Auburn High School Faculty Handbook 2012-2013
TABLE OF CONTENTS General Procedures A-Z Bell Schedules Lunch Waves Faculty and Staff by Department Room Assignments Phone Extension Numbers Teacher Advisory Groups Campus Supervision Schedule Cafeteria Supervision Schedule ISS/Alternative School Policies and Procedures Safety Plan Forms and Timelines matrix Staff meeting schedule General Procedures is also located on the L Drive. To access the L Drive: While you are in Microsoft Word, Click on Open File Scroll down to adm. pub ahs L Drive and click Double click on Faculty Handbook The following folders are located in the Faculty Handbook on the L Drive: Calendars EDUCATE Alabama continuum and evaluation schedule Forms Library and Technology Procedures Response to Intervention Safety and Discipline School Improvement Plan and Teams Staff Directory Information Student Handbook Teacher Schedules
It is the official policy of the Auburn City Board of Education that no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, sex, disability, religion, national origin, or age, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program, activity, or employment. Any person having inquires concerning Auburn City School District’s compliance with the regulations implementing Title VI, The American Disability Act (ADA) or Section 504 is directed to contact: Dr. Tim Havard, Special Education Coordinator at Auburn City Schools, P.O. Box 3270, Auburn, AL 36831- 3270, (334) 887-2100. Any person having inquires concerning Auburn City School District’s compliance with the regulations implementing Title IX is directed to contact: Mrs. Cristen Herring, Assistant Superintendent or Mrs. Melanie Hanson, Director, Human Resources at Auburn City Schools, P.O. Box 3270, Auburn, AL 36831- 3270, (334) 887-2100.
Whom to See Advanced Placement .................................................................................................................. James Tindell AHS Parent Newsletter ............................................................................................................ Audrey Marshall Annual/Yearbook ............................................................................................................... Samantha Shipman Alternative School/In-School Suspension .......................................................... Vance Roberson/Robert Jeter Attendance ........................................................................................................... Rosie Torbert/Melody Knight Attendance And Academics (AAA) ......................................................................................... Davis Thompson Athletics .......................................................................................................................Clay McCall/Darlene Gill Building use and work orders ......................................................................... Ross Reed and Nikki Robertson Cheerleaders ............................................................................................................................. Joanna Everett Counselor Appointments ............................................................................................................... Carol Farrow Custodial ...................................................................................................................................... Marvin Brown Discipline ............................................................................................... Ross Reed/ Anthony Jeter/Lisa Hayes FACES grants .......................................................................................................................... Nikki Robertson Facilities Use/Maintenance .............................................................................................................. Ross Reed Faculty Fund ................................................................................................................................ Terry Wymes Fixed Assets ............................................................................................................................. Nikki Robertson Federal Child Nutrition Program ......................................................................... Ashley Powell, Central Office GED Program .................................................................................................................................. Counselors Graduation/Baccalaureate ……………................................................................ James Tindell/ Justin Yeager Harassment complaints .......................................................................................... Lisa Hayes and Ross Reed INOW and Schedules .................................................................................................................... Christy Price International Baccalaureate .......................................................................... Davis Thompson & James Tindell Lockers ......................................................................................................................................... Marvin Brown Lost and Found ............................................................................................................................ Rosie Torbert Parking Permits ................................................................................................................................ Ross Reed Professional and Personal Leave Forms ..................................................................................... Rosie Torbert Purchase Orders ....................................................................................................... Liz Tanaka/Andrea Potter Scholarships ................................................................................................................................ James Tindell School Newspaper ........................................................................................................................ John Pennisi Sick Bank ........................................................................................................................................ Hollis Davis Student Council ....................................................................................................... Laci Fralish/Shane Sanker Substitute Teachers .................................................................................................................... Andrea Potter Testing (State and Federal) ..................................................................................... Lisa Hayes/James Tindell Textbooks ......................................................................................................................................... Lisa Hayes Tiger TV......................................................................................................................................... Beth Antoine
General Procedures – A to Z Absences – Students A student must bring a written excuse for an absence to Mrs. Knight in the office on the day they return to school. These notes should be placed in the attendance box located on the front desk. Absence notes will not be accepted after three (3) days unless from a physician or approved by administration. Failure to bring a note by the third day will result in the absence being coded as unexcused. Students cannot be given credit for make up work until the absence is excused. A student is counted absent if he/she misses more than 30 minutes of a class. Teachers must submit a letter to Mrs. Hayes on the 3rd and 5th unexcused absence for any student. Each student will be allowed a maximum of 5 unexcused absences per term, or the equivalent of two grading periods (18 weeks). The first term will constitute the first 18 weeks of the year, and the second term will be comprised of the last 18 weeks of the year. By extension, students with 3 unexcused absences in a Quarter class will FX that class. Since an 18-week alternating day class is equivalent to 9 weeks of instruction spread out over the 18 weeks, students with 3 unexcused absences during a term-long alternating day class will also FX that class. Students with 6 unexcused absences in any term class (and any year-long alternating day class) will FX that class. If a student misses more than 5 days per term due to illness, he/she must provide a note from a doctor showing medical treatment in order for the excessive absences to be excused. If a student exceeds this number but does not have a doctor’s excuse, he/she may clear the excessive absences by attending AAA Saturday school provided the student is passing the class. Once a student has 11 unexcused in a term/alt day course or 6 in a quarter course, they are not eligible to clear the FX (see AAA information below). Students with special circumstances (chronic illness, accidents, etc.) may make an appeal to the school administration for special consideration. Students are expected to schedule out-of-town trips and other activities during pre-set vacation periods and holidays on the ACS academic calendar. Seniors are allowed two excused absence for college visits and juniors are allowed one. Any exceptions to this policy must be cleared with the principal two weeks prior to the trip. Students may be required to attend AAA Saturdays to make up for school time missed due to trips and college visits. Academics And Attendance (AAA) Program AAA Saturdays at AHS 1. What is AAA Saturday? AAA Saturday is a program that allows students who have FX-ed or will FX a class due to excessive unexcused absences to “clear” that FX and pass or receive credit for that class. It is also a program for students who have received a discipline referral for excessive tardies, skipping or cutting class to re-qualify for lost privileges. 2. What does it mean to “FX” a class? FX in a class means that a student does not receive credit for a passing grade in a class due to an excessive amount of unexcused absences. 3. Is FXing a class the same as failing a class? Not exactly. When students fail a class, their final grade is below a 60 and they do not receive credit for that class. When students FX a class, they have a passing final grade, but cannot
receive that grade due to excessive unexcused absences-unless they attend AAA Saturday to “clear” the FX. 4. How do students FX a class? Students FX a class when they have too many unexcused absences in a class to receive credit. Once a teacher notices that a student has missed more than the acceptable number unexcused absences, he or she posts the student’s final grade on their report card as an “FX.” 5. What’s so bad about an unexcused absence? Students cannot receive credit for make-up work they missed during an unexcused absence. Thus any tests or assignments are put into the gradebook as a zero for a student’s unexcused absence. Too many unexcused absences can cause a student to fail a course due to all of his or her zeros. If a student accumulates an excessive amount of unexcused absences and still has a passing grade, he or she FX’s the course and is denied credit. 6. How many unexcused absences cause a student to FX a class? It depends on the type of class in which a student is enrolled. Students with 3 unexcused absences in a Quarter class will FX that class. Since an 18-week alternating day class is equivalent to 9 weeks of instruction spread out over the 18 weeks, students with 3 unexcused absences during a term-long alternating day class will also FX that class. Students with 6 unexcused absences in any term class (and any year-long alternating day class) will FX that class. Make-Up Work Students are responsible for contacting their teachers to complete missed class assignments and tests. Students are expected to make up work the day they return from an absence and no more than five days after returning. Teachers may schedule additional time for make up work taking into account the number of days absent and the amount of work which is due. Make up work does not have to be the same work given to students in attendance. Students should not be allowed to miss any of their classes to go to another class to make up work. If the teachers involved work out among themselves a time during the day which would not be disruptive to those teachers, then the student could be allowed to miss a class to make up work. Students are not to ask teachers for exceptions to this policy. Participation in school-sponsored activities and events is not counted as an absence, but the policy for make-up work applies in these cases also. Students cannot receive credit for make up work missed during an unexcused absence. Students must attend the assigned number of AAA Saturdays to receive credit. Suspension, expulsion, and truancy are unexcused absences (truancy is defined as being physically away from the campus or classroom site without permission from the office). Students who miss work because of a disciplinary action must attend AAA to be eligible to make up work. Academic Dishonesty Academic dishonesty is giving or receiving information or assistance on any graded assignment, which is understood to be an example of individual effort or representing another’s work as your own. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, copying, plagiarism, or the use of unauthorized notes, books, calculators, or other electronic devices to procure answers during a graded assignment. The academic dishonesty policy will apply to all academic disciplines, elective courses and school activities for which the student receives a grade. Students found guilty of academic dishonesty are subject to the following actions:
1st Offense: Student will receive a zero on the assignment, parent/guardian will be notified, and documentation will be placed in the student’s discipline file. 2nd Offense: Student will receive a zero on the assignment, a parent/guardian conference will be held, and documentation will be placed in the student’s discipline file. 3rd Offense: Student will receive a zero on the assignment, parent/guardian conference will be held, documentation will be placed in the student’s discipline file, and the student will be given 3 days out of school suspension. Accidents – When injuries occur, an administrator should be notified immediately. Teachers will fill out an accident report form and submit it to the principal. An administrator will notify parents or authorities as necessary. Accounting Procedures – Step by step procedures for all items listed below can be found on the L drive in the ‘Accounting Procedures Guide’ I. Monies Receipted All money received from the sale of workbooks, dues, etc. must be receipted on Student Receipt Record pages obtained from the Bookkeeper. Every Student Receipt Record page that you are issued must be accounted for at the end of the school year. Receipt pages must be signed for by the teacher and will not be signed out to students. In addition, students will not be allowed to bring receipt pages and money to the Bookkeeper. Only teachers are allowed to turn in money Teachers should turn money in daily to the Bookkeeper, along with a completed Activity Deposit Slip and the Student Receipt Record page(s). Money cannot be kept in your classroom or personal possession overnight. The money turned in should be equal to the money receipted on the deposit slip and receipt page(s). A step by step process for receipting money and completing the Student Receipt Record pages and the Auburn High School Activity Deposit Slip can be found in the Auburn High School Accounting Procedures Guide. II. Leave and Payroll Each employee is required to submit a Leave Request Form prior to the leave being taken. The request is to be filed with the principal or immediate supervisor as far in advance of the requested leave as possible. The Leave Request Form must be approved by the principal before a substitute can be secured unless for illness. When a substitute is needed, teachers should contact Kelly Services via computer or telephone. When a teacher returns to school from an absence, the teacher must report to the school office to sign the payroll sheet. Staff absences are classified into one of the following categories: a. Sick Leave – shall be authorized for personal illness, quarantine, and attendance upon an ill member of the immediate family. Sick leave will also be granted for a death occurring in the immediate family. Sick leave is earned at the rate of one day per each month of service and must be certified by the staff member requesting. b. Personal Leave – two days of Personal Leave are earned each year. Tenured and continuous service teachers may take up to three additional days by paying the cost of a substitute, whether one is needed or not. c. Professional Leave – see Auburn City Schools Leave Policy 5.10.8 d. Family Medical Leave – See Auburn City Schools Leave Policy 5.11 e. Leave Without Pay – is defined as an absence from normal duties and responsibilities during which time the faculty member does not receive
pay. Requests for leave without pay must be approved by the Principal and granted by the Superintendent. Policy 5.10.6 f. Vacation – for 12 month employees, see Auburn City Schools Leave Policy 5.10.7 Conditions for Leave No more than ten (10) percent of a school’s faculty may take personal leave on the same day. Personal leave will not be approved during the first or last week of the students’ school year. Any exceptions o these conditions may be considered emergency situations and must be approved by the Superintendent (Board Policy 5.10.5) All Leave Forms should be turned into the Bookkeeper, Liz Tanaka. When completing leave requests, it is the employee’s responsibility to annotate the type of leave as well as whether a substitute is required and the estimated travel costs and the source of funds for both items. If this is not applicable, then annotate N/A on the form. Leave Request Forms will be returned to the employee if the Leave Form is not complete or filled out accurately. It is the responsibility of each employee to keep up with the amount of leave they currently have on the books. Your leave is documented on the pay records you receive every month. However, the Bookkeeper can confirm the available leave for you if you are in doubt. NOTE: Please be advised that if you submit a request for Personal Leave which is approved and you no longer have any personal leave on the books, then it will automatically be charged as Leave without Pay. The same procedure will be adhered to for Sick Leave unless there are extenuating circumstances and is approved by the Principal. Employees who are required to or who are requesting to travel are eligible for travel reimbursement and should receive authorization in advance of their travel via a leave request form. All employees requesting travel must complete a Leave Request Form. If the travel request is for in state travel, the employee needs only the approval of the School Principal. If the travel request is for out of state travel, the employee needs the approval of the School Principal and the Superintendent. School Principals must get the Superintendents approval for all travel. The Leave Request Form should include estimates for the costs of registration fees, transportation, lodging, meals and any other allowable expenditure. Unauthorized travel will be at the expense of the employee. All employees are required to complete a Leave Request Expense Summary (Travel Form - 2) when requesting travel reimbursement. Within five working days following the employee’s return to work from travel, the employee will submit the Leave Expense Summary section completed and any required attachments with all of the necessary supporting documentation to their School Principal or Department Head for review and approval. All Statement of Hours / Days Worked Forms should be turned into the Bookkeeper, Liz Tanaka. She will screen the form for accuracy before submitting to the Principal for approval. It is the employee’s responsibility to annotate on the form the program the extra work was performed for and the source of funds. III. Purchases There are two types of purchase orders. You need to be familiar with both so that you will know which is needed for your purchase. The “Auburn High School” purchase orders are used for purchases from clubs or activity accounts when the money is deposited in the office. Auburn High School purchase orders are also issued for special funding accounts (art, band, chorus,
science, and academic competition). The “Central Officeâ€? purchase orders are for technology, library enhancement, and professional development, as well as site-based money allocated by the state. Purchase orders are not prepared to control purchases made by sponsors from club or activity funds, but to assure that funds are available for purchases made. Proper handling of purchase orders will assure that all purchases are made by authorized persons and are not made from accounts with insufficient funds. Purchase orders are not approved for accounts with insufficient funds to cover the requested amount. Instructional Supply Purchases Purchasing cards shall be used exclusively for expending instructional support funds in accordance with Alabama Code 16-1-8.1 (as amended by Act. No. 2005-198). The purchasing card is a tool to allow teachers to buy supplies and equipment with a card that is accepted worldwide by merchants authorized to accept Visa. The card may be used to purchase at merchant locations, over the phone and over the internet. There are guidelines provided by Auburn City Board of Education that each teacher will be required to follow in order to receive the purchasing card. A completed Materials Receipt Log with itemized receipts attached (including credit receipts) should be turned in to the school bookkeeper within five days of the end of the billing period (which is the 20th of the month). Please tape your receipts to 8 ½ x 11 paper with your name on each page. Make sure you inform the merchant that your purchase is tax-exempt. If you are responsible for reimbursing the school, it should be done within 30 days. The Technology form should be completed and approved prior to purchasing technology equipment. The Teacher Receipt Log and Technology Approval Form are located on the forms drive. A. Auburn High School Purchase Orders All purchases must be preceded by an approved purchase order obtained in the following manner: 1. Reference emails from Liz Tanaka that give you step-by-step directions for completing your order and sending it to Andrea Potter via e-mail for processing. In addition, a step-by-step process for the purchase order process can be found in the Auburn High School Accounting Procedures Guide. 2. Do not make your purchase or call in the order until the purchase order has been approved. Generally, purchase orders submitted during the school day before 3 p.m. will be approved the following day. Tell Liz or Andrea if you want the purchase order to be mailed or faxed. 3. The teacher is responsible for all receipts. The receipts should be taped on the Purchase Order Receipt Form and must be given to Andrea after the purchase is made. Invoices cannot be paid without the itemized receipt. You must sign the yellow copy of the purchase order with Andrea after your order is complete.
4. Reimbursements will not be made for cash purchases. 5. Checks will generally be processed bi-weekly. If your order requires that a check be mailed along with it, the purchase order must be submitted at least two days before you need it. Please plan ahead. Liz and Andrea may be out on leave the day that you want your check or Dr. Freeman may not be on campus to sign the check. Central Office Purchase Orders Purchases made from money through central office purchase orders are generally done in the same manner as the Auburn High School purchase orders (i.e., you must have an approved purchase order in advance of any purchase.) The following procedures should be used when requesting funds from Central Office accounts. 1. You will use the purchase order form that is on the M drive marked “AHS SBB”. You’ll then e-mail the purchase to Liz for processing. Be sure to indicate what fund is to be used for the purchase. 2. After approval, you will receive the white copy of the purchase order. You may now make the purchase. Please make sure that you turn in all receipts taped on the Purchase Order Receipt Form, packing slips, order adjustments, etc., to Liz or Andrea. Central Office purchase orders cannot be paid until Liz or Andrea notifies them that all items were received. You must sign the yellow copy of the purchase order with Liz or Andrea when the purchase order is complete. All Central Office Purchase Orders have to be forwarded to the Accounts Payable Specialist at the Central Office for payment. Most local businesses accept both AHS and Central Office purchase orders. If in doubt, ask Liz or Andrea or call the business if they don’t know. 30-DAY APPROVALS - If you receive information on ordering material on a 30-day free trial approval, you must still process a purchase order before ordering. If you decide not to keep the material, the money is not deducted from your account. However, the return shipping costs will be charged to your account if not covered by the vendor. CAUTION: Payment cannot be made without a properly executed purchase order. If you order something without first obtaining a purchase order, you will be responsible for payment. IV. TICKET PROCEDURES Any event charging Admissions must use pre-numbered tickets which can be obtained from the Bookkeeper. The Bookkeeper will process the change cash in the form of a check to the person responsible for the event if necessary. A Report of Ticket Sales must accompany each ticket box, indicating beginning cash and ticket numbers issued. All monies must be counted by two persons and
the Report of Ticket Sales completed. Indicate on the report, the number of tickets sold and the number being returned. If there are any variations in the amount of money counted and the amount due, this must be indicated. All ticket boxes and the Report of Ticket Sales for each box should be brought to the Bookkeeper for verification. The Bookkeeper will receipt the money into the software system and issue a receipt to the person depositing the money. Advisory Groups – Each teacher will act as an advisor to a group of students assigned to them. A goal of advisory groups is to provide a time to dispense class information to students in an efficient manner. Advisory groups will meet as needed and will be listed on the master calendar. Teachers meet with their advisor groups during scheduled meetings and keep their group until the bell rings. Teachers who are not assigned an advisory group are responsible for campus supervision during meetings. Arrival/Dismissal – Students should arrive at school before 7:50 a.m. and are dismissed at 3:10 p.m. See bell schedules in the Faculty Handbook for class times. Assemblies/Pep Rallies – Unless exceptions are made for specific assemblies, all teachers are to sit with their class for assemblies held in the auditorium/fieldhouse. Athletics – Schedules are available for viewing on the athletic website. Attendance Procedures 1. Absences will be recorded on the computer daily and by period. 2. At 7:50 promptly every morning, attendance should be posted. After that time, all students must check in during 1st period through the office. 3. If students check in or out during the day, this will be reflected in the computer. 4. As notes are brought in to excuse an absence, this will also show up in the computer. Notes should be placed in the box in the main office (Mrs. Knight) and are not to be given to individual teachers. Students should not be given credit for make up work until the absence is shown as excused. AAA does not excuse an unexcused absence. 5. If a student shows up in your class and they are marked as absent on your computer roll, email Mrs. Torbert with the correction as soon as possible. 6. Attendance will be recorded in 2nd, 3rd and 4th periods on the computer by every teacher in order for accurate records to be kept. Bell Schedules – Teachers are required to adhere to bell schedules. Students are not allowed to leave class before the bell rings. Building Use - To schedule use of the auditorium, gyms or cafeteria, see Mr. Ross Reed. To schedule the Multi-Media Room or classrooms, see Ms. Nikki Robertson. Outlook has calendars of rooms that can be reserved (under Public Folders). Students cannot schedule building use. Any extra-curricular activity must have adult supervision. Change of Address – Teachers and students should notify the school registrar if a change of address or telephone number occurs during the school year. Teachers should notify the school secretary of their summer address at the end of the school year.
Check Policy – Auburn City Schools may use a check recovery service to collect returned checks. By making payment to the school, a person authorizes Auburn City Schools to recover the face amount of a check returned unpaid for any reason. In addition, a returned check fee of the maximum amount allowed by law will be recovered. This recovery may be done electronically or by traditional collection methods. All checks will require maker’s name, address and home telephone number. The School District will not accept unsigned, postdated, counter or starter checks. The School District will not accept checks during the last two weeks of school. Only cash or money orders will be accepted for transcripts. For questions regarding this procedure, contact the Chief Financial Officer. Checking In/Out – Students – See Student Handbook; Faculty – see Daily Work Schedule below. Classroom Management and discipline referrals – Teachers and students should carefully review the AHS Student Handbook and Statement of Responsibilities. Effective management of the classroom is one of the most important tasks of a teacher. It is the responsibility of the teacher to provide an environment conducive to learning in his or her own classroom. Teachers should make every effort to handle the disruptive behavior of students before referring them to an administrator, (i.e. verbal warnings, contacting parents/guardians, teacher detention, etc.). If it becomes necessary to refer a student, teachers should complete a Discipline Referral Form and submit it electronically to Mrs. Hayes (A-G), Mr. Jeter (H- O) or Mr. Reed (P-Z). Teachers should not send a student out of the classroom except in extreme circumstances and then only with a pass to an administrator/office stating the reason for the referral. Clubs and Sponsors – Club calendars should be out ASAP after the start of school. Student Council will handle the scheduling of regular monthly club meetings to avoid conflicts. Counseling and guidance – Requests to see a counselor may be made between classes or before/after school by completing the counselor appointment request form. These forms are available in the Counseling Department from Mrs. Carol Farrow. Each counselor has a mailbox outside his/her office door, and the appointment requests can be placed in the appropriate counselor’s box. The requested counselor will send a notice to the appropriate teacher to release the student from class either at the teacher’s convenience or immediately, depending on the situation. The teacher is asked to sign the pass and indicate the time that the student left the classroom. Except in extreme emergencies, students should not be allowed to leave class to go to the Counseling Department without a written request from a counselor on the proper form. In case of an emergency, teachers are asked to write a pass to the specific counselor and indicate the time the student leaves the classroom. Counselors will sign the pass to return the student from his/her office to class. Students who arrive late to class from the Counseling Department should have a signed pass from a counselor or Mrs. Farrow in order for the tardy to be considered “Excused”. Students are assigned to counselors by their last names as follows: Tiffany Pitts = A – G (Juniors and Seniors) Cassie Fairley = H – O (Juniors and Seniors) Cynthia Collier = P – Z (Juniors and Seniors) Nichole Warren- Sophomores
Cumulative Records – All cumulative folders are kept in the counselor’s office/vault. Please see the appropriate counselor to review student’s records when necessary. Daily Work Schedule – The teacher workday is from 7:30 am to 3:40 pm. Please make an effort to inform students of a regular time when you will be available before or after school for them to drop by your room. You may want to set one specific day as your available time, then post it and make every effort to be available. A teacher’s planning period is work time and teachers are expected to use that time for school related business. Teachers may not leave campus during planning period except to conduct routine school or classroom business, except for emergency or medical reasons. Teachers leaving campus must sign out using the Google Doc sent from Mrs. Torbert. Data, Support and Intervention (DSI) Teams- Responsible for maintaining Response to Instruction (RtI) program through intervention meetings assigned by Counselor caseloads. Doors to Classrooms – The windows on classroom doors should not be covered completely. Dress - Faculty should dress professionally. Jeans, shorts or warm-ups may be worn if a necessary part of your teaching responsibilities, on Fridays or other approved days. Please review guidelines carefully and assist administrators in enforcing the student dress code. All first period teachers should check daily to see that students are appropriately dressed. If not, the names of those students should be sent immediately to an Assistant Principal via email. Dropping Classes – See Schedule Changes/Course Drop Policy in this section. Electronic Equipment – Cell phones and audio and video equipment such as radios, MP3 players, tape and CD players, headphones, computer games, electronic equipment, I-pods, etc. should not be used in the classroom unless permission is given by the classroom teacher. If a student has these devices at school, he/she should make every effort to keep them secure because the school will not be responsible for them if they are lost or stolen. If they are used in class without the permission of the teacher or in an inappropriate manner, the devices may be taken up and turned into the office for a parent to pick up. Refusal to surrender these items when asked will result in having them kept in the office for a minimum of 10 school days. The following disciplinary action will be taken: 1st Offense: Device given to parent/guardian one day after it is taken up. 2nd Offense: Device kept for 10 school days, then returned to parent/guardian 3rd Offense: Device kept for remainder of term, and then returned to parent/guardian. The school will not be responsible for phones not picked up by the end of the school year. Electronic Sign – If you have any requests for notices to be placed on the electronic sign in the front of the school, see Mrs. Torbert. Every effort will be made to accommodate requests. E-Mail – E-mail will be our major form of communication and should be checked as soon as you arrive in the morning and periodically throughout the day. Personal email should be limited during instructional time except in cases of emergency.
Emergency Policies and Procedures – See Safety Plan in the Faculty Handbook. Employee Grievance Procedures – Grievances, complaints, extraordinary questions, and controversies shall be considered by the administrator who has the delegated authority to make a decision under the policies of the Board of Education. An appeal from an administrative decision shall begin with the employee’s immediate superior and proceed successively through the administrative levels until the question is presented to the Auburn City Superintendent of schools. An appeal from the decision of the Superintendent may be made to the Auburn City Board of Education. Individuals making such appeals must follow established policies for being placed on the agenda. These procedures may be found in the Auburn City Board of Education Policies and By-Laws. Copies of this document may be found at the Auburn City Board of Education, Auburn High School Media Center or in the main administration building at Auburn High School. Energy Guidelines 1. Thermostats shall remain between 72 and 78 degrees in the cooling season and 68 and 72 degrees during the heating season. 2. Do not condition (heat or cool) any building that is not being used for a school-related activity. All time clocks and wall thermostats should be turned OFF in cooling mode or set to 55 degrees in the heating mode at the immediate conclusion of any school-related activity. This includes regular school day and any after school or extra-curricular activities. 3. Do not light unoccupied areas. This should be observed at all times. This includes empty classrooms, teacher workrooms, break rooms, storage areas, custodial closets, and bathrooms (where possible). 4. Keep all doors and windows closed whenever heating and cooling equipment is operational. If your area is over-conditioned, request that the system is turned off before opening windows or doors. 5. All computers, printers, monitors, speakers, copy machines, laminating machines, and other office equipment must be turned off at the conclusion of the school day (except on Tuesdays). Equipment – Some equipment is assigned to teams. (See department or cluster chair for assistance). Additional equipment may be checked out from the media center. Copy machines are located in the workroom of all buildings. A bookbinder, paper cutter, and three-hole punch are in the 200 workroom. A laminating machine is located in the media center. Evaluations – Each staff member will complete a self-assessment annually using the EDUCATE Alabama on-line system. Certified staff members who are undergoing a full evaluation, will develop a Professional Learning Plan and have a minimum of two formal observations. Certified staff not on full evaluation will be responsible for developing a Professional Learning Plan and documenting supporting evidence. Exemptions from Exams – No exemptions are given for end of course exams. All classes are to give graded assignments on the day of exams.
Extracurricular Activities 1. Students may serve as an officer in a total of three (3) clubs or organizations per school year. Students, however, may participate in as many clubs or organizations as they choose. 2. Students may serve as a student council officer or as a class officer, but not both in the same school year. 3. Students who have been president of their class may not be president again until their senior year. 4. Girls selected to be on the Homecoming Court cannot be selected again until their senior year. Faculty & Staff Fund 1. The faculty fund will serve the members of the professional and support teams of Auburn High School. 2. Flowers or an appropriate gift will be sent to any member of the staff who is a hospital patient due to an illness or accident (price range $25 - $50, including cost of wiring). 3. A baby gift will be given to a new mother or father (maximum $20). 4. Flowers or an appropriate gift will be sent for a death in the immediate family of a staff member, ie. mother, father, husband, wife, or child (price range $25 - $50, including cost of wiring). 5. A card of sympathy will be sent to an AHS student who has a death in the immediate family. 6. Flowers or an appropriate memorial contribution will be sent to the immediate family upon the death of an AHS student. 7. Flowers will be sent for the death of a retired member (maximum $50, including cost of wiring). 8. A gift will be given to a staff member who marries (maximum $25). 9. Faculty or staff members who leave AHS will receive a gift based on their years of service to AHS: 1-3 years - $10; 4-7 years - $15; 8-11 years - $20; 12-15 years $25; 16-20 years - $30; and over 20 years - $50. 10. Faculty or staff members who retire will be honored 1-3 years - $10; 4-7 years $15; 8-11 years - $20; 12-15 years - $25; 16-20 years - $30; and over 20 years - $50. 11. The committee has the authority to make additional expenditures from this fund for special events, e.g. Christmas Party, first of year or end of year party. Members for 2012-2013 are Kathy Dodgen, Betty Schiffer, Holly Turner and Terri Wymes Faculty Meetings - Faculty staff meetings will be held monthly after school unless otherwise noted (see Master Calendar). All Faculty members are expected to attend unless they are involved in another school-related activity. Make up sessions are scheduled the next morning at 7:20. Field Trips Teachers must submit an AHS Activity Form to the principal for approval at least two weeks prior to the desired date of the activity. Upon approval, the list of students attending should be made available to all teachers so that they will be notified of student’s absences in their classes. Make sure that Mrs. Torbert receives the list so that she can record the absences in the computer.
The Auburn City Schools Field Trip Request Form should also be submitted in order to obtain buses from the Transportation Department. It is advisable to call the Transportation Department (ext. 4915) in advance to request or reserve buses. Vans cannot be used to transport students for any school-related trip. Field Trip Permission Forms should be signed by parents/guardians for each student attending the field trip and kept by the teacher on the trip. Anytime students leave campus as part of a class activity or assignment, they must have written parental/guardian permission. Field trips will not be approved if scheduled during the final week of a quarter or semester or after May 1. Field trips related to clubs should be scheduled at a time outside of the regular school day. The only exception will be district and state competitions in which we have no control. Fighting – Any physical confrontation between two or more individuals will not be tolerated at Auburn High School (AHS) or any school sponsored activity. The AHS administration may notify law enforcement officials and file charges against all participants in a fight when they deem it appropriate. Anyone who participates in any manner of a fight will be subject to the following consequences: The first offense for fighting will be a minimum 3-day out of school suspension from school with a minimum 5-day assignment to ISS upon returning to school. Anyone who is involved in a repeat offense for fighting will be subject to an indefinite out of school suspension pending a hearing. Students will lose PBS privileges if they are involved in a fight. Food in Classrooms – Candy, gum, food, drinks, juices and other consumable items are discouraged from being allowed in the classroom. Teachers are responsible for clean up and damages from food or drink (this includes emptying trash to the dumpster). Students cannot have meals delivered to campus. Teachers are asked to eat only in the cafeteria, designated workrooms or your classroom during lunch only. Please do not eat, drink or chew gum during your classes. Forms –All forms (Accident Reports, Activity Forms, Field Trip Request, Fund Raiser Forms, Insurance Forms, Leave Request, Discipline Referrals, Professional Development Forms and Maintenance Request) may be found on the M drive under the folder “Faculty Handbook”. For Public Relations requests, email Jennifer Lovvorn ( Fund Raising – The solicitation, sale, or distribution of any materials (including foodstuffs) or services on school property by individuals or by school organizations is prohibited without prior approval of the principal. The sponsor of a school organization must submit an electronic request for fundraising activities to the principal three weeks prior to the proposed date of the activity. FX (Denial of Credit Policy) – See Page 1 of handbook. Gifts- Teachers can receive gifts from individual students or parents in the amount of $25 or less and not to exceed $50 per year.
Grading Policy – Each teacher will publish for each class a student evaluation procedure that explains the method of grading and the percentage for individual and/or group work, academic tests, homework and classroom participation. Grading policies should adhere to those outlined in the Pupil Progression Plan/Statement of Responsibilities. Grades are to be upd ated at least weekly in INOW to allow parents to have timely information on the Parent Portal. Teachers that teach the same course must have the same format for determining grades (total points, category average, and average). Auburn High School awards credit in one of two ways. Most courses are awarded credit in half credits at the midpoint of course completion. The following courses are included in that category: 1. All IB and AP courses 2. All courses offered on alternating day 3. All Language Arts courses 4. All Social Studies courses 5. All Fine Art courses 6. Physical Science 7. P.E. Some courses are awarded credit at the completion of the course. If a student fails one of these courses, the entire course must be repeated. If a course is repeated, this does not erase the grade for the original attempt. The following courses are considered one-credit courses: 1. All Math courses (except those Math courses offered on alternating day and IB and AP Math 2. All courses Science –courses see above) (except Physical Science, those Science courses offered on alternating day and IB and AP Science courses – see above) 3. All Foreign Language courses (except those Foreign Language courses offered on alternating day and IB and AP Foreign Language courses – see above). 4. Career Technical Courses (includes JROTC) Incompletes not cleared within 10 days after the end of the course will be changed to the grades earned. If a course is dropped prior to completion, the student will receive the grade earned at that point (even for one credit courses). Students are responsible for delivering report cards to their parent(s)/guardian(s) on the day they receive them from their advisor. Mid term progress reports will be given to all students in each subject area. Students and parents are encouraged to contact teachers if they have questions or concerns about student progress. Hall Passes – Students must carry an official AHS pass when in the halls or restrooms during class time. Students should sign in and out with the time and date whenever they leave a teacher’s classroom. Teachers should not allow students to leave class when less than ten minutes of class time remains. During their lunch period, students are allowed only in the cafeteria. As a rule, only one student should leave the classroom at a time. Harassment - Sexual harassment is illegal and will not be tolerated. Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, written or physical conduct of a sexual nature which creates an intimidating, hostile or otherwise offensive environment in the school. Harassment toward any student or staff member based on a disability will not be tolerated.
A student or staff member who believes he or she is being subjected to any form of harassment should immediately report the matter to Mrs. Hayes or Mr. Reed who will then complete an investigation and report it to the principal. The results of an investigation may involve disciplinary action and will be completed in an expeditious manner. Honor Code - The Honor Code is a physical representation of the values that Auburn High School should encompass: honesty, integrity, respect, and responsibility. Honesty is a value that holds each person to the truth--to tell the truth and to defend the truth. Honesty results in fairness for each member of the Auburn High School community. Integrity is firm adherence to our values with and without the presence of others. Respect is treating others, as we would like to be treated. In an environment of respect, work we turn in as our own is our own. Responsibility is the quality of being accountable for our actions and accepting the consequences of our actions. At any educational institution, a code of conduct must be established so that people, teachers and students alike, know the proper way to behave. The behavior students acquire through their actions is the most valuable gift they can carry after their graduation, and it is the most valuable gift any educational institution can give. Formulas and facts can carry students only so far in life. True success lies in one’s desire to be good for the sake of being good – doing the right thing, even when no one is looking. The Honor Code is not meant as an imposition, but rather a standard to which all students and faculty should be held. At Auburn High School, we push each other to higher academic achievement; this code asks that we hold each other to a standard of integrity in all we do. Individualized student plans- Individualized Education Plans (IEP), 504 plans, ILAP plans and health care plans are all recognized plans under federal and/or state guidelines. It is the responsibility of staff members to comply with all parts of a students’ plan. Individualized Education Plan (IEP) Scheduling – The special education teacher calling the IEP meeting will contact the counselor, administrator, and the student’s academic team to arrange the dates. The special education teacher should let Mrs. Farrow know so that other conferences will not be scheduled in conflict. Illness – If a student is ill and needs to call home there is a phone in the front office. . Integrated Pest Management (IPM) - All staff members have a shared responsibility in maintaining a sanitary environment. Sanitation is critical in pest management because it often is the food debris left behind by humans, which attract pests. Sanitation improvements which help prevent pests include but are not limited to keeping areas clean of food and drink waste, removing boxes and paper from room and keeping area clutter-free. Use of any pesticide by a staff member is prohibited in the IPM program. Staff members are to report citings of pests to Mrs. Torbert. In School (ISS) & Out of School Suspension (OSS) – A student may temporarily be denied attendance in regular classes for disciplinary purposes. A student assigned to In School Suspension (ISS) will continue to come to school and receive credit for completed assigned work; however, he/she will be isolated from the school’s student population. While in ISS, a student may not attend or participate in school activities until the assignment in ISS is completed. Parents will be notified of ISS assignments as soon as possible. A parent or
guardian must sign students in to ISS on the first day of an ISS assignment by 7:50 a.m. ISS is held in Room 216 from 7:50 a.m. to 3:10 p.m. daily. Parents and students will be provided a statement of rules and policies for ISS at the time they sign in. Students who do not observe these rules will receive additional days in ISS or may be given OSS until they can come back to school to serve their originally assigned ISS days. After a student’s third assignment to ISS, a hearing may be held to consider alternative school placement for future offenses. A student may be temporarily denied attendance at school, Out-of-School Suspension (OSS), for disciplinary purposes. A suspended student will not attend school or any school related activities until the suspension is completed. A suspended student will not return to regular classes on the day of the suspension but will leave the school only when the parent or proper authority assumes responsibility for the student. When a student is given an OSS the time away from school is marked as an unexcused absence, and zeros are earned for all work missed while suspended. Students can get credit for missed work by attending AAA Saturday. Teachers will be notified in advance of a student’s assignment to ISS so that his/her classwork/homework can be sent to ISS by placing it in the ISS Coordinator’s mailbox prior to the assigned date. Tests or other work should be identified and specific instructions about returning included. A list of all ISS students should be emailed to specific teachers at the beginning of each day. If you see a student in your class who should be in ISS, the ISS Coordinator should be notified immediately. Insurance and benefits– Contact Central Office (887-2100) for questions concerning your insurance and benefits. Internet Acceptable Use – Students and faculty are required to read, sign and follow the Auburn City School Acceptable Use Policy. Inventory and Fixed Assets – Each faculty member should label personal property that remains at the school. An accurate room inventory should be kept for each classroom. Any item with a fixed asset code cannot be permanently moved from one room to another without permission from Ms. Nikki Robertson. Keys – Teachers will receive a key to their rooms and cabinets and to their building. All keys should be returned at the end of the year or checked out for the summer with the office. Please take the responsibility to lock doors when leaving a building after hours. Leaving Campus – Once students physically arrive on campus they are considered present for the day, and check-in/check-out procedures must be followed before leaving. Students are not allowed to leave campus during school hours. Exceptions are those students who leave to attend college level classes elsewhere, Advanced Cooperative Seminar, Community Service students, Tiger TV students or annual staff students. These students will have special passes. Leaving campus without properly checking out may result in assignment to In-School Suspension and loss of driving privileges. Students must leave campus within ten minutes after the end of their last class unless they are participating in a faculty supervised activity. Leadership Team – The Leadership Team will be the primary instructional decision-making body of Auburn High School with each department or cluster having representation. The
Leadership Team will meet monthly. Faculty members rotate every two years according to the following schedule: 2014-2016 2013-2015 Mathematics Science Language Arts Career and Technical Social Studies Counseling Performing and Visual Arts Special Education Physical Education World Languages Lunch – All teachers are expected to follow the designated lunch schedule. Students are not allowed to leave before the bell rings for your lunch wave. Students are not allowed in buildings, breezeways, the courtyard or gyms during lunch. In order to go into a building a student must have a pass from a teacher or administrator. Students and teachers should be back in their rooms when the lunch wave ends. The lunch waves are listed on the bell schedules. Mail – In-house mail is placed in the teacher’s mailboxes located in the administrative building. Teachers should check their boxes and notices in the workroom each morning and each afternoon. Students are not allowed in any teacher workroom. Courier mail (to Central Office and other system schools) is delivered and picked up before lunch each day. Regular U.S. mail is usually delivered and picked up between 9:00 and 10:00 each morning. The Courier mailbox is located on the wooden bookshelf in the mail room of the administration building. Maintenance Work Order Requests – E-mail all maintenance requests should be sent to Ross Reed. Media Center – See Library and Media Handbook on the L Drive. Medication- Students who must have medications of any type during school hours, including over the counter medications, have the following choices: 1. A parent/guardian may come to the school and give the medication to the student at the appropriate time. 2. A parent/guardian may pick up a medication form from the school secretary and have the student’s doctor complete the form listing the medication needed, dosage, and number of times per day the medication is to be administered. This form must be signed by the physician and parent/guardian for prescriptions and returned to the school. Only the parent/guardian signature is required for over-the-counter medications. Prescription medicines must be brought to school in a pharmacy labeled container with instructions for administering. Over the counter drugs must be in the original container and will be administered according to written instructions. The parent/guardian must deliver the medications to the school, not the student. 3. The parent/guardian may discuss with the doctor an alternative schedule for administering medication outside school hours. 4. School personnel will not administer any medication to students unless they have received a medication form properly completed and the medication has been received in an appropriately labeled container from the parent/guardian. There will be no exceptions to this policy.
5. Students are not allowed to have prescription drugs in their possession while on the AHS campus. 6. Teachers should not administer medicine of any kind to students (this includes aspirin, etc.) Moment of Silence/Pledge of Allegiance – A moment of silence and the Pledge of Allegiance are required by state law. Students and teachers are required to respect the dignity of these activities and not be disruptive to others. Parent/Teacher Conferences – Maintaining contact with parents is essential to the success of students. Conferences may be arranged at the request of students, parents, or teachers. Conferences will be scheduled during the teachers planning period when possible or before or after school. Parking – Teachers will be given a faculty hangtag at no charge as well as a reserved parking space. Parties – Parties are allowed when they are linked directly to the instructional program. Teachers should not buy drinks or snacks for students from vending machines located in the teacher workrooms. There can be no competition with the Child Nutrition Program breakfast and lunch times. Paychecks – Automatic deposits are usually made the day before paychecks are delivered to the school. Paychecks and deposit notices are delivered through courier on the last day of the month. Checks/deposit notices need to be picked up in the office by 3:00 or they will be returned to Central Office and mailed to you. Policy and Procedures-All Auburn High School employees are subject of the requirements of the Board of Education policy, the Alabama Code of Ethics and all federal and state laws. Positive Behavior Supports- The behavioral side of the Tier intervention approaches for students. AHS utilizes a school-wide system of Tier I PBS that is tied to participation in dances, senior test exemptions and parking. The goal is to reduce referrals through incentives. The Individualized Disabilities in Education Act (IDEA) recommends that PBS be considered for use with students who have an IEP. Posters, Signs and Announcements - All signs, bulletins, posters and announcements must be attached to the cork announcement strips in each hallway. Announcements that are from non-school groups must have permission from the administration to post. Any items which are placed on walls, columns, windows, or doors, will be removed and placed in the trash. Professional Learning Community- A team approach of staff members at AHS that seeks to inform and improve instruction and create teacher leaders through collaborative efforts, team involvement, professional development. Professional Leave Policy – Professional leave forms must be filled out on the computer and approved by the principal prior to attending any professional leave activity. You can access these forms by going to the Auburn City Schools website, click on Staff Info, then Online Staff Forms, then Finance and then Leave Request Form. Professional leave will be granted only if funds are available.
Progress Reports – All teachers will issue progress reports at the midterm of each grading period to all students (see master calendar for dates). Prohibited Areas – Other school campuses are off limits to AHS students during regular school hours. Teacher workrooms, athletic fields, tennis courts, parking lots, and the areas adjacent to the baseball field are off limits during the school day except for the classes or teams using these areas at the direction of a teacher. The tennis courts and adjoining property by the school system central office are school property, and all school rules apply in these areas. These areas are off limits to students during school hours. Students cannot leave campus without permission from the office. Students may not go into any buildings, breezeways, the courtyard or gyms during lunch periods. Prohibited Articles A student will not have any of the listed items in his/her possession, in lockers, or automobiles while on campus or at school activities. The items will be taken from the student by administrators or faculty members, and appropriate disciplinary measures will be taken. Items will be returned only to parents or guardians. The school will not be responsible for any items not picked up within 30 days. Illegal items will be given to the appropriate law enforcement officials. Prohibited articles include the following: 1. Alcoholic beverages and/or containers (opened, unopened, full, partially empty or empty.) 2. Tobacco products and related items such as lighters. 3. Any illegal drug or drug paraphernalia, or prescription drug. 4. Any type of weapon or instrument to be used as a weapon. This includes, but is not limited to firearms, knives, brass knuckles, razor blades, utility knives, and ammunition. 5. Any article such as a water pistol, dart gun, mace or pepper spray. All pyrotechnic devices, including, but not limited to fireworks, smoke or odor bombs/capsules and chemical sprays. 6. Pager, beeper, portable scanner or 2-way radio. 7. Cards, gaming and/or gambling equipment. 8. Spray paint, paint balls, paint ball guns. 9. Skates, skateboards, and scooters. 10. Headgear—baseball caps, do rags, bandannas, etc. Parent/Teacher Organization (PTO) – Parent support group that has routine meetings involving school-related business and support opportunities. Teachers are encouraged to join the PTO.
Public Relations – Please let Jennifer Lovvorn in the Central Office know about any significant event in advance for publicity purposes. Report Cards– Report cards are given to all students at the end of each grading period. Grades must be posted on INOW following directions you will receive prior to the end of each quarter from Mrs. Price. Residency – All students are required to furnish proof of residency within the school district annually. (See The Pupil Progression Plan for details on proof of residency.) Response to Instruction- All teachers utilize research, evidence-based instruction and intervention for students based on tiered support. This includes support for academics and behavior. Teachers maintain a monthly student database noting instruction and intervention strategies used for students in Tier II and III intervention. Schedule Changes/Course Drop Policy – Schedule changes are made only with the approval of a counselor. If a student transfers into a new class because of a schedule change, the absences recorded in the previous class will transfer with the student to the new class. Schedules will not be changed for students who have received an FX in a class. Students withdrawing from school must have a withdrawal form from the registrar for teachers to note that a book and any school-owned property was returned before formally withdrawing from school. Search and Seizures – Teachers should notify an administrator if they have reason to believe that a student is in possession of a prohibited item at school (i.e. alcohol, tobacco, drug, weapon, etc.) The faculty and staff reserve the right to search any student, locker, desk, or student possession based upon reasonable grounds for believing that something contrary to school rules or detrimental to the student or others is present. Prohibited items should be confiscated as evidence of rules violations. Skipping Class or School – See Student Handbook Smoking – AHS is a smoke-free environment. Auburn City Schools’ policy prohibits possessing, smoking or using tobacco products in any form in Auburn City School buildings, on school buses, on school grounds, or during school-sponsored events. Student Handbooks & Pupil Progression Plan/Statement of Responsibilities - On the first day of school students receive a copy of the Auburn City Schools Pupil Progression Plan/Statement of Responsibilities. Students and parents/guardians are required to sign the Statement of Responsibilities acknowledgement form and return it to the student’s first period teacher within five days of the start of school. Additionally, students will sign a list indicating that they received information on student handbook located on-line. Student Identification - Students are required to identify themselves and display a valid pass when requested by AHS faculty, staff, and other authorized personnel. Substitutes and lesson plans – All leave requests besides those for unforeseeable illness must be approved by the principal. Once approved, teachers should contact Kelly Services via telephone or computer for a substitute. Every teacher is responsible for developing a lesson plan for their absences which should include lesson objective and activities.
Supervision Duties – We need the support of the entire faculty to supervise our students and our campus. Teachers will be asked to take on supervisory duties. Assignments will be equitable, and every effort will be made to keep assignments to a minimum. Please refer to the Campus and Cafeteria Supervision Schedules. Tardy Policy – A student is tardy when he/she is not in the assigned classroom when the tardy bell stops ringing. Students may not miss time from a class without first obtaining permission from the teacher of that class. Students will be allowed three free tardies to each class each nine weeks period. The fourth tardy will result in an office referral and classroom detention. Students will lose privileges when an office referral is given on tardies. Students reporting to school after 7:50 a.m. are required to check in at the office. Prior to 7:50 a.m. students should report directly to class. Recording of tardies starts over each quarter. A student who misses more than 30 minutes of a class is counted absent. Teacher Assault - A person commits the crime of assault in the second degree (Class C felony) if the person assaults with intent to cause serious physical injury to a teacher or to an employee of a public educational institution during or as a result of the performance of his or her duty. Teacher Certificate Renewal – It is the responsibility of the teacher to get teaching certificates renewed. A copy or each certificate is in the principal’s office. Teacher Identification – All teachers will be expected to wear identification badges. Technology Requests – Request for computer repairs should be given to Nikki Robertson. The forms may be found on the L drive. Requests will be forwarded to the computer technician for repair. Telephones & Messages - All school phones are for business use only and are not to be used by students. All emergency calls by students related to illness may be made in the front office. The school cannot guarantee that phone messages to students will be delivered. No deliveries of flowers, balloons, food, etc. will be made to students. A telephone for teachers is available in all buildings. Staff members should not be engaged in phone calls (cellular or teacher phones) during instructional or work time except in cases of emergency. Threats - In accordance with ACS board policy, appropriate law enforcement officials will be notified when a student threatens physical harm to any other student or employee.
Vandalism - A student or his/her parent/guardian will be assessed the exact amount of replacement/repair/service costs which result from damage to school property or the property of others caused by the student. In addition, appropriate disciplinary and/or legal action will be taken. Visitors - All visitors must report to the main office for a visitor's pass to receive permission from a school administrator to be on campus during regular school hours. All unauthorized visitors are subject to arrest for trespassing. Students are not allowed to have visitors at school. Teachers should not have visitors during instructional time unless pertinent to the lesson objective.
Regular Schedule Warning Bell First Period Second Period Third Period Fourth Period Advisor Schedule Warning Bell First Period Advisor Period Second Period Third Period Fourth Period PLAN Schedule (10/24/12) Warning Bell Testing Period First Period Second Period Third Period Fourth Period AM Activity Schedule Warning Bell First Period Activity Period Second Period Third Period Third Period Fourth Period PM Activity Schedule Warning Bell First Period Second Period Third Period Fourth Period First Day of School Schedule (8/20/12) Warning Bell Advisor Period First Period Second Period Third Period Fourth Period Final Exam Schedule Warning Bell Exam Period I Brunch Exam Period II
7:45 7:50 ‐ 9:30 9:36 ‐ 11:12 11:18 ‐ 1:28 1:34 ‐ 3:10 7:45 7:50 ‐ 9:14 9:20 ‐ 9:30 9:36 ‐ 11:12 11:18 ‐ 1:28 1:34 ‐ 3:10 7:45 7:50 ‐ 11:10 11:17 ‐ 12:37 12:44 ‐ 1:28 1:35 ‐ 2:19 2:26 ‐ 3:10 7:45 7:50 ‐ 9:21 9:27 ‐ 9:47 9:54 ‐ 11:25 11:32 ‐ 1: 11:32 1:32 32 1:39 ‐ 3:10 7:45 7:50 ‐ 9:20 9:27 ‐ 10:57 11:04 ‐ 1:04 1:11 ‐ 3:10 7:45 7:50 ‐ 8:39 8:46 ‐ 10:09 10:16 ‐ 11:39 11:46 ‐ 1:40 1:47 ‐ 3:10 7:45 7:50 ‐ 9:45 9:40 ‐ 10:15 10:15 ‐ 12:10
Regular Lunch Wave Schedule First Wave 11:20 ‐ 11:52 Second Wave 11:52 ‐ 12:24 Third Wave 12:24 ‐ 12:56 Fourth Wave 12:56 ‐ 1:28 *Warning bell rings 5 minutes before wave ends PSAT Schedule (10/17/12) Warning Bell 7:45 Testing Period 7:50 ‐ 11:10 First Period 11:17 ‐ 12:37 Second Period 12:44 ‐ 1:28 Third Period 1:35 ‐ 2:19 Fourth Period 2:26 ‐ 3:10 PSAT/PLAN Lunch Wave Schedule First Wave (900, 300, 500) 11:17 ‐ 11:51 Second Wave(100, 200, 600, 800, Band, Choir, PE) 12:02 ‐ 12:37
AM Lunch Wave Schedule First Wave 11:32 ‐ 12:00 Second Wave 12:00 ‐ 12:30 Third Wave 12:30 ‐ 1:00 Fourth Wave 1:00 ‐ 1:32 *Warning bellll ri *Warning be rings ngs 5 mi minutes nutes before before wave en ends ds PM Lunch Wave Schedule First Wave 11:04 ‐ 11:35 Second Wave 11:35 ‐ 12:05 Third Wave 12:05 ‐ 12:35 Fourth Wave 12:35 ‐ 1:04 *Warning bell rings 5 minutes before wave ends First Day Lunch Wave Schedule (8/20/12) First Wave 11:46 ‐ 12:15 Second Wave 12:15 ‐ 12:45 Third Wave 12:45 ‐ 1:10 Fourth Wave 1:10 ‐ 1:40 *Warning bell rings 5 minutes before wave ends Final Exam Brunch Schedule 200, 500, 900 All Other Buildings Warning Bell to end Brunch
9:40 9:45 10:12
Lunch Waves 2012-2013
1ST WAVE All Math, upper and lower 9000 All Science Driver’s Education 2ND WAVE All Language Arts All Career and Technical 100 Credit Recovery/ACCESS 3RD WAVE All Social Studies World Languages Graphic Arts 500 ACCESS **********Marzulo, Moore and Schiffer as soon as 3rd wave ends********** 4TH WAVE Band, Chorus, Theatre Dyer and Stevens PE and Health Resource
Faculty and Staff 2012-2013 Language Arts Mrs. Julie Wentworth, Ch. Mrs. Sally Acker Mrs. Beth Antoine Mrs. Suzette Davidson Ms. Joanna Everett Ms. Meghan Forsyth Mrs. Karen Hall Mrs. Christy Kirk Mr. John Pennisi Mrs. Amy Robertson Mrs. Holly Robinson Mrs. Samantha Shipman Mr. Davis Thompson Ms. Terri Wymes
Science Mrs. Pené Williams, Ch. Mrs. Mary Ann Aglan Mrs. Cindy Alexander Mr. Drew Bagwell Mrs. Mary Dalrymple Mrs. Hollis Davis Mrs. Robin Duke Mr. Dan Norton Mr. Jamie Rice Mrs. Alison Starr Mrs. Laura Steltenpohl Social Studies Mr. Ryan Cummins, Ch. Mr. Blake Busbin Mr. Ed Crum Ms. Kathleen Dodgen Mrs. Jennifer Foster Ms. Laci Fralish Mr. Shane Sanker Mrs. Bentley Stephenson Mr. Nick Tucker Mr. Avery Warner Mrs. Donna Yeager Mr. Matt York
Mathematics Mr. Ben Ward, Ch. Mrs. Susan Byrne Mrs. Nancee Garcia Mrs. Frances Glass Mrs. Angelika McGuire Mrs. Tracy Paleologos Mr. Billy Pickens Mr. Billy Ramsey Mr. Devin Roberts Mr. Greg Sanders Mrs. Holly Turner Mr. Justin Yeager
Career/Technical Mrs. Audrey Marshall- Business, Ch. Mr. Stan Arington- Aquaculture Mr. Paul Casarona – Engineering Mrs. Sonya Hutchinson – Business SGM Wayne Johnson – JROTC Mr. David Killingsworth – Marketing Mrs. Amanda Leikvold – Fam. & Con. Sci. Mrs. Laurie Osborne – Health Science Mr. Mahlon Richburg – Agriscience Lt. Colonel Jon Segars – JROTC Mr. Byron Williams – Industrial Technology
World Languages Mrs. Sara Zuwiyya- Spanish, Ch. Mrs. Sarah Holder – Spanish Mr. Stephen Irwin – Spanish Mr. Adam Martin – German Mrs. Genie Oks – French Mrs. Andrea Wilkinson – German Performing and Visual Arts Mrs. Kimberly Mock- Theatre, Ch. Mr. Clay Cox – Art Mr. Joe Dyer – Art Dr. Rusty Logan – Band Mr. Eron Smith – Chorus Mrs. Heather Stevens – Art
P.E., Health, & Driver’s Ed. Mrs. Jan Vaughn – P.E., Ch. Mr. Tim Carter – P.E. Mr. Matt Cimo – P.E. Mr. Mike Glisson – P.E. & Health Mr. Gary Pegues – P.E.
Mr. Phillip Smith – Drs. Ed. Mr. Frank Tolbert – Drs. Ed.
Bookkeeper Mrs. Liz Tanaka
Special Services Mrs. Leigh Owen – Special Ed., Ch. Mr. Tyler Booker- Special Ed. Ms. Libby Byrd – Special Ed. Aide Mrs. Jane Free- Special Ed. Ms. Cyndee Gibson- Special Ed. Aide Ms. Kayla Gomillion- Job Coach Mr. Josh Hill- Special Ed. Aide Mr. Mark Hosemann – Special Ed. Mr. George Hubbard – Special Ed. Aide Mrs. Christina Jones- Special Ed. Aide Mrs. Aubrey MacArthur- Special Ed. Aide Ms. Alexcia Moore – Special Ed. Ms. Nina Marzulo – Special Ed. Ms. Betty Schiffer- Special Ed. Mrs. Shelley Searcy- Special Ed. Ms. Shaneka Williams- Special Ed. Aide
Asst. Bookkeeper & Sub Coordinator Mrs. Andrea Potter Child Nutrition Mrs. Sharon Ogburn, Manager Mr. James McIntosh, Asst. manager Mr. Jon Coleman Ms. Dorothy Core Ms. Valerie Ligon Ms. Angela McMullen Ms. Pam Tolbert Ms. Alicia Wilson Counseling and College and Career Mrs. Cynthia Collier Dr. Cassie Fairley Mrs. Carol Farrow Mrs. Tiffany Pitts Mr. James Tindell Mrs. Nichole Warren
In-School Suspension/Alternative School Mr. Ladarrell Thomas- Aide Mr. Vance Roberson
ELL Instructor Mrs. Nicole Sansom
ACCESS/Credit Recovery/AHSGE Prep Mr. Chris Brandt Ms. Alison Link Mr. Bill Bailey
Registrar Mrs. Christy Price
Media and Technology Mrs. Janet Nelson Mrs. Amanda Massey Ms. Nikki Robertson
School Nurse Mrs. Janice Schuster School Resource Officer Bill Schallock
Administration Mr. Marvin Brown - Adm. Asst. Mrs. Lisa Hayes - Asst. Principal Mr. Anthony Jeter- Assistant Principal Dr. Todd Freeman – Principal Mr. Ross Reed - Asst. Principal
Administrative Professionals Mrs. Melody Knight Mrs. Rosie Torbert Custodial Services Mr. Charles Bradley Mr. Michael Cobb (evening) Mr. Sylvester Dumas (evening) Mr. Carl Jackson (evening) Mr. Chester Knight Mr. Willie Levett (evening) Mr. Don Miles (evening) Mrs. Mary Simmons Mr. Willie Weathers
Athletics Mr. Clay McCall –Athletic Director Mrs. Darlene Gill – Secretary Mrs. Jenny Muntifering - Secretary Career Technical Director Mrs. Elisabeth Spears
Room Assignments 2012-2013 Acker, Sally Aglan, Mary Ann Alexander, Cindy Antoine, Beth Arington, Stan Bagwell, Drew Bailey, Bill Booker, Tyler Brandt, Chris Byrd, Libby Byrne, Susan Busbin, Blake Carter, Tim Casarona, Paul Cimo, Matt Cox, Clay Crum, Ed Cummins, Ryan Dalrymple, Mary Davidson, Suzette Davis, Hollis Dodgen, Kathy Duke, Robin Dyer, Joe Everett, Joanna Forsyth, Meghan Foster, Jennifer Fralish, Laci Free, Jane Garcia, Nancee Glass, Frances Glisson, Mike Gibson, Cyndee Gomillion, Kayla Hall, Karen Hill, Josh Holder, Sarah Hosemann, Mark Hubbard, George Hutchinson, Sonya Irwin, Stephen Johnson, Wayne
803 302 517 Media Ctr. 601 315 205 602 209 9111 843U Fieldhouse 513 Gym 511 829U 833U 306 806L 305 831U 301 504 808L 813L 832U 832U 303 9206 9201 New gym 210 227 804L 210 9108 9218 211 108 9105 505
Jones, Christina Killingsworth, David Kirk, Christy Leikvold, Amanda Link, Alison Logan, Rusty MacArthur, Aubrey Marshall, Audrey Martin, Adam Marzulo, Nina Massey, Amanda McGuire, Angelika Mock, Kimberly Moore, Alexcia Nelson, Janet Norton, Dan Oks, Genie Osborne, Laurie Owen, Leigh Paleologos, Tracy Pegues, Gary Pennisi, John Pickens, Billy Ramsey, Billy Rice, Jamie Richburg, Mahlon Roberson, Vance Robertson, Amy Robertson, Nikki Roberts, Devin Robinson, Holly Sanders, Greg Sanker, Shane Schiffer, Betty Searcy, Shelley Segars, Jon Shipman, Samantha Smith, Eron Smith, Phillip Starr, Alison Steltenpohl, Laura Stephenson, Bentley
208 109 801 105 501/Gym 111 108 9103 208 Media Ctr. 9211 110 210 Media Ctr. 310B 9101 307 842 9204 Fieldhouse 809L 9213 9116 310a 604 216 & 217 204 Media Ctr. 9114 805L 9214 840U 211 814L 522 812L 112 213 516 312 834U
4 Stevens, Heather Taylor, Stephanie Thomas, Ladarrell Thompson, Davis Tolbert, Frank Tucker, Nick Turner, Holly Vaughn, Jan Ward, Ben Warner, Avery Wentworth, Julie Wilkinson, Andrea Williams, Byron Williams, Pené Williams, Shaneka Wymes, Terri Yeager, Donna Yeager, Justin York, Matt Zuwiyya, Sara
508 206 216 802L 213 523 9216 Gym 9208 830U 203 9104 107 311 210 815L 841U 9113 837U 9106
ACCESS Facilitator Link, Alison
Administration Brown, Marvin Lisa Hayes Jeter, Anthony Freeman, Todd Reed, Ross
Office18 Office 9 Office 14 Office 3 Office 11
Athletics McCall, Clay Gill, Darlene Muntifering, Jenny
600 600 600
Bookkeeper Liz Tanaka
Room 8
Asst. Bookkeeper/Subs Potter, Andrea
Room 5
Career Technical Director Spears, Elisabeth 524 CNP Manager Ogburn, Sharon
Counselors Collier, Cynthia Fairley, Cassie Pitts, Tiffany James Tindell Warren, Nichole
218 218 218 9118 218
Counselor’s Secretary Farrow, Carol
ELL Teacher Sansom, Nicole
Registrar Price, Christy
School Nurse Schuster, Janice
Room 19
Secretaries Knight, Melody Torbert, Rosie
Front Desk Room 2
Extension Numbers Auburn High School 887-4970 Antoine, Beth Brandt, Chris Brown, Marvin Cafeteria Carter, Tim Ofc. (1) 4938 Casarona, Paul Cimo, Matt Collier, Cynthia Fairley, Cassie Farrow, Carol Freeman, Todd Gill, Darlene Hall, Karen Hayes, Lisa Hutchinson, Sonya Jeter, Anthony Job Coach Johnson, Sgt. Maj. W. Killingsworth, David Knight, Melody Logan, Rusty Main Line Marshall, Audrey Massey, Amanda McCall, Clay Osborne, Laurie Owen, Leigh Pitts, Tiffany Potter, Andrea
4931 4965 4984 4987 4960 (2) 4939 4964 4962 4976 4981 4982 4971 4969 4996 4972 6389 4980 6382 4991 4995 4985 4986 4970 4994 4989 4968 6380 4988 4975 4935
Quick Reference Numbers Central Office Fax Number Auburn Early Ed. Auburn Junior High Drake Middle Ogletree Elementary Richland Road Wrights Mill Road Yarbrough Elementary Girls B’ball Coach Maintenance (C. Johnson) Transportation (D. Ingram)
887-2100 887-2107 887-4950 887-1960 887-1940 887-4920 887-1980 887-1990 887-1970 887-4967 887-491t 887-4915
Price, Christy Reed, Ross Richburg, Mahlon Roberson, Vance Smith, Eron Spears, Dibba Special Ed Office Student Phone Thompson, Davis Tindell, James Tolbert, Frank Torbert, Rosie Vaughn, Jan Warren, Nichole Williams, Byron
4979 4973 4993 6378 4999 4998 4914 6383 4934 4930 4963 4977 4936 4961 4997
200 Workroom 300 Workroom 500 Workroom 800 Workroom Lower 800 Workroom Upper 900 Workroom Upper
6372 6373 6374 6375 6376 6371
Access Lab (Allison Link)
MC Data Room AHS Fax
6388 887-4177
Joy Stanley Debbie Rice Cary Woods Dean Road Dental Clinic
707-1219 444-9637 887-4940 887-4900 887-1948
8 TEACHER ADVISOR GROUPS 2012-2013 SENIORS JUNIORS STUDENT NAME ADVISOR ROOM STUDENT NAME ADVISOR Abraham - Atkin F. Glass 9201 Adams - Avery D. Yeager Atkinson - Bezdek A. Leikvold 211 Baharanyi - Binnix M. Cimo Birchfield - Brown C. Cox 511 Birdsong - Brooks R. Cummins Buckley - Chen H. Davis 305 Brown - Chandler G. Sanders Choi - Davis M. Dalrymple 306 Chang - Cowper B. Busbin Deem - Elzie S. Zuwiyya 9106 Crawford – Doyle M. Aglan Ennis - Futrell S. Hutchinson 108 Drummonds - Finley B. Stephenson Gallagher - Grow D. Killingsworth 109 Flanagan - Gembel J. Dyer Hall - Hodges R. Logan 111 Gibson - Guyton N. Garcia Holloway - Jacobs A. Marshall 108 Hakel - Helmke A Warner James - Jones A. Martin 9103 Henderson - Hu R. Duke Jordan - Kucuktas A. McGuire 9211 Hubbard - Johnson J. Segars Kuerten - Lieb L. Fralish 832 Jones - Knight S. Taylor Lightfoot - Luebke B. Pickens 9213 Lall - Lueck D. Norton Luper - McClendon J. Rice 310A Machen - McGinty L. Osborne McCollum - Menefield M. York 837 McInroy - Muehlenfeld T. Paleologos Miller - Nelms E. Smith 112 Newby - Parsons S. Holder Newman - Patterson D. Bagwell 315 Patel - Price J. Everett Pecot - Pugh K. Mock 110 Promisee - Rogers D. Roberts Rabb - Roberts H. Turner 9216 Rouse - Shafer M. Richburg Robicheaux - Simile J. Vaughn Gym Sheldon - Stanley P. Smith Sims - Strickland B. Ward 9208 Starr - Taylor A. Starr Suh - Tolbert J. Wentworth 9108 Teshome - Turner B. Williams Torrance - Whatley A. Wilkinson 9104 Turnham - Wilkinson L. Steltenpohl Wheat - Zartman S. Acker 803 Williams - Zhu S. Davidson
STUDENT NAME Adams – Balch-Crystal Barber - Bottcher Bowden - Canty Capps - Corbitt Cordi - Dickson Doan - Fasina Ferguson - Furman Gallaway - Hamilton Han - Hix Holmes - Hwang Irwin - Kaye Kelsoe - Langston Lee - Linn Little - McBurney McCall - Mills Minor - Nesmith Neuhoff - Pennington Perez - Pritchett Provo - Riggs Riley - Sesek Sessions - Smith Smithart - Tate Thomas - Vinson Wallace – Wheeler White - Zhao
Revised 4/11/2012
SOPHOMORES ADVISOR S. Arington S. Byrne S. Sanker J. Foster P. Casarona T. Wymes E. Crum M. Glisson M. Forsyth K. Hall S. Irwin C. Kirk G. Oks J. Pennisi N. Tucker H. Robinson B. Ramsey C. Alexander W. Johnson D. Thompson T. Booker K. Dodgen P. Williams A. Robertson H. Stevens
ROOM 841 Gym 833 9214 843 302 834 504 9206 830 301 526 206 310B 307 9204 203 808 9114 604 213 516 107 312 806
ROOM 601 9111 840 832 513 815 829 522 813 804 9105 801 9101 809 523 805 9116 517 525 802 205 831 311 204 508
39 Campus Supervision Assignments 2012-2013 Parking Lots 9000 Band 800 Lot Bus Duty Old Gym Courtyard Breezeways 200/300 200/Gym 200/Fine Arts
Gym/500 300/500 9000 Front 500/800 Bathrooms
7:30-7:45 Killingsworth/Martin Logan Pegues Antoine, Busbin, Forsyth, Kirk, Robinson, Shipman Vaughn Brown R. Reed Freeman P. Smith Sgt Maj Johnson Jeter Hayes Cox
3:10 – 3:30
Class Change st 1 to 2nd Wilkinson Richburg Carter
Class Change rd 2nd to 3 Norton McCall Sanker
Class Change 3rd to 4th Bagwell Brandt Acker
Cimo Reed/Jeter/Brown
Vaughn Reed/Jeter
Cimo Reed/Jeter
Steltenpohl Booker Thomas Segars Duke Holder Dyer
Davis A. Robertson V. Robertson Casarona Alexander Zuwiyya Pennisi
Rice Cimo P. Smith Tucker Aglan/Dalrymple Ramsey Stevens
Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty
Fine Arts Boys Fine Arts Girls
E. Smith E. Smith Logan Logan Mock Mock Mock Mock 100 Boys Killingsworth Killingsworth B.Williams B. Williams 100 Girls Marshall Hutchinson Leikvold Free 200 Boys P. Smith V. Roberson Bailey/Tolbert V. Roberson 200 Girls Collier Pitts Fairley Warren 300 Boys Rice Norton Rice Rice 300 Girls P. Williams P. Williams Duke Osborne 500 Boys Tucker Segars Johnson Johnson 500 Girls Alexander Starr Alexander Link 600 Boys Brandt Arington Brandt Arington 600 Girls Gill Gill Gill Gill 800U Boys York Crum York Cummins 800U Girls Dodgen Fralish Yeager Fralish 800L Boys Thompson Pennisi Pennisi Thompson 800L Girls Hall Everett Hall Shipman 900U Boys Ward Sanders Pickens Ward 900U Girls McGuire Garcia Glass Garcia 900L Boys Irwin Martin Ramsey J. Yeager 900L Girls Holder Wilkinson Oks Clark Lunch Supervision: See your assignment under lunch supervision in the teacher handbook Administration Administration Administration Administration Administration New Gym Carter Pegues Pegues/Glisson Glisson CafĂŠ AM. Foster / J. Yeager Teachers are required to be in their assigned area daily for the entire time listed. Please include your supervision assignment in your instructions left for substitute teachers. In the case of bathroom assignments, the sub may have to ask another teacher to do this for them. Counselors need to be in their offices before and after school and during class changes. During all class changes, as well as five minutes before and after school, teachers should be in the hallways outside their classroom doors to supervise student behavior if they do not have an assigned area at that time.
Hosemann Arington CPO Brown
Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty
CAFETERIA SUPERVISION SCHEDULE WEEK WAVE 1 8/20-8/24 AGLAN / DUKE 8/27-8/31 BYRNE / GARCIA 9/4-9/7 DALRYMPLE / STELTENPOHL 9/10-9/14 MCGUIRE / PALEOLOGOS 9/17-9/21 P WILLIAMS / BAGWELL 9/24-9/28 ALEXANDER / STARR 10/1-10/5 RAMSEY / ROBERTS 10/8-10/12 RICE / NORTON 10/15-10/19 SANDERS / J. YEAGER 10/22-10/26 DAVIS / TURNER 10/29-11/2 WARD / GLASS 11/5-11/9 AGLAN / DUKE 11/12-11/16 BYRNE / GARCIA 11/19-11/21 DALRYMPLE / STELTENPOHL 11/26-11/30 MCGUIRE / PALEOLOGOS 12/3-12-7 P WILLIAMS / BAGWELL 12/10-12/14 ALEXANDER / STARR 12/17-12/21 RAMSEY / ROBERTS 1/3-1/4 RICE / NORTON 1/7-1/11 SANDERS / J. YEAGER 1/14-1/18 DAVIS / TURNER 1/21-1/25 WARD / GLASS 1/28-2/1 AGLAN / DUKE 2/4-2/8 BYRNE / GARCIA 2/11-2/15 DALRYMPLE / STELTENPOHL 2/18-2/22 MCGUIRE / PALEOLOGOS 2/25-3/1 P WILLIAMS / BAGWELL 3/4-3/8 ALEXANDER / STARR 3/11-3/15 RAMSEY / ROBERTS 3/18-3/22 RICE / NORTON 4/1-4/5 SANDERS / J. YEAGER 4/8-4/12 DAVIS / TURNER
4/15-4/18 4/22-4/26 4/29-5/3 5/6-5/10 5/13-5/17 5/20-5/23
Auburn High School In-School-Suspension Assignment Procedures
1. 2. 3. 4.
Auburn High School faculty member submits referral. ISS placement determined by Auburn High School administration. Date(s) of ISS placement is determined by matrix.* Student will be informed of date(s) and given a copy of the ISS rules along with a parent notification form. 5. Student name is added to the ISS list according to matrix and seat availability. 6. A copy of the referral and students schedule will be submitted to the ISS instructor. 7. ISS instructor will notify the student’s classroom teachers of the placement. An ISS Assignment Sheet will be paced in your box. 8. Teachers will submit the assignment sheet to the ISS instructor for his/her particular class. This documentation should be in the possession of the ISS instructor prior to 7:20 AM the first day of the student’s placement. 9. ISS instructor will post attendance in the morning and send a list of students in attendance each day to all club sponsors/coaches/directors. 10. ISS instructor will return the student’s completed work to the assigning teacher’s mailbox each afternoon. 11. ISS instructor will inform student, parent, teachers, and administration if additional time is to be served. In-School Suspension (ISS) Policies, Procedures, and Responsibilities The student will: 1. abide by all rules, policies, and procedures that are outlined in the Auburn High School Student Handbook, as well as follow all instructions given by the ISS teacher. 2. report to ISS, which is located in room 216 before 7:50 AM on the date(s) assigned. The student shall remain in ISS for the entire school day regardless of any school activity that may be scheduled. 3. notify his/her parent/guardian of the ISS assignment and inform the parent/guardian that he/she must physically report to room 216 to sign-in the student. 4. arrive to ISS with all textbooks and materials necessary to complete class assignments. 5. complete ALL assignments before returning to regular class. This includes, but is not limited to, any assignment made directly by the ISS teacher. 6. accept the responsibility to schedule a time to meet with his/her teachers to present any class work that may have been missed while in ISS (labs, audiovisual presentations, oral reports, etc.).
The parent/guardian will: 1. contact the administrator/ ISS instructor via telephone or email to verify that he/she is aware of all ISS polices and procedures. The Auburn High School faculty will: 1. provide the student with an assignment sheet for the activities to be completed while assigned to ISS. Each teacher should provide written academic work for students to complete for his/her assigned class period. 2. submit the documented assignment sheet to the ISS teacher no later than 7:20 AM on the day the ISS assignment is to be served. 3. arrange for alternative assignments to be completed by a student assigned to ISS if the class is working on activities that cannot be completed in ISS. The assignment should be of a similar nature. The ISS teacher will: 1. be present in the classroom by 7:30 AM. 2. notify classroom teachers of students assigned to ISS. 3. contact parents/guardians who have failed to sign-in students. 4. document the distribution of each assignment, collect the work from each student at the end of each class period, and return completed work promptly to other teachers each day. 5. provide a disciplined environment conducive to learning. 6. supervise the students at all times throughout the day. 7. contact any faculty member who has not sent assignments for students to complete in ISS (as well as notify the administration). 8. dismiss any student who violates policy or procedure.
Students will work on academic assignments for their scheduled classes during the time frame that is allotted. All work must be completed before returning to regular class. In the event that assignments are completed ahead of schedule, the ISS teacher will allow students to either work on a previous class assignment or make an alternative assignment from the class resources. Student will not be allowed to work ahead of the schedule. Additional ISS rules: 1. Students will be assigned additional ISS time if all assigned work is not completed and or time is not completed. 2. Any student who is dismissed by the teacher for rules violations will be counted as suspended from school for the remainder of that day and will return to ISS upon returning to school to complete the ISS assignment. 3. Students will be required to do written work throughout the entire day. 4. Students will be required to remain seated throughout the day. Breaks and lunch will be supervised times that the students may be out of their seat.
5. Talking, sleeping, eating, drinking, leaning on furniture, listening to or playing with electronic devices, or any other behavior that may be considered a distraction will NOT be tolerated. Students who violate this policy will be subject to additional ISS time or out-of-school suspension. Students assigned to ISS will not be allowed to participate in or attend any extracurricular activities until they have completed their ISS assignment. This includes, but is not limited to, after school practices, performances, competitions, and clubs. The ISS teacher will notify student’s individual classroom teachers of the ISS assignment at least one day in advance. This will be part of the process for collecting assignments. An ISS attendance roster will be posted each day to all AHS faculty in order to verify who is present in ISS. This will help club sponsors, coaches, and directors to be aware of those students who will be missing from extra-curricular activities.
Severe Weather Definitions Severe Thunderstorm Watch: This means that conditions are right for a thunderstorm to develop. It is recommended that a secretary or the person he/she designates monitor weather reports while continuing with regular school activities. Severe Thunderstorm Warning: This means that a severe thunderstorm has developed and will probably affect those areas stated in the alert message. Tis alert lasts approximately one hour. Do not open windows, but lower blinds and drapes if you have time. Exterior doors should not be opened. Vehicles should not be on the roads; therefore schools will not be dismissed until the thunderstorm warning has been lifted. A secretary or other designee should monitor weather reports. Tornado Watch: this means that conditions are favorable for a tornado. Faculty and staff should prepare to respond to tornado warnings. Tornado Warnings: this means that a tornado has been spotted in the aea. Faculty and staff should follow the procedures for tornado warnings outlined in the Tornado Warning Plan. Statement regarding bus transportation during weather warnings: “When the National Weather Service issues a weather warning, Auburn City Schools immediately suspends bus transportation. If a warning is issued during morning and afternoon transport, each bus reports immediately to the nearest school where students are places inside the school building. Buses will not travel until the warning has expired. Buses will also not pick up students at bus stops during weather warnings.� Tornado Warning Plan 1. Lower blinds and close drapes 2. The following rooms are responsible for closing the outside doors nearest their rooms (assign someone this duty) 105, 108, 111 (Band Room), 112 (Choral Room), 201, 205, 212, 302, 311, 312, 501, 508, 511, 517. 3. The classroom door will be closed completely. 4. Students (with the exception of the 9000 building- see #14 below) will go into the halls nearest their room and be seated. Avoid hall areas near the entrance due to the hazard of flying glass. 5. All students will remain seated in the hall until the bell rings. If time for school dismissal occurs before the warning is lifter, students will remain seated in the halls. Students and teachers so not move during the warning. 6. Students in rooms 101, 102, 103, 106, 107, 108, and 109 will sit in the halls by rooms 309 and 310. 7. Students in rooms 104 and 105 will move into inner storage rooms. 8. Students in rooms 110, 111, 112 will sit in halls by rooms 213 and 214. 9. All students in the 400 building (gym) will move to the 200 building as indicated below. 10. Students in Boys PE will sit in the hall by the 523.
11. Students in Girls PE will sit in the hall by rooms 209 and 210. 12. Lunchroom workers will sit in the hall of the 300 building by room 305 and 306. 13. Students in room 601 will move to the 601 office area. Students in room 602 and 604 will move to the storage rooms in 602. Students in room 603 will move to the interior storage room. 14. 800 Building will proceed as follows: Rooms 829,830, 840, 841, and 843, will take A stairwell. These rooms will sit in the hallway in front of rooms 801, 802, and 803. Rooms 831, 832, 833, 9334, 836, and 837 will take B stairwell. These students will sit in the hallway in front of rooms 803, 804 and 805. 15. 9000 Building will proceed as follows: Downstairs – Rooms 9101, 9103, 9105, 9111, and 9113 should remain in your classroom. Room 9104 should move to 9101. Room 9106 should move to Room 9103. Room 9108 should move to Room 9105. Room 9114 should go to the Boy’s restroom, and Room 9116 should move to the Girl’s restroom. Upstairs – Rooms 9201, 9203, 9205 should remain in your classroom. Room 9211 should move downstairs to Room 9111. Room 9213 should move downstairs to Room 9113. Room 9204 should move to room 9201. Room 9206 should move to Room 9203. Room 9208 should move to 9205. Room 9214 should go downstairs to Room 9111 and Room 9216 should go downstairs to Room 9113. Ice/Snow Storm 1. If an ice storm is expected or has hit the area, a decision on school closing will be made by the Superintendent 2. Tune to the radio station for early morning reports: WAUD 1230 AM WKKR 97.9 FM 3. If the storm occurs during the day, the Superintendent will decide the action to be taken and advise the Principal. Fire Drill Evacuation The signal for building evacuation will be the first alarm bell. In case of emergency evacuation drills, the following procedures will be followed. 1. Leave all books in the classroom. (Teacher should take roll book.) 2. The last person leaving the room should close the door. (Assign someone to take this responsibility.) 3. Have students move as far away from the buildings as possible without blocking emergency vehicle access (At least 25 yards) 4. Remain outside until the bell rings: teachers and students stay together. 5. Do not use elevators during the drills. 6. If there are handicapped students that require special assistance (i.e. wheelchair bound, etc.), please seek help. Room Number
Exit Route
100 BUILDING Auditorium Cafeteria 101-102 Culinary Kitchen 106-109 110 Theatre Room 111 Band Room 112 Choral Room 200 BUILDING 201,202 203, 204 205, 206 207, 208, 209, 210 211, 212, 216, 217 213-215 Counseling Suite
Room Number 300 BUILDING 301 303 315, 316 312 305 308 302 307 309 306
Nearest Exit Parking Lot Exit to 9000 parking lot Nearest Exit to Cemetery Nearest Exit to Cemetery 200 Exit to Dean Road South Exit to Dean Road Band parking lot exit to Samford Ave. Main Exit, Left Door to Dean Rd Gym Exit, Left Door to Dean Rd Gym Exit, Right Door to Dean Rd 300 Exit, Right Door left of Dean Rd Fine Arts Exit to Dean Rd Main Exit, Right Door Main Exit, Center Door to Dean Rd
Exit Route
200 Exit, Left Door 200 Exit, Left Middle Door 200 Exit, Right Middle Door 200 Exit, Right Middle Door 500 Exit, Left Door 500 Exit, Left Middle Door 500 Exit, Right Door 500 Exit, Right Middle Door Cemetery Exit, Left Door Cemetery Exit, Right Door
311 310 400 BUILDING 402 Weight Room Girls’ PE Boys’ PE 500 BUILDING 501 - 507 508, 509 510, 511, 513, 514 516, 518, 519 517 521, 525, 526 522, -527
Shop, Cafeteria Exit, Left Door Shop, Cafeteria Exit, Right Door
200 Exit to baseball field 200 Exit to baseball field 200 Exit to baseball field Baseball Field Exit Baseball Field Exit Cemetery Parking Lot Exit Cemetery Parking Lot Exit 300 Exit, Middle Door 300 Exit, Left Door Old Gym Exit to Baseball field
600 BUILDING All Rooms
Nearest Exit
800 BUILDING Media Center, 818, 817, MMR 801, 802, 803, 829, 830, 831 804, 805, 832, 833 806, 808, 834, 836 809, 812, 813, 840, 841, 837
Exit Doors facing Dean Road Exit Doors facing 800 Parking Lot Exit Doors facing Baseball Field Exit Doors facing Baseball Field Exit Doors facing Courtyard, right to Baseball Field
9000 BUILDING 9101, 9103, 9104, 9105 9106, 9108 9111, 9113, 9114, 9116 9201,9203,9204, 9205, 9206, 9208 9211, 9213, 9214, 9216 ADMINISTRATION BUILD. All Rooms
Exit to 300 parking lot and then to track Baseball field exit and then to track Exit to north stairwell to 300 parking lot and then to track Exit to south stairwell to baseball field and then to track Nearest Exit
Building Intruder (s) In the vent that someone or group entered the building and threatened to harm students or staff the first priority must be their safety. Every situation is different, but several general guidelines should be followed. 1. Teachers should be well schooled in the need to remain calm so that the Students don’t become unduly alarmed. 2. The classroom door should be locked and the students should remain silent and out of the line of vision ( blinds closed) 3. If a call back on the intercom or telephone is possible, the office should be notified immediately. 4. The office in turn will announce: “The school is now in lockdown.” Also, a series of short bells will be used to help announce that the building is in lockdown. 5. The emergency 911 number should be used to notify the police. Specific detail such as the number of people involved, weapons, location, place of entry into the building, general description of people involved and vehicle should be provided. The Superintendent’s office should be notified after the police. 6. School staff should not attempt intervention unless as a last resort, but careful attentions to the directions of emergency personnel, i.e., police, firemen, and paramedics should be given. School staff with first aid training should be previously identified and provided first aid kits. 7. Office staff should also be well schooled in the need to remain calm and to avoid exaggerated statements to parents of press both during and after the emergency. 8. After the emergency, every effort should be made to assure students and staff and to provide them with accurate information. 9. In anticipation of a rapid checkout of students, an accelerated method, which takes into consideration the obvious concern of parents, should be planned. 10. A coordinated press release from the Superintendent’s office should be developed and the public fully informed, including plans for reopening school.
Air Crash or Explosion Any air crash or unexpected explosion would necessitate evacuation of the building. Evacuation procedures for fire would be used to clear the building as fire and further explosions are a possibility. Emergency Procedures: 1. If students are in location where there is flying material, every effort will be made to seek protection under desks, as well as covering faces with arms books, coats or any immediately available protective covering. Students will remain in this position until flying debris has stopped. 2. Evacuation of the building will be made following the standard fire procedure. 3. Stay away from crash debris due to danger of explosions or metal fragments.
Bomb Threat Procedure
Any bomb threat will require the immediate evacuation of the building. Evacuation procedures for a fire will be used to clear the building as explosives and fires are a possibility. 1. Upon receiving a bomb threat, the threat call checklist should be completed. The threat call checklist will be available at all phones 2. The person receiving the call should make every attempt to: a. Prolong the conversation as long as possible. b. Identify background noises. c. Note distinguish vice characteristics. d. Interrogate the call as to the description of the bomb(s), its location, and when it is due to explode. e. Determine the caller’s knowledge of the facility. f. Don’t hang up the phone! Use another phone to call authorities. 3. The person receiving the call will immediately notify the Principal. If time does not permit, the person receiving the call should call the Police Department at 911 and inform them of the bomb threat an all details that wee obtained when the threat was received, The Police Department will notify the Fire Department and the Bomb Squad. Earthquakes It s very unlikely that an earthquake would affect the school, but due to major fault lines in the area, there is a possibility. Therefore, personnel should be familiar with the following procedures in the even the ground tremors occur. If Inside: 1. To protect from falling objects, take cover in the following manner: 2. Get beneath a desk, table or bench. If possible cover with coat or other material to minimize injury. 3. In no cover is available, get against inside doorway or crouch against inside wall and cover head. Stag away from walls and windows. 4. All doors should be OPEN to minimize jamming if the building shifts. 5. Stay put and take the best cover. Do not attempt to run through the building or outside. If in a bathroom with no desk or furniture, get against inside wall or inside doorway and crouch. If Outside: 1. Move quickly away from the building ans away from overhead electrical wires. 2. Lie flat, face down, and wait for shock to subside. 3. Take roll of students and report to Crisis Response Team when safe to do so. 4. Do not attempt to enter the building until authorized to do so. 5. Do not touch fallen wires 6. Be alert for instructions from the Crisis Response Team. Hazardous Materials or Chemical Spills Warnings or hazardous materials incidents will be received from the Fire Department of Police Department. If Outside:
1. The principal will be advised by the notifying agency as to the type of procedures to follow regarding the type of hazardous material is involved. 2. If the faculty and students can not evacuate the building, the Principal will advise the teachers to stay indoors and close all windows and doors. Students and teachers who are outside will return to classrooms immediately. 3. The custodians and assistants will shout down all ventilation to the classrooms 4. Teachers and students will remain in the classrooms until told to move to another area. If Inside: 1. The custodians and the administrators will secure the area of the spill. 2. Care will be taken to avoid any contact with the chemical spill or hazardous material. 3. The Principal will assess the problem and notify the Fire Department for directions. 4. Evacuation of the building will follow Fire drill procedures.
Field Trip Emergency/Bus Wreck General Procedures: 1. Prior to boarding the bus for departure a list of all bus passengers including students, teachers, parents and other volunteers should be filed with the Principal’s office. 2. Teachers should place their copy of the list in their Emergecny Checkout Folder to be taken with them on the Field Trip. 3. A transportation plan, which includes specific routes/highways, the buses will travel to reach the destination and return will be filed with the Principal’s office by the bus drivers or other appropriate individuals (coordinating teacher). This transportation plan should include the time of departure and estimated time of return to school.
Procedures in case of accident or breakdown: 1. A standard procedure for bus drivers in the event of a breakdown or accident is as follows: The bus driver is the individual with the primary responsibility for his/her passenger’s safety and instructions given by the bus driver should be followed by all passengers, including students, teacher, parents and other volunteers. 2. In the event of an accident renders the bus driver incapable of exercising the responsibilities outlined above, these responsibilities shall revert to the teacher or teachers in charge of the activity. Teachers in charge should be thoroughly familiar with the standard procedures covering the responsibilities of the bus driver. Standard Procedures for Bus Accidents and Evacuations (Prepared by the Transportation Director) A. In Case of Collision: 6. Remain calm. 7. Check students for injuries. 8. Keep students on the buss unless hazardous conditions warrant their removal. If necessary to evacuate follow procedure.
9. CHECK THE BUS AND BE SURE TO ACCOUNT FOR ALL STUDENTS. 10. Notify proper authorities. It is a good idea to have a list of students on the bus. 11. If you do not have a radio or it is at night, send a teacher or adult volunteer to call. If help or assistance fails to materialize, keep enough change for a pay phone attached to the emergency phone list. 12. Place warning devices to protect students and bus from further accidents or injury. 13. Do not release students to anyone unless medical aid is required or school authorities approve it. 14. Be sure to get all student names. Get as much information as possible from the other driver (s) witnesses.
B. Bus breakdown procedure: 1. Stop bus as far to the right as possible. 2. Keep students on the bus. 3. Place warning devices at appropriate locations on the highway. 4. Contact the terminal. Use a telephone if the radio on the bus will not work. The number is 887-2134 5. Evacuate, only if hazardous conditions warrant. Children are much better protected on the bus. a. There are three exits for evacuation b. Stand facing students. c. Give command to evacuate calmly. d. Direct students to front or rear or both. All items should remain on the bus. Move quickly, one seat at a time. e. Get 50 to 100 feet away from the bus. f. Be certain the emergency brake is set and the ignition is turned off before leaving the seat. NOTE: If rear door evacuation is used, make every attempt to have two adults assist those getting off the bus.
Emergency Closing of Schools In the event severe weather of emergency conditions exists the Superintendent must decide whether school will be opened. When the safety of students and staff is n question the decision will be made to close the schools. In the absence of the Superintendent, the Assistant Superintendent for Administration or his designee will make the decision to close schools. A. Procedures to Follow 1. The Superintendent will confer with the Auburn Police Division, the Lee County Emergency Management Agency, the Lee County Highway Department, and/or other officials in deciding whether to close schools. 2. The Auburn City School Transportation Coordinator will check the condition of the streets in the City of Auburn. A report of road conditions will be made to the Superintendent or his designee by 5:30 a.m. The Superintendent or his designee will contact the Lee County Emergency Management Agency, The Auburn Police Division,
or the Alabama State Troopers to obtain a recommendation concerning the roads. He or she will also contact Alabama Power Company and the Lee County Emergency Management Agency to obtain information regarding power outages. 3. The Transportation Coordinator and/or Supervisor of Custodians/Transportation will inform. The Superintendent or his designee of prevailing road conditions prior to 5:30 a.m. If the roads are safe for travel and all school buildings have heat, the Auburn City Schools will remain open. B. If the Schools are to be closed 1. The Superintendent or his designee will inform each Principal of the decision to close schools. Each Principal is to assume that schools are open until notification to the contrary is given by phone or over the radio. 2. The Communications Supervisor will notify radio and television stations serving the area of the decision to close schools. (WAUD, WANI, WKKR, WBIL, WLWI, WSFA, WRBL, WTVM) 3. All daytime and evening school activities are automatically canceled during the time schools are closed. Area day care programs will be contacted. 4. Supervisory/Administrative Personnel will secure the buildings for which they are responsible when it is prudent to do so after receiving notification that schools are closed. 5. During the time schools are closed, Principals will check their buildings daily and meet at 8:00 a.m. at the Central Office to inform the Superintendent of the conditions of their schools. The Superintendent will prescribe more frequent inspections if conditions warrant. 6. When conditions permit the schools to be reopened, radio and television stations serving the area will be notified. a. When possible the announcement will be released to the media the evening prior to reopening. b. When an announcement cannot be made the day before the scheduled opening, the announcement will be released by 6:15 a.m. for that day. The announcement will include information regarding a regular or alternate schedule. When the alternate schedule is used, all school personnel will report at the regular time. 7. If it becomes apparent that the schools will have to be closed during the day, the following steps will be taken: a. The Superintendent will make the decision to close schools. In the absence of the Superintendent, the decision will be made by the Assistant Superintendent or legally designated individual. b. The Communication Supervisor will contact the Child Nutrition Director, Transportation Coordinator, Supervisor of Custodians/Transportation, and the Maintenance Coordinator, to inform them of the decision to close schools. c. Notice will be given to all schools, transportation and food service centers. 1. The Assistant Superintendent or Superintendent’s office designee will call the Principals to inform them of the time of closing and bus schedules. In the event the telephones are inoperable, the Principals will be contacted by radio or the Superintendents and/or Central Office designee will drive to the schools and provide the Principals with needed
information. Area day care centers will be contacted by phone , if possible. 2. The Communication Supervisor will call area radio and television stations to inform them of the decision. d. All school personnel will remain at their assigned stations until released by the Principal. e. Each Principal should communicate this policy to parents and should establish a procedure for releasing students to parents for approved substitute.
A REMINDER: When emergency conditions develop during the school day, telephone calls to the school or the Central Office prevent efficient information releases. School officials must maintain almost constant contact with the Auburn Police Department, Lee County Emergency Management Agency and other officials. Please do not interfere with the receipt and dissemination of information by calling the school or Superintendent’s Office with inquires. Telephone lines must be available for official and emergency communications. “Shelter-In-Place” Auburn High School In the event that a “Shelter-In-Place” becomes necessary at Auburn High School, a general announcement will be made over the intercom system instructing teachers to read e-mail immediately. A general announcement will be made by one of the administrators such as; “Teachers, may I have your attention please. At this time you are asked to read the last posted e-mail from the office staff.” This announcement will serve as the initial step to move into action. The following list documents designated individuals to serve as area leaders as well as areas to be sheltered at once. 100 Building Mr. Richburg and Mr. Williams Telephone/Computer Safe Areas - - Art Room (104), Dark Room (105), Shop Closet (103) JROTC Sgt Major Johnson Telephone/Computer/Two-way Radio Safe Areas- - Nurses Office, Kitchen, JROTC Closet Athletic Office Coach McCall and Mrs. Gill Telephone/Computer Safe Areas - - Coach McCall’s Office 601 Mr. Killingsworth Telephone/Computer
Safe Area - - Storage Closet Cafeteria Mrs. Ogburn and any other adult faculty present Telephone/Computer Safe Areas - - Kitchen Storage Closet, Electrical Closet, Lobby Restrooms, Band Area Auditorium/Band Dr. Logan and Mr. Smith Telephone/Computer/Two-way Radio Safe Area - - Music Closets, Band Practice Areas 200 Building Cassie Fairley and Tiffany Pitts Telephone/Computer/Two-way Radio Safe Areas - - Coach Roberson’s room (217) Coach Tolbert’s Office (216) 300 Building Mr. Bagwell and Mrs. Steltenpohl Telephone/Computer/Two-way Radio Safe Areas - - Rooms 303, 307, 309, 315 and Teacher Workroom 500 Building Coach Tucker, Mr. Casarona and Mr. Knight Telephone/Computer/Two-way Radio Safe Areas - - Rooms 505, 513, 519, 526, 800 Building Coach Crum, Mr. York -- Upper Mr. Pennisi, Mrs. Simmons and Mr. Thompson -- Lower Telephone/Computer/Two-way Radio Safe Areas - - Multi-media Room (MMR), Storage area of MMR, Bookroom, Restrooms, Teacher Workrooms, History Office Gym Coach Cimo and Coach Vaughn Telephone/Computer/Two-way Radio Exit through breezeway to 500 and 200 areas If outside report to either the Athletic Field House or the nearest building Administration Building Administration Move the Incident Command Center through the breezeway to the Counselor’s Office.
The designated individuals of each area will be responsible for coordination the students to a safe area. The exact location will depend on the number of students located in a specific area for that time frame of the day. The following pages include specific instructions for each area.
Request Acceptable use of Technology Discipline Drug-Free workplace Field Trip Fundraiser FX for student attendance Leave Leave expense Maintenance work order Moving equipment with fixed asset code Parent Consent for field trip Pest citing Purchase order request Reserve Gyms/Auditorium/Cafeteria Reserve lab/MMR/classrooms Sexual Harrassment Sick Leave Staff member accident Statement of Hours worked Student accident Student missing textbook Teacher certificate renewal Technology work order Test Security form
Form CO forms drive DISC 6-12 Disciplinary Referral CO forms drive Field Trip Request Request to Conduct Fundraiser FX Reporting Leave Request Leave Request Expense Summary Email to Ross Reed Fixed Asset Addition-Transfer Parent or Guardian Consent Email to Mrs. Torbert PO-40-AHS-Local Email to Ross Reed Email to Nikki Robertson CO forms drive Leave Request Local Education Agency Injury Statement of Hours Worked Standard Student Accident Report Missing Textbook CO forms drive Form on L drive Form on L drive
Timeline to submit First day of contract As soon as it happens First day of contract 2 weeks prior to trip date 3 weeks prior to trip date Every 4 1/2 weeks As soon as you know Immediately after you return As soon as you know it Before you move it Prior to trip When you see it As soon as you want to schedule As soon as you want to schedule First day of contract First day of contract When it happens After work is completed When it happens When course ends First day of contract As soon as you know it First day of contract
Submit to Freeman Jeter, Hayes, Reed Freeman Freeman Freeman Hayes Freeman Freeman Reed Robertson, N None- keep in personal file Torbert Tanaka, Potter Reed Robertson, Massey, Lyle Freeman Freeman Freeman Freeman Freeman Hayes Freeman Robertson, N Hayes
Auburn High School Professional Learning Community meeting schedule Date 6-Aug 8-Aug 8-Aug 9-Aug 13-Aug 13-Aug 14-Aug 14-Aug 15-Aug 15-Aug 16-Aug 17-Aug 17-Aug 28-Aug 5-Sep 6-Sep 6-Sep 10-Sep 8-Oct 11-Oct 24-Oct 24-Oct 8-Nov 13-Nov 20-Dec 2-Jan 2-Jan 9-Jan 10-Jan 14-Jan 7-Feb 11-Feb 27-Feb 11-Mar 12-Mar 14-Mar March 18-22 8-Apr 16-Apr 2-May 6-May 7-May
Time 7:30- noon 12:30-3:30 8:00-noon 8:00-11 8:00-noon 11:30-1:00 7:30-13:00 7:30-10:30 8:00-noon 8:00-noon 8:00-10:00 8:00-10:00 1:30-2:30 6:00-7:30 3:20-4:00 7:20-7:45 All day All day 3:20 All day All day 11-Aug All day 3:20 12:00-1:30 8-10 am TBD 6:00-7:30 All day All day All day 3:02 3:20-4:00 3:20-4:00 7:20-7:45 All day All day 3:20 TBD 6:00 3:20-4:00 7:20-7:45
Location Cafeteria Yarbough Elementary 201 201 MMR Cafeteria 817 818 Auditorium 817 MMR, 837, 815, 802 Auditorium MMR Auditorium MMR MMR 201 201 MMR 201 Cafeteria, MMR, ACCESS lab TBD 201 MMR Cafeteria MMR TBD Auditorium 201 201 201 MMR MMR MMR MMR 201 MMR MMR TBC Auditorium MMR MMR
Event New Teacher breakfast and meeting STARS Progress Monitoring Tool Training for Tier III English 10 and 11 and Algebra I teachers Leadership Team meeting DSI Team orientation Staff meeting Faculty luncheon INOW orientation sessions (teachers attend one 30-minute session with Charlene Williams) RtI Student database Google Doc orientation (teachers attend one 30-minute session Learning Focused workshop for Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies and World Languages STI Assessment Orientation and Training for English 10, 11 and 12 and US History 10 and 11 teachers Marzano, Classroom management, Sheltered Instruction and AP/IB training System-wide Institute Meeting AHS Staff meeting PTO Meet the Teacher Night Staff meeting- EDUCATE Alabama teacher orientation EDUCATE Alabama teacher orientation make up session DSI Team meetings STI Assessment Coaching for English 10, 11 and 12 and US History 10 and 11 teachers Staff meeting DSI Team meetings PLAN administration School Improvement PLC meetings DSI Team meetings Staff meeting Christmas party for all AHS staff members Staff meeting School Improvement PLC meetings Curriculum Night DSI Team meetings STI Assessment Coaching for English 10, 11 and 12 and US History 10 and 11 teachers DSI Team meetings Staff meeting Accreditation Review Staff meeting-AHSGE training for all teachers Staff meeting- AHSGE training make up session DSI Team meetings AHSGE administration Staff meeting School Improvement PLC meetings Awards Ceremony Staff meeting- School Improvement Plan review Staff meeting- School Improvement Plan review make up session
Department PLC meetings are established by the deparment chair
Auburn High School Professional Learning Community meeting schedule 14-May 24-May 24-May
All day 8:00-10:00 10:30
201 Auditorium MMR
STI Assessment Coaching for English 10, 11 and 12 and US History 10 and 11 teachers Institute Meeting Staff meeting- End of Year Celebration
Department PLC meetings are established by the deparment chair
CAFETERIA SUPERVISION SCHEDULE WEEK WAVE 1 8/20-8/24 AGLAN / DUKE 8/27-8/31 BYRNE / GARCIA 9/4-9/7 DALRYMPLE / STELTENPOHL 9/10-9/14 MCGUIRE / PALEOLOGOS 9/17-9/21 P WILLIAMS / BAGWELL 9/24-9/28 ALEXANDER / STARR 10/1-10/5 RAMSEY / ROBERTS 10/8-10/12 RICE / NORTON 10/15-10/19 SANDERS / J. YEAGER 10/22-10/26 DAVIS / TURNER 10/29-11/2 WARD / GLASS 11/5-11/9 AGLAN / DUKE 11/12-11/16 BYRNE / GARCIA 11/19-11/21 DALRYMPLE / STELTENPOHL 11/26-11/30 MCGUIRE / PALEOLOGOS 12/3-12-7 P WILLIAMS / BAGWELL 12/10-12/14 ALEXANDER / STARR 12/17-12/21 RAMSEY / ROBERTS 1/3-1/4 RICE / NORTON 1/7-1/11 SANDERS / J. YEAGER 1/14-1/18 DAVIS / TURNER 1/21-1/25 WARD / GLASS 1/28-2/1 AGLAN / DUKE 2/4-2/8 BYRNE / GARCIA 2/11-2/15 DALRYMPLE / STELTENPOHL 2/18-2/22 MCGUIRE / PALEOLOGOS 2/25-3/1 P WILLIAMS / BAGWELL 3/4-3/8 ALEXANDER / STARR 3/11-3/15 RAMSEY / ROBERTS 3/18-3/22 RICE / NORTON 4/1-4/5 SANDERS / J. YEAGER 4/8-4/12 DAVIS / TURNER
4/15-4/18 4/22-4/26 4/29-5/3 5/6-5/10 5/13-5/17 5/20-5/23
8 TEACHER ADVISOR GROUPS 2012-2013 SENIORS JUNIORS STUDENT NAME ADVISOR ROOM STUDENT NAME ADVISOR Abraham - Atkin F. Glass 9201 Adams - Avery D. Yeager Atkinson - Bezdek A. Leikvold 211 Baharanyi - Binnix M. Cimo Birchfield - Brown C. Cox 511 Birdsong - Brooks R. Cummins Buckley - Chen H. Davis 305 Brown - Chandler G. Sanders Choi - Davis M. Dalrymple 306 Chang - Cowper B. Busbin Deem - Elzie S. Zuwiyya 9106 Crawford – Doyle M. Aglan Ennis - Futrell S. Hutchinson 108 Drummonds - Finley B. Stephenson Gallagher - Grow D. Killingsworth 109 Flanagan - Gembel J. Dyer Hall - Hodges R. Logan 111 Gibson - Guyton N. Garcia Holloway - Jacobs A. Marshall 108 Hakel - Helmke A Warner James - Jones A. Martin 9103 Henderson - Hu R. Duke Jordan - Kucuktas A. McGuire 9211 Hubbard - Johnson J. Segars Kuerten - Lieb L. Fralish 832 Jones - Knight S. Taylor Lightfoot - Luebke B. Pickens 9213 Lall - Lueck D. Norton Luper - McClendon J. Rice 310A Machen - McGinty L. Osborne McCollum - Menefield M. York 837 McInroy - Muehlenfeld T. Paleologos Miller - Nelms E. Smith 112 Newby - Parsons S. Holder Newman - Patterson D. Bagwell 315 Patel - Price J. Everett Pecot - Pugh K. Mock 110 Promisee - Rogers D. Roberts Rabb - Roberts H. Turner 9216 Rouse - Shafer M. Richburg Robicheaux - Simile J. Vaughn Gym Sheldon - Stanley P. Smith Sims - Strickland B. Ward 9208 Starr - Taylor A. Starr Suh - Tolbert J. Wentworth 9108 Teshome - Turner B. Williams Torrance - Whatley A. Wilkinson 9104 Turnham - Wilkinson L. Steltenpohl Wheat - Zartman S. Acker 803 Williams - Zhu S. Davidson
STUDENT NAME Adams – Balch-Crystal Barber - Bottcher Bowden - Canty Capps - Corbitt Cordi - Dickson Doan - Fasina Ferguson - Furman Gallaway - Hamilton Han - Hix Holmes - Hwang Irwin - Kaye Kelsoe - Langston Lee - Linn Little - McBurney McCall - Mills Minor - Nesmith Neuhoff - Pennington Perez - Pritchett Provo - Riggs Riley - Sesek Sessions - Smith Smithart - Tate Thomas - Vinson Wallace – Wheeler White - Zhao
Revised 4/11/2012
SOPHOMORES ADVISOR S. Arington S. Byrne S. Sanker J. Foster P. Casarona T. Wymes E. Crum M. Glisson M. Forsyth K. Hall S. Irwin C. Kirk G. Oks J. Pennisi N. Tucker H. Robinson B. Ramsey C. Alexander W. Johnson D. Thompson T. Booker K. Dodgen P. Williams A. Robertson H. Stevens
ROOM 841 Gym 833 9214 843 302 834 504 9206 830 301 526 206 310B 307 9204 203 808 9114 604 213 516 107 312 806
ROOM 601 9111 840 832 513 815 829 522 813 804 9105 801 9101 809 523 805 9116 517 525 802 205 831 311 204 508
Regular Schedule Warning Bell First Period Second Period Third Period Fourth Period Advisor Schedule Warning Bell First Period Advisor Period Second Period Third Period Fourth Period PLAN Schedule (10/24/12) Warning Bell Testing Period First Period Second Period Third Period Fourth Period AM Activity Schedule Warning Bell First Period Activity Period Second Period Third Period Third Period Fourth Period PM Activity Schedule Warning Bell First Period Second Period Third Period Fourth Period First Day of School Schedule (8/20/12) Warning Bell Advisor Period First Period Second Period Third Period Fourth Period Final Exam Schedule Warning Bell Exam Period I Brunch Exam Period II
7:45 7:50 ‐ 9:30 9:36 ‐ 11:12 11:18 ‐ 1:28 1:34 ‐ 3:10 7:45 7:50 ‐ 9:14 9:20 ‐ 9:30 9:36 ‐ 11:12 11:18 ‐ 1:28 1:34 ‐ 3:10 7:45 7:50 ‐ 11:10 11:17 ‐ 12:37 12:44 ‐ 1:28 1:35 ‐ 2:19 2:26 ‐ 3:10 7:45 7:50 ‐ 9:21 9:27 ‐ 9:47 9:54 ‐ 11:25 11:32 ‐ 1: 11:32 1:32 32 1:39 ‐ 3:10 7:45 7:50 ‐ 9:20 9:27 ‐ 10:57 11:04 ‐ 1:04 1:11 ‐ 3:10 7:45 7:50 ‐ 8:39 8:46 ‐ 10:09 10:16 ‐ 11:39 11:46 ‐ 1:40 1:47 ‐ 3:10 7:45 7:50 ‐ 9:45 9:40 ‐ 10:15 10:15 ‐ 12:10
Regular Lunch Wave Schedule First Wave 11:20 ‐ 11:52 Second Wave 11:52 ‐ 12:24 Third Wave 12:24 ‐ 12:56 Fourth Wave 12:56 ‐ 1:28 *Warning bell rings 5 minutes before wave ends PSAT Schedule (10/17/12) Warning Bell 7:45 Testing Period 7:50 ‐ 11:10 First Period 11:17 ‐ 12:37 Second Period 12:44 ‐ 1:28 Third Period 1:35 ‐ 2:19 Fourth Period 2:26 ‐ 3:10 PSAT/PLAN Lunch Wave Schedule First Wave (900, 300, 500) 11:17 ‐ 11:51 Second Wave(100, 200, 600, 800, Band, Choir, PE) 12:02 ‐ 12:37
AM Lunch Wave Schedule First Wave 11:32 ‐ 12:00 Second Wave 12:00 ‐ 12:30 Third Wave 12:30 ‐ 1:00 Fourth Wave 1:00 ‐ 1:32 *Warning bellll ri *Warning be rings ngs 5 mi minutes nutes before before wave en ends ds PM Lunch Wave Schedule First Wave 11:04 ‐ 11:35 Second Wave 11:35 ‐ 12:05 Third Wave 12:05 ‐ 12:35 Fourth Wave 12:35 ‐ 1:04 *Warning bell rings 5 minutes before wave ends First Day Lunch Wave Schedule (8/20/12) First Wave 11:46 ‐ 12:15 Second Wave 12:15 ‐ 12:45 Third Wave 12:45 ‐ 1:10 Fourth Wave 1:10 ‐ 1:40 *Warning bell rings 5 minutes before wave ends Final Exam Brunch Schedule 200, 500, 900 All Other Buildings Warning Bell to end Brunch
9:40 9:45 10:12
39 Campus Supervision Assignments 2012-2013 Parking Lots 9000 Band 800 Lot Bus Duty Old Gym Courtyard Breezeways 200/300 200/Gym 200/Fine Arts
Gym/500 300/500 9000 Front 500/800 Bathrooms
7:30-7:45 Killingsworth/Martin Logan Pegues Antoine, Busbin, Forsyth, Kirk, Robinson, Shipman Vaughn Brown R. Reed Freeman P. Smith Sgt Maj Johnson Jeter Hayes Cox
3:10 – 3:30
Class Change st 1 to 2nd Wilkinson Richburg Carter
Class Change rd 2nd to 3 Norton McCall Sanker
Class Change 3rd to 4th Bagwell Brandt Acker
Cimo Reed/Jeter/Brown
Vaughn Reed/Jeter
Cimo Reed/Jeter
Steltenpohl Booker Thomas Segars Duke Holder Dyer
Davis A. Robertson V. Robertson Casarona Alexander Zuwiyya Pennisi
Rice Cimo P. Smith Tucker Aglan/Dalrymple Ramsey Stevens
Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty
Fine Arts Boys Fine Arts Girls
E. Smith E. Smith Logan Logan Mock Mock Mock Mock 100 Boys Killingsworth Killingsworth B.Williams B. Williams 100 Girls Marshall Hutchinson Leikvold Free 200 Boys P. Smith V. Roberson Bailey/Tolbert V. Roberson 200 Girls Collier Pitts Fairley Warren 300 Boys Rice Norton Rice Rice 300 Girls P. Williams P. Williams Duke Osborne 500 Boys Tucker Segars Johnson Johnson 500 Girls Alexander Starr Alexander Link 600 Boys Brandt Arington Brandt Arington 600 Girls Gill Gill Gill Gill 800U Boys York Crum York Cummins 800U Girls Dodgen Fralish Yeager Fralish 800L Boys Thompson Pennisi Pennisi Thompson 800L Girls Hall Everett Hall Shipman 900U Boys Ward Sanders Pickens Ward 900U Girls McGuire Garcia Glass Garcia 900L Boys Irwin Martin Ramsey J. Yeager 900L Girls Holder Wilkinson Oks Clark Lunch Supervision: See your assignment under lunch supervision in the teacher handbook Administration Administration Administration Administration Administration New Gym Carter Pegues Pegues/Glisson Glisson CafĂŠ AM. Foster / J. Yeager Teachers are required to be in their assigned area daily for the entire time listed. Please include your supervision assignment in your instructions left for substitute teachers. In the case of bathroom assignments, the sub may have to ask another teacher to do this for them. Counselors need to be in their offices before and after school and during class changes. During all class changes, as well as five minutes before and after school, teachers should be in the hallways outside their classroom doors to supervise student behavior if they do not have an assigned area at that time.
Hosemann Arington CPO Brown
Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty
Extension Numbers Auburn High School 887-4970 Antoine, Beth Brandt, Chris Brown, Marvin Cafeteria Carter, Tim Ofc. (1) 4938 Casarona, Paul Cimo, Matt Collier, Cynthia Fairley, Cassie Farrow, Carol Freeman, Todd Gill, Darlene Hall, Karen Hayes, Lisa Hutchinson, Sonya Jeter, Anthony Job Coach Johnson, Sgt. Maj. W. Killingsworth, David Knight, Melody Logan, Rusty Main Line Marshall, Audrey Massey, Amanda McCall, Clay Osborne, Laurie Owen, Leigh Pitts, Tiffany Potter, Andrea
4931 4965 4984 4987 4960 (2) 4939 4964 4962 4976 4981 4982 4971 4969 4996 4972 6389 4980 6382 4991 4995 4985 4986 4970 4994 4989 4968 6380 4988 4975 4935
Quick Reference Numbers Central Office Fax Number Auburn Early Ed. Auburn Junior High Drake Middle Ogletree Elementary Richland Road Wrights Mill Road Yarbrough Elementary Girls B’ball Coach Maintenance (C. Johnson) Transportation (D. Ingram)
887-2100 887-2107 887-4950 887-1960 887-1940 887-4920 887-1980 887-1990 887-1970 887-4967 887-491t 887-4915
Price, Christy Reed, Ross Richburg, Mahlon Roberson, Vance Smith, Eron Spears, Dibba Special Ed Office Student Phone Thompson, Davis Tindell, James Tolbert, Frank Torbert, Rosie Vaughn, Jan Warren, Nichole Williams, Byron
4979 4973 4993 6378 4999 4998 4914 6383 4934 4930 4963 4977 4936 4961 4997
200 Workroom 300 Workroom 500 Workroom 800 Workroom Lower 800 Workroom Upper 900 Workroom Upper
6372 6373 6374 6375 6376 6371
Access Lab (Allison Link)
MC Data Room AHS Fax
6388 887-4177
Joy Stanley Debbie Rice Cary Woods Dean Road Dental Clinic
707-1219 444-9637 887-4940 887-4900 887-1948
Extra-curricular Activities 2012-2013 Club:
AHS Committee of 25 Anime Society Color Guard/Honor Guard Comedy Club DECA Democratic Action Club Diamond Dolls Drill Team Environmental Club Family Career & Community Leaders of America Fellowship of Christian Athletes Film Appreciation Society Free Thinkers French Club French Honor Society Future Business Leaders of America Future Farmers of America Future Teachers of America German Club German Honor Society Hal Moore Leadership Academy Homecoming Committee HOSA Junior Civitan Key Club Math Team Mu Alpha Theta Multi Cultural Club National Art Honor Society National Honor Society Photography Powder Puff Raider Team Rifle Team Scholars Bowl Team Schools for Schools Science Club Skills U.S.A. SNACK Spanish Club Spanish Honor Society Student Council Student Outreach for Christ The Sheet Tiger Ambassadors Tiger TV Virtual Library Club Youth in Government Club Yearbook Young Adults in Transition
M. Forsyth, S. Shipman M. Forsyth W. Johnson. J. Segars C. Cox D. Killingsworth A. Martin Hollis Davis W. Johnson, J. Segars D. Norton, P. Williams A. Leikvold M. Cimo, T. Carter, R. Cummins S. Sanker T. Freeman G. Oks G. Oks A. Marshall, S. Hutchinson M. Richburg J. Wentworth A. Martin A. Martin B. Busbin N. Marzulo L. Osborne D. Yeager R. Duke & Steltenpohl B. Ward, G. Sanders H. Turner A. Wilkinson J. Dyer S. Davidson H. Stevens A. Robertson W. Johnson, J. Segars W. Johnson, J. Segars M. Dalrymple S. Arington B. Williams, P. Casarona A. Robertson S. Zuwiyya S. Irwin L. Fralish, S. Sanker A. McGuire, P. Williams, Ben Ward D. Thompson L. Hayes, A. Marshall, B. Ramsey, N. Robertson B. Antoine N. Robertson M. Forsyth, D. Yeager S. Shipman B. Schiffer, A. Moore
25 Class Activities/Special Event:
Homecoming Prom Sophomore Class Sponsor Junior Class Sponsor Senior Class Sponsor PTO Representative
L. Fralish (Events), N. Marzulo (Dance), H. Davis (Court) H. Stevens, H. Turner S. Ware A. Moore, S. Searcy J. Yeager, J. Tindell N. Robertson
Head Coach
Cheerleading Football Volleyball Cross Country Swimming Boys Basketball Girls Basketball Wrestling Baseball Boys Golf Girls Golf Softball Boys Tennis Girls Tennis Track
J. Everett T. Carter J. Vaughn D. Norton/K. D. Calloway J. Dellinger F. Tolbert T. Dawson (AJHS) N. Tucker M. Cimo D. Smith M. Glisson C. Spencer (AJHS) M. Hooper (AJHS) B. Cloud (DMS) D. Norton/L. Oliver (DMS)
Faculty and Staff 2012-2013 Language Arts Mrs. Julie Wentworth, Ch. Mrs. Sally Acker Mrs. Beth Antoine Mrs. Suzette Davidson Ms. Joanna Everett Ms. Meghan Forsyth Mrs. Karen Hall Mrs. Christy Kirk Mr. John Pennisi Mrs. Amy Robertson Mrs. Holly Robinson Mrs. Samantha Shipman Mr. Davis Thompson Ms. Terri Wymes
Science Mrs. Pené Williams, Ch. Mrs. Mary Ann Aglan Mrs. Cindy Alexander Mr. Drew Bagwell Mrs. Mary Dalrymple Mrs. Hollis Davis Mrs. Robin Duke Mr. Dan Norton Mr. Jamie Rice Mrs. Alison Starr Mrs. Laura Steltenpohl Social Studies Mr. Ryan Cummins, Ch. Mr. Blake Busbin Mr. Ed Crum Ms. Kathleen Dodgen Mrs. Jennifer Foster Ms. Laci Fralish Mr. Shane Sanker Mrs. Bentley Stephenson Mr. Nick Tucker Mr. Avery Warner Mrs. Donna Yeager Mr. Matt York
Mathematics Mr. Ben Ward, Ch. Mrs. Susan Byrne Mrs. Nancee Garcia Mrs. Frances Glass Mrs. Angelika McGuire Mrs. Tracy Paleologos Mr. Billy Pickens Mr. Billy Ramsey Mr. Devin Roberts Mr. Greg Sanders Mrs. Holly Turner Mr. Justin Yeager
Career/Technical Mrs. Audrey Marshall- Business, Ch. Mr. Stan Arington- Aquaculture Mr. Paul Casarona – Engineering Mrs. Sonya Hutchinson – Business SGM Wayne Johnson – JROTC Mr. David Killingsworth – Marketing Mrs. Amanda Leikvold – Fam. & Con. Sci. Mrs. Laurie Osborne – Health Science Mr. Mahlon Richburg – Agriscience Lt. Colonel Jon Segars – JROTC Mr. Byron Williams – Industrial Technology
World Languages Mrs. Sara Zuwiyya- Spanish, Ch. Mrs. Sarah Holder – Spanish Mr. Stephen Irwin – Spanish Mr. Adam Martin – German Mrs. Genie Oks – French Mrs. Andrea Wilkinson – German Performing and Visual Arts Mrs. Kimberly Mock- Theatre, Ch. Mr. Clay Cox – Art Mr. Joe Dyer – Art Dr. Rusty Logan – Band Mr. Eron Smith – Chorus Mrs. Heather Stevens – Art
P.E., Health, & Driver’s Ed. Mrs. Jan Vaughn – P.E., Ch. Mr. Tim Carter – P.E. Mr. Matt Cimo – P.E. Mr. Mike Glisson – P.E. & Health Mr. Gary Pegues – P.E.
Mr. Phillip Smith – Drs. Ed. Mr. Frank Tolbert – Drs. Ed.
Bookkeeper Mrs. Liz Tanaka
Special Services Mrs. Leigh Owen – Special Ed., Ch. Mr. Tyler Booker- Special Ed. Ms. Libby Byrd – Special Ed. Aide Mrs. Jane Free- Special Ed. Ms. Cyndee Gibson- Special Ed. Aide Ms. Kayla Gomillion- Job Coach Mr. Josh Hill- Special Ed. Aide Mr. Mark Hosemann – Special Ed. Mr. George Hubbard – Special Ed. Aide Mrs. Christina Jones- Special Ed. Aide Mrs. Aubrey MacArthur- Special Ed. Aide Ms. Alexcia Moore – Special Ed. Ms. Nina Marzulo – Special Ed. Ms. Betty Schiffer- Special Ed. Mrs. Shelley Searcy- Special Ed. Ms. Shaneka Williams- Special Ed. Aide
Asst. Bookkeeper & Sub Coordinator Mrs. Andrea Potter Child Nutrition Mrs. Sharon Ogburn, Manager Mr. James McIntosh, Asst. manager Mr. Jon Coleman Ms. Dorothy Core Ms. Valerie Ligon Ms. Angela McMullen Ms. Pam Tolbert Ms. Alicia Wilson Counseling and College and Career Mrs. Cynthia Collier Dr. Cassie Fairley Mrs. Carol Farrow Mrs. Tiffany Pitts Mr. James Tindell Mrs. Nichole Warren
In-School Suspension/Alternative School Mr. Ladarrell Thomas- Aide Mr. Vance Roberson
ELL Instructor Mrs. Nicole Sansom
ACCESS/Credit Recovery/AHSGE Prep Mr. Chris Brandt Ms. Alison Link Mr. Bill Bailey
Registrar Mrs. Christy Price
Media and Technology Mrs. Janet Nelson Mrs. Amanda Massey Ms. Nikki Robertson
School Nurse Mrs. Janice Schuster School Resource Officer Bill Schallock
Administration Mr. Marvin Brown - Adm. Asst. Mrs. Lisa Hayes - Asst. Principal Mr. Anthony Jeter- Assistant Principal Dr. Todd Freeman – Principal Mr. Ross Reed - Asst. Principal
Administrative Professionals Mrs. Melody Knight Mrs. Rosie Torbert Custodial Services Mr. Charles Bradley Mr. Michael Cobb (evening) Mr. Sylvester Dumas (evening) Mr. Carl Jackson (evening) Mr. Chester Knight Mr. Willie Levett (evening) Mr. Don Miles (evening) Mrs. Mary Simmons Mr. Willie Weathers
Athletics Mr. Clay McCall –Athletic Director Mrs. Darlene Gill – Secretary Mrs. Jenny Muntifering - Secretary Career Technical Director Mrs. Elisabeth Spears
Request Acceptable use of Technology Discipline Drug-Free workplace Field Trip Fundraiser FX for student attendance Leave Leave expense Maintenance work order Moving equipment with fixed asset code Parent Consent for field trip Pest citing Purchase order request Reserve Gyms/Auditorium/Cafeteria Reserve lab/MMR/classrooms Sexual Harrassment Sick Leave Staff member accident Statement of Hours worked Student accident Student missing textbook Teacher certificate renewal Technology work order Test Security form
Form CO forms drive DISC 6-12 Disciplinary Referral CO forms drive Field Trip Request Request to Conduct Fundraiser FX Reporting Leave Request Leave Request Expense Summary Email to Ross Reed Fixed Asset Addition-Transfer Parent or Guardian Consent Email to Mrs. Torbert PO-40-AHS-Local Email to Ross Reed Email to Nikki Robertson CO forms drive Leave Request Local Education Agency Injury Statement of Hours Worked Standard Student Accident Report Missing Textbook CO forms drive Form on L drive Form on L drive
Timeline to submit First day of contract As soon as it happens First day of contract 2 weeks prior to trip date 3 weeks prior to trip date Every 4 1/2 weeks As soon as you know Immediately after you return As soon as you know it Before you move it Prior to trip When you see it As soon as you want to schedule As soon as you want to schedule First day of contract First day of contract When it happens After work is completed When it happens When course ends First day of contract As soon as you know it First day of contract
Submit to Freeman Jeter, Hayes, Reed Freeman Freeman Freeman Hayes Freeman Freeman Reed Robertson, N None- keep in personal file Torbert Tanaka, Potter Reed Robertson, Massey, Lyle Freeman Freeman Freeman Freeman Freeman Hayes Freeman Robertson, N Hayes
Auburn High School In-School-Suspension Assignment Procedures
1. 2. 3. 4.
Auburn High School faculty member submits referral. ISS placement determined by Auburn High School administration. Date(s) of ISS placement is determined by matrix.* Student will be informed of date(s) and given a copy of the ISS rules along with a parent notification form. 5. Student name is added to the ISS list according to matrix and seat availability. 6. A copy of the referral and students schedule will be submitted to the ISS instructor. 7. ISS instructor will notify the student’s classroom teachers of the placement. An ISS Assignment Sheet will be paced in your box. 8. Teachers will submit the assignment sheet to the ISS instructor for his/her particular class. This documentation should be in the possession of the ISS instructor prior to 7:20 AM the first day of the student’s placement. 9. ISS instructor will post attendance in the morning and send a list of students in attendance each day to all club sponsors/coaches/directors. 10. ISS instructor will return the student’s completed work to the assigning teacher’s mailbox each afternoon. 11. ISS instructor will inform student, parent, teachers, and administration if additional time is to be served. In-School Suspension (ISS) Policies, Procedures, and Responsibilities The student will: 1. abide by all rules, policies, and procedures that are outlined in the Auburn High School Student Handbook, as well as follow all instructions given by the ISS teacher. 2. report to ISS, which is located in room 216 before 7:50 AM on the date(s) assigned. The student shall remain in ISS for the entire school day regardless of any school activity that may be scheduled. 3. notify his/her parent/guardian of the ISS assignment and inform the parent/guardian that he/she must physically report to room 216 to sign-in the student. 4. arrive to ISS with all textbooks and materials necessary to complete class assignments. 5. complete ALL assignments before returning to regular class. This includes, but is not limited to, any assignment made directly by the ISS teacher. 6. accept the responsibility to schedule a time to meet with his/her teachers to present any class work that may have been missed while in ISS (labs, audiovisual presentations, oral reports, etc.).
The parent/guardian will: 1. contact the administrator/ ISS instructor via telephone or email to verify that he/she is aware of all ISS polices and procedures. The Auburn High School faculty will: 1. provide the student with an assignment sheet for the activities to be completed while assigned to ISS. Each teacher should provide written academic work for students to complete for his/her assigned class period. 2. submit the documented assignment sheet to the ISS teacher no later than 7:20 AM on the day the ISS assignment is to be served. 3. arrange for alternative assignments to be completed by a student assigned to ISS if the class is working on activities that cannot be completed in ISS. The assignment should be of a similar nature. The ISS teacher will: 1. be present in the classroom by 7:30 AM. 2. notify classroom teachers of students assigned to ISS. 3. contact parents/guardians who have failed to sign-in students. 4. document the distribution of each assignment, collect the work from each student at the end of each class period, and return completed work promptly to other teachers each day. 5. provide a disciplined environment conducive to learning. 6. supervise the students at all times throughout the day. 7. contact any faculty member who has not sent assignments for students to complete in ISS (as well as notify the administration). 8. dismiss any student who violates policy or procedure.
Students will work on academic assignments for their scheduled classes during the time frame that is allotted. All work must be completed before returning to regular class. In the event that assignments are completed ahead of schedule, the ISS teacher will allow students to either work on a previous class assignment or make an alternative assignment from the class resources. Student will not be allowed to work ahead of the schedule. Additional ISS rules: 1. Students will be assigned additional ISS time if all assigned work is not completed and or time is not completed. 2. Any student who is dismissed by the teacher for rules violations will be counted as suspended from school for the remainder of that day and will return to ISS upon returning to school to complete the ISS assignment. 3. Students will be required to do written work throughout the entire day. 4. Students will be required to remain seated throughout the day. Breaks and lunch will be supervised times that the students may be out of their seat.
5. Talking, sleeping, eating, drinking, leaning on furniture, listening to or playing with electronic devices, or any other behavior that may be considered a distraction will NOT be tolerated. Students who violate this policy will be subject to additional ISS time or out-of-school suspension. Students assigned to ISS will not be allowed to participate in or attend any extracurricular activities until they have completed their ISS assignment. This includes, but is not limited to, after school practices, performances, competitions, and clubs. The ISS teacher will notify student’s individual classroom teachers of the ISS assignment at least one day in advance. This will be part of the process for collecting assignments. An ISS attendance roster will be posted each day to all AHS faculty in order to verify who is present in ISS. This will help club sponsors, coaches, and directors to be aware of those students who will be missing from extra-curricular activities.
Lunch Waves 2012-2013
1ST WAVE All Math, upper and lower 9000 All Science Driver’s Education 2ND WAVE All Language Arts All Career and Technical 100 Credit Recovery/ACCESS 3RD WAVE All Social Studies World Languages Graphic Arts 500 ACCESS **********Marzulo, Moore and Schiffer as soon as 3rd wave ends********** 4TH WAVE Band, Chorus, Theatre Dyer and Stevens PE and Health Resource
Room Assignments 2012-2013 Acker, Sally Aglan, Mary Ann Alexander, Cindy Antoine, Beth Arington, Stan Bagwell, Drew Bailey, Bill Booker, Tyler Brandt, Chris Byrd, Libby Byrne, Susan Busbin, Blake Carter, Tim Casarona, Paul Cimo, Matt Cox, Clay Crum, Ed Cummins, Ryan Dalrymple, Mary Davidson, Suzette Davis, Hollis Dodgen, Kathy Duke, Robin Dyer, Joe Everett, Joanna Forsyth, Meghan Foster, Jennifer Fralish, Laci Free, Jane Garcia, Nancee Glass, Frances Glisson, Mike Gibson, Cyndee Gomillion, Kayla Hall, Karen Hill, Josh Holder, Sarah Hosemann, Mark Hubbard, George Hutchinson, Sonya Irwin, Stephen Johnson, Wayne
803 302 517 Media Ctr. 601 315 205 602 209 9111 843U Fieldhouse 513 Gym 511 829U 833U 306 806L 305 831U 301 504 808L 813L 832U 832U 303 9206 9201 New gym 210 227 804L 210 9108 9218 211 108 9105 505
Jones, Christina Killingsworth, David Kirk, Christy Leikvold, Amanda Link, Alison Logan, Rusty MacArthur, Aubrey Marshall, Audrey Martin, Adam Marzulo, Nina Massey, Amanda McGuire, Angelika Mock, Kimberly Moore, Alexcia Nelson, Janet Norton, Dan Oks, Genie Osborne, Laurie Owen, Leigh Paleologos, Tracy Pegues, Gary Pennisi, John Pickens, Billy Ramsey, Billy Rice, Jamie Richburg, Mahlon Roberson, Vance Robertson, Amy Robertson, Nikki Roberts, Devin Robinson, Holly Sanders, Greg Sanker, Shane Schiffer, Betty Searcy, Shelley Segars, Jon Shipman, Samantha Smith, Eron Smith, Phillip Starr, Alison Steltenpohl, Laura Stephenson, Bentley
208 109 801 105 501/Gym 111 108 9103 208 Media Ctr. 9211 110 210 Media Ctr. 310B 9101 307 842 9204 Fieldhouse 809L 9213 9116 310a 604 216 & 217 204 Media Ctr. 9114 805L 9214 840U 211 814L 522 812L 112 213 516 312 834U
4 Stevens, Heather Taylor, Stephanie Thomas, Ladarrell Thompson, Davis Tolbert, Frank Tucker, Nick Turner, Holly Vaughn, Jan Ward, Ben Warner, Avery Wentworth, Julie Wilkinson, Andrea Williams, Byron Williams, Pené Williams, Shaneka Wymes, Terri Yeager, Donna Yeager, Justin York, Matt Zuwiyya, Sara
508 206 216 802L 213 523 9216 Gym 9208 830U 203 9104 107 311 210 815L 841U 9113 837U 9106
ACCESS Facilitator Link, Alison
Administration Brown, Marvin Lisa Hayes Jeter, Anthony Freeman, Todd Reed, Ross
Office18 Office 9 Office 14 Office 3 Office 11
Athletics McCall, Clay Gill, Darlene Muntifering, Jenny
600 600 600
Bookkeeper Liz Tanaka
Room 8
Asst. Bookkeeper/Subs Potter, Andrea
Room 5
Career Technical Director Spears, Elisabeth 524 CNP Manager Ogburn, Sharon
Counselors Collier, Cynthia Fairley, Cassie Pitts, Tiffany James Tindell Warren, Nichole
218 218 218 9118 218
Counselor’s Secretary Farrow, Carol
ELL Teacher Sansom, Nicole
Registrar Price, Christy
School Nurse Schuster, Janice
Room 19
Secretaries Knight, Melody Torbert, Rosie
Front Desk Room 2
Severe Weather Definitions Severe Thunderstorm Watch: This means that conditions are right for a thunderstorm to develop. It is recommended that a secretary or the person he/she designates monitor weather reports while continuing with regular school activities. Severe Thunderstorm Warning: This means that a severe thunderstorm has developed and will probably affect those areas stated in the alert message. Tis alert lasts approximately one hour. Do not open windows, but lower blinds and drapes if you have time. Exterior doors should not be opened. Vehicles should not be on the roads; therefore schools will not be dismissed until the thunderstorm warning has been lifted. A secretary or other designee should monitor weather reports. Tornado Watch: this means that conditions are favorable for a tornado. Faculty and staff should prepare to respond to tornado warnings. Tornado Warnings: this means that a tornado has been spotted in the aea. Faculty and staff should follow the procedures for tornado warnings outlined in the Tornado Warning Plan. Statement regarding bus transportation during weather warnings: “When the National Weather Service issues a weather warning, Auburn City Schools immediately suspends bus transportation. If a warning is issued during morning and afternoon transport, each bus reports immediately to the nearest school where students are places inside the school building. Buses will not travel until the warning has expired. Buses will also not pick up students at bus stops during weather warnings.� Tornado Warning Plan 1. Lower blinds and close drapes 2. The following rooms are responsible for closing the outside doors nearest their rooms (assign someone this duty) 105, 108, 111 (Band Room), 112 (Choral Room), 201, 205, 212, 302, 311, 312, 501, 508, 511, 517. 3. The classroom door will be closed completely. 4. Students (with the exception of the 9000 building- see #14 below) will go into the halls nearest their room and be seated. Avoid hall areas near the entrance due to the hazard of flying glass. 5. All students will remain seated in the hall until the bell rings. If time for school dismissal occurs before the warning is lifter, students will remain seated in the halls. Students and teachers so not move during the warning. 6. Students in rooms 101, 102, 103, 106, 107, 108, and 109 will sit in the halls by rooms 309 and 310. 7. Students in rooms 104 and 105 will move into inner storage rooms. 8. Students in rooms 110, 111, 112 will sit in halls by rooms 213 and 214. 9. All students in the 400 building (gym) will move to the 200 building as indicated below. 10. Students in Boys PE will sit in the hall by the 523.
11. Students in Girls PE will sit in the hall by rooms 209 and 210. 12. Lunchroom workers will sit in the hall of the 300 building by room 305 and 306. 13. Students in room 601 will move to the 601 office area. Students in room 602 and 604 will move to the storage rooms in 602. Students in room 603 will move to the interior storage room. 14. 800 Building will proceed as follows: Rooms 829,830, 840, 841, and 843, will take A stairwell. These rooms will sit in the hallway in front of rooms 801, 802, and 803. Rooms 831, 832, 833, 9334, 836, and 837 will take B stairwell. These students will sit in the hallway in front of rooms 803, 804 and 805. 15. 9000 Building will proceed as follows: Downstairs – Rooms 9101, 9103, 9105, 9111, and 9113 should remain in your classroom. Room 9104 should move to 9101. Room 9106 should move to Room 9103. Room 9108 should move to Room 9105. Room 9114 should go to the Boy’s restroom, and Room 9116 should move to the Girl’s restroom. Upstairs – Rooms 9201, 9203, 9205 should remain in your classroom. Room 9211 should move downstairs to Room 9111. Room 9213 should move downstairs to Room 9113. Room 9204 should move to room 9201. Room 9206 should move to Room 9203. Room 9208 should move to 9205. Room 9214 should go downstairs to Room 9111 and Room 9216 should go downstairs to Room 9113. Ice/Snow Storm 1. If an ice storm is expected or has hit the area, a decision on school closing will be made by the Superintendent 2. Tune to the radio station for early morning reports: WAUD 1230 AM WKKR 97.9 FM 3. If the storm occurs during the day, the Superintendent will decide the action to be taken and advise the Principal. Fire Drill Evacuation The signal for building evacuation will be the first alarm bell. In case of emergency evacuation drills, the following procedures will be followed. 1. Leave all books in the classroom. (Teacher should take roll book.) 2. The last person leaving the room should close the door. (Assign someone to take this responsibility.) 3. Have students move as far away from the buildings as possible without blocking emergency vehicle access (At least 25 yards) 4. Remain outside until the bell rings: teachers and students stay together. 5. Do not use elevators during the drills. 6. If there are handicapped students that require special assistance (i.e. wheelchair bound, etc.), please seek help. Room Number
Exit Route
100 BUILDING Auditorium Cafeteria 101-102 Culinary Kitchen 106-109 110 Theatre Room 111 Band Room 112 Choral Room 200 BUILDING 201,202 203, 204 205, 206 207, 208, 209, 210 211, 212, 216, 217 213-215 Counseling Suite
Room Number 300 BUILDING 301 303 315, 316 312 305 308 302 307 309 306
Nearest Exit Parking Lot Exit to 9000 parking lot Nearest Exit to Cemetery Nearest Exit to Cemetery 200 Exit to Dean Road South Exit to Dean Road Band parking lot exit to Samford Ave. Main Exit, Left Door to Dean Rd Gym Exit, Left Door to Dean Rd Gym Exit, Right Door to Dean Rd 300 Exit, Right Door left of Dean Rd Fine Arts Exit to Dean Rd Main Exit, Right Door Main Exit, Center Door to Dean Rd
Exit Route
200 Exit, Left Door 200 Exit, Left Middle Door 200 Exit, Right Middle Door 200 Exit, Right Middle Door 500 Exit, Left Door 500 Exit, Left Middle Door 500 Exit, Right Door 500 Exit, Right Middle Door Cemetery Exit, Left Door Cemetery Exit, Right Door
311 310 400 BUILDING 402 Weight Room Girls’ PE Boys’ PE 500 BUILDING 501 - 507 508, 509 510, 511, 513, 514 516, 518, 519 517 521, 525, 526 522, -527
Shop, Cafeteria Exit, Left Door Shop, Cafeteria Exit, Right Door
200 Exit to baseball field 200 Exit to baseball field 200 Exit to baseball field Baseball Field Exit Baseball Field Exit Cemetery Parking Lot Exit Cemetery Parking Lot Exit 300 Exit, Middle Door 300 Exit, Left Door Old Gym Exit to Baseball field
600 BUILDING All Rooms
Nearest Exit
800 BUILDING Media Center, 818, 817, MMR 801, 802, 803, 829, 830, 831 804, 805, 832, 833 806, 808, 834, 836 809, 812, 813, 840, 841, 837
Exit Doors facing Dean Road Exit Doors facing 800 Parking Lot Exit Doors facing Baseball Field Exit Doors facing Baseball Field Exit Doors facing Courtyard, right to Baseball Field
9000 BUILDING 9101, 9103, 9104, 9105 9106, 9108 9111, 9113, 9114, 9116 9201,9203,9204, 9205, 9206, 9208 9211, 9213, 9214, 9216 ADMINISTRATION BUILD. All Rooms
Exit to 300 parking lot and then to track Baseball field exit and then to track Exit to north stairwell to 300 parking lot and then to track Exit to south stairwell to baseball field and then to track Nearest Exit
Building Intruder (s) In the vent that someone or group entered the building and threatened to harm students or staff the first priority must be their safety. Every situation is different, but several general guidelines should be followed. 1. Teachers should be well schooled in the need to remain calm so that the Students don’t become unduly alarmed. 2. The classroom door should be locked and the students should remain silent and out of the line of vision ( blinds closed) 3. If a call back on the intercom or telephone is possible, the office should be notified immediately. 4. The office in turn will announce: “The school is now in lockdown.” Also, a series of short bells will be used to help announce that the building is in lockdown. 5. The emergency 911 number should be used to notify the police. Specific detail such as the number of people involved, weapons, location, place of entry into the building, general description of people involved and vehicle should be provided. The Superintendent’s office should be notified after the police. 6. School staff should not attempt intervention unless as a last resort, but careful attentions to the directions of emergency personnel, i.e., police, firemen, and paramedics should be given. School staff with first aid training should be previously identified and provided first aid kits. 7. Office staff should also be well schooled in the need to remain calm and to avoid exaggerated statements to parents of press both during and after the emergency. 8. After the emergency, every effort should be made to assure students and staff and to provide them with accurate information. 9. In anticipation of a rapid checkout of students, an accelerated method, which takes into consideration the obvious concern of parents, should be planned. 10. A coordinated press release from the Superintendent’s office should be developed and the public fully informed, including plans for reopening school.
Air Crash or Explosion Any air crash or unexpected explosion would necessitate evacuation of the building. Evacuation procedures for fire would be used to clear the building as fire and further explosions are a possibility. Emergency Procedures: 1. If students are in location where there is flying material, every effort will be made to seek protection under desks, as well as covering faces with arms books, coats or any immediately available protective covering. Students will remain in this position until flying debris has stopped. 2. Evacuation of the building will be made following the standard fire procedure. 3. Stay away from crash debris due to danger of explosions or metal fragments.
Bomb Threat Procedure
Any bomb threat will require the immediate evacuation of the building. Evacuation procedures for a fire will be used to clear the building as explosives and fires are a possibility. 1. Upon receiving a bomb threat, the threat call checklist should be completed. The threat call checklist will be available at all phones 2. The person receiving the call should make every attempt to: a. Prolong the conversation as long as possible. b. Identify background noises. c. Note distinguish vice characteristics. d. Interrogate the call as to the description of the bomb(s), its location, and when it is due to explode. e. Determine the caller’s knowledge of the facility. f. Don’t hang up the phone! Use another phone to call authorities. 3. The person receiving the call will immediately notify the Principal. If time does not permit, the person receiving the call should call the Police Department at 911 and inform them of the bomb threat an all details that wee obtained when the threat was received, The Police Department will notify the Fire Department and the Bomb Squad. Earthquakes It s very unlikely that an earthquake would affect the school, but due to major fault lines in the area, there is a possibility. Therefore, personnel should be familiar with the following procedures in the even the ground tremors occur. If Inside: 1. To protect from falling objects, take cover in the following manner: 2. Get beneath a desk, table or bench. If possible cover with coat or other material to minimize injury. 3. In no cover is available, get against inside doorway or crouch against inside wall and cover head. Stag away from walls and windows. 4. All doors should be OPEN to minimize jamming if the building shifts. 5. Stay put and take the best cover. Do not attempt to run through the building or outside. If in a bathroom with no desk or furniture, get against inside wall or inside doorway and crouch. If Outside: 1. Move quickly away from the building ans away from overhead electrical wires. 2. Lie flat, face down, and wait for shock to subside. 3. Take roll of students and report to Crisis Response Team when safe to do so. 4. Do not attempt to enter the building until authorized to do so. 5. Do not touch fallen wires 6. Be alert for instructions from the Crisis Response Team. Hazardous Materials or Chemical Spills Warnings or hazardous materials incidents will be received from the Fire Department of Police Department. If Outside:
1. The principal will be advised by the notifying agency as to the type of procedures to follow regarding the type of hazardous material is involved. 2. If the faculty and students can not evacuate the building, the Principal will advise the teachers to stay indoors and close all windows and doors. Students and teachers who are outside will return to classrooms immediately. 3. The custodians and assistants will shout down all ventilation to the classrooms 4. Teachers and students will remain in the classrooms until told to move to another area. If Inside: 1. The custodians and the administrators will secure the area of the spill. 2. Care will be taken to avoid any contact with the chemical spill or hazardous material. 3. The Principal will assess the problem and notify the Fire Department for directions. 4. Evacuation of the building will follow Fire drill procedures.
Field Trip Emergency/Bus Wreck General Procedures: 1. Prior to boarding the bus for departure a list of all bus passengers including students, teachers, parents and other volunteers should be filed with the Principal’s office. 2. Teachers should place their copy of the list in their Emergecny Checkout Folder to be taken with them on the Field Trip. 3. A transportation plan, which includes specific routes/highways, the buses will travel to reach the destination and return will be filed with the Principal’s office by the bus drivers or other appropriate individuals (coordinating teacher). This transportation plan should include the time of departure and estimated time of return to school.
Procedures in case of accident or breakdown: 1. A standard procedure for bus drivers in the event of a breakdown or accident is as follows: The bus driver is the individual with the primary responsibility for his/her passenger’s safety and instructions given by the bus driver should be followed by all passengers, including students, teacher, parents and other volunteers. 2. In the event of an accident renders the bus driver incapable of exercising the responsibilities outlined above, these responsibilities shall revert to the teacher or teachers in charge of the activity. Teachers in charge should be thoroughly familiar with the standard procedures covering the responsibilities of the bus driver. Standard Procedures for Bus Accidents and Evacuations (Prepared by the Transportation Director) A. In Case of Collision: 6. Remain calm. 7. Check students for injuries. 8. Keep students on the buss unless hazardous conditions warrant their removal. If necessary to evacuate follow procedure.
9. CHECK THE BUS AND BE SURE TO ACCOUNT FOR ALL STUDENTS. 10. Notify proper authorities. It is a good idea to have a list of students on the bus. 11. If you do not have a radio or it is at night, send a teacher or adult volunteer to call. If help or assistance fails to materialize, keep enough change for a pay phone attached to the emergency phone list. 12. Place warning devices to protect students and bus from further accidents or injury. 13. Do not release students to anyone unless medical aid is required or school authorities approve it. 14. Be sure to get all student names. Get as much information as possible from the other driver (s) witnesses.
B. Bus breakdown procedure: 1. Stop bus as far to the right as possible. 2. Keep students on the bus. 3. Place warning devices at appropriate locations on the highway. 4. Contact the terminal. Use a telephone if the radio on the bus will not work. The number is 887-2134 5. Evacuate, only if hazardous conditions warrant. Children are much better protected on the bus. a. There are three exits for evacuation b. Stand facing students. c. Give command to evacuate calmly. d. Direct students to front or rear or both. All items should remain on the bus. Move quickly, one seat at a time. e. Get 50 to 100 feet away from the bus. f. Be certain the emergency brake is set and the ignition is turned off before leaving the seat. NOTE: If rear door evacuation is used, make every attempt to have two adults assist those getting off the bus.
Emergency Closing of Schools In the event severe weather of emergency conditions exists the Superintendent must decide whether school will be opened. When the safety of students and staff is n question the decision will be made to close the schools. In the absence of the Superintendent, the Assistant Superintendent for Administration or his designee will make the decision to close schools. A. Procedures to Follow 1. The Superintendent will confer with the Auburn Police Division, the Lee County Emergency Management Agency, the Lee County Highway Department, and/or other officials in deciding whether to close schools. 2. The Auburn City School Transportation Coordinator will check the condition of the streets in the City of Auburn. A report of road conditions will be made to the Superintendent or his designee by 5:30 a.m. The Superintendent or his designee will contact the Lee County Emergency Management Agency, The Auburn Police Division,
or the Alabama State Troopers to obtain a recommendation concerning the roads. He or she will also contact Alabama Power Company and the Lee County Emergency Management Agency to obtain information regarding power outages. 3. The Transportation Coordinator and/or Supervisor of Custodians/Transportation will inform. The Superintendent or his designee of prevailing road conditions prior to 5:30 a.m. If the roads are safe for travel and all school buildings have heat, the Auburn City Schools will remain open. B. If the Schools are to be closed 1. The Superintendent or his designee will inform each Principal of the decision to close schools. Each Principal is to assume that schools are open until notification to the contrary is given by phone or over the radio. 2. The Communications Supervisor will notify radio and television stations serving the area of the decision to close schools. (WAUD, WANI, WKKR, WBIL, WLWI, WSFA, WRBL, WTVM) 3. All daytime and evening school activities are automatically canceled during the time schools are closed. Area day care programs will be contacted. 4. Supervisory/Administrative Personnel will secure the buildings for which they are responsible when it is prudent to do so after receiving notification that schools are closed. 5. During the time schools are closed, Principals will check their buildings daily and meet at 8:00 a.m. at the Central Office to inform the Superintendent of the conditions of their schools. The Superintendent will prescribe more frequent inspections if conditions warrant. 6. When conditions permit the schools to be reopened, radio and television stations serving the area will be notified. a. When possible the announcement will be released to the media the evening prior to reopening. b. When an announcement cannot be made the day before the scheduled opening, the announcement will be released by 6:15 a.m. for that day. The announcement will include information regarding a regular or alternate schedule. When the alternate schedule is used, all school personnel will report at the regular time. 7. If it becomes apparent that the schools will have to be closed during the day, the following steps will be taken: a. The Superintendent will make the decision to close schools. In the absence of the Superintendent, the decision will be made by the Assistant Superintendent or legally designated individual. b. The Communication Supervisor will contact the Child Nutrition Director, Transportation Coordinator, Supervisor of Custodians/Transportation, and the Maintenance Coordinator, to inform them of the decision to close schools. c. Notice will be given to all schools, transportation and food service centers. 1. The Assistant Superintendent or Superintendent’s office designee will call the Principals to inform them of the time of closing and bus schedules. In the event the telephones are inoperable, the Principals will be contacted by radio or the Superintendents and/or Central Office designee will drive to the schools and provide the Principals with needed
information. Area day care centers will be contacted by phone , if possible. 2. The Communication Supervisor will call area radio and television stations to inform them of the decision. d. All school personnel will remain at their assigned stations until released by the Principal. e. Each Principal should communicate this policy to parents and should establish a procedure for releasing students to parents for approved substitute.
A REMINDER: When emergency conditions develop during the school day, telephone calls to the school or the Central Office prevent efficient information releases. School officials must maintain almost constant contact with the Auburn Police Department, Lee County Emergency Management Agency and other officials. Please do not interfere with the receipt and dissemination of information by calling the school or Superintendent’s Office with inquires. Telephone lines must be available for official and emergency communications. “Shelter-In-Place” Auburn High School In the event that a “Shelter-In-Place” becomes necessary at Auburn High School, a general announcement will be made over the intercom system instructing teachers to read e-mail immediately. A general announcement will be made by one of the administrators such as; “Teachers, may I have your attention please. At this time you are asked to read the last posted e-mail from the office staff.” This announcement will serve as the initial step to move into action. The following list documents designated individuals to serve as area leaders as well as areas to be sheltered at once. 100 Building Mr. Richburg and Mr. Williams Telephone/Computer Safe Areas - - Art Room (104), Dark Room (105), Shop Closet (103) JROTC Sgt Major Johnson Telephone/Computer/Two-way Radio Safe Areas- - Nurses Office, Kitchen, JROTC Closet Athletic Office Coach McCall and Mrs. Gill Telephone/Computer Safe Areas - - Coach McCall’s Office 601 Mr. Killingsworth Telephone/Computer
Safe Area - - Storage Closet Cafeteria Mrs. Ogburn and any other adult faculty present Telephone/Computer Safe Areas - - Kitchen Storage Closet, Electrical Closet, Lobby Restrooms, Band Area Auditorium/Band Dr. Logan and Mr. Smith Telephone/Computer/Two-way Radio Safe Area - - Music Closets, Band Practice Areas 200 Building Cassie Fairley and Tiffany Pitts Telephone/Computer/Two-way Radio Safe Areas - - Coach Roberson’s room (217) Coach Tolbert’s Office (216) 300 Building Mr. Bagwell and Mrs. Steltenpohl Telephone/Computer/Two-way Radio Safe Areas - - Rooms 303, 307, 309, 315 and Teacher Workroom 500 Building Coach Tucker, Mr. Casarona and Mr. Knight Telephone/Computer/Two-way Radio Safe Areas - - Rooms 505, 513, 519, 526, 800 Building Coach Crum, Mr. York -- Upper Mr. Pennisi, Mrs. Simmons and Mr. Thompson -- Lower Telephone/Computer/Two-way Radio Safe Areas - - Multi-media Room (MMR), Storage area of MMR, Bookroom, Restrooms, Teacher Workrooms, History Office Gym Coach Cimo and Coach Vaughn Telephone/Computer/Two-way Radio Exit through breezeway to 500 and 200 areas If outside report to either the Athletic Field House or the nearest building Administration Building Administration Move the Incident Command Center through the breezeway to the Counselor’s Office.
The designated individuals of each area will be responsible for coordination the students to a safe area. The exact location will depend on the number of students located in a specific area for that time frame of the day. The following pages include specific instructions for each area.