Villanova University have grouped all existing political systems into the five most common types of ruling in use around the world today:
And so it all began…
A1 ~
According to Ostwald (1969), Cleisthenes introduced democracy, a new political system he called ‘demokratia,’ meaning rule by the people, in ancient Greece in 501, and perhaps as late as bc.460.
Our modern democracy as we know it today is build upon the original Athenian idea of democracy. However democracy is not the only political system. Individual state interests and different ideologies have shaped how we have created different political systems. Each with its own advantages, disadvantages and degrees of success.
• • • • •
Democracy Republic Monarchy Dictatorship Communism
In his work Lijphart (2012) states that democracies can be reduced to a clear two dimensional pattern of government: majoritarian and consensus. Democracy is thereby not a singular element but a complex construct with different aspects affecting its structure. Majoritarian democracies find their roots in the Westminster Model of Democracy, Lijphart (2012). Countries such as the USA, and the UK, have a majoritarian democratic rule of government in place. Lijphart (2012) names Switzerland and Belgium as the two best examples of a consensus democratic rule of government. It can be argued that Germany also have a strong aspect of British influence on its democratic system. American and British authorities oversaw the reestablishment of democracy in Germany, and they had an especially strong direct hand in shaping the postwar German democratic system (Muravchik 1991, pp. 91-114).
3 CRITICISM OF DEMOCRACY Criticism towards our current democratic system has been raised in a New York Times opinion page article by Javier Solana and Strobe Talbott with the headline: “The Decline of the West, and How to Stop It.” As well as in economist and former Minister of Finance of Greece Mr. Yanis Varoufakis’s Ted talk, criticizes our form of democracy. Mr. Yanis Varoufakis as well as Solana and Talbott argue, that capitalism is eating our modern democracy, with an understanding of modern democracy as in the form it was created with the US independent and as it is written in the US constitution. Mr Yanis Varoufakis argues that although the ancient Athenian democracy with its three important institutions, ekklesia, or ‘Assembly,’ boule, or ‘Council of Five Hundred’ and dikasteria the courts, were not perfect, it was still better at giving the power to the people than our modern democracies are today. He argues that we should create four institutional democracies containing the financial and capitalistic aspect of our society, to prevent money buying power/ influence and politicians representing the corporations supporting their political campaigns instead of the people who elected them.
The importance of containing democracy. A philosophic view on democracy by Jeff Landauer and Joseph Rowlands.
“Democracy is a political system through which the majority of the population rules. It differs from other forms of dictatorship by the size of the ruling class. It is believed that democracy leads to freedom, peace, and prosperity. This is not the case. Democracy is potentially the most dangerous of the political systems. Democracy is rule by the majority. There are no limits to what the majority is allowed to decide. It can decide laws with no respect for rights. It can pass laws against painting your house white as easy as it can pass laws against murder. There is no guarantee of a just democracy. There is one distinction between a democracy and many other forms of dictatorship. A minority dictatorship must fear the majority. If they oppress the people too much, the people will rebel. No dictatorship can stand against the full will of the people.
Those that are ruled think in terms of justice. Those that rule think in terms of power. When the majority rules, they stop thinking in terms of right and wrong. They're claim to power is "the will of the people". Wherever that power leads, they follow obediently. If slavery is the price of power, they take it willingly. Those that suffer the most under a democracy are the minorities. The smaller the group, the less say they have in policy. But majority and minority change with each issue or policy. Everyone finds themselves as part of the minority at some point. But since the majority rule, the government has no fear of rebellion to circumscribe their actions. That being said, voting is a very useful tool in constructing a proper government. Unlimited democracy is a bad thing in itself, but a constitutional representative republic in which the people elect representatives to govern according to a rights-respecting constitution is the best form of government so far discovered. There is a disturbing tendency for people to equate a democratic government with a just or proper government. They will say that one government is bad because it's not democratic and another is good because it is, and we must bring democracy to the world! What constitutes a proper government is the preservation of rights, not the method by which that preservation is brought about� (Landauer, J., and Rowlands, J. 2001).
Democratic satisfaction in Germany 60
“Sind Sie mit der Art und Weise, wie die Demokratie in Deutschland funktioniert, alles in allem gesehen zufrieden?”
54 51
The statistic shows the result of a questionnaire conducted throughout Germany regarding the topic of democratic satisfaction. 66% of the German population state that they are “strongly satisfied” or “satisfied” with how democracy works in Germany as of spring 2016.
30 25
Spring 2016
Fall 2015
10 7
Spring 2015
9 1
Sehr zufriden
Source: Statista 2016, https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/153854/umfrage/zufriedenheit-mit-der-demokratie-in-deutschland/
Ziemlich zufriden
Nicht sehr zufriden Überhaupt nicht zufrieden
2 Weiß nicht
The majority of germans are in favor of democracy but show no intent in actively doing anything to endorse it.
Source: Statista 2016, https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/153854/umfrage/zufriedenheit-mit-der-demokratie-in-deutschland/
9% Identify themselves as “absolutely not� satisfied with the current democratic form of ruling.
Source: Statista 2016, https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/153854/umfrage/zufriedenheit-mit-der-demokratie-in-deutschland/
“AfD in the German States”
“Voter turnout for the NSDAP party”
Sources: https://de.statista.com/infografik/5477/abschneiden-der-afd-in-den-landtagswahlumfragen/ https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/09/NSDAP_Wahl_1933.png
A whole spectrum of political messages Not like the others From 2014 to 2015 every German political party, except the AfD, experienced a moved to the left. AfD is also the party which has experienced the most significant change.
Source: infratest dimap 2017, http://www.infratest-dimap.de/uploads/media/LinksRechts_Nov2015_01.pdf
If there were to be elections today this is how the results would be according to infratest.
Source: infratest dimap 2017, http://www.infratest-dimap.de/umfragen-analysen/bundesweit/sonntagsfrage/ Visited 28 January 2017.
But the debate continues outside the political parties as well.
The initiative ‘Demokratie leben.’ Attacks on democracy, freedom and the rule of law as well as ideologies of inequality are perennial challenges to the entire society. Right-wing extremism, racism and antiSemitism, the challenges posed by islamophobia, antigypsyism, homophobia and transphobia, violent Islamism and jihadism, left-wing militancy and other movements illustrate the spectrum of anti-democratic and group-focused enmity. The initiative will take a powerful stand against them, they believe the State and civil society must stand shoulder to shoulder.
BĂźndnis fĂźr Demokratie und Toleranz GOALS
It is their goal to motivate as many people as possible to stand up for democracy and make democracy and tolerance visible in Germany. The bfdt stands up to make a statement for tolerance and against extremism and violence.
The BfDT was founded by the German ministry of internal affairs in 2000. They strongly identify with the values of the german constitution, and work on amplifying the values in cooperation with civil partners.
Haus der Demokratie und Menschenrechte The Haus der Demokratie und Menschenrechte (house of democracy and human rights) combines the east-berlin citizens movement and the west-berlin human rights movement and makes them work together. It is a central workplace for ideas and actions of citizen movements in Germany and is open to all related initiatives and NGOs.
The newspapers also want to play along.
And online, people are expressing their beliefs.
So let’s take a closer look at the so called extremist. Extremism. A definition. “Extremism exists in the distinction to an established political system, so extremist identity is built on an imagined history [as well as an imagined future] that diverged with the imagined history [as well as the imagined future] that supports the established system. Extremist work to subvert the political system supported by the dominant identity; they work to replace that system with one supported by (and supporting) their identity“ (Jackson 2015, p. 5)
Extremism is not singular. The report: “Right Wing Extremism in Europe” categorizes the radical right into four different groups. The first group is the “Extremist right” (fascist-autocractic right, often including racism or xenophobia), all sorts of Neonazis and Skinheads fall into this category. The only political party in Germany under this category“ is NPD. Next category “Ethnocentrist right” (racist or xenophobic rightwing but excluding fascism),
AfD falls into this category. “Populist right” (typically with strong an charismatic leader and diffuse program) and last “Religious-fundamentalist right” this group includes xenophobia, this group of right wing extremism is particularly found in Poland.
German extremists tend to be violent.
GEWALT hat hier ein Chance… The report “Right Wing Extremism in Europe” clearly states that German groups of extremists, on both the left and the right side, tend to be much more violent in comparison to other European countries, particularly Scandinavian ones.
THEY ARE LOUD The people on the right are known for being willing to express their opinion publicly.
THEY ARE “EXTREME� Especially believers in rightwing politics often justify their opinions using fascist arguments. Often violence is seen as an easy solution and most discussions are borderline racist.
However both violent and non-violent sides, use very similar messages. Some just alternatively wrap it more ‘acceptable.’
The way AfD communicates to attract attention.
A1 ~
AfD often communicates using fear in society as one of their most successful leverage points.
Fear of immigrants Fear of religion (often Islamophobia) Fear of violent action (by foreigners) in Germany Fear, that Germans will not get the needed financial aids
General topics AfD successfully uses to communicate: Current state of the economy - Unhappiness with Europe and the impact the European union has on the German economy. Personal financial situation - Some people are unhappy with their own financial situation. This is especially caused by: high taxes, low income jobs, the lack of state funded social security and number of jobs. The AfD uses these issues to communicate their own political messages. Crime - There is a rising fear of increased amounts of crime, especially due to foreigners and immigrants. This topic was strongly amplified by the refugee politics. Immigration - A lot of AfD supporters do not agree with immigration policies. The current increase of refugees in Germany is an especially controversial topic, that is often mentioned by AfD politicians and supporters.
Source: Deutsches Institut fßr Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW). (2016). AfD-AnhängerInnen. Retrieved from: https://www.diw.de/documents/publikationen/73/diw_01.c.541582.de/16-34.pdf
So who are these less violent extremist?
Source: YouGov 2017, https://yougov.de/profileslite#/Alternative_fur_Deutschland/demographics
Source: YouGov 2017, https://yougov.de/profileslite#/Alternative_fur_Deutschland/demographics
Source: YouGov 2017, https://yougov.de/profileslite#/Alternative_fur_Deutschland/demographics
Source: YouGov 2017, https://yougov.de/profileslite#/Alternative_fur_Deutschland/demographics
Source: YouGov 2017, https://yougov.de/profileslite#/Alternative_fur_Deutschland/demographics
Source: YouGov 2017, https://yougov.de/profileslite#/Alternative_fur_Deutschland/demographics
Source: YouGov 2017, https://yougov.de/profileslite#/Alternative_fur_Deutschland/demographics
And are all these less violent people really agreeing with the extremists violence?
50 Party affiliation
Right Wing Extremist According to the DIW study; 73% of AfD voters feel a strong binding to the party, where 27% of voters feel a strong affiliation to other parties. Since the AfD is only a few years old, it is questionable how strong that 73% party-binding actually is. Media such as FAZ, SZ, Zeit, Handelsblatt and others have all called AfD a “rechtspopulistische” party riding on a wave of unhappiness with ‘the establishment,’ a rising movement which has not only seen its light of day in Germany but throughout all of Europe and in the United States as well (Right-Wing-Extremism in Europe).
Source: Statista 2016, https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/258826/umfrage/umfrage-zu-den-motiven-der-waehler-von-piratenpartei-und-afd/
51 Right Wing Extremist Motives for electing the parties Piraten and AfD 90 % 84 %
67,5 %
68 %
The questions of whether the majority of AfD voters truly believes and shares the party’s point of views is justified by a Statista survey conducted to understand the motives behind voting for AfD. The survey shows, that 68% of AfD voters voted for the party mainly because they are unsatisfied with the other parties. The survey was conducted in 2016.
45 %
22,5 % 16 % 8 % Party Program
Unsatisfied with other parties
Source: Statista 2016, https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/258826/umfrage/umfrage-zu-den-motiven-der-waehler-von-piratenpartei-und-afd/
Extremist voter scale. With the knowledge that not all extremist voters are voting for the parties for their political points of view, we argue for the creation of a ‘right-and-or-left-wingextremist-voter scale.’
We argue that there is a phase in which people are solely listening to the extremist messages, but not agreeing with most of its content. At some point people will stop only listening and start agreeing with the messages and at the final point start promoting the messages themselves.
But not everyone takes part in the political debate.
Voter participation is in decline.
DECLINE IN ENGAGEMENT Over the course of the last five elections the engagement and participation in political decisions has been in decline. A indication for the failing interest in democracy in the society. After an all-time low in 2009 there was only a small increase in the 2013 elections. This posts as a risk for the democratic sentiment.
Source: Statista 2016, https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/2274/umfrage/entwicklung-der-wahlbeteiligung-bei-bundestagswahlen-seit-1949/
Because the AfD is good at ‘converting’ them with bold messages.
The attraction of AfD
Where the AfD voters come from
The AfD has its strength in attracting voters who formerly did not vote. To prevent AfD and or other extremist parties to grow it is necessary to be active in this segment of individuals, preventing them from falling for populist messages without having thought their political standpoint through.
Source: SĂźddeutsche.de, www.sueddeutsche.de/politik/landtagswahl-in-mecklenburg-vorpommern-der-afd-waehler-ist-maennlich-und-ungebildet-so-einfach-ist-esnicht-1.3148548. Accessed Dezember 30 2016.
A1 ~
Our research shows that 66% of Germans are satisfied with the current democratic form of ruling, while 33% are not. However, the people satisfied with democracy do not do anything to endorse it and are disinterested. The rise of extreme political parties with their points of view are not a singular event in Germany but can also be found in most western countries. Traditional German political parties are starting to attack radical right and or left wing messages using communication.
Right wing extremism is not singular and the differences within this group of people should be taken into account. German right wing groups have a higher tendency to be violent in comparison to other counties. Recently less violent groups have formed and seen gain in popularity even though their core messages are very similar to more extreme groups. Most voters, voting for an extreme party do so because of dissatisfaction with the other political parties, not because they strongly believe in the parties politics. We argue for an “extremist voter scale� with its listening- agreeing- and promoting phases. The highest risk group of people voting for AfD in the future are current non-voters.
If we cluster our key findings in three groups we get…
62 ACTIVATE Some people are satisfied with democracy but not actively doing anything to endorse it. Up to 47.1 million people1
TURN ‘Listening phase extremists’ not satisfied with the current state of democracy in Germany. Up to 6.2 million people2
1 Democratic
satisfaction in Germany: (66%) of the German population above 15 years of age. 6.2 million (9%) people of the German population are “not” to “absolutely not” satisfied with the current democratic form of ruling. 3 Non-voters (28.5%) of the German population above the age of 18 - voter turnout from 2013 2
PREVENT A group of people, non voters, easily persuaded into adopting political point of views. About 19.62 million people3
These groups create the following strategic options‌
Strategic options
Infiltrate the extreme environment by turning the extreme messages so overly extreme, people in the ‘listening phase’ will turn their back on this environment.
Give Grundgesetz a new voice by converting disinterested ‘Activate’ into active ambassadors.
Pursue “turn” with facts and figures about the current status in Germany regarding immigration, employment rates, GDP per capita etc.
Cut off supplies by giving ‘Prevent’ something exciting to listen to other than extremism.
Cut off supplies.
giving ‘Prevent’ a new voice to listen to
by activating ‘Activate’ TURN ‘Listening phase extremist’ not satisfied with the current state of democracy in Germany. up to 6.2 million people2
ACTIVATE Some people are satisfied with democracy but not actively doing anything to endorse it. Up to 47.1 million people1
PREVENT A group of people, non voters, easily persuaded into adopting political point of views. About 19.62 million people2
By confronting people with the ultimate choice, giving their disinterest the ultimate consequence.
Inspired by the Christian Church we believe in the value of confirmation of democratic beliefs. CONFIRMATION OF CHRISTIAN VALUES
We believe
we need to be radical to get attention.
We believe
we are either going to do it fully and go all the way to the edge, or not do it at all.
We believe
a tight budget demands great impact for money.
We believe
in a non-political agenda, not favoring any political side.
We believe
people want to make their own decisions.
We believe
in the ultimate choice.
Creative Brief! UAP: The ultimate choice Consumer Benefit: The constitution protects my personal rights Consumer insight: Disinterest - I believe in the constitution, but I am not actively doing anything to stand up for it. Reason why: offering both choices - for and against Creative central idea: Bekennen oder Verbrennen (Sign or Burn) Tonality: Edgy, unbiased, over the top.
Communication goals
Foot troops
We believe that two percent of people who are willing to endorse the campaign will also be willing to actively involve in it and stand up for democracy as Foot Troops. This group represents up to 2560 people.
We estimate, that out of the people who participated in the campaign a number of 20% will also be willing to share their political point of view, using the campaign, with other. This group represents up to 128.000 people.
Bekennen oder verbrennen
Because of the severity and the potential virality of the action, we believe, that 40% of the followers will participate and show their point of view by burning or signing the Grundgesetz. This group represents roughly 640.000 people.
Out of the 8 million people who are aware, that the campaign is running a group of 20% should follow the upcoming activities of the campaign on various channels. This group represents roughly 1.6 mil. people.
10% Awareness
See the campaign
An important goal of the campaign is awareness. We believe, that with smart usage of the available resources an awareness of 10% in Germany is possible. This group represents roughly 8 mil. people.
BADVERTISING Com muni cation mix
Com muni cation mix
BADVERTISING Regularly scheduled online and out of home advertisement designed to attract attention, interact and activate target group participation.
Com muni cation mix
BOOM Regular push-content designed to attract attention and activate target group participation.
Com muni cation mix
HARBOR Always-on and easily accessible pull platforms, providing information regarding the campaign, and provoke visitors to follow, spread the word, participate and actively involve themselves.
Com muni cation mix
FOOT TROOPS Go-big moments and lighthouse happenings designed to confront, raise awareness and provoke participation among the target group and wider public.
Effects BOM + BAD = excitement An alternative approach on advertising, Provoking action and encouraging discussion. A way to gather attention bringing our messages across using unconventional ways. The media is the message, creating awareness and bringing across the importance of the matter.
Effects HAR = the engine room A harbor with both self-published and usergenerated content. Defining the campaign and establishing relationships with the audience. Provoking active participation and making people stand up for what they believe in. Sharing the personal standpoint and making a statement. Harbor communication creates the engine room of our campaign.
Effects BOM + BAD + HAR = fulfillment The combination of harbor and badvertising. Leading to attention and interaction. Fulfilling our goal of engaging with the audience. Establishing long-lasting relationships throughout various media channels utilizing both social media for interaction and participation and badvertisement to gather attention and get people talking.
Effects BOM + BAD + HAR + FOO = legacy Combining the attention and excitement of badvertisement, the interaction and engagement of the harbor and Foot Troops, our lighthouse happenings with the active and committed participation of our target group, we reach full legacy of our efforts.
Measures for each level
Paid social media on Facebook and Instagram
BADVERTISING TV-Shopping, Public Transport, In-store, Flyers, Paper towels, Online banners, Pop-up banners.
Measures for each level
HARBOR Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and a Microsite.
Paid social media on Facebook and Instagram
BADVERTISING TV-Shopping, Public Transport, In-store, Flyers, Paper towels, Online banners, Pop-up banners.
Measures for each level FOOT TROOPS
Possibility of joining the team, confronting people on the streets and at their doorsteps with the ultimate choice.
HARBOR Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and a Microsite.
Paid social media on Facebook and Instagram
BADVERTISING TV-Shopping, Public Transport, In-store, Flyers, Paper towels, Online banners, Pop-up banners.
Measures for each level FOOT TROOPS
Possibility of joining the team, confronting people on the streets and at their doorsteps with the ultimate choice.
HARBOR Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and a Microsite.
Paid social media on Facebook and Instagram
BADVERTISING TV-Shopping, Public Transport, In-store, Flyers, Paper towels, Online banners, Pop-up banners.
Welcome the campaign
We believe the Grundgesetz needs confirmation for it to flourish once more.
We believe not ‘bekennen’ to the constitution needs tough consequences. So we burn it.
Step by step towards a successful campaign. The campaign will run in two phases. First an awareness phase drawing attention to the campaign. Then a second phase moving users from being aware of the campaign to follow, participate, endorse and actively involve themselves in the campaign. To create awareness we start with ‘badvertising.’
TV-Shopping Underground ‘Supermarket discount flyers’ In stores Paper towels Online banners Pop-up banners
Why badvertising
Before we present the ‘badvertising' we will explain why we do and call it that. Today, the German constitution, is treated just like a low-involvement product, given little attention by the public. Taken for granted, people have turned their back on the constitution leaving it in ‘bad’ shape. While opposition rises and the voices of extreme political messengers keep getting louder, most people still remain silent, completely ignoring the fundaments modern Germany was build upon.
Our campaign is meant to change that. Framing the bad-treated-situation of the Grundgesetz by showing it in advertisements which by many are seen as of low quality and as ‘bad advertising.’ This will attract attention and amplify the need for action to be taken.
100 TV-shopping
TV Shopping Attention gathering framing The Grundgesetz will be advertised in TVshopping segments as a cheap and generic product. Since the Grundgesetz is being neglected, this channel is used to spark outrage about the bad treatment of the Grundgesetz. The framing of bad treatment will lead to people realizing that the Grundgesetz was not appreciated in the right way recently and interest for the Bekennen oder Verbrennen campaign will be raised. Tv-Shop mood board
101 Public Transport
Public Transport Easy to ignore With great impact for money, advertising in ‘unpopular‘ places throughout the public transport environment, raises awareness and contributes to the message. The unattractive placement conveys the message that the Grundgesetz is being ignored. Similarly to the placement in public transport, people are disinterested in the Grundgesetz at the moment. In public transport people often have a lot of time on their journey making it easy to see and understand the messages they are presented with.
Public transport ad sketch and mood board
102 Supermarket Flyer
Supermarket Flyer Quickly thrown away By positioning the Grundgesetz in flyers like they are known from supermarkets we amplify the neglected image of the Grundgesetz. These flyers often go from the postbox right to the trash, without getting a single second of attention. This goes hand in hand with how people are treating the Grundgesetz. People will be surprised to see a message of great important in what they usually never pay great attention to.
super market flyer mood board
103 Supermarket Flyer
Supermarket Flyer Quickly thrown away By positioning the Grundgesetz in flyers like they are known from supermarkets we amplify the neglected image of the Grundgesetz. These flyers often go from the postbox right to the trash, without getting a single second of attention. This goes hand in hand with how people are treating the Grundgesetz. People will be surprised to see a message of great important in what they usually never pay great attention to.
super market flyer mood board
104 In-Store advertisement
In-Store Ads Annoying obstruction In-store advertising is often used in hardware stores and bigger supermarkets. Customers often are bothered by the little screens, bad speakers and annoying jingles. We want to use this for our advantage to catch peoples attention and point them towards something they do not usually expect in this setting. A message for democracy.
in-store ad mood board
105 Paper Towels
Paper Towels Wiped away Paper towels do normally not get lots of attention. The towels are usually uncomfortable and of bad quality. Paper towels are only used for a split-second and then thrown away right away. We think by printing the constitution and our messages on paper towels like this we can make a point, driving attention to the campaign and showing to the public how neglected the constitution actually is.
paper towel ads example
106 Online Banners and Pop-up
Banners & Pop-ups Ignored away The most common reaction when people see pop-up banners is simply to ignore them. But what if that was giving the ultimate consequence as well. We push forward by using this behavioral convention to bring our messages across and challenge people to participate by stimulating in an uncommon way.
Message from the Grundgesetz Ignore me like you always do and I will put myself on fire in your name. Bekennen
Pop-up and Banner sketches
107 Online banners digital takeover
Digital takeover ads BEKENNEN
Full site takeover With the use of digital takeover ads we aim to make the campaign more interactive. The ad should change to a lighter color scheme and a signature should start appearing on the Grundgesetz as the user moves the mouse to the left. Should the user move the mouse to the right the page will turn dark and fire would emerge in the back. By clicking on either the left or the right side of the ad users will be directed to the microsite. Digital takeover as sketch
O M Paid Facebook
Paid Instagram
109 paid social media
Facebook canvas ad Facebook canvas ads will be used to attract attention to the campaign. The canvas will use different pre-selected Grundrechte symbolized with emotional pictures of real life activities made possible by this article. The canvas will push the users to make a clear decision on wether or not to ‘Bekennen’ or ‘Verbrennen’ the article shown in the canvas.
Headline to grab auenvon. E.g. “Ein tolerantes Deutschland braucht deine Entscheidungen” Full page image showing an emovonal benefit of one of the “Grundrechte.” E.g. Hassan und Hans spielen zusammen Fussball im Chemnitzer Fussballverein e.V.
Explanavon text briefly providing informavon on how the chosen Grundgesetz arvcle translates into the every day life e.g. Fußballvereine.
The arvcle is then given the ulvmate choice. Swipe lez for ‘Bekennen’ You will then scroll down the ‘Grundrechte’ and sign at the bouom with your finger. Swipe right for ‘Verbrennen’
To spread the canvas as much as possible social media endorsements will have a high focus though the whole canvas.
Bekennen: The user will be offered a cervficate for download and share on social media. Verbrennen: a last offer will be provided to persuade the user into ‘Bekennen’ instead. If no. The canvas will start burning and the user will be sent to the end of the canvas.
Social media implementavon offer the possibility to like the Arvkel 1 Facebook page and share the canvas with friends.
110 paid social media
Instagram sponsored posts To raise awareness of the campaign we will use Instagram sponsored posts in cooperation with celebrities signing their most important ‘every day life’ example of the Grundgesetz.
Instagram ad sketch
Facebook Instagram
Youtube Microsite
112 owned and earned social media
Facebook page Facebook will be used as an umbrella platform gathering all social media content of the campaign. Users will be able to dive into the campaign in the ‘situation room,’ showing a map of where in Germany people are signing the Grundgesetz and where people are burning it. Under the theme GG side of life, user generated content will be averrable as well as self published content by Artikel 1 and the celebrities cooperation. The page also links to the micropage where users can take make their ‘ultimate choice’ either signing or burning the constitution. Facebook page sketch
113 owned and earned social media
Instagram Owned Instagram account will be used for pictures bringing the Grundgesetz to life. People don’t always think about the Grundgesetz but it is always there. Pictures of every day life activities will be used to visualize the local and close-to-users-life benefits the Grundgesetz makes possible. The pictures will be given a text overlay since this combination was shown to be highly successful. Throughout the campaign users will be persuaded into sharing their own content using the hashtags #GGBekenner, #GGVerbrenner and #GGsideoflife.
Owned and earned Instagram content sketches
114 owned social media
YouTube After some of the Foot Troop deployments, videos will be uploaded to YouTube showing the results of the event. Giving a vivid glimpse into the work in the field and an insightful presentation of what happens behind the scenes, how people react to the ultimate choice and why people decide to go either way.
YouTube content Sketch
115 1
Welcome page to grab auenvon. Full page image in the back with a consvtuvon as overlay. They style should look like a polivcal campaign site.
Informavon page with a short text briefly providing informavon about the campaign with a call to acvon for visitors to make their decision.
‘Bekennen’ oder ‘Verbrennen’ users will be forced to make their decision.
If the user ‘Bekennen’ they will be lead to a page where they will sign the consvtuvon. If the user “Verbrennen” a last offer will be provided to persuade the user into ‘Bekennen’ instead.
The microsite is the place where the campaign comes to life digitally. The site provides information about the campaign and forces visitors to participate. It is also a place for people to sign up for actively involve themselves in the campaign as Foot Troops. At any point on the site, if the visitor tries to leave or close the page without having made their choice, a pop up will appear telling the user that the Grungesetz will set itself on fire in their name if they keep ignore it.
Bekennen: the users will be offered a cervficate to download and share within their social networks. Verbrennen: if the user svll azer the offer wants to burn the consvtuvon, the microsite will start burning and the user will be sent to a ‘burned’ version of the social sharing part of the microsite (next page).
Social sharing page. Share this campaign with your friends on social media. A ‘digital media kit’ with svckers, logos and other graphics will be available for download. Also people who wish to get involved themselves in the campaign can sign up for becoming a Foot Troop. A cookie will be placed on the device of users who burned the consvtuvon, so that the page will remain burned if the user should choose to return and will first disappear once the consvtuvon is signed.
‘Bekennen oder Verbrennen’ tesvmonials by celebrives and the community. Also news about the campaign in other media's will be available here. A situavon-room-map, showing the progress of the Foot Troops, can be found here as well.
A last social media implementavon and Arvkel 1 logo linking to the www.arvkel-eins.de website.
O T Snapchat
Instagram live
The Foot Troops An offer for complete involvement Inspired by the confirmation of the christian belief we asked ourselves why do you not have to confirm your democratic beliefs as well. Our Foot Troops will confront people on various highly crowded areas throughout all Germany with the ultimate choice. Our Foot Troops will give people a Grundgesetz, a pen and a match. It will then be up to the person either to sign (bekennen) or burn (verbrennen) the Grudgesetz. If the person does not agree/ believe in the constitution or if the person feels too busy with other ‘more important’ aspects of their life, ignoring the Grundgesetz, we will ask them to burn the constitution. And if they do not, our Foot Troops will set the Grundgesetz on fire in their name. Ignorance and not ‘bekennen’ is thereby given a clear and drastic consequence.
Becoming Foot Troop is also a possibility to the people wanting to commit to the campaign and who wish to actively involve themselves. On the microsite people will have to offer to sign up for becoming a ‘Foot Troop’ not only endorsing the campaign within their network but to engage and be an actual part of it.
118 paid social media
Snapchat geo-filter Short time locations based participation Our Foot Troops will confront people to ‘Sign or Burn’ the Grundgesetz on various preselected locations throughout Germany. During these short time campaigns we will activate a Snapchat geo-filter people on the same location as the campaign can use to spread the word and tell their followers they participated. Snapchat geo-filters are expected to arrive for purchase in Germany in Q1 2017*.
*https://www.snap.com/de-DE/news/ Visited Dec 18, 2016.
Snapchat Filter sketch
119 Owned social media
Snap of the Ink Follow our Foot Troops around When Foot Troops are deployed they will use Snapchat to report their progress in the field and show the live action to all snapchat followers. Snapchat stories from behind the scenes will be recorded and uploaded right on site. Locations can be hinted to get even more people to take part in the action. The fast moving idea behind snapchat enables the content to fit to the action and give a dynamic that perfectly fits to the Foot Troops.
Snapchat sketch
120 Owned social media
Instagram Live-Video A live glimpse behind the scenes In the field the Foot Troops will be able to contribute to the Instagram activities by sharing live video. The live video will give a lively insight into what it’s like to confront people with the ultimate choice. Viewers will be able to comment and voice their own standpoint.
badkeymachine #GGBekenner
Instagram Live sketch
Social media as a boost to Artikel 1 and the democratic engagement as a whole.
Our strategic formula
Communicavon goal
Target group insights
Social media content opportunity
= Strategic role for Arvkel 1’s social media acvvives
The goal We want to achieve participation, endorsement, and possible ‘real life’ involvement across multiple social media channels for both ‘Activate’ and ‘Prevent.’ The main goal for social media activities is not only to attract attention to the Artikel 1 initiative and the Bekennen oder Verbrennen campaign, but to move visitors upwards the communication goals pyramid.
Target group insights
Disinterest in actively endorsing democracy. Solution: offer an easy option for participation.
Easily persuaded. Solution: offer a different voice than extremism to listen to.
Achievement of higher participation and endorsement
Target group is partly disinterested in democracy and can be engaged with ‘an easy option.’ Target group is also easily persuaded and needs a voice to listen to.
Social media allows Artikel 1 to step beyond just making their positioning clear (TELLING) to letting people be part of the cause (INVOLVE)
Our strategic role for Artikel 1 social media: make democracy ‘antastbar’
Status quo Artikel 1 social media: consistent content, but limited engagement Consistent visual
Clear visual structure and ‘CD’ across communications.
Good growth
Good weekly fan base growth of 5.5%.
Self centric
Most content is about the Artikel 1 initiative itself.
promising opportunives for deeper engagement.
Fans are currently more engaged in liking content than commenting or sharing it.
Interest in Artikel 1 is there, but content needs to be more engaging.
Don’ts Our review of what not to do.
Don’t just be a one-way communication channel. Debate and parvcipavon does not come out of nowhere. Rather than just being a one-way communicavon channel Arvkel 1 must provide more opportunives for parvcipavon, commenvng and endorsing amongst their fans to create a beuer community.
ŠSocial Bakers 2017
Don’ts FLOP POST 01OCTC16 - 27JAN17
Don’t share content fans find irrelevant.
No one likes to get spammed. To keep fans interested and prevenvng them from turning their back on Arvkel 1 only share content the target group finds relevant.
©fanpage karma 2017
Don’t talk so much about yourself. Do not be that guy who only talks about himself. Lower the self-centric focus leading way for content supporvng the course not only the inivavve.
©fanpage karma 2017
Don’t overestimate how long you can keep Facebook users attention. Keep it svpple. The shorter the beuer. Always try to keep the copy as short as possible. Social media behavior experts have argued that a Facebook copy has an ideal character count of not more than 120, some even say 40.
507 characters
More conversation less one-way communication.
Less talk about yourself.
Summary This is what we can do differently.
Only share content fans find relevant and interesting.
Keep copies short not to lose fans attention.
Do’s Our review of what to do more.
A picture speaks a thousand words.
And adding words to pictures was proven to be highly successful for Arvkel 1 as well as for AfD and BILD am Sonntag. However, Arvkel 1 has a significant lower ‘interacvon per 1k Fans’ ravo. We suggest convnuing the text on picture combinavon but reducing the amount of characters substanvally to increase interacvon levels.
©Social Bakers 2017
Do’s TOP 3 POST 01OCT16 to 27JAN17
Keep rocking those GIFs.
Everyone loves GIFs, especially Arvkel 1’s fans. Ranked as the Top 3 posts within the period from October 1 to January 27 we need more posts like that to keep fans sharing the message.
©fanpage karma 2017
Do’s Profiles engagement analysis
More videos. More pictures.
The combined analysis of the six profiles clearly shows how videos and pictures have the highest fan engagement effect. Arvkel 1 must keep posvng videos to increase fan engagement.
©fanpage karma 2017
Do’s TOP POSTS 01OCT16 to 27JAN17
Share relevant news on your topic. Share regular knowledge and informavon that will let fans stay aware and updated about your efforts; and feel movvated enough to support your cause and work for it. The “Echte Demokrave Jetzt” Facebook page has great success in sharing recent news on their topic with its fans. An approach Arvkel 1 easily can adopt to increase fan parvcipavon and endorsement.
©fanpage karma 2017
Summary What to keep doing.
Text overlays on pictures is a great success.
More videos and pictures.
Keep creating GIFs
Increase added value to your content by sharing relevant news, regular knowledge and information.
Short guides Content and language.
Guideline - content With up to 20% of shared content you can introduce your audience to the ideas of others and promote your audiences contents giving an insight into what moves them. This can yield important insights and take your fan page to the next level.
The 70-20-10 posting rule. 20 % We compiled these guidelines to give a rule of thumb for fan pages that are looking to be a powerful resource to their audience as well as being engaging in their conversavon.
10 % 70 %
Only 10% of the content should be used to talk about yourself and
70% of your social media acvvity should be
endorsing your own
spent to add value to the channel and built
organizavon. This helps in
recognivon. For best results in this category
not seeming too self-
post fun posts on recent events or relevant
centered or pushing the
news. Links to valuable content, like arvcles
organizavon too much.
can add tremendous value to your posts. In this group, creavve and relevant content can make a big difference. Source: Crystal Vilkaivs
Guideline - language
141 If you make a mistake, make fun of yourself. Self-deprecavon is such a popular type of humor because it’s humble. It shows you’re willing and unafraid to admit some of your own flaws for the purposes of amusing others, showing both your humanity and your self-confidence at the same vme. If the crivcism is legivmate, feel free to poke fun at yourself to add levity to the situavon and simultaneously admit your mistake.
How to respond to criticism. Running a social media account will certainly bring you into situavons where you have to respond to crivcism. A few good advices are always helpful.
Playfully refute. Somevmes, you’ll have a follower complain about something illegivmate, in which case your best move is to refute what they’re saying—but do so in a playful, lighthearted manner. For example, if a follower claims your stavsvc in a recent arvcle is incorrect, you could acknowledge the possibility for mistakes to happen, but follow up with a link that proves your informavon to be correct
For communicavon in German always use “Du” and not “Sie” to boost a liberal and in-eye-hight community.
Be overtly gracious. Social media users crave auenvon; giving them that auenvon can almost instantly defuse any situavon. If a fan shares a crivcism of your page, go out of your way to thank them for the insights. Instead of being funny or refuvng the claim, accept it and let them know how much you appreciate fans crivcism.
Adapted from: hup://www.forbes.com/sites/jaysondemers/2016/12/21/5-brilliant-ways-to-respond-to-crivcism-on-social-media/#7cffaaaa2f68
Guideline - language
How to respond to criticism. Running a social media account will certainly bring you into situavons where you have to respond to crivcism. A few good advices are always helpful.
4 5
Make light of the situavon. Inject humor by making light of the situavon—as long as you follow up with some kind of a soluvon. This shows your humanity and expresses a degree of humility to your followers while relieving tension.
Admit, apologize, and make an offer. Somevmes, the best response is a simple, tradivonal one. Be direct and to the point with your response, and don’t mince words. Admit that you made a mistake (even if you feel you didn’t), make a formal apology for the situavon, and offer to make it right in whatever way you feel is most appropriate.
For communicavon in German always use “Du” and not “Sie” to boost a liberal and in-eye-hight community.
Adapted from: hup://www.forbes.com/sites/jaysondemers/2016/12/21/5-brilliant-ways-to-respond-to-crivcism-on-social-media/#7cffaaaa2f68
Social media campaign idea A liule inspiravon for what could be done to engage fans.
Bring the Grundgesetz to life. Each month should focus on a new arvcle in the Grundgesetz making it ‘antastbar’ in creavve and fun ways. As example; an arvcle 17 campaign le•ng fans choose a governmental insvtuvon and Arvkel 1 will send a pre made ready-to-ship complaint to that insvtuvon. A fun way to bring to life many of the Grundgesetz benefits.
“ Sehr geehrtes Bürgeramt…”
Source: hups://www.bundestag.de/parlament/aufgaben/rechtsgrundlagen/grundgesetz/gg_01/245122
Final words.
The aim of this campaign was to bring Grundgesetz to the top of mind among the german population. We are a generation which never had to fight for our rights and freedoms, at least not until now. With extremists on the rise it is not only our belief, we think it is our civil duty to take action. We do not only want to sit, watch and complain but stand up and do something within our means to make a difference. We believe we need to be radical to get attention. We believe people should face the ultimate choice where ignorance and disagreement with fundamental democratic rights, result in the ultimate consequence.
Artikel 1 (1) Die Würde des Menschen ist unantastbar. Sie zu achten und zu schützen ist Verpflichtung aller staatlichen Gewalt. (2) Das Deutsche Volk bekennt sich darum zu unverletzlichen und unveräußerlichen Menschenrechten als Grundlage jeder menschlichen Gemeinschaft, des Friedens und der Gerechtigkeit in der Welt. (3) Die nachfolgenden Grundrechte binden Gesetzgebung, vollziehende Gewalt und Rechtsprechung als unmittelbar geltendes Recht.
Artikel 1 (1) Die Würde des Menschen ist unantastbar. Sie zu achten und zu schützen ist Verpflichtung aller staatlichen Gewalt. (2) Das Deutsche Volk bekennt sich darum zu unverletzlichen und unveräußerlichen Menschenrechten als Grundlage jeder menschlichen Gemeinschaft, des Friedens und der Gerechtigkeit in der Welt. (3) Die nachfolgenden Grundrechte binden Gesetzgebung, vollziehende Gewalt und Rechtsprechung als unmittelbar geltendes Recht.
Artikel 2 (1) Jeder hat das Recht auf die freie Entfaltung seiner Persönlichkeit, soweit er nicht die Rechte anderer verletzt und nicht gegen die verfassungsmäßige Ordnung oder das Sittengesetz verstößt. (2) Jeder hat das Recht auf Leben und körperliche Unversehrtheit. Die Freiheit der Person ist unverletzlich. In diese Rechte darf nur auf Grund eines Gesetzes eingegriffen werden.
Artikel 2 (1) Jeder hat das Recht auf die freie Entfaltung seiner Persönlichkeit, soweit er nicht die Rechte anderer verletzt und nicht gegen die verfassungsmäßige Ordnung oder das Sittengesetz verstößt. (2) Jeder hat das Recht auf Leben und körperliche Unversehrtheit. Die Freiheit der Person ist unverletzlich. In diese Rechte darf nur auf Grund eines Gesetzes eingegriffen werden.
Artikel 3 (1) Alle Menschen sind vor dem Gesetz gleich. (2) Männer und Frauen sind gleichberechtigt. Der Staat fördert die tatsächliche Durchsetzung der Gleichberechtigung von Frauen und Männern und wirkt auf die Beseitigung bestehender Nachteile hin. (3) Niemand darf wegen seines Geschlechtes, seiner Abstammung, seiner Rasse, seiner Sprache, seiner Heimat und Herkunft, seines Glaubens, seiner religiösen oder politischen Anschauungen benachteiligt oder bevorzugt werden. Niemand darf wegen seiner Behinderung benachteiligt werden.
Artikel 3 (1) Alle Menschen sind vor dem Gesetz gleich. (2) Männer und Frauen sind gleichberechtigt. Der Staat fördert die tatsächliche Durchsetzung der Gleichberechtigung von Frauen und Männern und wirkt auf die Beseitigung bestehender Nachteile hin. (3) Niemand darf wegen seines Geschlechtes, seiner Abstammung, seiner Rasse, seiner Sprache, seiner Heimat und Herkunft, seines Glaubens, seiner religiösen oder politischen Anschauungen benachteiligt oder bevorzugt werden. Niemand darf wegen seiner Behinderung benachteiligt werden.
Artikel 4 (1) Die Freiheit des Glaubens, des Gewissens und die Freiheit des religiösen und weltanschaulichen Bekenntnisses sind unverletzlich. (2) Die ungestörte Religionsausübung wird gewährleistet. (3) Niemand darf gegen sein Gewissen zum Kriegsdienst mit der Waffe gezwungen werden. Das Nähere regelt ein Bundesgesetz.
Artikel 4 (1) Die Freiheit des Glaubens, des Gewissens und die Freiheit des religiösen und weltanschaulichen Bekenntnisses sind unverletzlich. (2) Die ungestörte Religionsausübung wird gewährleistet. (3) Niemand darf gegen sein Gewissen zum Kriegsdienst mit der Waffe gezwungen werden. Das Nähere regelt ein Bundesgesetz.
Artikel 5 (1) Jeder hat das Recht, seine Meinung in Wort, Schrift und Bild frei zu äußern und zu verbreiten und sich aus allgemein zugänglichen Quellen ungehindert zu unterrichten. Die Pressefreiheit und die Freiheit der Berichterstattung durch Rundfunk und Film werden gewährleistet. Eine Zensur findet nicht statt. (2) Diese Rechte finden ihre Schranken in den Vorschriften der allgemeinen Gesetze, den gesetzlichen Bestimmungen zum Schutze der Jugend und in dem Recht der persönlichen Ehre. (3) Kunst und Wissenschaft, Forschung und Lehre sind frei. Die Freiheit der Lehre entbindet nicht von der Treue zur Verfassung.
Artikel 5 (1) Jeder hat das Recht, seine Meinung in Wort, Schrift und Bild frei zu äußern und zu verbreiten und sich aus allgemein zugänglichen Quellen ungehindert zu unterrichten. Die Pressefreiheit und die Freiheit der Berichterstattung durch Rundfunk und Film werden gewährleistet. Eine Zensur findet nicht statt. (2) Diese Rechte finden ihre Schranken in den Vorschriften der allgemeinen Gesetze, den gesetzlichen Bestimmungen zum Schutze der Jugend und in dem Recht der persönlichen Ehre. (3) Kunst und Wissenschaft, Forschung und Lehre sind frei. Die Freiheit der Lehre entbindet nicht von der Treue zur Verfassung.
Artikel 6 (1) Ehe und Familie stehen unter dem besonderen Schutze der staatlichen Ordnung. (2) Pflege und Erziehung der Kinder sind das natürliche Recht der Eltern und die zuvörderst ihnen obliegende Pflicht. Über ihre Betätigung wacht die staatliche Gemeinschaft. (3) Gegen den Willen der Erziehungsberechtigten dürfen Kinder nur auf Grund eines Gesetzes von der Familie getrennt werden, wenn die Erziehungsberechtigten versagen oder wenn die Kinder aus anderen Gründen zu verwahrlosen drohen. (4) Jede Mutter hat Anspruch auf den Schutz und die Fürsorge der Gemeinschaft. (5) Den unehelichen Kindern sind durch die Gesetzgebung die gleichen Bedingungen für ihre leibliche und seelische Entwicklung und ihre Stellung in der Gesellschaft zu schaffen wie den ehelichen Kindern.
Artikel 6 (1) Ehe und Familie stehen unter dem besonderen Schutze der staatlichen Ordnung. (2) Pflege und Erziehung der Kinder sind das natürliche Recht der Eltern und die zuvörderst ihnen obliegende Pflicht. Über ihre Betätigung wacht die staatliche Gemeinschaft. (3) Gegen den Willen der Erziehungsberechtigten dürfen Kinder nur auf Grund eines Gesetzes von der Familie getrennt werden, wenn die Erziehungsberechtigten versagen oder wenn die Kinder aus anderen Gründen zu verwahrlosen drohen. (4) Jede Mutter hat Anspruch auf den Schutz und die Fürsorge der Gemeinschaft. (5) Den unehelichen Kindern sind durch die Gesetzgebung die gleichen Bedingungen für ihre leibliche und seelische Entwicklung und ihre Stellung in der Gesellschaft zu schaffen wie den ehelichen Kindern.
Artikel 7 (1) Das gesamte Schulwesen steht unter der Aufsicht des Staates. (2) Die Erziehungsberechtigten haben das Recht, über die Teilnahme des Kindes am Religionsunterricht zu bestimmen. (3) Der Religionsunterricht ist in den öffentlichen Schulen mit Ausnahme der bekenntnisfreien Schulen ordentliches Lehrfach. Unbeschadet des staatlichen Aufsichtsrechtes wird der Religionsunterricht in Übereinstimmung mit den Grundsätzen der Religionsgemeinschaften erteilt. Kein Lehrer darf gegen seinen Willen verpflichtet werden, Religionsunterricht zu erteilen. (4) Das Recht zur Errichtung von privaten Schulen wird gewährleistet. Private Schulen als Ersatz für öffentliche Schulen bedürfen der Genehmigung des Staates und unterstehen den Landesgesetzen. Die Genehmigung ist zu erteilen, wenn die privaten Schulen in ihren Lehrzielen und Einrichtungen sowie in der wissenschaftlichen Ausbildung ihrer Lehrkräfte nicht hinter den öffentlichen Schulen zurückstehen und eine Sonderung der Schüler nach den Besitzverhältnissen der Eltern nicht gefördert wird. Die Genehmigung ist zu versagen, wenn die wirtschaftliche und rechtliche Stellung der Lehrkräfte nicht genügend gesichert ist. (5) Eine private Volksschule ist nur zuzulassen, wenn die Unterrichtsverwaltung ein besonderes pädagogisches Interesse anerkennt oder, auf Antrag von Erziehungsberechtigten, wenn sie als Gemeinschaftsschule, als Bekenntnis- oder Weltanschauungsschule errichtet werden soll und eine öffentliche Volksschule dieser Art in der Gemeinde nicht besteht. (6) Vorschulen bleiben aufgehoben.
Artikel 7 (1) Das gesamte Schulwesen steht unter der Aufsicht des Staates. (2) Die Erziehungsberechtigten haben das Recht, über die Teilnahme des Kindes am Religionsunterricht zu bestimmen. (3) Der Religionsunterricht ist in den öffentlichen Schulen mit Ausnahme der bekenntnisfreien Schulen ordentliches Lehrfach. Unbeschadet des staatlichen Aufsichtsrechtes wird der Religionsunterricht in Übereinstimmung mit den Grundsätzen der Religionsgemeinschaften erteilt. Kein Lehrer darf gegen seinen Willen verpflichtet werden, Religionsunterricht zu erteilen. (4) Das Recht zur Errichtung von privaten Schulen wird gewährleistet. Private Schulen als Ersatz für öffentliche Schulen bedürfen der Genehmigung des Staates und unterstehen den Landesgesetzen. Die Genehmigung ist zu erteilen, wenn die privaten Schulen in ihren Lehrzielen und Einrichtungen sowie in der wissenschaftlichen Ausbildung ihrer Lehrkräfte nicht hinter den öffentlichen Schulen zurückstehen und eine Sonderung der Schüler nach den Besitzverhältnissen der Eltern nicht gefördert wird. Die Genehmigung ist zu versagen, wenn die wirtschaftliche und rechtliche Stellung der Lehrkräfte nicht genügend gesichert ist. (5) Eine private Volksschule ist nur zuzulassen, wenn die Unterrichtsverwaltung ein besonderes pädagogisches Interesse anerkennt oder, auf Antrag von Erziehungsberechtigten, wenn sie als Gemeinschaftsschule, als Bekenntnis- oder Weltanschauungsschule errichtet werden soll und eine öffentliche Volksschule dieser Art in der Gemeinde nicht besteht. (6) Vorschulen bleiben aufgehoben.
Artikel 8 (1) Alle Deutschen haben das Recht, sich ohne Anmeldung oder Erlaubnis friedlich und ohne Waffen zu versammeln. (2) Für Versammlungen unter freiem Himmel kann dieses Recht durch Gesetz oder auf Grund eines Gesetzes beschränkt werden.
Artikel 8 (1) Alle Deutschen haben das Recht, sich ohne Anmeldung oder Erlaubnis friedlich und ohne Waffen zu versammeln. (2) Für Versammlungen unter freiem Himmel kann dieses Recht durch Gesetz oder auf Grund eines Gesetzes beschränkt werden.
Artikel 9 (1) Alle Deutschen haben das Recht, Vereine und Gesellschaften zu bilden. (2) Vereinigungen, deren Zwecke oder deren Tätigkeit den Strafgesetzen zuwiderlaufen oder die sich gegen die verfassungsmäßige Ordnung oder gegen den Gedanken der Völkerverständigung richten, sind verboten. (3) Das Recht, zur Wahrung und Förderung der Arbeits- und Wirtschaftsbedingungen Vereinigungen zu bilden, ist für jedermann und für alle Berufe gewährleistet. Abreden, die dieses Recht einschränken oder zu behindern suchen, sind nichtig, hierauf gerichtete Maßnahmen sind rechtswidrig. Maßnahmen nach den Artikeln 12a, 35 Abs. 2 und 3, Artikel 87a Abs. 4 und Artikel 91 dürfen sich nicht gegen Arbeitskämpfe richten, die zur Wahrung und Förderung der Arbeits- und Wirtschaftsbedingungen von Vereinigungen im Sinne des Satzes 1 geführt werden.
Artikel 9 (1) Alle Deutschen haben das Recht, Vereine und Gesellschaften zu bilden. (2) Vereinigungen, deren Zwecke oder deren Tätigkeit den Strafgesetzen zuwiderlaufen oder die sich gegen die verfassungsmäßige Ordnung oder gegen den Gedanken der Völkerverständigung richten, sind verboten. (3) Das Recht, zur Wahrung und Förderung der Arbeits- und Wirtschaftsbedingungen Vereinigungen zu bilden, ist für jedermann und für alle Berufe gewährleistet. Abreden, die dieses Recht einschränken oder zu behindern suchen, sind nichtig, hierauf gerichtete Maßnahmen sind rechtswidrig. Maßnahmen nach den Artikeln 12a, 35 Abs. 2 und 3, Artikel 87a Abs. 4 und Artikel 91 dürfen sich nicht gegen Arbeitskämpfe richten, die zur Wahrung und Förderung der Arbeits- und Wirtschaftsbedingungen von Vereinigungen im Sinne des Satzes 1 geführt werden.
Artikel 10 (1) Das Briefgeheimnis sowie das Post- und Fernmeldegeheimnis sind unverletzlich. (2) Beschränkungen dürfen nur auf Grund eines Gesetzes angeordnet werden. Dient die Beschränkung dem Schutze der freiheitlichen demokratischen Grundordnung oder des Bestandes oder der Sicherung des Bundes oder eines Landes, so kann das Gesetz bestimmen, daß sie dem Betroffenen nicht mitgeteilt wird und daß an die Stelle des Rechtsweges die Nachprüfung durch von der Volksvertretung bestellte Organe und Hilfsorgane tritt.
Artikel 10 (1) Das Briefgeheimnis sowie das Post- und Fernmeldegeheimnis sind unverletzlich. (2) Beschränkungen dürfen nur auf Grund eines Gesetzes angeordnet werden. Dient die Beschränkung dem Schutze der freiheitlichen demokratischen Grundordnung oder des Bestandes oder der Sicherung des Bundes oder eines Landes, so kann das Gesetz bestimmen, daß sie dem Betroffenen nicht mitgeteilt wird und daß an die Stelle des Rechtsweges die Nachprüfung durch von der Volksvertretung bestellte Organe und Hilfsorgane tritt.
SOURCES Bundesministerium des Innern. (2004) Extremismus in Deutschland. Berlin. Bundesministerium des Innern.
New York Times. (2016). How Far Is Europe Swinging to the Right? Retrieved from: https://www.nytimes.com/ interactive/2016/05/22/world/europe/europe-right-wing-austria-hungary.html visited January 30 2017.
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