Tayori - Summer 2014

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Summer 2014

Tayor i A

Ne w s l e t t e r

o f

Ni k k e i

C o nce r ns

Making ever y day the best day for residents, participants, staff, and community!

Volu me 3 8 • I s s ue 3

Our heroes…the Ayame Kai Guild The Ayame Kai Guild has withstood the test of time; the members have always been and will be dedicated and true to the residents and participants of Nikkei Concerns (NC). The men and women of Ayame Kai are community volunteers, fundraisers, and leaders who lend a helping hand, share their wisdom, and make wishes come true. あやめ会-私たちのヒーロー 永い間、 日系コンサーンズの入居者やイベント参加者のた めに奉仕してきたあやめ会。会員の皆さんは常に必要な時 に救いの手をさしのべ、知恵を出し合うコミュニティボラン ティアであるとともに活発な募金活動で援助の手をおしま ないリーダー的な存在です。

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Our heroes… the Ayame Kai Guild あやめ会-私たちのヒーロー


End of an era – Farewell to the South China Dinner


Making wishes come true


Memories of Koke Oda


The Chef’s Corner シェフのコーナー


Be Genki!


Nikkei HorizonsCoast!

Have it all on the


aits you with ncoln City aw This summer, Li ing. olf, and shopp surf, casino, g ay! Sign up tod

The Founders Fifteen energetic women – Kachi Ikeda, Shizu Kaku, Ossie Katayama*, Amy Kuramoto*, Edna Matsubu*, Lovett Moriguchi*, Joyce Nakamura*, Toshi Okamoto, Maida Okazaki*, Linda Osada*, Betty Otani, Nobuko Otsuji, Joan Seko (Chair), Joanne Yamamoto*, and Jody Yamanaka – started Ayame Kai in February 1978, when Seattle Keiro was only a few years old. They first crafted cushions for the Seattle Keiro residents and launched an organization that would strengthen community ties to NC and raise over a million dollars. This year, we will honor the founders at our annual Omusubi Connections Luncheon on November 6th. * deceased

Fundraising Community events have been the heart of Ayame Kai fundraising. The Rummage Sale was a huge undertaking each spring. Families donated their extras; volunteers sorted, displayed and priced the goods; and the community purchased treasures at the event for over 20 years. When the members retired the Rummage Sale, the Steak Dinner, now in its 5th year, emerged to draw in families for good times and great food. The Holiday Craft Fair – with its Continued on page 7

NIKKEI CONCERNS 2014 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Julie Ann Oiye, President Neill Urano, Vice President Noriko Goto Palmer, Secretary Kevin Nagai, Treasurer Frank Fukui Brenda Handley David Hayasaka Vicki Toyohara Mukai Hideo Suganuma Bill Tashima Ted Tomita Dennis Yamashita Pastor Joe Yoshihara Honorary Board Members Janet Deguchi Tomio Moriguchi Tosh Okamoto COMMUNITY ADVISORY COUNCIL Joan Michiko Ching Norigiku Horikawa Fusako Kamihara Bill Kawahara Nancy Kitano Kenneth Mayeda, MD Ali Myers Charles Natsuhara Tosh Okamoto Sam Shinozaki Carol Suehiro Elsie Taniguchi Shizue Yahata Ed Yakushijin Douglas Yoshida FINANCE, INVESTMENT, & AUDIT COMMITTEE Bruce Brundige Kathy Hasegawa Kevin Nagai Julie Ann Oiye Ted Tomita Ken Yokoyama TAYORI Publisher: Jeffrey Hattori Editor & Circulation: Darcia Tanabe Layout & Design: Yvonne San Luis Design CONTRIBUTORS Contributors: Tomoko Armagost, Jeffrey Hattori, Lillian Hayashi, Ayano Kuraishi, Lisa Madison, Yukiko Nakada, Julie Ann Oiye, Yukie Uto Quick, Eugene Tagawa, Darcia Tanabe, David Wyland MAILING Ciara Asamoto, Katie Cunningham, Malcolm Kanemoto, Ken Kurata, Paul Miyahara, Wanda Miyahara, Thomas Nelson, Kentaro Quick, Irene Saito, Bill Tashima, Florence Terami, Janice Urano, Neill Urano Tayori, the newsletter of Nikkei Concerns, is published four times a year. OUR MISSION To enrich and support the lives of elders and meet their needs in a way that honors and respects Nikkei culture and values. 2

TAY O R I Summer 2014

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Dear Friends, Some 30 years ago, Tomo Matsuno convinced a whole lot of us to sign on to help the founding members of the Ayame Kai Guild (AK) with fundraising activities that supported NC. Half jokingly back then, someone said, “if we want a wheelchair basketball court to continue playing in our golden years, we needed to start raising funds now, so let’s do it!” These days, the business of event planning and making money, from creation to implementation, is serious business. The Ayame Kai Guild continues to raise significant funds while at the same time, people are drawn to AK events to re-connect and socialize, have fun, and show their support for a great cause. It started with a simple rummage sale that grew and grew. Then a craft fair that has become a premier among many such events. Now, the Steak Dinner takes on the same aura of community gathering spot and fundraiser. In between and through, there are the crafty items showcased at Seattle Keiro, benefit dinners and auctions, bake sale items, Entertainment Book sales for a time and now, Brown Bear Car Wash vouchers. Speaking from personal experience, friendships and intergenerational bonding have been side benefits of Ayame Kai’s efforts. Behind the scenes, members give so much, using their invaluable skills to coordinate and build successful ventures in fundraising. The Guild has also had the great fortune of incredible response from churches, businesses, community organizations such as the Nisei Vets’ Committee, Scouts, school groups, and hundreds of individual volunteers who contribute with their time, donated goods and funds. The NC family is enhanced immeasurably with this amazing group of committed volunteers. Thank you so much, Ayame Kai. With appreciation,

Julie Ann Oiye Board President

Dear Friends, I recently made my annual visit to say “thank you” to the wonderful Ayame Kai volunteers who were busy preparing silent auction items for their upcoming Steak Dinner event. As I walked in, Tomoko immediately spotted me and told everyone to stop waraguchi me [giving me a hard time]! Certainly she was just kidding, for the relationship Nikkei Concerns (NC) and I have with Ayame Kai is like family… and for the next two hours, we talked, joked, laughed, and had a great time. I left with a big smile on my face and in my heart. NC is truly an organization whose very fabric is woven of relationships. And Ayame Kai epitomizes the many beautiful relationships that NC enjoys. In addition to being an amazing fundraising group (raising well over $1,000,000!), they do so much as volunteers, donors, family members, and community builders. Each brings unique talents and skills, combined with a deep and sincere compassion and fierce dedication to service. I am so grateful to each Ayame Kai member – past, present and future – and am so proud and humbled to be a member! Throughout this issue, you will learn the stories that reflect the diversity and numerous meaningful relationships of your Nikkei Concerns. As we near our 40th anniversary and forge ahead in an ever-changing health care environment and evolving community, we will always honor and build upon our existing relationships while creating and enhancing our partnerships with hospitals, managed care organizations, providers, payors, and broader communities… all to ensure we continue to make every day the best day! Itsumo ganbatte imasu!

Jeffrey Hattori CEO

NIKKEI CONCERNS MANAGEMENT Jeffrey Hattori, CEO 206.726.6500 jhattori@nikkeiconcerns.org Tina Masuda Draughon, Chief Financial Officer 206.726.6510 tdraughon@nikkeiconcerns.org

End of an era – Farewell to the South China Dinner Nikkei Concerns’ South China Dinner, an annual summer fundraiser for over 30 years, has regretfully come to an end. The Ko Family, owners of South China, is selling the restaurant and could not commit to another event. The partnership with Nikkei Concerns and the South China Benefit Dinner was started with the vision of thanking the “community” for their support. Providing a place where friends could get together to help support a great cause and to renew relationships. In the beginning it just continued to grow and take on a meaning of its own. This couldn’t have been able to continue without the support of the community. We are thankful that in our small way, we were able to “make a difference.” The Nisei had foresight to provide for their parents, the Issei generation. My dad was a part of that generation and it has been a blessing for us to be a part of this ride. Our family is grateful for the relationships and the support that has been shown to us. Reflecting back over the past 33 years, this has been quite a journey. Thank you all for the being a part of our lives. With respect and gratitude, The Ko Family Many thanks to the Ayame Kai Guild, who embraced the South China Dinner as their own, and the community for being an integral part of the South China Dinner. Together with the Kos, event participants and volunteers brought out the best in this event, and their enthusiasm, smiles, and hard work (rain or shine) made every South China Dinner special and memorable. We are deeply grateful to the Ko Family for their tremendous generosity and support for all of these years. They have been the heart of this event since the beginning, and their kindness, patience, and dedication guided us each year. We wish them the best in their future endeavors.

Rick Takeuchi, Human Resources Director 206.726.6506 rtakeuchi@nikkeiconcerns.org Patty Hiroo Mastrude, Fund Development Manager 206.726.6523 phiroo@nikkeiconcerns.org Randi Saeter, Administrator Seattle Keiro 206.726.6504 rsaeter@nikkeiconconcerns.org Lisa Waisath, Manager Nikkei Manor 206.726.6471 lwaisath@nikkeiconcerns.org Naoko Ulstein, Director Kokoro Kai 206.726.6474 naokou@nikkeiconcerns.org Yukie Uto Quick, Manager Nikkei Horizons 206.726.6465 yuto@nikkeiconcerns.org Ron Higashi, Manager NC Transportation Services 206.726.6468 rhigashi@nikkeiconcerns.org

NIKKEI CONCERNS Administrative Offices 206.323.7100 SEATTLE KEIRO Rehabilitation and Care Center 206.323.7100 NIKKEI MANOR Assisted Living Community 206.726.6460 KOKORO KAI Senior Activity Program 206.726.6474 NIKKEI HORIZONS Continuing Education Program 206.726.6465 Nikkei Concerns is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

TAY O R I Summer 2014 o­3 ­ TAY O R I Fall 2010 o­3

Making wishes come true Quality of life for the residents and participants gets a $60,000 boost, thanks to the generosity and hard work of the Ayame Kai Guild. They approved 100% of our 2014 Wish List (for the third year a row), and they have funded our wishes for decades. We are ever grateful for their support of our goals. Each year, Ayame Kai members vote for items on the Wish List, after review by the Wish List Recommendation Committee. Qualifying items must directly benefit the residents and participants. These items are above and beyond our operations budget but would truly enhance the experience of residents and participants. Because of Ayame Kai, wishes are fulfilled and smiles are abundant. When you savor a grilled steak at the Steak Dinner, cross off your gift list at the Holiday Craft Fair, enjoy delectable goodies at a Bake Sale, or purchase a fundraising item, you are an integral part of this amazing process. Thank you, and thanks to the Ayame Kai Guild!

Ayame Kai Guild Wish List Recommendation Committee Lillian Hayashi, Chair Mickey Delanty Janice Divina Susan Nakagawa Toshi Okamoto Ellen Suzuki Aki Taniguchi

Nikkei Concerns has further reduced the number of copies that we send. With efficient use of Nikkei Concerns’ resources, we can continue to provide quality information to our readers. Both the Tayori and the Nikkei Horizons Class Schedule are available on our website at www.nikkeiconcerns.org. We have launched a new online format to improve your reading experience. Both online and manual Nikkei Horizons registration forms are available, and everything is at your fingertips through our website, www.nikkeiconcerns.org. Those families who currently participate in our programs and events, our current donors and volunteers, members of our Board of Directors, and those who request mail service will continue to receive the Tayori/Nikkei Horizons Class Schedule in the mail. If you prefer the paper version, please contact Darcia Tanabe, Communications Manager, at 206.726.6550 or darciat@nikkeiconcerns.org. 4

TAY O R I Summer 2014

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DID YOU KNOW… The fine dining experience comes to the Seattle Keiro residents with Japanese dishes, fresh tablecloths, and dining scarves. Nikkei Manor residents will enjoy the fresh air and explore the artistic offerings of the Puget Sound Region on special outings. Induction technology revolutionizes safety and the learning experience for Nikkei Horizons’ cooking demos and classes. Kokoro Kai participants will continue to express their inner artist with new watercolor painting techniques. Rehab patients will feel more like their old selves and have an easier time at home because of new equipment that focuses on fine motor skills and coordination. The Seattle Keiro Men’s Club will check out classic autos at the LeMay Car Museum and relive their glory days. These experiences, and so much more, are possible thanks to Ayame Kai. Domo arigato gozaimasu! For a listing of all items on the 2014 Ayame Kai Wish List, please go to http://nconthemove. wordpress.com/2014/03/07/ wishes-do-come-true/.


The funny costumes of Seattle Keiro Director of Nursing Jessica Chow, Resident Care Manager Edwin Pasion, and Health Information Manager Analyn Mingaracal brought laughter and fun to Nikkei Concerns’ first Clean Festival. To kick off our Safe & Clean Campaign, over 50 staff members scrubbed, swept, and cleaned both Seattle Keiro and Nikkei Manor so that residents, visitors, volunteers, and staff could have a better experience. Afterward, the staff celebrated with a pizza and ice cream party. The campaign continues all year, and we’ll have more Clean Festivals for a cleaner Nikkei Concerns! シアトル敬老スタッフは日系コン サーンズの大掃除日で扮装し、50 人以上が参加しました。

U:DON event organizer Jessica Latimer, U:DON owner Tak Kurachi, and NC CEO Jeffrey Hattori take a breather at the U:DON event. Delicious udon noodles and fundraising made a natural pairing, inspired by volunteer Jessica Latimer. We saw many new faces as well as familiar ones, and everyone left with a full tummy and a big smile. Thanks to both Jessica Latimer and Tak Kurachi! U:DON での募金活動は大成功 し、皆さんもおいしいうどんを楽し みました。

Volunteer Amy Hirasawa almost swooned with joy while Activities Assistant Daniel Estioco serenaded the Seattle Keiro crowd at the Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon. April 6-12 was National Volunteer Appreciation Week, and we celebrated our volunteers with not just one, but two luncheons, to accommodate over 100 volunteers! Volunteers with 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and yes, 35 years of service received awards and accolades, and we said our farewells to those who retire this year. National Volunteer Appreciation Week の期間中 に私たちは二回パーティーを催し ました。大勢のボランティアが、多 年のサービスにたいして感謝状を 受け取りました。

Kokoro Kai volunteers spent time together at the Kokoro Kai Shinnenkai Luncheon. Founders of Kokoro Kai and the Kokoro Kai volunteers, Dennis Yamashita and Julianne Kumasaka, were honored guests. The Rainbow Chorus sang beautifully. 心会ボランティアは、心会の創設 者である Dennis Yamashita と Julianne Kumasaka と一緒に 新年会を楽しみました。 レインボ ー・コーラスの美しい歌声も会場 に花を添え

In 24 hours, Nikkei Concerns raised over $31,000, thanks to 190 donors, through giveBIG! Our goal was $30,000, and we made it! This event gains in popularity each year, and we are so grateful for the community support. A huge thank you to The Seattle Foundation and the many giveBIG sponsors, whose generosity will STRETCH each donation with a little extra $$$. 日系コンサーンズは Seattle Foundation’s one-day giveBigによっ て $31,000 もの寄付金をいただきました。

Chef Shinya Asami returned as the first Genki Gourmet of 2014, preparing a delicious meal flavored with koji (Aspergillus oryzae) – a healthy, pro-biotic ingredient used to ferment products like soy sauce, sake, and miso. Held for the first time at Nikkei Manor, guests were delighted with the meal and eager to try out koji at home. 特別シェフの朝見さんが入居者の 皆さんと地域の方のために、 麹菌 を使って美味しいランチを調理し ました。

Clarence Hirakawa and his Happy Stars brought a little bit of Hawaii to Seattle Keiro. All of the NC ukulele bands performed along with him for a few songs, and he wowed the crowd with his lively sound and ukulele strumming technique. 日本で一番のウクレレのソロ奏者 である、 クレランス・キヨシ・ ハセガ ワさんがシアトル敬老にて演奏し てくださいました。

ner ak Din e t S i a ame K rinting The Ay Tayori p e th r e Fall e ft da e it in th d lu c occurre in e’ll e, but w year. deadlin later this e u s is 2014 ents enefit ing Ev ’ Golf B Upcom rs e d n u NC Fo 08/07 Fête Fashion 7 1 h Fair / 8 0 ll Healt e W cheon g Livin tion Lun c e n n o 10/18 UBI C OMUS 11/06 TAY O R I Summer 2014


Memories of Koke Oda Lillian Hayashi, Ayame Kai Bakery, Chair Kohae “Koke” Oda, an apple farmer in Quincy, Washington, was generous with his apples and inspired generosity in others. He passed on earlier this year, but his spirit of giving remains. Every year, for over a decade, Koke donated over 1500 pounds of apples which the Ayame Kai Guild members baked into their famous apple pies – in demand and a huge fundraiser – for the Ayame Kai Holiday Craft Fair. He not only provided all of the apples, but made sure that the apples were picked, delivered, and in storage for the November event. It was a team effort that included Gene Fujita (who passed last year) and the City Produce duo of Mark Hidaka and Pat Suyama. Gene helped transport the apples from Koke’s orchard in Quincy to City Produce here in Seattle. City Produce stored the apples for Ayame Kai, then delivered them to the talented volunteer pie bakers. Our heartfelt thanks go to Koke. Because of his dedicated support, Ayame Kai’s famous pies have raised over $50,000 over the years to help make every day the best day for the residents and participants. Although the pie making will continue, we will dearly miss his selflessness and will forever remember his kindness with gratitude.

Register Today! Thursday, August 7, 2014

Nikkei Concerns’ 13th Annual Founders’ Golf Benefit Rainier Golf & Country Club 11 a.m. Tournament 5 p.m. Dinner $75 Dinner Registration Sign up today at www.nikkeiconcerns.org! Silent Auction 6

TAY O R I Summer 2014

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Dessert Dash


Our heroes… the Ayame Kai Guild

Continued from page 1

famous apple pies – is eagerly awaited each autumn and attracts vendors locally, as well as from Oregon, California, and Hawaii. The Craft Fair is still going strong after more than 30 years. Throughout the years, Ayame Kai sold items to generate funds – golden crane charms, Entertainment Books, the Ichiro on Ichiro book, and handcrafted vases. Skilled crafters meet each month and create special gifts to sell at Seattle Keiro. Ayame Kai has now expanded its fundraising menu to include car wash vouchers.

Commitment to the residents Ayame Kai gives both time and money to support the Nikkei Concerns residents and participants. The members play Bingo with the Seattle Keiro residents every month before their regular meetings, chair NC committees, and volunteer for NC fundraisers. Although we say a

fond farewell to the South China Dinner this year (see End of an Era on page 3), the Ayame Kai Guild was the powerhouse behind the scenes and on the dining floor. Ayame Kai sponsors our events and has taken the lead on our fundraising campaigns. They grant funds to Nikkei Concerns through our annual Wish List. Each year, we present a list of items that would improve the residents’ and participants’ quality of life. Once Ayame Kai’s Wish List Recommendation Committee verifies items comply with the Wish List Guidelines, Ayame Kai makes our wishes come true, funding up to $60,000. And when we’ve been in need, they have rescued us with an emergency contribution. We are honored and humbled by all that the Ayame Kai Guild has done for the residents and participants over the years. The members’ ongoing efforts continue the founders’ legacy to improve the quality of life for those in NC programs. Ayame Kai welcomes new members; if you would like to join, please contact Jan Tsutsumoto Gokami at jan.gokami@gmail.com or 206.349.7699.

Sunday, August 17 • 3 p.m.

Designers: Gei Chan Bo Choi Linda Hoshide Sandy Lew Mieko Mintz/Kobo Anne Namba

High fashion comes to Seattle Keiro! Local and nationally renowned artists VIP and standard seating Register at www.nikkeiconcerns.org.

Featured Products: Dolce & Gabbana Jo Malone – Nordstrom, Bellevue SK-II

More information at www.fashionfete.wordpress.com!

TAY O R I Summer 2014


NC in the community:

Jeffrey Hattori, CEO, shared his experience and wisdom with the Executive Development Institute’s Leadership Class of 2014. He spoke on a panel about personal branding and networking. 日系コンサーンズの CEO、 ジェフ服部は 将来を嘱望されるビ ジネス・リーダーたち に彼の経験と知識を 語りました。

NC Admissions & Marketing Coordinator Rose Dracobly and NC cofounder (and 2014 Humbow Eating Champion!) Tomio Moriguchi at the API Heritage Celebration 日系コンサーンズ は5月に行われ たAPI Heritage Celebrationの参加 者たちと情報を交換 しました。

Nikkei Horizons Manager Yukie Uto Quick shared the latest tours and classes at this year’s SakuraCon. The creative and energetic fans inspired new ideas for future tours and classes.

Seattle Keiro nurse Keiko Kobayashi encouraged people to take a spin on our Wheel of Fortune at the Cherry Blossom Festival. We spent the weekend having fun and giving the latest news about Nikkei Concerns.

日系ホライゾンはサ クラコンで最新のツ アーとクラスの内容 を紹介しました。

日系コンサーンズは 桜祭りの参加し、 サー ビスとイベントを紹介 しました。

NC President Julie Ann Oiye presented a wreath on behalf of Nikkei Concerns to remember and honor veterans at the Nisei Vets Committee Memorial Day Service. NC volunteers and staff, even a resident or two, participated in this annual event. 日系コンサーンズは、 他の地域団体とともに メモリアルデーに 戦没 者を偲びました。

Save the Date! S at urday, O c t o b er 1 8

3rd annual

Living Well Health Fair Blaine Memorial United Methodist Church

Free speakers, demos, and exhibitors to help you start living healthy today! GREAT Health Tips • HEALTHY Cooking Demonstrations DELICIOUS Food Samples • FUN Exercise Demonstrations FREE Glucose, Blood Pressure, & BMI Screenings FREE Door Prize Drawings! • and so much more! brought to you by Nikkei Concerns & Seattle JACL 8

TAY O R I Summer 2014

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GROUND BEEF, TOFU CASSEROLE Ingredients 1 or 2 blocks tofu ½ to 1 Ib. ground beef (or turkey) 1 t. grated ginger 1 t. garlic

This easy and delicious recipe is a family classic from Toshi Okamoto, one of the co-founders of the Ayame Kai Guild. It is also available, along with many other treasured recipes, in the Dragonfly Journey Cookbook, vol. 2, for sale at Seattle Keiro and Nikkei Manor. この簡単でしかもおいしいレシピは Ayame Kai Guild の創設者の一人である Toshi Okamoto さんの家庭の味です。 このレシピの他にも多数 のすばらしいレシピが載っている Dragonfly Journey Cookbook, vol. 2 はシアトル敬老と 日系マナーで発売中です。

Sauce 3 T. soy sauce 1/ 3

1 T. sugar 1 T. cornstarch 1 to 2 stalks chopped gre en onions for garnish Method: Brown meat. Drain. Ad d ginger and garlic. Mix sauce ingredients. Cut tofu ½-inch thick. Put in shallow greased baking dish. Ad d meat on top of tofu. Pour sauce over. Bake at 350˚ F. for 30 minutes. Add chopped green oni You can microwave for on. 8 minutes instead of bak ing if desired.

Be Genki!

Safe Fun in the Sun Tips After a cool and soggy spring, summer sunshine feels so good, but take precautions. The sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays can damage your skin in 15 minutes. Seek shade under an umbrella, tree, or other shelter before you need relief from the sun. Wear loose-fitting long-sleeved shirts and long pants made from tightly woven fabric, darker colors may offer more protection than lighter colors. Wear a hat with a brim all the way around that shades your face, ears, and the back of your neck. Sunglasses protect your eyes from UV rays and reduce the risk of cataracts. They also protect the tender skin around your eyes from sun exposure. Put on sunscreen before you go outside, even on slightly cloudy or cool days. Don’t forget to put a thick layer on all parts of exposed skin. Get help for hard-toreach places.

c. water

1 dried hot chile pepper 1 t. miso

寒くどんよりした春のあと、夏の日光は非常に心地良く 感じるものですが、 たった15分で肌にダメージを与えて しまう太陽の紫外線には注意しましょう。 太陽の熱から逃れたいと感じる前に、 日傘をさしたり木 の下や日陰で休みましょう。 服は目の細かい生地で、 ゆったりとした長袖のシャツや 長ズボンをお勧めします。 また明るい色よりも暗い色 の方が紫外線の予防につながります。 帽子は顔、耳、 そして首の後ろに陰をつくってくれるよう な、 周囲全部にツバのついたものを被りましょう。 サングラスは紫外線からあなたの目を守ると同時に、 白 内障のリスクも下げてくれます。 また目の周囲の柔らか な皮膚も守ってくれます。 薄曇りや涼しい日でも、外出時には日焼け止めクリーム を塗りましょう。肌が露出する場所は厚めに塗ることを お忘れなく。 そして手の届きにくい場所は誰かに協力し てもらいましょう。

TAY O R I Summer 2014



Hank Matsubu, Nikkei Manor resident, learned the latest in cool hand gestures with Japanese students participating in the Kakehashi Project. Students performed for the Nikkei Manor and Seattle Keiro residents. 「架け橋」 プロジェクト参加の日本人学生が、 日系マナーと シアトル敬老の住民と交歓しました。

The Nikkei Concerns Family has great moments to preserve and share. As a family, we embrace the residents, participants, volunteers, staff, and community members. We honor long-held traditions and value kind gestures of friendship and love. Our Family Album is full of precious and treasured memories. Nikkei Horizons Adventurers Eileen Kanemoto and Tak Miyabe braved the Texas downpour on the San Antonio tour. Storms failed to deter the hardy travelers, who immersed themselves in the local history and culture. 雨にもかかわらず、 サンアントニオ・ ツアーの参加者はテキサスの歴史 と文化を満喫しました。 Nikkei Manor residents were on the go at Coulon Park. More outings are planned for summer, to Bainbridge Island, the Glass Museum, and the Zoo. Thanks to the generous donors at 2013’s Omusubi Connection Luncheon for making these adventures possible! 日系マナーの入居者は Coulon Park での一日を楽しみました。 去年の募金運動のおかげでこの夏はもっと外出が可能になります。

Volunteers from Cornerstone Christian Church danced a little hula for the Nikkei Manor residents. Thank you for bringing some aloha to our own ohana (family)! ボランティアが日系マナーで フラダンスを踊りました。

Nikkei Manor resident Sam Morishita crafts delicate petals onto his zokei bonsai with the gentle guidance of zokei bonsai sensei Setsuko Evans. Governor Jay Inslee recognized Kokoro Kai volunteer Sue Fujino at the 10th Annual Governor’s Volunteer Service Awards in Olympia. She was one of only 44 volunteers in Washington to receive this honor. Congratulations, Sue, your dedication to Nikkei Concerns over the last 25+ years is amazing. ジェイ・インスリー知事はワシントン州全体 で心会のボランティアを含め、特に貢献の あったボランティアを表彰しました。



TAY O R I Summer 2014


造形盆栽マスターのセツコ・エバンズさんが、 日系マ ナーの入居者と素敵な盆栽をつくりました。

Tomio Moriguchi, one of NC’s co-founders, was the winner of LeadingAge’s 2014 Founder Award. LeadingAge (our state association) honored him at the annual conference this June. 日系コンサーンズ創設者の一人 は、2014 Founder Award for LeadingAge をその年次会で受賞する 栄誉をうけました。

Haruko Shimizu, Masako Machida, and Akiko Wyland loved the sun on their faces and the wind in their hair on Kokoro Kai’s outing to the downtown Olympic Sculpture Park. Everyone enjoyed the unique pieces, some of which had them giggling away. 心会参加者の皆さんはOlympic Sculpture Parkで楽しい時間 を過ごしました。

Activities Assistant Whitney Rojas and Seattle Keiro resident Nori Kobayashi celebrated Japanese culture together at the annual Cherry Blossom Festival. The residents took in the sights, snacked in the Armory, watched the performances, and visited the Nikkei Concerns information table. Irene Tanabe loves her new friend, Paro, because he made her laugh! Paro is a lifelike robotic seal who winks, wiggles, and squeals in seal-like fashion to the residents. They love him! Domo arigato to the Consulate General of Japan, Seattle Office, for introducing him to us last year. A huge thank you to Ayame Kai and the other Fund-A-Need donors at last year’s Founders’ Golf Benefit for all of the smiles, laughs, and kimochi Paro encourages in the Seattle Keiro residents. 入居者の方々とはパロといつもいっしょ。 アザラシ型ロボット のパロは笑顔を自然に引き出します。 パロを紹介していただい た在シアトル日本国総領事館の方々、 また多大なご寄付をい ただいた皆様のおかげです、 ありがとうございました。

シアトル敬老の入居者が桜祭りを楽 しみました。

Happy Birthday, Matt! Seattle Keiro resident Matt Yorita hit the big 1-0-0 in May, and he celebrated with friends, family, singing, dancing, and a huge cake! Omedetou gozaimasu, Matt-san! ヨリタさんの100歳のお誕生日をシアトル敬老で お祝いしました。 おめでとうございます!

Meet our new rehab team from our new partner Consonus! Ray Tong leads his crew to help many Seattle Keiro residents improve their strength, flexibility, and balance so they can go home. コンソナスは新しいリハビリテ ーションチームです!

TAY O R I Summer 2014


Volunteers 1/1-3/31/2014 Fumi Ando

Jan Gerry

Yasuko Abe

Asako Go Fumiko Goodsill Helen Gota Jim Grob

Terie Akada Melisa Akai Jack Akamine Helen Akamine Kim Akimoto Don Akira Marcia Almassy A.C. Arai Ciara Asamoto Hiroshi Asano Henrylyn Kau’i Auwae Ayame Kai Guild Genei Azama Victoria Binuya Blaine Memorial United Methodist Church Linda Briggs Minako Brunelle Sawako Buchanan Bush School Kathy Carmichael Yaeko Cella Matt Chan Dorothy Chen Fuji Chen James Chen Cornerstone Christian Fellowship Brandon Cullen Karen Cunningham Katie Cunningham Hien Phung Dang Noriko Davis Catherine Degracia Jay Deguchi Di-An Dinh Janice Divina Yoshie Dodobara Taisha Doo Echo Chorus Edmonds Community College Tomoko Edwards Setsuko Evans Faith Bible Church Kiani Ferris Sachiko Fitzpatrick Naoko Fujii Sue Fujino Etsuko Fujishima Bob Fukano Carla Furukawa



TAY O R I Summer 2014


Nancy Mayeno

Sharon Okubo

Bill Kawahara

Aspasea McKenna

Satoshi Okuyama

Beth Kawahara

Akiko Osawa

Kristine Kawaoka

Meito Shodo Kai Calligraphy Association

Kunio Kikuchi

Yoko Melrose

Paris Miki Optical

Peggy Hanada

Ae Ja Kim

Mie University

Yoko Pearson

Izumi Hansen

Asami Kirino

Chiho Min

Bob Hashimoto

Kisaragi Kai

Mitaka Middle School

Peninsula Japanese Women’s Club

Gail Hashimoto

Kazuko Kitajo

Sam Mitsui

Michiko Pesek

Kathy Suyama

Lillian Hayashi

Fukuko Kobayashi

Miyuki Mitsumoto

Phi Alpha Phi

Ellen Suzuki

John Hayatsu

Hiroko Kobayashi

Paul Miyahara

Megumi Quick

Kenji Tachibana

Nancy Hayatsu

Kobe Nursing College

Milan Miyamoto

Rainbow Chorus

Eugene Tagawa

Steve Hillson

Kokusai Kekkon Tomo no Kai

Richard Miyauchi

Brian Readdy

Kinji Takahashi

Ed Hirahara

Yoshiko Komura

Betty Mochizuki

Mineko Remillard

May Takahashi

Takako Hirai

Pat Kono

Yoko Moriyama

Junko Riehl

Kuniko Takamura

Bobby Hiraki

Korean Seventh-Day Adventist Church

Mami Morohoshi

Rong Rong Chorus of Seattle

Takatori High School

Nanette Mozeika

Ayane Rossano

Seika Takei Libby Tamura

Yuki Hiraki

Isamu Kawabori

Sunkie Oye

St. Andrew Korean Catholic Church St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church Hiroko Suenaga Sachiko Sugimoto Gina Suguro Yuriko Sunuwar

Amy Hirasawa

Sara Kosugi

Gail Mukai

George Saito

Betty Hiroo-Williamson

George Kozu

Misao Nagai

Irene Saito

Diane F. Taniguchi

Takako Homma

Mary Kozu

Junior Nagaki

Terue Saito

Tanpopo no Kai

Yu-Chin Hsieh

Hitomi Kuefler

Dick Nagaoka

Fred Sakura

Bill Tashima

Cathy Hughson

Bernie Kumasaka

Michie Nagaoka

Sakurai High School

Makiko Taya

Qing (Vicky) Hui

Ayano Kuraishi

Yukiko Nakada

Sachi Sasaki

Hitomi Taylor

Vicki Hurley

Kimie Kuramoto

Kayoko Nakajima

Hana Sato

Junko Taylor

Akiko Ichikawa

Kumiko Kurosaka

Kent Nakamura

Hideko Sato

Jim Terada

Jack Ichikawa

Yuko Kusakabe

Ruby Nakamura

Yoko Sato

Kayoko Terada

Aiko Ii

Akiko Kusunose

Kiyoko Nakanishi

Kiyo Sawa

Midori Kono Thiel

Tomomi Iida

Tiffany Kwai

Michael Nakano

Yoko Sawano

Yuzo Tokita

Miyoko Ike

Kyle Kirschenman

Kristi Nakata

Naomi Schneider

Tokyo Kasei University

Deanna Ikegami

Lambda Phi Epsilon

Ted Tomita

Hiro Imoto

National Charity League, Evergreen Chapter

Seattle Betsuin Buddhist Church

Emi Landgren

Toyo University

Betty Inouye

Jessica Latimer

Charlene Neuss

Seattle Koyasan Buddhist Church

Howard Inouye

Dale Lee

Man Yuk Vivian Ng

Seattle Martyrs Church

Peter Tsai

Sumiko Inouye

Gayle Lee

Thanh-Van Nguyen

Seattle Nichiren Buddhist Church Yoko Tsukamoto

Sandy Ishihara

Julie Leiendecker

Helen Nicdao

Sonoe Seiber

Tulalip Church of God

Yuko Ishimaru

Mark Levy

Erika Nicks

Joan Seko

Tzu-Chi Foundation

Christine Ito

Marijoyce Leynes

Yae Niimi

Naomi Sheller


John Iwai

Justine Leyson

Mary Nishida

Grace Shibayama

Mieko Udagawa

Ray Iwata

Wen Shu Lin

Russell Nishimura

Jim Shibayama

Janice Urano

Japanese Baptist Church

Yu-san Long

Ron Nobuyama

Shichida Child Academy

Neill Urano

Japanese Congregational Church

Jackie Lum

Gabrielle Nomura

May Shimbo

UW School of Nursing

Japanese Queen Scholarship Organization of Washington

Junko Maeda

North American Korean Mission Church

Cho Shimizu

Vietnamese Martyrs Parish

Debbie Shimizu

Trung Vo

Chifumi Junior

Anna Mamiya

Kaoru Nukui

Patricia Shimizu

Suh Jiuan Vogel

Oak Lake Strings

Yoko Shimizu

Voice Library

Bill Ogasawara

Bill Shinbo

Pat Wakazuru

Martin Oiye

Emily Shoji

Yoriko Walker

Naomi Okai

Marcia Sohns

Rosa Wang

Yuko Okamoto

Seung Hye Song

Ruby Wang

Iyoko Okano

Sound Singers

Asumi Wantz

Mitsuyo Ruth Oki

Komayo Spahr

Keiko Watanabe

Shiz Kaku Dale Kaneko

Manayo Mamada Jeri Mar Kazuko Masunaga

Eileen Kanemoto

Jokichi Matsubara

Malcolm Kanemoto

Joe Matsudaira

Andrea Kaseguma Hatsumi Kato

Narumi Matsufuji Brendon Matsuura

Lil Kato

Kathy Matsuura

Gloria Kawabori

Danafe Matusalem

Jerry Okubo

We have made every effort to be thorough and represent each name accurately. If an error or omission has occurred, please accept our apologies and contact us at 206.323.7100 so that we can correct our records.

Michiko Toyoshima

Kerry Watanabe

Yoko Weaver Dan Winters Ed Wong Min-Min Wong Brianna Woo Marisa Woo Shizue Yahata Ed Yakushijin Maxine Yakushijin Ed Yamada Sallie Yamada Teresa Yamada Naoko Yamaguchi Fujie Yamasaki Keiko Yanagihara Jeannie Yee Ken Yokota Art Yoshida Fuyo Yoshida Ruth Yoshida Harry Yoshihara David Yoshino Gloria Yoshino

Memorials Memorials

Judy Hayashida

1/1-3/31/2014 SEATTLE KEIRO GARDEN Ayako Fujitomi Peggy Tanemura

Mikiko Huang and Marshall Stoller and Family

Leroy Hisayasu Bill and Beth Kawahara

Frank and June Sato

Brian and Cherie Yorita

Miki Kozu Teru Kiyohara

Helen Mayeda Calvin and Gloria Kunimoto

Misae Honda Randle Inouye

Kenzo and Carol Moriguchi Mutual Fish Company, Inc.

Fusako Mito Robert and Shirley Hendel

Tak Hori Taeko Taniguchi

Lilly Nakano

Scott and Deba Montgomery

Chie Noma

Tsuyoshi and Ayako Horike Janis Horike

Jack Sameshima

Aiko Mizuki Azuma Gallery

Irwin Yoshimura and Janet Baba

Randall and Chrysti Harrington W. Hasegawa

Taeko Imaizumi Michelle Coleman

Narako Kunimoto Calvin, Gloria, Chad, Leyla, Alec, Jonah, Paulina, Bryce, Sachiko, Hannah and Ethan Kunimoto

Vera Ing Norman and Linda Furukawa

James, JoAnn, Jolene, and Garett Nakamoto

Tim, Kristin, Kerry and Brendan Sullivan

Bill Ishii Gerald and Maria Beppu

Marie Kurimura Tomio and Jenny Li Moriguchi

Patty Tanagi

Teru Beppu

Rose Yoshizumi

Dwight Nakatsu

GENERAL Kazuye Akiyama Jean Osterberg

Martha Taniguchi

Yoshi Kanemori

Nancy Kuwada Alice Hayashida

Julie Ann Oiye

Ruby Aoyama David and Karen Aoyama

John and Nancy Hayatsu

Bob and Amy Seko

James and Amy Matsuoka James Takano

Satoshi “Sugar” Kaku Mary Hikida

Gene Fujita Pat Hokama

Yuriko Kamada Janet Masuo

Daisuke Nakashima

Ted and Janet Tomita

George Aoyama

Garnet Nakashima

Charles Kanda Mary Yoshijima

Robert and Lilian Inai

Shizuka La Grange Carmen Tsuboi Chan Haruno Morishima Carmen Tsuboi Chan Kich and Bobbi Ishimitsu Hiroshi and Rose Oyama Ed Oyama Nancy Shoji Pat Nakamura Hanako Yamaguchi Peggy Tanemura Hiroko Yoshida Carmen Tsuboi Chan

Chiyoko Alice Baba Bill and Beth Kawahara Louise Matsumoto Ernie and Sunnie Nagai Mary Yoshida


Thavatchai Boonsripisal Anonymous Amy Doi Anonymous Yaeko Abe Nina Chin Bill Doi Dede Doi Peggy Aumi Doi Margaret Gojio Alice Hayashida Aki Ito Arlene Kadoshima Kumamoto Kenjin Kai Lynn Lass Susan Miler and David Doi Helen Nishimura Jerry and Sharon Okubo Sandra Doi Paulbick Craig Tamura and Arlene Carter Bryan Uyeda Lilly Uyeda Celeste Williams JoAnn Yamamoto Sumako Egashira Jill Hashimoto

Iku Hirano

Connie and Ron Jusenius Stacey Mizokawa Seattle Miyagi Kai Massie Tomita Eiko Frees Patricia Fitzgerald George and Toshi Fukeda Esther and Kimberlee Furugori Leanne Furugori Fred and Kumi Hasegawa Meriko Kardel Louise Matsumoto

Yoshio Fujimura Teru Beppu

Kathy Suyama Linda Suyama Ayako Fujitomi Irene Fujitomi

Carl and Janice Smith

Fumi Hyatt Donald Hyatt

Tomio and Jenny Li Moriguchi Osami and Kinue Namba

Rika Kanda Jim and Yone Terada

Marc and Jan Keltner Florence Sumida Louise Kashino Takisaki Shizuka La Grange Anonymous Sumie Akizuki Mike and Marion Fukuma Emiko Taniguchi Grace Uyeda Jeannie Uyeda

Jeffrey Hattori

Lois Kaneko Lonny Kaneko

Shiz Fukuma Anonymous (2)

Amy Kataoka Alan and Fran Aramaki

Tebo Matsudaira Anonymous (2)

Aubrey and Young Sun Aramaki

Dathan Barsher and Sari Israel

Hanako Aramaki

Margaret Gojio

Dan and Janice Dawson

Alice Hayashida

David and Suzanne Kanetomi

John and Nancy Hayatsu

Jack Sameshima

Joyce Nehira

Fred Hirai

Rose Yoshizumi

Ossie Katayama Louise Matsumoto

Ikebana International Seattle, Chapter #19

Jan Yamaguchi

Toshi Paul Kawaguchi Akiko Narusawa

Edward and Joyce Kato

Frank Hidaka Joan Seko

Mary Osaki

Kazumi Janice Gosho Tom and Kimie Kuramoto Tebo and Kiku Matsudaira Louise Matsumoto

Itsuko Funai Joy and John Nelson

Teresa Hidaka Paul and MJ Patterson Hats Higa Steve Finley Louise Matsumoto Alice Nishimoto

Mari Ohara

Betty Yoshitake

Mits and Kazzie Katayama Miyoko Kodama Will and Arlene Lew

Laurie Tazuma

Shelly Matsudaira

Hannah Yamasaki, Fujie Yamasaki, and Family

George and Vi Matsuoka Larry and Aileen Nakata

Harry and Elaine Yoshihara

Betty Otani

Leo Kawasaki Kawasaki Family Trust

Nori Suguro

Patty Hiroo Mastrude

The Takahashi Family

Hideo and Mary Naganawa

Ed and Maxine Yakushijin

Masaru and Anna Tahara

Kay Hashimoto Jeffrey Hattori Michael and Vivian Katagiri Jenifer Kimura Elaine Ko and John Foz Patty Hiroo Mastrude The Aiko Mizuki Family Nancy Nakatsu


Shizue Watanabe

Ry Tanino Mitsi Toyohara Grace Uyeda Jeannie Uyeda Yukimori Moji Ross Anderson and Holly Monek-Anderson Setsuko Moji Taeko Taniguchi George Morihiro Anonymous Haruno Morishima Janet Baba Nancy Fujimoto, Hiroko Akiyama, and Louise Wright Jeffrey Hattori Carole Ideta June Kubo Masayoshi and Masako Kubo Patty Hiroo Mastrude Louise Matsumoto Kay Matsuura Dan and Julianne Miura Anne Moriyasu Terry Nakano Jim and Sally Shoji Marcia Sohns and Mark Levy Kathy Suyama Kinji and May Takahashi Jim and Yone Terada Victoria Terao Tosh and Dolly Tokunaga Terrie Watanabe Fujie Yamasaki TAY O R I Summer 2014


Memorials Kiku Morita Sheri Hashimoto and Eric Hwang

Tama Murotani-Inaba Anonymous Sue Fujikado

Joe Sakamoto Jack Sameshima

James and Amy Matsuoka

Mary Seike Fudge Tsuchikawa

Masaru Yamaji Yoshiko Nogaki

Jim Shimizu Jill Hashimoto

Setsu Yanagawa Margaret Teramoto

Victor and Mary Ikeda

Jeffrey Hattori

George and Vi Matsuoka

Debbie Kashino

Toshi Paul Kawaguchi Nyla Nakano

Victor and Lilly Takemoto

Victor and Lilly Takemoto

Julie Ann Oiye

JoAnn Yamamoto

Matt Yorita

Seattle Chinese Post, Inc.

Ken Katayama and Shirlee Tsuchida-Katayama

Ron and Vivian Yorita

The Taye Yorita Family

Al Sugiyama

Will and Arlene Lew

Massie Tomita

Sakaeru Grace Suyematsu Hiroko Yoshida Don and Midori Akagi Fumi Nakamura Judy and Yoshifumi Daikoku Hannah Yamasaki, Fujie Yamasaki, and Family Audrie Hayes

Motoi Naito Nona Santos

Yoshiaki “Tak” Takahashi Ruth Watanabe

Mary Katayama

Roy Nakagawa and Rika Kanda Jim and Yone Terada

Dan Takehara Tamio and Pauline Miyata

Mako Nakagawa

Masaru and Kay Takei Rosemarie Le Clair

Marcia Sohns and Mark Levy

Hank and Rose Fukano

Hiroshi Takeshita Sumie Akizuki

Ted and Janet Tomita

Kachi Ikeda

Mae Deguchi

Keith Ikeda

Erin Yoshida and Nate Coppinger

Starr Hashiguchi

Marge Ishisaka

Sumi Joyner

Mamo and Kathryn Yoshida

Ed Suguro

Mary Katayama

Teresa Yamada

Kotoyo Yoshihara Jean Murakami

Nobi Otsuji

Amy Kato

June Takeshita Carole Ideta

James and Namie Oki Jack Sameshima Sab Tsuboi David and Gwen Yokoyama Rose Obata The Les D. Obata Foundation Teru Okawa Teresa Yamada Harry Okazaki Starr Hashiguchi Tatemasa Oki Anonymous

Lenora Tanaka Peggy Tanemura Aya Teramoto Margaret Teramoto Tomi Terao Victoria Terao Jiro Todo Jan Russell Tama Tokuda Victor and Lilly Takemoto

Jason and Ann Nguyen Nobie Takahashi

Maurice and Misako Yoshino Ron and Joyce Yoshino Our apologies to those named below who were inadvertently omitted from the Spring 2014 Tayori Memorials: Masako Tomita Curtis and Nancy Fukuhara Steve and Carol Gamble

Tetsuo and Linda Miyata Florence Sumida Dean and Kirie Tsuchida Kiwamu Tsuchida 50th Anniversary Junji Yukawa Louise Matsumoto 103rd Birthday Fumi Hayashida Anonymous Les Dogen and Margaret Dogen Ishisaka Mary Hirata Tats and Esther Kojima Sue, Roger, and Diane Yamaguchi 100th Birthday Nobuko Oiye Susan Nakagawa and Martin Oiye 95th Birthday Amy Hirasawa Mae Deguchi Leslie Wittman 90th Birthday Eiichi Mizumoto Richard and Beverly Hayashi Kiyomi and Reiko Mizumoto

John and Annie Walker

Masako Tomita Jean Wakamatsu

Carole Ideta

Dennis and Patsy Yamada

Hod Otani Marti Murakami

Sun Tsujii Kim Fukuda

Joanne and Steve Lee Mark and Joni Nakagawa

Kenji Yamada Robert and Eileen Iguchi

Peggy Saito Louise Matsumoto

Frank Uriyu Victor and Lilly Takemoto

Patti Saito

Meri Wada Margie Hattori

Bob Saito Norman and Linda Furukawa

Terry Nakano Harry and Fran Nishimoto Mary Osaki Adolf and Frances Spandler

Leila Waterhouse Damon Baker

Jim and Yone Terada

Matsuo Sakagami Nancy Fye

Patricia Brown

Ron and Tina Tsunehara

Yoshiko Sakai Jean Murakami

Hana Yamaguchi Starr Hashiguchi

Dave Kusumoto

Jahlil Hadon

Carol and Adrian Lum TAY O R I Summer 2014

Fudge Tsuchikawa Shig and Mildred Tsutsumi Pauline Yoshida and Elaine Yoshida

Leo Egashira Mikiko Huang and Marshall Stoller and Family Lillian Hayashi Margaret Symons

Tosh and Toshi Okamoto

Gary and Connie Kobata

In Honor of Sakae Aoyama David and Karen Aoyama

GENERAL 70th Anniversary Tak and Florence Tsuchida Bruce and Pattie Hashimoto

Terry Nakano

Noboru “Tubby” Nomura Anonymous (2)


SEATTLE KEIRO GARDEN 70th Anniversary Tak and Florence Tsuchida George and Irene Saito

Tomio and Jenny Li Moriguchi

Bill Tashima and Chris Bentley



Taye Yorita Josh and Carol Suehiro, and Ruth S. Wong

Elsie Taniguchi


Zenji and Eiko Shibayama


Kiyomi and Reiko Mizumoto Dennis and Patsy Yamada 50th Birthday Rick Ueno Margaret Symons Graduation Nikkei Horizons Susan Nakagawa and Martin Oiye

Fumi Hayashida Michelle Kumata

Shizuka La Grange Emiko Taniguchi Ha Nhi Luong Long Luong Tebo Matsudaira Cherisa Yaplee Emi Mayeda Kenneth Mayeda and Eliane Dao Fusako Mito JS Erlitz Junior Nagaki and Janice Nakamura Eileen Okada Pam Niimi Sharon Honda Yae Niimi Sharon Honda Kiyo Ono Leslie Wittman Carol Suehiro David Wong Louise Kashino Takisaki Tomita Kashino-Shimamoto Terrie Watanabe Cindy Watanabe-Mezs In Appreciation of Jeffrey Hattori Dale and Shizue Kaku Shane Jepsen Anne Moriyasu Shiz Kaku Jim and Yone Terada Katie Kelly Anne Moriyasu Nikkei Concerns The Estate of Tom Y. Hayashi Seattle Keiro Ethel Nayematsu and Family Julie Ann Oiye Ron Youmans Anne Moriyasu

General Seattle Keiro Garden Bobby and Yuki Hiraki Pat Iboshi Employee Fund Massie Tomita General Anonymous (3) Derek Chinn Tina Masuda Draughon Carter and Linda Fjeld Frank Fujita Lola Hanada Estate of Tom Y. Hayashi Home Angels Health Care Sat and Grace Ichikawa Osamu and Mary Inashima Japanese Presbyterian Church Kojo and Masayo Kakihara Kohtoku Enterprise, Inc. Dan and Mae Kusaka Bob and Ruth Loboduk John and Viola Loflin Tom and Debby Morio Yasuko Morita Eugene and Ethel Mukai Tom and Warlita Mukai Donna Naruo Tom and Naoko Noguchi Stephanie Nomura-Henley Linda Roberts Fred and Cheryl Sakura Aiko Sato Ray and Traci Sato Seattle Taiwanese Christian Church Tacoma Buddhist Women’s Association Hiro and Kay Takahashi Elsie Taniguchi and Eddie Reyes Goro and Hatsune Tokita Misako Yashima Skip and Tracy Yotsuuye Kokoro Kai Anonymous Ayame Kai Guild Isabel de Jesus-Congdon Richard and Kathryn Miyauchi Dave Wyland Nikkei Horizons Ayame Kai Guild Ann and Peter Adachi Jane Braziunas Minako Brunelle May Eng

Jane Fujimoto Esther Furugori Yoko Hamanaka Mary Hirata Joyce Ichihara Fusako Kamihara Kay Kamikawa Norm and Dale Kaneko Mary Katayama E. Mary Kawaguchi Masao Koba Miyoko Kodama Sara Kosugi Carolyn Kunihiro Phyllis Lee Maxine Loo Jackie Lum Louise Matsumoto Joyce Nakamura Frank Nishimura Mari Okumura Esther Onishi Frances Palmer Chakorn Phisuthikul Dorothy Rutherford Mary Shigaya Momoye Takakoshi Libby Tamura Elaine Tanaka Peggy Tanemura Emiko Taniguchi Fumi Taniguchi Merrily Taniguchi Tosh and Dolly Tokunaga Grace Uyeda Jeannie Uyeda Beverly Wagner Yasuko Wakayama Carmel Walder Tsuneko Yamamoto

Nikkei Manor Ayame Kai Guild Ying Deng Margaret Gojio Misao Korekiyo Hiro and Dorothy Nishimura Minoru Uchimura

Shohei Karibe Herbert Saito Theone Scholl-Tollefson Ken Shigaya Marcia Sohns and Mark Levy Tom T. Tanaka Emiko Taniguchi James and Betty Yuasa Volunteers A.C.E. Language Institute Atlas Tours Global Educational Network, LLC Vehicle Donation Program City Produce Co., LLC Kazuhiro Kusunose Ken Matsuzawa Michiko Ono Roger Tanabe

Workplace Giving AT&T Employee Giving Campaign Douglas Eng Lisa Hirai Stacie Ito City of Seattle Eric Ishino Joy Nishimura Combined Federal Campaign of King County Linda Brandeis Mona Fandel John V. Ikeda Marla E. Iwata Eric G. Kasahara Raymond J. Kirwan Remedios Kirwan Calvin Low Kristine M. Martin Cynthia Masada Terry Matsuda Cheryl A. Morisaki Lisa Oshiro Frances F. Palmer Alan Quick Doyle Saito Greg Terada Charles Wilkinson Robert W. Yokobe

Shelley Wilson

Employees Community Fund of the Boeing Company Anonymous June Akizuki Paul Egashira Steve Hasegawa Steve Ishimitsu Eric Kato Kenneth Khoo Clifford Komoto Eydie Kooiman Richard Kuniyuki Kelly Kuwahara Ed Lowe Akira Maeda Michael Mori Lori Nakahara Richard Nakatsu Cheryl Ohashi Gary Okazaki Karen Reid Ronald Sakura Carolyn Sawa Kevin Shigaya Scott Sugiyama David Suguro Lynne Tanino Victoria Terao Jana Yamamoto Warren Yasutake FM Global Foundation Carolyn Nakamura King County Employee Giving Program Anonymous K. Chan Susan Kawaoka Thai Nguyen Janet Shibuya Eugene Sugita Microsoft Workplace Giving Program Sharlene Ayabe Elliot Omiya David Seno United Way - Bank of America Alice Doi Gail Suzaka James Vail

Teresita Batayola Michelle Chinn Marcia Chow Judith Daikoku Ginee Fujii-Ogard Barbara Fujita Theresa Fujiwara Shelley Kolar Julie Masumoto-Joyce Robert Miyahara Richard Munekiyo Takashi Nakano David Niimi Wesley Sagami Teresa Sato Stephen Takemura Patricia Tanagi Mark Uomoto Heidi Yamamoto David Yasuda Scott Yasui Marilyn Yoder UPS Foundation, Inc. Anonymous Cathy Inouye Bill Kano Don Tsuboi WA State Employees Combined Fund Drive Anonymous (2) Paul Aoki Charles Asher Susan Carr Micaela Fujita John Ishimaru Mariko Kakiuchi Karen Low Wendy Nagasawa Kathleen Oberman Lisa Okubo-Garcila Karen Sakahara Jeanne Semura Julie Sharp Kazuko Stoesz Kim Tanaka-Hill Julie Tin Matching Gifts Aon Foundation Costco Wholesale Corp. Dorsey & Whitney Foundation Federated Department Stores, Inc. GE Foundation Liberty Mutual Foundation Match

Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Pfizer, Inc. S.H. Cowell Foundation Thomson Reuters My Community Program

In-Kind Gifts Anonymous (4) Setsuko Ainsworth Terie Akada Mary Ann Arnone Linda Briggs Glenna Burmer Mitzi Butler Paul Chan and Carmen Tsuboi Chan Jessica Chow Jim and Grace Chow Yukie Chow Mary Cockle Mariline Damron Ibtissam Davis Tina Masuda Draughon Helen Fujimoto Sue Fujino Fumiko Fukuda Frank Fukui / Woodburn Company Global Educational Network, LLC Brenda Handley Kisae Hashimoto Jeffrey Hattori Lillian Hayashi Fumi Hayashida Tomo Hoku Hellman Cathy Hughson Miyoko Iké Deanna Ikegami Betty Inouye Eiko Iritani Sandy Ishihara Japanese Presbyterian Church Japanese Presbyterian Women’s Group Shizue Kaku Eileen Kanemoto Louise Kato Susan Kawaoka Pam Kimball Miki Kobayashi Miyoko Kodama Gwen Kosai Bill and Mitzi Kunitsugu Patty Kunitsugu

Seattle Keiro Anonymous (2) Naomi Anderson Ayame Kai Guild Kathleen Critney United Way of King Costco Wholesale Corp. County Randall and Chrysti Harrington Anonymous Anonymous Rev. Richard K. Hayatsu Gail Tsuboi Christopher Barry International Lion Dance Team We have made every effort to be thorough and represent each name accurately. If an error or omission has occurred, please accept our apologies and contact us at 206.726.6523 so that we can correct our records.

General Donations


Kimie Kuramoto Kyoko’s Beauty Salon Gayle Lee Masako Machida Junko Maeda Mariko Mano Patty Hiroo Mastrude Saugetsu Group Andy and Miki Mizuki Betty Mochizuki Anne Moriyasu Hajime Nakashima Mari Nakashima Tina Nakayama Yee Yae Niimi Hiro and Dorothy Nishimura NVC Foundation Frances Ogino Julie Ann Oiye Muts Okada Jerry and Sharon Okubo Mary Osaki Noriko Goto Palmer Yukie Uto Quick Brian Readdy Sonoe Seiber Michiko Shinoda Geraldine Shu Gina Suguro Hide Tachibana Yuki Takahashi Takeshita Enterprises, LLC Jean Taketa Rick Takeuchi Darcia Tanabe Bill Tashima Yone Terada Ted Tomita Michiko Toyoshima Minoru Uchimura Noriko Ueno Pearl Umetsu Mark Uomoto Shiz Watanabe Eiko Wiggins Dave Wyland and Akiko Wyland Shizue Yahata Ed and Maxine Yakushijin Jana Yamada Fujie Yamasaki Warren Yasutake Ruth Yoshida David Yoshizumi Ron Youmans Lanlan Zhou

TAY O R I Summer 2014


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Mark your calendar! Omusubi Connection Luncheon Thursday, November 6 Bell Harbor International Conference Center

In honor of the Ayame Kai Guild Founders

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