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Good people are in pain everyday, Bad people are only misunderstood, good people turned away. Most people question and wonder, “Who can we turn to!?” “Who can we trust? This guy in the sky?” All he does is make up a bunch of rules and if you make ONE mistake, you die. Well I've realized my own destination. I'm doomed, and forgiveness is a joke. I'd much rather live in eternal sin, hell, and damnation. Then live my life with false hope.

With fake promises of perfection and one day rising to heaven. Sounding so wonderful, but the “Word” seeming exactly like a fairytale. What else am I supposed to logically comprehend from the contradictions of the Bible? I refuse to live life kneeling and constantly praying to someone who may or may not exist. Especially when the majority of hate, judgement, and war revolves around belief and religion. I’d rather live life following the rules of karma, doing good to others as much as possible. Not for entrance to heaven, not for approval from “God”, but because it's right.

So, the next time anyone wonders if they'll be good enough for heaven‌ I'd much rather you ask yourself‌ Have you been good enough for YOU!

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