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Within a circle of people it is only natural that distances should exist and hindrances in getting to know each other for a smooth collaboration and coexistence in an environment. Nevertheless, the leader –the teacher in our case- can inspire trust between team members through according actions. Moreover, if the members are children-students of a school who all have knowledge as a common goal. For Creative Learning to reach a successful result, previous stages need to exist where collaboration is certain and in the context of a game. These stages can be many. We will point out the most important ones by proposing some indicative actions/exercises. • Warming-up exercises. • Getting-to-know-each-other exercises. • Trust exercises. • Creativity, Fantasy and Team-building Exercises.

Warming-up Exercises In theater before each rehearsal a warm-up is needed. Its goal is to warm-up the muscles and at the same time to create a bond between team members to strengthen the entire group so as to act in unity. If this works with a theater team it can also be done in class. If for a group of actors/actresses a performance is a common goal, for a group of students the goal is also clear. It is the lesson, acquiring knowledge etc. In the context of collaboration and mutual self respect of all personalities, we do not need complicated things. Sometimes, a simple warm-up can be Fun and have positive results. We start by awakening our body. The muscles have to be activated with a simple methodology of stretching exercises. This circle of exercises is mandatory especially if students come from a previous class where they were sitting for a long time. With these exercises the body regains its rhythm and gains strength and will for movement and action.

1st Exercise

From top to bottom Start by activating the upper body. First the head. Turn right and then left until where the eyes can see. Repeat 10 times. Neck muscles are very important and need to stretch out and be activated. Continue by intense shaking of the legs and arms counting down from 10 to 1. First the right arm. The movement should start form the shoulder and move down to the palm. The shaking has to be very strong when reaching the palm (it is like when we shake our fingers when something is stuck on them and we want to throw it away). Stretching our shoulders to the opposite direction, we try to exercise our back from the top to the waist. We try to reach the ceiling high above us. In trying to do so we extend our fingers to the top and stand in our toes. But our head looks down so as to stretch our neck muscles.

Counting again from 10 to 1, we awaken our waist and pelvis by moving in circles (as large as possible) with our hands placed on our waist.

And the exercise ends with shaking the legs. Starting from the pelvis and the base of the legs to the end of the feet, where we stand on one leg and shake the other vigorously with a downward movement. From the knee, then the calves and finally the ankles and toes.

During all the exercises the children can count out loud along with the teacher/animator, in this way warming up their voice too. We suggest the counting to be: 10-9, 10-8, 10-7,....9-9, 9-8, 9-7,........ 8-8, 8-7, 8-6 so on and so forth and not the simple 9-8-7-6.... In this way there is a clear rhythm for the execution of the exercise. This rhythm gives the whole team the opportunity to act together and in a single voice also, to tune in and warm up their voice.

2nd Exercise

Lying down doesn’t always mean sleeping (floor exercises)

Attention : 1. Taking into consideration that in a team we have different children with various body shapes, we should not forget that each one has different limits. These exercises are for warming-up the body so we do not pressure the muscles and in general the children’s limits let them do as much as they can. Be sure that with time they will be able to do more. 2. If counting from 10 is too much in duration, we start from 5.

Lying on the floor, we discover a new range of exercises. This time we start from the legs. First the right one and then the left. We fold them back so the foot comes as close to the hip as possible. With the help of our hands we hold the knee and pull back counting again 10-9, 10-8, 10-7 so on and so forth. Do the same with the left leg.

Then it is the turn for both legs. We do the same movement as before but this time we exercise our waist too. In a more advanced form, the pulls could be done with the head moving also. As the knees approach, the neck comes forward to meet them. Counting as always.

Legs in extension. First the right one then the left. Bring it up as much as extended as possible with the foot in flex position and with the arms aiding the movement during all the orbit of the leg. Doing both legs together is more complicated but the animator could try it.

The sitting position gives us new possibilities. By holding the feet together with our hands, our elbows sit on our knees. We may do small stretching movements to push open our knees. Counting applies here too and is better when all do it together as a team.

We sit with one leg folded and one extended, sending the tips of our fingers to meet our toes. Alternatively our right arm to the left leg and vice-versa.

Behind us there is always someone sitting doing the same exercises. And if we are last, there is a wall or an object behind us. Placing our left hand behind us on the floor we twist our waist so as to see the one behind us and meet his eyes. The right hand helps balance all this. Our elbow placed on our left knee. The exercise becomes more efficient if the left leg crosses over the right and that foot is in flex position.

Getting-to-know-each-other Exercises It is only natural to feel uncomfortable when being among strangers and do not open-up to show who we really are. This is not what we want in a team that has to act in unity and have results in the end. We all have to be acquainted to each other. Friendly relationships bring without effort, relations of trust and collaboration. So, let’s get acquainted:

1st Exercise

The Alphabet of our names 1st Phase Children stand in a circle and say their names out loud (that starts with the letter ‌) i.e. My name is Anna, Peter ‌etc 2nd Phase Children say their name again but this time add something they like, starting with the same letter. i.e. My name is Peter and I like parachutes, my name is Anna and I like apples.

3rd Phase Children say again name and preference but the second one has to repeat what the first one said (name and preference). i.e. 1st Peter- parachutes 2nd My name is Anna and I like apples and next to me is Costas that likes parachutes.

4th Phase We keep repeating the same but the third student needs to say what the previous ones said and the fourth and the fifth. For the last one, of course it is quite difficult to remember what all the previous ones said and remember all their names and preferences. I.e. 1st My name is Peter and I like parachutes, 2nd My name is Anna and I like apples and next to me is Peter that likes parachutes. 3rd my name is Paul and I like pineapples and next to me is Anna that likes apples and next to her is Peter that likes parachutes‌ Mistakes are unavoidable and they will bring lots of laughter and make the children feel more comfortable with each other.

2nd Exercise

All together...

A very easy game/exercise is the following. The animator tells the children to move around in any direction they want, simply walking, jumping or on their toes etc. at some point he/she announces: Put your elbows together! All children run to connect their elbows. Or: All your feet together! They sit down to connect their feet. This exercise involves a lot of fun and laughter.

3rd Exercise

The Big , the Small and the Twisted. The team has to move around the space towards various directions with a fast rhythm (not slow, not running but energetic). Tell the team to have a purpose in their movement, to change direction swiftly and with a goal (in their mind) and not to walk loosely & aimlessly around.

1st order/signal: Big The moment they hear the word “Big� , to choose someone in front of them and create a large shape and expand as much as possible (with their arms and legs).

2nd order /signal: Small When they hear the word “Small” , to stop what they are doing and with whom they have in front of them to create together a small shape (to shrink together as much as possible connecting their backs, folding their bodies etc)

3rd order/signal: Very Large When they hear the word “Very Large” to stop and with their closest person to create shapes that involve 3 of more children (with their arms, arms and legs etc).

4th order/signal: “Tiny” When they hear the word “Tiny” to create a shape as small as possible 3-4 together with someone.

5th order/signal: “Twisted” When they hear the word “Twisted” to create together with others a shape that forces the body to have at least one part of it twisted. The waistline of the body, the arm or the leg. Repeat the exercise and this time give the orders shuffled and increase the walking rhythm. Surprise the team by slowing down the rhythm and escalating suddenly.

The last phase is the one that combines the shapes. Small and tiny. Large and twisted. Tiny and twisted.

Complete the exercise with a fun order: saying something that is not possible: Tiny and extra-large.

4th Exercise

Find my Shoe! The team stands in a circle. In the middle we have placed a large carton box. Each takes off one shoe and puts it in. With the signal of the animator we run and take a random shoe from the box. We go back to the circle and try to find to whom the shoe that we took belongs to. When we do, we put it on the friend it belongs to. When done, the child that brought the shoe whispers to the owners ear 3 things that we do not know (i.e. name, age, class, food that they like etc.) The student that has both shoes takes its turn to find to whom belongs the shoe it is holding and does the same as the child before (gives tips etc)

Trust Exercises Within the Theater Stage process we often need to trust in each other. And to achieve this we need the other to inspire us trust and we also to inspire trust to the others around us. Trust Exercises are very common and mandatory for the strengthening of the relationships between the members of a team.

1st Exercise

A Blind-Fly (children’s blindfolded game) We divide the team into couples (Driver & Blindfolded). We put chairs or other obstacles in certain positions in the space. One child in each couple is blindfolded with a cloth. The other will direct it to walk between the obstacles without bumping into anyone. How will they manage? Putting their hands on one shoulder of the «Driver»? Just one hand?

Holding each other? Let the children find the way that is more effective for them. Then we exchange roles. Basic Requirement: Silence! No talking.

2nd Exercise

Our Common and our Different Tell your team to move around the space and by your Signal to choose and stop someone. Someone they know least, not their classmate, close friend, neighbor. A stranger if possible. Give them some minutes to find 3 common interests, of different nature (i.e. they wear the same t-shirt, they have the same bicycle or they both like Lady Gaga). The teachers / animators Signal will stop them and then the movement begins again. During this movement it is explained that with the Signal of the animator they have to find the same “Stranger� classmate and stand before him/her for a new conversation and exchange. The Signal is heard and the children find their previous couple. This time they have to find 3 things that are NOT happening to them, totally different. (I.e. they do not play video games, they do not go on vacations to an island, their mothers name is not Barbara etc) The movement starts again and with the signal, all stay still and maybe stand in two lines, couples opposite to each other. Each

one gets to speak and say what these differences with their couple are. While listening to all, someone might find a common/different matter and note it. At this point many common characteristics will be found between children that did not meet during the exercise. The children change places and go stand opposite to the ones they have common things from their last exercise.

3rd Exercise

A Gordian Knot� ‌in hand Sometimes the simplest of games that we have played endlessly are the most effective. For example the human knot. It is a game that is played in school, pre-school, playgrounds and summer-camps. This game is ideal to get to know each other, to collaborate, to laugh and acquire a basic trust for one another. A trust that can become more complex in the next steps.

The Goal is – the moment we manage to become

a knot- to untangle that knot.

1st movement The team stands in a tight circle, shoulders touching but not holding hands.

2nd movement We lift our left arm up and touch randomly the hand of another student (but not the ones next to us)

3rd movement We lift our right hand too and touch another students (again not the one next to us).

4th movement We move away opening the circle without letting go of our hands. The knot is quite tangled.

5th movement Twisting, folding and turning, we move as we can trying to untangle the knot and form the circle again as best as possible. In this first phase we are allowed to talk and advice each other on how to move and untangle. The game can be repeated but this time (and as our trust develops as a team) without talking but using only eye contact to explain to each other what to do.

Imagination Exercises, Creativity and Team-Building. If you want the children of your group to be creative, to suggest things and not to depend solely on you and your solutions & directions, you need to cultivate they imagination and their will to produce new and innovative ideas to propose. It is of little importance if these ideas are applicable. It is important to trigger their mind, imagination and creative procedure in motion. Each stimuli introduced to the team is a challenge to each student individually and the team collectively.

1st exercise

Bargains and Negotiations Divide the class into groups of 4-6 students. Give each team a work to complete. It does not have to be logical or real, it can be imaginary or beyond this world! But place some rules: A time limit. I.e. «You have 2 minutes to discover a new language and announce to us how we say in this language: “the school, the collaboration and the red color”. Do not give them -not even one extra second- and do not accept excuses for any reason. Simply give immediately another exercise, after their first failure. A second exercise with the same prerequisites or compared to the level of difficulty give some extra or less time. For example : “ you have 4 minutes to name 4 new classes in the School of the Future». As the exercise progresses the results will be better and better. You will have the phenomenon of “ Leader figures” rising in the teams. That is positive but they should not overshadow the rest. Our goal is that all children will have an opinion, create images, feelings and express them. So, exchange between teams and mix the students. Put the “leaders” all together in one team. Let the other teams show new “Leading Figures”. If one/some of the students want to force their opinion/suggestion, narrow their field: “You can propose one thing at the time frame given”. We cannot expect the best of results from the very start. Both success and failure are part of the game of the experiment and of the exercise. Show persistence and the good signs will appear.

The goal is the collaboration of all the team. To accept each other’s proposition/opinion. To think about it and take it a step forward with improvement suggestions. Observe what is it, that is missing from each team and correct it. Make different suggestions, creative as always and within the context of the theatrical process. We are giving some themes that can be a stimuli source. Tell the team: • To write verses for a song. To find words that rhyme. To write a poem to praise … their hands. • To describe new weather phenomena (Beyond the rain and the high and low pressure systems) and present a weather report to the rest. • To discover a useless machine (i.e. a long distance handshake machine… that gives us the opportunity to shake hands via a remote control and blue tooth-before we meet someone … and so we are not supposed to do it the moment we meet an acquaintance in person). • To write a recipe of a new food with ingredients from their imagination (pasta soufflé with acacia leaves, stuffed water-melon in the oven garnished with Calcutta Elephants bubbles etc.) • To create and outline a new State Law. • To rewrite the school schedule including new classes. • To discover a new decease. • Design & sketch a new School Uniform. • Draw the commercial logo for a product that does not exist (i.e. sweet preserve by dry plane-tree leaves).

2nd Exercise

A locum (marshmallow?) on the Eifel tower Materials Bring to the team: A box of locums (or marshmallows). A packet of spaghetti as thick as possible. Paper tape. Some meters of string Scissors

1st Phase Divide the students in groups. Give each group 4 spaghetti and 1 locum. (there are enough in the box usually). Give some minutes to each team so they can form a pyramid and put the sweet on the top. The exercise is simple and all teams will make it (see image)

2nd Phase Give them 4 extra spaghetti and paper tape to make the pyramids higher. 6 minutes should be enough, the sweet needs to be on the top always.

3rd Phase Give each team 20 spaghetti, the string, papertape and scissors (to cut the string and tape) and 15 minutes of time. The goal is to create the Eifel Tower as high as possible, using all the spaghetti without breaking them and without sticking 2 together to make them stronger. I they manage they will stick the sweet on the top. The goal is for the tower not to break. The wining team is the one that manages to finish the tower in the given time and abide to all the rules. They win the box with the remaining sweets.

3rd Exercise

Lend me your feeling. We tell our team to sit in a circle, we tell two of the students to stand in the middle of the circle and to express two different or opposite feelings with their body and faces. i.e. happiness-sorrow, love-hate, enthusiasm- disappointment etc. The desired action is to pass from their own expression of their feeling to exact opposite feeling and expression of their co-player and vice-versa. The two students have to find a bridge of other feelings so as to transcend this path smoothly. They have to find which are the feelings that ensure a safe passage from one feeling to the other. Te exercise continues with the rest of the children working in couples. Basic Requirement : The exercise has no dialogue.

There are shy ones among us Yes it is very likely. It is common for a large number of children not to have an extrovert personality so they can react to the given stimuli and participate to the activities. There are children that even though they want to, they do not dare to participate. These children need some extra attention. They are hypersensitive and the can be insulted by both special attention and indifference towards them. It is part of the role of the teacher/ animator to accept all children and the his/her team to have space for everyone. Shyness is defense. These children need to feel safe and comfortable with their environment and the group. Aim to create friendly circumstances and cooperative

within the team that prove that all is acceptable and we can express and discuss them. Teamwork is the key for all member teams. Make a group activity/exercise/improvisation that everyone will do the same and this will be something foolish and funny. A good example is to laugh all together, with no reason, for a few minutes. Conduct a dialogue with funny facial expressions to each other. Give children that are shy the chance to express themselves in a scene they do not have to lead and take initiative. This will be a short time until they feel comfortable to participate in games/exercises/improvisations and follow someone else or the time. Show attention if they manage to express something and encourage them with a “bravo”, nothing loud or overreacting. Establish applause at the end of every effort. Weather its individual, team work, good or bad, successful or unsuccessful. Applause means the end of a chapter and is the reward of the effort and not of the result. It is clear that their courage will mature in a different, slower pace. Give them this time without showing that you are ignoring them or giving them special attention. Give them a role. They can become your assistance for a while. Avoid “targeting” or letting other children to put a label to someone that seems to have a “shy” behavior. Give them the feeling of security that whatever they do/express no one will laugh at them. Do not hesitate to play or make an improvisation with them where you will take the part of the “shy”, “clumsy” one only to show that even you do something unsuitable and someone laughs at you it is not the end of the world.

Concluding, it has to be very clear for the animator and the team the difference between fear and danger. It is scientifically proven that when we are about to socially expose/Exhibit ourselves to the public –and Theater is considered such an act towards the critical eye of the audience- our brain sends panic signals as if we are facing a beast. Clearly if we are exposed to a wild beast this is danger. Walking on a stage to be exposed by acting a role is fear. Theater and the stage are not considered a danger to our lives such as facing a beast.

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