in the enterprise’s production. Besides, Perm uses Siemens traffic signalization system. According to Igor Kondrusev, director of the company’s department in Volga Federal District, co-operation with Perm krai enterprises is rather occasional than regular. “We would like to establish longterm, stable relationship in various production spheres”, points out the top-manager.



he Swedish concern Scania put off the decision of plant construction in Russia till the end of 2008, says Yuri Utkin, ViceChairman of Perm krai government. “Precise details of the delay are unclear, besides it’s exceptionable to doubt our partners’ intentions”, added the Vice-Premier. At the same time he reported that at the end of November Perm krai governor Oleg Chirkunov is invited to

meet Scania president Leif stling in Sweden. “If Scania wasn’t interested in establishing contacts with Perm krai, it wouldn’t send us the invitation to visit the company”, emphasizes Utkin.


he opening ceremony of the new operational office of Banque Société Générale Vostok (BSGV) took place on October, 29 in Perm. BSGV is an offspring of the French Bank Group Société Générale successfully operating in 80 countries of the world. Perm krai became the 12th region where BSGV opened its representative office. The bank chain which has been established in Russia in 2003 numbers about 60 branches all over the country. According to the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation

Marc-Emmanuel Vives, BSGV President and General Director data, BSGV enters into top 30 largest Russian banks. The bank characterizes itself as a universal one, i.e. rendering banking services to all types of custom-

ers: from individuals to large enterprises. During the press conference that was held in the Perm office of ITAR-TASS news agency, Marc-Emmanuel Vives, BSGV President and General Director, emphasized that regardless the world financial crisis it was good time for creating another office in Perm, because even crisis gives room for development. Besides, Monsieur Vives thinks that BSGV is rather a stable

undertaking powerful enough to withstand the crisis. So far one BSGV operational office is already functioning in Perm (Kommunisticheskaya Street, 41). It is equipped with individual safety deposit boxes and a cash operating unit with two customer’s cabins. As of October, 1 2008 bank’s assets amount to 170.4 billion rubles (about €5 billion) with capital assets of 8.3 billion rubles (€240.5 million).

Пермские дни НОЯБРЬ 2008 №5(10/18)


Принимая во внимание повышенный интерес наших читателей к вопросу инвестирования, с июльского номера вашему вниманию предлагаются комментарии специалистов, зарекомендовавших себя на пермских, российских и международных рынках творцами финансовых потоков

Га з е т а д л я г о с т е й П е р м с к о г о к р а я и ж и т е л е й П е р м с к о г о р е г и о н а , о р и е н т и р о в а н ы х н а з а п а д н ы й о б р а з ж и з н и

эксклюзивно !!!


Грамотный Consulting – всё, что нужно для ведения собственного бизнеса в ОАЭ


а последние несколько лет рынок консалтинговых услуг во всем мире значительно вырос. Подобный рост не мог не отразиться и на стремительно развивающемся рынке ОАЭ. Представители международного делового сообщества, желая войти со своим бизнесом в Эмираты, в первую очередь обращаются в профессиональные консалтинговые компании, дабы иметь четкое представление о том, что ожидает их компанию в обозримом будущем. Мониторинг рынка, оценка его емкости и предполагаемых рисков, открытие новых компаний, предоставление маркетинговых, аудиторских и бухгалтерских услуг, осуществляет также пермская компания PIMG, Ltd, в партнерском «ассортименте» которой несколько крупных компаний — поставщиков выше указанных услуг. Подробнее о деятельности этих компаний и их услугах для пермских клиентов рассказала ее директор Елена Мухамадеева — Алена, расскажите, пожалуйста, что предлагают данные поставщики? — В первую очередь, регистрацию компаний в свободных экономических зонах ОАЭ, таких как SAIF-Zone и Hamriya Free-Zone в Шарже, СЭЗ «Джебель Али», DMCC и другие СЭЗ в Дубае, а также в свободных экономических зонах Фуджейры и Рас-Аль-Хеймы и в оффшорных зонах типа Сейшелы, Панама, Британские Вирджинские и Багамские острова. Кроме того, они открывают филиалы уже существующих компаний в свободных экономических зонах, но если есть интерес, то направляют их к своим партнерам для открытия офисов и на территории ОАЭ. Без профессиональной консультации на любом рынке трудно ориентироваться. Поэтому те, кому небезразличен собственный бизнес, всегда начинают новое дело с обращения к профессиональным консультантам. Вышеуказанные компании специализируется на открытии и сопровождении новых компаний любой юридической формы собственности в ОАЭ, странах Персидского Залива и различных оффшорных юрисдикциях. Они помогают дело-

вым людям сориентироваться на местном рынке Объединенных Арабских Эмиратов, оказывают услуги по реструктуризации уже существующего бизнеса, оформлению и заверке юридических документов. Кроме того, привлекают своих надежных и проверенных партнеров, предлагают своим клиентам оптимальные варианты бухгалтерского и аудиторского обеспечения деятельности их компаний. — Почему, на Ваш взгляд, вопрос регистрации компаний в СЭЗ и оффшорных зонах

сейчас актуален, и бизнесмены из каких стран в основном обращаются к данным поставщикам? — Многие полагают, что оффшорная компания – это лишь один из способов оптимизации налогов. На самом деле, оффшорные компании, в условиях современной международной интеграции, позволяют вести работу одновременно на разных рынках, снижать финансовые риски, пользоваться таможенными, налоговыми и инвестиционными льготами, а также осуществлять движение капиталов. Очень многие наши клиенты выбирают из-

начальную регистрацию компании в оффшорной зоне, когда хотят, чтобы их имя и фамилия не фигурировали в лицензии, а уже затем открывают филиал в СЭЗ. При такой форме компании невозможно узнать, кто является ее реальным владельцем. Во всех документах «виден» только назначенный менеджмент. Многие просто стараются вывести свои средства из-под налогов. Те же, кто не боится налогов, спокойно открывают себе компании в свободных экономических зонах. В лицензиях СЭЗ совершенно прозрачно показаны все имена учредителей, владельцев и руководителей компаний. К нам обращаются клиенты из разных городов России. Нельзя сказать, что мы работаем только с «пермским» рынком. У нас примерно 50% клиентов из Прикамья, а вторая половина – это Екатерибург, Челябинск, Уфа, Казань — Почему сегодня люди едут в Эмираты для того, чтобы открыть собственную компанию? — Все знают о том, что Эмираты – это безналоговое государство, известное стабильной политической и экономической ситуацией, с хорошо развитой банковской и финансовой инфраструктурой, сетью свободных экономических зон, где можно открыть компанию со 100% владением капиталом, деятельность которой не облагается налогами и таможенными пошлинами. В наше время это очень выгодно. Тот факт, что на сегодняшний день в СЭЗ Объединенных Арабских Эмиратов зарегистрированы десятки тысяч

Îêîí÷àíèå на стр. 2.


Набережная Камы. Здание

Страна, город, местность

Россия, Пермь

Продавец, Страна, город

Разработчик и собственник проекта

Назначение, варианты застройки

Общая площадь здания – 7 088,6 кв.м. Габаритные размеры здания в плане 128,7 х 17,8 м; высота этажей – 3,5 м (подвал 2,9 м). Проект прошел согласование на градостроительном комитете по согласованию надстройки дополнительных этажей и фасада здания. Также существует проект организации набережной перед зданием с выходом на берег р. Камы.


20 000 000 долларов, ориентировочный диапазон


+7 (922) 64-64-644, halena@

эксклюзивно !!! Объект

Земельный участок, 1 линия, санаторнокурортная зона Усть-Качки , 33 км от города

Страна, город, местность

Россия, Пермь, Усть-Качка

Продавец, Страна, город

Собственник, Россия, Пермь

Назначение, варианты застройки

Строительство коттеджного поселка с долевым участием в строительстве яхт-клуба


20, 6 га


38 000 000 рублей плюс 13% налог, возможен транш, готовый покупатель на дальнейшую сделку



Пермские дни Региональная газета Пермского края

СТРАНИЦА 2 Если у вас возникли вопросы или предложения по публикациям в газете "Пермские дни", вы можете связаться с нами по электронной почте: INFO@PIMG.RU

THE PERM DAYS РЕКОМЕНДУЕТ Библиотека Уполномоченного по правам человека в Пермском крае презентует Серию «Ценности жизни: достоинство человека». Серия открывается книгой известной журналистки — умной, креативной и красивой женщины — Варвары Кальпиди «ГРЕХ НЕЧТЕНИЯ». Все только самое эксклюзивное из сериала «Тайны города Перми» и «острые примеры публицистики».


Официальные продажи в магазинах торговой сети «Библиосфера». О дате презентации по телефону +7 (912) 88-505-35,

инвестиции Объект

Инвестиции, последующий выкуп 51% акции завода-производителя (Болгария) – цена акций по запросу

Страна, город, местность

Россия, Пермь


Разработчик проекта


Организация производства высокоградусной алкогольной продукции бренди. Разработчики – ведущие европейские специалисты


34 000 000 рублей


Инвестиции, покупатель на патент

Страна, город, местность

Россия, Пермь


Разработчик проекта


Запатентованная разработка «Канатно-веревочная лестница для спасения людей из горящих многоэтажных и высотных жилых домов и зданий при тушении пожаров и других бедствий»


20 млн рублей






Грамотный Consulting – всё, что нужно для ведения собственного бизнеса в ОАЭ Îêîí÷àíèå. Начало на стр. 1 компаний из разных стран мира, говорит сам за себя. Политика правительства Эмират направлена на привлечение большого количества средств из-за рубежа, как в форме прямых инвестиций, так и за счет либерального законодательства, направленного на увеличение присутствия иностранных компаний на территории страны. Единственное, что необходимо учитывать физическому или юридическому лицу, так это сроки открытия компании. Как правило, не каждый бизнесмен может остаться в Эмиратах на неделю-две, а то и больше. Сроки документального оформления компании и открытия соответствующих лицензий могут быть разными, в зависимости от масштабов бизнеса, сферы деятельности вновь открываемой компании и так далее. Деловые люди – это очень занятые люди. Вот тут на помощь и приходят специалисты наших партнерских компаний. Они помогают людям получать лицензии разных типов – торговые, сервисные, производственные. Кстати, многие открывают в свободных экономических зонах ОАЭ собственные производства, так как основными критериями, по которым можно оценить выгоду от учреждения в СЭЗ собственного предприятия можно отнести такие факторы, как: относительно дешевые энергоресурсы, оптимальная структура заработных плат и огромный рынок труда, разумная стоимость аренды производственных помещений, развитая транспортная инфраструктура и выгодное расположение с точки зрения логистики. — Консалтинговые услуги сегодня оказывают многие компании,

начиная с профессиональных юридических фирм и заканчивая риэлтерскими. В чем принципиальное отличие ваших поставщиков-партнеров от остальных? — Мы гордимся своим индивидуальным подходом к каждому клиенту, будь то крупная компания или начинающий бизнесмен. При необходимости мы привлекаем к решению поставленных задач ведущих профессионалов в таких областях, как юриспруденция, бухгалтерский учет, аудит, недвижимость и так далее, с которыми у нас подписаны соглашения о сотрудничестве. Другими словами, мы не оказываем узкоспециализированных консалтинговых услуг, все, что нужно бизнесмену, мы предоставляем в комплексе. Именно это и привлекает к нам представителей делового сообщества. Опять же, повторюсь, серьезным бизнесменам время дорого. Им совершенно некогда ходить по десяткам разных контор, обивая пороги. Гораздо проще обратиться к нам, зная, что в ОАЭ придется приехать только для того, чтобы подписать необходимые документы и получить на руки готовую лицензию. Наши поставщикипартнеры, имея большой опыт работы в СЭЗ

Шарджинского международного аэропорта, а также хорошо налаженные связи с другими свободными экономическими зонами ОАЭ и соседними государствами региона Персидского залива, не боятся сложных задач. Даже самую, казалось бы, неразрешимую проблему наши специалисты могут разрешить, начиная с составления детального бизнес-плана, оценки потенциала создаваемого предприятия, проведения анализа экономической целесообразности открытия компании, и заканчивая обслуживанием компании после ее открытия. Наши партнеры помогают нашим клиентам приобретать готовые предприятия в интересующей их отрасли. Мы можем продать имеющийся бизнес, предоставив грамотное и квалифицированное правовое и документационное обеспечение сделки. Специалисты внимательно следят за всеми изменениями стремительно развивающегося рынка ОАЭ и всегда подскажут наиболее эффективный путь использования имеющихся в вашем распоряжении ресурсов. Мы также оказываем квалифицированные маркетинговые услуги, будь то сбор информации или продвижение

на рынке уже готового продукта. Мы даже поможем вам разобраться в многообразии рынка недвижимости ОАЭ, подсказав в какое риэлторское агентство лучше обратиться по тем или иным вопросам. Профессионалы в области недвижимости, с которыми сотрудничают наши поставщики, подберут для вас наиболее выгодные, с инвестиционной точки зрения, варианты, а также подробно расскажут о тонкостях местного законодательства, связанного с этим сегментом рынка, и о том, как произвести оформление приобретенной недвижимости с максимальной для покупателя выгодой и строгим соблюдением всех правовых норм. — Выходит, ваши партнеры – это так называемый «one-stop shop» для решения всех задач, связанных с открытием и сопровождением собственного бизнеса? — Именно так. И, в этой связи, я бы хотела посоветовать всем бизнесменам, независимо от их статуса и состояния, всегда прибегать к услугам специализированных консалтинговых компаний. Поверьте, средства, затраченные на услуги профессиональных консультантов, всегда окупаются сторицей.

Пермские дни Региональная газета Пермского края




ГАЗЕТА “THE PERM DAYS” ПРЕДСТАВЛЯЛА Прикамье в Арабских странах


-24 октября с.г. в МВЦ «Крокус-ЭКСПО» состоялась Первая арабская выставка в Москве «Арабия-ЭКСПО». В церемонии официального открытия Первой арабской выставки в Москве (Арабия-ЭКСПО), которая прошла 22 октября, приняли участие представители 18 арабских государств, а также ряд российских компаний, организаций, Департаменты инвестиционной политики некоторых российских областей и регионов. Хочется отметить, что Пермского край на этом мероприятии предствляла Компания “Perm Intermedia Group“.

страница 3 Если у вас возникли вопросы или предложения по публикациям в газете "Пермские дни", вы можете связаться с нами по электронной почте: INFO@PIMG.RU

Регистрация российских компаний в ОАЭ Компания PIMG Ltd предлагает услуги по регистрации компаний в ОАЭ

Преимущества ведения бизнеса компаний в ОАЭ: — полное отсутствие налогообложения, — таможенные пошлины — всего 5% от стоимости товара, — стабильная политическая и экономическая ситуация (правительство ОАЭ официально выдает гарантии все банковские вклады в любых суммах на три года) — удобный банковский сервис Простое управление счетом и отсутствие бюрократии: инвойсами подтверждаются только входящие суммы. Расход денег со счета осуществляется любым способом без подтверждающих документов, — низкая стоимость банковского обслуживания — полная безопасность капитала — престиж и статус ОАЭ офиса среди мировых компаний.

Дополнительная информация: +7 (922) 64-64-644

ли Республики Ирак г-жа Сувейба Махмуд Зах Накх Наг. В тот же день в рамках Деловой программы Выставки состоялись заседания круглых столов по бизнес-интересам. 23 октября в МВЦ «Крокус-ЭКСПО» прошли заседания двусторонних деловых советов. Выставка завершилась 24 октября официальной церемонией закрытия, в ходе которой выступили Советник Президента ТПП РФ, Директор РАДС Т.А.Гвилава, Заместитель Гендиректора МВЦ «КрокусЭКСПО» М.А.Меликов и Директор Выставки В.С.Луценко, который подвел итоги всей проделанной работы по её подготовке. Мероприятие показало, что российско-арабские отношения имеют большой нереализованный потенциал. Выставка «Арабия-ЭКСПО» призвана стать новой площадкой для общения российских

и арабских предпринимателей и заключения взаимовыгодных контрактов. Россия намерена и впредь активно и последовательно укреплять связи с арабским миром – ради процветания и благополучия наших стран и народов. Нашему изданию удалось завязать деловые контакты с экономическими отделами посольств представленных на Выставке стран, инвестиционными группами Таиланда, Омана, Туниса, чьи интересы распространяются на финансирование крупных промышленных, строительных и производственных проектов. В том числе, закупка химических продуктов, металлов и продукции машиностроения. Дополнительную информациию по интересам арабских стран в России и конкретно в Пермском крае вы можете узнать отправив запрос по адресу


На Выставке была представлена продукция и услуги арабских и российских экономических операторов, работающих в различных сферах деловой активности. В проходившем в первый день выставки Пленарном заседании Юбилейной сессии РАДС выступили: Президент Торговопромышленной палаты РФ академик Евгений Примаков; Министр иностранных дел РФ Сергей Лавров; Президент Генерального союза Торгово-промышленных и сельскохозяйственных палат арабских стран Аднан Кассар; Председатель РАДС с российской стороны, председатель Совета директоров АФК «Система» Владимир Евтушенков; Министр промышленности Ливанской Республики Гази Зуэйтар; Министр внешней торговли Королевства Марокко Абдель Латиф Маазуз; Заместитель министра торгов-

Пермские дни Региональная газета Пермского края




Если у вас возникли вопросы или предложения по публикациям в газете "Пермские дни", вы можете связаться с нами по электронной почте: INFO@PIMG.RU



Земельный участок

Страна, город, местность

Россия, Пермь

Продавец, страна, город

Собственник, Россия, Пермь

Назначение, варианты застройки

Под строительство Ж-1, в том числе под коттеджи


От 25 га


200 тыс. рублей за одну сотку




Земельный участок

Страна, город, местность

Россия, Пермь, ш. Космонавтов, 330 а, Героев Хасана, 105

Продавец, страна, город

Собственник, Россия, Пермь

Назначение, варианты застройки

Под промышленную застройку, 1-я линия, основные транспортные улицы в Свердловском и Индустриальном районах. Под автосалон, магазин, офисный центр. все коммуникации), 1,5 (все коммуникации+ж/д пути)


1 га


38.000.000 р. и 110.000.000 р.


+7 902 63 90 645,


Производственно-складское помещение


Земельный участок с собственным пляжем и береговой линией

Страна, город, местность

Россия, Пермь, ул. Героев Хасана, 105

Турция, Бодрум, Ялыкавак

Продавец, страна, город

Собственник, Россия, Пермь

Страна, город, местность

Риэлторская фирма, Турция

Назначение, варианты застройки

Производство, складирование, в наличии АБК(1000 м.кв.), земля 0.87 Га, Н(1эт.)=6 м, Н(2эт.)=10 м

Продавец, страна, город


От 1000-9000 кв. м.

Назначение, варианты застройки


16.000 рублей за кв. м.

Разрешение на постройку домов, отеля, микс, или покупка в единоличное владение для дальнейшего строительства


+7 902 63 90 645,


2,6 га


1/3 участка 2 млн евро


Отдельностоящие 4-эт. здание с производственными помещениями



Страна, город, местность

Россия, Пермь, ул. Докучаева,50

Продавец, страна, город

Собственник, Россия, Пермь

Назначение, варианты застройки

Мультиформатный объект, 7 км от центра, находиться в районе поквартальной застройки


3600 (офисы), 1000 (производственные склады), 67 соток, электричество, тепловая котельная. Рядом компании «Finnpak», «Nordpak»


95.000.000 р.


+7 902 63 90 645,


Земельный участок

Страна, город, местность

Россия, Пермский район

Продавец, страна, город

Доверенное лицо, Россия, Пермь

Назначение, варианты застройки

Зона малоэтажной смешанной жилой застройки Основные разрешенные виды использования земельных участков: - отдельно стоящие одноквартирные жилые дома 1-4 этажа с участком; - блокированные двухквартирные жилые дома 1-4 этажа с участком и без участка; - многоквартирные дома не выше 4 этажей с участком и без участка; - офисы, конторы различных организаций, фирм, компаний; - автозаправочные станции. Коммуникации: газ, электричество


25 га


• 15 минут от центра города • рядом запланировано возведение торгового центра


370 млн руб. (1 млн евро)




Для подачи объявления позвоните по телефону +7 (922) 64-64-644

ТРЕТИЙ ПРОШЕЛ УДАЧНО! III МОСКОВСКИЙ ФОРУМ ЛИДЕРОВ РЫНКА НЕДВИЖИМОСТИ 5-7 ноября 2008 года, Экспоцентр на Красной Пресне, г. Москва 5-7 ноября 2008 года в Экспоцентре на Красной Пресне состоялось центральное событие рынка коммерческой недвижимости России — III Московский Форум лидеров рынка недвижимости (Moscow Real Estate Forum – MREF 2008). Основной целью III Московского Форума лидеров рынка недвижимости MREF 2008 стала интеграция лидеров международного и российского рынка инвестиций и недвижимости для обмена опытом и дальнейшего сотрудничества. Форум состоялся в непростое для всего отечественного бизнеса время, когда многие компании и финансовые институты оказались перед лицом серьезного финансового кризиса. Однако именно этот фактор повлиял на актуальность состоявшегося на площадке Форума диалога и принес реальные, практические результаты для его участников. MREF 2008 подтвердил необходимость проведения в Москве ежегодного масштабного мероприятия, объединяющего рынок недвижимости и инвестиций. Работа MREF ориентирована на самый широкий спектр специалистов: представителей инвестиционных, управляющих фондов, банков, финансовых структур, федеральных и региональных органов власти, сферы строительства, девелопмента и консалтинга, а также групп потенциальных арендаторов и собственников офисной, торговой, складской и промышленной недвижимости. Многоуровневость мероприятия создает все условия для конструктивной работы как руководящего состава отрасли, так и среднего звена рынка для установления новых контактов, расширения сферы деятельности и раскрытия новых возможностей для бизнеса. В рамках III Московского Форума лидеров рынка недвижимости состоялись: • Международная конференция «Недвижимость по правилам и без. Инвестиции, коммерция, интеграция» • Международная инвестиционная выставка «COMMERCIAL REALTY» • Тематические семинары, круглые столы, панельные дискуссии, мастер-классы Участниками MREF 2008 стали свыше 350 российских и зарубежных компаний рынка инвестиций и недвижимости.

Pe r m r e g i o n a l n e w s p a p e r

November 2008



All your questions and requests concerning Investor Searching information posted in THE PERM DAYS please send by e-mail INFO@PIMG.RU or ask by skype ALJONA.MOUSE


oscow developing company “KomStrin”is baying land from “EKS” group on Revolytsia Str.opposite the second line of “Semya” complex. According to director of “KomStrin” Perm Marina Konopleva on that area they are planning to office centre of the first class with total area 10 000 square meters. We were acting as co-investors in settling of people from this territory to


onstruction of 17-stored Administrative building at the crossroads of Shosse Kosmonavtov and Marshala Blucher St. is planned to start in 10 months. This information was given by architect or of the project general director of OOO PSF “Gorprojet” Viktor Shipalkin. According to Shipalkin


other places and now completing the documents for the land. It was planned that this office center will be our fourth project in Perm but it will be the second after housing estate “Victoria”. There are

Western investors who are interested in building of this office center despite today crisis, — explains Konopleva. Total area of the land is 2500 square meters. It is planned that future office center will be 6-stored building and will have underground parking place that can fit 200 cars. Architecture projects will be done by foreign specialists. Marina Kovaleva decided not to give the name of foreign partner and the amount of investments.

building owner is OOO “Stroyelement-2”. When talking about the time constrains Shipalkin said that probably it will take 6 months to finish working on project documents and 1,5-2 months to go through an expertise and around a month to get the building permit. It is important to note that yesterday, 30 Oc-

tober the project stated by Viktor Shipalkin with small remarks was approved by town-planning board of Perm. Remarks were made about the amount of parking places – according to the project parking place by office centre will fit only 60 cars and in the centre around 180 employees will be working.


Market of office centers is widening

Building in Perm of Interesting Turkish Company

elegation of Turkish Company “Gurish” visited Perm. As it was explained by manager of representative office in Russia Ilhan Ilmaz at the meeting with authorities of the City and representatives

of Large Construction Companies they are planning to enter construction market in Perm to invest into large construction projects.

According to presscutting service of Perm

Administration different investment projects on social object building in sphere of healthcare, sport and education were presented to Turkish Company. First Deputy of Head of the City Anatoly Mahovikov stated that

municipality is ready to support realization of investment projects for city development. In his turn Ilhan Ilmaz said that some of the projects were interesting for him and expressed hope of future work together.

The third bridge across Kama is to be


he Perm administration has recently announced results of tender for exploratory design of the new bridge across Kama. At the committee meeting a St. Petersburg company “Giprostroymost” was announced as an only participant of the tender. The perm administration will sign a municipal contract to the amount of 25.9 million rubles. Under the contract, until December 15th, 2008 the bridge sites are to be chosen.

Let us remind that the tender procedures had been being conducted for almost

three months. The first bidding, announced as far back as in august, was acknowledged

as failure, because the single request for the tender, made by “Giprostroymost”, included math mistakes and didn’t complied with requirements for the bidding documentation. At the second tender, the request for participation from “Giprostroymost” was the only request again. On October 28th the tender committee has scheduled an examination of the request to approve its compliance with the tender requirements.

“EKS” stops Projects Because of the crisis management company “EKS” owner of “Semya” mall in Perm and Ufa stops working on its other projects. According to general director of “EKS” Elena Jdanova they stopped working on the third line of “Semya” complex in Perm (it was supposed to consist of offices and multifunctional centre) and in Toliatty, as well as building large trade-sports complex with water park in Kamskays Dolina. When we asked for how long these projects will be “frozen” she said that this is what they are trying to figure out now.

Statistics show

During the three quarter of 2008 Perm region citizens has drawn upon 40% more mortgage credits than during the same period of 2007. According to the RF Central Bank, the total sum of mortgage credits, drawn upon by the end of 3rd quarter of 2008, is d308.3 million rubles. The amount for the same period of 2007 was d220.7 million rubles. The Perm region carries out a program, called “Provide young family a habitation”, which is directed to make it possible for people to make initial installment for a mortgage credit. Only this year the Perm region granted 1272 certificates, which cover 40% of an apartment price, to the total amount d22.5 million rubles.

Pe r m r e g i o n a l n e w s p a p e r

November 2008

PAGE 8 All your questions and requests concerning Investor Searching information posted in THE PERM DAYS please send by e-mail INFO@PIMG.RU or ask by skype ALJONA.MOUSE



he Limited Society Permgrazhdanstroy director Vitaly Ryadkin reported that the company isn’t going to chop and change its plans in the face of the progressing financial crisis: business park construction in the quarter outlined by Kommunisticheskaya, Popova, Sovetskaya and Osinskaya Streets is set to be launched in the nearest future. According to the company’s top-manager, engineering documentation is to be certified in the first quarter of 2009. At the same time Permgrazhdanstroy is expecting to obtain the building permit and present the business park project in the town-planning committee of the city administration.

It should be reminded that Permgrazhdanstroy is expecting to erect an architectural complex of 120 square meters at the former site of Permskaya confectionary. The architectural ensemble will include a hotel under the management of international operator, commercial real estate and luxurious apartments. The estimated cost of the project’s realization fluctuates between €202.83 million — €289.76 million. The general contractor of the project is Austrian company Strabag AG

Vitaly Ryadkin reported that neither the project implementation period, nor investment volume have changed because of the crisis. At the present moment the company’s specialists work on the ownercontractor agreement. However, the project’s

co-investors have not been determined yet. According to Permgrazhdanstroy director, the company holds negotiations with both Russian and foreign business structures. He agreed to name them only after some certain agreements are achieved. The business park hotel operator has been chosen beforehand, Starwood Company that works under the brand Sheraton is to perform this function. Meanwhile Permgrazhdanstroy continues negotiations with several international hotel operators. However, construction start time remains uncertain. “We are very much interested in the earliest possible startup time and working hard on it”, says Vitaly Ryadkin.



he Euro Towers project developer, conjoint Israeli-Russian Company “Kama Gate” has officially declared that it’s going to cardinally reformat its previous project: two out of three first order residential buildings will be replaced by a 23-storey hotel and 42-storey business center. Today the company is in search of co-investors that will undertake the expenses. According to the company’s Director General, Alexei Lukanin, alteration of the primary project is caused by falling demand in premium class residential property. Only a 36-storey building will remain residential. Euro Towers project (primarily called “Prikamye

Gates”) was initiated back in 2006. The Limited Society Prospect and Africa Israel Investments Ltd. subordinated to Israeli businessman Levi Levaev acted as the project’s developers. According to the previous project, after the slum resettlement in quarters #4, 5 and 6 (between Popova, Ordzhonikidze, Okulova and Osinskaya Streets)

three one-sectional residential buildings were to be erected: 24-, 36-, and 42-storey giants. The stylobation linking the three buildings together was planned to host a commercial center in business fashion format. Aggregate investment was expected to reach $256-290 million. The first order estimated square was 150 square meters.

KES-Holding is not planning on cutting down its investment programme


nvestment programme on capacity development that was confirmed by KES-Holding will be implemented to the full extent.

DOBRYANKA PLYWOOD MILL RELIES ON RUSSIAN INVESTMENT FUND The regional project “Dobryanka Wood Processing Industry Development” counts on funds receipt in the amount of €28.6 million from the Russian Investment Fund. According to the krai administration press-service, the money is planned to cover the expenses of the plywood mill infrastructure development. Perm krai application is registered under #16 in the list of regional projects claiming for budgetary provision of the Russian Investment Fund. 23 regions filed their applications to the Russian Ministry of Regional Development, among them the Republic of Sakha, Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, Orenburg, Omsk, Kurgan, Kirov, Kemerovo and other regions. By December, 1 this year Russian governmental commission will examine all the applications and pass the final decision. The complete realization of Dobryanka project requires €156.47 million. Developers might receive 988 million rubles from the investment fund €28.62 million, another €1.73 million will be provided by the krai budget. The rest will be invested by the Limited Society Dobryanka Lumber Factory. Meanwhile, Dobryanka plywood mill construction proceeds at full speed, now the workers are occupied at construction and installation activities. The enterprise that will be finished in 2010 is expected to release 90-120 thousand cubic meters of large-formatted plywood per year. The mill is designed to give employment opportunities to about 300 people.

Was stated by the first vice-president, chief executive of KES-Holding Andrey Shishkin at press-conference. “We are not planning to cut down our programme but making all efforts to

implement it in situation of difficulties on financial market”. According to Mr.Shishkin crisis cannot be permanent. Temporary difficulties should be considered within the tactics not strategy. Head of branch KES “Oscillation of Ural” Andrey Makarov mentions that he is sure there will be some adjustments in the programme.

Particulary because there is no certainty with “Lookoil” whether they will create their own oscillation or join TGK-9. And Bereznikovsky Soda plant “Sodachlor” can change their plans of improvement. On the other hand oscillation has to introduce new volumes of capacity according to schedule in the contract. “For us it is economically ineffi-

cient not to introduce them”— explains Mr.Makarov. “It is cheaper to build capacities that will stay for some time rather than not to build at all. In this case we get strict penalty.” Investment programme “Oscillation of Ural” presupposes investment of !1.62 million. Till 2013, and as a whole set of projects is evaluated for !2.64 million.

Activities of “VSMPO-AVISMA” depend on Boing and Airbus plans


s it was stated by Evgeniy Romanov, the director general of OJSC “VSMPO-AVISMA”, he was to go for a business trip to have negotiations with Boeing and Airbus management. Mr. Romanov explained that “The purpose of the visit is to specify what volume of orders they consider for us”. According to Mr. Romanov, the foreign partners, exposed to the

financial crisis, request Avisma to approve their readiness to increase production volumes, and also to implement structure modification to obtain profound processing. Evgeniy

Romanov also said «We have already announced them our request to specify volumes of orders by space and time». According to the director general of “VSMPO-Avisma”,

the partners should answer in November, and already during December all the modifications to the enterprise strategic development concept until 2020 with perspective until 2030. In addition, Mr. Romanov added «Board of directors posed a problem to develop the concept, and the modifications should be made no later than in the first half of 2009».

Pe r m r e g i o n a l n e w s p a p e r

November 2008



All your questions and requests concerning Investor Searching information posted in THE PERM DAYS please send by e-mail INFO@PIMG.RU or ask by skype ALJONA.MOUSE


Perm Rotundas G

This is one of the few buildings left from the period of Alexander I emperorship. Moreover rotunda owes its existence to this emperor or to be more precise to the visit he made in 1824. The arrival of the royal person who made up his mind to familiarize with the Eastern outskirts of the Empire was an unheard-of occasion for the remote provincial city. Thus the newly appointed governor Cyril Tyufyaev made everything possible in order to present the city and its officials in fine feather. The preparations weren’t limited to street cleaning and housefront painting. For the first time the regional capital could boast boardwalks, night illumination street lights, police boxes and pompous obelisks depicting the Russian Eagle at the turnpikes of Siberian and Kazan tracts. The townees awed when the city acquired the true attribute of gallant life – a large rotunda was erected among birch alleys behind the country boulevard. Even Karl Moderach, the governor of the past famous for architectural development policy didn’t get down to that! Rotunda was built as per the design of an outstanding architect, author of the first Russian theoretical work “Guidance to Architecture”, academician Ivan Svizyaev. Luckily at that time he occupied the post of the chief architect in the Urals Board of Governors. He initiated the construction of over 30 buildings in the city of Perm: seminary, governor’s residence, bell tower of the Transfiguration


orky Park rotunda holds an outstanding position among architectural symbols of Perm. In the latter years a new tradition of Grandma Rotunda Birthday celebration was conceived. Besides the age of this architectural construction is quite considerable; this year it is going to celebrate its 174th birthday.

US President is writing a book about Perm City

of the Savior Cathedral, the House of the Noble Assembly. Time, fire and architectural ambitions of the new generations destroyed many of Svizyaev’s projects but the rotunda in the former Country Gardens remained. Besides, it was not a mere reminder of the epochs of the past. In 1829 famous German scientist Alexander Humboldt used it for carrying out of physical experiments; as a result he managed to determine the precise geographical position of Perm: 58 1` 2`` north and 25 56`28`` east. In 1835 a literary exile Alexander Gerzen used to stroll by it in solitude bewailing that “our provincial folk despises platonic amusements”. In 1837 dramatically illuminated rotunda greeted the future Emperor Liberator Alexander II, at that time the Crown Prince of Russian Empire, accompanied by his mentor, famous poet Vasily Zhukovsky who undertook the journey in order to discover the vastness of Russia. In 1905 the old rotunda saw the first political manifestation organized

by Motovilikhinsky Bolshevik labors in the Country Gardens. Nevertheless, for Perm folk that had appreciated the loveliness of promenades in the park alleys, rotunda became a continuous companion of festivities and summer recreation. Not everyone knows that our dear rotunda had at least one sister that was built at the same time on the embankment of the Kama River. Rotunda in the Embankment Garden (now it carries the name of Reshetnikov Square) commanding a spectacular view of the boundless Kama forests was a favorite resting place of another famous writer who lived in our city – P.I. Melnikov-Pechersky. Unfortunately, at the end of XIX century Perm historians already spoke of it as of nonexisting. We can only guess where it was located: in the beginning of Gazeta Zvezda Street (former Okhanskaya Street) as it is generally assumed, or in October 25 Street (former Obvinskaya Street) as some of the old city plans indicate and one

of the surviving drawings depicts. However even those rotundas weren’t the onliest. Since the beginning of XIX century many town people used to have ample country estates. Apart from houses, barns, horse stables, banyas and other household outbuildings the estate frequently had a garden with an alcove. One of the most beautiful mansion rotundas stood in the garden of Perm entrepreneur Nikolai Meshkov. Together with the merchant’s gorgeous mansion in the embankment of the Kama River it constituted a uniform architectural ensemble built upon the project of A.B. Turkevich in 1880s. Nonetheless, unlike the house, the rotunda didn’t survive.

Address: 614000 Perm, 15 Sibirskaya str., Tel: 8(342)212-56-57, 212-54-46 The museum web-site:

A presentation of new book written by US President Barak Obama was held in Russia. In the book Obama mentions his trip to Russia 3 years ago when he visited Perm and Saratov. The book named “The audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American dream” appeared in bookstores of USA in October 2006. During 30 weeks it was on “New York times” list of bestsellers as well as “Los-Angeles Times”, ”Washington Post”, ”San-Francisco Chronicle”. Presidential contender visited 2 Russian cities together with senator Lugar when they were inspecting utilization of Soviet nuclear charges. Author of the book says that he has the following memories of Russia: shells of old rockets, borsh, vodka and “very suspicious jelled fish.”

Komsomolsky Prospect will be turned into a Sculpture Gallery

According to the Head of Perm City Igor Shubin Perm sculpture artists offered him to create new monument for the city. Remember that the day before a sculpture of a bear in front of Organ Hall was removed. Igor Shubin is persuaded that Perm needs a sculpture portraying a bear but it should fit better with the surroundings. “We are planning to decide by the end of this year how the monument will look like and where will be placed. Most likely it will be on the Esplanade,“– explains Mr.Shubin. At the same time small metal and stone sculptures will be placed on Komsomolskaya Square so that it will be turned into original gallery”,— concluded The Head of the City.

On-line Information about Prikamye

20 multimedia on-line Terminals were placed in Permsky Krai which can help citizens and guests to get information about natural and architectural monuments on the territory of Prikamye as well as enquire about health resorts and sanatoriums. Terminals are a part of Region Principal Programme “tourism development in Permsky Krai (2008-2012)” that was recently adopted by Legislative Assembly of Permsky Krai. Its mail purpose is an increase of tourist flow and development of tourism as an effective trade of the Region. Today in the Region we get 427 000 tourists annually and within 2 years it is planned to increase this number by 40%.

Pe r m r e g i o n a l n e w s p a p e r

November 2008



All your questions and requests concerning Investor Searching information posted in THE PERM DAYS please send by e-mail INFO@PIMG.RU or ask by skype ALJONA.MOUSE

Tea capital of the Russian Empire


Voznesenskaya Feodosievskaya Church O

n of the latest built Churches in Perm is Voznesenskaya Church which means Church of Gods Resurrection. Most of the money for the Church was donated; some amounts from s0.81 to s5.40. Were bequeathed by the Church from citizens.

The city of Perm saw a conference devoted to the entry of Perm region into the international tourist project, the “Great Tea Route”. According to expert opinion, elaboration of the tea tour of Perm territory may thrust forward the development of international tourism around the Kama region. In actual fact, the “Great Tea Route” project has been developing since 1992 with the assistance of more than 50 organizations from 3 countries of the world: Russia, Mongolia and China. Today, following this longest tour, you can traverse the whole Euro-Asian continent. The Great Tea Route tour, connecting Russia, Mongolia and China, comprises the majority of trade routes by which tea was transported to European, American and African countries. The tour is aimed at the development of the great tourist movement based on the discovery of a historico-cultural national heritage. Therefore tours were created that enabled visits to many sights or to a large part of them during a short trip or a long one. Besides, a tourist may chose a trip out of many suggested possibilities. On the 14th of July a question about the participation of the region in the international tourism project, the Great Tea Route, was being discussed at the conference. It took place in partnership with representatives of the Perm region administration and tour operators. The idea of participation in it was suggested during the carrying out of the 8th international tourist fair, MITF-2008, that took place in May, in Moscow. Representatives of Perm tourist business that assisted the conference showed a keen interest in the project’s development and advance and announced their willingness to take part in it. According to the conference results, experts of the Department for Trade and Entrepreneurship Development, tour operators and travel agencies of Koungur, Solikamsk and Perm are expected to elaborate a project and a tour of tea route running throughout the region. According to the plans, the route will presumable traverse the cities of Koungur, Solikamsk and Perm that beforetime lay on the way of the Great Tea Route. The route is expected to comprise the tea museum, opened in 2007, the monument to the tea merchant Goubkin and other sights. Perm region negotiators are supposed to participate in the project members’ meeting that will take place in the Baikal region, where the plan of collaboration will be ratified and arrangements for the coordination of the actions of the three countries concerning tourists’ entertainment will be worked out. The created tour will be posted to the Great Tea Route – the route of trade, culture and tourism web site, and they will start selling it on Russian and foreign markets.

13 of May 1903 Bishop of Perm and Solikamsk issued a charter allowing to start building the Church. The land for the Church was partially bought and partially donated by Merchant Alexander Pavlovich Balabanov. In archives among the documents there are settlement, plan of country estate and certificate for selling. 1904 altar of the Church was already consecrated in the name of Seraphim Sorovsky. 1918 Voznesenskaya Church was one of the biggest Churches in Perm. At that time Church Congregation consisted of 5 households of ecclesias-

tic, 33 — officials, 163 — bourgeois and merchants, 102 — peasants. The Church had Church council and constantly was held congregation meetings.

Destroying influence on the Church congregation had a split in orthodox doctrine. A group of believers made a request to City Administration to

register a new church community because” it was impossible to go to Feodosievskaya Church which is now held by a group called “Grigorievtsy”, for the reason of difference in beliefs”. At the end of 1928 after the inspection of the Church by Administrative Department the building was given to “more trustworthy group of believers”. In 1929 a group of “Grigorievtsy” had a request to administration to give them back the building but their request was denied. 18 of May 1930 at the meeting of small presidium of Perm Executive Committee a decree was issued to “take the building of Feodosievskaya Church and turn it into hall of residence”. In the beginning of 30 the building was turned into a bread-baking plant that was put into commission in February 1935. In 1991 Feodosievskaya Church was given back to believers.

LEGENDS of PrikamyE

Golden iron A

t the places where Uls River flows to Vishera River people found ironstone. Some say that even today there is no better cast iron than that was found in that Region. Many were attracted to those places, one Moscow merchant even built a plant there to get cast iron but not only Russians people started come even from Paris. They decided to build plants all along Vishera River. They didn’t forget Kutimovsky plant that was started by Moscow merchant; it was also operating and giving new owners good money. A lo of goods started to be transported by Vishera: bricks and nails, trolleys and inventory.

The biggest plant they were planning to built at the mouth of Vizgaiha River. But most locals thought that not only iron was attracting foreigners. Some were saying that those places were rich in gold and this confirms names of the Rivers there Zolotiha, Zolotanka, which means golden rivers. So in addition to iron

they started extracting gold. But the problem was that they needed to transport it back to France and Country guards were inspecting every barge and they were not allowed to transport gold. They came up with an idea of making hollow iron cups and hide gold there. On the outside it was iron but if you break it there is gold inside.

But this didn’t solve all the problems. The River didn’t want to give away its wealth. When the water was high and barges were going down the river one after another barges were crashing by the huge stone that were on the sides of the river. Their names were Warrior and Pirate and they were guarding gold in these places. The worst was Pirate stone and a lot of barges were crashed by it. One barge was crashed by Warrior stone and owners of the barge were asking local citizens to help them to get it out. After that people started talking that they had gold on the barga. Even today if people find old iron cups in those places they brake it hoping that it will have gold.

Pe r m r e g i o n a l n e w s p a p e r

November 2008



All your questions and requests concerning Investor Searching information posted in THE PERM DAYS please send by e-mail INFO@PIMG.RU or ask by skype ALJONA.MOUSE

“Diamond Pin Festival” The “Brilliant Pin” festival has been held in Perm since 1995. Every year it welcomes more than 60 fashion artists and designers from Perm, Omsk, Chelyabinsk, Kazan, Izhevsk, Ekaterinburg, Moscow, St. Petersburg and Nizhniy Novgorod.

contest for designers, Marina Timofeeva, assistant professor of costume design department in Omsk institution of service and others. In addition to the main program visitors will have a chance to see a non-competitive fashion show where designers from other Russian regions will

present their best collections. Besides master classes will be specially organized for professionals in the sphere of fashion. Initiators of the 10th “Brilliant Pin” include the Ministry of Trade and Enterprise development of Perm region, professional association of fashion industry and the producer centre of Kama Art-Group. The “Brilliant Pin” festival has been held in Perm since 1995. Every year it welcomes more than 60 fashion artists and designers from Perm, Omsk, Chelyabinsk, Kazan, Izhevsk, Ekaterinburg, Moscow, St. Petersburg and Nizhniy Novgorod.


The festival is aimed to support small and medium businesses in fashion industry. The event will also involve the contest for designers to champion awards for the following competitions: “Townwear”, “Youth Clothes”,

“Leather and Fur” and “Gala Dress”. A lot of fashion-artists, studios, fashion houses and students of specialized educational institutions of Permskiy Krai and other regions have already applied for the participation in the event. Presented works will be appreciated by the jury composed of renowned representatives of fashion industry. They include Alexander Hilkevich, the editor-in-chief of such magazines as “Atelier”, “Fashion Industry” and “International Textiles”, Vera Tugova, the manager of the “Exercise” project that is an international

reciept from chIef-cook

URALSKY MEAT-JELLY Ingredients • 800 gr. beef fetlock • 350-400 gr. beef • 1,2 kg. chicken • 1 big carrot, • 1 onion • 2-3 pieces of garlic • 1-2 small roots of parsley

• • • •

bay leaf allspice tree black ground pepper salt to your taste.

Beet fetlock needs to be washed, dried, chop up into several pieces, put into a pot with cold salted water and boil on for 6-8 hours, from time to time removing fat and scrum from the top. After 3-4 hours add beef and chicken (without fat) and continue boiling till it is done. 30 minutes before you stop boiling add cleaned and chopped into small pieces carrot, onion, roots of parsley. Boiled meat , beef fetlock and chicken you need to take out from broth, and filter broth. Remove from the chicken bones, skin and from beef fetlock – bones and sinew. Chop all meat in small pieces and add into broth. Salt broth and boil for 15-20 minutes. 2-3 minutes before turning it off add chopped garlic. Pour this broth into forms and put them into a cold place and wait until it becomes a hard jelly.



he 10th fashion festival “Diamond Pin” is taking place in Perm in the period from the 25th up to the 27th of November. This year the anniversary festival is expected to come to a new level as far as buyers, merchandisers who choose fashionable clothes to be presented in boutique collections, will take part in it.

Pe r m r e g i o n a l n e w s p a p e r

November 2008

PAGE 12 All your questions and requests concerning Investor Searching information posted in THE PERM DAYS please send by e-mail INFO@PIMG.RU or ask by skype ALJONA.MOUSE

last page Theatre The P. I. Tchaikovsky Perm Academic Opera & Ballet Theatre 25a Kommunisticheskaya Str., Tel.: 212-30-87, working hours 10 a.m. – 7 p.m. Tickets cost from 80 roubles. «COPPELIA». Ballet in 3 acts. L. Delib. November 1st, 11.00


«CINDERELLA». Fairytale opera in 3 acts. J. Massenet. November 1st, 19.00


«CORSAIR». PREMIERE. Ballet in 3 acts. A. Adam. November 2nd, 19.00

An artist of the Perm region Phylarmonic Society, illusionist Valeriy Bastrakov is anknowledged as one of the best ten magicians in the world. Valeriy Bastrakov and theatre (“Ulybka” — Smile) has recently performed in Monaco at the very prestigious festival “Magic of Stars”, wich annually gathers together the best illusionists from all over the world. According to the press-cutting service of the Perm Philarmonic Society, only the third try to get to the competition was a success for Bystrakov and his theatre. At the festival gala-concert the illusionists represented te countries they are from, so Valeriy Bystrakov represented Russia. His troupe has played 5 shows, star sun of which was three-meter Russian dolls (matreshka) performance. The illusionists shares his opinion «There are few such performances as we do in the world. Only we, Chinese, and Hindu work with folk features. The rest prefer traditional tailcoats. We were welcomed there very warmly! For the time we stayed in MonteCarlo, we’ve become famous: people at the streets recognized us, asked for autographs, smiled and thanked. Currently Valeriy Bastrakov and his theatre “Ulybka” prepare for the World congress in Beijing, scheduled for 2009.

If you are interested in the additional information about the materials posted in the newspaper and you can’t find it – feel free to send a request via the e-mail We will try to find everything you need.

«A session with angels». «Once upon a warm night in May above the porch of five-storied house angels were sitting...». November 7th (16:00, 19:00)

«And the street is changing look» exhibition The exhibition tells about the history of Pokrovskaya street (now Lenina st.) Diorama museum in Motovilikha. Phone: (+7342) 267-55-82, 267-59-67

«Wanna live!..». The performance is based at story by Vasiliy Shukshin. November 18th (19:00).

RECITAL OF GEORGIY ISAAKIAN, an honored Art Worker of Russia, RF national prize winner, laureate of prize in honor of F. Volkov. «39,1». November 7th, 19.00

«The nameless star». Incredible story about love. Mihail Sebastian. November 19th (19:00), November 29th (12:00, 18:00).

JUBILEE SOIREE, devoted to 25th anniversary of creative work of Russian national artist Elena Kulagina. November 12th, 19.00

«Chonkin». Great and funny, horrible and beautiful, dream and reality, which is more absurd than any dream, are all mixed up in brilliant novel by V. Voinovich. November 20th (19:00), November 21th (19:00). «The blue kerchief». A musical comedy about war time. November 25th (19:00).

«Fathers and Sons». Life scenes in 2 acts, directed by Adolf Shapiro. November 28th (18:00).

“U Mosta” theatre Address: 11 Kuibysheva str. Tel.: 237-5255 (box-office), 243-21-41 (info)

Evgeniy Panfilov Ballet The performances are held at the Perm academic drama theatre (Address: Perm, 53 Lenina str.) Tickets booking: 271-61–01, 236–10–92.

«Players». The theatre’s new approach to its favorite author, one of the most mysterious Russian writers – Nikolay Vasilievich Gogol. November 4th (18.00), November 5th (19:00)

«Girls». «Take me like this…». A ballet in 1 act, show, performed by the “Fight Club” troupe. November 10th (19:00).

«Yunona and Avos». Mystery opera (A. Rybnikov, A. Voznesenskiy). November 8th (14:00), November 8th (18:00), November 9th (18:00). «Dog heart». (M. Bulgakov). Human comedy. November 11th, November 12th (15:00. 19:00) «Zoika’s Flat». Play by M.A. Bulgakov. A bright, virtuous comedy, in which the characters’ dreams crash down as a house of cards due to the circumstances. Though the action took place almost a century ago (time of New Economic Policy), the play is still topic issue. Novemer 13th (19.00), November 14th (19:00)

«Tavernkeeper». A comedy by the great reformer of Italian theatre C. Goldoni. November 18th (19:00), November 19th (19:00), November 20th (19:00) «The Beauty Queen of Leenane». (M. McDonah). Sad comedy. November 21st (19:00) «A skull in Connemara». A hard and gloomy comedy by McDonah. November 22nd (18:00) «The Lonesome west». An absurd, ironic and bloody play by McDonah. November 23rd (18:00) «Pannochka». A Phantasmagoria after play by N. Gogol. November 25th (15:00, 19:00), November 26th (15:00), November 26th (19:00)

«The history of Perm cannon plants» exhibition The show is about Motovilikha settlement in the 19th and 20th centuries, about the first Russian revolution of 1905. Diorama museum in Motovilikha. Phone: (+7342) 267-55-82, 267-59-67

Concerts «Virtuosos of Moscow». This is the 30th anniversary tour of the orchestra. The performance includes: Vivaldi, Mozart, Boccerini, Haydn. The orchestra is conducted by the Russian National Artist Maestro Vladimir Spivakov. Grand hall of the Philharmonic Society (Address: Perm, 14 Kuibysheva str. Tel: (box-office) 235-14-92. November 10th (19:00).

«The three sister». It is said, that they really lived in our city: dreamt, loved, suffered… November 26th (18:00).

«PAGLIACCI». Opera in 2 acts with prologue. R. Leoncavallo. November 13th, 19.00

«Evenings on a farm near Dikanka”. Live-action play of Gogol’s village, with its carols, divinations and maskers, its original sense of humor and wonderful, enchanting Ukrainian songs. November 6th (19:00), November 7th (19:00)

«Dr. Zhivago». Perm is the prototype of Yuriatin town in the novel. November 26th (19:00), November 27th (19:00)


«ALCINA». RUSSIAN PREMIERE. Enchanting opera in 2 acts. G.F. Handel. November 6th, 19.00

«CLEOPATRA». RUSSIAN PREMIERE. Opera in 3 acts and 5 scenes. J. Massenet. November 11th, 19.00

nied with scandals – all the parts are performed by men. November 22nd (18:00)

Theatre of young spectator Address : Perm, 68 Bolshevistskaya str. Tel: (box-office) 212-42-76.

«Don’t leave me...». A poignant, lyric and the same time dramatic war ballad. November 15th (18:00)

«Master and Margarita». (M. Bulgakov). The “U mosta” theatre version. November 15th (15:00, 18.00), November 16th (18:00), November 17th (19:00)


«The Beast». (M. Gindin, V. Sinakevich). A fantastic story. November 29th (18:00), November 30th (18:00).

«SWAN LAKE». Ballet in 3 acts. P. Tchaikovsky. November 5th, 19.00

«ORPHEUS». RUSSIAN PREMIERE. Opera in 2 acts, performed in Italian. C. Monteverdi. November 8th, 9th, 19.00

Valeriy Bastrakov, an illusionist from Perm, is one of the ten best magicians in the world

«Drakula». A mysterious novel. November 27th (15:00, 19:00), November 28th (15:00, 19:00)

Soiree of choreography by Evgeniy Panfilov. November 17th (19:00). «Women, 1945». «Hit + Hit». «Stouts ballet» and dance-company “Fight club”. November 24th (19:00) Theatre-Theatre Address: Perm, 53 Lenina str. Tel.: 23610-92 «Beatles girls». November 4th(18:00). «Tarelkin DREAM». PICARESQUE COMEDY. November 4th (19:00). «La tour de Nesle». A story by Galliarde-Dumas – complete adventure and fiction. November 6th (19:00), November 21st (19:00). «Quadrature of a circle». The spectator will meet komsomol members, communists, and passionate proletarian poet. November 8th (18:00), November 15th (18:00), November 23rd (18:00), November 28th (19:00). «A Mid Summer Night’s Dream». Improvisations with Shakespeare. November 9th (12:00, 18:00), November 29th (12:00, 18:00). «The dowerless». A Story of an unhappy love, which can’t exist in this “everything is for sale” world. November 12th (19:00), November 30th (18:00). «Hey, You’ve crossed the line». A performance based after play of Neil LaBute. November 13th (19:00). «Seagull». November 14th (19:00) «Slaves». A comedy in 2 acts after play of A.N. Ostrovskiy. November 18th (19:00). «Vladimirskaya square». A fascinating musical based after novel of F.M. Dostoevskiy. November 20th (19:00). «Hamlet». The most mysterious play of Shakespeare has always been accompa-

Pelageia. A performer, singing as Russian folk “Valenki”, as ancient Slavic ritual psalms to the accompaniment of sweeping rock-n-roll guitar roars and cave-psychedelic shaman rhythms. Palace of Culture, named after Soldatov Address: Perm, 79 Komsomolskiy Ave. Tel.: 244–06–19. November 18th at 19:00 Turetskiy choir. Ten sweet-voiced men has recently named themselves as an “Art-group” and enriched their repertory with famous opera parts and hits from the world-known musicals, jazz compositions, love songs and chanson. Palace of Culture, named after Soldatov. November 21st at 19.00 Vladimir Smirnov. Talent of a drama actor, pleasing baritone, fantastic guitar playing would create atmosphere for an unforgettable evening. House of Officers (Address: Perm, 59 Sibirskaya str. Tel: 2445152). November 29th at 18:00. Patricia Kaas «Kabaret Tour». The famous French signer Patricia Kaas will introduce to the Perm public her new album «Кабаре». Grand hall of the Phylarmonic Society (Address: Perm, 14 Kuibysheva str. Tel: (box-office) 235-14-92). December 19th at 19:00

Evening parties «Russian Girls». Club 7 (Address: 60\1 Revolutsii str, “7 Piatnits” shopping centre, 4th floor. Tel: 233–40–33). November 6th (23:00). «Russian extreame». Club 7 (Address: 60\1 Revolutsii str, “7 Piatnits” shopping centre, 4th floor. Tel: 233–40–33). Fire show, bicycles, yogis. November 21st (23:00), November 22nd (23:00) «Hayat». Mystery and seduction of belly-dance. Club 7 (Address: 60\1 Revolutsii str, “7 Piatnits” shopping centre, 4th floor. Tel: 233–40–33). November 28th

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