Alliance School of Law The Change Makers of Legal
Our Journey of Evolution
Awarded the Best Private University for the year 2014 and 2015 by ASSOCHAM of India New Delhi.
Start Here Alliance School of Law The Alliance School of Law is one of the top emerging professional law schools in the India. Alliance School of Law, Alliance University aims to further teaching, learning and scholarship in law that offers
• Ranked 1st in the category of Promising • Ranked 8th in the Southern Region
courses at the Undergraduate,Postgraduate and Doctoral levels.We at Alliance School of Law practice dialectic method of learning wherein we believe that the true learning of the Law is by challenging the existing propositions and emphasizing on ingenuity of ideas and processes.
• Ranked 7th in Infrastructure and Facilities • Ranked 8th in Placements
Alliance School of Law is recognized as “Educational Institutes of the Year 2015”
EDUCATION EXCELLENCE AWARD Recieved the Brand Academy Education Excellence Award in 2013 for the Most Innovative University in South India
Alliance School of Business, Alliance University is the first Indian University to be accredited by Assembly for Collegiate Business Education (IACBE), USA
Your inspiration for a lifetime of discovery
CONTENTS About Alliance University
Vision and Mission
Centers for Excellence
Officers of Alliance University
Career Advancement and Networking Cell
Message from the Vice - Chancellor
Advisory Board - Alliance University
Academic Services
Advisory Board - Alliance School of Law
Support Services
Alliance School of Law
Students’ Life
Intellectual Capital
Other Academic Units
Courses Offered
International Linkages
Terms and Conditions
Alliance University is a Private University established in Karnataka State by
Act No.34 of year 2010. The University is jointly recognized by the University Grants Commission (UGC) and the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi. Alliance University is a renowned university of higher learning located on an extensive state-of the-art campus in Bengaluru offering a variety of degree courses. The University has baccalaureate concentrations, postgraduate offerings, doctoral degree programs and several professional certificate programs. Alliance University aspires to be among the best universities in the world by the year 2025 through a series of strategically crafted moves, precisely calibrated action plans and an unwavering commitment to the pursuit of excellence.
VISION To be a world-class University that nurtures talent and catalytically transforms the lives of millions through excellence in teaching, research, service and community development. To uphold a commitment to shaping lives through scholarly teaching and learning, and that which contributes to an equitable and holistic transformation of society at large.
MISSION To create and sustain a community of lifelong learners in an environment that emphasizes literacy, critical thinking and humanistic and scientific inquiry.The University shall provide a dynamic, challenging and ethical environment for pursuing highquality teaching, research, learning and service across all areas of the University, where students, faculty and other key constituents can interact, collaborate, and partner with the global community for the creation and dissemination of knowledge and transform the lives of people through innovation and excellence in higher education. The University shall: • Pursue excellence in teaching, learning and scholarship. • Prepare students for leadership through enlightened learning partnerships with faculty mentors and the community. • Support faculty and other scholars in pursuing world-class research: clinical, theoretical, empirical, experiential and foster creative endeavor. • Promote and preserve academic freedom, diversity, equality, harmony and justice. • Develop mastery of disciplines and professions and instil confidence among its key constituents in their application for a future of meaningful pursuits and productive work in the service of humanity. • Channelize faculty and student talent for professionally-related service to the University, the community and society at large.
OFFICERS OF ALLIANCE UNIVERSITY The Visitor (His Excellency, The Governor of the State of Karnataka) The Pro-Visitor (Honorable Minister for Higher Education, State of Karnataka) The Chancellor
The Vice-Chancellor
The pursuit of excellence in all its myriad dimensions is a continuous and relentless end e a v o r at the U n i v e r s i t y , and it follows an eclectic and inclusive approach that is committed to take the benefits of education and learning to the society at large.
. . . . . . .
The Registrar Deans of Faculties The Finance Officer
Dr. Pavana Dibbur Vice - Chancellor Alliance University
Dear Student, I warmly welcome you to Alliance University where we have a well-established Alliance School of Law. The University was established as a Private University in Karnataka in 2010 and has its origins as a standalone business school which was established over 15 years ago.
also work closely with professional bodies in the development of our courses and we have consulted legal bodies in the creation of the various courses to ensure that our students are gaining relevant and requisite knowledge and skills required for a global business market and make them market ready.
The University has grown from strength to strength and from an initial handful of students, the University now has a student population of over 7,000 (covering all colleges). The students comprise undergraduate and postgraduate students especially from the Indian subcontinent and a few foreign nationals. We also have visiting students from different parts of the world.
By enabling our students to fully adapt to the ever changing world of work, we believe we are seriously improving your employment options. In fact, Alliance University is ranked as being among the top universities by various ranking agencies.
As you are aware, in India, the study of law now occupies a place of prime importance. There is, therefore, no doubt about the fact that this subject is fundamental for the social and economic progress in the globalized economy of today which is important for India. A knowledge of the myriad aspects of law, for example, is important in a trade oriented economy. The Alliance School of Law is aware of this and is geared to producing potential lawyers who will be able to productively use their knowledge for the legal advancement of society. We
We at Alliance University also recognizes the fact that, the quality of a country’s human capital is critical to its development, social cohesion and global competitiveness. Therefore, the university and its colleges present an environment for teaching, studying and research, for the industrial and socio-economic development of India. The legal education we will give you will be up-to-date and the inputs delivered by faculty who have both industry and academic experience. I am confident that your passage through this university will be one which will prepare you for a life filled with productivity and social usefulness.
Alliance University
Alliance University is a world-class university, and is turning into an instrumental force for nurturing young graduates, seasoned professionals and experienced scholars from India and abroad. The vision of Alliance University is to become an iconic learning destination , w h i c h i s s u p p o r t e d a n d m e n t o r e d b y a n a d v i s o r y b o a r d t h a t h a s s u c c e s s f u l and renowned professionals and academicians.
Alliance School of Law
Mr. Justice (Retd.) G.D. Sharma, Jammu and Kashmir High Court
Dr. Jagdish N. Sheth
Dr. Tan Chin Tiong
Dr. Howard Hunter
Chair Advisory Board, Alliance University Charles H. Kellstadt Professor of Marketing Goizueta Business School Emory University, USA
Senior Advisor to President and Professor of Marketing President,Singapore Management University, Singapore
Professor of Law Singapore Management University, Singapore Dean Emeritus School of Law, Emory University, USA
Mr. Bhaskar Bhat
Mr. Pratik Kumar
Dr. Robert A. Easter
Chairman Tata SIA Airlines Ltd. (Vistara)
CEO Wipro Infrastructure Engineering Wipro Ltd.
President Emeritus University of lllinois, USA
Dr. W. Ken Harmon
Dr. Bharat K. Singh
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Kennesaw State University, USA
Chairman, Strategic Business Review Council Aditya Birla Group
Prof. (Dr.) Venkata Rao Vice Chancellor National Law School of India University, Bangalore
Dr. N.R. Madhava Menon Dr. S. Radhakrishnan Chair on Parliamentary Studies; Former Director, National Law School of India University, Bangalore; and Former Director, National Judicial Academy, Bhopal
Dr. Rodney D. Ryder Advisor, Government of India
Alliance School of Law 12
Alliance School of Law, Alliance University is approved by the Bar Council of India (BCI), New Delhi. The Alliance School of Law offers two five-year, integrated undergraduate courses in law, viz., Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Law (Honors) – B.A. LL. B. (Hons.) and Bachelor of Business Administration, Bachelor of Law (Honor s) – B.B.A. LL. B. (Hons.) that have been carefully crafted and designed to prepare its graduates for rewarding careers in various roles and responsibilities in legal service organizations. Allia n c e S c h o o l o f L a w o f f e r s a f u l l - t i m e , o n e - y e a r M a s t e r o f L a w ( L L . M . ) d e g r e e c o u r s e w i t h specializations in Constitutional and Administrative Law, Corporate and Commercial Law and Intellectual Property Law and is designed to develop strong research expertise in law and legal principles among its graduates at the postgraduate level. The school also offers doctoral program in law (Ph. D. in Law) which is aimed at aspiring candidates who wish to pursue research in law.
• One of the most promising and top ranked Law Schools in India • Course delivered by accomplished full-time faculty and embellished by eminent jurists as well as international adjunct faculty • In n ov a ti v e p e d a gogy c om p r is i ng cas e-bas ed, i n t e r a c t i v e teaching and experiential learning • Moot Court hall for simulated court proceedings and visits to courts-in-session • Internship opportunities and final placement facilitation in reputed companies and legal firms
Intellectual Capital
Learning at Alliance School of Law is delivered by highly accomplished faculty who posses a wide range of expertise. The faculty at Alliance School of Law besides being excellent teachers are also accomplished researchers with numerous publications in journals of national and international repute, and have actively contributed to legal academia through participation in conferences and seminars. The faculty at Alliance School of Law places great emphasis on critical thinking and seeks to provide graduates with world-class l ea r n i n g o n d o m e s t i c , i n t e r n ational and comparative law. The faculty also strives to include case law discussions, moot-courts, debates and other pedagogical tools to enhance the rigor and relevance of the curriculum. In addition to the full-time faculty, the teaching is complemented by a panel of distinguished and experienced visiting faculty from a consortium of leading accredited universities across the world as well as renowned legal practitioners.
Bachelor of Business Administration, Bachelor of Law (Honors) - B.B.A. LL. B. (Hons.)
Full-time; Five years (integrated)
Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Law (Honors) - B.A. LL. B. (Hons.)
Full-time; Five years (integrated) Master of Law - LL. M.
Full-time; One year Ph. D. in Law
Full-time / Part-time; Min. three years Post Graduate Diploma in Intellectual Property Rights
Weekend / One year Post Graduate Diploma in Labour and Service Laws
Weekend / One year
B.B.A. LL. B. (Hons.) Bachelor of Business Administration, Bachelor of Law (Honors)
Law graduates are no longer limited by the option to choose litigation as their profession.There are many exciting opportunities for them in the corporate system, which include roles such as legal associates in law firms as well as in-house counsels in companies, among others. Legal practice in a corporate system becomes easier if the attorney is also aware of the business and management practices in business organizations. This requires graduates to not only understand the law but to also possess subject-matter expertise in business administration. Alliance School of Law thus offers the B.B.A. LL. B. (Hons.) course wherein graduates are trained in subjects such as Management, Finance and Languages. The course has been carefully crafted with a view to equip its graduates with an understanding of the legal and management principles in the desired proportion, thereby empowering them with a distinct advantage in their professional careers.
• Legal Methods and Legal Systems • General Principles of Contract • Principles and Practices of Management • Managerial Economics • Principles and Practices of Financial Accounting
• Law and Literature (English I)
• Law and Language (English I)
• Specific Contracts • Law of Tort, Motor Vehicle Accident and Consumer Protection Laws • Fundamentals of Marketing Management • Managerial Psychology • Cost and Management Accounting
• Constitutional Law I
• Constitutional Law II
• Law of Crimes
• Family Law II
• Family Law I • Human Resource Management • Strategic Management • Corporate Accounting
B.B.A. LL. B. (Hons.)
• Property Law • Jurisprudence • Administrative Law • Mass Communication I (Optional) • Financial Institutions and Financial Markets (Management Hons. I) - Optional • Financial Management (Finance Hons. I) - Optional
• Criminal Procedure Code, Probation of Offenders
• Intellectual Property Law • Civil Procedure Code and Limitation Act
• Law of Evidence
• Private International Law
• Public International Law
• Honors Paper I
• Company Law • Interpretation of Statutes • Mass Communication II - Optional • Business Environment (Management Specialization) - Optional
Act and Juvenile Justice Act
• Mergers, Acquisitions and Business
• Honors Paper II • Mass Communication III - Optional • Entrepreneurship & Leadership Specialization) - Optional
• Financial Reporting & Corporate • Governance (Finance Specialization) - Optional
• Labor and Industrial Laws I • Taxation Law • Drafting, Pleading and Conveyance (Clinical Paper I) • Environmental Law • Moot Court & Internship (Clinical Paper II)
• Restructuring (Finance Specialization) - Optional
• Alternative Dispute Resolution (Clinical Paper III) • Competition Law • Honors Paper VI • Honors Paper VII • Seminar Paper I
• Drafting, Pleading and Conveyance (Clinical Paper I) • Moot Court and Internship (Clinical Paper II) • Energy Laws • Honors Paper IV • Honors Paper V
• Honors Paper III
• Labor and Industrial Laws II
• Professional Ethics and Professional Accounting Systems (Clinical Paper IV) • Honors Paper VIII • Seminar Paper II • Seminar Paper III • Seminar Paper IV
Honors Papers B.B.A. LL. B. (Hons.)
Intellectual Property Law • Copyright and Drafting (Hons. I) • Trademarks and Drafting (Hons. II) • Patent and Drafting (Hons. III) • Geographical Indications, Biodiversity, Biotechnology, Farmers and Breeders Rights (Hons. IV) • Designs, Trade Secrets and Technology Transfer (Hons. V) • Intellectual Property Rights Transaction (Hons. VI) • Intellectual Property Rights Litigation (Hons. VII) • Intellectual Property Rights Management (Hons. VIII)
Seminar Papers
Business Law
• • Corporate Governance (Hons. I) • Capital Market Regulations (Hons. II) • Banking, Bankruptcy and Insolvency Law (Hons. III) • Insurance Law (Hons. IV) • Law of Corporate Finance (Hons. V) • Mergers and Acquisitions (Hons. VI) • Investment Law (Hons. VII) • Commercial Arbitration (Hons. VIII)
Group-1 • Mining Law • Sports Law • Port Law • Air and Space Law • E-Commerce and M-Commerce Law • Insurance Law • Feminist Jurisprudence
International Law • International Organizations (Hons. I) • International Trade Law (Hons. II) • Maritime Law and Law of Sea (Hons. III) • International Humanitarian and Refugee Law (Hons. IV) • International Criminal Law (Hons. V) • Air and Space Law (Hons. VI) • Investment Law (Hons. VII) • Commercial Arbitration (Hons. VIII)
Group-2 • Technology Convergence Law • International Investment Law • Competition Law • Judicial Power and Process • Biotechnology Law • Conflict of Laws • Telecommunication Law
Criminal Law • Criminology and Forensic Science (Hons.I) • Penology and Victimology (Hons. II) • Comparative Criminal Procedure (Hons. III) • Juvenile Justice (Hons. IV) • International Criminal Law (Hons. V) • Women and Criminal Law (Hons. VI) • Corporate Offences (Hons. VII) • Transnational Organized Crimes (Hons. VIII)
Group-3 • Refugee Law • Cyber Forensics • Election Law • Energy Law • Equal Opportunity Law • European Law • International Commercial Arbitration
Constitutional Law • Comparative Constitutional Law (Hons. I) • Indian Federalism (Hons. II) • Affirmative Action and Discriminative Justice (Hons. III) • Law and Media (Hons. IV) • Law and Education (Hons. V) • Law Governing Services (Hons. VI) • Government Accounts, Audit, Fiscal Responsibility and Management (Hons. VII) • Legislative Drafting (Hons. VIII)
Group-4 • Human Displacement and the Law • International Criminal Tribunals • Law and Media • Law and Medicine • Service Law • World Trade Organization • Robotics and Law
B.A. LL. B. (Hons.) Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Law (Honors)
It is essential for a graduate of law to have a robust understanding of the social sciences. Law and social sciences share a strong mutual relationship. While a legal instrument is a mechanism to express the socio-economic and political will of the State, it is equally undeniable that the effectiveness of the legal system has a definite impact on the society. Hence a successful attorney should have a sound knowledge of the social sciences in order to appreciate how to use law as an instrument of social change. The B.A. LL. B. (Hons.) course at the Alliance School of Law includes Political Science, Sociology, Economics, and English as minor areas of study to supplement the wide range of law subjects that its graduates are required to study.
• Legal Methods and Legal Systems • General Principles of Contract • Grammar of Sociology • Micro Economics • Grammar of Politics
• Law and Literature (English II)
• Law and Language (English I)
• Specific Contracts • Law of Tort, Motor Vehicle Accident and Consumer Protection Laws • Contemporary Sociological Issues • Macro Economics • Contemporary Political Ideologies and Ideas
• Constitutional Law I
• Constitutional Law II
• Law of Crimes
• Family Law II
• Family Law I • Explorations in Social Inequalities • Indian Economy and Development • Economics • Anatomy of Global Politics
• Property Law
B.A. LL. B. (Hons.)
• Jurisprudence • Administrative Law • Mass Communication I - Optional • Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology (Sociology Specialization) - Optional • Quantitative Methods (Economics Specialization) - Optional
• Criminal Procedure Code, Probation of Offenders Act and Juvenile Justice Act
• Intellectual Property Law
• Law of Evidence
• Private International Law
• Public International Law • Company Law • Interpretation of Statutes • Mass Communication II - Optional • Industrial Sociology (Sociology Specialization) - Optional
• Civil Procedure Code and Limitation Act
• Principles of Public Administration (Political Science Specialization) - Optional
• Law and Economics (Economics Specialization) - Optional
• Environmental Law • Moot Court & Internship (Clinical Paper II) • Honors Paper III
• Alternative Dispute Resolution (Clinical Paper III) • Competition Law • Honors Paper VI • Honors Paper VII • Seminar Paper I
• Drafting, Pleading and Conveyance (Clinical Paper I)
• Taxation Law
• Honors Paper II • Mass Communication III - Optional • Sociology of Crime and Deviance (Sociology Specialization) - Optional • International Economics (Economics Specialization) Optional • Anatomy of Political Institutions (Political Science Specialization) - Optional
• Comparative Politics and Governance (Political Science Specialization) - Optional
• Labor and Industrial Laws I
• Honors Paper I
• Labor and Industrial Laws II • Drafting, Pleading and Conveyance (Clinical Paper I) • Moot Court and Internship (Clinical Paper II) • Energy Laws • Honors Paper IV • Honors Paper V
• Professional Ethics and Professional • Accounting Systems (Clinical Paper IV) • Honors Paper VIII • Seminar Paper II • Seminar Paper III • Seminar Paper IV
Honors Papers Intellectual Property Law
B.A. LL. B. (Hons.)
Intellectual Property Law • • • • • • • •
Copyright and Drafting (Hons. I) Trade Marks and Drafting (Hons. II) Patent and Drafting (Hons. III) Geographical Indications, Biodiversity, Biotechnology, Farmers & Breeders Rights (Hons. IV) Designs, Trade Secrets and Technology Transfer (Hons. V) Intellectual Property Rights Transaction (Hons. VI) Intellectual Property Rights Litigation(Hons. VII) Intellectual Property Rights Management (Hons. VIII)
Seminar Papers
Business Law • • • • • • • •
Corporate Governance (Hons. I) Capital Market Regulations (Hons. II) Banking, Bankruptcy and Insolvency Law (Hons. III) Insurance Law (Hons. IV) Law of Corporate Finance (Hons. V) Mergers and Acquisitions (Hons. VI) Investment Law (Hons. VII) Commercial Arbitration (Hons. VIII)
Group-1 • Mining Law • Sports Law • Port Law • Air and Space Law • E-Commerce and M-Commerce Law • Insurance Law • Feminist Jurisprudence
International Law • • • • • • • •
International Organizations (Hons. I) International Trade Law (Hons. II) Maritime Law and Law of Sea (Hons. III) International Humanitarian and Refugee Law (Hons. IV) International Criminal Law (Hons. V) Air and Space Law (Hons. VI) Investment Law (Hons. VIII) Commercial Arbitration (Hons. VIII)
Group-2 • Technology Convergence Law • International Investment Law • Competition Law • Judicial Power and Process • Biotechnology Law • Conflict of Laws • Telecommunication Law
Criminal Law • • • • • • • •
Criminology and Forensic Science (Hons. I) Penology and Victimology (Hons. II) Comparative Criminal Procedure (Hons. III) Juvenile Justice (Hons. IV) International Criminal Law (Hons. V) Women and Criminal Law (Hons. VI) Corporate Offences (Hons. VII) Transnational Organized Crimes (Hons. VIII)
Group-3 • Refugee Law • Cyber Forensics • Election Law • Energy Law • Equal Opportunity Law • European Law • International Commercial Arbitration
Constitutional Law • • • • • • •
Comparative Constitutional Law (Hons. I) Indian Federalism (Hons. II) Affirmative Action and Discriminative Justice (Hons. III) Law and Media (Hons. IV) Law and Education (Hons. V) Law Governing Services (Hons. VI) Government Accounts, Audit, Fiscal Responsibility and Management (Hons. VII) • Legislative Drafting (Hons. VIII)
Group-4 • Human Displacement and the Law • International Criminal Tribunals • Law and Media • Law and Medicine • Service Law • World Trade Organization • Robotics and Law
LL. M.
Ph. D. in Law
Master of Law
Doctoral Program in Law
The Master of Law degree course prepares graduates at the postgraduate level in legal principles, law, justice and governance while building in them strong research acumen and subject-matter expertise in Constitutional and Administrative Law as well as Corporate and Commercial Law. The pedagogy and learning delivery includes classroom training based on seminars, workshops and research-centric discussions in law.
The doctoral program in law is aimed at aspiring candidates who wish to pursue research in law. As the field of law is dynamic, there is a greater need to undertake research especially in Constitutional Law, Environmental Law, Intellectual Property Rights Law, Criminal Law and Informational Technology Law. The research in law is multidimensional and interdisciplinary in character. The School of Law will provide academic support with experienced faculty that will facilitate the researcher to make significant contributions in his / her area of research.
• Research Methods and Legal Writing (Compulsory Paper) • Comparative Public Law (Compulsory Paper) • Law and Justice in a Globalizing World (Compulsory Paper) • Law of Corporate Governance • Competition law
Corporate and Commercial Law
Course work for six months Unit 1: Introduction of Research: General
• Local Self-Government and Federal Governance • Administrative Law • Service Laws • Religion, Diversity and the law • Dissertation
Unit 2: Literature survey, Proposal Writing Unit 3: Research Design, Study Design Unit Unit 4: Data Collection Techniques and Interpretation Unit 5: Research Reporting - Scientific Writing
• International Trade Law • Intellectual Property Law • Law of Corporate Finance • Banking and Insurance Law • Dissertation
Intellectual Property Law • LL.M. in Intellectual Property Law is designed to expose the students to both the theoretical concepts and the practical aspects of intellectual property rights. • The course includes all rights including patents, copyrights, trademarks and other laws including Bio-diversity law, Information Technology laws, Integrated circuits and Geographical indications. • Lectures and case analysis are done both by professors and professionals practicing in area of Intellectual Property Laws.
- Report Writing - Collaborators & Funding
Area selected for the research work PAPER-2
• Research Methods and Legal Writing (Compulsory Paper) • Comparative Public Law (Compulsory Paper) • Law and Justice in a Globalizing World (Compulsory Paper) • Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of State policy • Center State Relations and Constitutional Governance
Constitutional and Administrative Law
Research is a part-time course with 6 months course work. - Core paper I - Research Methodology - Core paper ll - Area of research
Classes include lectures, seminars, demonstration and case analysis both analytically and critically.
Attendance is compulsory for course work.
Simulation exercises, DSA and snap tests are also included.
PEDAGOGY Alliance School of Law is committed to imparting world-class learning in law practice and governance to its key constituents. To fulfill this objective, the curriculum and teaching pedagogy is designed to prepare its graduates in the domestic, international and comparative law subjects. Graduates from Alliance School of Law study compulsory subjects and choose from an unparalleled range of electives. In addition to subjects on substantive and procedural law, its attorney-graduates also acquire lawyering skills through practical training activities and clinical, legal programs even while they inculcate in themselves sound research and writing skills in law.
Learning Delivery LL. M. 1. There are five subjects in the first semester and four subjects along with the Dissertation in the second semester. 2. Each subject is of four credits. 3. Each credit is equivalent to 15 classroom contact hours and includes practical training classes. 4. Alongside classroom hours, a student may also be allotted practical exercises as a part of the curriculum.
B.A. LL. B. (Hons.); B.B.A. LL. B. (Hons.) 1. There are six subjects in each semester except semesters nine and ten, which have only five subjects in each.
5. For the award of the degree of LL. M., a student has to successfully complete ten subjects, or the equivalent of 40 credits respectively.
2. In the fourth semester, students of the B.A. LL. B. (Hons.) course have the option to select specialization in Economics, Sociology or Political Science by studying in 4 , 5 , and 6 semester additional subjects in their chosen area of specialization. 3. Similarly, students of the B.B.A. LL. B. (Hons.) course can pursue specialization in either Management or Finance. 4. Students of both B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) and B.B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) also have the option of pursuing 3 papers of mass communication instead of specialization in any one of the aforementioned areas. 5. In the sixth semester, students of both courses may select any one specific area in Law out of five honors areas (Intellectual Property Rights Law, Business Law, International Law, Constitutional Law or Criminal Law) and are required to study eight subjects from the respective honors group. 6. For the award of the degree of B.A. LL. B. (Hons.) and B.B.A. LL. B. (Hons.), a student is required to successfully complete 56 subjects, or the equivalent of 224 credits respectively.
Ph. D. in Law 1. Written Test and Viva will be held for selection of Ph. D. students. 2. After passing written test Viva Voce will be conducted and then the candidates for Ph. D. will be admitted. 3. Every candidate will have to undergo 6 months course work by attending classes. 4. The course work will consist of three papers. • Paper I research methodology • Paper II core law subject • Paper III area of research 5. After successful completion of course work candidates will undertake the research.
International Linkages
Of the numerous opportunities available at Alliance University, International Programs are among the most exciting and career enhancing. Learning and understanding new cultures, improving foreign language skills, studying discipline with an international perspective, and seeking out new challenges are significant elements of a study abroad experience. International Programs are often the first stepping stone towards your global awareness and there are many tailor-made options for students to choose from. International Programs at Alliance University give students a distinct and definitive advantage, going forward.
Take your education to another level
Global Partners
Alliance School of Law proposes to set up the following Centres for Excellence: Phase I: • Centre for Corporate Governance and Policy (CCGP) • Centre for Governance of International Relations (CGIR) • Centre for Human Rights and Cultural Heritage (CHRCH) • Centre for Comparative Intellectual Property Laws (CCIPRL) Phase II: • Centre for Investment and Financial Laws (CIFL) • Centre for Fiscal Studies (CFS) • Centre for Studies in Sustainable Environmental Development and Policy (CSSEDP) • Centre for Social Justice and Public Empowerment (CSJPE)
International Programs Credit Transfer Program
Ameena R. B.B.A. LL. B.
In this contemporary society, I feel that for a student pursuing college level education, international exposures have become something imperative. Alliance University is widely known for its international relations and my travel to Atlanta, USA for the Southern Regional Model United Nations 2014 completely transformed my perspective of a career in the legal system.
Semester Exchange International Summer School
Dual Degree Program
Overseas Learning Program
CAREER ADVANCEMENT AND NETWORKING CELL The Career Advancement and Networking (CAN) Cell of the Alliance School of Law works round the year in building relationships and n e tworking with legal professionals from across multiple sectors. The CAN Cell is dedicated to advising students on career options and providing them with the latest information on law internships and final placement opportunities. The CAN Cell also arranges for training and legal luminary interaction sessions and facilitates opportunities for law internships and final placements. The CAN Cell constantly liaises with law firms and renowned legal practitioners to update prospective recruiters on the students’ competencies, availability, background and interests to secure a commitment for campus placements even while it assists graduating students in securing positions in leading national and international law firms.
New Landscape of Global Learning
Aerial view of Alliance University
Alliance University has magnificent infrastructure comparable to the best in the world. Some of the outstanding features include: •
State-of-the-art ambience created by the appropriate use of technology
• Spacious seminar halls with excellent acoustics for interactions with practitioners and other professionals • Amphitheater classrooms • An information technology backbone for seamless integration •
An excellent library with unmatched brilliance and aesthetics
• Halls of residence for students • Residential accommodation for faculty and staff • A food court built to the highest standards of hygiene • Administration block Administration Block Halls of Residence
• Departmental stores • Fitness center • Recreational facilities
• Healthcare center, and many more features that provide a unique learning and living experience to all residents. In short, the campus provides an ideal environment for young minds to explore new ideas, and encourages creativity and independent thinking, even as it facilitates faculty to engage in research that combines both rigor and relevance; the staff to cultivate empathy toward students, and for all to develop the twin qualities of a lifelong yearning for learning and a compassionate and caring attitude towards fellow human beings.
Learning Center Learning Center
ACADEMIC SERVICES CAREER ORIENTED AND SKILL DEVELOPMENT CERTIFICATE COURSES In addition to the advanced and innovative curriculum that it possesses, Alliance University has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with Enhelion Knowledge Ventures Pvt. Ltd. to offer Online Certificate Programmes. The courses have been designed by industry experts and are aimed to impart specialized career oriented skills required by the industry.
IT INFRASTRUCTURE Alliance University has implemented an IT network infrastructure and a state-of the-art Unified Communication Solution for the University campus with the latest technology that suits the present and future needs of higher education. The University in association with Cisco and W ipro has built a strong network and communication infrastructure, which includes excellent campus-wide W i - F i connectivity.
LIBRARY The library of Alliance School of Law, Alliance University is comparable to the best anywhere. The library has a large collection of texts, reference books and multimedia, which is continuously updated with the latest editions. It subscribes to national and international periodicals, databases and online journals. The library maintains a website through which students can access online databases, journals and catalogs anywhere in the world. The library has a digital library providing a full text collection of documents and faculty publications.
LECTURE AND SEMINAR HALLS Spacious, gallery-type lecture and seminar halls are equipped with the latest audio-visual facilities for an enhanced learning experience. Seminar halls,which accommodate large groups at a time are used often for seminars and group meetings with speakers and guests from industry and academia.
LEGAL AID CLINIC The Legal Aid Clinic is conducted by a faculty member in collaboration with legal aid authorities, attorneys and NGOs from the local community. Alliance University has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with Karnataka State Legal Services Authority to establish and operate Legal Aid Clinic at Alliance University.
SUPPORT SERVICES CENTER FOR INDUSTRY INTERACTION One of the major challenges of technical education today is the need to constantly innovate and adapt to the changing requirements of industry. The Center for Industry Interaction provides an interface between academics and the industry through interactive sessions. Leading practitioners from diverse industry backgrounds share their insights at these interactive sessions with students.
H O S T E L A C C O M M O D AT I O N The University provides comfortable and well-appointed hostel accommodation to students both at on-campus and off-campus locations. Room accommodation is extended on a first-come-first-served basis to students. Students can avail of hostel rooms either on a single or a shared basis.
H E A LT H C A R E At Alliance University, we strongly believe in healthy living. We provide the facility of a resident doctor to cater to the healthcare and well being of the students. A round-the-clock ambulance service is also available for medical emergencies.
COUNSELING Personal, non-academic counseling is provided by a trained counselor to help and motivate the students and to attend to their overall developmental needs. Counseling helps to maintain and enhance the psychological, emotional and relational wellbeing of the students.Consultations with the counselor are treated with sensitivity, care and confidentiality.
S P O R T S A N D R E C R E AT I O N A fit mind is an active mind. W ith its expansive sports ground, state-of-the-art gymnasium and the availability of expert gym and yoga instructors as well as martial arts training, the university encourages students to participate in various sports and recreational activities apart from their regular academic schedules.
You will make friends and build lifelong connections in a dynamic and diverse community that starts at Alliance and extends around the world. You’ll find hundreds of ways to get involved, impact society, pursue personal passions, and try out new things in a welcoming environment.
A l l i a n c e N a ti on a l M oot C ou r t C o mpet i t i o ns (A NMC C ) Alliance School of Law organizes annual Alliance National Moot Court Competitions (ANMCC). Various National Law Schools from different parts of the country participate, and witness a very high quality mooting judged by eminent personalities including sitting High Court Judges.
S tu d e n t S e r v i c e s The Office of Student Services functions with the motto of facilitating students to enhance their campus experience through accessing services, which cater to their holistic development—so as to make their living and learning experience at the Alliance campus truly memorable. The Office of Student Services includes: • • • •
Student welfare Sports and extra-curricular activities Student competitions and festivals Corporate Social Responsibility and related humanitarian services to society
Campus living and discipline
C u l tu r a l a n d S p or ts C l u b The Club targets and promotes athletic and aesthetic development of all students through varied competitive activities and events that endorse such knowledge. The motto is to encourage good sportsmanship and respect for all participants. Additionally, the Club: • • •
Emphasizes fun, teamwork and leadership Promotes good entertainment that is intellectually enriching Endorses cultural activities that uphold talent, creativity as well as curiosity and openness towards unfamiliar situations
ALLIANCE BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Who does not love a bit of mystery or cracking mysterious cases! The Alliance Bureau of Investigation gives the students an opportunity to investigate cases and solve the mysteries of various cases. The team observes carefully and solves mysteries by reading in between the lines. Every mystery leads the “Detectives” – a team of two or three to the next clue. The team that finds the maximum number of clues get closer to cracking the case and wins. Alliance Bureau of Investigation (ABI) is created to chart young brilliant minds help learn and understand the nitty-gritties of crime investigation, evidence collection and law-enforcement procedures in a fun-filled, participatory and nonrigorous manner helping supplement class room training for students, cutting across disciplines.
Adventure sports for students is highly popular with both undergraduate and postgraduate students of the University. This activity is championed by the Alliance Adventure Club where the students take a leadership role, under the guidance of trained professionals and experts. The emphasis is on physical fitness,
ALLIANCE BIKER’S CLUB Complete with action packed adventure, the Alliance Bikers Club provides students
games, sports and adventure that aim to increase student
with an opportunity to create milestones by travelling miles on their bikes!
productivity levels as well as build team spirit in an environment of
The activities of this club:
friendship and trust. Participation in adventure and related outdoor
• Travelling to distant places on bikes at a stretch
activities promotes among students leadership, courage, vigor, and
• Biking to other states countrywide, within a stipulated time frame
a sense of self-growth and comradeship.
The bikers club is open to all who wish to travel, explore and have a taste of adventure.
OTHER ACADEMIC UNITS Our journey, like many of the futuristic institutions in the world, has been an enriching and fulfilling experience, and one that has taught us to rise even in challenges. To us, the future definitely looks bright and our ambitions will take us far. Since the time Alliance became a university, plans have started taking shape in creating an enduring and sustainable educational model for the vast majority of the society through defined and structured courses.
ALLIANCE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS Courses Offered • BBA • MBA • Executive PGDM • Ph. D. in Management
B. Com. (Hons.) M. Com.
ALLIANCE COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND DESIGN Courses Offered • B. Tech. (Regular / Lateral) • B. Tech - Evening* (Lateral Entry) *For working professionals Branches: Aerospace Engineering | Civil Engineering | Computer Science and Engineering | Electrical and Electronics Engineering | Electronics and Communication Engineering | Information Technology | Mechanical Engineering
Certificate in Bharatnatyam / Kuchipudi / Carnatic Vocal Music
Diploma in Bharatnatyam / Kuchipudi / Carnatic Vocal Music
BFA - Bharatnatyam / Kuchipudi
MFA - Bharatnatyam / Kuchipudi
TERMS AND CONDITIONS Students are required to abide by the following terms and conditions upon admission to the courses offered by Alliance University.
Full time; 5 years (integrated)
10+2 or equivalent examination from a recognized Board with a minimum of 45% marks in aggregate (40% marks for SC/ST candidates)
LL. M.
Full time; 1 year
LL. B. / B. L. or any other graduate degree in Law recognized by Bar Council of India with a minimum of 45% marks in aggregate (40% marks for SC/ST candidates)
• A high score in CLAT / ACLAT* • Personal interview
Ph. D. in Law
Full time / Part time; Minimum 3 years
Master’s Degree in LL. M. (any branch) with a minimum of 55% (50% for SC/ ST) in aggregate from a recognized university
• A high score in ACLAT* • Personal interview
B.A. LL. B. (Hons.) B.B.A. LL. B. (Hons.)
SELECTION PROCESS • A high score in CLAT / LSAT / ACLAT* • Personal interview
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this prospectus and it is issued on the express condition that all matters in it are subject to change from time to time without notice. While Alliance University will make all reasonable endeavors to deliver the courses of study and other educational services as set out in this prospectus, circumstances may change prompting the University to reserve the right to vary the content and delivery of courses and programs, to either discontinue or combine courses and programs or to discontinue educational services.
The subject titles, descriptions and contents are subject to change based on the University guidelines.
The fee schedule for the courses offered by the University can be downloaded at Fees payable for the courses offered by Alliance University are subject to review periodically. Ensuring that fees are paid before the announced due dates is the sole responsibility of the student. Non-payment of the prescribed fees within the due dates will result in the cancellation of the registration to the course or progression to the subsequent semester/year.
Students will also be liable for any travel and accommodation costs incurred for placement. For certain courses, students may incur additional specific charges for such items or activities as sports and games fees, specialized material or field trips. Alliance University reserves the right to make additional charges to students for such activities.
Alliance University may withdraw or amend its offer of admission, or terminate the registration, if it is found that either a false or a misleading statement has been made or that significant information has either been omitted or withheld in a candidate’s application form.
Alliance University does not accept responsibility and expressly excludes all liability that may result from any loss, damage or injury caused to a student or to the student’s property.
Students enrolled in the courses offered by Alliance University are required to sign an undertaking at the time of the commencement of the academic year consenting to abide by the rules, regulations and the code of conduct of Alliance University.
Scholarships are available to support full-time study at Alliance University for resident Indian nationals only. Each year Alliance University awards several scholarships in the form of fee remission to outstanding candidates. These scholarships vary in value and have different criteria, based on which they are awarded. For further details, please visit
Policy regarding refund of course fee: a. The course fee has two components: Registration Fee and Tuition Fee. b. The Registration Fee will not be refunded by Alliance University under any circumstances. The primary objective of this stipulation is to discourage frivolous applications. c. The refund of Tuition Fee paid will be considered subject to the following criteria: I. If a candidate withdraws from the course prior to its commencement, 75 percent of the tuition fee will be refunded. ii. If a candidate withdraws from the course within one week after the commencement of the course, 60 percent of the tuition fee will be refunded. iii. If a candidate withdraws from the course any time after one week from the date of commencement of the course, no refund of tuition fee will be made. d. Additional provisions:
*Alliance Common Law Admission Test
The Alliance School of Law also uses other parameters such as scholastic and extracurricular record for admission. The final selection of the candidate will be based on the overall performance in the Admission Selection Process.
Fee refund
Cancellation of admission due to concealment or falsification of facts, submission of false or fake certificates, providing misleading information by the student or, alternatively, an error or mistake on the part of the student
If a student is provisionally admitted to a course, and becomes ineligible for admission on the declaration of the result of the qualifying examination and the student’s admission is cancelled
Application Procedure • Applicants are encouraged to apply online at • The Application Form is also available at the Office of Admissions on payment of Application Form fee of Rs.1000/- (Rs. 2000/- for NRI and SAARC national applicants and US $50 for other foreign national applicants) in cash or through demand draft drawn in favor of “Alliance University School of Law” payable at Bengaluru.
Reasons for seeking refund
The amount already deposited by the student, after the deduction of processing fee of INR 1,000/- and the tuition fee is refunded on a prorata basis
Note: The University policy regarding procedure for refund of fees is enumerated on the website of respective courses. 10. Disputes of any kind are subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts in Bengaluru only.
Ragging The Alliance School of Law has a zero-tolerance policy on ragging and will strictly enforce it.
Scholarships Scholarships are available to students of Indian nationality to support full-time study at Alliance University. Each year, Alliance University awards several scholarships in the form of fee remission to outstanding candidates. These scholarships of positive inclusive effort vary in value and have different criteria on which they are awarded. Please visit: for details on eligibility.
Ragging in any form inside or outside the campus and hostel premises is strictly prohibited under the UGC Regulations on Ragging
Ragging as defined by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India: “Any disorderly conduct whether by words spoken or written, or by an act with the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness any other student; indulging in rowdy or undisciplined activities which causes or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship or psychological or to raise fear or apprehension thereof, in a fresher or a junior student, or asking the students to do any act or perform something which such student will not do in the ordinary course and which has the effect of causing or generating essence of shame or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of a fresher or a junior student.”
Document No. ASL/PRO/2016-17 © Alliance School of Law, Alliance University, Bengaluru, India This is a controlled document. Unauthorized access, copying and replication in any form are expressly prohibited. This document must not be copied in whole or in parts by any means, without the writtenuthorization of the Registrar, Alliance University. ®All Rights Reserved April 2016 Disclaimer: The information provided in this prospectus aims to be correct at the time of going to the press; however, the University reserves the right to make changes or add to any of the information contained herein without prior notice. Any dispute that may arise is subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts of Bengaluru.
Alliance School of Law, Alliance University Chikkahagade Cross, Chandapura - Anekal Main Road, Anekal, Bengaluru – 562 106, Karnataka, India. Tel.: +91 80 3093 8006 / 7 | Fax: +91 80 309308040 | E-mail: