Atalhos do InDesign Sumário Ferramentas Visualização Textos e Tabelas menu Arquivo menu Editar menu Layout menu Tipo menu Objeto menu Tabelas menu Visualizar menu Janela menu Ajuda Painéis
Ferramentas (tools) Direct Selection Tool seleção temporária Direct Selection Tool (se for a última usada) Hand Tool seleção temporária Hand Tool (modo layout ou texto) Selection Tool
A Ctrl (Windows) / Command (Mac) H Ctrl + SPACEBAR (Windows) / Command + SPACEBAR (Mac) V / Text: Escape
seleção temporária Selection Tool (if it was the last used) toggle between Direct Selection Tool and Selection Tool Zoom Tool seleção temporária Zoom in tool seleção temporária Zoom out tool
Ctrl (Windows) / Command (Mac) Ctrl + TAB (Windows) / Command + TAB (Mac) Z Ctrl + SPACEBAR (Windows) / Command + SPACEBAR (Mac) Ctrl + Alt+SPACEBAR (Windows) / Command + Option + SPACEBAR (Mac)
Visualização (views, navigation) 200% size 400 % size 50% size Close document Fit selection in window
Ctrl + 2 (Windows) / Command + 2 (Mac) Ctrl + 4 (Windows) / Command + 4 (Mac) Ctrl + 5 (Windows) / Command + 5 (Mac) Shift + Ctrl + W (Windows) / Shift + Command + W (Mac) Ctrl + Alt + = (Windows) / Command + Option + = (Mac)
refresh na tela Save all Show / hide all panels Show / hide all panels except toolbox Alterna entre os modos de Caracter e Parágrafo Alterna entre as unidades de medida
Shift + F5 Shift + Ctrl + Alt + S (Windows) / Shift + Command + Option + S (Mac) TAB Shift + TAB Ctrl + Alt+7 (Windows) / Command + Alt+ 7(Mac) Shift + Alt + Ctrl + U (Windows) / Shift + Command + Option + U (Mac)
Textos e tabelas (texts and tables) Align center default Align force justify default Align justify default Align left default Align right default
Shift + Ctrl + C (Windows) / Shift + Command + C (Mac) Shift + Ctrl + f (Windows) / Shift + Command + F (Mac) Shift + Ctrl + J (Windows) / Shift + Command + J (Mac) Shift + Ctrl + L (Windows) / Shift + Command + L (Mac) Shift + Ctrl + R (Windows) / Shift + Command + R (Mac)
Align to baseline grid default Apply bold
Shift + Ctrl + Alt + G (Windows) / Shift + Command + Option + G (Mac) Shift + Ctrl + B (Windows) / Shift + Command + B (Mac)
® dualpixel - Treinamento e consultoria em midia impressa e digital | |
Apply italic Auto leading Auto hyphenate on / off Decrease kerning + tracking Decrease point size Increase kerning + tracking Increase point size Recompose all stories Reset Kerning and Tracking Select to beginning of storie Select to end of storie Alternar entre cell / text selection
Shift + Ctrl + I (Windows) / Shift + Command + I (Mac) Shift + Ctrl + Alt + A (Windows) / Shift + Command + Option + A (Mac) Shift + Ctrl + Alt + H (Windows) / Shift + Command + Option + H (Mac) Alt + LEFT ARROW (Windows) / Option + LEFT ARROW (Mac) Shift + Ctrl + , (Windows) / Shift + Command + , (Mac) text: Shift + Alt + RIGHT ARROW, text: Alt + RIGHT ARROW Shift + Ctrl + . (Windows) / Shift + Command + . (Mac) Shift + Ctrl + / (Windows) / Shift + Command + / (Mac) Ctrl + Alt + Q (Windows) / Command + Option + Q (Mac) text: Shift + Ctrl + Home (Windows) / text: Shift + Command + Home (Mac) text: Shift + Ctrl + End (Windows) / text: Shift + Command + End (Mac) Escape
Menu Arquivo (file menu) Close Document setup Exit Export New document
Ctrl + W | Ctrl + F4 (Windows) / Command + W | Command + F4 (Mac) Ctrl + Alt + P (Windows) / Command + Option + P (Mac) Ctrl + Q (Windows) / Command + Q (Mac) Ctrl + E (Windows) / Command + E (Mac) Ctrl + N (Windows) / Command + N (Mac)
Place Preflight Save as Save a copy
Ctrl + D (Windows) / Command + D (Mac) Shift + Ctrl + Alt + F (Windows) / Shift + Command + Option + F (Mac) Shift + Ctrl + S (Windows) / Shift + Command + S (Mac) Ctrl + Alt + S (Windows) / Command + Option + S (Mac)
Menu Editar (edit menu) Copy Cut Deselect all Duplicate Edit in story editor
Ctrl + C (Windows) / Command + C (Mac) Ctrl + X (Windows) / Command + X (Mac) Shift + Ctrl + A (Windows) / Shift + Command + A (Mac) Shift + Ctrl + Alt + D (Windows) / Shift + Command + Option + D (Mac) Ctrl + Y (Windows) / Command + Y (Mac)
Find / Change Paste Paste into Paste in place Preferences Select all
Ctrl + F (Windows) / Command + F (Mac) Ctrl + V (Windows) / Command + V (Mac) Ctrl + Alt + V (Windows) / Command + Option + V (Mac) Shift + Ctrl + Alt + V (Windows) / Shift + Command + Option + V (Mac) Ctrl + K (Windows) / Command + K (Mac) Ctrl + A (Windows) / Command + A (Mac) ÂŽ dualpixel - Treinamento e consultoria em midia impressa e digital | |
Spelling: Check spelling Undo
Ctrl + I (Windows) / Command + I (Mac) Ctrl + Z (Windows) / Command + Z (Mac)
Menu Layout (layout menu) Go to page Next page Previous page
Ctrl +J (Windows) / Command + J (Mac) Shift + Page Down Shift + Page Up
Menu Tipo (type menu) Create outlines Create outlines without deleting text Insert break character: paragraph return Insert special character: hyphens and dashes: discretionary hyphen Insert special character: hyphens and dashes: nonbreaking hyphen
Shift + Ctrl + O (Windows) / Shift + Command + O (Mac) Shift + Ctrl + Alt + O (Windows) / Shift + Command + Option + O (Mac) Enter (Windows) / Return (Mac) Shift + Ctrl + - (Windows) / Shift + Command + - (Mac) Ctrl + Alt + - (Windows) / Command + Option + - (Mac)
Insert special character: markers: current page number Insert special character: symbols: bullet character Insert special character: symbols: copyright symbol Show hidden characters
Shift + Ctrl + Alt + N (Windows) / Shift + Command + Option + N (Mac) Alt + 8 (Windows) / Option + 8 (Mac) Alt + G (Windows) / Option + G (Mac) Ctrl + Alt + I (Windows) / Command + Option + I (Mac)
Menu Objeto (object menu) Arrange: bring to front Arrange: send to back Effects: drop shadow Fitting: center content Fitting: fill frame proportionally
Shift + Ctrl + ] (Windows) / Shift + Command + ] (Mac) Shift + Ctrl + [ (Windows) / Shift + Command + [ (Mac) Ctrl + Alt + M (Windows) / Command + Option + M (Mac) Shift + Ctrl + E (Windows) / Shift + Command + E (Mac) Shift + Ctrl + Alt + C (Windows) / Shift + Command + Option + C (Mac)
Group Lock position Text frame options Transform again: transform again Transform: move Ungroup
Ctrl + G (Windows) / Command + G (Mac) Ctrl + L (Windows) / Command + L (Mac) Ctrl + B (Windows) / Command + B (Mac) Ctrl + Alt + 3 (Windows) / Command + Option + 3 (Mac) Shift + Ctrl + M (Windows) / Shift + Command + M (Mac) Shift + Ctrl + G (Windows) / Shift + Command + G (Mac) Ctrl + Alt + L (Windows) / Command + Option + l (Mac)
ÂŽ dualpixel - Treinamento e consultoria em midia impressa e digital | |
Menu Tabela (table menu) Cell options: text Delete: column Delete: row Insert: column Insert: Row
Ctrl + Alt + B (Windows) / Command + Option + B (Mac) Shift + Backspace Ctrl + Backspace (Windows) + Command + Backspace (Mac) Ctrl + Alt + 9 (Windows) / Command + Option + 9 (Mac) Ctrl + 9 (Windows) / Command + 9 (Mac)
Menu Visualizar (view menu) Actual size Entire pasteboard Fit page in window Fit spread in window Grids & guides: show baseline grid
Ctrl + 1 (Windows) / Command + 1 (Mac) Shift + Ctrl + Alt + 0 (Windows) / Shift + Command + Option + 0 (Mac) Ctrl + 0 (Windows) / Command + 0 (Mac) Ctrl + Alt + 0 (Windows) / Command + Shift + 0 (Mac) Shift + Ctrl + ‘ (Windows) / Shift + Command + ‘ (Mac)
Hide rulers Show frame edges Show text threads Zoom in Zoom out
Ctrl + R (Windows) / Command + R (Mac) Ctrl + H (Windows) / Command + H (Mac) Ctrl + Alt + Y (Windows) / Command + Option + Y (Mac) Ctrl + + (Windows) / Command + + (Mac) Ctrl + - (Windows) / Command + - (Mac)
Menu Janela (window menu) Info Layers Links Object & layout: align Object styles
F8 F7 Shift + Ctrl + D (Windows) / Shift + Command + D (Mac) Shift + F7 Ctrl + F7 (Windows) / Command + F7 (Mac)
Pages Stroke Swatches Text wrap Type & tables: character Type & tables: character styles Type & tables: paragraph Type & tables: paragraph styles
Ctrl + F12 (Windows) / Command + F12 (Mac) Ctrl + F10 (Windows) / Command + F10 (Mac) F5 Ctrl + Alt + W (Windows) / Command + Option + W (Mac) Ctrl + T (Windows) / Command + T (Mac) Shift F11 Ctrl + M (Windows) / Command + M (Mac) F11
® dualpixel - Treinamento e consultoria em midia impressa e digital | |
Menu Ajuda (help menu) InDesign help
PainĂŠis (panel menu) Character styles: redefine style Character: all caps Character: subscript Character: superscript Character: underline
Shift + Ctrl + Alt + C (Windows) / Shift + Command + Option + C (Mac) Shift + Ctrl + K (Windows) / Shift + Command + K (Mac) Shift + Ctrl + Alt + = (Windows) / Shift + Command + Option + = (Mac) Shift + Ctrl + = (Windows) / Shift + Command + = (Mac) Shift + Ctrl + U (Windows) / Shift + Command + U (Mac)
Paragraph styles: redefine style Paragraph: drop caps and nested styles Paragraph: drop caps and nested styles Paragraph: paragraph rules
Shift + Ctrl + Alt + R (Windows) / Shift + Command + Option + R (Mac) Ctrl + Alt + R (Windows) / Command + Option + R (Mac) Shift + Ctrl + Alt + J (Windows) / Shift + Command + Option + J (Mac) Ctrl + Alt + J (Windows) / Command + Option + J (Mac)
ÂŽ dualpixel - Treinamento e consultoria em midia impressa e digital | |