Alliance School of Business_MBA Prospectus 2015

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Alliance MBA

At Alliance

You just don’t graduate for the job, You take away a lifetime career ..!!


ocusing on innovation, continuous improvement a n d s e r v i c e o r i e n t at i o n , Alliance School of Business, Alliance Un ive rsity is c o mmit t e d t o making a difference to all of its stakeholders. As part of its drive to being a world-class business sc h o o l , t h e A l l i a n c e S c h o o l o f B u s i n e s s i s c u r r e n t l y i n v o l v e d in pu rsu in g m ul ti pl e g lobal accreditations and in enhancing the can va s o f i ts i n te r n ati o n a l c o o pe r ati o n , e v e n w h ile st re n g t h e ni n g i ts i nte r n a l c o m pe te nc i es in ter ms of intellectual capital and resources.

Contents 06

About Alliance University


Vision and Mission


Officers of the University


Message from the Vice - Chancellor


Academic Units


Alliance School of Business


Master of Business Administration (MBA)


Master of Business Administration (MBA): Key Features


SAP Education - Training and Certification


MBA - Specializations


MBA - Course Curriculum


International Linkages


International Faculty


Career Advancment and Networking


Student Services


Alliance Alumni Association


Academic and Support Services


Students’ Club


Alliance Adventure Club


Corporate Social Responsibility




Alumni Speak


Admissions - MBA


Terms and Conditions


About Alliance

University Alliance University is a Private University established in Karnataka State by Act No.34 of year 2010. The University is jointly recognized by the University Grants Commission (UGC) and the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi. Alliance University is a renowned university of higher learning located on an extensive state-of the-art campus in Bangalore offering a variety of degree courses. The University has baccalaureate concentrations, postgradu ate offerings, doctoral degree programs and several professional certificate programs. Alliance University aspires to be among the best univer sitie s in the world by the year 2025 through a series of strategically crafted moves, precisely calibrated action plans and an unwavering commitment to the pursuit of excellence. While its oldest professional school—Alliance School of Business—is consistently ranked among the top ten private business schools in India by various ranking agencies, the University having already established Alliance College of Engineering and Design; Alliance

School of Law; Alliance Ascent College; Department of Continuing Education; and Department of Performing Arts, is in the process of establishing many other prominent academic units, viz., Alliance College of Arts and Humanities; Alliance College of Science; Alliance College of Medicine and Dentistry; Alliance College of Education and Human Services; Alliance School of Health Sciences; and Alliance College of Media and Communications. The ambience and serenity of a world-class infrastructure housed in a ‘green’ campus; faculty who have proven themselves in their respective fields by providing an excellent blend of rigor and relevance in their teachings; staff who are ever ready to reach out; robust industry interactions; research aimed at solving problems of the real world; a plethora of international collaborative arrangements; outreach activities that touch the lives of a wide cross section of society; an exemplary track record in career counseling and placement facilitation—combine to provide a rare synergy that transcends artificial barriers and enables students to follow their hearts with passion and confidence.




Vi sion Mission Vision To be a world-class University that nurtures talent and catalytically transforms the lives of millions through excellence in teaching, research, service and community development. To uphold a commitment to shaping lives through scholarly teaching and learning, and that which contributes to an equitable and holistic transformation of society at large. Mission To create and sustain a community of lifelong learners in an environment that emphasizes literacy, critical thinking and humanistic and scientific inquiry. The University shall provide a dynamic, challenging and ethi c a l e n v i r o n m e nt for pursuing high quality teaching, re s earch, learning and service across all areas of the University, where students, faculty and other key constituents can interact, collaborate, and partner with the global community for the creation and dissemination of knowledge and transform the lives of people through innovation and excellence in higher education.

The University shall: •

Pursue excellence in teaching, learning and scholarship.

Prepare students for leadership through enlightened learning partnerships with faculty mentors and the community.

Support faculty and other scholars in pursuing world-class research: clinical, theoretical, empirical, experiential and foster creative endeavor.

Promote and preserve academic freedom, diversity, equality, harmony and justice.

Develop mastery of disciplines and professions and instil confidence among its key constituents in their application for a future of meaningful pursuits and prod u c tiv e work in the service of humanity.

Channelize faculty and student talent for professionally-related service to the University, the community and society at large.



Officers of the University . . . . . . .

The Visitor (His Excellency, The Governor of the State of Karnataka) The Pro-Visitor (Honorable Minister for Higher Education, State of Karnataka) The Chancellor The Vice-Chancellor The Registrar Deans of Faculties The Finance Officer

Message from the Vice - Chancellor



The pursuit of excellence in all its myriad dimensions is a continuous and relentless endeavor at the University, and it f o l l o w s an eclectic and inclusive approach that is committed to take the benefits of education and learning to the society at large.


Dr. Pavana Dibbur Vice - Chancellor Alliance University Dear Student, I warmly welcome you to Alliance University where we have a well-established Alliance School of Business which runs business programs at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The University was established as a Private University in Karnataka in 2010 and has its origins as a standalone business school which was established over 15 years ago. The Alliance School of Business is the oldest of the schools and colleges which constitute Alliance University. The University has grown from strength to strength and from an initial handful of students, the University now has a student population of over 7,000 (covering all colleges). The students comprise undergraduate and postgraduate students especially from the Indian subcontinent and a few foreign nationals. We also have visiting students from different parts of the world. As you are aware, in India, the study of business processes now occupies a place of prime importance. There is, therefore, no doubt about the fact that business oriented programs are fundamental for the social and economic progress in the globalized economy of today which is critical for India. A knowledge of the myriad aspects of business and soft skills, for example, is important for working in an environment of discontinuous change, and in a globally oriented economy. The Alliance School of Business is aware of this and is

geared to producing potential managers who will be able to productively use their knowledge for the economic advancement of society. We also work closely with professional bodies and corporate houses in the development of our courses and we have consulted them to ensure that our students are gaining relevant and requisite knowledge and skills required for a global business market and make them market ready. By enabling our students to fully adapt to the ever changing world of work, we believe we are seriously improving your employment options. In fact, Alliance University is ranked as being among the top universities by various ranking agencies. We at Alliance University also recognize the fact that, the quality of a country’s human capital is critical to its development, social cohesion and global competitiveness. Therefore, the university and its colleges present an environment which is ideal for teaching, studying and research, for the industrial and socio-economic development of India. The business education we will give you will be up-to-date and the inputs delivered by faculty who have both industry and academic experience. I am confident that your passage through this university will be one which will prepare you for a life filled with productivity and social usefulness.


DEPARTMENT OF PERFORMING ARTS Certificate in Bharatnatyam / Kuchipudi / Carnatic Vocal Music Diploma in Bharatnatyam / Kuchipudi / Carnatic Vocal Music BFA - Bharatnatyam / Kuchipudi MFA - Bharatnatyam / Kuchipudi

O ur

journey, like many of the futuristic institutions in the world, has been an enriching and fulfilling experience, and one that has taught us to rise even in challenging times. To us, the future definitely looks bright and our ambitions will take us far. Since the time Alliance became a university, plans have started taking shape in creating an enduring and sustainable educational model for the vast majority of the society through defined and structured courses.

ALLIANCE SCHOOL OF LAW B.A. LL. B. (Hons.) B.B.A. LL. B. (Hons.) LL. M. Ph. D. in Law


Academic Units Courses Offered


ALLIANCE COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND DESIGN B. Tech. (Regular / Lateral) B. Tech - Evening (Lateral Entry)

for working professionals

Branches: Aerospace Engineering | Civil Engineering | Computer Science and Engineering | Electrical and Electronics Engineering | Electronics and Communication Engineering | Information Technology | Mechanical Engineering




Alliance School of Business Alliance School of Business, Alliance University has carved a niche for itself among the best B-schools in the country, having been ranked consistently among th e t o p B - s c h o o l s a n d f o r b e i n g t h e f i r s t I n d i a n B -school to be accredited by the International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education (IACBE), USA. Alliance School of Business enjoys a highlevel of r e c r u i t e r satisfaction from recruiting partners. Top brands and companies consistently recruit from the B-school and even visit it more than once in a year in search of exceptional talent from among its graduates. It has an excellent array of international collaborative arrangements with reputed universities and business

schools that enable student and faculty exchanges, paving the way for a unique multicultural and eclectic experience. The Department of Commerce at the Alliance School of Business offers degree courses, both at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels that seek to build and nurture graduates equipped with strong academic skills and expertise in commerce, finance, taxation, accountancy and other related disciplines of business studies. The innovatively crafted courses of the Department of Commerce also instill in graduates a highlevel of integrity and professionalism while pr epar ing t h e m f o r r e w a r d i n g a n d f u l f i l l i n g careers in banking, insurance, auditing, taxation and business management.


Private University for the year 2014 and 2015 by ASSOCHAM of India, New Delhi

Ranked 2 nd Best B-School in South India

• Ranked 3rd Top B-School in South India • Ranked 10th Top B-School in India

Alliance School of Business is ranked 9th Best Private B-School in India

• Ranked 7 th in Infrastructure • Ranked 8 th in Placements

Recieved the Brand Academy Education Excellence Award in 2013 for the Most Innovative University in South India

2013 Alliance School of Business is accredited by the International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education (IACBE), USA

B-School Survey 2015

Ms. Katalin Kovacs Chair, Board of Commissioners

Issued on the 5th day of December, 2013

Dennis N. Gash President, IACBE

This accreditation applies only to the programs approved by the Board of Commissioners, is valid for a maximum of seven years from the date of the commissioners’ decision, and is contingent upon the institution and its academic business unit remaining in compliance with the principles and policies of the Assembly.

The School of Business Alliance University

to the business programs offered by

Certificate of Accreditation

hereby awards this

The International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education

The Board of Commissioners of the



Master of Business Administration The Master of Business Administration (MBA) course offered by Alliance School of Business, Alliance University, is the flagship course of the School and is accredited by the International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education (IACBE), USA—a premier international accreditation body for business management programs. The Master of Business Administration (MBA) course curriculum consists of general management subjects, core subjects and elective subjects that reflect the student’s chosen area of specialization: Marketing; Finance; Organizational Behavior and Human Resource (OB & HR); Operations; Retail; Banking and

Financial Services; Hospitality; Entrepreneurship and Family Business; International Business; or Communications. One of the differentiating features of the curriculum is the range and depth of electives, which are indust r y-specific and where rigor and relevance are appropriately balanced, resulting in the greater marketability of graduates. The specializ at ion ar eas include a field-based Industry Internship Program and a Dissertation. Students are encouraged to choose an area of specialization that suitably matches with their interests and skill sets. A specialization area is offered in the MBA course subject to a minimum enrollment.



Key features It is a Two-Year Full-time Post-Graduate Degree Program

Rigorous, relevant, contemporary and progressive curriculum

Delivered by accomplished full-time faculty and embellished by international adjunct faculty

Articulation agreements with leading universities and institutions abroad provided for student exchanges, internships, short-term certification programs and dual-degree opportunities

Case based learning and live projects with extensive industry interactions

Regular updating of elective subjects to reflect the needs of industry

Continuous evaluation method using the honor point system for the calculation of Grade Point Averages (GPA)

Training modules by SAP

Learning methodology The learning methodology is primarily experiential in nature with a focus on the application of concepts. The methodology includes the following based on the requirements of a specific subject: •

Interactive lectures

Case study analysis

Classroom projects and exercises

Class simulations and games

Group presentations

Analysis of contemporary articles from refereed journals

Field projects and company visits

Expert and guest lectures

Activity labs



Training & Certification SAP is at the centre of today’s technology revolution. The market leader in enterprise application software, SAP helps organisations fight the damaging effects of complexity, generate new opportunities for innovation and growth, and stay ahead of the competition.

The students are offered extensive training in the areas of Financial Accounting (FI), Sales and Distribution (SD), Materials Management (MM), Human Capital Management (HCM) powered by SAP which: •

Enables student to take up global level certification program

Provides contemporary courses (updated versions)

Exposure to new dimension courses like Mobility, In Memory Database, Analytics etc. through Learning Hub

Key highlights A comprehensive practical knowledge of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)-

This knowledge is a must have for students of all streams and will help them to understand their job better

In depth understanding of Business Processes and various Business Functions-

Students understand the nitty-gritties of business functions ranging from Finance to Production and so on.

SAP Brand and Global Level Certification-

Apart from the graduation/ post graduation degrees, the students get industry relevant skills and global level certifications.

Master of Business Administration Specializations



Communications International Business Hospitality


Banking and Financial Services


Entrepreneurship and Family Business

Organizational Behavior and Human Resource (OB & HR)

Note: A specialization area is offered in the MBA course subject to a minimum enrollment.


Course Curriculum Note: The curriculum is subject to change


Marketing SEMESTER 1 • Language Basics and Effective Writing • Economic Analysis for Business Decisions • Business Statistics • Marketing Management • Financial Reporting and Cost Control • Organizational Behavior • Human Resource Management • Operations Management

SEMESTER 3 • Sales and Distribution - I (ERP) • Relationships Building and Influencing Skills • International Business • Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation • Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility • Integrated Marketing Communication • Product and Brand Management • Consumer Behavior and Social Media Usage • Retail Management • Sales and Channel Management • Industry Internship Program

SEMESTER 2 • Core Business Process (ERP) • Speaking with Confidence and Impact • Management Science • Macroeconomic Environment and Policy • Research Methodology • Industry Analysis • Marketing Strategy for Competitive Advantage • Corporate Finance • Managing Innovation and Technology • Marketing of Services • Marketing Research and Decision Models

SEMESTER 4 • Sales and Distribution - II (ERP) • Business Law • Strategic Management • Business Marketing • Global Marketing • Digital Marketing • Dissertation Program


Finance SEMESTER 1 • Language Basics and Effective Writing • Economic Analysis for Business Decisions • Business Statistics • Marketing Management • Financial Reporting and Cost Control • Organizational Behavior • Human Resource Management • Operations Management

SEMESTER 2 • Core Business Process (ERP) • Speaking with Confidence and Impact • Management Science • Macroeconomic Environment and Policy • Research Methodology • Industry Analysis • Marketing Strategy for Competitive Advantage • Corporate Finance • Managing Innovation and Technology • Financial Statement Analysis and Performance Measurement • Security Analysis and Portfolio Management

SEMESTER 3 • Financial Accounting - I (ERP) • Relationships Building and Influencing Skills • International Business • Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation • Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility • International Financial Management • Financial Modeling • Financial Derivatives and Risk Management • Commercial Banking • Econometrics • Insurance and Risk Management • Project Appraisal and Financing • Forex, Treasury and Risk Management • Strategic Corporate Finance • Industry Internship Program

SEMESTER 4 • Financial Accounting - II (ERP) • Business Law • Strategic Management • Financial Markets and Institutions • International Financial Reporting Standards • Mergers and Acquisitions • Fixed Income Securities and Financial Innovations • Credit Lending and Appraisal Decisions • Dissertation Program


Organizational Behavior and Human Resource (OB & HR) SEMESTER 1 • Language Basics and Effective Writing • Economic Analysis for Business Decisions • Business Statistics • Marketing Management • Financial Reporting and Cost Control • Organizational Behavior • Human Resource Management • Operations Management

SEMESTER 2 • Core Business Process (ERP) • Speaking with Confidence and Impact • Management Science • Macroeconomic Environment and Policy • Research Methodology • Industry Analysis • Marketing Strategy for Competitive Advantage • Corporate Finance • Managing Innovation and Technology • Training and Development • Workforce Planning, Hiring and Psychometric Application • Human Resource Analytics



• Human Capital Management - I (ERP) • Relationships Building and Influencing Skills • International Business • Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation • Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility • Industrial Relations • P erformance Measurement and Competency Management • Compensation and Benefits Management • Behavioural Economics • Power, Politics and its Strategic Implications for Managers • Industry Internship Program

• Human Capital Management - II (ERP) • Business Law • Strategic Management • International Human Resource and Cross Cultural Management • Organizational Leadership Development and Change Management • Employee Engagement and other Contemporary trends in HRM • Dissertation Program


Operations SEMESTER 1 • Language Basics and Effective Writing • Economic Analysis for Business Decisions • Business Statistics • Marketing Management • Financial Reporting and Cost Control • Organizational Behavior • Human Resource Management • Operations Management

SEMESTER 2 • Core Business Process (ERP) • Speaking with Confidence and Impact • Management Science • Macroeconomic Environment and Policy • Research Methodology • Industry Analysis • Marketing Strategy for Competitive Advantage • Corporate Finance • Managing Innovation and Technology • Logistics and Supply Chain Management • Total Quality Management



• Materials Management - I (ERP) • Relationships Building and Influencing Skills • International Business • Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation • Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility • Business Intelligence • Project Management • Operations Strategy • Business Analytics • Service Operations Management • Industry Internship Program

• Materials Management - II (ERP) • Business Law • Strategic Management • Business Process Reengineering • Lean Operations Management • Software Engineering and Project Management • Dissertation Program


Retail SEMESTER 1 • Language Basics and Effective Writing • Economic Analysis for Business Decisions • Business Statistics • Financial Reporting and Cost Control • Corporate Finance • Marketing Management • Marketing Strategy for Competitive Advantage • Leadership and Organizational Behavior • Human Capital Management and Audit • Operations Management

SEMESTER 3 • International Business • Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation • Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility • Professional Development • Store Operations in Retail • Consumer Behavior in Retail • Merchandise Management • Retail Promotion Strategies • Financial Planning and Management in Retail • HRM and CRM in Retail • Information Technology for Retail • ERP - l • Industry Internship Program

SEMESTER 2 • Core Business Process (ERP) • Management Science • Speaking with Confidence and Impact • Macroeconomic Environment and Policy • Research Methodology • Leadership Development • Managing Innovation and Technology • Retail Organization and Retail Marketing Environment • Retail Marketing Management • Supply Chain Management in Retailing

SEMESTER 4 • Business Law • Strategic Management • International Retailing • Marketing of Retail Solutions • ERP - II • Dissertation Program


Banking and Financial Services SEMESTER 1 • Language Basics and Effective Writing • Economic Analysis for Business Decisions • Business Statistics • Financial Reporting and Cost Control • Corporate Finance • Marketing Management • Marketing Strategy for Competitive Advantage • Leadership and Organizational Behavior • Human Capital Management and Audit • Operations Management

SEMESTER 3 • International Business • Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation • Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility • Professional Development • Financial Markets, Institutions and Services • Forex, Treasury and Risk Management • Legal Aspects of Banking • Principles and Practices of Banking • Project Appraisal and Financing • ERP - l • Industry Internship Program

SEMESTER 2 • Core Business Process (ERP) • Speaking with Confidence and Impact • Management Science • Macroeconomic Environment and Policy • Research Methodology • Leadership Development • Managing Innovation and Technology • Accounting and Financial Statement Analysis • Bank Marketing

SEMESTER 4 • Business Law • Strategic Management • Risk Management in Banks • Rural Banking and Micro Financing • ERP - ll • Dissertation Program


Hospitality SEMESTER 1 • Language Basics and Effective Writing • Economic Analysis for Business Decisions • Business Statistics • Financial Reporting and Cost Control • Corporate Finance • Marketing Management • Marketing Strategy for Competitive Advantage • Leadership and Organizational Behavior • Human Capital Management and Audit • Operations Management

SEMESTER 2 • Core Business Process (ERP) • Speaking with Confidence and Impact • Management Science • Macroeconomic Environment and Policy • Research Methodology • Leadership Development • Managing Innovation and Technology • Hotel Management and Operations • Marketing for Hospitality Industry • Food and Beverage Management



• International Business • Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation • Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility • Professional Development • Financial Accounting and Budgeting in Hospitality • Accommodation Operations Management • Managing Human Capital in Hospitality • Projects and Real Estate in Hospitality • Strategic Hospitality Management • Food and Nutrition Science • ERP - l • Industry Internship Program

• Business Law • Strategic Management • Luxury Services Management • Revenue and Pricing Management in Hospitality • Tourism Destination and Event Planning • ERP - ll • Dissertation Program


Entrepreneurship and Family Business SEMESTER 1 • Language Basics and Effective Writing • Economic Analysis for Business Decisions • Business Statistics • Financial Reporting and Cost Control • Corporate Finance • Marketing Management • Marketing Strategy for Competitive Advantage • Leadership and Organizational Behavior • Human Capital Management and Audit • Operations Management • Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice

SEMESTER 3 • International Business • Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility • Professional Development • Indian and Global Business Environment • Opportunity Sensing and Preparations for Launch • Business Plan and Project Implementation • Corporate Entrepreneurship • ERP - l • Detailed Project Report • Industry Internship Program

SEMESTER 2 • Core Business Process (ERP) • Speaking with Confidence and Impact • Management Science • Macroeconomic Environment and Policy • Research Methodology • Leadership Development • Managing Innovation and Technology • Entrepreneurial Competencies Development • Evolution of Social Sector Entrepreneurship

SEMESTER 4 • Business Law • Strategic Management • Family Business Management • Entrepreneurial Nuances • Five-Year Perspective Growth Plan • ERP - ll


International Business SEMESTER 1 • Language Basics and Effective Writing • Economic Analysis for Business Decisions • Business Statistics • Financial Reporting and Cost Control • Corporate Finance • Marketing Management • Marketing Strategy for Competitive Advantage • Leadership and Organizational Behavior • Human Capital Management and Audit • Operations Management

SEMESTER 3 • Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation • Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility • Professional Development • Fundamentals of International Political Economy • WTO and International Trade Regime • Regional Economic Integration • Intellectual Property Rights and International Business • International Human Resource Management • Modes of International Business Expansion • Export-Import Management • International Marketing • International Commercial Law and Treaties • ERP - l • Industry Internship Program

SEMESTER 2 • Core Business Process (ERP) • Speaking with Confidence and Impact • Management Science • Macroeconomic Environment and Policy • Research Methodology • Leadership Development • Managing Innovation and Technology • Globalization and International Business in Emerging Markets • International Trade Patterns and Balance of Payments • Fundamentals of International Law • International Business Operations and Multinational Enterprise • International Business Research

SEMESTER 4 • Business Law • Strategic Management • International Business and Human Rights • Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management • International Disputes Settlement • ERP - ll • Dissertation Program


Communications SEMESTER 1 • Language Basics and Effective Writing • Economic Analysis for Business Decisions • Business Statistics • Financial Reporting and Cost Control • Corporate Finance • Marketing Management • Marketing Strategy for Competitive Advantage • Leadership and Organizational Behavior • Human Capital Management and Audit • Operations Management

SEMESTER 3 • International Business • Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation • Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility • Professional Development • Media and Communication Research • Media Management • Publishing:Technology and Practices • New Media, Cultural and Social Change • Contexts of Media • Creative Writing in Media • ERP - l • Industry Internship Program

SEMESTER 2 • Core Business Process (ERP) • Speaking with Confidence and Impact • Management Science • Macroeconomic Environment and Policy • Research Methodology • Leadership Development • Managing Innovation and Technology • Mass Communication - I • Mass Communication - II • Media, Culture and Communication

SEMESTER 4 • Business Law • Strategic Management • Film Studies • Account Planning • ERP - ll • Dissertation Program

Business Analytics

International Linkages

Alliance University Nurturing Global Leaders Of the numerous opportunities available at Alliance University, I n t e r n a t i o n a l Programs—Se m e s t e r E x c h a n g e , I n t e r n a t i o n a l S um m er School, Dual Degree, Credit Transfer and the Overseas Learning Program—are among the m ost excit ing and career enhancing. Learning and understanding new cultures, improving foreign language skills, studying a discipline with an international per s p e c t i ve and seeking out new challenges are significant elements of a study abroad experience. International Programs are often the first stepping stone towards a student’s global awareness and there are many tailor-made options for students to choose from. International Programs at Alliance University give students a distinct and definitive advantage, going forward.

International Partnerships Alliance University has a host of articulation a g r e e m e n t s with accredited universities across the world. Through collaborative arrangements with international universities, Alliance University offers International Programs and facilitates educational experiences for students in several countries such as Belgium, Canada, People’s Republic of China,

Global Partners

Fr a n c e , G e r m a n y, I t a l y, R u s s i a , S w i t z e r l a n d , Sweden, The Netherlands, UK and USA. Apart from providing an opportunity to understand different cultures in a globalized economy, students who participate in these Programs get to gain a first-hand international experience and develop as global citizens.


Antwerp Management School, Belgium

International Partner Institutions at a Glance

Antwerp Management School (AMS) is located in the historical center of the city of Antwerp, Belgium. The Master’s-level programs at Antwerp Management School are recognized by AACSB-International, the largest accreditation organization for management schools in the world. This gives AMS degrees an outstanding mark of quality, locally and internationally. AMS offers two types of courses: Master’s and Executive. Scientific thoroughness and practicality are the hallmark of each academic program.

Berlin School of Economics and Law, Germany The Berlin School of Economics and Law (BSEL) is a university of applied sciences and an academic center with departments in business and administration, public administration, security management, legal studies and engineering. The BSEL offers 23 undergraduate degree and 18 postgraduate degree courses. Students benefit from the knowledge and management experience of its doctorally-qualified, 160 full-time faculty. As a specialized university for business and economics, BSEL offers a study concept that guarantees strong links to business and professional life.

Duisenberg School of Finance, The Netherlands The Duisenberg School of Finance (DSF) was established by multiple stakeholder institutions: the Dutch government, the city of Amsterdam and five notable Dutch universities—Dutch University of Amsterdam; Tilburg University; Erasmus University, Rotterdam; VU University, Amsterdam; and the Tinbergen Institute. Academic programs at DSF are also aided and supported by leading Dutch and international financial companies. The graduates of the School who are trained to be leaders in the area of finance demonstrate a strong grasp of the fundamentals of finance, possess a holistic world view, apply a critical and innovative approach to finance and, above all, exhibit integrity.

Edinburgh Napier University, UK Edinburgh Napier University is one of the largest higher education institutions in Scotland with almost 18,000 students from 109 countries on campus. Academically, the University is organized into three faculties: the Business School; Engineering, Computing & Creative Industries; and Health, Life & SocialSciences. Edinburgh Napier University is one of Scotland’s top universities for graduate employability. This university is also the proud winner of the Queen’s Anniversary Prize for Higher and Further Education 2009, awarded for innovative housing construction for environmental benefit and quality of life. The University is ranked in the UK’s top ten ‘Excellent’ Business Schools by the Eduniversal Worldwide Business School Ranking 2011, and, it is one of Scotland’s top universities for graduate employability.


KAUSHAL KAUSHIK International Summer School Student, Berlin School of Economics and Law, Germany “Germany has always been a dream country to visit and Berlin International Summer School program in Berlin School of Economics and Law made me fulfil my dream. The most important advice I can give is that everything in another country is different: nothing is better or worse, but everything is different, and it’s important to be open to new ways of doing things. I thoroughly enjoyed my summer school and learnt a lot from it – not just language skills, but people skills and also learnt a lot about myself and my life back home. It was an experience that will stay with me for life. I loved all the activities that we did as part of the summer school, the scenic beauties, knowing about German history through monuments, palaces, all these were wonderful. I wanted to convey a huge thank you to the International Office for providing me this opportunity to travel to Germany and spend the best six weeks of my life. Miss Those Days!”

University of Salford Manchester, UK Salford is an ambitious University, with 20,000 students contributing enormously to the local economy and our expertise transforming individuals and communities through excellent teaching, research, innovation and engagement. More than 3,000 international students from over 100 countries are currently studying at the University.

Kristianstad University, Sweden Kristianstad University, is situated in southern Sweden. The University offers a wide range of courses in management taught in English within different fields of study. At Kristianstad University, there is a commitment to promote an environment in which students and faculty collaborate to cultivate an understanding of other cultures and traditions.


ICHEC Brussels Management School, Belgium

International Partner Institutions at a Glance

With its location in Brussels, the capital city of Europe, ICHEC Brussels Management School enables its students to develop their talents and educates them to become responsible, open-minded managers. In order to accomplish this mission, the academic programs at the School emphasize practice in-the-field supported by rigorous, scientific research

INSEEC, France The INSEEC Graduate Business School is one of the leading French graduate schools of management and is accredited by the Association of MBAs. Its full-time MBA program is ranked 52nd in the world by Financial Times (2012 rankings). The INSEEC Group enrolls 11,000 students in its 12 member schools, prominent among which include: INSEEC (Paris, Bordeaux), ECE (Lyon, Bordeaux), MBA Institute (Paris), Sup de Pub (a school of health in Paris and Lyon) and SUPCAREER (Paris). INSEEC is a member of the “Conférence des Grandes Ecoles”, and has 500 faculty and 200 staff members.

IPAC School of Management, France

IPAC, based in Annecy, France, is a leading player in the educational sector in France. IPAC offers a comprehensive range of degree courses at the bachelor’s and master’s levels, and from a number of constituent schools: IPAC School of Management; IPAC Enterprises; IPAC Consulting; IPAC Design; and the IFALPES School of French Language. IPAC has seven certifications from the National Directory of Qualifications (RNCP) at the bachelor’s and master’s levels that are also recognized in Europe. IPAC is one of the few higher education institutes recognized by the French State and is renowned for its excellence in teaching, research and scholarship in the field of management.

ISEP, France ISEP is a premier institute for higher learning in engineering that offers courses in electronics, software and computer engineering, signal and image processing as well as telecommunications and networks. ISEP’s faculty and researchers train, engineers and scientists while also contributing their expertise to research and development projects, technology transfer and contracts established with industrial groups, computer service companies, universities laboratories as well as national and European administrations. ISEP has a strong international dimension with more than 70 international partnerships le adin g to joint research projects as well as student and faculty exchanges across academic programs,globally.


Federation of Schools (FEDE), Switzerland European Federation of Schools (FEDE), is an association of European higher education institutions to provide high-quality, continually updated curricula and examinations leading to undergraduate and graduate diplomas covering more than 20 different professional fields through FEDUCA, FEDE’s commercial arm. The Federation comprises more than 550 independent universities and educational institutions, predominantly from across Europe.

Maastricht School of Management, The Netherlands Maastricht School of Management, the Netherlands has its roots in the Institute for Management Science at the Technical University in Delft (RVB), dating back to 1952. In 1989, the School moved to the historical city of Maastricht. The MBA program of the Maastricht School of Management is accredited by the Association of MBAs (AMBA); the Association of Collegiate Business Schools (ACBSP); the International Assembly of Collegiate Business Education (IACBE) and the Dutch Flemish Accreditation Organization (NVAO).

Paris School of Business, France Paris School of Business is a part of a larger network of schools—The Paris Schools of Management, Pôle ESG. Founded in 1975, Pôle ESG is a private institution made up of five business school units: ESG Management School; ESGCI; ESGF; MBA ESG and Paris School of Business, which are located on four campuses in the heart of Paris. Paris School of Business is one of the handful of schools, ac credited to the highest international and American academic standards, that offers the possibility to s t u d e n t s coming from all over the world to study abroad in France—over 70 nationalities are represented at the Paris School of Business, with specializations in International Business and Management and in the heart of the largest integrated economic zone of the world, the European Union, with all courses taught entirely in English.

Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and PublicAdministration (RANEPA), Russia The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA) is the largest, leading, institution for higher education in Russia. Its Moscow main campus and 67 branch campuses across 53 regions in Russia, provide their services to a total of over 170,000 students. RANEPA is the pioneer institution in introducing MBA and Executive MBA in Russia and trains more than half of MBA students in the country. RANEPA has broad international cooperation with leading foreign universities, including Harvard, Stanford, Preston and Duke in the USA; Cambridge and Oxford in the UK; IE Instituto de Impresso in Spain as well as with more than 50 other universities, globally.

International Partner Institutions at a Glance


University of Burgundy, France Located in Burgundy, between Paris and Lyon, University of Burgundy has its main campus in Dijon. It counts 10 faculties, 4 engineering schools, 3 institutes of technology offering undergraduate courses, and 2 professional institutes providing post-graduate programmes. University of Burgundy enrols 27,000 students, among whom 3,000 are international students. The University of Burgundy sinks its roots deep into the history of France. The origins of The University of Burgundy go back to the times of the French monarchy, with the founding of the Dijon Faculty of law in 1722.

ASHUTOSH BASOTIA Semester Exchange Student, European Business School,Germany Thanks to Alliance University Student Exchange program, I was able to take my studies away from India to European Business School, Oestrich-Winkel, Germany where I got to experience firsthand a different taste of German culture. With Marketing as my specialization I not only witnessed and experienced a very different and unexpected classroom and campus environment but got in touch with many German professors, visiting faculties and corporate companies where I got chances to visit, learn, do research projects and deliver learning outcomes and suggestions. Germany is a place which produces technocrats with qualitative and quantitative skills and abilities like discipline, punctuality, team working etc. I got the best of the opportunity given by the office of International Affairs, Alliance University that contributed to building my personality and broadening my vision.


University of Wales Trinity Saint David, UK Swansea Metropolitan University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Wales, UK is renowned for its Faculty of Applied Design and Engineering as well as Swansea Business School. The Faculty of Applied Design and Engineering is located at the Mount Pleasant Campus and offers courses that are crafted to respond to the needs of industry. The Swansea Business School, located in the newly built campus at Swansea City Center, offers a wide range of industry-led, professionally focused courses in Business and Management. The University has strong links with professional bodies such as ACCA, CIMA, CIM, CMI and CIPD, and several of its programs are accredited by these reputed organizations, which have partnerships with academic institutions across the globe.

Telecom School of Management, France Telecom School of Management, France trains managers for the digital world. The School is a part of the Institute Mines-Télécom and shares its campus and research activities with the engineering school, Télécom Sud Paris. The academic programs offered by the Telecom School of Management clearly differentiates it from others in that its courses offer students the dual expertise in Management and IT. The AACSB-International and AMBA accreditations given to the Telecom School of Management provide it with a distinctive advantage for its international development.

Telecom Sud Paris, France Telecom Sud Paris is a leading graduate school of engineering that offers courses in information technology and communication technology. While Telecom Sud Paris primarily focuses on information and communication technology, the School also offers academic programs and scientific training in related areas to its key constituents. Telecom Sud Paris, already established as a leading French engineering school that stands for academic excellence, seeks to further enhance its international reputation through various international collaborations.

Togliatti Academy of Management, Russia The Togliatti Academy of Management (TAM), Russia is a comprehensive, non governmental educational institution whose vision is “continuous improvement through learning.” The Academy emphasizes excellence in teaching, advising and student-faculty relationship while encouraging service, research and creativity. TAM is committed to providing an education that confronts students with different perspectives and new ideas.


International Partner Institutions at a Glance

Toulouse Business School, France Toulouse Business School (TBS) is a leading, integrated management business school in France. It is one of the few international business schools carrying the international triple accreditation of EQUIS, AMBA and AACSB-International. It offers the following academic programs in business and management: Undergraduate Business Program, ESC Graduate Program and specialized masters and other postgraduate programs—aerospace, management consulting, transport and logistics, and Executive Education. TBS is one of the leading French business schools that prepares its graduates to assume managerial responsibilities by developing in them analytical, integrative and interpersonal skills.

Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences, Germany The Neu-Ulm University, a business school with an increasingly international orientation and a high practical relevance of its courses, is a regionally, nationally and internationally attractive center for achievement-oriented students. It offers five business-oriented and information-oriented courses of study as well as three executive courses. At present, about 3,000 students study at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences and they are supported by 52 professors, 97 academic and 91 administrative staff members.

University of Bedfordshire, UK The University of Bedfordshire is renowned for its vibrant and cosmopolitan student population, which includes more than 19,000 students—5,000 of whom are international. The University also has 1,000 members of staff from more than 100 countries, making it a truly diverse and multicultural community. It has eight well established research institutes, which not only focus on the research output of the University’s staff and students, but their work also underpins all of the taught postgraduate courses.

University of Chester, UK Established in 1839, the University of Chester is one of the oldest higher education institutions in the United Kingdom, and has 477 course combinations on offer. The University of Chester’s academic departments are grouped into seven distinct faculties: Business, Enterprise and Lifelong Learning; Health and Social Care; Applied Sciences; Arts and Media; Humanities; Social Science and Education; and Children’s Services. The University offers a warm and vibrant environment for 16,700 students, drawn from over 50 countries globally. The University of Chester is the highest ranked University of its kind in the North West of UK according to The Times Good University Guide 2013.


University of Dundee, UK University of Dundee is one of UK’s top institutions for teaching and research over a broad range of discipline and has 19,000 students and over 3,000 teaching staff. The University is ranked 140 among the world’s top 200 universities in the Times Higher Education 2010-11 World Universities rankings, and is in the top 10 UK universities for teaching and learning. The University is organized into four colleges: Life Sciences; Arts and Social Sciences; Art Science and Engineering; and Medicine, Dentistry and Nursing.

University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy University of Milano-Bicocca is a young, dynamic and multidisciplinary University, which in the space of ten years has created an extensive network that includes many world-famous universities, research centres and top corporations. They offer courses—Bachelors, Masters, and PhDs—which will equip you for the challenges of a complex and changing world. Students, researchers and professors have come together at University of Milano Bicocca with ideas, enthusiasm, and talent, and with the intention of creating a brighter future.

Fairleigh Dickinson University, USA The largest private university in New Jersey, USA—Fairleigh Dickinson University (FDU) is an independent, non-sectarian, co-educational, multicampus institution. FDU enrolls more than 11,000 students annually, including nearly 4,000 graduate students. The University offers over 100 undergraduate and graduate degree programs, as well as doctoral programs. The Silberman College of Business is a tri-campus college, offering undergraduate and graduate programs at two locations: College at Florham, Madison, New Jersey and Metropolitan Campus, Teaneck, New Jersey. The Silberman College of Business is accredited by AACSBInternational—the world’s pre-eminent accreditation authority for collegiate schools of business.

Georgia State University, USA Georgia State University, located in the heart of downtown Atlanta, Georgia State, USA is one of the country’s leading urban research universities. More than 40,000 students are seeking degrees at Georgia State, of which 28,000 of them are on campus each semester. Students come to the campus from every county in Georgia, every state in the nation and from 160 countries, globally.


University of Michigan - Flint, USA

International Partner Institutions at a Glance

Founded in 1956, University of Michigan-Flint welcomes a record number of students into their classroo m s , equipping them with the knowledge, experiences, and skills to make lasting c on tribu tions to the businesses, organizations, and communities they help shape. With over 35000 students on campus there’s more to UM-Flint than the classroom. The students are part of a vibrant campus culture that encourages active participation. W ith over 75 student organizations and a growing list of club sports teams students have ample opportunities to connect, engage, and thrive.

Kennesaw State University, USA Kennesaw State University (KSU) is the third-largest university in Georgia, USA and is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS). The Coles College of Business, KSU is accredited by AACSB-International and offers programs, which are ranked among the best in USA.

Oakland University, USA Oakland University was created in the year 1957 and the University enrolled its first batch of students in 1959. The International Students and Scholars Office of Oakland University is committed to building an international campus through service, support and advocacy to nurture global citizenship and multicultural appreciation. There are two categories used to sort those pursuing an education at Oakland University from another country— student and scholar.

Royal Roads University, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada Royal Roads University is a premier institute of higher learning in British Columbia, Canada that offers a variety of flexible learning programs in business and management both at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The innovative, distributed mode of learning model allows students the flexibility to pursue education from anywhere in the world. Royal Roads University is located on a beautiful ocean side campus in Victoria, and the University reflects the richness and diversity of British Columbia’s culture and history. Students at the University have the option of a residency abroad during their studies at Royal Roads University.


San José State University, USA Located in the heart of Silicon Valley, the world’s high-tech capital, San José State University (SJSU), USA is an exceptional place for hands-on learning, professional development and personal growth. Founded in 1857, SJSU is the oldest public institution of higher education on the West Coast of the United States. The campus has matured into a comprehensive university with seven colleges that offer 134 bachelor’s and master’s level degrees. The SJSU College of Business is accredited by AACSB-International at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. Additionally, the College of Business is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges and the California State Board of Education.

The University of Memphis, USA The University of Memphis was established in 1912, as the West Tennessee State Normal School, USA. The main campus covers more than 1,100 acres in Memphis, Tennessee, USA. With an enrollment of 21,000 students, the University of Memphis is the seventh largest system of higher education in the USA. The University offers 15 bachelor’s-level degrees in more than 50 majors, 70 concentrations at the master’s degree-level and doctoral degrees in 21 disciplines. The University’s Fogelman College of Business and Economics is in the forefront of international business education, and has 103 full-time faculty including seven Chairs of Excellence and one Distinguished Professor position.

University of the Fraser Valley, Canada University of the Fraser Valley is a public post-secondary institution fully accredited by the Ministry of Advanced Education, Innovation & Technology of British Columbia. UFV is also a full member of the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada. UFV is a university with a focus on teaching excellence, enrolling over 15,000 students per year.

University of Central Florida, USA The University of Central Florida (UCF) is one of the most dynamic universities in the USA, which offers 225 degree programs, making it an academic and research leader in numerous fields. UCF’s 1,415-acre main campus provides modern facilities with the state-of-the-art infrastructure and houses 12 colleges, including the College of Medicine and College of Graduate Studies. More than 50,000 students attend classes on UCF’s main campus and at its 11 regional campuses located across the region of Central Florida.


Webber International University, USA

International Partner Institutions at a Glance

Webber International University (WIU), USA is an 82 year old private business university. WIU is regionally and internationally accredited and was ranked as the “Best in the Southeast” by the Princeton Review. WIU is accredited by the Southern Association of College and Schools, USA, the regional accreditor for higher education in the state of Florida. The University is also accredited by the International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education (IACBE), a specialty accreditor for business schools. Webber International University welcomes and supports international students because they play an important and integral role.

University of Scranton, USA Founded in 1888, Scranton is a private Catholic and Jesuit university that is known for outstanding academic quality, a beautiful and technology-rich campus, and a sense of community that helps you feel right at home. The 58-acre campus is located in the heart of Scranton. The University has around 6000 students. Year after year, Scranton is ranked among the top universities in the country for the quality of its academic programs, campus life and commitment to service.

Beijing Institute of Technology, People’s Republic of China Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT), People’s Republic of China, is a worldrenowned international and research-oriented university of science, engineering and humanities. Under the administration of the Ministry of Information and Industry of the Beijing Government, BIT ranks among the world-class universities globally for its high education and research performance, strong faculty and distinctive academic programs. BIT is organized into 17 academic schools and 43 research centers. BIT has now become a multidisciplinary university of engineering, science, management, humanities, economics, law and pedagogy. While maintaining its strength in engineering, it pays great attention to the balanced development of all disciplines. There are over 3,500 faculty and staff, including academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering Sciences, at BIT. BIT has several National Key Laboratories, and each year BIT undertakes over 700 research projects.

National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan National Tsing Hua University is located in Hsinchu, Taiwan, 72 kilometers south of Taipei. The campus covers over 105 hectares (260 acres) of scenic land, flush with lakes and trees. NTHU has 7 colleges, 17 departments and 18 independent graduate institutes. NTHU has around 12000 students, around 6,000 undergraduates, 4000 master and 2000 doctoral students.


The Sino-British College, USST, People’s Republic of China The Sino-British College (SBC) is an International University College, and is jointly established by the University of Shanghai for Science & Technology (USST), Shanghai as well as nine other leading British universities: University of Bradford; University of Huddersfield; University of Leeds; Metropolitan University; John Moores University; Manchester Metropolitan University; University of Salford; University of Sheffield; and Sheffield Hallam University. The Sino-British College is the only Shanghai-based higher education institution to be awarded a license by the Chinese Ministry of Education, People’s Republic of China, to offer the full range of degree courses in the fields of business and engineering. The Sino-British College, Shanghai is committed to providing students with a considerable variety in terms of courses of the highest international standards at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels, which are delivered by highly accomplished, full-time faculty.

Nanhua University, Taiwan Located in Chiayi, Taiwan, Nanhua University was founded in 1996. Currently, the school has about 5,200 students and a strong faculty of 220 full-time teachers. The school is built on a mountain slope and set in a quaint garden. The school area is about 63 hectares, with vast grasslands and towering trees. The unique natural environment of the elegant and quiet campus has earned the school the name “Forest University.”

Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, People’s Republic of China Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA), People’s Republic of China, is a premier learning and research institution, and its 16 colleges pursue teaching, research and scholarship in the diverse and eclectic areas of: aerospace engineering, energy and power engineering, automation engineering, electronic and information engineering, mechanical engineering, material science and technology, civil aviation, sciences, economics and management, humanities and social sciences, liberal arts, foreign languages, international education as well as computer science. The University offers 50 bachelor’s-level degree programs, 127 master’s-level degree programs and 52 doctoral programs across various disciplines. NUAA has established 95 research institutes as well as 51 laboratories, among which two are national key laboratories and seven are provincial and ministerial key laboratories. NUAA’s International Exchange Programs and Research Programs draw students from over 23 countries.

International Faculty Alliance School of Business continues its initiatives to invite and host renowned international faculty from around the world to teach its students. The Office of International Affairs is committed to supporting a diverse community of faculty scholars who make a difference in their fields, inspire in the classroom and serve as leaders in intellectual communities.




Recruiter’s Speak

It has always been a pleasure to visit the Alliance School of Business. We appreciate the hard work the institution takes in grooming and creating future business leaders who are passionate, competent, and ready to take any challenge ahead. ADARSH MISHRA - LG Electronic India Pvt. Ltd.

Career Advancement and Networking A lliance University was quick to react; we did grow substantially and made more and more focused

efforts in building relationships with our recruiting partners. We prepare our students to face challenges in the global economy. We invested more time in talking to our recruiting partners and taking their inputs in building and revising our curriculum and course structure.

Our efforts have been fruitful; a few of our recruiters who did freeze their hiring, visited us this year and have recruited talented graduates from the University. Nearly 30% of our recruiting partners this year visited Alliance University for the first time. About 6% of recruiters did visit us more than once this year as they greatly appreciated our talent pool and had also enhanced their intake. All our existing recruiting partners came back with a greater number of requirements across various functional areas. We have added to our list of recruiters some of the best and biggest global organizations. There was a significant increment in the number of organizations from across the FMCG, Pharmaceuticals, Consulting, Manufacturing and Banking sectors.

Placements Snapshot 2015

Employment Statistics at a Glance

94% 275+ 40% 1,800+

Successfully Placed Students

Recruiting Partners

New Recruiters

Opportunities Across the Globe


48% Operations


Supply Chain Manager Business Analyst Logistics and Inventory Manager

Corporate/Business Development Manager Brand Manager Research Analyst Sales and Marketing Manager

Specialization wise Recruitment Specializations

36% Finance



HR Generalist Management Trainee Process Excellence Analyst

Corporate Finance Manager Investment Banker Financial Analyst Business Analyst and Data Analyst Risk Manager Credit Manager

For nearly two decades now, Alliance School of Business has been at the forefront in providing the best that Management Education can offer. What sets Alliance University apart is its eclectic mix of expert faculty drawn from both academia and indust r y, a n e n v i a b l e l i s t o f c o r p o r a t e f i r m s a s r e c r u i t e rs and a world class infrastructure ideal for collaborative learning, i n t e r n atio n a l linkages with more than 45+ eminent Global In sti tutions of Excellence. Allliance today is ruling over the world with more than 12000+ Alumni working in 45+ countries across the Globe!

Key Recruiters

Disclaimer :A few logos of organizations have been shown for ease of recognition and recall; the logos are the exclusive property of the respective organizations and no violation of IPR is intended or implied.


Student Services The Office of Student Services functions with the motto of facilitating students to enhance their campus experience through accessing services, which cater to their holistic development—so as to make their living and learning experience at the Alliance campus truly memorable. The Office of Student Services includes: •

Student welfare

Sports and extra-curricular activities

Student competitions and festivals

Corporate Social Responsibility and related humanitarian services to society

Campus living and discipline


Alliance Alumni Association Our graduates of the Alliance School of Business are the leaders of tomorrow and its ambassadors who carry the spirit of the University into the corporate world, globally. The Alliance Alumni Association endeavors to connect, engage and build lifelong and mutually beneficial relationships of the alumni with their alma mater.


Academic & Support Services Career Oriented and Skill Development Certificate Courses In addition to the advanced and innovative curriculum that it possesses, Alliance University has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with Enhelion Knowledge Ventures Pvt. Ltd. to offer Online Certificate Programmes. The courses have been designed by industry experts and are aimed to impart specialized career oriented skills required by the industry.

IT Infrastructure Alliance University has implemented an IT network infrastructure and a state-of the- art Unified Communication Solution for the University campus with the latest technology that suits the present and future needs of higher education. The University in association with Cisco and W ipro has built a strong network and communication infrastructure, which includes excellent campus-wide W i-Fi connectivity.

Library The library of Alliance School of Law, Alliance University is comparable to the best anywhere. The library has a large collection of texts, reference books and multimedia, which is continuously updated with the latest editions. It subscribes to national and international periodicals, databases and online journals. The library maintains a website through which students can access online databases, journals and catalogs anywhere in the world. The library has a digital library providing a full text collection of documents and faculty publications.

Lecture and Seminar Halls Spacious, galler y-type lecture and seminar halls are equipped with the latest audio-visual facilities for an enhanced learning experience. Seminar halls,which accommodate large groups at a time are used often for seminars and group meetings with speakers and guests from industry and academia.


Center for Industry Interaction One of the major challenges of technical education today is the need to constantly innovate and adapt to the changing requirements of industry. The Center for Industry Interaction provides an interface between academics and the industry through interactive sessions. Leading practitioners from diverse industry backgrounds share their insights at these interactive sessions with students.

Hostel Accommodation The University provides comfortable and well-appointed hostel accommodation to students both at on-campus and off-campus locations. Room accommodation is extended on a first-come-first-served basis to students. Students can avail of hostel rooms either on a single or a shared basis.

Healthcare At Alliance University, we strongly believe in healthy living. We provide the facility of a resident doctor to cater to the healthcare and well being of the students. A round-the-clock ambulance service is also available for medical emergencies.

Counseling Personal, non-academic counseling is provided by a trained counselor to help and motivate the students and to attend to their overall developmental needs. Counseling helps to maintain and enhance the psychological, emotional and relational wellbeing of the students. Consultations with the counselor are treated with sensitivity, care and confidentiality.

Sports and Recreation A fit mind is an active mind. With its expansive sports ground, state-of-the-art gymnasium and the availability of expert gym and yoga instructors as well as martial arts training, the University encourages students to participate in various sports and recreational activities apart from their regular academic schedules.

Students’ Club Prometheus – Finance Club Prometheus is the oldest and a very active club at Alliance School of Business, Alliance University. This club, which is an integral part of the Finance area, is named after the Titan, Prometheus, who was a champion of mankind, and known for his intelligence. The domain of finance is ever evolving and Prometheus makes conscious efforts to keep the student community updated on the contemporary events through brainstorming sessions, intellectual panel discussions, simulations and quizzes. It has been actively engaged in building a strong academic base for finance major students in enhancing their general awareness and ability to interpret current financial news. The flagship event of the club, ‘Mock-Stock’ and the business quiz, ‘Ponderer’ has received rave reviews and are very popular among the students.

Marketrix – Marketing Club Learning marketing by practice is achieved by Marketrix through organizing events such as ‘Retail Melas,’ which pool the marketing talents of young vibrant minds. The club also brings innovation and creativity with advertising and promotion campaigns, and an array of activities and events that allows achievement of its mission through seminars, debates and workshops.

Genesis - OB & HR Club Genesis organizes events that develop intellect and promote creativity involving participants from crossspecializations, encouraging opportunities for team building and leadership, which are the primary building blocks of an organization. Activities organized by the club encourage students to go beyond the traditional ‘Fun@ Work’ models and facilitate a better understanding of individualism in teams.

Praxis - Operations Management Club PRAXIS, The Operations club of Alliance Business School endeavours to facilitate sharing of knowledge on fields related to Operations and Supply Chain Management through Live Projects, Quizzes, Case Studies and Simulation Games.

Cultural Club: “ZEST” Alliance Cultural club “ZEST” is actively organizes and promotes many cultural events. Cultural club is a strong part of the Alliance University. The Cultural Club has the important responsibility of keeping their fellow students entertained. The club aims to promote major cultural festivals. This club organizes small events for easing out the academic pressure on students as well. Recently Fests such as Dandiya Raas, NoTalkies and many more intra college and competitions were organized successfully by this club.


Movie Club The Central Campus of Alliance University has a film night every Second and fourth Saturday of every month for students during term time. Entry is free and it is open to all the students and staff of Alliance University. This club is dedicatedtoensure movie - based entertainment on campus. Movies are screened at the Basketball Court, Central Campus. Students can also request for specific movies and that are screened by vote on the selected movies by the Student’s Event Department. The club caters to a variety of tastes from English, Hindi or even regional languages.

Rock Band The University’s Rock Band ‘ALLIANCE PULSE’ promotes music as a social and recreational activity among students at the campus. From large orchestras to rock bands, there is a vast spectrum of different styles to enjoy.

ATS: Alliance Theatrical Society Theatre is a popular art form and the objective of the Alliance Theatrical Society (ATS) is to encourage this wonderful art and provide its members along with the audience, some unforgettable experiences. Alliance Theatrical Society team supports, promotes and develops theater, street play, drama and acting among students, increase student engagement, and showcase their theatrical talent.

Yoga and Aerobics Get moving! Alliance University offers variety of classes throughout the week including power yoga, meditation, floor and step aerobics in a group format at the Activity Center, Central Campus. The Fitness/Wellness Program emphasizes physical fitness and a healthy lifestyle by offering group exercise classes and more. These programs encourage a healthy body image awareness and promote proper exercise techniques.

Sports Club The Sport Club program consists of many indoor and outdoor sports competitions. The Sports Club offers students the opportunity to pursue a higher degree of participation with a group of individuals interested in the same level and type of activity. The club promotes student participation in a wide variety of physical and athletic activities, and contributes to the development of student leadership and provides a bond between individuals. All the events are formed, developed, governed and administered by the students working in conjunction with the Sports Department.

Alliance Adventure Club



dventure sports for students is highly popular with both undergraduate and postgraduate students of

the University. This activity is championed by the Alliance Adventure Club where the students take a leadership role, under the guidance of trained professionals and experts. The emphasis is on physical fitness, games, sports and adventure that aim to increase student productivity levels as well as build team spirit in an environment of friendship and trust. Participation in adventure and related outdoor activities promotes among students leadership, courage, vigor, and a sense of self-growth and comradeship.

Activities •

Air Gun Shooting

Bamboo Rafting


Certificate course in Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation

Microlight Flight

Paint Ball

White Water Rafting

Scuba Diving

Wave Surfing



River Crossing

Zip Line and High Rope Crossing

Tunnel Exploring

Cave Exploring



Chimney Climbing


Rock Climbing

Para Sailing

Summer Adventure Camp

Corporate Social Responsibility Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) at Alliance University has evolved to include the participation of all stakeholders: students, faculty, non-government organizations (NGO), and the local community. Over the years the students and faculty at the University have actively participated in outreach program initiatives where they contribute their knowledge, skills, and technical expertise to the community. At the same time, the University also has supported the program activities of several NGO’s operating in the community. CSR at the University encourages and propels students to imbibe the qualities of enlightened leadership and thereby instills in them a level of trust and confidence about themselves and the community. The values of social responsibility qualities, the students imbibe are: •

Genuine respect for others and their points of view

The ability to be sensitive to draw a line when making profits and contributing towards social investment

Strong personal integrity and reaching out to those

whose lives they can touch and make a difference

Ability to handle challenging situations and

providing workable solutions for the same

CSR Activities •

Alliance University Department of CSR organizes an orthopedic medical camp

Alliance University Department of CSR hosts an interactive session on Uttarakhand flood relief

Annual NGO Fest

Blood Donation Drive

Awareness workshop on Solid Waste Management

Cardiac and general check-up for faculty and staff of Alliance University

Distribution of school kits and water filters to six government schools

International Mother Earth Day 22 April



Administra ti o n B l o c k

A new landscape of Global Learning

L i b ra r y

63 Alliance University has magnificent infrastructure comparable to the best in the world.Some of the outstanding features include:

. . . .. . .. .. .. .

L ibrar y ( i ns i de v i e w )

State-of-the-art ambience created by the appropriate use of technology Spacious seminar halls with excellent acoustics for interactions with practitioners and other professionals Amphitheater classrooms An information technology backbone for seamless integration An excellent library with unmatched brilliance and aesthetics Halls of residence for students Residential accommodation for faculty and staff A food court built to the highest standards of hygiene Administration block Departmental stores Fitness center Recreational facilities Healthcare center and many more features that provide a unique learning and living experience to all residents. In short, the campus provides an ideal environment for young minds to explore new ideas, and encourages creativity and independent thinking, even as it facilitates faculty to engage in research that combines both rigor and relevance; the staff to cultivate empathy toward students, and for all to develop the twin qualities of a lifelong yearning for learning and a compassionate and caring attitude towards fellow human beings.

F o o d Co urt

L earning C entr e

H alls of Re side n c e

Alumni Speak

JISSA VARGHESE(2012 - 14) Travelex Alliance provides the students a mix of both academic theory and practical business experience. Alliance is also one of the best colleges in terms of academics and cross-cultural bonding. Gifted with the best faculty members, each professor’s genuine compassion for the student’s progression allows one to excel in their career and become a name rather than a number. More than being a faculty, they have extended their hand towards helping connect emotionally with the students by supporting them in their endeavours. I consider joining Alliance to be one of the best decisions I ever made in my life. Am proud to be an Alliancian...!!!

“ “

PRASHANT SHARMA (2012 - 14) Tech Mahindra The best thing that could happen to me is Alliance. Extremely nice people to work with. Everyone here creates a very comfortable atmosphere to work in. I’m grateful to be a part of this team as they provided me with an opportunity to launch my career very successfully. Thank you so much.

HARJOT KAUR (2012 - 14) Taj Hotel- Resorts and Palaces

Alliance is a complete package of knowledge, virtues and creativity. It gave me an opportunity to mingle with international students, acquire industry experience and get a global outlook. It was amazing to be surrounded by a wonderful network of people and working with them.


S. SABARI (2013 - 15) Tata Consultancy Services

“ “ “

I am grateful to Alliance University, both the faculty and the CAN office. They have made efforts ensuring maximum student get placed with Indian and global organizations. The University has groomed us for placements by CII, faculty mentoring which really facilitated my goal. Alliance University provides a great platform for skill enhancement and to get a great learning experience.

ASHISH JOSHI (2013 - 15) Deloitte

Have you ever thought what does practical learning means?? Professionalism, discipline, leadership, team work etc. are not just definitions but execution. Alliance University gives a real time experience of corporate life keeping intact the essence of campus life teaching us the real meaning of work life balance. Two years in AU, boosted my confidence that will help survive for another 38 years of my life.

AASHITA BHARADWAJ (2013 - 15) Crisil

When I commenced the program, I gave myself a year to challenge my thinking, change my outlook, and choose my next step. This has been not possible without remarkable opportunities and learning environment provided to me by Alliance University. Alliance has provided us numerous opportunities beyond geographies. A beautiful campus, classmates from different cultures and states with the help of faculties’ industry knowledge made me stand on this level. Studying at Alliance is a worthwhile investment in terms of my personal and professional growth.



Admissions •

Bachelor’s degree with a minimum of 50% marks (45% for SC/ ST candidates) in aggregate from a recognized University

A high score in GMAT / CAT / XAT / MAT / ATMA / CMAT / NMAT by GMAC / AMAT*



*Alliance Management Aptitude Test

Admission Selection process is comprised of: •

Alliance Management Aptitude Test (AMAT)

Essay Writing

Oral Extempore Presentation

Personal Interview

Admission to the Master of Business Administration (MBA) course at the Alliance School of Business, Alliance University is strictly based on merit.

Apply online at

The Application Form and Prospectus are also available at the Office of Admissions on the payment of Rs.1000/(Rs.2000/- for NRI / SAARC applicants and US$ 50 for other Foreign National applicants) in cash or through demanddraft in favour of “Alliance University” payable at Bangalore

SCHOLARSHIPS Scholarships are available to students of Indian nationality to support full-time study at Alliance University. Each year, Alliance University awards several scholarships in the form of fee remission to outstanding candidates.These scholarships of positive inclusive effort vary in value and have different criteria on which they are awarded. Please visit: for details on eligibility.


Terms & Conditions Students are required to abide by the following terms and conditions upon admission to the courses offered by Alliance University. 1. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this prospectus and it is issued on the express condition that all matters in it are subject to change from time to time without notice. While Alliance University will make all reasonable endeavors to deliver the courses of study and other educational services as set out in this prospectus, circumstances may change prompting the University to reserve the right to vary the content and delivery of courses and programs, to either discontinue or combine courses and programs or to discontinue educational services. 2. The subject titles, descriptions and contents are subject to change based on the University guidelines. 3. The fee schedule for the courses offered by the University can be downloaded at Fees payable for the courses offered by Alliance University are subject to review periodically. Ensuring that fees are paid before the announced due dates is the sole responsibility of the student. Non-payment of the prescribed fees within the due dates will result in the cancellation of the registration to the course or progression to the subsequent semester/year. 4. Students will also be liable for any travel and accommodation costs incurred for placement. For certain courses, students may incur additional specific charges for such items or activities as sports and games fees, specialized material or field trips. Alliance University reserves the right to make additional charges to students for such activities. 5. Alliance University may withdraw or amend its offer of admission, or terminate the registration, if it is found that either a false or a misleading statement has been made or that significant information has either been omitted or withheld in a candidate’s application form. 6. Alliance University does not accept responsibility and expressly excludes all liability that may result from any loss, damage or injury caused to a student or to the student’s property. 7. Students enrolled in the courses offered by the University are required to sign an undertaking at the time of the commencement of the academic year consenting to abide by the rules, regulations and the code of conduct of Alliance University. 8. Scholarships are available to support full-time study at Alliance University for resident Indian nationals only. Each year Alliance University awards several scholarships in the form of fee remission to outstanding candidates. These scholarships vary in value and have different criteria, based on which they are awarded. For further details, please visit 9. Policy regarding refund of course fee: a. The course fee has two components: Registration Fee and Tuition Fee. b. The Registration Fee will not be refunded by Alliance University under any circumstances. The primary objective of this stipulation is to discourage frivolous applications. c. The refund of Tuition Fee paid will be considered subject to the following criteria: i. If a candidate withdraws from the course prior to its commencement, 75 percent of the tuition fee will be refunded. ii. If a candidate withdraws from the course within one week after the commencement of the course, 60 percent of the tuition fee will be refunded. iii. If a candidate withdraws from the course any time after one week from the date of commencement of the course, no refund of tuition fee will be made. d. Additional provisions:

Reasons for seeking refund

Fee refund

Cancellation of admission due to concealment or falsification of facts, submission of false or fake certificates, providing misleading information by the student or, alternatively, an error or mistake on the part of the student


If a student is provisionally admitted to a course, and becomes ineligible for admission on the declaration of the result of the qualifying examination and the student’s admission is cancelled

The amount already deposited by the student, after the deduction of processing fee of INR 1,000/- and the tuition fee is refunded on a prorata basis

Note: The University policy regarding procedure for refund of fees is enumerated on the website of respective courses.


Disputes of any kind are subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts in Bengaluru only.

Ragging • • • •

The Alliance School of Business has a zero-tolerance policy on ragging and will strictly enforce it. Ragging in any form inside or outside the campus and hostel premises is strictly prohibited under the UGC Regulations on Ragging Ragging as defined by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India: “Any disorderly conduct whether by words spoken or written, or by an act with the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness any other student; indulging in rowdy or undisciplined activities which causes or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship or psychological or to raise fear or apprehension thereof, in a fresher or a junior student, or asking the students to do any act or perform something which such student will not do in the ordinary course and which has the effect of causing or generating essence of shame or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of a fresher or a junior student.”

Document No. ASOB/PRO/2016-17 © Alliance School of Business, Alliance University, Bengaluru, India This is a controlled document. Unauthorized access, copying and replication in any form are expressly prohibited. This document must not be copied in whole or in parts by any means, without the written authorization of the Registrar, Alliance University. ® All Rights Reserved May 2016 Disclaimer: The information provided in this Prospectus aims to be correct at the time of going to the press; however, the University reserves the right to make changes or add to any of the information contained herein without prior notice. Any dispute that may arise is subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts of Bengaluru.

Alliance School of Business, Alliance University

Chikkahagade Cross, Chandapura - Anekal Main Road, Anekal Bengaluru – 562 106, Karnataka, India. Tel.: +91 80 3093 8000/1/2/3/4 | Fax: +91 80 309308040 | E-mail :

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