Alley L
207 1 M/s Forster
Alley L
207 1 M/s Forster
208 2-3 M/s Baird Red Hall
209a 4-7 M/s Mounsey Wardhall Guards
209b 8-11 M/s Atkinson Hawkrigg
211 16-20 M/s Frizzell
213a 26-27 M/s Fisher & Steele The Keep
213b 28-31 M/s Coulthard Low Hallburn
216b 50-51 M/s Harrington Grange Grassings VAN 2 Cont hfrs 22m 217 52-59 M/s Hodgson Whitehouse 63323 8 AA/Cont x blks 20-24m
60-61 M/s
222b 82 M/s Hall Whitchester
Alley M
225 83-92 M/s Moffat Thornby Villa 100899 10 AA blks/hfrs 20-24m 226 93-98 M/s Storey Tinnis Hall
229a 111-115 M/s Read Fawcettlees
blks/hfrs 22m 229b 116-119 M/s Ackerley Milton Mains
blks/hfrs 14m 230 120-126 M/s Hodge Grove
blks/hfrs 13-16m 231a 127-131 M/s Wood Wellhead 5 Lim x blks/hfrs 14-16m 232 132-137 M/s Mitchinson Gallowberry 12653 6 Lim x blks/hfrs 16m 233 138-143 M/s Coulthard Fellside VAN 6 Lim xblks/hfrs 14-16m 234 144-149 M/s Connell Grange Farm
237a 165-168 M/s Little The Hollands 3767 4 BB blks/hfrs 18m
237b 169 M/s Green The Cragg 1 Char hfr 14m
237c 170-173 M/s Rogerson Ward Park 12366 4 Cont x blks/hfrs 18-20m.
Alley N
238-239 174-179 M/s Armstrong Stone Raise VAN 6 Lim x blks/hfrs 25m
240 180-186 M/s Gaitskell Highfield 119939 7 BB/AA hfrs 18-24m
241a 187-189 M/s Thompson Woodhead VAN 3 BB blks 22m
241b 190-191 Thornbank Farms 136280 2 Fries hfrs 24m
242 192-196 M/s Robinson Wood Hall VAN 5 Hol blks 22-24m
243-247 197-231 M/s Wright Cranberry 35 Cont/AA hfrs 18-20m
248 232-237 M/s Kyle Spoutbank 15963 6 Char blks/hfrs 20-22m
249 238-245 M/s Fell Harley Croft 47743 8 Cont blks 20-22m
250 246-249 M/s Dart Flothers 45905 4 AA/BB blks 18-20m
251 250-255 M/s Alderson Roe Ghyll 6 Lim/AAx blks/hfrs 18m
252 256-260 M/s Graham Middle Farm 61896 5 BB blks 18-24m
252b 261-264 M/s Haston Swordwell Rigg 18643 4 Mont/Lng blks 18-24m Alley O
254 265-267 M/s Storr Fir Tree
256-258 273-296 M/s Fisher Smalmstown
259 297-299 M/s Brough Clappers
260 230-302 M/s Dickinson High House
24 Char/AA blks/hfrs 20m
3 Cont x blks/hfrs 20m
3 Lim x blks 23m 261-262 303-322 M/s Beattie Millantae
263-264 323-338 M/s Hebson
265 339-342 M/s Grice Newtown
266 343-348 M/s Wilson Blackrigg 5351 6 Char/bb blks/hfrs 24m
267-268 349-360 M/s Kinstrey Knottyholm 13348 12 AA/Cont x blks 22-26m Alley P
271 361-370 M/s Dayson Yew Tree 49355 10 BB blks 24-26m
272 371-374 M/s Parker Prior Rigg VAN 4 BB/Lim x blks 26-27m
273 375-378 M/s Nanson Sorrowstones 18220 4 Cont blks/hfrs 22m
274 379-382 M/s Johnstone Westray 61779 4 Cont x blks 24m
275 383-387 M/s Holliday Townfoot Farm 5 BBx blks 20m
276 388-391 M/s Briggs Southerfield Hall 132501 4 Lim /BB blks/hfrs 20m
277 392-397 M/s Byers Gimmenbie VAN 6 BB/AA blks/hfrs 18-22m
278 398-402 M/s Dalgleish Bulls Head 83892 5 Lim hfrs 18m
279 403-406 M/s Armistead Pennersaugh Cottage 15188 4 Sim x blks 20-24m
280 407-410 M/s Forster Parkside VAN 4 Hrfd/AA blks/hfrs 22m
20.19 acres of good quality grazing/mowing land. For Sale by Public Auction Wednesday 14th August at 1.00pm in Ring 1, Borderway Mart, Rosehill, Carlisle
Wednesday 21st August 2024
Schedule of Classes
Show 9.00am
Sale 10.00am
Entries close Thursday 15th August
Grant Anderson 07872 129274, James Little 07872 840685
Lynne Grieve 07803 242344
Kindly sponsored by
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