Architectural Portfolio

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Portfolio Nikola Kungulovski

Nikola Kungulovski [ MA. Architecture ] +31633428754 [NL] +38971589646 [MKD] Gravin Adelastraat 47 3032HB, Rotterdam, Netherlands Profile: name:

Nikola Kungulovski

date and place of birth:

06.03.1987 Skopje, Macedonia


Macedonia, Bulgaria [ EU Citizen ]

Education: university:

University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy (U.A.C.E.G) - Sofia, Bulgaria. [ Master’s Digree 2006-2012 ] - Best master thesis project [ NYTC] from the international institute of architecture IIA - 2nd place - wooden furniture competition - Student of the year competition 2010

Skills: language skills:

English( Excellent [ CAE ] ) , German(beginner), Macedonian ( mother tongue )

computer skills:

AutoCAD/AutoCAD Architecture, 3Ds Max + Vray, Rhino + Grasshopper, Photoshop, Illustrator, Revit Architecture

capabilities: - Ability to draft professional architectural 2d and 3d drawings in the latest autoCAD programs. - Professional modeling and rendering skills in the latest versions of 3ds Max and Vray. - Acquainted with the latest parametric modeling tools and codes in grasshopper for Rhino 3d as well as Rhino 3d itself. - In depth knowledge of Photoshop, Illustrator and various plugins for the Adobe Suite programs. - Ability to manage numerous projects while meeting rigorous standards. - Ability to make complex phisical models - In depth thinker who can quickly learn new programs, improve skills and make significant contributions. - Excellent organizational and communication skills. - Ability to handle fast changing schedule. - Outstanding design and problem solving skills. - Great concentration, flexibility and motivation in rapidly changing and demanding environments. Proffesional experience: 09.2012/02.2013

-NIO Architecten ( ) , Rotterdam, Netherlands - 6 private houses and glass garden - Ponticello/Italy [ conceptual development, technical details, 3D ] - Tunnel of emotions - Amsterdam/Netherlands [ conceptual development, 3D ] - Decatholn sport equipment shop - Netherlands [ conceptual development, 3D ] - Amorphic Staircase for eeStairs - Netherlands [ conceptual development, technical details, 3D ] - Dark room statue - UBE tokiwa Museum, Japan [ conceptual development, 3D ] - Multi purpose complex ( Museum, Housing, Conference hall, Theatre, Park, Restaurant ) - Allasio, Italy [ conceptual development, technical details, 3D ]


- Red Vertex ( Sofia/Bulgaria -Broadway Malyan, Aeroville, Paris/France [ CG Artist ] -Broadway Malyan, Seyrantepe, Seyrantepe/Turkey [ CG Artist ] -Hotel Marseille, Marseille/France [ CG Artist ]


- M-sintez architectural studio-Sofia/Bulgaria -Billa supermarket Iztok, Sofia/Bulgaria -Billa supermarket C.Gara, Sofia/Bulgaria -Individual house Sofia/Bulagaria -Private school Sofia/Bulgaria


- internship, Alfonso Bonetti Architects -Verona, Italy - The Castle house, Verona, Italy [ conceptual development ] - Torri House, Verona, Italy [ conceptual development ] - Torri 2 House, Verona, Italy [ conceptual development ] - Stevanella Casa, Verona, Italy [ conceptual development ] - Toyota Center, Verona, Italy [ conceptual development ]

[ conceptual development, technical details ] [ conceptual development, technical details ] [ conceptual development, technical details ] [ conceptual development, technical details ]


- Project Architect- Individual house, Bardovci, Macedonia [ conceptual development, technical details, on site project supervisor, local authority requirements ]


- Assistant Architect -Casino “Princess�-Macedonia [ conceptual development, technical details, on site project supervisor ]

Selected projects:







eeStair Type: Location: Status: Year:

Staircase for eeStairs [ NIO Architecten ] Netherlands In progress 2012/2013

The company eeStairs ( ) commissioned NIO Architecten in designing a staircase that has never been seen so far, a staircase that will not only be a vertical connection bridging two elevations but also a main accent in the volume that it is placed. The design on first glance is one entity made of black fluidly like semi reflective material making it a central element in whatever area it is found. This particular design shocked the designers and owners at eeStairs and they fell in love at the first sight. The stair technical drawings were just finished and there is a search for a public building which will embrace this astonishing beautiful design.


Dark Room Type: Location: Status: Year:

Instalation [ NIO Architecten ] Ube Tokiwa Museum, Japan In progress 2012

Sometimes to achieve a particular goal you must be contradictory. In this case there is a small, dark, contemplative space created whose walls consist of three quite excited elephants. This small space is unaware she is the epicenter of violent animal nature. Unaware she is the flapping of the butterfly leading to an emotional hurricane (or has the hurricane just died down to stillness?). We know elephants are among the smartest animals on earth with great intelligence and excellent memory. But few know that, like humans, they have genuine emotions and can very much 'feel'. An elephant’s trunk is a fundamental part of its body, used not only to smell, feel and speak but also to reveal feelings. Used at one moment to grasp while at the next to unleashes a blast of water. The trunk communicates emotions. Dark Room is about contrasts and seemingly impossible solutions. You make something still through noise. You make something human through the animal. You make something small through the disproportionate. You make something contemplative through the super sensitive. Sometimes to achieve a particular goal you must be contradictory.

vertical sections:

Mattatoio Type: Location: Status: Year:

Cultural Center [ NIO Architecten ] Allasio, Italy In progress 2012/2013

Mattatoio, which in Italian means the old butchery is project located in Alassio, a town and commune in the province of Savona situated in the western coast of Liguria, northern Italy, approximately 80 km from the French border. The name comes from the real old butchery that has been ruined in the city and has a big part of the history of the city. The project represents a cultural centre that not only will preserve this area but it will also give a functional meaning to it. The development includes several volumes, a civic centre ( 700 m2 ) with social recreational and multipurpose spaces, a conference centre (675 m2 ) which includes independent conference facilities with total capacity of 450 seats, an auditorium (900 m2) with total capacity of 340 seats and independent music and recording studios, a “ Butcher House� which is an area with offices and a museum , and also an apartments area above the auditorium.

Site analysis: 1. school 2. sport 3. parking 4. red cross 5. enel 6. bar/restaurant 7. church 8. shop 9. hotel







2 6




9 8






public parking







Plot area 3200m2 Gross floor area 760m2 Floor area ratio 0.23 Covered area 20%

Buildings are enlarged vertically. No extra volumes are created on the plot area, to maximazie the open, public space around. Extra gross floor area in the volumes 1570m2 + possible apartments/hotel extention 1140m2

Land scape connecting all areas around the plot (Via Neghelli, Via Privata Neghelli). The area becomes accesible for pedestrians. Public space without tresholds. Public landscape area: 2515m2 Extra gross floor area created under 1400m2

Beautifull Alassio hills are the main inspiration for shapeing the volumes and landscape PHAZE 1









31 35 22 32 16

36 40

2 1

33 37 35






28 19

17. Main entrance 18. Outdoor cafe 19. Outdoor stage

Open axonometry

THE AUDITORIUM HOTEL/APARTMENTS (total 1450m2) 10. Lobby 150m2 28. Parking 240m2 35. Main auditorium 240 seats 37. Balconies 100 seats 40. Outdoor public terrace

CONFERENCE CENTER (total 675m2) 7. Secondary hall 95m2 23. Conference rooms 95m2(capacity 70 people) 33. Conference rooms 95m2(capacity 70 people) 36. Conference rooms 95m2(capacity 70 people)

CIVIC CENTER (total 700m2) 1. Urban cafe 140m2 2. Entrance lobby 150m2 32. Study/labs 140m2 35. Study/labs 140m2

BUTCHER’S HOUSE (total 380m2) 16. Offices 120m2 22. Museum 120m2 31. Bar/restaurant terrace 100m2 34. Bar/restaurant 120m2





13 4




5 8 11

24 3

16 29


28 27 25




1 7 23

10 18



Ground floor plan

BACK-OF-HOUSE (total 530m2) 13. Delivery 30m2

17 20

CIVIC CENTER (total 700m2) (social, recreational and multipurpouse spaces for inhabitants and school pupils from Alassio) 1. Urban cafe 140m2 2. Entrance lobby 150m2 3. Shop 135m2 CONFERENCE CENTER (total 675m2)

THE AUDITORIUM (capacity 340 seats total 900m2) 9. Lounge 65m2 10. Lobby 150m2 11. Facilities 140m2(changing rooms, bar, toilets) MUSIC STUDIOS (total 235m2) 12. Recording facilities (independent conference facility with total capacity of BACK-OF-HOUSE (total 530m2) 13. Delivery 30m2 450 people. 14. Parking staff 245m2 Possible connection with the main auditorium) 15. Central storage 195m2 4. Lounge 60m2 2 BUTCHER’S HOUSE (total 380m2) 5. Restaurant 60m 2 16. Offices 120m2 6. Central hall 150m 7. Secondary hall 95m2 8. Sanitary facilities 25m2

First floor plan





Second floor plan

38 35





29. Entrance parking 30. Entrance staff parking


31 38

BUTCHER’S HOUSE (total 380m2) 22. Museum 120m2 CONFERENCE CENTER (total 675m2) (independent conference facility with totall capacity of 450 people. Possible connection with the main auditorium) 23. Conference rooms 95m2(capacity 70 people) THE AUDITORIUM (capacity 340 seats total 900m2) 24. Lounge/pantry artists 55m2 25. Changing rooms artists 35m2 26. Rehersal room 20m2 HOTEL/APARTMENTS (total 1450m2) 27. Entrance lobby 50m2 28. Parking 240m2

17. Main entrance 18. Outdoor cafe 19. Outdoor stage 20. Drop-off 21. Bus parking



THE AUDITORIUM (capacity 340 seats total 900m2) 34. Scene 40m2 35. Main auditorium 240 seats 36. Access balconies 37. Access artists HOTEL/APARTMENTS (total 1450m2) 38. Independent access hotel/apartments

BUTCHER’S HOUSE (total 380m2) 31. Bar/restaurant terrace 100m2 CIVIC CENTER (total 700m2) (social, recreational and multipurpouse spaces for inhabitants and school pupils from Alassio) 32. Study/labs 140m2 CONFERENCE CENTER (total 675m2)

(independent conference facility with total capacity of 450 people. Possible connection with the main auditorium) 33. Conference rooms 95m2(capacity 70 people)

Third floor plan

THE AUDITORIUM (capacity 340 seats total 900m2) 37. Balconies 100 seats 38. Access technical bridges HOTEL/APARTMENTS (total 1450m2) 39. Independent access hotel/apartments

BUTCHER’S HOUSE (total 380m2) 34. Bar/restaurant 120m2 CIVIC CENTER (total 700m2) (social, recreational and multipurpouse spaces for inhabitants and school pupils from Alassio) 35. Study/labs 140m2 CONFERENCE CENTER (total 675m2)

(independent conference facility with total capacity of 450 people. Possible connection with the main auditorium) 36. Conference rooms 95m2(capacity 70 people)

New York Theater City [ NYTC ] Type: Location: Status: Year:

Academic project New York, USA Concept 2012

New York is undoubtedly one of the most contemporary cities in the world, in which Broadway has turned in to a global monopoly in the theater world, therefore places for new experimental forms in the theatrical world are almost extinguished. The project is a city theater campus where young, new and different cultural activities will be proposed, a place which is intended to transform in to a incubator for new tendencies and talents. The plot chosen for this project is an industrial zone which is situated west on the island, between 30th and 33rd street and 11th and 12th avenue. At the moment the area is used by the railroad company for cleaning and maintenance of the used wagons, but through the years it has become a morgue for the same. This site had a strategic location since it is the end point of the well-known “High Line� Today, this railway/metro line is turned in to a beautiful park which is one of the main attractions in New York consequently it represents a strong momentum in the whole area and therefore has a big role in forming the theater city. Instead of the conventional building in this verticalized city, I try to escape from the cult of the megalomania thus dividing the building in 5 separate volumes which can function as one. Every object contains all the necessary facilities. The volumes following the curve of the park develop in to a semicircle form with dislocated central axis, simultaneously forming an area with minimum distance between each volume as a result a perforated void is made and a public dialog between the center of the city and the Hudson river is realized. Metaphorically this is a world whit in a world, separate from all real, an utopia similarly to the mask in the theater, an alter-ego of a better world. The mask is a leading component in the shaping of the volumes, it applies the deconstructivistic element of a shell and stimulates unexpected and controlled chaos. Accordingly, the chosen materials have purpose to reflect the external society back to the world keeping the internal elements intact . As functional content, the center main building is divided in 3 groups, first- accessibility of the audience , central zone the theater hall and scene and third- service facilities.

New York

Hudson yards


Upper Manhattan High Line

building A ground floor:

building A first floor:

building B ground floor:

building B first floor:

building A sections:


A Poets Club Type: Location: Status: Year:

Academic project Sofia, Bulgaria Concept 2011

For us to understand one poetic piece, we should foremost understand the poets ideals which are a product of the antagonism between the subject diferent parts of the personality. Freud proposed that the human psyche could be divided into three parts: Id, ego, and super-ego. The super-ego is the moral component of the psyche, which takes into account no special circumstances in which the morally right thing may not be right for a given situation. The rational ego attempts to exact a balance between the impractical hedonism of the id and the equally impractical moralism of the super-ego, it is the part of the psyche that is usually reflected most directly in a person's actions. The id is the unorganized part of the personality structure that contains a human's basic, instinctual drives. Id is the only component of personality that is present from birth.This architectural model represents the roles the Id, Ego, and Super Ego play in relation to conscious and unconscious thought. The visitor of the poet’s club is a passenger traveling through every state of the poets mind, entering through the first stage, the birth of the artist and his basic instincts, then passing by his so called “earth image� and ending the journey with the poets wildest desires and needs.

volume I :

id ego super-ego

volume II :

volume III :

Voronoi Theatre Type: Location: Status: Year:

Academic Project Sofia, Bulgaria Concept 2011

This project is the first assignment in the beginning of my masters degree course. The task was to design a theatre in Sofia, Bulgaria on a location which was previously inhabited by a small community of Romani people. The idea in this project is to create a distingue connection between the Romani community and the theatre therefore leaving a lifelong legacy carved in this area. Using the Voronoi diagram and a triangulated map of every family household a faรงade was created which represents the specific relationship within the community. These diagrams are widely used in diverse fields and spontaneously occur at all scales of nature. In anthropology and geography they describe patterns of human settlement, in biology, the patterns of animal dominance and plant competition. The diagrams represent as strong a connection between mathematics and nature as the constants e or pi. Nevertheless beside the chaotic faรงade the theatre plan is rectangular, therefore following the canons of deconstructivism the faรงade is only a mask to that what is inside, also making a metaphoric connection between the theater and the Romani people showing the mask that society has applied to this group of people. This project is brought to the technical detail level therefore making it particularly difficult to solve. Some of the many tasks were organizing the whole area to work as one entity and at the same time dividing it in 3 sub areas ( visitors, actors, administration) , constructing the scene meeting all construction regulations and making an acoustically ready hall which will be adjustable to speech and musical shows.



ground floor plan:



Figure of ground spaces

Iconic buildings

Polar oriantation

low height ( 1-2 ) middle height ( 3-6 ) tall height ( 7 +)

Height of buildings

first floor plan:

north facade:


south facade:

east facade:

west facade:

Private House Bardovci Type: Location: Status: Year:

Housing [ Private project ] Skopje, Macedonia In progress 2010

This project is of big relevance to me personally. It represents my first approach in real life architecture and construction. The project is a private modern house in the periphery of Skopje, the capital of Macedonia. This is a country where the presence of modern architecture is absent, consequently it was a huge task to design and draft this house not only because of the level of detail that the drawings were necessary to be but also for me to persuade the owners to accept a modern design of the house rather than the casual traditional Macedonian house and show them the benefits of the same. Furthermore with this assignment I collided for the first time with the real architect duty starting from consulting with engineers, technical advisors, geodesy engineers, finding proper companies and materials for the construction process to dealing with administration papers in the county. At the moment the house concrete works are done and the end of the construction works is expected in the end of 2013. The house is divided in two areas, day and night, consequently the ground floor where the living room, kitchen and dining room are situated is the day zone whereas the first floor with 4 bedrooms is the night zone. The roof which is at the same time a terrace is connected with the rest of the house by a stair case that is situated in a tall vertical volume breaking the horizontality of the house and thus making it more interesting. The day zones are situated in the eastwest area and are closed with huge glass windows hence captivating most of the sun light. Since Macedonia is a country with 300 days of sun the living room and the front yard are separated by a tall glass glazed sliding doors merging the whole area during the summer in one



closet dining room

master badroom


living room closet


badroom 1 kitchen badroom 3


badroom 2




Ground floor

First floor


north facade:

south facade:

east facade:

west facade:

Cinema Kinesys Type: Location: Status: Year:

Academic project Sofia, Bulgaria Concept 2009

The building is situated in an urban area in the heart of Sofia, Bulgaria. The aim of the project is to create an unconventional building in this case a local cinema which will have a specific relationship with the surroundings. In the area is situated Sofias famous landmarks, the childrens palace, which is one of the key factors forming the volume of the cinema. It represents a momentum that shapes our object like a drop in the water giving it dynamical energy to our building making it timeless. The cinema projects only educational science documentaries evoking the cultural spirit and thirst for knowledge. Interesting fact about this building is that every movie projected in the cinema, trough ASCII to binary code transformations, it’s title is transmitted on the facade creating a visual treat for everybody near the cinema.

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