Anita Matijanić
Forma A/W 2013/14
Ključne riječi reducirana forma punoća oblika bijelo (minimalizam) Key words reduced form fullness of shape white (minimalism)
Kroz prikazanih 7 odijevnih predmeta, proteže se jedna struktura oblika koja prevladava u gornjem dijelu odjevnih predmeta. Linije na ramenu se nadovezuju kod pazuha na bočnu liniju šava protežući se do linije struka, uokvirujući prednjicu u peterokutni oblik, ističući strogu geometrijsku formu. Bez ušitaka krojevi djeluju strogo i sterilno. Through seven presented garments, extends same structure form that prevails in the upper garments. The lines on the shoulder extend to armpit on the side seam line straightening herself to the waist line, framing frontal in pentagonal shape, emphasizing the strict geometric forms of a garment. Without sewn seam contrutcion acts strict and sterile.
Julije Knifer - Meander (1961/1962.)
Reducirana forma - punoća oblika Reduced form - fullness of shape
Geomterijski ornamenti inspirirani meandrima hrvatskog slikara Julija Knifera. Knifer je svojevremeno bio član Gorgona grupe. ‘’Grupa Gorgona zalagala se za nekonvencionalne oblike likovnog izražavanja te je težila razvijanju novog umjetničkog senzibiliteta i prethodila kasnijim oblicima tzv. nove umjetničke prakse. Nova umjetnička praksa: postobjektna umjetnost.’’ prof. dr. sc. Zvonko Maković. Geometrics oramnets Inspired by croatian painter Julije Knifer and the groupe he was active in, called ‘’Gorgona group’’.As profesor and art historian Zvonko Maković said ‘’unconventional forms of artistic expression aims to develop a new artistic sensibility, preceded the later forms of the so - called new artistic practice - post object art’’.
Model 1
Model 2
Model 3
Model 4
Model 5
Skice / Sketches
Redukcija kontinuirane forme (geometrijski oblici) te kontrast bijelog i bijelog te interakcija s publikom kroz reljefne ornametne i jednoliÄ?an ritam oblika,dosegnut je sklad oblika i boja. Reduction of continuous forms (geometric shapes), and the contrast of white and white, and the interaction with the audience through relief ornamental and monotonous rhythm of shapes, reached the harmony of shapes and colors.
Biography I was born on 10th of june 1988 in Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina. I have graduated highschool in 2007. Currently I am a student of fashion designe on Faculty of Textile Tehnology, University of Zagreb. Achievements I had my first painting exibition named ‘’ Utopia’’ while I was in highschool, back in 2006. And this year I was one of ten finalists in “Young Creative Chevrolet” competition. I applied for this years fashion wardrobe competition to present my first collection called ‘’Form’’.