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There are some foods you

shouldn’t eat when you’re pregnant because they might

make you ill or harm your baby:

liver and food made with liver (like liver pâté) raw eggs or partly cooked eggs – only eat eggs cooked enough for both the white and yolk to be solid blue cheeses, and soft cheeses that have a rind (like brie or camembert) - it’s fine to eat other cheeses like Cheddar or cheese spread

pâté (all types)

ice-cream – most ice-cream is okay. However, some ice-cream is made with raw egg and this could harm your baby, so if you’re not sure ask and if you are still in doubt avoid it. ready meals that aren’t cooked properly - reheat ready meals until they are really hot all the way through.

swordfish, marlin and shark should be avoided. Limit your intake of tuna to no more than tw portions of fresh tuna steaks a w You should also limit your intake of canned tuna to no more than two medium-size cans of tuna a week. This is because these fish contain high levels of mercury. raw shellfish

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Short sighted: Nik Mackey

#2 Negative study -The space in between: Nik Mackey

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