Text pr t always Bruno is noEnglish. standard
“Vassup? Hello all of you beautiful peoples und velkommen aus der funkyzeit world of me, Bruno, und my fans, und alles der leading designer kraft fashion celebrities and interviews with beautiful ladies und mannen mit gorgeous bodies mit long schfonshenschtooken! Wow!”
The Man
A gay interviewer from Austria.
Name: Bruno Lives: Austria und New York
FashionDesignKraft und celebrities watching. Body toning mit Johnson baby oil und funky parties. Ach yeah!
Hot celebrity interview making. Also I am muse/lover of designer Chrysler.
Bruno is an Austrian fashion and celebrity On another occasion, Bruno takes dancing reporter. Like Ali G and Borat, he first appeared lessons at a barn dance in Georgia. He is attracted to Jim, his instructor. While dancing on The Ali G Show with different partners, Bruno asks about and he travels the Jim, saying, “I’m not going to look, but is he world to interview looking at me right now?” He attempts to his subjects. Bruno make Jim jealous, and when dancing in a is crazy about style. group, Bruno tries to dance with him. Jim Bruno is also gay, but avoids Bruno. Bruno finally confronts Jim he doesn’t tell this and asks him to make his last night in town to the people he “special”. Jim walks away without responding. interviews. Instead, In another segment of the show, Bruno is he makes lots of at a gun show in Arkansas, interviewing a outrageous comments that leave no doubt man called Daniel. Bruno asks increasingly that he is gay. This, and Bruno’s Austrian/ loaded questions, beginning with, “What’s English accent is what makes him so funny. your biggest gun?” Daniel is polite and plays For example, in one scene, Bruno goes to along, but eventually clarifies, “. . . I’m not gay”. Alabama, which he describes as “the gayest place in America” (in fact it’s very conservative). Bruno asks why he’s denying it. Daniel says, “If At an American Football game, Bruno dances you call me gay one more time, I’m fixing to with the cheerleaders and is verbally abused knock every tooth outta your head, you by the crowd. He later interviews one of the understand what I’m saying? Cause I told players, Shaud Williams. Bruno wants to date you that I’m not gay.” Daniel can see Bruno other members of the team. But he doesn’t pondering where to take it from this point know if he is allowed to date them before the forward. “One more time, I said, so be careful end of the football season. Williams becomes what you say. Be real careful what you say,” quite angry with Bruno’s “gay” questions. Daniel adds. The credits end.
GLOSSARY crazy about exp if you are “crazy about” something, you really like that thing outrageous adj shocking to leave no doubt exp to make it very clear and obvious a barn dance n a dance with cowboy music, often held in a barn (a large building for animals on a farm) to avoid vbif you “avoid” someone, you try not to go near that person to confront vb if you “confront” someone, you demand an explanation from him a loaded question n a question that is designed to be a trap and that forces someone to say something silly/damaging/ dangerous/rude, etc I’m fixing to exp US inform I’m going to to knock every tooth outta your head exp inform to hit you in the mouth so all your teeth fall out to ponder vb to consider or think carefully about something before acting or speaking
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