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Nina Nandy
Nina Nandy MD is a Gastroenterologist based in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She is a highly educated individual who dedicated herself to her education for years in order to be where she is today. Nina started her journey by attending and graduating from Cornell University, getting her B.A. in Microbiology as well as the Paul Vandemark award for excellence in microbiology. Upon graduation, she went to get her M.S. in Molecular Biology from New York University, then graduated Cum Laude from the Boston University School of Medicine. During her time in Boston, Nina Nandy interned in Internal Medicine at Harvard's Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. Nina Nandy was a resident at the University of Connecticut, then pursued her fellowship in Gastroenterology and Hepatology at the University of New Mexico. Currently, she works as a Gastroenterologist at Presbyterian Medical Group.